3 -v NEWS AND OBSERVER, RALEIGH, NC SATURDAY MORNING. DECEMBER 3, 1921, FORMER DURHAM OMAN KILLED TAR HEEL POET READS ONE OF HIS OWN POEMS Mrs. Morris Pinas Shot By Husband, Who Later Takes His Own Life - Richmond, Vn, Dec. !,-Norrls Pinas, confectioner, 43 years oM, originally from New York, curly to day fatally shot his wife, Mrj. M.iry Plnas, SC years old, formerly Mln Mary Greenherg. of Durham, V "., and then blew out hn brnins with the nnr rerolvrr. f'irianc:,-il trim hlee, relatives Hid, were' responsible for Pitias (t. The theory that the couple had been murdered hy robbers na first entertained when it ilevelnpe.l that Finns, in burin the pistol yester day from a p.nn broker stated he wanted to protect himself airuhistl burglars. Inn (toiinie rragrny ra enacted In a bcl room of fl.it ne cupled by thi couple nt Scfi A Nr.r'h Robinson Street, Mm. I'tnna apparently shot while :ileep, for when found she vis h nij; in b'. with her eye elnsrd Sh" tn stm through the Lead. I'inna' tn.ily m p on the floor. Neighbors (aid that the ro iph 11 tad anolt happily together. T n were married fifteen years fig". Mr Plant wee a sister of Henry f'lnv flreenberg, New Vrk lawyer, anil an aunt of Pavls Brady, another attor ney of that city. ha wis alio a sister of Mm. Re becea Ivenstein, Richmond iittnr nay. who enjnyt tha diatinrtlon of having beta the rait woman to I ' licensed to- practice msv in Virginiir Mra, Lovenatcln ii associated here with' her hufchand. Uenjamin Ixiven atein. former Durham attorney. Mr Pinaa left two other sister. Mr. A. Brady, of New York, and Mrs Hogh tsindstrrne, of Hnltimnre. W,e alto leaves a brother, A, K lirecn berg, of Baltimore, there are ni childern. ' Tha funeral of both Pinn nnJ his wifa will be held Riiniliiy, with buri al ia the, Hebrew remctcrv. '. ' wiiV.i A 1 Hn ii inn in.i mi ma ar n i FREIGHT HE1.I) I P AM) MITH MERCHANDISE TAKEN Buffalo. N. Y.. Ie .- A New York Central freight train held up hy eight armed hamlita and an automobile truek load of nerclinii diae waa atolen between Iiiinknk and Vrrdoiiia Wedneeilav night. a.,, r. ing to a dispatch from Titiivil!e here Ike sioodutlur mvulc hit re port today. who ia the Mm'er of vour Houf iee "The Ma:.r the Hour-v" Aeademy Weennlu'i lAih.l Sinai Thankeglvlng Hoi Marion, Per. '.' 'Die M, Howell County rh.'iptrr of I lie I . D. C. ihlpped a niee lin of Thimkagiviuij "(jooilien'' to the Confederrte Wo man'a Home at Knyetterllle b't veek. Thia rliapter, under the able letdrliip of the president, Mr J. if. ttiikey, ahvaya haw the wnlfare of the Confederate veteran and widowa of the Confederate d.'ad at heart and do many thing to add to I lie i r eoutfort and pleasure WlhMW TahaVeo lala WiljMin, lef. II. It. Johmon, aeeretnry of the WiNnii Ttibaeeo Hoard of Trade, report aalea for tha aenaon to date .''L'l47.."riH pound, nhieh brought au.tlii,7:'u.7. an aver itg of I'Jli.ll per hundred. Kor the eek ending !eeeinbei Ut -,4ti7,o')4 pniiiuU were aeld for ,tm,IHu an aiernge ol fin ier hundred. Sectionalism In History Con demned By Association (Continued from P:ige4ne.i apeaker of tha erening nhiu he let out to differentiate betwe.'n lit erary fanhlon and literary ruluei A ha ejpreaaed hia attitude, he adnpted the plan o' 'he iim who thought that hv liftinn ti i in e,l f off the earth In a balloon, he eonl.l move around the globe b 'n m.H n atlll and let the earth ' the movll.g. f)r Crntheri took lnui. ''' up In a hajlnon and let the llt.-rary wOtld tevoUe under Mm, aa he eapreaae.l' i, letting himxlf deun her and there to atudv ,the rarint fawhlona in t, ting, through th eenturiea, pirking what wat fa'l. iewablt, gnd hat waa valuable. A good deal depmda up.ui th audltnr in aaiaing the value of a wfttr. ha daelared. tleeru might have been a failure before a,n udienee that llroathenei held apeil bound, or Wealey might hare fn;le. allaerahljr where Billy fundnv n. ore i leivllv, he maintained, and any Correct valuntiun of literature mut ttn tti teat of time. Amertea is potaeaaed of the edit of the tontemporiinenna jml now. 0 Mid, a dlapoiitlnn to do thing, by appointing a dny f'ir them, a 4a of loving Mir mother", a dav for going to ehnrrh, a day f. r plant lag trees, a week for preventing ne eineatl. And an In our reading, we Mat tw) governed bv what every body la la doing, read fur the con TotMtlonal value of a book. "If I stationed Canterbury Tales, nnh..dy woo 14 any a wnrd but if I mention Mailt ftttMt, I have started a eon veeaatloa," St aaid. Realism la the fashion in writing ta America, and in the world In the prevent era, he. sold In prone and in poftry, bat that la a mere fashion. ' a snore inal than were the acnti mental aovela of two eenturiea ago B went bark to fhe novels of that U ta oeleet ekamplea of aentl naoatai srrltUg that forked the andl twee vtth laufhter. "Tka Child re a f tka AbbeyVsraa tha hook from wbtrh ko drew Moot af kla eaamplea. wifk rlnkliag af potto of that - far teat rant, bo need aaly the aiedera AmtrWaa aaatt of Ut aekoal f Vaekell Uadaay and Sand btrg. H! audita foaad tktao oqaalb aantiag. Ho road aaoay ovtroeta, rhk hero and tbtro a bit af aasnsatat 8m1smI an, ko do eiarod Uat tka great writer It tko aa vka la bdtpoadeat of tko faak toot of Ut day, srritlng klaaatlf, be ing klmotlf aad traatiag ta tin tar tht ralawtMi at kla wark. - A, variety at paptra and esaailt aeado org Ut saorniag prograai af tk A-neUtio a ken M etnvewtd ta tkt I 1 of tM Emin)' at jteyroteata- JOIIV ;Oltl)AN DOI't.l.AW. of Wadeaboro Mr Il.iuglaas ii h lret- tenan rilitliiter and i a arm of Mr and Mi- W. c l...i!i ..f H.ite.gh. lb Kuve a reading I rom i,ia own poen-i before the Si.'ite I.il.rarv and lliJ ! ii I Mo, ii i v leatenlny. Manv of hi poem, haxe apeareil ill tin1 eil uinna of the New, and Olncri'i tue, at 1 1 i.'i I. ! I A biblioc: .pliv for pa-.! v ar nus prment. il P Miv ,M:irr It I'.iln.er, the historian .iiei (lie daily nen,i:ipf r were ill-., n'-1 I i lierald W .loliiimri. an old tune election was i,.ribi.l bv Mi'-i Ivuriw lrl. - a. . origwiJ,! toein. a read bv Key. .1 J. I Ujt I".-", and tie; bread Ii n i inilter Miie of liitorv m.-i, di,-iie,l I iv lir. Il 1 ( arroll. head of 'the ,i liooi of 'ohl llli I e al tile l iiii. rsil The hooirelv d.iv when Allnriea wn ruled bv a i ljk, h-i k-'1 " ' their ien t i.m bonks- of .lijliir I i;iilie, Mr. .lotlll-oll tnld t tie mi cull ii". I to. I. iv ''the 1 1 ii 1 1 prci furnndn the onlv reinlini; liiai'er if enoiigfi p ...pie to mvuiK the h il aloe in any- eleettoo. Theri fore, it ia mi Iv llirmijh tha dall.v pie-' that tlie hiatntiiin can rench tha pen pie, and reach t he mi promptly " leadership of people ia acipnreil nlilv hy people Im have maile inii taln'i, hut not hy people who make the Name mistake trtiee. I he lnl,ifio'i nf InMtolv Hi the li.'e of the people is to keep the hi ii 'ration from yiak nia the mist!- nf their fathers. ho ileclaied lie hoped to s e a Hero .if arlieie that unuld analvie the elm o t. ricln- of elf nidi, iencv a I reflei led ill the I nliti. a! pill I o-o.phy of the Sla I,, arid demolish tin false indepen1 nee. ' Tut nn edj(e to your hitorv. entleiui n, ami an eil(e that will eut aivnv the necli nf vanitr ami tniMihafll that have overgrown on' minds, tip the speirhend of our hiitery uith the point of n nioili rn fact and you haie a weapon th it the daily pre.-, never ran reait the leiuptatipn t.p vvield.Aod what drag onri of error you minht be the in -an of alayiig, what dangeis on t,, ar t be the mean of reinoiinc from the path of this State, no imagination is aide to guei. ' .Mis, Irbi. who i, prnfer.or - t lii.torv at the- North ('iirolina ( ol hge for Women, rather nitnnUhed the .V,or!..'tion bv her Mtnrv of the lection held in I7SM in what wrra hen Ihibln i-oii ii t v , wherein Hiehard 'a, it. II and othcri were pitfml galnrit the nnti 1'ederalisfa w;ith the isme of i.'Uitylug the euiint itn t ion la'twccn them. The election fraud of tlie current time, nppenr an trivial in f i-v-t ion h mmpnrcd with the in cident nt that eiinpnign. (Jiinliig from old r rn. . ahe shelled that political atiue is Ho new thai mean that were imputed to M'nrfn Waihinifton and olh or hudem in that day were fearful in the simplicity of their in Hitment Kven on rle.-tlon ilay dis order broke out. and the ballot hull., were stolen from beneath tin eyes of the sheriBV and retried alt. FiRhta were numerous, and vlolonre attended every step of tho' campaign. Speaking of tht brend tad butter ,i, nf history, Itr. Carroll nrgej a more serious study of tht history of various industries' in tht State, nnd anggested a number of mono graph that ought to be written under the direetinn of tht Hialori ml Comnisnon dealing with varions phas of the development of North Carol. nn. farming, the teitile indua try, the development of the hydra electric, plants, etc., ought to be dealt with. He .leKi ril ed tin' 'reekless opt imiam on the one hand and the shrewd, calculating pessimism on the oilier," of two (nakers who recently tpoke-l before the I'lirmers I ninn here Neither had senied the true atn'e if atair m North Carolina, and in itht r spoke of real issues that have ronccrned the people of the Mate in deflnite form. Co'i-luding the morning program, ir. .lohn Jordan Itouglas. of the Cirst I'resl-vlPrian ehurrh at Wades born, reel an orlfinal poem, ' Hrtl eigh an l . Roanoke. " Wilson May Ask For New Effort To Save League CHANGE IN HER AMAZES THEM Mri. DeMon'a Wonderful Improvement Impr3oi Friends Gain 35 Pound "1 don i he'icie Tanl.ie etv'ihl have a teller ir'irrti aient r'aaa I am Mv fr,cti.l ii .w are at.nlulely a in n r, , at the i lirn ge that ha taken place in nyv coi-.W on I e-it, sleep, i eel. anl look Lett t than 1 have in lear. Only a fc we. k ago I so 1 1 1 r an. I rimi' .ltrd I sn hard'y more than a shadow of mv former stlf "T "I'ty I am thirty rV-, p.-tieii In -nil r and as well and "tr.iitg a I nn was in rrv'lif'. Kor weeks before I begun taking Tr n ! -i I In I on regs, swee' milk an l t.:i', and had Bhoui nivea up all t y- of ever Oemg side to eat a heariv nial again. "Itefore I finished half a bittle af Tanlae I quit dieting in I began eating whatever I pleas I. I neier saw anything to equal tho way 1 im proved and It wttsn't long before 1 was in perfect heal'h." The above remarkable statement waa made by Mrs. Minnie iioaton, 717. Delaware ft.. Halem. Va. Tnnlae is aold in Raleigh by P. W Parker Drug Co., aal leading drug gists everywhere. I Adv. (Continued frnm Page One. 'i f..re the National lw Knforeement .-in ven t mil declared he would urge upon ''onerrsR rh.if "fnrri(;nfri in II ,. liii. -t States and the attache en f.-ri gn emhiissies reaped the pro hibifion .-rws of the I'nittd Mtates." TI." inaMer is espeeted to enmo up to fore the Anti Saloon league at it convention to be held here nex week. And it is said that nt that meeting the Anti Kulnnn Ijeagire ia to take the position that tha fight now must bn made for world wide proln Ii it ion. and that it will take alepe to aid rn that tight. Whisker Hrandal Impetus was given to the fight against Itipior here hy nn event which wnl perhaps bring publicity to nome wet partv orgies in which stnge folk nnd Washington ieople. perhaps iiiernber of legations, are anid to havo. participated. T'odaaMisa Rita Hall, ii leading member of a emu puny prioiiicing Me, -en hero, is m the Kmcigcmy Hospital after an al teu.pt al suicide with veronal and bichloride of mercury tablets, Hhe is reported to have been on a drink ing 'party at Nome place, and there is talk both' of whiskey from aome emhassv ami imotleg liquor being used. Whether the party was at a priiate residence or at a hotel not yet known, but all the lending hotels are now being watched eloselv by prohibition agents with a view of seeing if hotel porters are aupplving liquor to gueats and if any of th so ailed wet parties are being pulled off. Hotel managers are co ope ruling. Mm Hall said she had taken poison. "I wanted to kill my self, that's all I am going to tell yivi. If 1 hadn't wanted to die 1 wouldn't have taken poinon.' Two other girls of the theatrical company are also in the hospital suffering from the effects of the an called "whiskey" which they drank nt aome of tho "parties," according to the manager of the company, who de noun. 'os these affairs. Postmaster Eiams. The nftice nf Congressman Bui winkle has been informed of the completion of the selection of the list nf three eligiblea ss the result of the eiaminatinn for p istninstor at liakersville. Jn the order mimed they are Krnest II. Poteat, (lenrge ,M. linker and Madison I- Wilson. It is understood here that Mr. Po teat is a hemocrat an.: if that ia an fhen his being first nn the list will hot help him, for tho (Inal dlspnai tiun of the ollice ia at the dictum of Republican National Committee, man Morchead, who, of cnuMe, will pick a Republican, if there ia one on the lit. The report In, lev from Johns TTop kins Hospital la that Congressman Brinson eontinuel to steadily im prove. The sum good newt comet from friends who have heard from Congressman Kitehia, who h ree. perafing and improving at hia home at rVotland Neek. Among tbt North Carolina virtort to Washington art Mr. and Mra. K. ('. Gilbert of Asherille, Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Jones of Wilmington, J. I). Armstrong of Orteaauero, R. M Htradley of ChnrlvttsV Gtorge E. Htrong of Spencer. Bright Outlook For Agree ment On Naval Ratio (Continued from Page One.) gation also held a V"! lession to discuss tun naval problem, while the Far Kastern euuimittee debated without result, the question of with drawing foreign troop) frnm China and tlie Chinese and Japanese in a separate meeting, got down to bust ness in their new effort to setfb1 tha Shantung controversy. A broad ly drawn declaration of general policy on the troops question may be i n.lnptV.iu..t.ji. JCaj tasinin. (ommit tee tomorrow, but the Hhnntung di enstiona were anjotirnen until Mini day after the two sides had aet fort the general outlines nf their pnsi tions. The Japanese prediction that no naval ratio agreement was immedi ntely In pruapncl waj given fjirther weight by the announced purpose of. Mr. B.nlfour and otveral otlwr members of the British delegation to go to New York to morrow night for a visit that will keep them aa nntil Taaeday or Wednetdny. Mean time, it is expected that the Japa nese will further fommnnieate with their home government ao that En ron Kato can lay a more detailed statement before hit naaneiatet of the "llig Three" neit week. I May Bo Camalkatleaa As the naval negotiations alow down, there is growing speculation in conference circlet whether In the end the Pur Kastern and rinvaf prob lems will not become interplaced. It has been the apparent hope of conference offieinla to keep the two discussion entirely separate but there has been more than one indi cation that there might be an at tempt to make ,1 naval agreement in in some degree conditional on a an rn'ti.-.n of the politual relationships uf the Orient. HOW WOMEN OF MIDDLE AGE MEDICATED SMOKE DRIVES OUT CATARRH Dr. Blotter' Ci g r e 1 1 ' Give Out a Healing and I Soothing' SmoksvV a p oft that Clears the Head, ! Nose and Throat. Stop That Itching It's urinecesMivand nerve racking Apply cooling Resinol ftnUnenl and know the comfort it gives. IDEAL PORBABYM TENDER SKIN RESII10L 5sra4hinsj and Haalins) Pr Dioaser is the originator of n certain combination of medicinal herbs, flowers and berries to lie smoked -in- a piper rady prepared cigarette which is meeting with un usual success in catarrhal troubles As tht disease ia earned into the head, nose and throat with the air you breathe, to the antiseptit heal ing vapor of this remedy is carried with tht breath jlireetly to the nf fected parts. Tins simple, practical method up plies tlie meilieinn where sprays, douches, ointments, etc., cannot pos aibly go. Its effect is soothing and healing and ia entirely harmless, containing no eubebs, tobacco nr habit forming drugs. It nitre be ttaed by. women and children as well as' men. '3 If yiui suffer from catarrh, asthma, catarrhal deafness, nr if subject to frequent colds, you should try tin remedy. Satisfactory results guaran teed. Any well stocked drug store can supply Dr. Illoaser's Remedy. A trial package, containing eight cigarettes will be mailed to any suf fcrer for ten rents (coin or atnnipM by The Hlosser Co., i TI,, Atlnnta, Cm, to prove their beneficial and pleasant effect. DURHAM FARMERS TO HOLD MEETING TODAY Durham, 'Dee. t. Durham eouoty farmers will hold n meeting on co operative marketing here Saturday afternoon at the court hoaae, under the direction of O. H. Standard, count farm deraoastrator, at which time a temporary organization will be formed. Durham eoanty hat gont over the top in the matter of Its quota of signatures t otht eeeoei ation agreement, and it a fall fledged unit tf tht tri state eo oper- MiMes Reese & Co. Phono Sit IM rayetUville St. ' off on all HaU for Children A 1 so all trimmed Hats for ladies. DR. BI.OSSER'S Medicated Cigarettes Far enlda and catarrh may ' he had at any drag atert In a row. renlenl pocket else package 20 zr 35c The Hanging of Wail Paper it a iniirftii,t a M-iettinfr it. Km)k hl'lc It (f nr flower nniat be pprtV't ! niatrhrd ami the pnp.'r miint fit nmoothly. We are f i jk rU in hnnffins; pnprr nnd flrtistd in color .-orniiinations. Our .i(-frs nfTpr :irn-ty and brauts fnixifrh to juj-t dint you. T. R. WORKMAN i:i S. Wilmingtoa Ft. fhone l!U May Escape, the Dreaded Sufferings of that Period by Taking1 Mrs. Block's Adrice Hopkins, Minn "During Change of Life I had hot flashes and suffer id for two y ears. Ksaw I.ydia P. t'inkham'a Vege table Compound advertised in the paper and gt good results from taking It ri commend vour medicine to my friends and von mav publish this fsct aa a testimonial. '' - MS, Hopkins, ALMO-rv.0n. & TUES. VtM-MorVr Phntopiaj Corforttion flMflJ CEOQCB LOAVf C CEOQCB LOAN fP) Mrs. Kobcrt lllock, Minn It has been said that not one woman in a thousand passes this erfeetly natur.it change without esperirncing a fr.nn of very annoy ing an. I aoine' mes, painful symp toms. Those dreadful hot flashes, inking spella, spots before the eve, diasy spells, nervousness, are only a few of the symptoms. Kvery woman at this age should profit by Mr Rlrtrk's esperienee and try I.ydia E. Pinkhatn'a "Vegetable Compound. If ron hsee the slightest doulo that I.ydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound will help yrtu, write to l.y.lia K. Pinkhsm litediriiie Co., I.ynn, Masa., about your health Your letter will ht opened, read and answered hy a woman, and held in strict confidence. i Adv.) Hudson -Belli Co. Martin, Fnjwttoill and WUmia float 5t. Wilmingtoa at Rargrtt gtreet Cash Rese rve Every individual, every firm and corporation, should carry a cash ren?rve a fund nufflclent to anticipate the expected as well as unfore seen requirements. -This wine policy is recog nized in the "service" which each bank is required to maintain under the law. How about your reserve? Safe Evident Progressive . Central Bank and Trust Co. FORMERLY THE CITY BANK J. H. Hisf WUwer, PmeiJ t H. H. Maaeey, UViW. Plenty of Good Glean COA Both ANTHRACITE and BITUMINOUS Powell 41-Phone 41 ative Barheting body. Dr. Carl Ta-vlo. asf Baleigh, prominent over tho Boafh, will bo tha speaker of tha 17- s 7 Who m tha ' Mnttet or yoar House I See "The Master of tha House." Academy December (AdT.) Jar Sae 7JUlk I'lFAIff S m INVALIDS ASK FOR IIorlicK's Avoid Imitation -iSubttitutet rorlafmrta, torsSlis and OfOswaf Chfldna a WcSi atlft. snaRod train attract mrVnraar Tka Okwaaati Fee..Drsak far Al Aam No sCeeirisst - Wassrlssilsig -Ptasanttbto t Spin WATCH PAPER II The A tbtPsxtsussn SUNDAY'S Moat Extraordinary SPECIALS Ever Put On .Sale. Bit BARGAINS For Saturday Everybody Come. THE FMR 216 S. Wilmington Street I 111 J mm . . m Shop Early 18 More Shop pint Days Hay All Yonr Needs at Oilmen In tht Heart of Raleigh Sir rv VV MM Htore Hoara. I:M a. m. to a. m.; Bettrdey StSS a. aa. to p. m. Shop Early 18 More Days GILMERS TOYLAND OPENS TODAY Old Santa will be on hand to greet the Little Folks "Meet Him in Front of Our Store at 11 O'Clock" We have arranged to have Santa present, Every boy and girl accompanied by their parents with a delightful souvenir. 1 '" Tt-riJi"irHiiirrrirrinijrriitiriijuj..j.... Gloriously Ready With Hundreds of 4 Good Toys v For Blf aavl Lktle Bys ani Girls In our Bsuemcnt ta treat collection of fascinating playthings to delight the children wealth of dolla, games, toys and books to entertain and instruct, and with Santa Claua in attendance to help select for the kid dles. Bring Mother and Dad with you for they will not only enjoy this wonderful TOY CITY, bat will be agreeably surprised to see how low price really art this year. , tiiiiissiisiisrrrrrri inrisiiujjriiiijjj.j SIMSS tsel tttsostsat c

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