NEWS AND OBSERVER. RALEIGH, N. C. SUNDAY MORNINq NOVENIBER 13, 192T. x- Use N. '& "O. Want A-ds For Reaching The Public's Eye! NEWS AND OBSERVER CLASSIFIED RATES lLrttlar typ thlt l, I coat per word yw iDserlioa. CAPITAL LITTERS (THIN SIZE) 4 trail par wore par 1- ertloa. Whit apaea, II tnu par Una. CAPITALS UK1 THIS WITH a lin at whit space bov ant balow aaeh Una. I cent par word par Insertion. EACH INITIAL AND GROUP - of figure la aoaatad aa a word and lb nam and addr ar ' ala counted. INDENTED APS, KNOWN AM Classified Dlsplsy, HI Pr Inch, No Want Ads Charged Caah muat accomtany all orders TEN TER CENT PISCOUNT FOR (ran or nor eonaacutWa In sertion. JCNDAT "COPT- MUST BE IN by 11 boob, Saturday. NO WEEKDAY ""APS COMINO In aftar alz p. m. will be ciaa aifled. THE NEWS AND OTJSnRVER will only ba responsible for the first IWViorraet insertion of any dvrtsemnt. omission of "keys" or errors which do 6t lessen tha valua of tha ad xrertleement will hot be cor rected by "maka good" ln artlona. The News and Observer x Raleigh, N. C. Ufa and l'arc(r Heading. NOVEMBER 13. Ona trua and dependable friend Is tetter than a hundred Batterers, anil bmauia they ara so rara tbey should ba cherished. Born on thla date, thare ar lome things that yuu should think of avarr day and apply t your life; Rasolvs today with all tne power Implanted by your planet Mars to overcome tha downward tendency of phvilcal appetites and drurralw to progress spiritually. You have a work to do In tha world. It la mag. netlc, curatlva and along spiritual Unas, overcome suspicion and jeal oay and look within, frlnK with honesty of purpose your own faults with determination to o.eycome tbm at any coat to your pride You will find gralcst happiness 1n marriage to a person born In July or September. I Search tha Want Ada for food positions and If you have a house to rent th Want Ada will prove good and reliable. EIJWAfED Mle Mlil.LuANTlS POSITIONS IN Klorlda address I. O. Box 2531. Tampa, Fla. . GO V K 11 N M KNT POSITIO NS PAYING IKIiO tn II5UII. Auditor. Income railway mall clerk. Exsml luuniiH soon. Information free. Federal Auditor! League. Room li-i. Washington, P. O. Ut'V I'RNTyIKNT I'OSlTli .N8. MK.N 1,. over Hallway Mall, 1'oM offiri'. Examination soon II4U0 Itsflii year. Experience uniicces ,irv. lull particular tree. Write Columbia, School "f Civil Stni, o. Ui Pope BIdg, Washing ton. I', i:. SALESM AN OK BETTER CLASS TO I'.iil . 1 n physicians anil ilentiala. Immediate, permanent, remuner ative work. State age, expeoeiif-u, 1'. O. Iliu 1JL Philadelphia, l'a. Smut da"i.ksma"n rixPEHiENCED with established trails In all t r t or kindred Una wauled for the Stat f North Carolina to rap riMiit a well known. New York Shirt manufacturer making Troy tailored shirt. Commission haul only. Good orportunity for right party. Stale past and present . unaiK'tlona, Una hamllt'd. aliia rtfiiencca. Art communication held In atrli-tuat conltdince. Uotc ir.H Itroa. a Co., MK-bji llruad- w,iy. New York City. MK.N: 990.44 A WEKK TO Sl'KCIAL nun to travel uy auto ami in till new atove cunverlor In every home. Wonderful In vention. Cook and lialta all enr wltl4it wal or-wood. No a or elei ii li ltv needed. We furnlnh the auto. Sample frae. Thuiuua Mitf. Co., Convenor 137, pajlun. I 'hi'i. UK k: .(. 'AN II ol'U. NKVVGsl- kitchen tool. Huuaav. ifo will use t.iuea dally. Kaey acll Samtile free. Thnntui Mfg Co, Iek Ztil. liayton. Oblo MHN: 1 A DAY PISH. AVIS' ThMuaa iniplex Cc.ata. . One bb tvllsh top oont other atormpruoi raincoat. -.Tijtp -ota for price of one. Y'oo altnTly . ear coat and bunk ordara. V e wrrvr-iewJ til leet. Kamt'la coat free. The Thomaa Wfg. Co., Sictlcn USJ payton. Onto. MKSrViJ.OO A WKKK TO Sl'K' I.M. men to travel by n uUnnoblle and Introduca 300 candle tmw,r coal toll lamp and lantern for farm mrm. oairvmen. Iiuckatora. cunrrt enera, contrnctora. Wa furi.nn the auto. Kampla f r. . Tlounas r MfB- Co.. T I le :l ''" t fMiru. ,JKN WANTK1) TO yLAI-lKY VOll llonH. Hlg pay Trainportatinn furnished. Write Hail w a fvrvue Bureau, 4 :i S K.innriM'l M. St . lxiula. Mo. He a pktkctive. ti,"-n'M"wV:KK. ly; travel over wurlrt. txci icnce unneceasary. AuoTican lctclivc Agency. SSI l.ucae. Si l,mn. WANTED: YoliXil .MKN To I.UAU-S. barber trade Hint inlleKe in the South. Writ Charlotte Harber Collfge, Charlotte, .S. C, for culu- logue WANTKP MK.V To I.KaTiN CoT' ton buelne.a In our sample rooms Also teach by corresponded. ' Typa sampler Est SrHii-tied 14 years. Chnrlotte Cotton hchoui. wm Charlotte, fi. C. riRKMEN. TuTakk.!i: llTn- gagemen, IHI-$:'oO. cloreil purt ra by railroads every wb-re. Kx parlence tinnercesai . fiej Jty Bureau. East St Loin. Ills. IE A PKT KCT'l VEr"i It K A T P H -. niand. Traw l. K; pent rsce unnec essary. Write I 'pt. 4iib. Ainerl fan Detective System. IHK4 hroad way, N V Start a r miss inc. ci.nvMffr: and dyeing ehop, splendid licld. excellent profits. We tell you how. Write fur book-list. Ilen Vond Pvstem, Deft. CI, Char lotte. O. MliX 'TO WORK THirrvTTtF;' finishing chnnileltera. brass beds, automobiles by new method. Ilti ' dally without capital or experi ence. Write (iuunietal Co., 201 Klin, Pccatur. 111. "AN EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY for a' hustlthg gjmerv man to ant a county agent. Big money can b earned selling our hlgn grade llnaTtf roofing.' paint J lubricant, specialties, etc. v ar one of .the largest concerns of It kind In the counlrv. Write for further particular. The Certi fied Materials Company, Cleveland, Oblo. WANTED, THB 8ERVICES OR HE liable experienced man at good .' (alary who can Invest five to ten thousand dollar In aaf establish ed business, flood proposition. Adilr Box 1074. Raleigh N. C. SEX WANTED FOR DETECTIVE wrk. Experience unneceaaarr. . Writ J. tinner, former 'Oovarn- - mental Deteotive, Bt. Loul. , llE. AtiE lTTO 66. EXI'ERI- n anneceaaary. Travel, make aecret investigation, reports. Salarle; - expense. American I'oreica Dtotlv A(noy, 27, St 7" HELP WANTED Male US A RAILWAY TRAFFIC IN epaetor! Ill to 111 monthly ex. peas paid after t month apar time atudy. Hpleadld opportanl tle. Poattloa guaraateed or money refunded. Writ for Free Hook let, N-JJ9. Btand Business Training Institute. Buffalo. N. Y. EARN ii WEEh.LT 81' ARK TIME wrlting.for newspapers, maga In. Exp. anaec ; detail free Presa Syndloat. 141, St. Louia. Mo. n CIVIL. SERVICE EXAMINATION Raleigh. Nokfwtber. roaitinns 11400-HC. Age It upward Kxperlrnre anneceaaary. Kor frte partlculara. Instructions, write J Leonard, (former Civil Kervlr. examiner! It7 EoulUbl BIdg , Wahlngtnn. 1). C. tl.EHKS. 1 LPWAlin. Kojt ltai: tai Mali service ana govrrnmeai deparlmenta. 112s month. Ex pertence unnecessary. Por free particulars of examinations, write U. 8. School Civil Service. 1027 Equitabl BIdg. Washing .ton, P. C. FIREMEN. BRAKEMEN. REOIN- ner I1M later " monthly Write Railway, 7rl-a7, Care of mwi and Ohae.rver. . WANTED RETlSTEREIi DltUiJ glst, alngle niati preferred., state salary expected Addreia K-lol, care News and observer WANTED: EX TE K'fE.SC'K 1 1 , oaT man to take charge of team arid general road worV A. ply to V (i. Taylor. Everett. N.C. LEAKS VLLCAN1.1NU. IICYER. taught free. Best machines. Best melliode. Lowest prices. Ander. eon Steam Vuleanlser Co 132 East Martin Mret. WANTED MEN '."UEI'ARE AS firemen, brakemen, colored train porters, J 2& -1 250 month. No ex perience necessary. Southern Northern roads. Full Information f re. inter Hallway Pept, 181. Indianapolis, lnd. KlhsT CLASS UFF1 cETl A TW A ST". cd. Must know bookkeeping and be able to use lypswritir an-1 handle correapondence. l'i'aitio.i pays good to right man Ad dreia with full particular. B Marks. Koanoke Rapids, N C. WANTED A'f 6SCB ALL Ajliii.'M' autoiiiubile mechanic to he able to handle all class of work. Wire at once. Farmville Oarage & Machine Co., Fariiivllle, North Carolina. WAN ;TEI YOLNvi MAN TO i.- VEST IH.ooii.o TO IN I.OOD PAYINO BCHl.VESS ANn TAKB ACTIVE PART A MI1IUTY I SOOP PROPOSITION FOR TIIK RIOIIT MAN. APPLY -M-tOj. CARE NEWS ANP OP-HiRVEK. LATErxale LAMES- 110 To Jilt WEKKl.i selling sanitary specialty used by women. Whole or part time. -ptRmttrrl work. No .-experience. Free particulars. Arnerlcan Rub ber I'roducts Co., bt's Fifth Ave, PlltsliurKh, Ta WANTED I l MEDIATELY' EXl'KRI enced hand nibroiderers; cro het ers. lieiii.-;titcherB. W' furnish materials. laying lib rally fur making Stamped envelop PruiKs partieular?!. Cit'lcrwo'-d Art Ooods Co, i'oi turnout li. Ohio. MKN OU 'MEN'copYl N'T LE f -t'Td. mailing clr,-ular. etc . st home all or spare time Hi; weikly liirome for hone.,1, sircere persons, experience unto-, Splrndld tiaveaiiiK posaioria oi'en. er let bu reau, kit, Isabella BIdg, C'blcagiv HIRES- I. EARN MILLINERY. HE lndepeii4twit. - peinand for milli ners increasing daily Making and trimming t-iughl by Artltlc Milli ner In 4 In weeks. 115. FlMi Luialile dressmaking and de iKlilng i.". Sparks Cractnal Millinery College, ', Whitehall. Atlanta, Ca f2t"TvvEEkLY ui." KascTnaTI.v; eruiiio) nieul mailing circulars at home now open A-isoi line travel ing positions; eitber sex. experi ence unnecessary Writ' tjuok foe work. Workers Service Co-,' Dept. 77, Jacksonville. Kia. Wtii EN ;7i: ls.-ov ElVi ? . ijtf? P. S. (7o eriinieiit steady Jobs. Commence 110 nnth. Common eilucation sufficllflPi. List po sitions free. Write Immediately. Franklin Institute bin -11. Rot-luster. N Y. 1 lHV'KAIt" PAl D-WomTA. r. a. gverninent. nieady positions Coialooil educntlon Apply today for prot ositions. M-tUi. caie News an J ob..-erer. Wo.MEN- EARN IIO DAILY i.ih trlhutiiiK woiulerlul Ad lher. by Or Tierce, loo. p;:jies beautiiully Illustrate.). Cofoltts secretH of marriage happiness ot ten revealed loo Kile. Send ttlt-posl.-j;o ior complete selling plan including doth bound volume and . detailed instructions. No e.vp,ri- ence lieoeisary Address Mcdinl Press. 4t Washington St. Buf falo. N. Y. ' T II. .SERVICE KTAiU.N A IloN'S RaleLnh. November. Position-noo-lt00. Age 1H upward Experience unnecessary. For free partieulais, lli..trut to ns. write J Ltonurd. tformvr C-.vIl Service examiner! D':7 Eiuitabl lildg , W ashiiifcton. D C pi n 'Tii i", A v s iTnV Ti 7 e a -t n e k ! ed. Working i:i:l paid lie. 000 ior idea she thought worthUss Details free Write Producers League. Tli St. Louis W A N i ' E D:E XPEltlE N ,'EI'i tPNl latly steni-icraplo-r .-.:tae,!e ,tf k- eping single entry set of books Jjfim ""Crlle, a legible hand Stat.; age, man led or Miii;le. relVretv e and when work. Thit ptisltlon w ith one of I est firnu in Raleigh. Po not ;.pii:v uni- i. extierienced, ss do not w int a be ginner. Adttresa P. o. Pol 10M' Raleigh. N C. HELP WANTED Male and Female HELP WANTED MALE FKMALrT MAN OR WOMAN WANTED, SA1. try 3( fall time. 7ir an hour spare time, aelting guarsntek't hosiery to wearer. Exptrielit" unnacrsaary. A-1SS International Mills Norrtstown. Pa . w a NTEi" vbUK'd "man" o r"Ta f t is-o; high actittol-cullege liain Ing work In offlc. Small salary learning business Promotion to ll"0, when qualified L-4oS, care Nuwa and Observer. TEACH EttaT WANTED TEACHERS WANTtD HIOII school laacher for bcience an : French or l.atln in rural high school; teacher for grades five t eight Inclusive In two teathee school, teacher for primary grate and piano In three teacher school. Herbert W. Early. Windsor, N C VANTK! TEACHERS FOR RCKtl. scfirloll "bT JoHnston county Pv State aalary schetlule. Teachers must have certificates. Apply W. - H. Hlppa, bmtthfietd. N. C. POSITIONS WANTED I'OL'NU LADY WISHES POSITION aa music teacher In school In January. Beet testimonials. Ad dress M-403, care News and Ob server. W A NTED f'OSlTiON BY E-f'(!l'U-enced nurse with Invalid,. -Address Box 117. High Point. N."C. WANTED PoSlTIOjTAS 8ALKSiAS In dry goods or shoe store. Six years experience t'aa give, best of references. M-402. car News and Oberer. Wante"d bt yopnu maM twBS ty year ( age, a position In Clothing, grocery or shoe store as clerk. A good worker and enn- seniaL Prlc aot U object. Give in a enanc now. M-ivL, car STOP WISHING FOR SUCCESS , GRASJR' IT 1 iff Opportunity Never Sleeps in News and Observer Want Ads 100,000 Interested Readers Daily Jt9?!IL0J!fsw-A!?JED. Yol'NU MAN WITH LITERARY and business education wants clerical work. Can furnish best of reference. Have over two years experience. Address L-410, care News and bsever: roTfN7iiXN"TEsi"R:s A position AS MAINTENANCE MAN FOR DIRECT CCRHENTS AND GEN ERATORS. REFERENCE FUR NISHED. ADDRESS BOX 111 JACKSONVILLE, N C. MIDDLE A'iED MARRIED MAN desires position Have bad ten years experience as salesman In general store. Also three years In hardware store Best of refer ence furnished. Addrvss Box 123. Fairmont. N. C. POSITION WANTED AS A FROM' man in drug store. Two years experltnre, ID years old. Best ot references. P. o. Box 102, Linden, N. C. ' EXPERT ACCoCNTANT WITH 12 years experience and executive abltty desires connection with large htm it corporation by Jan.lss Young man thoroughly familiar with corporation ac counting. Don't answer unless you hav a fcood proposition. Address L-406, ears News and Ob servvr. WNlVTPTTTNiiriniJf'E I ! 1 N"- ..ttindtnt fpr l!'-2 on large farm on Improved milh'iKiit'.' gr'-'WIfis, rot---ton. loOact o. peanuts, corn, sweet and Irish potatoes am other cr.-ps l-.,pt i lero t-,1 In trotting bright tobacco, can manage labor, llonfst siol sober Can furnish A No. I references -Will work for part sairry and other part on copim't-sion. 1. In.l. care News and observer W'AN'll D Posf-fic iNAS I'ASlilKft or a,! ist. i:. t of sniii.l b-inli by younif married man. Aildres L-ta2. c-xre Nuw and tloo rver. I .A D V I ioK K t : 1 . P I : R S'T E NO' i". rapher. tiv-e yttjirs expeilentie. de sirts posit 'n wheie hard woik is ai'i'.- t i lted. Pr fer btitikwrirk in wb'iL- tie bu'ii'ss A'blriss "H l(.'i" Cam of the News and observer. SAJLESMEN AND AGENTS NO DILL TIMES SEl.l.l Ni i Ft MID. People lnu-A eat. Fiderul dlttilb lltors make lis piollls U.lHI't 00 yearly anil up Nocpltal or ex 'p rlenAe neeiletl. 'iuarantod sales, uliM'id n'tnls ean, be" returned v,uiir name on pr(drirtj builds your own business --repeat oitlt rs sine. Exclusive territory. Write Ktderal Pure Kood C" . ChicaKO. AOENTS ColNIN'l MONEY SEI.L Inc L'nlversal rial Saver for ever'y i:as stive Won'l-l f ui device Cuts gas btM In half. Big protlts. Utile iinck. K 11 Moon, lias Saver Company. Toprka. Kgnna. THE KENVoN CO HAS A FEW opt n ten it-tries for next scatt ti, bemnnini: I ember Inrpest loaniiLit-tuiers tf advei tlsins: Plaits in the world, also Krl and business calendars and novelties; forty-sltth hUttt-fslul year, ex clusive t-rrltttiy. Lueial conim.s sloiis. write goo I. '1 he Kenyoil Co. Inc., lies Moines, iovea IF Y ' 1 1 "w A NT "fl I CIIR ISM A S money get l.isv with our flue gilt p; t k.i s tl.-t evei vl.odv bins Something appropriate lor vvt'ry in. nib i r of f tiiillv Toilet and rhaviiii: sets, etc Sales iiuifk. many to a family, lug prollu. Big riish on: E M Davis Co, Pt pi. 76J. Chicago. A':K.VIS MtlvK IliKI wl-EkEY from ntw ttt Clapr;,tt:las t onnet t viuirff-f wtlli a rapitl-flre sales rttpo- ill. n. R i!at -ats in irr'-at-est dtmnnd throimh tall ail xv 1 ti -ter months. B.g t otiuntssions in ativancc No delivering or collect ing. Conip'i -te ttutllt itl.d cample coat free Wr1!.- quick Liberty R.T.-oat Co. :il Lit.vrty Ride, Day t-'ii. Ohio SELL AI'To TIRES. Sir. I'll W EEL- Iv Ou irant, e uilh each tire Ji'iJ'j costs 17 SS No capital or expt rieio't rftc:nd Bo: oppor tumtv to esialilish pet inanelit. pro!. tab!" business. Samples f-ir- nished free. Uetliord lire Vnc tory. :i0l S Michigan It: lid, Chi caco. .SALESMAN TO "t'oVKit LOCAL let.ilory selling tlealera (.luar flTi'c tl sa'a-v tf 1 1 ott.oO per Week for r:v;fit !y"ll. Uiu lvch Co. I'uO Fifth Ave. New Y t r N Y MAKE M i' Tn I jO" Oil I'lllv month distributing SpeidoMne: east, permanent vvtirk. extltisive territory, aiitttnubiee free WT'te for r-srt culat s, Sfiet tl-dln Co . Pept. I."J. Pallas Texns. aT: eVi's : KE.Vi71.IO K Y - nlCk R if Every woman, buys 3 piece. Thomas Aluminum set SUnray flnish. 1.7 g.nutne Mm. A. Rogers ni.-kel silver teaspoons free.. Tiioina M;g Co, Poor 47. Day ton. tO!l At i E N 1 " "XKVV TC ARAN 11 1111' hoslt rv pvoposit lt.fl Wins year or replaced free. IS .v-i) an hour lo Workers. Sample free Yloiras .M.'g. Co, 127 Thomas BIdg. Day ton. hlo. SPECIALTY MEN TRAVELING ; Norta Carolina terrltoi v I v a"'o cioliug tire antl viilcsnizisK sh.s gaiage. seivice stations s-, nr. sales rlKhts on Alr-L'ft-.tM-k ton per D9 lbs air pi , s sure, op. rates Ilk Inflating lire p. mt rsirstion sells j out of t a Immediately. Retails Jii lil'.rsl conim'ssittiis. W rite f or lit t -ture and proposition, giving pi o-duf-Uorft and financial references and territory dt sired Ni s lllni: territory or rights but want busi ness men who can finance s,-lt m. No catalog or mail order wanted Sfalght. legitimat and practi cal, no Wallingford scheme H K Smith. V. P. A'r I'roducts IV, c!o Mohawk Rubber Co., lo;S R. Mirhigan Ave, Chicago. ACTO ACCESsUliJtYtlENTS W ANT. ed Auto signaisj easy satcn Big rroltts. Experience not re quired. Presa fot brake flashes brl ghtred livjht SToP In rear Tfrritory free. Manufacturer, 1191 Bcrger BIdg, Pittsburgh OlM VKNDINO MACHINES. WE bar territory fur liv hustlers placing machines cn plan that costs merchant nothing. 115 to II dallv If you will work. Box lo. Lowa City, Iowa. A'TPNTS MAKE-17 J A WF'ErThi 811111; 4 averag Cresco Rain coats a day. Outfit free. No de livering improved Mf(. Co Pept, II, AfMaoa. Ohl, aac - SALESMEN AND AjCEJNTS ARE YOU AN A lull l-SSI V K. AM liilious, hustler unafraid of work'.' Does 1200 weekly Interest you? High grade honograph lines has vacancy ior commission man who la a producer. Liberal, safe con tract to dealers. Bog 417, Iowa City. Iowa. SALES All E NTS C AN MAKE 1'J In ll a day selling Cresco New leather utility bags and water proof aprons Improved Mfg. Co, Dept. 7(1, Ashland. Ohio. AOENTS NEW J1EFY CUAN'iE nble signs. Bensatlsnal sellers. Big piolits. Every merchant buys. Write today. Peoples For trait, Station D.' Chicago. A BUSINESS" OF "YOLK OWN: Make sparkling glass nunie plates, numbers, clieekerboards, medal lions, signs, big. illustrated book free. E. i'ulmer, ltilWooster, tl AllENTS: "WONDEIIKCL SELLER sue prullt every dollara sales. De liver on spot License unneces sary. Samples free. Mission, Fac tory 7, ;M W. Pico, Loa Angeles, Calif. A'iENTS; FASTEST AND BIC.OEST selling line toilet articles and ptittiinee ever matle. Men, wo men making big money. Samplo snd terms free. We tttrnish snni- ile catte. Tyaon Co Desk A, 'arls Tenn. :r t.Bsi an" wS-N'I e'd to vTspf small lours. .Mention ago. refer ence, utpt-rlcnce and salary ex po ttd. Liberty Beverage Co, St. Louis, Mo. SALESMEN TO SELL FULL LINE of crockery, etiamelw are, glims ware, alaiiiinuni, etc. Also t-ssh Job lots decul aled odds and eltils, and Job lots of white crockery and eiiameiware. 1-tiir conuinsMoti paid pioinplly. Baker Pottery Com pany , St bring, Ohio. SELL 7v lii C ii EC KS7"E V E K VllODY buys, ijne sent 21ic. (.let sain pLe. Slnrt working now. tl. o. Walker, 1'. o. Box sOa, Salisbury. N C. AN l.M'SLAL OPPtlRTUNlTY F"R a man with canvassing ability; I'i0 w eekly. Sloady employ iiicnl. Write Oeneral Manager, lH-pL 111 1, lot! Pennsylvania Ave, Baltimore, Md .iALESMAN YYAUi; hELl. ECOX" ou.y line, calentlars, bank supplies, x'hritmas greetings, fans, clulli good-, signs, aiiverlisiu special ti'S. More prospect I ve customers than lor any other line on1 the market; more . eaitliy sold. Mar ried men, well educated. good con, illusions weekly. Must trve tlitiro time and furnish A No. 1 relerences; established house Petldlers keep off. Sale Manager, Eionuiny Advertising Co, lowa City, lowa. ri ELLN EC ESS Pi'i E&EVE ftYUoDY needs and buys too "Business liunle." Biyant cleared Mia In J days, t.utelius iaoo In 20'lavs. S. i d r. r s.implr It's free. Nirli ols c, No p, rv ill... Hi. MEN (OR W O.M EN) W 1TH "KB TO visit schools, IliiO salary and lib eral commission. R. O. Evans Ac Co, li-a, E. Harrison St.. Chicago A'.l'.N'IS: v,o-:oo week FLEE samples. OolU sign letters. All) one can put on store windows Bo; tit n.aii'l Liberal offer logt ti cis! a-frnt-t M.-talilo Letter Co, ill N Jark, Chluv-go. at'l.ici'i iO'iIL.N in For LAit,r-T ' ctill.-cilon a,;enc.. llOOI'll weekly easily earned. Apply Immediately for valuable t.-rriiury. Illinois Adjusting Corporation, 127 Mo. I it iirooi n. Chicago.. A'iENTS. KoNDEUH L SL'LLINli ill t I,-, li .t .1 by ev t rv .ne , sella tin sikht Frte sainplis anil paitleu. Ian o t p. Co, li E. saratuns Si. Baltimore. Md. INCREASE" YoT'lt P!vFl;i'SSEi7L- ing s-'it pi. perfumes, extracts, t tc . as side Erie Lacajt.sian Co. Iiept. 641'. St. Loins. Mo. CllEWlN'i l.L'M E LI 7 Tli ST'tTlt E: profitable buslnesa built up ituickiy; Spearmint and popular flavors in novel packages. Write today. llelimt Co. Cincinnati, Ohio. LARUE SHIRT M ANI'FAC niREK - wants agents to sell complete line of sail is direct ti wearer. Ex clusive patterns IJi value Free samples. .Madison Mills, MS Hi ti.itl vv ay , New York. a i Tents "ma k e $ 2"t r i op.hT.y selling our new t.cuiitiful $1 com bination for oil,;, agents price only sc. Easiest, quickest seller ever offered tinted Soap Works. Tl Park Place. N. Y. HUSTLERS CAN .SELL 600 ALLAN Allpurpose costs between now nnd New Year Feinberg. sold 4s In S days, Cahlll IS. i days, others doing aa we.l. Clear to'OO by Christifias. Write ipilek for free selling outfit, only "mi more representatives needed Allan Manufacturing Co, Pept. 3d. Louisville. Kentucky AN EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY ftor u hustlii.g aggresjrlve man to act as. .county agent. Big money corind selling our hlgn giade line of roofing, paints, lubricants, specialties, etc. We are one of the largest .concerns of Its kind in thn tountry. Write for further particulars. The Certi lle.l .Materials Company, Civ eland, Ohio. At i EN IS sue "AN" HOUR ft. AD vertis, and diatrlbuto samples tn cocsuumr,., Write quick fur te-rn.-tory .and part'lcAiiari.'" 'Aiisirt Mills, ;en. Mgr. 'Itfl Amfraa lildg , ' ' nrlnnatl, filuo. " " ' .s A LESM AN- Sl'lLlT DlTpkiNT'O niitomatlc stop iji;nal. Operates on brake rod. Twenty thousand signals In Cleveland alone. Mnn with auto preferred. .JExoluxive rights. Quick sales. Large Com missions. Depcndo Stop Signal Company, 4109 Euclid. Cleveland, Ohio. LET PS SEND "YOU ABSolW"? proof that new beginners make Is to 111 a day with our special ' advertising offer of a well known S3 household article for only HI cents; no experience or cap,U-a,l required; spare time workers making 11 to II an hour. Write qiulck. Eastern Company, . pept. N-4, Box; 117, North Postal Sta- tlon. Boston. Mass. WATER PRt K WH IT C1 "it EN APRON'S -t-Seli for 110. Over half profit Free samnle. tlrm-Tnn. Ill ' stout Broadway. It, il, Ma, . SAJLEENJV-ND AGENTS S A LESM E.N EXCEPT li iN A L op portunity for few salesmen who write at once. Live men now earn ing 110 tjy 1100 per day. McPleery Calendar Factory, W 'Slilngton, WE" START YOU WITHOUT A dollar. Soaps, Extracts. Per fumes, Toilet tlootls. Experience linnetessary. Carnation Co, Dept. 357, St. Uiuls. CAPITAL DESIRES SUBSTANTIAL Investments oiilNidtt Europe. Ad dress North Europe Trust Co, 116 Victoria Street, London, Eng ine, d. B U SI N ESS ENTERPRISES Fi nanced by saie of stocks or first mortgage bonds Commission basis. Repay over years from earnings. No delay Write full particulars. Edward Roberts, 12 N. LaSnlle St.. Chicago, 111. I.AROH SHIRT MANUFACTURER wants agents to sell complete line of slilrts direct to wearer. Ex clusive patterns. Big valuta. Free samples. Madison Mills, 103 Broadway. New York. "CTJT E I is U ITS" "l 'o R "T'TTlLDR E N sweeping country like wildfire. Nothing like 'em No competition. Every general -store buys. Big commission. Write today. "Cutee milt." Factories (3), Cincinnati, Ohio. AllENTS SELL MLNIT.M END JTOK tires and tubes; cost 2c repair; surpasses 'vulcanizing;' saves ' 800 per cent. Every auto and acces sory dealer buys, l'rolits atnax Ing. Shaw made 121 first dry, llnrt I1H6 first week. Particulars and free safiiple. The Continen tal Rubber Co, Dept. 32. Phila delphia, Pa. T i7( ; "i rofi t"s B s Y. duplMx! transiornier needed on every auto. Saves gas; easily sold; ex clusive distributors wanted, .lu bile Mfg. Co, 2:i(i Sta. C. Omaha, Neb WANTED. LIVE AtiKNT IN EVERY town In otate New invention. Auto Signal sells on sight. In dorsed by police everywhere. Inter-State Auto Signal, Brown & Propst, Distributors, Lexington N C. WE HAVE AN EXCEL lent --opportunity Ior a bright, vv idea w nke, Ilir(rres sive salasman to repriseiit a reliable manufacturer In North Carolina. Salary and bonus with expenses ad vanced. In replying, glv' ref erencis, past sates ex perience, age and telephone number to insure prompt interview Mail iippllaalions to Mr. M. Ehrlich, care Y'arborough Hotel. NiiW oil. LAMP BURNS 94 i'lflt cent .'ilr - S. Y. Jobiisoii. SS: Alad din BIdg . 14 Wiir!ilm;ton Place. New York City, Cie Inventor 01 w-oliderliil new oil lamp that burns I'l pi r lent n I if und bt ats gaa or elecirit Uy, Is offering one free tothe, first user In each lo cality who vi lli help introduce It. Write him for particulars. T 1 l T TnT t r.oi ;iv 1 n": U rc, Lit w heel for l'-' i .Is K. tail j j; :,n Easily 1 11 st 1 i le tl. l!i toininu siona. Easily sold. Make 10 JlO'i weekly. Exclu-lve territory Hnrklcrond. 2204 Michigan, Clil cago .E0R0 soli TP: its T."! war" Htiok contains many jiic.tures of colored troops. 7H0 Jiages, 'inly I2.ill. ct'-ryliody buys; agenLs making Pi's a dav ; bn; hit, semi 2.".c ior oiittil to publ.jilier. Jen kins I'ubiishing l'o, Warder BIdg, Washlimtou, D. C. W AN'I'ED A ( , E N'T S " i'l T T A K E OR ders for nes.v cctisns lil.ltia. No itelveriiii:. A.iditss K-loT. care News lllitl Obscrv'cl. SALESMEN WANTED BY THE world's largest company special ising in accident and liealtli in.sur ance. To men with soiling abi(ty a spleinliil oiitioruinlty to build a protitublr bu.s)uc: s is offered Cash compensation and H'leral renewal com.iii-.ii us. Apl'lv lo Johnson ii Atlams, Sulltbeaslern Manac.-rs. T.ll Bond lililg., v ashing ton. D C. ALL MEHVHAN'IS, WHoI.ESAL ers. ret. 'ili rs are prospect rot new- patititoil necessity. Creates Il'W business. Pays for ILelf I'lstl-lct manager wantid. Re ulres taOO lo ll.l'HO ctpiial, oftei lllg IH'.OO-O l.ossilii'itlea. neit. six inonths. Marshall, hlb floor. Reaper Blocl;, Chicago. atilTi'BR'c'E.S T" PR' 'KIT "M i'l N'TC Nl 1 women clearing hunilrcds Weekly. New washing cumpound. Won derful siller. Big repealer; na ture's tpightlot cleanserr D.iO other use? l-'ree sannilt Mitt'h- ell. 1306 E list, liept. 340, Chi cago. r- I ! 0 U . 11 00 CoP.Pl 1 H A T I O N W ANTS callable man t.i u)ien office and manage salesmen for higti-cia s new devlci. Costs $2 Oil ret ilia la. 4)0- fiery home a, prospect. Pig money -making po&slliiiities for right man. opening in every I'lty. lioo to I2ouo necessary to finance exclusive agency. Scolf 83 W. Washington, Chicago. CAPITAL! I SPECIALIZE IN tlnnnring meritorious business en terprises by selling stocks or first mortgage bonds. Strictly commission basis. Mall full par's- titulars In first letter. John Trier, 1S2II Eddy St Chicago OFFERlNd FOR Ai,'Ll E N"Ti7t m"11) paying cash grocery in Smith field. Stock and fixtures Inven tory four thou sand. Annual business eighteen to twenty-four thousand. Must sell tiiick lo en gage In other business.. If In terested and mean business, writ Frederick 11. Brooks, Ally, " Hmit.llield. N. C. HCFINESS MEN, PROMOTERS, OH g.uilxtrs and Assn. Ho you want money? CreatJ a trust estate: is sue bonds, stocks, trust c-rls , debent. Notes, Legal In all states saves taxes fees, blue sky rpts Live sales force. Inf. free. Natl. Org. Co., HI W. Washington St, Chicago STATIONARY OR BPSINEs"S1iT ness wanted. Wanted to my for rash a well established sTiHrrwry or jewelry business, murt bear closest Investigation. Uiv full particular In replies. C-4V3, tvaj .w and 0 bwjgi, Business OPPORTUNITIES MEXIA OIL MAP FREE FKOiH Oroesbeck to Corslcana. New and accurate. Shows all the new gushers. Names of leases and when obtainable. Names of Issses sent free postpaid and w ithout ob ligation Thia map relaila for It. 00 Learn all ubout the second Tam pico and Its 23.000 and 50.000 bar, rel wells. Cusrler and Ertel, litf Scollard BIdg, Dallas, Tex. PHILADELPHIA RE PRESENT A live and mail address la.oo monlh- ly. Shumway. 2Mli N. 25th, Phila. FOR SAlJ-l IN MAGNOLIA, N. C, brick store, 27xS0 feet, Carroll at Sultabla most any kind of busi. ncss. Also large frame two story building. .12x10, corner Car roll and Railroad Streets; used now by Furniture Business. One 16x60 frame store; one twenty by sixty brick building, Railroad St, now used by Post Otbce. Will also sell part or all Interest In well-paying mercantile business, town of 700; excellent back coun try, good churches, schools Reason for selling, bad health and age. This proposition will stand closest investigation. Address M-I'il. care News and Observer. TiTTsTNEss. Bi-s-TiNEss. buslness Is what you make it, quit grunt ing and get busy if you want to sell or buy property, see ,uv we do both Phone 162 or cnll out office. Huteigh Real Estate and Trust Company". J STORE. STOCK OF GOODS, dwelling, at Now Hill. N C. We have for sale store, stock of goods, dwelling and several val uable vacant lots In New Hill. If you wish to go Into buslnesa. It us hear from you. Terms. Ra leigh Real Estate and Trust Com pany SOMETHING DIFFERENT. Barnes-Graves Cafe, oppo site courthouse, Wilson. N. O. Service unexcelled, cul slns unsurpasjed. Every thing splc-span end as olean as a pin Special altvntloa given ladles. I20.00I PER LOT AND OIL ROT alty made by Investm'ents In Texas oil town lots. 13 may start yo on an Investment to make a fortune. You obtain deed to lot 50x135 ft. in established town on main line .-tjoutibvjrn . Faejtle rail road within slgat of 'oil . field, making 18.000 barrels (Tilly. Well now starting on edge of townslte. Write today for information. Morris Investment Co, let, Nafl Hank Blilg, Houston, Tt'xas. F ' ill S ALH1 " "T.TVE lioTfl.lNG PLANT IV TOW N i IF FOl'H "THOUSAND. NOW POINO COOP BUSINESS, WILL SELL WHOLE OR HALF INTEREST. REASON FOR SELLING HAVE OTHER INTERESTS THAT REQUIRES ALL TIXfES. L-405, CAUK NEWS AND OBSERVER. HAVE FIFTEEN HUNDRED 10L lars will invest In some well es tihllMh'd business, will take ac tive interest in business. Stat nature of busrtiess and how long e.'t,ihlished. K-4I0, car Mews and Observer PERSONAL LIKE HOROSCOPE LEADINGS, past, preseht. future Educa tional life chnYt. three questions answered. Send Ivirthdate, lock hair. 6iV Dclnora. the Great, 464 N. 12th. Pisilad" Iphin. .MEN -V"or""TiToRi 'I S. I'lE'VELOP iMint use marveltiiis "ital Power -V-ryuuni iMvclop.-r ' 1 n f orni.if Ion free. Box 62 1 A. Springfield, III. MEN TiE FREE No"vVOF rlaTT-d'-r. piostate trouble, piles and constipation. No drugs, diet, massuKe, or bp, ration. Simple, painless tieatiKent at homo. Yov: vv ill be helped at once, or no charge. Free booklet.. ..Electro Thermal Co.. 361 Ba,lrd BIdg, Steubenvlll.. Ohio. CA N( '"E1LS. T'i.c E RS'TND CHRoNfiT years my work has proved a sue. cer.s nnd blessing lo many suf fers. Mrs. .1. L. Broughton. 12J Cox avenue, Raleigh, N. C. Phone ;.;xi (;.LLST(iNES: PHYSICIAN EX pi lifts r-itnple, ef.ecti.e treatment for tnilnmed ta I lliladder and lute ducts afsociaicd with gali atoncs Booklet free. Dr. I'ad d . ck. Box E .' 2 1 ' 1 , Kan sas City. M te OCR PRIP ACID SOLVENT. "A nua-ter for a quarter'' an outside application relieves pa n by dls siilving the poisons in the blood. Trv for aching, sore tender fed. stiff swoJie.ii Joints, ulcers, vari cose veins, '.sores of all kinds- M irwese Chemical Co, Norfolk, V'a. Ai;enls wanted. ASTiiou m;Y."sta lis TETiTTTFifs story. Send birthdate nnd dine for trial reading. Eddv, Wesi P"rt St, 33 4S-A. Kansas City. Mls-onri. Pit' 'STATE AND BLADDER TROF ble, pilts, constipation qulcklv painlessly treated. No knife massage or dieting Simple, pri vate home treatment. BoosTTetT' free In plain wrapper. ElerTro Thermal Co. 362 Balrd BIdg., Stellb, nville, Ohio Tobacco and sntff habit cured or no pay. 11 00 If cured-. Remedy sent on trial. Superb Co, W. ;7S, Ilaltlmorev. Md WANTED ALL CANCER VICTIMS to know It Is ; ( NEVER TOO LATE FOR ME TO HEI.P THEM My tr.itmnt gives Imme d ste relief In all manner of cancers, external or Inter nal, without knife, pain or p'vster. Will go anywhere, glv fre treatment and toll doctor about It for expense. DR. DAN HARRIS F&yetteville Street. Over Ber aanger 13?' jialeioh. h. o. PERSONAL EPILEPTICS: WOULD YOU CARE to leara about saw ratloaal treat men t for Immediate relief of Epl lepay, positively stopping sets tire from first day' use. Information- frs. "Specialist," Drawer B 111, Leader. Wyoming. SPECIAL NOTICES IEMST1TCHTNO AND PICOTlNfJ attachment. Fit a any aewlag ma chine, 111. Buttonhole attach ments for any machine, tl. Mu tual Sal Co, Boa tit. Charlott. N. C HEIRS WANTED ' Wlaatnr "heir and aext of kla ar being sought thoragkout the world. Maay people ar today living la comparative ' poverty who ar really rich but do aot know It. To may be on of them. Send for 40 page clollibouad In dex Book. "Missing Heir and Next of Kin,' contain ing carefully authenticated .Hats of missing heir and unclaimed estates which hav been' advertised for, her and abroad The In dex of Missing Hell . of fer for sale contains thous ands of name which hav apearcd In American. Eng lish. Scotch. Irish, Welsh, German. French, Belgian. Swedish, Indian. Colonial ' and ether newspapers, in serted by lawyers, execu tors, administrators snd courts. Also contain Bat of English and Irish Court of Chancery and unclaimed dividend lists of Bank of England. Your nana or your ancestor's may be In the list. Send on dollar (11 oi at one for book be fore the Ith edition Is ex hausted. Established 1811. INTERNATIONAL CLAIM AOENCT DepL IS. Pittsburg, Pa, PRINTED ENVELOPES, NOTE cards, statements, bill heads, etc, 11 per 10 12 per toe, 3 78 pur 1,000. satisfaction guar anteed Williams & Company, 401 Church street, Greensboro, N. C APCTIoN SALE. NEW HILU WILL on the 26. November, sell the store house, stock of gncds. and dwelling, and other property be longing to J. H. Ragan at auction, fine opportunity for sorne men to get Into the mercantile business Will sell all regardlrss of price Raleigh Real Estate and Trust Company. BIG AUCTION SALE IN PIKE vllle. N. C. Wednesday Novem ber 18, 10 a. m. consisting of six house, on hotel, twelv building lot, nine stor lots, nl one sale and llrery stables Barbecue served at hotel. Pand Music free. B. F. Bartlctt Gold boro V ( ftf-iTin- MERCHANTS NOW IS the time to turn your slock Into cash Let us conduct a special sals for you. Write United Sales and Service Co, Box 1293, Nor folk. a. VULCANIZING. WE PAT TRANS portatlon one way on all tire and tubes, snipped us for re pairs. Capital Tire Co, C.uartm teed Vulcanising 131 East Mar tin St. - RHODES HOTEL. GREENSBORO Near Station, ete.-xm heat, clean beds: moderate cost. .NWAirf"''WB SERVICE. IF you need services ot one, why phone or call at our office, at your service. Ilalclgh Real Estate and Trust Co. ADVERTISE- IT IN TAMFA! If you want to bur. sell, or exchange, advertise your wares ia Tampa and South F'orlda. One -of the Jtibst prosperous regions of today. Always use Times Want Ads. Largest Tampa circulation anil largest dally average want ad line age of any FlorldA paier, sruar anterd to all adv rtls"rs. Reg. ular rat on cent per word: monthly rat on pp"lcatlon. Inquiries cheerfully answered. The Tampa Dally Times, Tampa Fla. ROOMS HOUSES For Rent F'.T-NiSiiEK ROOM IN HEATED house three blocks c.xpitol. Run ning hot and cold water. 40l Nbrth Wilmington street. FoTfKEN. NICELY FURNISHED room modern conveniences. Close In. private family. 401 W. Har gett St. roll RENT .'MAPFJ, HILI. SEV EN ROOM BUNGALOW. BEAU 1 1 ITl.l.f LOCATED. ALL CON VENIENCES. BOX lol, CHAPEL HILL , FOR RENT CHAPKL HILL FOUR p.oo.l COTTAGE. CONVENIEN CES. QUICKLY. BOX 30. Cll.v PEL HILL FOR RENT THREE FURNISHED roorts for light housekeeping. 127 N. East St, or phone 93j-M. ROOMS HOUSES (Wanted) WANTED TWO OR THREE ROOM furnished apartment, with bath Ready for occupancy Dec. 1. Ill 2 1. E. '. W . Box 330. FOR RENT Miscellaneous FOR RENT A SPLENDID TlV'l horse farm, large dwelling house, barns, and garage, large orchard; good location. Apply In person to 1U E. Morgan St. SUITS SPONGED AND PRESSED, three suits for II 00. Phone 132. Perry's Pressing Cluh: PRINTING BOOK. JOB ANP COMMERCIAL Printing. Quality work, prompt service. H S. Ktorr Co. MISCELLANEOUS GET BUSY. SELL YOUR PROPER ty. We have customera for all kinds of property In Raleigh Now, If vou want to sell let us heax'from y6u. Phone 112. Ra leigh Real Estate and Trust Co. RUBBER STAMPS RUBBER STAMPS WK MAKE them. H. St Storp'Company, Ra leigh. N C. TYPEWRITERS CxlRONA THE PERSONAL WRIT tug Machine for business mfru teachers, students. or sale on lv bv the Students Co-Op Store. !!?: JTPE WRITERS. NEW. REBUILT. We buy, sell,, exchange and re- palr r.H makes. 1L S. fito'rr Co. MONEY TO LOAN MONEY SIX PER CENT MONEY on improved Raleigh residential property. Mrs. Adlckes. Commer cial Bank Building. SHOE REPAIRING SEND US TOUR WORK BT PAR cl oost. r-rompt work by care ful and experienced -workmen at reduced prices. Setter's Elee trie Shoe Shop, 14 East Hargett St. Raletsfh. N. C. Want Ad will -asirk WANTED WANTED: USED POsSTAOB STAMPS OnnJ !,. I , . - s r- piw I or stamp rrosa old latter dated before ma, V fil"."0"' Prchavd. E. 0. Park. M i.llswort Ave. Pltlsbnrgk. Pa VVANTE6 A SETTER TRaTSb.3 -'"-"'- aiai ag ana prtce C. W. Edwards. Loxlisourg, N. p. WANTED ON'B CAR LOAD DRT Pin .lab foar or six feet 'atfc. Stat price aad ship. La' ,"t- "X-V car New aad Observer. Vrm HAVE BUILT HONEST VALOht siprs.iiniiur lot the past tweaty-flv yeara Thoa fSUr v of Pleased customer throughout the South. Writ o your wanta Stateavlll, Shew Ca Co, Statesvllle, N. C FOR SALE "rlLSAKL5 AT A BARGAIN. TWO en nouses in in mountain ?."'irJ" ".aroliha Apply to Bag 101, Edgeileld. S. C. FOR SALE DRUG BUST. KES3 IN TOWN OF 11. CENTRAL NORTH CARO LINA WRITE M-401, CARS NEWS AND OBSERVER. iOR SALEFIRST CLASS THRKB chair barber shop with cold and la t.r ,n KOod tov ''cap. Address L-401, car New and Ob erver. FOtt sAue; ONE io'1. fnur iti- u .r built Williams Corn mills, thor oughly overhauled and repalnteu. Mills practically new. traded for larger sizes Guaranteed fine con dition. 20. ;s.o; 24" 1100 0 Rohd. ? ';!' mi " co. FTJr SALE 41, HEAD M?EF AND it registered Polnnd China hogs, lot of corn and rough rS" ln.-"jl",,0r and brooder, cream Separator, 4-hp. gaaehne engine and farm machinery will be sold at public auction to the highe.t bidder for cash at tba William Boy Ian tana in Chatham county. N. C, near Brlckhaven, Vo.i. ,.1? Saturday, November 19th. 1321. at 10:30 o'clock a m. ""'ei ueii. Ulttsboro, N. C. FOR SALE, FvUvTtOcm 01' fodder and about 2,000 pound hay. J W. Oriflln. Garner FOR SALE I'lNE AND OAK WOOD -,.u onw mm siabs In car load lota Write for prices. L. S. Olive, Apex, N. c. FOR SALE 6 COLUMNi fTiVSZ. rough's Adding Machine, I6 00 a barcaln uh.. i o. vv FC'R SALE 7 COLUMN WaLe3 "u.iiiik .vacnine; pesfect con ditb.n, lloo.OO on small monthly Payments Address Box 232. FOR SALE, GOOD SET OF USED BANK FIXTURES, ONE LARGE SAFETY BOX CABINET AVI. ONE LARGE MnSI.KR RANK SAFE .WITH TIME Lock, CASJI OR TERMS. FARMERS BANK- ioNvf lE. TXV C- ROBEB- lOBACCo" IK.GSIIEADING AND staves. Well manufactured. Writ for prices and particulars. R. N Shearon. Hunn, N C. FOR SAI.KiaTl TONS OF il pound relaying rail. Camo Manu- facturlng Company, Franklin Va. Vi in a i i.- Several thousand pound of old newspapers In first claas con dition, suitable for Wrapping or packing. PRICE 2 cent per pound F. O. B Raleigh, North Carolina. Addr. Th News and observes, , Rnliigh. N. !. ENERAL MERCHANDISE BTJSI ns established for thirty year for sale, and store for rent. Pos session given January 1st. 1122. If lntercated phone 82 or 111 or write car bog 117, Rocky Mount. N. C SEEDS PLANTS FOR SALE: EARLY JERSEY Wakefield eahbag plants at I0o per loo, 2oo per or l.a per loco to 10000. Address Oxford iirtihan Asylum. Oxford. N. C. FROST "T'KOOFCABHAOK PLANTS Wakefields properly grown, fin plants, full count, guaranteed, 2ii post paid. 6oc; iOO post paid, 7bo- Plant Farm, Flan. N. C LETTi-CE' CAN ST) W-Sll ip GOOD healed lettuco In I pk. baskets 812 50 per basket, f. o. b. New Bomi. , .Orders tilled promptly. rtrno'a nros , Tvew Rern. N. C. CABBAGE PLANTS EARLY JEK soy Wakeiield, frost proof (11.21 per lOuo, 7ic per 50oi, prepaid parcel ifst. Carolina Plant Co. .JLTleigh.N C. for iAi.E: eaIiiTy JEiTseTT VAakerleld cabbage plants at S0 per DM); J: oo- per Lou j. ur ll.ltl rr loon to lO'iOO. Address Ox ford Orphan Asylum, Oxford, N. Ft R SALE: BEST VlUO ET? EARLx CifARI.ESTON WAKB F1ELD CABBAGE PLANTS TWO DOLLARS PER THOUSAND F O R N. B. DAWSON. CONETOE. CABilAGE-PLANTS EARLY1 jEK" sey Wakeiield. Frost Proof seed sown proper time prevent going to seed. You receive plants day after I pull them, nice snd green. Can ship now from Raleigh, 800 .is.-; 1.000, 1 BO. prepaid pared Pst. R. W. King. Raleigh, Route No. 3 for sale chrysanthemums: From one dollar dosen up. Mrs. A. B. Usxle. 328 East Morgan phone 1 7 ." o . E AR L Y j ERSEY WAKEFIELD cabbage plunts: grown from Long Island seed sown Sept. 27 by man with thirty years experience. I'tif n I. I,ll..l. , A,n ., - - .... .- ... ... .wti-igil, ,,vtru, post pr. paid. 1150. Sprlngbrook Plant Cootttatt. Willi.-.. --. Lipscomb. Rome No. 2 Raleigh. FROST PROOF CABBAGE PLANTS leading varieties ready for ship ment. jOO for 11.25, 1.000 12 0 postpaid. Express collect. II 84) per thousand F. E. Hull. Rook, Hill. S. C N illfil CAROLINA COTTON growers; I have a few bushels of select cotton seed which i- wtii sell to North Carolina planter (In one bushel lots) so. they can get a start. This cotton will make more In the field, than any other, is a Mlt boll; small seed, and produces 41 per cent ll,nt. It Is the last word In cotton. If In terested, write me at one. W. A Slmpklns. Raleigh, N. C. PRODUCE GROCERIES HONEY CHIT1CE CHUNK COMB hxmey, guaranteed pure am. de licious. 10 lb. cans 13.50 by mall, postpaid. E. W. Crabtree, Hllls boro, N. C. LIVESTOCK POULTRY FOR SALE ONE BLACK MAMMOTH bnartand one grade Jersey bull, tiO.OO each Boar will welga about two hundred pounds, bulk is shout two und a half yei.f;i nld. out of a five gallon cow. C, s. Whitley, blantonsburg. N. Q. PRIZE WINNING UEGiSTisJRED and pedigreed Rufua Red Belgian hares. Stahls strain. Folder and prices on request Mrs. V, J. Buigess, 70S Yaguena SL. oreensbori., N. c FOR SALE. TWO WELL-BRED' fog hound bUDa (females), tats week old, beautltyi, ten dollar apn. - at, u. xiaiioa, arasvaa w , w!l f.

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