;h4 (Jjhatham Record. H. A. LONDON, Jr., OK ADVERTISING. r.DiToit ami ritoruiKToit. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: om siinri', mm- insertion, n square, tw" I" "tl"V one iHinuri, oiii- month, fl.no 1. x 2. W One fory, ono yoar, . Oliraopy.ftlX lllalilllfl One copy, tlireo uiuutlii, I. on VOL. I. PITTSHm() CHATHAM CO., X. C, MAY 15, 1H?.i. NO. :;:. T alvi rtl.vMiii.itu lllit rul coutrartx will lie To the JSereaved ! Headstones, Monuments AND tom:bs, BEST OF MARBLE, Good Workmanship, and Cheapest and Largest ariety in Uie Slate, lard oorner Morgan and mount stroeu, below Wynne livery stables. Address til commnnioatlona to CAYTON & WOLFE, Baleigb, N. C. AND W. L LONDON Will Keep Therr. ITii Rpring and Hummer Btock is very large ana extra uncap. nurocmDcr, HE KEEPS EVERYTHING And always keeps a Full Bnpplr. !fa keeps thfl Urgent stock of FLOWS. PLOW CAST INGS and FAHM1NQ 1MPLF.MF.NT8 in the Ooouty, which be sells at Factory 1'riceH. Dai ltnll-tonguea, Shovel-plows, Hweopi, etc., as cheap as you can bay the Iron or Stool. IJo keeps the fluost and bent atock of GROCERIES! BUQAIIS, COFFEES. TEAS, Cl'BA MO LAsSF.S, FINK MUUPH AND FANCY OHOCEIilF.. He bnyj good at tho Lowest Prioes, and takoi advantage of all discounts, and will sell goods as cheap for CASH aa they can be Bought in the Htato. You cau always find DRY GOODS ! Fancy Hood, mcli as millions, Flowf rs, I.ace, Vailn, llnud. Collars, Corsets, Fans, Paiaeolis, Umbrella. Notions, t'lothii) HARDWARE, TINWAliE, imuay, PAINTH MIXED AND DliV OILS, CliUCKKUY. CON IT.CTIONI.KIES. SHOES! Very large stock Hoots. Hat for Mon, Hoys, Ladies and Children. Carriago Material. SEWING MACHINES Ntils Iron Furniture; Chewing and Kmohiug Tobacco, Cigars, SmilT; Loather of all kinds, and a thousand other things at tho CHEAP. STOKE I OP W. L. LONDON. TitUboro, N. 0. H. A. LONDON, Jr., Attorney at Law, FITTKBOKO', X. V. jWSpecial Attention Pnid to Colleoting. J. J. JACKGON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, riTTSiiORo; x. c. PiF"AU ImslneJt entrusted to him will re. oeWe prompt attention. W. E. ANDERSON, Preldt. P. A. WILET C.lll CITIZENS , NATIONAL BANK, OP ItALF.IGII, X. C. J. D. WILLIAMS &C0.f Grooors, Commission Merchants and Frodnco Bayers, FAYETTEVILLE. N. C. NORTH CAROLINA STATE LIFE INSURANCE CO., OF RALEIGH, X. CAR. F. II. CAMKROJJ. rrnllent. W. . ANDERSON. Yic JVm. V. II. HICKS, Src'y. The only Home Life Insurance Co. in the State. All Its food loaned ont AT IIOMF., and among our own people. We do not send Borttt Carolina money abroad to build up other RttM. It I one of the most successful eom- penlea of Ita age In the United Slate. Its as Mt are amply sufficient. All losses ald wromptlv. Right thousand dollars paid In the last two'yoarl to families in Chatham. It will coat a man aged thirty years only live cents a day to Insure for one thousand dollars. Apply for further Information to H.A. LONDON, Jr., Gen. Agt. riTTSBOKO', N. C. JOHN MANNING, Attorney at Law, KTTSB020', N. C, VtmUcm la lb Conrti ot Chatham. HareeM, koar a4 0rj., aa la the pr Vt4wa) The Defense of Lucknovr. Banner of England, not for a season, Oh banner of Britain, bast thon Floated in conquering battle or flapt to the battle cry I Nevor with mightier glory than whon we bad reared thee on high, Flying at top of the roofs in the ghaatly siege of Lucknow Shot thro' the staff or the halyard, bnt oyer we rained tVee anew, And ever upon the topmost roof oar banner of England blow. Aye, )bnt the foo sprung bis mine many times, and it ebanoed on a day Hoon as the blast of that underground thon- dor-clap coho'd away, Dark thro' the smoke and the sulpbnr liko so many fionds in their boll Cannon-shot, musket-shot, rolley on volley and yell npon yell- Fiercely on all the defenses our myriad enemy foil. What have they done ? where if it ? Oat yon der. Oaard the I(9dan 1 Storm at the Wate-gate ! storm at the lUi ley- irate ! storm, and it ran Barging and swaying all rouud as, as ocean on erery Bide I'lnngoi and heaves at a bank that Is daily drowned by the tide- Bo maay thousands that if they bo bold onough who shall escapo ? Kill or be kill'd, live or die, thoy shall know we are somicri ana mon i Heady I take aim at thoir leaders their masses aro gapp'd with onr grape- Backward they reel liko tho wave; like the wavo flinging forward again; Flying ami foil'd at tho laat by the handful they could not pnbdue ; And ever npon the topmost roof onr banner Cf England blew. Then on another wild morning another wild earthquake ont-tore Clean from our hues of defense ten or twelve good paces more; Riflemen, high on tho roof, hidden thero from the ligLt of tho inn- One haa leapt op on the b ach, crying out : "Follow me ! follow me 1" Mark bun ho falls ! then another, and him, too, and down goes ho. Had they beiu bold enough thon, who can tell but tho traitors had won ? Boardirgn and rafters and doors an embra sure ! mako way for the gin ! Now doublo charge it with grape! It is charged, and wo fire, aud they run. Praise to our Indiau brothors, and let tho dark face have bis duo ! Thanks to tho kindly dark faces who fought with ns, faithful and fow; Fought with tho bravest among mi, and drove them aud smote thorn aud flow, That ever upon tho topmost roof our banner in India blow. Uark, caunonado, fanillado ! is It trno what was told by tho Hoout V Outram and lUvelock brea'.ini thoir way through the foil mutineers ! Surely the pibroch of Europe is ringiug again in onr ears ! All on a snddon tho garrison utter a jubilant shout, Havolock's glorious Highlanders answer with conqueriug cheers, Forth from their holes aud thoir hidings our women and ohildreu coruo out, Blessing the wholesome white faces of Havo lock's good fueilecrs, Kissing the war-bardon'd hand of the High lander wet with tboir tears ! Dance to the pibroch ! javod ! we are saved ! is it you ? is it yon ? Saved by tho valor of lUvelock, saved by the blessing of heaven ! "Hold it for fifteen days !" we have held it for tighty-scven ! d ever aloft on the palaeo roof the old ban ner of England blew. Tennyson's New Poem. CHANGED HER MIND. Aro you really in earnest, Olympia?" Miss Olympia Martin shook Lor pret ty yellow curls aud looked aa resolute aa possiblo at Lor pale, atraigLt-foaturoil lover. 'Yon, I really am in earnest, Mr. Vi- ninffiyou see thero is one young lady iu tho world wLo can rosiht the attractions of Uolilescombe Hull and your wealth I 80 Baying, Miss Olympia made Lim a very low courtesy graceful, but under the ciroumstauoes, aggravating. George Vining bowed coldly and turned away. Olympia watchod him stride down the broad graveled path and disappear bebind the Ledge of glossy- leaved In ucl, with a smile dimpliDg Ler check. Blip was a pretty littlo creature, fresh as a newly blossomed rose, with eyes bluo as the midsummer sky when noon is at its balmiest priue, and a plump ness of outliuo which mado you think of a pretty baby. Mrs. Martin sat at Ler sewirg as Olympia re-eutered the family sitting room. Well,' eho said inquiringly, 'has Mr. Vining gone already ?' 'Yes, mamma. I have refused to be Lis wife.' 'Olympia I' almost shrieked Mrs, Martin. 'I have, mamma.' A tall, sandy-haired young man who was lounging over the newspaper in the oorner, looked suddenly up, bnt Olym pia avoided his gaze, and apparently anxiom to escape from Ler mother's ;rave reproaches, slipped through the wido open French window into the Hbade and coolness of the old cedar walk at tho foot of the garden. For Olympia herself was scarcely cer tain whether she had done right or wrong in refusing the master of Gl ides combe Hall. There was a littlo coquetry at the bot tom of it, a little feminine willfulness and Olympia hardly know what else, She wanted time to think. Bnt Oliver Sands bad followed her 1 into her retreat, tooeager to plead hit own cause to thiuk anght of policy, 'Olympia,' he said eagerly, looking into her face, 'Olympia, there could be but ono reason for your refusing Georgo Vining.' 'Do yon think so?' sho questioned, haughtily. 'And that,' he continued, 'is that you love another. Olympia my darling cousin say it was me you loved 1' 'But it wasn't I' said Mis 1 Olympia, very resolutely. 'Get np off that gravel path immediately, Oonsin Oliver, and don't mako a greater fool of yourself than nature Las already made you I' 'Olympia, do you mean to say' I mean to say that I'm no more iu love with you than I am with the stone wall yonder, and if you don't cease ira portuning me at onoe, 1 will go back to the house I' Bo Oliver Bands retreated signally discomfited in this short, but eventful passage at arms; bnt littlo OJympia, sitting down in the shades of the cellars, had a good crying fit, sho herself did not know what for. But her troubles were by no means at an end. Jessy Vining, George's consiu, and her ever special and darling friend hail hor Bay to enunciate yet. 'I think it is a great shame, Olympia, for yon to treat Goorge aa you Lave done, who said solemnly. Olympia shruggod Ler dimpled shonl- dere Low pearly tLey looked under the soft white muslin of hor dross nud panted. 'Jfoia havo I treated him ?' she de manded. 'You have encouraged Lim and led Lim on, and then, just when he had cause to fancy his hopes nearest their frnition, you Lave coldly jilted him.' Olympia crimsoned; sho had not seen hor condnct in just the snmo light be fore. 'I am not bound to marry every man that asks me to be Lis wifoalio rejoined, a little detinntly. 'No you aro not bound to be truo and just aud honorable. If a man pnts Lis Leart at your feet, you have a right to trample it down and go on your way, smiling aud radiant as ever. ' 'Jessy I' pleaded Olympia, seeking refuge in tears, 'how could yon be so unkind ?' 'I am not unkind ; I am only truthful I' 'But I did not love George !' 'Then why did you treat him as yon did ? I toll you, Olympia, you have douo a very wicked thing I' But Olympiad store of argument fail ed her, aud sho only cried and ran away and declared withiu herself 'sho never would speak to that hateful Jessy Viuing again And so tho summer days rippled on. 'Dear heart !' croaked Grandmother Martin, 'what does ail Olympia ? Sho's getting as thin as a shad and as pnlo as tho city gals boardin' over to Squire Taylor's who rnb chalk on thoir faces, Sho don't cat nothin', nor have no more spirits. We don't havo to scold her no moro for laughin' too lond and I think sho'd ought to drink herb tea or bark sirup or something.' 'It's only the Lot weather, grandma,' said Olympia. 'I'll make you a bit o' tea that would make a corpso got out of its cc tlio,' said Grandmother Martin. 'I won't drink it,' said Olympia, de fiantly. Do let the child Lave her own way,' Baid Mrs. Martin, 'she'll bo well enough when tho fall comes I' But it was not the weather that was stealing the roses from Olympia's cLoek and tho roundness from Lor figure, but a troubled and uurestfal heart. For Olympia found out all too late, that she was iu lovo with Georgo Vining, tho mnu sho had so haughtily discarded in the glow and pride of her youthful beauty. Mr. Vining had left tho village a few days subsequent to tho defeat of Lis fondest and most treasured hopo, and Gjldcscombo Hall was temporarily closed, greatly to tho chagrin of all the marriageable young ladies of tho vicin ity. No ono, except his cousin Jessy and Olympia herself, knew positively tho reason of his sudden departure, and no one could conjecture the probable length of his absence. But ono evening Graudmother Martin came into the sitting-room, full primed for a gossip with several other old ladies, who might easily have savod the village the expense of a newspaper. 'Wal, wal !' said Grandmother Martin, taking a pinoh of rose-soente.1 snuff. Wonders never will ceaso P Mr. Vi- niug's comu back to Goldcscombo, and he's married 1' 'Married ?' echoed Mrs. Martin, while Olympia bending over her work, grew as pale as a sheet. 'And to whom ?' 'I don't know exactly; bnt it's so, for Duncan Teel's wifu, sho was down to the depot, this morning, to meet Ler bus band's cousin's darter, from Boston, that's coming to make Ler a visit, and she saw Mr. Vining step off the car, and help a la ly off, and the Goldesoonibe carriage was there to meet 'em. Thero I 'But that's no sign he's married,' per sisted the doubting Mrs. Martin. 'Wal, Duncan Teel's wife soys he is, persisted Grandmother Martin; 'and there's a lot o' satin damask curtains come down for tho north drawing-room at the Hall, and if that don't mean a wife, I'd like to know what does I' Olympia could enduro it no longer. Sho roso and left tho room, hurrying through tho green villngo Junes as if there were a spirit of restlessness in Lor anxious footsteps, nntil sho reached the little cottage whero Jessy Vining lived. Jessy was at tho window, and called to Ler : 'Olympia, Olympia, come in 1 Why, how pale yen are !' 'Am I ? It is becatiKo I am tired walking I' bravely assorted tho girl, as she sat down beside Jessy iu tho ploas ant room and tried to smile. 'But you havo been crying, Olympia ?' persisted her friend. At theso words, spoken iu a soft and sympathetic voice, Olympia's tours flow ed afresh, and, losing all her self-corn. maud, sho sobbed aloud, on Jessy's shoulder. 'What is the matter ?' cried the aston ished Jessy. 'What has happened, Olympia?' Nothing,' Olympia nnswerod, 'ex cept that I nm the most miserable girl in all tho world I I rafuacd your cousin George, and I lovod Lim all the while, and now now--now hois married,' Married ? Cousin George ?' cried Jes sy. 'Who told yon so?' 'Kvery 01.0 is talking of it - how ho returns this morning from Hull with Lis bride, nud' 'Stop,' said Jenny, laughing in tho very faro of her f rioud's hysterical tears, 'como hero, Olympia.' Aud sho threw open n door, through which Olympia could seo a spectacled matron of fifty, sowing industriously at the end of tho hall. ''Jhnt is tho lady who canio with George from IIull this morniug 1 new housekeeper for tho Jlall. Sho stays hore nuder mamma's dirootion until to morrow, wLon sho takes possession of her now quaitern at (J.ildoseombo Hall. Tho servauts there are very faithful, bnt they ricod a head, and Mrs. Bigham comes very highly recommended. How could tho gosnips of tho villago possibly construe that staid matron into a I ride for Goorgo Viuing ?' And Jessy laugh ed merrily nt tho thought. 'Then Lo is not really married? fal tered Olympia, with tho soft red flushes coming and going 011 hor cheeks, and a ight, vivid as the blue glitter of a sap phire, stealing iuto her ryes. 'No, nor likely to be, nulena' 'Unless,' chimed in the voico of Mr Goorgo Vining himself, coolly walking iu from another room, tho door of which was slightly ajar 'unless Miss Olympia Martin will consent to lu iuy wile; oth erwise T shall icmain an old bcchelor to tho end of Kin chapter.' Georgo I' Olympia had rprnug up with a slight shriek. Which is it to be, Olympia ?' bo de manded playfully, putting both Ler hands in his, crusty bachelor or a gay wedding before the oaks at ( 1 ildescombo tnrn yellow with the October frosts I The decision rests with yon. Olympia, tell mc, do you love mc ?' And Olympia, tho tears scarcely dry npon her cheeks, confessed that bIio did I Jessy Viuing was delighted at tho un expected turu that things had taken. But for all that,' sho suid demurely, if a young man comoa wooing me, I shall tell Lim the trnlh at m.co, and not risk Lis constancy by letting my fato depend on a second courtship I' Stuart's Portrait of .Madame Bonaparte. Since the deUh of Madame Uouaparto mention has bceu made of her portrait three headd on 0110 eanvas--by Stuart. That picture is at present in tho rooms the Maryland Historical H cicty. Tor a long time it remained in tho otndio of Stuart, who would not give it up who, in fact, ordered it to bo taken to tho garret of his house, whero it was loft with many other portraits that Lad met with the samo fate. T je reason for this is not generally known. Although Stu art was slow iu liuishing liia pictures, Le could turn them off very rapidly if he saw fit to do so, bnt ho had a habit after working a picture up to certain point.of leaving it for a timo and working on other heads. Tnis procrastination some times extended through years, particu larly v. lion sitters wero crowing in npon him. Tue friends of Madams ISonoparto had sceueuoiigh of the picture to mako them impatient to have it finished, for it was very beautiful; and 0110 of the most urgent was hrr husband, lima parto deemed it an iusult to !o so treat ed, and when the two came together l'.jnaparto and Stuart, both men of vio lent tempers the breach was so widened that it could not bo bridged over. Stn art thought the remarks addressed to him by Bmaparto wero impcrtiiient.and tho result was that 1! maparte could not get possession of his own or his wife's portrait on any terms. Years after this oocurrcucc, Mr. I'dttorson, Mrs. niua. parte's father, went to H jston to sit to Stuart for Lis portrait. Iu Hie courso of conversation with Stuart the portrait of Mr?. M maparte was mentioued, when Stuart had it brought from the garret, Mr. Patterson was delighted with it.and Stuart, though ho could ill-afford to do so, gave it to him "not," soys Miss Stuart, who related this incident "that ho did not value Lis work, bnt to show the world that ho valued still higher bis position as m artist." Tue portrait is really threo heads on one ennvaf-front, threc-qiiartoM and pro. tile, f ai-h beautiful in itself, and the three together made a chaimiug picture one that has rurely been equaled. What Fashions Predominate. Spanish lace vails nre again in fashion Woolen sateens havo tho merit of washing well. Tho newest buttons imitate mulber rics in various colors. Armnro grenadine, at $I.r) a yard, is a stylish new dress stuff. Loco mittens are worn only at parties where there is no dancing. Ilaud-shaking at introductions is not as gonoral as it nssd to bo. Bands of jot aro among tho stylish trimmings on walking hats. New York florists aro making bou quets in thesliapoof a horseshoe. Panama tweed, alight, loosely-woven woolen stuff, is a now dress fabric. Tiinen drosses iu pink and blu, nl browu and bluo, aro turned out by the French costuruo makers. Throat bows aro mado of long loops of gay Persian ribbon. Somo of them aro fastened by a tinsel lizard or bee. Tho 'English walking bat' is tho prin cipal shapo for round hats, and is very suitable for tho pr.mienado and for traveling purposes ; but even young ladies wear bonnets for full dresn. For street wear black chip is the ma terial, nud it in quito simp'.y trimmed with black satin or soft ttvilled or fig ured silk, a spray of flowers, and per haps ono ostrich tip. Galloons con taining gold or silver t lire ids are also n favor, but tho heavy gold cords and strings of pearl beads, so popular last year, aro altogether discarded. Tho shirred flouuco in simple and pretty. It is ma lo of straight silk ten inches deep, hemmed by machino on both edges. It is then laid in side plaits, each an inch wide, three in a a cluster, and a spaeo a linger long is loft between tho clusters. Tho plaits are pressed smoothly at tho bottom tho length of 0 finger, whilo nbovo this each plait is gathered lengthwise - -ono row of gathers to each phu! - and drawn down to a spaco the length of the flat plaits. This makes frilled plaits at the top and plaid plaits below. Sow to tho skirt an inch from the upper edgo of the flouuee, and also below the frilled part of the plaits. I'rrd Koiiirhihs' Adihe. Fred loughss, the colored V. S. Marshal of tho I listrict of Columbia, iu the courso of a lecture at Staunton, Va. , after oitvlHtng tliti colored people to stay whero they aro and work honestly, rath er than emigrate to tho West, addrersed the whito portion of his audience as fol lows: These negroes r.ro among you, and will remaiu viilh yoi You need not expect them to die out like tho In dians. They aro too fond of civilizing influences for Unit. Au Indian is con tented with a blanket, while a negro's ambition is a swallow-tailed coat; the Indians don't liko churches and steeple, whilo the negro thinks the higher the steeple tho nearer they aro to heaven. -They are essentially imitative, nud if by their tll'jrts they seek to raise them selves from poverty cud attaiu to the excellence of good citizenship, give them a chance. Sell them lauds, and let them praetieo your economy aud thrift. Teach them to bo honest, industrious and sys tematic, ond yon will yourselves reap tho reward, for on the trade wiuds of eternal justice thero will come to this land a peace aud prosperity it has never known before. Ilread and Hut tor. Dr. Hull, in his Juni if : a"fi, gives tho following bit of wisdom: Bread and butter are tho only Biticles of food of which wo never tiro from early childhood to extremo old ago. A pound of tluo Hour or Indiau meal contains thrco times as much meat as ono pound of bnteber's roast beef, and if tho whole product of the graiu, bran ar.d nil, were made into bread, fifteen 1 cr cent, more f nutriment would bo added. Unfor tunately, the bran, tho coarsest part of hicli gives soundness to tho teelli and strength to tho brain, is generally ex eluded. Five hundred pounds of four give to the body thirty pounds of the bony aliment, whilo tho samo quantity of brau gives moro than 125 pounds This bono is lime, tho phosphate of lime, tho indispensable aliment of health to the whole human b dy, from tho want of which multitudes of persons go into a general decline.' . In it to Priiie a Failure .' Tuo Woodruff scioutitlc expedition around the world is ready to start, ex cept for oue thing, and that is the lack of passengers. Thero is no lack of peo pie who seem to intend going; indeed, a hundred ond fifty havo already sent iu their names, with reqnei-ts for state rooms, while as many moro have verbal ly signified their intention of goiug, But soarcly anybody has thus fur depos itcd tho booking foo of .i(X), which must be paid by at least two hundred persons liefore the. projectors will stflrt the ship, More than that number of people eem to really intend going, bnt everybody is waiting for everybody clfce, before de positing his -"30, and so tho matter is almost at a standstill. Tue steamship procured for the voyage and tho general arrangements aro in good conditions, Somo Nevada milieu that used to go down are going up, A Veteran of Many Wars. A reporter has unearthed the history of a war-worn veteran now quietly living in Youngstown, Pa., as the justice of the peace of that quiet Pennsylvania village. His name is Francis Van Swatnaer, and Le claims the rank of captain. lie was born nt the Hagno during the reign of William the Second, King of Holland. He was the companion of the prince, and saved his life when on a hunting ex cursion when attacked by a boar. He graduated from the military college of Delft with tho reputation of its best swordsman, no servod during tho Bel gian war of 1X19, participating in the assault on Sanrhrnck, and led tho party that first entered tho town. Enlisting the cause of Dom Pedro, he took part in the siegos of Oporto and Lisbon; iu 1 n:v 110 commanded an expedition to put down au insurrection in tho C ipc do Verdo Islands, but was taken prison er and sent to the Islo of St. Thomas. Released from there, ho sailed for this country, landing at Charleston in Is:!". no was drill-mastor to the marines in Washington, assisted in quelling the riota in Philadelphia in 18:t0, and com manded a regiraout during tho bloodless Buckshot war in Pennsylvania, As cap tain he served in the Mexican war, and during tho late civil war ho acted as cap tain drill-master over nil cavalry ami in fantry c fillers. It is related iu the neighborhood that at ono time, when bo was drilling peven companies nt (' jniiellsvillc, ho wes very much put out by their nnsoldierly bear- ng, and told thorn that a fow horsemen conhl break through their ranks. They laughed at him, which exasperated the old geutlemau very much. Ho was on horseback, aud bidding thorn prevent him if they could, ho rode through thoir rauks without the least d ill uilty, word- ng off thoir blows with his sword, no has boon and is pernonully acquainted with ('lay, Webster, Van Huron, Tolk, Dallas, narrison, Tyler, Taylor, Scott, 1'illmorc, Pierce, I'.uchauan, L'ncolu, Johnson and Grant. He has been in fifty-Heven battles, without connting skirmishes, aud has been wounded eleven times. Vulgarity on the Slairc. Writing of this topic in iSv.ribncr for May, Dr. Holland says: Tho average playwright has a lixed opinion that cer tain definite appeals must bo mado to tho groundlings, in order to produce a successful play. There muni Ij uoarHC- 11M8 or profanity, or the half-disguieod obneeuity that can bo put forth in n limbic entente, rt else tho great multi tude will not bo satisfied. As n conse quence of this, mauy ladies do not dure to go to tho theator, or to take their children there. Thero is no question that theso objectiouoblo elements in plays havo kept mauy more people ont of tho theater than they ever nttracted thither. Tooplo cveu vulgar people are not pleased with vulgarity, nud it is quite worth whilo to call attention to the things that tho people arc pleased with, both in tho fictions of tho book aud of tho stage. Wo havo had a lyri cal comedy running iu all tho theaters f tho country during tho last soason 'Her Majesty's Ship Pinaurc" which will illustrate a part of what we moan. Siuco wo began to observe theaters at ill nothing has had such a ruu of popu larity as this. Young and old, rich and poor, have bceu amused by it, nud there is not a word in it, from beginning to end, that cau wound any sensibility. Tt is simply delightful puro fun -and the most popular thiug that has appeared on the stage for the last leu years. We call attention to it specially to show that fun, when it is pure, is more popu lar a thousand times thnn wheu it is not. Nothing can bo moro evident to a man of common sense than that any admix -turo of unworthy elements in this play would damage its popularity. What is truo of this play is truo of any and every play. There is no apology whatever for making the shigo impure. Evon vulgar people do not seek tho stago for impu ritv. Thev seek it for ploasnre, and they ftud tho purest plays tho most sat isfactory, provided only that the plea suro-giving element is in them. A play wright who is obliged to resort to coarse means to win the npplauno of coarse mon, convicts himself of a lack of ca paeity for writing a good play. American Product. A correspondent of a New York paper, writing from Germany, says that trade on tho continent is very bad, the poorer people are in serious distress, aud capi talists are earning less and less by their investments, the limit to tho profitable employment of mouey seeming to have been reached iu many branches of in dustry. There is also great uneasiness in Germany and Holland on account of the growing favor in which American products aro held and tho continual in crease in their sale. American stoves and bardwaro are largely sold in thefc countries, and now 'American butcher shops' are being opened iu Amsterdam and elsewhere, which will sell American meats exclusively. Hollaud finds that its bntter trade with England, which has been very extensive ond profitable, is menaced by American competition, tho bntter furnished from this country, while less esteemed for quality than the DntcU article, being cheaper in price and moro salable, iu tho proscnt hard times. ITF.SM 01' OKNEKAL intfkkst. Tho total amout nof lumber cut last season is set down at d,:i:!t,21fiJ,.20 fect. President Grovy has recently signed pardons for eight hundred communists in France. There are over 1,000,Ii h) acres of pub lie land iu Alabama subject to entry or homestead. Tho Michigan legislature has appro priated 812,0im) for the '.mrposo of opening an agricultural college for the girls. The mayor of Wyandotte City, Kan sas, has issued a proclamation intended to check tho colored emigration to that place. At one-half cent clear profit per yard, the thirty-three cloth -r " Fall, Uiver, Mass., would net about :?l,!i(in,itno. The first comptroller of tho treasury decides iu favor of theclaimof the Stato of ( laorgia for .72,OCO, expenses in tho Crook and Ssniiuolo war. Tho settlers along tho Texas frontier arc well pleased that the legislature has rando it n pcunl offenso for cattlo kings to incloso tho public lands. Savon hundred violators of tho rcve nuo laws nppearod before the United States court at Nashvillo, Tenn., and most of them accepted nmnesty. Hereafter all now railway postcfiico cars ond thoso undergoing repairs will be provided with safety boaters carry ing water for tho purpose of oxtiugiush iug fires. Tho Missouri legislature has a novel proposition before it to punish voters who stay away from the polls threo elcc- tions in succession with forfeiture of their right to bold any ofli :o in the Stato. Tho indications, according to the New Orleans Pw ("urrrnt, aro that the su gar yield of In:,t year will reach 21 2, 00 liluls, or nu increase of 70 per cent., aud the molasses :iiy,i mm) bbls,, or a falling off of 0,(11111 bbls. H. P. Tudor, tho traveler on horse back l.o Pat agmia, has arrived at Tns- enmbia, Ala. Ho is accompanied by Dr. Tj:mis H. Aymc, who joined him at Lynchburg, Va., nnd who goes to Pata gonia as a scientist. Tho members of tho legislature of Maine, from 1872 to 1 870, aro called to disgorge, in tho matter of excessive milaao illear all v naid them, the snpromo court ol tlio Wiiito having rocently de cided that tho payments ia question wero not warranted by law. Thero has been a general cutting down of rents in New York this spring, and many browustono fronts that wero for merly occupied by wealthy families, aro now rented as first and second-class boardiug Lonses. Tuo "flat" business has been greatly overdone, and scores of them stand empty. . During 1878,in tho United States and Cnuada, 1,077 horecs started in l.OCtf running races, winning a total of Sffil, :'95in money and plate. Tho Duke of Magenta wou tho largest amount, $35, 1125; Bramble next, :?1 2,285; Gray Alice least, $10; Dank wou tho largest num ber of races, fourteen. There linn been a great Catholic do mnnstratiim nnd display of sacred relics in llimo iu houor of the Virgin M iry as a protest against the alleged sacrile gious teaching of tho Protestant minis ter, Dr. BibVetti, wLo had posted hand bills announcing a discourso entitled ' (llory to lod Only." Auothrr coachman his married his employer's daughter. James A. Weeks, coachman ond waiter for tho family of Win. 'f ownsend, a wealthy New Yorker, privately married the eldest Miss Town send in January last.near Nyack.aud the alliance has just been discovered, to the Rcandalizatioa of tho young lady's fam ily. The tobacco oanos at. New Orleaus have been compromised by tho parties iu tho ring paying considerable sums to the government, ono of them paying as high as tip), 000. Siuco tho raid was mado thero has been o material iucreaso iu the revenue from tobacco manufactur ers in that city, tho increase amounting toSlO.COO per month. In Miss . M. SiuRloton's beer saloon in Niuhvillo, Tenn., Thomas 11. Hiker treated several friends, nnd, refusing to pay, was locked in by Miss Singleton, who attacked him with a stick of wood. Her brother, A.M. Snglotou, shot at Baker, slightly wouadiug Lira. Biker returned tho iiro and killed Singleton. Tiio coroner's jury returned 0 virdict of justifiable homioido. A mau named St. Gomes has been ao quitted of the murder of II fl'uoan in New. Orleans. Another party was held for the murder, and on tho bearing St. ( iemes appeared as a witness, end when asked who had fired the fatal shot. confessed that ho had. As twelve jurors bad declared upon their oaths that St. ( icmes was innocent, ho emphatically takes advantage of it aud is free. The legal obstrnctior.s having been removed, work has boot resumed on tho preat suspension bridge between New York and Brooklyn. The wire cables, each as big around as a man's body, aro complete, and one thousand men will noon be employed in pushing tho work upon tho suspended roadway. It will htill require, two yoars.at least, to bring tho bridge to tho poiut of opening ta tho public, vr -gr-rv inn

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