J NEWS AND OBSERVER, RALEIGH, N. C. THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 1.-1921 IVERSITYIN BURNS TO GROUND Spectacular Blaze It Chapel Hill When Historic Build ing Burns Chapel Hill, Nor. JO.-The Till rerity Inn, a eelebretrd e.rsirr that had spoiled the fampua vie-v here for many years, aVstrnye.l in spertnculnr fir e'trly this nf tcrnoon. It wnt purolias.rfl by tin' University a few year tgi with its ultimate detrnrt'u in vinvr, art-i vra utrd a t drmtittnry. A War viae discovered issuing from under the eaves just after tin' etudonts hdd mt dnwn to (tiiim r. In ,, jiionii'nt Swain ball ami tin- !' r.l mg bouse uyre mfjr arm tue fen tire tudent lidy, shunting at th--top ef Hi Hags, wi on it y ! the Inn. Then fur an hour end a half the aPc eoinmurtitv, stti'leii'.s faculty and toanprnplr stmwl and looked at a Ire thst the cleverest Biovie director, if he had lecn al lowed months of preparation could BOt hare irpil. About 11 Mil dente were hnuard in the lniUling. Everything win thrown out of tin window! at faat as the nrriiparits and their friends could ) it - iron and wooden beds, mattresses, sheets, blanket, clothing, trunks, luiresiiis. botdxi Xhfjr acta -Littered . owt the-grass nf the campus, rrliervt th owaera nrtght hunt it their belong ings as best thejr cuiilil. Tonight, the Undents who llvcl In the plara ara finding -emergency quarters in already crowded liomcs tnd ia tka lirnent of the Vnivrr -Itrty's newest' dormitory. The dumns is estimnted at 10,000 and is fn l!v covered by insurance. This was tin first test the Chapel Hill lire com tsny has had sine it bnnaht its ' splendid red Lafrance engine, and Captain ttoiste'r anil his aim did ei eellent work. Tu save the main part Of the Inn vraa out of the question for the hlsr.e had a big start before the hose lines could be pHt into operation, but the annex strotchiiii.' outh toward the alumni building Was saved. The one story section of brick, which once served as quar tors for James K. Pnlk, presidi nt of tho Ihrrfrrf states, was gutted but the metal plnte reciting Ihe fnet. of the Pri'nidi'ut's vuit tu hi alma Pinter waa taken down hef,,ru llr tire eame near. After Ihe tire hml been in progress for half an hour the spectators were distracted by a fresher novelty. A rniKt happened to issue from a burrow in the ram pus. and tha rrovtd of students, for getting all nbiiut the hlaxc, took after him. The chnsa lasted live Btiniite, during which nobody but ineu whu were actually helping In the flr.v fight and those who were ruefully' looking for their scattered belongings, pxid any attention to the burning inn. The rabbit wna cap It red and afterwards released. Nobi dy knnwa the origin of tha fire It liegHn in a second or third floor room. Mny be a cigarette stuuip was the cause. Another theory is that one of the glgatitie rats that In tested the Inn may be rc tiosibhs. Alliance of Release By Amcr ica, Wells Suggests (Continued Krom Tage On.) verse, la not enough. If the reader will study the position of Australia and of the British eoniuutiueitta in Kaiteru As a, he will aee why it is hot enough. Britain ia not strong enough to risk being Irrt alone as Ihe chivalrous protector of a weak, if renaaceui China. She has her care people ia Australia to consider. Aad beidea, Britain alone aa the nratecter of China after all that ha happened In the past. ... It ia iftoral tt well aa Material help in tuttalninf the new understsnding that tha Britiah will requ re. Threa Cawraea Open fn Paclde Tha plain fnet of the rinfie sit tttoe t thai there ar only three MltM before the world, either nrhallangcd Japanese dour nation la Eaatera Asia from no oa, or a r to prate nt it soon, tr an alii ABM of America,, Britain and Japan, witfc whatever goveTnnien Ch na K7 Atrelop, and with the other Kwara eancerned, thoigh perhaps nrgeatly concerned,-aa alliance I til these, for mutual restraint and Mutual protection. And it la aa aqually plain fact, though 'Tact" erlei "Buah! at the words, that the tradition ef America for hun dred years, a tradition which was (ustahitd ta ker -refusal to come Into "toe League of Sationa, ha been against any eueh alllancea. George Washington's adrlc to hi country teen te aroid "tatangling alliances" aat been interpreted too long na an lhjunctioa to avoid any alliances, en tangling or disentangling. Th ka bit of avoiding aaaociatinn is bal anee of power schemes and tie like baa broadened out Into a general habit of noa tasoclatlon. Rnt alii aaaei which ara not aimed at a com fcon Inemy, but only at a common ad watt not, I submit, within Wt iatcaUaaVf George Washington. At any rate, I do not see how the ilaaraument prepoeala of Mr. Bee fetary Hughes raa possllily b accept ed withoat a Facile aettiement, nor ho that settlement ran be sustain d, Mftept by some sort of alltaaee, (netting periodieally ia eonferenee ta apply ar adopt tha oettiemeat to eh pnrtienlar iaawea u aia art. It Aaierlea ia aot prepared to go as far aa that, then I da aat under otaadth aaUiaalaam at America fat tha Washington Conference. 1 da at aaderataad tha mettullty that . caa eontempInU world dlurmtatetit without at Uast that aaoeh prrriawa -for tha fit mttaa aX fuUra aaa fhrta. ' Bevaidai AjUtraW'Koadod And aJmllarly, I Aa aat aaa km av ttaetaat diaamaMat It Haaiblt ia Xnreae ar haw an etaliaf with Ua aoaaaaUa and laaae al iltaa tiaai there aaa b aoaajbla, aalaai Aaivriea ia prepared ta, bin J luelf ta aa allktara of featbal arataeUoa tad aaeoaiiAodatloa with at laaat rraafa, Oamaaf, Brttala ud Italy, ta taataia a aitillar aertet ef aaa fsreaeea tad adjutunetita. At tha hk af tha fraack r ' ) ta dl ttera la k aa-- , demand I ? a r - 4m..o - 1v,st-t America and Brttala and France against, tt leatt, Germany and Hus aia. The aaeeaaary alliance, to which France tad Britain will pres ently assent, and which America wilt come to recognise aa tha anly way to its peacemaking alma, will ho against ao aae; it ia aa alliance of an entirely beneficial character, an alliance not ta entangle but to release. The dispotltion of tho European dclen.it ions and of the British and foreign ritera at Washington to treat the Idea of America making treaties uf allinnce a oufaido the range nf possibility, aa indeed an Idea t:ibii, seem to ine a profoundly mistaken one. It la "Tact" in i fa eslreinc-t form. I have heard talk of the '"immense inertia' of political ilngmns. held fur a hundred years. For "immense inertia" I would nitlrer wr.te ''expiring impulse." The poliey of non Intervention in sf f urs outside America was an ei-el lent thing, no doubt, fur a young republic m the aclf protective State X is a policy enUr, unworthy of a republic which hn now heeom the predominant Htate in the world NASHViltJHOS'F TO CLUB WOMEN Many Interesting Reports at Council Meeting of Stata Federation Rocky Mount. Nov. 30. Increased and extended artlrlty of elun women nf the State in civic, eocial and edu cflTlnnal service waa aounded in re ports of the varioiia departmental chairmen which interapersed wfth entertainment' feature and special addresses occupied prominent places on the prognim nf tnday'a Sftiinn of the council of the North Cam linn f edcralin of Women'a Club, which opened here last right and will continue through- tomorrow, morn ing. After both morning and afternoon sc;, "ii, unit a luncheon leiuterea at the Woman's club cafeteria by the I'hambcr of Commerce and the Ki anis Club the ennncil members this evening shifted their meetng place to Nashville, special ears conveying them over the hnrd surface highway to that tow late Ihia afternoon. I 'jinn arriving at Nnshville, the riele ustes acre tendered a bnffct flipper by the Civic Ijcngue and tha Friday Afternoon Club at the home of Mrs. Ij. T. Vautihan. The formal evening session got under way at 8 p. m. with Mrs. Vauglian presiding. Nashville Welcome Visitor. The session was ojieoed with In vocation by M ss Nina Collins, after uhieh there was a solo by Miss Made line rltriikland. Nashville then out did itself in extending welcome to the council. Mrs. John A. Winatend ihalrmnn of th woman's committee of tonn aldermen, extended the wel come in brhalf of the tonn, while Meetings were brought from the Civic league hy Mr. It. 3. ftownev from the Friday Afternoon Club by Mr. T. B. itamernn and from the I'nited Ibtughters of the Confeder B-y by Mrs. F.. 8. Hwlndell. Mrs John I H lraer of Winston Pvlern responded In behalf of Ihe visitors nftiT which there Vrna a eolo by Miss kilty Toole. Sir. Vniighan then for mally presented Mrs. 8. V. Cooper, the State president. wh took charge of the meeting and in collaboration w'lh Mrs. Kugene Itellly of Char lotto brought echoes from the tleor gia Federation of Women's Clubs, the session which she recently attended. The remainder of the evening's program consisted of the following mblrrsies! 'What r.very V "man Should Knt," by Mra. R. R. Cotton of Bruce; "Ijegislalive Work of the State Federal ion,"' by Mr. Palmer .lerinan of Halelgh, and "Common ily Co Operation. ' by Miaa Elizabeth Kelly, who Is connected with the Stat Department of L'ducation, In nddil on to being chairman of the illiteracy department of education of the N. C. F. W. C. NEW RULES FOR SHOP EMPLOYES (Continued from Fag Ont.) conld with their employee to rwplae tho federal gnvernnkont rnl Blaadff i weopo. The role effective today broaden the acooe ef each era ft 'a work. The machinist working on running re riaira mar connect or dioronnett any wiring, coupling or pip connection heeraaarr to repair machinery or equipment. This wwrk waa orerloua- ly assigned to electrician and aheet metal worker only. Coder th nw rule, engineer firemen and crsnesmen are not pro hlbited from making tuch repair to equlimfnt oa the line of th' road na they ar qualified to per form. The new rule thu allow train operatives to perform repair work evra thongh it i ordinarily considered shop mechanic work. Boiler makers' hcljer under the new rut are given the job af reaaor ing and repliclng grate, t'nder the national agreement nil rat "rigging work wsj assigned ta journeymen boiler mskrrs. Other Chaaiaa. The classification of the work af the aheet metal worker, aieetrleal workera and ear men ha been changed ta allow torn of tha work previously performed hy them l clnslvcly to be don by their help era nnd to mechanic ia other erafta, where th need of th terriea .re quire it. fader tha nation! agrea mant ear men were exclusively a igned ta wrecking crew. I'ndet the aew rale, wrecking crew ti- eJutlra of tnginaera, fill ha eon paaad af urmea. where tnAtelaat men ara artllablt bat whea aead d, men of nay elaat stay be takea a addltioaal atambart af wreeklnf erewa. Aaather iaspartaat kang affeat lag ear area ia that whiek allow eat'moa laborer . ta diamaatl waodea freight ear heraafter. Ua dat tha aatiaaal agree aeaL aal aaalldad earaeatart vara allewad ta da thla work. Abaat Mm aeat at YtU UU fattWnWaT kwimtiD rHARaurtrr. y. . a ar aaporlaoea, aUa trad ata. Can wrwl.fc A-t raforawaa. aVtal, amra hew a aaT Oaaaraar. WINSTON- A1IM TO lLAT ' 8RELBT AT GRIBN8BORO Wlntoa-8nleai, Mar. tt It waa anaoaneed hare today that Shalay and WlneUn-Saleae Hlgha , will play for tha high ackool football champtoaaala of North Carallaa at Greenaboro Saturday afternaa. The winner wil flay tha Kaatera champion for tha champlonahln of tho fttate at Chtpal Hill aa Pecenaber It. (lie country' freight car nreb uilt of aood. The new rule will permit employe getting t.1.25 to f.U0 a day to do work prerioualy required to be done by car men receiving t5.M a day. . New Apprentlea. Aa entirely new rule promulgated by the board, for tha flrat time, creatia a new type of apprentice to be known as ''special apprentice.'' Previously there hata been only two kind of apprentices in the skilled ihftp crafts, regular and helper' a pp re nt ices. Begular apprentice are youth entering the aervlea be tween the ages it 14 and 21 years and aerving four yeara apprentice ship, and helper apprentieee arc those apprentice selected from the rank of the helper. Hpecial aji prentieea are to be aelcetod from young men between the ages of Id and 2'i, who have had a technical achonl education, and they will be required to erre only three years apprenticeship before becoming journeymen meehnic. Th ihop erafta' employee Involved are the earme-n, aheet metal -worker, blacksmiths, boilermaker and elec trical workers. Many Stumbling Blocks at Arms Conference Now (Coatlnaed from Fag Oaa.) ment" aa a deliberate affront to the Senate and aa a wobble around th constitution in an ittempt to pre vent th rtenate fn.n passing upon the plan. That l'residmit Harding has aald that h would be just as well satisfied to take a nation' worl aa it bonds a to decisions of the arm conference and that there need be no written charter for th asao eiatinn he plans doe not please these Senators, who are bristling up as to any encroachments upon the Ken ate orerlordshlp of foreign rela tion. They hold that he eannot bind the I'nited Mates In these for eun rrlntinnshin matter without the permission of the Bennte, that in deed he could not put into execu tion any program for navy ecrap ping or a ten year naval holiday without both Hons and Ronata an voting and that if legislation n to this did not ui him hi vet enuid be overridden by a two thirda rote. It apeara there is trouble ahead for President Harding a to the present conference and any "amo elation'' that he prnposos. Mellon laaaea "Massl- Order. A predicted In thla correspond chce, the big chief of th Treasury liepartment are taking official notice of the strained relation be Iweea Internal Revenue. Commls aloner Blair and Frohibillon Com mlssioner Hoy Hsync and Rtate menta hay been issued to thta af fect with tha purpose of (topping th outflow of language from. Com missioner Ilaynr and hi working force which ha shown activity In th "follow your leader1' way In which ita member have been pared ing their view befor th puhli in talk and interview given ta tht newapaper. A "munle trder hat earn from th Treasury Depart ment, thia order approved by Beer Ury Mellon, by which "dry" law officials have been told to ' put on the lid" aad quit their too frequent talking aad aritieiim. Prot ita earn from man quarter to tha Sec retary ef th Treasury I bout indit reet art aad wild eyed eUtemeat mad by prohibition officer th balk Dyed Her Tan Skirt to Make Child a Dress Etch package ef "Diamond Dyes" contain direction o (impl that any woman ean dy or tint faded habby skirts, dreue, waist, roots waater, itockiag, hangings, drop trie, everything lit new, Buy "Diamond Dye no other hind then perfect home dyeing is guaran teed, even if you hava never dyed before. Tell your druggist whether th material yon wisk to dy i wool or llk, or whether it I linen, eot ton, er mixed good. Diamond Dyes never (troak, pot, fade, or tan. (Adv.) Persistence tt ll realty a qatatioa tf aaraUtaaa la tariag iaaay. Many f th large! a aat ta aar taring department war atartad wllh tmatl aaaaatai aad. r ttUI grawtag Thlt BTBOKO BA5K ta faat aallmf ia araUtal earing, meal, aftot maath : aad yaar afUf yar. What etaara aa tWtg ywa v- aaa da. Lt a hla yaa aara, Taaf aaaoaat " araleamid. . Commercial Nat'onal Bank B. m. JlBMAlt. tSaatdeat, CT i. infTlnV That fnn I. B. CBOW, Aetjr T-Praa, . , f. aUCkUN, Oaatkra, - p. t timx A ht ttXtTOOlX Aasirtaat rhwt. .; of tha protttta being aald ta havt been brought by th rean i Hacks ma'de by prohibition enforcement f firer concerning" Fedaral aad Btate court, judge hiving been mad the target of criticisms for giving light sentence to offender agtlnat the prohibition net. Ta Cara a Cald la Oaa Day Tak Uxatlm IiHOMO QUININE tablet. The genuln bear th de nature of E. W. Orora. (Be tor you get BROMO.) 30c. (Adv.) SHANTUNG ISSUE UP FOR SOLUTION (Continued from Page On.) specific subject should be consider ed only by th aatlon directly eon earned. Baata CampUeatlena Another complicating eirenm stance is that Japan base her claim to Shantung on a direct grant con talncd in the trety of Versailles which ha been ratified by fire of th nine nation represented here but which China refuaad to accejit because of the Shantung aectlon (irest Britain, Franc nnd Italy also are parties to the eeret trestle by which during the war they promiaml to (upport Japan' claim to th Kino Chow lease. racing thla tangled ltnatlon, the American delegation ia eaid to have felt that th proper way to deal with the question at the present stag nf the Fir Eastern" negotia tion would h through th tender of "good office.' Although main taining llanoa with th conference itself it I expected that for the most (art Ihe negotiation will be carried on directly between th Chine and Japaneae delegate. At tomorrow' meeting Secretary Hughe and Mr. Balfour ar to make preliminary suggestions, hut thereafter they may be repreacnted by authoriaed (poke men at moat of th Japanese Chi nese meeting. Trnhahly the entire Chinese and Japanet delegation will tak part In th discussions, Dr. Vtang said although definite plan may be for uiulated a far aa China ia roncerp ed, at a meeting between Welling ton, Koo, amhaesadnr to Great Bri tain, Alfred Rite, minister to Wash ington and Dr. Wang, th Chinee delegate. From American quarter eame hopeful expressions. The Issnea, It was thought, now eould be taken ui in Washington In an atmosphere more favorable for results. Life Insurance Nft agent try to 11 DEATH Insurance. Did it ever occur to you that all your policies are payable (face value) to com body else, tnd at death only. Did It ever occur to yon that you might live nntll all th reaaon for which you hav burdened voursrlf with Insurance hare passed away and yon ar left alnn with lomebndy about whom yon ears very little who I (Imply waiting for you t die to get your Insurance. But If they knew yon wer going to get five or ten thousand dol lar In cash when you wer AS 'hey Would make the old man's pallet very comfortable, wouldn't Iheyl Our polickrt (aa b illuatrwWd by dt itraight llnMt v If yaw da die, H pya M,H If yaa ara killed, tt nay tlMM If yaa lira ta aaa MR gar yaa M,N Th payment may ha lias Had Bit If yaa baaama t tally dlaabled aa mart pay ments re I rest And la addltlaa th Cam. y will pay yaa IM.N ' par month till yoa dla ar roach aga U aad thn pay yaa IS.Ht withaat any dedaetlea fai prtasi ama yaa have aot aald aa, aar far tha maathly pay mania wa hav Jd : Th Stata Lift), latdiaMpoIia, J. D. Boushall, "ewvl Agaat far Kanh Carallaa RaJaJgh, N. C BRYAN HOPEFUL FOR CONFERENCE (Continued from Pag On) order eim to be issued. A gentle man cam to Secretary Daniel to plead for a young officer who had been discharged from th eerrie fvr drunkenness. The officer waa hi nephew, whom -he had reared, t te totaller until he entered the Naval academy. "You - would disgrace him beceuie a habit which he form ed in hi country's icrvice has lie com his master," accused the Secre tary' risitor. That incident decidei Mr. Daniel. The ground breaking exercise oc rurred promptly at noon, John R. Tolar, piesident of the bord of di rectors of the local Yo'ung Men's Christian association, turning the firit ihovel of earth. -Chnrle 0. Bose, wns in charge of the exercise which closed with the singing of the long metre doxology. Air. Tolar made a brief and p ,preyrj9. address in which he an nounced that the building to be erected would be not only a haven for the young men of Fayetteville but that a portion of it would al ways be reserved for the oldier of Camp Bragg, the National Coun cil of the Y. M. C. A. having mado an appropriation almost equalling th local subscription for that et press purpose. Immnlintcly following th speak ing, Mr. Bryan waa the guest of the directors of the Y. M. C. A. at a luncheon at tlie Myrtle Hill tea house. During the afternoon he visited hi old friend. Major E. J. Hlle, to whom he referred with much affection in his ndlrees. Dur ing the morning hourK, he waa the guest of General A. J. lion ley at Camp Bragg, displaying, much in tercet In General Bowley"! plana for the development of the camp and for co-operation between th city and camp, which he decjared could be of great benefit to each other. Mr. Bryan fonnd much pleasure In visit ing the model stork farm at the camp. lis was a politlciaa hy prae tice, he said, but a farmer inwardly. ot'in"' i"' - a Fl'll if i, i!i " , 1i : V '' ', iM" , ' jiSl4iJlriii: 1 a Siiiiiilillil: liiliisflijlllilii !!'(-'H!!!-I:fi!!'ll!: Ilk fliiii itiii-ifiittifMiiinS:'''' I'-' itifil 1-1 ' WWBSn .ili'nti:!"'?":.:". ;--.:;r!t, il-Lii.lirr;!.!!:;'::;,':!." mil Omit today New Victor Records Decinriilbeir 1921 Swinfin' VkM SophWBrmako Sonff of Um Volga Bofttrnwi " UniUo d Goforn CautlotMtU (D'Ambrono) Violin MiachA thrnail Lea Pechettrt k PeriMOsmme autre om (A la Former Timet) AJU GtUlkCurci Louiac Depuia" ionrtempt j'hnbitaaa oatM ckambr (For a Ixng Time Hart I Occupied This Room) OvOU HaUTold and Ert GaathaeT CanttqvM do Noel (O Holy Night) MarcaJ Journet Tk Lnat Hoar Joba McGartnnck uad Frits Kroialor Patriar-CnnUbflo do Ryaoor (Song of Rysoor) Titta Ruffo Ob Com. All Ya Faithful (Adeata Fwititii Envsttfaio Schunana-Heink Carmen Anonae Naaareth Darky Storlos Iriah Storiat Tbo Vir b'a Unaby AaOMerodLalUby Yow'ro Jtttt tha Typo for a Banfalow Dont Throw Mo Powa My Sunny TtnncatM Am't You Coming Out, MaHadat Sally, Wont You Como Back? Bring Back My Bluabing Rom Roar Dog Trot Banjo Roos Root Banjo! SalMay-FoaTrot Why, Doar?-Fo Trot Second Hand RotoFox Trot ' Hara YoO FortottM?Mod)y Fox Trot My Sunny Tnnoaet Far Trot MaMOnoStcp Tuck MotoSlaop m Mr Old Tocky HomoFox Trot Wabaab Bluw-Fox Trot Kentucky Homo 1 Wboll Bo the Next One lo Cry Oror Yo OnoKiM-Fox Trot Jott Like a Raubow-Fox Trot CaaadUa Cnper Foa Trot timini Bay Fox Trot Saata CUm Vkhs tbo CbiJran-fart f Santa CUm Ykita tbo (Mdraa-Part II CWaan HyM aad CtvrolawNa. i OifiSfmil Hjamt attd CaroU-Ma VICTOR ANOTHER BIG FIRE AT AUGUSTA- GEORGIA Tour firemen Injured and Property Lost of $75,000 Is Suffered Augusta. Go., Nov. 30. Four fire mea wer injured tnd property and stock In of $75,000 uffrd when Bra gutted th Georgia Carolina Pa per Company tnd the Bothwell Gro cery Company here tonight The fire occurred in a chain of tight warehouse owned by J. T. Bothwell. A half hour nfter th fir atarted nil 1 1. - ...Y. n.. . . u i.i. vi, w nun 'iiuun, ' . , w ( H unhci, aa win the Augusta Factory, ona of Angusta' largest cottoa mill, nearby. -Tho conditioa of th injured fira Sure Relief FOR INDIGESTION 6 BtU-ANt Hot water iiH Sure Relief CLL-ANS 25 and 75 Packagat Evacyweiaia 1M Fayetteville Strc --4 Ah.,i, s f jJ ajvi -it mm i " , '- If .1 J - III .. . . .- rV 1. j-iii-H- - - . r.--. ... .. , 1 .r. (Preludt to Act 4) Artaaro -aaap.- , ', ..jv, -rt fr.f-is ,s.-c, ......... ... .- mm ,. ...i.. .,ap. ti : tt :t:. - L - ;r-. , , 'ft F TALKING MACHINE COMPANY "Cartvidrn.lJeruf Jeraey mea it aot retarded a aerioue. They war taught under a falling - brick walL . . ' African tpong diver make four trip a day to tha attaa bot tom. I VJfAW art thing! of tint quality th kind that mtket and holds cus tomer. Quality it tha keynote of their ucces, for wise builder look for karri c rather than at price when judginf ahingie yaluea. TTTEHOLD ihlnglee are tha product of mllli tpeeiallxinr in ahinglea, cuttinc them from live cedar log, quality being the fcrra meat factor in their manufacture. oM dwle addrss -? Js fi VJ 'i fi ft' Pi'Vi'if r:lff::-h:iriJl.:!!sj-:SU- :.a "itrhESIH!;" K: ill " B M:' liSi! !!..'. 1 i:ii: :.: - , . mjmmrzmzwwmmmn at i 11 iniiim i in i wwir ?'m3 im-f iS.'?iV l.M.s1Htf: Soft, 'V ,, Ti., ... .. ,s Taocaoini and La Scala Orchottra RtrinaJd WerTenrath Walter CKaUy WaherCKeUr Merle Alcock Ofiro Knao and LambtMl Murphy Irriag Kaufaiiea Irring Kaurmaa PeetlcM Quartet INerleM Quartet John Stool John Steal "Blaek Face? Eddie Rom "BUck Face Eddie Rom Joaepb C. Smith and Hia ORbaatra JoaephC Smith and Hit Orchestra Paul Wtttemaa and Hw OrcbMtra Paul Whitaaaan and Hia OrcbMtra Tho Betinoa OrcJMstra ef Chicago - Tha Betuoa Orxhentra of Chicago Th Benton OrcbMtra of Chicago Tha Beneoa Otxbeetra of Chicago Htavy Burr and PeerleM Quartet ArthahrrMlda Tha Benaoa OrcbMtra of Chicago Th BenaM OrcbMtra ef Cbkaga , Paul Whiteman and Hk CVchatra Th BtakMat Oixhoatra of Chicago Cohort Ca-ard Cahert Carard Trinity Choir TriaayChoir, ''.. aaalaaa' . (Boston TranVript) Doctor What you need aad wast yoa must bar i change. Patient Then thtre'i as htpe for me, doctor. It will taka ail axy ebanga to pay your bill RedCeder SHINGLES try hand! of TTTEHOLD hiiurt I Ubrfsd wHh th lliskol trarfa fnark tor your prnUctioa. Look tor H nf fubrtlusta. Writ u tor nama od nawrba Tito- an copf ( TltshoM Bookiek rissa ta atarest sSk. CdrroIiiM Vortlnnd Cement Co. C3UIIJEST0", S, C Ma A Lwaber.LbM, Caaieal. F1ttr, Rooflag A BoUdlac ,!w!VJ!!t -it ( 3 ' :1 ,j;t;!!ll. lo 'h'-''.'!.. ..Iri." : ;;..i ;i! iii'i'iiiijiiliJnili'tjif Mfiii'iisi . V. '-.','V ., v'l ' .li-.'-'i. 1 - :!:::::;:il..:tl:.:.lu.::i :i!:;rt;i;Liiii;iilr": ,if" . rt ' B 1 :u;'-; !!::! !ll:ft fift:..:I:TH:HT::Hrlr Number Sire Price 64990 10 $1.25 64997 10 1.25 66008 10 .1 25 74718 12 1.75 74716 12 1.75 74519 12 1.75 87576 10 1.50 88643 12 1.75 87330 10 1.25 64999 10 1.25 74719 12 1.75 45255 10 1.00 45257 10 1.00 18811 10 45 18812 10 .85 18811 10 AS 1 18815 10 JU 1 1881$ 10 ,85 ( 18811 14 J8S 18819 10 JU 18820 10 AS 18821 10 JU 18823 10 .85 18824 10 .85 35711 12 1JS 35712 13 IM .r.; i i i , i i . 'I ' 1 - 7 - ; - i - J l , . . . , i cvmrnnmammnaaBBmnnnK' '.'.iJtBamnmammmmmnaamamm: