d ! 1 i' 1 I & .1 11 - i I THURSDAY,.. May 1, .IS7!. H. A. LONDON, Jr., Editor. CONGRKSSION A L M ATTKKS AVc have heretofore spoken of the pvat debate in Congress ngai:tt the use of troops at the olls, and we will now explain tho points of the discussion in which Congress is id present en-racd. which may he divided into two heads. 1. Many years ngo Congress passed a law forbidding any person holding a Federal oliiee or hittinir on the Jury in a Federal Court, who could not take the iron clad "or test oath," that it, swear that he bad never in miv manner aided or sympathized with the rebellion. Of course this disfranchised from oliice tho large ma jority of our people. but after the lapse of a tew years. when tho passions excited ly the war had begun to subside, this law as to holding otlice was repealed, but not us to Federal Jurors. So that it is now a good ground of challenge or objection in any Fed eral Court to a Juror who cannot take the test oath. 1ms right ot ehallenm-i is seldom insisted noon, jitnl in our State Federal Juror have been summoned without re- gard to their not being .able to take tho oath. Hut still the ob-J ieetioti can be made at any time. and but a few days ago in the trial of sonic eases in Charleston this right of challenge was used by the (lovernment, and used so as to oh- tain a Jury packed to convict, "Well, the democrats think that this law bhould be repealed, that the iron-clad oath should not be re ijuircu of a man to enable him to Kerve as a Juror, any more than to hold an otlice, and the republicans arc opposing this repeal, it does eeem to us that any fair-minded man, without regard to polities, must pay that, the democrats are right in demanding a repeal of this odious and un just law. See how it Works. A man may hold an oilier, it matters trnt In w elevated, but can not serve as a Juror tit' objection is made) without tnking the iron clad oath. To illu.-trate by an iu.-tance : Judge 1 ick can, and does, preside as the Federal Judge of our Dis trict, no te.-t oath bring required of him, and yet he signed the Ordin ance of Secession that carried Xorth Carolina into the war! Hut any one of our good old citizens who rave his son a horse when he went into the iirmv. can be refused a seat upon the Jury in the Court pre.-id ed over by this Judge ! Is this consistent or right i Assuredly not. Any citizen (pialitied to sit on a jury in our .-Mate v ouns wi-uni or allowed to serve on a Jury in the United States Courts, and we hope that the democrat will succeed in having this unjust discrimination repealed. "2. The other law which the detn- ocrata wish repealed is in regard to Supervisors and United States Marshals tit tdeetions. i Tl.e republican parly when it ' r 1 ' . controlled the legislation of the, Government, and in order to per-: aud maintain expi n.sive feticus to al lietuate their siipremacv, paB.-ed a low other peoiilu to raise siock ou the 1 . . . '. ' . . t .. ill. fenced polliou of thur lands. Ait law authorizing the appointment ol tilia is ni..;vtinat;v lo ,JO ,., is for Federal Supervisors and Deputy farmers to asscit th. ir rights, pull Marshals at all elections where a ri ii .,; f 1 1 , . I J I.UVI H Villi. V I l ll. 10 IIU tlllllll. , The powers conferred on these olh- cers are repugnant to nil our ideas of civil liberty and the freedom of elec - , , . t.ons. Ihc law authorizes the jKjintinent of au unlimited number of Deputy Marshals, who are to In paid a day, who have the power without any warrant, or other law ful process, to arrest at their caprice or pleasure "either at the place of registration or polling place, or else where, and cither before or after P ' " 1 . no danger of anv President using who commits, or attempts or offers, tj to coinmit, any of the acts or oireii-of the peoplo, nud in reply d. this ces prohibited herein, or who com. Senator Randolph mentioned the luite asv olTenee ngaiiist the laws f following instince of military infer tile United States.'' Such are the. f,.rcnce bv Grant, which Nlnmld be words of this law. In our section here, wo know very little of the l.raetical workins of t'ds law. but t l i r..ii 1 ...1 .. 1.1 1 - t.. .t limy uevetujHat ta,-e ui-ie. j 11 1 ue city of New York, in their desper- ate effort to carry that JStato for, J raves in lS7d, the republicans :ip pointed 251MI of these Marshals, iind I070 Snjajrvisois .ervisoia at au exj etise of &'.'!, ,s7 b the Mx-p.tvcts of this country. At the last 'election , . . hcs;o ,ty in NS, l Snp, - - visors aim i-..in uepury ..iiarsiinis ii niuioiiifed nud PK.ii'timn .".immj tbor-o ofliccrs and illegally depriv e.l of their votes. There should be no interference by tin lYderal linv eminent in nr elections. The f rant ers of our Constitution never in tended then' should hi', and tlie people will sustain the democrat ie party in saying tlietv imv siieli interfeiviHV shall not In These o!ii- well enough without this horde of ollieers. and we can continue verv well without them Tlio Fence Law. Wfl hy ... miI(lft of ow ()f oul. r..,.;,,,,,,, fi)1Iowill!, nmlli0atio!l written for tho Jhblie.i! recorder, tho Ssato or,,' iu of our ' D-mtist friends: "Mu. Enrrois: As our popple nrc much exercised just now upon the fence law, I will sho.v you my opin ion. I believe that fence laws are unc institutional. I deny the light of a Icrishe uro to s iv that any one shall fence to protect his crops from other 'i-Hi't-s sleek. 'I'l... s;,.,... Conrl l)f theVnit-d'.Stales hav j ways held that fence laws are un- 1 constitutional, llie leuco taw in ! North Carolina was good in its da v. but the day of its utility has gone by. When funis were few and small and woods wire lare it paid the farmer to fence his cornpaU-h nn.l raise hogs and cattle oil seeds and acorns, but imw the thing is n-vi rsed in this section, fields are lirue mi l Moods iiiv small and the fence law a burden upon the farmers. The legislature ought, to r peal l lit f. niv law in toto. The idt a of voting upon the fence question is to me prfel ly absurd. What ri-jlit luxe I to vote that my neighbor shall m ike a fence, about his c. titivated fields? None whatever. Tien if au individ ual has no such rigiit where dm s the legislature of a Stat. - nbtaiii the i ighl ? If the legislature has ti e authoriM to say I shad fei.ee a part of my land it has tin same ri-ht to sii 1 si. ah lil.ee all ot it. it' it h-i-i tin ri.Jit ie say I shall fenci it has the rigl.r t- s:iy I shall not feeee. W in !i t "i i--State in. dies a gran of l.iinl ii le si ivis t-.vo things and only tvo the first is that the grand o shad U '.i and pay such sums of money as our (leliend Assili.b'y sii.ill from time to time assess as tuxes--the si c-i:.d that the grantee sh.rl cause this (!rat:t to be regi-t red in oar county of . Xow if the t ii 8 are p iid and tiie grant regishn-.l. the S'at.i has no lurlher c:itrol of that land only by escheat or lever.-iou. So lotijj as the conditions of the grant are fulfil. cd the grantee Iris absolute direction of the laud, and a Stat" his in iii'ii V Ids authoiity to say ho shall rows east and west, or shall build a certain number of houses uu it. Said houses bha'.l be one store, and have two doors in front and one be- loud, as it has to say he shall enclose the same with a live hundred dol- liU. f,.llco to kt.tp , -, v of scrub stock 0,1 h dollars yvorth his crops. The to enact 1 iws to State has authority protect peoples rights, in other words to say to tliii gra'.lo". if veil elect to keep stock y- u snail keep said stock 011 Miur own laud, and not kt it trespass n:i your neighbor, t j All the talk about the widow's row and tho poor inaifs bow, is all tom- olery Any ,od ia.vy, r will tell lis t hut t.hf-l-.i is ti.i I. lit hi iril v 111 t i country to compel f'trnuas to buil 1 down the tence if they so choohe ami no lawful authority coiii-iel cers are appoint;-.! nieivlv for po- m-oniv tue ci.ei.is ot rjiaio o.i.e. r. , i- nnpouH.u su.ij.vt w.mlil l...v.. a Inrgo min.l.or of ohl fm. resnii8 that can bo brieflv stated. Ci.nRijiniueuis ot rtic-d an I mrtv purposes -md those T , , ! , , .'" , ', , 1 V " . " " w - .n. n ml poor w,-ows. , a ib-per- Que of the strongest reasons is that Solicited. f 1 ' ' ' i ti ,,y,V! h,'M? ,nl,un" j1 p'i; to auW.it to your renders. , a,e combt , on. Wh. this shall have L,e pnWio necessity in the case will n.ar7 ly - Maivhals are working solely m the tliiil e.uil.l iv-. r ta!;o cognizance of a lew thoughts. Incs, and ligures, for .-nine to pas, von will then learn L.. V,u;f ,f B..i, I interests of their party and are paid .he ci.s.-tl.at is, the Supr.w n,.Mi.t by Riyii g. that we L llll0,rnt 0f nlocv, tho point if m "MflDDTCJ 0 Pfl A.-,adavbvthepeo.,le. Since tho of Si.u.h Cirohu-t-- nreilt-.at t he , As yoar generosity has air. ady furn- land owners will bo nearly in the llaim.,i nnt, bdng on ft line of through Ifl. 1. flOfiltlS & CO., au.u ' ' lederul ibices hhoaM bo promptly id.ed o.ir renders wult the la.v m same c .ndition that "H unan was t...lvei ;,, .r()iu :n HI1V Jil0ctu CIIOCFIIM .....I formatmn ot the C.overnment, until .indrawn fu,u ,l.o Sl.Ve C,pio . :f,:1. ' nhall uoi use the word. -.f S(1 , nft r he erected the gallon to . Stv itZ bo nbon Mm lMSAWfr1 t ie l'ast few rears, we have don.- mav mia.'u.e, nr, my a.-ton- the law bat merely rcf- r to what the , , ,..,r ,i.s brother nnon." 7 i.f ...... .l.i'. i i i, .,.i nflMM MVM.HRKTK ' .1 , . ,. .... .them to restore llieni. Iney can fence or not fence, provide! tli- y do ' not let their own stock tic-puss upon , 'heil" "'"ghbor. Tiiese are my tions uboitt fences ami if anv emu ean np-'show to ,h0 eonlrarv I shall be under many obligations. Inx-x. Military Interference Dining the debate in Congress on the question of forbul lin tlio tin's-1 enee of troons at the ,-olls. tin. H, -' - ... u li.UJ Ul.li IUC publicans contended that there was'wiilof their masters. Jdmiove idl denounced bv everv lover of civil lib- erty: "W.ll it be said. id-, that no Pres- i.h.ri ..fona.uhlimv.l.il.,;,! t ,,.! . use this power ? j know to t I had ' n 1 ST.! Hamp- . it..: the non'rnrv (bo houor to bear a mcsdag. from Goveitior (uowSontitoi) Ha Jou V' l"eU 1 ?al I lniw hiH ,roo', f.-om the State Ho8J of South Cuolin t, iu defaciieo to a decision of thn Sitpiemo and liiiIi -t t-r.iirt of limt SiuU-. 1 urged the im- purtanee or it won mi mo iorce ii ,, . tlt OI1) , t, ,i the i'n -micm t nut, in mo judgment oi eminent lawyers, tlie Uovciuor ti 1 111 hail Hot law 111 invoked the assi-tanee el' f. ral power, inasmuch .... 1.,. t,...i I n'..,.ii,. .,i,...ii,i ,in iiv ii. 1. 1 iiiuMii i.w linn. u . 'lt . i in liin Legislature, though easily dne. and olitaiu ti:o:r action on a inntter so vitul that the nowlv (liel'd (lnv- en.or uesoeu ue . uenuaiuc . ' , representatives of the people in their. Xiate Ih-u e, from whieli f.-.toiid b iy- onels.a.H myself knew, kept themn Hint nnaiiv. uiai. ino couicm ot-iiig. i.nu or purely State ioiie.ni, regard - ishnu tit ati 1 di 'nation w hen in ery to".i-lV-.'sidcni ! " I won . meivil inanncr th lirlraw the troops don t regard the di cision of tho Sn- iireme Court, m.d if I h nl any tics I i i lid to I ii in j ilea it would he tint li s message, to mo is un huper tii.e )iv." "An i in pi rt'iuiiee." fir, for the (loviTiior of a S:u'e to coaiiiiiliiic.ile his uislu s, not de.i.aud his rights as lie mii;ht priperl; ban' done to the lYcsiileiit of the I'nilt il States; ii!i iiuperti'iinc.i, iu.le d ! ' Up in what .mat doll, tl.is our V ies-.r fee. I that he is grown so a" if" No, Mr. 1'ies-i.ieni.wi- caiiint in ike lo i naieii liable, i guard the liberties ot free nun cu-ry.vli.'ie i.i tl.i.-s lao.i.l land f.nm ti:o ehanee of I'hitling the ag. s in our hislurv with a n in iilicui of tuu usuriiiui,' net .of a 1 'resident hss than three years :ig.. Steele's Sneer.!. Co'. Walter L S-eile,of tl.isS' lie. n-ei nt ly delivered a ni"st excellent speech in ( oeigicss, from which we copy the following : "We i f thi- So ith yearn i.nxin l-ly fir pe and harmony and complete t'r.iti i n . itioti. We want personal hbfi'ty and tl e pii'serva'loii of a 1 the eoiistitnt iotial right si f all tii-- ctizeus el t he coiiiiii v. Whatever iii iv have been our sills we have paid a pell.d- ty sulncu-utiy s vi ie lor ihc boon n! continuation, A hen we Si-e some of our trusted h ad -is in that hcrni, stru gie in v. hicii wi s! ik.-.I our fi.-r- i: I but our honor d position by the I; III su.-h iiii.-l-ii t inii-dly f.-mi'nl we call- ..i help p.ac, ar:v v. ,e l lu-mas ml c i.e.-s us of o-.ll' a !; '. ; if w.- w -i in c. i than tl in all th- gloi ie any m..v s'.-epe I y who no.v llonnsii and Ii .sk in the sua .1 and il'.stingu.she.l shine (d h'.idi ti u-.l lespotls.Ii.b'y. Y i n is tin. ilii't' r- fit ion of ihe per- enc ? Our ouiv si ! pieil!i: .-III. 111.- fot'Iem is that tae-i in-iit is D ana of I in hav Fo'- sians; gt-( at is the rep'ii.he.iti p.tly. wtole we h lic not leiirne.l to h, e i:au such suppliant devntcts. Shall the luatet ial intt.ie .ts of th- coit.i-i-y si.f f- r by neglect wluleth-i.se iv;,o s'i.oa' i dircit the:r eneivi s to.,ard their a '- niiict niei.i lire spi tnliiig tin irtl i.eia assauliing "c asti.s in the air," dan- s w i.ie 1 1 tiist only in tl.e r d's. -is-ima. illations ? 'c have tin i"ace aitse the party which s onlv uiiou st etioniil ails us liv- lif - mid !"'"! naire.i, an t meiins never to aoow tuu woiiiMs 01 ttio jate un liappy war to heal so long as they shall servo to minister lo tie-a political ascendency. S ich net brings untiling but woe to t'to coutt tryjaiid under all the citciim tal'.ee si'.eh conduct brave men im.ht to be ashamed to exhibit. No people ie -lor the sun hive more re ison i . -, . go.i l gnvern-111-iit than Iht i ! at.iof theSuatli. Hvery litterest they have do- maiiils it. Their liop-i t f regainieg thu prosperity w hich was lost by the war and providing the means of sup orii! g th-ir f.iiniliiH and t-iu-at- hig their t-hiidreit, ami of the s- eu-i IV ot their lietsons anu their estati r quires them to be the ndvoc.it, , of i i-.v and order, freedom and ju-tiee We ardently desire "domestic Iran ipnliiy"' and "the bh-sdugs of lib. r ty to us and oar po-tcritv." Thest ''annot be loaiiitaiiit d by armed sol titers or tlie t iiililems of our degra dati 111 standing ar -itti.l the po'ls, lot both of them, while they are. ostensi bly Usui to llphol, I, wt'l inevitably de-troy fret? institutions. Uct tin presitmpti in of mtii cencn prevail; oil. people timlerstai.il that the are to ba treated (.imply as theetptafs ot all other people m this mo ll He- pub'ie; that their hoi. or is not as- s.ii.eu dv i c'iertl llitervelilion. an, . '' -iii, ooiu-.-iui.il- "bemies of the country, whenever .V, " u 1 11 ' , ' ... J . .. . . ' 'VSLnu n'om m.e badges of our humihation; aud if , all, to nip tiio thing in tho bud, by the evil day kIiiiII ever como when 'y n-f i.-aug to petition for tie- hohi thu liloliicli of d..spoli.m shall assail "jg of au eiec;iou upon the subj-ct. the .altars of freedom, the ineu of tho 1 1,0 'ut pretend to say that my lig S uith will stand, with all other ho-, "res aro uear correct, but I d say, erty loving iu-n, ns wall of ( J re;tt lin ," lor their pruttciiou. l,lii,1Sl' - j" - Cumberland Court semis rive rai!- road haii.ls to ill), 111 ml, 1 ( years of work. J.nlinrd Iiee, convicted of 1 1 , . ,. , . ... . !'"f,.,iry.ttt -kloii I,,u;i. eouuty, l1". ,u 1 't"vdlo on , " ' aZl' " - ';' " ' to. 1'rlce 2"i crutn. Correspondence. . . WK WIM B .. w R1:,.RIVK ( omminicationr inr on any miiihts hia'i- my mind, which I will not withhold; 1 ,i through tho columns of the It: KKi;T,iinMVK. xiirsr insist it. is t Iti-5 How natural it, is for n ,.ki), I propose to cull attention to thai''mk : ,mn Uy M'ok lfbor,y; 8W fr.-'don.!ono;imt,,tP,that is exciting a good may hk ok intkhi l-a'dlV It T 1 1 ' I L AVI, , ..' '. , .,. Vim Ki.niiit is mit . .. Ki.M'iiMiii.r: Kiill T I K v K a.sii uns. ions ok i ohi!ksi'()xi)KSis t'-. ! - , , ;..'.,r--: kor tiik KKeoitn. XnorETowssmr, Cuvthvm Corvrv ' April 1 (lh FniTon Recoivd: As vou are kin.J eii..ii;u m i.p.n jo ir i-oioiiihh i i no ; public, for the purpose of disco tV-eis will bo and what will be quired at tint h inds of the taxpayer. 1 i roviiteil, the law s'loiil l tie cariieil 1 into operation, I shad first consider the cost of n strip of land all nnvmd the linos of tlie county for a fence wnv. If the, iq-i'ire. : townships nr.' ci.nr ti.ees sou it is one hilinlred and twelve mill iironml the county. This ntrip of lllidistobe twelitv fei t wiilo Hid will eontnin, snv, three hundred acres, valued nt, ;8 1 y,-r acre will e st ft jiio. . It nee li nit ten runs high with ordinary rails, ten feet long will ri ipiire t7"i''M) seventy fight thoit-linl t iiif hundred pain Is, or 7S t'OOi m vou l uiiiliid Hii-1 cighiv four thous'ind rai's. 'J in. catting tim ber, -phtiiti-i tails, i,t,,l putting on the fence, will e ist tell do lars pof thousand, which will ann u. t 'o i 7s- sevi n thousand, ht lm .died. -Oct lnrly it u.ars. j lo re w.ll he sav, twenty fue g-itcs lo make, and put on the pllbh roads where th. ('nee croh-es, to say nothing about public mills and Church ii ul. which c oin t I ti obs-ruete-1 and will re quire gat.-s lo be rrecrel; I will put the gates at a cost, of each, ina'viug Jfl-o, twenty ii.'e g.i1" keep- is, a! if Ii" aeh, (.per aiii.io.ij will amount J i$J.)il;). T'ue ii st ms1, a 1- ling a'l t.igctlicr, will muoiiut. t i v$l 1, liii").) eleven ihinl.s.i'i 1 si hun dri d and six y live d i! rs. Hut the law jifov-d-s, that the tehee shall not run thouga anv m m s laud if h a ubiects, but. that. it. k)i ill run w th the lines of bis land. Thia would make one of the erool-e l. st fences thit ever was tboiigh of, would undoubtedly double tho dis tance, and double the cost i f th ,( rip ot laud, ami a's d nib!" the i-ost of t! t f.-iiee. Tm's being tie ea-e. w e have a Cos' of i 4 . 7' ". twetilv ihoUP Uid St-veil hu-i-lf. d nn-l five dollars. Writers upon the sub-j.-ct say, fnat a ience oa-i t i bt let 1. tuiew, every ten vears. Ha this us ii may. the annual ixpeiiso of ke- pi'ig up the county fencs, and paying the gate-keepers, will b' HO K nall sip-t. Tiie law pr..v;d s that, a spii cial tax thall If h vied upon th" real o.'afo for tiie purpose of paving the expenses of rr cling tlcj fences and ; ales, and paying th" gate .keepers. Ib-ader, have v nt got the money to pay this sped d lav on your imd? Ueineaibi r tha' this will lie an a ldi- tional tux upon your ordinary S-ate 111. 1 County ta'S. H 'nieciber, too, that if the question of curving tli" law into ojieratiou wer 1 submitted to the people, th" lmd owie rs would be almost completely at tho mercv of the nun land owners You need not be surprised if one half of th -mitt laud owners in the county would willingly sern-nler their cow and ', and vole tor the stock aw, to rid themselves if the bilfilen of build hi.; and keeping f -li.-es on other peo ple's 1 and. And if they should tale tlut notion, the land owners would so,;n be veiy nearly in the same con dition that "lbim.i'.i" was so ai i.fi el' 1 ......i .1. n ... 1 ... uu rivuivu Mi) l:.uiov,s m liailiJ tils i.i n 1 I .in my opinion) would do well to watch how you set your p--g-, before it is too lute. S iiai! writes have already sai l, throu.li the public pn-ss, "that, the toi k belonging to other people had no right to run upou their neighbors unitieios d i m is." They might Lavo said that tiie stock had no light to drink tin- wutttu water llowing over their wood lands. Hut what, would th non land owner think of such a principle in his neighbor? if the landowners tire so tttii.gy with the wd I gr.i-s and weeds in the Woods nud Old fields, I e.in't see how they can be so willing to pay a large suiii ot Micca! dx money, that ttit y may have the op portumty of putting their own Mock lu a Penitentiary there t perish aud di Tlie pe;ice and pro-j uiity tto a gnat ext itv " ""J li" " ii eiuui . d 'pends upon u concert of ac'iott for i -i - die wet e ot each other. 1 no night, ; . , , . ' , ;. ' ' . . ... ."-.T ' ...o.. i ., . ' O ' " d1 - propose no.v, for die goo.t ,.i that it will cost the land owners more than they will be wil ing to pay, if they should curry thH law in to effect, beside3 the cost of remov ing h11 their fences trom around their lleids, and building pasture fences lo vote for the law, will be a lu.io 111 r I... .1 . .1. t. II . .. . never got rid ol it, for tho rails tn.U now inclose our lielJe wilt ne-.er be sutlicient to inclose them u-am. It . a. any man ana bhow how lhi Iaw can fcuw imiN Lieunuou mu luat nm never A U kuowu uulU lt is reuhzuX an.C cento lJw.u it wiJ bo loo iHte. neu once . the, , wo shoulder this Lurdeu, v.e c.ia'peuclr 1 . 1 t ... 1 . . . 1 I be carried into effect, and not. badly 'cripple the In ad owners with the ex. pi'iiKi-p, T should bo glad to herr from him. One other thought occur to from oj-pr.-hKi'in: to seek mi easy no . sitioti; mid idiove all. to cek tliliv- i i . . i i. i pniiiri' iiiuii ins eiie'ilics: rum in 1111 I this, the poor men ('enants) aro id , rea.ty tlireatejunff. tli.V if the l.unl .owners in Chatham eoiny hhonld I 'V'"1, MWn H.wk) they w.ll step over the fence into :()r litre. Moore, and HHrnett co iiitis. .oid hav tho hoid owners t make i ,.mv p is' uivs ot all t heir farm ismls ., eultivated by s:nd tounn.s. This lit i i ii l have no doubt, hut that oppres sion was the main cause of the recent immigration of the imiuens - numbers ot the colored population, trom tbe tyiut'i to the Noihwesti in region. I le-re is a law ttnou tho Statutes ,,f Nor 1, C.rouua, purporting to be, ,,t 4ne e.icoun.g. iit.-nt of iuimigia- t on to thi St ati M ite. lieu let us ho I M)K jjle people in their present cause tlio poor laboring impoverished and depressed condi refago in foreign lands, j,;,,,, nre ot, nl,0 t, shouhhir such an net, a- not to i in. in to sec k l wu. e.o-e wiui the wonts oi me teM oi yutir corn spomleiit, "iguor- come let us reason together. J. 1. Hia-iso-roN. run i hi; ui toitn. Hiai.io X. C. April 'Jltrd 1S7D. M.,. J-hiiror: -I commenced with, the lilts! is,u,. of the 'Ni.coiiii" and 1 liu 1 u. v ioteie.st in ti.n nan-r in crease-! Win never I .-i t, mv bun - lie el wei kites I tr.ld tha' I llivail a b.v look ihroiigh tlie "Ida ot.i.'' before .ny ot ie r is ojicued. I do earnestly hope the p o It of the county will so sustain vo'i, t -nit jolt will bo able to g.e us ii paner ever increasing ill int. r.st ti its ri.t.l-.rs, as it will he of impoitine.. ia developing ati.l stiinui ding th- v irions interei.t-t (,f die county. I nut glad d. so coin- iimiiie ttnins in every issue from Rome or our farmers. I think tho apace d. vot-il to this h partment m.ghl he mad- of Mcleula'-le value d the farmers general' v would contiibute what the v know 'about their calling. It is TiiKgred. int-restof the county. Allothereiiterprisesaresmulliiicoiu- p triso.i. Whih; itii-irovetiiHiit is not i Unlv the w.itcluvoid, but a reality ' onihling a covered hrulge at that rliandiso and rrodtice unbelted. Sat-w-i'lj a most evciy other in liistrv, point and as our Hoard of comuiis isfaelory erdes guaranteed and proiuit ,. 'are ive as a class m ihmg any prog- si ners are dearly net I ottud by the i re1 urns invariably made, tor uioder- n ' re uir 1 Hi. Is deiii ' improved ? ilive wo bar 1 ho.v to niuke a re - -p -cabiesurnlu,' besides a cmfor- i ill. bvin "bv farmoir-j T think we sh ui'id not cicle'.l ourselves un- til wee. n .lo tl.is. If the success - luloties of .-ur c'ti-s would r(.,,ort;ter list where it is, I lit ar t-uci esses, and their p'ani, it would pot m.lv be imparting valun- I i il. inl'orniati ai b u'oih t 1 ti.ti elier. iiiid be a Kliui- if all who nre try ir.g to impr tiieir condition and j elevate tiieir c dluig. 1 lvivo read with interest the dis CUHsion -f th-- "no feueu' question. I pn stiuie each of your c rrespoitdelits is inline. iee-l in his decision from hisi own c renin stances and surrouu.lli.0.s. I believe all admit that in time, ne-, ees-itv will co'iipt-1 us to a iopt tin si!.teii!. Wl.v wait f.r tit cessitv V 1' -r eers as a class tiro movci 1 I,d g over lt d t .o much bv necessity and may not tms be the reason why ini-i proveiiiiit in agriculture has not Ii-t pace with that of other industries? lb. who watts for necessity to drive haa is b"hii; I. It is ho who rises: above the i '-"i that he is a creature : of uccrta-ify ai.J lr pB pit co with the i iatellig, nt a lvittiies of his profest-iou whoisNiiecfssful. The fact that wo will b e impelled nt not a very di- I t int, day to resort to the "no fence ' j Histeni should make us verv careful 1 .' . ...v 1 ... 1 1 :...o . ll'.il. lo iill. lb oil o.n; i 11.;. j'ta'. , V .1 If i . , regard for thn welf in.' ami mterest of future generations, as well as our con , veiiii-nce and present, interest should inll a- tic- us. To i much eympathy for the ptesent generation may bring upon us the just condemnation of thoso who are to follow us. While , inele are so. tie wuo regaio tip- I prehension, almost with horror "the iiiiustic-' and opinesshni" that would be wrought bv the change there aro1 , .11 those who look upon the law now in i f ircti as contrary to all principles of justice ami as an invasion ot private right according to the idci establish ed by our general law. i I think, however, that public opin ion is growing toward a ju-t appn -eiatioii of tue matter, and that the day is iioi fir li-,lani, when the idea dntt a man e in raise stock tit the i chargo of I he public, or at the ex pense ol ins niighoor, win no tegiin: ,- i. .. it IS lit. llllSl.llt N ' , , pitting Beftsan is uikhi us. to uoie the dtllcrent mttli- ods for preparing and manuring ; for preparing and manuring 1 .mis, us well as tho manner of plant- j ing, and the result at gathering time, lunch valualilo llitormatiou .... .10 1. 1 ,i.,..i. if ...n.i,ui,.,.i ..,.?o.l i. i.' ...tin., ..,,.1 .:.1hI.I t.'. I ......... ..... .......... - -- many I trincrs. 1 nope we iuny nave : lllitliy Bllch lepjlls fi Olil the piefeeut juar exiicricuce. j ' A' ' Kills I ut rod need. Hon. J. J. Davis has introduced , the following hil.a in Congress: 1 A Hid repealing a tax of ten per , . . ' . . . . ' I 011 M ale Oai.Ks; also re,iuciug A I'll ftl uu ijr luiiua iivtu njma. .... 1 .la. I and irrnneH to toirtv live cents; also restoring' to either House , t.fUopjrr.ee power m punish f..r eo..- , . ,' f Z to Hour law. ouvvu iMq v von tiik nsoono. Oase Cnm, N. ()., April 2Glh, 1879. M. E.rron:-As yon allow ques i Hons of pill. lie interest to he discuss ;,i.ui ..f .t ; ti..a tnOtnn of 1,ct;i. tl,t nr. i . eerns cvpi v fax p.ivor in the county. I alhule to tlie netion of tue JJoanl ' ,f Mjristrfttp9 jn regard to the build 'injr of a covered bridge at. Bvnmu'i Factory on Haw River. I will try . lm li, f Env nt. nnoo thf T n.;..t, t .....,. f the county are oppose I to sucli at U.A,.t.iuaa .! n.sf!L,l fcw 0,i.- i Qf their hard enrned tnoncv. and . . . . ' in going to any market; the only public travel being from Hittsboroto Cln.p-1 Hill and it is only one mile : f(l!.,L(r frrn ii,tRhoro to Chapel I Hjll to go bv Henlev's bridge thau to I i, is .lin;'u f ,.....,. 0 . a ) muttVr of general pubh'c nccupsity it I cftIllU)t be ur ,wl ,bltt thpre iS , at i ,.,,,. .ci... 1,,mi .i.-'t j wuut ,. liet, j ,lie i,rilge. nor do they 1 want to pav sucli a sum of money if-rathing that they do hot need, i i()ar idea of tax ition is that taxes, i ,-. , .1 i i are levied and e .Ilected t) be Jildi- . ciotis y ( xpemh d by the proper an-, t horn v for the good oi the people! am! f -r no other 'purpnro and if this j i . .i i . I . l id.-t is correct wu think to levy and ! 1 collect live t housiind dolhirs from the i peotuu nud litile 1' in a lirnlgo wlicre not one tax payer in forty would ever' see it unless he went on purpose to ... , i- r s. e the place where his wotii-y tviw leposii.d, wonni no an aci oi ex- treiuely questienublo propriety, aud . w' "TH n" our m 'i couuiy: i - emunssioiiers will not do it H8 it i ; would otdy subserve the iutt-rests of , ' certain few who are directly inter-1 it. Another phiejo of bridge i building is that coutraiftora freqiieiit- '.v take contracts for ksa thau they afterwards .v they can allord loj carry out the contract for, and apply j : to the county lor more money which j : is invariably granted to save what, has air. ady been spent ami wo are' satisfied that S-'i.OtM) will fall far nhort aeuon oi me .uagisiriiies n inaho me' , appropriation f five thouand we! Hg-.in express tho hope that they HM tl"''" discrot :onaiy poweis in f lvor "f 1, 0 iniy oppressed t t.X-1 ,lm,,,M''1 "' ami icT.iiiem.u- at least for the Tax Twi ii. MOW AHVEKTISHAIEN IS. nWO SIT ANT TO WHOLESALE AND RETAIL mm im mm m es mi m B.K Having done a largely inceaaed and ex- teiul.-d liiiaiiie as during Uih ml t-eaauii.we rill nfl'er lor the Spring and Summer Trade A I.AUiiK AM M()HK V.iUiKD STOt'lv OI' DRY GOODS. S-VS!3Smm29 j ,(V -S .'t1S ,! w-w" TMX KVF.R lU'l-OltH I oua ian. vsaxigaw, S,i liivnrHl.lv kieiwu as a inurticul lusiu.'M. I...UI and jolieim.s haver, has been for, h.iiii- lime mid will he aeveral tiara yet lit NV,v Y.i k innhiuir our purrhasea. We have already received a aplendld , aaaorttneut. atul have on the wiy hui! to arrive, many a-tditions, iut-lu.ling hand, line tf i Inivtnrt OTirt IfOPfiTT HTlS Vnpri 1 1 llUillUtl UilU llUll'llliiUUu UllUiJ "PHTf T iTIT'PC! .... W e laiv direct iMi.t tlie .Mniiuracturera, im,irtl.,; j Agnf, uud are prepared to sell tor TIIK LOWEST PRICKS ! t. II. YFAItUV.V. a- lIT If 'ETl'Y & JOXKS. Jj0()K AT T,n PAGE & ATWATER, Sarceaaora ot THOMPSON & ATVATER, ... ... . re new receiving New Spiintr Unods in -very hue. A BEAUTIFUL line of tt,.rinir Oalicoea. Alo, line of .rhi.alicoea. C H 0 23 C , j in pr,nlvT qitaoiities tlian usual of alt. 'qualities, rang.iiK in prices from 501 hN its ., ki1 n.i 1 Tominer Tmnlnmonf ct muu wu.uu ; pr.-at .p.Ntit.ttea, tuerel.y enauunx us to: Bt law fibres to suit the tlmo.. Our j 13v2)l3IHlfili!S j ara ajiecially lnduclnr to the buyer. See Alt from Nto 1 O TEXTS. (ioFPEK from I 1-1 vro ;kn is. Ploughs and Points, we have alwave on hand. ItF.MKMuFH , '" H.n l,r"ul'l1liy , i.r nf tt)IN 1 sS down to tiirurea at wlilcl. ,., - , ' .. 1 . . . . a t J-Ve are aleo hiivlnc Beet and ("tattle: rirhur tlunti alonir heu vou route: and Fanner of Ol.ailiam and "anj .in;u coon ' KhMr.Mii t.u ti.ai yn .u '' cavn Liiiit. 11 ill rti 1 r .1 r, 1 . iit fiiiiiiiiiik iu iro 1 us. in t a 111(10 K BUll.PIN't. i tattiiTU t allY, N.C. i j;e,v ADVERTISEMENTS. - I flrTRTSTflPMRS & SflPRRT. "Vho!esalo ami Retail mmission Merclia No. 15 Hargett Street, F.AL3XGS, IT. 0. A cur lod of New Crop CUBA MOLAS. SRS lust recoived Hijrliiwt irnirkei price" pnilfor BEEVES, Solo Affect for Kulell, No. 4 Plow. Sppcinl lnduceni(nl8(ifrfrtHt toMrcliant. Cotton anil Produce Raleigh, N. 0. soie AOKrs ron Pntapup.i Ultimo and Grange Mixture, StoDtivnll Cotton Plow, AiIhm l'liiw, I'lantit, Jr., Horse line and Iron age Cul tivatur. Wo liars In tore and to arrtvi 400 Bitshnla Wlillo Biilt.l Mt-al, Ja (XHl l.bn. Hulk Dinar Kill MiUm, 1 OOU Huf.li. l- While and Mixt-d Corn, Hllil HuhIihU IWt aeed Ova, iK) Sin ks anil Hurrt'lu Knatilr and Kxtra Hour, J'arn-U Sitjrar Wl.lte and Yellow, liV,!1," "'iZ', . v- n .1 tmr linaila Mitlaawa New Crop Cuba, New Uil..ng and Sugar llo.tae Svrup. WO Sack Marsl.ollH l,iverol lFimi Rait, - iwrreta r.ariy Hose roiatoea, J0'1!! Pil'co Uuuuo, !" H"Xe Nwp, ,0 K Hi la. And oilier unii'ia nereacarT ti nink un a full niock. A" ot tl" ,,0v tr" wu will aell clirap ''r "' 'i'"-riwitl' "i"-iry ar, ranifrineui. S"hciiuii( orderi, We are Hespecitullv. M T. BIOIUIT3 Ai CO decl'2-Cni "ITT p TlTpTlT A pTT JJT KJ J-'XtX!XXl.Vl.iXTl , .,, (it.ALI.AH po i'?TTs?TrTT fjrVTtrrr A ivrT COIWISSION MERCHANT, Fnot end C'itizena National U.tnk, T? AT T'TfJTT TVT P iwiuniun, x. iv. Consignmonls of all kinds of Jfer- tue commissious. ,.AtAn p,,., ' , A M t Otton Received also On .Mornge at Moderate Ilules.- II deigh Daily Cotton Jbnket He P"' ;tho latest changea in New ' 1 Ijiverpool MaiKets forward- ed every day to patronn. i Hefers to Raleigh National Hank ' and tho business public of the city. OHT XX AND: A large invoice of MILHURM WAOONS for sale at $75 each; sub stantial work ami warranted. OPEN AND TOP HUGOIES i,t to $100 each; workmauship and material guaranteed. r lour, Corn, Oats, Fodder, Hay Meal, chops, Hrown .stuff, North Carolina Hams, Sides and Shoulders in fact all kiudd of Produce always in store. septlQ 3m j FSSCU9, ZtEi: 5i CO., ; Wholesale and Retail Inijgisls, COR. MARTIN ft rAVKTTEvll.I.lt 6TIIKKT3, Oiiosiio Poat Oliice, ItALKIGII, IX. O. DRUGS! Vnw Vtnrn I Vw v.r, t 0fl More I eiT (.OOtls ! F,)r t1' better acc.iiiinioitBii..n ol our Cteu toniera, ne have oieiieil another Dni( sir. Corner Martin aud Fayeltevillo Streela. and are t repared to fiirniali Farm- ers, t'hysCiHii-, i oi.uiry .Merchant!", and tlie I'ulihc genrrallv with a cnioco and b'realt et.Kk ol HKl-tl.s, t'lieuilcala. Dye ' Stuffs, Fumy Ootid.-, Harden aud Orasa S.e.lM.Tol.acco, S-nrH, Mineml-Water, t-tc. i've u we can pleaae ymi ia j .nd Pricei. decUMitu 1 i mm . " f A. mm 3 MASfKACTUlilNO JEWELER ad ENGRAVER AND 11KAI.E11 IN WMssJUs and Jewelry. Silver and Plated Ware. 1 r.t.ciM.jewir,nM. A m nml !f t T,T,lt JumI nun 1 mmm j mimmi'vj Made to order on tlie ahorteat Nmlce. j eud "', 1 ateot ai7" f . nan jeneirj. lonege jsauges, Medals and Seals, A e!?lge5',?TNs,,sT" Orderr Iroia a diatance solicited, floods i s"it ?PI"al to any part o( the State on atmtactory relerencea. ZZ. XtXAXZXXXl, declfl-tf Haleigh, N. 0. Flow: d Mill : ::. II. RI3SIT02TD & CO. JIILTOX, X. C.. Sntca.ors to O. II. It climond, Mannfar. ' lurera 0! the celebrated Kent inky. I.ivhiir. ston and Fre.lerirkHburg riuws, and all ! 1 " ""B. ' "i i'io jw w. L, Loxnoy, Afpt. rnthlniro', S. l. oct nt tf 1 1 I

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