(Ijjhaiham Record ! TriTTcniv Wil in 170 lHLRSDAY,..Apnl 10, lb5).; II. A. JjONDO-N, Jr., Editor, . CONGRESSIONAL 3IATTEIIS. Fop the information of our road - 1 1 I. . era. who have not tlie opportunity ' , . lt,. ,.,f reading the full proemlmga of Congress, vc will give a brief out- line of tl great debate th.i gaged the attention of the for since grew on -House of I t ere J upon one of the most inter estinc and cxcitinir discussions known for manv years. In the bill making the regular, annual appropriations for the s - un - port of tho army the Democrats; have determined to insert a clause forbidding the use of foldiers at ui. cwmiv-11- ..1 olectioni. llusisthc t.mco cf so protracted a. dobuto. and vet cannot underfJnnd why any man who values the fivcdoin of elections can oppose it. Hut the Kcpubli cans in Congress have opposed it with all their might, and are on- ileavoring to fire the Xorthern heart mid infl 1111.. tin. ivko'.hw ..f tin. 1 " . . ,1 Wit against the South, accusing the Democrats of desiring ntioihcr rebellion and stabbing at the life ot the Government. The reason of this opposition, however, is cry manifest. They know full well how, in some of the Southern States, they have can ied elect ions by means of armed soldiers intimidating the the peaceful citizen. They knoi full well that bv sc. h mer.r.s the ic cause and object of the .vay than to try to seme the ,,.,5,1"""".! lmU 1 now r(U,'w "'' it has so much cu-: l':t- nuother erazo like that of 187i. i ! .' 7 1 1 1 ,r , , .f ' """,,l'",' ' r-Rtiru 1:10 hAsii, 11 nas bo iiiucit tn , ' tin d ofheor can be lvcrarded as ofii-. bo tno duty of said justices of the: rmierii!bi- r M.K u.i ,... , , the asscniblin of ( ?on , olution ininendii!" and that lh nun ' 1V1,"J ' "'l ' i,u"il'!1U8 predenbea ly , a wair.muor the arrest of any Pitch ..ne of the cntiibutors of the Rmute, rMvr the 18th of March, the, ho have now once more started the , S ;:!,!v1,U ! l'Vl-V. V'.r' fth:!'l ienrcsontativc have c-, ' ' . UW. , 'l" The Kotul Law. ' ( ae. 8. Iho .dd ovir.ci r sh ,11 a. -C t u vl, , 7 i'""-" forced a fraudulent IVc-i.lei.t upon ideut's veto-'a by p issir -r the npro ihe po in 1 try, a;;d they kimw full ii it ion bills without the o. j-iiicii-well that without the intervention b1-isl.it ion, or iip.v i 1. . ., .. ,. , , ,. sheuivl pass a i unt res i.u'.i i;i coo- and n.t.innlai.on ot armed soldiers timiin;,lla8t uaVs .!ppr.pri i.,.,, un. 1 hey have no hope of earrymg tlie til the 1st i tiet ,).i:.n..ry and ad 7iext lVcsidential election. With journ to take an appeal to the coun the desperation of desj.air, therefore, are the Jiepuhliean leaders lining their uttermost to defeat this mens- lire, which by giving a free and open la'.lott will assuredly doom their party to destruction. The excuse they oll'er for their opposi tion, is that tliis legislation ehniild be done by a separate bill, and not from tLo Ob-erver two important de be tacked on to an appropriation cisiousrccciilly rendered by our St-i-tun. 1 Ins. however, is too shallow -"'preme Coml. The iii- t cisa is; hvpocrisv to deceive anv one, for kS;;,l,e vs- -ivis, from "Wake: when thev were in the nm'ontv in w '!' lV1' 'f' "v." were indicted for an ultra v and tned 1 ongress such legislation was oi common occurrence, and they re peatedly did what is now charged .as '"revolutionary .' They intend to run Grant as their candidate for President next year, and they hope that by the use of soldiers at the polls to control the elections and thus force him upon the people, and wi;!i him again scaled in the presiden tial chair they will once more '"re construct" the South, ami perpet uate their rule by the bayonets of the soldiers controlling the ballots of the people. The purity and freedom of the ballot box is the on ly safety of our country, and it' we wish civil liberty preserved and our rights protected let our (.lec tions be conducted without the presence of soldiers at the polls, and let every voter deposit his bal lot without fear or intimidation ! In this struggle, therefore, the Mcmocao, m'-" "w Mi T"'l and endorsement not only of their own iiartv but of thousands of lion- est. rem.hlieans. who love th,.;.- 4 , , ... country better than their party, and who have seen enough of military rule. Our people, both democrats and republicans, have had enough of soldiers. They do not care ever to see another. Their experience with them has not been altogether of a pleasant character, and thev of an exe -ution issued in the ease ot have no desire for a repetition (;fJhe plaiiitilV against A. McNeil cud . . 1 . . ,,,, . , of their past experience. 1 hey right- ly think that the civil power should lie above the militarv. that the eh tizen should be superior to the fob (Tier, and not that the bayonet of the latter should covitml the bal lot of tho former. We feel as sured that tho good, law-abiding people of our country, irrespective of nartv. wHl wish success to t,o democrats in fhide r.lb.i-tc ... f..,.l.M the presence of the soldiers at the jioiio. 111 mu 111 si piaco mere is no "ui uuucn im iu mj o.i saiue, imu buan uo guiuy 01 a lnisdeineanor, need of any soldiers at anv election 1 tlimf"ro no action; and further, no uud 011 conviction shall he lined not and if there should be an'v riot nv'UU 1?kea ,bc,ca,.,ti0 of the pnial- I- than two dollar-, nor more than mm it tlRiestioukl lie anj not 01 Ue8 and prohibitions set forth iu;livo dollars, or imp.isoned not es- disturbance, let the civil authorities J chapter .W, Battle's Rovisai." ; feeding live daysor both, iu the execute the law, and it will be' Held, The imposition of a penalty discretion of the court. found that their injwer is anmlv 1 want of otlieial diligence is a Sec. 7. Every oversyer shall at each snfh'cient. . . From ih New York Iteral.l. Republican Insincerity, It in the fact that the republican leaders who inr,h tUa resent - - J s ?' 1 -n, ' r. simply l 'resident mailing when cry out "revolution." ami this fact which ought to be knowi . 1 , ' I t . , . r ..V , new secession era revolution of' nuv kind is f lnviit imv l.iva ,' ! fm-8 for tlio const'tntion for free ' ,1U lOl iri I . .,,, ,,.,(... ,...,1 ... VI. ..4 1 . Koveinmi nt or popular nnertv; w hat "i.v 1 1 . f , ... i, .i n.-.. .';u l , J'J 1Vok1 Jei. t V ll cdoUm n 1. 1 io ' w;t tht.v know of 'no' betier ,pe le's miittoti. There is not the least ground for , the excitement and bitti rues which ' "'"V 'r. . 1." ' ,l. l '..l :c .1 1 1 . m!ijo;i'y in both h.-u-t s; thev are do n'tf what the r pubbe ins have over ,,.,u,-y1 .' uone-tacKieg p...i -tiiekii tic ll le"lsht! 1011 on )1ifli.lU'l:it:oii l,i Is tho 01: V ell 1 r.'llee HM1..' t i.-it the democrat 4 havo at once oeem-d their matters to the fu h-st debate, wiuio tlie it-( ioukmiis s v.uctiin.'s ror , cod Units through iu;d :v the law known its thepivvinii.s q mention. The democrats iu.au U jvisj their bills iiii.l send tliem to tli" l'n .u lent. as tiiey have a consMtutional ri-ht to .i ,..( ,1. :. .,,,,1 r,v.i';il:oii- fiolish and avy in ir, uudoub'.e liv disie troiu to ll;e;n a-i is. fl' the is. Jt the I v 1 .... . ..... .1... 1 :m . m... 11., 111... n un: imi.v 11.1 iiu mil lroba Jo tl; lhc lI(,nOC1,lts w.n nave to face that fact. If then tin-v oul 1, as ((..rfi -!d mid o;lar retmb- lieaiib viinont thejea.-t leaso.i as. -it they will, ndj .urn !'.nl leave the gov UMinent wit hor.t appropriations, 1 hoy will nml.mbt.'dly commit a n-vo'11- tionary act, and it will r. ouire no re- puiilieiins .slump sjiccelies in t.ongu s to lea 1 the c it'.nu v to pr.;.is!i them ior iiia:. Ji.ey Wi.uu simply itr.iw ruin on th 'lu'selvi s. I? it m; pise lh-y do not commit t!ii.s hugn fully : 1IIM1;I. I'mv I HI-, f l!.,. P.... try, where then wouiil he ti.'mni (ariiiM's rt-vi.lution, or where tin sense of "eareliini over the Loiii.' Ihiilg. again ':" Import-iut Divisions. For the infornmti m of our rol l ers who do not have the oppniUnii y r.f rea 'ing tho law books, we 'copy Ufore Stron tTiid-e, i t Noveiuhi r 'Mia, 1S7S, Wake Criminal O.iirt I'iie d( feiid.int iind onii ,- u;s w.-re ipiarn Hi: g in the pnlcie ro id l.-i 1 ing over the lands a;.,! iu fro:t of the house of Lasher's m t!n r. The de fendant Avas cursing iii n on I t u:e and uin;; vulgar language, mid L is .iter eiuue out with 1111 ordinary walk ing stick and reinoust.. v.p'h (h fendaiit, v. ho holding a pistol d liolineed I.assiti r iind said he was io the pablh: n a 1 and would curse n--much r.s he ji'.eased. Aft r 'lie in terchange of a few words d-f-ml oa gave La-siter the bo and th,. l.u'tr struck him with his sti.-k. J) Teti datit attcrcp'nl to use ins php.l but was jirtvented by the bvst.(idT. The prineijiai def. n e of di f. nd mt was thi.t he wns in the public r.11. and bud a light to do what he lous ed. Lasaiter w-as acp;!tt' d and ile f( n hint was convicti d, and nj ealed. Ilel 1: The public have only an case ment in a highway, that is, th" right of passing and repassing along ir, the soil remains in tLo owner ami nhen one st-'ps iu the mad nu con ducts himself as the defendant did. he becomes a tirspisser, and tho owner has the liVut.oalmtot lie, mi. owner has the 1 ance, ami the principal of moUitei man us & c, does no. apply to a case hU: ,hia.wl".'" Ul" ln sl j , -1 r nruie with a l'l-tol is act such belli gere nt defiance, The seond case is: Richardson vs. Wicker, from Moor. : This wai a sci fa, to show cause against a judgment nisi for $100 against the defendant, Sheriff Moore county, for (ailing to Lave in Court at 1V.1 Term, 1S7S, the n mount oiiifis, iue CJiiee.ion ol a ueOl C()tltl,l(..tad before th, war. The d- fendautsl lowed for cause ngninst the making of the judgment absolute. tl,1t tLe k'!c,"','u.118 Iiai EO l''P-rtr, riii fir tiprsoiia 111 f.Teiicu .t ti... ..v. emptions allovvcd by the laws of the D.iiie iiiiume uecisior.s 01 me 1 . oi.ris, and that he had acted with tho etc- cut urn which c.uijo to his hands in tho niauner aud upon the lensons stated in his return, which was in tho following . words: "The th ten- ,U"ls C:Cl1 1,0 ltitioll for ho homestead ... 1 n 13 uiu uiin iii iinp.irniii nun 'l vers 1 , . , . , . . . . ' , . -i----- - ...- iwnf, cownl1 ! to tell the truth that tlifro U no i-.-v. ! c,al f aM;l hV hmx to the . peace, or my one ol tliem, to iue , ,.r!y euiidue'.od. I fully concur with ulivih "".ami t.frsnuio i.rrirtv i.vir,,i,ii,.T,. to be laid oil'; plaintiff reith.r pays . uittHtr ui onue nxumii m Rllil S 10l affected by the decisiou In KJvvards ! vs. Kearsey, an 1 it w-ould ho no ita- puiuncht of the jl li ti titl"- right to collect. his debt it the liP'MsLit lira, ' i 11 i ii. i ; 8 ' Ml , ''""f," i l T i i 7 . ""ether. -iherefore we on not . who atteuued aud worked each dny, soc how il H ,lj!lt the Il""tUV Las , of the ,, umber and names of Hands . 'V the ti no Iim execution went into the er or not thev were legally munition-' ''c'f' AND AI'80 T,UT ,T "K i IS a i , ... ...i -iv. Ill i it Li 1 ...1 .'.i ,i , ! WlllTTHN PLAINLY AND ONI.V ON O.N K HIIIK I i tn li. ,m " 1 "'Ul' ' "in'uier or not uiry piii.i:lip T1,.; i-apkii. tiik kditoh is vori l'nalty to bo imposed on the . S1,el. 11 m .vlll!m l ,,lis . cs- eeuuon until niter nrst Bott ng - i it - : 1 i iiiiiuv iiiu i.M'noiiions iim iiruMik'U i . i. ... i . . . i... nl""'fc 11,0 oxemptions as provided OV I III' V 'JI1MU 111 Oil III. (I hTillllie 1VS lll.ll IIIUIU IIIU lVOl'lt, KAliril ll IIS , , . , - .... . ,'. ... of the Statu. Io rnposj a penni'v aforesaid, if it hhall ap'u a tuut anv un Jor mh ri',ll, Js ," lI ":'iof ,hl' h vuU "frt!r ! x" - ! without lidiuon to authoiize it. mon.d, lmyo fiih.d to a.u.n.l ...id Wfi V-nvn nf liif. rilk'niim.1 a copy of llio new road law, which wo imb Pli!- ... . Iish Iu'renith in f'd for the iufjruia - Tub (iKSKii.vr. AssiMai.v or , Xonr.i ('.i.oi!N l'o .n,m:i': Sre. 1. Tl.at. tl justices of the . J .. OOIK e ill eacli una viu v to.vnslap shall bav the HuiHi-d.i... and con - i trol of the pubbe r..a.l in their ro - s1.i-r.l,cU.iii.lilps. Tlicv M.a'l, w'.llll""" "u ll" lls. tr il II it i-SC M- ifspcct to this v.,rlr. e.m's itnto ami , llv' "M-Vs- I" 'Into of be stvhvl th.; ' b ard of sunervis ' ,,v' er to nKi.ie.iuy r. p.,rt to "I - Thev are h.'r. by ineorponted. and the abovik tihal bo their eorp orate name. See. 2. Tlie said boird of snprr vis rs snail meet at homi' iiiu vis .rs Kieill nir ii,..:- :.. 1 1 . . men i esui-ii n f lowusuiiis, 10 ne lv,,i nplon ,,v ,i1,nlM.v,.i or j th, tli absence of such ajrr.ien.ei.t. to be named by thc-ir elcirniau. on tin fr.-t 3f.ind.iv of l-i bru-irv. Jfiv. An- gust and November, for tee purpose of consnl'i ig 0:1 t!ie subject of the e mdition of the rads in their lown- ship. Tin v shall sonm time during tn .' we. k pre.' 'trig eae 1 me-"ti:i ', j o ever aii l i ruiu all the r. ab in tie ii t iwa-hip. Tin y shall, arvma'.'y, ii' I heir inc. t ing in l bni try, i-lee' some on,, of tlie r numb, r eiViinimi: IVovid that the Ihsl. ihciim fo' cleilr iiau shall be I e'd on the tiv-.; Mo'idiy i:i .M iy. l-7:. ::nl tlie eh i m:iTi then el 'ele.l sli e thn io- siiiou 1111 il the lir.it M.m.l iy of i'eb ru nv, lss,). S. e :t The said b i ivd of S ip r visors shall, iinuu illy, nt the meet ing iu May, ilii le the r.vid-i of their t wiiships i-.'n h eM ins, an 1 appoint o.eie : s, an 1 sliYI :i!so d. s'g.-a:.. the b cm, 1 11 ie to uiii 'a e ie'.j re-s-iih n" sh.d. ! liab'e i-o vo k on sai-1 s.'i-tion. toi 1 .-had, wi'd i i live 1! .v al'.er such muting, cert fy to each ovfisei r writ n uoiiee of his r.ppo'iit meat, wi'h a l..-t ni'tln- h. mds :i,dn ed to his i-i-eti-m ; Provided, tint the 1) iard of sui't 1 vi-us i.i-ty a', any lime niter t'.ie m '. iiot:i ou al'otm-u:!, bur shall -ive ii-..! ict thereof to the . i-vi-i .i-. r. Ti... iiv. I'seer neiv ii-siu atier the cxpir 1! ion of I wi be iu-.mi tits ' i led his roii-l vh id be in go .d repair mid tl.e board of supervisors sh.i!! m. ';i:d, Mill m:y ovelf.e. r so v igcing ioi.I v. ho- e r.-igti.ttio.i ha-hi-eii i:ee, ted by tho i'o.ud, siwi'.l not Without his i-oi:-,i-ut be a.-aiu ap pointi d ov. rsi 1 r until i:f;, r tlie i x puatioti of two ve ;.s from tho dat ef Lis Jir'gtiati 11. Tint when 1, puMi: 101.I siutd be dividing line belwt eti the town.-hi; s the l.vi.ird of coiiu:iissiot;( is of the- c.f.i.ty sh dl de'ertidue us tn how s ii 1 r .a 1 tdnil be divi Ir,'. with notice of the work ing if ';' 1. Sec. -1. ' ' bo lied in-de yry ' sons b.-t i. : the ages of i.;ht.iui yejirs and 1 i'!y live yeirs, s'l.ill be riquiud upiitr the provisions of tlii s : act to woik on tin- public roads. i-scept .he tui-u.o-'rs ot t e bourd of silptuvisoisof il lie loads, not less than three nor tno:v th-o'i t .n .1 .i-.- ! in eiieh .-v, w v. ..r u .. 'el ' n ., . ........ im- ...eieei 01 imii rei.i shall for at least, three da' s iu the year summon the hands of his sec tion to work on toe roi.l. 'I'.... .. tice shall I-.- ut 1. nst two dav- b. f .re the dav named for tho w.'.rk. iiml .-iedl state tho hour and tiiu place f-.r the m. cting of the ban Is and what imp', mt nts tlie hands Ki,.,n : iroi wiih h ' in l i.o'v ,...-.., 1;.. verv nir.. bte to work "on the road, w ho h is - notied, shall appear at the time and place named ami wbb ' th,! iaiidetueut tiireettd. and si. id woiUoniLe 10 ul under the dir. c- ion of the overseer until discharged: liy him: Provided, that 110 hainf sli ill b'i required to work on tue road for ' iauie men iwo nays iu succession, , nor for a longer time thin ten hours nfl.Miill.. l,.1," ,,f u..l, 4 l, J,.'""' CO ll I of iu any one day. Any p-Tsou suiu in liloiit-l us i:fo:esi.id, w tin shall by twciV o chick of t il day preceding tlie one uppoihte 1 for woi k on the r....l tl... , 1 I one iiollar, sh ill bo re ieved f,o:i. J..-.J hi ..,.i.-itl iiicsi.m oi fi o:i :, ., ,iwl 1 , . ,, 1.. The ot e - thus e l h e 1 l v ihe iiioni'3 Ihus co.lt cttil lij tue overseer, shall be by him implied on the vvor!degan l irep-urii. 01 tiie e - . - ..i 1 1.., 1 . .... 11V Person who shall fun, sh one able-bodinl lnmi ns a suint tute wi-Ii the lmnh- incut directed shall be held to h' ve coi.ipl.ed with the piovisions of this act. Sec. 0. Any person liable to work ou the road who shall f.i.l to attend and work as berei.ibefore provided. 1-,.,, c. r.,.1 ... 1,. . I., ,,,.1..... 1. shad have paid the duiiar ..foresaid, ana evcrv lUCetini? ol tho iHHinl of supervisors of hU tovvuship, msko ' report to them of tho prcseut cn- j diliou of his road, of the number of; nays workoJ on liia Bption miifn lost. ..e 1 . i i ; , That tho said overseer shall, before ome per.on autho.ized to adminis- j ter an oaui, nuke writioti iiiiniuvit !. .I. l . .' '' icjuin 11 i run mill c iivr". I'l'i. , . i i. a . t lint t lie report h true and c riveh !lhe ma ting of tha Btipervin.rs in , iVbnniiyi make report ofal the . neiiicvs cMleeteil l)v 11 un from 11a 1: " .... . 1 1 .1 ' 1 . I'.l-s l.l.-llt'il il'OUl WOIK 0:1 IUO 1MIUI . (r the pvcadin- year, with a Htt-I ' '"M" That if any owr.e-r htiab i fail to ilifhare anv oie i-f tifo du- 1 . :. .. L.. 1 1 ... 1 . 1 .1. n . . : " r l7 s ' ' , , irll ! 1 V ill :! 1,1 iw.l.. I.. ..ill. . i. I .... ...,,. i . , , . , ,, i . . . "'''i 'V.-n .lottos. !'" 111 " hull of n uic.it of l.u, ..: 1. I 01 saperiHors ot leiiii.e ; "V!1'1' of l towns.,,i!- as. P'vi'b-d iu h:s ict, then, and in that case, l' shall be tiie duty (if the ch liriuan of stiehb 'ird itumc.li it.-ly up ui such failure to make 11 kw 'i n st it' im nt of the '. ict before s uue ju-tioo of th-' peao' of an a lj lining to vnslrp, who shut immediately isue Ids warrant for he arrest of the nai l overseer and proceed to fry him lor the offence. S c. it. Tim burd of stip -rvisor. shall h ive t'ue ri ,'!it to lay out. and d.sumtinue cartways, subjeet. to a', the, rules and regulations jimv in foro', and the board of commissi, m .ersoi th" coltntv ouiy shah b ive th" right t) liy out and e f .blis 1 and lilN'ontinue ubbe 10 l is, stibjeei to i!n same inP-s and n-g d.i'ioiis now m f .re : Trovnied bowev.'t. .hit iu living out ami e-i.tbiis hi'ig road.sand fairways, and for 1 he pui-po-e of as.-'essiog d.tut igi) t prop illy by rea-iin of tho sum.-, no ..-rial-i .-r lui ii'o.-r of jurors than Ii s o shall ; be suinuioiu d or In rc.j i.'r.-d, .no , irovisioii in any other Jaw to the eontr.m noiv.it est an ling. Sec Id The bo 1 rd ot sup-rvi-.iirs lii.l atniuihy make r.;."it to the iirstteiiii of the Miju-rior court of tin ir county afer tho lir-t M,n.'.i iu Aegu-t, of tiie ivuiini n of the loads of I'liel. lovvi.s'.iijt, m:d if til" liili ting p. ovid .1 for in l is net he.v iHi'iiluld by si.il bo.ud. iind tiif j.i'L'e liol.hiig such tenn of toe s:l peri-r c uirt shall, after his ch .r.je to t lie grand jury and bifor- they shall retire t t.ieir ro en, c dl upon die clerk of the e urt fir such re ports, and tue sua;! tiu-n ami tncre I) delivered to the fori tiny of the gran 1 jury, un-1 if any b 'ai d of s't;i"i visors sliall fad to make s:.id li p irt or to discharge any other duty itupo-e-i. by tiiis act, they shall be g :i ty of a nos-lenii-aiior, iiml on c n.wc"i ut thereof shall b lim d or imp'-isonud, or botll, m the (h.-eivt'oii f the court, and the imbe.'iu. til 111 iy be i-itm r iigninst the b .urd of super visors, or ngiust. the iti-dvi bi il-c..iiu- . posing it as justic s of tlie p ..c-'. See. 11. 'J he several supei i r court" lerks Hiid the r. gister of dee Is iu the State shall withm twentv days after t!ie iis,a,'e id this net, post a coj.y theuof in some eou-pie-his pl.iCi.' ill their respective oli'tees, ninl to carry otit, t his provisioti ihe Secre-, tsiiy of .State, imnndi tte'y upon th" ratification of tiii.-. a"t, shall e 1 e.e to; be published in c .uvenient f -rui for0'111' 1 01 ,,K! w' ' '"'g". n..i (''ls purpose a su.h.-teiit mtmlici of -co .ies ofthis act, und I h .it mail .01.. :,I1V t., Liicil ll'lil M.-I'l' k.'lv rtni' i. . . .... , c.it'.n ci.-iK anil register 01 o. i us 111 tue State; Provided, t-.at toe ium- visions 01 this act snail not aiolv to ti" co,,l',it'! of Aliegiiat.y. Alcxaudt-r, iitauga au i M Ashe, kten-H "u,',s- . , , , , ,2' A11 3"ws Rlul a" ot laws in cji'tl et with the provisions 01 u.n iici aie nert ov r pea.eti. . i,'v 1:5 Tuis act s.ia'.l be in force Z rZ "ZT.IZZ Mate i iiivei'siiy uaiiroa.i. The incorporators of the .sT-iite Un - vcrsitv K.nlroad will meet this week ee : atCh.p,llI.ll toopeubooks t.f tb - , '1'"' I! l ' '" the organiz ition of tho Company. As soon as it is formed the construe tion of the r ad will heyiu and it i utuicrsiooo in it ii win ue vigorous- , . . .1 . i. '.1 . lv pii-hed to c unpletion. We ktio.v lv pushed toe. mpletion. We ktio.v 1 t .1 11 1 . ;;f,i(',!l,tll!lt,U;l,e,lt;;,;:S70 - to the Convenience of the public th in n nul h adiii.r to (ihani l 11 1!. Tin, tinvcrsitv ought to be ea-v ol :.civms, and Sllmitie.l with HVI V im.I1 -Ml convenience in order to inve a fair" chance iu the race for learning. Wv hone, to 1.10 tho road Imi't. nnd ! t-ipnpped to ( hup ! J L .11 htforo an other snow falls. Oosei ver. j 1 Ti1eCha1lotteDet110er.it says: If our people will it; f irm themselves Py reiding the useful home inf oriti ition te.ruishe I Pv the Sortli Carolina press, instead of devoting their ut- tent ion to the sensational .rt'usions of New York, Phdado'phia, Cnici.go. and other such local ties, they wUl bo much wiser iu many respects and : know more of matters that mat eri- famished bv the North Carolina 11 . l mlv im.l morn iv 1 ni. cera theuj. ' Correspondence, i - nrwBwiii pi.kas.ri. toi.kie.vb ooumcnk ations on anv 5t ui a is that j mat kk of ivmtF.sT. nui wa,.cT insist ' ion or coimKsiMXDK.-m -tt i ron the rkcoiui. ! Tailapkoa. Ai.a.. i F.nnon Tl ; scried for I ; cause it was Jlareii 71 Ii 1875). RF.oosn: When I fu st sub- j 1 1... i .. T i. I iiiv: j;.o urn x UHl ho, III!- as published in Pittsboro, ; bt'in lb, btt for the jnihlie y Yours tnilv, J.lMKS HrADEN. FOH THE HKCOItt). I Haw lltvEn Chatham Co., j Modi '2l)i I. 1S75). I Dr.vii Ilueor.n; S-mni timu his le'ap-e l sine" I wrote you, and nsthe I spring term of our Superior Court ! has ju-o, closed, p- rhaps it would not j be a miss t mention a fovv things that oecti'-re l in iin.l out. of court, ! for tlio benefit if your nun e -oik - reader who W: re pn-Hent if , there he sucll 111 the c unit v, as there ' eerta uly w-jis 11 v(vy largo crowd ' iu itteud i-iee tile vvh )!o of tho first ; week You have already mentioned : m icii th it oee.iriod, such usthe Med i"iue man and his assistaut sea'ed on I two large boxes b it ll h's Kd'Opiin und Malay or Nf myolian ch-tter and:. Sn iiv; also tho hi hcrous exit ..i'h... ,.. ii,.. .-. .I. ,., .. i... ti...... ! There was, luivvever, things that you did not mention, for some of which I s ov manv of the a hiprevH of Ibic ehuswho sc'-inel to have drdued dt irenpito the botoun. Wli.it tl pi'y ! To such I won I say, reinem ier the f :it it of one o!' the grentes-t y iu-:g or.it ra Virginia over pro due 'd, the g fled John Thnke, and g real upon the buubstone that ma ks les 1 i-t resting place tho ep it mil of his own sde.-tioe: O, tmuler youth turn here an eye, Wl.n; you lire row, tliul mice wag I. Wi n: I am now, ilmt jn.i may lie, Tuen lui;i tiio am tUnt murdered me. One of llio strange things that oc curred iu court, tiu. I of which I was permitted to hear, was a suit, J. J o-kiiiy vs. t.' .ndaee Unrtoti, .1 wi lO'V. It seems that 7iekncy iiad iii -til ut d sn.. for d itnages iu the m.'.t!('r of twelve piuo poles and three li'indre I ra 's o ten on share, vhuei l i''er she iiad a p' ifo -t right ti do. N'w tlie 1'ivy. rs s iy that tins d-iiiaj- nni-t. bo matt'iiil to in ike ir stick, und iu or.h r to stick it, the jury vdu- liie rails .at live iloU-irs .-Mid t he io'."s at live dollars. ), siiaui" win re is .bv bhiiU! Now Mr. l-'mitov, I em l.iy one h ilf dozen ..I' I l.i 1 ..-ul I i I- 1 !'.... in fit.. ........ ','"'V,n -erage one thousam. leet of lumber e ich wortli sixrv tlol-i 1 f ..'.', 1 1 ' 1. li s f-.r w mt Kile Ins been llssesso 1 ! for twelve l-ine potes. lint says one, sliehasstilth. right to cJear, and, to i h iir it ail, if tii'iv-s :rv 1 1 hersu;: port. Now pray w hat doe.t such a' right iiiiiouut. to? Just iio'.hingi 11. ore thun to be retarded ill the work at every step under a svstem of lhc. si u-tcst espionage with a Fpi itb-r I behind r-veiy ci lar, ami iu every fence joint, and at. hist drigged into; e mrt und subjected to a heavy billj of cost. If tins be title in reversion, I pray God to save the balance of i the w i. lows of the county from any) sti.-h iiiheriteiiec. You shomd have, meiitioned this case us the egntiii vvoud' r of the world, and thou '"" 'v ."-i, .u ""ve'iueiess 111 rc rii.iiirmg man 1 tier, as u iooks oevou 1 tue Donnas . .r , ..... r. , i; ,, ,. 1 .i ; ..i;..., ( i . .,.l ... - , : :J : , e-mrt whose decisions are just, and fnn" "llch tUuv " uo "I'l".' ll" ll I S! ICE. Tassase of the Army Hill. Bv a strict pirtv vie the Ilonnei yesterday passe 1 1 tlin Anny Appro-, Tiie President is not likilv to veto it. The ground of opposition assumed u""v? in f'r;-' l-H jrrorery smre. 1 terms. 1 , 1 ,s .. ror our mvu coiiven.eiiso, and lor coin-1 . ,, , . by his party m Congress is tlioinor. - ,rt ,,, ntlf rusmmer. we l.avn reeemtv I AH looses paid promptly. En-p-opritty of at aehtt g the pr 1 .uri-!ia-d r liule Pt-nt It. muter and on- courage Home Institutions. Insure viso ii"ainsi, mu nst! o iroops na isii n;;iiii-i( iuu listi l'-c'ioiis to a lud aporoiinatiTt; ..,,,. ,1,., ,,.. 1 ..t ,1,,. 1.. : iFl,;m - 1S(J2 t) whUo control of Congress was complete! ;t, 1 1 : i.,- 00- ! number where attached bv that rartv to eighty-four appropriation bd's, 0.i. .t . .,,-. I :.'...'" l)asse'! 'tiuiiiig 111s Ben ice 111 Ami ess mm .amrt , ,bem tUem(Rt 0,)jedionab!e, r Hives vote 1 Ohnei ver ' 1 Hiennlmv- i.P !.a Tn. o.n 1. .1,. .,. ' 1 rsnunt in ndionrniiptd tho Ttoi1 of Directors of the Ins 1110 Aluui met at the Asylum jcsterd.iy morning. Bv laws for the government, of the institution were adopted. Dr. J Ij. Craven gave noti.:e of ids retiring from the Institution nud resolutions com plinitntary to his skill and efficiency were passad liy the Board. An in-1 were pnssed liy the Board. An in-1 vestigution into the ofhees of the stitution exhibited and its general ory state. No fault was found any where. Tie Board declined to take any action that would commit it in tin urmcn onnUit nr he ronniMr. ship. Observer. ! NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. t. h. ns & Brlggs nulliling, lUlelgh, X. 0. HARDWARE! rt'TTY, WIMiOW-GI.ASS. I.IME, CICMKXT, I'l.ASTE ANT) SUPPLIES. C.irrespoiiiU-uc.' e.illci'.eJ () v'! ll div4 Cm ifi WITH Patent tee Aflinsfer . ,P Ml'st HIKl lieapi'st ill t!l0 voim n TRV THKM AND HE CONVIXO'EIV M.umf.Kti.ie.l exiirelv l.iratul for Kale by ltaleich, N. 0. A'eo Airer.t (or the pale ol Pit. W.viinki.s' I!K Vl.l liCOtt.sr.T. iiiiiMiuallrd for B.-auty S:vl.' and Canton. di'i lll tf I'ZJSCiJD, Z.ES 5t CO., Wdj and Mi COtl. MA11TIX A KAVKTTKV 11 !. STimtTS, l.piwi:e P,.t Otl!.:c, DRUGS! New Store ! New Goods ! Fur the l etter arcitiiuno In'ion of our Cus. toltleie. we lihvn f.liene.1 fuief'.er flrit.r Store. C.rner Mnr.ill and F.ivettcviile Sin-el . and ar prepar.'d t.i fimiuli KiTin - -, f.ei.Ury MerHiaum, and ers, l'lusi.-iaii the I'uhlir L't-nernllv null a e .ioce aid l'reh Si 'ik "t PUIMS. f ifiniralu, Dye Stuil's, K-iiii'v I1011N, (iai'den iind (i ss See.iu Toil'.-- -. S-'fars. M oierl.Vafi-r,i-l li ve ii a 1 w.i ci.n j l.'iis- y..u iu (i .ndrt niul Prices. d.ili' li.u M VM l'VVI I Till NO JEWELER M EHGBAVER liKAI.KK IX . R , lMfl8H TlHV,1,m.1 KM fiin'l IIWx.i Uitt'ilJUuiU k.i JSom.Jj Silver and Plated Ware. Keeps a f.ili line of all arth'tea l.uiud iu a fekt claa Jew.'lrv store. mm mn mn a mi-m infMn Mad" in order nn the aliorteyt Notice. (S.'lid lor Patent King Size.) Hair Jewelry, College lladges, Medals and Seals, Or.lere Iroin a dietauce SnliriU'.l. floodM (r.t on appMial to any pnrt of the Hiutv ou atisfctorv referenrea. ii. iviaiiieu, dicl!)-tf Hah iU, N. C. W. I Si L I limi aZIOCxjXIS and COtiftliSSiON MERCHANTS, So. 1 Faje i- ville, St.. No. 4 Martin St., .and No. 0 Mai kit Sqaare. Ah Oroeei-m . - to ... . (.,)n.1ru ',L I n numerate, ne keep KVEKY 1 dllNU I .nine i.aierprire ooiiiimny a iarif UilUi". e nr inn.-, riiameii 10 bhu ierlei'llv I r.wtei I I'otl'. e at figures vvitUiu the rrach one As Commission Merchants, W l"ve unu-nnl facilities for l.andtinfr I'o.ton and a!l manner of Countrv l'rslui-e ITT , one o! ur Stores ueini iuiiiitdiately on .... uur . w. mronacti, tvno nas tit-en en- In the Counn l.usines, to, twelve year, ivrs his peraonul attention to con- s'lriuiieiea of Coiion. and anv one shii.i.iiur t to us, may feel well a-mured Miat tlnir eot- n ill 1 e ir riy ei. ton will 1 e properly weighed aud liilii-Ml 'LTZZ on Consignment. , AS AGENTS 1 roa the ' I Rradley Fertilizer Company, We control two of the In-sl Guanos inanu fHC:ured in the 1'nited States, both nnnr paed ia llir. cultivation of cottou, vvlieiit, corn and tobarco. " recommena for stitr rl.iy oil. Fc In-T"?1 ',,r eil, Brad-: '"' j "0 t,,e St", iir,"'r nd cettiu'caUs iur-j "'Kllldis's plmoM of iw v.,tn.r ' recoinmend for stiO" rl.iy aoll. Fca r, m mm mmm ii'fU a. KU A Alii 1 44 AkAi U. """'vii. .it.m mr rnw im. fvl.l3-la ... j NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. M. T. PRRIS 4 CO., GWOCJ-;iH nntl IS! Raleigh, C. SOLE AGENTS FOR Patnpsoo (JuiiD'i and Uraiijfe Mixture, SmiKwall Cutlon Plow, Alias Plow, IMani'l, Jr., Horse Hoe and Iron age Cul tivator. Wo have in atore and to arrive 400 HuIih1h While Hnlte.t Meal, 2a 0(1(1 Lbx. Bulk )l.ar Hid Siili-n. 1 .000 BuRhelH While and Mixed Corn, 8011 I'.uslii-la Dent Bi'i il Uiila, TiOO Saikn aud Uurreln Family and Extra Flmir, 40 nnrrcln Sugar White and Ytllow, 115 Bap (J-.tT-.. 3 0'ar I.ohiIb Molnsgrn NVw Crop Cuba, NViv Orli'iiiid and Sugar House Syrup, 100 Suk8 MnrplialiH l.ivfrool Fine Suit, 21 Barrels Burly Kose Potatoes, 1000 Biik Patapsco Guhuo, 50 B.xea Simp, 100 Keir Nails, And other goods Deceecary to make up full Fiock. All of tlio above gnnf a we will sell ct.eap tor cas'.i, or on time, with natialactory art raiuti'iiieiii. Soliciiiiitf orders, We are Respi-cttulW, 1Y. T. lVOIUUS &. CO. decl2-3m W. C. McMACKIW, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, East end Citizens National Bank, HALEIGH, N. C. Consignments of all kinds of Mer chandise und Produco solicited. Hatt isfuctorv sales L'liarauteed nml lirf.iniv. re'tirns invariablv mude. for ..,.W. ato connuissions. sm. Cotton Keceivod also on Storage at Moderate Rates, Raleigh Daily Cotton Market Iie- i ports and the latest changes iu New York and Liverpool Markets forward ed every day to patrons. Refers to Rah-igh National Bank ana tho business public of tho city. ON II AND: A large invoico of MILBURN i WAGON'S for sale at $ 75 eiich; uub !stantial work und warranted. ! OPEN AND TOP BUGGIES tt j$S(l to $100 each; workiuauship and j material gnarautced. l'huir. Corn, Oats, Foder, llsy Meal, (thops, Browu Stuff, North , Carolina II. .Ills, Shit S nild ShouUlerS ' in fact, all kinds of Produce always j st,,re. septl!) 3iu CHRISTOPHERS & SOREELL, ! "Wholesale and Retail Grocers & Commission Mercbanfs, No. 15 Hargett Street, i;u mtm V. j A car load of New Crop CUBA. M0LA3 SKS! jut received. Highest nin.ket prices paid for BEEVES. Sole Ait ts for ItaleiKli No. 4 Plow. I Special luduceinentS'ifTered toMervliants. I t'otisl;nuie.ita ol C.-tton and Produce j Solicited. ! insiT tv Jons O ATM so, 1'reeidt'i.t. PIIIMR08F, Sfcrotary. INSURE YOUR PROPERTY IS THE j NORTH CAROLINA HOME INSURANCE COMPANY, This Company will insure your Store, or other building on the most reasonable ;,, ,.,l -!,. tt" - x ' Apply to H. A. LONDON, JR., septl 9 3ni Agent. Luke Brothers, lf " S T ft IWWudal) lm W., Founders, Machinists and TIow Manufacturers. No. J Improved Plow, NV 5 Farmer' Frieud, Kentucky Plow, O PIovt. $3..10 d50 fl no ' These plows will be delirered wherever j desired, at tlie above prices. Hood prices paid tor old castings. Encourage home ; enterprise. Jan30 Bin TOR SALE! T OFFER FOR RALE THOROCGIT- I BliEl) BEKKSHIUE PI(J8. ALSO fJnnr,f "lZrni n?' ',d,",,,M Will .he.r Td V, ".U t" wl7l " 'd' SVUt'P MAKING "rnnu IA'lf'c ''"ei1, PAT- f Lawrence n'u

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