Apple Blossoms. A It fie Uvea ou yonder bit, Wboee ate-p H libt as aa-; Ilcrleugb ia like the rirjjjii'g rill, Her brow ie j a-.iijg f . ir. eye to bright, no saale to pwett, N lip ec like a cbt-rr) : Of all the niaiia I ve cbauoed to matt, Ah, cote so blithe and merry! Oae vernal morn. wbea atiil the gram Wi'h k vki (ark'ing biibt, I a llii luvslibot nil dru pit,, AlJ -ndv-rtd at the vtbt. For ou her utile aud btaGtfcCE- Lrow V.'.lb ewtt-u-r charm iuvtett-d A wr.a'h p'rvked frfctty frem ti-c Longh, Of nl t -t-i'Li reeled. Ab, D'tr did corr ca! 1 rare O-i royal ti4 r- po'e: No j;em of Ir.d to mtui'e'i fs.r As ecb L f-uutd rote. Tc4 well, mrthcnijht, tbi Jove'y wrratb, T un deny druj etiU 1-dL- i, L'efiia the radiiiut Lruw b-ruta'.h Of til. ia.t 'pieealy rtisiJi-a, Hie pare-l bet the M.-ioj, li.l n u.y Ltkrt ti ere gi.. Au irp.ii', biauircstiy arr.ttd la Ikmiui ti w.tb cie. A' d ru tut. ah! the taifc is t .(?; Vw.y o'er ii ;cr-t;i t rr; ILit r.-iut Liavr, tre J ;;; ie ' '.ii, Au o.'iLe wreath tla.1 c rOU THE FAnMEU'S 1101 EIIOLI. In dt-te rmicinji t!.e tir-t- Kr sny kind of f.rsu tee i . : wir ; berir in ruled tLr.t the un 1 other piaLfti Lavu ile'i 1 abits of reproducing tLt .v.i.g ill to , ik'i 1 st to r.r.u- in its nataral way, a-d tl fol!ow nature, regirdUeb raeuts that may b? a Ivau trary. And wi.iie- ci.:.:.t. Lave mncli to d ; tie r. c ,f J t . the c t 1 f-oil tauy ter. yt-t ti:.:re are- certain $rt-, u:h as ti tLoe cf lie charact'r, w.i ;Ly an.l f;! wav r.'p'n and drop tLir Ft"-1 in the u utL of Augntt and S- ptcuLc-r, prepaii.tvry to their reproduetk n, while ei jver !.o!d its seed nntil the t-tsi'is w J pooc are bi-r.ten e'owa by the fcti:r:: ?cf vin'i i; therefore it is stif to f -scht le tLtt t.'.e f reper time fr towjrg ti.e f.nmer is f.r.y t?n.e :'n Anci-t e r cber, for the la'.ttra!;y li.e from I)cci.n.b.r to f-priug. viLiie thin i so, we think that in ail tLe SautLen h-nt8 m well as in larre pci-t'.-c ' t'j M: 1 Htutfs, e'-.tnuu i t f.i'! ii the be.-t tif f r toning 'over, so thit the pla-t mt.y bre-iiUie njfS -ientlT i. ofed and ready r.i: the spprtara of Kpritg to push f.n!; Bt !n?ieLt foliape to tLali and protect the revs fr'-ti iLe L t suns of s:ic.r..r. B it in colJe-r i-.c'iiie-s early t; r:r.g i uii lotibt'diy ; 1 ot tin;e for t::e worL. But wi ttier ti,c fyt'iLg or fall igcL...- c. ore of the gr att e.:. iitions of fcut. is in bow:';:? tLe g. d ti-i k tnouL s-v r.f tiniothy a ik, wit'i haif a ('..' n .' locj tiitj J:ls t !-,Ve-r teed ruiiftd thtrc wi::; to the acre, or if elovi-r -ie l nlouc, six pi'itj uie none too r..ii.-L; rf K -!:-taky b'-te prat:1', eie i;uhe!; ci red t'.p a l.UiLel and a-Lulf, cr A orcLaid fr - , two U-Lel-i. If, Lowt-ver, ii ia ueeirid to eee 1 t... land for i a'ture.aniixtr.rc t two or u''e of ;h(e jrobea is probably bitter. I- this i pi-.'t tue firrut rs t.' 1 "ie far in aiTanoe A Uj fir:.j -r. this c c:;:,-y. There ti.e pra. ti.v i.i t) 'iff a varie'y ii gwsn.f u ia:. ir es x or (if ht I t-:i g oftu iimi! -i. t nL?y f.,r the j nrp-fc A oblinitga thiei t.::f. Imt to . tT rd a continuous r. i r. thri U7h'.:it I: e ieron, a ma -L ! t r r c iium: tLa'i the o:.e h.iip.-.i ! -rc- f r'jiv ir.g but te f.r two kitdc Onr a ii., ti-c, in, wl fu b'aj dun l:.nd f"i 1 t-riL.o.i-nt j a-. i-e, 1 1 -or,- a f th" tTrt-es in the f P"JtiuL: II .if a ptll'.n -; o. :ng f r -h c f eiovi r. tiL'-othy, r- .i t. p a:, t b'u i-r ., t ,- er wtli a I u-1 e! d rIC'. j; I r r n e i 1 1 t:,a a !. (-s r:i;.:;t tr o. tl.-; latter ca- f ia" it to prow in tn--' o !., and tLne the rteras t giow to eo.. be r'.l.hi.ed by pt-j.-h. Gr un i liard to is a thiut' ni.ieh will regoh.t r it-t If, i.r.d t!:i refo;.- Ci!;Uot w. 11 Le icwrj too ti. tiiirrk towing is cue of li.e ti.". ag-i'iiPt the inroK.ts hick, 1 K-,. W( ( tn.i ether n--x; p'ant.". Thr 4 ura of rh-. II .t7 to keep r-rrg hi the i.eht poapib'e con i,ti: n for a numb, t i.f days, iu or.h r to make a fai-f ti-b ry Latch dm a cot teem to be nnderftuod by totie. We Lave had eggs Latch well, aliLongi: over three weeks' 1 1 1, bat we usn d!y make it a point not 1 1 go s i I ,ng b: fore atHting them. For longer than that tim?, even if well cared for, it L b :-t not t'ldepeu,; upon t!;em, for thn r.'Piilts, usually, are anythia" I u sal ii; In keepii.p f-gnjs for hatching purpoprs, too many persons keep then in too warm a j.laee, where the y tre pure to lo'e their vitality quhikly, while a damp place is filmost a1 fatal in its effect. Handling the tpes frequently is not only lm-iecs but it serves to lessen theehanrcs of hatching. 0ir plan of keeping epgs is very simple, and merely consists in carefully placing eggs, as eo u as gathered, in shullow baskets, lined eiiLer with paper or a piece of cloth, and theu keeping these in a cool, dark place until the eggs tre needed. If a heu is kept from hpr nest long enough for tho eggs to become cold, they are not neceparily ppoiled, partic ularly if the incubation has progresped ten days; in fief, at any stage of the Latching period it is better to carry them through tLau to desire y them. Aarlealiural Nutea. A breeder of poultry says: 'Every spring I procure a quantity of cedar boughs and scatter them plentifully in and around the henhouse. This is all that is necessary, as the odor of cedar keeps a wi.y lie. This remedy ia cheap, sim ple and effective, aud is well worth try ing." Plant tansy at the loots of your plum trees, or hang brauohas of the plant on the liinba ot the trees, and you will not be annoyed with curcuho. An old and siiccepHful fruit-grower furnishes the aboyj, and aaya it is the most successful ejrculis preventira he has eyer tried. Various estimates are givtn by difler I ent authorities of tLe manurial value of j the constituents ol wood athte; allowing j in t-it-te c .-dictates the hue value for i tbe potaru and j L jr-phone s?i j as we do .' in ivjr-jnjeri.'ial U-tUVzt generally, t ; bushi-i cf uuleacbed nsbee may bevr'L I fr twen'y-u.-e tofoity cutts; ti-Rt is to 1 pay, if yoii should buy tl.o wae quanti j ty of p otah f alts a:. J phciq Lites iu the market as J-U would get ia the bushel 1 of ahes, yon -won;.! l ave t o pay for it fou twen-y-iis-e to forty cents, sverd 1 L-g to tLe qaahty of .ie a.-2-es Xt J.'-.r-it X -K-rLoUit tUat ic ! il.-v'j P r let Lt; t.'tj tt,;J vLcat is re a jo t.i-'. it ti:e- fjrn.i.r to si-I! i rlt-.b'.o for -.1 e-;rn ia t'ie ; fall at seventy-five eeLt, than at on - ! dollar per bubtl iu t'jt- fullowc? fc".i3- mi-r,aaJtlithen a', fl.-jm Droer.ib.r is npia! t . 31. CO iu the si c .-eediug Jul. In t ie ca-e of potatoes g it- m: flat rt and are e'Lv-iwifo 1 .-.t, to3$.tl r ..1j tbe 6'.-i:di.igt! a..i tLere i- ii tie Jvv.' t tLn (J. anJ June the- loss to tli" o.'wcr Lo L i!d." tLv-m t t 1. ti tltu t'.iiV. -.Lr I .r c.i.t. timiFai!r u(f. i T- prevent tLe j it' pi'te fr"trj k. i-ki' ! lie !i jnid cnta Jul i'i the r''!:i ? u t! : pie, K'uze 'he U'- r c.-;i I will; a b'.t'i ': eft'. I T orn a fi'.i't , ;r, !'v- tl.o rrlb ; frcu. t-n !:r the 'sn wit'i t'.e ti: iin'j at:d ! Crper, w as to e'I "? ti.e air to e: ttr. ul I it w:II asily tit.-- r-,r. ' j St ::r. Ci", r. T -i: V.'ah; s . a pa-: , j of w. h-L'- a: -i : : i;v;:: ; r. r ! .r -' -e jpp.'itf.iions fi'L 'jocessary. A p. i ply -ike any -th(r pVtc-r, rioS'.enii.f: ' 0;'Ca'-io!;a';y wi'.ll vie.e,'K!. i ! Wrrru M.jiMAis Caee O .e p. u-.d I of tii ar, i -at e Latter; sLs r, m: i Lalf i rip if j iten ; ar.-te'v. e ne i of t-: ai-i C'.sJ'-i f bi'l, Lan ds v.i!l i ri.r; l -r.'ei !ep the v-i'.h el 1 w..b.r t f-c'. it to rie oe Lour. in . o! i ..:- -.:.:, rr'. 1 y t.'eiil.'rc the fur- .:, r by T ICk; wet ut :t i"; I and r ails':: v.-L:te. CjrC I -. :V c 0 pi !fOi;, j;.ve ns, pive acids -'.' iii.e.-; iu a ,:p, give s'.rjnp ( t ri'Lal iA t-ri' is f ; iu n and Le. p p...-.-. I':':i Ynirrrr.-. f!.- rriains 1 jy ii-li whi -U a as le- n p rv. i ti.e pre- iln.s dy; n-n.ove u!l of ti.e i'lnisa.: tivsof Ircu i . p; Ptii in ;ro pepicr a::d ..-a:i r-uit: . (ft... i.'.fie J;r: 7 t Ue tnr u,v ; r ; - r c -j tf ia- and a ortj : a Lai. '.;; -it, I.!.-. ..t-j 1 r.;:s ..! : try to laoL't into :ry ii.- n. m b.. il:i.z L.r.l. C'i. . ; v ry ilua t-.r l .-ef . ,.T the lo:.-d l ir:--r 1 rii. 1 f piM; r..'i i''f r! ir; naui t., a I -1 i r a.l ii, v Si 'i.'uk.f 1 1 J:uie th: kt r -.-.. and ia mh-1 .- a .. o I.0.T-; r,u !..,!.'. ;L-.u cj, n-L e, Sikc i tA an Ti.e r jrnp'e'i'j N. vkU f '- the roai tao Corast iiani' nse ipiun it arrc-iaii.le was v Iiniiien.e Eiu'iin erlii' JV.,t. i '.f theS itro t ;::nel in ece-pt:-.n cf the Wiier C li.ine", by which an ' of 1 re H to be made le v .--( i .ion'e 1 i:i ti.e (.' ir.-.oj Vll- y. A 'tert:i wars' of cease it-PS lub ir oiy and n'gl t ... i ri.e riruti !:'i:re f 5i;( f.o n, t!.c pt,-t r.'ul en g'i.e if tae e jai m -tin", pna't of :!.r il.-.le. and Iv'.vrofs and Savape min- wtiPt rte.l np, d. e'i r-.: tie witt-r i-t i the S itrj t-inn. !, ut the mouth t-f wl.i-?ii it Ltfi'-1 it1 njj'.an.a1.:' iu i e hour an 1 twenty n.n.i'M, pl owing a t t.peruture at rct 101 degrees, wLieh pr,- I'laily m igi.t l.i 'irs. 7T es m Ti.-: - t: .iriiw:::? i-oat m'n.-s i .i'lnhed feet Ev-.ryt The w r..'..-n b- t- r-oi inch t..r;"a j an i (;r .ov pine, did not pL- rj a eiaruvl from thr!, s shoived bar-ly au !: tu;o a.'t. r t'.e Lot w-. T.. Wat-.r fr-va t' e I'nion, U,d.;r, t ... c . n 1 i it- re: i .i wi 11. sTd-ited of three 1 Bierra Nva h, 1. Vis. No pteaui the t itr-1 r ie (,i t--r,;p? ra rt..s ni,.o,l on. Sierra, i!oni!;Z1 1 il,-:-', IJ -st .v R -lih -r and G aild .v Carry will will cot be t ime 1 in for a c u;.lo cf wet ks, an 1 after all tin Is r. w.iv int th" tuntiel it is encte I that one id the doabh line of box. -v. ; i 1 1, .ve ample capacity to carry r f ail l!i- water. Tlie sacreps of this gnat t rgint cr'nrj wrii enrj o:;os all f xpeetabi.ns. A Ili iglit Roy'p llappj I Iieiiiflif. The Hu-tford corn pprndebt r f the SprinfUell lii,ii-an rayp: 'That waa a pretty bright th'nLt of cue of the Ihttte;soi s, whn, when employed pome years siuri as a id in an t fio in New York, was tent to present a bill to a shaky concern, with orders to collect it at ad LazsriK After mnrh nrging the Lead of the debtor Lrme gave him a cheek for .0o, tLit amount of tho bill j Harrying to tho bunk at which it wss j payable, the lu l presented tho ehek nub, to be. told, "N- t enough funds to meet it.' 'HjW much is the account s'nor?' was the liv's oiiiek retort. 'Hnv- i en dollars,' euid tho teller. It lacked but a minute or two to three o'clock, and the teller was abi ut to close the door on the boy when the latter Madden ly pulled seven dollars from his own pocket, and pntthing it over with a de posit check, said: 'Pat that to the credit of A- Cj.,' the parties who had given the check. The teller did so, when the lad at once presented the cheek for 210(), and drawing the fall amount thereof went beck to his employers in triumph. Hut, as he puts it, k Co., who failed the very next day, were hopping mad when they found they had no fund in their bank.' I I' , ' 1 ' 1 -S-.'uetiJethi,v,un ruade double its . v i; ' me.fe,T u,riel iu .!::TerLt organs are p!anly pcrcept.Ue. i'POwsrvr.D -T-.rr,-ta IV ni'''" l"t,p-il"1 " "Cle ! the t,nn, au 1 th -e, whi'a they cannot bo I l: s a noTol'y iu nie.Lcil Beicuce. 1 r ,,. , 1 m i, r. I 't ' L A ' '''''''' ,!'' tl a llV re - j ianj.,:, are full to be very j Time cf the grenu-ht calamity and ' ti'i"r fv-t- ivVi'cro.l' j t,J" VH:i li01f ffu'!l arr"'1 "u : comfortable in the lon.T col.l winterf. cm!u-i..n Live ever bef-u pro luetive of , '"V ' U.eb-.i.L.i to Larg I'hicl iitead i f p,rf. ponltrT e-i.l eurd run at lurpe in the ereutest minds. The purest ore The Jlilon. S'.rifeJ parjl will be all tLe rae at tLe ttJ:vJc Clieui!!e ii ueeu iu neatly all of tLe Utt-st ga'looES auJ friugef. llltiik sitiu saLe-g are worn witLwLite auj bivl.t coloreJ Jreiset. lluriz (bta! triuiiaicg) are always np'y, aJ are intolerable on a ae-aut Jr.iss. rubric for fall Jresstg ia Milasete, wLii'h rtBtiuble-ii buibazii;p, but Las w re holy, aai more eerta'.i c lor ai3l;y. S sie w tLe new C3abi. Lave r 'ver-L-il'lL' pattrts looking is. j r- tty ou eith er ol ie of the PttilF, to til -it the lrefii ui'.y be tura- J. I U.AV be tura- d. i Aru.ure Lx'iik-'.nes havo some wxd i'j Arixuro b;e';i!i-raes havo some wxl i'j 1 ,heta, yet are raukeJ umvLg as the "j-o-jl d'H-e rot appear f n the i:irf'v. TL (e a:e the hAU hi cf ail eilten fa- e.'j ,l,-.,n ',r.-n'??! i r'ni wi'b'nt creaiitfr. They are ucl fe.ria It issia fjr miles Ld fcud pr.rt fdre"(sinc Bib.UKt.ou viitiij !u,terle.-i Eros praiu, r fi r the ent-te dr.--, as the a mure fift ire is very rmu'.l, ayj a!. f r wrepi b jtU b.iaiiair u I ties fi'; 1 winter ci.:s, M'.fKMNo E-y.isvn .'.va vait.s. j T::t' b.nnet f-r d..--p taotjruin i ef p 1 Ir.j.-lihhcraj-e, ljab!e 1 audlai.l tia' ! 'y u b!a-k i-i.k. Tuis i- w.,rn in v.i:.t r " ' i.n 1 mcu t cliie, h.'e fa' trim- i ws au 1 ei 1 i i:.ii.f is fi:'? wora 1 .-1 i.t!'.e. Mil Kl !U-.tV cas S , nj aluir.b.cel bfc.-.u e it I'. .. Ah.'n iof Llaek orjK-is .i . i ,. ,,i .1 . ,A ;u 1 r-ii i .1 o.i t to L. !1 ti e v; i f the be uLit j iu i !..'.' : i-'.Li r- I t va:lisl! ".-!.'y IrinatLnfT. Ti.e r..d'.w' ef irupe, three and a Lalf t vied lotg, ia thr wa over tht bonnet, j and .'att-Led ou each ide by crpe j vi ted pins; it Lanpe to tbe Lti eiiinj fr--t:t, w'it-re it has a h u La f a yard j h.If ov. r tae ia-e. n -ua -tmu th s i- a yard l.t.f and is pi:.:', d by t c.rn'.r on the 1: ft pi-leef the b'nntt, u -.kiLK it Lang in a long point. I -r j !..;'.t iaonruinp, after cr.ipa vails are laid j p.-i if, Li iivy li u-k ik that which in ! doiibn t ri-t- 1 is u a" 1 f .r a vail uyar I lor, -. f i d is borb.itd all i.r'".:il wi'li i ....... . 1 r . ...!. t .. M.: 1 Sru .i t be;.ttt with a t--::.t-.! fr !.! is a fa-. hhape for moarcit:?. Y .ui , Ja.ii r.i.-.r pjkc- L".un i', v, th the brim far ab with A by y,.:i :ri:n-:i' w.:h I vc the foicli -a 1. Clip bonnets . bow.s i t .'.'..p.- ,ir r.'pol.k-d !a.lie, as 1 tlr re are i t! .-is i with fcbiiri'! CLi'iU'iape -!pel ;t!'-t! lie ;!'... btfir tiwruinf i" on chip r-..i I hit J, wi'is c. e ns.-.i in ti.e bows'. Jlfjf r Jlnai Ja.k.on I.n.t M.'ht 'i t e !a-t l !(-!.; of i fci.n V j n sideni y .f the ( 1 I e;.t ia 1 is .riv.ta Tith fri. I) U, a.; t.::p- t as rreddetit. AtJ.jiew Jdek :,:iui Sndea he .1, iu company breaking id i.;.- .!.iy v.-. e.r. 1 .f 1 T. CI- ..'i -::,e:i. warn: t i;.e r:ile'. d:ra.' TL i i.e u! i fiee Lira fr . K l! h-nU L:' ten I thu-k ti e oc.-rtP;. lie lC-': ! L-y ! ! ia bri uking ever one L t ua drink a little M-.- - wis.e vas br. iik'i.t. J.ick :nail ginspful it the llrs sou to' k lnpa t frim.l e hat b-en Sr.'iwa to touch f u ; i i. ii .v t'... Turt-s -i .,i.iv mot. hs and then, c-..m-.T n:-' ; caraway and otLtr Lave ot':e-iv';e in t x.-:tR.-hiu for a few m.m-i.t, ' T.rot.cted wo. Is. v.1 eh iue s.if;. from th;. 1.0 L'ld.-he v-r.l nguh.tti r tijn a wl.i. h ' he wr.a ngttpel, p.-aU-d, d.r. eted it, and ' hr-', Lis c ib pipe aziiu, took a whirf or l o, end at... 1 pilettly wut.-l.inr; the ' fa"e of a fir at, t i.l, old fa-hio.-.e 1 cl-iek j i l.kli Mi-c oil i.if crtcr. It live niinn'. s I s.i Lntpbt five m.n!i'..s lit fore the b-ginning of tho d.ty upon which A'ldn-w J e is .n won Id ci-a-e to be l'etihnt f the failed r'.tates. Slowly t'.e minute-hand racve.l round the dial. The nl-uce iu the be came i.iiji--; iaii.f il. It was brol.t-u by the el. ..i, kl i.rj in i! f th- .ck i tiiLinc !!.ell-t 1. .e.r of it d -;J wl.t-'h 1 1 g HO 1 - r-.-vtr. 'lmn J..c':.n, p'arliiu' eul- ..eiily uu 1 looLini; toward Lis fiiend-1, said, si Mi a qu ?k, n-rvons InngL: 'G 'u- j ;1 tleuf-u, I am no h.nq.r IVeoi lent of the j t La.te.l State , l.ut as pom a CKIZeU an any of jot.' Hub-eqai-t t'y be to tl.eia a ii 1 a.g of f'rt ui relief at tLe propped of c-.earit'g the t llhial Ciirtsnhnh Lai bif'.iu tj Wi:r;h mo.-'t heavily cpon Lim, paying: 'I am very glad lo git atvay fr nil tbia excitement and bother.' That day Van linen was Inaugurated I'recid ,-nt of tho United St ittP, pad Ja- kooti, ut the end of his second term, left the H .use left it so po- r that he was obliged to borrow fn.ra Lis friends f.'ioi) with which to r build 'Hermitage,' Lis old fa-ady man piou, wl-ieh some time before ha 1 been burnt I to the ground. After All Iniilieuae I nrlunp. Ex Gov. W. P. M. Aruv, of New Mex ico, is on his way to Kurdand, proofs of his kinship with the nyde brotnt ra, whope immense property has for so maDy years been a bone of con tention between tho rightful heirs and the crown. The lord high chan cellor of England rendered a decision this year in reference to the Hyde es tate, (hat it is in the nature of personal property and not real c-pt.ite, and hence properly falls to the deseeu. Inula instead of rt vetting to the crown. Ex G. v. Amy has hunted np twenty-five heirs besides himself, and instead of trying to limit the number by maintaining a deal of secrecy about the matter, announces that he will endear r to secure un equal among all descendants who come forward and clearly prcva their titles. The value of this prospective windfall is a trifle of ?15n,fiiki,0 0, the at cumulation of scores of years of inter est and jndioions investment by the Dank of England. Ex- O ,t. Arny is a native of Georgetown, I.C, but since his twentieth year has made his home on the Western frontier. Ruiolan rami Life. The r.a:au Lave OLe custom wLicL i cvBiraisii in the farci'Lia; districts of Europe gerjtrallv. lureal of Laviug etch Loaee cear the c ! r of tLe farm, j aa J tLe hcqses a l)Dg il'atce aptrt, an j v. ith the farmer t ot gentrally , live ou Lis farm. The 1. 'J-w-s are buiit ) in a village, with pots;b!y the bsrns auj ivranarie near the Ik rui1, or on the home lot, bat tbu land tho; a'tivateJ may be two cr thre or ft'1 mile"! away. The peip!e have to rvj far and upend ; who i!l be l'.T years old oa Ilia next much time in g-Mug t cotair?? ttfva ' biiti'.dav, Lsh j-ii-t pr.-fin.l religion, inork, b;i(. it u.ites f-r. : i.fe 13'jre BOC.;a-i Xl.e liivMfndH arnb'o in Iloston in b!f, as t!:e pe.pie can e '-i another ! Jh't aKiXK'7at.! S", t'.'J.&l 1 uf which rail a:;d tii;y rrsy tliii.-'s Unt are cot pe- : tiM ;H a:d l,:3s i.TJand mauufa'-'taring Ui! !ev.h re ail ere K.v-rel ur aud ! II ht '' 1 we 'I'te'' oaieth:ug of tbia i Lu .a tLis c-inutry; ! bo. u ciethoiH uive.the-:: icautige", a.:a j tI:c I,e,'I,!u ftre fcl(JW ,0 ' .'Vl! "P tbeir ,;U i Oi.'C Hrit r e f I i it Le t;ave!el ' v..ri. d iith vide Use'. aa.l i-A.lf jMstiirel, I'.t ' where. At lust Le pi er c bj c's in the like euortu' u pear-; at 1( out that ihee wcrec;; '! and bf ire be was a". wLe-re Loipc i Knc.s any ii me euriojs at co -h::pcd .g'.h Le made A tLe church, f it, Lo was t. iu the V'J'-g, w.-t'i i ' c'.Ler : Ft If obiipf 1 to a Iv.rtise for pale tLe fa iLaa the larking c-f .: r. Ktusian mctri Lo'.ie a; 1 .d. bid, wh'r'a was the -f-"e", like p-K.r j '--; ev rywlnre, , k.p an ti ui..I;iK-e ol w.rihhs cnr. Al e u ' -, ... ! 1 1 .... all alike, an 1 J iu 8 Vtr'1 Ft;e. ts U-iWeett tL"m half th wi.,i' roile or ti-re long. ra:- e.K'.oi i;,? y.jinjjf.- i: the c'mreli, ti:1i it- cap. .Ins, at th; .1 .1 -I .1.1 1 1 .. ' 1 ,B'' uu" ' " er wno renv i ie iarui io imb iouu., Sm-dl grai.ari s piarc huts witbont windows ptaal in tLe uidlid'-f '-Le vtrei-t, and lor rows ol t!l poles Bh"W that water ii r i-.-l by the eld fashionc 1 will pweip. Ia pcr:e p! ioe, wh.-re , ,Le BtrCet, ami when f fctrf.nger etiters ' tl;te., mlc a SelMh fi ii-c AiiK'ti.' riants. II .. ,.f (in r-A.1T. r.f B(lf..'i ff I.S.. among plants, p,vs D.n Francis Darwin, 1 iu a recent le.-tvov, is ti.e prestn-e f.f 1'' ;.ioloun alkaloids. Tons ruminanti, will not eat ni-h phnts as nifjhtsLade ; ihe ir.onMncus nee .!.xs not atop to itHlldJonn!..i,n:oi;Lh, .1 (oevii.'i.helle- j fonplaiu that there tiro so muDy poison b r--1, thorn 'af !'. fYf i-i'th.oa peony, ens fl.-twers and thot-uy LraucLis in the v- ratrnm, an 1 1 era!, ck ici.Ium . Many ' roa I, bat buzzes on, telecting tl.o honey punts are prtu ...1 by the r poi? j where pLo can Und it and pn'tinfj by the milky jnic as'Le t-pnr-p 1 - ij-Wrllw I la-e where it is P 'i'l .''. e -1 i'i Viue, and o' 1 1 the I was mn?!i ecnn l, palpable nr "Crc..ii i.i'X I'liiH.-J, tit'.- poi-ouou-. gnn;ent in t!ia ppeic'; of a country ludto aiknioid htryehni i is c.":itained ia the : n:i i li'-r vLo boasted Lis ancient family, p eels, its wh o'e 1 1 je t 1 eio to pr. vent j 'Ho aiue'a the wene for ja 11, ' paid the tin in and the plant i coni.tiucJ in j peaenLt; 'as we idowmc-n Par. the older iti.era fr-..'a bt :r.T i;j sfed, tht fie ipirUcftii.! be.u p:ite lurndepi ! and eateti by ti.e cat. v. t. T. is ea'able i part i-.irrouuding the see i t on'.ice ' j M wallow thea, that th-y ra.y be Tiis j tribute .1 nftvr aa 1 b.7 pi-dng throa;;h ! iLe ania..i!n' baliis. II fee rilm' ii.lH are comparatively pc fi m the i.t'aelis of dies, w aeii a "--vi a'taou U are u.u h irii'tre I by !' Iar.Mi'iou tn an alui'.at endle-s : i -s i f p lifimons phntn, there are ti " wlr'e'i Contain oils Laviua p-iogeut aromatic p.r ,.r taste. Tim tie f.-.n.--l, anirc, ,.cs 0f ,irj ,Vl ih: nc'i iat. In .f all the orange to he be:!' cutting to an o 1 F:uiUr I lr, 1 1 ti.0 hi0 aim: tribe is di-t -.stifol aL;, probably owie whi.'h giv s t S the t.i-te hi'.', pe--!; n" 1 this fact Las (, p,r to orei.g .'ee' led the fate of the ire;', for it is the only species of the tribe which Las bem aid" to c-tablirh it -elf ! ever. 1 tljj lim;! t f callivutiou, tho orau,'e, c:t:ou, etc., rr-. wing only where pr '---te.l by man. Turpe utine iu fli- leuvi t s -rve.-v as a pro-t-etii'i nuin-rt Cat'.!.'. ar n' i'ie t! ;V r of min' it a deo a. i-a t b.-o.vp.-i:!g i-aiiaal.-i, an 1 as i! m fn .n i t-- i by h 'arr-e tUiabt r of ii.r-t . s it a'!' r 's un analogy ti tho nettles un 1 thorn ', liL-h are re-orted to by but! :fl :s an 1 bir ip rt ar their yourg. l'.on ers nr;- U'oi'd- ly n. ore roiid than th-.' planla v.hieh In ar them, and are thu proUc'e.l from destrnetioa by browsing .'.uimals tnd f.v-s, by being line.;'. ablj. Cater pillars will die of lumper rather than ent the ll .w.Ti of tba plant i ih' releases form thi:.r na'nral f iod. An Agricultural iirio-ltr. William T. Eiri-li owns a ranch ner-r Rxlwoisl CPy, California. As Mr. Birch was puspicg through his oat Held two wpc-ks nro. Lo was pnrprited to see, towering above the dark green of the crop, a stalk r.f wi,nt at llrst clatice ap- tuui3 fcn,f iemon c ,ior0l e;llia breeches, peare-1 to be font. He pbi ked tho with ertIJ(i,,!g t,( yellow and blue to stalk np I y the roots and presented it to I raatch. the State ncricnltaral society. The ,. ,. , . . .. , . . ,. ' , , ' ' , .! iue qnestion of hohtiuR Sanday ser main Pt .ii, which stood Pivorul fee ; ho weathiwt Jfwiw, hih was round and re. dy ,.r, c.-ely i e(lUrt(?atiou ia Vaintto. pllD j K ,hler like tnt or c 'To. At intervals it sent out th'o peculiar loup, narrow blades of the corn plant, tho only difference be ing that the leaves of t!i:a plant had no stamen or backbone like coru blades. At the j mi-tare of the Ptalk with the leaves, where the fruit appears, irjnfead f.f an ear of corn there was a larrre bunch of ptrfeetly formed oats. Again, instead of a lasst-1 thu c .ru stalk was topped off with a large cluster of oats. Altogether it was the most singular freak of natnro found iu Rmiri for many years. Ti.e agricultural society regret that tho plant was pnlloJ beforo the ripening of tLe ouip, as then the latter might hnva been sown with the possibility of reproduc ing the wondt r. The society are in clined to think that some use ct uld have been made of tLe grafting, csptc'ally as the grain appeared to be more for ward and of letter quality than that growing immediately aronn 1. Ohio had 7,000 less marriages ia 1878 than in 1870. FACTS ASD I AM IES. VTouisl's way frjin eighty to two Lu'iJre-J anJ eiKhty pounJs. A'!auta, Ox, Lai jn:te a colebration over t'je nsrlicg of the i3aebiuery of its tirt cj'.'.ou dill. J -res fa;d to Lis collar: W;it tLon lat rue throng'j tLe Jaj' It replied, I wilt," and it wilted. Mr. Tre-d IXurdoD, t f T. j'-fsan, X. ('., 1 cjiipaiii sTUpA It cM about SJ.R-J a dar to rnn tLe ;janiiat)an Ji,ah hotel, at Coney j.;.!, yLw York' great seaside rceort, i aside from the pay-roll. ' Tinmen a'.w .ys c'iooeo tLe middle of he hottest -'u:!;ipT day a a time for : c::rry:sg a la 1 of brigLt new tin bn k- et. tLnciitli tLe btrects. 'Tuis 1 rea 1 i ponr,' paid Junes M the I table, n-'i-ntiy. 'Y.-p,' r j lincxl Smith; i 'it'b r-.ur bread, if we pay for it and tLe ! Ian !!a ;y looked relieved. ! Charles Dickt-ns, Jr., Las found him- j ehi. f trophy e,f Lis father's lit-rary sue- , cesc. . Ti e pen nay ba m:phticr than the j t-ord, but it doe-s not rattle aronnd the i heels of a militia colonel so vigoroutdv ; er trip him up eo gracefully as ih sword Ices. O.i the list pronr nade day iu N'ew York's fashionable park, when the 'itc o' tLe city were taking an airiDfr, there were 213 ib gs Pitting in the different cirrirtpM, and b3 little children. A G 'or.iia chi! 1 was born with n trans- conies from the hottest furnace; the briglitept flaph frtra the darkest cloud. The of the late Ibirhara ftrike in Enplun 1 in estimated at SJ,2'tj,0Jij; uear Iv half i" borne bv the men. Without z intrrct it is computed that it will tu'.e and a half jcr.rn to make "i"uu ""'-" the Peed, (he nouo the crop.' Aru: alia i-j orting tn.u fimtied tLeiu j Pf-lvts by putting a three-inch tcorpioa ! au 1 a f. nr-ii.t h tarantula in a gh.zd r-tishb wl to prevent th- ir f seaf .itig, aud j then ei.'it. d them to li.-'it adea lly duel, j in whi-h iho prrplon iuio out victor. I Women are, iu til enlightened conn i trie', the keepers of tho gates of society, i and carry the keys fa their proper ptr ! ton. Henre b e'.ety, iu its ttr.'ctiy soeial I hupi', always Las be-u Hud always must bo cinventii.nal. S.c'ity admits only those r. ham women approve. The P po Las Ipmi '.I an order forbi 1 dirg the p:,!o of p-w-rcd relics. Ho pays iLh!' bus become an a! ue, and that wh.ici." einmies of the Ca'ho lie f.'.'.th tnd th ".irons of filtl y lu-tre, hunt up and p.tcal authentic relics and sell them, especially iu Iljme, to the great pcau hd of the faiihfal, uul ej e Ciiilly of tho foreigners. l)diit:g the last twenty years 121,00.1,. (,U I barrels of petroleum have been pro duced iu Pennsylvania 57,000, (iOl dar inrr the past Hvj yeurs. In liS'10 it was wrth 821 a barrel; the avenge pri"e in IsTS was only SI. 4b Philadelphia ex ported h-t ;eur nearly fcsj0n),0i0 gsb Ions. Quite a number of vessela were el. arid with it for Japan. List year 100,003 tons of roa!, 210,. f (m.f.oj feet of lumber, S2,0'j,),U) wt rth of canned and palt Pa'.mou were exported, front Wa-ihiugtou Territory. H ulroa.l lines are being rapidly extended, and there is abundant iulaud navigation. I Too population nmonnta to nearly 130,000. The Territory is apk'ng for adruihi.ion into the Union as n State. Oae of the yonng attsehes of the Chi nese legation, iu Wathing'on, is consid erable uf a fop, and proves a great at traction for the ladies on account of tho gorgeoiisuess of his oriental costume. II j appeared at an entertainment not long ago in a light-blue brorade silk congregation in Cuieago. 15 in songht to effect a compromise by keep ing up the regular obset vanoes on S itur day, and alsa having a sermon on Sun day. Tue result was that the attendance was largo on S in lay, but dwiudled to almost nothing on S itnrday, and his de maud that all members should be fire sent on the latter dny was ho generally diartgardtd that L Laa resigned. FINLAND t.OVrt liOSQ. I aaw the moon run clear O'er hilla and vali of unow. Nut told my flit Hie track 1 wished tJgti. Vet quickly be bonuded forth; i'r well tuy reindeer knew I u hot oue ealii on earib Tbe aili abieb lead to )'on. Ti.e gloom that winter nut, II iw boud tbe heart forgete, When aommer briuga at lat Her nun that D' ve r aeUl Ha dawned rny love to yon; Hj tltml throiigb joy and paiu, Than a rammer iiiu more true, Tsui never set again. (Jermans and Irish in w York. Btatutice of birth regiatrittion collect eJ from cfS'ial aouica in New Yjrk c;ty, give aome cirions reults. If the figure are trutt worthy the r show that the 03ruian-A-rier:cin population of that city is increasing in a much greater ratio than the Irih-Ameriean. ? the ecu pus of 1S75 New York city contained 199,08 Irish and lCo,021 Germans. In iKiih cases the number of males exceed ed the number of femsle in the propor tion of pix to foir. The number of bildrea bo'n of G'rmw pari'i.ta was ' li.t'li, the luiil.e.- born of Irish parents i was 2 1,23. Thu nearly t -.i?e as many :Ci-rcu children were b'.rn as Irh-h, I although there is apmaller German pop. nlation. It is estimated that of fvery I I ,r0 ehil Irf n born in New York 403 arc ; G -rraan and 211 are Irish, American 211. j This would indicate that the German I breed u destined in time to pnppIaLt tLe ! r il-.t r on this C intinect, but the o'ty cf j New Yjik is not a pafe tept. 11-story j pLows th'-t the Eojlii-h race cot only 1 L'-l 'g its own but cs'iuiil.itoe other racis i that trv to c impute witli it. ThoFOoond ipeniration, though b'-th parents be G. rr.:ari, Pre more t the American than the Teutonic tyj e. The children oftc-a will Lordly ppeak (i-rwan with ! thoir parents, and take n 1 pride ia their IdeiCent, preferring ta be considered I Americans. ((Id nickerj's Muff Waj. Ling y oars after the capture of Klony r.iut, when Andrew Ja'-ks'n was Tris- ! ident, a vi-itor at the White House re- j morko.l that (he poataapfer in Lis town (, no nei-j IV. r ) t au 1-ticu.y iu me President ha J even been heard to call him 'a loiundrel and nrgr-1 the re moval of the ill-mannered ifS-rer. What lortof a person ia he?' in quired the President, The visitor admtttel that the pst-ma-tcr w. s aa aged and honorable man, and incidentally romark&l that Le waa oue of the iiurviv'i.-s of tho battle of Stony r.iint. Wiif.t f paid the Pfckident. rising from hiscLa:r, 'tYas he really with Au thony W;yneat Stony Toint i' 'Ilo certainly was,' replied the Tuitor. 'Veil, then,' said 0.1 II e-kory, 'ly the I'.i-rua! Lo Las a pe.fect right to call me a rrooiir.drel every dry in the week and lo bo postmaster during his natural life." CMI'a trr! IVv. r. Ivir anJ ARna-a rv.ra pn-rmlfr-i in eitrymre. n t ci.e flko bft r it-e ilrft il..ft - i never-faiHiiK and oU:vo ciKe. I'm np in tun f.-rms I .!: rn and l'r. ti.e j l.ame ih I'ref. r-.i.i-' Autl S.-ptie. I'oadei anil I Auti Hi (.lie l'.!:. Ijpb f. ra cr.r. eiiftvtry i- nr until ! tity pii!ir ir tails pre ! takpn: ula l iver I: -eorsto' IMl reery D'' t. j and r'i-j! me A-l:-rs.-l tic I'.itdera or I'.li it. r n ils- p. 1' ivierp Ha 0 -r U.i, I'uU tl.i U r l oi." I. 'vi r 2'icii.ts j . r Ih j m nt I y iLhii. Wl.. n ordi nuK I e ami M o I tietlt-r i.n want 1 o.i-t or pilla, ti.e i.iot.i v in'll:i l !f ' ai: l ..'iret tt- Pru'.W. I' i. w. L'i i S. N i .it It St.. Priiii..!.-;, Ii.u. !. I F ORDS TORE Ao. .1:1 itit 1i4i mi ore stvrrt. Ml I .i.l Mil.-, PUI.IIMol.l if l.i.i.l II .- t I In! ai. I i iriiin i . 1 1 II .u . Ii. .1 . . Il l P.H.-r lljtol W.e , J. -. '!. A; PIANOS tfiS ORGANS ORGANS !'iano:-Wcbcr, Fischer. Home. lor i .i . ....". MMH IK.V l .t At, I i N. I li.irl. !., Iliilliiiii.ra-. tl.l. "FR i EN D S' ELE MENTARY AND HICH SCHOOL, t.nnuAUi sriti'.r.T, nmr n i.i rr. 11 A I TIMOHIt. VI'., l'rrtr.. sin '. i- tf Itnih spn I. -r n n- 'i ..r 1 1. 1. --:!.: .a.-, i.-r c;i t.i -ij-u ii rk. i lli.lrl MV. 1' r l.irl'or n I. i ii.t :en a. t; o' M h.-..o. 1:. .-i. ,,! '. .J .. b .lil v n ma . si. i , .'. f. v., . rl vl. t r'. f. M. I.IMII. I ri'i. tfUi-iriruvivi o y3 P)r. n.lar.l Tin lilim jfbWATEB-WHEEL Ai'ii- il 'Vir. r-.V..r. 'l. ji-.;J-.'rt .it. WJ MILLING SUPPLIES Ol i'K K: A..n.ot J;nwr ut., Jr.-, i-w P AGENTS WANTED POR THE ICTORIAL HISTORY ofthe U.S. TlirKn-dl .ui.r'.t in iu- Ihrlllnn; liut.njr of onr com. try iiibI..- tm ll.i. ftt--.liliK U1 evr . ill. l i t. I. IT. .-.-it tr.lii. .! S.I -r rent. It I II.. I... .1 ,- ,n. I, t- II '.i- ..I th.' I . S. i v.-r ut. i.l.' .l Pti.l fi.r i iti tf-rnit lo Ai. nt, kud -e ii it I1: feu v. ry Ii.m. A.'.lr -.-, NtnoNll. I'I HI lHT.-Q f.T , l''ii!H'.lT''.0, I't. FITS CUKEDl 1 FREE I ! An Infill!!.: and rrini-c!il runody for Flta, FlOlrpay or l-'nllliia r.lrlini-, warr..ittr 1 to 1 11.-.-1 .-.l a .1 IVrinHiirni l ure. "A l-'rre ftutilr" of n. y r.-nj u.tI at'iH-iai- aud a v.iiiuiae 'i r.-atire iit lo any --nff.-r.-r t-nJ:n tue hia I'ct i.m.o uJ A.luruM. Iia. H. U. l:OoT, 12 fi I Plr.-t, N. Y. RieieroJ an.) rurf !, mttiout tlia Injury truaat lunnt, l y l'r. J. A. SH HUMAN'S ayiti-m. Offl", 451 Iti-eaaway. New V.irk. Hi ls k wllb boto grat'tlc lilrnrrft-a of bad etc brfora and aftar pare, mailed for 1J rants, litwara of fraudultat litfliaiuni. ; t $ ; 7 A DAY. AGENTS Uf M AMKII lUHHIIIIIIK, aflr lleor tntl. Rm.-tlitus Nrw. liiial. Mai iTimtiiiut. TurttUli Hit I'lttlrri. ttaiu- r.l Otl Itnrlali a. Arei'.aueoi nag-awi ru. t or C'trculara, addrt-u, Willi tump, V. Pt. FltOT A- I'O., II Id Hi-ford, Mnlne. CARPENTER SAWS, Or en other kind, yon ran 9I Yaarrll wllb ont Sirw )la. blur ao trial It ll .-'it lli-urr than Ittrr. i'lir t.-ib wlU all r.-iuiii of e.iel .a an.l (lia.r. Krut lr! on r.-ri-ii.t l li.Si', to any pari of thr I'nitfd Ma'.. Illuatratrd clrrulari lr.-e. ioo.l Am. wauiri le ev.-rv roiitii an.l cay. aauiwta fc. KOTU k UliO., N-w Oifor.l, Fa. irwi tiavt huudrrda of l.-ttera from men nalns our M. lilii, whoi.y thi-y would not takl f..r II. AS, $ S, & $ $ $ $ I.T l-AHPHTIMir ill It i5 tie. -r .r.1. P PI.T I 1.11. IMi for roonia In ilre nt I'lAair. KPI.T ItiiiiP'IMi and MIIINI1. K-r rlrrular au.l Kampir a.l.lrn.-. O. J. P'AY. lUmdi-ti. N. J.-rwy. in nnnTAi-i-N'T' VvantkO m mi-..uti.eiu lU.UUU ,,,,1 Wntrm ntatra fur tl.o II i an. Imt Tnutuph of Ibr Aa. ) ltM prr Month an.l Kt-uaa. at I in. I HI lr. AnrsH' Hi ef. L-.iinuir. Ky. YUUNG MtN rry frraduat iriii-iit-d a vm n.iaii i.i. Ad-dr.-. K. Valnitlu. tliafr, Jei.MYiar.jaja. nl VoUOKS lii auy HIt,wit!ioul y. H. U I tauil. lot 111 law. t. II. Mt .fin -ate' III. A' iK our f.ruMKt or pu.r kit-yr lor tKmaa'e iimhhiip a hp:ii:iiv. II t t'. tT 7-7A YKUaii.l'l"-i"i"' t" MC-lita. llult I'rre 9111 A.l.trM P.O.Jt KH'Y. Anitifla. Mam. yTTy TTD P Adlr"a lor IU.- nit au.4 uinca lllA i Ui, vl Ureuiiwi. t.i. UaUew. CleTelaad. O OHMSOM'S INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP Labsnurt, 77 ff. SI 5l. 5.-w Isrl Citj. Lira or nun ctt. IKiM IItM. T'rs Ss Ecrsiy Zscwa ta 12aa ! r r:sT' .T"!irTi hjvirif blmIf r : .'i Vf I- ! va -11 l.i-trun. m.t c-.ap.-a t i.tivr. lorf i-i V.'jwa-u. .f. r..dc.i, u. of r . - in-: . i- ii. ti .r. J tn lend h. id to tha .-: ..i:.f ...- 'irr'.J . aoiof mat tribe. 1 '-x; '-r r '.f Kj tmio b.n? imiUr to t' Mr-. Clii'. J .fc m J l f Wj.bint.n i .. . I- a i --.M f w-. j" jfT'riTH- wer I'i: Tljiiilu1 ii the .V I'jrli Urr-i ut Dee. J'-j. !:, t.e t..t:t cf i: Ii are 19 w.Jvljr I .r.. r - .1 i rear . t inti. I. Ilnl but ttt'.t i. tf y.r it ." i-ii-r!. i.reB ili r rarn I 1 v r. f, I.lw cr. j :nd tn a u-al vijl-- r.f .w j t. riai'.ibJ, cTtnanJ N.T.a Vr .' i ' . l.r'. -J .:. 1 Afit'-.ti.'1 f'f !ueh t.-rr j!i!c.:;il.'--i"ir. tuKca It taaay, ..if r - .-r! r -. lit . ttittaiia, h.t a :.p. i . . v i t. :: 1 l f.'.l't tti rott, fian, ' -.-.Itv.-Io a-.'J P rr ( WakiaieUla a : i r.M i. ! -. f - I I tl .1 rrepirid t J ro--. .. t. .. ..,;t i. i i f r ia a--.cci'tul iriiro ' . toi'Mn: -.. '.. .- . t ta-T wor.d; and aiturts . I . t t ! .s r-w'r Ii lb aa-ia noTaJ Wakametkb, the Medicine Mao N-.O.ii z Baa bn ml!".l t.oti:t.!'c!M ard ri' tl. i Ii iK-en Uktn air. Ii i i m d. 'ii.t rl.c l,r..- l'i-Hiriia of i!.e 1Ii...od i.d lti;.aEaof i;..- -r-Tra evfr kiiiwn to in in. 1 ni. B.irn wi"ii nrii-u I repe.-tioa. II art upon Hi" I Is it. II nt I iii..n the Kl Ineja, II r. (s ulnl- III" ll.iwfla. It purillra Ibr llloiid. Il iul:ta tlie ertti ayatrna. Il i.rtii..t Il2''l'"i. It SourUlic, Mrtiultif na and Invlrr orair. II t arries ofTtlie old blood and makes IW. Il i.pmi the porea uf Hie akin, aud lutlut llmliU) l'r.rilrullo:i. It iiv ilra l'c Ih..-berfd.i iry taint, or poit-in In t',u l.wii.cU fcrc:lftra- ?i rof a. a. try. tH-lit, r.i.d l... i.: i.f ri!n d ... k . - a- I .Mi'mii iiUUiur-.. 1 h- re are t.o ?..::: t.;r. ;.:,..! a- nisiiiifeturc., aat.lcan Iw uke-i ler t.m iuoi d.:n! l.-vtw. 01 t? i' i.;-d m d ff h'.i, u.yUatj rupurul ia aaa.aa r. oic.. I P,.vr : ami Niss Vr.u i A..'.i Titf femaS' nra ; i Artt.ipj. Aiui.1 .) urn.. of nisi p-'.-s I l e iii-j:. n lj!'.i;el i t tu huiribia fi la t I.... . t.-.t witli O.r r-d r.a-'ti-.t- of a h ;il f. r.n.l tun ji-tivlty. loreirr'and aiilm..'.e t-. ..f ilatW'. -or -liil' tl(wiiil..Trt. For tale I. v.t I o-i.-m!!)-. rrltellOO. Ti . -..! nl ilie i:..i:.. rr, briefly uamltd, tin i. .live id Pi.' t.f rbartr-'. Mr I - i.. , I; im ; iiinio-t tjniuniily at tne tv, :. ,, .1 i;, r : .-r.! a: J tunr.' ilia '. ..T v..;.. 'i ::i-t i.ij !:' n.e It CMRipimed. thr ..! i i..t.r- t.Ai.a -in,.;. t noun lit Johi;en, i... .i n.c i.:.. hi' ii-vrn lined, aud la kbuwb aa Dr. Clarle Johnson's t?-DlAM DLOOO PURIFIER. rri.; of Large Bottle tl.00 T i-eif Siaall Eoltl.s 60 I i i feo voluntary i..-lim..t.U'a f Kt'oi.e who :,.. ,-u i u rt u ti.- m- i.- of Ut. Job.uiuu'1 l...u:i ill... a s .r.i;., in ; r own viciniiy. TcctLuioniaU of Care Xorth i iii'oliHfi Tv:tmonlala. R .mmen-ts it to all. Wakff I '.if '-, I - :tK... Jan. 2' ls79. Pi-ir.r- I li , j o. ! tLa Indian lllood Hvrin I r'-' ';? '1 from ymr Atrent, V. li. V.iiiira'e, t'. e i: :t pe-ie-.ablo medi ciik ; u-i elite: oa t.'.o t itr, 1: -oil, aud other w.val li'0 bad ow: :i to n o, btveben fal'if up to tli c!virs cf i's Apn.t ; and diet r fnl 'y rtct niuii-Lil it ie tl.o . . p'e of tnia vi-Ciui'j-. il- 1 . i.iiii Marjittrate. Am I'x -.-li- nt "...'i, iae. Pre -tonvi'le. ! ,1. n t' -.. .. ''., Jm. 1. 1'73. lit At Mir : lli. .;; I oeii Tli-ttd wah lUitn ralBlll i-i mv l i b t i 1 I- ' f r three jear.t, I wis aJvi-td to r.r li.'.i m liloou Svrtip and Icin ?v it ii. i il : P ruo moist wood tbau any uid.i:ui 1 1 tilcU Job! Uawkinz. It ireey fi r j : ; i nia-'irm. rae b. u.., ii.intkou C ., N. C, t O r. 8.1H7S. f Ivp3:r:-I w. afll eled aiili Illitumalic ".i -if ,r i.iii!-r-, A..U 1 Uaed niaryreiutsl-.e, l-ttt .' ii'. ! n a n to it ) mo a .v ar.Hl tint 1 1 pT : ,n ..Ir 'i.ifjof v. ir let n IiioodH.rnp from tv.-ir Arn.t, l.n. i g te.tid it mof. I ivt-.i r -.'..1.1.1, n.!r''.fi!:.'.' l l.ifivo it atrial. V. ill'SLt iti.wland. f ir. ' Spm 1's.ii. Eartlatilla, nni.Iiii (.' , N. ll , lb. CI. 1-79. 8ir: I Info l.Mi lioi'.olid wiUi Mun Tain, and roonwd m a-.- I ctieiit from your In dian Blood S'-r.ip t'nn fr m my other medi cine. I therefore iclj. -.unei: 1 it lo all who are cut of bbti'li. y.r.- 1 ctoi'ca Iliaoa. C-.-.roi --t-. Sit. Elo ke :vi!..... ., 1V 7 1S7!. Dtiar Sir: It is w. li el.i.jjs uf Jytht I niw write to y n. liana;; a lo g period of rears 1 havo pnffero I ni'i. li wi h Nearalgia. My whole evuuiu am f d.iifnlly afft-cted. 1 tnol many romudl.a, bat reu.ited very little beuerlt, until I pnn-ur. .1 aomo of yonr Ind an 1) oud Kyrou, tic i outiruiy eared mo. Yonr tu-dieina proves to be aa angel of mercy wberever a knowledge of it vlrluaa ia pogaeas ed by tbe attln-ttd. I tnab yon anoooaa in yonr eflurta to alleviate human auSriug. -I. A. Jones. Cnrod tthen otbor It. nuulei Tiitcd. Mo.aKisik, r.t .iail'.o , 71. O. PoarBirt I was ba.'ly aUliettd, audi am rial to teat fy tbt Junr IuUjui llu.od fyrep liano'ir. d mo when everv ot tin uicrtifinn foil- il. Ieouaidtritavaiustjlomu.uoiiiu. J. Jit Arthur. Another esse of r.henir.atisra Cared. .uvb.l Miiwc.l, of l.ntubMU'U, llnbeaon To., N. C. utitv-tlbat lio i.4 born eurl t.f IlheruiaLrai 1 ' bn n- of tlio Indian ltlood Hyruu and wo'i.d loocainicud ail to ivo it a raouali!d tr;.il la ree!'' for r-ackavhe. l(. -ihivi'l. 1 ...l..t I'j.. N :.. l ib. 21, 1S79. I arh.i : -I aa cnfT. tinrf veiy mn. with the llaekael.e, au.l llueo Jo.-ea of tonr Indian liiood ti mo cart-J no. W. J. Harbor. HI vy l fx I AB.sitv-. t:

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