NEWS AND ODSERVER. RALEIGH. N. G. FRIDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 28. 192T. ' s a W BSa WMWWMW Vnifiifio iirrTiim Brilliant Social Feature Large ly Attended; W. 8; Merri v mon Named Governor ; ' "a" ""a" baaquet, at which rood fellowship spll led over h Kiwaaiaa mingled with brother Kiwaaiaa and with the ladies attending th contention of the clubs of th Carollaa district, brotnht the two-day fall toaxsatio to a dot har tonight Tho baiqutt wa ssrred la th dining room of thi North Csro 1m Collect lot Woma and althougo th wall bar looked upon torn lump tuou ea, it wu gaaerally eon ceded that nothing bad been held there to rival th banquet staged for the Kiwaalans. Business wa th order of th dnj in the final evasion of the contention tbit afternoon, office re being electee! and Columbia, South Carolina, aeleetod as the plae at whleb to bold th con a f ntlos. next spring. JUrriaoa Naned Governor. 'W. B. Merrimoa, of Greensboro, was ltd governor of the Carolina dis trict Mr. Merrimon waa elected by t majority of one vote on the eecond ballot, a aad William A. Loeas, of wilaoa, having tied oa the first 1 lot Mr. Lota after th final ballot iked that th vote for th Greensboro man be niad unanimous. Lieutenant governors war elected aa follows, th convention voting ua aniruousl.r for each: . E. Wheeler, of Asheville; Alvin Lumpkin, of Corim bia, M. C. ; Her. JaJmJes Turner, Oreenville, N. 0.; and Jam T. Crook, of Spartanburg, H. ('. The by laws of the district provide that th secretary shall najdo ib the sam towa aa the governor, so the eoaventioa agreed to leave the selection of a diiarlet secretary with th Ureent boro slab. Hear lateraatieaal Ut4. This morning's session waa also do voted in large part to business al though Harry E. Karr, of Baltimore, president of Kiwaais Internationa', made one of the strongest of the mmiv trocg talks that have featured th- cnventlon. Th clubs of th district through -solutions adopted hy th convention, ent on record as favoring the teaching uf tho I nited states ('(institutioa In e schools of North and rourfi 'ar jsa and the general aMBembllea of ach Stat will be memoralixed to lata a law making its teaching com I'ulsory. ft u pert Conference. The cenventioa eiuressKrl opposition 'o all wars and will j.'nd a copy of n -rsolulioa urging sum-as for the ruii- iVn-ncc on tlm 1 irn it a t mn of armnmi-nM t'i th" ivlifrtillc-i' to I'll held ill Wash iiiK'n. Straightway tlifl convention adopted na idra advanced by Col. Junius Uurdet. :ud th Burlington club, looking to ardi the! estnhlishment of a Kiwan'.s military institute. "Tach the boys tn right," Minuted Col. Harden, in i talk backing up bis plan while a thunder roll of applause attested tn tlu feeling of tin' convention. Col. Hiir !.n' plan was referred to a commit-t-v of five men to report upou its possi lulitn-s at the licit cun vent inn. The friends of oan convention a st and trie district rill still have i) 'initiitiivni rach jrar. !as Var la Over. I'n-aideiit Krirr in his talk, stri'ssel tie ,'reul need fur tne prnplo of the country to realite that th war is over aid he think that Kmann can play n grcss part n teaching tln-r i Bow no ar. Ho i liar;i. terir.e.l tlm business man 'ho makes a great profit as being di onest, aa h.i also did the workingman di munda niore pay than an honest ::iy's i,rk is worth. When all chiasei ! men renti.n that tliey lnv got t om hack to the old sonnd standard 'h wilt the country really get oa iti nut again, be said. Members of tho convention begun 'earing for their homes tonight, all Irfci.iring thut the. ennventiou will gj lews ib history .is one of the greatest ever heid sine the district waa or panned. All are looking forward tc. t;reat things m Kiwania during the com ing year and liovernnr Merrimon an I retiring Governor Tom Arnold tivld that llary of work remains to lie done JfOTTD SKCLISI WHITER AJtRITES IN AMIBICA TO . JtSPOIT ARMS CONf ERE.VC1 J(w Trk, t tT.n. B. Welto, the aeted EailUh aahlklat, waa cemiw t Asaerica at th Javltatloa f Ik Ckieaga Trlbiae, th New Terk World aad aasteltd aew. papers lacladiag Tk Jiews aad Ob server to report the Waahlngtaa srsaa cwaferaac, arrived la New Yerk late today akaard th Uamskl Adriatic hiad wltkla a few day will proceed I Washlagtaa. Tk Wells article la th New aad Observer will com mence abearTyrt before the tea. fereac sea sables la Washington. ..To-tk editor f tke New aad Observer aad tke editor of ether pi per for ' wkea k will report Um eealerence, ... M..WeJla teaigkt seat Ike following meeeage: "I consider it a great privilege U wltaees th meeting and delibera tion at Washlagtoa wher 1 hop ta see a aew chapter beglaning la th history of mankind. I anticipate complete revision f th kaaty aad disastrous decisions at Versailles, th etabllshmeat of eom world-wide control of the present monetary and economic chaos and the founda ttpn of a aew and more Jest aad geaerwaa system of Internstolnal re lationships la which not merely the victors in tke 1st war but th Ger mans, th Rgssians, th Chines and all sort of msa may have a fair aad equal prospect of service and liberty. For no Justice or prosperity Is possible la the world any snore bat world Jostle and prosperity. SOUTH CAROUII ; D0VIISCLEMS9N leans, Monday weathered the gulf storm and arrived here yday safely. The vsel drifted for several hours with a broken steering gear nil' l.t'inent Key. A mashed foot by one of the crew huh th only casualty to any of the eren or its three passengers. Other vessels arriving today were the I', nnd O Steamer .Miami from Key West uuil the Belgian steamer Asier, from Antwerp. Th koown death list mounted to five in this eity when it became known that two negro children wore eioctro cuted Tuesday. BODY OP NEGRO WASHED ASHORE BY HluH 8EAS Jacksonville, Fla., t)ck 27.- The body of an unknown negro and a life pre server bearing the nainii ' konti of Roslyn' flosted sshore near Mayport st the mouth of the Ht. James river, IN miles from here today. The only hona listed in aniiliilile shipping records hrre i :i aity fnot motor yacht with homa purl nt .Sin York. Th crow of that veiael a given in the recorda as four men. The Kona vena built at Uultimoro in 1909. University Shows Superiority in tvery Department and Wins 21 To O Colombia, 8. C, Oct r-Bhowlng Unmked aTiperlorltT in e-rerr denart. I I : 1 : n.ent or play, th University of Sontbl Laroitna defeated Clemson Collegw J' to 0 ia their annual football earns at th Bout Carolina JBtato fdr gTOuads ner tats afteraoe. Cltmsoa was a bit ta mak but oae first down, thi through the n.edium of a forward pa at th begianing of ia intra quarter. ' Th r'ayin 't WbKlrr, Camlin center, wa th feature of Uta gam Belk intercepted a Clemsoa forward pass la tha thjrd period and ran sixty yard to aeor Carolina' second toacb down. Tho line-up and summary follow: Carolina (II Clemsoa (0) Position Brockingtoa Gilmor Left end Chappell Cann Left tackle Jfoltlllaa EtOlum Left guard Wheeler Oettys center I.lahtsey Colbert tttaht'Euard McO Tennsnt Kight tackle Meyer Epear riifsi ena Walt Williams yuarterbisck Hclk ' Hannon I-eft halfback Amba Wllhlte lllgat liullback nnypea Hollohan Fullback Score by prrloda: llvmaon n A ft Caroltna o 7 14 tl I arolina arorln: Tivinhitowni wane, i, item. Oo.ils after touchdown Relk, 3 Iteferee Maxwell of 8warth- niore. t'mpire Kults, of Brown. Head Linesman. Williams, of Virginia PRESIDENT SPEAKS TO LARGE CROWDS (Continued from Page One) CREW OF SCHOONER HAD THRILUNQEXPER!ENCE Manage To Make Shore After Being- Tossed About Four Days By Storm an Juan urgo' of Tampa Recovering From Ef fects of Disastrous Gale (Ceatlastd from Pag Oas) uioug the southwest eoast from I'unta liassa. where the gale attained a veloc ity of VK) nulcs, to just north of Tar poa Rpringa. A few miles buck from he coast ths damage is much less ind ths path of the hurricane appnr- utly was not mor than fifty miles wide. At none of the gulf nmM resorts wrs anv lives lost. A number of houses were destroyed by wind snd water at Passagrille and Ann Maria Islands, and :.t fortet, Indian Hesch, '"learwater He.ieli, lntia Bocks, and hera was some dnmnge to wooden buildings on F.gmont and Mullet Keys, were Torts lads and lioto are lo ated; also at Bt, Tetursburg Beach, Sarasota, Pieeu Key and Longboat Key, oa the upper coast ; at Fort My ers, Sanibcl Island, I'seppa Island. Hoca liraade and sore other points. Schooner's Crew Saved. 1 I Be Mary K. l'lel-old, a five masted Khooner from Portlsad, Maine, reached port thi afternoon with six men, crew of the fishing schooner Kraucis of Tampa, which foundered ia th gulf Tuesday. The men were picked up saaboat forty U out aad,non. sat Jsi. ms niebold was driven bfor th gal, but escaped with, litti loss exoept th sweeping away of deck namper. . Tk- -..1 B 11. V . m uui anu ouuiaFrn uatr I ruxtllo, iroat .w urieaas, d port this after f two days overdue, storm battered. The TruxUlo' Hearing gear brok dur ing th height of tli hurrkan and it took hoars to mak. temporary repairs under diSealt circumstances. "X eaa truthfully y that It was o! by th race of Cod tliat we did Bot auk," aaid Cbiaf tuglnr E. 8. Baiae. Tk Mallorr Ua steamer Lak rill mar cam tat th bay thi morning tw. days overdue, after wathring the atom aBtslde, only to ram bar no lata a ml Hat ala mile from her pkr. 8b will b gotten off at kl,h tide tonight, IITIJUL tessbu Amvi Will At lOBT TAMPA - Tamp. Tin. Oct iff TV. n.,i ..4 Havana, t'nba, Oct. L'7. -Storm tossed by tha gulf hnrriean- four davs in tli ir disabled vessel, Captain Alexander Ulaeu, of the sclioonur t'etrit, and fourteen metiibira uf h'i crew have reached I'iaar Del Kio, after n ban don ing their sehoouer off the sunds of Han Luis, in southeru I'inar Del It lloiiml from New tlrleai.s to Han l'urlo liloo, with a liesvy e.u petroleum and gasoline, the ''('errilo" nan strmk hv the full force of th storm the night of October Tl while tacking tliroiiirh tl.s Yuontim channel. The schooner made heavy . rather of it until Iho morning of Octoiut 2'.', when bcr auxiliary motor went out of com uiisMon and nhe naa carr:ed at the iminy of the storm. By desperate efforts Olsen and lils nu n kept the sehoouer from foundering and pusaed within about forty miles of the t'npe Kan Antonio, finding them si ues ntT the beach at Han 1 ,u in on tie tidier Meeing that the Cejrito could not be suved th crew toek a desperate chance on the breakers and uianagrd to make shore where they slept on the sunds all night. Wading waist deep thringh the flood ed lowlands, they fu. d shelter and hue October 1!5 reached Kan Luis, from which poipt they tintitied the American couaulat in Havana of the.r tdiul.t They now are recovering from the ef I'ects of their experience in I'inar Del Km. According to Captain Olsen, his ship is lying m six feet of water and until the storm filiates it will be Impossible to ascertain if she can be salvaged. The ( erricto, a schooner of -191 tons, carried a cargo inn red for Mfi.OOO according to her (kipper. ANOTHER ALL-NIGHT GARAGE OPENS HERE Raleigh Storage and Repair Oo. Equipped Tor All Kinds of Service Equipped for all kinds of automobile service. Oie nenjy opened Haleigh Htor age and Hepair Co., at 113 S W. DYie street, is Raleigh latest all night garage W. D. Smith is manager of the concern and K. K Kllington ahnp foreman. The company is agent for Kline Kura for three coirnties and also has the Wake county agsn-y for Ktrut Rod for Turd cars. J'arti for Ace Trucks are also handled as well si tires of all makes Specialties of servie ars washing auto mobiles, painting and vulcanising. The concern had a large and attractiv i hibit at the Mute fair last week. hcn the message that the President brought to th .South and delivered yesterday at Birmingham Is carried t all th poop! of th South, it will be seen that no man who ever spoke to the people of the South has carried to the people of the Houth a mess.ige more in their interest." The I'rfMrlrrrt' luncheon epeecfc waa i cry brie and wus confined to a reiter i!inii of In plea fur national unitv ii ud of understanding throughout the uor'd. Draws Aa Analogy. In Ins Urady monument speech the I'resideiit drew an analogy between the lessons of th Civil War and those of tho World Wsr and declared his hope that tho spirit of rsconeiliation typified by (irsdy could find new x pressiun in the present reconutrue 1 11:11 The crowd which greeted the Presi dent earlier in the day at Columbus wus so large his voice would not carry to its fringes and so tumultuous con Id hot be quieted for several min- ui's aucr me rresment Had om lo a stp. L'uabl to make himself heard from Hie car, the President went to a truck in the confer of the raiiroad yard wher as b spoke Mrs. Harding stood beside him, almost hidden by a double arintiil uf lowers. He pleaded that every thought of sectionalism be put nsiue rorever, declaring Ins adminietra tion had been actuated by that senti ment tn bringing aid to the cotton situation at the same time that w were heipuig tli gxaia situation else where. Realistic Warfare Portrayal. ni vuiup nenning me members o the 1'rusidential party saw what orbcers said was the most realisti portrayal or actual warfare ever stsged by Amen can troops in practie maneuver. I was designed ss a reproduction of the warfare of the Argonne and it lacked nothing save the return Ire of an enemy in m.iho i ne likeness perfect The body oj sttacking troops was a crack batalltoa of th Wta Infantry using service rifles, light and hearv machine guns. Stokes mortar and ous pouuders, and supported by aeroplanes. ians snci a battery or 75 s. The attack was over a front of aj yards and to depth of 1,2(1(1 yard, j (h, d-reetion of a barren portion of the lfHlXaJ sere military reaervation The President's observation post was u.i in icFn iuni or tne s4vancing force, wnose nrsl line opened when it had gone w yarls heyond him. "Tracer bullets' easily visible snd looking like swiftly driven apsrks of Are were used in tne rules throughout the engagement lo show where the attack was t.iking 1 " ne supposed enemy line. Deafening Aseailt. rar rorwaru on the right flank of tne i.attaiion lay a hiil whose crest supposedly wss held by enemv ma guns. At this spot the arti.lerv laid down a bombardment of hino in the rear of high eivlu.nos which seat up sprays of bla.-k dirt and darkened the skv h smoke while tanks, mirkim una one pounders Joined in a t:n ti iiitig assault along the d tr..i, who). During his two hoar visit to th camp i.sui. in also wai,ii,.,i ctudent -if ,!rlnll on tbe rifle range and iii.i. ie an inspection of a part of th ""P vi'i I'tii' iit. He expressed uarticn interest in the wide scope of the mnriiriion course and h and Beer- t. rv Ve ks .isk.d many questions about d-l.-nls uf the training. ; Patent Leather Jazz OXFORDS Now in Stock The very thing, for the girl who wants something real new all sizes and widtha. ieininK Reasonably priced at $7.50 Sample Shoe Store 218 S. Wilmington St STATE. DAUGHTERS ' : ELECT OFFICERS (Coatiaod from Pagff One) Caafederaer aad th " lata Geaeral Jarae L Mstts, formtt eraaaaadsr of t1ie(atsTkrodisrrdiTiaiOc of 4h t'aited Confederate Yctteraaa. Mr. Parsley erganixed the first XMughters' Chapter ia th 8Ut at her bom la Wilminrtoa. , . It wa rdred that th Bcholarsbip be listed ia th minute ia th follow Ing order: Mrs. William M. Parsley, Mrs. B. Broadaax, Capt H. L. Biggins, Orrcaa RanJolpb Smith. Oov. Zeb. B. Vance, aad Gen, James I. Mctta. Th North Carolina dirisioa fur nish aii scholarship to girj who ar aaabl to meet their wa xpa ia coiiag.' Held Menorial MUaf. Th eonveatioa eJod its busiasss lessioa at l o'clock aad entered imme- dutely iato tha memorial program ar ranged in hoaor of th mombMt) it U- ergaalzatioa. who died last year Thd psecidiag ofer aaaooneed that Q members bad died dnrug the yar. Th report of Mrs. Ja. U Oudger, Jr., of Asheville, as ehairmaa of the Uixie Highway Committee, waa enthu siastically received. Mrs. Gadget re ported verbally oa the progres of her committee snd th convention decided to bear the expense of securing a die from wliicd markers will be made to place at th intersection of the highway I with ever State through which it passes, tech Stat will ecure it owa marker from th die owned by the .aorth Carolina division. The marker will represeat th South' rrt hero. C.ea. Hooert . Lee, riding on "Travlr, ' his mucn loved horse. Ksport Oa PeaaUaa. The report of Mrs. Henrr A. London. rnairmaa or tae committee on In..- ased Pensions for Confederate Soldier, was greeted with rounds of applause. Mrs London pathetically told of th labors " " couimiiircs in an enort to have I - ' ymj warr iwoainns 10 me men who fought for th Southland. Two months, she said, wr speat la work ing for th bill, which naaaed th last sesakva of th General AsaemhW Th. um nnany pssaea, carrying with it an increase of th appropriation from W,W0 to 11,000,000, innually. Th firt paymnt ander th increased rat wui be made to the veterans an n. comber 15. Twenty sk wives of Coafedrat vat- eraas are being cared for ia th home provided for thsm at rytUvill, ac cording to ths report read by Mrs. L. K. Fisher, ehairmaa of ths committee, -rrvsrniing rnai institution. Mrs. isner spoke of the need ef hello f. cilities for carina for the ami .. veterans, especially for those hn re ica. Aliss Martha Havwood. of RaUiek viuaiiiusn vi me ooiuiers' llonia enmm It tee, made aa interesting report oa e- viurs 01 mai oommitte In tha int.r. s or in Old Confederate soldiers. Th repon reveaiea one of th beat years .luioTvuivni ,n many, covering every thing from minor expenses of th work to the ircompliahmeBt of extensive im provemests at the home at Baleigh. It reviewed the strenuous day spent with the last session of the General Assem bly ia securing funds with which to pro vid adequately for the comfort of the who must be admitted aad main tained it the institution. NEW BIBLE PRESENTED TO CENTRAL CHURCH A new pulpit Bible has been presented to Central Methodist church by Mrs. I Mattie Henn 8tevick aa a ..a.cri.i her mother, Mrs. Betti Renn, who for seversl years wss slmost an invalid and from childhood a member of the Methodist church. Th Bible is beaut; mi ta design and with extra lr. print. Th outer cover hear. Ik. m lowing inscription: In Memorian, Mn Bettie Bcnn by her dsughter, Mrs. Mai ti Renn Stevick.' Ust Sundsv, the pastor. Rev. C. K. Proctor, accepted th gift oa behalf of the chureb. OFFER WOMAN FREEDOM FOR HER TESTIMONY Los Angeles, Oct. S7. Aa offer of freedom in exchange for testimonv against Arthur C. Burch, with whom she was jointly indicted oa a ehsrire of murder of J. Helton Kennedy here, was made tonight to Mrs. Madalynn C. Obenchain by th district attornev's offlc. it was declared by Charles Erb steiB, of Chicago, her attorney. CITY DONATES 30 ACRES FOR SITE FOR HOSPITAL t MecUenburf Maili Check To State Highway Commliilon for Indebtedness Charlotte, Oct t7 Th altar ef Cna lotto today deeded a trset of Isnd U th ontaera extremity f Charlotte tswn Un embracing 30 acres to the Mecklta burg Anti-Tubereoloei Assoeiatioa u a sit apoa whleb wilt be retd th aw tubercular koapltal. The land U aesr Camp Green sit. Auditor Floyd Oresham Of the eonnty has mailed a check to ehairmaa Pag of tne Ker.'b Carolina highway commission for a3Jt00 to cover what th board ef county com miasioaers contends is its remaialag part of ths debt ef 4,00O held by th out against th cooaty for tho com pbrtioa ef the Charlotte-Matthews kard surfaced road. Th county has paid pro viou to th mailing of this cheek ap proximately $30,000 oa this job, th iota! rlgiaal lndbtdns being t9,00Q. Eolbind Was tbe world" liamoad cea tor even prior to 1727. MOHIL LEVIS HUNT - j DIES AT TOWNSVILLt Mr. Pail Lewis Rnat, of TowasriUa, AA ml nucidiflciii Wednesday moral nr at II JO o'clock aad was buried at Nut- bosh Chnrea yesterday afters. Mr. SaafllitBeTr Major J. M. B. dld two years ago. too num jmw day afteraooa was attended by relative aad frieads from Baleigh aai Headr soa aad Ua Towasville aaetioa. - CASTORIA nrktetsndQUm " In UsdFor0ver30 Years Bears Um . - "Just a Utile Different" MJust ' LitUo Better" Your HAT Will Cost Less This Fall $3.50 and $5-00 HPHATS the most welcome news you men have A heard in many a moon. More settled manu facturing conditions also have brought about better and finer Hats, Selection is great so are the values. King & Holding Clothiers :: Haberdasher :: Hatters Is your appetite uncertain digestion impaired? fPHy Me food we eat may fail to keep us fit your O' kNE tincle food element essential to health! We now know that many of our inefficien cies and failure are reallv due to lack of a neaitn-maintaming element in food the water oluble viUmine. Scientist, are agreed that with out this one food factor we lose appetite and weight and fall off in health. Thia ia why thousand! of men and women who are eating otherwise food and wholesome meals find their energy and vigor alipping. And this is also why many hava little appetite and remain in state of lowered vitality. Today Fldsclvinann'a Yeast recommended as a cwrettive foodfof Overcoming these difficulties, for Fleischmaan'a Yeast has been discovered to be a rich source of the essential vitamine we need throughout life. IHeischmann's Yeast is a wholesome, fresh food, esunilated like any other food. Eat it at any time, :a to 3 cakes a day. You will tilti its frnK dittitutivt flavor md tlu clean tastr It Uaou h your month. Have H on the table at home and try h as a aandwich filler or spread on cracker. Have it at your office and eat it at your desk. It is good in mHk, and many like it just plain. If troubled with gaa dissolve, ft firat in very hot water. This doea not affect the efficacy of theyeest "Place a standing order with your grocer for Fleischrnann's Yeast and get it fresh daily. Send Ac in stamps for the booklet, "The New Importance of Yeast in Diet" So many inquiries are. cpihing ia daily for this booklet that it is necessary to make this nominal charge to cover cost of handling and mailing. Address THS Fleischmann COMPANY, 701 Washington Street, New York, N. Y. tTht need for scientifically tested yeast Frfi rvsst Asa tea ptsewW hy ntmnt utlmnito stars to be a wsiAmM JW for omrtlint ran down oosMbdon, oantiption. imditHcm tmi owtmim aaiis dimnHn, TtWe an'iaai Jests wee aff statas with rUmhmmim't Yt. Bmnn oi cafeaerf weeWSMHisa awwwa!assa trW aestcato rfruf or cotiMr ania tssrwa. MeeAaaana'a Yrt (Asma) is a pure food, rich In Wta. ""a waicA it waasares to (ft lug I, ,tmmdMd' aet kr Mbontari xi aospiteAj. TAe tmiliv .foUpmokf with cttareitovJsialaWasatyAtraaie irate sTJasacoAaaaa'a Yt AriiWtaieecWii . . ------ v I