ajjattam Stork H. A. LONDON, Jr., RATES EM'lVIt AMI l'Rol'Kimilf. ADVEItTISING, TERMS OF S'JDSCRIPTION: .iipcr one i-ar. ---.. om eitpy ,etx iiniurl'8 - ' J'l'l, 'M-' 11. Hi. .N, ai' .lv. 1..-11...T- si.no VOL. I. PiTTsroiur, Chatham co., x. e.,.irxK l;, ist;. no. II. : - J j ! 'i!r:.i-v v. ,;i I To the Bereaved I Headstones, Monuments AND TOMBS, IN THE BEST OF MARBLE, flood Workmanship. audChoapost and Largest Variety ii tno S'.r.U: S'ri corner Murijau aud l euut i.treels. below Wyuu's livery etal'leii. AJelrtwe uil communications to CAYTON & WOLFE. P. ilcigli. y. c. PeoplB Will Ha73 Kew Goofls, AXD V. L. LONDON Will Keep Them. Hie Fpri'ic aul Pnminer Btock it) vrv lrgc aud extra Cheap. ll'.'mrmLer, HE KEEPS EVERYTHING Aud alwsrs keeps a Full Kntiplv. He keeps the largest nfock of PLOWS. PLOW CAST INGS aud FAUMINd IMPLEMENTS iu the Co.-uty, uliioli be BtJln at Factory Pr.cra. Ha )al-to!iuH, piliovel-plow, Hwecp. e'e, an cheap an yon can buy the Jroa or t?t'--L IIo kuej s the lintt aod beJt stuck of GROCERIES! BUG AIIS. COFFCJX II". iS, tTBA MO LAnSJ-lS, FINK HIE CPU AND FANCY ClK'X'EKIi:. lie boya good at the Lowest Prior , and taki s advantage of all dirioouutx, and will el goods as cheap for (.'AS!I a? they can be LougLt in the sute. 1 .-a can alwcys find DRY GOODS ! 1'111,'V n.u.Jj unci, ai t!il.l.nna r. T an.g Vul". lluiJs, Collars, Oirw.li, I'i'M, I'mnoo.-i, e niureua. ;ou'ju,i t.o'.nna;', HARDWARE, TIN WALT., HKIGS, PAITS MIXED AND dj;v oils, ci:ouu:i;Y. cu. n:cTiONFi:iKi SHOES! Very lar-o stuck I; v.,. Jhits t r Mi u, JJj.vh, j.aaiift aua . niiitrcii. t,tiri.u;;e juati-imli SEWING MACHINES Nii! Jrjsi Firuitiirf : t'liPffiua si.d KinoMiig lotiaoeo, Cigars, Puuff: leather i f til UitiSn, aud a tLoamud o'.Ler thuigs ti: CHEAP STOKE ! VV. L. LONDON. I'ittBloro, N. C. H . aTlON DO N, J r . , Attorney at Law, I'lTi'MtOUO', .'. feif -Special Attention J'-Viiel in Cullec inn. J. J. JACKSON, AT TOR N E Y-AT-L AW, ITTT.SISOItfj', .v. v. &K business eD.tru.rted to him will r. C'.-ivc p'orapt attentlou. W. E. ASliKP.n.N, V. A. WJLEV, 1 a.li:?r. CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK, U ai.mgii, . -. J. D. WILLIAMS & CO., Grccsrs, Commission Hercfcants and Prodnoe Buyers, FAYETTE VI LLE, N. C. NORTH CAROLINA STATE LIFE INSURANCE CO., OF RALEIGH, X. CAR. T. H. CAMERON, I'milmt. W. . ANUKK80M, n,t fr,t. W. Jl. HICKS, H-e'y. Th ceIj Eoffi Life Icswaaco Co. in tha Stats. All IUfund loaned out AT IIOMi:, rud aiuouij our owu people. We do not n-n Huri Carolina money altrosd to build upK'iFr Elatea. it I one of tbu iwl cuoceiwful 00111. pauiMOf Its a lu the UniUxl Buiw. It as uu are amply itillitieut. All lo-iua paid yroinptly. Eirbt tbouuidd dollar. id in tb Ui two year to familio iu C kaihaiu. H will coat a luau agad tbirty year only live ceutn a day to laaura fur 0110 thousand ilollar. Ajply for furtlier luloimat.ou to H. A. LONDON, lr., Gen. Agt. PITTSBOKO', X. -'. JOHN MANNING, Attorney at Law, PITTSBC20', 17. C, Prtina la lh O.urti of Chiikam, Hara.M Miiir mud Oriuitf., auii la tb. bui'rrai.aa4 Mm4tv Cvsru. Hllli WUiW Ilaudx. Yearn lie went about Ue world, Lovely t-yoij aud Mailing face, PrexBed aud scanted, gemmed and cujltl- AJwbtf iptea by riht cf nran. All tbe tmp Uiere trat a (frtve Noaih tbe aici Iialjun l:y. Ly the Adriatic'11 jrave ; HLe alone, of all, knew why. Ha win dnrt lay lontly lit re. Par from friend, aud native land, Worked to vriu a uame to Hoar Till ehe U t him kiee ber licnd. liovti aad lonciur;, pnjn pud pride, Facritm lirtt, aud coluat ng next ; Wiicu sbe wrut away he Siefl, L.-it'g frail, intcute and veiud. Lul the buow above her btai t Melted ecddeuiy cue day, Aud, awakening with a vlart, Phe wrote, 'Oh, forgive. I pray, 'AU my coldat aw, all my pride; I, tmwllliUKly, eui true. When my lipe Haid 'No !' I lied, I have never loTed Lat jon !' Weeks file Waited, tben there came Tardily from that far land A brief letur to her name Not hie ei-net nor hie baud J net to etj that he vri dead : Hid light ent oat vaddenly. liroktnly Khe bowed her head : 'All iu iisiJ aud done frr me '.' Then remembering life, aa 'Iwtre, Jurt a burden at her fed, Heavily ebe stooped her there, Loathiug what had been o sweet. 'And to-night there is a first ; I am promised, I njt po. MifLt I s.'e his grave at leant ! 1-jt the world would sooru me to. 'Well, it may be that some day, When I'm wrinkled, bent and old. When my hs.ir is thin and gray. None will thiuk lat I am cold. 'I may do then as I please. C'ro8 tbe sea aud seek his gfr.ve, Linger near it at my eae- I that slow where I could have !' Oh, she was so fair that uiht-- Soft flatbed cheeks and sweetest eyes, fjhonlder. ao divinely while And a voice of low ret lies ! But the while she bait her head Iu the waltz's raptnrous wave, S!;e wastLinkiup, 'He is dead !' An J, 'What (lowers grow on hu rr.i e V AFLOAT AND ASHORE. Xohouj -was 111 tlie Lalit vf C9!1'D! Y.miy Travers a bautjr, ai.il fctv evi-r gave Ler a secouJ glance iu riu-siurj ; m. nLra j(u liii)i)eiieil to Lrger ht tie Fhi'. fi-r any rcuncn, mid mw hi-r KfnrjJ ic" tliere oil the grass-pLt lotiiiuv. Ler ilovcn, you woa!il at ruce declare tint prettier FipLt tLnu tlint jon licvcr fuw iu TOTir liff. But it was hot EiuilT v, ho ever gave Kuch a unlject h teeoud thought ; busy, bright, aul Lajpy as die wrr, tbe Tih'Ie w r!J sctaf l b:aa tifnl, tLut wab finite erongh for Ltr, wituout fclopplDij tv)cinidfr whetLcr or cot i-h was a j si t ol tLfit world. Nor did Narnsan Kaq bcrwn ctt btop to think cm the tnl'jeet ; I'-aily bad beea u psrt of bis wrrld ever Fiuce lie bad bad atr, hud wlmt tbe wcrld would be to b:m witbont btr was tornethhig tLi.it ucvtr ciili rt-d bis Lea.l. JIj itmombcred tLo d.iy wln-n, a little rl.nbby urchin tbree years old, bo !id becu tabt-c over tie way to wciooEe tbe new baby there, aud bad acd to bc-j brr wings ; be remem bered when bo dragged her up and down the garileu paths iu Lis cart, aud Fpi!ld ber out, and i-he refuBod to Bcrearu ; be reuieinbtred b u be von Cgbliug with Saimderi', and getting worsted, bow she arrived upou tbe i-ceue with a stone le--tweeu ber two arms that would bare beeu Bautider's i!t atb if it bud happened to hit b;m ; in fact, bo remembered uo time when she was not a part tf him self, when Lo Lad cot i?at with bin arm? abcut ber wawt, wben be bad not kitted ber at ineetiiig aud parting, wben be bad cot left every other girl for her.and would bare been amazed if cbc bad rot welcomed him as a matter cf course. After be went away to tbe uaval academy, Emilj s letters were aometbing that be looked forward to twice week aa un failingly as to Wednesdays and Satur days themselves ; and wben be made bis fiyiug visit Lome, it was to Kaoily that be vent with tbo recital of all hie hope and augers aud joyp. 'Emily,' Lo f aid ouee, in a startled way, 'I believe I Fay my prayers to you.' Jleing in this state of mind abont sweet Kxily Travera, ycu can imagine bU wrathful cencteruution when, on re turning borne from Li Crht cruise, hav ing beeu for some time without lett"rs, and oomirjg in by tbe long window in stead of the door, be caw a fellow lean ing over her chair a tall, dark, hand some man, l.androme but for a car serous bis fort bead leaning over ber chair and holding ber band, while her backward and upward gaze was s brightly fond as bis manner was devoted. For a moment Norman etood Fpellhcuud, aod as be Ktcod, be heard I-nily pay : 'Oh, bow can yon aek me, ifjwurd dear? Y u knew we never, never can be parted.' To think was something to which Mr. Xorman -pherson never condescended, lie rather excelled in feeling. Aud just now be felt as if tbe only thing in the world to do was to knock this varle-t down ; accordingly ho took one step and1 did it. And tben, aeizing Emily's band himself, only to throw it from him with a wild and angry outcry at her peifldy, be was gone ; and he never kuew again where be wsr, or what hrd hopponed, till l.e fuiud hi'nielf on blue wutcr for a throe years' cmite, with plenty of time to eat bis hftrt out, cud profoundly e-nvirre.l that be was a victim tf tLo blactost trenchery, und that if llni'.y were fulpe, then a'l tie w.-T'd wo Wiv. Six mouths f-f that bitk'r diet, Tiitli the swift , mad scene before bis eyes, charg ing ouiy to flow tbe man falliLL', Sophy rnjjuiu fur-, il with a shriek, and limily etai.J'jg fnis'u t'j stone an Khe l't'.d itartod fi ou ber chair, aud tbe opea beartcd and gay youth Lad bccjmo a taciturn and gloomy man, without a word to epare, ready for any dangerous fiervioe, aud never half so plear.el as when some black tempest followed them, aud the thick darkness fcbut them in like the curtain of death and jndjr meut that they were soon about to lift. Yet when a twelvemonth had passed, bis b'tterness began to bo something les in degree ; occasionally a ray cf fenpe would break upon bis gloom, ard the thought would ome to him that, alter all, be bad never onee spoken of marriage to Emily Travers in so mary words ; be had taken everything for graflted ; be bad left tbe way open for any other beggar that chesa to come along. Why, he asked, had be ever doubkd Emily? Sbe loved Lim to dav like a brother, as rbe bad alwsys done. Laved him Lie a brother I Not she, be would reply to himself, when be bad felled ber lover to the ground, and bad flung her from Lim like a snake. She baJ reason to Late him, he paid : of course ebe did bate him. Life looked dark ecough to Normau Mnepherson at that time, aud you rju?y be Hire that ho made no effort to set things right : but with the persistency of bis Scjttit.li rar-e, be fitted his ba"k to bear the burdeu ; and when tbo three years' cruise was over, be made no visit to bis home at all, but got another term of sea serv.'c?, much to the relief of Eome one else who wished to stay ashore, As for Eiily, p-he bad Lot been ture that uight that bhe was not beBile her self. Talking to the young naval e flieer who was goiug to marry Sjpby- a Feeret ele had kept at Sjpby's retjuirc mrnt, and ooncerning which she b'il oftcu drawn on her facer for Norman's phaMireand surprise when fbethould bo allowed t3 tell him ad JreBing biai affectionately, as sLe felt toward cue so fcoon to be ber brither, ami atswerir" hip Direct of tr.kinj S )p!,y away by trg rjiiig him ut to par h r from her t.'ptcr, suddenly a wLito njanir.' with Llaz:tg ejtH Lad tppeared in thn win.'ow, no npli.'u-J arm Lad fallen, the hLriek'u. S 'pLy Ksd 111a to lift tbo heal o her senstltfis lover, aud Norman was fone. What it all UK-ant the could not coiij.c ture, rjid f-he was too Btuaut-J to r.iako the tll'.rt. She went about as if fclie were a moving Rtaluo ; everylhiLg we;-;-ed ta go oa a long, 1odj way beyond her view ; biie was raiting fur a word that did not come; and when day after day and week after week crept by, aud no ex planation came foin Norman, aud fche kiicwnotLing of Lis whereabout", exejpt ti'C ellieial putcinerjl, she realize! that ber world bad olinpsod like a pricLcl bubble, and phe collapsed with it. When I'.'uily enme up from that sick nef s it was JiLo ouo emerging from the dark valley of the shadow of death, aud peme f the ebadow ptill clung to her; there was a Jock on her pilo face as if phe wrs gaziiig into a lfnd beyond. Sophy was married, and went awny ; ber mother eloped the bouse aud took E n'ly to Europe, Bc'tlingdown at last in a lit tle tov.n on tbe M 'diterraneaa phore;, where they could pick up their reattertd threads, aud see if they were still Amer icans ; and the days went by bj quietly, with the si', w rising and falling of the blue water of the tideh?63 s'.a like an indolent breath betide them, that they hardly knew bow many of them papsed. If they were not happy days to Emily, neither were they entirely unhappy ; only there seemed to be nothing to look forward to, and, except her mother, Lothiug to live for. Njr was there any very giddy variety in Norman's days, out of pight of shore, the puu coming up and going clown as if by machinery, and he only glad to be iu harbor for tbe sake of putting to sea again. One day, bcicgn Asiatic waters, tbe lIic?rsof the At!nwk, that bad paused on ber way from a more southerly har bor, came on board, and as they stepped on the deck, almost the first perton that Norman saw was a tall, dark, handsome fellow with a petr across bis forehead. In an instaut be Lad turned upon his heel, aud was striding to another part of tbo bhip, before Lo knew what Le was doing, or eu uld make up bis bewildered mind to action iu relation to this mau, who mut long nince have been Emily's husband, as be reasoned. But he was tot so quick that another foot did not come striding after, and a band was laid upon bis shoulder in a manner that made Lim wheel about at once. Well, Mr. McpherPon,' said the1 stranger, in r great honest voice, ac- e rding to all the laws of sre'oty, I be lieve you owe me some satisfaction, aud I Lave come to claim it.' 'Vj all means, sir,' said Mr. Mac- pberson, mechanically, with a bow. And then tbe stranger broke into a hearty laugh. An 1 I won't say anything,' Le ex claimed, 'about yonr outrage to your superior efheer, but, by Jove I' Lo cried, 1 wi'li another peal c f lati-' r, 'It serves Ttu r'gLt. Hid you suppose, til the world wanted to merry j-ncr I'xily, you cr.te:-ikvl monkey? Sphy was n girl uracb i:iore to my mini, let me tell vou. SspLy Las Lieu my wife Ibis tanny a rroutb. Aud it vr.sef Soj that Easily was pj culiiug when yon took the law iu to your hands. 1 nupjvtse, Mr,' rau on tbo Ffracger, 'tl,at 1 cnght to give yen a F'o.i;L'r:'t.hinp;tT!t a" the patit-faotion I wait is to bear you pi.t ti.at you are at-hr.njeki of yourself.' An.l you may be ni-c be had it. !jt there ws no t. roe for oynversa. tiou before f!.y wiTe iiis. 1 by others, and the crirtipies of .be fveed'ngly brir f occP'-ie :i oce tj'ied tbe fimenf hosts and jutts till the boat put rff aga'n. aru tbe Attire !: received h?r own. JJafl & lettf to tbe department, requesting a ler.ve cf ab-e::e 3 fn.ra his Ehip, went in to tbe tl nil from lb? iurt Larbrr tbey entered, and the tinift that pa-ccd be fore on answer came and tLe r-quest was granted was loDC-tr tbnn all the rest of Norman M tcpbersoa'H YJi. Ad al though Le traveled Loaewa.'d as fast as pteara could cairy Liia, to Lis frame of miud eloe'trx'i'v wui'.JLavs Beemed pI.iw. With what elation Le paw at lapt, tbe Ions', long miles Laving raveled out be- biud bira like tbe eleai icg of a tarplcd pkeia, the lights e.f ti e city ptn-tcbirg on all tbe radiations of its avenues I How glal and eacvrly, two hours after that, be Lnrried up the ptrcet of tLe little suburban to'.in, piefnr'rg to Limself the pight r.f Enily, the sparkle of her burpris!', the Lext moment when be p'i'".iM feel her arms around Lim, the way m whieh Pho would forgive him, Liirdly daring to look v.p, bis Leart was beating bo. Aud wben be did tit last look bp, il w3 only to pee blinds dosed and pafbi overgrown, aud tbe ktch of the gate too rusted to bit fssilj -inly to fiud, with a beunc.bed E'nse of the world Laviug evme to au etjd, thai Emily and ler mother Lad gone ; and, as Lis owu people bad scattered long ago, there w;:a ljolody in that reihborlocd t-i tell Liu Vtljere. J ut iif'er a few boi;rs his vits relum ed to Mi-. Jl-iepL.-rsou ; Le r--aje:nbercid fhr.t the fs:i.ilr bsd frieii.lr. and from one to art.-lLer be weut then :n the fol lowisr; weeks ; brt to no propose : all be conld I'i'er ver wis tint E-nily atjj ber rnotber w rr- in liaiope, but iu what portit u of it m 1 . ody ppi vu ! to Luow. 1'jr a Jitile ; .'.a l.p exjvrttnecJ all t.'m blr-' V-r:r "f bueli revv.bii.n from 1 ; c, i;nt t!.( 1.3 was notL.'rg to 'o. Ho ciirnd Ijirf ill fortnue, end oi triv-sd t-j g.t triiibfe'ied to tlio Eiropean '.ro', r.') l tli'.u Les.in Up t.e-uich Hii 'w. Aa fate h.:l ordered it, jeihaps in nxe'ury or hi;J ircj n'siveuep?, Le Lad not even b-arued tLe uame of tlie e Ulcer wh) bal Jc-m:'.iidc-d sati.f:ictiou ; Le did not eve'; Llow if that cliicr lielocged to tlie Aiti- I: : but Lo wrote t) oiu of Lis oi l cjnirades to learn about bi:u if possible, nnd rtLantime be waited at'd wa'ch'-J. yiv. M.'fpl.orse'uV: habits cLauged, too, pciaewbiit. From never Laving gn.e ah'-re, Lo now never ptiii l ou -hip,, if bo eovil l gel awry, wh-u pbore wai iu tight. Town r.f te r toxn be bconred, j jurney after jonrr-y I lanung ed to make, batjk nft-r bank i v'sited, at pit aftr pott he ask eel. I J it be foind do trace of whnt bo oe ivjbt ; aud as the year closed he tai J to hinseif that it ra; of no ute, and tb::t l e ras a man with a memory e.nl with or. t Lne'. Still Le e-.utir.u'jd to go cftbt.ro whin in har bor, although mrro from Libit new tbau expeclatiou, PucEhie ur storm mukitjg little d-ff-re-nce. Ho Lad come ashore one day as u ual, on the afternoon, of the morusg when the frigate entered pc-rt, and lad taken a e'roll through tbe little town, una bad lost Limse If in the upper part o: it. The lowering weather of the morning bad ripened to a drizzlirg mf.A at (apt, aud now it was raiuiug in a RteaJy down ponrthat the wind cinght up mblanting isLte'tt. He ba.1, however, Umplit an uniiirel'.a f t sne shop, aud was hurry ing clown to the shoie and wondering only if he would Cad the sailors waiting wiih trie gig. Tbo win 1 wan Ptraiht in Lis t?c, and the raiu came line as needles; Le Leld tbe umbrella, as Le bent lo the force of tbo gale, directly before him, l.ke an African warrior's thield ; an 1 this is the reason that sud duu'y ho found hiuiH-if bt njht to a standstill, as with a pudden shock Lis umbrella Lad interlock cl with another, like two horned e-eaure doing buttle. 'A thcusanil paruon-,' ho exclaimed, grnJUy, in Engb's'i, bef 'ro he bethought himself cf Lit l'rercii. 'lio pray exeupe r.te,' came a pare-jl of pilver notes, iu 1". jglihh t:x. And then, in another moment, both of the umbrellas were tailing e ll' upon the blast and careering r.nt to sea but what eired tbey who saw them in that gathering gloom, as Emily and ho were e!al,ped in one another's arms, ind life was whole again? They were married the next day ; and although, a ye-ar afler, Njrman left the navy and entered bu iucps, it was not till that morose mau had earned the re putation of being the j jilieat dog afloat. Jlarjur't Jlazar. When after sunset tuo earth cxils down by radiation under a clear pky sev eral degrees below the temperature of the air, tbe cold surface) condenses the moisture of the air in form of dew. I'u-bioii l l''i:-3 wcr.-'.ed p'.pwh for b aio as d ..-Lett 2 i.i ! iel 1 a Titian tl.2p. dEttli;:!l Li:f QIC fl-.-SC-!y bonud with g-iy, f;jft jcirfs. Bumiu.r trn..i;;j ur( 3 IlM without trii-mijiirs tf kind. Summer casbme-es r.ro tLcwn in novel and f uj ey Jevgns nnd colors. TLe trained dress Lai to erit iu the street", pave for can-a-a Trcar. J reucb women hnf no baudsome dress eeh season and wear if steadily. Tbe ur.e of elbow pleeves has revived that of black velvet Lauds for brace lets. A new bangle is a sil;o of pilv.r fili. gree with bis tail end bcr. l tied in 1 knot. Little straps of insation now take the pltc-i of pics to hold up cLilJren's sapbes. lbs mirtme of figured with pbun materials to mr.teh g-ver; tLe f isLion more than ever. Foulard wrappers arc made r-rineers shape, p:"e-.l with a cotlmting color, and trimmed with Ereton, Jet is combined wi'L gold for evening wer.r. J e-t leave? in crabroidcry are ont lined ia gold leav k with a very striking effect. ll.ack grenadine wiih ('eia?sk ele sijup, open work, ard stripes of ai! widths will furnish the mi jjrity of toilettes for tbe summer. Ilrown, green, Mack sud bine w.-.tcr- pioof doth with an c'licea fiai'h is ad vertised m L-.n lor. It in mid lo l o very light and omfoif i'jIp. The marquise cravat, of wbi'e Iuuia mull and p'aited B'eton lace, v,iU e worn with light summer etur;es; it t-ue'reles the nce'i ad is lie J in a large bow under tbe chin. The beaded lace bote's to we.:r with various ur s es are e-'tlier elo' c shapes, or e!be they have Marie Ai.t'-inettc liar ing frontp; these arc ra often trim med with white cbrypantij-. UTjiw, lily buds, rose, and a b-rbe of Lreton be. Harper's J-'t-ir a Ivi is n yfuug Indv to get soft white mv liu, r. . sm is ';lel IVreian lawn, for ynvr gr-iduticrr dre's. Make it w tb a I'. ni tiriiu a:: l a j.do naise. C-tt tb pob-trii.-f cjnit? levg; tben draw it bicb iu fio;:t from jnst be low tbe wai-it, eiteh it up in a full clus ter of Firail plaits on tbe l.los r.u't in t!.. middle of tuo La.-k, s p 1 trim it wiih rnfll.'H of Ctclori !.!. Fre with v.:'.er ed or satin riblioj '..r rj.li::n., wi:h ut flowers, aul wear ttv little j -we'.rv. IlraiJ ycur b:.ct Lair in tvo b-opR, and tie with white ribbon. A foreign correpc:, b.'Lt L.pe- ibes s rie'i elress woru by a;. .;), r'i oj Lely en ber presentation r.' t:: u Victcrii's levee : 'Tbo drees is t ut' 1 y corapesed of rich white satin. The fr"T;t of the skirt is trimmed with wide chenille fringe, with a Leading of fl:;e tilve-r r.et, aud with bauds of hir".- d:;i-i.-j cud green leaves in i ',e;.'!e . -j; Voiderv. A band of pimiiar et-brol ?i ry c.'res the Iowoorsi-e. Tae!r-.;Tiis tbne yar-'s iu length (the iegu'ation b.njjth cs pre pcribed by eiiquett-. ) er 1 is cut nrcind tbe tel .-eB int .- ia.-;;e e.diopr. At tun up per points of ci.c'i sc..!b.p is pet a .lalsy with its leaves i t cbfiiile embroidery. This train is laid ia fl .t pl.iits oa th: right bhoubler and is elarpod tbcie bv a tingle large daisy, crossing tbo back cf tbecorpnge. transversely and beiu;j Lei I down at tlie left si.lo of tbe waist by another chaster of lj-:ec, Ti;is nethod of arrar.iig t):e train i" far niort grace ful tbau were Wa'tean plaits. With this, tlrea was woru a full set of diamond"!, comprising tbree bandeaux for the hair, a neekLc of fine si"f'e st jae.', fe)litaire earrings cu l pi rfe bonben brf.cele ts. The regulation tiir e white feathers and tulle vail contlek-.s this ri.-h aud taste ful toi'et. A lIMorlc Coniitry. Eypt was the laud visit'vi by Abra ham in search of food v.beu thete w:;s a famiLe i'j bis o'aii country tbe land to wb:ch Jeiri ph was carried hs a f';ivj, and which h-j goveruel us priiue niiu:ster. From Egypt Mi-es led tbo Ir-elites 1 thretigh tbo Kid sea. H-ie Jeremiah wrote his 'LiUK Uta'.ie'U.-.' Hero S lun, Pythagoras, Pluto, ant cr.uy other tiri-ck pbiiosi.phos, came toptuly. Hi re Alexander tbe (l.-eat came :es c n queror, Egypt taujht tbe weobl the use of paper ma.le of its raabo: tbe papjrus. In Erypt was fouu..ieit tin; first public library and the Mist coileru of learuol men nana-, ly: tbe Ab-ian-diiau m;:s( 11 n. Here Euclid wrote bio 'Elements of li.jemetrj',' Teeocrit 's bis 'Poems,' and Ln .'isn bis 'l!a!ognes.' lb're tbo beautiful C!p pat.i, tbe last Egyptian quct;n, lield Ju'.i'n C.-e-ir, and then Mirk Ant"nr, c-aj tive. lu Eypt we: e built the fiist monasteries. Tbe Caristiaa futhers' (Oigen and AtLasian ) controversy begaa there. Tbe bail bugs which now remain aro tbo oldest an i largest in the world. Oj tbe bank cf its great river may b? etvn the oldest urch and the oldest column. Up this noble stream sailed Heroh)!u', the most entertaining of travelers, and S'rabo, the most jitlicious. ludced as the country is l.ttle more tbau tbe narrow strip that is watered by the Nile's over flow from tlie river may be seen almost all its great cities and temples. The fishing season Las ended on the Potomse, and the catch has beeu a fifth larger than last year, being estimated at 0,000,00 ) herring and :ioO,000 ehud. Trm-p-i of Ilvt:ii t lYitple .'u the 1eniforic. 'j"b' t wb:'' b ctL's the r-.ii-f pt rjib xing lo the ar.tirjnanan is tbe fact that tbe ruins of Aiizoa, New Mexico and C jl orado 1 ar 110 resemblance wLctever iu their v.nBtructien to antiquities found eJoewbf ve iu our co-jLtry, '-or to iLo?e of oi l Mexico, Yucab'U or S .'i .'etI ea, wiih one exception ef ti:o C'a'-:. lracde, tweuty-f-ve ni'rs tl.vo the Fiiaa villnge, u.-on t ie (i 'la ilv;r. Hero tbe walls and def rways p' pe towarl t':e eeilicg iu a way res.eii.bli: g the pncie'jt rtruetures of Central Atieriej. Thf Cata ( Jr.;nde bar. po often leen uc-erilK-l in w.-.rks of travels tb'-t all inti ret-te 1 y.j antiquarian refit arel-e-s Lav-: bect.rr-.e fa miliar with its appearance. I's bi't ry mnpt forever bi.ffle tbe curious. It was first viFited and mentioned by a Spanish adventurer, Cubt zi de V..ea, in 1 and later by I'adie Mrco J Niza, in J7, and was arterwar 1 vilt -J by a part of C .'rorada's artny, in 1"1, wbofonndit in pretty much the same state of ruin as it rename it present, with the exception ef bthig sr vera! sto ries higher. Here, too, are found the nr'n- rf the M.-nteznma cana', wb'eli is will Kr.rbe-.l for more than twei.ty mile?, of i-;rw-r.v sze and admirably eors'rnif- l. Is tbe Gila la- n are run:0 if et'er cities and edifiexs Pbdwin;" rer-jains of preater magnitude than thut cf iLe t'j. a CranJe. The 1'ima Iniiau-, -aLo d- o?.tspy the valley, an i were f-.nnd th re by the Spaniards in I "';.", b-.d no knowl edge of the people by whom these ru:ns were bum. although tLe:r trH-t.t:i-n at that time expended br e-k pererr-.l bnn.ired rears. Iu Arizona tbo 'ttone book' c f A- gy also opens its rr.ott invito,? rap-r3 to the savant. Upou the tep e.f tbe lo.":iet roonutiiuc are f.,rmd v.3pr-wera ues, r.'jj ff.si'iiel r 'ic-Ils, a-. I i.cr.iariy iuteretirg pppeim:is r.r. 1 w. U-eUL'ueJ geologic il Btratae are c-ff. k 1 ft r i'iv. "i gutiou at almo! t every t-.r.-. P.ec Slill!.' for flic ( lire (il (,'oul. Several articles and letters have l ei n printed in German prpcisof irte bind ing tbe c iliMcy of the Pting of the om- iaou bee cs a -ue fcr gent. II r.- i '. e of tbe late't ef thefe CDnmunier. tlons, wbi-h appeared receLt'-. : 'I wrp- lying in l t d," pays tl.e writel, 'nifliriug from a heavy attack t f gont, ai c .upa -ni' d v,:th vNjb. nl j-ae.-p i r..y ft f ...t, wben I 'aiije 1 io rea i i.i a ixTt.-paper nn arti.le dt scribing Lew g a! jr iv be cured by the ititgs el beee. I at e-nee determined to trv the rei..e 2y, hu.l 1 .er. ct-ntrived a siuail be i by niPiis:. r f whi'-h a captured Lee could be tpplic.l to the i-Plcted part. I then hi ny foot I,--stung by three Lees in Fete 'ci ucn, . ub bee leaving bis ptiug b bind ia iny fb fib. After a few laiisules these tfinyj were extracted; and wben t!. jr.i:i cr.n. cd by lb.ai Lai tub.ided 1 foni:d that the gouty j aiu l a 1 f.lso b ft n:e. the Paine Jay I left my bed, aud on tbe mor row was able to walk abont, 1'jr so::ie Lltle time my foot was tligh'.ly int'.an-ed, and I experienced torae l-urdur ?en:;: tiou; but iu four or five days this hit me, aud I was completely recoer. ,l,' i nlleire tjuarrelitiir )er a Kcipict. Aa 1'dcker's will, recently probated in Philadelphia, contained 'be f.li jvir n clanee: 'And to the Unities ef Yv'asl: intou cllrg:, L singtou, Va., the pui:: of $AU and I also e'ire-.'t that tie U.ud of tbe Wai-hiu&t .n ccllere, Lexing ton. Y.i., for i'l.OCO ihall be hi rrer.di.it; J acd cux'clcd by tbe tius'tcs, thus ma king the leghcy to that cjliege; c,"0uO.' A lcitter Las been re c jived frmn tbe tee re taiy of the truitecs uf War-Line t h and Lee University, at Lexiugtoi;, V ., s-.yiug that is thei inst:'utiou whi.b Judge Packer really intenuej t.j bei.e at, auo tbe one which ipuexl the hond now iu the possesion of the estate. On tbe other Land, tbe snperiutei: lei.t of the Virginia Military In'i'itutp, a S.alc in-ti- 1 tntiou, aiso Pilnated nt L 1 ."ton, lay j claim to tbe whole of the b-pn y, ivg t was jcte-Edc.I for tiiat n.-t.ln?!on, iuamti-j as t!:e f I l Kt U. l ref rnnl to wi in reality a d eif t!:e ViriL'a Military I: Fliiiile, ai.d not Wfbi.icgton e ill "ge, whiih Las be..!, known us Wnsbint;lou sr.d Lea Ui'iver siy siLCO tbo d.fttli of (i.'neral Hubert E. Lee. irce relliiuiuo llioiees A Ceiiturj Ai'. It ii ui t to be supposed f ,r a ru ):.;'! ! that lu i'es of tbe prerrLt S.:y rtfrt to a.tifijiu! mi aus of iiicre iniii3 i';at .:a'ie Iovelint'fS which 'wl.oti nuudoincd i a.lorni d tbe ne:t.' Their grea'-grr.tio-mothers, however, thought diii' rei.tly ; and so numeroas bad fema'o fa'.niib it . u: become u :eului ujn, that it VaS iitcui ed necessary lo introiin e an net into tb English parliament in 177.. winch pro vides as folio Wfc: All women, of v.-Latcvor hp, rack, profespion, or degree, whether they be maids or widows, that shall, fr-.m and alter this act, impopo upcu an 1 betray into matrimony any of Lis mnj- sty's male mbjects by paints, pec-nt.', cipmetic washer, artificial teeth, false Lair, Spau-i-h wool, iron stajs, hoeps, bigh-bceled shoes, or bolstered hips, shall incur tbe penalty of the law now in force against witchcraft and midomeanors, and the marriage, upon conviction, shall stand null aud vohl.' Velocipodists resemble the ages tbey j roll along bycjcles. FILMS OF tiMN'LI! VL FMIlUIlsr. )-.- Lnyer f.t i! m, 1 n'te sH, 0 ; by tbo bate cottoa rie. The United S'.ate3 coLiuaits anjuaily J,0.;.ii,o.i,i v.frtu ol i',iii.-inc. 'J'jc cut vDrtii is very d.-s'.ruetive to tbo ca-j c jo-) th;9 seain iu a'l parts of iVf' j Hue total number of emigran's laal- e l :.t Untie- iirde:n during the Cr t five I iufi;.ihs of te present year wa r-piur;! 2l i , lor the Fame penoi in The alp.psthie physicians of Pbi'.a'el pLla have agreed to collect bills month ly, or at the end ef rcrvices in each ca-e, ai. 1 Lave employed a financial agent ta ai'e'ad jo eollf etioLP. d nerEl Fitzhugh Lee hp.s re-igneJ his membership ef the board of visitors io ti.e Mjuut Veninn asst elation, and (S-t-Tal Jatial A. Eir'y Las been ap-t.'iink-i to tbe vacancy. M. Alfred Shorter, of P.orne, Gi., has donated Shorter college to the Liip t s! church of that city, at a cst of near ly .10D 0).t. 1: is i.ni of tbe finest edu cational bu Idings iu tbe S mth. T.je laud in Ireland is cultivate.! by r, hi 1 no terr-nfs, who ee upy :n avero ol tb?r'y-tw3 sees each, Ti.ere are 3oU il lao.iijrjs, of whom 1 CiJ own ts tiiir is I tLe whole cjun'ry. C.pt.W. E. J. cki-oa, a member rf the American rifie tram, recently won a .j;se ar.3 ;-corenl the greatest r cord fer 2v(l-vard ciTbaud pIjo -ting, by cj.-nting p'.vei;ty-tsvj r-ut of a pos-jibie Peventv five. Forty-six thousahd two hundred aud e'gh'v-'ix persons emigrate i last year fr. m Germany, very nearly 5.(00 more tLun in the pr-et J.ug ytar. Tne tu-ii-ber iu the past ten year-; is estimated at H".,J11. F-tberEvaa, the poet-prest, has to t'irtf d to St. Mary's lurch in Mobile. He de-ires to have tl quiet necessary tor (j, 'u?rargf !:u nt ai;d revision of Lis I oi j:-, wl.: J; will be pnbll.1! ed iu b.-.ck form early in ntitnuj. Grer-.t d:trri-ias hncv done by forest fires las', wek alous the Like Mn-higau there-. T rer.ry buildings were burned far Eorn'n l':i-r, aul a'so a number u.'-i'r Abuep.'C, Wis Many fatailies are rendered pt niiiless and destitute. A bid ia New Torfc w!;o had been nn ib i water C'cLt minutes was rcFciie.l by fiiutbcr buy eii'.ing for Li.-u. After half :::: ic-'r's Lard w.-rS by n:;gt-ons l;f wss rtsnst-liileJ. Jt e'ntideic-u :P .if the rro'-t r ;markub'o crises know;;, Il ir.ar l i; ,-'iardso, of J.eson, Ma? , pi-ibably is the r'e'jc.-t una in the S :i. l! U re ort-d to be worth frco yl.C" blX'o to .-"i,(t'iit,ii'i I. He owns nine te-en plai:!:.tio:. and ruuikets about 45.C" ,ro j oun ls of otton every year. A letter verittea by the pope Las been published deploring the nc-T civil mar-rir-e Lw, d nylug that the e':nrch dc -ii'. to encroach upon the prerogative t f tl e S'atc, but declaring that purely civil carriages are destitute of hot'ost or pr.cred bonds. Joha Miles, n Mormon, was cnvieted i f j"i"yga'ry at Silt LV.jp, and sertecced t.. ; ay a fhie of i-dlO and be coLCned in ." penitentiary for five years. The cv p attracted a great deal cf attention ''.'.-uh tbo Mipport of Miles by the M ;i j .ii le.-.Jer-. A parry of railway offnials trivcli::g over li e V. -ie road made the diptance from New York ei'v to N.agara Falls, !)l miles, iu tbo fat timo of eleven ..iir an i tiiirty n:iii';te; the run from 'Ion.- llsville to tb fdlls, 11:5 miles, was I'li-b' i'i t- o hours. Y.':.7 .hi tb llo'p, a color-? 1 woman of : t mptrafe habits, threw her two-year Id pir! e ut of a second story window in N--.V Y rk, e.vd the e'obi's life wes vivel emly by ber e.irg iu copt'ic vith a cb'tbes-iine. Tht unmitural Lu' tbtr wnshe' 1 for ttftemptd murder. Juujes liryaut, eif Giincpville, Gi., on bis Jcathb'-d CJLfesse 1 tbe murder of a ; : ue fii -er j:uni i U d'ou, two years aco, who c.y'eriivtlR'.y di'-appeared S .aie'i in ti e iTot where tbe ra irlcir deelarl tbo b ily tl bsvo betn buried resulted in fn ling a skeleton with the -hnll cm -bed. Ti c Fren"!i do not know much about ,r..t'i jl", ju Ip.'cr? by tbe time their horses mike. At a late iuoruaienal boro -bow at Paris, a match, mile and a half, to wagon, f pen to uil corners, was won ::i r:o better time than four minutes and ii.ty-txo seieo-'ib one and a LVf se !''s lo ger than it required FbraTcn plu lo make two mibs twenty year8 ago. A minister of Miine is acensexl of preaching a full course of tLe Ilov. lr. Stair's crmous without explaining that bis people were Retting the; gospel at second band. The people were so im vresped with the (oroe of tiie sermons 'but they gavo the preacher a call to 1 heir church. O.ie of the young ladies ..f tbe flo?k w edified to tlie exteat of becoming Lis wife. An e finer of the Humane society who has been investigating the transporta tion of cattle from the far West to the Ea tern market, finds that the animals are frequently five days without food, water or rest : jolted alxmt the country, which causes them to become feverish, and thus impairs the blood, so that when tbey are eventually killed and tLe beef put npon tbe market it is actually nufit to eat. Of tbe large number of animuls which die in transit, most of them find their way to sale, cither as meat or ookmg lard.