i : I: C3Y sT t 5 t (Qlh Uhntnam CCOrfi THURSDAY,.. May 15 1870. H. A. LONDON, Jr., Editor. PUBLIC EXECUTIONS. A negro was hung in Fayette-, ville on the lUh inst, having been! 1 1 . , .n..;.,f -.I r,( i,,wt ilii'in" ; duly convicted ot a most u.uin. and outrageous burglary, llieexu-; cutkm was public, and was witness-1 r.,1 l... ,nv hundreds of persons. ' . i (. . o..w.; uraw n logeiuei nw . - (Treat snow. Aim iomo..w.v, .i.iv.m- er execution will take place at Hills- boro' Two white men and a nc-'t . . ..t..i . gro,knownastlieUliapelliui i.ur irlars. will then and mere no uung. This evecuMon also is to bo public, ii e .i ,,. 1w. nnuuuaust. ' ... .. iiuiiir, aim iv; w to their crimes, there will belotibt- less VI immense crowd in fttteti- , ' i n i,mf ever dance, prohabh t lO largest tvu coittA i ti.nf nneient borough, "Vc cannot understand or appro - ciatc this stroll" and almost uni- verstl desire on tho part of our . ...I., f.i ii'ihm tlui 1 1 viii r nannies lwl"1, ,u " .-r, or a iellow-man. ue cannot neipifoj-e rcffiirditii: it as morbid and deprav - ! tbi.indi manv of our best citi - our best citi - zens vield to it. The attraction j at a n p. ice vu.e.v a genera, he pf ()nr .fi.jjni, toa"ha.."in surely cannot be the C;V,1?'K' 1 M '" s lu tl"k the "no-fence" to ii .,.:-,:. a'n 'y d the army or i;lw will stop imniig.ation to the oi l pleasure der.ved from seetng a in.,- ,,.,vy ot thl, nhctl Sf;lttS unless. N(,lth St,t,! I contend that it is one erable wretch launched into etorn-.sueh force he neeess.irv to repel theatt.p towards promoting the immigra ity? The extinguishtnent in the ; armed enemies of the I 'nited States, i timi of good people to the glorious breast of the vilest criminal, of the : to enforce section 4, article 4. of) old Btai..-. , . , e , ve tbe Constitution d the I luted What sen lo nitn is jjomg t ) a God-given spark of human life. s;t:lU,s ami tl,e laws made in pur-. conn try wh iv be has to put more n.m.l.- ...iniL.t 1 o noi-t ii'le to be . .1 e ... .. . . i ' 1 .. i! I l .1 .i :.. :.. o mnw; wuiivi Uv ,rv.v...w enjoyea: . . . . Tlio most liardeneil ncart is some iched with pitv and K,f.! Jh ad w iniieli of nil laws as h it , ., e 'inconsistent herewith is hereby rc the death sulientigs of a ; ULnv ist, and yet menot humane instincts of generous impulses, and w.thkmd hearts, w,U thick ut crowds to enjoy the death agonies and dy ing gasps of a fellow mortal, to . . v. ...ii. i i.v I'll. !.'. vho.nl.0d Inis Riven an ''' !lw;litstll0si;,11;ltmVl,n,e p,,,;,,,,,, bouI! es they w.ll laugh, and .( , wU1 , . nest, and voke, wlule the poor wretch i ., t . , ,. . . . if ;COlliielled to sign it, or place bl.ii-, with tottering steps and tremblim;1 , ' ' , , , . , , '. sell in sucn a po.-itioii as to morit innos ascenus tno iaiai scauoiu, ami , ... then en tov as rare sport and relish , ,' ,, , , no .. ..I,.!, tl'.i.lt 'ill tin. 1-..V, . It'll. r 1IU , , . ... 2s eidents of the horrible scene. Sure- ly this does not speak well for our:' ' "u ,' ' ' , J 1 Wo congratulate the democr.-;!ic luunanitv. liOW, nv aiv .t of :1, ,. t; . .! . ... . 1 . . oeuuiuciiiaiisis, no in e opiioseo ii i i . to an capital puuisumenr, ior on the contrary human and divine law has for all ages sanctioned it. W'e do not, however, approve of public executions, but think that they bhotild Le private. The main nnmmenr fnr mthlin evi'i'iir!, ii w i.'..t. ti. ,.i.i:..:t.. f .t : t. ' ment will strike" terror into th, ' l1;.""' "Hhe denocratic and re minds of the spectators, and tin,, '. V"" V ''" '-"gird to it. leter others from committing capM:'nd,to t!us ,veonl vt tl,vm 1,0 tal crimes. Ihtt we do not believe tie ,,L'xt lH,,itil'al ""lt' M that experience has prove, the force ; ''"f C!,t -"H' hetween these p:n of thisargmnent ; hi fact we think hv V'"1 and fHy to ti,f ;f i." , t.,.i ; :,i.the eople, who are the suvrci--n the opposite result. Frequently the criminal, eneoiir nged by the presence of so large an assemblage, desires to make a hero1 of himself, and makes a longharan-j gue to the assembled multitude. -: jirotesting his innocence, creating! the impression that he is a martyr to the persecutions of cruel laws, and causing many to doubt hU guilt; and then when the fatal noose is applied he boldly and ttntl llll'll-, ingly jiresents his neck to its dead ly embrace, and "dies gainc" ! We I think that these public executions have a bad effect 111 corrujiiing the puu.ic morals, in uea.lenmg the l.ct- , , . , , . , . : tor impulses of the hcait, and eultivatin" a denraved t i-fe Tl. tuitn.tt.n0a uq i.i ui ta. ft. Ihc jnore we sec of death tho less tern- Me it seems, and the more fro- niPi.tlv u-n veitm. tl... ,L ;.,.. ..( hn.iiat, life the less sacred we hold , . . it. 1 his .sdoa.htle.ss the experience oi ail ol us viu p-crvcU 111 the ate i war. when the deaths of even friends "u wmi. luvowouiu iuaKeuutsiig.it .,...,... 11 1 , . 1 ,. impressions on our minds SO eaU.. louslind wo become by their fro-1 . tjuency. Wo JiLdilv approve of tlm Aet in- t"i. l..m-.i..t,.w. ..t 4 . .v ,,,.,, .... ,..,,0 and 1S(!1, that directs all executions to he held w. inn the jailor ,fs dosure, and limits the nun.l.er of spectators to be admitted, and gret that it has been thought ne- ...,1,a.n1. , , n. ,, . eesiry to make any chan-csjn th::t i . . . . ... . ja, , o have said this lunch upon i n ...,t; . ti t:.,i . ."-i r .. . 1 , 1 imuosca ur every mau to t iy at home, or if he kuo.v it does ilo good. Of course thisBubicct even at the rid-,,f .iv re ,.. Pa.,nZ it n S 7 , P1 rPose; o :.WJ acres, and lay is deter.niued to ran about io com- there are some people it will not Til A 1..0 subject ou. at the 1 sk of gn- u fio.u thi? auty it w. 1 not be ail w 11 utt- nded to, that come to pet him to wado or swim, aecordimr- help, such as are proclaimed drunk-1 1110 :..g mence to some iriem.s, oec.mse -k,-. - a e , r uas c.,,,-,- n;-tU.mT. in less than 3 years. This, iy, as the energency demands. But urds, eat, and will havo, strong drink, vie ueem ii tne uuty oi tne l jvss ro t n ,., ,.i ,, . f . .- i i- '-' oi'it o; ur, it wo must a.ivu a bridge ftcrosi but there are certa n poop o who S. J. STltKKl .. s - ... . .... . !lL ''le olio farm wi'iiai a mile his naiiir niakes ns nmeli n.l.w.v. .. it i? i..i ;..... i. . ...ai ..- n .i t. . 1 .... uu , ' ain.i.j timtv.v.r io create a iictiniv rnu- or two uf this p'-icc bfo-o the 11111.f,o.,,i'i, . ,. V- , ""'"""'i' . ;. "iu never lums oi uriuKingu tuey k. h. stukkt, sa. . . ornoui iwi i .ut, ..... i.io.c tue on. foiubt a. il he kucw nothing of or Moore V, vht:c tho livei is sous'- did not have it right uudjr their uo.so: Wa 1 if t 4 lie seiiliiuent, an 1 not to pander to,"n. ,a morbid ono.. Many newspapers,! especially tlio Croat Now York. pap- ,!. especially tlio groat .Now lortipap ers. are constantly tilled with revolt- evo't-! in wennnrs and dis.msti'i" nar" i ' tlVOS Ot SoII.e great Hanging, Will I . 1 I encouraging and stimulating tins unnatiiiMl desire to attend public pu! 'executions: and thereby we think I they commit a wrong inoii the pub- j;,., f'AN'i'lf IXViiiiV tl ''I ITTI'JtvS t ilU. AL .,lAllMtJ. ; The two main ubjeetioin urged hv the veto of Haves to the sect ion ; :,. i. , ....... p;n ;.. ,...,..,..i .n .... ....m """" " j'" n. v,i n,....-, m. mv un.-, ..n.., w...i it was contrary to the spirit of the i.it.-tiltition to attach a legislative i. .. .. . . ..' .in -n.ier to an .vppropnanou i.ih. ;mu niar me proposed icgi.-iainui would abridge the rights and author - '. it.. ..( tl, . .i. iv. .11 ,u i : . .1,. ti - , to obviate these objections, and te.-t I the sincerity of Haves in making tl...... '...',,. ,- Vi r i s,,l m i tl.tin, I oleics I.. i, j.it p.is.scd a.- .n separate measure the tollowmg: , j "Wliereas the presence of iroojw' at uiu pons is contrary to inc spiru l . 1,1 "immuuuus ;inu i.ie uauiuoiis lot our people, and tends to destroy i , .. 1 . . . . . tjie livedotn ot elections: T here - 1 "JV it enacted, A-c. That it shall ; not he lawful to bring to. or em ; "n "e iav, nil ro ornig ro. or tn - suance uiereor. on apiie:itn.iini tne (Legislature or l-;xeeiitive ot tlie" aw is in wp, bh.i I . ...I I. .. 1 ...A- l...... tilOV 11-.. It 0 T .....rroiit Villi oiato micro micu jorec is ro ne j , .,, nn. ,t, , )y I iIemwrats . :f - ot the the republicans again.-t it. except Mar- tm ,.t t i i St it,. ., . . . - . the scorn and cotitempt i : . 1 , . ;ent men. As soon as tin ! dec-dgm-d e tin .Congress will at t ' . .. t! arm v. I . party ana tue eoumry a: large u.-r !ll" - Hiliu-fl HI ynn 1, n I ot , , ' the otl her) upon the wi.-d an. . .. . i .... i , , i moucraiiou uispiavcd iv t otires. iprovingtotheworldtli.it the h i.-lati hi of the eoiintrv lias beet! en trusted to safe hands, honest hearts, 'and wi.-e heads. Whether Have.- signs this bill or Hot. the vote upon lts l:'age has placed n cord t! j r.i.ers id this country, am (decide at the ballot box let thorn ... . Wllh'Il .s jriixht. COITeSpOIlCtollC - IT'UfU, .11: i'i. KA-i--.it to i:i:i iavK COMMI'MCATIOXS ON ANV M li.llUTS THAI ox a hksi-onsihi.e namk .misii'Avi.Mi VSi .v oik tiik papeii. thh i-niinit is Nl)1' MAY UK OF IXTKllKST. Hi T WI-: MI ST IXsli ios tiv i'oaii.'.si.iiv'iii.---i- liKSPONSIlll.K t'Olt THE V1KW AXII lil'IX. l'Olt tiik m:( oi;i. Rock ill. S. C. May 10th 1ST'.)., Mn i'.IUT0ir, in tWO recent COD- "" ,"' uiuo. paper, 1 nave f . . 111 t, I m 1, . 1 . n . , very mm h opposed to the , uo fence' : or stock law. If you will lw so kmd ',s tG"e mea small space 111 your 1 Ij;,,unins.'. 1 W1". u.fedeavor to show Mr know alTt E aaSt1! 1 ,.o1 " , . , ... , r , . know what.t m.gh do, but personal' 3 . . . : ' n in n inn in una nriptmn Ho ;.,-. .l Vh " ", 1.".:, V. . ii , . , , . . uu uiuuuu iuo county to unikt ou. we cost oi rails 1 f i, - coluPil"- son to tue cost Ol keeplliff up ail the !;n.let9..,n Very maas falm in the!' P icU bus been confined to country? compare tho value of Tim stoci thn rn-intv t ti n .nous expense of keeping no all these i XKnKStS ?T "j'fS J' nS renmn,Sh h! timber is being destroyed by n. 1 i.,,rr..iU It winieH a , I ; '7" ' , 1, , ? f V ' l" . -v - tui vv ion' u 1 u m u Uiiv ir tmt r ... ... . ; "no-f.meo' law oa-un in(o effect uld have b&eii bought for oho do'- and a hV.i'iiir acre, and since, tho , Why was this change brought about? I owner refusoi J hvo dollar per acre. 1 ee l(lse '", ha I no timber to fence HIM 11 III 11 In Illitt IO II I "O It HUH , . , . ,, ,. . , , , r - ;,. laVl) ,10 doubt tli i-t I could mention many similar cases but will let this do. You seem to forgot that the l.iii.l liiill v.t.. f.tirt.. It3 ...l...i. t-,ri js ll0 " wjj yji uioro to the iUintity than any land you have, . and will make enough to "feed sev- eral lie.iu oi cattle. Again, look at-tne .. of u,r the want of a fence, and' if you fence . it, it will consume the protits for sev ; er.il years, and if you had th advan- i tage of the "Stock" law vou could till it. regardless of fence, and just in , tuls Vi.H.. tiure lias been (it is estnna- ted) live thousand acres of land tak- " ''. , ' " lllls nv .14 this did I suvr1 lkeansj wo en- j ,v t',e bc.elits of the 'no fence" law. h0w do you call this ruiiumg tho ; poor widows and poor men away for tl.c want of work ? If I see it in a Pr"lM'r hilht, it is giving them more lanor man ever, ami it tnev leave at .all. th v .v. ' bo happy riddances, f"r ""J' ive to "shirk work, u,,r L,Ul1 ' " s( s "lll;lt y,lkh Wfi mw we ;.ail renp." and if we ex - pend our tituo sowing grain, shall we aot rwip grain ? And on thn other ."! e sjteun our nine nuiioing -v....... u - out .u mo i. nee corners, .if.,., . . i. . , . 1 l . "lau ":,lf l "u uoiug some- : lui"n aeu it is mo wtt to p.ow wny !101 ,a? t;, "t,l, making manures : id of ib stroi iiiur that whicl ' . 7. . . ; ilIoiiun a iii-ei ui.iii mere, is iu n : r "" ahnost entiitly an atarm ttivc nns.ver. As for this com ty (York) nil those who vo'ed for tho "no fe'.ice" law Would do it again with twice the willingness; and over one-half who were bitterly oppov.j to it have bifre they would adaiit what a great work had been done f jr them. Some ..t i.. i i ...l. 11, UWI II1II1II9 11. II IJ llll KHU MllVk ..i.med to a ntak'." Tins is really . lat.rhal.le, for I would be very pivud to know tout my native comity could l.oast of as fat end 'oo.l stoek ns 1 , dohm. oi as nu i no ooa suu i. as i see hero where tins law is enforced. ('hath im has too many c-ittlc; give oi:e cow what yon give two now, and yon will make t .ice tho amount of n. ilk :iinl three times tho amount of butter f:ina the otic c.uv. It is reas o'lable, f.ir ycoi know the richer the e t ti... ... ... ,.r ;i n.., ,.: a.,... i ' ..iii aim iii- iti'jii.. .ii iu, niw i u'lin the mill; and the moro of it. Some Kod incinl miglit ask wnat makes I mo so busy lo iiii. if. io UU the r V-odUv tdiahs? Li r.piy l wo;iM ' say bi-eause I have the ho ,or to hail :- from Caaiham. and I like to see mv Chatham trit.ii Is prosper. I could give you an idea of a great many more a Ivantagts to be derived com tins glorious law. out don l like to impose on the good nature of oar i. iiior all I ms rc:ni-rs. In conchuiou I will say, ''Iguor im1 ," "come let us reason togctucr.' Very respectfully, 1'EIKll llllilE. run the rtneortn. Oaklxno Township. Jbiv Sth, IST'.l. Drn TIec or.i: Looking over vour co'.umiis is a matter of much interest i ... i . . iu mi', kthiwo eierv coirespoilO' Iit cm f;ive his views aud express his opinion upon the various tieiics and subjects up..n whi.-h thev are dis- posed to write, in a fif-ndly and c luricous manner, nml diffeveuce of .1 n ..... ..., .1. .....n. oninioii should n.it ei ito 0t, ;f.. ... hatred " another U tter. I made Home 1 - :. , Mr. "Ktcelsiors" com- munica -.' the 17th inst. but on'v jve ijm . feW tT V'VV V " bev. Mr. ' Ig. . 1.:..... ... 1 , . ' ijiins, Mini u.i'i in me 1111011 from the jic n ;noramus. Althouch he says he don't Oronoso to trv to lveach a sermon, but he will quote a j passage from Lis school book, upon which to base Lis remarks for urn, loin, and Col. Itives, and hopes wo nra nil Belmnl T enti mile unnuL- f.. ..,..ir iiifiuoera 01 a AaObatli .Air. -Ignoramus;' I have been a -' . .'r "iv ,.m itiat;ii, was a siuoent at the haiihath School at the Kpiscpal Church in I',ttsbio', ut least 4o years ago, and there lirst learned the Lord's I'raver, aud havo never for.'otten it since ll:!!!' fe ya- ......r. v..... ... n.e ., n.uHiii ociiooi. Xow, Mr. Ihlit.r. in reply to Mr. jumiiiuua, wikliut mose views 1 ,v' 1 'I'Io"n to tt.e 1.0- ..l .. .1 ...,..,,;tt...l - v. ....... ..iLi..i 11, mo lieve with all my heart. I supuoso ' ,., lias reference to pasturing sheep. when b mivii lm Lmiira nl fl.h ..t iuur,p, 1W mo t.r six years, lliil t liT trill A t-..M .1 - 11 7 n I. 7 i . V il, ,t ,.,.b ot " v.i,,...... 1 hT mM tUev Wl,ilU llot ouk well l,ug, unless Le has some 'J V: Sim ' he ha we w mid 11 u( H'' 1 1 '.'f l:W- W( "ko to know what it is. I know a - ... . aw ui a. x . 11 11 boi. .x..i i . i i : ' I' ui w ttradilionally or otherwise. T ntill l.JuLt i-i tl...u.....l ..i..'i .,(' such thing. Why, bir, just miiw down here, an 1 wo can titke you through forests a day a journey, overj swamps, tiirongli nieauow-iamn. ii cleared up, until yon would say that! IX was ng.it in opposing ma no-ionce .:, ,l llMi.; a,,,!! VV.i .rr.t VIU BIUVA nittllii itu im lum: plenty milk and butter, and some to give to the hogs. The March winds have not blown anv of them aw i.v, vnf. tllll Ira llvrt llnf. AT1V t.O 111. It) iip when they would lay dowu; but if wo had to keep thcni up from now,! I guess we would have it to do; if not, n:m enipi..ynieni tor me launers, for fl.VlH uivg Bl.ttri-e-wo could not feed much longer. j I have not room to follow him 1 through the whole senium, but turn: him over to Mr. "lorn ami Col 1 Hives, for the present. j o.v, air. J-Mitor, I saw in in Reoouw of the 10th inst.. in the M.g- . "' ' a bridge across Haw lover, at lv- ', nmn's IVfory. which 1 th nk, a nn m too right directim. Winioi am in Id .... iy opposed to taxing the people to build 'bridges for the convenience of every man's mill, I think that bridge a piumc necessii v, as wen as 10 uie in- tcivst of the factory company, and I think nil such oompanies should be eiuveirigcd, and every l.ieaus thrown ' in their way to encourage and aid them. We want mere such men and companies in l.'liaUum. That is the ursr, nun oniy lanory m iuj couuiv . i... ..,.. ........ . ...... ..... ouiai in nei suiiavp muneieui . ;.. .i i . . .. .uer-poer m me eu i:n, into p.eu- ry oi it. .uore unon. . TIIK UKVOIID. l'ltoo I.i:vi:i.. N. C, M.vSlh 1S71). t,. F..i r,M..i. l issue of vour ' most valuable ivm.r. with increasing interest, especially iil' "antl.v. and every body was rr , the correspondence of Scipio" aud J-ing over the hue fruit crops they ' Tax I'avt r of Cane Creek. Tiiese ;::v;i ham. because of their m ialv .to the "liar . (Jhnthani ;ti t t, j, f brilTgU;, . 1 . . ' O O tlio whole comity. V!i ,t emil.l li,.rn I,. 1., 1 tl, jragistrates of Chatl.um to appro-1 ?,ves of tbfi equator, or within 10 de priate, so wantonly, the vast aud in-1 8lves ,,f the Tropic of Cancer, conceivable sum ot $o,t)()l), to build : Thls southorn climate is a fine one, p!a(e w,u.ro m) ,.vm. got.8 eSCt.pt a oruU'O at "livnuuis lactorv, mill bovs and tm t.l,. hunters, in thni mvsterv of the ng". Tho reason for this action tin. do to bn .I.irsp.1 as the eighth wonder of the world. When we beard of this action we w. uld have been deli-hted to have! been perched up ni the pinacle of the court house and to have exclaimed to the world around with David Croc- kett of old, -Mirabile diefu." We have no theory, that will ac- count for tiiis action only that each miigislrate rect-ived or soon will re- ceivo a bribe that has ui:i t' wi ll kJ- lll.ll. IJll.l Ul.l : 1)1 flHIII vi 1 make them richer than Vuudei- '. 1 1 1. u' r tauuti- milt ever was or ever will be. The very idea of a:i Lorn st and iu-' sooti built t ,j . ,;, , f ... , ' ;.uu ll , "el app.o , pr.-iting the U.U.m.etl taxes of the; !!1;U1' tu l,Ul1.11 1 " J".v where ! l't across ma... street ,., Pittsboro, without first obtaining tlm o.-.tiuuni t e very man, woman aud child, with- " . T.. . . : ' out anv retrain io race. cni..r or urn gara io race, eo.,r r pre-: vious condiliou of servitude, is as- 1,1 lu"uuH village oi nesicr. toiindiiig in the extreme. We think Aether these p ipers will both be j it great extravugauco ami false ecou- "tamed to tho extent that will en-j omy to build bridges at all. Gov. al'le the publishers, who are also the Vuuce made the greatest mistake 0f editors, to couimue them, is as yet,! his life when be said to the legi-la- a matter of .xpentneip ; though they turo of blesH-d memory in his mess- i l,11"k t,u'J' l';,u a!'',, Ul11 sustained, age; that for a people to become1' lfc Said that "co-npe'-in i; is the j great aud prosperous thev must have! hi'' trade. I think it may bo the : good highways to ni..rket. We as-: lifl! ,of "papers too. Indeed I . . . - i sert without fear of sucecs ful com u"llK 1 ca" 'iseern a uegree ot nn tradietion that the reve.-e is true P'ovement m the old ouo since the because, the.-e is uo necovMtv of ever appearance of the new, though the ,.,;.!! t. in u L. t If .1 f, r,'.,.i. i,..' n. ...k: i. i ... i i . i ' ' ail Vtu lii " unci " ii nee I, lei HUH give it t J the Sheriff, to defray tilu exp - mso of extracting jail bir Is teeth Look at Home ! she was the proud mistress of tho world until she e.mi- nieuced building bridges and i.rov- : . 1... 1.:..: 1 .. .1. in.T i,oi- lil.r'nwiivH li,,i.- ,.t ' v York. Illinois, Iudiana and and many other like States. Thev appropriate- annnallv vast sums of money in LmlJ . . ' .ling unages, 1111 aovjiig uignwavs and in supporting a useless aud costly system ol comuion sclmols. lbiin 1 mIII kai-iii bn finer nrirti.iti if tl,..,- dont hastily learn It s 011s of wisdom I from Chatham and other prosperous ! sections. Come nearer borne Look at! Randolph. It Las been a part of her- .l:i ,.f . ..4... i..i...:ii.... . . . mistaken policy tor more than a ticed bridges over nil her .ri..ciual niiriiui 11 ueui.ni, iu iniini oo-J lat- streams. Toey will stand for more ' than half a century to come, an a'co,uul118 eVur Bmt'e A rea-l the j fit mockery of he former i ttra-a- rst number, but have heretofore al- gance and false ecouomv. Wo ad- ays hesitated, feeling that I was4 mit she is entirely out of debt but 1 u1 couipoteut. I ussure vou, Mr. I that is no'.hiii!? tlieso hurd ii-,. Tf . Editor, tne onlv tlmii thk iimii she had just saved half what she has -o lavisulV LltroWu away lli)U usel hs bridges, she would have today been ! able to imrcuiiso tho entire ijlohe. i ' ' Chatham Las pursued a much wis-, er poney ami neuco, sue is to tiav. at i 1. ...it 1. . . . . 1 Raudoloh ami such comities i .,v.. .u. '..?..' uuciiu i.ii ; In the name of "Bill Arp" what ',.,.: : .1 ... the poor man to keep up bridges'! ! ior tiie ricli aloue to enjoy ? We.lle is a tuorongu rascal, and I am 1 . . 1 I it i, - 1 oruloes. us w stay at , 1:1 11 t .1 ...11 1. VT bU" uu 1 '; r us pay our ctravsgunt taxes. Why not eCery b,,ly styat Lome and at- H i T ? U' "a 1 "1 tly in favor of tearing down all bnd- ges we 1. ow have, and never bu Id 11 . 11 ii h mitri 11 iH.rrif h nuidi rn mn ira uny new Ulies, ;um COIlllX'i 1 - : . . . . row nmi tho cost will ha bo much, camparatively, uu3 which will com - pel sucti as go to market, to go at teas, a nan a mile out oi mo way and to travel over an impassable road, : tuu tot u oh unut at iieiueys: oe ' miv vhmn in fli. mnnlt nn.1 wi. will t.v,ni:i 10 " iJ ni1 bo compelled to spend twine as much therunsanywhoieel.se, to build a .similar bruise. Also because the l'0:Llt llV t..H millH 14 IlllMllllltf.K' kit- ut-rb and inviting nnd is the near - est and oitlv possible route o all poinU in the land, except to a still house or -jencno. nut, sir, wo oemaim, iii;tUata coloful man Had given tue the name of the tax payers of Chat-1 colored temperance society a very ham three things; tirst, tint we valuable lecture. I am so glad to haven bridges; sec mdly that we have see that tho colored people Lave at no bridges; third y that we have no hst opened theireves; I havo seen bri lges. Not A Biupce Max. 1'Oa TIIK llll'OIIO. C'oi:swkm.'s T ()., S. C. May 7, IST'J. Ms. Eiuroit. The farmers of this county are so.newlnt la.er this spring -.1. .1. : , . .. ' with thmr work thin thpy usually are. Tiny are jst done planting imir corn una cotton, iuo corn J however, on upper lands, has been pUuted some time. A largo per cent ; of it was planted early enough to be bitten by the frosts of last month. Just think of it a frost in this far southern clime on the '2nd of May! ; ji was not a heavy one, but was con- mn-.. vl. me luius. t pon me wiioie, tins uas oeen a verv tardv , i , , . . spring; uio weainer nas oeen changi- ible to an extreme! iirst warm and i pleasant, then cold and frosty. Uu-. i til within tho last day or two we: t have had no weather much warmer j tliau som- d ivs of February. It was i then thaf the buds beiran to swell llld iii M ireh thev, together with the i l,.loo,,'a fr',m tb? fruit 'rees, put forth ! . '"JlV i m ie i,,e t"1"00 f,ths of an inch thick, and runnintr the iiiereurv in thermo. meters down into the twenties. Just t lllll K Of It, and here Within 3-4 (le- a1""1' " iann-y m uie ; sp.in- weather-this very changeable nature of it is one draw-back. j To-day the thermometer indicates r temiieraturo of about 70 decrees. Now to 'lustrato tho high dogreej of ""certainty that attaches to it, Iuanv of tUo l'hinters aro very much! ;luout tlltir crops afraid they i wlU be mined by another cold snap perhaps a fr st. It is to bo hoped .though, that their cotton will not UR,,'t ,bo ""hieky fate of their peaeh- es and nearly all tlieir apples. Those who know that larco nor ti ons of this state do not riillivnto . ""'harda very exlensively, may think , . .. .J . t'l;lt t,ie ,,m 1,1 fn ,l " 't im'h. "lit. ,ll('.v '"n8t r tul.ect that to lose all is tlw samo : lXmS 1 11 11 iu one scuss wheth- much or little. The man can usually better af- thail ho who has but li'tlo. ti.:., ....... t.. C'l.i..,! i ... t'" ' " ' "uw, V.""1'1? r i'"i" "" puuiiauci - . ii. .i.. -ii.. . . ii . new is still in the leail so far as mer it is concerned. This n-emu tn Lo , the l'evaleiit opmion among those it is concerned, mis seems to be w re:l'1 0,1 P,ll,L'rs -ow does it) " s,!,e,'i ,hut 11 thls. 1:tll. coull,J : xwL,(l1 ll,l 8 Uot contain much more I 400 s,lu"re, "J'1) C;tQ ?F? two i.aners. that Chatham, with its wo papers, tUut CUatUam, with its l00t) or, l,uorB ouht . 8UPPrl .1,c.! ntl fhen aside from I fue superiority iu size (1 times as; ar.-el its tiODii .it on does n.it. e,.ii. . , 1 , . . " I liuu b uc a 1,ir : yvr 1 01 Ueo'rot;a wu" v' ALIQl'IB. T) koii tub kbcohd. Kalkioh, X. C, May 4th, 1879. Mu. Eonoa: I have read with the greatest interest tue Uilterent com ....,i....t;...,o .,...,.. j..i-"'" i.i..v-i.i PV of your paper. I have w wntmg a letter for your valuable me now to lake P my Pou is to say cw worus aoout me CU-cllori WUICU is to take place in June. We (or at leuat tue I'lttsuoro peoble) will aain people) will aain vote w bisk- iv nn! 7. , . , nopert iiowell Have Uie cUance to ... . o U4 mir wu. kjuo ..1 .1...:- uu il,,.,.,.! nf ll,.,,.l,..i :...i ' the last time. He exerted lm,i,.lf ,. ,w ....w v. ..Vi.uai.ii,iiuuiicii the uttermost, and even went so far !.... i... t.:.....i 1:. 1.1 ... i. i- . . giving away whiskey to procure votes! ; nappy to kuow tne people of 1'itU i...;.:i i:..,i, .: .ii-.. " , ".""1 "a V4 . nce tain parties would do e enthi g they could to csrry license' nexl f lttW ' V'r TV WlU be prf eeuied. I have heard BOtue people i argue that prohibition did 110 o-ood. ' n:irnn m im w iiiivh ui it -a t in. t m.v KJ . . . - i UVtl leilVu U Ullier Willi liiniii. i , till the time. Let the ladies of ; l'iltsboro' call a meeting, and let j each and even one or them use heri influence, (and all OI tuemuave plen- l ty) to got the young and old men to tote lor prohibition. ome may ask , WNV 1 UlftU lut lUWCPb 111 IUUMU uU.. f.. .... ..v nntiv.i t.i.i T.J the first place, I iove rittsboro", and her people as much as I ever did, t and vet hone to make it inv home : oimin. c.w...ti.ll T liuvn Conn 4lm Avil : influence of strotijr drink ever since I an rec. 1 ect anything. In reading j your paper a few days fciuce, I learned ; one of them work a whole week, aud , , then spend his whole week's wages! r. ...i.:..i ..,i 4i.: r....:i; ! home suffering for tho necessaries 'of life All I have said Mr Editor ' comes from inv heart and I hope no llii nunno aim t.l.i.lt nil one will tako otl'ence at anything I have said as I have certainly intend - ; e,l none. -r i i i ht I I am very glad to learn that Messrs j Hynum and Headon have bought the old corner store ami made it much. I larger and almost entirely new. I ; think Pittsboro will be a city yet, of course it will take time, all it needs ! is a railroad and of curse it will i havo that in due time. This being mv first attempt at writing anything for a paper I hope I will not be cnt- . eiseu too mucu. Again uepging me rittsboro people to vote whiskey out ' . ... J oi their town au l wisliing you sue ces with vour valuable paper the Chatham UtroiiD. I remain 11 'suoctfullv. A Chathamite. N EW A DVERTISEMENTS. 1 TO retail a - T 3 P. C . "vinjr done a largely increased and ex '"' uun.iK mS j.-ni kiwid, we will offer lor the Spring and Summer Trade A LAIUIE AND MOUK VAHIED ISTOl'K OK DRY GOODS, THAN KVEIt UKrXiltE OUR SBATLaAVJ, So lavoralilr knmm as a practiril li.n)lni'is man ami ju lii-ioui tm.Ti-r. Iihs lii-en for I ih time mul will be aevera) days vet iu - V'k '""'"-'""r pnrrl.aa. j Vo have alremlr received a splendid i j s(M,rtme.,t. ami l.ave on tl.- wv and to' arrive, many additions, including a hand-, snuic line -jf Trifflfflel and ReMaie Suits ! FOR LADIES. ' ' Wo Imv ilirirt Irim the Manufacturers. Importers aud Ag-nt?, aud are prepared lo B(.i for TIIK L0WKST TRICKS ! L II. YKAUOAN. ai!17-tf PETTY i JO.NKS. MAXCACTrillNO JEWELER A ENGRATER AND DKAI.Kll IX biMsJUs and Jewelry, Silver nutl lIafeil lVnrn. - - .....v. iee,,g m tu line of all articles fmiud in first-class Jewelry store. A T ami 17 3"" "T - - , M'(Cd ,c'r I'" "nt I InX T itua ior 1 aieni long oi.e.j QJ3 Ituii Jewelry, College Ridges Medals ami Seals, a o,, rjvN a tt. wiraiujAU tt u n,ar. tr,., . di.tno iirii.i n.wwi. LHBt a,iprvai to any pari-of iLe Stnte 00 ratisfactory refereuces. II. szaizlsh, decin-tf ltuleih, N. I'. rE3CUD, USB 6L CO., IFinSjWfisals and Retail Druggists, COlt. MAKTIS ft FAVF.TTEVII.I.E ST1IEETS, O.oaile Post Olllce, it.vii:ioir, iv. c. DRUGS! Now Store I New Goods ! For the better accommodation of our Pna. tl " w. LT S 11, ft fi"re. uimur .uarun ana rayeiievuie ' Stret"- "n,) "6 P"lrd to fuml.l. F.m.. , 'era, Physicians, t'ountry Merchants, aud tlie pubic g(,U(.rai!, win, a diioce and ?lor' corner larun ana fayenvuie r. T.r"".,' T Stulla. Fanrv Ooods. (larden and tlra i rnii rn'ira oi i7niiifi. v ueiu icais. live Tobacco. Separa.Mineral-Water, etc. Oive uh a oa'l we can ulease vou iu UooU' Bd decl'JUut Street's Mm Iii Ilulelgh, X. C. S. R. STREET & SON, OWNKHS AND I'ltoriK'l'Olla. ui.rnRL s na.T.inna.1 nnr.s "" ! Itillelgh, N. C. j S. R. STREET & SON, n TTT BSt Sai,,p,C Ko0m Ul th 1 Tne Nadou.l overlooks Union or Capitol square, the U,at P.rk in tt.e state. '.nd w uuroii ui mc uvuw, Gaston House. w uw' UeW-bcmO, IJ. C. ' I' V- VIIV lennr'u rel,,rn" '"anaa ana soiioim a conilnu i oo.i, a nipi UCe ot tlie same. nroiniMnir to itItb aatic- J- sTiiERT. i NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. FOR TBS TRADE ! i T , I f - I 1 i V ll.-kl I I I I J I I'j I I. andTuaiomerf tun" theyavVjutuecetved i a full stock of Spring and Summer Goods,' wliicli ihiy otter to tlio trade at urices tuit- able for all. 2,000 Minis Plain and Fancy Vrena Qooda, at H 1-a, 10. i 12 anil 15 cent,.. Prenfl jfooils at 17 12, 20,'2., 'M and 85 cent. Pacific Lawns, 10 and 13 1-3 cins. t'ninn LnwnR, lat culorx, 8 l a cents. 5.000 yards Urans Cloths, 7 1-2 aud 8 1-3 centp. '.j'iur, ?. j ( lim k Munlin. 10 cents. ".."" T""". '" r Ul...l,u,l nml r.il.l.l.o.l n.n. ..1. Alnmanee plaldn, Bed Tlckiug, Ul.kory Sl.lriings. Domestic Ginghams ! H8 1110 CUfapval. ; .5,000 yard I'rinta, 5, 14 and 7 cer.ta. 1 ,lH,,l,,lirs' Kbrlnir Irom 2 12 cents wr I . y'4.1" fi i o 0 , o ,n . L-iulies Handkercuk'ts, , 7 1-2, 8 1-3. 10 to -, ,.,.,, U.iie' Oo'llars and Guffs, Embroidered, 20 wnisaari, tallies Liuen Collars and Cuffs, 15 runts a ret. Hueliinirs, 10, la. 00 and 25 cents per yard. Kutl'-. 211 2 ami .50 cents T tloxrii. 5 toira uf Ladies' IIiwm l.ir 25 cants. Ladies' I'olored Hnge, 10 centa jer pair. Table Damasks, Napkins, Towels, Tarasols n h d I'liibrellus, . AT LOW I'lUCKS, OloTes Il.wlery. Ladies' 8 Button Kid UlnveB. 5P cents per pn r, I.aill'-s' Mlast-s and Cliilitn-nV Sliiies. Oailcra imd Slipien. (Jotti iiHilea, TwpimI, Linen, Drills, Casai nieres, for Men and Buys' Wear. Four imir Half I !(?', 25 cents. Trunks and Valises. Mattings, Uurjit'tlnjis Cecoa Maiiinp, Oil C. tilths, Sits. ty We solicit particular attention to the above us specialties aud bargain. If. & It. S. TUCKER, apl21 tf ltab igh, N. C. . CHRISTOPHERS & SORRELL, Wholesale an.l Retail c j Grocers & Commission Merctats, No. 15 Hargett Street, A cur load of New Crop CUBA MOLAS-SI-:S iuxt received. Highest market price paidjfor BKKVKA Sole Agents for Ual.-ljrli No. t Plow. ScIk1 lndiiceuieiifsntf.-red tiM-ri lianis. ('imciuuiftilB ol C'ltton and Produca I Solicited. mar lv M. T. NOPiRIS 4 CO, OICOC.'IOK iiimI IK III Raleigh, W. C. j SOLE AO KNTS KOII Patnjisco Umino mid (I range Mixture, Stem wall (,'otlou Plow, I Alias Plow, I Planet, Jr., Horse Hoe and Iron age Cul ' tivutor. "o liave lu tnre and to arrive ! liM) lin.lils Wliile United Mt-at. .)0(K) Lbi. Hulk J1.-Hr Hib Sides. I 1.000 BuhIu'N White and Mixed Coro, ! SIN) HiinlieU IWt aeed Oata. "ilHI Sucks and llarrels Kaiiiily and Extra Flour. I 40 Barrels Snjrar Wliile and Yellow, ::" Hairs (leir-ea. j 3 liar Ijoaris Molawes New Crop Cuba, I New Orleans and Suirar II. man Syrun, 1 f Hi'i.vitKH .tiarHUallM l.tvernii. f iueult, 1 MiirrelH l.rtrlv Kee r.itntoes. IlIlM) ltavs Pataiwco Uuano, oil H'lxes S.wp, KM) lii-n Nails, And other (roods uecesary to umke np a full siock. All of the above (Trior's we will sell eheau lr cali, or on lime, wilh satislactory ar lanueiueniH. rsouriiiii); oraers, We are KeiM'Ctlullr, xti. t. rfoums tsc co. dec!2-3m W. C. McMACKIN, GKNEIiAT. COMMISSION MERCHANT, Kast end Citizens National Bank, RALEIGH, N. C. s : Consignment s of all kinds of Mer chandise and Troduce solicited. Sat isfactory sales guaranteed aud prompt re'iurns invariably made, for moder ate commisbiona. ta- Cotton KereivtMl also on Storage at Moderate Hates. -fea Raleigh Daily Cotton Market Re ports and the latest changes in New York and Liverpool Markets forward- , , . . ed every day to patrons. Refers to Raleigh Nl and the business public National Bank business public of the city. ON HAND: A larcre invoice of MILBURM WAGONS for sale at $75 each; bub I stantial work and warranted. .r i. 530 to $100 each; workmaushiu and Ptow S S FdW Hw Ur"' f, CaAn in f:ict r11 of Produce always in store aertll W sqAlJdm Dr. West flarr-ii iiAvisupKAtiTisED .dkntistht II in tl iatliain and unrrr.,...,!...,. ,, i- fr ."0 years, and received a liberal patrou- lattion in werk ntid pricr. apl 10-0m l'lttshoro, X. C. "TT

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