Lugtutge of Flemrst “In eut«m lands they talk In flower*, And they tell In a garland their love* and eare^ Each flower that blooms In their garden bower* On Its learea a mystic language bean.” -f blood. For Ulcer s and Eruptive Diseases of the Skin, Pustules, Pimples, Blotches, Boils« Tetter, Scaldftead and Bing worm* Vxoxtinx has nuver failed to effect s per manent cure. For Bain sin the Back* Kidney Com plaint*, Dropsy, Female Weakness, Jjeueorrheea, arising ftom internal ulcera tion. and uterine diseases and General De bility, Veoetinb acts directly upon the causes of these complaint*. It invigorates and strengthens the whol* system, acts npon the seoretlve ogane, allays inflammation, cures ulceration and regulates the boweJs. For Catarrh, Dyspepsia, Habitual Costiveness, Palpitation of the Heart, Headache, Piles, nervous ness, and General Prostration of the Kervoys System, no medici e has ever given suoh perfect satibfaction as the Veoetinb, It purifies the blood, cleanses all of the organs, and possesses a controlling power over the nervous sys tem. The remarkable cures effeoted by V* getine have induced many physicians and apothecaries whom we know to prescribe and use it iu their own families. ^ In f *ct, Veoetinb is the best remedy yet discov ered for the above diseases, and is the o L-ly reliable 111,00 D PURIFIER yet placed before the public. Vesretine is Sold br all Drwrjrists. What Every Body Wants. FOR THE CORE OF SUMMER COLDS and COUGHS ALLKH’S LIG BALSAM. ENDORSED BY PHYSICIANS As a Safe and Effective Remedy. A REMEDY THAT VILL CURE CONSUMPTIOM. Will those who have been long afflicted with Consumption take Courage. It C harmless to the most delloate child. It con tains Bo opium in any form. It is sold by Medi cine thalers generally. J. N. HARRIS A CO., Cincinnati, Ohio, PROPRIETORS PENSIONS. Every wound or inju ry, even by accident, or any disease, entitles a holdier of the late war, to a pension. All Pensions by the law of January 1879, begin back at date of discharge or death of the soldier. All en litled should apply at onoe. Thousands who are now drawing pension are entitled to an increase. Sol diers and widows of the War cf 1812, and Mexican war entitled to pensions. Thousands are yet enti tled to bounty but don't know it. Fees in all oases only $10.00. Send two stamps for law blanks and instructions to NAT. WARD FITZGERALD, U. S. Claim Attobnet, Box 588, Washington, D. 0. MALI UNFERMENTED MALT BITTERS TRADE MARK Hundreds of physicians throughout the United States have indorsed MALT RIT TERS, prepared by the MALT BITTERS COM PANY, as containing more of the elements of nour isoment and strength than all other forms of malt or medicine, while free from the objections urged against malt liquors. They build up anew the nervo s, osseou* (bone) and muscular system. They enrich the blood and impart life and vigor to every function. There can be no want of sleep, no despondency, no debility for those who place their trust in this matchless Food Medioine. MALT BITTERS CO., Boston, Mass SI/ I IVI Itching Humors, Scaly Erup 1% I 111 tions, Scalp Affections, Salt * * * ■ y Rheum, Psoriasis, Scald Head. DISEASES* Ulcers andSores infallibly cured by the Cutiouba Remedies, which have performed miracles of healing un paralleled in medical history. Send for Illustra ted Treatise, containing testimonials from every part of the Union. Prepared by Weeks A Potter, Chemists. Boston. Mass. Sold by Druggists. Established 3S^E3I=LO“FilAJ>aTrrei Gargling Oil Liniment Yellow Wrapper for Animal and White for luman Flesh. is good roat Burns atid Scald*. Sprains and Bruises, Chilblains, Frost Bites,Strinfrhalt, Windgalls, Scratches or crease, Foot Rot in Sheep, Foundered Feet, Roup in Poultry, Cracked Heels, Epizootic, “ Lame Back. Hemorrhoids or Piles, ToothacLc, Rhev.xatism, Spavins, Sweeney, Fistula, Mange, ' Caked Breasts, Chapped Hands, Flesh Aounds, External Poisons, Sand Cracks, Gaih» of all kinds, Sitfast, Ringbone, Poll EvU, Swellings, Tumors, Garget in Cows, Cracked Teats, Callous, Lameness, Horn Distemper, Crownscab, Quitter, w^u! Ulcers, Farev, Abcess of the Udoer, Swelled Legs, Thrush, Sore Nipples, Curts Sores, Corns, Whitlows, Cramps, Boils, Weakness of the Joints «r^ MusdCS. is the standard Large size, ft; medium, joe; small, ace. Small size for family use, ate. Manufactured at Lockport, N. Y., by Merchanfs Gargling Oil Company. HOMO, SecFy. . Cerehaat’s Gargling Oil I Liniment of the United States ALLAN’S ANTI-FAT sstess sss&sussE *”cort>alenca*i» not only a disease Itself, bif the a®* ez S3Sto^^'ipa,k“ * BOTANIO MEDICINE CO., JPrcfrttttrti JT. X; Ulcerative weaknesses and debilitating humors of females cured by Halt Bitters. It is said a hen always knows the man who robs her nest, for she is always laying for him. Veoetihe is not a stimulating bitters which creates a fictitious appetite, but a gentle tonic whioh assists nature to restore the stomach to a healthy action._; Don't drive a lame horse when yon can get ■Kendall's Spavin Core’ for 91, it Ui worth $5. Bead their Advertisement. A Household Need. A booh on the Liver, its diseases and their treatment, sent free. Including treatises upon Liver Complaints, Torpid Liver, Jaundioo, Biliousness, Headache, Constipation, Dyspep sia, Malaria, eto. Address Dr. Sanford, 162 Broadway, New York oily. N. 7. The Voltaic Belt Co. Marshall, Mich. Will send their celebrated Kieotro-Voltaie Belts to tiie afflicted upon 80 days trial. Speedy cures guaranteed. They mean what they say Write to them without delav. What Is it that men call for when they have a lame horse? Kendall's Spavin Cure. A CARD.—fo au wno are anuermg lrom tne er rors and lndlacretions of youth, nervous westerns, early decay, lose of manhood, etc., I will send a "Re cipe that will cure yon, FREE OP CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered by s missionary In Month America. Send a self-addressed envelope to the Her. JOSEPH I TtiMAN. Station T>„ N.Y.Olty. KIDNEY Bladder, Urinary and Liver Diseases, Dropsy, Gravel and Diabetes, are cured by HUNTS REMEDY, the Great Kidney and Liver Medicine. HUNT’S REMEDY cures Bright’s Disease, Retention or Nonreten tion of Urine, Pains in the Back,-Loins, or Side. HUNTS REMEDY cures Intemperance, Nervous Diseases, General Debility, Female Weakness and Excesses. HUNTS REMEDY cures Biliousness, Headache, Jaundice, Sour Stomach, Dyspepsia, Constipation and Piles. HUNTS REMEDY ACTS AT ONCE on the Kidney*, Elver, and Bowels, restoring them to a healthy action, and CUBES when all other medicines fail. Hun dreds have been saved who have been given up to die by friends and physicians. Send for pamphlet to WM. E. CLARKE, Providence, B. I. Trial sire, 75 cents. Large sire cheapest. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Important to the Fair Sex! __ ___aocs, known as female weakness, Thai have been used in England for years as a periodical and regulating pill, bold by all Druggists everywhere. Price $1.00 per box or b x boxo; hb< Wholesale Agents forU. 8. 'VTamphlots sent froo THOMSEN A MtJTH, Wholesale Agccta. PaUnao.m JaESTEYA CS BflAJTUEBORO Vi Sanders k Stayman, General Managers, 15 North Charles St., Baltimore. Md. B. W. iPATHE & SONS, CORNING, N. Y, Patent Spark-Arre»tlng En nines,mounted and on skids Vertical Engines with wro' boilers. Eureka Safety pow ■ era with Sectional boilers cr.n’t he exploded. AI with Automatic Cut-Offs From $150 to $2,000, Send for Circular. Stat< where you saw this. , RHEUMATIBMTGOUT and Bheumatlo Gout, al Rheumatic Affections, Pain and Stiffness ii Hanes and Joints, Ao., speedily and surely cnrei by WHITTLE’S ANTI-RHEUMATIC PILLS. Prici SO cent* per box; three boxe* for $1.25, Foi eale by all Druggists. If your Druggist does not keep them, we wil mail them to any sddres< upon re'r ’-’t sf pries. JNO. T. WHITTLE, Pharmaceutist, Fn mont and Lexington Sts., Baltimore. Md. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE Ie sore to cure Spavins, Splints, Curb, Ac. It removes all unnatural enlarge, ments. does hot blister. Has no equal for any lameness on beast or man. It has cured hip-joint lameness in a person who bad suffered 16 years. Also cored rheumatism, corns, frost bites or any bruises, cut or lameness. It hag no equal for any blemish On homes. Bend for Illustrated circular giving posrnvi proof. Price SI. ALL DRUGGISTS have it or can getit for yon. Dr. B. J. Kkxpall k Co., Pyopr’s, Enoaburgh Falls,Yt. ON 30 DAYS’TRIAL We will send our Electro-Voltaic Bella and othea Electric Appliances upon trial for 00 days to thoe< afflicted with Nervous Debility and diseases of a per sonal nature. Also of the Liver, Kidneys, Bhemna tiem.Paralysis, &c. A sure core guaranteed or no pay Address Voltaic Belt Oo.« INarehall. Mich, it ROF. PAINE, M.D. |J 250 S. Ninth St, PHILADELPHIA, ?*. Vapor, lira Renovator PUkTliervo-T iOPY Dan RECEIPT (with fnii direction' — ■ • r ft v. to mike one equal to those sou ir $3 to |5, for one-third the money), and Beselpti ir 30 kinds of Ink, all colors, 30 cts. by retun nil Address H. BLEDSOE. P. M-. Aivsrsdo.Texss Chambers s tncyciopsoia. 15 Vols. Over 18,000 Pages. Price During June, $6. -wia6a?a»W5ss«ttisxs«tfssts ^jSSp^^BSSssmssBSxsat rSumeswln be completed by October next $6. An Amazing Offer $6. ™ videlr u>d impidly tbm whom are scnttered, the greater in their influence in in iff? _1 " «tmdiu'd publication*. Accordingly wo give tonus to osriy subscribers. ISS^SStfS.wSfSSStoS the town), a chib of a« ort^wewffl^^«« Wpareeot S^Amts8 DIAH . R.lCEA BPMEDY __jjv‘ is a speedy and certain curs for effectual Prevent ive c._ bus. It is no secret preparation, as the ingredients of which it is composed, are upon the label . of each bottle, and it is recommended and prescribed by tha most eminent physicians. 8 rid by druggists and storekeepers. Price 25 cents and $1.00. A largebottla sent express paid, for $1. Send for circular. Address, OHA8. A. OSMUN. 18 Seventh Ave.. New York. UNITED STATES Patent Brokers’ and Inventors’ ASSOCIATION.. Patent Rights Bold at Private Sale and by Public Auction. Patents obtained and Searches made on the Lowest Terms. Correspondence solicited. Cir culars sent on application. ** WM. CRENSHAW, Manager. 639 Arch Street, PHILADELPHIA* JOW to Increase Sixe and Strength of Portions Of ■ the Human Form. Fall account of the method ree. Enclose stamp and describa your case. Ponos ' e Leon Co., Atlanta, 6a. Confidential. Be swindled. Before yon buy any Elec trical Belt,Batter y or Medical Appliance address Dr.Dye.Boxl649,Boston, J~ BUGGIES alogue FREE. J for the TRADE. TERRITORY given. ENTERPRISE CAR RIAGE CO.. Cincinnati, 0. Oat $777 A YEAR and expenses to Outfit free. Address P. O. ERY, Angus ta, Maine. CK BN U 27