NEWS AND OBSERVER. RALEIGH. N. Cr SUNDAY1!0RNING.-NOVEMBER 6, 192T. Three Arcliitects Are; Secured Fr.Renialdng Raleigh Schools C. B. J. Snidcf, C Gadsden Sayre and Frank B. Simp son Are Retained WILL MAKE ESTIMATE OF AMOUNT MONEY NEEDED Employment of Architects la Accord With Eeport of School Board Committee . According to plana just completed by tie Raleigh ToBhip P-liwd Committee mid Superintendent of Schools, the re making 'f the physical plant cf the Ka I' 1 1: ii schools was brought another tep nearer r.clw:ition, it the announce ment that the nrrhitectnrnl work will W aintltr tin' direction of three expert architects, I, b. J Snyder, of Now Vork City. Mr. M.I-len -Vnre. of Kl-ifrr,. sr.l Anderson, S. ('.. and Mr. Knink It rSi n. sn , of K.tlngli. Th.e architects hi.. iu n r ii.r 1 :n ndt an.-c m or 1, r tliat the benefit nf their ..Trices n y tie h:i 1 in the prtUntinury Ukt i of the (rot N' i loi'i'ient nt. well ns in the ii..ik i.g of detailed plans ai d specitlea, t i iit't r hi- i-mim of lt.i.... .Mr. Sin ii r 11 .m-raily rt Raided as oiie i f tit ti' or three for.'in.ts: ni'lum! BT- Il :t T S ill A II. IT, .a. He IS the r i 'i.-.ic areli.ti-it of the New York ' fy lio.r.l of Kiuetiin, and Inn ti r i r la ihr. . t.oa lai.liinK . tj aino'int-ng to in of tillers aiinu.ry. He h.,s been reta.ntd as . . n suit it.g nr. ifcct tor the H.iM pioie. t and Ins rrttictim; eli'i ll.iv..a I..- rid in mi effort to make t!n proposed building, for Ra lt!j;ll Cone II i to the highest building slim l:ird ' Mr. r-.iyre it die of ." group of south ern nun h. Ii:tn In en giving p.-irt :ru 1 a r I y Hum- t'.ny of n- rnt nr to .clinniho ,se plain ntf. He il n n rd tt larpe nan uf motli rn M-hnti!s in ttie Cari.iniav lonry u, and Klori'lii, and Is mi jinhi'iit of li uh jir '"fs inn a I itiiMln ir "'"1 nhiliiy. He ., retained for the arrliileetur il e ok on the bail. I imr .nitt D.ji i, . nt Cirim ille. in I'itt county, wl.nli I, ,. I . . n pun . , out of tho n.o-t -. -ii i : ' - l.ool t..,nta to he full!. I in the Sl.tlf. Mr. Sat re will - f-rf-o-ee. -I et- f oitto rttt- o.-rvrrrrtf in ' TnttTirvrtr-jtmrt wttrM' "K -v-vl.- j v iTT, Mi. Mi! i i, ,'r' I tt l s:;. ri,ie the eoiislr . ' ..o of tl.e t iy. Mr I k I:. .- , i f . r tv thf I! :r.i it., n,'.. i ,.! II , t. .!!,. I ha" i a u ..j.- ra! 1. 1 t v,.. : . i , f It - li 1 1 a." . r : .1 i vt . : ! k o llll V..k II !' h. It 'mo! II.!. r I ,. , I ,. ,, , .1 , ,,, ., I. ii o I,' III It'.. .-,i.. A elf l, : tt . . i k I t.-n-!.. Mm r or.. I' II..:' . in; i ; o'llihV'.' I.UlM:. Tl.:. r il. il'. . i l v l ,ki I ii. t al Hi Ant t. -..ik . f I ,,; '!' ' II. i:a. i'f S"'U- if! I.iik-s . lie I .lv . I w fh of the .r.l. nee I .IL.ttee ; j i hi . ., !. in. . ' ii,; a '. id. . h i; ii-' ...ri il .in an.! .ra. to al I 'll' lllia n al H ': k n e , "hi t Pie. 'P' '.I ill "I h.!h... i n of l... i,ho..i J. Tim ij. I p I I .a. i ' i I ' 1 1 ' i t r 1 h. in n I .on ;irr;ii:, 'he .! w fi : "e. . rlllle. fin;:f eslimntp e.l. At t t'ltll! Ill ! " .. III.' II, , I I otto. i r i" a ' fi.-iirt I '.i t two itjaT m t T -' .i... Lit REPORT DETOURS ON STATE ROADS i t.' ( t'. r.lrr t',. i . a r n 1 1 e r .'olil if a l::l i la l!.. n 'li that !:, State Highway Commission Points Out Routes For Traffic For Week .Tbft flmun it. li.urA.AX. nnouao4 by th 8UU liitfhw i'omuiiitioo tor tb print.-il roads in the 8Ut which ire now qikW ronut ruction : Rt. i( Ostral Hlsrwar RallCh-lMirriam - - Tmfflo bctwn iUleiffh and nrhm nhoull follow th 'l'v!l!r rouir, 1 -a i n k lUtlfiKh turn to r!(hl fr. rn Hlllnr. Street ftr rronif rftllrt'id ladurt and follow t. i nutml Avnuf to rorpomtt MrnKs. KHfctb tund tfuffn should lake Itft hanl tuad at end of (oncrcta pavement tast of 1'utham . M.lKiif Mlw Hiver TrafTio will uaa p'.rt ion - i m 1 v k r 1 m1 road had for ht tri-t hi heruen Metiana and Marion Jnn.-licn Mrtri.n Traffic will f Oft tit f kinn bftween thi Hi M, Hllm1cta-(liarlle. 4alllr l la a war Vadstr-V nri-r - Turn to right tt ti-t)ur kiK ut.uiii two iiiiies en st .f M' n? e (t 'Ssn.K A L. Ky , and fnllxw r id f'r n hlf mile, turn in Itft int w ht 1 k now n aa Col. i'Ke IttiM l f r.l. K i r h unltn cr-k, f -,1 1.. w :!(.- i ud f '-r one and cri' balf ntli" t un to It-fi, cronsliiK rall-r-iit, thii turn right at Hnitlr-mnn i: !i(-r Mi. I m - Kuftt Wlndor Street in t wn 'f M' nri.c. Monro-- 'h.irlott- Turn to Hfht n.;ir i tif iu rrnciit on KrankUn St. in AJuriii r' s-K S. A. L Hy . main tine t . lMii'.r.i f,tton Mill, turn to nirht rfgain. mM H A. I o Huther ("i.ltin, ( ailnw predt-nt road to detour s-km, turn lft into main highway for t'hrtrlotK Henl o- M, Chiirlvlta-ltNtearlUe HlHlinar MuorcvilN' - N ri hl 'tund truffle turn (n ieit ai.M in .one nurtli of inile south tf cltv llin;t if' Mooresvllle, cron ,South-:n Hallway, turn to right and follow tri. ka hitmen Hundred fet. t r n r i uli t ;.i v. ;im 1 1 isl nn rail rnad. iliiri.- ft nil. i patti ntr-et Jetour p! h I n 1 1 y m;. i k d Haute N. 44i, U llnilnstoB-f.oldaboro llluhna " ,wnmtTi'it''in ri'rrK"-iW' - r'prnflT - tn rri-tfTTr irnmir- it mtte -umitti" "Tr f 'i . 1. 1 unt ..f hr iIk con Mfu. ti. n 1'. tour ih plain!) marked W.u a w i ;. horn l!;id lift wetii Uar.s.iw nd Mutitit live n und'T con--truti'-n au, Ml i natitlile. It ! tet r. d-tftir i.i Cliiit-iii. N'w?..n (irove, nil Si' . -ii' Stt'ff t'i ( tolilfthiTO M . 1 1, t Vlii(;ikTM I Ho TfW r.i'l hi tu t-rii Kock y M'unt and n!.l r.iftd nmt used bclwei-n ;,t tl. t.i.rf and W h 1 1 :t k ers. Ituitr No. 50. W nbinKtnn-Atlnnta A rd -i ii Hufl iii.i n - font h hound 1 1 ufT i itdsH l 1 ! x m i n k "reek and mn- t nut- Thn-e t oirihrt i.f rnlle to detour - -m n. t rn 'tit t nl f . I w Blue s cr ek r i;d fur tuf in i e t hence t rtK ht f - ,i -. fi ni 1 1,. ,.f Miiif M old " t-i r -:i 1 1 'i ;.r ptntnty rnrl;ptl Monte N. .VI. WllmlnMion-noone Trail It l h n r!:ntfii Imnn- 1 t ai r via Newton ir-'Vt on a -ii'iiit of prMne ronntruc i -n Hai 74, i neor1-lRnforl Hlga- U nn M'lMMiirlt --TriH I'.tntir In neuea s:u wrijr.l I'lnkc tiiiilt-r con nt rti't hn. 1 ! 1 1 h i Y;iili;in ri -r al "Swift Inland f it i I . t . n r ii 1 1 mi 1 1 one mile long . rvt n rir h Imt p i .sua hte. Monte No. 77, liiioii.Maleni-nandle-in ii n IllaUtvay VV H1t-H-Krj4t-Ot- t h - I-Wf-H Iet04tF via 'l h i oi h 1 1 '. r.ti t e plainly mur k -'I. ! i.i good i-tonl it ion and will bo I fo ii. vt Kit it i i MOT RACE PROMISED , JN THE THIRTEENTH. Stanly New s IlrrnM.) Tri -eiit niili. .it tit n h ?tn that thf race ,r th- ju-U-ship for thin, the Thir . ; iit-i .huhiuil Ii.sLrn:t, in the primary v vcar ! A M. Sta- k, of M i.!-,-f an. I Walter K. Itrock, f, mth pojsiMy one or oThrr r.indot.itpa in ttie ra., t; . to l-r a h-it one iiniecd. Alrendy rli.m; nre tw m nintp to work In a way t! ;it one r.t n en-u'y see things w.ll wirm np in the enrty upring. i n i'!.f. !. a'-oi-i fr.-ii r r fi ' r Ttf - air ui'ii-ciit, --it.' 't a! ove, 1. im iunt Iven i er fei-trd. Tl..- arrhiti'- and tbe ai.perinton fir-lit if im 1 :. Ih.ik. hT cKi.-C X v I'M- ! -e : . . th. -if .mt.on nI aul'U it t ti ''.. . ; , ..Itl In il , c I !u. u'k ,.f tl.i ir t i.'l l'v l m t-e -.r rfirt of thr n- hool run ni nh HI I ' t ' ' t ; ' ! ! ij , . . , 'i p' j rn- vid.iitf ft 'i'! r.i :n,-ike po (,;, ),,t- (--irrv Hg ut.: I m li !;'d h.rodihg pro f 111 t ' T tto U.i , V to x. I- xp..r.-.i v i . .: i ) h. ' I dnr.hi; tin- j r. : s 't .1 c.r. millionswiliTnot DIE. SPEAKER WILL CONTEND G)nult the Carolina Shopping List Before Buying iranii HOMER L FERGUSON TOBACCO T.1ARKET E WI L SPEAK HER TELEPHONE 74 CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY era W. .1, -l i t! . . f ,. 'k rtv :. 1 II-.'..-.' ,. I ,1 it . .. ) I tl... li . a : e . . "t . . , M I k- W N. t, I !' , " . j a v , I ,. ,k ,t a, a y ' - the it . i.: a; r :m a a If. ..a ' -. I li i. . 1 !, . , ( , f Mr. I ' . : i ' h . ' ,. ; .,1.. , tl. ; v..j.,-.. -. . i ; ,:..f ;;; ' ' '.' 1 1 ..n pr. he. . ' ' f k- t' e . ,e i e ir, that i'. . t '. ft . . !, 11,.; .he l't-: t:..! , r ....! , 1' e nevt f.- j 1 - 1 f. r ) r , . 1 I and in . REV. S. L. MORGAN AT HOLY TRINITY TODAY Rev. J :,.-i..,t, j,rei,l.Tit of th rati.' ftr ! ,r. fV .' ia .'I- 1 Tem-.e, !' !; I !.! !, . V, , , 1,. J, .. .. 1. f Ii. 1 .ii i :.tir, 1. !!.i in. rnii.g and t,. II ! ." ' Kev M- M-'on t '.i:!t thi eh-ir. ', ml . ; lap !t f. jiV-.r tar ix yp9i alfr. 1 I tor th,. g eater ""' 'l 1 -I I!- I, i mai.v f-ier . hfta ni.o itia .,; .1,..,. Urn I ., t and ho Ue gii i t,. I,. :tr i.ini rrrarL ariin. The iretcr.t pa.tar Kev. A M H-.ff man j off on U; aritnn tr p. l.v. nif ricpni:v marr.fd M l'a a'f a. if; wr datijthter of Mr. an I Mr. " y Mi. lor. Ou Sunday afternoon Mr. M. ran ill prea. Ji to th Lntheraa congrega tion at Iinrham. CARD OF THINKS Mr.. M. C. Wait and Jaufihtrr. irian tfl exyrem their (ieepe.t ti.rrciaion .f th. many bfautiful acts of kindnfM, n(l token of lova and aymthy, dur Inf the lorn 111"", of their helorH father and grandfather, Dr. furtir and M tit Uaa U Umui WiMvaiuint. , .Will Address North Carolina Literary and Historical Association la ataori wita tlia tnatom of tia Stat Literary and Biitorleal Aaaoela tioa to eall komt aara year for aa ad dreaa aoma aoa of th itatt fbo haa dlstlnpilahed ktmarlf In other atatea, taa Auoeiatioa ar. nouaraa it. jeak-r oa of three North Coro'ina brother wlkvfal.j5,. dieUuxliutt. ia .tkeit Toeati'ona tlomcr I ForBnimn, presi dent of th N.wpurt No. Btlpbuild iaT tnd Dry Dark (ourjiany. Mr. Ferftuion ia a native of Waya fill. H wa iraduated from the Naeal Aeademy In 1W2, and immediately aft r fraduatioa .pent three year In p elal .tudy at Olngow I niver. tv Scottand. After eome year of acirie aa a naval eomtructnr. he re.tgned to devote hi. time to nhiplmilding. bince lt00 be haa been Ct.nne. ted with the grent nhipbnlldinf enmpony at New port Newa, and in 11)15 he waa, on ae count of hi. ability and nceei, pro moled to be premtlent of th corpora tion. Thi. company ! eitenaivelv enifngod in ahlphuildine for the gov ernment during the World War, and no mnn In America i. ninre familiar than Mr. Frguaon with the hi.tory of the wonderful enterprise hon by the country in it. nual ruction of .hip. for the w:ir the attbjept on which he wi'.l apeak on December lt. Oen. Hurley B. Ferftioon, of th (Tnited fitnte. army, is another of the three brother. At th opening of the war General Ferguson trained and commanded the 1 0.1th Engineer! in France, a eon manl 1.0 which Col. Joseph Hyde Pratt .uceeeded when Oencral Fergiunn became divlaion en gineer of the ,'hith diviainn and lubte (iiiently eorp engineer of th 2nd army corp.. It will be recalled that when the got- eminent undertook to raise the .uuker Maine in lll1- General Fcrgu.on was the army engineer in charge of the work, and Lieutenant Ferguson, an other brother, wns the nuval engineer. HEAVY TOBAC CO 8A1.ES IN WARF.lKH-'ilES AT ZKBl leON. Heiiitnrf, Nor. fly Znbulon mnrket end. Hie most auece.sfiil two weeks of th .easnn. After th market being dined Thursday and Friday of fair lo-i k, Monday was greeted with a block f.'ile of about'tO pound, of tobacco, aiol has continued since with an aver age of nlxnit H'U.iHii) pounds a day. Zt'bnli.n wn rehnusenien are well pleased with th buyers they have this year, for tin v are eongeninl and are making many friends among the farmers. I GIFTS THAf LAST J Thanksgiving Silverware To enhance the appear ance of the home or the table on this occasion It Is absolutely es sential that you see Pworsky's Gorfjeous Displays at remark able low prices. Everything in Silverware for tha home and table. Watch, Clock and Jewelry Repairing. S VERY ACT VE Housing of Crop Virtually Com pleted by Farmer of Several Counties Akoiki, Nor. 5. Tl Akoaki to bacco market baa been uftosually active during the week just c'.oaed, follow uig th eompietion ef crop homing by th.s farmer, of Hertford and Bertie roun tie. From 3n.i to 7.V00 pounds of tobacco hne been marketed here ea.h day thia week. Price kar lllglitly advanced thi. week. A record tale was made oa on of the local warehouse floor yesterday when Mr. P. W. Miller, of Cnlernin, eold 526 pounds-for a total of t44W.6', or aa avcrnge of tQM per hundred. Included in the lot wa. one pile of tobacco, weighing 70 pounds, which .old for tlAZ per pound, the higliMt price recorded her thi. tea ion. The 1021 crop of peanutt It moving in large bulk to the local market this week. Trai'tically all of the farmers are wasting no time in putting their peanut, on the market, and molt of them are hauling theui to town u ret t from the field and the pirkwr. Ahokh is one of the larger aii.ppitig points for peanuts, anil carina I after carina I of peanuts are moving out of every day. The l'ennut Fichnnge, Tnc, of Suf folk, Va., it receiginli a lnrje hulk of the peanut shipped from here. J. N. Vann, an eipenetietal peanat buyer, i TURNS NIGHT INTO DAY New Lamp Has No Wick, No Chimney, No Odor, Most Brilliant Light Known A new lamp which experts agree gives the most powerful home light In tho world, Is the latest achievement of W H. MotTsttot 4,." Factory Hulld !nu, Kansas I'ltv, ,M... This lannrKalile nt.-w lamp lii.ns- or ile.aririiv Klves more lialit than three hundred candles, nnkutn urilmarv lamp, or le. veiHIsnt fle.'tric- t(fhrs,- nml rtirtir TTntT rile rfrit a ntirhT A"'"titWr"T-' t-verv home on farm or In small l-.wn Il I al.sol'itely auto nod Kivt-s uiiitr sal A rhil.f tan earrv it II is lite anil, ill. .n of Mr Hoffsiot to l,av every hon.c. store, hall or char, o enioy Hie In.rtastal tauofnit of this I'.iwerf'il. plrieuii:. brilliant, white llht and he will send one of his new Ih in on free trial to any render or the News Hntl i l.ser er who writes tillil. lie wants one person in ea,-h lo alitv I.. Iimiii he ran refer new eiisto lio is. Take advantage "f his free otfer. Ak'eiit. wanteil Write him to. day Adv. acting at affcia trade? asd 'weigher for th Eickaage. Th local peaaut factory also, resulted vork her last week. With th peauiat barer, the oral fatter? aad tfca baehaaga ia a epirited eon petition for th goober, prieet prerailing ere giv riao to th hop that th peaaat farmer will thi year reaiii a profit wut f kia area. , Lmh f7SM To Farsaera. Headeraoa, Nor. S. B. C. Gary, cashier of th Carolina Bank and Trust Compaay kr and tmrt oftaet for th Federal Load Bank at Columbia, a C, announced yetterday that 175,000 ia loan kad bee granted to farmer ia Vane eouaty en their property, and that th cash would be ara.l.iMe a tooa a the proper legal procedure rould b taken. Th. FIL h zytiat Talci: "There' a fitness ia ererrthing. "Yetf -Yes. tcb aeatt for bald headed ro must bo bought from th tc.lpen. When a Bride Starts Housekeeping Her first concern is to make home attractive. Of course, you want to help her by priving her the'1 beautiful thinps she longs for. You can select from our collection of imported and ' American objects an artistic and beautiful jift that expresses 'the taste ml the ordinal ity of the River and carries with it the message of happiness you are wishing for the bride-to-be. -The Gift Shop Room 506 Masonic Temple Raleigh, N. C "BRANTLEY'S- I "Where the Crowd Go" Penslar Cold Breakers will eliminate all fu ture worry about that cold that is so prevalent now. J. C. Brantley's DRUGGIST Phone 14 or 15 Just a Little Attention to Your Savings Account Now Will mean wonders to you on December 25. Why not start an account now for Christmas. 4 On Savlnga. Mechanics Savings Bank OnAf". R. JOHNSON. I'reaident. C H. F. I W A li 1)8, V. Tresident. W.UTFK8 IH'RHAM, Cashier Ve Clean 'Em We soak our clothes, not our customers. Ve are as near you as your phone. Our prices reach all . t r -: . 15 Pounds 75c Each Additional Pound 5c 1 Open Monday and Tuesday from 6 a. m. to 1 0 p. m. Bell Phone 2428 Raleigh Damp Wash Co. 122 W.Johnson St. Raleigh, N.C. Floor and Portable LAMPS The first of the week we will put on display a large and varied assortment of New Floor and Portable Lamps. These Lamps will make ideal presents for wed dings, anniversaries, Christmas, etc. The display will be worth a visit from you. Thompson Electrical Co. 132 Fayetteville St? "CYCLONE HACK" STARTS CAUPAjGSMN'TARBORO Erugeliat Will Conduct Union KcTiTal Mtetinf in Edge combe Capital Tarbora, Kot. &. Tarbor taraed to day from a great tea. eoaty fair to Cyrloaa Mark rer-iral and th towa ie "all ct for a tpintoal campaiga that proBatr to make itaelf felt rer th better part of Eaatera North Carolina. Mack aad hia party, u inhering eight, arrived ia th eity today. Th meet lag, here will b held ia a mammoth teat pitched joit eaat af th hasdaom graded . aekool eaildiaga. Begiaaiag with a service at I o'clock Suaday' af ternoon, tb eampaiga will eoatina twir daily antU, a Hack explain. lh deril put aa aaouraiag aad T arbor (lea a ap ob it bek track.'' Th meeting her 1 Ian at had aader eoaditioa moat farorabla. All th otorrhea ia towa, with th xeeptioa ef a Prby1riaa akarch, ar acUrely aapaortiiig the tampaiga aad th ptor f that ehareh ka arced hi coagrega tioa to attead. It ia a lingular tattaae that both th Episcopal ehareh ar leadlag th movement. . ... Som peopl don't belief gQ they hear, ere a wkea their eontciene toll it to them. 9 T7 DOWN AND $1 PER WEEK Deliver a Genuine Victrola Into Your Horn December 20th. Yov simplr par 11.0 down an: II XI per wek until December loth, for Victrola listed at II&0 or less. Then no mors payments until January 1st, when the balance caa be Bead ia twelr equal monlilljr parcnta. Tor Victrolas Hitcd over tlio. II doww and tl per waek until December 20th, when the nschlne will be delivered into your home. Then the balance lo twelve equal asonthly pay ments beaianina January 1st Each outfit an these attractive tins terms Includes !4 selrftion of ywur own choice (12 double face records). Ton eaa join at any rtrae te Deeember 1SU by pay-in back payments. J Vlctrolr I X or U Join Our Xmas Victrola Club Today Royall & Borden Where Qaalfty Ia Higher Tkaa Prloa, Important uction bales at NEW BERN, 'N. C. f .... ... M0t "r,.L .iM"Kt!41tJt (. i Tomorrow, November 7, at 10:30 a. m., we will sell SIX HIGH "LASS BUSINESS LOTS in New Bern, located on the corner of .liddle and Broad streets. This is the Albert Bangert property. At 1 :30 o'clock p. m. we will sell 1 5 small farms, located three miles from New Bern, on the Country Club Roadt and adjoining the Sloan estate. VJ ""V SWTtt!a K ; You will make the price at this sale and the terms are so easy most anyone can buy only 20 per cent cash, bait ance in four equal annual payments, i? Free barbecue dinner will be served. Music by our live wire band. Sale rain or shine. Sale conducted by Peoey Brothers The World's Original Twin Auctioneers J. M. Millikan, General Manager AMERICAN LAND CO., Agent GREENSBORO, N. C, 'Vi