mum dfcatfcam Record, H. A. LONDON, Jr., KUlTOIt AM) ri.'OI'TlIETOU. BATES or ADVEItTISINO. Olio sqii:, one Insertion, One square, two insert Inns- One sqimrr, I'm1 nmntli, fl.OC TERMS CF SU3GCRIPTI0N: Otifl c jr. onM iv r, one wpy ,slx inoiit'.1 - -One copy, tlimi iiimtths - VOL. I. PITTSIJOKO', CHATHAM CO., X. C MAHCJI 27, 1870. NO. 28. (the atattem LARGEST STOCK Cheapest Goods & Best Variel ( AN UK F'lt'SiO AT LONDON'S CHEAP STORE. Hew Goods Received every Week. You ran always find what you wUh at Lon don'. IT keep tvcrytulng. Dry Goods, C'loChlti, Carpeting, Hardware, Ha Ware, Drags, ('rockory.Co.ifectioacry Shoes, Boots, C.p, Hats, Camas Materials. Sewing Machines 111, Putty, Glass, Paints, Nails, Iron, l'lows and I'low Castings, Sola, Upptr and Harness Leathers, Saddles, Trunks, Safbcls, Bhawls, Blanket, Um brella", Corsets, Bi-lts, La dles' Neck-Tits and Ruffs, Ham burg Edgings, Laces, Furniture, ice. Best Shirts In the Countrj Tor $1. But 5-ccnt Cigar, Chewing and Hmoking Tobacco, Bntiff, Salt and MoIusbbs. My stock Is a'ways complete In tvey line, and gonda a'ways sold at tlie lowPNt prices. Vpccial ludiicviU'-nls to I'tanh Buyers. My motto, "A nliulile 8lxK.'iice is betid ban a slow Shilling." lAll kinds of produce taken. W. L. LONDON, Pittsboro. N. Carolina. H. A. LONDON, Jr., Attorney at Law, riTTNBOKO', X. '. jtcjrSpecial At'prvion Paid to Collecting. J. J. JACKSON. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, riTTSitoiio; x. c. t-T"All business entrusted to him wlllre. cWrt prooipt a teutlou. R. H. COWAN, IlEALKH IN Staple & Fancr Or) Goods ( loth log, Uats lloots. Shoes, No tions, Hardware, ORIICKER V ana HOCUH I I3W. PITTSBORO', W. C. NORTH CAROLINA STATE LIFE INSURANCE CO., OF RALEIGH, . CAR. t. H. CAMIROS. rrttilmt. W. E. ANuKKSON. T Vs. W. li. HICKrf, !c'y. Tha only Homo Life Insurance Co. in the State. All tU fund loaned out AT IIO.IIK, and mO"t; our own people. We do i 01 send North Carol o t money nbrotd to build ui other fkato. It ' one of the most succeslul cum pantos of lis age In the Toiled Stales. Its as set are amply sufficient. All lews paid Jio nptly. Eight thousand paid In tlx it two years to families tn Chatham. It wl, eost man aged thirty years o Iv tive cents a day to Insu-a for o-i thousand do.lms. Apply for further Information to H.A. LONDON, Jr., Gen. Agt. PITTSBOhO', N. C. Dr. A. D. MOORE, PXTTSBOnO', a, c, OaVr kls r-flaiil trtrim tn t. dl' of Chalk, m. wlih aa npn o.f tairty yr. fc, kua lu .mlr. sa.i.U.iloa. JOHN MANNING, Attorney at Law, nrisBonr, it. c, Prastlm la Ik I'oarU ot CHalhaoi,, wn udOtuft, aait la Ik spram.aad FxUrm. firsts. O. 6. POE, la 9rf Stodi, OnearifJ k Qtneral Kerchtndlit, All kinds of Flows and Castings, Boggy KaUrlala, Tarsi ra, aU. riTTKBORO', K. CAR. OTHER MEN. Tli (it 'Men jiroroiitnnf our timl. The thnriiy 1'itlli cur li'Ul has tnul, Met i n iiifitiit fur other nitMi. Thi imlptt. lit ltKclitut'iicff, KtM'tt ivt'ry wnnl tliat ilmw from tltonri' In in e;t nt lor other num. Tin' Hint It thfrrhiicnunofii, Theoti c.vt onl, thti wrt'lcheU. uu-an. Art- ull or other utt ii. Ami so front liuljilt down It ro Tin ItM of sin our piijH'r ahowi Are itutMlK itf ullier men. Ami all ion-it Mil Mian, an they rrari, ItVht ;iMy In their t Iiomou t ri t .l. Ami High for other im.1 "IomI -Hve tliew Htm In ; lint 1 to oum, W e iln not fe;ir the throiit'itli'K piiworrt hlt-h eoiitiur wilier it-.i'ii. Ami yet, oh, roailer, ioaieb your Uuitrt, Ami see lnw little iIh up;irt, Kroin tliuMjof othur men ; ll"W niiK'hof .tr . DUth Utlue to t'liiiiic The liitittulriK of u rlri'uiimtanotf To yon ami other men. In pKisp'roii'' tiny you fear no full. Hut tl' kV fui tutiM t'liaiiKx ull K'r you mid other liteu. Oh. turn ii'Ui h he tT iuhl It he. II you i-ouhl only oiiiy mhj uurwlf oilier nteii Ht'i all yi.iir tncaiineKW. ami how autall At Ik-hI you aie. ami. alt r all. Ituw like lltfntt oilier men. Vrr Prtt. AFTER AWHILE. After awhile All WAk Hhatl fall awuj, KalM-uaK' K inert fi-nnn, an. I phiUHn-s M-reeiil Our ottit-r ami our InmoHt tmlf from night. All HtM'tal KlikHaurl hroail loth hit rvciilng hull imu ih r with our Imm1Iih in uv ila : Aiol. t-lotheit In tinmen i f tiauttlueoi.t I ght, W e nh.ill lo'k hui k on them with pltlug Biiille, After awhile. LOVE IN A BALLOON. Scmif time agi I whs KUijiuj; with Sir lieorjie l l.ilio, witli u gnat oiiinuvr ol H'iitiu then .ll kimla of umuBeiiieutb giiug on. Drniug. riding, I'ltdiing, bIhriI nig, ftt-rytliing, in I'uci. hir George k tl.iiiliur, Kunny, wasolun my coiniiiniou in Ihcito C'i('ilaiiias, hikI I was iimsider ulily mrutk w lib her, fur lK us a girl to wiioiii the fpitlH't "atuuiiiiig" applie in lli i than umv uiIilt Hull l ma ariiiaiiiU(l with. Miu .ouhl ride like Niimoil, aiu tlouhl iliivc like .lehll, hIic c.iulii row like i Imfon, ht coind dunce like IYi'ichore, !! cnulil run like Uiana, itiie walk.o Juno, and (M.e looked liKc Venus, evin Hifii her miioke. Oil, Hiiu wasiiHtiiniKT ! yon tdioutd have heard that girl whi.-tle, and laugh vou ,-li.jnld have heard her l.iuli. waa a Oehghilid eoiiipaiiioii. We TikIu together, oroe lojellnr, li.shed together, walked together, danced together, snug together; I called her Funny, und kIic cullud me" Tom. All i his could have hut one termi uution, you know. 1 lell in love with tier and Ueici mined to take the first op portunity ol iiiiHiMiig. Ni one day when e were out together, tUbing on the lake. I went duw u on my knees among! the gudgeoux, seized her huud, pressed it to uy Huitcoiit, anil iu Imrniin; accents eu l rented her to Income my wife. 'D.'U'l lie a tool," hbe said. "Now drop it, do, and put me a fresh worm on " On, l-'aniiy 1" I exclaimed; "don'i alk about worms wheu marriage is iu lllestioii. Only sa " 'I lell you what it is, now," ghe re pliid, angrily, "if you dou'l drop it 1 1, pitch j on out of the boat." Gentlemen. 1 did not drop it, and I give you my wi rd ol honor, with a Btnlden Miove h he M iit me (lying into the water ; i hen truing the scuIIk, whh a stroke or twoshe pui several yaids lietween us, and bumt in, on lilol laujihier that lortuuaielv revetited her Ironi going any further, "l I.WBHI up and climbed into the boat. ' Jenkins," said I lo myself, "revenge! revenge t ' I disguised my feelings. I laughed hidenuj. mockery of mirth I laughed, pulled lo the bank, went to the house und changed my cl.Hhes. When I appeared ut the dinner-table, I perceived i hat every one had lieen tntormed of my ducking. Universal laiigliier greeted me. Ouiiug dinner Kanny repeatedly wbis ( red to her neighbor and glanced at me. Smothered laughter invariably followed. "Jenkius!" aid I, "revenge!" The op portunity soon olleied. There was to be a balloon um'ciiI from the lawn, and Fan ny hail tormented her f titer into lelling Utr ascend with the aeronaut. I ius'auth look my plaits ; bribed the aeronaut tii pleud illness at the monieiit when the machine should have risen ; learned from him Iheinaiiagemeutofthe balloon, thnu::h 1 niiderbiiMHi that pretty well b. fore, and calmly awaiied the result. The d ay came, t he weather was fine. The balloon was iiillaltd. F.mny was in the car. Every thing waa ready, w hen the aeronaut suil deuly fainted. He was carried into the i he house, and Sir George accompanied iiim. Funny was in despair. "Am I lo lose my air exjied tinn?" she exclaimed, looking over the side of lin ear ; "some one understands the manage ment of this, thing, surely T" Nobody I 1'om !" she called out to me, "you under stand i. don't 'J-out" l'erleetly, I answered. "Come along, then," she cried; "be quiik, before papa oomes back." The company in general endeavored to dissuade hei from her project, but of course in vain. After a decent show of hes itation, I climbed into the car. The bal loon waa cast off. ami rapidly sailed heav enward. There was scarcely a breath of wind, and we rose almost straight up. We rose ubovc the house, and she laughed and said, "How jolly !'' We were higher than the highest trees, und she smiled, and said it w s very kind of me to come wiih her. We were so high that the people below lin ked mere slacks, and she hoied that I thoroughly understood the management of the bal loon. Now was my time. "I understand The going up part," I nnsw red ; "to come down is not so easy," and 1 whistled. " What do you mean ?" she cried. Why, when you wunt to go up faster, you throw some mmd overboard." I re plied, sui.iug the action to the word. "Don't I foolish, Tom," she s iid, Irv ing to appear quite calm and indifferent, but trembling uncommonly. " Foolish!' I said; " oh der. no, but whether I go along the ground or up in the air I like lo go I he pace, and an do you Fanny, I know. Go it, you cripples I" and over went another sand bag. V liy, you're mad, surely." she whis pered, iu uiler terror, and trivd to reach the Iisk". lut 1 kept her hack "Only w ilh love, my dear, " I answered. smiling p'cnwintly ; "only with love for you. Oh, Fanny, I adore you ! Say you will be my wile." ' I gave you an answer llie other day," she replied; "one which I should think vnu would have remembered, " she added, laughing a little, notw itlisMinding berter ror "I remember it perf clly." I answered, hut 1 intend to have a different reply b that. You we those live Mind bags? I sh'll ask you tive times to become tin wile. Every time you refuse I shall lino over a sand bag so, lady fair, as the cab man would say, n consider your decision und consent to become Mis JenUins." "I won't," she said; "I never will; and let me tell you that yu are acting in a very ungenliemanlv way to press ill" thus' " You ncied in a very ladylike way tin other day, did you not,' I rejoined, "when Voll knoekeil me out of the boat'" Shi httiL'hed again, for she was a plucky girl, and no mistake-a very plucky girl "However," I went on, "it's no good ar giiing about i' will you promise to givi me your hand l!" "Never!' she answered; "111 goto Ursa M ijor tirst, thong i I ve got a his enough bear ben, in all conscience. Stay! you'd prefer Aquarius, wouldn't you? ' She looked so pi city that I was almosl inclined to let her oil' 1 1 was only Irvine to frighten her, of course I knew how high we could go safely, well enough, and how valuable the lile' o( Jenkins Wis to bis country i, but resolution is one of tin strong points of my chaiaeter, und when I've begun a thing 1 like lo c rry i through ; so I threw over another sunl bag, and w histled the Dead M in h in Saul. "Come, Mr. Jenkins." she said sudden ly, "come, Tom, let us descend now, and 1 II promise losay nothing w hatever uboui aU Ibis." I continued the execution of the Dead March. "Hut if you do not begin the descent in once I'll tell papa the moment 1 get lout on the ground." I laughed, seized another hair, and look ing steadily at her, said : "wilt you prom ise lo give me your hand?" ' I've answered you already,' was the reply. Over went the sand, and the solemn notes of the Dead March resouiideil through the car. "1 thought you were a gentleman," said Fanny, rising up in a tenil.le rage from the bottom of the car, where she bad ticen silling, and looking peifec'ly beau liful in her h. " I, thought yon wen a gentleman, but I find I was mistaken. Why, a chimney -sweeper would not tiea i lady in such a way. Do ymt know that yon are risking your own life as well as mine by your madness ?" I explained that 1 adored her so much thai to die in her company would be per fect b'iss, so that I beggi d she would not consider my feelings at ull. She dabbed her beautiful hair from her face, and standing perfectly erect, looking like the Goddess of auger or lioadieea if you can imagine that personage in a ImiIIih.ii she said, '' I command yuu to begin the des cent this instant !" The Dead March, whistled in a manner essentially gay ami lively, wax the onlv res onse. Alter a few minutes' silence I took up another bag, and said : 'We are gelling rather high ; if you d." not decide soon we shall have Mercury timing to tell us that we lire trespassing will you promise me your hand?" She sat iu sit ky silence in tin- bottom ofthecT. 1 threw over the sand. Then she tried another plan. Throwing herself upon her knees, and bursting into tears, she said : Oh, forgive me for what I did the other dav. It was very wrong, and I am very sorry. Take me home, and I will be a sister to you." "Not a w ife?" said I. "I can't ! 1 can't ! ' she answered. Over went the fourth bag, and I bciran to think she would bent me alter all. for I did no! likcthe idea of going much higher. I would not give in just yet, however. 1 whistled torn few moments, to give her time lor reflection, and then said : ' Fan ny, they say that marriages re made in heaven if you do not take care, ours will be sol 'inniz. d ihere." I took up the fifth bag. ''Come," I said, "my wife in life, or my companion in death. Which is it to be?" and I pat ted the sand bag in a cheerful manner. She held her face in her bauds, but did not answer. I nursed the bag in my arms, as if it had been a baby. "Coiue, Fanny, give me your promise." I could hear her sobs. I'm the softest heaitid crea'urc breathing, and would not pain uny living Hi inn, and I con less she had heat en me. I forgave her the duck ing ; 1 forga-ve her for rejecting me. I was on the point of lliugii g llie bag back inlo tliecar, and saying, "Dearest Funny, liirgive me for frightening you. Many w homsocver you w ish. (live your lovely baud to the lowest groom in your stables L-ndow w i h your priceless beau y the cnief of the Funki-wmiki Indians. What ever happens, Jenkins is yourslavt your dog your footstool. Ilia duty, hence forth, is to go whithersoever you shall older, to do whatever you shall com maiid." I was just on the point of saving litis, I repeat, when Fanny suddenly locked up and s, id, with aqueeiish ex pression upon her face : You need not throw that last hag over. I promise to give you my hand." "With a 1 your heart?'' I iek'-d, quickly. "With ull my heart," said she, with the same strange look. 1 tossed the bag into the bo'tum of the car, and opened the valve The balloon descended. Genth men, will you believe il? when we hail reached the ground ami the balloon had been given over to its recovered master, w hen I had helptd Fan ny tenderly to the earth, and turned to wards lo receive anew the promise of her alf etion and her hand will vou Itelieve it? .he gave me a box on tlie ear that upset me against the car. and running to her father, who at that moment rame tip, she related to Iiim and the assembled com pany what she called mv disgraceful ton duct in the balloon, and cniieil by inform ing me that till of her band that I was likely to get had been alrendy Itcstowt d upon my car. whii h she assured me had been g'ven w ith all her heart. Yon villain 1" said Sir George, advan cing toward me with a horse-whip in his hand. "You villain! I've a good mind to break this over your back." "Sir George, 'said I, "villain and Jen kins must never be coupled in the same sentence ; and as for ihe breskinc of this whip, I'll relieve you of the trouble,' and snatching it from his hand, I broke it in two. and threw the pieces on the ground. "And now I shall h ive the I nnorof w ish ing you a good uioruing. Miss Flasher, I forgive you ;" and I retired. Now I ask you whether any speeimeu of female rescbery equal to that has ever come within your experience, and who her any excuse can be made for such conduct ? MINTING GCLD. Now tliat resunipUoii is tin cstab ished f:ict, it will not be iitniss to unc iir leaders an insig t into (he mauni r li which told and sil er coins mv mule, or 'niiiito I.'' Willi Mrs end iu .jew. h reporter ca'lcd on Sa urdny t.t lie ollice t f . he I'll.ted State! as-nycr, where every thma was bust ling wiih business nnd exciciiieiit, "The W txcHA wou'd like to present its readers at tl tunc with a clear idea of the woik'!, of your ollice, an l .he pioccsv'of nn n l iii- coins, if you will lie so good as to luiliisli it,' said the reporter to one of llie su; oiintc., I. lit-. "With pleasure,'' lie r pliid. "iim! I ''el safe in saying that lite mint in '.lilml It'lii.i is". second to none jutlic world in the s-rl'eetioii of its luachitien ; itnl only very recently lutve new niu biucH In hi t ddi d to the large iiunilcr already on liuud." I n mi ing ihe re, ortcr into ltis privnte ollice. lie continued: "In c neitin the various metals used !y our cottutrv i tit o coins, the I roces.-ca tire so similar hut po-sibly a description ol miming ifold tuny be tiiitlicieiit. "Have you been unusually lntsy iu your departiu. nt lately':"' "We have been more tluiu lusy for four mom lis past, it being expected Ll tut it grand lusli would be made lor i .hi coins on the first of the year; hut t si ems that the t la borate preparations .iave been iiiiiii ci ssary." "Will they cout ii ue mititini; coins nt lite same tales us in the pastr"' "Yes, for Holm lime to cutui1. There ire large, quantities ot ii.gots at till l he mill s.'' "Will you explain the forinin of in gots?" "The gold after being mim d is nt o the assay ollices, the greater pint ol it to this ollice, mid is alloual to the proper utuudiird for coin. Kadi mint lias its own u-sayiug depart tneiit. both or llie reduction of such gold as il n ecivts to nliUldal'd go d" its well as for ts:iu' the stund.ird ol the ht.mii cd in got from this and other oll'.c s. Tnc tandard in this vouutry is nitie-tei.tlis ihe pure gold and oiie-tcnlli all y aud whenever tue assay of ing.. is or oilier .'old is tilisiilisfacloiy it is adjusted to the standard and reinultcd. lugolt arc east of diU'ercnt thickness and weights, iccoiding to the coin lo he cu: from ihcni. I'poti reaching the mint, tliey .ire lirst taken to the n 1 ing room where tin y are subjected lo a n d hi at. nnd then 'broken down1 b. tweeti lare rollers of chilled cast iron diivcti by steam. This operai ion is icpeati-d several limes, till, by an w'j iklmeiit of the rollers, they are reduci u to it thick ticss of two-tenths i f an inch and live iiicln s in width. The plates are then annealed at red heat for half an lnur. all. r which they are lilu' ged into ci 1 1 wti'er, rendeiiiig tbcin soft and pliable. After additional annealing ihey are gt'in ro. led, tins time, however, in ilill'ert lit bets, till the pi.iti s are of t he nquisitj thickmss, af cr which they are cut into strips, which lo next to the diaw iiig-iiiitchini s, making tin iu n 1 of a requisite thiik.,cs from cud to end. "Are all the nieta's treated alike in the annealing process? ' "Yes; bill in drawing the gold through these macliim s it must be lubricated with wax, while silver is passed through with the aid of common grease. After tin Mrips have been drawn out they are thoi oiudily cleaned with hot water. Tlie strip-are then Ut into lour pieces, and in the event ot their beii.g short u! cr a nuiniie test in it very delicate scale they are re tutn. d to" the ineltilif pot. Tlie perfect piece are then removed lo the cull ing oiil room, where, y i heule ma chinery, they are cut iu:o rou al b anks, ju ta tii tit; larger than the inleiihil coin. Tins machine is a marvel of ex lieiliency, cutting blai.ks for two hun dred and twenty d ub.e etudes, or two bundled and lilt y similar blai.ks cicit miuu'e. The blanks are then sent to the adjusting room, win re every blank is pctfictly examined to insure its pcr I fulness; if too thin they ate re-melted, and if loo thick are tiud dwu lo tlie pro er standard. "Is this Cit re exercised with all the coins minted?" Oh, no; oi.Iy with gold, when? a deviation of not more than three pei.ny weiuhts is permissible in a thousand dottble-eagli a. They ate then put into a mi. ling madiiiic, whii h forms the sliuht riiu on the edge or I he coin pur posely made, protect the dewee uud let ters 1 ruin wear. This rim is raised one thirl -second part of an inch, and one hundred ami titty double ciighs are thus rimmed in a minute. They are then subjected to a thoiough cleaning, and poured into a vat contaiuii'g sul huric acid d 1 it e.ljwith nine parts of w. ter; they tire then taken out an l driid in a revolving drum coutuui'tig hot hi xwood sawdust, from which they drop into a sieve which litis them of the sawdust; they are again revolved in another drum for an hour lo polish eech other by attrition; they then be come ready lor aiainping.'' "Can you explaiB the manner iu which the dies are nudi V'' "lirielly. they aro-uiadc something arter this fashion: The head or device is first made ou a lame sc . le, live or s x times the size of the coin, in wax, from w hich a brass cast is taken; this ciisl is the guide from which a reduced copy it cut into steel by an in rcn ions iransfeMng lathe, which reduces the figure to its proper sixe. The machines used for stamping are of very ingenious construction, and may be said to lie al most ;i u-rlect automaton, which, w in n the blauks are fed to it thiouirh a tube, takes each blank in succession with it hand and lnxs it on tie face of the lower die, Uolh faces of the coin are struck with oli blow, whereupon the ant' maton baud displaces il and puts in its place. The pres sure for a doublc-cajle is i qiial to "3 tons, and bU cau be coined in a minute. Eiyht of ih se pr sses. dr'vcn by steam, tiatcd in one room in the l'nila dclphiu miit, mid work genen.l y simiiliatii ouslv, t hereby minting Jo.iiiin co ns an hour, w ith only a boy or girl to attend cm'Ii machine; mid thai is about all there is in coining inotie.'' "What lire the Weights of different coins made?" " The double eii'-de wc'uhs .Vil ef.iins iind 1 s-er i old coins iu pn puli It. I he capacity i f the lit tils is si own in the fact ih I during I e uioiilli o I -i 1 1 1 1 H r Ihe co'tiaue whh us follow-: Double ens;) s. l.V!,n.'t2 ji'mcs; eimlcs, I l.'.i'.if; hall'-i aglcs. 70,-70; quarter eiigles, 4 J (!IMI; ilo lafs, ;;,lin i pitccs a trr til total ol JSrl.S. 0 picci s, vuliud at if.'i it,' i. The total coina..e ..I s Iv. r diirng th ni"titii wSi.275 J lit pieces. iiinouiitiiiL' to 5f."( 74.:!iK).."tl or il grand coinage of o.Ti.i.l ii pieces, amount inj to j'.l, .'!(l.2.iu.."iii. Yts, sir. I assure ou we have been very busy- and the re porter h it him its In- disappear) d through ,'i back il air in great haste. A(ie 1 u k II (7 a kx. WrUT ONE MAY L8.XRN IN AMERICA. Young linn living in the I'ui'ed States iind brought up in what we may call the American school, h at n luoi. all I lister of things it is useful lllnl uecissirv to know than t he youtiu'ol any nth' r cotin'ry in tin- woi id. '1 his inf iini iliou liny gain, Ho! in schools i.ud from books onlv, but oulsidc. ol loth. U ic strong pei'iil'ai ity i-erliiinly pre tl intimites iu us tis a p o-lc It is pi o " is i-eni'ss. We d not stand still. Not motion only, bin iiu-etueiii . it Ward aetini, is th 'law of our lile. II Was surely not all Ainel ic in w ho gave us an excuse lor nol ! reli hitc: mil his hand tosavea in an from ilrowit itigthal hit "hail not bi en introduced to him." I'ndoiihti d'v the newspaper, aril, quite as cllicietiily, the peril magazine, tin- popular lectures in literary or seictit ilic topics ami politi cal, polemical, hlstoi ieal. lesllatic. social anil ecti llicoluuiciil discussions, inert asc cur knowledge and store the memory without ill'.uiwiih valuabli in i'ti, which books yield onlv slowly at il liiboi ious'y. Wiihoui these ailvantages, wi' liout thenl'iiiis inn! I'csoiirci-s of iiciiiir,tm. it taming ami Using know edge ihu I opiiliirly I'ouimiiiiicaicil. every inaa's ei. Ileal loll, however Wi ll he NUIV lit vcised in the leiirned lore of books, though like Dr. 1' iisou, he may h ive ilevoured the whole I'.odli ian lil ral v. w ill si ill In- far bel nv the phine of real lif. and solid us fulness. In 1S.1-two Anc rican young nn n li titl'l theiuseivcs in Talis, (im- wasa c 1 itit I iu thi' Cu. tul Stalts nnnv, spending a lur!o uh in the French capital: his triuid. iu i-ivil life, an m-li-.iiijiiit den z. ti o! the same ga tn. -tr polis. Tiny had taki n tlv ir ( jeumr in li e cafe iiml Were trat.q'i ll i njoy mg tlieir ciitr. lies. Then; sat not lar from thi'iu, il til his table, a oiiuu .in leu. an of very p easing cxtci i.-r. who, hav ng liiilshed bis nn-al. seetin il lliti'lcsUtl in the sotiiew h ii free cuivci siition of his Aiiieric.ui neighbors. They spoke iiiii uiidlv in Knlisii. Ai leiigih. r sing from his chair and atl vaui'ing wall a p. litesilutation, he in quired if he hail not llie I on r of ad ilriSsing two Atni'i iciiii geiitlcmin. Uep ying iu I'nglish atlii uiaiivelv, tin V i vi ed lii in t.i a si at w i;h them, lie Bind: 'T pireiivid. gentlemen, from oiir convelsiitioii that you weic Ann riciius, ami as I Invc Hot si cnanv of your tia i m bcfino, I confess t i a strong ile-ire to h am soun'i hing ol your woittleilul country. Tucre sirs two things iibout vou already Hut! s rike me w i th sin pi ise, " he c ut iiim d. ami tln n paiiscd, as itnl'iiiid to pro ceed. Ktieourageil by their e and allab'e inaiiiiets and being ties rul to nr. tin I will his reinaik-. be said: "One thing that strpiies me is your fnlo:-. iii d aiitith. r is Unit you speak English so well." "Itidetd,'' Wits the it ply; "perhaps yoll will be so goal us lo tell Us whit c .h r ou slippostd us to hu.e as Auie.l cai s?" "liliick. of course!" wits the reply. "I did nut know thai Americans weic w li t-. Hal your speaking Eng. ish so w el sir. pr. scd me quite as much or im.r -." What liiiigu.iu'e did you suppose we e;j k ?" poli;cly dcuiandul the America us. "Whv .Inn -e.cii. of cours". Is not that y uir native tongu. ?' was lus re joitii r. 'Il is now our turn to express sur prise," said the olli -cr. "You seem to speak E.-glish Viiy well. How long s. nee you h it England?"' He leplied, with ii smile. "Me? 1 have never bci-u iu England in my life." 'liuleetl." they evclitimed ill once; "where, f'en, have you learned t sp'-.-ik the Kmtlish lauuiiagi' so well" 'In my native land,' he said, wita an iulelitu'ctit twinkle ill bi eve, u;nl then ad letl. alter a pause: "I am a na livc of the Kiulisli Island of Mauritius, ill whose schools ant colleges I hive acquired what knowledge I have of the English tongiii.'. "' Al'ti-rmuliialexphinatioi'slhe Ai.n ri cai.s I' ai mil tint the you ig Knlish islainli r from the eastern coast of Africa had but recently arrived in France by the voyage direct to Mar ceilles, and wa then on bis tour on the continent, iiileiulnigto takethe llrlti h Ish s ' a miiti hoinewiird. II s furl her conversation w ill tin m showed him to be a young uen1 h-iiniN of intelligence, cultivation and such clu -ution asm' re book in true ion t'oii!d ini a-t; but as no bo- k look the tn ns 'otof u iii him that the people of' thu U.iit d S at.-s were wl i;.es or that they acl il illy spok the E tgli.-h lan.Mi ige, of cour-Mi'lie was not ml' rilled mi tin se obvious p nuts of familiar know led e. Ill view of theevitlrnt intelligence of tin ir iuteiloeutiir and of his commend able h aire for know ledge, our Ameri r.ins dv:sed him. with chaiac'c ristio candor, to change his iiogramme of travel, and taking a a' earner from lltvreto moeieilui once to the United States and commence there his survey of the great w-irld he was about to ex plore, a.-siii ing t hat he wou d glean more knowledge of uu-u nnd tilings iu six months' travel aud observation in America tnauin as many years' cxp ri mer ot any other country under the sun. The incident above reat d wou'd probablv havfpasst d frotn th'-ineiiion ol our com try men. but it happened iiml a tew days alter our iiilny ollicet I'otiiiil lil inso if in Eoi dou. a l u .1 ill II ai niial duller of the "Aiithos' and Aili-ts' I tin li " Iu theb il nip I coil -piiiy weie many d stinguis ad per-ou-agi s. Among them Wiis Lord E lea-mi-le, then the rect utly-teliiriiftil i v-t-ruor-Geiit ral of ( 'aiinda. win had iraveltd exlitisively in this country. He was toasttd uud made a spceih, in the ci urse of which our American ollicer was a little bin prised and i lieil to In ar In in avow tie cunvictinii ami give llie advice he had himself oi ler d to his improvised frit mi ami fel low travi Icr. iln- voting ISritish coioni-l at I'.u is. II is, Eordsnip said, in view ol liisn ci nt ohserva ion ami ex p. ri uec as it traveler, " niu advise our fount i vim n mi), our country women, too ;,b ui lotiavel for iinprovt nifiit iild iu oi illation, to go to America, liny ill llu-lc. Iu the L'uited States oli ai l leal II faster and i.iiill in ire ill the a quisilioti of usi-'ul know), die and in he real uses ai d objects of foieign navel in six months than in years o roil in sig it-si-euig mid guiile-boi k .-dic.iiiou iu Europe." L.t:r.,it ctt ',l.v.. A SUPEKB WOrtK OF ART. T ie IV.uock II ill ol Delhi, p- cu liarly set apart l u' tin: reception ol in 1 ii ny, is a q lailranglf of luodirale limetis.oiis. llie buihliug is a very iicaiilifiil pitvi.ioii of while tinn l ie iipp irlcl on massive pillars i f the saint! niiiterial--the whole ol which, with llie connecting ardn s, is liclny oi n. mien ti d with tlowcrs of inlaiu iiiosnie-work of dill'ercnl colored ai d gil ling, ll is rais- d on ti terruci our feet high, tin- door of which i coiuposeil of (lags of white luaibie. 11 tweeii cat h ol the fiont rows of pil lars is a of marble, chastely carved iu seveial designs ol p.-i f iratnl work. The top o! t e iiiiihliug is ofi.a iiieiueil Willi four marble pavilions with gilt cup 1 .s Tue ceiling of the pivilioii was origiuaily eoinpleli l ovi-red with lilagree wink, but in IT'.i the M ihia t.ts, a lt r a capture of tin city, look the silver down ami .1 the value of ti.e same being est i il al nearly Jfl ot i,iuo. In lb. cornice at each einl o: i lie interior hall sscu'p un il in lellcrs of g l l. m I . e IVr.sian gt : "If tl ere is a piira-di-e on ca 1 1 Ii, it is 1 his. " In Ibis hail was the ta.uuiis peacock ihniue m cal'etl ir.'in its huviug the ligtiii a ol tw.i peacocks standing bt hind it. tin tr tail-hi-iug expanded, uud lire whole si iu aiitl wiln sapp aires, rubies, clue raids, pcails. au I t tlicr precious stones oi ippiojui.ite colors, as to represent lib-. I he throne i s if was SIX leet long by our let t bronl. It s ootl on six ma. -ive feet, which, with the botlv,wer -.olid gold, itiiatd with t unics, cm laid , mil iliam litis, ll ws sin inoiiiilei. in a can py oi goltl .supported by twe.v. pill rs, a.i rid ly eirlnuzui tl will, .n.vlv- gems; aiiil a tringe of pearls ornamented th -bordeis ol the canopy. Iietweell the two peilcoi ks sto. d the iigine of u parrot of the o.d nary si. , said to have been carved out ot u singli eiiii r.ihl. Ou ei, her side of the throne s:ood a clia la, or umbrella one ol the Oriental rmidemsof ro.ury. Th y Were luu Ic ol crimson Velvet, ricllii embroiileieil ami fr.iue.l with pearls. The liuii'.les were eight feet long, ol solid g hl, ami stu id d w ilh diamonds. Tnc cos, oi this sup rti work ol' art has i .ci-ii varioiisU sta.etl at sums varying roin .LT.ntlil IHX to .L'.'.,00 A'W. 1 1 was planned anil i Xi cute I under the supcl vidotiol Aiislitiile 15 ifde.itix. , MOOKISri JUSTICE. A certain Mmr of Tunis lost hi puisu one ilay, containing sundry gold p eces, or sequins. Desirous ol re covering il, he proclaimed his mishap ny means of the good otli -es of tin town crier. Toe person who had lound il was a man co spieiious or bis prolii y, and the in ilneiil he di C ivereil lowhoai il liclougeil, he hastened to nlu:-u it to llr- owner. Tin latter, i i i i.i ii i u In; hit I lodo with a rich mm. thought ii a good opportunity for a little illicit gain at lb . cxp.'iisi' of Iiim who had sn conscientiously restoreii it. II.' Ihieloie maintained tliat there were eighty si q tins mis-ing out of the pui'se, ami vi ih-uiiy iusis cd on tlieir restitution. The quarrel became uproarious, and w as of course relet red to the decision of the 11 y. O .e man dedit'ed the purse originally cou ta m done hiiiiilretl si quins; wuile bis adversary nilirmed. with in my oaths, that civ en it h.n k j 1st as he found it. As both asseriious bore; the same a peel of proiiabilil v, the Hey was for a moment cmbarrasst d as to his division, lie ask d, howev. r, to see the purse, ami. having examine ! it attentively, withdrew from il the iii'incy it contained, ordering at the same liui!' one hundred seiU.n8 to be brought to him. Tlrise be tried to put into 'he purse, which. how vcr, would only contain about li ly. Then, eni.tying it, he desired the prosecutoi to try Ins hand at it, iind to fill it with the bundled sequins which be bad svvoru it i-r.g'uiiilly itr-losed. Of course h was unable to do so; and the 1! y. handing the purse and the sequ ns to I he deli ml nit, said: "You had b'ltet take pos-tobsioii of it, as it do -s not an-wer the description f the one lost," ut the same lime direc: ing t he accuser to receive two hundred bl.iws from the bastinado. Colonel William It iss, lorniprly a f I1UOU8 s'iige driver and xprcssmau of Providence. It. I., who bail tin' lirst express route on the Host on and Provi dence Hail road, and al-o the first on the Providence and Worcester H.iil r 'ad, died recently. Wh n .lennv l.iud visited Pi-ovitlence in 1H3I, Cuonel lioss purchased the choice of seats al English steel pens are almost ex clusively made by women. Tlie electric light, it is iinnoiiriced. has prov d a failure in the great Lon don tish m rk t tit li l ingsgate. Mr. J hn H O "eh was recently prevented from fu ti l;ng a h ctrr cn ageint nt in Liverpool by au attack of bronchi is. Mrs. CI urles ltrm k. who died re cently ir L -ie-HtiTshirc, gave to tbf Cburcli of Ivicland during her life nut less than .f7ii(l,(HiO. Tin re is a rumor that S'-rtetary Scbtnz is engaged to marry on of the daughters of a bighly-plHeed illuel' of the Government. It is expected that there w'll be tin re (uecusware shipped from Tren ton. N..J , this year than ever before in a t we've-mnolli. The new- census of Augusta. Ga., just tiil-en. "laces t he population of the city a' -J.'..s7l. This is an increase of over 1.70' in the la-t two years. Th Natio' al Ounrd of New Jer ev iiumbi is S'A coitiniissioiii d nllici rs, and J.'.Mii noii-couini ssi lied otlici-rs and privatis. making a total ol !t,lSd. Don M i rco A. S'to, President of tlie Honduras licpublic. is very pa triotic I'pon his election he found the countty bin krupl, und used a great deal of his own large I'm tune in improving its condition. He moreover n fust s to receive any salary for his ser vices. Tim Viceroy of Inlia advises tin iiniicxat ion of the whole of A'ghanis ii ii . anil the advice cuiscsinuch indig nation among tin- Liberals ut home, who stigimitiK" such a measure as a violation of tho professions of that wily, everlastingly smart, utipriucipled mountebank, trickster Jew, Hcacons lieltl. On und a tier Mav 1st. ti-lcgnitits within the hnii's of the octnl of Paris wil! lie charged independently of the number of words contain' d iu them, and will be conveyed by pneumatic lulus. Special forms will be provided, tin) open despatches wiil be sent al a itii'orm charge of oil ci litiines. and his. d despatches at a charge ol 7.1 cen- ;itncs. Three fi urths of al, the tobacco onsuiiietl in Great 15 iiain is purchased by poor people in ha f oiinc s. ami :s sir StalTonl N rlheote's tax falls heavily, especially on tic jv or, Ihe 'ailing fl iu consumption in nine months w is about a million and a half f pounds, while the income is only ?-(I.i,ihm more than if, to the poor who in hull' ounces, the tax hail nut been doubled. --A tramp called at the house of a Salem I Mass. i c' some days igK, and iisked for money, at the same nil" presenting it p ip-r represent ing i lial the bearer was ",l pour widow .votiian with lour sin ill children, and i i oih-r n sou ce but ch irity," e c. riie past r inquired of the fellow if h i a widow. Tlie reply was: "Is it vhat itstys? He writ il wrong again!" ind Wiilkt il oil'. The Austrian Parliament House is to be provided w ith a new mi hine or voting. inv -ntP'l byiho well-knowu uginei r, M ivrhafer. A member, by urcssing a handle, "yes" or "no,'' ou his desk, liber tie a bill which falls nlo au urn behind tin; President., uud il t lie s line lim reveals the number d the voter on a board on thii wall. Fraud iu voting is impossible, uud the linn; occupied is two miuulea. Si. nna. Italy, where an earthquake has overthrown two cliuichi s, is the town tint eives its name to one of the most useful of the mineral pigments raw sienna, a brownish yellow clay, which is the bust' of a rei dish color, known as luii ut sienna. The province of S enna also contains quarries of the yellow, variegated marble known by thai name. The Duke of Cumherland settled i-n the Princess T.iyr i nt their mar riage a stun of about '?j 10 oil.) a year, so I n i iis the man iage lasts; if she sur vives lii ill she will have iibout $;IG,OOJ .1 year, with an estahli liinent, a silver service for li ly person, an I carriages, six horses, iVc. keeps her own pro; rty and jewi Is. and is to have all be uny at q nre, but the ltoyal Hano verian jeweis return to the house of llauover at In r death. It uniania has seized upon Arah Talaa as a part of her tr- sh iicquisiti. n, the 1 ilinid clia, despite the protest of Itussia; Todicbcti has ordered four leuimiiits to seize the place, iind unless Kiir.'pe interposes, there of co.lisiou bel ween the forces of the Czar and those of Prince Ki-'g Ni.-holas. Already th"ra has been a k inn ish h-twccu the M uscoviie troops aud l In; It uinutiiuii police. It isrep'rte l th it S iore Ali his never quilted A'g'iiinistiin, that lie is daily in reeeip: oi' ull important news from Y.iko'iti Kli.ui. and ih it he is massing f trees near Herat. The Eng lish are said to be apprehensive of ad vancing hislily, as ihe surrounding semt-savage ti ilies, tliough (uite ready lo Ut k ' in ir lilierally-dislribuleil money in the friendliest way, are nevertheless always ready to pilfer, cut otf stragglers, pounce upon convoys, and act ai guerdlas ou every opportu nity. All Europe is still in terror of the Russian pliigiie, and adopting mea sures for preventing its extension, while Russia is busy ti ling to suppress it within her borders. It is said to have disappear' d from the p iivinci' of As tr clian .vhere Hie first outbreak oc curred, bui it has broken out else where in the more westeily arU f that country, aud i said lo I ave made its appearance in Turkey, but this is denied. Russia coin, d.iiiiB of Itoumatiia fir bavin quarantined her without Living notice f her intendel measun, and tl e feeling lietween the two countries it far more hostile than should exist between people lately so closely aided.