- ! - ' THE RALEIGH , TIMES, .WEDNESDAY, AUGUST-21,:1?12. :.r7i?'--s:rf -t. Society Ry Miss PRAISE OP V'TTLB WOMEN. 1 wish to make my sermon brief to shorten by oration For a never-enVig sermon is my utter detestation; . I like shot women suits at law - without procrastination And am always most . delighted with things of short duration. In a little precious stone what splendor meets tho eyes! In a little lump of sugar how much of sweetness lies! So in a little woman love grows and multiplies; : You recollect the proverb says: "A word unto the wise." 'A pepper corn is very small, but seasons every dinner More than all other condiments, al- tho 'tis sprinkled thinner; Just so a little woman is, if Love will let you win her, There's not a joy in all the world you will find within her. And as within the little rose you find the richest dyes. And in a little grain of gold much t rice and value lies, As from a little balsam much odor doth arise, . So in a little woman there's a taste of paradise. The .skylark and the nightingale, the small and light of wing, Yet warble Bweeter in the grove than all the birds can sing; And so a little woman, tho a very little thing, Is sweeter far than sugar, and flowers that bloom in spring. The magpl and the golden thrush have many a thrilling note. Each as a gay magician doth strain Jiis little throat A nvrry little songster in his green and yellow coat; And such -a little woman is, when Love doth make her dote. There's naught can be compared to her throughout the wide ciea tton; She is a pardlso on earth our greatest consolation; So cheerful, , gay and happy, so free from all vexation: In One, she's better in the proof than in anticipation. Juan Ruiz DeHita. Mrs. C. V. Albright and child have gone to Seven Springs. Miss Lena Whitfield has gone to Atlantic City and New York. Miss Inez Koonce, of Trenton, the guest of Miss Blanch Barrus. is Mrs. P. S. Pearce has gone to Atlantic City and New York for two weeks.: Mrs. H. M. Slicer has gone to Portsmouth and Elizabeth City on a visit. Mrs. L. M. Waring has as her guests this week Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Bissett, of Wilson. ' . .- MIsb Lucy Desson, one of Ral eigh's popular milliners left today for New York and Baltimore. Miss Roberta Coxe. of Red Springs, who has been the guest of Miss Bettle Jordan, has returned home. ' -.' Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Ray and daughters, Misses Bessie and Mary, left yesterday for Atlantic City and New York. ' -' Master Oscar Green, who has been visiting his coiiBin, Master Tho. Powell, left today for his home in Baltimore Miss Kathleen Page has returned to her home in Morrlsvllle, after visiting in the city, the guest of Mrs. J. E. Johnson, Circle No. 2 of Edenton Street church will meet Thursday after noon with Mrs. A. J. Maxwell in Cameron Park. Misses Lillle Bell and Call Hunter, of this city, -and Miss Pearl Ray, of Wake Forest, have returned from Wilkesboro. Miss Mary Shaw and Miss Lou clnda Allen returned today from Norfolk, where they have been for the past ten days.. Miss Maggie Plttman, . who hag been visiting at the home of Mrs. John. Duckett, returned today to her home in Lumberton. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Patterson nd children, of Albemarle, are vis itlng at the home of Mrs. W. T. Bost on East Lane street. Mrs. L. N. Butler, of Pasadena, Cal., formerly Miss Dell Darden, of this city, Is visiting her father, Mr J. G. Darden, In Glenwood. Mrs. Henry C. Walter and Master Henry, Jr., are visiting at the home The Smartest Women io Town Patronize our Store for all their little toilet niceties. Why? Because we have the largest and most select stock. And among other things they find here are the daintiest, coolest drinks and the best ice cream In the State, li Eli KING-CROWELL DRUG COMPANY. 7 f ? . , TUB QUALITY DRUG STORE.? , ',:' . Susan Iden of Mrs. Walter'8mother, Mrs. James A. Higgs, on North Blount street; .. Miss Ruby Jones, of Sanford, Is visiting her sister, Mrs. L. T. Penny. , Misses Betty Harvie . and Ola Brunner, of Monroe, are visiting in the city, the guests of Miss Jane Ray. Hon. and Mrs. F. A. Woodard, of Wilson, were in the city yesterday for a short while on their way to Buffalo Lithia Springs. Dr. Burton J. Ray left Monday for Cuba. He was accompanied as far as New York by his mother and sister, Mrs. Ray and Miss Ruth. Miss Ruth will remain in New York for a while before returning to the city. , - Capt. and Mrs. R. R. Hargis, of Cartersvllle, Ga., are visiting their son, Capt. H. W. Hargis, of the Sea board. Captain Hargis has been connected with W. and A. division of the N. C. and at. L. R. R. as pas senger conductor for 47 years, and in point of service is the oldest con ductor on the line, he having recent ly been retired by this road for faith ful service. In Honor of Miss Maud Now ell. At the residence of Mrs. James Nowell, on Ashe avenue, Miss Min nie Moore entertained quite a num ber of her friends in honor of Miss Maud Nowell. The evening was spent In music and games. The home of Miss Moore was beautifully decorated with golden rods and ferns. Ice cream, cakes:1 and fruit were served. The guests leaving at a late hour voted Miss Moore a grand hostess. Mrs. Mclver Entertains. Sanford, Aug. 21. On last Fri day evening one of the most delight ful social events which has taken place in Sanford this season was a forty-two party given by Dr. and Mrs. Lynn Mclver In honor of their house guests. Misses Flora and Leila Mclver, of Carthage; Misses Lallah Betts and Alice Willson, of Raleigh, and Mr. Monroe Mclver, of Gulf, North Carolina. The beautiful Mclver home was tastily decorated with roses and southern smilax. When all the guests arrived, a most interesting game of progressive forty-two was played. Mr. W. F. Betts. of Ral eigh, delighted the happy crowd with many vocal solos. Delicious ices were daintily served. ed. These present besides the guests of honor were: Misses May Cross, Ellen Makepeace, Janet Weather- spoon, Margaret, Nellie and Olive Womble. Anne Watkins. Elizabeth Chamberlain, Alice Lashley, Hattie Parks and Sallie Betts; Messrs. Clawson and Warren Williams. Robt, and Matthew Mclver, Jas. Cherry, Richard Howard, Ed. Weatherspoon, Paul Barrlnger. Robt. Monger. Wes ley Mclver Harry Edwards, Lee Jones and Chas. Hatch. Local Briefs. Dr. J. Y. Jnvnpr loft tnrlav fnr Elizabeth City, where he will speak on educatyn tomorrow. Mr. Eugene E. Gray, of Win ston-Salem, was in the city today, the guest of his brother, Mr. R. T. uray. Raleigh got a splendid rain last night. Two ir three more good showers in this section would not hurt. Coroner Separk and his jurors did not hold an Inquest today in the vise of Mary Rochelle, whose body was found Monday. The In vestlgatlon may be hold tomorrow Mr. L. C. Brogden of the de partment of education returned to day from Beaufort, where yesterday he met with the school committee men of Cartaret county. He will leave tomorrow fro Lincolnton. The B. Y. P. U., of the Taber nacle church, will conduct the pray er meeting service tonight. There has been a program prepared and friends are invited to see what the young people are doing. An Oil stove in a residence on Saunders tlreet exploded this af ternoon about 1 o'clock, but no dam age was done. The stpve was sit ting on a cemept floor. The alarm was sounded, the companies ro- lsponded, but there was no need for any ngnting. A collision between two auto mobiles occurred on Morgan street last r.lght at 11 o clock. Mr. Tom Dortch was driving his brother's car when he was run into ty Mr. Lon nle Ellington, who Is reported as saying that the lost control of the machine. The damage was severe to both cars. . . Ask a friend for his candid opln Ion of you and he will either lie or you'll get mad. OGRESS IS MADE IN RAT CAMPAIGN Fifty-one rats was ' the result of the catch last night and these ad ded to what Officers Peebles and Mc- Rary have already got make a little bit more than 650 rodents killed uring the campaign. In this con nection It might be well to. remark that those people who are in sym pathy with the campaign of exterm ination. might aid the cause by con tributing a few cents or dollars. Money is needed to fight the pests. Mr. John Whiting believes that he has caught the rat that ; helped' to kill 14 young rabbits 18 chick and 1 young turkeys. Naturally he is an ardent enthusiast on the subject of extermination, and there are hun dreds of people in Raleigh who ave suffered more or less from the varmints. Mr. Harry Roberts has lost seven rabbits in the past week. The rats are received every morn ing at 10:30 at the city lot on Sal isburg street. Real Estate Transfers. The folowing deeds have been recorded: S. P. Pennington to Ernest S. Jennings, lot on WcBt Davie street, consideration $1,000. T. B. Crowder and N. M. Rand to A. R.'Pool, lot on corner of West and Cabarrus streets, consideration 4,000. W. B. Drake, Jr., trustee, to J. C. Matthews, lot at intersection of Elm and Holt streets, consideration $775. The same lot was sold by J. C. Matthews . to M. S. Holland for 800. Greater Raleigh Land Company to C. W. Upchurch, lot in Kinsey street in Boylan Heights, considera tion $906. Glenwood Land Company to Mrs, Etta S. Williamson, three lots in Glenwood. consideration $530.20 B. S. Jerman to Vivian E. Denton, lot at intersection of New Bern Avenue and East street, considera tion not stated. J. T. Edwards to D. M. Kdwardu, 80 acres in House Creek township. consideration, $2,000. J. P. H. Adams to W. H. Hearst, lot in Cary. consideration $41, J. W. Derrickson to M. S. unar.i- hloo two tracts of land in -line River township containing 154 acres, consideration $2,125. New Enterprises A charter was Issued today to the Cnnta Brick--. Company, oi toai, Harnett, county.. The authorized capital is $50,000, with $5,000 sub scribed for by P. P. Pope, N. T Pnttornnn and L. D. Overby. Tho K h. Parker - uompany, oi New Rem. was chartered to manu facture, sell and deal in all kinds of iron, tin, sheet-metal ;to do a plumb- ng business and to deal in real es tate. The authorized capital is 000 with S6.000 naid in by b. B Parker Tl M. Parker and G. W. Allec. MONEY IS NEEDED TO FIGHT RODENTS The extermination of rats goes merrilv on. Five hundred ot tnese nightly paraders and exterminators of the "featnerea iriDe nave enmhed to the efforts of a few inde fatigable citizens. This good worn should eo on. but it takes money even to kill rats, and me money i running low. If any perBon is deep lv interested in this work, let him send some money to Kev. n. a. oie nhenson. who will be glad to con tinue this good worn. NO SPEECHES. Principal Part of the Drewry Bar becue Tomorrow. Am one the Bneclal features on th nrocrram tomorrow ai ivir. juiui . ..... t i r- Drewry's annual barbecue will be the entire absence or speeencs ana fcddresses. There will be enougn to eat. to keen everybody busy, say Prnirram Manager Dawell. witnoui horlncr neonle with hot weame speeches. Tho hour for the feast to begin is two o'clock and the rule is "first come, first served. MAJOR PEARCE APPLICANT FOR ADJUTANT UKMKitAU Ml W. W. Pearce. of Goldsboro in the latest applicant spoken of for the position of adjutant general Malor Youne of Ashevillo, and Cap tain Barker, ot sausDury, na- been sueeestcd. It is not Known when the appointment win oe maae, Death of an Infant. Robert Ivey. infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter C. Watson, who resldt) on East Morgan street, died at o'clock last evening. The funeral will be held from the residence at o'clock this afternoon, '-.' S : Lenoir Bull Meese to Meet. - (Special to The Times.) . Klnston. Aug. 21. A calr has been Issued, by Palmer Mewborn president of the Lenoir County Roosevelt Club, for a meeting of the Bull Moosors in the court house here on Saturday next. It is ex pected that the meeting will start the organization of the Roosevelt followers in this city, and that an organization ot this kind would su persede 'the regular republican or ganization is little doubted, as there are hardly . enough Taft men in Lenoir to man the machinery, it Is said. ' The republican county convention follows a week later, and Interesting developments are looked for in the mi fli (Mrs. George J. Gould.) PROVIDES FAIRYLAXH FOR BABIES. Just before' sailing for an extend ed stay abroad Mrs. George .1. Gould deposited a substantial sum of mon ey, the exact amount lias not bee" divulged, with Miss Lillian lnt, in charge of the New York dispensary, which takes care or the sick chil dren of the slums. Sirs- Gould stip ulated that tlie money lie used for the purjMise of sending a certain number of the more deserving chil dren to the country for two weeks. The childi-en will lie sent away in Ivatclies of alMnit twenty each week for the remainder of 'he summer. WANT WIRES UNDERGROUND Movement in Durham to Beautify Main Street Farmer .Fires Into Mill. "; , (Special to The Times. ) Durham, Aug. Sl.--Owing to Hie liability of the contractors to com plete additions to three of the city school buildings, the session of 1U12- 1913 will not open 'September 2, as scheduled, but will epen the follow- ng Monday, September !. This ae tion was taken at 'a meeting held this week by the school board, when it was seen that the work could not be completed In less than three weeks, and It was eemcd best not to begin the school until all the buildings were ready.' ' Monday afternoon- an unknown man, supposed to btf:a farmer, fired a pistol shot into a ' window of the Durham hosiery mtlls, and though no one was injured, consternation reigned among tho employes for few minutes. The man was driving by the mill when several of the small boys began to guy him, mak nig remarks -that were very bitter and vulgar. Finally the passerby could stand the taunts no longer ana he produced a revolver and fired it at tho window from which came the most of the epithets that were being hurled at him. The shatter ing of the glass produced immediate quiet in that section of the building and tlie aggrieved person continued his way without receiving further evidence of crude wit from his an- noyers. There is a strong movement on foot here to beautify Main street by removing the electric light and tele phone poles and having the hun dreds of wires that are trung over head placed underground. This movement had its inception In the Commercial Club and is dally gain ing momentum. Monday night member of the board of aldermen made a strong speech In favor of this, and servcil notice that he would oppose any eff n-t to improve other sireeis iiiuu someining was done in tho principal part of tho city. series of pictures has been made showing Main Ktrcet with and with out the poles and wires, and these will be used in a campaign of edii cation. Theso pictures have been arranged for use in the moving pic ture shows, and were tried out at one of those shows to a committee yesterday afternoon. DYING, BEGS TO BE SHOT. Wife Pinned Beneath Auto Hus band Calls Aid With Horn. Petaluma, Cal., Aug. 21. Mrs. E W. Mason, wife of the secretary of an oil company, lay in the road be side their overt iiined automobile to day fatally Injured and begged her husband to end her agony by shoot ing her. Ten minutes later she died When Mason ljst control of his car and It ran Into a ditcn and over turned, Mr. and iWrs. Mason wem pinned under it. Mason eould reach his horn and sounded "it repeatedly till some farmers heard the call. His wife was dead before help came. He will recover. "WANT TO FINISH THIS BOOK' Washington, Aug; 21. William McDougalwas chargCd with stealing: shoes from and running an opposi tion "tore to his employer, Arthur Burt, As evidence against McDougal twenty-five pairs of shoes were ex hibited, at the police station. It is alleged that when sent to the repair shop with a pair of shoes to be alter ed he would take an additional pair for hlmBelf. When charged with theft, and con fronted with many shoes In court McDougal said: "G'way, I want to finish this book." , He was reading a paper-back. i BEDDINGFIELD'S E REPLY Mr. E. C. Beddingfieid's friends of Wake Forfcst, have taken excep tion to the article published in The Times last Saturday, signed by twe.nty-eight citizens of Wake For est township and have sent the fol lowing reply to The Times: To The Editor: ... Theer appeared in your naDer of the 18th InBt. a communication signed by sever;! voters of Wake- Forest township, In the interest of Mr. R. H. Mitchell for County Com missioner, in which it was stated in substance that Mr. E. C. Bedding field, was a Raleigh man and ought not to be elected to represent the northern section of Wake County on the Board of Commissioners. The northern section of the Coun ty, under a sub-division made many years ago, is composed of the fol lowing townships, vlis: New Light, wake Forest, Neuse River, and Barton's Creek, and none of these townships touch Raleigh township. After reconstruction the first com missioner elected upon the board for the northern section was Mr. E. Gjll, of Wake Forest township, who served several years; after him Mr. S. W. Terrell, of Wake Forest township was elected from the northern section and served upon the board two years, and after him Mr. W. C. Brewer of Wake Forest township, was elected from the liorthern section, and will have serv ed at the end of the present term, ten years. About twenty-five years ago Mr. J. T. Hunter, of Neuse River township, was elected from the northern section of the county and served upon the board several years. About twenty years ago Mr. .1. D. Allen, of Barton's Creek, was elect ed, from the northern section and served upon the board several years, and before this Mr. A. L. Lynam, of New Light township, was elect ed from the northern section and served one or two terms. U will be observed, therefore, that Wake Forest township has had the lion's share' upon the board from the northern section, and so far as we can learn, a majority of the people of our township are wili ng that other townships shall have an equal showing with Wake For est. .'.Neuse River is as much a part ot the. northern section as Wake Forest and Mr. E. C. Bcddingtield, who lives in Neuse River township, is in (he northern section. We have nothing to say respecting any other candidate, but we do say that we have known Mr. Bedding- field for many years and we believe on account of high character, abil ity and great experience, . that he will represent the northern section of the county as well as any man in and we, citizens of Wake Forest, heartily endorse Mr. Beddingfleld for. the position of commissioner, from the northern section, and we earnestly hope that the other town ships will assist Wake Forest In roling up a very large majority for him. - Calvin Mitchell. D. E. Gill J. G Dunn, W. B. Bunn, Jr., Geo. E. Gill, J. C. Jones, W. D. Edwards, E. Allen, J. Burue, P. E. Fowler, W. K. Martin, W. P. Perry, W. K. Martin, Jr., A. R. Gordon, W. H. Foley, J. J. Cullom, S. W. Brewer, Jr., J. B Fort, S. C. Fort, Everett Loyd, C. W Jons, W. P. Holding, A. Jack Med- lin, Jr., J. C. Fort, J. W, Manguni V. P, Nuckles, R. A. Freeman, Geo W. Saintsing, J. H. Carroll, W. H Wall, Geo. H. Wall, G. G. Wall, W C. Dunn, N. P. Mangum, J. L. Phil lips, N. H Breedlove, E. S. Fort S. D, Fort, W. S. Adams, H. A Chappell, J. W .Fort, D. D. Gill, J W. Alford, J. W. Jones, L. S. Jones G. R, Holland. W. S. Holding, W R. Martin, G. W. Davis, P. P. Loyd E. C. Carroll, Lee Watkins, N. Y Gulley, J. E. Drake, Donald Gulley L. E. Holding, I. T. Holding, W. B Dunn, Sa., C. E. Gill, E. L. Hicks W. T. Freeman. $l,lfl.'l BULL MOOSfS DILI. What it Cost to Hold the Roosevelt Convention in Chicago. Chicago, Aug. 2 1 .Progressive leaders were elated today when detailed statement was Issued show ing that the Bull Moose convention In Chicago cost Its mangers $19 403 as compared with more than $100,000 expended by the republi can and democratic national com miltee, respectively. The Bull Moosers say they hav set a precedent of economy In na atlonal conventions and they img gest that the republican and dene cratlc national committees be re quested to make public detailed statements of their expend linref The Bull Moosers received $5,35) In subscriptions for convention pur Doses, of which $3,350 was con trlbuted by .Chicago hotels. Th sale ot seats netted $13.2f2 and that of programs $1,265. Tho commit tee received In S19.87 1 and cx Vended $19,403 for rent, niunlc; etc leaving a balance on hano of $474 For the republican convention $125,000 Is said to have been vib scribed anr. a HtVe more than $100 000 expended. Of this Frod W I rham, assistant treasurer, is raid to have reported that, $20,000 was needed to settle the Roosevelt con tests. For the democratic convention In Baltimore $110,000 is said to have been.-subs(f (bed and. most of tt used on account of the length of the sc. sion. Last of Saturday night Spe ciab S. A. L. to Portsmouth Nonolk. special Tram leaves Raleigh 12:30 A. Sunday, 25th. Leaves Ports mouth, return 8 P. M. same IF- TO PUT YOT ON YOUR GUARD ' Our buyer came in yesterday. Has quite a' few attractive things to offer. We will tell you all about it tomorrow. 1 If you come down on Fayetteville Street this evening or tonight stop in front. Some of these things, no doubt, will be in the window; " KAPLAN Bloomsbury Park "WHERE THE CROWDS GO." RALEIGH'S LATEST AMUSEMENT CREATION Take a Glenwood or Country Club Car and get long, pleasant ride for 5 cents that will take you to the Park gate. Every thing In the Park is new and attractive. Admission Free to White People Only. OPEN DAILY FROM 10 A. M. UNTIL 11 P. M. ... Victor-Victrola ; Some day you will surely own a ' . ? VICTOR VICTROLA. Why not enjoy its pleasures now. We have reg- 7 : ularly in stock, all styles from $15.00 up to $200.00, terms made to suit your convenience. . Come in and hear the latest Columbia and Vic- ,. tor records. , , ; , -, s DARNELL AND THOMAS RAIiEIOH. V O. SUMMER JEWELRY. There was a time whea December was the accepted time for the sale of Jewelry. But why not July as well? Why should you let opportunity slip Bimply to follow traditions? We are showing so many new things in festoon La Valllers, Necklaces, Shoo-Bucliles, Waist Pins, Bracelets, Lockets, Chains and Rings. Call and let us Bhow you the newest Parisian craze, The Watch Bracelet. ., JOLLY & WYNNE JEWELRY CO. School Tablets JOBBERS AND RETAILERS. See our line before you buy. , CAMERAS AND SUPPLIES. Everything for the Office. " V THE OFFICE STATIONERY COMPANY. 123 Hargett St. James K. Thlem, Mun.er C..C. Phone No. 135 THE AMOUNT OF ICE CREAM . WE SELL DAILY SPEAKS FOR "IT'S" QUALITY Four Different Flavors Each Day. TODAY: Peach, Chocolate, Vanilla and Walnut Bisk. EVERYBODY PRAISES OUR CREAM TOE WAKE DRUG STORE, (Phones lit' BROS. CO. 4 I 228) .'4';W -iItvTlflU, . . ; date. t novel. " . . . f - t .... ...... . . .