THE RALEIGH TIMES, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER "14, 1912. Iffl IT n TVTTTTk ' TmTITITTVTn WAIffi USE: Broad Rock Lithia Water Ftom Chesterfield County, Va. 1.57 p. c-LITHIA-1.57 p. c. Highest percentage of -Lithia of any water on sale. Absolutely no Organic Matter or other impurity. Aseptically bottled and sealed at the springs and delivered in sterile glass to the consumer. Price $1.00 for 5-Gallon Carboy Delivered Daily by D. T. MOORE Raleigh, N. C. Raleigh Phone 2212 116 E. Hargett St. Bell Phone 671. From "Madame Sherry" Coming to the Academy of Music. There's only one thing harder than paying a creditor; that's dodg ing him. Millionaires are the only people who can afford to have debts. Some are born musicians, some acquire music, the rest have music thrust upon them. Did you ever get in as the clock struck one and your wife struck too? Many a man labors under a mis apprehension who was never known JACKSONVILLE AND TAMPA, FLA. v;- via SOUTHERN RAILWAY, T U ES DAY, SE PT EM BER 17. To Jacksonville To Tampa and return and return $7.50 :. $9.50 Tickets will be sold on September 17th good on regular trains to Charlotte, N. C, and On Spe cial train leaving Charlotte 10:30 P. M. Tickets will be good' returning on any regular train up to September 24th, 1912. Special train from Charlotte will consist of Pullman Sleeping Cars and nice coaches. Have your reservations made at once. Ask vour agent for detailed information, o r J. O. JONES, Traveling Passenger Agent, Raleigh, N. 0. FOR SALE We have several small houses, that we can sell on. easy terms. Prices reasonable . If yon want a home this is a good opportunity. TTTT! PAPKm-HUNTER REALTY CO. The Raleigh Apartments FORMERLY HOTEL RALEIGH Iteady for occupancy on or about October first. Also several desirable Stores in same building. G. H. Dortch & Bro. Co. RENTAL AGENTS. EPIGRAMS fat..,. V ' M S y- ' HARRY STEPHEN'S, In "Mmlanio Sherry," Academy- Tuesday Mght, September 17. to labor under any other circum stances. A closed cab is the kijid that al ways goes slower. To lie on the safe side of matri mony, marry either a bachelor or a widower. A woman is happy whoso children are younger than herself. In every man there is an Adam who bites at the apple. An elaborate production is prom' ised for Tuesday night. Seats now selling at Brantley i Drug Store. 'Forty-five Minutes From Broad " way." ' Giving the followers their money worth has long been an axiom of George M. Cohan, whose latest and "THE GIRL IN FINK." Presented by Local Talent Last Night at the Academy of Mnsic. "The Girl in Pink" was presented laBt night by a cast of local talent at the Academy of Music. As the play was for the benefit of St. Luke's Home. Raleigh's most popular char ity, there was a good audience to witness the production. The playerB were placed at somewhat of a diffi culty by the absence of one of the chief characters, Dr. W. C. Horton, who found at the last moment that he could not come. His part was read by Mr. Harry Foote, under whose direction 'the play was given. The two comecVans, Mr. Ivey Riddick as "Otto Snlckelfritz" and Mr. Will Woodall as "Props", kept the audi ence amused their work being es pecially good. The singing of Miss Margaret Faucette as the "Girl in Pink" was one of the features of the play. i "The Ghost of the Goblin Man" by Miss Rogers and chorus, the Dutch girls, and "Props" and the Military Girls all scored a hit. The cast of characters was as follows: A Talkington Booth A Stranded Theatrical Manager, S. R. Horton. Lunette Starlight Booth's Leading Lady Miss Elizabeth Johnson. Willie Lovejoy Commedian of Booth's All Star Aggregation, Will Heller. Props The Company's Favorite, Will Woodall. Izzy Morgan Dolly's Wicked Uncle W. C. Horton. Ottn Snlckelfritz A Saloon. Keeper and Speculator, Ivey Riddick. Dolly Willing Booth's Ward. "The Girl in Pink," Miss Margaret A Faucette. . . . Sheriff Ketchum Who Enforces the Law, A. C. Bernard. Professor Kelly, Proprietor of s Female Seminary, Eugene Cul breth. Eunice Kelly The Professor's Sis ter, Miss Marjorie Terrell. Florlce A Seminary Girl, Miss Bet tie Russ. Doublefee A Corporation Lawyer, A. C. Bernard. Show Girls, Actors, Cuties, Seminary Girls, Ghost Girls, Dutch Girls, Hoo Hoo's etc. BASEBALL GAMES YESTERDAY. National League. At Brooklyn, 4; Cincinnati, 6. At New York, 3; St. Louis, 2. At Boston, 2; Chicago, 3. At Philadelphia, 5 ; . Pittsburg, 6. 10 innings.) American League. At Chicago, 2; New York, 0. At Cleveland, 10; Philadelphia, 2. At St. Louis, 3; Boston, 6. At Detroit, 9; Washington, 8. (10 innings.) Southern League. At Memphis, 5; Atlanta, 2. At Nashville, 3; Chattanooga, 2. 10 innings.) At Mobile, 3; New Orleans, 6.' At Birmingham-Montgomery; not scheduled. International ' League. At Rochester, 3; Buffalo, 5. At Kansas City, 7; Providence, 3. American Association. At Louisville, 11; Toledo, 1 1st game. Louisville, 3; Toledo, i nd game. (Called in 7th on ac count of darkness.) At Kansas City, 2; Milwaukee, S. At Columbus, 6; Indianapolis, 3. Post Series Gaines. At Petersburg (Virginia), 2; An derson (Carolina), 1. At Roanoke (Virginia). 0; Bris tol (Appaiacman), b. DICTIONARIES ARE GOING FAST The distribution of dictionaries at The Times office yesterday was one of the busy features of the day's work. The first series of six cou pons ended with Thursday and there were people waiting with their cou pons when The Times office opened Friday morning. Orders by mail have been received and the distribu tion has kept two persons busy for two days. It soems that some readers do not thoroughly understand the plan yet It is not necessary for you to start saving coupons on any particular iffy"' WK Y'"'-.' ' . IIAZELE BURGESS, , As "Plain Mary" in ''45 Minutes From Broadway," at the Academy, Monduy, tsepteniDer ju best piece "Forty-five Minutes from' Broadway with Bert Leigh in the leading part is to be presented at the Academy Monday, September 16, by Latimore & Leigh. Following this theory, out he has provided an entertainment that would succeed along either of two lines, and as a result scores unusual success-' along both. ' His play might be considered by itself for' there is a real plot that 1 acted for all there is in it by a company of real actresses and actors, and in addition there are enough hits to entitle the piece Jo rec ognition and face on that score alone and make the fame of a mediocre musical comedy. In this case the song have been subordinated to the drama and botji gain in strength thereby. It is filled with delicious comedy momenta and one character ization in particular that has been ao extraordinarily successful that it has been made the basis for an other play with this part the dom inant leature. This is the ex-prize fighter portrayed by Bert Leigh whose naive view point and quaint slang have been the talk of the theatre-going world ever since he was given to the stage two years "ago. It is a part that would make the, fame of any actor of even moderaW aballty. Miss Hazel Burgess, will be seen In the character of "Plain Mary." day. The six coupons may be taken from any six consecutive issues wnicn tne coupons appear. A cou pon is printed every day, giving the date, and six of these with the dis tributing expenso money, explained in another column, entitle the holder to one of the fine Websterian dlc tlonarles. , There Is no fake and no hitch about the matter in any way and any dissatisfied purchaser may get his money back by returning the book Hundreds of school boys and girl who are now having to purchase die tionaries for their school work should see these splendid books which are endorsed by the school committee and also by the teachers U. A. Smith, Brldgeton, Ind., had kidney trouble for years, and was so crippled with rbeumatslm he could not dress himself without help started using Foley Kidney Pill and says: "I began to get better at once, and now all my trouble has left me and I do not feel that I ever had rheumatism. I rest well night and tho' E9 years old, can now do the work of a man of 35 years. would like to be the means of others getting benefit from Foley Kidney Pills." Refuse substitutes. King- Crowell prug Co. The thing', a girl respects In her great grandmother Is )f when she "BUY IT IN RALEIGH." Sua V mMf wj -u ues. B4ebIl. STANDING OF THE CLUBS. National League. Clubs: Won Lost P.C. New York . . . . . . 94 40 .71)1 Chicago ,. . . . . . 83 FU .U24 Pittsburg . . . . . . 81 53 .005 Cincinnati . . . . . 67 08 .490 Philadelphia .... 03 70 .474 St. Louis i. . . . . . 50 79 .415 Brooklyn .... . 50 83 .370 Boston . . ... . . 41 92 .308 American League. Clubs: Won Lost P.C. Boston . . . . . . 96 38 .710 Philadelphia . ... 81 64 .600 Washington . . . . . 81 56 .691 Chicago ... . . . . 65 69 .485 Detroit . . . . ... 63 74 .460 Cleveland . . . ... 60 75 .445 New York . . . . ' . 48 80 .358 St. Louis . . . ... 46 88 ,343 ' Southern League, Clubs: Won Lost P.C. Birmingham . . . . . 84 51 .622 Mobile . : .. '. . .; . 78 58 .573 New Orleans . . ... 70 66 .515 Memphis . ; . . . . 68 69 .497 Nashville . . . ... 66 69 .489 Montgomery . . . . 62 71 .460 Chattanooga . . .-. 59 74 .444 Atlanta . . . . . . 62 82 ,388 Nineteen Miles a Second without a jar, shock or disturbance, is the awful speed of our earth through space. We wonder at such ease of nature's movement, and so do those who take Dr. King's New Life Pills. No griping,, no distress Just thorough work that brings good health and fine feelings. 25c at King- uroweii Drug Co. FOUR DOLLARS Deposited la This Bank Each Week Will See Yon With TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS Ahead One Year From Today. You Will Spend It If Yon Do Not Deposit It. Try Saving Your Money. Money to Lend on Approved Collateral. MECHANICS SAVINGS BANK RALEIGH, N. O. Report of the Condition of . ? THE MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK, RALEIGH. C. -. in the State of North Carolina, at theclose of business, Sept. 4, 1912. RESOURCES. I Loans and Discounts 11,416,857.89 Overdrafts, secured and unsecured 3,936.29 U. S. Bonds to secure circulation. i 100,000.00 U. S. Bonds to secure U. S. Deposits... 60,000.00 Premiums on U. S. Bonds ... , , .... ', 1,?9,15 Bonds, Securities, etc 2,500.00 Banking house, Furniture, and Fixtures ' 45,000.09 Due from National Banks not reserve agents) 229,463.49 Due from State and Private Banks and Bank- - ers. Trust Companies, and Savings Banks .. 125,823.25 Due from approved Reserve Agents... .... 68,591.21 Checks and other Cash Items .... 7,580.53 Exchanges for Clearing House .... 1 : 4,535.76 Notes of other National Banks ....... 1 2,200.00 Fractional Paper Currency, Nickels, and cents 641.97 Specie .... $ 8,045.00 Legal-tender notes . . . . 61,000.00 69,045.00 Due from U. S. Treasurer . , 5,000.00 Total ........... ............ .... $2,133,024.63. LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in 100,000.00 Surplus fund i. i . I 45,000.00 Undivided Profits, less Expenses and Taxes paid 9,681.79 National Bank Notes outstanding . .... 100,000.00 Due to other National Banks . . . ...... 268,239.23 Due to State and Private Banks and Bankers. .415,295.72 De to Trust Companies and Savings banks . . 1,000.00 I Due to approved Reserve Agents .... 10,290.54 j Individual deposits subject to check . ...855,998.92 V Demand certificates of deposit ....106,707.60 1 r Certified checks .... 197.48 Cashier's checks oustanding ........ , .... 20,613.35 United States deposits . . . . 50,000.00 $1,788,342.84 Bills payable, including certificates of depos- it for money borrowed ........... . ..... 90,000.00 Total ........ ...). $2,133,024.63 ' State of North Carolina, County of Wake, ss.: I, W. B. Drake, Jr., Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. W. B. DRAKE, JR. Cashier. Suscribed and sworn to before me this 7th day of Sept., 1912. " J. P. MULLIKIN, Notary Public. "A My Commission Expires October 27th, 1913. ." 7 Correct Attest: ' E. C. DUNCAN, J. G. BALL, J AS. R. ROGERS, v " " :" : ' "'"tfSSSaSSif ! " ALEXANDER WEBB, Directors. NEW QUARTERS ' FOR THE . CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK OPPOSITE POSTOFFICE ON FAYETTEV1LLE STREET Next door to Corner Drug Store. Will be in business here until We occupy OUR NEW STEEL STRUCTURE. On old Site. WAKE COUNTY SAVINGS BANK I He Chan. E. Johnson, President. F. H. BrlgKs, Cashier. RALEIGH BANKING AND TRUST CO. The "Round Steps Bank" Since 1865. Stands For RELIABLE SOUND BANKING. An Honorable Record for Nearly Halt a Century. FOUR PERCENT ; and Your Honey Available When You Want It. WAKE COUNTYSAMS BANK : SATARRHi; (mm DISCHARGES s :l i'' si ) IsMii soon M -y -r- , A iat linid ityou;save your frlAtl'Alf iii ii iri A We help thowe who liel them selves. T WILL be easy to purchase that land, house or farm you : have been thinking about, if you open an account at this bank and show us that you are able to handle yourself and your finances. We will help you. Come In and talk It over. Commercial National Bank 4 l'er cent Paid on Savings Accounts. If you want to know what your neighbors are doing, and what's happening all over the world, read The Ral eigh Times, - ' .- - y

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