SFhq Chatham word. Ojjhalhitm Uord. H. A. LONDON, Jr., EAT .it: ElUTOli AMI I'lMi'lilirrnli. ADVEltTLSING. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: -JUIlO', in-Invl II.. I, Oneci-ry. cno yi-nr. - OhHCi'l' ,siv IllolilliS Uuocup) , three uiuiitle 5.VJ - - l.im VOL. I. lMTTSIi()U() CHATHAM CO., X. ('., MAY 2, !m!. To the JSereaved! Headstones, Monuments AND TOM MS, BEST OF MARBLE, f i oil Workmanship, find Ohcirest and Large-it ' "' iuu .-i mi'. i .iron corner :uor(i;ip uim ii .inn i in" i ., u' l-iw v vim n avery siuuics i4UiV- ilil coiuicilliicailOhH 10 CAYTON ; WOLFE. ll-tl.-'Kh, N. C W. L LONDON Will Keep Them His PpriiiR and htituunpr Hlock i.s very lariro aiiiltiitra I hi a p. K.-iuemlur, HE KEEPS EVERYTHING Anil always kreps a Fml Snpplv. Ho licet b hi" liirj.'iMi hioi'k ni i-i.mm, ri.eiw c ani ami FAPIIINC l.Ml'LF.MI'.NTS in t lie Cloimty, which In- ki-IIh nt Factory I'rir-ri. Han JulMmniif, Shovel-plow?. Nivocpn, u'c, an e mui an you caii buy t!io Iron or Mead. Jlu keeps tiio linuot and bout stock of GROCERIES! fi'fi.i:s, corn-.!:. ti:vs, crm mo LAsSIlS, FINK SIKUI'3 AND FANCY (:i:oci:r.ii:s. Hj linyj goods nt (lio l&xtetl I'ricoH. and taken advanMpi' of ml dieoii:.t. mid will eil poods as iLctp for I'ASII an thev imu bo bought in tl.o .siHtu. Yjti can always Hiul DRY GOODS ! Fancy (.nods, meh as llibboiiH, Flowc-rs, Piers, Vail, I; uF. foliar', lornls, Faiu, IMiusoIh, I'ml lciiuH, Notions, Cloth: n;:, HARDWARE, lINWAlli:, MHOS. FAINTS J1IXF.I) AND J'KY OILS, rhiiilUlKY. CON- iiYi'ioMiiuiis. SHOESI Wry largo atnoli P,rv.. II its f r Men, Hoys, Ladle-." and Cbtliicn. C.ur..igu M.itcii.ils." SEWING MACHINES N ill? Ir :i I'.iriilfisro; Cie'wiriir Mil Smoking Tobaiv'i, 'ij;ar.i. S !;!!; Leather ef at. fciuUa, and a ti-oui iiiiU otiiu' tiiiui-s :it the CHEAP STORE! W. L. LONDON. rittil-r.ro. N. ('. h7 aTlokd q nj r . , Attorney at Law, riTT::oi:c", s.c JCvf'Spceinl Attention Puid to Collc-t'iinn. J. J, JACKSON, AT TOR NEY-AT-LAW, riTTsiiouo', y. v. I3TAU liusinci entrusted l liini r coivu prompt attention. W. . A Mill It SON, i'rcaldtilit. 1'. A. WII.ET. i'hr. CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK, OK ltAM'.l(.ll. . J. D. WILLIAMS & CO., Grocs::, Ccmnis:icn Merchants and Produca Bayers, PAYE7TEVSLLE, N. C. MORTW CAROLINA STATE LIFE INSURANCE CO., KVIXKill, X. CAR. T. n. CAMEROV, rr.-rt-l.vt. V. K. ANUFKSON, l .'f W. II. HH'Kt", S , Th9 only Homo Life Insurance Co. in tho Stato. All Us funiU loaiiM ont AT II!MI'., nml moui( 0lir ow" I'opl'. Wc ilo not fi-n.l Norttt Carolina money aliroail lo Imil.l npotL.T Binlrai. It 19 one of tlio mot ruccfaal'iil rom puiiU of lu at;.) In tlw Uiiilctl Statin. It- nf oto ars amply Biiftloti'iit. All lo- pal. I promptly. Klplit thousan d d.ill.ira ai l !u t!m fan two yoars tofamHii'9 in Clullmn. It will rost a man Bcil thirty years only liv.i cents a day to Inviro for onu tliouaml (liill.ii.'. Apply for further liiforiiuitio;i to H. A. LONDON, Jr., Gen. Ayt. HTTSBOItO', N- ' JOHN KIANNIHC, Attorney at Law, P1ITSB0EC, IT. C, Priollr.... in lh Curl. "I Cl.allmia. Iltnll, or aodOrant-4, aud la tee Huii'iuk' ud teJdr. C join. Lift' is Too Shorl. I.Ifo in loo blicrt to wasto In uiuvailiu;; tcarf, lo.i uliort to ppiiid in lioo'.l'jeR grief, In cowa' J doiihtH end fcM. Too eliort to (;ivo it up To pVf.nuro, or to sow O.it. l.our in guilt, to yield at 1-u-t Eternity of woo. Time Ingx not on iln way, ll.it upaiiii out d.iyj in IJato j If lifo lUoiiIJ tout a ilioiicaii 1 yenrj Twtro t-lill t'.o riLort lo wants. For. i.)uirt livi...l nis Wii arc, O.ir pica -lire" yet w.i neo Kvaniili coon ; tl ey live, indco l, E ca bliorti r d.ito tlmn wo. 1!U cvi r with u hero IJidua sorrow, paiu and cire ; Tho i-t ortc-t llf In loti; biiua;,h Itrt lotted h'lief to bear. T.i the old tho end B ni(;li ; To tho voni;t f.ir off it cecum ; Y(t lieit.'nr ahcul 1 daro to toy HitU lifo Or wai-tu i in idle (Irciiii". I' .r by T ine's n'rvant WdiU, TliongU not for ccrvant'o wao ; And the ciiino worm uibWeiitho bnj of youth That gn.uveth the root of age. Eivp, thercforo, an ho lives Who cams hi.-1 share of blisd ; Strivo for tho prize tint virtno win, LifoVn )t t )!i s! .il for thin. London K adir, A NIGHT OF MORROWS. It is iprfVct!y trno that I am tho eow- nrdlu-st coward that ever drew u jialpi taliuf; breath. I wouMu't for tho world have it known, aud I only U.11 it iu tho strictest sort tf confidence, for when) pcojilo aro jioorcst, thty r.rc apt to Ic prondiat. Iu ray day-drcauis i am al ways doit!" the must heroic aclioiin, nud ask m favors of any ; bat let night com', and I am tho abject k!hvo of tho liext Iktbou that cn n newer for a comjiauiou. You can imagine, thO'i, whether it w:w woll with mo or not when Jtuubeu eamo in and proclaimed that he wart ubliwd to run oyer to New Yoik in half nn hour from that tiiun, and ho tuiht bo detain- d fcV( ral ibiys, nn. I r- would t.'.':e hii h.ind-bnK; nud lie miht Inavo b r homo tiesl noon he hoped bo fhonld. Tuere iva'i no limo for argummt, tho c.irri.xe was at the door, ntid time, tide, ard tho train wait fir no u 'an, 1". tibvu i.-sed mo, and w.w i;oi:i Hi rj I waa in this gre.it luiardiT'-ltoUNo, In tho Jrawhiij-roont on I'.io first floor, rsin.-r tho back Dnrli.r fi r our bo '.room, ami with windo'v opi uinf; to too (;i(i!iiid in fiout and rear, iho rooms overi.HCie.ply, he In Im riiijiii;; .ut iu regions whereat night t'icro wero noco to attend, and with nobody to hear mo fur or near should I soic.im myself hoarr.o. Well, it wuh not a very cheerful outlook; i.nd what nggr.tvated it nil was that tho t-ti-ext t.self was n lonely one, aud my bedroom windows opened on a bttlo area connect ed with a dark bajk alley lumct"d by a pin.ihir a:'it of bi piirs that came out mly afler dark, like tho reaches titul iceth'H of tho hum in race, nud the g:'.lo of (ho area (ipetiir," i!i tho a.lcv w:.s fn l )i d by r.oth.iifr ) tit c. chi;). I weld to the rantiuiu', i;u l bec.iuso uch thiiip.s always como toothi r cuin ideiilly, tho !ay van iaid with Bconcft hiftit! from co-,t!y villat to thiovM' jitartt rajnad I dined with couuiu Teresa, who neui .lie hoi'io after a few hours' j recital of tho bnrgkrk-i's esperieitcofi of ill her pite:,;s. Tiio tin t thing I did ins to look lie- bind nil Iho doora and under tho piano. I evcti lifted tho bd of tho pinuo, for I never feel at tdl Hure that a burglar may not havojaken out tho vrerks and put iimstlf in their plaw I gave rvery nrli'iu a lift and a nbr.ke, thrust K.-u- ben's cene ni.dtr tho rofna and loungefi, and into tho dark corners, and under tho bod. Hiving then explored tho itiHido if tho big wurdrubo nud tho bureau drawers by the light from tho front room hco was no g.vt in titat. room, and citli.r tho houso niaid or the rat hud borrowed my caudlo and kejit it I felt os pure as a doubtful person cotil 1 that there was nobody hiding iu tuo rooms, nnd bj locked the doors ntlnnt. I then proceeded, to iuvohtignte tho win dow fii'-fi-iiinE. I nlways felt so bccuvo with It -ubt-n, throwing nil responsibili ty on him, that I had nover thought of looking at them before. T.iero wore none, li.-oat goodaecs! vh..t was 1 to do? .Ml that I could di was to wrereh down ft couple of nails fr.-m t!io ward robe, nud by means of tho poker drivo them iu over tho Mlii"i of tho two front windows. J jinpr for Fiuno moro for the bark windows, I fjur.d that tiie retd were hooks, and it wan in vain to try uad get thoBo out that I had already driven in, do as to uso thorn ou tho back windows; they wouldn't como out. Very well, I said to myself, I (.han't go to bed to night; and I prepared myself for hitting up. If II jubon didn't come back for two or three di yc, I could hlcep in the day-times, and i.it op ready to meet tho foo iu the liuvhtH. To bo tmio, I tbould bo ail worn out, but w hat, would ho enrc? I had n Rrim idea of satisfaction in think ieg it was his fault I was undergoing bo much nn jwr.y. ilo might at leant have left me n piHtol, I ail; but what rood would it buvo dono if ho had? I was as much afraid of a pistol as of a house breaker. It was not a very iuvitiug prospect, this of si'ting up nil night, already tired out w I was. Still, I had a novel, I could rend away part of tho time, nml as Hum m the servants began to ntir ct fiv o'clock in tho rooming, I could go to bi d nnd get tlirco or four hours' islccj) anyway. It was idle: :;ft:r I had made myself comfortable, aud opened iv.y book, the words ran together, aud it was impossible to attach any reuse to them, and what thebcjokwiwnll about I haven't the least idea, I heard the chx.k rtrike the clow q-iarter.i, nnd thru strike twelve, I put tho bock away, and got cy i-ewinp. Tbit that was no better, for after n few Rhtehes it occurred to mc tli.it my light, streaming through tho opon folding. doors nnd out e.f those rdnittcrless ba -k wiiidowii with only tho lace curtains for a rerecu, was a direct invitation to thore strolling bee-gars of tho back alley, and I t(iM down my work, n:il turned down tho pan, and I thought I would go Mid t.it by theglimmerof th I...trobo in tho back loom. IIjw Btill tho night was! I listened, and liBt?uo.l, cud Ke tened, till rny ears wero ctraitiol. Now nnd then Komo street lingers wandered along their way, far oft', nud Bet mod to be the only people in the universe: now and then tho flow nnd heavy foot of n policeman Bounded in someothers-iuare, I thought; now and then Eoroo Btraggler hurried homo with ringing slpijbut all that was comfort, n:id not at nil suspi cious. At latd, however, I heard it what I had been liideuiuq for, of cour.-c: a thunipiurr and bumping to which ray heart beat nu echo; aud then a hurrying and scurrying and scratching that told mo the rats were steuliog tho potatoes in tho etllar. I breathed raoro freely; it was actually something ngreeablo to feel even the rats alis-o in t!ie neighbor hood, us long as they did not forsake- tho collar for any other placo. (Uti then; Ihoraltloof wiu lor.'-Sis!ins; soot fiil'inf' down th ' r mev; fi'.e titattintr of Bor.ro limb?r spike ul.r tho noiren withi'ti1 :. that one hears at nirrht. as if they wero part of the btirringof tho ppHr?.1) in the- earth, came along after tiiat in hlow Kuccc:.sion, and tho clock struck one. I wa.H wietehedly fdeeny now. Even f.ittin.! bolt-npricht in i:iy choir and palpitnlitirj with fenr, it was r.ll I could ;lo to keep awaUo, wlien suddenly I tarted an if thrro had never been such a tiling as sleep in the world. There it w.t a s'ealtljy, muiticd m'jrcineut r.t (he cellar frrntiiirr at the front of (!;o old lionh, a lirtin;; of tho iron, a raffling of ic ghiMf, a leap, n fail, a rntotherod euri-r '.hi t o VMS K.miebody in the cellar! ly Inert et )o.l sld1; my vo;eo was ut terly gone; if my life had depended oa it, I could not hnvo rpoleti. Death and deslruelion, iu the shape of that burglar, wc-ri) r.lvaling nearer over-,' minute. I was fiurc (hat (hero was an accomplice in tho houi:c, in my room. I expected he would presently pouueo on mo nnd pin ion mo. I half rose to escape through one rf tho frot windown, but reiiKiu- bered that I bad nailed them.liiwu and f that were not so, I ec.nld not h;ivo h it the e hair into which I fell back. It sucmed to r.io I heard the low regular br-'atliinf of the accomplice; aud then, nil at on I was screl henrd .sorii'hi,.i,' very difl. rent, r.o!n"U.inr that H-t the blood bubbling in lay veins music never did before the i nblue-d w.Vbtliuc; of it familiar kImi'm beneath my feet, and I ree 'gniz-'d that it was Tom, tho smil lion, who l.al been belated, and was i;ov ki-epinj: his courage ulive. AM wa-i still ?ain. Tho distant clofk f truck two. lint iu the sileneo iUell' it KceineJ to rr.o I hci'rd that brcali; gocn, as o'ie hcara a sonud in the hoiliiwof ni'o'o Land. I we.s absolutely Rurc of it. 1 had that vague sense of tho presence of Homebody iu tho room which every body bus known. I remembered a dory 1 had onco read of a person waking to liud a madman in the room, nud heurin.? bin lingers feel along tho wall paper, the sound (I 'awing nearer. It grew ho real to me, a I dwelt on it with this sense that troubled toe, that I felt I luiud Bcreatn or elie, and I could u t have screamed if I had died. 1 snppo.io that I must have fn.l!en asleep in my chiir iu cpito of myeelf then; I hardly could have f.iiu'ed, 1 think, for wbon T avuiko with n start it was striking fhree;aud (ho gas, although I had turned it down, was burning nioro brightly, perhaps because turned c XT nearly every wl.ero e'.so in town. In voluntarily I turned my bead, and thiro at onj of iho long back windown rtood a great rtiadow, the tbiugthat had awaken ed me, it great black outline, u Lugo u.an, liiiAiog iu on me. 1 fainted, and the whole world slipped away from mo into dead blaeklieis. Whoa I camo to myself, as the raying is, I was lying back among the cushions of the nrm-chair, nud as my oyes opened ou that dreadful window I saw that il was vacant, and nothing had been dis turbed. I Eat up for a ruomct.t, feeling deathly sick. It was of no uso to strug gle, I Haw; let tho wor;-t happen, I vmt l go to bed. I turned tho ga i down Fit ill lower, undressed myself as best I could. got ray night dress from tho wardrobe where it bung, an.l piiiued inside it nil tho money thai II 'liben had left me, lie iug iu too great a hurry himself to go ti tho b.mk and deposit it. H-iug thnn made ready, I uulixkod my trunk, and taking out all my jewe'iy and ornaments, I upread them ou the tables us if just unci in some extraordi nary toilette, that a thief, seeing tucui, nrgkt snatch and rim, and Ickvo nie iihino r.n 1 snfo with It uibcn's noucj : my jeweiry wms all my o"vu 1 eforo I manic. 1 him. Then, I got hold of the tiro .ol er, the BciK.-.ots, the sleel eraser, and tho open penknife, m.1 slip p;ng tho inker nr.di.r tiio C'(b;c f the bedside, where could reach it for de fense at any moment, and the ni.;srrs under the pillow, and wi'h th' keen steel things it) either hau l, I d: y aidu the ouitftnis rdtegethcr frcri li e rdcove, nud pnitiug in my hand i' .itdiofl' the skirts and thi'i;.;f I had e. -e!tf;s!y tossed there in my haste, I neled w;t!i mv own, which way s! !!0 dd, a larpe: warm hnid. 'h, meat teiwutd' I shrit ke.l at li e top of ev 1 ;gs, without staving to lln'nk whethe .'.id.' ". ream or not. 'There i.. r - . m'ti.o Ocd!' '(ioc.l f-iaciou. , fvdly, wht'r- the la.-.t-tor ? I) ) you ni"an to bring down the home ? ca:e.e a i leepy voice. 'Ju.-t got home.? What's tho chick? lfoighe..' ."Uy train Ln,l;e down, aud we had to coiue baek. What what iu the deuce doea thirf m. fin ? What ore'. hose knives ycitir handa for? Do yr.a mean to murder mc ? II .vo you lost your wits?' And shaking off a spray of akirts and things that bo had never noticed there when ho reti.vd. It tibou fi.lt up aud stared at mo. A'.i l he de;iares tln.t. m than ouee in the ; r.iy dawn, I half weke and rri-.l cut uobbiugly, althoug'j b:u prot'cting turns, 'Oh, U.'ubenl lluibea! ti;cre'a a n.an iu :ho bed!' l!r.ni: Keep IMTcIiimrs Dry. S ijs Co . I rtin'iii: "A wr.rm and flry atmosphere iis not nuwliolesom", but when I'.udy or rainy weather bi-:ugs a snttrv air wiueii (.aiaoctn evervtuing around u ', tho rdreo.p'icro may bo loaded with tho germs of disease, and firo h in odd to d. t 07 tliem, The waiif!, the r iih-g pud t'.o flcoru of np.irt- r.uti':i siio'ild lif'ver t..' allowol to be- e.o huup. Some fi lis, vhcu th warn t!i e t tuo air i.i oppressive, tun is move ner-essnry to preserve health thnn ; at another f.'-sEon to protect us from the old of wiiiier; and tje rooms of n dwelling i h'-uld revcr b( left viihout tho meuati of vr.irmit.rr and di ving. Iu-vc-tirtiona have shi.sv!i that many of tiio.-t filial diseases are caused by tho geitv.s i t vcg-.tat'ie itU'i animal life, ana thnl i humid atmosphere is most favor able for th'o'r propagation. It is, there fore, neglecting to avail o :rsc!ves t the gre ;t di: (!overie". of the rej", r.n I failing to protect our. elre; from th" tconrgi s v,'hi''h so fearfully rlilict fiimili''3, when we ignore, tho dangers whi.'li nn round us. Anartmc-utri espose.! to the fall ir.'tie.n of tho situ inny be les comfort able in hot Weather thau tln-ne from which Iho sun 'a r.'ys are, ov. -ludel, but they i.re more whole.'ome, and wlicn cm tagiou'1 disffif es irevail in c'. i'ely-built cities, it is found that the iu:.intes of Jjous.-k on that side of thestre' t t:.po;Cil to tho r.uu are hv-s liubl j to bo atl;?e'.;ed, v.'hilo tho greatest number rf sick are always found where tlicre iu the least exposure to the rays of tli.it great dia iufi". tor -'ho se.n. A Simriilar IMnl. .V. yi. If.'-.ts teilH tiie children i f n strange bird which I ves iu China, call ed ti e fork-tailed pain.., whieh is epiitc ou r.erobi't. lie is about ar big us a robin, and l.o has a red btak, oraugc e.dored tiiroa', gret u b ick, yorlor legs, blac": tail rn-l ro l-aud-jMlhrv w'ngs. Nearly all the colors am in l is iircss, y u sec, and he is a gay fellow. Eat this b'rd h:is u trick known by no either buds that ever I ht ird of. il - f.irus sotnereanlts ! N only -loe-, !: do this iu hi'i Irie life ou the tree--, but also af ter he is e ingbt and pu into a cage. He ju: t thr.-Wii Los hea l f.ir back, and over he gocn, touching the bers of tho cairo, nod alighting upon his feet j:i the floor or on the perch. He will do it over 1 over n number i f tian s w-thout h'oppiiig, as t'ioa;.'h he tliought it gnsit fun. All his fanil v Lave- the same trick, md tlu-v are called tumblers. 'I'.ie p: o- plo of Ctiiua ai-i for 1 of keep'ng them in cat'.'S and i eiin;r them tumble, Trav- M ofien b ive irie.l to bring them to our country, b-ai a sea voyage, is not good for them, and they .; almost s-uro lo die on tho wav. lliiw it Came to lie Yrii leu. The Old Oaken Ibielict was written ti'ty or nioro years ago by a printer uiracil Simiiel Wco l.v-uth. lie was iu tiie. b.ibit of diMi'.'ing into a ti' ted drink- ing-saioou k( 'I liy i i'o Jbdlory. O.ie day, after drinkiog a gl e-s of brandy :m i water, be sniiiei.ed his lips and do ol ired Unit el illorj s hraudv was Bupe- rior to ny ib ink he h id ever usted. No,' said M ill Ti-, 'yon aro mistaken. There was a diiuk wlii.di in both our es timations far Hurpfl'sid this.' ' iYhnt was that ?' ineredulonrly nske l Woi'dworth. 'The fresh pp'ing water wo nsed to drink from tho old oaken bucket that hung iu tho well, after returning from tho fh Ids ou a sn'try day.' 'Very truo,' lcplied Wood wot th, tear drops glistening in his eyes. II 'turning to his piiu'ing i.lli.'.e, he ici ted liims-e'f al his desk and began to wide. I'l half an hour 'The old oaken bucket, the iron-bound bnrlit-t J nu iiiosH-covcreil liii i.et v.Li.'U l.iui iu the well.' was embalmed in nu inspiring soug that Las become ns fanidinr as a household word. r.VAT! ISM. Mint -tt' l .ililiro tl'leil !' I'm I" r It. In lie.. (oil lo Oil, r ii lol.l. (llniiles 1". I'.-vcer.n. the P jean-.it, (Hiss.) f..rn:Tw!)iplv.iig-d:i k'df" hdo tho he ill of hi;i little ih'u,?! el' V. bth re- j cenllv, became convert, d to tho ultra ' viewi; e.l tt.NWiid A iviuti m rdisu; a year j ago. Thia sect, which ha:: made it.i up pearr.nce in tho more s 'lively K-ttlcd ' parts of M issaehn-t-tls villi uv re .r i less piMiii'tii nco at vati'Mos times iiuritig the list thirty yais, l i !: -ved i.ot i.i iy in the persona! comi.-i;; of" Christ, b.it ! paiL ch firmly iu the cci.tiiiiii.i-ce of rcT: hitions, "igni? and rain'.eles. Farmer l 'l eem.:!: bee -.me a leader nmojif' the Keeoij-d A i vi tui. t'i. lie be lievi d it Us ui:. ion to y r. i.eli, roi l was a zealoua ej-h s ti r. As ti:eo I asjed, i.o came ton g;rd it :e hia duty to nakcsonio greut fi.ieri.'i -e, whi'-h s!:,.;i.l re nil in a miraeli.! end fii iho alte:,i;e:i of mankind npou the u.-w fith. y.-iixn Vikv r.go bo announced tl. is bei'i f t.j -eciiiil i f his fellow-wort l,i;.ers, f..;o he i..:y- tl.--' I - ug expected revelation of ' he e'-cn- aiy see rilice ramo to Lin in the niplit. It w.. then indictded to him ti.at a ni'-iuler of lii-i f.in.ily mui-t die by his hand. Ho (alked tho matter over ni'h bis vile, and pcrstiuJed tier n.-.t. to : :..u 1 iu 'i:.e Ii ild's way," i.s they bi-t'j e i.;si ,0r'd it. They had t-vo daut-hters, De.'-; i.', sev n 3 ears old, cud F. iiih, live years old. The Ix'ter wa., ii Fun: y-ijiri' 1 child, '.lie pet and idol of tho hou he'd. Tno f-.tLcr prayed lon lo k;:-,v who s:v .ip.pniij'i' i as the vii'.hn. lie ::.-! he prayed ihttt it mi.dd bo hies -If, but i: v.i'i let bo io be. After i.i!.V.;t w.,lti",r the second revelation o. iho i inr lor, pointed out . : tl-r wm.-j l iken iili-K Ic, i io tho p.t 'J'l but i.r d He tho creno.aud i.f wife, and t"'d her ,i Tiien the reothe r'.i qu:e :cc i" t'i i U'iU' t '.!. f d. . l.'it ged f.r Lev (1 l:--. it p. n tied, The band va - i:;(-s ni.l.ii'. V," hi;; poor wife'tt fenr of di he at bio' ',.:., :d her e sor-uo that f "e. I is. ho. i pieee.l-.vjt. Mi r I'.-.-etn.. ami prayed titat He Mlfl.t ! test of his fa:f:, he i...r-.ei ' !: 1'.'. hid k vit rp ired ti o i.:.:e!f ! !' murder. He felt that ii w.i.s auotl.ct Abraham, a'3 1 thai il v.'.l'd ei .in r utity !il . hnu.l . oNe rui ;e 'rs (lanp.bfor from the di '-.d, ii-i a re'.i.-.rd tor ids obc diet.ee. Ti.O'i I.ii a'.il l-i-i vif v. T:t inlo ihe bed-ror.i j, wise:- '.l.f ir tv.o ehiolr'. n lay sleepini', ride- by fid'.. Toe mother corned the cide: 1 1 iI 'th.;:! r "ie. I'.ee tuiin turn..d down the bid clothes from the fonu of bti'.e F.ltfi, r,.i.( 1 1 1 -.a knife which ho had provi 'e l for the ofe:;si'n, and waited lo nco it ( d ivould Lot in tcrpose, Ait'-r a v tin v. .:t. ii, l o bent fort.-ar.l over the chil I, ami w:Hi gr vt enro plunged tho blade ir.lo V. iii'i's h art. Tnere w.i1-en i : -1 ii:'.a' i -n, au.'l all was over. Tiie iu.xee tatli. '-' el.e pi il his pot in hi.j aiiv.s, end ;i,.; 'i her til! he was certa.' i life w r. i Tliuci. 'iheu hi laid i;o.v!i aii 'ts!'. ;.1 by h .'i i.Ie. htt,.:'tb ! thai be had do::.-tin iviil.ffiil. The wielehed pi.r ots w- I Li d uji by t he authorities fur ihe m-.r-h-r tee r!iil I.eiliilT I'pnn (it'ilM '-liine. A s:iicH'iir hv.i! :.i''si;re wee; mad-at "n.innin lirse oeme'. ry, l'.;.h ii.i. te, wliieti g.ves a goo t i xHiU'i oi i. o e'..tie,ii oi-i-tiueti in tlichi-.v n .nu i'e.u- i.i'-i s in p-. r scnnl propi :ty rixh'J. A h-t I hh-r in thecemet-: ry had recc;;iiy k moved t i.il ti er the bodies uf his i,.' :; s fr -! . ii.e Id C,.tl"d:iii t i- . Aiouiid the row graves ti .' n . . n! i I vi v .euris.n;?, and upon th"i.i nev 'o .!)! u s 1111 1 n:,.: ble vases, rayun-u io ;!. le.ub'.o cut ter being delayed, sil t w.n cut led for Ihe debt ti ul judgtiii nt o't-i ,. o. Ti.e law, however, does not alii w i rounJ cr iituiuni nances in a C 'li.eii rv to lie : e.r.i .! for debt, and thus the o;:r- :: '' .('..I v i were siv.ir.j from ni.:'.jre -.-. io'ig us. !! y i remr.ii.e'd in tin ir po. it : ns ou t : I graves. A few dnys eg. i, as it hiippened. j the snt'i-rn.i. -u i nt of d.e eer u-t. -y I..'-, i 'onie gtadiiig dotioiu tl e vvi ity of I!. is tor, mi I i-bt'iiu-ii pi i'iuis- ,e-;i fi'.e.i tiie j lot holder t., te :..'.; ..lyo '.. !,! enroiegs, total s.o;e.'i ist.il va ... . oou tis iluse w. re reui'ived fe :u t! . .r i po ition.t on tin- ptitvei they eioiie j seizibh; prop, rty, ;:!;d toe ii'..:-''le cut-i ter tbseovi ring tlds, h .d thii.i levied upon by line pn-eiM of i.. i'. t.'eora ia"s Wi-uilt r. I'heie i.. a w..n.h rf A lo h of ':,! i lilt", ill' !-..'... wu i !- i-urio -1' about six miU s in rt.'.wi"! i f (li'or,'ii!, ubieb is Ce oiiiliild the Devil's Mil! H '! i- r. Vi i.i a large sink in ' lie e;rlh, c area of pcrhn-s f:-. :i ner.-s f d ti e top, which gra b', illy !.'. i n 's sm d'er in circa m f reuce as y.e. d. s.vti-l- beirg one hundri'd and I'.i'y fei ' lu-low the earth's Kirfi.ce. II ;vi- ,r tfte-ted the 'ieKCft.t of the rb -p vails of roe!.-, r. body of w iter is approa. hod wliie'i is perhaps five Im mired f-'i t in eireniuf. i-e-neo, ptiibi.bly b-i.s in dry weather. In to this i beet of water i.s u e.mt inu.il flow of tec to twelve gvi,t-.e;; d f treiieei, from the ereviei's oi the rock w-.-'l sur rounding. Around this will is a huge growth id the various hi. di of frees grown iu Iho. idi ok, te h, hi -koiy, bay, and also n thick r.i..tcr;;rowtu of ferns and nn ssos. Is a girl who pit's on hut? airs a wind- i:n.i;ior : h'et i nil the i'rmliK tiven;-s of l.aiul. ' A writer iu Jir, .. I IV ... puts foith a plea 'o American ag; iciiitt:i'i,-ts t tiioiougl.Iy fertii'V.e and thus k;cp tip the. ft rtility of their soil, r.iTifg that !. r.-.n of o ir liu-d hm bwi.rv r" of the chief ejif : r-re to pour o hit;: Ik.! mill1, linali'v, th" I r or.-, of the time. If we '. to Ii trope l.e.n ly two i b:v h' hi e.T v. l.i. it an ervation fd ih" powers of thi i"i! n:ii.-t be li.cfo'.ndeti.oi of o::r ".n-ee-i". I; it bore our in '.utiive ;itiius h:is n;ijii-ir-:,t!y abr.ndonod v.:-. We have f)i"o:t. i. ti) up; !y our it.te liigc-neo to ngii'.(.'it::re, T. e watte of h.n 1 in r.ii R"i:t:ei:s of the cout'ln has I. eel; withieti :l par.uh!. 'fiiu lit tern tS':.'.") pre lib-' Ly th -ir yo:iur i-et. for t'i-; b inptii." fertility of i!, Wet;yct it ii!ft i".:pi.sil e iloit ind.t-tiy nt'd eco::o:i:y micht raake ti.o !.;: of M-:i..e!in eii- j churches at.d Coi,i.ict:eiit f:-prohtiiio "" &'. le.T-t iu, I 'iho c jantmptlou of opium is on the tho sauds of I! .I;:!i:m aii-1 t!ie hcKths i j increase iu tbe I'i.'ited .States, and phy liio.'hiii.l. Tlfy hsve Ihe adv.i"t;.;'f of n , r'cii.us claim its evi! el'.'.et.s five b.s'oui Creat manof :et ui .ui .', not lite ing very apparent. I roteetiou of ,.: c. y see.- . Vir';iii;a it is eslinvuVl that tho vat no of tho and 'J.'O'-i'.i.i t.iuy vet i- 'i-.!.'.'!,ied. (,rrira huts finl t.iun-ti uautifaelured in Wealth must ret at n to ;.. e-..,- Ye.'i ley, nud the ii( ;r.y of t.ati:)x- be. checked ii. its v.est-y.ird Uti !e. Ifo iijiiiauces vn: t cen b: dor;e by eartful e.T'd inteili;'-i.t enitivati -in by re r.:.. hi::.; tl.;d oi so;.." of tho mo t I.. i- rcu binds in Ihig'n 1, ar ;i::d C-.k ho rcugb ii1 K.I-.S'-:;, a;-..).'. 1 t'.s: !:..!: hi .it'.. i'.-id j.iiiihed. i.niU'U, will ! -e t. '. !i.:h-oitL.-s, a cotl.ige, a vvou-si;. J,a ::.:.(. :, sprl':gii)..r tiji in tLe ., ':v ;:.', .fs of the vi.-i.-ry hdj..r. Tjc u-:: '.voriii less tiie t.i se'eta C:;J it1 do of i:li .: f lot., th" ri.-hest to be r. l"r. ! at. in-. - 1 bi it, io. d fi i-io pj-rpetit:.', Tl o 15. l.'i oi e'tievo'i tl," shore- ,V. Oeo'ir J b.i'lps f' : 'i'ilv to the burr! Ci;:-!:! ; be tdnvt. id., groeo of eii-iei.', ( i.i-iehi s hi.', h.:. 1 by ah ii.' 'v:. te ef tho r..'i;'hlo:).ood, covers ii.e t-.'.i! 1 wit.'i tat.li V. f; i.;t!i ii, ev.-ti con trives to save money, a: I rears hi-i h' olh" fi'.mi'y r.!:iid' I 'i o i I r'v!:"' evi-ii"."-?i "i 1 '.( unci (.:'. '.i'.'e're f.re evi rr where !ie-e pr-...f-i f lie" won ''' in! cvvr ef l.ii-H u iiv'ivilrt : t'.o 1 men fat tni r e-:l'.iv.-.ti n his ij it::ii i:us ui r.Ki-t I.i tf." bp; tiie tetr::?' sof the Sv.'i'.s .ihjl "t liiiiirle with fhegh'.ei i.-i. VYi..l" in ( - lite region.', of th.t ri'.it!i l.r.d ;; wasied .iinl ihrow-i iu ctie. i .i it if chirMied .is i p.-:?eh!t geii:, the chief i.'ia o' the iiiire .1 atobiti'-u. The IV'. ticii pea '.'..its iia.o ne.i'l all b.o.e.uo hind-orvner-, an 1 tho best !''.-;. .1' the K:V-o'e.ti- 'i b' i'.":iVii'C '. its i:'i ".t:i. .lur:v.y of tl'.o i;i:iii..i.si..f pn.-prl'.:(ir.-..r the Roil, :;h.idy fir!.:o;r fer edie.'.;: i-.u, f.-eeli'.. and perce. No Ibmi ; I:i a 'ire.tl City. A N"v Yoikpiperc i:;i;r.enti:;g oil the anti'i-'.l May movijg bo givieral it: e;:ie.-, win re people e.n.uot r tl' n--1 to own a house, admits that city bie is not the hi"-t life for children arid young people l':i h r the couditicu of sccietv as it ir. ti'WC.'l:' im t'-; it' .. of th" ju ihe fiim.' litu'e il iu fi-e.-.t eitv, hoe.l n; 'cll-ll" 1. Toeio . i.i; ' atid sirei'i .Vni(- tidtv O ie of i"ic '.-"ly !::. t r. -to wh-Yh :'i! 'e-'l't 1 ml u: ie ere. ha v. b. bo) n i tl at h - ' uiuds of i i' i (hose nf mi so fortut. ti iilesl 'hctae, h'-ful word 1 as to h been i oi I in cin e, tiii.ti li e chi;..!i.. u . el:'.1 ei"i pi. i-f iblji et'j.' jir.. the ... 'I . ii" :-.'. V the in ti.e lun'tifiiiU'its .i.'tiv t'ii.i c.ty ic'c eouu'ry ere l.."illi Mi'S :i:c !'iS''d, l.'id o'e!:.!". Iitirt- 'ic:' ! ti.e i i. :.i .VS. Wl.lt j:'.' w!:c-e ret.: ii:l 1." a -: :e;.r o.:e,' wii i:.iii:o"i':'.!.i i - r v i .' i, -e c.ir:.v .-is.ii :he iio-istoe .. st the m. Uf r i t '::.), at.d ere Se' IIP oi! n the m st V j . ! a ! .Uii-e I -r a e'od-l it; I I :::!- nee'- itl iifter-y. -irs oiM d p. u. ir:oe.a of its t.oroi I !id:ic:ie-, o ; Ie .'.t.-ei dwell iu f. t a I i'p-rtiueu'R i:i one loi ! wlii h were s i tr ueo I ke i i.i nt.-ith', r l'tj-.i.i'i hive ' ' ,. ! t:::.td to di.ti:i;n: ! h'l-l: i: dd g-.d-' w hieh v i ih. v io t'e l.:ii!.:!e 1 aw:." tiil on '! i-ieilil " ater idea i vr '--' i in ti - To ii'.-.vbt: be ' f s :e.d m . th. .u;-h .t i . e. 'lua.'iiiy held -i eii'.l oi-. g,n, or i. nn re v a ;i ' U r id esoressi; g a e e.eii' i!. ' ("irrciiee, n::'y, t.everlin !. ! id rally as w. :i ns tl.enrati-.i V I i-'cr, te. ii Uis'der o!' t i -t, a "; ' I s:; a:i. f.i. terf t r..:t:. i-w.-rh le. I whi-b tacts. It was ri e. n'ly ! ,h nee befoie t h-' co- .,d ! e.l to in-piite iti'.o the i i f :;.Mt!.i.id, thai the p '"1 1.1 c. i i'i..; p.-o.' :-i::e .' h.li. i.-e cf pou. ! ii;,-; a (,;t.i::tily id i-:l f j sorfiit of the t i a, d we.it!-. f, b.'.l t! e ''r. l Ivi! en )!,, ti. luav t- (iTeil ol ('i'eviec ihe I ealr.iit j" tho w. - nnd :T l b iv a Not Appro in: , teen Victoria i: t ously to the feminine the hi 'r in n fring" e. : th" vt v If. i 1 to object su'i- fii'-h'on cf weari!i;T r ' s '!- f-.,r. h .'d. It sh stated fiiiti.ir tint etc ir. im t lllrt bri b siiiaid.'i v'io spj . are ! ai 11.0 reeel'l wedding ( f Ini Si.n that they would not bo periv-itted to wear their loi'lsa iu that fat-h'o'i, nor to d ei hiph heeled bouts, u;j. to wear ti"d-back gowns. Last ytsr, it is rej-ortes', ouo young lady who ca.uo to adrawing-roora with her hair c-ver her oyrn was ioforpi ed by tb.o lord cknrulx rlain thnt until her hair had grown she uo"d not utleud any nioro at the palace. hums or (.i.m:i:ai. imi:i:i:st. An fiig'e has been shot iu N ".v ,?i-rsey ineiisitriiig eleven feet from (ip to ti). D-iring tho mouth of April l,o"i; eraVraut arrived ut the pott e f Now York. Tiois far ii tl'io negro emigrautfi have p .t- ed through S. l. uiis oa their wy t. i:..ui...p. (i iv. M 11. i i f Ai-k iiisiis, w.n burnt d in clli ;y at Hot SiTinrt f r vet dug a 1 iu ' :ue as;, bin. bill. Two new AUantiecahl--a ere proj.",ct d bev.ieu branee and Amcric.i, otie to hied ut Cape G.l a-.d tho other at Nova .S'"tia. T.:o SIi-tHodist chtirch in the South ha gained 'JCiMliil colored converts since the war, end built over 1000 N' W Etighlll.1 e Vi iy yyr i'i li'-iiil tl ri,- oe i,nV) t0 wi,oiri,(iii ). Tl:ec..:ite4 b"'weeu Havtri.': (O.i.) and Charleston (S. C. ) rifl-3 t ?:';: at :ii ' s. h iit'i'.onfi st, held ct the latter '.;ii"e.rc:-t.;t'd in a vi .di rv for the Oeor- .::n' A Christ inn Ciiiasmm has oe ueTa rd-sinr. iu the r.'ve I'.du-', N.-w York c 'y. b r the citiVi'iv-iou o" irs hcithen e ev. trymeti, loin of whoia li vs in tho ireiur-uhite vlcinily. H.irhig tli" reeent v ding for and i",r':.-1 Ihpio? I;.; Hiss for tho I-vra jcilyot 1 ie-. ,il "lie, -j-o om"u a pott- el b. ih.ts, br.i o;,!y tiivo of Ihen were in favor '.f iicen.ie. The authorities of Cievohml, O., hive rtfc.lt: a eont ael to 1 ;Iit a i..:ge porii-iu of the city with the llrn.di ekctrie held. T; e resul-'i (' this c-speiin:e.t i:i elee tri" iitg will be i.ote i r-ivi' iti tetv.t. A pttldi".i!; .a cf the tnvy li t for ls7:l sh"w:'. that out of l,'''.i''; c ili.ers one i.iilt are at cea. ( )' tho re: t ?.'' arc do i::r h'.n 1 seiviee r.f ore '."it: i r.nd auof her mi ! about one nil!! in ei tti' i.i doing no! is it. fj. Cij't. IJ.erti.u's lot'"; swim dj'V'.i tho M:: Mt-nippi wis bt'seii in tiie i::tere.-t of I'm V. 'i;-itr.;0! iife-riving dri is, for pan pisf.; of a bill by Congrerjs cowp'-Hin'; ship owners to pur-ha-ic uliout tdity thousand i-'iits at ubo.it s'.Vi for eaeh. lr. r.:i".i Hose, of l'.ilmyri, O., ia vil. ,1 a fe'eted to try snie ne-v l'ip.ior just r.vciv-.'-l. atid (hey both partook; but instead of li.peor it wu: ueonito they picked np by nisiako, and tho Ooc-t'-r died ef th' effects, vrhile tiio friend li. s in. a precarious condition. Tl e tot il imports into the port of New Yi i k, including specie and bullion, fo'-1.-7H amounted fo jftii:'.,1fi8 17 against sdjo o-si. iu p-,77, i.n i tho (ot'd cx p -ris .'' "...I;;-.!,! a.'raln-,t :'.2''', Pil.l 10 i-' 1 -77. Tot id tr.iie iu !s7ssi;c,70.V '.''" H.".;i:.t C',i.,J0,'i,i8 in 1S77: nn iu- .T .V-e . ' ." lo. I !,' 17. i"ii" id. u! lliycs' j-rcc'iiiiation aea'iis' ti.e i:svi"-ioi) of Indian Territory n';i.:.i '. hi ! little weight. Two thou- aud r.ien have ir,';id 'd the terri'ory iu cinch "f lee .it.'l silver mine", n;id bo f. re h.u.-hiii: h""l : of ot!:ers wii! i, 1 !.' ', le. io. p will t d-.e lucre then a pi ..'1 .::. di 'I to 1.' p ihe..". out. A f'ici'e.ie..; inventor tn'X"P with a Tab r-oi-i i gbi' a soil . ble ipinntity of chnll iii:.',vl:: r .t il , which is spread on tl.o thin ! : : h.-r sole employed m n foi.cuali'.n as sole, for :-li:es. Th "c j.i r?. s iis an .'hid. to be th'xibY f.ud idnto-t !i. te tr -e t 'lie. wh.b th.y errb'e tt.e vvt .;er :' ...Ik safi iy ever slippery reads. ! A i Ai.se.'-.'e:ie red :dly rcturiii d fnori ( i i ... - lV:. that during bis s dmim of j two t.-.ei, ). a ttrr ble chvu:'!:' o""ii'-n d j ii'i.l that C'Vervttiiiii'wasiiMlrvas titi-b-r, I when tires one-hint.'."' v.lde'i spread Ir-'M I p'ai.t.itiou to pho.'.'i'. io'!, biy.ii;; i-vi ry t'lin," in w.i.';'.", a:el doing il-'tievvi lo ! t'i" e Je-nt ..I rr. .ey rti!!!to::ti o: d 'd-o --. fi .i'y-cii'l.t pbiiitiit ions were e impletely ! ile:,ti'..y.:d. While ,1 notice i f the VY.ic Ti'muel ! In-o.iiiig, of C;:;'ii M iv, N J., was p. t j to g ov v the f ii'.'" with a ha led e,.'" j bis !; ".' 1. it vns aeei deiitu"y i!i icloti'i d, dr'-f;"' A : :'i" Hum oe'i bis co t l"it ! !! t ton. ! i'.iT l is b id'.-. J ho fivrbt. h iwf v r, liroii 'l.t on a fit t.f apoplexy j :t". i I e fi 11 ei' i'l. l oo bo.lv v as much ! barred fro t hi.: eh thine c-.tebj'ig tiro j fr an the wsd. The great prize tb'.ht for tho rdddlo i w-'ilit ehitmpiolediip of tho world and j ?i "i o, between Abo Ii. "ken, foren riy of rii'hiielphiii, .ml Iiarry I'.dey, of Sydney, was fought near Melbourne, Anstr die, in Hie pre cneo of two thous and spi ebitor-i. lhfteo'i rounds wero fo i jht, hi ding one hour mid twenty min utes, win n llicken, who bill roc ived a teriible beating, fell weak a::d ( ihaust ed, and Foley was declared the winner. That tho Werdurn Uni'.u telegraph ciTipany believes in the practicability of nmlergrouud lines, notwithstanding high Huglirh authoi itics diseonuti n.mco the idea, is i'ttvst"d by tho fact that hey have just paid I'.ivi.l I'.i'ooks, t.i l'uihidclphia, ti I'h'HO for hit! patent for iueulating tho wires, w.h!i cu:;i!i i cf wriippiuglhomel.il iu cut ton, nud lay i!ig tho whole in a wrought-irou pipo liilid with petroleum. Tiiis is dono to protect tbe wires from the tviiotura of tho ground, I IO imHiMI,lil IWU' II flu I'U l'""!!"'!:"'

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