NEWS AND OBSERVER. RALEIGH. N. PMOIM IE io lira MOT Durham Confederate Veter ans Launch Drive For Ap - 1 propriate Memorial Durham, Pee. S. Aetloa toward th ereetioa of a BtoBameBt to th Thirhaa eouaty soMiert who fought for the Confederate cm !a th Wir Betarea the Wat wa started to div, whea t'ommiider W. T. Red mond of th Durham I'ot of th United Confederate Veterans, re quested perrninioB to srert lurk memorial a the court house lan here, Ko deciatos, Ja ft4.-b1 ib ronmiasion n today, hut there ia no rratoa ( belies iueh rrniiiii aould bo withheld. Cooiniaador Hedaiond itatrd today, that ht had IB mind a campaign to rait . from 1.1,000 to W.IHH) in Durham county for th purpose of plating the ma mor al l lurliam I 'nnfrdcrate , htroei, sum of ahum r liv iag. although the nurulier has dam died to a handful. While ha haa not formulated anv definite plan yd, Il i prohaldr i, h mould ask lha laugliti-r .f Hi. ( unfcdera' T to lake up the nutter f staging auch a campaign. Dur ham haa bo memorial or mnntnnrnl commemorating lha work of her t'nn (derate detainment. ; W. W. Hummer., eoiniaratiely voting married Bum, whila umlrr Ihr influence of hikrv Huturdat night, attacked hla amall daughter . wjlA .i (ire. .shovel, hirt it iiruising th child. 1ii to th fact tliat Via wife and child Br dependent upon him for support, ha was not sent to th mad. Arraigned on charges af aaaault ith a deadly vrcKn aaaault and battery with a dead It weapon, and drkBn. ha waa fined $13. prayr for judgment in OB raa accepted and required to furnish 430 bond for monthly ap paranr for ail monthi to show . good bttiaviar. Ralph I'erry, ahot and seriously wounded by W. D. Ilopkina. Ib Kaat Durham. Haturclnv. la atlll in a critical condition at Watta hosni 111 with a ehanc for recovery, provided no complication! art In. Honkin it atlll held without bond nd will not b released unless I'prry'i condition materially in orove.. Virt renorta ob th progrca of f ' Hie queatiuti of railroad rroaainga In Durham, and th removal of claaain ration varda from within the city limita, will problllily 1 mad to th city council in regular aeaaiou to night. City cngincn are working nut a new plan which will li pro . wed aa lubatitutea for the Miller . plan recently turned down by the railroad, and will meet railroad engineer. December llith, to flnully attempt to got together on the mat ter. Durham hna definitely undertaken the estnbliahment of a homing eor poration in the city, and effort will be made to enliat 7.1,iKW through the i aubiertptinn 'of itock. Money will he loaned to frTuspective homo build en who have one fifth of the amount neeeaaary to build, of a lot equiva lent to that amount. The attempt io raiae the neeeaaary fund will con linue until January 1st. Consider treaty Jo Include Four Powers In East l ' (Continued from I'g On) tb Washington conference might well ronaitler merging the Anglo Japanese alliance into an arrange ment to which the I'nitexl rjtutea wonld be a party. The Japanese have ahowa aa inclination to take up . . tint proposal and it haa been men tinned more than one to th Amer ican delegate! during their Informal i onversationi with their foreign a loeiatri. Theaa hint hav never brought the subject to the point of a formal eichang of views, however, nor re vealed even to the head of the for (lga delegation, just bow far the , United State might h willing to go ia that direction. Neither will the American representative diacuaa th question publicly, but they are known ta regard it ai fraught with many complicated poaaihilitiea. i In every eoniideratioa of a pos sible treaty or internet irual under ' funding to replace ttii alliance, the ' Americas delegate hav kept in nitad the poaai'ib temt er of the Benat should it hi aaked to ratify inch aa agreement. VSith two Hen aton lifting aa memberj of the dele gation, it ia assumed that if a formal treaty were negotiated, henute ten ' tlment flrit would le carefully ran ... Taiaed. An "undonUniliiig" would not require Benato "onflnnuiijn, tut . ia conjectured now umdint an agreement of that cliuraetcr J'rcsi ii-iw-r--- dat Harding and hia pienipoten ' tiarlei would car to effect. With th reauenibling of th Sea ' ate today for the new terra there were indication! that Senator! were watching the trend of the negotia tiont with growing interest and that iscnaiion revealing th opimoni oi tome pnemDin of th treaty rat tjrtBf body might be precipitated B u tenat noor within a few davi. Babe Ruth Is Suspended Until May 20, ByLandis Ckieaca. Dm. WTa "bad ae" fr Bab Kith world' ehampioi noma raa kittar with the New York Yaakea brok today. Kuth waa Ined kit world' r eri pria, aatasattag aitt-8 and anapeaded UBtil May 20, of the 1122 aaaaoa by Judge Lan.ln, com miaaioaer of baseball, for participat ing la Bihibitioa games following the cloac of th world's aerie. Outfielder ll.b Ueuael and Pitch er William I'icrcy also members it the fesnaat winning Yanker li pslrtselpated la the bara storming trip with Ruth drw aulnt.iot;i' v the same penally. I'itceher I'iercy fin waa HK) lev than the oti.T ta plajtun as hia hare of Hie world aeries waa that much !'' than th other players. Th suspension of Ruth for at least the first month of th Amin can Ljeagu pennant rare practonlly meane haaetiall oliaervers ptnnttd nut tonight that th New York aluf ger will have little chance of. hrmk ing hia home ran record next sea son. I'nder the ruling Butk may apply fur reinstatetneat May JO. Th deciaioa which ia the bail world resti as th most impor tant Judg l-andi ha made siaea ha buautu conimiasioner wai aude :ift. r two monthi deliberation. After the players gave Bp their tour. Judge letiitis sent each a questionnaire, asking their reasons for violating the rule of orgaifired baseball. The rule, enacted in forbids a mem- lier of a team competing th world's ':hanpionslnp series from partie.ipat ing in anv eshibitieia game after the close of the aerie. Ruth replied In ti c questionnaire, but neither of the others answered it. .Indite Iwindis, in hi decision, aald the offending player "willfully anil rleBantly violated the rule and that the situation involved not merely rule violation'' but rather B muti nous dt fiance intended by th play er to present thia question: Which is th bigger-baseball or any in dividual in baseball. STUMBLES OVER STICK AND MEETS DEATH 8. P. Waldo, or Xenly, Killed In Peculiar Manner Wilson, tce. 5. - A ihoching death, according to reorti received here, nccurresl at Kenly early Holiday morning. -H. I'. Waldo, who conducts th Kesily Meat Market, after rlos ing hi plae of liosiw iat--th night returaad ta dia. stru that ev ery thing was locked tight and fast. In th meantime, hia family had re tired and na Kundav morning was surprised to find that hi bed had nut been occupied during th night. Search waa immediately mad and hia dead body was found in th rear of his market with a sharp stick ia hia neck. The. supposition is that h stumbled and fell in the dark and the stick punctured his windpipe. He is survived by a widowed mother, Mr. A. A. M. Waldo, of (ary; his wife, and nine children; two listers, Mrs. (i. K. Road, of l'ort Hayw 1, Va ; Mra. John llrothers of Cary, and on brother, N. H. Waldo, of'thii. city. The Interment Was mad near Cory. 'POSSUMS PLENTIFUL IN ALAMANCE THIS YEAR Oraham, Dec. 5 Th biggest catch of 'opossums heard of thia fall was mailo a few nights ago by Y.i. K. (Jiiackenbush, lxido Hmith and Koust Thompson, They hagged 15 of them, 9 being big ones. The dogs be longed to Qiiaekcnbuah and Huiitli, and must be good ones to do that much in on night. Th bovi had such a load they had to stop and ret vry few hundred yard. negroTcquTtted OF CHARGE OF MURDER Ooldaboro, Dee. 6. After being out only a few minut, th jury re turned a verdict of not guilty In the case of Pet Rodger, Chatham county negro, charged with the mur der of John C. Iianiui, a IMttabnro merchant, ob the mght of August 6th. The trial wai moved her for trial, which begaa last Thursdiy. Th Chatham authorities will con tinue their effort! to tecurs evidence ni to the guilty pertoa. UNION TrWsWcO. NEWEST RALEIGH STORE Th Tnlon Provialoa Company with storerooms at th rear of .119 West Martin Street, ia th awest addition io Raleigh' merchandise directory, beginning bu sines this morning with James A. Banders nd R. B. Rogeri at tha helm. The company will deal in fresh aid anlt meats, wholesale and retail CATAWBA GAME WARDEN CAM S ON WOMEN TO HELP. Hickory, Dec. 5. CountT flam Wardea B. II. Jordan of Conover, failing to arouse the farmer In ht effort to protect game, ha called OB the women to form game protective natoeintions. llnkorv hunter Kr much surprised at th neccasity for auch a call, for it ha been their eiperienee that every foot of ground ia posted in th county and hunting no longer is regarded aa a pleasure. There were plenty of bird at the beginning of the season a. id doubt less arc yet. Farmer any they hav little objection to busineiu men and others wlni occasionally tnke a few hours off for pleasure, but they ob ject seriously to that class of men tnd boys who spend about all their time hunting. HANDSOME YACHT IS BURNED IN PAMLICO ' Norfolk, Vs., Dec. B. Th hand some yacht Tamarack, owned by Dr il. N. Torrey, of "Groaa Point.' Detroit, Michigan, wa burned to tb water' edge between 6 and 7 o'clock last night ia Pamlico sound off Pea Island, North Carolina. What ia left of th veaael Bow lie in ihoal water. Kverytlnng aboard win defltroied, but there waa no loan of iife.-aJi4.tto on wa injured. The yacht was 210 feet In length and valued It $17,',ixi. lief motin power waa gasoline. Dr.' Torrey, who waa a major in the I'nited Htateaarmy during the World War, arrived at the Pea Island Club a week ngo to ahoot duels. He waa accompanied by a number of guests FORMER GERMAN KAISER EXPECTS TO MARRY AGAIN Berlin, Dee. .8. (By the Asaociated Preaa.) According to tk Zwnel fulirblutt, former Emperor Wil- I in m has decided to marry again The lady of hi choice, the newa paper sayt is the widow of a high officer from Danzig, who was killed in th war. The newspaper profeaars to hav received the information from a most trustworthy eouree. C. TUESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 6. 1921. BaaWBJBR.a -. - .- i il i Special Session Convenes at 1 1 O'clock This Morning (Continued From Pag On) to it yesterday, Biking th General Assembly to repeal th law insofar aa it applied to th county of Hyde. II ia busy buttonholing member a of the House in behoof of his peti tion, and il saturated with hop that it will get a hearing. ' Other than the foregoing chronicle of possibilities, the aeasion promises to be dull. Htill, Representative Crisp has not yet reached town, be ing detained In Roanok Island by illness. It mny be that he will bring a wail from the festive eittl tick whan he reaches towB Wednesday morning, He alao may add hi voice to that of Mr. Bell in supplication against th stock law. Governor and Staff To Wel come Foch (Oontinaed From Page One) Uwa wai MDimed after th visit f Lafaytt thr la 124, Bad the two regiaaeata, with their comman der, who wr thrown iat th . breach at ChaUm Thierry were statioaed tkr. Baiag by training aa artillery Scar, tk Marshal hss ba kenly 'interact! la Camp Rragg, which has Weoms th trainiag eeater of ammea artillery. Tks rtserratba nerw a ia largest devoted to military ia th world, aad iti deredopraarrt u a sxaeol of fir la Mar anticipated with kea la tere hf taaa f ae artilliry arr- tee ia lae armlet af th world. The air tiaae that esnld be frati for hua t atop at riyattarille was at KidatfM rriday aight, asi tk piaa aaa ssmb abaadoaac, Te Cm a CM ta Oa Dar Take tantlvw fiSOMO QTJESrM labiate. The gwaaiae baar the aig . CHARI.E W. MORSE BOARDS HIS SHIP FOR AMERICA Havre. Bee. .V (By th Asso ciated rreas.) Charles v?. Morse, whose retura to the United Btites on the steamship Pari! waa requeat ed by Attorney Oeneral Daugherty boarded th liner for hit journey back to New York at 1 o'clock thia ifternoon. Other passengers were sot permitted to go aboard bfer til p. m. Why yoy neod RESINOL 5eefhirsj Mi Heafittt Because its '' IrrvaliMbit fr Bums Chtfitft Jcdds toshes Cits CoUSens Musical Merchandise of Quality from North Carolina's Leading Music Store. Darnell & Thomas W. S.THOMAS, Manager 118 Fayetteville St ARMY PLANE WRECKED AT DUNIa FAIR GROUND Captaia Shepherd Makes Forced Laadiar Account of Engia Trouble Da is, Dee. 5 la making a forced landing at the fair groaad Celd here tavday a DeUavUaad aaroplaa. aa rout from (Juan He o to Pop Kiel.) aad drixa by Captaia HhphrJ. crashed to earth whea a few feet above grouad. tipped oa Ui nose, overturned and il now a complete wrecks. Neither Captain Hhepher.l nor kit Mechanic Hergeint IVan Harding were injured although they wr thrown from their scat by the impact. Captain Shepherd waa driv ing on af ait planet which started this morning ob th ant lap of a flight to Miami. On ship was oh liged to lead above Richmond. A few minutes before reaehior- Dam-. His- engine - begw kipptnaj. AI I though oaly 15 minute from Pops- Field ha was obliged to land here II will spend th night hr. To morrow morning b will lend the remnant of hjs plant by truck to i amp uragg. STATES HAITCONTROL OF THEIR OYSTER BEDS Washington, IV. S.fttatet have conl ml over natural oyster beds within their borders, the Supreme court decided today. The question arose In aa appeal hronght by J. W. Huley against the commission of fhtherie of the ata'e of Virginia. He waa ordered to va eate a part of an oyster bed leased him by the Btnre which claimed the part hid been found to he natural oyster ground and therefor not leasable. MAJOR PUMPKINS RECEIVES COMMISSION AS POSTMASTER Ooldshoro, Dee. 5 -Major fc. A. Himkins today received hia commia lion aa postmaster of Ooldaboro, and will go ia office tomorrow, raceeed ing l'ostmaater K M. Michaui, who haa ahly filled th place for eight year. HioS VKKSt I S NEWMAN ( kicago, HI. "Only a medicine of truly wonder ful merit could have done what Tan Inis did for m and there is nothing half gnod enough for me t say ahiiut it," said Miaa France! Nw man, 26.111 Hirsch Ht., Chicago: "1 don't think anybody ever suf fered any more from indigestion than I did and for over a year I wai in wretched health. 1 hid smother i ii j spells and my heart palpitate 1 so veil'.ntly I thought I hid heart trouble, but I know now it wai all caused from my stomach. "Since taking Tanlac I feel and look like a different person. I have a splendid appetWe'aiid liiy dig'eMiOfl is just perfect. I alei'p eight or nine hours every night and get np in the morning feeling fresh and happy. My friends toll me I'm always smil ing now and I certainly ought to be, fur I'm enjoying life again." Tanlac is sold in Raleigh by T. W. Parker Drug Co., and leading drug gists everywhere. - (adv.) T IV. Dobbin COMPANY formerly Dobbin A Ftrrall RaUlgha YARD GOODS Stat Draperies, Curtains and Curtain Materials Ara now in treat demand. Our in these fabrics ara full and art worth the attention of all houae kaepera, We Sal fat Cask aaa Mark Osat tieeea et Ctaa rtttea Cornell Wood Bpard'comes already Primed for painting Tou will save the work and expense of a priming coat if you build your walls and ceilings of Cornell Panels in stead of ordinary wallboard, plaster board or plaster. For Cornell comes ''Mill-Primed." And no other wallboard , has its fashionable "Oatmeal Finish" which has placed Cornell in highest favor with thousands of builders. Cornell is rigid and fire-resisting, due to our "Triple Smng"pro8swhicri .gives this board triple theordinary protection against moisture, expansion, contraction, sound and change tn temperature. Easily put up with hammer and nails right to the joists and studding or over damaged plaster. Costs no "more than inferior boards; get quotations and sample from the Cornell Dealer shown below. Cornell Wood Pkoducts Co. GaaKl OMcmi IK N. Stat Stnat. CaOoaro, lit Wmur fsaw, MM m4 TVwlaraaaaaj At Wtrcuim W I f l I II t ! I I il j i fM Call, phone or write OLDHAM &Y0RTH,i.e DUtributtdfs Raleigh. North Carotin 1 Boy I Buiy! Eui We've Cut Prices to the Bone Every mail brings ua word from the bif manufacturers that the next quota tion oa Tires will be big her. Ia other words prices have hit bottom and will sooa start upward. So buy your Tires aow Anticipate your wants for Spring. ... Our Price Guaranteed Lowest Ever Quoted on High Grade Tires. Look! Read! Group No. 1 Lowest Prices in the History, of Tire Making The tires listed here are classified as sec onds, which do not mean that they are second-hand or rebuilt tires. They aro all new tires just as they left the factory; you will find that these tires will give firstHdass service. Fisk, Firestone, Brander, Boone Grayphon, McGraw, Sterling, Porter, Portage, Re public, Globe, Tryant, Century, Dread naught, Equity. fabric Car Prtc Frtr wis , i .Tr....$ JUS S.IJ II M J2J, 1S.J 1S.JS Ili4 1S.TS S2xl 11.85 J.S Mil 11M UM 14i4 1 . 2S.SS IJat'4 M-50 x44 2S SS tiM Ji4H JJ-SS 13x5 I5.M 15x1 I5H S.fS S7xt UM tiM 30x31 FISICS (First) $ 10.S5 We've just received several guaranteed First Quality FISKS that we are going to sell at this low price. Group No. 2 First Quality. Below Cost Th Tiret listed below ara all First, asl for th money wt cannot recommend a better buy at thil Urn, it Is a fict that we cannot buy first tiret at thia time to sell at these prices. Ksaplre, Bitsvta, Speedway, (Jaaerbar, gwlBheart aa Zeal rsbrts Cera His Price Price 10x1 t 7-SS ....f StxSH M " S2xSH "5 1IM 11x4 -5 Kx4 HM tiJ S3x4 14.TS U K Hx4 14.15 IMS 12x4 H ,1.H Jli4t 21.5S 14x4 H Il.SS 15x44 .11.75 IT4S JJxS UM 15x5 , I4.TI ISH 17x5 14.85 M.N Group No. 3 Best Tires, Lowest Price The tiret listed below are sigh elan Urst and aad fully (uaraateed by the factory; Fabrie 6000 miles, Cordi 8,000 miles, Wt ran guar antee that ther are bo better tire made than the make. Flak, Keyatoae, Globe. All First Fabrie Ore Sis Price Price ISxI vvt.. ms. . .8 &S ...... .1 5xltt 1S.85 IlxlH 14-75 2S.TS 11x4 , lSJt 12x4 18.58 lt.12 Mx4 , , 1S.25 I7.1S I4x 2M 17.18 li4H UM MlH eteety(ra(a. eeeeseeea S4.18 14x4 S , IS.17 8548 85x44 HM 84.72 Ii44 2S.S4 8744 88x8 42JI 85x1 881 UM 87x5 8748 44JI Buy Your Tubes During Sale Th tohi listed below represent a few oddt and tndt that wt art geiaf to eloee est at the unheard of price. W only bar a few of these aa yoa had better hurry aad get your. Fisk. Flateteaa, Netwalk, Gaedyear ii JU Jhl'x 82x84 11x4 Price $1.54 145 1.75 1.75 Blae Price 81s Pries 82x4 . $1.78 84x44 j...... M $2.54 88x4 , 1.75 15x44 244 84x4 -. 1.78 84x4 H 144 12x4 H 1-44 85x8 144 88x44 244 17x5 144 Th tubei lilted below are all high clan First and YEAH. Wt can guarantee that there is ae better heiTy Tonriit, aad are guaranteed for aaa tube oa th market today. 8lse 14x5 84x84 42x24 21(4 82x4 (KIYSTON1 MAKE) Price Site Price 1 aa 88x4 t. ................ $22 T. 24.4 2.15 114 82x44 -44 - 88x44 Ml 248 84x44 ., M -. 248 25x44 J8 Sis Prle 88x5 $444 85x5 , 444 84x44 .y.M 4J1 87U , n 8.44 84x4 , 744 -Order By Mail Because you live out of Raleigh is no reason for paying prevailing high prices for Tires. Order from us by mail on our "guaranteed satisfac tion or money refunded plan." You Take No Chances Here Reference: Raleigh Banking & Trust Co. Full cash must accompany order, alao state first, second, and third choice and whether clincher, straight side, plain or non-skid is wanted. Raleigh Tire & Rubber Co. 1 19 W. Martin Street, Ralcifin, N. C Durliam Tire & Rubber Co. 420 W.Main Strwt, Dvahun, K C jaawre er r, r t W. Grora. (Be part V) IOw-AIt. V .