ingintheSoutli OGOp Observer WATOI LALLL ea yeenr paper. Im4 mm! f days bofere esslratioa la order avald mhaalag alagl espy. T2Z2T JTEATHE2 Fair and wai 1st naaactlsd Satarday nig! day daita smd VOUCXIVNO. 183. TEN PAGES TODAY. RALEIGH. N. G, SATURDAY MORNING. DECEMBER 31. 1921. TEN PAGES TODAY. PRICE: FIVE CENTS erative Marketin--"The Biggest Th hiiim I .11 r 1 T 1 I I ff TV tV ev : '- L1AY DROP PIAHS TO HAVE ONE BIG Scheme To, Merge .War. and " Navy Departments Meets i , Strong Opposition DESIRE INFORMATION 1 AS TO TAX SITUATION HapF Requests Rf ardlnf taxes To Be Paid and Those Which WDl Become ' Ineffective Jam 1 ; Galling - Conferences la Hobby of Admiaiatratioa , ;.Nswa.'ad Obasrcor'Bareea," ' - 603 District National Bank Bldg. By HOWARD R. BUTTON . (Bjr Special leased Wit) '' Washington, Dm. 10. lafomatloa and latlmatioas May arc that the .plant for abolishing, the War D-. - part moat aad Ua-JiaT Uepartawat .aa separate department? of the goy rraaeat aad tying them "together ia -, km erganisatioa to b kaowa aa the lpartmeat - of . National . Defease have blows ap and that thcr will be ao effort at all t pat tola scheme ' across, r that if It ia proposed to Congress, that it will b don ia a feeble a -snaaner aa U foraaat Ha defeat ia advance. At oa tin this appeared to b en of th pet scheme for reorganisation and the public waa fed up ; of the possibl great saving to th govern ment and th iaeideatal benefit to th tag-paying public that would re talt ia th amalgamation of th two department.. 8traf OapeeitiesL It w tht aaderitaadiag that re- esntly President Harding haa re ceived Intimations from various numbers of th Hon a and 8eiate tad from ethers ef th admiaiatra tioa that th preposition to auU Siamese Twiaa of the tw depart ment! would meet with strong ep peiltloe both ia Congress aad ia the cabinet itself. B itrong (a w:d to f'lav beaa th opposition declared t b ready to take th fleldl agalnat th measure that President Harding ia laid to hav takea th position that h wiU not riak th failar of th entig plaa of reorganization by 'pressing to hT th war aad aavy department .combined ander one Jiead. Aad it 1 agreed that it weald bar takea trng sdmlnistratioe backing to ha th scheme bar a look ia for sweee. Th report that ha gained groond la that Beaater 8aoot ia prepared to put akida aader th propoaitioa if It appeared ia Con rr esc . ' The pla for th Baling of a .department of national defean out of th two departaeaU la a part of th geaeral cbm of departmental reorgaaUatiea propoaad aad drafted bf Walter T. Brown, th- Chio maa who ia working at the head of the CongTeeaional norgaaiaatioa eoai mitte aa th peraonal repreaenta tlTv of Froaident ia th ahaking np f th oaooatiT departmenta. Th whol plaa i aaid U bo readr for tubmlaaioa to Congreat, bat before tbil 1 don it will b placed "before th Preaideat'a cabinet for diaenaalo aad mlaioa. ConUatioa that th merger wonld fall to aehler gar marked eeswomiea and wonld ereate aaaecemarw eonfuaioa la requiring ..a general roorganliatiow of th tw departaitata ar being mad, aad H ia aaf to aa aader th preaeat cirenmrtanee ther will bo no am- : binatioa of the two departmaat. .. Bare Oa aerUfy. tb urowa idea I to har oa aeereUrw of aatiaaal defeaa. .1th aaaiitaat oecTotarie far' both th army aad th Nary, each of thaae to hav a oomparatWelrJadopeadeat erraniaatioa. Th wh are ia op potitioa fraakly mj that all they ia it 1 ft ethane to wipe oat oa cabinet Job go aa to mr ': room for another, th propoead Departmtnt ef Publio Welfare, with ft eabiaet eSeer at It head. Bat ther. it Terr littl idea her jow that than ill b a aeparat Department of I'ublie Welfare, th departmeat that at eno time it waa ehdnld 4 be rganizfd, th report, being that th poi:tioa ef Secretary of National De- fens waa to b th Job girea by FresiJeat Harding t hiaperaoaal rnyatciaa, jsngidier general Dr. tawytr, : , , ! .j BoeeeHM Patatoa Th fret t th year i lo at hand aad member! of Oeagreea aa well aa affielal ef th Treaaary De partment ar reeelrlag reqneat for . liiformatioa a to th rae tase to b paid aad the, wtirh go out ef effect oa Jaanary 1, 1921 Dire tioni hare beea teat to the Iateraal Hereon colleeton threnghoat the ronntry to atop the eolleeUoa of the ta tea effeetiro with th comlaf of itt im i year, ia m n rnme tax bniinem th head f f iinily U osempt ap to 300 hi in com ia place of th $2,000 here tnfore oxempted, aad there i ' aa e tcmptioa of ttOO : for rery , de rendent member f a - family ' ia ! ace of t300. ' Thi tht chief bi 1 1 th am all taxpayer get from t new raven bill. Traveler by rill wi!I b benefited a the law re- t ! the lgh per eent tranrporta- i tax oa paaaenger fare .aad ' ..aa fare, whil ahipper will i 1 rjer bar io pay th three per t t.xes a freight ahipmrat aad t pnekagea. Iaanraae taxes i r-"M. and thereia elimina n f f the "nuisaace' taxes oa swh i aa ooda foaataia driika, t, ma ileal instrnment. I goods, chewing gum, toilet WAR DEPARTfilEirr TARIFF FRATilERS FACE BIG JOB Ul Work On Permanent Tariff Measure Will Be Started Next Week AMERICAN VALUATION rLAN UJMbS Uf rliidl SenaU Tinaiico OoaunitU Hopes To Eart Htaaura Stady for Tha fanata Early la Fobrvary; Mait Paaa Oa Mora Than 100, 000 Itama Ia Meantime WaahUgtoa, Dee. - 10. Seaat tariff auker plaa to start aext week th re draftiag of the o-ealld permaaeat tariff bill paaeed by the Hons last spring. Their aim la to bar 'the meaaaro ready fr th 8eaato by early. lobraary, bat be eaaeo of 4ha gnat task tavoWed ia paaaiag. av.tSa more ,taa iOO.OOO item ia. th bill,- thi hep may aot bo reallxeoV- , . Aaaeriraa Talaatleo, The Irst task before the laaaee committee is a deeiaioa as to the adoption of a straight at American valuatloa plaa of aseeesiag duties, or the aubatitntioa of a plaa aimilar to that outlined by Preaideat Hard g ia hi message to Ceagrea early thia. moata.- Moat member- of the committee apparently ar agreed that aom special arraagemeat will hare to bo made if th meaeur to b drawa fat to afford real protoetioa to American, industry from th aheap producing coaatrieo ia Central Eu rope Hearings oa the tariff Virtual ly were closed today, though oi Jaauary represeatativea of the 8oathera Tariff Aesoeiatioa will ap pear. . Take Up Laaaae TarlaT. Lumber aad dairy prod acta th principal subjects diacusacd to day, the lumber hearings being marked by charge by Kobert B. Alloa, of Seattle, speaking for the West Coast Immber Maaafaeturers Arjoeiatioa, that "ft Caaadiaa lobby' ia Waahlagtoa waa foateriag "aa Insidiout propagaada agalast the proposed duty of 00 coat a thMaaad eat ahiagl ad the previeiea t -the rordnry bill glvtag tb rrwideat authority to impose ft duty oa Im ber If eouatriea aow taxiag Auert- ena lumber import deel' to move that tax. - Mr. Allen supported then pro visions, while they wet opposed by Uoaald O. Coaa, of Miaaeapolia, for the weatera Piao Mafc -en' Aaaoeiatloa, Carriaoa Batten, for the Northwestara Lamb:r .''aa't Aaaoeiatloa aad other witaessc. - Daty Oa Batter. A duty Of tea eeata a poaad oa butter ia phteo of the proposed eight ceata. wiU ft eorrespoadiag tax oa other dairy prod acta brought late thia eoaatry, waa arged by B. W. Baldaraoa, of Philadelphia, secretary of the Interstate Milk Producers Aeaoeiatioa, aad A. H. lioemia, of Waahlaitoa. who aaid he repreeeat- ed th National Dairy Ualoa the NaUoaal Graaae. ' The witaesies charged that th Daaea were making tha Halted States dumping ground'' for their butter whenever they found the English market, their natural oat- let, weaksaed. :- "v : " Charles w. Holmaa, oxeeuUve eeeretary of th National Milk Pro ducers federation, whi .poke for that aad other organisation, aaked for a duty ef four eeata a pouad oa cotton seed, soya beaa aad ooeoaaat oil aad four aad half eeata a pouad oa '.peaaat oil. with! eompeaaatory duties oa the raw predaeta which those oil ar xtra.d. LICKED ON FACE BY DOG, DIES OF RABIES Daufhter of Prominent Day. ldaon Tannor Victim of ... Pet Canine ' Winston Salem, Dee. JOz-lflsa Nan alo Belie Alley, aged tS, aad daugh ter of jame kUy, wall ' kaowa Devidsoa eouaty farmer, died ia groat agony at her hem today from hydrophobia, . which' developed last Saturday, eaaaed by small pet doc which became rabid a meat ago, liekiag her ea the face. A yeaagor sinter waa blttea by th earn aai- maL but took the Pasteur traatmeat and ao Ul effect developed. Mia Kaaaie aad the family oaUrtaiaed ao fear from the way th dog played with her aatil aha developed rabies. Sh refused to oat aad at time it required several persoa to hold aad preveat her from biting thee aa ta ooataet with. - FORMER MINISTER ' I TAKEN INTO CUSTODY Green iboro, Dee. JO. Freak Oor rell, well kaowa Orotasboro man, ap aatil two year are ft Presbyteriaa minister, I 4a the custody of th sheriff ef Guilford eeaary, following aa altercatioa at th stere here ef hi unci, 1. H. Thaeker, ia which Mr. Thaeker, hi sea, re strained Mr. Gorrell from aa attack apoa htm, according to Thaeker. Aa (xamiaatioa will be made into the canity ef Mr. Gorrell by the Guilford clerk ef court. . The exsmlr aatloa was to have beea mad teday but waa peetpoaed. Mr. Gorrell aoffered from pella gra several year ago, it ia stated. and it ia thourht that that Is remoa . .. - - -- - . wmm Exclusive Portrait Of German Financier :V " Her I hi exilualv portrait ot laaaeie aad iadaetrial loader, who maa ia Uermaay. - Newport News Ship Building and Dry Dock Company. Lowest Bidder New York, Doe. W. (By th As sociated Prss.)-It will coat ,AV7r S03JS0 to re-eonditioft aad put along side the dock ready for passengers. Amriea'e 64,000 toa paaaenger ateamship, tha Lavlathaa, according to th loir bid submitted by ship buildtr aad opened to day by the United State Shipping Bo art. Thia total waa computed by taking th sum total f th lowest bid sub mitted for the CJiieo laificationc of th work called for by the epeeifl eatioaa which were a follow t Newport New Ship Buildiag aad Dry Dock company, for geaeral re Pair, $3,593,000. Th same eompaay for oagia ro pair, .1SM0. John Waaamaker, stewards eup. pile and moveable quipmnt, $587, 80M0. Bide Batisfaetery Shipping Board Commhiaioner Jo. W. Powell, vice-president of the Im orgeaey Fleet Oorporatloa, aaid after the bida were opened that they wore eatlrely aatlafactory. Plana for fi nanerng the work will bo immediate ly act aader way, but it waa added it was possible special appropria tion will be requested, ' The call for bid brought forth right proposals to do th wjrk for th major contract aad" an equal aumbcr for each of the other di- viaions of the plana aad speciXsa tiona. .. . -, , The lowest bid for stewards sup plies was by Gimbal Brothers, cf New York, I5A30JKK.61 oa alt except hooka for the library. The Newport New Ship Buildiag aad Dry Dork Company was fourth with 1677,000 for all nowards supplies. very Bsaasaabl According to William F. Gibba, chief, of oousfructioft for the later- ueaal Mercanuio Manae ' vom- paay, aad omeiaia or ta tuippug Board, the bid were very reason able, the highest for th geaeral re pair being $10,350,000. . To baild a new ship like th Leviathan, . Mr. Gibba aaid, would entail aa xpadi- tan of - approximately i22.0lK).000 aad the Lovithaa whea sh was con- atracted, aceordiag to information ia tha head of the Shipping Board, ooet th : Bambarg-Amrteaa Ua sliarhtly ia wees ef IIJOO.OOO. The chip, if ah i re built la ac- eerdaftco with th plan oa which the bid wr submitted, Mr. Gibbs de clared, would b qual to any ship. that was eve set afloat, itsha. will hav ft speed of approximately 14- knota-and wiU bo if ft conditioa that could ; aot be oxeellebf if. h war built eatirely ew from th keelap.. . . . Th object of aakiaft for bid from practical shipbuilders at this time, it waa stated, waa to giro th beard ft poeitiv basis of 'ooet ea which plaa for financing the - project could b based. T bida Mbmitted were all boaa-lde aad aecompanied by bond r certified cheek evidsa- eing the sincerity of the bidder, i Glgaatt Task . - - The. teak of reconditioning the LevUtha ie the largest that Ameri cas merchant shipbuilder bar ver beea called apoa to perform. Ia foreign sou n trie It fa seldom that mora thaa three or four firm will respond to a call of Ilk magnitude and the fart that eight firm asked th privilege of .rebuilding the great liner waa considered exceptional. Replacement of her- present coal burning equipment with that for ase of fuel ll is included, la th general repair work. ' The eaglaet aad hull hav been pronounced la xeeDnt shape, but fa the former ther will bo some change ef conatmctioa aad operation ia order that the vessel may be efficiently handled by merchant crew. ' ' Bipping out the cabin, state rooms, and aaloona to make her ft troop TORE-CONDITION SK- Wit k .... . U 1 'Hug' Btinne. Germany greateet la f tea referred to aa the "biggeet CALL CONFERENCE ON AGRICULTURE President Harding Suggests Meeting To discuss Farm Conditions ! Washington, Dee. JO-President Harding, ia a letter today to Secre tary Wallace, of the Departmeat of Agriculture, aaked that the latter coll a national conference at Waah ingtoa to "suggest practical ways of improvement' fot "the t acri- aerieultural depression which exiset throughout the land." Prompt aetioa was takea at th Department of AgrlmUac ia-japnso-ta oho -oo- ouest,. telegraphic invitation being despatched immediately to a aumbcr ox organisations and individuals. Jeeretary Wallace said tonight that the date of th conference had aot yet beea flxed, nor a complete lavitatioa list made up. It ia ex peeted, however, that the conference will bo held within a month, aad that, ia additloa to farmers aad their organizations, industries associated directly and indirectly with agrteul- tur will b called la to assist ia th efforts to improve conditions. "No a will pretend that th present conditions could hav beea avoided," Preaideat Harding said ia his letter to the Secretary, "but aoao of us is willing to agree that there ought aot to be some correct and constructive steps takea to remedv th severe hardship under which so important portloa of our produc tive citizenship t struggling. "I am convinced that a conference may be mad a very helpful agency ia anggeustlng .practical way of improvement, particularly if brought into- eo-ordinutioa with th helpful investigate WBi(fc fcu beea beg a by ft Congressional com mission com mitted to a related work." Th President, farther suggested that th conference might divide It work into two lections, one "for oonsidsratioa of oar present day dif- acuities, rhlek though .temporary, are aenewa ana aeeu. euenive alien- ' - . . m . . i. tion," while, the aecoad could deal with " survey of the futur la a effort-vo- detennin apoa geaeral policies. ' - -; - . . j L0NNIE WILSON HAS; A ROUGH ROAD AHEAD Concord, Dec M LonnI WUson, young wbito man1, of thi city, to very much la demand by the' police now Is' Beeorder's eoart yesterday Wilsoa drew chala gaag aeatence totalling iSO dayi for carrying coft- ecaled weapon and (oiling 'liquor, aad wnea tbeee ease ar anally dis posed of, ho having ' appealed sev eral ether warrant will; be await- in? hinu," i " . Poliee eBeer cay they yesterday aftcraooa disco vsred 10,000 ' Pied mont cigarette f and 100 pounds C chewing tobacco aader hi house oa Powder treeU Th ' goods, the officers .say, were . itola . from -.a freight car. r," ' Whil officers here t wr locating thii' Stolea property Patrolman Hoary Furr was ia v Moorestillo ldentifvlng om . rood ; Wilsoa aaid to hav aold and giva away here aad .which 'th ; officer claim, were stolea from ' a'stor at Oak boro several weekssro.A silk waist and a pice of silk cloth,' given to a mend in Mooresvllle by Wuioa were Identified by the oiBeori aad the owaer of th Oxkboro - store, sad last night th Mooresvills em eers' telephoned her that, a suit Of clothe Wilson sold ia MooresviU alao had. beea find. . . COLDSSCuO officer : GOES FOR PRISONER 'Goldsboro,4Dcc 30-Deputy Sher iff U O. Rhoads left tonight for Greeavllle, B. C. u bring back Lou la Lowe, (alleged automobile 7 thief, Lowe was arrested several ' month age at Bocky Moant aad apd by jumping out th wladow of a fast All SETS UP NEV RECORD FOR I Stinson Remains In Air More Than 26 Hours In Steel Monoplane MAKES LONG FLIGHT . - DURING SNOWSTORM Famona Stunt Ariator sod Mechanician Badly Affect ed Bf Cold; America Now Baa Pour World Aviation Becorda To Her Credit; Bemarkable Feat Mlaeola, N. Y, Dec 30.-(By the Associated Press). The Laraen mon oplane piloted by Edward Stinson, which thi morning broke the world's contiguous (lying record of 14 hours. 19 miaatee sad 7 seconds, descended ahortly after 11:15 a. m4 sftcr hav ing beea la the air 28 hours, 19 minutes and S3 seconds. The official times werei .. . Btnrt Testerday 'meraig", """at 8:881S. . Finished Thia , morhlng at 11:17:80. Stinson, stationed at Kelly Field, Texas, during the war ss a civilian instructor because of his delicate health, probabl trained mors Ameri can fivers thaa ear oae maa. Unexcelled aa a stunt oyer, he le proud of never having fallen during his ten years la the sir. He is credited with aot evea having brbkea a part oa a plane. Greet Stent Flyer, Although more widely known la the west thaa tha oast, Stinsoa kits participated la many big meets, here. His aerobatics attracted particular attenuoa during the Pa-America aroaautl convention ta Atlantic City and he waa labelled a whole 'jSylng eircus." Sappiest ta aa airplane, he climbs Into his seat with aa little eoneera aa ti 'average citisea going out for a ..motor ride The love of flying runs in the family, for two sisters Mnrjorle' and Catherine also ar adept piloU. Forced To Laad. Stinson waa forced to descend bo- caos f a fultH alUooanectiosJ with whieh bread hi maehaaietaa, Lloyd Bertaud, had battled ainco thro o'clock thia morning. They still had gai aough to hav flown antii sua down. Th pump Used to Inject oil late the lubricating system from th auxiliary ell tank went cut of com niimioa at t o'clock. The flyers punctured th taak, set ap a tarn porary tub aad began feeding the lubricating system by hand, taking turns at the eoatrol of the plaa aad at ttt oil taak. Both mea war almost blinded by ell whea they descended, Ia addi tloa they were oufloring intensely from the bitter cold for although the plan was equipped with a cable, Stlasoa had aot left his seat la the open cockpit sines four p. m. yesterday and bis mechanician fouad little time, to leek shelter. Three nager of Stinson' right hand aad . on oa. his left were frosen, Bertaud a heads were anmb. i32E3 . Berry Looking rair. Stlasoa aad Bertraad hopped off tonlo, Texas, and Bertaad, wbooe horn hi in New York, were a terry looking pair whea they stepped from their machine. Thslr faces war smsarsd with oil and their eyes blood-shot. Neither had had a wiak of sleep lae. thcr took off and Stineea said his only aourishmeat had beea a little coffee. Newspeperatea fouad difficulty la interviewing Bertaad, who had beea deafeaed by the roar of the motor. Th fliers, both ft years old aad who hav beea la th air . r they were boys, took partioular pre cautions to protect . themselves agalast th wintry weather. Stinson said that ht aad his msehaaiclaa suffsred gnat pain from their frosea hands early this morning. Fiaally they became anmb and ao longer bothered them. . Th pilot taid that tb maximum altltad achieved during th Bight was -4,700 feet. Th atachin carried 350 gallon f gasoline whsa - ah took the sir snd still htd seventy whea she landed. . t Flew Ia Sftow Btena ', Stinson aad, Dortaud hopped off ia' th midst of a aaow storm and aid, they hoped' to stay up aatil aoea today, 1 fThey wore a electric ' mlts, da neadlag apoa tb heat from the x haast pipes la th pilot's cab to keep them-warm. - t--i-v:' j p. 4 Th maehia I equipped with oa (Continued oa Pag Tw.) HON-STOP FL1GH BcJter Wi3 Gi Tt Firat AulhorilaUTe . Story of What Happener At Paris lay lUaaard Baker,, who waa (he Pre Repreatatatlvo of the Amerkaa delegatlosi at Pari, begins a aerie of article la Seaday's News aad Observer, which will giro the aatkerltatlve story of the Peace Ceafereacw at Paris, President Wilsoa gave Mr. Baker the hey to hi hex aad secret meawranaa; " Mr. Baker -wsa la cloeo teach with Mf. Wilsoa In Pari.'. Nobody ha yet wriHeft the real eUry of Aaterka'a part la the Pceee Cmsference. Mr. Biker will tcU It. - Is t OcheUl1, a hlsUrlsa, writer of approved ability. ; - -' - J . laaday'aNew apd Observer will have la "Th .White Hoaoo Look, lag CUea,1 a sketch of Tom Feaco, of Raldgh, by Mr. TamaUy. It ia from th pest of ft frWad aad admirer of Mr. Pane Bspplesseatlag this story by Ms. Tamalty, the editor of the Mow aad Observer de scribes Tem Peace a th Sherlock Holmes of Amerkaa Politic.'' What f th year 11227 .Saaday' Newa. aad Observer will have oplalo, foreeeoto and aentlment from prominent North Carolinian. ' What eleef Half a desea other apeclal articlee la sddiUow to th regular taaday foatares, each ewe worth the price of the paper, ". . r Newsdealer huld wlr order tor vaeagh to meet the demand. , m mm NAVAL PACT NOW BEING DRAWN UP WashlngtonConference Reaches End of Rope On Naval Armaments : TO FURTHER CURIFY PACIFIC AGREEMENT UniteiLStatea Withdrawi Ob jection To Japaneao Pro poial; Far laitern Quee tion Remain! Bif Item of Buaineai To Be Diapoaed of Bj Conference Waahlagtoa, Dee. JO. (By the As soriated Frees.) The arms eosfer- eaee hss virtually reached the ead of Its effort' t pat a curb oa aaval armament. . T th Capital ship settlement wss added today aa agreement for limi tation of future tonnage la airplane carrier,' aad the thr aaval com mittee' adjourned Indefinitely, leav ing determination1 of various prob lems ef detail to a tub-committee ofsxperta. t Five-Power Treaty JBom sort of declaratioa with re gard to use of the submarine and aa agreement aot to construct any auxiliary vessels aereaiter witb a tonnage of more thaa 10,000, arc expected, alao to be added to the aeeomplishmenta cf th eonference before the final curtain is rung flown, a ve power treaty embody Ing all the point .which there I agreement new I la process f drafting. There are growing indications, too, that .the four-power treaty to pre serve peace la the PaeiBe, which al ready has beea signed, will be ia some wsy further clarified before the eonference quits. The Amerl eaa delcgatloa is understood to hsv withdrawn aay objeetioa to the Jap anese proposal that the treaty's scops be defined not including th major Japaaeee island aad the plaa for aa exchange of clarifying note or for amendment of the J,! "i nit form within a few days. Want C'larlBcatiea Th Japanese request for a clarl deatloa f th treaty's terms ia said to hsv beea based largely ea th development ef difference In view of the snbjeet betweea President Harding aad th America dalega tioa. Thia developmeat ha beea a topi f uch widespread SDecula- tioa la ooaforraeo circle that th President today took occasion to characterize aa "silly" published re port that Secretary Hughes waa considering resignation from the cabinet ss a result of differcaece arising betweea him aad the White House during the arms wegotlatlons. Far Eastern Preble ma What ia to b don about th Far Gattera problem aow become the big ananswered question of th eon fcrenee. Japan and China ar dead locked la their effort at a separate settlement of th Shantung eon troversy aad as a eonaequeaee all the other Far Eastera discussions are' at a standstill It was Indi cated tonight that a 'meeting of the Far Eastera committee would be held next week at whleh Chin would at tempt - to transfer the Sbaataag negotiations Into th full conference Meantime, Senate discussion of th seeomplishmeats sf the eonfer ence ar continuing even though the Senate I sot I session. Today eontributioa to th argument came from Senator Edge, Bepublieaa, of New Jersey, who declared ia a pub lic statement -thst the Washingtoa aegotletions had laid th fouadatioa for great progress toward peace aad good wjll. ' ' SHERIFF CONDUCTS BIGGEST STILL SALE a- Sharlff D. Bryant Harruoa yeitsr day staged Wake County' 'largest sale of captured whiskey stills, 8,889 pouads of virffia copper vetag bought by the Baleigk Juak C, for $286180, the price paid being a little less tha ain cent a pound. Th total price rep reseated ao more thaa th cost of alaety-av gallon f the coatrabaaj tuff. ,f i . y . ' ' '. The aeeumulated metal represent ed the fragmeat ef alaty tills, cap aad worm, destroyed sine the but quarterly mm wbieh .occurred Just after Fair -week. Mor thaa 100 stills wae esptured 'daring ' th ninety day period, taoo - that - trt mad ef galvanised iron -being de stroyed immediately sad enly cop per saved ' for sale COMMITTEE AGREES ON SIZE LIMIT FOR AIRCRAFT CARRIERS UORRISON BXPKXSSES BIS ' DEEP SECRET OVER DEATH OF EXXOVERXOR B1CUTT (Ry -Loosed Wire) Wuhiartea, Dec "I was reatly ebecked at the aewa of the mddea death ef tanner Osvsraee llckett aaid Cevsraer Came raw werrteea. who was here today re. taralag to RaMsft rtoca a bass see trip ta New York. "I wired my deeaea aympathy aad exprsselsaa of my grief to Mrs. Blckett ae eeeei a I leaned of the deeth of her hasboad. Slac going to Raleigh I have throw la peraoaal and friendly cm tact with forme Gov. erne Bkhett aad had learned to odmlr hi aad to seta am him highly. Be waa a Rao cttlaea, a maa of UMhlgbcotlmpalaeoaad 1 hav ft paraeaal foelUg of grief la hie Mth.' North Carolina eon III afford to ket mow of the tya of Taomao W. Bkhett, Ho waa a patriot aad e stale an devoted -to the lasers ef Wecta) CaraUaa. Has mesaery will bo hoaored la the auto which he baa rvd faithfally aad a woH," Cover r Morrtaoa weat to Hew Terk with BtaU Treaoaror B. R. Lacyl oa burin aaected with the tees of bead by North Caro line Oe ef the datlea whil ther wae the olgalag of a Bomber ef beads by the Covecwoo aad the State Treasurer. . "1 algned my aaaae eight the, oaad, three haadred tlateo while t woo there," aold Ooverao Merrl. aoa, "aad It waa oae Job. I left Mr. Lacy la New York UH sigw. lag ha acme a tt&o rate of fear haadred algnataree an hour, sad going ot H hard." Governor Merilesa loft for Raleigh, FAfflSHIPin Californlan Takes Advertise ment of Warehousemen As His Text By R. W. GRIXX OreenvUlt, Dec MOa behalf ef sixty thoussad tobacco growers ef the Carolina aad Vlrgiaia, Aaroa Sapiro issued a "ded" to the ware house mea ef WUson, Klnoton, aad Greenville before one of the largest crowds of farmer ever assembled la eastera North Corolla la the courthouse here today. Introduced by Dr. B. W. KUgoro, ef th North Carolina Extenaioa Service, as the foremost apostle of co-operative marketing ia the United Btates, he placed the advertisement of the Greeavllle tobacco board of trade on the rostrum, where all could see it, and based his talk oa that aad similar advertisement that appoartd in State paper thi week. He aaked that if there were any warhouma or other la th crowd who had any questions or argument against co operative marketing to present them aow. declaring that ir this meat is right I am aot goiag to let any selfish warekeaeemaa block it oaa laeh. Mr. Saplre aaaoaaeed that mar thaa 60 per eeat of the crop in the thro itates f Virginia, Pierta aa South Carolina, had boon signed, that all of the conditions of the contract had beea fulfilled aad the asooeiatiea would 11 th 1031 wop of Aocttoa System the Worst "Of all agricultural prodoct th auetioa system of marketiag tobacco ia the went for th grower, aad nothing! could b rotten as the system worked cut with the aaaist- aneo of Green vill warcboaMmM," be declared. Her h tapped th ad vcrtiacment of the tobacco board of trade announcing that all the ware houses of Qreesvul would bo opea la September, 1922, to do buslaees ia th old wy. ' "Why should these mea advertise now la December that thy will be pea aext September! 'Why did they wait antil I cam beret They ar againct u snd I am glad to kaow it. -1 am helping them J dvertisc SAPIROTALKSTO They rep re seat the dumping system which has made them rich and yea growers poor. For thirty ears they hav sat oa their bag of gold aad think that they eaa hold back 00,000 organized grower who ar going to merchandise their own tobacco aad quit damping It" Pointing to the advertisement ho asked, "Who fa the greatest enemy of the farmer la the mate of North Carotin f Bead this d. H fjpld tb farmer how the bailey growers bv completed all of their arsngsmeats for selling th present crop of barley ia Kentucky, Ohio, In diana, ad West Vlrginlui bow th largest bank ia th United BUtes had offered to upply all th moaey the growera needed i aad hew the "big four" are ready to buy direct from the eo-epe retire associatioa.v , "We have received written offers to dry prize twice a much barley tobacco a Is produced In the United 8rawa, but a larg part of it will be sold green because the compaale want to do their ewa dryicg. The bur ley, growers are going, U tell the buyen what they wUI take for their tobacco in this their flret rear. Siaee th Kentucky groweraJiav organised (Contlnaed aa Page Two.) Also Reaches Agreement On Size and Armament off Auxiliary. Craft, Sub- : ject To French Confirmation x: - BRITISH AND FRENCH SETTLE DIFFERENCES OVER UNDERSEA CRAFT French Delejatea Disavow Article Written By Cap. tain Outex Wbich Caused British Soma Apprehen sion Befardinf France's Submarine Policj In War; Much Befret Over Inci dent Expressed By Spokesmen; Committeo - Clears Decks For Aetioa Oh Boot BtsohrtioB" Btay ninf Submarine Warfaro Afainst Commercial Craft Waahlagtoa, Dec J0.--(By the As sociated Presi). Agreement reached teday by the aaval committeo of th arm ooaf jreneo rneladed alsft and aggregate tqnaagt llmnanons aa air craft carriers aad, subject nly to ' French goverament eonDrmatlon, oa size aad armament at auxiliary craft. That cleared the committee's decks, pending replies from the French and Japanese government ea the Hoot rseolutioa, to laltlate th banning ea tirely of submaria warfaro against . commercial craft; Adojurameat waa takea indefinitely bat probably only antii aext week, whea these comma received aad com plot ion of the aaval limitation agreement in committee made possible. . , Nvl Warfare Rslec Th Boot lub-eommitte will take ap tomorrow the drafting of the Root propooal to reaffirm existing rule of naval warfare agalnat msrehaat craft aad declare their appllcattoa to sub marina f all powot. 81multn sly, th aommittee of naval JX porta will work out a replacement chart for capital chips to complctt that aoctioa af tte liminiUoa agree ment -Jn f v - Tho American proposal to limit aaxiliory sraft other . thaa aircraft earrie ra to 10,001 toa aad their arnv . ament to guaa of aot mere thaa eight-inch boro was approved formal ry by all delentioaa but the French, who deferred formal aaswor needing advice from Paris. .. . UmH Aircraft Csrrfor. Tho American propooal to limit air craft carriers ie a. urtximam of 27' 000 tea displacement was aaaai meualy accepted, tho basis of relative aggregate toaaago arranged being Great Britala and th Called BUtea USflOO tou each, or flv carriers of. the maximum sixei Japaa 11,000 tone, or throe ship of the maximnm toa aago France aad Italy, 60,000 teas, or a little awts taw) would be re quired for two maximum six ahlpe. The French tonaaga resulted from tha statement of French expert that on-, azamtnattoa of - the .quee tin a Franc might prefer to hav tare XlflQQ ton carriers to tw 17,000 toa craft.- ' : . : H . Whea . the naval ooauattts met today, 8cnator Sehanacr ald . the, Boot proposal to baa ubauuria war far' agalast merchant Md-. eat tlroly, as ameaded by Mr. Balfonr for tho British, to bo immedUtely ef ecUvo as betweea tho Ire sign-' tory pvwor pending it ratUeatioa aew statemsnt of, is tarnation at law, had beea communicated tor tb Bom geveranrent, whieh prevented furthr dsbats by tho Italian. .It' Sarraut mad similar statement fop th French group - and Chairman Hughe agreed that diaeussioa ia th ireamstonee wonld b f limited, vila, but invited otnmnt by any i delegate. , uyf-,.,. Lord Lee, for tbs British rrcmo. laid ha felt there waa a "m launder, standing" in tho French group aa U tha British attitad aa th submarine euestloai . .,. . , - .- , Sabmarim Attitad ..v . X aaaaot hetn feellar." h mul.: "that her w bar uniqoe oppor tunity for th rraek'deleatlon aad goverament to reassure, th British admiralty aad public opiaUa in re gard to this matter of whieh Z trope lacy win avail uewi serves. ; "I want to oxoMift tcv our Freaeh frlcada, if I amy, why it h w hav these' special apprehensions which bar beea. expressed so forcibly la connection with France ..-. , j"We are aot clear what are the view of the French aaval staff ea thia matter ef the atllixatioa of sub marine ia time of war. It 1 true th views of expert do aot aiway by aay mesa determine the aetioa of governmental if , they did, an doubt we should some dsy be plseed la a poaltioa -whleh the late Lord Salisbury once described when ' he said If w listened to tho expert a we should have to put a garrison on tho anooa to protect it against in vasion from liars.' - "But tho views of aaval stairs. ' the experts, ars of importance u;'- aad aatil they are disavowed t t government they serve." Takes Up Differenr-e . Lord Leo then, referred to r article on submarine wi French Bevue Uflrillm i Cspltaln d Frigat t 1 : tunc chief of one ef t. e i 1 oa Tog Two) for hi mental condition. (Cpatiaaed ea Pag TwO moving trala. , (Continued oa T, ) X

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