i>ubiuhe« lm. 3s^E3m.O‘FLAJST3fs.:e»uxj:e3 ktcj ejb ALLAN’S ANTI-FA T It purely vegetable anil perfectly harmless. It rets upon the foml In the stomach, preventing Hr being converted lnt.o fat. Taken In accordance with r a heap of tan-bark in the road, and vhile he is eyeing it carefully, and about 0 pass it, you strike "him with the vhip, it is the log, or stump, or the an-bark that is hurting him in his way >f reasoning, and the next time he will >e more frightened- Give him time to imell all of these objects, and use the 1 die to assist you in bringing him sarefully to those objects of fear. Vanity Fair says that England is be ng rapidly renuced to a fortress in the >cean, without eel f-supporting food sowers, i A. SUBJECTS FOB THOUGHT, Better break thy word than do worse in keeping it. It is in the power of the meanest to triumph over fallen greatness. The power of eloquence is sometimes superior to military force. Better-a soft heart and an iron hand than an iron heart and a soft hand. He who refuses justice to the defence less will make every concession to the powerful. We take lessons in art, literature—a thousand things; but that high sense of honor, man’s obligation to man, is for gotten. (Battle Creek, (Mich.) Daily Journal.) Upon being spoken to concerning St. Jacobs Oil, our fellow townsman Mr. Theodore Wakelee, said : I had been suffering with rheumatism, and obtained the greatest relief from the use of St. Jacobs Oil. It has also been used in my family for some time, and has never been found to fail in giving prompt re lief. * According to Dr. Weideholp, fungus ’ growths in cellars may be combated either by burning sulphur or by pouring two parts of concentrated sulphuric acid over one part of common salt, and so closing all openings as, to prevent any escape of the vapor. (South Bend Evening Regifter.) When certain powers are claimed for an article, and everybody testifies that it does more than is claimed for it, to gainsay its worth is useless. This is the substance of the St. Jacobs Oil lecord. Clara Louise Kellogg will reach the United States in August, and King Kal akau in October. ' f+i A Wise Deacon. “Deacon Wilder, I want you to tell me how you kept yourself and family so well the past season, when all the rest of us have been sick so much, and have had the doctors running to us so.long.” > J “Bro. Taylor, the answer is very' easy. I used Hop-Bitters in time arid kept mv family well and saved large doctor bills. Three dol lars’ worth of it kept us all well and able to work all the time, and I will warrant it has cost you and most of the neighbors one to two hundred dollars apiece to keep sick the same time. I guess you’lKtake my medicine here after.” See other column. Dr. Mary Walker is by all odds the best compromise candidate for Senator. She is a compromise between man and woman.—Buffalo Express. Spring and Summer Diet. Green fruit and bad vegetables, which are particularly plentiful at this season of the year, almost 'invariably disorder the stomach" and superinduce Cramps, Cholera Morbus, and’ what is worse, Diarrhoea and Chronic Dysentery. People who desire to preserve their health' should be exceedingly careful about their diet at this season, and at no time should they be without a supply of Pebry Davis’ Pain Kil ler, the safest, surest and speediest remedy for all troubles of tho stomach and bowels. All druggists sell it. Prince Bismarck says world’s fairs are largely responsible for spoiling the world, and is obstinately opposed to the holding ’> '*wli™, Veuetin’e is not a vile, nauseous compound, which simply purges the bowels, but a safe, pleasant remedy which is sure to purify the blood and thereby restore the health. —-— — iL A young man of Foxboro, Mass, bought a bicycle at Attleboro and started to ride home, but fell off and broke his neck on the way. “The Gods Help those who help themselves,” and Nature inva riably helps those who take Warner’s Safe Kidney and Liver Cure. rill! THJB GREAT GERMAN REMEDY T/". FOR RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA, SCIATICA, LUMBAGO, BACKACHE, aOTJT, SORENESS or nn CHEST, SORE THROAT, QUIN3 Y, SWELLINGS AND SPRAINS, FRCSTED FEET AND EARS, AND 0OALDB, TOOTH, EAR AND HEADACHE, AND ALL OTHER FURS No P'rep&raiioa on earth equal* 8t. Jacobs Oil a* a sin, hubs. si xtls and chkap External Bemedjr. A trial entail* bnt the oomparatirely trifling outlay of SO CjCNTs, and ererf one Buffering with pain can hare cheap cad poritir# proof of lit claim*. DIRECTIONS U ELETE* LAIOCAOS. 8310 BT ALl DSUOQISTS ABB HALERSII ME3ICM. A. VOGELER & CO. Haiti more* Md.» V. B. At AUEM'S WASTED FOE REVISION The beat and cheapest Ulnstrated edition of the Kevised New Testament. Millions ol people are wall lne for it. Do not be deceived by the Cheap John publishers of inferior editions. See that the copy yon bny contains ISO fine engravings on steel and wood. Agents are coining money selling this edition. Send for circulars. Address Nattokax, Pcbushtro Ok Philadelphia. Pa. PILES DR.SHAKP’N LIQUOR SANGLINARIA. This is the Prescription of the late Dr. Sharp, of Mississippi, who successfully used it in a practice of fa throughout the South in the treatment —. Fistulas, Fissures and kindred diseases. Chron ic Dysentery also cured. The formula .has been given in . the Medical Journals of Mississippi, hence its reliability. Druggists will supply you. Price SI. Da. Sbaju- Mancfactcbejo Co, Baltimore and New York. Cyclopedia War. The great Library '.of Universal Knowledge now completed, large type . edition, nearly 40,000 topics in every department of human knowledge, about 40 per cent, larger than Chambers’ Encyclope dia. 10 pet cent, larger than Appleton’s. 30 per cent, larger than Johnson’s, at a mere fraction of their cost Fifteen large Octavo Volumes, nearly 1AOOO pages, complete in cloth binding, 91 >11 in half Rus sia, 8201 in full library sheep, marbled edges, Special i erms to clubs- < $10,000 REWARD 'SfPSIZ “i! John B. Au>k>'i Manager, 794 Breads*. New lork Factery Fact*. Close confinement, careful attention to all factory work, gives tie operative* pallid feces, poor appetite, languid, miserable feelings, poor blood, inactive liver, kidneys and urinary troubles, and all the physicians and medicine in the world cannot help them unless they get out doors or nse Hop Bitters, made of the purest and best remedies', and especially for such cases, having abundance of health, snn* shine and rosy cheeks in them. None need suffer if they will use them freely. They cost but a trifle. See another column. Sonth America is Bending great quan tities of canned tongue to the London market _ Bed-Bags, llasclies, rats, cats, mice, ants, file*, insects, cleared out by “Bough on Bats.1’ 15c., druggists. What is beautiful! Why.CARBOLiNK, a deo dorized extract of petroleum, as now improved and perfected. Clear as spring water, delight fully perfumed and will not soil the finest linen fabric. Makes the hair grow on bald heads. Pure Cod~ Lives- OiiT made from selected livers, on the seashore, by Caswell, Hazard & Co., New York. It is absolutely pure and sweet. Patients who have once taken it prefer it to all others. Physicians havo decided It superior to any of the other oils in the market. RESCUED FROM DEATH, William J. Coughlin, of Somerville. Mass., says: In the fall of 1876 I was taken with blkedixo — -it* LUS09 followed by a severe cough. I lost my a, .petite Land flesh, and was confined to my bed. In 18771 was admitted to the hospital. The doctors'said I had a hole In my lung as big as a half-dollar. >At one tints a.report went around that I Was dead. I gave up hope, but a friend told me of DR. WILLIAM HALL’S BALSAM FOR THE LUNGS. I got a bottle, when, ti my surprise, I commenced to feel better and to-day I feel better than for throe years past. I write this hoping every one afflicted with! Diseased Lungs will take DR. WILLIAM HALL’S BALSAM, and be con vinced that CONSUMPTION CAN BE CURED. 'l can positively say It has done more good than all the other medicines I have t.-Ae.a since mrhicknes* lVAUlvs.Mt.jl Hilt ,x 1SAU6 - AyD XE\rER FAILED’ To CURE Croup. Spasms, Diarrhoea. Dysentery and Sea Sickness, taken Internally, and GUARANTEED perfectly harmless; also externally, Cuts, Bruises, Chronic Rheumatism, Old Sores. Pains iu the limbs, bark and cheat. Such a remedy id Db. TOBIAS' VENETIAN LINIMENT. No one onco trying it will ever be without it; over 600 physicians uso it. If those seven girf twins all live, what an extensive mother-in-law their mother may some day be. __ vegefine Purifies the Blood, Renovates and Invigorates the whole System. ITS MEDICINAL PROPERTIES ARE Alterative, Tonic, Solvent and Diuretic. Vegetine I Vtsgetine; Vegetine \ Vegetine j Vegetine Vegetine Vegetine Vegetine Vegetine Vegetine Vegetine Reliable Evidence. Mr. H. It. Steven's: Dear 8ir—I will most cheerfully a'Id my testimony to the great number you have already received in favor of youj great and pood medicine, Vegetine foi I do not tlnnk enough can be said in its praise ; for I was troubled over 80 rears with that dreadful disease, Ca tarrh, and had such bad coughinu spells that it would seem as though 1 uSver could breathe any more, anrl Vegetiiie lias cured mo ; and I do feel to thank God all the time that tlp’ro is so good a medicine iw Vegetine, and I also think it one of the best medicines for coughs and weak, sinking feelings at the stoinach, and advise everybody to take the Vegetine. for I can assure them it is one of the best medicines that ever was. MRS. L. GORE, Corner Magazine,and Walnut Streets, Cambridge, Mass. GIVES HEALTH, STRENGTH & APPETITE. My daughter has received great ben efit from the use of Vegetine. Her de clining health was a source of great anxiety to all her friends. A few bot tles of Vegetine restored her health, strength and appetite. N. H. TIL DEN-, Insurance and Real Estate Agent, Boston, Mass. Vegetine IS SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Card Collectors. 1st. Buy seven bars DOBBINS ELECTRIC SOAP of your Grocer, 2d. Ask bim to give you a bill of it. 3d. Mail us his bill aud your full address. 4th. We will mail YOU FREE ■even beautiful cards, in six col ors and gold, represent lag Shaks peare’s “Seven Ages of Man.” > : ; r f . - I. L CRAGIN & CO. 116 South Fourth Street, PHILADELPHIA, PA. goS!ID% Feeble n< Sickly Person Recover their vitality by pursuing a course of Hoe tetter's Stomach Bitters, the most popular invieor ant and alterative medicine in use- General debil ity, fever and ague, dyspepsia, constipation, rheum atism, and other maladies are completely removed by it. Ask those who have used it wi st it has done for them. For sale by all Druggists and Dealers ~ colli Bicycle. A permanent practical road vehicle, with which a person can ride three mfles as easily ss he could walk one.' Send J-cent stamp for 2t-page cat* . THR FOPS M’F’G 00., k Washington 8t. Boston, llaea Inw ni«», without I Kement, or location, warranty given on al AND FOB Battle Creek, Michigan, iiuttrrtCTtraExs or sex oslt ox-vcdoi 1 THRESHERS, Traction arid Plain Engines and Horsepowers. Moat Complete Tfcraaher Factory ( Established In the World. 5 1848 vlbwi. PAR A TORS of matchless a\ta Com pi d Finest T A multitude of special features and improvements for 18B1. together with superior qualities in construe lion ana materials not dreamed of by other makers. Four sizes of Sej>aratore, from 6 to 12 hone capacity, for steam or horse power. Two styles of M Mounted ” Horse-Poweiw. 7RAA AAA Feet of Selected dumber )UW)VVV (from three to six years air-dried) constantly on hand, from which is built the in* TRACTION ENGINES Strongest,most durable.and efficient ever •ra find Thrcljermfn aro Incited to Co this matchless ThreNUQff Machinery, re sent free. Address NICHOLS, 8HEPARO A CO. Battle Croak, Mlehlicap. For Two Generations The good and staunch old stand-by, MEXICAN MUS TANG LINIMENT, has done more to assuage pain, relieve suffering, and save the lives of men and beasts than all other liniments put together. Why! Because the Mustang* pene trates through skin and flesh to the very bone, driving out all pain and soreness and morbid secretions, and restor ing the afflicted part to sound and supple health. ■ Payne’s Automatic Engines. Reliable, Durable and Economical, wtllpir. nlnh a hor** power with 1$ ie** fuel atul uniter than lap other Kni/lne built, not fitted with an Automatic Cut-off. Bond for Ilituitrated Catalturue "J" tot Information and Fricea. B. W. PAYNE * SONS, _ Boa 860, Corning, M.T. CELLULOID EYE-CLASSES. representing the choicest selected Tortoiss Shell and Amber. The lightest, handsomest and atrfrngeet known. Sold by Opticians and Jewelers. Mado by SPEKCEU OPTICAL.My’G CO.. 18!Maiden Lane. N. V. PERRY’S WORM TEA. HA Fit AND HERE. For Worms, Worm Pit* and Worm Fever. Sold by druggist* at 28 eta. or «ent by mail on reoelnt of price. „ JOHN A. FERRY, 625 Shawmut Avenue. Boston, r IMPORTANT _ land Conservatory and College of .Rattle latent no. Apply to E. TOUIWEE. Boston, Max*: , toHtndentttoOIuttlr. TUEXKWCAI.EN D A R ot the New Eng. L¥. K<;E profit* made In Stnek*. 8400 will make ‘45 to 050 weekly. 10 share* upward* boneth on 1 to 8 per cent, margin. Correa non donee solid ted. TUCKER k CO.. 232W - - - - - 1 West 2l*t St.. New York. oiv win wasti Movrr! T— OI A If ml • InsiM nos., bttu »*•■*•« «r » b4*ry rnmtfc of k*»r *a b*i4 w I 9 m to THICKER, KTRERUTHE* m4 DmOOAATK ILS HAIR M»wr. 4«a*l W bva.bt*re*i. fry ttoptu Hfuut dlMMfrt sliRh ku MTW YU FAILED. BbmONLY HllVf- ' * - KAXHarra* boos co, u w. tun at, w.T. p.o. Be* «*a i Itiflett, Revolver*. Shot-Gun*. Ptatol*, . Ammunition. Seine*. Fishing Tackle. fill h|C IIU IwO Catalogue fire. Addre** Jarne* ft. Johnston, Great WeotemGun W’k*.Pitt*burgh.Pt. AI.LEVH Brain Food—cure* Nervou* Debility k. Weakne** of Gen’tve Organ*, st all Dniggtatf. Send for Cir'l’r to Allen** Phar'cy, 313 First av.VX.Y B N L 49 YOUNG paying office*. AdncVaLEenirt Bao*.. Janesville, Wl». profit*. and Fi ducsd33 per ct. National Pnh. Co.. Philadelphia. Fa. headache 'i^ws-i^sssri. ’BrgSto&vssemBim&tS A