B THE RALEIGH TIMES, TUESDAY, JUNE 11, 191 FOR THE JUNE BRIDE 9(g MMUMtfl'J Four pieces - -Bed, Dresser, Dressing Table, Three Mirrors, Chiffonier Regular Cash Sale Value The most elegant suit of Funiituro in the city. Only the one suit at this price. You will always regret it if you don't get this suit. Price rut loss than one-half. Hurrv "with vour $199.99. Extra sensational bargains every (lay while the I'ro-lnventorv Sale is on. i wm - i a l rw w The Greatest of All Money Saving Sales. Prior to making improvements on the interior of our store we find it necessary to reduce our stock of high grade clothing For the next ten days we offer every suit in the house ranging in price from $12 50 to $18 50 at the one price- $9.90. Every s uit in this lot is of this seasons make and is up to the minute in style and workmanship. See our east window where we are showing the greatest clothing values ever offered in North Carolina. No suits in this lot charged. WHITING & HORTON 10 E. MAKTIX ST. The Home of Good Clothes. "The Store of quality." DOBBIN -FERRALL COMPANY, 123-125 Fayetteville Street. SPECIAL VALUES OFFERED IN LADIES' Muslin Underwear GOWNS-GOc, ,79c, 89c, $1.00, $1.13 to $1.50. COMBINATIONS 98c, $1.50, $1.98 to $2.50. , PRINCESS SLIPS 98c, $1.48, $1.98. CORSET COVERS 25c, 43c, 48c, 75c, 89c, 98c. DRAWERS 25c, 43c, 48c, 75c, 98c. CORSETS American Lady, Madam Lyra, R. & 0. All sizes and styles. . Solid Mahogany cuiuiiiui suit v S400.00 II TRUCKS III COWS! Rescue and Victor Wagons Strike at Fayetteville and Hargett James Manley, a colored member of the Victor Hose Companj; vas thrown from his seat and in'joreu and both horses drawing tho Clescuu hose wagon were slightly hurt as the result of a collision at the in tersection of Fayetteville and Har gett streets shortly after nine o'clock last night. The companies had re sponded to an alarm of Are, the Rescue company coming up Fayette ville street and the Victor up Har gett street. The driver of the Res cue company, Lee Justice, did not anticipate a collision as he urged his fast horses onward, and realized Ins danger only when he saw the Victor team coming up Hargett at a rapid rate. The Rescue driver turned his team sharply down west Hargett, but too late to avoid the accident. The wagon tongue of the Rescue struck the Victor wagon in the side, and "Bill," the Rescue's prize black, went down in a heap. The Victor company continued to the scene of the tire, though James Manley, one of its members, was left painfully injured. Man and horses will be all right in a day or two, it was said today. The departments were called out at three different times last night, the companies having responded at noon yesterday to an alarm in the western yart of the city. The first alarm last night was turned in at 7 o'clock. A house occupied by a Mr. Hamilton was found to be on Are, but the damage was less than three dollars. The second alarm was sent in at 9 o'clock. A storehouse belonging to Johnson & Johnson, and contain ing tar and cork and other lnflam able materials, caught. Shortly after 12 o'clock the houBe again blazed up and the departments responded again. The damage was about $200. Mr. Sherwood Brockwell, who was elected chief of the departent Friday night, earned his salary last night. Mr. Brockwell has always been a fearless and intelligent fighter and he maintained last night the reputa Hon he has won during many years of good service. Famous Stage Beauties . look with horror on Skin Eruption3, Blotches, Sores or Pimples. They don't have them, not will any one, vho uses Bucklen's Arnica Salve. It glorifies the face. Eczonia or Salt Rheum vanish before it. It cures sore lips, chapped hails, chil llains; heals burns, cutj and bruises. X'nequalcd for piles. Only 2 5c at King-Crowell Drug Co. "HISTOUICAL -KALKItiH" M. X. Amis to Bring Out Anolhcr Kdition of His Famous Book. The second revised edition (illus trated) of "Historical Raleigh," by Mr. M. N. Amis which is soon to appear, will doubtless be the most popular Work of its character hith erto published. The scope of the work will be broader than that of the first edition, published ten years ago. The title of the second edi tion being "Historical Raleigh, To gether With Sketches of Wake Coun ty and its Thriving Towns." The book will therefore be practically a history of the county, and will, of course be eagerly looked for by all classes of our people, especially the more intelligent. The edition will comprise two thousand cople3. Foils A Foul riot. When a shameful plot eiista be? tveen liver and bowels to cause dis f ess by refusing to actj tako Dr. Kins ; New Lif? Pills, and jnl s:i ij abuto of your system. The cc)it!y c( n-pe? right action of stomach, liv er and bowels, and restjre your l'Pilth and all good feellnsa. 2?c at K!ug Ci' well Drug Co. TWO RALEIGH BOYS EARN PROMOTION Mr. Grover C. Pool, traveling freight agent of the Seaboard Air Line, has been promoted to the posi tion of traveling commercial ai-nt of the Seaboard with head luarters at Greenville S. C. Mr. Pool suc ceeds Mr. C. S. Allen, who his ac cepted a position with the Inter urban. Both these young men are from Raleigh. When Buying, Buy Only The Best Cofcts no more but gives the best results H. L. Blomquist, Esdalle, Wis., says hie wife conslderi Foley's Hon ey, and Tar Compound the best cough cure on the market. "She has tried various kinds but Foley's gives the best results of all." King Crowell Drug Co. In Police Court. Several drunks were fined In police court yesterday afternoon. Oue of these, Charlie Sprulll, a one-legged negro, was sent to the roads for '40 days. Charlie la said to be an ex cellent cook. Mr. M. W. Tyree was fined $10 and costs for speeding his automobile. Mrs. M. A. McLaughlin, 812 Jay St., LaCross, Wis., writes that she suffered all kinds of pains in her back and blps on account of kidney trouble and rheumatism. "i got some of Foley Kidney Pills and af ter taking them for few day there was a wonderful change in my case, for the pain entirely left my back and hips and 1 am thankful there is such a medicine as Foley Kidney Fills." King-Crowell Drug ELKS TO PUT ON BIG MINSTREL SHOW The Raleigh lodge of Elks on next Friday night at the Grand Theatre will present a minstrel show. The entire production is under the per sonal direction or Mr. uiarence a. Coley. a Raleigh boy who has chosen the theatrical profession and has more than made good. Coley prom ises to offer the best amateur show ever seen in the city and judging from the array of talent that he has lined tip, one is led to believe him Messrs. Ernest Martin, Everett Up- church. Claude Pierce and Willie Woodall are the end men, who will deliver new jokes and the latest ragtime successes. Mr. Martin dur ing a recent 'rip to New York at tended the Winter Garden Ttieatre and heard one of America's best coon song singers. Al .lolson, sing the song entitled "Rum, Turn, Tittle." Ernest became infatuated with the melody and brought it back to Raleigh. It will be a pleasure to hear him put it over. Everett rprhurch needs no intro duction. All who witnessed his per formance at the Gr .d a short time ago, agree with Mr. Coley when he declares that Mr. Upehureh has a bright future as a negro delineator. His stvle ami manerisms could be copied by some of the best black face artists lor their own Denent. Theatrically speaking, Everett L'p- church is "there." Mr Pierce of Norfolk who de serves credit for his smooth talking voice which helped to have the New Bland Hotel completed before the convention, will recite a local version of the famous song entitled, "You're Going to Get Something That You Don't Expect." Then last, but by tar not least, comes Willie Woodall, probably the youngest en tl mail ever seen in Ral eigh. As a vocal number Mr. Wood all has selected. -"Everybody's Doing It," a popular novelty song. This song has swept the entire country, and is a bigger hit than "Alter me Ball" ever was. The ballads are also well chosen. Mr. Orr will sing, "Bring Back My Bonnie to Me." Mr. Horton will be heard In "Mine," a beautiful march song. Max Levin will demonstrate that his vocal training has not been neglected when he delivers "Dreams, Just Dreams." Walter Coley will cause you to forget that "Down By the Old Mil! Stream" is a year old. Willie. Heller will show that in ad dition to selling shoes he can render Take Me Back to the Garden of Love." Mr. George Sligo will be. re sponsible for "Down in the Deep Let Me Sleep hen 1 Die," one of the most beautiful bass solos ever written. The olio will consist of local and professional talent. Llxy and Mellon will oiler an acrobatic and dancing turn. The Elks' Quartette, Orr, l p- church, Dix and Ellis have a budget of new ,songs that will Bend you home humming. Miss Louise El liott, a mle impersonator, who bills herself aaThe Girl in Her Brother's Clothes, will help matters along greatly. Clarence Cbley will tell his troubles and talk about bis friends. Mr. Coley has a number of new local dafodils .-to... tell about. Dick and Fan nv Mason in original songs and sketches will conclude the perform ance. In ..addition to the above men tioned features, the voices in the minstrel first part will include Ralph Nowell. Will Wynne. Henry Nowell, Tom King and Morris Gold stein, Prof. Faltes : sympuony orchestra of fourteen pieces has been secured fort the occasion. They ar-.i all musicians of the best calibre. That the show will be a huge suc cess goes without saying, as every Elk is working hard. Seats are. on sale at Tucker Build ing Pharmacy and by members oi the Klks lodge. I Printing Ours is a woll-ortrsn-izt'd oil ice. H Hives the CHtnllier thtj Iwftt of uwrylhintr in printing nl the lowest prices ol UiiniiMe. Everybody workn: No high f-aln-rit-'s puiil out to litrurw head; tliereforu wins are ritrht. All departments r' uvll rmumeri.iv- liu'iiitc eist W a minimum, our mst tytem fins niiltl.Hi uk to nxluce price lower than they were n month two, because thn liepiirttneM tiro ooiiLin more aflicient by that system. Ther an: no htiiiiflinir misundurHUiiHiiUKs. lH-tiue all partmenw are cJoso together un1 ttystemiitiotHy armtifft d, and thn lout motion nilully found in very litrjco c-tftahlUhinent which incruai the cost of production, lt eiiiiunaten m mo COMMERCIAL PRINTING CO This I Cyras O. EUtci. the nan who ilvertlien Mother' Joy (lid Qoo Grcae I. Inimont, twooftti createft thlnfrf k nu 0 to Humanity. Tor Bale by Sounders St Pharmacy, A Want. Ad. in The Ral eigh Times Will Work Won defs for Your business. Cure XxailfwrtJ Never , B0YLAN-PEARCE Smiicfttai EeSWy RIew to loise Presses BALDWIN DOUBLE-SERVICE GARMENTS We are making a special display of these garments, and believe every one of our customers will be interest ed in seeing them. The many special features make these garments a big improvement over old style house dresses EASY TO PUT ON Without a 'doubt tho easiest alid quickest to put ou of .'any. House". Dress made. On and off like a coat no pulling over the head or stepping out of the skirt. ONLY A FEW DAYS Will the demonstration and sale of Human Hair con tinue. All shades of hair; rare shades of Reds, Browns, - Drabs-.'and.. Grey mixed matched perfectly. One-Fourth Of f on Ladies Trimmed Hats UP-TO-DATE STYLES MARQUISETTE, VOILE, LINGERIE FROCKS A showing of new models that for style, finish, quality and price cannot be duplicated elsewhere. Fresh from their wrappings. Beautiful creations. $20 to $30 values, all goat one price ... ..... $12.50 BOYLAN-PEARCE CO. BOYLAN-PEARCE CO. n It CO B0YLAN-PEARCE CO What every woman knows 'about: - house dresses makes her eager to find something better than the usual gar ments like. a shirt waist and skirt. In front it folds over on the lines of the Russian Blouse, so much in vogue at present. It fastens up neatly at the neck and looks as trim as heart could wish. They are made of the finest grade of Percales and Ginghams . . . . . . . ... . , ... $1.95 Smart Clothes! Come, look! You won't be in our Clothing Section more than a minute before you'll discover that you've walked right into the midst of the best line of high grade Clothing that you've ever, had the pleasure of seeing. "-; ;;,, ;-. ". .;.:. . v'';";';'1' We want you to see the Suits wc are selling for $12.50, $16.50 and $20.00.- When you come in ask ' about our Palm Beach Wash Suits fori men. Cross & Linehan (Dompaiiy RALEIGH, N. C. B0YLAN-PEARCE CO NO BUTTONS OR HOOKS AND EYES Two large snaps on the Belt hold the entire gar ment in place. Under this ar rangement t he garment is ad justed to three different sizes. BROWN LINEN Splendid quality. Importer of Linens made the mistake of bringing over too many of this good grade. Had to sell. We secured this lot under the price, is the rea son we can offer this 35 cent grade of Brown Linen at ...... 23c