SFh Qphslham Record THURSDAY, . . May 8, .1871). H. A. LONDON, Jr., Editor. - -- THK VKTO. Tlic President lia voto-.l tint Army Appropriation. Uill. Ansoine if our readers may not understand tin i'ulJ force au.l matiiu.u' of thi simple K'Htomv, we will briffly c .plain: The Constitution of the United Statoivps '' ? lVe.-itk'iit the power to veto, or ohjei't to, any hill passed hy Congress, and such hill cannot then lavottie n law miles.; 'onirreiss parses it over his veto hv a two-thirds majority. Conjrre hn- recently "passed the usual hill Appropriating t!ie necessary money J'or the support of the Army, ami in this bill the presence of troops at the iol!- was forbidden, hy re- pealing a clause in a law which ah lows it. The democrats all v-.vd for the hill, and all t!u rejuiMi.-ans aa!us it, and when it was carried to the President he vetoed it. so th it it could not then become a law without, a two-thinU majority, and the democrats not hnn'able to ,!- tain this rcmiivd majoVirv. :hc bii' has failed to pass. The .motion i presented, shall ( ou-ess pass 1 . . , the usual appropriation hill witliout tlic clause forbidding the use of troops at the joll, or refuse to f.p pivipriat" money for the support ol the army '. I'poii tliis are eotil'.icr in opinion. Many democrats eon tend that they wi'l not "backdown." that they wii! i.ot ote onedoil.irto the armv: while otliers sav, no, let vs vote to make the usual appro. pri.it'-.iti and thon a.ljouni an j !:i . , , , ,i . ;. , , t li' not e oct I'll n: Ue i .. . -: i -e. and appeal to the poo(l,e to d ide at the ballot bo if tlu-v i !i tin i.rescne,. ..f tr.x.t at the If ', ,. ' . , Confess aujotirns witleu.t vot;te nioi. y for the snppoit "f the army, the fepubiie .intend that it i- 'rovolutionai v" that it is .r ., t ii on tii t!io part .f t'.ie So;i'li:'ni "rebt to starve the armv th: t whippt-d iheju. and all such iioii.m ii.o. We do not believe it w.e.'.l 'v..v .bitli.ifit'v" !m ( '. il.tri'i.sB Pi.ttis. ;ii;t to support the army any longer. The Constitution expressly tieclarcs tliat, "Tlie t 'onirron .hall !iav e ii.ov. er t rai.e and sunpnit iinuies, no appropriation uf liiieay to that hall be for a longer len.i t!iari twovears." It is enrirely t':':t tiotiary wi;li Ciuj-ris.. and witli 'one-re-. a! me. "litTlitT t here s!:al! lo any army it !!. ( '..n- .v a't.ne has t!ie iu-! itut iciial ri;rlit to .-ay Jiow laiye .r how small the jinny shall be. l!i:lt vvu un.!oul.tetl,y sets are 11b ohltt lv void, tliey havinr the intetitiMti of the framcrs of the no more authority to decide the inat- Cn.-ti rut . evil, need Lv tc-than any otli,-r ImkIv of ememi .it w 1 ' nilylit choose to excrcien the "Kluott s .lebates. e bud in pW(.r lu t) lm Ul(lu.iusiv 'Slieppard's Cuiistitutiotial Text- i.l.e j i.tmeut relied on as res iidju- llook." a work of .m-h !:i-!i author 1,ll'"';t ",,,st haveUvn one i f abd- . 4 ., . 1 1 , ' , . . . iv cuiiMtitiHed court, and 11 iu.h'ii i ut itv that it was stmlual at our Slate . 1 1 to ceniHtit ute au estoppel luiist. pro- I'liiversity by the Senior class, an t.(.e,l from a coiut of compi tent jur- cxjiress tleel.'.ration that 'onre.s isdiction. The Township Hoard of nm .lisbaml the armv." This p-w. JviuK no a.uti.n hy to lay ' ' tl ami allot to tlie iltfcu lant his er of ( on-re-s over tlie army lias JllJlm!iJtrtt(i ;ls ll(,.lilut phuutiffs' d.:bt, never been t'oubted. untd rcpubli- there is no estoppel up.m thu plain cans now tim I the armv nece.sarv l'b. .. . . ',. 1 In the case of Spoon vs. Rtid, "S b.r them in earrvitiL,' elect urns, when v. 0M . , 1 , . : ' . .N. C. 241, relied nptiu bv defendant, they cry out that it is "revnlutio-i. ; tiie reeor.l does not, h,ivv whether arv" for CoiiL-'iess to exercise this die tlebt sougiit to )e enforced wub , ,.:,,,t .Miitracted be ere or alter dnstitu- cuiitiutiomti nlit. , 1 . 4. , . t:.u of IMiM; but on tUe iloetium While ' In'b'eve thi-i. ret we -omhia j rtsumnntur," Ac, it luiist be think it bc-t that Congress should t.tkeu for rantetl tl.st it was snb- make the usual appropn.ttmii-, "l';"t o Apnl. IStSK. utUerwiw th . . , 'leeisiuu wou.tl he erronetjus. even if they pannt sueccvd m the tlcired lciri-lation, and thii will rohahly be the policy pursued by the democratic party. Of cuise such a policy is denounced by many as "backing down" and we regret tosceth.it some of our esteeioe-l in reir.l to the test oath heicR re cotemporaries in their zeal .lenoim,'.- quicfd f fetleral jurors, Judge as -cowards ami traitors to their riM ,,stl1 tlw l'"g la-iune: I'Hrtv" fill (ieuiociafs who faM.r thit 'biuilv down,"' as tiny call it. 8. that, ivt the i isk of havinr our ar tv fealty suspected and of having " 1 '-.i . ..1: 1 .. ... Rich epithets ,iuJicd ti u, we ' 1 wouit! respuef.il I !y sidiaut our hum- Hie Me opinion. Ami we are plea.-ed tions, but is eh arly uncoiisti utiurial to know tint the mon i-rominent ""-l void. As a war me(ts,in., to be , . , . .. enforceil in the insurgent States members off oti-re from tics State (vb(,u ,l(1Illiuatei, ,y UiU im,io;il,i headed by the limit. l!.iisoni forces the aet conl.l lie smMncd, but ( would von call him a "coward" tr sfu r the war wus over, and the iu- ... .. -.,,,. are ,,f )HJ. o lini. 1 8i,roPn' State were restored to their a l.u o ' " " opinion, noj-rflm.ironstitutionalrelitions to The lemlinpr democratic yr in the Union it was ns much out of plaee America, the Xew Vuik World sml inoperative as would bo a law !1T-. , quiiiterin a soltiier in every Suuth ' " . ern man's house." Tudor no temptation, under no AuJ Jtt the rppnWicaM Ju Con- provocafion let Coiifrresi- now ad- grefS ,tfnse to repeal thin iujjut jourtj wjthojit making nil the -- nfi nn(.0nst:.iti ...! hvrl JUVjH'i.UulTIs IKTffS.'irV to I'tll'I'V HI) t!n srnvenimeui." Vi all admit ,t lint Hayes did wroiijr in vetoing tin1 hill. ly this veto he shows flint lie prefers tlie nossiWo success of his iKirtv to the f l.is wnntn;'. Ity i.i vi.. l0 s!,w that ratlaV t't.tii liave tlic Hsi ,.f rr.s.ps at tl.o p.lU forliidtleii. l,c N willing withhold supplies for the armv. aiul prevents, s.. far i. (.aM ti10 pjs,;,. ; ;!,illn,:i!v- ; tjK, apj,n,priMti,ni. I lc ha ,( ,,.,rtisa n ,j,e interests of VAry. ,IW iot (.'..tiirr.s act m ,IV(,.S statesmen ami Patriot in the interest of their country. No one can deny tli.it an army is mves- Arv f,,r certain dutk. ami should e support od. T.et 'onj;ro!s then vote the usual appropriatiems, atil appeal to lite weivi;w people to pumlcnm b t'.it'irvote the l'raui!i:l 'tit President ami his un-criipnlons par- tv, ami let these i.-stie he fairly ami siuare!v made at the nex.. election. :nw.l we predict an ivrvhe!inmti ,., j,,r;fy i:) favr of the democratic party and eaceful elections. Important llorMoii. Any law or decision of our ConrtK in re-rard to the homestead eenip- tioim is of incut int. rest to many of our readers, mid we lire always pleased to give thorn sn.-h in Vina tion as we m.y have on that inim-it- -t U l!" .f onr !i,e Court a most important de- i'ihiou i as we learn from tue Ohserv- el) was lcudend, which iuiiLls null mid veld all allotments of homesteads made nudt-r executions issued on "ohl debts." We copy the eisc mid decision s follows: "(Sheen il n! vs. Suiumey, from Liu i lu. lJcvt rsed. Tlie h'uuestcai! of the dtfet.dant was in lTU laid off to lem under o cn'iout, on debt'.) due the p'ait.tiiT. 1 H.,,i contracted b f ue lSi'.s D.ie return wu.s limde t y the npprs.sers I iieir proceedings, uiu! il'" !efeu- 1 i 3 . 1 .1 1 .i.rnt appealed t' t i't from to f lie I mrd f 'iVwriship Tius'e.-s. w!io iai.l off -oid nsiij!icil to him s hoti.estesd, Ttie excess was leyict slid s..ld bv the Sht'U.'l. lu new ,.xeoi,,I1B W(M. ,vy.,..,l on tt: j,lrf. ments, and the Sliei iff Iiiivuil; levied upon the u mesicn.! so Km oil iohi u.lveit.'Hc.l it Tor s.i.e, the oeUmlaut . ... . t .p mi iiii.inc'i.iii iistriiinn.tr Uu. s.!u.r,jVfi-iu bcl ii',ou ther u,i.i ili.U the proceedings ol' the Bmii-d of Township Trustee in laving t-ff the iionii'stt ad, ,c., were 1'es iiL'ita ami w .ul'ei an es'.opp 1 i f nr ml M 'U.nsL t.bo i)hutiU!V. IHa II nor below ;;rautfd the mjauc.v l;:onti!Ts appealed. Held, Tilt case t.f Ki ivscy vs. F. 1 (vniils 111 the 1'. S. Supremo ("oart il:IVI',g .! e.ded i!i u s.-c. ai t P, of th" Colistltliii ill i.f tllis State is void as ai,'ai.ist d-.-bts ci'l:! raete I ti f..re its idoptioii, the aet tf our Lfe-islatur which was enncted for the pir'p 'se 1 f carrying out t!ie provisions of t hut si'Cii.ei, u also void a-. Hgimxt the Rime class of debts. Tiieref ire mil h ertl.t nppraisers ai'Mj.ir Z'i 1 by that aef. uor tue Towushi H.mni of Trus tees on appeal huve any jurisdicth n in re.u-.l t such th bts, hii.I t!un Juror's T:'sl Oath. In a case just decidetl iu the Sil prenie Court of tlie United StateM, I do not think that the act of Cnnawxa which, by retiuirinff a tus: tat.i as to past coiubiel, Pxcluded a reat majority of the citizens of lmlf 'Iw ev.uury from the jury box is vaTI. Iu my judgment the ret is . , , , uo only opprcr.ivu ami othous, re- .uj.na'.t tu the spirit of mir insti u- D vis's Speech. , it fl-Tords us pleasure to cU attention of our readers to the fol - lowing cxtrncU from the speech of wr inoHt excellent representative, , ,. , . ' recently A-hvere,! m Congress and which has the rim' of thei true me tal; "What is it that we propose? Centlenicn on the other side, laun ched upon the stormy sea of passion an. I guided by partisan fears and partisan hatred?, lmvo jono o fir from reason's shore i.s t lose sieht of thf tchI issu., anil, uiistnk n the rot' ',,;n of the Republican party on ey re embarked for the oi l . nate which Carrie's, and wi'l s. . ca'Ty, the frtunes ef a restored Union held together by the s r uitf bonds if a common iuteres', of mutual respect and fraternal es teem, and by just ami impartial laws foi each and cver part of that Un iou -houds of union which Peine critts North and I)cmocruts Stiutli ui'end to cenieiit, and which they t will not permit to be st ve etl by ny ,artioual j-arlv or parties tnistuk iu r. I say, their rotten hull for this 1 o'.lo old ship, and feeling that the coming wave of another ptpularelec .t it'll will carry them to the bottom 'or WMvk them on some political shore where they can m longer feed upon the s oils t.f cflice and plun der the public Treasury, tliey r.dse the howl of 'revolution" and the despairing cry of "htarvaf ioa," Nntl tlice r.ro the arguments and tlie only arguments which thev addrt ss to this House or to the country. Now, sir, let us bring our republi can fiiemls back from this stormy sea for a moment and see what it i.. that we propone mid what it is tba they, in their insane or pretended feais, call, "revolution', ml "starva tion Fir. We say that we will pass the appropriation bill for the Army, that the Alley shall be fed an. I clothe 1 and supplied with ewrvthlug licees savj I r it, but it shall not be use 1 at the polls, uiih'Sd "on the applica tion of the Legisl.i'uro or the l!e cutive, when the Jeishilnre cannot be convened.'' and then only to pro tect the State a ;nin-t "domestic vio lence," as is provide.! by the (''.insti tution. We say the army shall not e 11 ed sinip'y i.t the c.tll of 11 'Vpn ty M ivpal for mer" police !n'y : 110 such use i.s wair.mm.l by ti e Cmsti tn ion, no sn'!i use is demanded or can .s.il.iy be permitted in a eoiiutrv of t.ac.iieii aiul law where the mili tary power sho;.l l bt subordinate loi'e civil an in mi v. and we will not vote o.ie cent of lue public mon ey for mii Mich use. Second Ju lges ef the IVih ra' courts can regime jirors to t.l.e what is i a". etl the ttst oath. This oa'h excludes from the jury box ev.ot Hi r whti seiv .1 ,11 ike C. nf.-der-urmy, i.tii.I (enbody l,n..ws hat al.uoHi th ' entiie wl.i'e m .!. popu'atiou of the S mill was io that armv. 1 ami u v.i.. i.a Hj whoiuniK wny'goe ai I and c.uiif.irt to , ;. ciiuagc 1 in that army. I'n.l.r this power Federal j i.les and district llt.OlieVS ''siene of V.h.lU CIMI'-t theeiseives take the oath which, in 'he interest of party ami in tria's fir political offences, they re. pure of jarois can pack j nit s and pollut -the v. rv fountains of justice; un.l this has l et n done under the forms if law. Tile test, as is tt'lted iu th. public p'inis, has been nppH"d to IllMe .er tic jar..rs, while Ih'puhh citi t ehallemed. I 1011 ;lad to . 'hus complaint locs not appl .e ) a.lj,'es or uttorneys f my Stuie. We say t) our llcpnblican friends e will vote money t simtam the jiitliciary, but uouo of it shall be used to pay packed juries. f,i t the fii-.uitain.s 1 j is'n e be pure ami utipiilluied---let us have fur courts ami honest juries. The right to be tried "by an impartial jury of the State and eli strict wherein tue crime shitll have becu committed" is guar anteed by the Constitution, und we ask that this guarantee of a most sacred right, of freemeu shall be ob served JSut our lb publican friends say: A'.j. If you tlo not loive it in the power of Federal Court to pack juri. s, by applying the test oath, we, the unuoiitv, will see that no money is nllowe.l the Court", ami justice shall tlie." If their argument does not mean this, it means milling, and is nonsense. '.'bird. U e say the Depart ment of Justice ahull have th: muy neces sary for all lug 1 imate purposes, but we will not, vote uioimv to pay D p uty Uuitetl States Alu-whala (all or m.i'i ly all of whom ure partisan .) pubhu.ius and i.ppointetl uotorious ly and unbhishiukily appointed for partisan purposes) to control elec tions ami elestroy heed nn at the polls. Hundreds cf thousand of tlollars have been paid to thes-i De puty Marshals, and lies has been n eori-upii'ju fund 111 the interest of the Hepuolieiri party. Our Kepuli.i can friends say, ' X , unless you give us money ami permit ua to eniplo. !) pufy !M irshals at the p .lis, we, the minority, will nee to it lliat th:s ajip opnatiou shah i.ul." F"urt!i. We shv the supervisor shall not have p.er to arrest eiti-7.1-riN without wttriuat. and they shall not iuteifere wim a free ballot. In 1K7(S, 4. fi('". supervisors and 11, (12 deputy mi'rsliiiis were em: loved at 1. e. isf. (,f -s:t;.1 1 i. n nd in I S78, 1 ,HS 1 snpervisors ami 4.725 deputy marsh als were employed at a cost of $'J'2J, 714, making over 'Jti.OOO in all, at a cost of more than o(M),(liiO; ami I suppose no one on the H'.-publioan aitle will be mi wilting iu can tlor as to deny that the bulk ' thi money (va Bcut in the lulertst of tne Ik"puh!icnn party :onlmf in the interest of free elections. For three quarters of a century thi (lovemuient had fair (titrations with- out tha aid ef deputy marshals mid ' supervisors, and since their use there j hive becu noro frauds and villainies i V by tWeir sid th ai at all the elections horn the foundation of t,w (;ovormn(t Aoxm to the dv of their first appointment. Correspondence. IU" w r 11,1, in-: ri.'.. c-K.n Tti iikckivk (IMMCN'IC.TIOS ON NV M'1'..l I'S TM l' M AY II K OK INTKIIKS I', III I Vl( M 1 S I' IMSIM' ON A HKSCONslltl K NIMH V.'l 'OM I'A N VI Ml KVI'.UV Altril l.K, M M SO Til M' I I' ill-. WIU1TKN I'l.MM.V AM' "M V ON OM. SUM'. UK TIIK I'Ainil. THK lUM'Ut In Nor Ill-.S'MNSIIU.K KOII TIO' Vli'.WS (Ml OCIN IONS OK I'OHHKSroM'l-.MS 't-.t KOii Tin-: i;i:cohi Oak i wn TowNsttir, April 10th, 1X7. Ma. F.iutor: 1 would have writ ten bef ire tlvs had it not 'eeti I wss ken at court so long that I got a little behind w ith my spring woi k and Inive been so b'fv r pining my f iit'cs. fir I, hiio ot'itrs tif your c r resnondet'ts, no .1 uibt, especiHlly t liose w ho are in favor of t he no-fence law, have bewidiving under that law for so ue time, but I have new y set and bu.lt until I .1111 itudor the fence l.ov now. Mr. F litor, I mint say, that I am highly pleased with the Ukciuh-- 1 would not be. without if for 'uytliing, ami recommend it to ethers , which I lion will increase your list of sub scribers from this township. In look ing over the lust Hi-ronn, 1 found a conminniea'ion from " Kxivldor," who Ins aimed a direct hot at my self, "Tom," and Col. Ibves, but it did not. take t ffect, theref. we are unhurt From his name, of course bis article must be Mipeii r, ami the cause he has e-pouseit su 'etl. l'.ut Mr. Fxcelsior, we shall .bff r with yon, at 1 'ast. in some of your views, while wo agree with tni in others. Yo i say. a.ter farming on my plan, an I find our laud still poor, a change is needed. I agree with sou, in tlmt particular, but not from bad to worse. h-' you would have lis, bin- we 'Vtipl a casT.go foi1 the better, and we can'' bcheve I he adoption t.f the '.o feti.. 1 iw would be any mi; roenieiit for the better. .V great many tit us have tried thiit enough to Ibid it nothing but vanity ami veviti-'li of spin. V,ui say a. lop' i:it' no-fetice law, an 1 fence off a jioi ion of our farm, make it rich, s -. !. it with grass and clover, r.nd it wili keep all t'.i" sttick ueeef siry, etc. ow if all the farmers were riid'i. mi:. I con',1 buy all the f r'ilius that ait' being ini nrled m'n th.n Slate, we cnuld tlo t'li. but wit'a (In1 limilel menus that most finu-'i's a! i'."V comaiand I would l:' i f r Ir. Kcelior te infoi ci ps whit t lo with the s'. 'k while ine n -r.s are beinj' mado rich to b:ing this al om l inco of g'-a-K mnl clover? Now if we tlo not have to ihsoo-.o of the in in .meat way, tell me what, will be t ( of then) '! Ag iin. Mr. Kxo l sior makes o oveat ado a!"ilt water, and siys wli' n 1: a v, . learned fj-om geography tbi,t th earth was ivimp .se.l of land and wa ter; if that wis tin- u'li.ri' 'iv yon learned i'l.nn, Mr. Mcel lor, n m;it have Ix-e'i a geo.ri ap'uy l another plauet, and rot ot thu 'f r. -.tnal ball lliat wh iehab f, t.f !. at 1 ti -it 1 1 n ; s i must have b en t xeln,'. I, ut d rs to natural springs, we kr ev tlcit. many abound in pinions of tin foiin'y, but they are very careo m this put, of tie-county, and at to boil. hug all these troughs and pipe t convey wa'tT as tar as some Aoil'd h ive to do to watt r their Ato.-k, .vould incur an -xppiiH that n I manv would be willing to shoulder, an-l in the h'd season the water would evnp ra'e before it got tt) the cud of its jour ney. Now the sheep; M. Fxctlsior in right in Having, that nil the worthless ta rs are (retting fat on sbtep, but we can gtit the wool, or hoiiio of it, whereas, if yon conl'in-' them to past ures, you will ueiihcr get wool nor .'leep. 1 have neither time nor space, here to say any more in reply to Mr. Fx-cl.-dor, but only to iuf .rm him that if lie wants the no-fencf law, we are wil ling for him to have it; we t! ) m't want P, neither tlo we intend to have it. More anon. Yours truly, W. Kt'R llltt lift OIIO. Cu tham Cors rv, N. C , April 23. b, lS7t. Mr. F.TtTort: As C'.inthafii has so many it Ivai.t iges in regard to thv minerals ami other natural resources, it is not at ail unnatural to expect her t ' contain some individuals who are tloir.g honor to themst Ives as well us tlieir county, by giv ing their whole attention to edien tioii; and among the many ot that clii.ss, tb"ie is noua more deserving el' prais than Mr. Henry C Te ignc, I r u p .lof OakHalc Iligh Sc'ioo . Tliis S In ml is situated iu AU. nance out. ty, about ono milo mid a half from the Chatham line. Cutis: .pient ly it is larg'iv pairovietl by the county. Tin.' School tiist opened three year- ago, and has been grow ing larger every st ssion. The an nual exercises will t(ke place on the JJ.l. of M iv. The youjg rmui nn.l lathes of the insli.utioti are prepar ing to euteilaiu the public with dec lamations, etc. J .a. K. B y', V.( , of (Jru' iim, N. C , will tl-liver t li an nu .! address. At night, there will bo a loci d gathering, where all can be j .Hy, talk to friend", and have a (eii. rid go '1 tir.ie. U'tu i tut Tin-: iiKctuin. IIiks CiiAin., N. C, , May "" I, TS7!. i Ma. EiUTon: It w. piivilcge. to intend a meeting of HopoTem-j )eiance Soeit ty, on last Sabbath, at, l.etve'a Crttk Church, in this county, which Society i nu outgrowth of the l'hiisaut Hill Tcuipcraiiee Society,' i'1'guiiied al.ent tifiy c rs a.'t in the North-Westcrr. portion of Chatham county, which has continu 'iisly kept up its ortaniz.i'ion to the present time, and has not lost i.oy t f its spir it which actuated its founder, num bering about 101 0 names on its list ol nielliher.l. In 1 S75, at Hope Academy, St uth east of Mt. Vernon Springs, g ime members of I'leasitnt Hill Society, at tlc reapiest of some friei.dn iu the vie nty of Hope Academy, organizetl the HoK' Temperance Society, adopt itig Mm pledge, e0LStitutiou, and by laws of Plea-ant Hid Society. The list of .ueu bers now number some OV-. 2(H) names; it is not local iu its opciati ms; its meetings are held wherever it .pieHted. The Sandy Creek ijiiptisf Assecia tit. n, at Is last session, by resolution i requested all the pas'tt'is of its t eli'ircht to preach a staunmi en tern-' p. ranee, during the yrsr. Also, by reipie.-l of t lie clinrch at Ij-ivo s Creek, her pastor, F.der S. Ctilmore prt ached ' a cry foicible antl impn sivo ser mon, setting forth the (I ispi I teach ing on the snbjf ct which, in pruetiei , in total abstinence. After a short intermission, the so eiety met lor further discussion on the snt'jeet, and was ealle 1 to order bv its principal. Mr. Sidney Tailv, of (ire Hill. Our brother, William Duncan, President of Pleasant 1MI Society, was railed for. who briefly set form t-onm of the blessings arisiug from "total abstinence," lstli pecuni arily and morally, by contracting the condition of those, under his observa-1 tion, who used or abstained from the use of ardent spirit . lie gave some very stnl-ing iliustiati ms. Sir. O. S. Haiiner w.is called, who declined, much to Iho regret of manv ' fl.tllds. j The writer was called for, and 'stated s mio facts in regard to the extension, prevalence, ami increase' of drunkenness. 1 1 In a very large proportion of cases drutiketineH may be traced as to its origin, to hereditary prcdispo-i tior ; to the law 'Like begets alike," "ViMting tht' initpiitics of the fathers, upon the children unto the third' ami fonri h generation of t lie iu that h ito m '." Tueso views are held bv many. F.n gl ind and S.'otlaml, regud it as a sp-eicsof iiisaujiy, and have bailt asylums for the cure of this unfoitu li i'e e hssoi persona ami namvtl I hem "inelnia'e a-iy luma' signiiicatit of the class of us inmates, js well as the ;urpi;-.cs f r which they are cstrih-l-.sht-d. T'i'to nr.- t'liiieeu such in .sUtut'.jns ii' I a"i c art ctly infornu d in tne t'uited S.atc- fa mdedby indi vi. lu.i! pliil.n diropiaVi ' (lmhine ti ling a groat Wos k l i tlio care and c in! of this cl tss .f men and wom in. ' Mr. J-j lit or, I wisu t.) impress the faith which no intelligent gentle man will deny or cm controvert l hat .1; Ui.l.e I':, s t i-, a di .ease- -eit her a 'tpprt'd by til" US'! of ar.l nit spirits, or is propog it"tl from parent to cluh'. as I'onsuioptiou or i-isainty, not with the iew, a.- I'.nglan I, tliind. and o'li -r.s.to urge our p"oplo to erect asy lums, for the care of this class of p.-rson,, accepting the adage "an ounce of preventive is worth a pound of cure," but would urge them ; to demand a law siij pressing th manufacture ami sala tf alcoholic d piors. Pea haps I am trenpassing upon your columns, but would say, we should not cease our efforts iu every legitimate wav to save the driinkrad. W. KOII TIIK aw nun. Yi r.erK stock. S. C, April 21st, 1S79. Mil. Fi'iroii: Diaii Sir: The "cross" on the last issue warns me that, rooo the weekly visits of th" llrconn will cease, unit ss more money i, rt e ive.l. Not feeling willing o have the visits of this sprightly journal stopped, I lit re ; with enclose one tloilnr. Please "move up my figures." and continue th Itpctum. It is quite a sine qua' non with me. Would that thousands so regard P. Th lb.cor.n oertaiuly merits the hearty pi.tnuia re and sup port of the citizens of Chatham; anil whether they ro doing themselves justi -e (to say uothiug of their ob ligations as citizens, to support audi an en(erpriso) or not, I think they will gradually be brought to the er ror of their ways ami w iil after a time, see that it is to their interest to pat ronize the paper. A worthy obj-c conducted by the proper jieraon, will receive support. .Such, I thiuk is the design of the Deity. Very Ilosjctfully, A. J. Ciauk. 15i:i i.i voni, X. C, May 2.1, FS7D. Mn. F.iut"r: -T have just inter-' viewed Mr. (1. W. l'oythress, one of the bv-t tobacco growers ir. North Carolina. I knpw that Mr. INivthress wit growing tobacco on the farm of Mr. W. F. Stroll 1, member of the 1 ue State Convention, ami by the. wav, a very clover gentleman anil wishing toknow t he ditb-reuce in gr w . ing cotton and tobacco, I interviewed ' him. Vfo informed mo that the dif ference iu tiie two crop was more, than tw to tine iu favor of tobacco, while the labor iu growing was less than half in fivor of tobacco, ami, that Iho raont of I ho work could be done and not interfere with the other crops. On four acres of laud, he raiictl H.OPO pounds of tolw;fo, which sohl Durham at the ftillowing prnv. . 231 lbs. nt 2 -bllarg per 100, tl74 lbs. lit 27 dollars per 100, . 210 lbs. at 25 dollars per 100, and the remainder 20G2 pounds at 13 dollar per hundred. These' amounts faotud up. make over $500, an nxerngo of ovi r $125 per acre. Mr. I'oythresa siys, that owing to the wet weather, he lost near one-' t'f'h of the crop on the hill. Th'a crop of tobacco, it is suit?, was the tinst ever Bold in Durham. A large manufacturer from liichnuind, Va., remarked that it. was the best lot of, tobacco that he had seen in live years, in Virginia or North Carolina. Tlnee cheers for old Chatham 1 Tlios" who wish to know all about growing tobacco, call on (1. W. l'oy-thres-; yon will find him an inlel!i-; gent gentleman, ready and willing to ' communicate. JcrrrEii. NEW ADVEUTISEMENTS. -TO- WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 3 2 T C Having; tlone ft lnrgt ly inc-onsetl mt ox ti'inle.l li.imneit-i ilaring I h I'ltst iM'Mon, we ', offer tor tltn Spring and Summer Trade A I.AU'.SK AMI MDIIK V.VlllEl XTtH'K OK DRY GOODS,: tii w T'vrci: nr-poKM our mix. ylauga, Su IhvuihMv known ss ft en.'lit-l Iiiim.ii " j until ion I jii.lit'ious buyer, lilts lieen fin mm- time Hint will lmfTir! tlnrit yet in X Yd. k niHHim; oar piofliBsen. We Iirvh Blremlv rerrivetl Sili-n.li.l Hiiirtmait, an.l Iiuvk nil ill" w ty nntl to irrive, niHiiy a lilltiiiiis, iut'biiling a lnii.il-' siene lino if ' Triiiiuicd anfl EeaMaJe Suits FOR LADIES. IV.. loiy ilirert Ironi llie M ntiti .'art u rr. linMrteiK mi. I Ajj.nl'. ami tin prepRretl n. ttell lor TIIK L0WKST PRICKS ! I. II YKVUOXX, npll7 it I'KTI V i .ttiXKS. ;' M t T.E. 8II&9S ft SOB, : ! Ililllillnj, ltiklfijli, N. l. HARDWARE! Wili! l-rrrv. WIMMtW -i.l.Al'S, Sleam-Eniiaes, Eeliioi, I.IMK, I KM I'. XT, I'l.A.viKU MILL BUPrLIES. rreit pon .tenc Pnlicltetl. 3 ti ft w tt der l fitn M Mi ad ad mm m wrr.eei'ruiNn JEWELER ni ENGRAVER AXI lKM.KII IN Watchgs, h: d Jewelry, Silver it'l riatt'il Varp. K.'t'pR it full line of all Rrllcleft t.uiuil in fi'St-cUR .lew 'Irr more. .'dut an.l w .... Msiie lo nr.ler on the Rlioiteet Xtic. (ShihI tor I'titent Kin Sire.) Hair Jcwolry, Collt'?!' Ilailiccs, Mod als unil Souls, O-tler (rom R tlirlRiire eolifile.l. IIoh Kent on npprovftl to uny pnrt of tlie St" t" .... mlihUi lorv rf.-rent'". II. MAKIEU, I tt,cl!l-lf HsIeiKli, N. C. rsscvD, LED a CO., Wholesale d Retail Draggis t ttll MMtTlX ft FAVKirUVIM.K STUKHIS, tlppoNile Pont (IHIce, it ai.i:ic;ii, i. c DRUGS! oiv Store t w (JooiIk I Kor llie U tter Rrt'oiiiinoilittiim ol our t'ns toiii..r, we hftve ieiieil Riiether Dni Store, Corner Mama nd l-'RVntterlllr SlrrrM. ami rre prepared to t.irnUli l-"r til er I'livnirinn', Ciitintry Mercliini. miti the I'.iiilit- RriterRllT llli ft C'.iooe nn KreeliSl.nk t'f PKl'tlS, flieiiilrl-, l,ve Kliilf, ' it-y O.mmIr, (Inr.l. n rm.I UrRtts See.' .Rff.i. S..);ntfMiBfrKl.VViiief,et.v Uivr a R C 1 WH C..H1 pl.-RtP Toll ill i! nl tie! I'"''' d.t-l'.lttat NEW AD FtiTISUMENTS. m mm ii ! w.h.&r.sTtuckkh 15..rl(nllr Rimmine to tlieir frieinls nil riinlenier that tliey lmve j-.i.H reC.'i veil n full st.H-k tif Spring and Summer Goods, whii'i tli y offor to tlie iratle at prices suii- ! for all. ;,n:)n vn rtU T'nln unJ Kanrv VrvHf Ooittln, Rt 8 t il, It), 1'J nd tri Voiit-.. Presn goutU let 17 1 2, 2D, 2", :l ) ftiit Z't I'srilio I.Hw n, 10 ftinl 12 1 2 n-nts. I'nion I.Rwn, (ri ciom, 8 l-!l pent. :i.H) VRrtls llra Cloths, 1-2 mij 8 1 :l cen Is. I,:qii". 5 anil 7 1-3 rents. Cliet k Miihn. 10 centi. IIIhim lied fttid t'DliltRol. ' r.)Ulfitic fliettp ' its the eheftnea'. A!Mmaro .UItl, IW Ticking, Hirkoiy ISIiinlng. Bomostic Ginghams ! A.O0O ysrtU "rluiR, 5, 0 14 ftml 7 CBr.ts. lUmlinrff -MrirR Ironi 2 1 2 rem p'T yftnl in SU Butt 'W renm. bn'tlifs' lluitlkercliiets, S, 7 1-2 8 1 .1, 10 lit 2 rent. biellfV (fiilUrK Kinl t-nlfj, Kmbroitloretl, 20 cnts r set. betliKH liinen O.illftr nntt Cuff, 1" cnats r oet, IbifMnin. 10, 1.1. 20 Rinl 2."i renin por yRr.t. linlt'-i, 20 2.1 mnl .lit cum i r I r. . 1 1 . .1 ho tl I . illicit' II. m.- tor 2.1 ct'iils. IjiiIIi'h' t'ol.ire.l Itfxtt, 10 cents per pslr. Table Damasks, IVapkias, Towels, runisols a it d I'nihrellns, AT LOW I'IMCKS. (llnvod Hottle-y, 'yt.li.it' 2 Pulton K tl lil.ive. .10 ceiiU per tl', l.(ti.i' Miex.-H mi.l I'liil.lren'jt SIi.h-k, Uniiert. nn.l Slipperi. Iii)ltr iiailee, Tweeiju, l.inen. Ilrills, t'ttwi nieren, lor Men rii.I Hoy' Wenr. Knur pftir tlulf Unite, 21 rent". Trnnks and Valises. Mailings, tlurp-linifs t'oetift Mattingii, Oil (. lothft, &, tfT'M'e solirli psrrlrnlr.r uttentlon tut!i rInivh r ppet'litllit-R mnl Imrjrninn. W. H. A II. S. TUCKKIi, npl21-tf lialeigh, . C. CSRISTOPHERS & SOKSELL; AVliolesule and Retail Grocers & Commission Merchants, No. 15 Hnrgctt Street, A rt loit.l n( New Crop tT15 MOI.AS SKS jut rerelveil. Ill;liel iiinrlii't priced nRlilTir HLUVKS. Sole Ajf.'i IR lor lt.ileiKh No. 4 Plow. Special Iiuliiot'iiieii-8.ifffre.l loM.-r.-lmii'". Coiisii;niieuli tl I'ttton m:! Prutlm-n Soliolt.tt. nnir? ly h. t. i:r.Ris k co., rsi: 'i-:icm mni mum em Xtaloigb, 17. C. FOLK AUKNTS Hill rRtHpf U.nino ni tl.niii' M'tnire, Sl.in. wh.II I'otlon I'.owr, Ail;i flow. l'lnnel, J.-., Home Hoe mnl Iron a.:;e Cul ' tivntiM-. Wt I.RVe In Ktore Rn.l I" iirrire inn lii . I,. N Wlilie Holtt'il Me.l. JO thai l.b-. Unlit I'lesr ttili Si.I.h. 1 .(!, Ilucliel. White Riitl Mixed Com. ' MID lliiHliel ll. i-t cmmI OrIh. .Inn S.tt-k Rinl llarrels Family pie.l Kxira Tltiiir. 4(1 Hirreln Stitrsr WUIle ftml Yellow, IM Hsirii (J.-tr . r. 'I tinr l.tuult MoIrhivr New Crop Culii', i Xttw eirli'HD rii.I Siijfiu- IlwiiHe Svrup, 10.1 Stfk MitrnliRlIx I '-erpot.l Fun- Stilt . SI Barrel Karly Hi.. I'otittot-.H, HKNl llnuit l,lHmco tiimuii, .1') Hoxen Simp, UMI K.'ith Nftil. Ami utlter (.mhIii ntCt'Xfnry to niiike up a full nock. All of tlie rIiovr goofs we will sell o' etin 1 fur crh!i, er tn lime, with RRtUtictory ttr-. n.Mi'rineniR. Solifiiiti ortlert, We re UeMiiecilullr, IMl.T. Nonius CO. I.(12-:Jin COMMISSION MERCHANT, KkbI end Citiaen NRtional lUnk, RALEIGH, N. C. Consignments ff all kins of Mer- ehautlise ami rr.itluee stiliciletl. Sat isfaetnry sales puaranteetl nntl prompt re' urns inv iriuhly mnile, for moder ate comumsinus. pr. Cotton Rooolvoil also on Sloratyo nl Moderate Kutrs.-fe 11 ileiph Du;ly Coif on Hsrliet, Re- port. i nrd tia latest chanea in New ' York a i.l .ivei p."iol Markets foi waul ed every tl:.y to j at roll s. IJeftn t. Haleigli Nalional rank mitt tlio biiiiinnsg publkt of the city. Oil IZAK'D: A l.trcre invoice of MIT.IU'RN WAtiONS for sale, nt $75 each; sub stantial work and warranted. Ol'EN' AND TOi l?L'(i(iIKS i.t, fSO to $100 tinch; woi kiiiuusliip ami material narauteetl. Flour, (Je.rD, Oats, Fodder, II.iv Meal, Chops, Urowu Stuff, Nmih Carolina H mis, Sides and Shoulders in fact all kinds of Prodiiea bIivhjs in store. setl'J ilia Dr. West 'Harris, HAVIXH riMCTISKI) DKVTISTIIV In I'liRttiiiii nn.l eurrmin.linir counll.K for !I0 yers. mil re.'elved n I lit-rnl pmr..ii niT. rlnriiit lUaul - i o)itrita a coutimi. mice of llie itunie, promi.dil to fcive nti taction In work mid prc. Rpl tO-li tt lltt(,nro, N ;.

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