NEWS AND QB5ERVF.R. RALEIGH. N. C. MONDAY MORNING. FEBRUARY 19, 1923. MODERN IDOLATRY RECORD FRESHMAN PIEDiVIONT MOGULS 2 r.. . 5 h . " m ..I "Dr. W. D. Parry Delivers , ; Interesting Sermon - At Christian Church ' "The nan who thinks, who .'iocs Bot take kii religia ready-made ' ' from others, understand! that the -Ereliglonl eoneept detrrmlnet tht ut- tituile, of flit on holding it, to the nee, and to life," laid Dr. W. D. , J-rwry, paator ef the First Christia.i teaoreh. In his aernion yesterday iorping. "To tuck man th pro 2tM. 'JAtJ! Wd! Imye we not pro- - phied in Th.r n.imer Is not a sum- ficut testimonial of fh ateeptanec of Christianity, ef the worship (f Worahip. To faith there iv lut one a fl... w...!,.. . n..,,.i ..l - W4 viiij i.i iiiuuiii u niii- aeration, ami worship or that won fgnlflct conformity to tlie eoneept hohls concerning Him. He dues not assume that his par ticular creed is a perfect expression of Ool I)r. Parry continued. "It la only what he thinks of Uod stat.-d lu terms iff l-.'irsl definition. H it only too well aware that ttin creed it of nine only as It point th cay to iod ami that when the suit his' Tm-ttHi4 that way It It it to e eept rtrtata parti of the creed that at rat attracted it cotisideratl u ami add from experience other piTfs. N i true worshipper ! ever stationary a regards hit ml v n tu re 'hi pi,-iiiil perception. .He ia bound to become aa-eajuWr, in lb realm of tin tin eeen, to discover for himself springs of living water." ,r l)t. I'afr'epoke on "Modern Ml! try," taking as hit text Isaiah tt: "Their hind lo ii full of idols;' they worship the work of their una hand,. that wltkh their ou EngM Jiave made. IB introducing lh lubicct, thr pastor stated that many ople in i lilt audience u doubt thought no ", partieiilur reason existed fir Ike tpm-ussion of aii-h a topic thit time t wa'i Ho Idolatry in the UniM Sistt, i the Stat of North Carolina, ( the city of Raleigh. ''That ilepen l alto 1 gfthrr iihiii one's tiiiilerataiiiling of th ti'ra," wat his snwcr. "I iraiit I jott thilt the worship of imagei is ( not rery prevalent and does not threaten to hepome general. Neter thr-Icus, idtiKftry does ejt m tntiCh it did when Iwiinh uttered the tirrusatlnn of the teit agniisl . tiitelant Israel. ' A stuily (tf I r:'li I ih hiatnrr. ar fordiftg to Dr. I'arry, how that ; t!" puiilo su. iliaimicd to wnr ahip repreaenttitivei of ileity ofTeiis , Ive to Hie tpirttuallr minded eoneeii' they adopted the religion of their lieightmrs, in tn.-iny inslancp, erei't log "liigli ltecs" and luuVing images of the gods of other nationa, they nlso made I am gen of Jehovah, offer ing Ineenu t Uterw. "The gohlea ealves of Aaron anil Jeretmam, ma ,to inention the nuweroat ether In atnnret, where, linugi t wert rreeteil for the people to worsliip, wrre not representations of other gods, hut vera intended to he reprcaeAtntions of Jehovah himself. It iudieated that th prophetle roneeptiim of tiod a . rejeeted by tha niiuw of th people, While tk nrliii nf PAOTSJHEICIASSAIN.CC.?, Total Enrollment Reaches 1270 Students: Guilford Has 106 and Wake 50 . i lireenshoro, Feb. JS. The regit trar of the North Carolina College for Womeg hatjust tK-Sit pnlilie trie ttatistlea of registration for the "enrrenl year ssith reeord of the student attendance frim tha various eoantiea of the Mate. Tfaa total regis! rat ioa thia year (date of l)ft 20) it 1270 gtadent. Th freshman chin leads la aumhera with oVd nieinlirrs; tlier are 226 tjopliomorea. 113- juaiort and 123 aewrors. -'om niereiiU students namber CA and speeial ttudentt makt an th re niiiiade The freshman elans thowt an inerease of 15 orer last yrar'i elaen. aid 33.1 over that of the year before. The stndmta eom from 07 eonn ties of the Htate, and 49 enmities have a representation of more than ten students, tiuilford leads with Ii. Wake comes Beit with 50, Row an his i (jaston 42 and Merklen burg 41. The other figure are: AT.1 mgnee 2I, Alleghany 10. Anson H, Hiineombe .1(1. Hurk IX Carteret 11 Cvtawdig Cleveland In, Coluinlnis 10, Craven .17, CiimherlanJ Davidson 1 4, Dunlin 1.1, Durham 12. K.dgeeomhe 2, Forsyth It. (iraaville 11, Hallfat fn, Harnett It. Haywood 11, Iredell 29, Johnston 11, lnoir Lineola II, Mintgwiiery 12, Ioore in, Nana 21, New Hanover 2o Northampton K, raquotank II Vhntiti J2Pitt 23,-fitrr,d'lph -at Riehmond 14, Rolieson 12. Hooking ham 21. Htlthe.rford jn. Hampson 20, Meotland 12, tsurry i tnon .1 Warn SO, VYIIkea 1.1, Wilson . 19. There axo 2.1 students from other ttatea Mil oue student from Prance Th -wHgiowt bodiea rprerntd ar follows: Methodists 4.1.1, Bap til 2W, l'fid4ytM-i 21, Kpiseopai Intheran M. Christian 27, Motho dist rrotestnnt 11, Jewish . KrlrndE .1 and Catholiel 4. The number of farmers having daiieVen In eollege is largest 2Mi. Merrhantt number 12.1. anlesmnn 41, and doctors 29, with .Hi other oeeupntiont listed. MEDICATTrWERftflTY ENTERS WAKE FOREST Kappa Pli Is First Profes sional Fraternity To Ee Established There Wake Forett, Feb. IK. Lust night Kappa fsi medieal fraterulty ia- tailed the tlamma, Ti rhapter at Wake toTpit College. This ia the fftrTt"- rii.n'eT"f"" rnliwfcl -tttji. X fessional fraternity to be estnMihed at thia institiitinti slneu the boarl of Iroi'res lifted the hu on such organizations I act aprlng. Kappa Psi was establnihej at the Medlral College of Virginia in the fait of ls; and ia Hi oldest oud on- of the largest medieal fra leniiues iii America. Dr. .1. D. Keeder. I'rofedsor of proeliwology at the I nireraity of Mitryloa.1 grand regent of th Kappa J'si fraternity, installed the (iamina 1'i thnptcr with a charter enrollment of ten metuhera. Visitor from the igijiysi Mela Xi rhanter it tultwiilr of .......I - ll .1 - - .1.. i . . .. . rwni Brniiiriiirr. . niio'iiH iw wrnv.iorTU laroiltta ailll . i . .1, : . ., I 1 tl ... art til persisteit that which was the . rauae for the same ia the ancient ' (lay. The Jew of Christ' day Wis orthofla-ho held teaaelonaly ta the traditioa of the elders, lie believed ' rellirloB. hia ownreliirien. said. He 1 tervd God beeaua he eaeetel te be ; Rewarded at result, lie was just i-at far from the ptonhetie conrrption i at la the daya ef Isaiah, and just is uueh aa idolater thoagh a imagta Twer greeted la tht tempi of Jrnisa lenu for, Idolatry It a prraeiple, It ia ot deoaadeat aooa image, that is. e.xteraal repreaeatatiwnt or doty. Tk Isvsm. af Inr AlL'ia snerel til gymbot of throweet tae tievoie r .nrshipir holds." : The speaker Hiinled oat that idol- :a,try eiiett today, lis mentioned tt ; pone oi our iuois lue Rioviern pay acraper, railroads, great lnventioas. v noaty aud autoatebilet. lie said he ; liad at wiah for Ameriea tu stand ; BtiU aad tot make progr, but that 'Jktim Intijtl. atnnlta.i. mbb kaiaa nl .ea ilia maUrwl thiajs sot oaly If r1he people outaiJ the rbureh, but iy the ix'opla ut the church. H tatti that both ehoreh paper aad InllUitert werw appealing tttjwwpl to eom lata tba-ekurrk lieeauae it it rood butlaeaa aad 'will pay," when Christ tanctiout no sueh appeal. "Today , he foaclmled. "asaay rhnrshet are empty and the maay vninaiag peopi are got taiereeiett in thair work largely because the ideals f Christ are tot being lived, ia .aaaay inetaaees those outid the , mure S having the trueat roncentlon SVRANNK IE St. LEX DEFEATS - . ELIZABETH BVAN AT CANNES Cannes, Feb. ln.-UJy the Ammv elated Pre.) Sutaaae'Lenglea, the French tennis ehsmpi, todae 1 fealed Elizabeth Kaa, 6 3, 1 Thai Philadelphia arboolbo) are Baor tempted by hookey thsn girl -ia wsrs'.sfi ii iansiirs lor Jyjg the year there were tZ& - soy Traaars, against wu gins other iiointt were present at (ha Installation, liammi 1'i wakes the 8-lth active chapter of Kappa l'sl, and the sec ond collegiate rhapter in this Htate. Th following officer aud mru wer Initiated and installed. Ueorge It. Ileckman, Carlisle, l'a., William (Iray Cheves, Hunn. W. W. Carroll, WinterviUe; Winborue . Kmns. Tyner; J. H. Carlyle, Wake Forest i Rons H. Wilion, Sugar tlrovei Clnr nee W. Bailey, Roper; D Forreti Moore, Roiling Hpriugt; C. L. Carl Miteliell. Anderson, Mouth Caroling, J. Ryland White, Tly aiouth. The following meflibers of the Beta XI tsp1rr atsitttd in the inttal- latloa. M. U Stone, W. FT. OveP ash, W. E. Unnon, H. W. Vp church. C. H. Rant. S. S. Smi'h. F. K. Oarvejf, H. M. Reaves, J. M Barrttt, B. H. !,Kide. H. N. Roberta, C. M. Hedrick, . H. Yofler, and J, Reeve. " 0 I S HEP LE Will Meet At Greensboro Thursday To Arrange 1 923 Pennant Race f5reeiisI)oro, Feb. IS. Director j of the Piedmont Basehall League will meet here nett Thurtday, February 22, at noon, to fit the. lehednle for th 1923 race. Tlie meeting will be held at the O. Henry Hotel. The schedule that the moguls ..ill consider was drnfted by Arttnr Lyon, prwidtut of the High Point club. Greensboro will oppose the ehiT ule as drtwn, because of the milrag" that it entails upon the local club. It it eipected that Raleigh will alio fight It, for the, tame reason.' The jump from one eitreme to the other as provided ia the schedule that Mr. i.yoa nat arawn up make the fireemboro arid Raleigh tcami travel about 2,000 more allies than th other four eluht. WUtar Stoekard, vice president r the (ireenslioro elub, nlso business manager, contending that flreens ioro ' it centrally located, believe that a more equitable arrangement can be made, and will Insist upon it at tlie meeting Thursday. ' Hut otherwise tht tentative draft of the schedule suits the (jrecnslioro man. lie likes the holiday and ftatur tav dates, exeent that ha te tin re. on for tniihle bi Ma on f. lit t;ri-irT" Kebabilitation t Alojiwrjiil day. May JjI la mea orial day in the Kouthern ttatet An if any eitra games art wished on tho ball bugs that day should be tin one, he holds. (letting back to the mileage urono. silinn, nigh rot nt, lUinville, Wins toa.aleus aad. DurhaB ara iatd te travel between 2.41)0 ml 3,40( i lies luring the two halves of the aenion, Kaloigh gel a mileage of allghtly mora, than fi.Lflt) and Greensboro mure than 6.000. Th mileage Is all lumped and apportioned among the clubs, so th; traveling eiprrSes make an differ cure, but the (Ireenslioro buslneis manager holdt (hot tht wear and tear of the longer journeying is cal culated to efficiency of the bait player. , W. (I, Hrnmham, of Durham, pres ent of the leaguo "the Hnn iom son of the minors," will preside over tlie meeting. HATH TEACHERS OF STATE HOLD MEETING W. S. Schlauch of New York Chapel UU1 Chapel Hill, 'ub. J8. "hhow vnur pupils that llkcir inaHieiualiee func tions iu tho life they hve every day." niatheniatiet allow them the In- erent play of law in ths 1 niverse." These wr th watch word at th picetiug of tho North Carolina As- soelation of Teachers of MuJliomaUc Id hero thia week end. Th speaker of the occasion tn Mr. W. 8. Hchlauoli. of New Yk iiy. Mr. Schlauch is lecturer en ine mamcmiitiet oi TuiiTiicrlirKiTrf lont V nivcrsity, hiwd of the depart incut of mathematics in the ,Hih Hchool of Commerce, and conductor of special clause ia the I'niversity's .i;..!..: n- ii ... .... . iiiiimuii in nan rjtreet, lie brought from his rich experience at a teaoh- er two mewigct to Hi teaehert of North Carolina. (In Friday evening n apoKe on -Praclieal High Bchool Matheniatics." on Kattirday morning on "tleometry as a Mean of De relopiug Analytic Methods." He gave an informal discission of tests and measurement us applied to mathematical work. There was a riund table discussiou Typical Kr rora in Klpmeatary Mathematics" SALLY LEAGUE MOGULS TO HOLD MEETING TODAY Will Pass On Question Increasing Namber of Clubs of TUE HEATHER Raleigh, N. C. Feb. It, KX ' North Carolia i Fir with Uly riaiag tamperatsr kloaday; Taet- clay fstr and wirmcr, TtlU'EBATUKK rtllfh tsJlpr4JI.v S4 Jrwest tetaperatara ........... tt Veaa tsaprtar M Decieay Tor Ue day IS Average dally aareta atasw Jaaa- rjr let 1J PBCaPITlTiO!! (ia iaieT Atxoaat for th 14 hear tad lag it I tl . Total fot tka asoata t data .. M7 Deneieaey fat th asaaU J0 ivttcteaey siee Jasaary lt.... 4 BLilDiTt. twu 12 ta. lam. Dry bo lb II 17 SO Wet bulk -v IS 2 - -rr yi tmwiidity ..'.as 4i ta PRl'SSCRE .). ..te" 303 S . at. Jt ; rj a. ea. Suaant S.i at. University of North Carolina At the buslnem meeting of the As social ion, held Haturday tnnrninp Mr. S. B. Hmithev, of' the Konda hehool, a8 Verted 'president. Miss Julia Orovct, of Rilishnrv, Vlce prealdent, and Miss Nila Oriwett, of (ireenslioro, secretary-treasurer. Th Association appoln'ed a cor mittee who business It' will be to draft after consultation with the sehools of the Stat a representative eours of mathematict for the high kjiooii of Ui Htate. Theif report i to ha mad to the Aasneiatiot within the year. It was moved, too that a meeting be held la connection with the Fall meeting of the Teach or Assembly. A motion waa paued putting the Association an record is fnvorltig the preeeflt bill for higher ruueauon oeinre the legislature, New Skating Record. Malone, '. Feb. 18. Arthur Htaff. of Chicago, professional lee speed skating champion, established new world records for the 100 and 1W yard vent a th profcasional saaung meet nere today. Hard, Cruel Winters For Most Imposing Legisla tive Program (Continued from Page One) litation of the tsh industry, eon tiauatioa of th preteat road tiro- cram, amortisation of the fttat debt. a nut meaicti eonege, a Rate Bank Ing departraeat, a Mate deiwrtmeat of Commere aid Induatrr. The raad program kta been ratilel a IH bill waa writtea hr tk 3:m!iJVJi,th-4P,;le-t '. 8tat High-ay bad tmtitH a. ippScatioa frok' 51 ComWioaf That it all fir '7' The at ret nnwrittea appropria- olnmhia, N. C.t Feb. IA (Hy the,, ASKiciated Frets.) Agitation look ing to increasing the ISouth Atlnntie Asocration of baseball elttht (Pally Ierus) from a ail Ut aa eight .flub circuit, is espccn-d to come to a head hut tomorrow whra the board of tlireetor of th league will hold their annual mid winter meeting, It wa regarded here tonight as prnb- aid that application - fnr f ran- rhiaet would be received from two or mors club as a reeult of aego tialMtns reported daring the last week. Th meeting of the board le pri marSy U adopt a playing schedule aad to attead to matter pertaia ing to ,the WZl eeaaoa. Just what will be th outcome ef th effort of hi. (1. Jacob, of Va eoa, wh It teeking a franrhi for that tieorgia eity. teemed aaeettaia toaight. It woald ba necessary, ac cording to affleiali at th league. rar'aaether city aatisfactory a to distaace to b traveled aad Saaa- ces to make applieatioa aloag Witk tbcoi befar aarthin eon Id ba de. A report from Cuarlettna to Jacksonville. Florida, maa bat did net git kit aame. VEXED TO DEATH lit. Olira. Feb. ll.-)rora Car bet t Hill. aaarby eouatry aatimnaity. earn aew of a tragi death by baraiag Wedaeaday. LhtU Uaa. tarea aad a half year-aid daughter f Mr. tad Mr. Jam Cotton, wis tka victim. Whil tka atathar wa atstrat from tht firing roam, nbowt the aoa koar, la aomo aakaowa way th little a'a eiotkiag eangkt aflr. aad before it waa extiagamhed, hat baraed tka tatir freat f her body to a erksa. It died abasst . Uirtv kanra later, after mack iataaaa aai friag. .1 tory eight-hour day, an adequate boiler Inspection law, together with more comprehensive laws for tbt protection of women and children in industry Tbt compensation lats have been infroiluced, but have little chance of passage; - Women Fare Better The legislative Council of Women set out with tix measures, iacluding the raise of the ago eoasAnt from 14 to 16 yetrt,-revision of the elee tion laws to provide privacy In vot ing, validating the unsupported tea timony of a woman in seduction cases, conformity between Stat and rciieral liouar luwt, equal guardian ship, and jury tervice for wonien. Thcie matters were agreed upon af tcr a conference of the leading wo men leaders of tho State. Thus fur the tge of consent bill ha potted the Senate, and it pend ing in the House. The localization of the Volstead act has passed the nouse practically at written and has gone to the Senate s the revision of the election lawt will bt ratified today and carry few amendments The validation of the unsupported testimony of a woman has been kill ed. The program ia actually in bet ter shape than the others. Nothing hos been heard of the liailey program as atich. The elec tion laws which be demanded to be reformed have not been .radically rhauged, and the somewhat lets defi nite safeguarding of th State's credit and reduction of taie may or may not be included in' financial legislation 'that it still to be de veloped. The .Revenue act will con form to previous revenue acts, thongh it may carry a higher In come tai rnte. Bailer Satlnned of the Revenue Commissioner's office and itn rcTnoval from politics was the fourth of the Hailcy rcquirerxents. Something lias happened to the office, but not through legislative enactment. The man eoniplalnod of 1 gone from the political and ollicinl ttngt'of th Httn forever, and in his teil another lii whnm Dniler has had v ary eoufldence. llu is apparently well tnttstied. Th Mt at Municipal Leagu had a program ( ail piece of leglsla tion, none of which ha been enaetssl eicept th authority to carry liabili ty insurance for firemen and police men. One other item urged by the majors of the Plate has been offer ed and is pending in committee giv ing the Corporation Commission au thority over ihtercitv jitnev lines Tht law comes with the sanction of the Commission, nnd was recom mended In its annual report. Welfare Flan Lag Hut littlo headway litis been male on tha program of th Htate Hoard of Cliarilies and Public. Welfare No mensure has been offered to pro vnio tor welfare officers In everv county; separate courts for juveniles ng in coiunnrteo; llio Mother Ai as bat pased tho Hennt'o carrying an appropriation of JjO.iMM, and Ihe plan to inercam tho capacity of Can well Training Heboid lo 1.W0 patients appears lo be up uguiiiHt the U.ti well defieit. The Prison has worked along with more apparent succcks; The tubercu lar and criminal inaaue defsirl incuts are in a fair nay to pass th Homo, and authority hat been granted nt least to tell brick manufactured by tht prison in tlie open market. Ap propriations are eoitslderad likely for rebuilding decent' prison tnj ruekt at the prison farm. Id gencrul the prison program appears to bo In fair way 0 passage. -Whether the Ku K lux Klan it to be unmasked remains to he seen in the Senate where the Milllken hill, amended to earry the feature! of the Hnggett bill, it pending. Thit law wat ot the head of the general program of legislation when the Gen crnl Assembly met teven weeks ago. a icd during the past week wat tht center of the heaviest fight that has been teen in the House In 20 years. It it generally believed that it will pall. Na New Judge, Ird by Mr. J. W. Ialey, JrM 'of ihT'ceona on the general program, I ulv.-rsitv of North r.r,.li na I a n I .,.n.l I . 1 n tl . . ( . - ! . I fire measures have been offered for the amending of tka fundtmtatul law of th commonwealth. Mott r cent among them ia tht Nimix-kj bill providing for the re-iubaiission of the anicndment calling for aiore pay fur members which got sirantped at the lust November election. -Tlie effort of the Htate Merchant Association to submit an amendment enabling the General Assembly to p.isa a garnishment lair hat failed miserably after two re-reference to tfin-'evrm mittee. Ieli-gtioB -of th merchants have wen Jn the city al inoirt constjiiitly lobbying for the measure, but tha committee headed hy Air. Kverett ha finally turned 'it down flat for the third and last time. , ' Three Investigations. It has been a strangely Inquiring legislature, starting off with the in veaifgatjon of the dealings of Com-. mUiioner M, L. Kliipman with con tractor! doing State printing and now about to end up with a iwer-p ing inquiry into tho conduct of the State Sanatorium by Dr. K H. Mc-Brayi-r. Thit inquiry will likely get under way tomorrow, and will eon- tin no well nigh until the cud of the session, which I tentatively let for the end of next week. Diagaoitician will probably dif fer as to what haa been the under lying e.mse of these manifesto Inns of what some are inclined tn call re actionary developments, and others tn call a retjirn to an adequately progressive legislation. Certainly the General Assembly hai been watching its steps, as. the saying is and it will have less to undo than anv recent session. Maxwell has probably been the compelling factor in the present state of mind of the members. Will ingly or nnt they have been given pauao hy hi fearless statement and hit demand that the State finances be out on a sound footing. It has not gone" to Hie iage of lieYng"pnnie stricken. It is a too well balanced (leneral Assembly for that but it ,1s thinking. thit time urging that RoienbJfltJVjW given aa air)? hearing and about twa weeks later the Attorney Oeneral as tented to thit request. State'a Proceeding V "Bitscnblufh, with hit attorneys, appeared before one of Mr. Laqgh- erty t assistant June IV th state meat further said, "and stated rea son why the. pending proceeding against-Kosebttrth should bw qarvbed At this 'entirely .new, confidential and thorough' investigation which nat ia fact a mem ex jaaxte hearing or Jtusenuluth, at winch no one ap- pi'area against Jfosenntuth, rt wnt stated by eounsel , for lioscnbluth that the hearing had been grantej at the request of Senator Calder, ana on Juljr 10, without furtuer In vettigation, 'Mr. Ibugherty orderetl that pending proeeediegt againtt Rusenbluth be dismissed. "From tho foregoing it is seen that whil the Inter position of Senator ("alder undoubtedly did have the ef fect of expediting the proceedings it secured the release of tho nccnai..! and bTbfked fke prosecution which was in process. ' Six Thousand Inmates of In sane. Asylum. Terrified By Terrific Explosion (Continued from Ttiga One) tkia bill may. earry awm relief for th flak aad aytter Industry, but ether prepoaed legislatiea la tha Ct- eeutiv tact Ioa af tkt legialatlve pro gram kaa oe tidet racked om- whera tha tilUt have not beta ia. trodaead,' altaaugk tk departmeaUl areatioaa hav beet prepared and pUyeoa-kled. Th medieal arhool program ia aaull, eomparatlvety tpeaking. ' . N better lark kaa attended ta program af th Bttt Departmcat of Labor aad Prtatiag. wkick at the bagiaalaf adroeated a workwea'i aomptaaatioa law, a board at arbi tration for labor dispat, a ttata- and sponsored by the liar Associa tion was the measure to increase the number of superior court judge from 20 to 30. The bill as intrn duced carried seven new judges and hat passed the Senate. The House it coldly disponed toward the meas ure, and if it comes up at all, it will be for four new judges. The probabilities are that it will nat be reported out of committee. Next on the roster was the solid tor salaries bill, due for special con aideration tomorrow night, and like ly to pas As now drawn the mas' ure provides for. a minimum salary of 4.000 for tolicltors to b paid out of the general Htate fund, and air olicitor costs, still to be assess ed against defendants, to go to the eoiintr school fund. This, with actual traveling expenses, wiTI run the judiciary budget up another aiixiiim Y Score 'of minor State wide bills, J a nuinocr oi major measures have cropped out that were not in cluded in any of the programs that nave fared so desperately. Chief among them in point of interest during the week ia the divorce on gronnds of Insanity measure, ached nled for slaughter tomorrow morn ing. Stiff opposition has developed in the House, and fit fact that the 8nat haa already reported th bill unfavorably will add to th odds against it ia th Hoase. Another -measure that will demand Mrioni consideration which wat tot Included in the original calendar of earning event i th Bowie 'Lost Province" railroad bill, nt for a peeial order ia the, Hou tonight tt S:20. The measure provides for 8tat participation la building a iJi4w J- JJk .RdetvjAlp th Lost Provinces, at a cost not to exceed tea mllhoa dollars. Reatara I'alferm Valuta. Tka Kereau aad Machinery net. botk of whlck ar du for Introduc tion tonight or tomorrow, earry a4 radical departure from acta of other year, txeept tha Revciu act will endeavor ta ta-eatablish eomething ef uniformity among th eoaati ia tka nidation of real aad personal property. Tha Appropriation bill will Bot be offered aatil tosaetirae daring tka coming week. Ita pro vision kavt aot yv-t bee deteraiiaeii. Contrary ta gearl exneetatioa ther kaa kot yet developed aay meaanri that rail for a rtintwta tianal toirtatioa, altkoagk fosir ar nt tho sight, of the flames, other, stared moodily. Others wrenched with maniacal strength at Ihe barred windows of their cells, and screamed in anguished fright for r!'H"ic. Attendants In buildings fur re moved from-tln islangir tun hnd al most as strenuous a time preventing madmen's and mad women's panics ns those at the actual te iie i f the laxe. Ihe battle ngainst the .Lines was haiiiiered by two obstacles Ono was near rero weaih.i lit Which the firemen Worked; tint o'her, and more scuoiix, was thn ft'THi-' nintcnlty in getting iippariitus to the place, Limited Fir fqiiliim.nt. lTaTTVTITin'Tri''3'lT'Wn'tivtori iast river just uppcsttn Ta-t Il' lh siiert, nnd just. alov iu f.iiuniis sls- Hluckweir T-LiimI, ha n tiny fire department of its o'.n. Hut ti e ferry boats wbiil, piy to an I .'mm it are too small to bear hcsiV equip ment from tho, t flieicut Miiuliiitt jn force. - - . Many forces forsaking lis engines tower. ' hook ladder trucks, and hos wagons, went tn the fray vvUh no eiiiipinent but n few lines of hose which eotild bo transported on the tiny ferry. Fire boals which re sponded to the alarm, had to Iny host ttnei nearly a half mil hn before they could pump wtter on ths fire. Hut despito their handicap, the city forco and the land forcj me cetded In confining the fire to the two upper noors or the west wing. when hospital officials were fcaiitrg the whole main building would go up in flames. Bought Additional Protection. Dr. Ileyman declared he had re- petitcdly nought from the State au thorities additional fire protection for the hospital nnd that be bad culled .in vain again and agaiu on the city authorities to station addi tional equipment there. The Island fire department -eon s'sted of a Tire chief," ha said, ''and ten attendants detailed to fire service, although required to per form other duties between fires. Tim equipment includes a motor ired lire engine, an ancient horse drawn engine obtained from the New York Fire Department, a horse enrt und a hook n-id ladder truck". Far Cold. Grip or Infuenia and as a Preventive, take I.niitirc HIIOMO Ql'ININK Tablets. The box hear the signature of E. V. drove. ite tiire you get J3KOMO.) 30c, (Adv.; DESPERATE FIGHT TO PASS SUBSIDY MEASURE STARTS (Continued from Page One) General Cronkhite Hopes For Congressional Probe (Continued from Pge One) Deneral Cronkhite to have Written Attorney (leneral laugherty April 1.1, 1U21, after the arrest of Roson bluth and l'othier less than a month previous, saying, that lit ''had gone Into tht east rery thoroughly with Rosenbiatli and others, including two of Mr. Datigherty's assistants, namely, Mr. Gibbt and Mr. 'Stewart, and that he waa convinced that ther were such 'extraordinary features in this case at to warrant hit miking a recommendation Hint in entirely ui-w, i-uiiiiuroiia.i nan inorouga in vestigation be made." This according to General Cronk hite, wat followed thrse day later by a letter from Mr. Oibbs to Sena tor Calder saying that n further e tion was to be takea in the rate pending a pertonal inrestiaatioa bv th Attorney Oeneral. Then In May Senator Calder. the statemeat eon turned, again wrote Mr, Dangherty, charge him with a lack of tincerity in hi support of prohibition, but that he held Cramton resolution to be a sham iffair, that he woold not vote for it, thit there was nothing In it to aid the cause of prohibition. ' - Cowan Twinkt Overman.- - V.' is grea't - pleased at the passago of the bill by which the a!o of tht Marin Hospital to thut city to b uted for play ground pur poses It authorited. .Mayor James H. 1'owan wro' a lettcr'of thanks to Congressman Irou when tho bill lfttrwrtirr t-r Mr- Jryon for fhtit f irposo passed. - I following the paasagv of the bill In tho fenatc he wrote Senatoc Oremian voicing the pleasure of Wilmington that the menstire had become a law. - ongresemnn llnmiiirr is greatly j interested in an inventiou bv a Cenrgia man, Frank Holder' in which thcie is an interest held bv one of bis constit'icnts. ' E. Smith, KavfoM, this haiinir to do with the destruction of the botl weevil. Tho invention U to spray calcium arsenal on co"nn plants, the m chino tn e ,er four roivs at :i tim with a hood over the poison so that none of it might bo waated. Ho visited tho Secretary of Agriculture In regard to the matter of sccnrinff lilt aid III having the patent office spce.i up tlie consideration of the application, having been Informed iS?JL JJSSI" indention ahead possible valno for tho farm.. in the invention h in keeping up the work of having a speedy d.Tision upon the patent applied for. Overman May Vmit Parka. There is a possibility that Senator Overman will spend a part of the summer on a visit lo the National parki In rotnpany with a number of other Sonatori of the rommitteo on appropriation, andr agriculture. Ho ha received a letter from Senator I'liipps, of Colorado, chairmoe of th Senate appropriations commit tee, aaying that Stephen T. Mather. director of The National Park Spr-Ito Wanhioirtmi t.wWi. vice, nan written to him laying that whtio Home members of ths appro parka generally, no Visit hat teen paid by the Senate committee, a"Hld suggesting that it weakl b valuable; for .ita members and those of the cemmitfee on agriculture of tho Sen ate ta visit th park aad obtain at first band, information that would bring home tn them wore fully the value of these parks to the Amer iraa peortle. Senator Phippa said to Senator Overman that if a sufficient number of tile members of the eom mittee named .thought favorably of th! suggestion he would follow up the matter end try to a f rang for tha trip during the sumsier. Senator Over ma a replied that be would be very glad to join tho party if it i arranged. Ceea to Norfolk! Paper. R. W. Simpson, a number of yean ago the editor of the Haleigh Times, bo bus bJ.-a in charge of the re port of tha Houso of Representa tive! for the Associated Prem, has resigned that position and Ijas gone to Norfolk as the managing editor of tha Virginian Pilot. Mr. Simpson came to Raleigh from the editorship i of the Greenville, S. C, News, and i from Raleigh went to the Richmond Timet Dispatch. He ia an able and vigorous writer and had won high place among the Washington newt- paper men Mrs. Julia Culbreth. Gray, who t s native of Whiteville, and who lived iu Kaloigh or a number of years. i,p c.ii,.,. (i, I.,, n. v r-i,i'l broth, having been a prominent den tlsi there, hat added to her ianrela here at a vocalist of rare charm. She has a contralto voice that ia exquisite and she was given a gen uine ovation here at a recital in the Masonic hall. To Visit Thit Stite. Former Oovernor Wilson G. liar vey, of South Carolina, spent several days here last week nnd is ihortly to visit a number of ptacet in North Carolina, having niado many friend in--tK-e Xtse tefciefe c.ikd -during, hia term at South Carolina'! chief executive. Ho has removed hia resi dence from Charleston to Orecuvill S. C, nnd has been made the general manager of tha Cleveland Discount Company, of Cleveland, O., for the Stntca of North and South Carolina the- wmfraaw--',-:Ma'-r4ks-v'.:taret linaneisl concerns of the Middle West. Oovernor Harvey will employ number of representatives for the company in North Carolina and will from time to time pay visits to var ions sections of -the State. He is banker and when it was kuown that he would not return to CharMon at tho conclusion of his term of oftie there were overtures froia a number of place in North Carolina for him to lake up his residence in the State and enter the business field there Ho ia shortly to visit friends in Ral etgh. Rontt Old North State. ina nasnington Sunday htar in its issue of today carries on the first page, of its editorial section an nrtielu that is qilile ii boost fo Rosemary anil Ronnoke Hnplds. I'n der the head of ''How a Morth Cnro Ima mill community freed itself of "flnrriiTTr-aww rft,trotrrii-':T4rrh" how these places reduced the percent aKf of their population affected by malaria from 4P.S to lesa than one tenth of on per cent by getting rid of niosquilne which ga trouble from four large nearby swtimpi. the relief was obtuined by drainage and tins m of cmdo oil in which threw public, health nervlc expert! from the ( annl zone assisted, tho ar tide, atnting that "in ten yenrs, by prevention and earn a sicklv, ma larlal eommuuity had been turned into a health retort." Amnng the North Carolina visitors Mr, and Mr. James B. Brown, of Asheville: Special Today TODAY AT EfirTs Raleigh, N. C. Join the happy throng; f hoppers today at Ettrd's. Secure tome of these 88c BARGAINS. Children's Oiiting Gowns, Itripesl and white; CC for v .:. oo. Children's Pink Knit DIoiners; good value fiQi 9 nair' WV. dark colors. Priied ' 00 at . . WW H4H. Young, of Charlotte, nnd deoriro pnaiiona commute nave iited th U Dunning, of Greensboro, in Why strains hurt Congestion in tissues cautei muscu lar paiaSlotnli scatters congetuoa NormaLfrec circulation returns 'pain vanishes! Sloaris liniment -kilts paint II II' Mil I,! BIS i bv h ci ir ti t lit f M rjMM Wi .r rro) I Gity and County Loans We Are always reaijy to loan the cities and couti tiea of North Carolina any amount that they may legally borrow In anticipation of tax collec tions, bond sale, road construction or other pur poses. correspondence; invited EYER & COMPANY Specialists In Municipal Bonds and Loans 45 Pine Street New York 1.00 worth choice Crochet I'cail Cotton Thread for". sni 88c Lot extra silo plain white Turk ish Towels; 4 for . 88c 88c I Palmolive foap 12 cakes for . 1 1 rrr, 'i yards l'an liiver full Q inches nide l'n bleached bheeting fur ....,.... 88c 3Ci42 standard Pillow Caacs; 4 for Lndies' or Men's good quality linbrellas .... llleaehcd 88c 88c Men's Ulue yiiirls; " for Chsnibr.iy Work 88c Men's winter weight I'niou Suits; good value Itibbed 88c Ladies' extra quality Cotton Hose, Colore of ulHck, brown or QO while. 4 pail OOl ladiet' Pnre Thread brown, navy, black, back team Bilk Hose, ..88c 2.M small Floor Rugs; pretty uesignt. i-ale price 88c Infants' Knit Sacquet and Cap; dinorent colored erubroui- OQ ery thread OOb Children's White Middy Dresses, bot pleated " t1 CQ skirt ..........Pl0O j 4.00 Hhirt price value fancy colored Waists. Hale fiilk $2.88 Men's M. Shirts . W. B. Work 88c I ! Any Boyi Built pffced at t.'.OO or more, during this lalo a discount of 88c 1.00 worth ehoice of any Toilet Article duriug this DO . tale OOC 43e value newpring Drest Toilet for OOL J CORBITT MOTOR TRUCKS Are Built Up To a Standard!, Not Down To a Price They are built to perform a service ideal. Being built in worm drive only, which it tka last word in motor truck eoaatrurtioa. With tha following world renowned rompoaentt used through out their eonst ruction: 1 il CoatlaeaUl Sd Seal motor, Drown Lip "transmTlsioa anl; latea, Fheldoa warm driva axle. Allow atari tpringt, aachorcd; McCord built np type radiator. Rosa ateering gear, Eiaemtaa high plea goteraor. They ara ttaadardlted aad backed by COBBITT'aarTte. Mad ta eight tliet to meet every hauling problem and Stted -with Corbltt bailt badie to meet every rqairmeat. A typ for a verf load aad a tit for every road. Hios. 1 .. IH'ton, t toa. ton, 3 ton, SVi-toa aad 3-tea. Price lJO, 1,4S0, rPO, 2oo, M,"oo, 3)0, fSfijQ and en. r ' Term it yea wast them'. " literature a request. CaO ee write ear Salat Kagiaaar, W. X. Bl'SH, Bleed letel, CORBITT MOTOR TRIJCK X. ' ataMgfc. . f." - nenderson, N. C . Marquisette and Curtain Scrim, ia white and ecru, narrow and widt hemstitched borders, 36 inches I wide; 4 yards 00 I for '. OOC . I We value ttandard brau Table Oil Cloth, white; alio cblort for . . OOC Big variety ihort length! of I Whit Voiles aid Batiste: taluet up to JUc. Uuring thia QQM tale, t yardt for...' OOC I Big assortment of th fsmous I l. C. bkuffees for Children, black er taa, Uce or button. Bait priee ii.j Come Today To Efird's For Real Bargains later Tkrwagb tke TaaaetWt V WW ray Tea