' - ; THREATAGAINST WITNESS IN CASE "NF.W3 AND OBSERVER. R AI JEICH. N. G. THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 22. 1923. Another- Sensation Marks Seventh Day of Trial of ' 0 G. Thomas . 'Salisbury, Fsb. 81. A crowd whSek packed the courthouse in attendance npoa the trial O. 0. Thomas, for . the murder of Arthur J.-AlWa tu flrsa a decided MOMtloa today jo it before th. nooa recess hen Judge Webb MM tu Jury M lea? Die roots and then announced that it had reached the Mn of th eourt that one of th Lawings had made threat against a minister who bed tesUHed at tht morning session of the court The judge asked that tome ene who could make aa affidavit to the facts do so snd present it to him when voart convened thu aftirnoon Judge Webb laid ho certainly would punish any oae who throatoaed witness ia bis court. Whoa court reconvened aa affidavit was bauded Judge Webb aad after reading it he asked that the raaa neattOBcd ia the affidavit be cited to appear Thurs day mornlnf at 10 o'clock to ihow -cause why ho should not bo adjudged la. contempt of court. : Present Affidavit. ' I. Ia the affidarit which was msd out by Bev. D. P. Grant, Methodist minister of Gold Hill, it waa stated that ho bad appeared aa a witness for tba defease ia tbo Thomas ease this Biorolng and bad testified that E. E. Iwing, StatCs witness, had a bad character whea Grant'llved'at KaanpoIl.7 W'GT-irterVtbe court room be said Mutt lowing, ion f K. E. Lawing, accoeted bint la flie lobby aad aeeuaed him of baring lied and spoke of throwing bin down "" the steps, later threatening to come . to Gold Bill and ret tha minister. lewlng ssid ho bad jnat gotten out of the army In time to bear the minister swearing to lies, the affidarit aid. When court adjourned for the duy all tba evidsuee wss ia, and R, 8. WiMama, 'for the State, bad ad dressed tho Jury. John J. r.rkrr , makes tha first speech for the de fease Thursday morning and the at torneys will probably op the entire dsy. Air. Williams argued for a first degree verdict Coming over from yesterday was tho matter of deciding tha admissi bility of certain evidence tending to discredit the testimony of Thomas sad airs. Lows ia several particulars. After arguaieat aad tho citing of " cases by attorneys : this morning Judge Wsbb ruled that tba evidence was aot permissible. -. Womaa With Thomas. Tho mala witaee wt the day waa - blrsnlartiti. Kiwi bull ... Ms Ult..lli m saow Mat shs was the woman sees with Allea aad also atone 4a the road during the absence of Allea, two witnesses having testified that the womha they saw on this occasion Wat airs. Lowe. She said she rode from Concord to Kaanapolls with. Allea the evening of the homicide and he lift bcr alone la the read while be went to ere P. M. . Man gum at the nun near by. jAuea aad VaBgum came and ptckeOcr up, and down the road a piece she aad Mangum got out of the ear and Allea went oa to Kaa aapnlia inec,ting to cppi SgVn and pick them nu. Tea minutes after be left them she said aha beard the shots aad learned soma time after ward that Allen bad beea killed, Mrs. Kimball was put through a severe cross examination during which it developed that aha bad a police record ia Concord. Several Wit nesses corroborated Mrs. Kimball in certaia particulars .and the State Introduced several witnesses to giro her a bad character, lira. Bobert Lowe was recalled aad stated that ber hair is the eame color aew it waa the aigbt of tha homicide. It U dark brows whila witnesses who aaWifcs womaa la the road and with Allea said she hsd light golden oair. Mrs. Altai Oa Stand. Mrs. Arthur Allea was the last Witness beard she being recalled to , leu the movements of, br huibsod jSust prior to bJclCninK boms Hr ..anaapoJi. the evening of the hornl aide. The eeeQnd bearing of this case Which wss moved her from Cabarrus county begsa last Wednesday the ' first day being consumed ia securing jury us taking or evidence oc cupied the court for aU days. Urge crowds have attended each eeeiioa f the court aad Judge. Wsbb has . controlled the aituatioa la splendid manner. There has beea aa abscace of outbreaks of any kind and the occasional fits of laughter were sup pressed immediately, the conduct of tne cam nse Petflg marked wit ignity. LEGISLATIVE GRIND Sew Scute Bill. The following new legislation 'was offered la the Senate y eater day: B.'B, 7.4, by Hod-e:: Te protect game In Mitchell uouniy. 0. B. 7tS. by Same: To limit In debtedness of subdivisions of tba State. 8. a T2. by Heath: To provide oensloas lor colored person ,wno served in the tTonfedcrate army. 6. B. 717. by Harrison: To regu late aatomobileo for hire In Rttk- innd ountv. a. a. tu. VT narruont io van dal certain expenditure of, tae town of KocklnKham. , 8. B. 71. -by Itarrlaoat TO auinor. Is th removal of a centaury In the town of Rockingham. 8. H. tic, by til)M: to create sanitary diatrlcts la UuncomW eountv. si. B. lit, by Ebbe; To require th auditor of Buncombe county to enter certain oeea oa mm ia aa iMMmafm record. 8. B. TJJ, by Parker: To permit county boards of ommiaaioBrs to max anprop at eommerc. Boyette: to piece organisatloa of lladlaea board of fcealth. H. It tit, by Lawrence: JlelaUve to court la Hertford. H. H. t0, by Taylor of Caswell: Te nam trsauea for achooi la Cas well, If. B. t. by Taylor of Caswell: Relative to court house ta Caswell U. B. !, by Uavis of Hyde: Abol ish county- treasurer In Hyde. H. B. 1 6 J. by Davis of Hyde: To autborts vote on. free rang In jiyu. It B. gSU To protect squirrels. "ry in rsmuco, i B; : To r.M.v eerula tow hlps Id Columbus. ( JL B. Wflf TO prohibit i Sunday w enwiwea ia uaitoa coun nr. HB. Ill: To aatahU.h in-l . Jeol and "appoint rural police la buncombe. " 1L a J: To provide for uniform ''"i protecting mapa la Bud combe. . :, l: To prohibit carnival rtiaiuinw, - i , II- To protect, game la H 11. sns- To rlu n,.v.u- k . . v I. ..'II 1 . ' m ., nniriRivili n. H. sut: DaYe county. . H B Ta amead art creat ine toneora l.metry Commlsalun ri. XS. VZar Kltlv In m.n.,..i H. 8. I4. by Coffey. Relative toM.n ??ecutor la Polk eounty. roads in Watauga county. I f- .- '5; To Incorporate Uonu II. H. by ii.ynold.: To repeal! tela V iew College. Wilkee county. certain game lawa in Montgomery. it. it. sec, ny muck: Beiauve to road building In Yancey. H. B. 7. by Taylor of Vance: To validate- bond el'etton In Vance. H. B. 7S. br fiellera: To enforce collection of rents Is tiaeton. II. B. . by Bray: To provide all monina jury aervire in ramnra. H. B. by coboon of faaaue. tans: Amana i I H. B. 71, by Vverett and Bryant: Supreme Court Dismisses Appeal In Power Rate Case (Continued from Page Oae) and went to the Jury oa jha . issue of Amend l'auotanak game I h reasonableness of the schedule or rates sred ia the order of the Cor .! . e. i . iunty boaroe ot ommiioBr to - M,.n4 puBning eemmlMioa to tuoB lomuiaeion.' (, , . r'mI?Frmv w v"" " purham. - I Before the cmnaaelllne S .. M 7V fcv rv.Mtl mm , I . ' - -' .. . ... .. . . , ... rv rr.m M'mmm am Til- l city of wur- - -? 8. H. 121. bv Bovette: To Bla- I " . the aherlB of Stanley county oa s him I muting the reasonableness of the i n vii h wi..- t r.cuirel ,Jb.,Li',,,f.,.B,: T retee fiscd by the Comminion, with- 8. B. TH, by wolts: TO roQUirei charter of Robblnsvll e. i .n . . ' . tho Printing Commls.lon to pass " h. m. are b j.nii;. T to the issues and upon publication of the itate co I eharlor of Onhin R.llrmS rD. leadings of facta and moved to die nomlo and fleoJoalcal Curvey. H. B. t7S. by Kverett and Bryant: mies the appeal aad procccdlags OB 8. B. Ui. by Urlfllni To validate t6 ,m.nd th charter of Durham. Ilk. .,., vl x eertala bonda of Ptlaboro Uraded H R ill b, Town..nil f h,.u.ir .-- .. .. vorjrorawoa School dtetriot. I son: To protect quail In Devtdoon. ri0,Bm,,ioB wss wiUput JurisdietiOB 8. B. 7Jf. by Vsrter: To honor ji. r t17, by Vaoghatt: Relative I because of the interstate character in memoir ui wmur pn,ui t0 sgricuiiursi liens. lor the Question involved. 8. B. T7, by Hsymore: To nv I charter of Vanceboro. I while the Cannon and Johnson tho fees of tne snenn of aurrri H. b. STf. by Roes: To protect I group joined in this metioa to die mmjm ina piai in axoor county. ji. n. sic. by Townseoa com Tj aubpty volumes Carolina reports to clerk of court In Pavldaon. ir n am h ri r.9 n,a r amrnd drainage laws relative tol While the jury was eoasidsrlag "i? ... v w . v.. . , . I1"" wt eouBtci for these two .ft.? "J.r "J "! 0Te . ;h. B. II, by Taylor of CaaWell: e vommiasioa, PS set aside for county. 8. B. Tit. by Hicks: To authorise ftranvlllc county to laau road bonds. 8. B. 7M, by Walker: To amenc Ih lew relative to the eztenalon of time for beginning work oa railroads. 8. U. 741. by McDonald: To make the feea cf clerks ( the superior court uniform. . .- u. I4S, b urown or r-oruwous dCo"f"rmvia h'" the 0B xhti 'Wl!"" ne2 of nJm. of ,art letroduced their evt- tbe acnee oa the Isaacs. This went to the jury aad a mistrial resulted. Xo. fi the., pay of the quarjantine Ulcer of coiuirir.ui county.-!' 8. B. 743, by Kbhe: To revlao the flnancial system of lluncombo coun- 8. B. Hi. by Mendenhall: To amend the state baking law. 8. H. UK by Ollee: To ariiend the jaw relating to court stenocrapnere. bv Taylor of CaaWell: Nti. .fJV:a of oouniy auditor I the reasoa that the ra tee fixed would and reaulate aalarlea (a CsiWdtl. ' " 'iKriaV alUUt'-ms-cwitolWt-Jiali . W-1mt "fawe Soatb CaJolia. aaJ 11 11 a.C t. rinmnm. Tr. mI.VIIi I hb,HU ... 1 - ll. L. : ! - i - --' " ' - " I -.-.www . . . u. . . M .ii. v..io via slecpr eyed, ausweTci te their I without result by A. U Brooks, f . B lOreensboro, representing private a. m, oeoawr oeea, jail- istorknolders la the road. TriS!?, rVaator. iohswa. of Duplin, and r w squires led ia the attack upon the fc.T 1.1 1 2f . Vr ,r ! "utioa last Bight; ths former ol- the tailed States from Great Brit- to the employment f outside aiu. end I ranee of Uieir Unbbcaa CBani ....t the Attorney Cca- pojaewions. eral. while the latter declared that . v. . a.i0r eea conmua- the statute of limitations would hold cd and on a quorum called demand- against any fraud ,tbat might bars ed by him in closing, sirfy-Bine been commuted and asserted that TZ... s'. M-Jjeei.-lrt. to, r. " -- - i demagogues. in. .yrvc:i 9CCOgDlI20U 01 JtUS- I Scaators Mendenhall, Armfield and Hsymore led the fight for the rcsolu- 4.j)iir.i Senator BoraW eonclad-Ihh ..ri .n i.-j .i... - .-.so - , 1 -i- All . -w ewe vs. exscraM UTAliIt tUAs ed aud Senator xidgclegan a nffffrcat wrong had been don the 8tate, 'a At e . -. I tB through line from east to west '4.47 p. m. Senator Lodge finish, n. .ti. . j ..., .. f. V"'P hd Senator-Williams, mstter should be iavestlgsted and Mississippi, took the floor to sire tha rlt,. ml .- tn.i. j. !.... . aa iddrcss analysing the preceding determined. Senator Mendenhall fin- WXnl - . ftl .ffre4 rament, which y, cm. utuiur n uimmu rmvm I warn mrietntm. hmM th.t .. op the floor, fixator Harriion eall. Ig.rn. .v.ii mcnuw i ..i t I --- assriv esvwilBBFi HfllT DUVU I . J'aon"B'. Senators answer, the recommendation of the Attorney cd, and Senator Lenroot, Republican, fOcBeral and with the approval of tbe pevii vh larmivouncu el Bute Benator Johnson, .k Mi!. naic lateinjicd to secure a division oa bis ... mui tmiui. i amendment. nrniM . e. iu i.,t Plcaty of Spcect.es tutioa of the suit by ths Attorney With the exceptloa of the three General without otbrr eounseL Lien- quorum calls tbe sntirs time wail tenant Governor Cooper deelarin devoted te speeches. Benator Hitch. I the amendment lost without the cock, Democrat, Nebraska, and Mc- u,ul. "The hoes seem to haTe it" and iteuar, Vsmocrat, Tennessee, having "" sustaining a point of order that by their objections an to that time I the call for a division eame too late. clamped down tbe lid oa tbe adop- Senator Giles objected to suspen- tioa of conference reports, the intro- !oa of the rulee and ia the midst duetioa of bills, the reports of com. Points of order interposed a mo- uittees,-the passtge of small bills una to adjourn, which waa lost. and such avkot trsneactio of buai. At the moraing seuion, a similar Bess as occurred during yesterday's ""Mon tot summary adjournment session. By their objections the two hv Senator Squires bad carried ever Senators made the filibuster air- the bill prohibiting msrrlage of girls tight. under 16 years of age except by eve- Suggestions of neirotiations foi "1 license, obtaiasd with ths cob. peace were heard about the chamber ' parents and last night tbe during tbe day, but nothing con- masure went over again on motion erete developed. Democratio Sena-J 01 oetor Barns, of Wake, tore while BOt eomnillair mut.pt.ll . Will Kcmova Cw.t.rr. for 3pccche worked on a poll to del Th Seaate last wight took from fn.wjia.t,jtrieigtv they eouidTw" - ealeadar. . tha ,Ul muster ia event of a motion from rmMf'"ewaaw proved by tbe court as being: la the public interest. The present tJt exempts "mills" and the aew law exempts cotton mills. It is said th in a a urn Her of instances, aot. bly ta a development of the-Southern Power Co. in Burke eounty, mir moui developments bavs been heiJ up hy small grist mills. S.antor Armfield stated that' Attorney Gen oral Meaning had pointed out t passage of the bill might mesa the impairment of the aewerage system of the State Hospital for the la sane at Morgan ton. Senator Squire hownBr,, stated 1 he represented Burke county, that there had been no complaint from the Institution and thought the case amply covered by geaerhl law. The only other public bill of Im portance acted upon at the moraiu scssioa was a measure introu-:il by Senator Squires, providing for the easier examination of title j an-1 containing a provision that after 15 years a mortgage shall be presumed to bare been paid unless notice Is given. Line. of Battle Is Drawn Around Proposal To Ex empt Foreign Stock (Continued from Page One.) It ReynoTd. To protect elp,. of lf ed by the Cor their camp, to eend the legislation f"? ' deu"! Wwyen itgomrry. I ponjtioa tmmiseioB. back t committee and 'thereby to in th.body to be clearly unconstitu n of Wendell. 11. B. , fni ri In 1M An t vnmsrv H. B. I7. by Watklns of Oran-1 "Tbe issue now Dendlnt ia tha Hn. it death. Th k.. .v.ltionaL and naaaerl th. vllle: To r.li.V. e.rl.1. widow. I i. j." v. ", ' j.-.I T "T , .. f lli. Tn,.ll... (ih.lCriilll.. IT". I - v- -votes, Dill H- "---, wwr--mw-eon ......,i-- n.,ii.,j I if. H sua t T. ,m.""" mw imti cswutiinca dv us minutratloa leaden wha h.nr .rl""" ueierrra. tor cross inueiing pomesteaas. man prevail lor com-1 toe plan chailsnged the ekim. ' I oeoaior Aicuonald last aighh Intro- a a. a. wn v. vt I'liimru. an ibtt DiBiiw nr inn mrtm rasra mti in. ". niiseAn as tii : m -i-a . m . . . . Z I a- .wiiV. assavw r UB I UsMHCsT Ml MIgnSl I v .aw IUI UUJIUrm IfWB RIrayb.n regaled s. The fllibust.rer. gathering mV clerkl ! of th Butiot " To revulat salary of eounty tip.r-llnk"Ie, entire, nd , iaclusiv and! terial for speech making met with a(or Mendenhall offered a bill epon lurr fee. 8. H. 747, by Harrla of Wake: To Provide for th recordation aad In drains of murtgagaa en real prop. ".:B. 741, by Olles: To authorise in payment ot mileage to Karnh liannah. H. B. 74. by Harris or wsks: " Lndm.i. Robeson three of twenty four or twenty-five marked sneeees. Senator Brookhart the Bankers' Association It. B. sei. by (Jwsltney: R.IIvtn,"po""n""8y wever themselves Iowa, hauling forth from the records t0 mnd thS bsnkinv law hv mnlrin'. herlrr of Alexander nf dutr of I "Om U effects and presently prose-1 the fourteen hon r nua,k m. j. w I returns from fitato Vi.nlc. nim.;A. Relative to mortgagee of wards-ss- sMrchln without warrit. I cute on their appeal If this were Senator Jones durinw ths nlihn.tr with those from naHoaal bsnka. RiU. aTL. n. via. nr h in 1 1 n r ta aiif tifiris -" - j at is i. i . - 1 1 . , . . . - Improvement bonds at Avden. -- "or i esmDiisning sgainat the ship purchase bill in "niroaucea yesterday included a pro If. B. 19J. by Brown: To nrovlde lew motion to dismiss, they eoulj 1015. Senator Heflln. n.m.f posai by Senator Heath to riv. S.m... i;r r-A" 2 .". '.7 ' . .. m Dcnents or the ulti- Alabama, sesrehed newspapers for 'n w negroes who served in the f?5" JL".LmL' ' lh?T" '- nte finding of th. Jury In the cause, material relating to th. dlJ.. Confederate srmr and from R... H. a 4. by Morgan: To provlds!'0. tua M,e bT the Com- the tomb of King Tutankhamea in ator Wolt to require the Printing .'.n.ro'" rnumy. I01I..I011 mim m in.. appennng. r.gyp ana before be arose to snenk tommissioa to pass noon publications n. n. ibi. nv m.iaon: t nrnhiTiii i tkA..fA ii... 4 .... i 1.. .1 . .i . . ... 1 . . . - rnlvals tn Madleon county 1 7 . . impsnii i on anouier tuojeci atsr Benator ior r-conomie and oeoiogtcal lut. hv uardin. 8. B. 71(1, by Harris of Walt: To author! refunding tne Bonaed in debtedness of ths Western - Wake Highway district. 8. B. fit, by Harris of Wake: To provide for election on .lhllh m.nt oof rerordor.' eburte at Wake b'nr.. and Wendell. 8. II. 7i, by hum: to perron mi Btatesvllle, Feb. 21. Plans and epeelffcaUoBe for aa addltioa of 94 rooms te the Tsnee Hotel have been made aad contractors win submit bias rriuay isr the prsposei idai tion. Tbe rooms will be placed ei the west eide of the hotel, ti te r-e with baths and W withojt bstU. The batroaags f tbla wwulir boa. telrw hsa gruwa ta the petal where auuaioaai room te lmperav, The gsme c' kasdball was played 1 j or (Tit ant. MMmim THE WEATHER lialcich. H. C. b. 21. 1923. Miirth Carolluii Pair Thursdayt . wsrroer'eB the eat; I'rldsy cloudy end somewhat colder. TLMl'tBATUaUw iiigheet tcKpcrsture lowest tempevatare JI-nB tempersture .... SS IvSaency for ths day ..'' Arertgs daijy excess Mac Jan- . isry FirwC ; OA I RECU'lTATION (ia larhes) Ai.Lf.ant for the li boar eadiag a: p. m. .........4 ).M .T. uUat the moath te date .. tJtl s lenry for th month BBS J. raeo Jan. let f fts uviiim-. . Sees, Urn. v lilbj .......31 -t buib it 34 i T..n.i.rtr .... 3 44 I 45 , M'.41 I p, m. .... 20.15 4 a. m. tuBct l;01 p. as. if. h i rk.ki... r .. I tne superior conn aneetlnc the rights Lenroot fhad Mnelui1.d hi. .i. IBurvcy. The denartment now h. In McDowell nulr Wak eommlasloner to work of thes parties baa been entered Was visibls from behind a stack of aPP'npriation of $5,000 to spend for ,m4. popXuon!W" " nc Jn""t n be cnt-rtd books and paper, that loaded down VrMng as it sees lit . : To author- H. B, 7. by King: To amend wM' this, the controlling Issue, ii his desk. ' An unusual tribute was yestcrdsy Btaiiasioa af 1 uif flBUvTu unvr ng. i inaiuiui ruu u aaHicr minrii. inniT in i nrtt nr m m Ant nu.... . m at. . i imiu rnrmirr mnfl;A k ria kr Thnmn. tit courthouM snd. munlelpal ," l.VI' ?T, '?.f UTS..10 P.,U .1U the otnr mUit b , liUbustcr spreading about th eanllal !". ot Onslow, whs died last No- jng by the city 01 tnriotte aae n. m.lhrt7u. "W fragmentary and prema-1 attracted thousand u th. vember. Senator Varser. who intro- lene.i g-r..umer, . . . . ,. lJ.-.- --1 J."" -V...,. Itnrm I .. ... . :7 1 . . ... ... . - L-1 1 v - I If HIST OI III 1 AHlInl .nil thvA.aii.nl I IWU 111! (DWIHUOU BI IHMH WDJCn holding of .loot Ion on th establish ment of a boapitai county. ItuK Bill Ps aa era a n s IT D ATI l.. r. .ration and m.lnt.nanc of Oen.boroprivy law. a Jul build I lmuips.... f asm.. 1 - t . ,1. Umr..,. ... xv H. B. 7s: to aoncir m m.morr 1 ., "-- - 1 M 711 -in nun ir ini m.muij i - . -t , ... ..,. . fA.m.r K.n.tnr rr.nk TbooiDS0BlHl.""1.".". ... . . . .. I iher COUliTlie affPtltiilf iriltr.TT-Trnw-riThw--lrTilfT-w iilaet forth some of rleceaecd's erleM mane to extend th charter of tnal. . - . 1 "m ivdjiu tong lines or those ir. " "'al" ""V rciauvn 10 town of Burlington, I lowing rragmentary appea.. tuiiu th3 Waitinar to set a olimnu e i,. mm. I air. Thompson bad been so close that ehilur JfMBiowJnoffRo the corridors. not trust kimself to speak. - . .1 mrMin mi niniT.inii'B B.iii.iiti, .i . . .... in in rin ram ... wt i h . . k ! Bin riBMU 1 . c , - : . .1 Action. 'w -"" r If. B. nil To validate ..tabli.h. I "d with the right to be heard and! The eallerie .1 ih. .i.k. u. IScaatorr Hnymore. Hicks and John- ",H.tB0,3i,i:CTi rnair.Sirwr?.. .-teVJ 'wd;. " ,h.r!! . y ehafcteristic ? ''f menb?" Haywood. win ww ws, irwin in 1 speech by Benator Harrison, after " "V"' " l"lat wt ,MI "beaten H. B 711: To sal eh.rs I dominant Uu others could do tbel Senator Pdimn... n..... nut. let which Senator Thompson served. - w - . . , ... . . . . . 1 w.ww wowwaaaar uhid, I 1.9 n cor a. iiik mna fta uid lift vmrhkra'm 'lMrthh ji..,,u.s im . .1 ftfter-ltia istuUg. ...IrJl'.-Lf;!" .Wmant coasid.ring himself BetT n.hJn'iu. ! After pacing the mhrrs' aid bill M. B, siti To amend charter "of aggrieved could bring Hi cause here mittee ia declinlng-an' offer for aff? lt 0,,4 rdlB br t f Mwxiwvi.wn. I .ur vuidptativn, 111.iM.Liua wi liii.innm. VA. fh. V ...PmJJ. nl On. law CAuntV. . B. H. B, 170! To aid In th development of High I'olnt by l.vTlng a tax for tho we of th nk.mlk.r Af Mmmmfc - a. Jt. 41s li. B. 42: To authorise th commlMtoners ot Uontgomary I ..11. rn.d and hrld bond. L B. 3t: To tlx th salary Of th sheriff of franklin county. g. B. tot H. & till Te da ths fee for. tbe sh.rtS of Booesos eounty. . a. B. 114 H. B. I7: To fix the salary of th ehsrllt of Bwatn county. H. B. ill; it. th oltlers of Blade county on a "mrnlmW u t'f It B. S44: To Bx th salary of th chairman of th board of county eommlasionera ot gwala 8. B. 1MH. B. Ci Belativ to auhila oirice In Co umbua county. B. B, 101 H. B. T: To r-th. Ilh th oltlea of county trurr In StanUy county. H. B. ell II. tt 414: To provide for an annual audit ot th accounts Ot all thS on; leers or biobm county. B. B. SU IL B, III: To require th board of education of Fitl eounty to 01 aa annual financial .t.t.m.nt. a. B. 41ft II. It. To partly reimburse B. K. Vsrrsll of Fasqiw tank county. ri. B. fill; To valldats the recor- a. Hnn sf rartsla Dlsto of sub division of land In lui,lln county aV a 187: T x th aaiary of th realsi.r of deeds of Hurry county. S. B. 47 U. B. H: Relating te county commissioners ot ftutherford oouuty. It. B. it: To facllltau examinatlo of tltlea Sng creat a prosumpUo of psymcpj of mortgagea after It year. r at B. lift To amend the lawerel. 11 v. ta .mln.nt domain. H. B. 7171 To regulat th fees s( tb. Sheriff of aurry eounty, U. B. 441: To valldat aa alsct tlon la Sunbucy school district Uatse suunty. m. H. sos-rf. if. tii: rtaiaiing to tbe nnanr.a j uupiin county. M. fit: To orotect same In UUchall county. B. B. 717: To ragulate automobiles 1 operated for air ia Klchmon eountv. a. B. Ttt: Te vslldste certata xpenditures of ths town of Hoes,- laghsm. a. till Ta reeuire -tne auaitnr et Buneoxsbe county to enter certain d.eds on tbe books et taw tx a-; .ors.w " ' , I a. is. 71 j: t pises tne snerin ei Btaaly eounty a isaiary. a. Ii. 74: To orovlfl. tor the elee tlon ot a county attpraey ia lluat- samsry oouniy. B. B. II4-U. JsV-4ttt.T deduct Muntir statlea bonds In comput ing: th bonded Indebta of the ctttv f Orwenabor.. a, is b:s-h. b. i;(: Te nrovlde for oomswnaatoia for aelsur of vehleleel rr- , ' o.. i0,,' r..nt.inlngimor In Rockingham "hB ttTo rrg i to o. iae Mnmia vArii.v h. T? ?Ti' ,or ,04 character would be indefinitely pre- Senator R.rriu. i. i.. J. .1 fused. 22 te W to suspend the rnles H. B. Iti: To authorise munlcloal longed, eoste nnduly snhsnce.l and hi address, davbtad to farm ...dit. put th measure oa Its third . - '" iimiiwrak, . . fif.. mipmuun vi nieriri to lh iknnn. k ll ...i l roaioaaT ana a win come on ior unii h.bi. np.vA.t.if W ' f 1 i ., I lj ... saia mere were "so many Democrat! iEl'v.iuuz, dealrlnv Ia ik.l. ..tu. 1. 1 Diaciisainn ow tha m.ril. nf IV. CLARK POINTS OUT neeeh ualem relief is afforded I am bil1 WM of the briefest variety, Sen. RPVFNIIF fiflRPF lfra,1 ,h'r B wil1 u omi feeb ktor Long explaining the provision, nt.SL.itm. ouunvk lng breaking out among Senators ob 'ew sentencea aad Senator Bams (Continued fronv Psge One.) 'J1 " He praised tber on of the authors, answer- vvtiuivu auiv VHW' Ntvnxirnte Jnnmm nairUm at.. L i.A.. IflsT at ear cutaf civm.tAW. .-J . v. ovnv or j !!! nv Ulieja i w ww nrvBvenxa5a utjb.vuw aan 4 forecd'to Uad tlon. 04 tb I roil till toU wu requited by Senv 14 M7 A - Tn asaJTlm JJwI.. I ..s.ataV Kn ..M.St;: ' st. ts. sit: to provics for side walk Improvement In Llncointon. li. 11. 7S: to lsu school bonds IB Rok Springs township, Lincoln. It. ts. svs: To aulliorls bond for roe ana bridge in Wncolnn II. II. 813: Tc aulhorli Murphy I 10 ranroaa Dona. H. B. tun To autbortee fundlna I of tbe ad valorem lax oa the mnnev ,i,nM forced ! H Bui-tSai..! i... inveeted ia stocks and bonds, from Bepublicjn side -because all his col- tor Everett Tha vote showed only ..... - .-www, , .. . ... 'i iii. 1 HnH n.T. m to subsorlhs St. bonds In High Point. - I all taxation and ths impossibility H. li. SOS: To validate bond .1-A.lnf derlrinw winr. r..n. thmrttrnm HVM ,. ,.IIIHI,wU 1 K, B. int.- lo repeal dog tax In Haywood and Van-. s H. M. Z7v: To alio sh sst Vukl or court in nacon eountv. It. u. see: T orov de calendar for criminal court In Bncry. s. as. sea: to protect wild birds I n Av.ry aad -iHih.il. IL B. 4-e-H. Jt 4.2: To nravld fori electron C lwo4 board 1st Char-1 lotti from aa ad valorem tax upon other property already so heavily bur dened, it is absolutely necessary mat there snail be a new sou res of revenue. leagues hsve gone to attend some I Senator! Everett. Eaymore. Hicks. party or receptioa such as those I Jones, of Warren, Ltttimore and which bow are so numerous, ia Tapo voting in ths nssativa. hut honor of tbe dear pu oiican brothers." Proposal To Set Aside Dis-I memberment Cape Fear and per in the vslue of anthracite coal at the mine' ready .for shipment; the Yadkin Valley Passes MlB'if?li T' ,B,,-"du election I Alabama tonnage tax of I cents; the (Continued from Pegs One) In Pamlico H. B. 471 f For relief it W onipmun. menu Traaayivaoia. if. li. 471: To rol.et link In union couniy. i H. B. SIS: To Hn tlm for hold In court in Avery county. H. a 4I: To regulate bunting ef deer In l'smllco. H. B. U4-a. a Sit: To Bx lorni- rat llmlis of town of Vae. it .0. Ses-s. H. 171: R.latlv to u of court house In CaswelL if. B. Sli To d.nn. dull nf rnsnster of deeds la Union. 41. st. s: to pisce nam or Kel son BarAeld, colored, on peaaloa roll. ii. B. t7: To recutat huntlna- of 'possums in Johnstoa. II. B. Ill: To amend muteln-J wn-tiAa taw in winston-naicm. departing Be-1 whea the Senator from Pitt :itd that th matter was threshed out ia a primary ia his eounty and that he was pledged to oppose such legisla tion land asked that the matter ge over, he gained mete support. Sev eral Senators asked -'for immediate action on account of the congested calendar snd the rapidly approach ing end of the session. The-bill kaa been pending ia the It ghanr was last nisrht take, t th. - " Benator. : jng, nnfarnl.l. ..a . Sam and Harris, of Wake, and special order for 1:30 o'clock to- .upporUd br U of th Wle n4 Bight. The Senate substitute for th lnUrMl ergaBlxatioBs ef the SUtc. w. .. i i-n. l: 11 i aiuiixea suit CLa Klux bill, ths pro-1 "", ,,rrw annual appro hibition act coaforming State laws Prl-tlol SO.OOO, to, be maUhcd to Pederal lawa and other important I h eountlee participating, with measures were reported by commit-1 provision that if the county ion the morning hour while the bill nro- h iluti.o. ii,. ,.!.. mt ." . o' sas ocea pe ----- w Louisiana Severance Tax of 2 per cent ea all the timbers cut and mis- eral mined; tbe JdiaaesuU occupa tion tax of - per cent on the value of all ores mined bringing into the treasury two billions yearly; the Texas, gross production tea of 1 1-. per cent tax on all petroleum produced which rieldt tho State fire millions: tha, Oklahoma Gross pro- duetioW tax which brings into the "2?''"'" uons i-cnriy. it ..t aiBhl ..J t.laet a. th. not Participate throne, action of li, Clark! .fcT 2r.,th.f.h!r,,',,i"- b0rd -i w.lail6Mrg it. share, ndVii whlrh0.?. Jd u if ?h. afli: ?ltoa to - based en a pc, capita basis, shall aot ,i, ..,.. I ,mlB wto the alleged fraud eon- be used at all. Administration of H. B. (.Si To abollah lruir 1. at ltchn cwutitr.'-' . - ... - H. B. (41: To plare Avery county I fact, they are the property of the wArim:iiii'tJyM p'if LaV'ayetts Tru.t to r.v.ii.viiu. i heads open a email rent in the wa- IL B est: To provide additional tkre et a tax. But st any rate the U1T J ?Z2lMJ:h:Z:.kt2l eeecftioa ef tbie power ever them not only opens ir a new eourtc $t uuntv. B. u. fll-vi. B. six: neiattr t n-hlnw In Mentaomer' eoanty. N. B. ((4: To pise Folk county nnder th tat-wie primary law. 8. B. irs: to autnoriB ine re- iwoval of a cemetery In tbe town ef Itockingham. 8. H. 4.1-H. B. 114: Te antherlse th town of Rutherfordton, to laau sewerage., etroet aad smeei eon. B. B. 700: .To laoorporate th Os loro frpn.niiSw. r- , a .a :i-H. a tit: To five sal. mrmm at efflcera In Parson oeaniy. m. H. lis: t smsna tn saw re- l.tln. I. ladu.trlal banhe. - B. k. S4S: T. aeo.lv th llt( Ceil. lntd of thai et 11 t In CTnn r.n iw. B B. 1.4: To nt-orlso th m ploymeat ef coal te brink a ult to art ii tne i or tn Peer ad Tadki Valley Ital Bcw a-ewa BUta. If. a MS. by Everett; For relief of Ella Murphy. IL h. til. m cstr: to aaisar- Im urehB of laad for Bark at )ranhiBn. I IL U S.l. bV H.-.S: Wit SM.S1 of SHtrrhacrs at aowi. aad farma H. B. est. br Jtelaoa- To Brolect Be in Bl.atwOn. H. B. St, by ravla of rarteret: To authorta apKial tax la Caruret H. B. br l-awrrnrot T aas-ad CB.rt.r t jtinr.w.nrrOw H. a St, by pMlna: To Mnl eoBetitutloa by reuulrtog free text BV'.-. H H s-7. by Heodrlcke: To allow eotim iwrire to par (or top oii -"1 r.n. in imvi. If. a fee-8. a SCi To .aanliah Bounty auciiftr in rraakila. H. B. 711-8. a t4: To prohibit ornlTale la Caswell. H. B. Ill: To regulat hunting ef i rranlal hHBilBw Af .v.w. ib prynwin. H. B. .711: Ta It tlx. .1 uart. IB atcnow'ti. 14. B. 774: To valid.!, un-ktu nf uuki py iaan nmsilMleBtra 1U : . T appoint county auditor tn Bl4a. " It. B. fit: To aafhArlB R.rli... ton school board to nam troaurer IL -a T7t: To allow Mr. lm. AngiwT i remove eertala) front Durham Cemetery. H. a 7IS-8. a : Ta aatahll.- cwonty court la Stanley. , H. B. 7S7-B. a HI: To validate drainage bonds In Catawa. m. M. rii-n. at. Ml: To Bthorls . -.A wlfV .1.. .-1- J .1.1.. Lin .1 I ... , , llhlA aC n.U-.l. ...... I 'w uiriiioB oi I m oiu u inrouga ins commissioners byULtocbnra T,dkl" "T fficer. ef Ihe eoantis, Bat ws, . under th. supervision ef the Stat. minority siocVoier gna whim 7s! DepartmeBt of Welfare. - The ei:i now split at 8anford wss passed af- provides allowance for worlh mot-i-tcr the sharpest debate o. the entire I .r. d.nHd aC .. .n session, although the final vote wss husbands of 113 for one ehild, 110 by the overwhelming margin ef titot lh, iaa w t,? w l.l,1111nnil .liiM -rilk . -ll- V1.I..I .1 AJ. I f "'"-- v. i"";, - "'V . .. for en fnmily, -4 - ... .v nw 'VWUTAW VI HIP revenue to the Htste which caa thu be drawn from th. same sou res from which e maay gigs.ri. fortu.es Mend7nh.ll reso utlo. thit dl have been bniltesst enme whu-h ,f the road at HA.fJ .Ia1.7aJ uT, l-ed indebte'dnes. of eitiea. "wu-, sbs tax now mo. n h,k u. ul. . ir.. .va.X.hI1 T "" ehrt, W.75?,ta !U?-Jik tt Utlantie Coast Line took thr po'rtloB . . I ''eat ef the- control of the prep- lof the road east of- Kunfnrd whu. lc.Hr..,.t..,1,, -T.". H'" -tiUtie. rent, with dJXpfoM tftlw Ato ihA Awhii. ... witk k .. i, t : .rr - .'7 w r"- "wi s,n a sb whim aiBBtraia-il xka ailaatia d w. vd. exploit these vast socrcee ef rere-krar nader the control ef the Sonth Senator Sams', bill limiting the town a, eubdivisiona ws. passed by aa alsaoet naanimoua rote. Senator Bennett catting the -k'y negative vote. Tbe meaaure carries practically the same restrietioa 01 debts of mnaleipalities a are tonal ia the masielpai fiaaace act with om Hallwav. It t. .i .ii.j ..,le additional provision that the ia Temporary Lull In Senate! w rcpresentid.ricm DL.'Th. ,,rie"4 -p ' Filibuster Against Hard- day. OeorsT B. ElliotL vU tr--tn.. Senator Rama staled, however, that aad general counsel for the Atlantic! i twlieved the most important' rv voact u asserted that la all re-lTUloa Dl" ene mat pre. North Carolina M reliant' AssoeU- tion, was the lone spokesman for the bill before tbe committee yestcr dsy afternoon wh;n the discussion of ths buCter became heated Under tbe leadership of Lindsay Warrea supported by Everett ot Durham, Bowie, of Ashe, aad the si lent alliance of Revenue Commis sioner B. A. Donghtoa who eat ia the lobby aid watched ths conflict, heavy assaults were made oa the amendment With equal ability nn der the leadership of Parker, of Alamance, tbe proponent of th. measure fought beck aad the House was-in-tbe ntidst of , an.iiwuo that akx0jilx.,,with1Jhi iiower fight of a-vvv cext ass, m Bcprcsentativ Connor, chairman of the House Finance Committee tmraght-the-biil-to-the: iloor.r cad and explained two score amend' mentc that were incorporated - by th. committee, and proposed that th. House adopt the entire list of ameBdmeUs, and thea let any mem ber send forward any proposal to strike out such amendments as did Bot meet his judgment. That aotioa wss taken, and Bepreseutativa War- enr took tbe floor, Under, hia counter amendment tbe Parker amendment would be strict ea from the bill, and the statute rostored to it. original provision that all stock in foreign corpora tions residing ia the Suite" should be subject to ad valorem tax levied by the city and eounty in which the owner resided. Mr. warren an nounced that after debate, be would call the p evious question, and, that he would demand the ayes and noes. k-verett of Durham opened the op position, declaring that the exemp- Uwawwss willaatbjiBjiMUiAgjiirthe constitution, euner ot the united Ststea, or of tbe State of North Carolina, which rcqulrea that aU property where ever situated, should be taxe-L-Specific exceptions jr ere I made la the fundamental law, he de clared, and the uenaral Assembly had ae power to add so them. Going beyond the-question af tbe constitutionality, Mr. Everett de clared that there is no sound policy in exempting the property of ne class of citizen, from taxation, while the public burden still rests npoa th. msa not so exempted. He pre dicted political diaaatex would fol low the adoptioa of the Parker pro posal. He ridiculed the idea that sny millionaire would return to. the 8tate to live it his foreign stocks were exempted. As a eound puMic policy, exemp tion should be made, declared Mr. Parker in a vigorous reply to Mr. Ev erett. Against the comparatively small amount of foreign stock now listed for taxstioa would come hundreds ot millions of doUars upon which the Btatc could levy an income tax snd to which it might look forward for inheritance taxes that would wipe out the State debt. uuotlng tbe d oei stone of the eu preme court, lie declared that the' General Assembly bad tbe power te fix the situs of any stock as the place whers ths principal office of the corporation was located, and that no action could be Buststned on the grouad of constitutionality Be declared thst the power of the State to exempt stock from taxation was aot exhausted- whea it bad ex empted the stock in domestic cor a .tions on tbe ground that the tax been already paid on tbe prop erty whicjh the stock represented. Another patch for the fundamental lnw of the commonwealth in ' tbe shape of an amendment submitted in ths House yesterday morning by Representative Deaton calls for free text book, along with free public schools to be submitted te vote ef the. people at the next general elec tion to be held in 1921. Two other efforts by Mr. Deatoa toward free text book, this session have failed. The flood gates were oneaed yee tora.y morning ia the House and SO new lulls wort Sffered, bringing. (he serial number te ene past the thousand mark, aad estsblishing a record for the past several sessions. rraetteally the entire outwit for the day was entirely fecal in eharae tcr, aad fearful that committee may be .low many members asked that their bills be placed ea the eel endar. . Working steadily on tha local and publie-feeal calendar for aa k... and a half the House cleared upwsrde ef a bundtfd bills, leaving . only the ptiblie calendar available, f oa- sideratioB of the Wsdc gsme. la brought the Bouse te a deadlock at 1:30 and recess was taken until night with the,' evening t atiJe. fur the consideration ef the Befe-' nne act. Among tie Joral bills offered yes terday is the lavU ef Byde bU that would allow the people la cer tain sections of the eounty ti 'vote 'upon whether they will remain ia stock law territory or whether tbe county shall return to. the free range era. rjimilalr legislation fof Currs tuck eounty is pending end along with it B bill providing for citate wide eradication ef the tick, involv ing n .ppropriation of tlSO.fXlO. Exemption ef property " nnder mortgage from .taxation to the ex tent of tbe mortgage is provided for in the measure submitted yesterday by Bepresentativo Hauecr, of Stokes. An amendment to the constitution in volving practically the same provis ion was onercd some days ago . by Beprescntativ. Carr, and baa been reported unfavorably. The : Hauaer bill would spply only to residence and agricultural property. fro mien fur local self-determina. tioa of the text book problem will probably atop the Deaton amendment te the constitution. -Be Was among we rsi to introduce bills for ftee text books during tit session, and later submitted another bill nrovid- ing for a tax oa soft drinks of one cent per drink the proceed, to be applied te a State text book fund. pom pins bar. been killed in com mittee. . BRYAN SPEAKS AT TARBORO TONIGHT (Coatinued From Psge One.) i expected to come to the city te welcome the Commoner and . other diitinguiahed speakers whe are to ge oa to the Edgecombe eountv -capital fe tovrow.iiisht'a gathM- Wnv, m Tjrboro dilcjration, beaded by Hon. W. A. Hart, whose guest"" the trio will be while in Tarboro, will likewise attend the banouet and share ia the hoaora tendered by ui lucai eiuo. After the luncheon tha Tnkm delegation, augmented by the officer, of th local dub and probably a number of member., will escort Mr. Bryan, the Governor and Mr. Imniels over the new hard-surfaced highway to th. Edgecombe, capital, where Mr. Bryan will speak at the Farmers' Warehouse tomorrow aigbt for th. benefit of th. Kiwanis edu cational fund. Many persons from this city aid throughout the section are expected Jo go over for tbe tpeaking. Te Pat Oa Mask Festival. Greensboro. Feb. Sl.--Tha Kot.iw Club of this city is behind plana for putting over a music festival to be held in May. Germany has 6,000,000 men with experience in the field. A SIGN OF DANGER Bvcry mother dreads that horri- ble sound a eroupy cough. . Ton need not Buffer that' iorror. Give the little one Cheney's Expec torant, and if you have called the doctor there won't be much for bim to do when he gets there. ' Von should always keep Cheney's Expee' torant ia the house, for yoa never know whea you may need it te save yonr Utile one from suffering. Cheney's Expectorant is for sale by all druggists and ia smaller town. by general merchant. - in 30a and 60c bolc--(Adv.) I ing's Ship Subsidy (Ceatlaued from Psgw Oae) - Ia.Ii U ..J ...1 . IriitAB fh.t .11 kABlt. ...It K. ..14 yWWM"."" ! vT0; IpJui.Z eerully-. thai hey Mb Exceed . . H. B. ,7t-8. bTVsU: To prwhlbhl v .r.1? ,..f1?L I The matter hu been coastaatly the life eg tbe Improvement f., . - gatei ia tne ueueru Assembly for wmen mey wcvw laaaea, aaa-tbst s Joaesv el Abe . eommerce eommissioa. snore than 10 years ssd in- 19U a ae eveat shall they run for mors . , i ,h ,4 W"t resolution wss pessed. directing than 4 ynra. Sseator ferns . other admiBistraUea leaden eontlna. the Corporation Commission te oV terday I a trod weed th. identical till ed to. await, the ihanstloa ef the tcrmiae the facts surroundlag the a. aa act ef the funeral Assembly, eppoeitia r aa opening where the sale and transmit them te the At- - erder that lt might be la the ge. see ef strategy would allow them te torney General ia erder that proper etai lawif tba. eoa.titntional amend- push en wita eeasiderntioa ef the action might be takes, former Gov. meat should fail ef adoption by the I""""' "bot . T. niraen, uea Attorney people. r - . Day PsasodL General, ruled that action should EmlaeeA Domain BIU Pase Tic following shows in brief bow properly he taken in the courts ef the Tbe eminent domain bill, lntro lh Kent spent the day t fjvted Bute aad requeued th At dueed by Sob. tor Giles, was pass?! H a. m. eoaveaed after the re- torney General of the Veiled States after comW objectlo.s hsd been rsis- ca taken at 11:M o'clock hast Bight, te Institute each aa artioa. How. ..J r. vtit "caator Uarrisoa. Mlosismppt. made aa action was ever tahea by the At-1 hvdro-eleetrt. now II U afA ...K.. I than aadhlmft ana. viastiwh mm A I tnenao fLm.BW.wa.1 . rr.ia.-A a. . I . . TUUm WWSlAS NO man cm gory ha UraaJlyfiurniiiar with tire) dtrvelop- ' man. until ho hsut Cord with th . It aota up naw atapdarda ef raliabilitjr, efBcten. C7 auvd cotsomy. It mora quiatlp. Lat ua axplain its ibtiwantatwa to jroej in dataiL Cixme) In whil Ww haw your '. tbtntok, '; ii. r ti -nifii fine . A... n a AWMf f lltlS law AAMf Ak ll-xmm aw mH - j) . tll-JIW til In .. iBab.1 VIM. . .rn.. I. EM ni. mrmt - . 'tf-? . a. e . M. SNUB.. FamaW tBhA. B. C- vwim sw.m a tha. .. satim. a. a. S.M. firs c . wilre" GOOBifEAn ininwiii riming aighway I nu ana raxiwOiana. h. r tsa.a. R titi ta a. i. ior aoiuing Bupener coart In Ban-eornb. H. B. Ill: To nrovld sit tAAAik. granA Jury aarvh? nl N.h. If. & 144: To tblisa puhHel' . " " ' .... . " "em te 1 sanetaary fee birda on Orajkiiathwl IM ' strategy would aUesr them tel torney General ia erder that H. H. Ill- f. AAM.J AkAM.. .( Cb.rrrvll.. ' H. B II: Aelattve to tweaedAr-. court la Mnrwville, H. S.l' Ta Wfltcm A. I. grry eoonty. H. BL lil'-if. BrAlAA v. . 1- Mdi... M. B. IIJ: To BV eswiAAButina ml ..wn..H wi m IIMin oven i V I City and Cpui We are alwty ready to loan the'citie. aod coan tie of North Carolina any amounl-that" they may legally borrpw in anUcipation of Ux tollec Hom, bond tale, road coriatrncUon .or Other pur pose., , '': " '.';-,' V CORRESPONDENCE INVITED EYER t&'COMPANy - SBcxialUta In Municipal Boada and Loaju i Fine Street - - .., V picw yj. e K B. b, sison: Te ..thortse t eidVu