3 1 TIIE RALE G II TIMES, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 21, 1912. nOtlftVELLS IS EARLYONTIIE JOB Democratic National Treasurer Is Alter Small Contributor. THE PEOPLE ARE TO EELP Thcr It to Be No "Tainted Money" Used In Electing Wilton and Mar . ahall. ' New York.-i-A small, smooth Bhaved, middle-aged man with a coat of tan that gave evidence of much outdoor life recently came Into the Waldorf carrying a suit case early In the after noon and registered as "Rolla Wells, St. Louis, Mo." The smooth shaved little man, who is to be the watchdog of the Wilson campaign money from now on, was asked for vital statistics, whereupon it was learned at first hand that he is a banker and ex-mayor of St. Louis, is fifty-six years old, was graduated at Princeton in 1876, or three years be fore Governor Wilson was graduated; that he has two sons who are Prince ton men and a grandson who some day will be a Princeton man; that he had no notion of seeing New York this summer until the Wilson organi zation selected hinr as its treasurer and that just at present the one thing that sticks out in the appointment in his mind Is .that the new job cut in se riously upon a most beautiful Vacation which he and Mrs. Wells had been en joying in a camp at Little Traverse bay, Michigan. ' Mr. Wells believes in getting at his , desk at 8 o'clock in the morning. "We are going to raise our cam paign fuhff through the smalf c"onlflbu- tlons," said Mr. Wells. ' "I am sure that a large part of the money will be raised by popular sub scription. . i. "The people have confidence in Woodrow Wilson, and they will give what they can tit their means to elect such a man president " "I am a great believer in publishing broadcast, 'before and after election, the various contributions made. "There are men who can well afford to give the committee 15,000, but I want to assure the public that we aro not going to have any tainted money. "We are appealing to the people, and we are relying' on them to help elect Wilson and Marshall, ; ."I have two boy's who have been graduated from Princeton, one five years ago and one seven. But it is not because -ours Is .a. Princeton family that I -like Governor Wilson; He is a great big man and the type that we should have In public life." ' AMUSEMENTS Wayne AND HIS Metro Lady r AMUSEMENTS ' iS f Ay w J I G. Christy I i politan Minstrels Col. J. C. Bessent "of Winston- Salem, ,who. Is here attending the meeting of the state council, dis played keen pleasure last night when' informed that the Twins de feated Anderson for the second time in the present series, and when told that Viarlotte dropped another to Spartanburg, the doughty col onel jigged a bit. He is the official scorer at Winston-Salem which work he performs free of charge for the mere love of it there be ing no commercial spirit ta his base ball connection. Colonel Bessent favors an all-state league and wants to see th i circuit next year com posed of Winston-Salem, Charlotte, SallBbury-Spencer, Gieensboro, Dur ham and Fy leigh. Such a combina tion, "he believes, will pay. GrsiM ITtoeatre Three Shows today: 4:00 P. M.; 8:15 P. M.; 0-30 P. M. ARONSON & BROWNE, Managers. Clubs New York . Chicago . . Pittsburg . Philadelphia Cincinnati . St. Louis . . Brooklyn . . Boston . . . Clubs . Boston. . . , Washington Philadelphia, Chicago . . . Detroit Cleveland .... . -63 New York .... . .39 St. Louis ..38 Mr. J. M. Broughton, Jr., of Ral eigh is doing sports on the Winston Salehr Journal and is handling base ball well.-. He does simple writing, minus the frills, and his accounts of the games in the Twin City are al ways readable. Mr. Broughton Is the son of Mr. J. M. Broughton, oX RaleiEh. '- . ' ' Clubs Birmingham Mobile . . . New Orleans Chattanooga Montgomery Memphis. , . Nashville . Atlar.ta. Big Cashlon,. who starred.- with Greenville", two years ago, has cafved his name Joto the scroll of fame. He pitched , a .no-hit no-run game yesterday for Washington, his team defeating Cleveland two to nothing Walter Johnson took the first game of a double-header and in cidentally set a new American League record by winning 15 straight games. Johnson and Joe Wood of Boston are the premier pitchers of the American League the Red Sox Artist having a string of victories td his credit second to none. It is practically decided that Bos ton will win the pennant in the American League. The Red Sox are winning consistently and Philadel phla has lost three games out of the last four. Washington is sec ond in the standing, but it is not thought that the Senators will over take the Sox. The championship series will be between New York and Boston unless the Cubs, who are sprinting hard overtake the Giants, and a great battle it will be. . GOOD MOTION PICTURES CHANGED DAILY HE 1LM0 Open Dally except Sunday 2 P. M. to 11 P. M. ARONSON & BROWNE, Managers. "A WESTERN LEGACY" One of Tliofte Screaming Western Karco-Comelle,s That Hun Made 8. & A. Famou. T. M. Anderson in the Leading Hole. " 'TIS MOTHER" : A I'atlie American Urania. "THE WOODEN BOWLS" A Lubin Drama. EXTRA PATHE WEEKLY NO. 17. A Masuziuc of Current Event. MUSIC BY OUR NEW ORCHESTRION. I X D I A X IX POSSESSION OF greatest athletic tko- MilKS. At the top Is bronze bust trophy presented by the King -'of Sweden to Jim Thorpe for the win ning of the Pontlialon competition. In the c"tre Ik the silver viking ship trophy presented by the Czar of Russia to TIm1'm for his victory in the Decathlon competition. Below Thorpe Is seen wearing the laurel wreath with Avliich he was crowned kirK of all-around athletes by King ustav of Sweden. These handsome tmphies were won by the great In dinn athlete in the. Olympic gaunt at. Stockholm, where he proved con clusively that he was the greatest all-around athlete of the ae. The s'lver reproduction of u Viking ship Is gem-xtmkled, two feet ..long by eighteen Inches high and wcigjw almut. !lO iKHiuds. The bust is a bronze reproduction of Ki'itf Chris tian, father of King (instuv and stands a trifle over two feet in height. The trophies will he held by Thorpe for at least four years, Anderson seems destined for the pennant in the Carolina Association The Twins alone have a chance, an this Is but figurative. This ought to be the ' last time that fine ball teams play to as small a number as 50 people, as occasionally happen in the Carolina Association. Raleigh should be in the league next year and how is the time to get busy Since Raleigh has no base ball park, what is .the matter with fixing up the field at the fair grounds having the Btreet car company ex tend its tracks to the grandstand and run Its cars right up to the stand? It would not cost much The fair grounds are not used but once a year, and too much valuable property is standing idle. Baseball lovers should agitate something. Itlamed a (!ood Worker. "I blamed thy heart for severe dis tress' in my left side for two years ' writes W. KvanB, Danville, Va., "but I know now It was -'indigestion, as Dr. King's New Life Pills complete ly cured mc. ' Best for stomach liver and kidney troubles, coiia'i- patioii, headache or debility. 5c at King-Crowoll Drug Co. The first gernian school to have moving picture machine as a regular of its "equipment is in Tluiringla Tha nnnHratiiH will he Used nininlv . 1 in geography and nature study - . . . . .... - ... Iti III Do You Love Comfort ? Do You Care for Convenience ? Are You Strong fbr Cleanliness? You will have them all in your kitchen (Comfort, Convenience and Cleanliness) if you use Gas for Fuel . : " ; We sell the celebrated Detroit J ewel Ranges. Six styles six prices $16.00 to $32.50. $2.00 down and $2.00 a month. . Come to our office and see the display of. Gas Ap pliances. Carolina Power and Light Co. National League. Won Lost P.C. , .77 , .73 .66 .53 , . 53 .50 .40 ..31 31 38 43 .67 60 63 72 79 .713 .658 .606 .482 .469 .442 .357 .282 American Leairne. Won Lost P.C. .79 .71 ' . .55 35 44 46 56 62 61 74 77 1.693 .619 t.593 ".504 .470 .465 .345 .330 Merchants National Bank, OF RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA. Is organised and equipped to give to its'customefs and corre sPDndfn?S the best blnking service obtainable Being the argest bank in its territory the Merchants is able- to offer through Its many connections, unexcelled facilities," while its o flee organiza 1 tion is designed to give to every patron's affairs the individual car" which they require. Visitors and prospect ve customer, are invited to call upon the. management, who will, extend .them every eouier.. . .... ,-. bpm i Southern League. ' ' Won Lost P.C. , .69 . .65 .58 .tB2 ;56 k83 ? ..44 42 51 53 65 59 59 60 66 1.622 '.560 ' .533 .486 .j.. 482 .473 .464 u.400 South Atlantic League. Clubs ! : 'S , Won Lost P.C. Columbus . , . . Savannah '. '... Jacksonville '', . Macon . . Albany . ; Columbia . . . .28 .28 :27" .22 .17 .17 17 18 19 25 29 29 .,622 .609 .587 .468 .370 .370 Service, Strength, Satisfaction Three essentials, for jsuccess, which are exemplified in the policy of - THE CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK . AD THE RALEIGH SAVINGS BANK AND TRUST CO. Resources, $2,500,000. Carolina Association. Clubs Anderson Winston-Salem Charlotte . . . . Spartanburg ... Greensboro . ... Greenvi.Jj Won Lost P.C. .61 .57 .54 .48 .44 .32 37 43 43 52 54 68 .622 .570 .557 .480 .449 .320 Petersburg . . Richmond . , Roanoke . . . Norfolk . . . . Portsmouth . . Newport News Virginia League. Won. Lost. P.C ..67 45 . .65 46 .67 48 ..56 52 . .57 52 ..42 68 .498 .586 .583 .519 .523 .393 FINED. FOR LYING YESTKRDAVS GAMES Recorder Rroyles Fined Man $3.75 For Putting l p r ake niorj-. .i.,io n.a Am. 21. Reorder Eroyles may never be judge of the nf,Piinte court, but he has already handed down one decision that may be of a momentous import in iovb, politics, and all other , principal ac ti.itiM in thp national life. He has Snort a man 15. T5 for lying. Hannv thought that JUQge UrnvleH nresides over a police court which can deal justice without set- Hni a Di-ecedent. Suppose It naq happened in a court neiongiiig i" judge whose decisions go down in tho law honkn for future jurists to ponv after? How many of us would eacnne without parting with, the 15.75 and costs? Thn nartir.ular Ananias whom Judee Broyles soaked was namej W. H. Thomas, if he can be believet in anything, and came from Gaines ville. He put the local police to a whole lot of trouble by claiming that he had cut a negro to death and was a young desperado. He was arrested and telegrams were sent to see what he was wanted for. His wnole taie :-oved to be a fake, and the police court ludee. in Bheer exasperation flned him J5.75 on the technical charge of loitering. FOUR DOLLARS Deposited in This Bank Bach Week Will See You With TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS . Ahead One Year From Today. Yon Will Spend it if You Do Not Deposit it. Try Saving Your Money. Money to Lend on Approved Collateral. MECHANICS SAVINGS BANK RALEIGH, N. O. Chas. E. Johnson, President. F. II. Br'igs, Cashier. RALEIGH BANKING AND TRUST CO. The "Round Steps Bank" Since 1865. Stands For RELIABLE SOUND BANKING. An Honorable Record for Nearly Half a Century. . ..... ... .... .... . . . : : DO YOU WISH I U 5tLl. We wish to buy several tenement houses that rent for $5.00 to $10.00 a month. We also need a good 7 or 8 Room Modern Dwell ing;.. , THE PARKER-HUNTER REALTY CO. SELLING AGENTS, CAMERON PARK. Brook- PHONE226 : National League. At Pittsburg, 3; Brooklyn (first game; Pittsburg, l; lyn, 9, (second game. ) At Chicago, 6; Philatlelpnia, i, (first game); Chicago, 12; Phila delphia, 3, (second game.) At St. Louis, 1; New York, i. At Cincinnati, 4; Boston, 0. (first game) ; Cincinnati, 1; Boston, 4, (second game.) . American League. -At Philadelphia., 1 ; Chicago. 6, (first ame) ; ' .Philadelphia, 2; Chi cago. A. tsecona game.) At, Washington, 4; Cleveland, i. (first game); ... Washington, i Cleveland. 0 (second game; called in sixth by agreement.) At New York, 3; St. Louis, 4 (first came): New York, &t. Louis, 1, (second game.) . At Boston, 6; Detroit, 3. International leairue. At Rochester, 10; Baltimore, 8 (first game); Baltimore, 1; Rochester 3. (second game.) At Buffalo. 2; Newark 13 (tirst came): Newark, 4: Buffaloi 1, (sec ond game.) At Toronto, 6; Jersey city, 6. At Montreal, 7; Providence, 3. American Association. . At Milwaukee, 2; Louisville. 0 (first game); Wilwaukee, 7; Louis ville, 0, (second game.) At Minneapolis, 4; Toledo, 3. At Sa. Paul. 5: Columbus, 10. At Knusas City, itame with In dianapolis postponed; wet grounds Southern. League. . ' a Mnlilln. : MemDhls. 0. At New Orleans, 0; Nashville, 2 v At Montgomery -4; Chattanooga, 1. ' '',." At Birmingham, 11: Atlanta, 3. South Atlantic League. At Jacksonville, 8; Macon, 4. At Columbia, 0 Savannah, 3. At Columbus., 4 ; (Albapy, 2. (Vndina Aasoelatlon. ' At Greenville, 3r Greensboroj 8 At Winston-Salem, 3;, Andrson, At Chrlotte; 1; S.paVtanburg, 6. Virginia League. At Norfolk. 4: Roanoke, 6. At Portsmouth. 1: .Richmond, 2. At Petersburg, 6; Newport News, io. ".. - ApiNilachian licafue. At Morristown. 0;. Bristol, 6. . At Cleveland, 5; Johnson City, At Knoxvljlo. - 3; Ashevllle, 5. j It's queer how men becorv total It's their treat. Almost Lost His Life, S. A. Stld, of Mason, Mich., will never forget his terrible exposure to merciless storm. "It gave me a dreadful cold," he writes, "that caused severe pains in my chest, so It was hard for me to breathe. A neighbor gave me several dosed of Dr. Kings New Discovery wnmi brought great relief. The doctor said I was on tho verge of pneumonia but to continue with the Discovery I did so and two bottles completely cured mc." Use only this quick, safe. reliable medicine for coughs, colds, or any throat or lung trouble. Price 50c and 1.00. suddenly some obstalners wheu NEWEST. TYPE FACES . " . Just Installed The Best Paper Stock on the market. attoacttvh Booklets, Distincttvi Stationery Catalogues, Magazines and Books. - Latest Thoughts in the abt. . "Follow the Style" in Printing; it will pay. Capital City rnone zo Commercial Printing Co 112-114 East Hargett 8treet ; SALE OP VALUABLE FROPERTV. : nn Mondav. September 23, 1912, Trial bottle free, of 12 nVlork M..at the-court house Guaranteed by King-Crowoll Drug door m the city of Raleigh, N. C, Co. - ' thA imrierslEnea exccutorB ana trus tees under the will of JOD f . .wyun,. Loaded Revolver In Uie Mai). deceased,-will offer for sale 10. ine Atlanta. Aug. 21. Postal clerks nigneta diuuit u. w. nri mil carriers throuuhout Geor- the following oescnoBu pruyC.,,- iu will nrnhahlv tremble more Wit arhan ihv ronrt Mils item, tnan tney rurm i"T"j nr have on the-eve of a national I . Frrrft, natrelr A tract of land In St election. Report is made from Wash- Matthews township. Wake county, Inirton the At anta office that a oad- North Carolina, containing auuui u h rivnlvr with five death-dealing 1 aorpH. more or less, bounded on the cartridges, is lost somewhere in the I north, by lands of r leicner uock niHll and is In nosslble danger of hart: on the east by the lands of nvnlnrilnir at anv moment, from be- Fletrher Lockhart and Job P. Wyatt ing dropped too violently or struck on the southeast ana soum oy u. by some other hard package. The lands of S. J. Betts; on the west by revolver was nrielnallv gent bv mail I the lands known as the r.. u. Klggan from a north Georgia town to At- lands, the same being uie seconu lonto hut never rpnr-hprl its ripfiti-1 tropt flpsrrihpd In a deed to Job r. natlnti anit la lnai annmwhere in the Wvatt from J. D. Nordan, recorded post. It may be anywhere. Orders in book 248, page 61, in the office of are being issued describing the pack- the register of deeds of Wake coun- aee. and instructing all postmasters ty. and in said deea more parui-u to keep a Bharp lookout for It, Arrow Kotch COLLAR. ' ChMM, 9ba4y Ac Co., Troy. K. T. E. O. RICHARDSON FRESH UEATB Strictly Sanitary Arraagementa City Market. AH Phones larly 'described. Karni and Gin. Second parcel; A .tract of land containing about 2.4 acres, more or le,ss,aqjoininB..tne lanos ui cauiu Donn, tne late Henry Miicneu.. neir pmnn Rov -Tnhn Iorklear and Rufus Young, and boing the TlrsJ n( IqiiH mpntinned in the deed from J. D. Nordan arid wife to .Job P. Wyatt, recoraea ,iu. oyuB., fy, oafte 61. In said register's bffice, ai?4 therein more fully , des.cribed , to gether with the, cotton gin and As tures. "cotton press ; arid . Bxtures, steam enElne. boiler, .'wagqii scales, heltlne and . shafting located upot the same. Ther Is a good dwelling house on this place, also barn' and out. houses. : ' , i . . ,. City Property. Third parcel: A lot of land lying on the east side of North McDowell street, Raleigh, N. 'C, having frontage of 37 feet and a depts of 133, feet, bounded on the north by formerly the Julius Lewis and Comfiany property and on the 'Bbuth by- the Kfttnenne stlnsoa property. Thi is the northern portion alt the lot conveyed to Job P. Wyatt by Mollie C. Cawthorn and husband by deed, recorded in book 124, page 99. said register's office; upon which is located, a good two-story, six-room dwelling house, which is numbered 112 North McDowell street. Fourth parcel: A lot of land lying on the eastern side of North Mc Dowell Btreet, Raleigh, N. C, having a frontage of about 70 feet and depth of about 210 feet, being the lot described in a deed to Job P Wyatt from Ij.:R., Wyatt, executor of Elizabeth A. Wyatt, and recorded in the office of said register of deeds in book. 248, page 390; upon which is located an eight-room, two-stor dwelling house, which is numbered 218 North McDowell street. Fifth parcel: A lot of land on the southern side of the Smithfield or Holleman road, in or near Raleigh N. C, bounded by a line beginning at a stone on the southern side of said road at B. C. Mangum's corner! runs thence south with said Man gum's llnce 95 feet to a stake. George Savage's corner; thence north 80 degrees, wost 147 feet to a stake, Lizzie Sugg 8 line; tnence north. Twlth said , lizzie augg s line 207 'feel, to a Stone on the south ern ide of said road, said Sugg s corner; thence south 49 degrees. east 1!) 3 feet with the line of said road to the beginning. See deed to Job P. Wyatt from Artemus Hunnl cutt and wife, recorded In book 259 page G9, said register's office. Upon this lot Is located a small dwelling house. Sixth parcel: A lot of land lying on the west side of South Blount street, Raleigh, N. C, just Houth of the W. A. Myatt store building, hav ing a frontage of 105 feet and .a depth of 150 feet; upon which U now located a dwelling house; thll being the eastern end of the proper ty described in a deed to Job P. Wyatt from Cary K. Durfey, execu tor of F. P. Tucker, recorded In book 250, page 325, In the office of said register of, deeds. , ,; Personal Property. One horse, one one-horse carriage, one buggy, one set of carriage liar ness,' one promissory note of J. Nt Holding, (our. .shares of common st'odk in the' Raleigh Telephone . Company, one , share of preferred stock 'in the - Raleigh Telephone Company. But the full right U reserved t make prior sale of any or all of said property In any manner, and ttt withhold any or all .of such property from such sale, and to reject any and all bids, all in the discretion 61 the undersigned. ... ... .. , ; This August 16, 1912. WILLIAM L WYATT, ROBERT Ji WYATT and ROBERT N. SIMMS, 1 Executors and Trustees under the will of Job P. Wyatt, deceased, m.w.e. to 9-21. 1 . v

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