The News md Observe , , TWf WEAttm : North Carollnut Generally fair M aueh mUw laadeyi Monday Mr. WA TCII LABEL i . ad. Tl pauer.' Seai renewal lr days before eiplrattea la rder to avoid mlselag siagls tony, ' ; . VOL.CXIV. NO. 171, FORTY PAGES TODAY. RALEIGH, N. C, SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 18, 1921. FORTY PACES TODAY. PRICE: SEVEN CENTS i. . SPEECH OF WEEKS CAUSING HIE liinun ni n nil inn . AmUfluULU bUAKU -t ' a Agricultural Bloc In House Threatens To Oust Speak :v .. er Ginetr FLOOR LEADER ALSO UNDER FIRE THER v Orjjanixed, Program Fifht Against President Hard inj's Plan To Bhift Tariff Bates; Kepublioan Sena ton Keeping? Silent On Pour Power Treaty The New, and Observer Bureau, 603 District National Bank Bldj By EDWARD I BRITTON. (By Special Leased Wire) Washington, De. 17. Ther, it "backwash" on Secretary. of Ws Weeks and the administration be mum of a speech made a few dayi tfo by Secretary Weeki bcfor the Iniurance men in New York in which ha lambasted tvj.rWofi". group in Congress that dared to opnoM the regular Republican nomination!. Borne of this "backwash" is threat ' enlng 'Speaker Gillett 'aid Bcpubll- " can floor Leader Mondell finds "that the place he now haa may be take orer by some one of the agriculture forces in the House. The Bouse agricultural bloe has had res resentment growing in bent since the speech of Secretary Weeks and in the present frame of mind of its mem bert there is trouble gathering for the leaders who are of the regular squad of Republicans. The talk ia that if Speaker OUlett doM Apt make peace in some way that Pnjl Campbell, of Kansas, msy be put in the running against him while the bloe forcee tulk of Bop resentative Sidney Anderson, of Min uesota as floor leader to sueeee Representative Mondell. Mr. Gillette position ia in danger not a Ion, be cause he ia from Weeks' State. Massachusetts, bur" alao because the undertsanding is that he is a part' ner with Secretary Weeks in oppo sition to the agricultural bloe. Mr. Campbell i t chairman of the .JBoute rules committee and occupies a strategic position in a fight against Speaker Gillctt because of that po sition. And as Representative Mon . dell proposes to be candidate for , toe BeMte from Wyoming hit entry tata the tight will leave hit place aeant ia the . oc. and the agrt cultural bloe members , think that with their, strength aad kit swa personal popularity Sydney Ander soa might be able te cop the jot of Bepublican floor leader. Bloc Has Program Masted Oat .The bloe." hat it program mapped at in the light that its members will make on stmt features of the program of President Harding. They oppose giving him authority, through tbs tariff commission, to-shift about tariff schedules at will and in this position the blot wll have the sup port of many lawyers ia the Boum who take the position that such provision ia the tariff bill would be aaeonstitutional in that U would be a delegation of the powers of Con gress in the making of a tariff, Aad . - then there ia the ahip subsidy met are, which the Western Republicans will also oppose. This program . . means that there will be nat lively scrapping in the ranks of tht Re publicans as the bills oa these mat' - tore eomt up. The Republicans of tht Senate are taking .lessons from the Democrats of that body aad the latest report is that a policy of silence akin to that - of the Democrats is Ho be adopted . arith regard to tht four-power Pa elfle treaty. This policy, to the ; Bepabbeani state, is the cause for so reply being made to the 'attacks el (tension Jteea, noma ana mi rollette a ad is said to have beea reached oa word from the White House that there should be nothing add until tht pact ia received Tht aaaooaeemtat of this policy of silence was made by Senator Car 4 tit. of Kansas. Be publican whip, fol lowing the vitriolic attack made oa tht treaty by Senator Reed. This , ' it no indieatioa of any break ia tht line of administration Senators, for , they hold that-with but a few excep tions, not enough to number tht , 1 lagers oa oat hand, tht Republicans will vote for ratification.- la kit ad dress oa the subject Senator Reed goaded tht Republicans eoneerning "entangling alliances la tht treaty, matter whioh tht Republic as had ' feugh. viciously is their opposition to the League or Halloas, but tht tlepablleaBs ant silent vhlla tht Mis- - toart Senator tongue ushed tt Daring the course of- kit rtmarkt " there ware a aambtr rof queetioM asked him by Democratic Senators, amoag these being Seaator Overmaa, - Seaator Shields, Senator Btaaley aad ethers. Their onestioas sre eon straed to ladieata that theer-Seaa-tort agreed with his views, there be ing ae "heckling" questions asked. Beaad to Help Jspaa - . Tie Inquiry af Senator Ovwrmaa wm M te whether ""the terms ef this - treaty or tarn alliaaea. bind at ta a ay way beyend tht Blends of tat racist ocean." la am rcpIlM Sena tor Reed declared that it beasd ap to go to. the aid ef Japan ia any ' "Hasamr pctsissW aad stated that kt was reliabty la formed, aad that ho charged that Secretary Bugktt had admitted that the term "insular peeeessioas1 eevered all parts of 'japaa, and that this meant that whea tailed apoa to do at aader the . terms sf the treaty the United States 'would be bemad to go to the aid of tht Japaa est Empire, that this em pire b a grasp of islands, aad each . one eearti rates Japaa. : ' Brnteb, Qswtvas With rraaea, , The dieensaioa of tat Umitatioa f Cot tinted, front yaga twe4 Dunlap Tax PenaltyJlepeal Bill Is Defeated In House Senate Clears Up Calendar In Two Long Sessions Held Saturday KILLS SEVEN STATE-WIDE BILLS, PASSING SCORE! a e i a a y oz Kecauenourg Wants To Be Doubly Sure About finance Measure Killing seven Ststewide m assures, passing more than a ssort of others and enencting Into law a mass of lo cal bills, the Senate yesterday af ternoon at six o'clock adjourned un til Monday at 12:30 with clean decks. All lndieationt point to a perfunc tory session tomorrow followed by another at the fame tort tomorrow night with the clock moved np to .register Tuesday. After six hours of constant grinding yesterday, there remained on the calendar only the Stubbs bill calling a constitutional convention and the Long bill re quiring publicity In all matters con nected with requests made upon the Commissioner of Revenue for re duction is taxation There are few matters remaining to be plneed be fore the Senate either by tht Boum or lis own committees. Both the Municipal Finance Act end the bill validating all levies of taxes made by the counties -this year for school, purposes, requiring tht same levies next year aa a prerequisite for participation in the State Equali sation Fund and making a tax of 39 cents the flat requirement for such participation, were both received from the House yesterday and will each be given their two additional readings tomorrow and tomorrow night, - There nre also a few peal (Continued a Tags' Two.V - BOY TOLLED OFF IS ROBBED OF $5 Express Packages Contain ing $200 Worth of Furs Stolen From Wagon Seven year-old Farms n. Belts, Jr. wis led by a strange atgro for uorf than a mile south of tht city and robbed of a five dollar bill whick tht negro promised to get changed for tht lad aad two txprees packages containing 200 worth of furs were stolen from sn express wagoa ta rayettovills street yesterday morn ins. These wort -tht principal items outcropping ia a wavt of hold-aps and robberies visiting Rsleigh dur ing -the test three days. 'Tht poliee are baffled aad that far hart beea able to make no arrests, either Is the eases developing yesterdsy or tht fivt hold-apt by twt young white mea who found five victims Wednaadar aad Thorsday night. The outbreak brought emphatic comment from Judge W. M. Bond in Superior toart yesterday, whea he made it plaia ia Mveral eases oa which kt wm pasting judgment that tht practice must be broke ap if the riihta of titiMM are to be Drotected. 'Unleu the tttuatioa Improves here, I am goiag' to uk the Oov ernor to provide at with atilitery protection,' declared Solicitor Her bert E. Korrls. whta Judge Bond brought the matter ap. Betta Boy Bosses. . e Tht 15 00 bill wm takes fro riimu Betta. Jr.. ace seven, yester dsy morning by a negro wno maoe the little boy waut aimon so sne av attoir, more tnaa a mue soaui 01 the elty, ia the hope of getting the money changed. Tfte youngster wns ...v from hia Barents more twa hours, end hit ahtenee caused gnat alarm for hja safety, a frantic search being Instituted a short while after ke had failed to retura wna the money. Un. Jj. Weathers. Mrs. J. O. Boom hour and Mrs. Berts ware holding a ehareh rummage till on the Baptist Orovs square, just across the street from tht City Maraei. inouiue boT wns riven a 5 bill tad told to go to tht market and get it changed. Be went inside the market building aad as ks asked a min to change the money, he negro walked up, tok tka bill from kit band aad told kirn bo would get the ehsaga far him. The negro told tht boy to follow him aad they wtat to two aearby stores, where ansaeetssfnl efforts to chants the bill were made, xne a earn then started town . ajoata Bloaat street, tolling tht littlt boy ho eeJd got it changed at km ma tors boss. The walk ended at a Southern Railway, trestle soar the abattoir,, where tka Bears left the boy, saying be was goiag to hit tit tor's hoaae for eksnre aad weald be hack shortly. 'The boy waited for soma time, aad whea tht negro did tot return, ha begaa crying aad walked back to the square. -Ia the mMBttast, Mr. Betta had beea notified aad bad" started taarcb- ing for tka youngster. Whoa' the littls fellow returned without the money, Mr. Betto and nalncietoeo an Wyntt bearded aa automobile aad west to the place where the negro was' last seen, bat feunet ae trace sf hiaw Employee at tba ab attoir stated that a few hears pre vious a yoaag negro af light enat- pMxion had passed that way aad had disappeared acrtss a Sola. s . The little hoy said the sua wart overalls aad atoaeh hat, and look ed "like Chinaman," Far Tnft Oa Street The theft af tka twa bones cta- taialir a far soat and fart vshscd at approximately tfOO aesarrod torday aaotaiag oa rayettonlle street ia front of Alfred Williams' "fftmtSnaed fa, TtX T&Y Killing of Measure Is Ac companied Bitterest ' Contest of Session D0UGHT0N LEADS FIGHT AND WINS BY 43 TO 4 House Clears Calendar and Waits On Senate To Send In Bills uomiag ap anexpeetediy among the test handful of bills that -were Mat over from the Senate, tht Dun lnp mtasurt providng for tht repeal of the Density for aoa -payment of taxes precipitated tht bitterest and hardest fought battle of tht tpeeial session yesterday morning. Bepre tentative Doughton, leading the fight againat the measure, woa ant by 13 to 41 vote. Tht issut was drawn around the proposal to place tht bill en the calendar without reference to the Fnanco Committee, ef which Mr. Doughton it ehairmaa. Tht general assumption was that If tht bill went to committee it. would dit there with tht expiration of the session late Monday night, nnd tht disposition of the measure- m regarded at final, It was the old fight, fought over for two days at tha regular aession, with Mr. Doughton then winner. Calm Toward Adjaarameat. Other eiw the aession -was calm Tht Houso passed aaythtng that looked harmleM, aad with equal die. patch killed anything that had look about it that wsa not reassur ing. Tht bending of bus lines, the doctoring of tht capital paaiahment lnw, and others that appeared to re quire mora txended consideration were tabled without demurrer, aad (Continued on Page Two) NBV LIGHT RAID 4 Officers Comb Territory Around Church, and Break Record For Seizures Disaster aad bins rata tmpersoa ated in N. E. Raines and four depa ties, swooped down apt tht fes tal industry sf making mooaahlnt liquor ia Ntw Light yesterday mora, ing about tht ninth hoar, aad before tat afflcen desisted from thslr labors at I rtteck 1 Oe afternoon, eurht tills with an aggregate capacity af S gallons, some CJM0 gallons of peer, ana sundry equipmest had tan en Into their hands to be de stroyed. Four of the eight stills were takes Iom than 200 yards from K U.t church, snd aona of them was more remote than its acolyte could hoar a gunshot Indeed, there were many gunshots, and thnt explains why there were bo captures of mea. No sooner had the rVidsra araaaaJ the bride at the chore than n voil.v tea into ISO air by the natrlea arousoa the eountrysids to the pres eaeof dancer. Seeing thatthslr taming hsd been discovered, the officers sbaadoned their plana to make a saint mm. Tkey laid off a strip of territory a mils wide sad two miles lone-. . tending aa either side tf tht ehareh, aad very methodically searched every nun euip oi uo nmoni mooashint stream oa it. Eight stills in that district wm their reward. One of them wm ia operation at tht time, enuea oy a Dig negro who drop- pra nwny into uo aaderbnea. at the approach at the raiders. Al of the others hsd bona hastils slipped from their moorinn nnd hidden sway ia the basket. Nambors of taem wort still warm from the Ires, and ia several places the Iras had not beea extinguished. One ef Ue ttUlt was a mammoth, fan SO gallon capacity. The ethers wort pattcraed oa mora eonssrvstivs Unes, tht second largest being T5 gsllons, nnd the others sf 64 aad 60 gallons. They made a big wagoa load, aad their aatry into tht city Into yesterday afternoon attracted at littlt aoties. Amaxed by tha eaptare af ebrht stills to as small a territory, Mr. Raines wm moved ta inquire af one ef the womea af tha community if there were any siUsoat left who had not bowed UeBkae to this BmI ef alcoholism. She replied that thart wort few mea la the neigh horhood that were net vngaged ia soma maaaer sf anaaafaetaro. Mr. tainee assaroi her that after Ghritt- aut tbttw wwald as one msn. i that man himself. Ha hi going to ova to New Light Aeeompaayiag Mr. Batasa aa At raid wars Prohibition Aawat J. B. Rotter, aad Deputiee K. Q .Richard son, B. C Bailey aad O. O. OrifSs. fea gallons of liquet were) seised sad d est rayed, along wik Ut bear sat stuis. BOYS HAVE NARROW v ESCAPE FROal TRAIW Xlehassai, Ta, Dot. lTTMviag a motor track againat a fast eewta-f voaaoi asumtagst trata, wnicni tkey ata ass tee oeeaaM ex laa possiag tf a freight traia oa a track ta front ef them, three boys, Robert Poiator. Kilos Clark aai Robert Powell, all af CaceterSeldN aoantr. miraoaloasty eecapod death today aa tbs Athutse Coast Lino railroad at Klaplaad. Tha boys were thrown rreav the track as a result af tha tmnaet Naas of the boys ts battevsd to have been fatally hart, despfto the fact that Um track was demolished. . . - w Onam. Don, 1-A severs earth- saaks thoek was felt hers at todxy. Jlf damage wag doa 1 FIGHT STILLS TURN If L French Ten-Ship Program Submitted Without Offl cial Sanction ' NEARING SETTLEMENT OF. SHANTUNG MATTER - .' '. ii" ss.ina'ia1mianT','-,t'' Profreis Toward Fire-Pow. er Nayal Pact Awaits Re ply Trom Premier Briand; Chinese and Japanese Have Only Few Details To Be Solved Now Washington, Dec 17. (By tht As sociated Press.) Conference de velopments took a new snd hopeful turn tonight whea it became known that tha French ten-ship building plan wm submitted without tht ap proval of tht Paris government aad that direct conversations betweea China and Japan had brought the Shantung controversy close to a tot .tlemeu...t - Naval sub committee action toward a five-power pact oa naval limits tion awaits an snawsr from Premier Briand on both the ten snip -project submitted by rrench delegates Bow here, and upon the joint counter proposal concurred in by Great Brit ain, the United States, Jspaa, and Italy that France accept a capital ahip strength of 175,000 tons m eom pared to her present 104,000 tons ia dreadnoughts. Preseata French Views A three-hour session of the sub j-eommittes today, was almost eatirely taken np by Albert Sarrnut, head of tht French delegation, la presenting views of French naval experts now bert as to tht naval needs of France Secretary Hughes made a brief reply tending to cumulate good feeling smong tht committee members. The official communique, however, woald admit nothing beyond the physical tacts utt us committee met, talked, adjourned and would meet again. Settlement of the Shantung Drob- Mm apparently dependa on Mtis factory arrangement of a few details involved la Japanese return of the Tsing Tno-Tsiaaafa railroad ia tm Kino Chow lease kold. Further Instruct ions en tht tub joet wars received today by tht Jav- aaess delegatot aad although their exact Batata was aot aiscioeed, Mere evident tonight amoaa hath Jaw aaeeo and -Chinese .a feeling that a final agreement wsa only a anestion ox Bears, riwach Fret) wait. to tat rrsaea proposals for a new fleet of tea 33,000 tea capital ships, which stunned Mnfsreass eirsles whta they first bstamt kaowa yeeterday, it wm learned that they wars framed hero by direction tf of Admiral De Boa, chief Freneh aaval expert, under his authority from too delegation to present the views of tht French aaval central staff. Premier Briand nnd former Premier Vivian! both had left Wash ingtoa before tht admiral's proposals wtrt framed. Tht Psrlt government hat Bow bona Informed by cable of tht litaatioB aad sf tht counter proposition. It wm evident tonight that the 13,000 toa capital ahip limitation for Franca was proposed by the Am erican delegatus originally, although the form ia which it was preseated wm aot disclosed. Italy's spokes maa ia tha tub-committee, Sens toe Sebanser, replied that Italy aosept- sd the American point of view u to tonnage wffotaheartedly and would bo Mtitfied with 175,000 tons if Franco accepted that figure Italian Feaittoa Tht position of tht Italiaa deta- gatioa u it k anderstood to havs beea developed during the committee sessions it that tht Italiaa govera- eat had two principles to main- Ltaia ia tha naval ratio discussion, one. that tha Italiaa aavy should be en an equality with that of any other sower ia tht Mediterranean, aad, two, that tht Italian ratio should bo at lew M possiblt for Italy't purely defensive purposes. Italy's sgreement to the Amsriesn ITSOOO ton ratio, conditioned only oa aeeepfaaea sf that ratio by Fraaee, followed. . ... Knowledge that tba neaea iv (Ooatiaaed oa Page Two.) HOPEFUL NEGOTIATIONS Oil fJAVA PROBLEMS Eight Opportunities Taken , On First Day Of Offering l. ,m .i. s. , t.f Mimrtaaltlea offered by Tba Hews aad Observer for Christmas terries were takea yesterday aad the remaining i. it. snt will BTobably go teds when Sunday school tisstes aad organisations will makt la addltlaa to tha Oppertu allies, .. M,l fa auk donations to bo ChristmM aid of asms desUtsto aogroes whs wsald otherwise aot- be reached. This meaey should bo sens directly w we jutoeitita vnnnues. T. fen am a OnnortunUy. elect ths saa yea wish from ths liat, tolrphoas Tba News sad vaserver ts seen re ths asms aad address, then take a pereoaal visit to tht individual r family .composing tka Oppor- taaity te determine prscmeiy was is OaWaaity No. 1 Weesaa with two amall shildrsa aad mother. Husband dsisrttd. Wet.ia worht la mills. Takea by W. B. Wright Oppattaalty No. t Vothor aad daughter, both eld aad feeble. Daaghtor dots haad work. ... OfaseiaoKy Jto. I . Old kdy. feeble, works all saa. Very deosrviag. TUsa by Uirsj tmaday achooi Ctoss Jenkins Memorial Charak, : ' - OnesrUnltr Ma d Widow with two teas, both work On perU nttr Ms I ' Titirr, atothst, and tares scjj, I EXPECTVOTEON TREATY BY Appears To Be No Doub But That Dail Eireann Will Ratify Pact GENERAL PUBLIC IS BECOMING IRRITATED Irish People Want Big Qnet tion Settled aud Then Let Leaders of Opposing Fao tions Handle. Tbcir Own PoHtical Differences Af terwards Dublin, Dee. 17. (By the Assoc! nted Press.) Th Dail Eireann re mained in secret session until late tonight in aa endeavor to thresh eat personal political difficulties among tht members, with ths prospect that it might eoma out Into public tet aioa on Monday reconciled nt least to he yxtent, of, presenting, a, solid, front to the world In their attitude towfrd the Anglo-Irish reay. Expect Ratlflcatlaa. There appeared to be no question tonight but thnt the treaty would be ratified, but ia view of the fact that so many membere of the Irish legislative body wiah to proclaim their respective positions it wm considered hsrdly likely that a flail vote could bo taken before next Wednesday. People Impatient If reports reaching Dublin tonight If rem ether parts ef Ireland aisy be accepted ss correct, the general pub lie aparently is becoming irritated at the delay in settling the big ques tioa that is oa everybody's mind These reports indiestt thst the gen eral Irish public would like to see the Dail quickly ratify the treaty, snd let tht leaders of the opposing factions settle their twa political figbtt afterward. LONDON CONFIDENT THAT PACT WILL BE RATIFIED London, Dee. 17. (By the Asso ciated PrPeM.) There wm at dimu nition of confidence ia London today that the Anglo-Irish treaty ulti mately will be accepted by the Dail Eireann, tr by ths Irish people, if a referendum should become neest sary. But ths unexplained, prelon ga tioa ef the secret debstot fas Dublin hu begua to cause seats anxiety here, which it tomcwhat augmented by tht remembrance ef many similar prolonged debates oa tht Irishytlde daring tht conns si ths negotia tions that preceded the signing of that document The English public mind today ap peared to revert to former Premier Asqoiin s warning noout a maiig Beat gsnlus" hovering over Irish af' fairs, and this 'uneasiness wm in creased by rumors of important modifications of the treaty to be tuo gested from Dublin, entailing pos sibly sntirely new negotiations. Might Destroy Treaty Should this unexpected count be ndopted, nobody here seems to hnow how tht government would meet It During the course of the debate oa the treaty ia ths House of Commons Prims Minister Lloyd George took the stand that aa attempt by parlia- meat to modify ths treaty woald destroy It aad necessitate a bow eoa foresee. Presumably modifications by the Dail woald havs the same ef feet. Then wm much political gossip ia the lobbies of Parliament yesterday after the votee were takea concern ing the government's res son for aot proroguing parliament, many metn bert apparently-not being convinced by the government's explanation thnt it wm necessary to wait for the Dell's decision. Ths Dail't decision, they said, might settle aothiag and if a plebiscite te Irelaad was de cided apoa, parliament might be held ia session aatil after New Tear. May Mahe Appeal Lord Birkenhead kM charge of the governments Irish affairs, sow that ths Premier will be engaged with M. Briand on tht mutter of German reparations, aad it will be recalled that in yesterday's speech Lord (Continued oa Page Nineteen.) Mleetlons.for their Chrntaue boas- tha Associated Charities it making mood by tha organisation for the xtooaea. xa ppervmiu nuni years,' years, aad 1 year. Father beea akk, saly has temporary -work. OeaortnnMr No. C Widow with six children, all -he are old oaoagh work. Mother hot beea v err sick. Oirls, tS, 11, t, aad 4 yean boys-IS sad IS yean old. tl OsoortanMy Vs. f. Very old lady aad one son. - Boa works, lady has beea aiek. Deserv tag,. ... .... , . ' ' Opparlaalty Ho, I Twa aid todies work ia tka mlOa: saa gin t yean ski. uneeetnaety , t Man, wesasa, .ad foar ehOdrsa. Maa hta tubrresloeis, works whet IRISH NEXT'WEDNESDA .lOceftiao ta Pact Till 7 ' BURNS SA YS ARREST OF 1 LINDENFELD CLEARS UP MYSTERY OF EXPLOSION F Rumors Circulating In New York of New Plot To Blow Up Wall Street BURNS NOW WORKING ON LINDENFELD CASE Adds Nothing To Statement That Aire it of Radical In Warsaw Will Solve Mrs terj of Explosion Septem ber of Last Tear; Special Guards Now On Duty New York. Dee.. 17. The thrlllt whlefi'New Tor experienced in Sep tember of last year whea Wall street rocked, by a bomb sxplosloa which killed nearly two sejTS per sons were revive! tonight. Coincident with the arrest of t sus pect ia Wanaw and the arrival from Washington ef William J. Burns, chief of the Bureau of Investigation, of ths Department of Justice, to take personal ehnrge of the ease, then wen circulating in the downtown financial district mmora of a new. radical plot to blow ap the Stock Exchange. New Bomb Throats. Local authorities, while admitting that special guards had been plaeed around the exchange and other build ings, profeseed to attach no great mpo.rtanee to reports that three tee ing iciiers naa neen reerivea py n number of brokers. In this connec tion wen recalled a number of post card "threats" to blow up the Custom House and Postoffiee which followed the sensational blast of 1820 aad failed to materialise. Mr; Burns, oa hit arrival added nothing to bin statements in Wash ington thnt the srrest in Wanaw of Wolfe Liadeafeld, former repre sentative Ja New fork af Lenlne aad of tht Third Internationals sad later ia ths terries of ths Department of Justice, would clear ap ths mystery which kn surrounded tha tats, fit said nothing tending to sous rm re ports current ktra that local arrests were expected. During tht Investigatioa. which extended nround the world With the offer, of rewards exceeding 1100,000 and resulted in the arrest la thit county nnd Canada of a score ef sus pects, who wsrs tubeeauoatly dis charged, Burns maintained from the first that the explosion wat tht work of the Third Internationale, at Indi cated new in despatches from abroad. Saapects rounded up and discharged included: List sf I aspects. A former tennis player arrested ia Canada after he had claimed psychic influence had led him to fore tell the diMstoTi A former convict in a Wiseoasla penitentinry later found to have beea behind the ban whea the blast oe curved. Five teamea taken from a ahip at Mew Orleans aad later cleaned. Three Cleveland suspects, one woman, later freed. Two Pittsburg suspects, ons later lodged in Jail for dodging the draft A Bayonnt truck man who wm nble to establish a cart-iron alibi. A wrestler arrested la Omaha, but later provea to havs beea engaged on a Western mat tha day of ths sxpiosioa. Bss a Belatiem. Mr. Burat rtitoratod thst thsn wm bo questioa that la Liadsn fold's arrest tht Department of Justice has a Mlutioa of the sxploeioa. "We have kaowa it all along " ke Hid. lie regretted, ho declared, that the Warsaw poliee had permitted lie deafeld's capture to become known st this time, se It bad been the in tention to Withhold the information so that tht investiption might bs unhampered. It wm through Undenfeld. Mr. BurM said, that the Burns agency learned prior ts ths Wall street ex plosion thnt Something wat going to happea.'Nbnt ht sdded that the exact ieeauoa ooald aot bs determined Ha refussd to State whether tut poets were, now la thit country, ss- sorting thnt tbs aamber of persons iavehred might ba anywhere from It to WW. Burnt added that the operatives ia hit ageaey know soms relstioashin existed between the perpetrators of the Wall street plot sad those who Mat bomba threes a the maila to sev eral promiaeat mea ia various cities tome months sarlior. TBilS MEN FKEID OF . ; CIAK6I Off KILUN6 WEST VIRGINIA MAN Wekh, W. Va, Doc 17. C S. Lively, "Bender Pence sad WU. Ram Saltern, efcartod with the hiDlag af Kd Chambers, of M stews u, da the ewe rt boose ttona at Welea last August, wore freed or laa Jury after artv-eac mlastos of seUheraUem tonight. The com the lory at f rel o'etoek sad ad liM the mods their meet to J ad re Jasses Freocn Slrotber. ' Ths aVoaaaats wsrs bold saw dor the Indictment ehargiag them with tha kUUng af Sid BatnWId with tba ma aa tba first NEW THREATS 0 BOMB OUTRAGES VOTE MONEY FOR f House Bill Calls For $20, 000,000 For Sending Grain To Russia ' Washington, Dee. 17. A bill au thorising the President to expend 20,000,000 out of the funds of the United States Grain Corporation for relief of the distressed and starvinc people of Bussia, wat paased tonight oy ino House, lie to 51. Opponents of the measure fourht it to the last snd forced n roll ealll oa tht ground that tha vote aa an. aouaeed did not include a quorum of tne Bouse. The roll call resulted 1U to 71 aad ths bill bow goes to ut oennte. ... Mac Wrangling. -- In wrangling over the measure the Boum attempted to chop it to pieces with amendments. Ths first Mtual tost wst on an amendment by Representative Baukhead. Demo crat, Alabama, to reduce the amount from twenty million to ten mil lion, which wm defected 78 to 60. There had been two Mild houra of debate during which a flood of eloquence was let loose oa the argu ment that the starving children of Russia, rrgardlese of the Bolshevik ruin that had brought, about their distress, should have their cry for broad silenced - with American food, when -n new fight was' started over proposals to tear the bill to pieces. Protesting against the use of funds for the people of sny foreign ns- tion, Chairman Madden, of the aj- proprintlons committee, declared it wm eesy to vote a tax oa the backs of the American people aad ery at the same timt for economy. Then are eoaditioas of distress this country which would appall Congress if they dared relate them,' Mr. Madden shouted, adding that information to this effect had been laid before him confidentially. But I eannot see my way dear to vote money out of the treasury," said tha chairman, "whea it it aot to ba used to relievo ; tha dlstreas of the people ws wen Mat hers to Mrve. Kaft of AmewdmeaU. Whta the time rame to receive amendments, mora thsn a seers sf members. Jumping to their fest, de manded reeoguitioa. Ia ths midst of ths flood of them BepreMntntivt Oeodykoentx, Kepohliesa, West Vir ginia, stepped YorwlTd with a aew paragraph which would direct tht President to spend twenty millions for relieving destress smong the "starving, hungry nnd unemployed eitixent of the United States." It wat howled out on s point of order, but the West Virginia Bepablieaa stood hia ground. "Mr amendment msy aot e withid the raise of the House," Mr. Ooodykoonta declared above the din, "but it nt least knt tha merit of coming within tht constitution of the United States." After that amendments wen set up in rapid tueeessioa oaly to be knocked down. Abont all that wm tacked oa to the original bill a direction that grain for the Bss slant bo purchased in the United States and cent to Buuia in Ameri can bottoms and a direction that a report of all expenditures bs mods to Congress by ths end of next year. The House refused to Include Armenia ia the area to which relief would bs Mat WAKE FOREST FACULTY TAKES PROMPT ACTION Wake Forest, Doc 17-fa aa eaVclal statement gtvoa oat thai ufteraoea by President Wllllsm Lewis Potest. M la learned that six Wake Forest students bare beea expelled for basing, whlcTs has occurred daring this year. The stetesMat given ont by Proadeat Potest does aot eoa. tola the as sms sf the men whom the facalty aad Sonata commit tee expelled. Prwldcns Patent's statement .allows a rarammsadetton oa the part af the Staaoat Senate Committee sfter tka committee bod roved tboM seen gslMy Of basing at seme time daring the year. It la aaderetood that tba Student Senote Facalty have aot Saisaod their lavssttoatioa af the recent basing episode In which Kalpa Pattersea af Faretteville wm honed la the form af hie hair being cat aad hia face be ing bucked. Tba statement 'of ProsieVat' Potest foHowsi "At s fsll meet lag of tbs facalty af Wake For. cat College tale morning, apoa report and iscosnnssndattoa af tbs Stodeat Senate Committee, ats mea la addittoa to the two aievieanly dismissed won osaoli. od from College for basing, la thm case, M lavartobty bora, tofors, Uo facalty Bos beea a salt oa las selley toward baa. . Ia Tba Stwsent Sonata aad the Dean ef the Coitoae are tern, tins lag their ssarcadag lavestU TARRED FOR SELLING WHISKEY, TO YOUTHS Baaford, Fla- Xov IT. A yeang white maa aamod Bearer was tarred aad fse.thercd here-hut sight by a party af naidea tiled atrtoas aad seat sow tht amia beuaacae street sf tbs amy bearing apoa has back a placard staling tact ba bad add RUSSIAN EU Pae te yes beya, -? - Man Being Held In Warsaw Only One Who "Knows All About" Disaster In Wall Street DECLARES THE TH.RflT" : INTERNATIONALE WAS arrnn BtniNU run; Lindenf eld Sent Abroad Originallj To Get Inform tion For Department of Justice That Would Lead To Arrest of Xeiponsible) Parties; further Arrests In Immediate Prospeet it Information Given JBj Lin denfeld Proves To Be! What Department Xx cted; BadifljJI-. oated Directly fa Explo sion, But Is Gliose To Be. ments Besnoniibla Tor II Washington, Deo. 17. The arrtti in Warsaw of Wolfe Undenfeld will clear np the entire mystery of tha Wall Street explosion of September 16, 1920, it wss stated pesitivsly to day by William J. Burnt, head of the Department of Justice 1 Bares ef Inveatigntioa. Lindenfeld, whose srrest was re perwu m too uepsnmerrt cy tnt Jtar eoeiated Press, was described by Mr. Burns as the key to the solutioa of the mystery and "the only maa that we know ia ths world that knows all sbout it." Third Internationale Did It lit. Burne declared that Liadea feld himself waa aot implicated la the explosion, oas of ths want tragedies in ths history of New York, but was se close to ths radical elements who wsrs its perpetrators that hs knew all nbout it Ths Third Internationale, Mr. Burnt said, wsa the moving spirit behind tht plot Undenfeld, nceording to Mr. Burat. went nhrosd originally oa behalf af the Justice Department to obtaU informatioa whick would lead ta the arrest of those responsible for tba explosion. Whea aa reporta wars re ceived from him, Mr. Burns said. Silvester Gosgrove, sac sf tht deport ment't agents, wns Mnt svtr to find snt why. Uadeafeld wm Jot asadlag tht Informatioa promised, aad tha arrest followed. Promise Mara Art sate, ladiesls la Europe m well m la Us United States, Mr. Burst as Mrted, were aader .surveillance by the department .'or suspected cobbm tion with tht explosion and if ths la formatloa to bo obtained from Ida. denfeld proves to ba at expected, ar rests an in immediate prospect Lindenfeld, Mr. Burnt explsiatd, wm ths repressntativs is Ntw York before hit departurt for abroad af radical Polish papers aad alas wai oas ef ths representatives la Amer ica of Lenlne And ths Third later nationals. He wng recommended to the Burnt Detective Agency as tha man who knew moot about ths Wall Street explosion, Mr. BurM declared, adding that careful cheek had boras ' this out Kaewo All A heal It "Lindenfeld," said Mr. Bums, "it tht only man that ws know ia tka world that knowt all about it" ror mis reason, sr. jiurnt soa tinued, Lindenfeld wm Mnt abroad to get the neeeswry informatioa ta enable tha arrest of tht participaata la tht bomb- plot tad wss ta have received the 150,000 reward for thssa disclosures. He wm 'escribed by Mr, Burns ss a highly educated aad intel lectual man of pronounced radical tendencies, slthongh hs did aot him self advocate violent measures. Ea is about 3d yean old and hu a wife and two children now in New Tere sa d it a half brother of Beea Lax em burg. He went by the a-ae ef William Linda in this eountry, Mr. Burnt ad ded, bad taken out his first eitUea. ship papers nnd an effort was made to obtain his second pspers for him before he went abroad. He it a Pole by birth, Mr. Burna continued, aad his relatives are now la -JVarssw. He, himself, wm forced to leave Bussia ia 190(1 becauM of kit radical soa sections. a Has Much Evidence Mr. Burns mid that evidence had. been gsthered by the Burns De tec- tire Agency which cheeks up with tnlormatiOB aaown to do ia tatj hands of Lindenfeld and that data la the hands of the ageaey had been turned over to the government which hss been working oa ths Lindenfiel4 arrest ia Wanaw ia es-epmtiea , with ths Polish government end the . 8tsta Department through tht Arnar iesa embassy there. ' Mr. Buras expressed: himsslf ' as eonldea thnt the mystery of tha, Wall Street sxpiosioa weald bs aa ravelled as a result off Liedsafsld't , arrest aad declared that radicals ef the Communist Third Isterasrtouale , . . r. . : i- . wuum uo iwbu h iwywuwe iw trims, ' ' ' ; MOSS INFORMATION 01 EXPLOSION BT LntOENFELaT , Wanaw. Doc 17(By Iks Asee- 1 tinted Press.) rurthsr statements . relative to the WaB Street bomb explosion hare been asadt by Wolf Lisdeafeld, arrested by, the Polish Clics yesterdsy- aa euspiciea si vlng beea implicated ia ths ex- ' plosion, and who Mboeooestry made fun soanastoa, giving ass aamsa of tha ring loaders aad ether tae. formation. Three statements art bo lag ttaaslatrd Into English, t 1 -Aoeording to BUvsator Csnrrero,