Tie News and TBE WEATHER flr Meadayi Taeeday a nettled, probably rata; ae mac Usage ta tomBerataro erra 'ea year paper. Bead mnd Ave daya before eaplrattoa to ardor to avoid mmsleg single copy. VOL.CXIV. NO. 172. TN PAGES TODAY. RALEIGH, N. C. MONDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 19. 1921. TEN PAGES TODAY. PRICE: SEVEN CENTS i I Jet-'" FULL SUPPORT BY FRENCH GOVERNMENT TO PROPOSAL FOR BUILDING BIG NAVY . Proposals To Naval Commit tee of Washington Confer ence Includes-Definite Schedule of Con- -structra NO DISPOSITION TO MODIFY PROPOSALS FOR ENLARGING NAVY Would Not Begin Building - Kew Dreadnanghts Until 1926 On Account of De pleted Finances; Memberi of French Delegation Con fldent That Oppoiition To .Their Program Will Be Lessened When Closer Study, Is Made: Even If The American Government Finds Them Unacceptable, . They Do Not Feel That -They Can Be Modified On Account of Public Opinion At Home Waahlagtoa, Dec 1 (Br tka . Aaeeclated IVtmv) Tka Preach preens al far a capital ship ralia permlttiag her ta construct aad maintain ISt.lOe toaa. which, "whoa first aresealed to tka aaval committee ef tka armament eta fetaaee waa ajareteed ta ka merely a aantatlaa, bow la de clared to kara tka fall aappart f tka French government. Tkia waa tka eetatandlag de velopment today . la eeaaeetlea wltk tka conference aad waa ac cepted la nsott aartere aa caa. aiderably Boetponlag wkit had kMi predicted weaU kc aa early adjournment af tka Waaklagtaa awetiBg. Tka Impression gained aaiaat tkar delegates waa tkat If Franca Insisted aa tka 1444 rati comprised la prepessls pat forward Thursday, aka weald flad a oolld appaaltloa confront lf tka sanestlon. Neither fraai a aatadaeiat af Natltaal etwrity war from tkat af . "are ata! aulas" aa wklck tka wkala ocheme at nmltotloa la kallt. it waa doctored, aaM- tka Piwaek delegatloB -defead tka claha to era at atoadlag la the world s delimited aaval eeaeert. Waahlagtoa, Dec. 18 (By Tka Aa eoetated Press.) Propoeale made by tka frtack delegatioa Thursday to the naval eommittce of tha arme anent aedfereaee included a defiaite aehedulc af aoattraetioa which con templated tha replacement by 1M1 af tkt preeent French battle fleet by 10 aaw ahipa totalling 350,000 tons. Tka propoeala and tha eeeonipany iag aekedala af plaaaed construction wtra presented wiU tha foil au thority ef tka Ftobcb government, it waa learned oa boat authority to alght, aad were not aa hat baea in dicated la aoaia quarters, merely "a teatativs departmental plan." Caaaidarad Eatlrcly Eeaeeaable. Authoritative Preaeh apinioa, as obtained toalgtt. was ojitt the plan aad Ha moulting rati for France was entirely reasonable. Itwatmsde jtlala that then waa ao dispositloa ta modify tha propoaala of their vital feature, ar to accept tha 175, 000 toa rati proposed by tha Amer ican delegation. Tka fret aaw aklp weald be laid dowa ia 1926, aadtr the French plaa eabautted to tke committee, aad each year tha koel of aa additloaal thip waald be Uid to gradually replace ai aagmeat tka proaant capital ihlp ' toaaaca af Fraaea which, ia the opin ion af her government, ia antiquated la deaiga aad Inadequate to propfrly wroteet tha aatioa'e lateresti. Tka aaval eiperta of the Freaeh ialegatiea oeUmatod that the hut of tha aaw ahlpa would be ready for aarriea ia 1M1, ar aot before toa year after tha period of the aaral holiday ceateaplated ia the limita tion agreement aaw before tka eoa- lameatlnl Faataraa af Flaa. Tka aaaeatlal faataraa af tke Fraack plaa were tobmitted ia aom aiittoa ia a table illaatraiiai pro rated eoattraction, aa followt: Tear, 1M; eapiul aklp toaaaga, 1MJ0O (all aid draadaaagkto). Tear, 1931 1 capital ahip toaaaga, 200,000 (S new, S old draadaaaiku). Tear, 1936; capital akip toaaaga, t3600 (1 old, f aaw dreadaaHhU). Tear, ltl; capital aklp toaaaga, SSOjDM (10 aaw dreadaauffcUl. Aa aialyaia af tka table, H waa atplaiaed, waald akow -tha: tka Fraack aary at tke and of tea yean weald flgara aboat tOOMM toaa af capital ahipa, Uieladiag twa aew dreadaaagbta, aad tkat thla amid k aly SO ,000 toai, rcpreaaatiag ap atosimately tka toaaara of tka twa . aaw aklpa, orar tka aUoteuat made Fraaea aaacr tka American plan. .Tha Farm toraraatoat kaa baea kept rally iafermed af wkat traaa- K- redJa tka eeafereaot aa Tkaraday, iday aad aatarday. he raeoettMO datioa far ah an re kaa hoea made from tka dalogetioa' hart aad ae aappTeateatary laalraatioaa kae ban raroiTtd from Faria. Tka aaarktioa tiiata amoag aiombara of tka dela galioa tkat Bene will be reeaiTOd aa 4 Iran locemmoaded by Ua delogatiaa. . , The aMmbara af tka dalegaUaa are caaSdaat tkat tka mare tkeir Sgarrt are aaamlaed tka taea wUl lhT be ppoaad by titkar tka Am arbaa geveraawat af American ama lia opiatoa bat aeoa If they ware fewad laweeeptabfe they deetera a ia aot aaaa kew they eeeld be ra daeod materially kaanng ta riow the ToaUaaod aa Paga Tw) Two Battles May Develop On Session V Expiring Day Supporterapf Dunlap Measure To Rfepeal Tax Penalties May Bring It Up Again, And Senate May Have a Go At Watts Publicity Bill; Some Talk of In vestigating Overactivity of Clerks; Adjourn- 1 ment After Somewhat after a haetened mid night and the beginning of a aew legiilattre day, tlie epeeial teisiun. of the North Carolina General An aembly will die nine die in the (If teecth day of ita life tonight, and tomorrow morning will eee the bit of ill member t i furned homewafd to their waiting familiei and Chffit- But little etandi on the ealendara. Tha Senate hae the Municipal F1 nance act aad the Validating Act for ncliool taiee for. aecond and third reading!, and ae toon aa theee two major meaturee are aafely ratified. adjournment will be a matter of but few minutee. The Houne n itill eon fronted with a few matteri that were sent over from the Bonate Saturday afternoon. Bona Dyaamlto Left. Nerer hni it been aafe to cay of any Gencrnl Auembly that lti poui bility of pyrotechnic waa exhautted before it adjourned, nor can it be eo laid of the one that is scheduled to . eipire tonight Various loose ends of lrriihtion are -etiiV -lytac about, any one of which may contain immense potontialHioa af eiploerire force- In the Senate there ia still the "pitiless publicity'' bill requiring the Berenue Commissioner to come out in the open when ho goes to reduce taxes, and in the House there U the Dunlap mean&re repelling the pen alties for non-payment of taxes. There is a distinct possibility that either or both of these meaantee may come up today. Tha Dunlap bill ia rjng in tbo House Finance committee, where it waa sent after a bitter struggle Saturday. The Watta Publicity bill Indications Point fp Eptert lion of Arms Conference Into New Year Waaklagtoa, Dee. llj (By tke fimnlstH Prate.) Secretary Hagkea aa ekalraaaa ejf tka Ar aunmeat ceafereaec kaa cam. anaaleated directly wtU Premier Briaad of Franc retarding tka attaattoa Whkk kaa do vetoaed aa a roaalt. a Ua atoad f tka F reach detefatlaa spaa tha qaeattoa af paval rettee." Mr. Bagbai m aaderateed to aav callad tka attaattoa af M. Briaad to tka eatlrely aaeapaeU ad silir at Ik Frewck prapeaal aad to Ha fallar to karmaa! artU tka basis priadptea arpaa akk tka llmllattoa f aaval ' laata plaa waa drawa. WaahiBgtoa, Pea. 18. (By the AaJ oeiated Prats.)-Aiuougn miner inttruetiona from Paris ar upeet ad generally to aoftea eoasawhat the aatitad takta ay the Freaeh dele antes toward tha problem af aaval ratio, many msmDcra ex we ams coaiercnee are woklag sorwara ta a animated and perhaps prolonged discussion before tka French views finally are brought lata accord wlla those of the other powers. There SDoarently ia little) axpeeta- tioa ia American, BritUh, Japanese cr Italian eireels that tha Fraack aoveratnent wiU insist rtgidly on the DroDosal af ita aaval experta, already presented to the conference for a F- -oh eapitu neat ax awiuu tana but at the same time eaough of Freaeh oplnloa ea tha subject kaa baea revealed to sampea aopa that tha eouater-propoeal for a 175,000 toa fleet will be readily ae eeptcd. - - It would act earprise aoma 01 ue delegates if the diaeaasioa lasted into the New Year aad aptet tha plaaa of the British to sail for home la December. Uatil the word expected momentarily from Paria la recti v4, aowever, a one ia aw thority aaw will make a pradietiea aa to tha prebabl data wkea tke conference will be aver. 8 far as the far Eastern prob lems ar concerned, there teema to be little to demy aa adjoaraawaL Tka Shaataae- aajotiatioa art amaeretottd to kav breoght tke Japaace aad Chiaea almeat to Sa agreement aa that aaeJact aad only a raw Items en ta gar uaxera agaada remaia .toa coaiiderad. Bom af thtm appear at Srat giaaca aa likely to be diftcalt to kaadla, yet the dekgataa seem Ja to gen erally af ta eplalea tkat if tke raval preb leaC aaa ka aolved tke Far Faatora aad af the aaejcrcace will ke weaad aa aocedily. .China a request far abregatlM an the ISIS treaties, roealtiag from tka n damaadt form tka meat formid able immediate rtambllag bhrnk la tka ay'f a Far Kaattra acacia. bat to maay anartota fct it belaev!, tkat the peiat aever will be s'.u aenly preened. Japaa already kaa abieetod to ditcasaiea af tk treaties by tk aaafaraaea aad at ia raeegata ad gvaerally that aa aattea aaa be ipalled to talk a beat a anettWa it OMtHlera aataid tk aaepe af Us CMfaramea, FRANCE UPSETS COilFEilCLPLAH Midnight ia oa tha Senate's aafarorable eal endar by a 9 to 7 ote in eomnltte The backers of the Duuiup bill will cudearor to hoitt it out of eoujiit tee this morning, and the minority report will have a m'rt oii to place it in the favorable calendar. Senate May Cat Active. Either of the two measures may precipitate lights that will make Die session memorable, or that may pro long it beyond tha hypothetical hour of adjournment. The Senate, to be sure, has thus far ahown nothing but the utmost friendliness to Com mis sioner Watts, but some opposition that baa aot yet found expression is threatening to bring np this measure, which he opposes vigorously and base a record vote oa it. Tke fight over tax penalties ia four years old. It aplit the session in 1920, widened the breach at the reg ular session last winter, and oa Sat urday morning, developed the hot test fight thst the session haa wit nessed. The Old Tiger of the Lost Provinces won out. but yesterday waa "4 day of manoeuveriag that may possibly change the complexion of things this morning. Soma little concern was expressed last night as to tka possibility of ao quorum this morning when the House convenes at 10 o'clock. Many of the members have gone with la definite leaves of absence, snd many of them have just gone home for the week-end. Fifty-alae members makes np a quorum in tha House now, with the three vacant seata. Qaeatlea May Trouble Eighty-three members pledged (Contiaued ia Page Two.) Dissustactfon Over Shan tung "Conversations" Probable Cause Pekjng, Dec. IS. (By the Aseoelat ed Press.) Tha Chinese cabinet re signed today. No ffleJal reaeoa for Ue resignation ia obtainable. Ia untSeial circles, however, Uc decision of the govcrameat ia inter preted in Urea- ways, tint, aa a protest against Ua reactionary regime proposed by Oca. "Chang Taao-Lin, governor, of Manchuria; jecoad, Ua demand af Chang Tsao Ua (of material support by U gov srament, aad, third, a confession Uat tka flnaaelal sltaatio ia im possible at aolutioa. DISSATISFACTION OVI1 SBANTPNO BBLI1VED CAUSE WsihlagtoB," Pea. 18. (By aha As oeiated Press.) Pissastisfaetion Lover tha prog rats aad Ue method of Ua Bhaatuag "Coaversatione aow going ea kctwaaa Chinese aad Japaace representatives here, waa believed to kav baea Ue cause of Ue resignation af Ue Peking cabinet. The delegation waa without of ficial iaformstloa regarding tha fall af tha cableet, aad, eo far aa could be learned, reseat dispatches from their gevernmeat ecataiaed nothing which woald bear aut Ue supposi tion thai Ue resignations were duo to Ua attitude af Governor Genera) Chaa Taaa-Lia af Manehnria, POLICE 1N CHICAGO JAIL FIVE HUNDRED ' ) ChJcaaV Dee. It-Flve baa. dred ptraaaa are aeder arraat beta ckarged witk vwUttoa af tka praalklttoa bwe, Tka arts., aara ar aetag held at cartowa net tee atattomi tkraagfcaat the dty. Cktof Fttaanerrla aaid to. day tkat plaaa fa farther arret ta war aadtr way. Tka arret ta war algkt aad today I ralda aeadaeted, by tka pettoa at tk arder af Chief of Police Fit amen se wftm twa pismlssd to "make Cktoam a dry tkat U w - Amaag tk plsem raided araa tk eaclaaiv Caataa dab which aamkeaa amaag las mepfcert majv Cklcaga aamtoty falha. Oa aaaa WW aha pettoa aald waa feaad wttk a bottle f Hqaar la hie kaad, waa-jjayettd. Other eomkecB af tk clak were Bed BOBBEXS MAKB BIO IATJL FROM STOCB IB BPBNCEI peaeer, Dec laWTka atora af J. A. Biteloff waa almeet remeved by rebberc Baturday a Ight Several kaadred doUata wwdk ad geoaa war carried away fct ai track. There la ae alas to toe idewtity f the visitora. MOTBEB AMD BIX CBILDBElt . BUBNEO TO DBATB DT BOMB Wladeet, M. B. Pea, ISkf ra. lea tea Jokaaaa aad bar eU chil dren raagiag la age from S to IS years, were earned 4 daaU early today ka a lira vfcfcaY daetreyad their ilSEllNET nrninun hi nnm; KKMhli.MN 1 IMiVlMMW as a a atwrigan HOUSE TO DEBATE ANII1YNCH BILL Democrats To Wage Hot Fight On Representative Dyers Measure INVASION OF JUGHTS . OF INDIVIDUAL STATES Provides For Heavy Penal ties Against Officers, Oiti- sens snd Counties To Be Enforced By F d r a 1 Courts ; Aimed Directly At South, It Is Declared News and Observer" Bureau, 003 District National Bank Bldg By EDWARD B. BR1TTON. (By Special Leased Wire.) Washington, Dee. 18. All this week the House is to devote itself to talk oa tha subject of the anti lynching bill Uat wae introduced some time ago by Representative Dyer of Missouri. President Hard ing had things to say of lynching Mi hia inaugural address and Con gressman Dyer baa followed ttrls np witk hia bill, a r- aeure, ia which there is evidence of Republi can politico playing a big hand in catering to the negro vote. ' Tha program for the- week, or Uat part of It that will bring adjourn ment on Thursday for the Christ mas holiday receas, is set forth on the notice issued by Republiesn Floor Leader Mondell to be "debate on the anti lynching bill. No date is set for a vote on the measure, it is simply that Monday,- Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday be con sumed in talk. Tha committee ma jority report recommendation ia "that the said bill do pats," this signed by the Republicans, while the minority Democrats filed strong dis senting views. Provides for Heavy Peaaltlea. The bill provides that where a State government ''fails, neglects, or refuses to provide and maintain pro tection to life of any person within Its jurisdiction against a mob or riotous assemblage" it shall be held to have "denied to such person Uc equal protection of Ue laws of the Bute" and Uat the officer With Ue authority to protect the life of any pertoa who is lyaehed who "fails, refuse or neglects" to make all reasonable efforts to prevent Ue lynching or to arraat aad prosecute any person ia tha party af lynchers be gattty af a felony pun- lahabl by imprisonment- a - seeding five years ar a fine ef aot less than $3,000, ar both. Any person who, participates ia taking from aa officer aayone held (or come actunl or tnppoeed crime and put such pertoa to deaU, or who obstructs or prevents an officer from apprehend ing, prosecuting or protecting such person ie to be held guilty of a fel ony aad whea found guilty shall be imprisoned for life or aot leas thaa Ire years. It is farther prescribed that tha county in which - lynching takes place shall forfeit 110,000 to be paid the family of the person lyaehed, where there ia bo relative the money to go to Ue Halted State. Ia each eases payment of tha 10,000 eaa be ordered by the court by a levy npoa tha property of tke county, or by compelling a tax levy agslnst tha people of the, county. If la the lynebin Ue party lynched ia transportsd from ana couaty to aa oUcr or through ' eeveral eoaatitt, each eounty is made severally aad Joimly liable to pay the 110,000. The minority holds the bill to bo without conetitutienal warrant; Uat if enacted and operative "it would not add to Ua protection of pcrsoa or tha general efficiency of govern ment, or strengthen Ue relationship between the Federal goverameat aad Ue States," ia fact would be aa ia termetton of Ua Federal govera meat against local power, a subvsr sioa of State's rights, eupplaatlBg aad superseding tha sovsreignty of (Con tinned ea Page Twa.) BEGINNING TODAY Twerfty New Opporhinities to Share the Setison's Blessings Today tha Associated Charitle, through U columns of Ue Newt and Observer, cemmeads to Ua people ef Ua eitref Raleigh, ia U aams af Ua spirit ef Christmas another score f opportuaitice to share whateveaf joy the aeaaoa may bring them, epportaaitite ta Ugh tea the load af Uey npoa whom fortune haa frowned, opportunities to lift, to traaamato Borrow into gladness. Brief, aad timply worded. Banc seareety mora thaa twa liata ia length, la every ewe ef these la written a tragedy bigger Uaatk tragedies aroaad which .people are woat to faskioa books. T'etble eld lady,-Uvea alone," far instance. Wkat a pietare Ue . Ave word, Urew npoa Ue eaa vac, aad at a time wkea.Ue Ueagkta ef Ue world are taraedr ta peace add Joy aad ro an iea. Feeble, bid aad aleae. Or Ue fttble eld lady, aad bar graadekild, aleae aad poor, the eld waaaaa bending her won, faded Sta ger all day to ker aailtlng aad her straggle to malatola kersalf. Hew litUe it mkrht take to lift tke kaaatod shadows tkat he eg forever ever tkat ptaea, kew little weald It tare to brigktoa tka life ef tk little i year eld graaddaaghter. Eight af the twenty ettpertenitiee that mere ecTered far the trat time Satarday mora ing kav beta takea. Thirty -two are liatod below let Ua tsaildcTBttoa af tk people ef tke city, aad bchiad them Uer arc ethera. Fa yeara back Balalgb aaa tkaae asaaaa af aaariaar Ita bleaaiaga witk thee waa kav ttt-i aheald H tolepkeaed MILADT CAN SMOKE IN DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Washington. Dec. ISv-Mlady f tka cigarette may emeke to her ittrt'a ceateat ia tk Dlatrict ef UelamMa wlUeat vtolatlag tka law la act eat la tk: formal re vert ef tke Cerwerattoa eeanetl (.f . tke District to be aabaalttcd to ha ceenmlaaieaere tkia week, his tfal eplalea kelag tkat ka kaewa f no law tkat weald prevent Eitmeere r the fair aaa from Olag tkelr favorite kraada berever "mere maa" kaa ike ime right Secretary Davis Claims Curt ard Line Violates Immi gration Laws Washington, Dec I. Secretary of Labor Davit hat qrdered fines to the limit of Ua statute assessed sgainst tha British Cunnrd Stesmship Line and hae asked the State De partment to make diplomatic repre tentations to the English govern ment sgainst what he officially elaa sed "as a bold, and I believe a know ing attempt, on the past of the com -pany to violate the Immigration law either because of the paltry profits to be gained Uereby wr to discredit our immigratioa policy. The . circumstance complained ef arises out of Ue1 arrival ea Decem ber 10 at New Tork of the liner Aqultanta with 300 Hungariaa im migrants, despite Uat ba December 1, the immigratioa bnreaa had an sou need to nH steamship lines that the quota of immigrsata from Hun gary legally entitled to enter Ue United States np to July 1822, was eihausted. Mr. Davit has likewise sddressed a letter ta Attorney Gen eral Daugherty asking for a legal opinion aa to what actios eaa bo taken in "an appalling situation which haa arisen by the -reckless disregard of the law by steamship companies. '"Since the enforcement of the new immigratioa set, which limits the number of aliens entitled tp enter the United States in any one year to a definite percentage of the num ber of -that Netionslity nlready resi dent in the United States, the immi gration authorities have been in practically constant controversy with steamship lines which they hare charged wilh deliberate intent to make the law futile. The situation hat been enlivened, by midnight races to Ue port of entry between vessels carrying immigrant cargoes fvtwa aaaatriea whose dwindling qoe U mad R trtwbabla -that arrivals ea'Uclast vessels would be aa- eluded aad deported. This vessel is said to kava tailed from Cherbourg ea or aboat De comber 4, it being understood Uat the Hungarians were embarked at this port. Soma of these aliens were admissible ander exemptions found ia Ue law, but at the last eount KM of them had been found to be maa dstorlly deluded from admissioa. Writing to the Attorney General, Mr. Davis aaid that ia hia opinion "the awful wrong being perpetrated aa Ueaa poor aliens, eaanot be pre vested except by Ua imposition of these fines. The heart el Amencaas it shocked at Ula mercenary prac tice, aad demand! that aom one be puataked for Ue great wreag that ia wi. .. a vwtmQ w. STEAMSB1P COMFANT DENIES ANT YIOLATION OF LAW New York. Dee. 18. Ofoeiala of tha Canard tine tonight denied the allegation af Secretary af Labor Davit Uat Ue Hae had deliberately violated tka immigratioa laws. "Tha Caaard Uat," declared P. W. WbatmeaU, general passenger agent, "has at aU timet doae its vary bait to comply with the re oalremtats ef Uf United States Im migratioa Laws. It haa done aoth- lag at any time to diaeredit taea lawt ar Ua immigratioa policy af Ua gaverameat. tlthtr to Ua News aad Otmervar, er to' Ue . Associated Charities. The paper's pba ia M aad U Aass siatod Charities fOl Below are listed Ue epportaaitlati Oapertaalty Be. I Mother aad daughtciv beU eld aad feeble. Daughter does feaad work. Opaertaalty Ka. 4 Widow witk twa scaa, bath work aad vary smart, Opawrtaalty ft. S FsUer, mother aad th re aaaa, 6 years, S yeara aad 1 year. FaUer beta tick, only baa temporary work. Opaertanlty We. S, Widow wiU aU'chUdrea, all who BRITISH CONCERN FINED TO LIMIT are eld eaeagk work. MoUer kaa seta very efek. Oirla, ta, 11, aad 4 years; boys, 13 had IS year aid. Oapovtaalty Mat f Tory eld lady aad eaa eoa. Boa works, lady kaa been eiek. . Dtecrv Ua . ' Oawertaaity Be. Twa aid ladlca, work talk aaijla; ae girl years aid. i -OBmartaaMy No. -Maa, waaaaa aad fear ekUdrea. Maa baa tabtrealosis, works whea able. Oirla, 13, 10 aad yeart) bey T yeafa eld. Opsmrtoatty New 11 Maa, waaaaa aad two little girla, f aad a yeara eld. Maa aickv warkt whea ab le. Ovaaaiaaity N. II Wakua aad twa ekildrea, girl It yeara aal key S yeara aid. Bee- ' (Cwatiaaad am Fag Twa) ' T TERRIFIC GALE IN CITY OFBUFFALO Trees Uprooted, Chimneys Blown Down and Windows Smashed By Wind GREAT FLOOD POURS OVER NIAGARA FALLS Wind Blowing Directly Over Lake Erie Piles Water Up To Unprecedented Degree, Almost Covering Several Islands; Property "Loss Runs Into Large Bum Buffalo, N. Y., Dee. 1 (By The Associated Press.) A 98 an hour gale swept the rity today, nprooting trees tearing down chimneys, cmavhiag plate glass windows and piling ap the water In the .harbor to aa aa preeeitented stage. One maa was killed In tha storm. The dsmage throughout Ue city waa great but heaviest losses occur red along the water -front where I 300 foot wireless tower waa demo) lahed, boat houses and email docks were swept away and eeveral ban' dred pleasure craft War smashed or. earned dowa Ua river. The property lose will rna Into hundreds of thousands of dollars, riaaed -la Aatomeblle. A window hatch torn from the top of a business block (ell on paasing automobile, killing Frank E. Kiefer, one of Ue two occupants, and injuring Ua other seriously. The hatch went through the wind-shield nad pinned Kiefer to the sent. The automobile with both occupant on conscious ran about a block before it swerved and crashed into a store front. Two women were caught ander falling tree near tha water front, One of them, Mica Margaret Corh rane, sustained boU legs broken. Her sister, Kstherlne, waa Internally injnred, and firemen had to cut away part of the tree trunk before the could be released. , The wind, blowing from the south west, directly dowa Lake Erie, piled up the water until Bird Island pier and Bout Island were almost com pletely submerged. Nearly 100 squatters' ahaatiet wear carried out lata Niagara Hear. Their occu pants were rescued by police, Bre men end eoaat guard erewt. Three ferry boats used ia Us ser vice between Buffalo and Tort Erie were piled np ea Ue rocks between the river and tha caaal. Swirling rieed at Niagara. At Tonawanda Ue water roee eight feet above normal, flooding Ue large lumber yards there aad carrying thousands of feet of timber into Ue river and over Niagara rails. A dredge anchored off Grand Island be gan to drift toward the falls, bat maaaged to Snd anchorage by dig ging its steel dipper into the mud on the river bed. Seldom hst such a volume of water poured over tke brink of tke Niagara cataract ae today.- The waters af Lake Erie crowded into tha Niagara river, caused a swirling flood where usually Uere are only a few e.unt inches. Much floods poured aver the precipice thnt the pier ef Ua Maid of the Mist waa aubmerged. Maay islands just above U falls were submerged for the arst time In yeara. Ureat property damage was dons oa the upper river between im Salle and Niagdra falls to river side boat houses and motor boats. One eetimate of the property lost Uere It $300,000. No lot of lift waa re ported. All the large lake boats here weathered the atora. Borne dragged their anchors but aoae ware beached. GITIS NAMB OF MYSTERIOUS BLACKSMITB IN BOMB PLOT Warsaw, Dee- laV-iBy Ue Asso elated Press.) Silvester Cosgrove, the Amerieaa Department of Jus tiee agent, hat teat a cable dispatch te Washlagtoa givlag the asms of blacksmith who Wolfe Linenfeld alee known aa William Liade alleges maanfietared Ue -bomb and engineered Ua details ef the ef ploaioa la Wall Street la 1930, and received Ue money for Ue job at 10O West 40U street, New York City. The blacksmith it supposed to be la the United time Statea at. Ue pretest NBW YOKE TI81TED BY WINDS OP JCYCLONIC POlCl Kew Terk. Dae. ll-Winds of ey elonis character leeompanied by heavy raine visited Jiew York early today, eaaeed alight damage ia lower aad wrought destruction over a wide ilaraUas. thea tomped to the Breai and wrought destruction over a wide area ia Ue UbIob port section. Aa aaidentiied nun, dead from aipe aare, Wat found ea a Bowery side walk. COLONEL BABYBT CAIXS ON BBIAND IN LONDON. Leedea, Dee. lS.-(By the Asso ciated Press.) George Barvty, tke Amerieaa ambassador, at a late hoar last might visited fremier Briaad a Ue keteL where M. Briaad is atoppiag ia Leadoa, aayt Ue Times Uie merling. The aewspsper adde tkat tkaambaeeador aad tke premier war together lot sons time. fBEXCfl NEWSPAPERS UNIT in rraoLDiNB si6 navy Parit, Dee. It (By the Associated rreaa.) Teday a Bewspapert were virtually aaaaJmeue .ia supporting Trances aaval bnildiag program as sa ggted at Ue WathltgtoB sea far eaea laeradiag tka rveasst fat tea capital ahtpt. GREA DAMAGE BY HOW ORGANIZED PEACE IN WORLD' HELPS MANKIND Present Break-Up In Human Affairs Not Result of ...Pebility But of JIReguIated P.oyer. .Which Has,., VCauaedVv 'ars Between Natiorja, Declares Wells HUMANITY NQXSEEKING TO , , I ESCAPE BUT TO ACHIEVE Great J-Lngliah Writer In CWlwUnp Article On Wash-"-ingtoh Conferrnce Pictures Possibilities of What Science And Education Could Do For Life If (' Wars Were Removed By fl. G. WEILS (By Arrangement with the New Yuri; World and the Oiicagn TrlbuneV ' I have now come to the last paper I shall write about the Washington Conference. I have tried to give tha reader some idea of the nature of that" gathering and a broad view of the issues involved. I have tried to prevent the sharp -discussions 61" the foreground, the dramatic momenta and eloquent passages, from blinding ua to the dark and darkening background of Old World affairs. I have) tried to show that even the horrors of war J are not the whole or the main itianafaw if which, results from, human, diaunioa. juwU disorder .4 ,.tk. presence of increasing mechanical Dower. I hav srran. lid the theme of economic and social dissolution. Neces sarily, 1 have had to write much of dangers impending and miseries which gather, and increase, and of hates, suspicions and failures to comprehend. And on the other - hand, when one has turned to the possibilities and methods of escape from, the present conflicts and appre hensions, necessarily one has been very largely in thw thin and unattractive atmosphere of unrealized projects. ' I have written of the defects of the League of Nation scheme, its premature explicitness, its thinly theoretical and imitative forms, its frequent mere camouflage, as in the mandatory system of existing wrongs, and I havej brought intb contract with it this newer and I think more). 1 natural and hopeful project of successive Conferences, throwing off committees, embodying their results in, treaties and Standing Commissions, and growing at last not so much into a World Parliament, which I perceivst more and more clearly, an improbable dream, as into ft! living, growing, organic network of World government J If Wart Are Removed What Sort Of t World May We Then Look Forward Tofi But now, in conclusion, I will sail tha reader to turn his mind fron this necessary discussion of political deviree and administrative contriv ances, these bleak inventions thst may form Ue ladder ef etc ape from Ue divisioas and bitteraees ef the present timet " I tout ta aa at tempt to realise what tha world may become if men . do struggle through thess tiresome and' perplei ing problems to a working solution, if eur race really doee get from theee wearisome yet hopeful wring ling and dealings to aa organised world peace, to a disarmed world, to a steady reduction of racial and actional antipathies nnd distrusts, to a growing eonSdencee in . the perma aeaea ef peace and the prevalence of goad will throaghont our planet, to a comprehensive system of world controls of Ue common interests of mankind. Suppose that after theee preeeat darkneasea of famine and almost aniversal insecurity these confused aad often conflicting ef forte wa are making; suppose that in ten, or twenty, or thirty yeare we begin to realize that Ue thing is, af tcr all. getting doae, that we are indeed pushing through, moving to wards the light that human affairs are on the np grade agnln and on new and grraterr and safer lines. then let as ask what sort of world it will be for ear kiad Uat we shall be moving towards f Waat Oapertaalty Te Achieve. Let us go back te one fundamental fact in Ue preterit break up In human affairs. That bresk-up ia not a result of debiltiyl it is a result of ill-regulated power. It it im portant to bear that in mind. Die proportionate development of energy and overstrain are the immediate causes of out present troubles; the scale of modern economic enterprise has outgrowa the little boundaries of the European States ; science and invention have made war so mon strously destructive and disintegra tive -that victory ia swallowed up in disaster; we are ia a world of little nations wielding world-wide powers to Us general destruction. And it fallows Uat if. after all, we do struggle out of our old-fashioned snd now altogether disastrous rivalries aad hatreds before they destroy as, we shall itiB have all tins science nad aower. which are things that seem aaw to increase by a sort af inner aeeeesity. ea our hands. So that getting throng te aa ergiaised world aeaea dost not meaa simply avoiding deaU and destrnetioa aad getting back to "aa you were." It maaaa tettina hold of power ay tae right aad Instead ef Ue wrong end. aad going right ahead. Wa are Sot struggling timply te escape, wa are etnjggllag for the epportaaity to achieve. PcrsoaalVy. I da aet thlak I would have bothered te coma to Washing toa er to interest myself ia Uis peace business, aad te work aad blun der aad feel iaeoaipcteat aad be wor. ried aad d retreated hare, If it meant working tot just peace, flat, empty, simple aeaea. I de aot see why the killing ef a few eeere millions of human beings a few yeara before they would aataralty aad iagloriooe ly die. ar Ue tmaahlag ap ef a lot ef ardiaary, rather agly, rather aa comfortable towat, er,f It tomes to that Bert er Uiag, the earn pi etc fls- popalatiea ef the cavU, or the pros pect efeelag killed myself preeeatly by a bomb er a abet er,a peetileeee, should move Bis to any great tier lions. Why bother to eaehage taf feriag forBataem) Ua went, least eadarable af mfawriea ia boredom. Oae meat die somewhere few deaths are aa paiaful as a S ret -aleae toeta eebe er ae depretalac ae a aewre it af fedigaetieai yea, aaa eafer more oa a comfortable death bed thaa on battlefield; and meanwhile there is a very good chance of sua shine and snatched happiness here er there. But what daea atir me is nay invincible belief Ust the life I kadi aad the human life aboat me are Beit anything like the good Uing that could be and might be. I im tot ea much frightened and distressed by; Ueaa wart -and aational clashes eaeT all the rest of this silly t lag-wagging bragging, shoving business at bored! and imitated by these things. I kava! bad some visioa of what seeace and! edueatioa can de for life aad I anS hauated by Ue fine uses that might' ' be made of men and of eur tpleaJ did poasibilitioa. I do aot thlaW of war at a tragic aeeeesity bat ae blood itemed mesa. Whea I thiak el my fcarope bow, I do aot feel like i weakling whose world haa been vaded by stupendous aad cruel i " itei use a maa wnate nn sing garden has been iavaded by hogs. There ia the pacificism af lev the paeifieiam of pity, the pacificism! of commercialism, but also there is toe paeineiam of utter contempt. This is not a doomed world we iiva ia er anything se tragically dlgalfied it ie a world idiotically epoilt, ' Do any of ue realise the uaaalnri ' of that garden, the promise that eaa . still be reseuel from the trampling, dullness of old anlmoaitMe aad rs valries which is wrecking itf Oireat unity af purpose Uraeigtieat taw world, givea a surcease ef mataal -; thwarting and destruetioa, de wa realise what science haa made mi aihle now nnd here for maakladf - I shall not indulge ia any imagU native anticipations 'of thiaga still undiscovered in the sclentide realm. I will only suppose that Uiatt al ready knows and tested are iye -tematieally ased all over Ue world, Uat the good knowledge we have al ready stored in our laboratories aad librariea ia really applied with seme thoroughness and with some commaal ty of purpose to Ue aeeda aad ea largement of life. And first let us deal with the eoav moaer material aspects of life ia which Uere have be. a great changes and improvements in recent timea and ia which, therefore, it b easisBt ' to imagine still furthertoettermeat,' givea ealy as sssuagemeat ef strife - and b'ind itruggle and a spreading out ef generosity aad the feeling eg community from iaternationai to , social affaire. PeasiMltea ef Trfteertatt . Take transport, that very fnada - mental social foncern. It it ripe fee' great advaaeea. There is all the la- bor needed in Ue world, all Ue skill aad knowledge needed, aad all thaa materiM needed, for Uese advaaeea. - There is everything needed bat peace ' and the recognition ef a eomatea purpose. At present, Uere are rail- ways ealy ever a part el Ue UhabU ed world; there are vast a rest ef Asia and Africa aad South America with ao railway aor read eommaai- '' eatioa at alt and with enormous Bat-! aral resources scarcely topped,' ta. consequence. Koada are aa ytt aot a early se widespread aa railwtra. tbeBdaat good roads are foasd ia ' deed ealy ia Western Earepe aad ' tha better developed tvgtoaa at the United SUtoe; there ate a few good aia roads ta anew eeeatneo aa i ladla, 8oaU Africa, aad ae forth. - Aad la many parts ed Earepe aew, tad especially ia Buasla roads and railways are going eat ef wae. Large . parte ef the world are etfll ealy to be reached by a epeeial ly equipped eipeditteat they ere ae toaccesible to ordinary travel lag people ae the ethet aide of tha meea Aad if yea will prebe lata the riaeiat why road (CeBtlaaed ea fag Twaj f