gfa dfaOam Qttui THURSDAY, January 9, 1879. H. A. LONDON, Jr., Editor. 'THE LEGISLATURE. The General Assembly of North (fJarolina is now -in session, hav ing convenea at ie estate uapi ttol yesterday, aud is naturally at tracting the attention of our people, who are looking to their Legislators for some relief from the "hard times." . , iUUb MlilltJ bXlUlt; 5 muvu vuuv -the Legislature can do for their re lief, yet with all that they can do, ere will be much disappointment and gruniblicg at their action, for really they will not be able to do all 4hat the people demand. We there fore warn our readers in advance, -not to expect too much at their hands, for the body politic is now .-somewhat in the condition of the hu man body when slowlv recovering froia wme dangerous illness, and we must not have two much "doctoring, but by kindly treatment, close atten- tion to business, simple diet, alld strict economy endeavor o build ud strict economy, endeavoi o build up the enfeebled system and restore a .healthy tone to ihe body politic. As .our Legislature meets only once in 1'0 years and can in .oasdavs, there ,v !l be no time for windy Epeeches or "bun-, cjmbe" resolutions, but the Members should devote their whole time and ttaUontothecarefuleonsideraUoni oi sncn measures as will best pro-1 - mote the interests of our people. ' The eyss of the people are upon I them, closely watching their every j . II Til ... . . . m action, ana tney win De Held to a atrict accountability. The most im portant questions which are likely to A.X. -Li i. r a l t t iuu aiujuiiun oi ina jjODlsia- turc, are the Public Debt, the Public i enools, tne protection of Sheep ; Husbandry, the Xo-Fence Law, and j t il. i mi . . . iij-ciuuers uj give lueir most Berioua consideration to these ques-; tions, and take such action as will best promote the time interest of our .beloyed old State. in n ri Hiiii liiiiiix "We know rectly affectin ham county portacce of their public roads n-n l attention o l;llu mis mauer io ineir attention lust 4 "v 11. . ii i ii now for three reasons, viz: First, be-! cause the roads are now probably iu as bad a condition as. they ever can be, and the evil therefore bein" pres-1 . , , ., or ent and daily realized, our words may have more effect and be better appreciated than at any other time; Second, becanse the Legislature is now in aeasion. und if nnr nAn ! - L eeds amendment (as many think) j ,. . raising, or crowing sheen or onts 'occurreu mini we reached tne snb- gthe people of Chat-; is illst about as well adnted to nn were haikd by that clever and hos- , or one of greater im-1 enternrise of this kind us T hove ever pitable gentleman, Col. W. F. Askew, to them, than the condition ! seen anywhere, and admits of no 1 bo' leax-ninpr that it was our inten- -.uc uitcuasion oi me question may:mean3 together, and thereby more uo some gooa m ascertainino- what : amendments would Third, because our Inferio meets on the 20th in - ) Crrand JnrorH. Im t- Vv-,, ' moned for that Term, can have their I attention callod to the condition of I t, , , . . . Ui4-1U11 01 1 the Boads, and mdict each overseers as have not comphed with the re-: quirements of the law. We would ; ilirect their attention to Section 15 i of the Road-Lftw n wm,,j I 01 the Itoad-J,aw, as published m 1 " " " ' IL-Jl DILLU" , another column of this paper, and; Ask them to carefully read the same, bo that they may fully know what is & "lawful road." If the law is too strict, and re quires too much of an overseer, it is rot the fault of the Grand Juror, and it is none the less his duty to indict any overseer who does not comply with its requirements. If it is a bad law, it should be repealed, and the best way to have it repealed is to enforce it We think that the entire system of working our roads should be changed (of which we will speai hereafter), but while the law Btmds as it does, it should be en forced, and by enforcing it, its harsh ness and defects will become so odi ous to all, as to render its amend ment certain. The present law is either good or bad; if good let it be forced, and if bad let it be repealed, but do not let it remain a dead letter and a ghm The present wretchea, and almost impassable condition of our roads is the best proof that our road law' is either defective and wrong in princi ple, or is not enforced, and we rath er think that it is both. It certainly does seem an unjust hardship on an overseer, to expect him to comply with all the requirements of the law as it now reads, and with the means at his command that most of them have. Bat while this ia true, yet our overseers as a class can make our roads better than they are, They can at least fill up holes in the roads, and can pnt pp sign boards and mile posts as required by Sections 19 and 21 of the "Ifaatf aw" published plsewhere, j Correspondence. FOR THE RECOUP. Atrocious Crime ! All Belle Voir, N, C, December 21, 1878 ! nr Tl nM- ... of 'Mr. Manly Lindlev was consumed i)v me, mi uie iMiiui ui me xi'iii nisi ; j evidently the work of an incendiary as there had been no fire near i i i m i i ' premises m a day or two. Total i i tit t ii ' l loss no insurance. Mr. Lmdlev is i X- ii. : i. j. ii inn. z i a poor man, with several children,! and has toiled hard to support his ! wife and children- but in one night, ! i " tal torch (;ns"med hisvttl1' ; His gm was near the Chatham line. the fatal torch consumed his alLir w,rr;UUfflV8,T "Oil for a whin in evprv lian 1 TV leal. . w.,i ..-..-... v, Wnt ' ' JuriTEE. FOR THE RECOUP. t?T. Lawrence. N. 0. o miliary , j o t v. Editor Record: We have recently had the honor and pleasure of spend- ing a short time with Rev. Thos. AY. Guthrie, H. ft Wall, Eeq., and Col. T. C. Leak, all of ltockinpham, Rich- mond county, in this State, while t.or xtv. i-ie.. in. omnniY . vlo V I 1 orn w.w. tu"wn j tivcs of Mr. Outline, m this county. , gave you recently, Fjv,e cla.TS of Baid gentlemen's time ; If all your co'rrespondents would h us were devoted to field sport- a(iopt the above plan, and send tho D?nd as 1 pm ofsonie in!prest ; Kecokd out of the county, and out to others of their caste, we give a Df the State, your subscription list statement of their achievements in ;wouij soon Vun up so that the ' bird-shootimr. as follows: The nura- Recores life would be sure to last Jl oJWrds killed 257, and of these !as long ag Chatham is a county. r2ZZ be " Co,.L. .as rather apart from the .d lZTe Zt oilier sportsmen, he unshed and shot then others will help us to support a bir(3' ch, when it fell was mi-: qui' own paper mef yp'onncea upon by a hawk,! AVishii.g the" Recokd a Ions and itor a H.P1y ' . 0 it . flew. An impudent havk. and a 8O0& 6ot. Success to The Chatham Record! Tonra Truly, D. FOR THE nECORD. Talladega, Ala., Dec. 28th, 1878. .DiTon IIfcotid : Dear Sir: Having a moment's -i i- suj;kcsiiulis lor iiie eonsiueraTion oi the enterprising farmers and stock- raisers of your county. I am aware of the fact, that there is a large amount ' of land thrown out, in Chatham, the i i strength of which is by no means es- ! . . i wuu. "OClUUUUai V ULLcilULI.1 LI I. : , ,- . ! yonia yield a very handsome profit Trt rt 77 . TO anv One Who mmlit o-nrroceo in tuo bnsmeas. Fnrflrmr.ra 1irm;t : to suggest to the middle and aged ' cass or portion of farmers of Chat- P?!? of Srowmg sheep. ,with the view of reclaiming their : worn-out lands: for I it generally conceded that exhausted an can be reclaimed by pennin s eep on it:' &s effectnall.T as by any TY.OQT.O Trhntr.T'-.w M ououm one mau not leel abJe to engage in this busi-' ness alone, let several throw their iiiuit: to the feuuu u ia ue accompnsuect - " uii Vlll c t.n Inro-A if.-( ri. -.,,.1 " r- wiiocuuVUUY 111- era"ve Prices can be obtained readi- . ly fCf a11 tLe TV1 and mutton wllicl1 : can be grown. While writing this sketch, I feel I if I were a few years jounger than I ! am might be tempted to return to ; (Jiatliam and establish a ranch" in ! , rpSlon of Alston's quarter, or in the Hanis neighborhood. I Land-holders are compelled to re- ! ! A n.m 4 I, - 1 J ,1 " ... ... ! n-cii iiiiius, or uiey will fall into other hands. Respectfully, JAMfS Headen. OitE Hill, N. C, ,T January 1, 1879. jCiJJiiOK: see in the Ifi;-. ' Of the oth of Decern hpr fTmf 41i j new Board of County Commissioners ! -..vwiuicu si. u. jl. JLiurns, Physicifin for the Poor House, and that lift 1H i d ornminn . 1, 1 ! . --uuiiuo me Uwiuuiy ju- i liuuua at ou eacn. Tins is what I call "retrenchment aa Via price paid for examining lunatics was $5 00. I think the present Board of County Commissioners are the right men in the right place. I see also, in the Reocbp, of the 12th of December, that jail fees have been reduced to 30 cents a day for each prisoner; and that purchasing agent for the poor house is allowed 2 1-3 per cen. commissions. The former price aid as commissions, was 5 per cent Then we call 2 1-2 per cent, "retrenchment." But it seems to me likfi the office of pur chasing agent, might be abolished entirely, while the Commissioners fjtain a man as Superintendent of the Poor House at a salary of $300 a year. This amount should com mand the services of a fair business man, and I see no necessity for hav ing a purchasing agent; then the Superintendent should do the ptuv chasing without any extra fees. The merchants of your town are men of good business qualifications and up right gentlemen, and I have no hesi tation in saying that the county would not be hurt if the prices of supplies were entirely left to them, as they buy supplies at market prices they Would be rPrfAflT. ,T.n,,, sen to the county for cost in cash, as Py gooas lor produce which incalculable amount of pasturage for propose. i visit. .ouung oi interest W In n Tfrwri 1 1,,t1- (k.i KIUS ( I II. FIIJIO!'! II 111. Win WP ' rlnnHt. if nwlnnn : IIOH T - nf-1 . i T : n 1 r 1 1 1 n T i ! l :l rrp. t. ui. .1 ; parues interested, ana the count v at UCOI, ULLU : i , . ... j x i rr.i-.-i . . r ;mrge. jvs xor transportation, you eaueatiug mem. xiie uoionel has St.. and the roads on nil fti."Ua Trl.f-.Vi ,nA i,-,.t bv Ifiso lir.l they sell io the coui.'y for the poor. In the event iho Superintendent of the poor was to agree to pay too I much for supplies or the farmer or mercnant charge him an over price, then it is all left with the county commissioners as they have to say what shall be paid before au account ! will be raid bv the Rhpriflf. Th ;eonntv mzmasionerB are the tax- . ' - - - v ; - . , n . ,. . onr Q0 fin5lnces 111 nds ! of the present board i 1 notice m a recent issne of the ' - r , - , . Ivecoud, that you favor workinflf tho , .. ' , , "j", mo .iu (iilluii, ami wo uiav hhihi v fTn f "i am P' 06ed to lha,t as the t-paye ave 'is much as they can bear now mo puuiiu iojuis ou years, ana let years. their sons go about without working ' lutj 1 the roads, would be verv nniust. i Then we have quite a number of poor widows in this section, and I guess all over the county; and I tell I you it will not do to put the old men and widows to working the roads, i If von tax them to work ihi. rmKlip j roads, then it is them doing the work. . Let us young men, and the freed men j WOrk the roads; enforce tho present road law, and we will have good ! public roads. ; Enclosed please find $2 to pav the l subscription for three mouths each, ! C ... Al. j? i -r , ..... ..I . ior iue iour narcies wnose names l Aew lear. 1 am vours. Very Respectfully, C. C. Cheek. ! FOU THE RECORD. i ; Mu. Editor : I will give it as my j experience, that there is nothing ! more refreshing to the energies of a ' care-worn farmer, than to occasion ' ally, lay aside all business, and make ; a few days visit from home. Such being my condition, I, iu company with a neighbor, made a short visit rpppntlr tn nnrlinm ti'ViiMi woe of ' teuJea AVltk so man.v peasant inci (1euts I can not refrain giving yon an outline of our trip. All things readJ- we bul srood-bye in the after- noon to our families and the monot- bid to open the gate, in. I will not .mi f, tUKl J' ire atte:.; : notion of our kind treatment, at the hands of this clever gentleman and his estimable vife. Suffice it to say, that the most fastid ious, conld not spend a night under their hospitable roof without carrv- ing with them pleasant remembran- ces of their most cordial enteitain meiit. The Colonel is owner and i- r7:" iai c : -Ul"s in se county, and spends' the most of his time down there, ffiv-j x - vj resi-les in Chapel Hill witb ' in? ir nifl personal supervision, whi'e uer cmiiiren, lor tue convenience of hold and uo likewise. Early next moillZ bad breakfast, and wera : on the road. I The tolling of the old bell" for ' morning prayers, and the hurrying; of tardy boys to the Chapel, took ; m.Y mina hack to twenty years ag. , when I, too, was a '"Chapel Hill Bov." , Those were "flush times" in r.hi Hill; more than four hundred bovs ' . "..I- 1 . . -I . . aNsemuieu morning ana evening m the old Chapel, to the toll of i that bell ; young men in the pursuit I of knowledge to fit them for after1 I life. i But alas! many lives among those ! noble fellows have already been spent ! While it is often pleasant to call back W In a it ir nU.n r rmrnniKP.ATiPQ in mir noef lift when I recur to my College davs, and " mciueuis m xne years wnicn soon followed, sympathy and pity for that f t Jill- 1 j uuiuiiuiimo itt; .mis ray i.reaSL Bovs will be bovs" was acain veri- I fied to us in the sight a two-horse ' wagon, as seen on the top of the ! New East building loaded with I wood, Although it was qnite early I when we passed through Ghapel' Hill, we saw evidences that there ! was still lite in the Village; the streets presented quite a business appearance. About a mile beyond Chapel Hill, we had the unexpected pleasure of meeting with our popular countyman, W. F. Stroud, Esq., who was looking after the building of fine Mills on property recently purchased in Orange county. He was glad to see us, and not having time to chat us as he liked, exacted of us the per mit to spend a night with him on our return at his house. The country from Chapel Hill to Durham, a distance of twelve miles, is quite broken, and not very pre possessing to the traveller, in tact it looks quite poor in the vicinity of Durham, At 10 o'clock we had reached our destination, and secur ing our steed we proceeded to the world-wide known smoking tobacco factory of W. T. Blackwell & Co., where we met our friend and form er countyman, Capt N. A Ramsay, who has been book-keeper for this mammoth concern for several years, and they are fortunate in securing tlie service? of ttlis accomplished ac- .1 "X' .ii . r i countant. The hour for dinner be ing announced, we accepted Capt. R'r invitation to dine with him, and at once repaired to his beautiful res idence, where we weie most cordially received and entertained by his most estimable wife. Dinner over, we re turned with the Capt. to his office, where, for the first time, we mec the Senior partner of this firm, Col. Blackwell, of whom we shall make mention hereafter. To look through the apartment of this colossal estab lishment, was onr leading desire on leaving home, and to this task, Capt. R. assigned himself that afternoon. The counting rooms are most conve niently arranged and handsomely furnished; beyond this, I can not at tempt a description, for it is beyond my comprehension; one must see it to fully comprehend its magnitude. Great executive ability is displayed i in the management of this immense business, and so well is its govern ment arranged that it naturally runs itself. A competent head to each department, with Col. Blackwell as buyer of the raw material and Julian S. Carr, Esq., Junior partner, finan cier, who, by the by, is considered one of the best financiers in the South. It. was getting late when we had finished our round of sight see ing, and wishiug to spend the night, with a friend in the countrv, we bid these clever gentlemen "good after noon," and piocepded to tho resi dence of Mr. Alvi Horton. form erly of Chatham, who now owns a fine farm six miles north af D-irliMn, on Eno River. Here wo agiin met with that cordial welcome so charac teristic with the people of Chatham. Mr. riorton is a live i arm or, ana a stroll over his farm will soon c vince any one that living is easv with t. P J ,, , e - ' ii -iV i ' i. , - liimiu lutn. I he number of marria- him. Early nest morning we bid: . . ,. w 1Al. ,f 4l , J , 7i j 1 ges is in propurtiou as (0 to 10(. Mat-1 ! these clever people good-lv, nndjft. 11 . ,, ., , . . ; nages are more iri'ijunt altar the were soon m the business town of n. i( . ,J. ., tl ! rnu. flA r .,,1 i epuuoxiS, Uiat is, during the months :, , , -, K ill Vj. Jiai llOtlAl IflVtlU X V. O KJ I HI 'iAX ; inent gentlemen, living in Durham. Tlie people of Durham are reputed for their cleverness. i iv invitation, we again visir xuf . establishment of W. T. Black. veil & j Co.. and here we met Col. "yii.-k-j i well, who has time to go around with j jus during our limited stay. The; ' Colonel is quite a handsome, stout, I 'thick set nvn perlinps now th:t he; is married, forty years old, is very j '. Jill ible and p!eut;:iut in conversation j and is quit- coinnmnieative on sill; : mibjKs pertaining to hi-, business.; It is very interesting to hpar him tell ' of his commen2rng business in Dur- ! ham. lie says he was in Durham! welve mouths befro it w.-is known ; that he was there, but that he was at j work, and many a package of tobae- j eo has he taken to th express oflice J ; on his shouWr, and shipped cash on ideliveiw; tint he had written as j many as thirty -ive letters in one night, to parties, asking them to buy 1 their goods, f r they were not able to advertise. This, too. only about ten years ago, while to day they are re ported in the Commercial 'import as being worth $000,000; and no doubt the most prosperons concern ever es- : i lebmary, lsTO, ;t PuMir. Ancti n,.i cer tablishe 1 in this State. It. is a note- trtt('t ,A ,Hli ! lv5n oa waters ot wurthv fact. 1h it said to tb ,.,-,l.t ..f tl .r..l .1.., !. I! IHO UIUUH ..,v.-., K-uuujic,,, i.k.l uiuv ui nt)i, hoard tneir immense 1 1 wealth wi h n;gg ly stmt, but are fault. " The Methodist and Biptist de nominations of Durham have very elegant churches, that would be a credit to any of our cities. I was iti formed that Mr. Cut contributed 1700 to the building of the Method ist church, and Colonel Blackwell about the same to the Baptist, he being of that pursuasion. Both of these gentlemen have families, and have elegant residences, with beauti fully decorated yards. Col. Black well is very f md of flue stock, and showed US through Lis stables, where ' fire kept twenty-seven elegant horses, I for in their 1, MT. nt , wpiit. to ins no;-? km, wiiicu is wen io- : eated, with running water through J it ; there we saw fine strains of Berk- i shire and other improved breeds of I bo-js some of them would weih I from 250 to 500 lbs. A pen of 29 i fat turkeys, bought 4ot Christmas, was close by; here a door is opened in the wall inclosing this lot, and we are ushered into a regular kennel, where the Colonel keeps a large pack of hounds for fox and rabbit hunting, of which he is exceedingly fond. It is now nearly 1 o'clock, and being reminded of our promise to our friend Mr. Stroud, who lives nineteen miles distant, over a muddy road, we reluct tanly bid these clever people g o i bve, and turned our back on Durham with the hope that we may again visit that pleasant place. We have it in proof, that Durham is one of the most hospitable towns in the State. A little after sun-down, we drove up to the gate of our friend, whose shake of hand and genial smile showed the reality of the warmth of our welcome, by both, Mr. St; oud and his very ex cellent wife. Supper was soon an nounced, and being first-rate with a knife and fork, with the additional apology of missing our dinner, I as sure you we did ample justice to the bountiful supper set before us by his good lady. Supper over, we repaired to the parlor of our friend, where were assembled several clever gentle men of the neighborhood, and among them, Mr. Whitted, the popular school teacher, in the Mount Pleas ant neighborhood, and conversation of course turned to the subjeot of education; a subject which is now exciting the people of North Caroli na; and after a lengthy and animated discussion on the subject of "higher education for the masses oi the peo ple," it was agreed by a decided ma jority that a well educated boy would not plough a kicking mule in a rocky field, without cursing. Our stay with our friend, was very pleasant feeling rather like we were at home. The many friends of cmr clever old bachelor friend Wilson Stroud, will bo sorry to learn that his condition is still unchanged I think though, the symptoms indicate a change for the better.. A very clever, sprightly wid ow down at Durham, has been mak ing enquiries pointing in that direc tion. He has the sympathy of a host of friends with tlie hope that he may soon bo all right. We bid good-bye to our clever friend and hi good lady the next mcrniLg, and without the scintilla of an accident, to mar tho pleasure of this trip, we reached home with renewed energies, and met the fond embrace of an affectionate and loving wife, one of the pleasures of this life thaf. an old bachelor knows nothing about. Farmer. Many Facts in Small Compass. The number of languiges spoken is 2,005. The number of men is equal to the number of women. The average human life is about 33 years ; one-quarter die before the age of 7. Io ftverv 1.000 norsonR one rnrelv f readies the age of 100 years and not more than one in 500 will reach the ge of SO. There are on ear; h 1,000, OnO.OOO inhabitants. Of these 33, 333,333 die every year, 81,831 die every day, 3,780 every hour and GO every minute. The losses are balan- rvd by an equal number of births, j The married are no longer lived than j the single ones. Tali men live long- er tuau siiort ones. omen iiave ' ! more ehauces of life previous to the li t Juno ana December, laose bru oth i . . 111 IMUIII'T ilie X111UU XUUUSt IUUU ers, liii Uis ana ueatii.s are more frequent by night than by day. NEW AD VE RTIS EMEXTS. By virture arnl in Esecntinn of apov.-prof ! ul c.mtfeneu in a certain j;ire, uiatlri to in? lv J-in! s II n tlsf Cou I t I1-UM .-!. Tlmrsday. t!ie J)Mi ly ii.; - t. ict of l:il:l 1 Mcri!.' : vit: 218 acr'S m - It "l.v Hiv-r, joniiiiir J tpe 'I'nclvUr'V Mill iracr. ff.l of M.-rt- f. Bio k, 1 will S! I'i: tMixirn, '. .T,:,ii!tr. 1ST9, i : t::f Sliili .' i, it s, lyinvr "i :! J- F-', -a-I 't mis (Ja'i. E V. MOJ)!E, VlrLi.r'iii'e. Nov. IStli. It. ?S. Farettevilb n. c;. LAP SALE: TYY virtue I) in rn v of ST. X PRY EKfcutions for C')!ltrtioi, in Tnvor of J it!i Wi 'iai'an.l.Joplnia Ilackner, n-aicst Alsa Mitchell, I will at t?,e Cozn 11-mse iJoor. in liit.sbrr. on first. Af.-.n.lnv " ,m'.,a,i. ,)r.nru- i-aaniam county. ;.,.., : ,1... 1.,.. J. ,. -im ,. ..c ... Llii.lU. JJVI1U1U, K. ily Mirche l and oth.TS and others, a n contie.ninjx 0 r's Creek. ul- acrr; another tract. ; Par. generous to a s J' mnr M. T. HaM-via ami oth-rs, and con liiiug 0'. acrw une n!ier tract on New Hope, a.ij ininsr lan.'ix t Betsv li.-ll and 't liers, Riul coutHiiiingr ,"(i ., rt.S; levied on as tlit. lands oi said Mrr::! to s.itistv said execution. Tlil. 1st. v ot Januarv. 1670. JOHN W. TAYLOtt. Sheriff, .1. J. KNIGHT. D,p. Sheriff. jan3 tt 1TV VTRTT. UV. niT A Al.RTi.AfiE F.Y- II V . . ...- .. MLJf edited to nie hy S. 1. I'ettv, on tlie li day of April, 1S75, 1 will sell at Public j Auction, at the Court-llonse door, in the town ot Pitts'oro N. C . on Saturday the lltli dav of January, 1879. a tract of land, situated in tue county of Chatham, on the "-at" of Koln ron rwk aojoimnff the LutTc FW" Terms ot ale- oetlO no! 3m -CASH. MOORE BjfflM laanfactirii Company, L. B. BYXUM, Agent. 3Pn9T2PS3Ba)! SSfo MANUFACTURERS or the VaDTVTQ 1 illllliJ SHEETINGS. AXD DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE ! LOOK FOB T11E SHEETINGS AND YARNS, BRANDED CHATHAM COTTON MILLS, IF YOU WANT THE BEST ! FIRST, AND ONLY COTTON MILL IN THE COUNTY. oct3-no3-tf TUtfE TABLE To Tako Effect Oct. 21, 1878. Daily Except Sunday. Leaves Fayetteville at 700 a to, Arrives at Egypt at 10:30 a in. Leaves Egypt at 10:55 ia, Arrives at Fayetteville at 2:45 p m, U C, JONES, Superintendant. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Ill C! Ml; WITH Patent Sleeve AQjnster : The Best and Cheapest in the WOULD ! THY THEM AM BE CON VINO ED ! lyforanlforealebyl VS'vLjiiSJiifiLig) Manufactured express if- IF lialeigh, N. 0 Also Ajrnt for th sale of T)n HE ALTH COliSET, unequalled Sr,yli und Coiutort. dei-19-tf OS HMD i.: A nice assortment of Nuts, French Candies, Best Layer Raisins, and a full Line of Groceries, For sale by 3M T. mOH'BXB & CO., We are daib inents, and et the Highest Market in.- l.n -- liv..'ij auu juui iiyov ui ii. i it-its in terest of our customers. 3X. T.;'orris fc Co., sepl9-decl2-3m Raleigh, Iff Briggs Building, Raleig'i, N. 0. I J A A f LI I Lj U T I it VJ im in inr imii SASH, DOORS, BUNDS, TAINTS, OII.S, COLORS, purrv. WIXDOVTGLASS wins. 1, LIME, CEMENT, PLASTER AND SUPPLIES. Gorrespoi-denc SuliciteJ dec4 Cm The Old North State COOK STOVE FOREVER, Tiis Best Cool Stove fur tiie Price oi tie Mariet i Tlie FitstPrefuiani at th- Si ate Fair of 1877 j as the Best Wood Cok Stove; j j For sale hv ' j j. 6. s. Lsrs:-, j i Fayettevjilo Street, Opposite the Market, j RALEIGH. X. C. 4 t?,.i i T.;..a .. tir,,,. t?. ...,; !.: nA ; '-"" "l "uluc """'"'"ii declO 3ra PESCUD, X.EE & CO., flnwliMla and Hal 9 11 Jimmm COR. MARTIN & FAYETTEVILLE STREETS, Opposite Post Office, n ALEIGII, IV. C. DRUGS! New Store! New Goods! For ibe Vtter accommodation of our Cus tomers, we have opened another Drug Store, Corner Martin and Favetteville Streets, and are prepared to furnish Farm- : EiE?"""' cntry.,1Merc,s. the Public generally with a chioce and Fresh Stock of DRUGS, Chemicals, Dye Stuffs, Faucy Goods, Garden and Grass Seeds. Tobacco, Segars, Mineral-Water, etc Give us a ca'l we can please you in Goods and Prices. decl9-Gin MANUFACTURING JEWELER an. ENGRAVER AND DEALER IX Mu, Diamonds d Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware. Keeps a full line of all articles found in a first-class Jewelry store. and PANCT PI2TGS Made to order on the shortest Notice. (Send tor Patent Rinf? Size.) Hair Jewelry, College Badges, Medals, and Seals, Order? from a distance solicited. Goods sent on approval to any part of the State on satisfactory references. a. rjAxzxxn, decift-tf Raleigh, N. C, OYSTERS ! T. B. HAC01T, Wholesale and Retail Dealer, RALEIGH, U. C. Parties supplied at lowest prices and on shortest notice with Fresh Oysters. $73 n 1 1 wmi t a NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ALL WOOL CASHMERES 1 De Alma A New French Fabric of Black Dress Good?, THK LARGEST AND MOST SELKCT STOCK -OF LADIES' CLOAKS ever exhibited in this market. All qualities, tiimmed and embroidered. A LAUGH STOCK AXD VARIETY OP corsets, at prices to please. Cupels, Im, FLOOR AXD TABLE H Ej -0 & H)-E in 9 Rongiit from the Maufactnrers. All new Styles and Choice Desigus diver before shown in this market JUST RECEIVED AT 3?2?Tir & JOSSTES'. DAILY ARRIVALS OF :fe ai SeasoiMe Drr Mi The JOBBING DEPARTMENT is 'filled j 'hh the most durable goods, all of which I we uougnt ny the Uaae Rt A,,ems c , priCcS. Merchants will -ave money by buying of We bpfj to remin i tLe public that a large portion o! onr goods is being sold at COST septl9-&n W. 0. McMAGKIF, GEXERAL COMmSSION MERCHANT, . East end Citizens National Bank, RALEIGH, IT. C. Consignments of ail kins of Mir- cndise nd Prodnce solicited. Sat n sfactory siiles guaranteed and prompt j re urns wv sriably made, for moder i ate commissions. s. Cotton Keceivcd also Gil ) I Storage at Moderate Kates. j Ealeigh Daily Cotton Market Re j ports and the latest changes in Kew I York and Liverpool Markets forward j ed every day to patrons, i liefers toPtaieigh National Bank j ana the business public of the city. j A lartre invoice of MILBUEN I "WAGONS for sale at $75 each; sub !stanti:d work and warranted. OPEN AND TO? BUGGIES ui $80 to $100 each; workmanship and material guaranteed. Flour, Com, Oats, Foder. Hav. j Meal, Chops, Brown Staff, North Carolina Hams, Sides and Shoulders in lact all ivinds oi Produce always in store. joiix o., PreeiJeiit, s. pitnruosE, Secretary. INSURE YOUR PROPERTY IX TEE NORTH CAROLINA HOME INSURANCE COMPANY, -OF- This Company will insure your ! Dwelling, Mill, Gin, Store, or otlier l,;i.-j; g on the most reasonable terms. All losses paid promptly. En courage Home Institutions. Insure in a first class Home Company. Apply to H. A. LONDON, JR., septl9-3m Agent. Lamest Estalstaiitiatlie State! Book and Job Printing AND i Done in the very best style and at pnoes that defy competition Merchants, Manufacturers, and others, Supplied with Letter Heads, Bill Heads, Envel opes, Statements of Account, In voices of Sales, Price Lists, Circular and Cards, Hand Bills, &c, &c, &c, ! at short notice, and prices guaran teed to be as low as any first class house, North or South, BOOK BXBIDXCTa AXD Blank Book Manufacturing Of every kind done neatly quickly and cheaply. Legal Blanks our Specialty. EDWARDS & BKOUGHTOX, oct3-no3-3m SAXFOKN, X. C. Right Hand Side Going South, Left Hand Side Going North. Passengers take Breakfast going South Supper going .North. MEALS 0 CTS. W, O, PAGE, Formerly of Cary, Proprietor. Oct 2410 6-tf ! FAYETTEVILLE HOTEL, , FAYETTKVILLK, X. C. j A. OVERBAUGH, Proprietor, j Still maintains its well established repu 1 tation, and has no superior iu the State. I oct 21-noG-2m