-t -v. ,-,, & p k v . rNEWS ANDOBSERVER. RALEIGH, N. C. MONDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 31, 1921. Pfl'IF UUlllll MI imrr. once LLUUULO Y CHANGES H VETERAN'S BUREAU Senate ' Investigators Recom mend Abolition Of All Con--. act-Hospitals FEW REHABILITATIONS REPORTED UP TO. NOW Many Vtterant Delay Rehabili tation Becanl Tfieir Main tenance Pay and Wage Ex ceeds Wage They Can Earn Upon Rehabilitation; Want More Service Men Employed Wilmington, Oct. S9.-Sweeping rt unmen.latiom designed to increase the tfneiency of the veterans' bureau were made in a report published today by tlie special Senate committee which is investigating government activities for 'he relief of former service men. The icpnrt was tlie second compiled by the committee whieh has nut jet com pleted its task. . The burenu should "broaden Its in if rpn-Ution and widen the scope, of ! pj-liratioo of (lilting laws," tlie re port ttid, aiding that additional logis i a lien would be louiiht to meet dffi- icnrica shown by its hearings. Recommend Many Changes, tilling specific lecommenilatious "erei Appropriation fcf H,4f.,t".K) for hospitals; transfer of (ill government hospitals Inrluiling soldier homes net needed by the army or nair to the bureau, creation of a ihnpl.un corps for service in hospitals and training tenters; provision of cemeteries at soldier hospitals for interment of ict rran dead; standardization of train ins;, permitting the .applicant to select as fur aa p, ..snide. Ins own location. etteiisi(n of existing insurance. I" $10,000 for each policy holder if h wants it and extension of insurance and eompentation. privilege Xi Aineri. , ans who served in allied forces. aucellation of contracts with State, " nnieipal and privato hospitals winch - ere not in ruslcnre April 1. ll'l" .'ml with all similar institutions which, Iter inpe, t inn are found imputable ' recoiiinc tided a.i one aduiuiiiitrii '., reform, others ti n li r thii head .lading' J MMiuii'-c of rule", and rtgu i.i'i'iiio f r the maintenance of order r I discipline ; frequent and thorough in-pctum of hn.pitals ond training . ntei", l i mi ii. it urn of poh to I rn'M -i j ..miIii.i ni. . -tali, i diluent t ad. lit iun.i . . i. PRESIDENT WILSON AND SECRETARY TUMULTY AT WORK V,! S hissis mi - J tl fjA. iy.v- J.J-V,. jCrrls. A. J or . ieu n ivara .lsep!i I'le-iulerit ttnn iiv otiirr n,. plain nnv.'irii I f t ' a' . I iiuiully as secretary to "Woo.lroiv Wijann iriuJiuuajaUnialele associated with tlie former In the serirs of articles now running iu the Newa aiuTlTEiTrvrr, Mr. TijinuJIy prfaentl niaiir momentous eveiitt tint loin; never before heen mado piiMiC. tear Jtailty: I ahould like to Lr. lut u8t no it does not seem poeilbla because I toot h i a ftnitleman who tveeda a rood deal of eea room. I an taking hla mcetlons up with the Sorrotary of IL n CAROLINA STOCK W GOING UP tbe Tar Heels Emerge From Sur prising Victory Good For Remainder Of Season Die iti HO II ' I. It (It oil. i i 1 1 ' , I lit ill- :.' :,, I t :' I 'i. at 'i.C!.' Ilnli rt.lMKI Itrhabilitatrd. .Iu v 1 . I "J I. there had I" en :s. ' apdi- jtmrs t"i i oe.itiunal tuuii of w',0-1, ;,i, oom vere -ipproveil. i it eiiiv 1 'soon li.ul entered liaininit ' tlial lime, the cotltllllttee to'iO'ii Mini! i h.-i "nlthoiiKh ure approach u lite Mur,l imnnerHarv of lt,e Arin only ,,"" hjiti b'en rehalii i lei "It is nith 'brp ICkTe'.' II, e on j l!tr, ;n,, "'th.'it IU 1,'port ths it,,1. o hull I . t I llhh l',,t'"t l,ritt acifpte.l itulil'K illi. -it p.iv out i r a total of :ii,:i.1 1,1 't; : ii I ,,j' iwi.o"1' nilh pav it ot .:'it,.ii".' r,ii;ihl, 'lo- topolt ,J, 1 he t on: nil! t, e t ni l ntf tlli(: ''u r T ' Tumulty Feels Destiny and Not Harvey Caused Nomination 01 Wilson it ontinurd from Page On,,) I will !,'( r -p'-oMoiHy of irnrit.c to , rve- tne btato urv n. it n tn Jcserie 'he honor t f lt ing head. " '' I 'id 1 oil et er c t p i i, I,, r r h' of a great hope, tVit ,ni ,eire light hecruve it m rt'.'. ,nd t -.ought of i ! 1 1 i i c t f" .r o ! t.-r.-t? At that 1 !!'"! t olr ,,.. . . ii - Ii old. a ' ft .! It t'lll M-illll nil; -l-ri! of ! , drill, -at f 1,1 y itj'i j i-' eio It of gr '.It. I. il had M -it 'I U d ( U! -ma ot pol 1 1, s, .iiid tint riladt'l v, i.!re tlo llKclv. ( f,l tilt ' o 1 1 I I ' 1 h.s in pa' !-i-l, pi.rp-.., :i u ; 1 1 h is l,t . S da 'I h ,-,i! ' i m. ,a i I. .it, w, Into i . r iling tie ir tnt. :' . -i i.t.d.ii;.- i I pi-.-ial ui1,Te , I fnrriel to l,'ive th eooi ntlju in f s I nt in v -ole old John all of Allan' ,- fill, ha till II , lini'lai'.a! do f..e of oodr,. ii t he con . nl ion. I at.'li."! . i.:!v to see lnt effect the 1, : I ha I lie ,,,aM.- or in u iMnig I,-, tram their iiiiTtll'ili (.' suppoi' iue i f : I ' tlicir,, h c there i., "lllii, lit ,.,l ' At'.o.! in. ha, I of tho-e '(..llillli; ate 111 ,'hoo . tollege,! ,,r ,,ni'totii' 'n i" i,',, 'i tig 1,'i.r . d .le.ttlnii., I i.ppnr'.ilLitH s than th.' 'tll,rHi, ,'ould ll1C t.btnil.e.l,'' l' XXHS jecl.ired. ( barges IHscrimination Manv ii '.er.,1,-, the .ou.l' it1,.- tiiaig ,-u, Uciny reliahilit at .on "l -eaii-f uau ,.'ly t!,i sum , f t'te inaiiitenaio'e pay and tlm nage considcrnt'iy rseeeds thu "agf tLey could earu upon rclialuhta lion.'' I'oinling on' I:. at onli 1 '.'"' of tht fl,n,m erupio.i,- in tl.e i, i r.a., u July l;t vere foiitit r sein.e men. Iho c.tnimittee declared 'it Was unal.le to understand vliy the I- .iri thus ftmcri minntet .aaainst former service men" i Tritl i I l.. . I.i,. "tilv I ! r rong top t' I . op .'lift II', 1 ,'S.il .crt and suggested the "iinn, town of the large fm . ngton ." The ootnmit'ee ui, 'ti had 'ailed to obtain "i il'i ,.,,n in, : -.irate with the large eseu,l:t,ire-' l' i f hah.litrvt ion wrnk, and t li'restcd I c nef that Vnooodg. ,r !'' g,i,r:: irien's failure pr. i,n'- 1 inn "irom -t . i.iLg hc .J'.,, '.ica'u.-r' ut'.i t o ii'e, au,l a stre.nii ..! ,1 ia'ont oeyur.d the pot-sitni'v r i.ire ii :u part tht result. Coadtsna (ontract Huepiul Ihf tlU.e Illli f..li:t' l: liei'ialed, o ',e, rease the number of ".ontraet" hos (utais, wl.teh if finds l,,TS the r!iu.e of 'just eomp amts" Jn many cae, the eport sai't. "e, ntra. Is were Sought ! y pritate agcnnci inspired by the hope of Urge pr, tits.'' I he "peak of the .osd'' in h,(ip,t.i. nee,li wii, rot he rtached until Wi" the ime!igatori b ..r .ti. ,.f tiiriare o ga ii o'. r some I now we -' !.,..,, ont of t l'eui,,--ntic I'ar I h-.l H..lter he aid "lioverninent 'erets Vo bv hett and Irt.rnth ' Movt p., the ll.ali, how llio.l.'xt, how e. lit ire 1' Attempting nowe nf the chenp ''j.lxii-'' of the old campaign orat.-r, l.e iiiinr, sively proceed! I wild Iuk thrilling , speech, carrying his audi.'iicc with h m 1 under the spell of his el .qu. tit word- i How tense the moment! Ills word spoken in tones so soft, s,t fine, in vn.-e i ,. well modulaM'!, so heart si.rrmg Cnly .1 few Beiiteio cs are littered an. 1. 1 our souls are stirred to their uery depths. If na rot so much wlmt he j in I, as the simple heart stirring wnv I in which he aid it The great . Umax earns when be ut'.r.'d these iiioiit.i n,,rds 'The feat ire i not I t ir' . i ' 'playir.g polities' b':t f r meas'ir, (!; the largest xpnt, pu-hed l n ' i' esih,- n , I net then i d ,n n It H ' -n h.i'i. I', r a nun i if in a ilr, un, and " If up to his full ui nil1'.' in Ins fa e. , -i .i .- in ' Ii ,' I , ' , ait I fdiak nig I, H I'll ' ri '. , l; xelhd :,!. the itT'v tiro rears old I o'r ,w JOHNSTON COUNTY FAIR OPENS DOORS TUESDAY to tie 1 e, -intl I I '. pens thr.iugl " p.iri , . s poi t-t. 1 oth I In Tu .T.d, ,1 le if f; l ,r r, 'id -. TI, ,ii ,rt f i g I .!,,!,, .'mi pi ..1 0.1 -t. 1 oih ft t arm n nd J Ire, ni l 'I have, sio'i,. dud ,r I i ' lid t ' tor hopes. ' In ftl . . i; to the eil. ,1 .' s, vh ii 1 bo show n at tile fair gr.-isVI he there "ill le manv fr,' nit ra.'t ions i iad.ng " I he I'oiir J'aldreni." lo, i, a! t , I';, r .'iml sh ,'' '1 here will he horse pi-,-I i' I'.st Ity JUNKS .nr- np, poing up! That is the , t a, if ut , f I'niw rsily of North ho a fooilall stuck. Oarohiiu's 16 ' I' .. - r (he strong nggrcgit froni II. o I'lnvoiMty of Maryland r-aliit,l,v w, a distinct surnriac nd ti,.- I'ar ile -ls itoiv i, ok good, crv " I, f'T t,.: remaining contest! upon llo ir sch, dn,.. l.ith. r M.'i'e te.-ti.i re 1,'fS fortunate, I lid ri- In n, g nothing in Wake l'oreal' 'JS in n ie-iy over (,i.ilfrd to rcllccl p.rlo'ii'M' .1. !:' upon either eleven and c.oli of ho oth.-rs ba'tling to 3 drati. The Carolina ,u!fit has orke1 with precision all le-ason, lint the most en couraging (eature of laot, Saturday's laltlo is 1.o fact that Iiowei boot, "hull as -,oli an important iactor in s 1 , .i in s p' i.v 1-1 e,ix,i,n, appears to ! ..e iiga.u C' o iiit , i its oiwi. In prior mo op t1, ' '.oi'ti, l.nue'a kicking l. n h, , -ii in, , g, ,, l nt against tin .o , 'cinli d fur ten of in', registering Hirer tirld and out from t earned Its laorela, tod la' Mtk Initanet titty were attttlAtd by ability U riM to nprm helgit ia tiatt of itma. Tit coarM ef play ia tha tw' gamn waa rtrlklngly ilmUar. Ia atitbn gust 411 th "Wolfpatk ptattratt 1U opptatntt M yard aont nort Uiaa tact, bat taea foray resulted ia a touea down., And, aa ea Thurtday tl Fair Week, : tbt Wolfptekr twiet htld firmly togetber within 1U cwa lair, forcing aurrtBdir"of tat ball wiUua tht ibadow of Ita foal Bona. Furthtr mtrt, ia botb gamti, Tom Park ihowed tht eapaeity to - punt better than hit best wbaa kicking from behind bit owa goal Hat. iTkt diffortaat of eoortt lay in tht fict that Carolina ipent ita utmott ia Jwo threat! whilt tht Cadeta, twiet de nied, knocked again it tht door and found entrance after Farley had run back a punt 45 yards to the 1! yard line and carried tit "ball anotlyer It yatfjt on tbe next play. Other Teama Diaappoiat Both Davidson and Trinity furnished diaappointment in the other two tie games of tbe day. The Presbyterians, regarded aa better than Kichmond, were forced to extend themtelYes det perately in order to come from" behind a two touchdown lead, tying the icore in the last period with a well exe cuted aeriea of forward passes. Trinity had regarded lon aa an easy mark, but when the Methodiat and Christian elans clashed there was no scoring during the entire game. Tht modern youth ii indeed blast when tren wild oats seem to tamt to him. Dixie gridirons i HOLD ATTEf ,TI0N Centre's Victory and Georgia Teen's Crasning Defeat The Big Features Atlanta, Ga., Oct. 30. Centra College! wen earned victory orer Harvard which waa to gratifying to Southern Football followtn aa Ptaa. State'i crushing defeat - of Georgia Ttcb. wj torpriting, caught tht popular ioterett ia last week! football gamea bat tbt play on Dixit gridiron! held attention, too, teeaut or tbt varied attack of tbt medera gaatt, r Georgia! elimination of Attburn from the list of Southern teama, unbeaten by another Dixit eleven, proved to be a contest between two machines perfect ed in defense that neither! backs could pierce until towards the close of the game. Quarter Back Bandail then hurl-1 ed a long past to Hartley and started the rally that enabled tht Oeorgians to drive through the Auburn line for the remaining 15 yards and a seven to noth ing victory. Louisiana State used the aerial attack to tnrn its Alabama game into a tie and Davidson tied with Kich mond University by the same method. The propelling of the oval through tht air by the forward paaa was not the ouly ''air route" used, however, for players on two other teams showed their. training ia kicking ntltt gotli to ads vantage.' Betnl!, of ' aeaingtoa and Lee, booted oat for a 3' to 0 victory over Virginia Polytechnic Institute, when ntithtr tidt toold tcore by straight football and Lowe, of North Carolina Univtrsity enabled bit team t win from Maryland, It to 7, by thrte perfectly executed goals. Tulaaev mads oat f eld goaJ 'ia its) game with Detroit Univtrsity, in which tht New Orleans team forced tha MteM. gta tlevea txttnd itself to tht limit w win, i to 10. Virginia university, tht other -Southern team to tngagt In aa inter-sectional natch, did not fans so welU for Princeton's mach lnt over ran tbt old Dxtminion eleven for a 34 to 0 victory. Tht week also, marxed tha atHitv tiw. provement of Vanderbilt, whott tmntpt m miss was xouowea Baroraty Dy a 14 to 0 victory ovtr Ttraesatt, which had aiven Varmoth a tmrrn -vfriM-rla that 4ay tbo Conmodkra playtd tht University of Texas. 8ewaato wiped ont last year's tit with Kentucky State by a 6 to 0 victory. V. M. L and North Caroliaa State added to tht list of tht eeaton'a tit garnet, South Carolina won from Cltmson, 21 to 15, and Mis- tiaainoi A. ann U tmaaoJ If. c.t. . vwuwxs UWS rival Mississippi L'nivertity by the same Flro Dtttroys Caragsj. Fire Saturdav nurht Ammtmn st.. garage, two barns and tht "teed honst at me noma of Dr. 8. P. Holding, of Wake Forest. Don. hanieit n e tht bnlldings, wert rt moved but Solo mon Holding, Jr, lost three 'possams which he was fattening in one of tht barns. ' . . M..O 'audi I arolma's 11 p irnals from i! c I unhdomi. .l.d.ii' n ,, :,;-.) aii important fac iei in t' e r, - ,;t. I. ,t it Mould be diffl nit ii, ! , I f-.r 1 : .'ti to improve upon the, repuiat i,,u lus has alrtady niado as a consist, nt groiin l ginin-r, and the lair had :i!n,idv cial.tulicd iti . ro ;., lercy in th" l',,ri' ird passing game. "Wolfpack" II am Punch line thing nas demonstrated beyond 'he pi r.nhen! ire , f a doubt in Ratur lav's 7 to 7 tie between State College and M 1. The "W'olfpiick" carries a punch. As in the ('Arolint Vair Week "anie, the hulk of the spectators left 'he gii.hr, ii i'!i tie feeling that the la Mi r t . i : ii h. I loin Repriced of vie i,.rv. Hut in ea, S instnrice State rieli y Hieing j grand 1 I ft He 1 I parties whoso' liadcn nr.1 I n. t itemaffoiraias llhil lav I'liC c u tnit'.Cf i.huh dealt with as a pureiv trod., ilarcj mar.y appo fairly and unj.itl cr;t.c..-d 'he p,iity c ii, per. sat ion clain.t al 'r, ' ',em, and de cants lave been un i' rated, others l.avj had tbeir conipf inat.oa redi,cd wa-tb-tut ms aid s 'lie are tesru'tg more i ..tap, ma' ., n than :ry ,'c,. A arcful re en.ir.nati, l , f mi .lii.al'.cw ed flaic.s s:u rccomnif i .led. Tlie renrt .honed alM.n; .titsit.t.'S policies of term insurance aud L'iT.mj life insurame policies m effec. Augn-" 1, 1911. Ia discussing the question of mam taming proper d.scipl.ne snior.g traan trs and patients the committee declar ed that while the men .hnuM not be compelled to submit to armv discipline proper' rules should le enforced.' The problem has not been s dv.d, the re port said "and in some r'sccs, l.ke Johnson City, Tbb.. taisimi condi tions eiisled. A riis,' cf unworthy lieneJeiarie. "small :n number but nnify" see eommittos? asserted, are doing great harm to their mors worthy tommies." 8uch men, it was added, prtttnd tbo need of botpuaBration for tht sake of tat food living at tht expense of tht 'government, and are taaitant trouble ajaktrs." Tht rom pit'et arge4 taei diemisem!. ucinagegties. i.tticcs, but their duty and t'.r r nppor j tunny for service. We ure -n.i.iiigl a renaissance cf pn1 ;.c sp.r '. a t- j awakening if sober p'-.Mifl opnian s; revival of tbe power ef the poopo'. to" . t'cgnnurg of an ag ' "f f h",; g l;t c i ! r j constrtl, ' ion that makes ear thouehls I hark hick to tbe age in uhi I. dcir. a, r,, " :s se! in An.eroa. i"i tin new age hall shjw a new sp'.r.t W shaii serve justice and candor and all things that make for the rg'n 1 Bot our own party disciplined an i madt ready for this great task' Shall wt not forget ourc!vs in naknig it the ins'rumect of rigbtco'isness for '',e ' B'.ate aud for t'..e r,ati,aV slntkaaiMoi lor New trader. After this ciimax there was a s:.. tt pause. ''io or, go in," eager v i ncd the crowd. The j rson il n, igin'isiu al the man, bj u.trtr- sin,',, i frank and ao sincere, ti 1 g'.t , . 1 gr..x eyes, the fins) p. i, i .' I ,s a, .'. .! .,; , head, the bs'S'j'.Mii rithn, of ;..s l ,g i out sentence be d the men in tl.e ., veatioa breathless u- -. r the r n,. .-. , sps-li. Men ail ab -u; -ne ,r I n a frenxy, "Thank Ge l. a 1. sd. r 1. r.n.i at last!' Thea the grant etding Tt-i. g t... the flag that hucg oi. r the ; . -stand, be said in words s.i .-opr. . ss to bring alfnost a s, lr. m hearers : 'Whea I think of tl.e flag st-tiu un ships carry, the eniv' 'uuch of coo.r about them, the n y th ug that n.nt.s if it had a settled spirit in :t in tier so. id structure i! seem to me I seo hi ternate T: of parchment unea h.,' are writtca th rhts cf )itrt and justict and strip of rdoo.i s-pdlcd r vindicate those r.ghts, and then in the earner a prediction of tht blue tcr?r,e into which errry nation mv swim whwk ttasds for these great things.' Tht tpesKk ia over. Arooad me there it a swirling mass of r.el, whose hearts havt bee a touehed by the great tpee.-b which is, just at aa mi, ilea stood i,'l nttei' . u and nt nigh' 'ihil i'.on of fireuorks. I'h, lir-f .I.d.im'on county f,.r was in! 1 .17 Joan ago, and since tha' time ;t has 1 .-. ie nn annual institution far I ' .', '.on. rivaling in int. re-t ti e i.it ":.! I'air .tohns'oii is . no f ' ' hes! :,gr.iMit''iral counties m tie a'e snl i's industries are lariel. l i e V.i r is the l.ig 'event of the ye.ir ' en all 'he people ef the coll nt v coin'. arc Von Interested In Kinanclng Peanut, Cotton and Tobacco Crops l.iic lull Information Regarding I, radon, (juanlilles and Amounts of Advances Krunired. Address P. () llnx m, Norfolk, Vs. COTTONSEED MEAL AND COTTONSEED HULLS All bui ers of cottonseed n,eu. I ' " - - i 1 il'- shntii 1 g, : i ' , f,, '',,rf n, ak , -ig nr pi.r-' e hes e.-mriid' W a pio I.i. eettons hails -ar the of the M. We are TOU the f, hulls fr-m rr, i ', 1 s r n s ' ,i.,li.ifs in tbese yi ,' have dealt :n meal and cottonseed nve'y f i'r years and g"st distributors esst :s ; pi. . n a jn sit ion to give , '. ip. nut sr meal and the highest graift :,ft notice. Wr 'e , r wJfe fcr prices Taylor Commission Co. IValer. sad l.iportera Healer B. tiding AUaala. Ga. EFIRD'S Raleigh's Busiest Department Store SeU It For Lf EE rr "Believe me, 1 I know how to pick 'em!" i t ib mm II - - . II Cigarettes W utadt cf ripe t'J swte, made ef ripe tld swte: Ctrthna-Viriinia tubal co Ligcitt & Mnu Tobacco Co. mmm county fair Smithfield, N. C. November 1 -2-3-4 Bigger and Better Than Ever The Best Free Attractions Fireworks Free. Wednesday and Thursday Nights Good Horse Racing Greatest Exhibit Ever Gloth's Greater Shows, The Greatest of Their Kind The Four Paldrens. Lamp Jumpers, Graceful Aerial Feats On Lamp Chimneys ADMISSION- 7 , Adults 50 Cents Children 25 Cents H I

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