NEWS" AND OBSERVER, RALEIGH. N. C TUESDAYMORNING. DECEMBER 20. 192T. cunnn COURT IlL Vlolds "Open CompetiTion" of Hardwood ManufSctur- ers Unlawful RESTRAINT 0F TRADE JUDGE CLARKE SAYS ittce Holmea Beet Noth ing Wronf In Distribution of Trad Information '-: Amonf Member of Ano ciation; Majority of Conrt SM Oiherwii a OUfllU TTahingtoii, IV-. The open competition plan of the Amnion " rTvdw'ged wjnrV-turers Assoriat i ii Was declared by the Supreme Tuurt today a tmlmnl upoa trade in tin. faron nf the STiertiian anfi trut law. Department of JiiMire nffcviala rum meriting iixin the derision Raid it woo I'l fiirm t lie baai fur the r" eruiurnt's policy ton :irl hundreds f associations maintained by vtiri 0s industries to ejchstig price ami other train in f ur mitt inn. Activities ef the R9oriatinu harp been iiii dec observation by the deportment for come I imr, but definite formula tions of policy, it h.-is been stated by Attorney General Itaugherty, . awaited today's decision in tho na tfaa's highest court. In rcuderng ita decision the court divided sit and, ihn-B ,liutke Ale. Keaa. Holmes and Brandies diwul inj. It sustained t lit- I intcd Mates district court fur Western TmnniKY, . . which in April, IK.'", granted In , junJi" J'e'Uctually r.euuuin- the association from 1 1 r i jr into fur their sijri'rmruts under the plan, fur -bidding the further distribution of Statistical information under the plan and directum the ubundoiiment nf all effort whstsocier having the purpose or tendency tu enhance or maintain price." (em petition Restricted Tic opinion of the rourt was d liverrd by Juaticn t'lurkc who de scribed the orgnniratiua of the a ami eiat ion's stntiMical bureau explain ing in detail ita methods for bo'.i ' ebUining and diesrniinatiirg informs Hon concerning the trade and asser ting it wis a clear combination to re strict production and to iaereaae prices. Concerted action amonf the members waa obtained, he atated, aot only by the distribution of reports iaaned tinder the open competition p!an, hut by frequent meetings mid qiirsttonairca. , The meeting of the membera re lilted in concerted action 'Justec Clarke, atated, to raiie price rc gardleas of ronditiona, and tlie plan v. as termed by him "misleading and misnomer," and "an old new dreaa nud a new name." lie lidded that instead of a plaa to pro mote open com i tit Ion It operated to restrict eoinpotition. It waa fu tile, he anid, ta. tnri t)at tha pUa waa' ate re It to furolh . iafonnattea which eouid not be otberwiae obtara ed. Tie aecretsry of the Aaaoela tien, throiifh an expert atatietietaa, lis aaaerted, utillard repliea to quel t'ouanlrea and other information furnielied by the member of the Aeaociatioa a tha baaia for bu) Jetina and adtice, Theee repliea, he said, alao were utilised in pre dicting and promoting advancci la prieea, by wlthhelding of prod urtrfroiu the market awaiting high er prieea. 8eet Nothing a ft. Jnatlce Holmea in dixetiting stat ed that the method of the aaaociation could not be objected to in "thl - - country of free speech" as a eom- binatlon ia restraint of trade; that whila it wai combinntinn amont aelleri it wai aot nnViwful, that ita ' meetiugi and information circulating rvr,-u(b ita bureau waa open to the jiuWic, that a combination before ll eaa be termed inlawful mult engage lit an unreasonable reitraiat of trade ... and overrea:h normal market eon ditioM. In the practice! of the ai aoelatloa ke saw nothing that wai different from the reaulli pro nounced by the goverament in the distribution of market report and ntlier Information for producer, ex tept that tha associution sought to roash memberi "in the baekwooda," to whom ai aot aailabje muck of 1 ' tas gorornmsat Information. TO ESTABLISH UMVER8ITT FOR DISABLED 8IRV1CI MEN TPaahiagton, Dec. 19.-Director Torbei of the Veterau bureau : probably soon will aak President Harding to approve the choice of a alto for vocational training Lni varsity for former service men in . tha Booth, it waa aaid today at the bureau. It was believed, official! aaid that Colonel Forbes would aak for on of the army cantonment in " Uta South, such aa Camp Johnston, at Jacksonville, FU, to ba eon verted into one ot the, training institutions, which are to b tstab- - - liahsm ia tha different asetlona of th coaatry under tha bureau 'i - new odacstional policy. W15T TO RE9CVI CODIN," .. LOSES HIS OWN LIFE. Charleston, 8. C, Dee. 19. Going back to rescue her little cousin, Alee Oliver, three, from cotton 1 flames near Sellers, Loali Oliver, eleven, cite lost her Uf Wednesday it bcae known today. Th c.hil . . drea were found ta tha rains of th 1 t peek hous locked iav weh others arms chirred beyond recognition. CaJJrOlNtA I ANTI-ALIE 1 LAW IS CONSTITUTIONAL San Frsaelseo, Cal, Dec 1 Th enstitntloftality f th California . anti-alien land law forbidding alien ineligible to itlrathlp frexa owning or leaeisg agricaltaral kada waa ap , held let today by a otmrt of three Federal Judges. Beveral other ctatoi bar eaaeted law psttereaed the " Oaliforaia act . ATLANTA FEDERAL BANK REDUCES INTEREST RATI Atlaata, Dec 13j-Jl rcdneUaa f th interest rata wa all claaae of papcra from f va aad a half per seat ta v per cent waa aaaonjued to day by M. B. Wellborn, govemer af th fli Fdrl reserve bank. Dr. Cliarle J. Thwing. ha Just 1 as president of In Western ) I eiver y, f er' having i i t c I t t j .:'. j ... Franct .Decides To Accept Plan for Small Navy (Coatiaaad Trm Pag One) with aay recession on the capital ship question- the F reach iweuid at tempt t aaawiato aoma form of aa auranc that they will be given the pnvileg of Inrrensing their lubma ria strength. Ther ia ao tendency to link the two Into the formal afwaanent but it ta appareat the Freach wast rt mad iwrfeetly eleir that whatc-v ratio they aecept fot capital ship ikail aot apply alo to auiliry rrnft. , It is not improbable tVit th French reprwanstitea al.n ill want aoch a modification of the tin val holiday plan as will permit tlinn to replae their preoeat ulwilete battleship with veeavb) of th pof Jut.laJHl tvpe so far aa they eaa build them within the specified tnnnag' limit. Bwaaiio ef the war- the French naval experia declare their fleet is badly li need of replace nirnta, and there aeems to be no di HHin io (ttermte tharTtiim; SENATOR REED ARtit'EH BIU CASK IN BOSTON B'ton, Pee. IP. "Complication cry aermiia n nature that lone developed iu the Senal committee couideriii(f the rvfunding of our for eign loans,' were urged by t'nited States Senator Reed in the aiipreniM reurt Unlay, a reason for the fnwt ponrmewt of the trial of Diatrb-t At torary Jwph C. i'eUctu'r "oa ehurgen of malfcaaauee in ogice. Senator Reed ia counsel for the l'lntrict Attorney. He aikej the court to poatpouit the proceed iiign until next Thursday at the earliest. RICH ARD CHOKER nEKIOI'M.T ILL AT HOME IN IRELAND Vryor. Okla., Dee. 1. A cablegram tating that Kichard Cruker, former Tammany chieftain of New York, wan very ill trat b.w4ti if ,- Mr Hultaih Bcmton Kdmoadavn Oroaer, has iun mond Hruce (inrrett, a local ritisen luirriedly to irelantl, it beeituie knimn tmlav. Mr. Cruker is a daughter nf Mr. and Un. 11. H. Kdmoudaon of this city . Petersburg Merchants Fleeced. Petersburg, Va., Dee. 18. tlovern-. meat ofherr arrived here today In reapona to telegrams atatiag that a "ireatlemaa crook" had floored iv eral merchanti out of moaey and merchandne auiouiitiaj to approxi mately (dUQ, by caahing bogus money orders. A local, jeweler lost a dia mond ring valued nt $72 and 2H in eaah, A clothier is out of $0 in cash, while .furniture company ia out of N8 ia euah. HOLDS PICKETING OUTSIDE POLICE POWER OF STATE (Continued From Page One) opinion of dinaent delivered by Jus tice nrandeia Mould be anaUined, "became ia applying it rule in re gard to boycott and peaceful picket ing Arixono. did aot deprive the plaintiff! of property without due process of law or deny there equtl nrotertinn af tha law" iml uUtuu if Arisona waa. prohibited from adopting "this rule of tahafnntiw law it wna atill free to restrict the ex traonSnnry reniedie of qnity where it conaidcrtd their exercise to b dctrimentnl (o the public welfare, AW " 7 1 tor uc rstrietiriaJwsaotadaiaaJ to th employer of cither do prs resa of law r efual pratoetioa f th laws," ir Tha real object, of an rajnnetioa, Juitie Braadei aaid, waa to prevent injury to persons or tangible prop erty, arid unlet there waa a threat of such violrae aa injunction shomld nrt 1 granted in the Arisona esse, lajaarllea Not the Remedy . , .luiitiee I'itney's line of reasoning m announcing hi dissenting viM a aimilar to that of Jtutic RJ dew, holding it within the police poser of th State to regulate and control all act in breach of peace or of violence whether originating in labor ifiabules or otherwise. Hj stated that the employers had am ple protection of all their rights in the courts through other meaaure than injunctions. The caae arose ant nf A atrike ia Riehce, Arirona, in kieh William Truax and other employer .sought jo.-injunction to ptotuiut frau as . pbiyrs from picketing. DOUGHTONiGHTS" HIS LAST BATTLE IN HOUSc (Continued Pegs One) on the cnnilderation of naming the baby of KepreNentative lipsjie Joliui ton, of I'ender, bora lent Thursday lii!o Ihn member waa in Hslei(h. Mr. Criap offered a resolution, offi cially naming the child Carolina, mtli fbe siiKgrstiim that nobody be sllowed to amend the reaolutioa ex cept t h rVnderite. And aa the young lady becomes the first lady ever unined formally by the Houae of Representatives i.f the Stale. Proponent! of the Ihinlnp tax penalty repeal secured the promise of Mr. Crisp to move a reconsidera tion. jufUie measure when the lluuse convened, parliamentary procedure requiring a member who voted with the Saturday majority to make the motion. Mr. Crisp made it, and ini iufdiu,tel.nik!d 4Jie Huuse 14 vote it down. It as done but not Immed iately. Intervening was an hour of the sharpest debate that any recent session lios encountered. Connor Leada Off. Mr. Connor was th first to take the floor to inveigh against the measure. Re declared that it was the big tax payer who deferred the pay ment of his taxes, that it waa the little man who paid promptly, and Hint because of the si w nets ef Inrger tax payers, it had been th experience of Ms county that school tntcher had to go horn without being paid. During th whole of th debate Mr. Crisp kept generally in the middle aisle of the House, Inter rupting here and there with ob servations. After Mr Connor' ipeeeh he offered li remon or hi motion the statement that supporter of the bill had charged that ateam roller tactics had been employed in the fight Rnturdar. Bo wanted to get the bill out in th open agafi and chloroform it properly. Indictment of the whole tax situ ation win made by Everett of Dur ham In what was no doubt th best speech that he has made during hit tenur In th Hous. H protested against further disruption of th system that had already been tink ered with until it is "th worst muddle that w have ever had In North Carolina." Addressing himself to the matter of taxation geaerally, he reeited many instance of dis crimination in hi own county. Among the, a piece of property Neckwear He Will Want His Neckwear supply may be generous and varied, but he'll always find room on his neck for a gift from our present holi day display. i Here we have developed some new and attractive shapes and coloring all in harmony with the season. You need not shop around, for our selection is the most extensive we've offered in several years. Hand-made Scarves. $1 to $3 Imported Scarves, $2 to $5 Silk Knit Scarves, $1 to $4 Dress Scarves. $1 to $2 Buy a Man's Gift From a Man's Store McLecd & Watson The. Home of Hart SchaJfner it Marx QothM bought recently for school purpose ia Durham, for which the city paid aflO.0110, and it is listed oa the tax book at H51. Other similar case f undervaluation - brought about by the iadiseriminato reduction in ruhies were cited: lie protested against aay' mora taanpcriag witk a law that had bee a laid doa as the ruled principle of taxation, n m.j t. AH th while Representative Doughtoa had been sitting tense ia hia seat, waiting for the tune to speak. First he rvateetcd the rnlinr. of the speaker that th motion by Mr, Crisp savin order. He eoa teaded that the bill was before a committee, and could not be taken T nttder th mlM nC the ttnua aatil five days were iciaed. The U I . 1 1 . I I i paser ruieu agaisnt mm, ana ne turnrd to tin merita of the Dunbp measure. Again be appealed to the House to stick to. the principle that had beew -adopted, rh phaeipt "that provide for a deduction when taxes arc paid ia advance, that provider for their ttavmeiit at iter witkin certain pcrtoda, nit"ft- providrn that trios who defer payment shall bear the burdea of paying the in terest oa money that the cua;y must borrow until taxes are paid. Bowie of Ashe, leader of the tight for the Dun lap bill returned to the fray with the declaration thut the principle of rewards and penalties ia wrong and that it ought to be abolished. Murphy waded ' into the fight with n long passug with Crisp, and Dr. WniUker ended the debate proper with a-a appeal for tha pen alty provision. Sensto At HtaadstllL Th clssh of debate that filled th lobbies, and many members of the Henate had room into th cliam bor. acaitiitittg jn interruption while the Speaker asked the visiting Senators to retura to there chamber to restore a quorum. Busines was ia n state of suspended animatioa crp th Hall-.They left, but aomo what reluctantly. It was the first battle of giant of the session. C.rant went into action on "a par liamentary front. He declared that th Speaker's ruling, if sustained in the Houae, would change he House into a mob, working without rules, that it waa going into the matter without any precedent and without any consideration of the es tablished method of 'procedure. The Speaker ruled against him, and the Representative proceded with hii nrgument. Demsnd for a roll call on the question were not heard in time by the Speaker, and npon bis inability to dotormin the issue on the aye and ao vote, a atanding vote was recorded with a 43 to 40 result, and th Dualap bill remained in the Fi nance Committee, with little ttroi pect of emerging befor tlie session adjourai sine die. Night session in the Hous saw nothing by way of Interest, save for th reatscrtioa of his kinship to a re rauntr bv Representative Crisp, of Dure. He moved to recon sider hi relativea primary diii. killed with some considerable cere mony last week, and by dint of his own persis-uee, induced the House to reconsider and pass it Th Ben at with equal prompt laid it on K t.kU. awd Avorr will hav to content itself with relative and, no primary. Mr. Crisp brought out an armload of netitiona and read aoms of them. Mr. Hcnick brought out another l,f il npsseii nut bv Renre- 1.1 , .......J , T -J I sentative Hicki, but the were be- it- clouded n little later woes, Mr. Roc casually inquired if the prtitioas were newly signed. It wna admitted that seas of then had been ia serv ie bar for several years. TV Hons bagkrd, bat voted for Mr. Hicks, after he had told hew lost kis ana ia a sawmill, aad even as 1i watched hi life blood flow away, he thought ef the Avery county pri mary. LONG TURNS AGAINST HIS PUBLICITY MEASURE (Continued from Page One.) amended the general law, making .it possible for the Stat road bonds to bear six per cent interest. The bill was recalled from the office of the enrolling clerk aad the error cor rected. Several aimilar errors have bees discovered In t-lie rush of legis lation and it i predicted that there is. a possibility of still other creep iaag owl after adjonrnavewtv Dsisls Aasarane The Municipal Finance Art passed nitlumt..lisUsioa ad eWastor De-. luney got through hil scienie for the correction of tb journal ef March 2, which eitrrslned the error that caused the bill euactcd at the regu lar sessioa of the legislature. The Senator from Mecklenburg cited authorities to sustain hia position thut the action of the Senate will enable the cities to fall buck upop that measure in the event that further flaws shall be discovered in the bill of this session, which has already unee been frowned upon by the Supreme Court, with the result it became necenry to retrace the step leading to Its passage. There was no opposition to the bill validating school taxes, but Senator Burgwyn, of Northampton, desire"! (lie measure explained. The bill validates all levies made for this year, requires the same levies for next year as a requisite to participa tion iu the state rquajization fund and changes the flat requirement for mrh part'eipation from a tax of 30 cents to n tax of 39 cents. Senator Woodson, chairman of the commit tee, explained that the bill will af Give the best -give a Victrola for Christmas ' This trsdomark and th tradesnarked word "VictroJ" idewtifv all swr pradscss. Look nndcr rh Udl Lcckcatk label I VICTOR TALKING MACHINE CO. .i Canaan, N. J. Victor fect a maximum ef acven counties s all the si her have already levied a raff iciest tax. " Pewssew BUI Bring Debate Th pcusioa bill provoked on of th stiffest debates of th aesuoa, bV the measure was carried by a rot of t te 9 over the protest qj Senators Uartsell and Long, ef Ala mance, who thought the present re. quirement of marriage befor 1873 befor a widow can draw n penal oa a wise oae, aad deplored any step that would diminish the aaiotiat of peasioas received by actual veterans. Seaator Varser wai of th opinion that the number of death would equal the widvwi to b placed npon th rolls but Senator Uartsell quoted the Btnte Auditor aa holding a con trary view. The bill permitting the State De partoient of Education to place school districts operating under a special charter under the general law wax IsJulr J by a vote of 16 to. It. Senator "Woodwow, Varser and Iiong, of Halifax, explained that the bill confer no authority under the ,ltat. uVpartmenAnnd thai.r tjxe,, change contemplated can he made only by application of the local au thoritie. However, . Se Baler Gal lert, Dun lap and Hurgwya, of Northampton, raised th battle cry of ''aaii centralixation'' aad it prov ed effective. Daisy Lose Again. The "ox-eye"' daisy, choice by s plurality of JJ.OJ0 ia n referendum held among the school children of North Caroliiato eelcc. .'n oh clal flower for the State last aigui made a last stand in the Senate. U't the bill was again tabled, by a recorded vote of 17 I) 14. The vote by which tho Mil tabled Saturday wa reconsidered Cjn motion of Senator Walker and Mrs. Walker? who sent the meastrre to vts first death, stated she had "sinned,'' according to Col. Olds la insinuating the flower was brought to the State in the hay used by Sherman's army. However, Senator" Cameron was seill willing to "sin" and was of thr opinion the hill wua an outrage. It view aha red by Senator Burgwyn, of Northampton, Tho Senate also hilled tha Avery 5-vaf.:i Xalldnff Machine Co., Camden,N. J. .0 ; . '" . ; ; w :. county primary bill which had bees revived1 by th Hows at the hut ntia nte. " ' - The session last aigbt closed with a minimum of th ceremonies which dually mark the end of a seuu. The only presentation was a walking caae, girea t Major David Gaster, sergeant at arm by the colored lab orers, through Senator long, tf Alamance: The benat facetiously adjojrncd "in honor to tha dead billa that lie sleeping ia tb vest pocket of th Grand Old Man from Alkgkaney" on motion of Senator Durgwyn of Northampton, whose feeling over th death ef hia bill reducing the per sonal property exemption from $.1uO to flOQ provoked him to lengthy comment with Representative Dough. ton as hii targ-t "The veitpoctct of the flrand Old Man contains ta? whitened bones of more political aspiration! thin any ssrcophagui ia North Carolina,'' he declared. STRONG SPEECH BY POU AGAINST -AMTH.YNCH BILL (Continued From Pag One) coring to determine definitely whether it will be possible or him to participate with bt. Jolm'i lodge on that occasion. The suggested visit to New Bern has appealed to him very much; not alone bciuse of the very great age of the lvlga and the couimeuiorutioa of the 1'iOth anniversary of the tisit of President Washington to that lodge, but the President remembers th numerous mess ages of felieiUtiocs vrhieh he received from your State when he took the Scottish Rito degrees. Be cause of these thing he has very much wished to visit St. John'i lodge 666 ia a prescription for Colda, Ferer and La Grippe. It' a the moat apeady rpmtdy we know. Qiiickly relieTinf Conatipation, Biliou'a n a a, Loaa of Appetite and Headache. CHOOSE the only instniment whicH u reo ognized as the world's standard. That is the Victrola the permanently satisfying instru ment. Famous for its great aitistSp for its true tO'life tone, for its exclusive features, for quality which insures years of service the one instru- ment specially made to play Victor Records. Be sure the instrument you buy is a Victrola-- ' made by me Victor Talking Ivlachine Company . only. Insist upon seeing the Victor trademarks--the picture Hb Masters Voiced and the word Victrola. $2i5 to $1500. and aay a word of fraternal greeting to th Mason ther and throoghoat tb great state af North Carolina. II find however, that h ia called . a pea to r snort all travel eagagv aieata, tcatativ r othcrwiae, for the moath of January. There ia a r ces ser of work apo him at tb pre sent tioi which will sot admit of hi leaving the capital. Ton will aaderataad the necessity of this con clusion when I tell you that be has cancelled a tcatativ proposal to ad dress the 01) io, Society in New York at appreiiuitly tS sams tin. Qait apart from then thingi. he finds that Mrs. Harding ha long since dated th Diplomatic dinner for January lRth aad the entire of ficial aorial program at ti White Hous and among cabinet member has been so adjusted Io that date that it is quite impossible to change it, Under all these eireumitaaeea, much tooths Presidents regret, he direct me te say that it will bt utterly impossible fro- Mw to cwne to New Bern for this occasion. Von may be assured that his disappoint-. Lnient ia xsryswaaiaie aad it wi aot-. be entirely dissipated until som fu ture opportunity ia offered for th ntterane of greeting which he had so much hoped to make at this time. For Colds, Grip or lalansa and as a Preventive, take Laxstive BBOMO QCIN1NE Tablet. Th genuine bean th signature of K, W. drove. (Be ure yoa ft BKOMU.) 30c (Adv.) a i'pm '.aim 'w v