IBAMIC mm Kf ATOM A OF RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA. Treats all customers alike, whether they carry large or small accounts. We pay Four Per Cent. Interest, compounded quarterly, in Savings Department. n Jtt :t mmk m rans section , 1 ... . . : i IvaaHMHIIIHiBaHBaa-vM AMUSEMENTS AMUSEMENTS Graiitil Theatre ' Three Shows 'today: 4:Ol I. M.; 8:15 P. M.; 0-30 P. M. ARONSON & 15HOWXK, Managers. Special Engagement All the Week Empire IViusica! Comedy 10 :::::::: PEaPLE :::::::: W PRETTY GIRLS, FUNNY COMEDIANS, ' GOOD SINGERS, GOOD DANCERS. I mi . i ' ' "i liii. mi i.m w.mi & m-mvj"im wmj',rf "i" w"Vgil i ltf. Featuvins BILLY 1). OSMAX, the Ininiitablo - Comedian Monday an,l Tuesday LITTLE MISS MONEY. Wednesday and Thursday COLONEL BULLET, A Comedy .Military Drama. Fri-.la y and Saturday Modern La.ly Minstrels. A Guaranteed strictly Refined Attraction, o reels of pH-tim'S ehatijfe.d daily "the best mov ing pictures ever shown in Ialeijh." Priees for this attract ion Children 10c, Adults I'm anywhere ill tlie liouse No reserves. Free List Entirely Suspended. Matinee f and 10c. GOOD MOTION PICTURES CHANGED DAILY TEE A1LMO Open Dally except Sunday a P. M. to 11 JVM. AKONSON & imOtVXK, Managers. "IN QUARANTINE" A Contagion of Liiuxlitcr 1,000 Kcct Long. "HIS CHANCE TO MAKE GOOD" A Story of a Struggle For Justice Against CircuniNtantial Evidence ' "GETTNG THE MONEY" . Another (jo1 Comedy. , MUSIC BY OUR NEW ORCHESTRION. STANDING OK THE CLVBS. Carolina Association. Clubs Won Lost Anderson . ... . , . 51 32 Charlotte . . . . 49 34 Winston-Salem . . . 47 40 Greensboro . . . . .38 46 Spartanburg . . . . 38 46 Greenville . . . . . 30 55 Xat ional League. Clubs Won Lost New York . .... 71 24 Chicago ...... 61 34 Pittsbung . . . . . 55 38 Philadelphia . . . . 46 45 Cincinnati ..... 45 53 St. Louis . . . . . . 43 .56 Brooklyn . . . 35 63 Boston . .... . . 26 69 .614 .590 .540 .452 .452 .353 .747 .642 .591 .505 .459 .434 .357 .274 American League. Clubs Won Lost P.O. Boston ". . . . . 69 32 .683 Washington ... . . 63 38 .624 Philadelphia . . . . 58 . 41 .586 Chicago . . . . . . 50 48 .510 Detroit . . . ; . . . 50 52 .490 Cleveland . . . . . 45 55 .450 New York . . . . . 32 63 .337 St. Louis . . . "-. -. 30 67 .309 SELLING AGENTS, CAMEUON PA UK. THE PARKER-HUNTER REALTY COMPANY, INSURANCE, SURETY BONDS, REAL ESTATE. THE PARKER-HUNTER REALTY CO. SELLING AGENTS, CAMERON PARK. Mi Clubs Petersburg . . Richmond . ... Koanoke . . . Portsmouth . Norfolk . . . Newport News. Virginia League. Won Lost P.C. . 58 39 .598 . 56 . 56 51 . 51 .36 40 42 43 46 58 .583 .571 .543 .526 .383 Southern League. Delaware canal written law.: . Since its conception, the associa tion has earnestly endeavored to in terest the New England States in the Intracoastal canal project and has met wits little success. This year, however, New England and Massachusetts in particular, ap pears to be enthusiastic over the entire plan. Boston will be repre sented by a delegation of 200, head ed by Mayor John F. Fitzgerald, who will tour to New London by autos. Congressman Moore, presi dent of the association has also re ceived an acceptance from General Hugh Bancroft the youthful but live-wire chairman of the board of directors of the port of Boston who is directing the stupendous task ot spending $9,000,000 for harbor im provements at that port. General Bancroft will read a paper on the work he has undertaken toward the improvement of Boston harbor, which should prove instructive as well as interesting. While New England has been giv ing evidence ot its awakening to the Importance of the intracoastal proj ect, the South continues to evince its enthusiasm and word has been received from Norfolk that the mayor of that i mportant port and a strong delegation from the com mercial bodies will attend the con vention.'': Finley Acker, president of the chamber of commerce of Philadel phia and one of the city's fore most business men, will read a paper on "transportation and its effect on the -.cost of living." This important subject has not yet been fully considered by the consumer and the retailer, yet bears upon one of the most important benefi. to be derived by improved waterway transportation, and this paper Is naturally being looked forward to with a great deal of interest. IXKORMER'S HEAD CUT OFF Carmelia Crapa Had Sent Two of His Countrymen to Prison. Glen Cove, Long Island, Aug. 5. Carmelia Crapa gave testimony re cently in tbf local court that sent two of his Italian countrymen to prison for assaulting a young girl. This morning Crapa's body was found lying alongside the. railroad tracks. The body wa& covered with 50 knife wounds, and the severed bead lay nearby. GlRARD 2 IN. Milton ZH in. AR.R.OW COLLARS 15c each, 2 lor 25c Cluett, Peabody & Company, Makers ' Merchants National Bank, RALEIGH, N. C. With resources of $2,000,000.00 is in a position to be of service to you. - ' We will be very glad to have you do business with this Bank. Four per cent, interest, compounded quarterly, in Savings Depart ment. . ' MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK. Clubs Won Lost P.C. Birmingham . . . . 64 38 .627 Mobile . . . . . . ; .51 36 .586 Memphis . . . ; . . 49 47 .510 Chattanooga . . . . 49 47 .510 New Orleans . ... 48 49 .495 Nashville . ..... 45 51 .469 Montgomery . . . . 43 54 .443 Atlanta . . . ... . 40 55 .427 . South Atlantic League. Clubs Won Lost P.C. Savannah . ... .-21-11 .656 Jacksonville . . . . 20 13 .606 Columbus ... . . . 19 14 .576 Macon ..... . . 17 17 ' .500 Albany . . ... . 13 21 .382 Columbia . . . . . . 10 24 .294 KASEltALL GAMES YESTERDAY. American Ijague. Chicago, 2; Washington, 3. Detroit, 4; New York, 1. St. Louis, 3; Philadelphia, 8. Cleveland, 6; Boston, 8. YEXEZVELA; IH'YS Gl'XHOAT. American Association. First game: Toledo, 5; Kansas City, 10. Second game; Toledo, 7; Kansas City, 1. Indianapolis, 6; Milwaukee, 3. First game: Columbus, 13; St. Paul, 3. Second game: Columbus, 4; St. Paul, 3. First game: Louisville, 4; Minne apolis, 6. Second game: Louisville, 2; Minneapolis, 0. Southern Ijcaguo, Memphis, 6; New Orleans, 8. International League, Jersey City, 0; Rochester, 2. Montreal, 8; Newark, 6. I XTERCOASTAL WATERWAY. One of the Most Interesting Dif fusions to be Made at New Lou don Meeting. Philadelphia, Pa., Aug. 5. What should prove to be one of the most interesting and important events of the Fifth annual convention of the Atlantic Deeper Waterways asso ciation, which meetB in New Lon don, Conn., September 4th, 5th,' and 6th. will be a session devoted to the study and discussion of the report by the United States board of engineers on the recent survey of the Intracoastal canal from Bos ton, Mass., to Beaufort, N. C. This discussion will be taken up link by link by prominent members of the association and a course of action mapped out by those present. One ot the most important links In the entire chain Is that of the Chesa peake and Delaware canal which was completed In 1829 by land labor, and which has been but lit tle improved since that time. Inas much as the southern end ot the waterway, from Norfolk to Albe marle sound In provided for la the last Rivers and Harbors Act, the association will, durlne the , next session of Congress, endeavor., to have an appropriation for the Im provement o ? C6?Bapea. Isln le Cuba Sold by Vnlted States to South; American '' Nation for $57,250. Washington, Aug. 5. Probably for the first time in the history of the navy Acting Secretary Winthrop yesterday sold a fully equipped war vessel to a foreign government, when he conveyed to the Venezuelan Minister, Senor Rojas, title to the gunboat Isle de Cuba, which was one of the vessels captured by Dewey in the battle of Manila Bay. Heretofore it has been the prac tice In the navy department to dis mantle condemned warships, strip ping them of their guns and equip ment before selling them to indi viduals, so that without military value the price obtained has been very small. In this case the , Isla de Cuba Is turned over to Venezuela, with all her guns and equipment complete. The price paid is $57,250, and the vesBei is now undergoing repairs at the Charleston navy yard at the ex pense of the Venezuelan govern ment which will cost $25,000. She is 192 feet long and about 1,030 tons displacement. SPEAK ESPERANTO IX HADES. Acting Secretary of State Adee Says That Is I ni versa I Tongue, Washington, Aug. 5. What lan guage do they speak In hades? A perplexing question pertaining to the rights of a ' man now dead came up today for decision at the State Department, and officials de clared It would be necessary to communicate with him to clear up the question of -whether or not he was an American citizen. "It should not be difficult to communicate with him," said Al vey A. Adee, Acting Secretary of State. "What language shall we address him in English, French, German, or Spanish?" "No, no, no!" answered Mr. Adee. "They wouldn't understand that in hades. Esperanto is the official lan guage down there. It is the uni versal language." ;.. ' , Clias. E. Johnson, President. F. If. lliiggs, Cashier. RALEIGH BANKING AND TRUST CO. The "Round Steps Bank" Since 1865. Stands For RELIABLE SOUND BANKING. An Honorable Record for Nearly Half a Century. Service, Strength, Satisfaction Three essentials for success, which are exemplified in the policy of THE CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK AND THE RALEIGH SAVINGS BANK AND TRUST CO. Resources, $2,500,000. He Won't Limp Now. No more limping for Tom Mooro of Cochran, Ga. "I had a bad sore on my instep that nothing seemed to help till I used Bucklen'g Arnica Salve," he writes, "but this wonder ful healer soon cured me." Heals old, running sores, ulcers, boils, burnB, cuts, bruises, eczema or piles. Try it. Only 25 cents at Klng Crowell Drug Co. , If you want to know what your neighbors are doing, and what's happening all over the world, read The gajeigh Tim??, A flaiCliK. FOUR DOLLARS Deposited In This Bank Each Week Will See You ; --With : TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS Ahead One Year From Today. Yon Will Spend It If Yon Do Not Deposit it. Try Saving Your Money. Money to Lend on Approved Collateral. MECHANICS SAVINGS BANK RALEIGH, N. O. and put youD savings in Ihe banlt You can cut down your expenses, if you try a little less To thl8 luxury, a few cents less for that and you have the beginning of a fortune, if you put what you save in the bank. All the time it is accumulating you are get ting nearer to independence and to the goal of that ambition for all things are easy when you have money. Start today. Open a bank account with v what you have. Even a dollar will do. Commercial National Bank RALEIGrf, N. C. 4 Per Cent Paid on SAVINGS ACCONT. SCREEN DOORS, WINDOW SCREENS, SWATTERS, FLY TRAPS, FANS. Thos.n.Crigjs&Sons The Big Hardware Men WHEN YOU THINK OF Delightful Vacation Days. The llest Fishing in America. Surf Hathing, KaHiiiR, Motor Hoatlnu In tihort w lien you think of the summer result ideal THEN THINK OF Morehead-by-the-Sea AUGUST IS THE SEASON'S BEST MONTH. Trolling at. sea for Spanish Mackerel, the aristocrat of all the finny tribes of the deep, is better in August at MOKEHEAD than at any other time ot the year'. '' - j Write for booklet and rates to ALLEN A. DuBOIS .Manager. THE ATLANTIC HOTEL, Morehoad City, N. C. seashore resort; The largest and most completely equipped hotel on the South Atlantic Seaboard.