1,1 hi a. lit 8: 1 I! I . Ill j;.DAA, .rebraary 101 vho will do all within their power may kk of ixtkkfrt, hut WKMrsr insist grand juror?, that thev certainly had H. A. LONDON, Jr., Editor. I of oul. Wc lk,le . " WHIT HAS THE LECIISLA-J nftvp ? i L liL DONE - This micstioii is dailv akcd hv thousands of persons all over the tate, who are anxiously looking to oar Legislator for some relief from the burden? now oimrcsslnji them. ore thai' nVo4hirds of the session ' , . . . Al , . us passed, this being die forty - nirth day. and only sixteen days iA KJ At h four remain, as bv the Constitution the length of the session is limited to sixty da vs. bo that, if the Legisla-; tare intends doing anything, it is; his character, i hey have repeated- t l,tst year, nonce the name of the a given tune on a mud than twenty ! weltare of their State. And certain-! b'urh time thev were akmt it. Wely and wrsistentlv ehan-vd him ' place from which T write. Dull did as it now is. To illustrate, on one j iy it would be advaucing the inter-; knowthatmuchtinvejsnecessary,andwithattenipting of I:ml.;eral)bit or to hinds and overseers had met, eav S) lions; more than forty thousand dol- the earlier davs of evcrv session arui inr Boards of certain States, aim ! ftii vnll ..f itsbemtifnl hills and diles. o'clock in the mornin?. John n. stout h.rs f.r fV.mthrnv. t devuted to work in the Committee i thus secure the Presidency bv brib-1 mountains and valleys, loadod with hea-ty fellow anl feeling hi keeping j One nmis.t:ik:d)lo and practical I WS!pfl fjl rooms preparing md shaping proper erv. A committee was appointed Hie richest and rarest of llowers, the said no two men could tie him. but. evidence in favor of the "no fico" 1frS l 1 j i or i - 11 . ' fraoranc of which, would rival that; that ho could unloose hmiselt mjliw is that wherever it has been I ...... legislation, but the people arc now ) sometime ago by t ongress to inves- of H or ColJ.ltts l)Cst perfutn one hour; of course the overseer had j tried, it stilt, ixhts. The people j ?id soJie measures of relief passed. few days ago Mr. Tilden appeared softly and gently How along their j 'X- ' i i i l n itJiAf1Mi,:. .w,,;f, n,i ,,.v m- pebbly bottom, m iirmuring the sweet etlnnk that they have a r.ght to before tln committee, and w a, e.wl J ( imlsi(J rt ure .d I :..nect this, and woe betide asninnir aniined, W e give, herewith an ex- f fvc nd. lint, to tsdk ; expect tins, and woe betide aspiring . Legislators it something is ?iot done : TlcMJeoplc are in no mood to bei 4,1 never entered into any ar-;My gracious! Uiat a nomencia- raobits by dinner. A complete b:u i .i" ii ni,f ! rano-euients to purchase tho 'votes ture; yet this is the sobriquet by lesquo. A shame on an iudustriou: trilled ith; and let not blafcut dera- f CnvoYma or Florida. I had . which your learned and eloquent people. We deserve bad roa-Is. Now ;gogues think they can be satisfied no mfonnation nor suspicion that correspondent in your issue of Jan. Mr. Editor is it. not time that sensi ?.vi.th windv sieechcs and buncombe. .lllv such communications' we're be :0!h was Phased to call the present ble people should m:dce a change for resolutions. No sirs, the honest veonmrvof the land ijeinaiid some- mk i.:.. ...i....,,. ' imug laugaoi", soiiiu-tiiiiiij mium.ui tial. and they will hot be easily de ceived or duped. ...I.L.I. .iuoiio lui; ;jn.uie iiien thould li acted upon are the fid- 1,.. .r, J;,; . t. .the no-fence law. A -l-;a Aniona uionld lie m.-srd a lIowinT the citl tli-o h-k t,- l. -in oii-.ti.in tA' tho in the Vievml dmd of iho brain : ini.l the dav laborer alomr wi' h l ho roan bill "den. the whole burden, tads unon .ens of anv township or countv to ; Chief Magistracy of mv eountrv I which Galen, and f.fter him, Des of large property, owning teams, the honest laboring W yhyV ' u , .. . . T, : M..iM ..!' Un. o.iii.ri, 'tin. ldddovc ' ('artes inia-iuod the soat of the hu lands, etc. Tins is not iust. it is not IVcaue th rich mau will noi, deign -a- a SS Ir! T rnw H Qfa Hold an election to determine tneir ( - - : - l-;- injlll - t w dn not ,L-ntv ihat a fur. lint to the noint r, t ihe l,w to build and r.-nair his fences but: ViUA4VA wu:ea vishes upon this question. WeViy.' "' ...s 1 ,. ... (t.t, sinnl. title to me ihonsmd dol- reouire everv able bodi, d i,nn be. 'fiirces Irs croit)ers and tenants to do ' COOTs STAVE FftI?V!1?. I i sucu an event, or apprciiension tti ; i:r . , , - . , , . - . , 4, , , - , ' have no doubt, but that in manv ...1 . !.... i ,......t.i 4. 1 lars Wvuth of lau I ami hve jmnilrtd twten the ages IS ;md 4o. ex; cot the v.cri: v.'i.isout amy n ii;ii" 1 ;iti u: -n, n.t. n . 1 t counties the people would bva large1 such a de-raded coiulilion of public a"arf 'th of 1-1 Pv pastors o! eaurches only, to give at :u..i the loa. r or g.psy wlm claims ollivO 1U1 LiB X IlUD j ... . 1 , ., , iV1. i i v -l eaiunot bv amy possible chance rob a least six davs work to the roads no dwehmg psave can let, loose his. i . i j.uaiontv adopt the ''no-fence' law, affairs, not by sharing in it m any ti v 'u' 1,;, ..vii.ir,., ts... v.arU- ;,..i tiw.ro. f dv-v r.i.r in the br,v,.i world and from it fi: M mWA ! l j ! '. V.l V, V'U i I 11 II1V SJ ICii. , ti . 1. ' j t, 1 Ihe protection OI Sheep bus-' 1 a bamlry. lucre is no better country for the growth of sheep and the . . r. production of wool, and nothing would be more prohtabls. And to .ll 41 encourage tnij r... 4. 4.. , mi cijuviiviiii vii t iv r.ii f 'iiiirtltiif Iiin lrt? 1 inn AiIm 4- 1 ' . . 1 I exprey say.ng that the -General ; AssembJv shall enact laws tor the ' adequate protection and encourage- 1 , l. . . . 7. ment of sheep husbawdrv. V ill their oaths Let us watch and: Willi. ' :j. The public highways. Gov.; r i w i A t ' A ance taught this a matter of so, ' .t. : i'-.j. i... n ' . . . il'l'l. 1' been appointed on tins subject, and : we ao nope mat soinetning win be 1 done bv which tlie people of Chat-' ham , travel Jor hoW ,l d,V i .11 .li Ill I I ham can travel over their public roads without danger to life and limb. We are sure that if our Leg- i i. n,..i i ! jsiaivis iuiu cunqiujieti to iiiiiKtj one i day's journey on any road in ChaN jiam, tney wouia unanimously vote for some amendment to our pres ...i. i i i L.ll IO;'rll , , ! A Tl. T..l.l! 1.. "V" i i ill." i ii in it- iii i isitiih. .iti i-i ill ii- - - -. , trv cm be nroneronss unless its neo i ir urn utpio..pc ous uniess us peo pie havye some education, and we are j 1 I i.t. -s,. i:ii I beinr,d,ii,rt tmmrd wlnMtlnr, I lIlilIllCU IU KllOU UUll hU J11L1U IS I , .if. - .,' r, 1:1111111 ill in nil in r ,i ii 1 1 1 i i iif school-law needs a thorough revw- ion, and fresh life should be infused 1 i. i ,.ii i. e ii- into the Whole System of public i i i oi K-hools in this State. These arc some of tho most jni-! portant measures demanding the! attention of our Legislators, though there arc many others, and the peo ple expect and demand that some action be taken upon them. With the demagogue's cry of "retrench ment 60inc of our Legislators are idling away their time and spend ing the people's money in nosing arotiKcJ among the clerks and offi cials in th$ various departments of the State Government, instead of offering gome substantial relief to our people. They Are "penny wise and pound-foolish," and seem not to appreciate the importance of the measures that should engage their attention. "We arc pleased to know, however, that there are oth ana it is certainly ia:r ami jut to v-. ;. premises are ids-, and so are ihe s.-venty cei iu a Ivauce lor eacii tlav receive a nog. iar. me laoormg : Th(. Firs:t pri.n.itIin at th- S::ste Fair of 1877- V la'-rr0 invoice of MILBURN let them do it. if thev wish. In ! toicrat01' l,u; au u.n5lU:lU'ic;U conclusions. ho proposes not t work; in addition man must maul, build, and rep-ur, ; as d,e Wood C.k Stove; ! WAGONS for sale at $75 each; sub other counts thev would not but I Prif PrlCt;aiToa,11 J ' Your valued cor.-epondrnt fartlier to this, levy a tax on property t go and watch and guard the fence that j For ale l,y : st,mliad work and warranted. our loumK iut wouiu noi, mn j peoJle to re-assert, re-ctabhsh their onliirhtens he public mind bv sao ing, to the roaids, let the li. .ard of M-igi- is around his crop lias is md. e-! JOS t OPEN ND TOP BUGGIES t even then they might be allowed ; great rights the greatest of their -Ttiat under the hoim-steadif aimau traces and Comity Commi,sit;m r tmvagauce but plaia sober f ic is. ; ' ' " SO to glOO each; workmanship ajid f..tn tt- if L.- .- ,.-:.l. indite tl... i. .f it i unit tvld.-di ..ll l..... i. . U,,.. t..-. l.l...', ........ ..L...t . cniVi , f- i.,. ,!.. .f vj.,, . Phi. 'vior i.d .nd m pi k f -.r.-z-d !, "Va eu' o.iiwi.iie me j.a!kti, . l mr IcgWat-w obey tl.e Constitu.: f" ""V" ""- Pv..vii,, fro,,. 1(, ti, 2- ,1. k of tl-e toob. l.ee, ice,,, i i i ; but a dav of reckoning will surelv cheaper than promises to iav. A'Tain, ing with letters. tliscuue;, tnongli tion, which they lmve sworn to sup-jconRi! Ve predict that Mr. Tilden we are told, that the homeste.d' uiii in a very adstract manner, the "no port i Or will the fear of losing . , J , , - necessitate the hiring out l mr n.-nce" law, -rather the "no-fence' f i . "i will have a hrmcr hold unon the af- , . , r,,,,,!;,. ;tK,w,fvM o l,,.- ivits some votes force them to violate , , . 1 , children; and that those who hi:e uestion .vs it is mt yet a ia.v wiln fiiL-ai iiiipoiiuiice i-iat, im especially fraud, and SO universal a desire for j answers the question by saving, "No course me negroes vo-o ngamsr i-allcd attention to it in his recent fair pav that the luasses of Alnor. one but roSnv, thieves, rasc:tls, ami it, being '. ij11;;;;;;11 . i -ii i i 1 ' liiira v-iir iri-sfc-rt iivnmiKOS ami nvtr u!' to on0C CCl liOllUCal 111 OA C- message. ;v special committee has . .;n Vf ,-o,. .i.i i.t ,v -v,v.. .. ..: r n ' -..-i.-i..i n.. w i ..in iiv.ii. ivui viviiiiiiivt lii.il .o it hi' lit- i-.i?r-t i;- hi i . ,i ni'-iii. i k wiii:cr uicii i n.si 1 1 :i i' er gentlemen in the Legislature,: ,.i ft. 1 flnil'j mill HlwUVll , i . . , . . . . patriotism, who have the true inter- ests of their country at heart, and ! l 1 1 1 1 ; their influence will he such and their efforts so successful, that after . Li i . ,,f' ; the adjournment they can point ( ; with pride to" What the Legislature! dene - PRESIDENT TILDEN. Not satisfied with defrauding Mr. ' Tilden of the Presidency, to which ! I. i . i i i - ,. ; lie was elected by the votes ox inoie , ( than four millions of American freemen, the Eepiibheaii Politieians mnn millet grows so .stiort tnat a j er ikijk your team or npset you and should iry ami look beyond me nar ind Newsivipers h-ive addl insult 1 shhir operation would have to b j break MHirwason. Five good huids ' row bounds of self-intere.st, and act , 1 v . . ; performed before it could be saved; j eirploed by the day under an cnor- j for the good of their fellow-men and to nijurv TO I)l:R'reil I anuned, e gi e nereMin an ex- tract irom Ins tesuinony : j ing carried es published une. Iliad ! negotiations ;anv tiuch 1 "der no circumstances did 1 enter -..Mi.itAfa!..n f. fL.-k -i-...l- T1 1T . um any euiiipsjimvui iv-i mv.- ng of certificates by venal induce' 1 liients, Tiiere never was an hour or a minute that I entertained such tlioiiarlit- I was lesolved that if ilnnrl'.io I .- ! ill nuMUl OO liiit li- Ijl'l' ) lut loi ll lliu'.il n mill tin others were worthless their right , 1f to elect ivu self-rovernn:ent. -v- t.-n otl,i 1v !StlVe wort,l ! . the man whom tlie white people ot . . i i f1.i- tm..: .i..,, IU1V1 IV 1. V1V,V LV.VI ll.? VI1V. IV A i t.iVlV. II 1 . .i fi -f ,.t 1., 1 1 r 1 1 . 1 11.4-1 . uei.iineu .out n.tuuetu o toe un men who actually did, what thev a onh. Rtt , . , . .... , . . ' rivals jealous of him, have been ....... , n-n 10 t;o. -uu men in ins own parrv. V till mrn in bi own lvivtv ,. , . . joining in mis aouse oi -ir. iinien, i fr.t?-in- rf tlw A i.ir.Mf..... iwiln T, , . 1 and be more admired and honored . -. t . .i in 1SS0 than even in 1-S7t. Whorevor the amdo-xon r?ce nre-1 u,lclcor 1,10 Osaxon jlc pic - vais there is such a detestation of! - I Samuel J. Tilden be airain elected 1 t ' 10 the hidi office of which he h i been so infamousiv defr-imle 1 ' " I 80 lfamonJtfiaudLJ . mi.. llo-v:iin. gigned by a iargennmher of the citi?eDS o Chatham, has been ceived, IV IIXIAM9 a TftWVRinr. I t -r ;,. i lDITOR ItF.OORTl! AVfi lierfdlV itr- ' ' - . . j Auw iuajs ior me . position you have taken in favor of' .... v... . . . i . i . . . . . . . . i . . 1 j pOfcltl the "no-fence law" and nsk von t i nnnfi-nno in voiiAA rAn ;n fl.of i ..v j uii kii. u iu, miu 1? 151 ll T , t 11 ! direction until the Legislature shall I be forced to come to the relief of the i r rii ii i repealing the greatest and most n-1 necesary oi an taxes, to-wit, tne . iP'esent unrignceous idnce-iaw. b . . . f We tuank our friends for this ex- i . . 4. . . . , ; pteasiuil Ol LUeir appreciation OI OUr , , Ti Mi i it i i efforts. It will ever be the desire i of the Record to do all within its power towards relieving our people from any of the burdens, under which they labor, and believing that the "no on, until 1 &a Ue.-p.UcIi- ' - . i , . , i ot; tiik m: oi;i. is the ew Ynv Trib-' ' ' i ' " " '. uaMju-;MWMi ,w it 4un1.11; hum : 1 1 v.- nessto nifitiv 'o or families in the black between this ages of 18 am.l 15. Willi ?.rs Towxs:n?. ! no Knowledge iI any , , , y . . Your esteemed ! with some excentions to work ihe Mi:. Eittok: Th-: Jlrcoim is hi-h-! 1 never autlulMXe.i , f ' ,.n..11,,i frt fll ; m.-.d. Tlim it t..,,L- iho n,r wld?.. lv osteoriu-d wherever vend, arid its1 ill any form whatever, tli-if fbic TTmnfifnnd will v.io n mmt man and it. :ds.l took tho sil-ivj' noruev exnosition if the rive-eilt f-nce l;iv Tim Vn Vanno T ttctlnsown property ami sell tne noimug out lonom tuu ue;us gioi allusions to the courage aua novo- - . ineO-tence kst foot of land his poor neighbor "P m hushes and briars. If this ; . f iue Coufeerato soldiers, , rff " fpneo" low ia th lviW nf n,o,n all I , . . V , . , "u"t5wl w i ulM ut woum iik to iiuu iu m ttvrs, , men one iimeit witii a riouoie barrel fence law ia the heaviest of them all j adui5re he freeflom with .hicll every ; for a crop this yar . but to put a. he otber ft . who wo deem it our duty to demand this ; matter that concerns the people is dis ! fence all around i;, would more than .oW! nd tiVd him to n. iroo nnd relief. The Legislature will doubt- j i ted to the vot,Pr sn tW. w, will tint. I ' , . j discuss the question any longer just; .:u 1 e r n t : u " e"101 a mu scussion, so 1 iuuu wuvu Biuea buau nave a iair snow- inS' L m oik is going on vigorously on tne narrow gauge railroad irom Mooresvillc, Iredell county, to Win ston. now, but wait until the election is world ; and we are glad to see that ; regard it as such) of the 'no-fence"! ' " J rwAarnA nnA tUrm ,;il Ji von enconrflJTe this. Tjp.f fhi3 RnivJf. : law V.o .-viilrl T!-f!i T-ni-vr li tlo l.il.nv T.nnrlnri with itJ Riiliiirlw. wirliin 9 ii nx &v u - - , , r..,. -;., i - ' - ' . . nrr a miT i "et nnm with all our mhdit. Our columns, . K UV' iet liJia ,"-e:naiiiiug ;oi prepare saia scinQr ior cum-a- me uueen nines ramus oi wmnug UllilllliUU UUliUii tflrtlMQlATlflMlPO ' OUI 1 6bpUliUt?IH-. , : n 'MlTS10 ATIOns on aWy's'it-ikits' that ; "r 41 !! I.il I'll. ln i.i'ii-'ii , ur.sroNsnu.i: von tiik vncw .ui oris- v wuKvoxm.iax ..:-r--r.--rT- -- HAnPsor,vimi.n,N. C.I eb. 11th, Ma. Enrroa: Please do not con- I found this phice with one mentioned in an anecdote I once read, where ' :tho crass irrew so s-norc max . the farmers had to lather it with i np and brush before they could thrown into the road, and a little ; mow it and ihen rake it up with a ; d:rt .vith a few not very small stvios tM)ti com) ia onler t) Ravo it; pulled in on it, and pei-haps a diag- . js a yhwo, however, wheve Cor- jomd poll on some bill, th.-it will eith-1 j. I 1,:.-, ,.-oe iviivilir A'illl ! to natnre s Ood. Hut to talk . with you about, lung-nomcsteati. of uis pri,pcr(v and enslave Lis chil- 1 - ilren. Mirabile dictn; there is not a man- in North Carolina with a thimbleful of brains or who has that infinite- ssimally small grain of sand situated . ... , .. iiJV. H UUS ii K'. 15 111 Vl'iil, meat &c.t he will have tt make :i , , motigigo and pav one dollar jer bushel for corn when if' the ho;ue- for oU cents per bnshe'." Any one of eomnion sene knows that there is not n. man in onr vid !-e who nii.s , 0- - - a store, that would not sell your cor- rciioii.li - nt !i lin!i-l f i'.trn i.r 51 A - - ivum, nt ino:it e u ;mer mn er ! it v elass mortgage, than th?y would upon his simple ' ipse dixit" of ir,;iat,,.. I " "-- : 1 ' At ti I :i t ire ;uv. Money will always buy goods, tir m. i i- i i, litem ? win g- ttigin . on i.,em drunk, and that the children will run ov.iv uiii rrn liiiiiP . hts inc'-unpailde Jiterary pro, ye- tion wmiis up by asking" Wlio does the homestead benefit ?" ,nd .. .. . . This incomparable literary produc- IJil. 111MI .U.1 iiilllli, Jli 11111 HV very well for a man to rave, fret, . " - . - .. .. fll!ue and cry alont Jj0wn WiUl the homestead, " when he. s dely en- trenched behind the breast-works ; of an immense criuoliue, can pro- Universal rianicea ; for all the ills of life where the di- atMiosis indicates a connter irritant, i T l ,1- ll 1. i eoiiciutie mis coimiiuiiieuLiu'i iy i; l ...l-..l! I fin firm (r si. it ii :i 111 r, i H5n I sii.ifr v 11 ii-ii - - - . r""s ' vji.... - t j phall paraphrase to suit my own ' A i the Ifomretcnd wss a thing; that money TUe wculd- 'liv . 1 .1 ? and the poor would ! die. " tt.. i. i ' 1 ! id ! x llleflS t1)P Lor(1 it is not 9f, TJje poor iiave a right to the .Homestead eho; The Homestead is moving ue iiomesteaa ismoing. rt1 c T ,u , ti1' t?nmn, i u-mi i :.nm mr j uu, iur vua id n nar aim cud uror too: r,MlA unmK't,d ;a 'xnrr Cyclops. February 11th, 1879. cussed in your valuable paper. Even our plain unpretending farmers are vxKl eb&xu wews wim a lorce and ease, mat would characterize those of higher rank in the literary v bu isfied at rcsults. V e act mire tne iranimess and iiou- j esty of Clegg, Cheek and others on j the road question, although none of tnem nave ias yer. ijresentea a remedy, It is admitted that we must have better roads, and that the present system is entirely inefficient. We owns uis norse ins cow. ms j;tt.:e ii.-m nut, uixu v-uutiru, u uu- ... i e i i n . . ,c nVntinn I In li.: " 41 !' If;! , I kZ . : i1: r.f that. va noW Pnlti- which so nettled some of his brother . (Send tor Patent. Punjr Size.) best! and rmblish to tho world, wonder- v.-ded, an-1 which yield abundant Kepublicms that one of them asked ; Hair Jewelry, (.allege bailees, ful discoverv ! . irT r -ix'o iy r .ill Tiinn oil oi.a iintmi 1-..-.4. ' 1 . 1 1 1.. 1 . -1 1 . . ' . . . , . . ..11 i.-.'i: r . . .-. . . 1 ., a iui iic uutwi Dili- 1 I1UU, itUU tilUS SllUSllCUie iill JJJCUIllv' U'JU'19 IUjUCU .- ;i.l!'.i llilliJ., hnmv there is not a lawful road j iu Chatham county, and cannot be ! e nave nearu our jmlfres charge rimdlv on this noint. one judge went so far as to tell the , - - - -- , were m o anger of getting their necks ;broken; tjaVonr roads were not only nu lawful but really dangerous. A ftW hourg in the - f om. County Commissioner will convince any man that every Overseer as he returns his order or "thro. vs up hi- road" can prove his road in capital condition. If we have forgotten our I'ouii: ucs-k, we aro reminciea at once by seeing a few pieces of brush i rri'tw tn-T). Wiinl 1 nn'niiil?i:1l ivirv-.v. ? i iie"hbor. It is said this job lasted about four hours, ami Johu got loose, And we know of a, not her easS where th oveor nnd bunds nr nt. t-! the owrseer and hands are not sat- ! ;istiei unsess tuey catc:i iiaii to.(;n with his able bodied negroes which ' 11 p 1 1 was am iair en )Ugn, f laves were prop- city then. We don't like to us;- the term ."poor man" as it is s oJen ued by the demagogue, oueof whom ' we are'not. Now the law calls for . ... ... rn.iv .1 xiuh-.k. ui. iiiu.iwui i:i i;iM 11" sors vviio under go d bond shall 1 . i r . ,1 . . . v-:.u tt pacd tor intir servie-. s. ith the tax levied, the Supervisors can mis.- l,r -ft.r cross ditch, s instead ,f polls. in f.ict everything they need tor the business. ThenVe wm!d see irood , , roads and not u; iil then. Tnis is Tax Pay. eeont niv. roj; raiK UKfoitn. Coi:N".vi i.is T. O., S. C. Feb. 8!h. 1ST'.). Er iTor:: Tiie past few num bers of tlit R return have been yon. li tus Jook at tlais qv.es i; n with a little more cot creteuess. Two years since, this sam qne." tion agitated the minds of the peo- uon agifair.t n. pie in Ibis com few whites wl ii . mv. lhere were very ho opposed the law ' - - question was carried by a small ma 11-1.1 1 H : n 1"ri- u 1 a results oi n r List Summer , one niigU, in going about, see splendid fie ds of cotton and coin, where he had before seen lnirvests, would be lying out. The tax would have to be paid on tins land: therefore, as the law now is ' il.i.Q lli l.m-I fhof n nr.clliro .. ."i " .,..i...-, flin nwnnr I'an.iir o wimi.n ! riicunc 10 iii " i . m vi ouui it ... - i : ot income vo mm. i But vou f.sk. "whv could not this I land have bc?u cultivated before the I existence of this law ?" I answer in : the popular voice, tiniply because tlie owners of it eoald not, have fenced it. 1 passed across some plantations to- day, and truly I was astonished (and ; ait 'the same time highbj delighted) to see the unmistakable signs of the positive and apparent good that is accruing under the "no-fence" law, in the shape of litt'e nooks and cor ners being added to the fields to say nothing oi the eedar thickets that are being cleared up for cultivation. Doubtless every farmer has some fer- ' tile corners somewhere on his farm, ! exhaust the possible income from it. So he must let it lav. and pay tax on j it, year alter year, wnnoui its ormg- ! ing him one loti. Vhereas, if h ! had tne benefit fit mav be he don for an out.l,va bappv substitution ! i Prejudice sometimes goes a long ways against athing. Some persons ! think that be.a.nse a given movement j j nas never existed among them, there- i fore, it should nqt exist. Shall men j continue to do wrong because they ! j have done wring in the past ? And 1 to lose money be- ! in the y, st. ? - The cost of fences oa all farms is in excess of the value of the slock on them. A train: the annual cost oi keeping the stock out of the fields is more than the income of the stoek in j any year. Lot any man who di-bc- liQvea this make the calculation for j himself, taking h"s own premises for; -xamp:e. V iiat. is true tit tiio en. ire i State, must be true of its emzsns. Statistics show that the fenc.s: oil North Carolina are valued at f ..m mimoji tionais una uie. vu. rniihou. Is it possil)!e tnat a . 1 111 t!l,IT. !l ' man will pay forty dollars to fence his j eron from an oM eow that is worth only t n do'.lirs? The-e . statist i:-s show that nor. only a max is doing it, but that mkx, hundreds of them, a Such a case as this "no-fmce" is an : xeollent iPn .rtunity to develop hi;unhropy and airiotism. Men tn-n r. .1 . -i- ,n F 4ii rrOnMVil ! will advise yo-,?, as with one voice, to ; 'ca - t v.ur ball -.tin favor of "no fence," : Und thus appropriate to voursclves! !. f-miii; .v l -:... r-v. the familiar lines of Cowpar: ! nm the monareh of all 1 eurTey, Mv i-iii 1: t then none to disi.ute. From tli" ei'iMre id I round to the sea, 1 am 1 iid oi tin fowl and t!ie briite. Very truly, A i ions. is spoken of in most grateful b rm- Ti j 1 i. .11 i 11 seems m il an m-n everywus-re .arc making the enquiry who does the law bone tit '? For an amswer through ii Rkcoud I would say the haughty rich man and tho loaf, r, wldle the i , . i i t sh - d! they continue t cause they have lost .... ..v - ...... - - . , ,., ,.. x. kep a good fenee s nu times oi a. 4- "r-,t,i - i?, ,!-n.l ivn.-k ..vum.l i 11 t.JA F"'1 bn,e oi l!ouu Farua-Ltng Good uiuanti p.mv.s :uoumi his f.v p to prevent the rich landlord's stock! 4l'cl" ":a Let the w, rid ar:sw,r and answer no. ery tnt n the v.Oii.mg man d)0.-? more work on ihe f- uce than ,., Ilj. ia;e vi op, t;u-i tunoer iJiait great tiiilOer " ' 1 1 1. tl the v..-1'etlvOr liiaiil is l.il:tl!V (.'realtor t mam is r.iti giving wa.y; game is bi-ing banished, and birds the greait destroyer of -s-tilentials insects can not tind a shet :er in our mids. flight not the In li.m Phillip weep at such destruc t.on. ? S me (f the non-land owners think : ror ti.e b; tt r aieeonnno lution of our ('us tin.f tulvfltit:).'.. wonl.i ho. taken bv :totnen, we have opened aisf.tt.er Prng ' r bo land- d m-. n if w: had a "no-fence" law but they aire wrongly informed. Would it not be better for them to once in a few stock than to fence oat ti whole neighb rhood of mis chievous stock V You let common st-n-e answer yes. Then every person could only fence his own let them be mom. rir t'.iW T.riinr rtiiivtlio 17 vf-r"n ,.o .volu A I'ooa Max. Wood for ISutler. A few days ago while General I B. F. Butler was making a spoech in j Congress, he made some very kind him, "if he was willing to pension j tjie rt.bel goliers." To this ques-i .. i ii i- .n . iiun, uui.i.1 xiu.viv. --" " -"o 1V . - J- see no more reason wny a oon- federate soldier maimed and crinnled ! in the honest discharge of wnat he j believed to be his duty should not he pension ; d than why a Confederate j General v, ho honestly Relieved that j he was doing his duty should be put j into a Republican Cabinet." ; For this, we say "bully for Butler !" ! Hit him again ! Sheri IF Gagged and Robbed. It is stated, that Sheriff Jno. H. Cox, of Perquimans county, was met on the road two miles out of Hert ford, the county seat, by two masked j robhed him 'of $1,G12 in monej'. He hvna time friniifl tvvn limii'a nfinv hv! so. tie one passing, No clue to the and numbers over 4,00'J,OlO inhab- itants, ot whom iw er cent, are country born. There is a birth in the metropolis every four minutes and a cleat h every six. ihere aire 70;);) miles of streets, and 28 milos of new streets are opened and 0,000 new : houses built every year. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ( pf ifk; M Pqfftif OlpaTip Atafp?". iiillia W Hil I dlUdl DllhiVb MUM . A Now Fabcof nUpk D Thv BiVSt and Cheapest hi t3ieiTiI , u.vr VX1 " WOULD! I " " ' "'A"'A 1 sT,i- TUY. TIIKM .AND UK CONVINCED! ji.uii;f.icturel t-xj.ressly tor and fr sale bv T . N 0 " , 111 Uil .1 "M. S.I.UISV-U UUI iVV till IMT. ' . . ... ' 1 - . ' bl A11U V.111I1VI V. detlU-tf 61 $ b5 ti ti ti Brings Building, Raleigh, N. G HARDWARE! tfi AT1 I H ijlHeaEsliis ' .o:. TAINTS, OILS, PUTTY. WINDOV.'-GLA? Sta-Uniriiifi Mm li: C EM EXT, PLASTER AXD 0' or respondent-.-? solici : ed . i'it '. J t J dre-1 Oni i ' eOIt. MAKTIX Tc FAVKTTKvlf.I.i-: STliEETS, Opposite lt Ui'ice, DRUGS! New Store ! New Goods ! ;re, C-Ttier Martm and 1-uyt-t t-vi J Ir- 1 Streets, a;id are prepared to f.iiiiis'j Fftrm I'hysacinn. C':iitry MercLini-f, p.tid tlie I'tiW'ue trt-iitraliv with ii cl.iocp ami . Fresh Stock "of DHUCS, Ciieinical, Dye! Stuff', lv.ney (i.d, (turden and Urass S.'t' l.. Tnhaeco, S-'pir.-', Mineral-Water, etc i Give im a ea 1 we can please yu in 'i.hU and Prices. decPJ-Oiii ibis aoe ul u as q MANLTAt TUltINO TTlTTrTls TiTl Tl-TftTI I T7TTT1 iH.W ; . i.K ni h. tsii-rK i M li 1 j ii u umuli una nil u iu i ui.i AND DEAI-ETl IX J??E:25a3a Us, lull and ti Mi teK'A'fesijfj Silver and Piatcd "Ware. Keeps a full line of all art'eles found in a ii : si . tuv.j rv s m c "lilrtliil3 n:l iii5. i,lVllii.l lii.ll Ijl.l. ij A RStsr? i rsl? TTjS ' u-, -w - - unterp troni a tlittanep s; liciteit. tioo'ts , ; stMit on approval to any part of the State; i on uisiav:io; v reierencs. i 3. 2&A.m55&, declO-tf Byimm MaMiaaiariiiT Goianj, L. 15. BVX!T3I, Agent. 2PH?SS23SS3j ST (Do I I AN U FAG T U RE KS of tiii: REST YARNS v i at snort nonce, ana prices guarau- i teed to be as low as any first class SHE E T 1 N- G s,:"0-0-1"'01' A xi i DEALERS IN f 1 PT'JPP A T MPrl ATJTlIl? ! uHiii IiiUiJj illlllUIliLi1 IJIOI . LOOK FOR THK SHEETINGS AND YARNS, BUAXDEI) mnuT Tl.TTT iliilt II" YflT WANT TilK EIRST, AND ONLY COTTON MILL IN THE COUNTY. VI !"T3 'ieipe. cc'G-novJ-tf NEW AD YE li TISE3. 1 EN TS. ! ALL WOOL CASHMERES i ess (Jooi :Tsro K LADIES' CLOAKS ever exhibited in this luaiket. All qualities, tiimim d and embroidered. A LARGE STOCK AND VARIETY f,p corsets, at prices to please.. kk, Eip, FLOOR ylND TABLE 2 Ea (S 2a 1? HC 9 Bonyht from the Manfacturers All new Sryles and Cho:ce Designs uevcr befure shown in th's market JUST I.'E(JE!VED AT phtti? & somas'. DAILY ARRIVALS OF New. anil SeasmMe Br? Gooib. the JOBBING DEPAliTMENT is fi!l,.,i ' with l,ie m"pt i"sirah,e g"od.-s all ot which "ere bought by the Case at Aenis Cah ! pi ices. j Meicliants will f-ave money by buying of ! u. j We beor to reir.in 1 tbe pablic thftt a Ip.reo portion ot our goods is beiujj sold at COST I sept!9-3in W. C. McMACKDff, GENERAL COMMISSION MEHCHAKT, East end Citizens National Bank, RALEIGH, N. C. Consignments of all kim-Ts of Aler chaxndise s-nd Produce solicited. Satt j isfactory sales guaranteed and pronq. ; re urns invariably made, for model I axte commissions. ; es- Coltcn deceived .ilso ! Storage at Moderate Kates. on Raleigh Daily Cotton Market lle- ports and the hvtcst changes in New ; York and Liverpool Markets foi ward- every daiy to patrons. Refers to Raleigh National Raidc. and the business public of the city. , niiiterial gnairanteed. ! FL.ur. Corn, Oats, Foder, Hay Meal, Chops, lirown Stuff,-North Caioliua Hams, Sides and Shoulders, .iu fact, all kinds of Produce ail-vays in store. sept 10 dm JCliX G. VI 1.1. IA MS, Treeideiit. w. n:iMiisr, Seen ary IHSOSE YOUR PROPERTY IS THE X03TII CAROLINA I103IE IXSFIiANCE COMPANY, -or- This Company will insure ou lweiiing, -llil. Llil, OtOl'e, OI otiitr bnilding on the mcfct reasonabiw terms. All losses paid promptly. courage Home Institutions. Insure j in a first class Home Company. Apply to II. A. LONDON, Jli., )tii .iin Agent. ' LnriiGst EslasMiiieiiliitls Stats Eg ok and Job Printing AND Done in the very best style and at prices that defy competition ' Merchants, j Matnufac:urcrs, j and others, . Supplied with Letter Heads, Bill Heads, Envel opes, Statements of Account, In J voices of Sales, Price Lists, Circular and Cairds, Hamd Bills, kc. kc, c., I AKSKPJ&dm i?ii11 AXI) I Blank Book Manufacturing: j Of every kind done neatly cpiickly jsmd cheaiply. Legal Blanks our Speciality. , EDWARDS & BROUGHTON, 1 oct3-no-3m j SAXFORD, X. C. Kighf Hand Side Going Soiitli, j Left Hand Side Going North. Passengers take IJreakf'ast pointr S:ut U I Sapper gcing Is'orth. MEALS rC C.'TS . ! W. C. PACE, , Formerly of ('ary, Prop rit tor. ' cct 21-no C-tf i"' I" I