djihaiham Record. torn II Mi BATE! H. A. LONDON, Jr , FU1TOR AM rlMI'RirllH!. ADVKJtTIKING, I imi. -.,1111', i.i, . i li I Oil.- iirilr, tWu ll4iTtt'tlV On, suunf, iii"Ml, - TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: Onec y, - -Oncopy .Fix inbuilt -Onftcopy, t!noc m-'iitl' . - .V VOL. II. lMTTSr,Ol. CHATHAM CO., X. ('., OCTOI5KH Hi, 1K7D. NO. To the Bereaved I Headstones, Monuments AND TOMBS, , IN THE BEST OF MARBLE. Good Workmanship, and Ohoapest and Largest Variety in the Htato. Yards corunr Morgan and Blonot streets, below Wynn'a liver; stable. Address all commnmoations to CAYTON & WOLTE. Rilcigh, N. C. Steamboat Notice! Tbo b lalnof the F.xpr vs Steamboat :ompv uy will run a follows from Hit- hist of O.-lnb-r nut I further notice; Hit an or V. MrilCllls'OY Cspl. Ali . riaon. njll Unvi. I',nettovillo tvtiv I'm fiav and Fritlav r.t H o'cl t k A. SI., aid Wiln.ii g ten every We.'iiod:iv sn-1 s iturdav at 2 oi lo.-k r. m. Heamer WAIT., 'apt. W. A. Kobesou. will loa'O Ky ttovilln ou SI ii'laix and Thursday at H o'clock A. 51. , and Wilmu glnn on TncV davs ami Fridays at I o'e'ocli I'. M., cohiumm ing iih the Venti rn I: ilrr.n-l at I ajotteviMo on Wednesdays and H ilurdi" .. it. ii;m'ha . Agent at Fnyettov.lln, N . C 65 BUGGIES, Rockaways and Spring Wagons l l'rii-p In'Snil l lii' Tim. . Made of tbo b.l matf rial, and ,iT-t.t.. lo givo entire satirfai-tion. IHXStl.T Oltt OUX I VlfTf'M. Uy giving u a oall t-efor biivin. 1 , a fn I I 't tif Hand Made Harness, A. A M KF.TH AN A fc( N.S, 14nofi3ru Fanrttciillr. X. t . JOHN M. MORINC. Attorney at Law, ,1lritilt.', I linllmni o., N. . I.HNM M HIS... .M.I lll l. A Mr KIN... Of Chatham. Of Oranpn. MORINC & MORINC. V ttonioyai n t tm w. IM'KII M, S. . All tun-mess intrtiittcd to thini will reoooe prompt atuntion. THOMAS M. CROSS. Attorney at Law, riTTioiui v . Will practice in Chatham and eiirroiui.ini:; cntn.ties. Co l-otion of rUivn. A spictaliv KF.OUII A BAItlUNUlU, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. -RKKN!BOail', V . ATTEND THE COl'fTS IS CUAIIUM. BrentM attention given to cases in tho l'ld ersi C n t . a' O-f ot. I ri'. H. aTlONDON, Jr., Attorney at Law, PITTNKOKO', X. Special Attention Pml t Colleotinn. NORTH CAROLINA STATE LIFE INSURANCE CO., OF RALEIGH, . CAR. T. H. CAMERON. rmiirnt. W. F,. ANDERSON, IV V. W. II. HK'KS, Sre'y. The only Home Life Inmanca Co. in tie State. All 1U fund loaned out AT IIOMI'.. and among our own people. Wo On not mul North Carolina money abroad to build up oilier Btatea. It is one of the moat etieccst-ful com panlea of Its age in the United Btatt. Its a acU are amply auftlclent. All lossra paid promptly. Eight thousand dollar paid in tin faal two years to families in Chatham. It will coats, man aped thirty years only five rent a day to Insure for one thousand dollars. Apply for farther information to H A. LONDON, Jr., Gen. Agt. PITT8BOKO, N. C. J. J. JACKSON, AT TOR N E Y -AT-L AW, 1'ITTSBOR if, X. C. 4TA11 buslneaa entrusted to him will re ceive prompt attention. W. E. ANDERSON, P. A. WILEV Prentd.Qt. I'.tht.r CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK, OF It ALEIGH, X. . J. D. WILLIAMS & CO., Qrocars, Commission Merchanta and Produce Buyers, FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. Unlit' IopoldV Stone, ll'cr. nna once a uriiat Dnko Leopold, V hi) had nit a lid wtaUitu, a woll a unld, And used nil tliroo in a libtral way For tin1 ro I of bis ptople, tbo nlorim ps.v. To oo pririmdy what llioy would !, And ho nearly a notion of his esmo tine, Ho went from Ina palace one night alone -When a brooding storm a:.d atarloaa rkioa Hid tin ojret from prjlng eyed -And fot midway in tbo road a atono. It waii nut too big for a man to morn The diil-o wan couliJvnt ou that aooro, Vi'tthc wciphtof the thing aHcnouih to prove The (.trniRthof one'e miiBi-lc- and fometliitig more . 'Sonietbing mi re,' laughed tho dnke aa ho t rodo Tluough wind and rainou his homnward road. 'Thia lime to-morrow I reokou will show I f a notion of mine i correct or no.' I'n iu a miu?ow liib In the palace wall, Hi. wnti'lud in xt day for tho pnora-by, And puinly smiled an they one and all, WlKiethoyfHmdthOHtoiiti, left the ton to lie. A lumbering ox-cart camo along, And ll.iiip, tho driver, waa alnut and strong. One i-'urdy oho.'e with tbo right intent Would havo cleared tho track of impediment, ltul whntovcr appeared to be neodlcHS work, Or work that another nif&ut poRHibly do, IUiik made it a point of duly to shirk. Ilu stopped hia team for a minute or two. And scratched bia head as he looked about For the eaeieel way of getting out: Theu 'I.ncky for mo that the roid in wide,' II j laily mm mured, and drove anido. The next that camo wan a grenadier lliiftli:ig in pcarlot and gold array; And be nlilftled a tune both loud and cloar, Hut bo took uo note of tho rook in his way. When it ragged edges scraped bin knee 'Thunder aud lightning! wfcat's that' saya be. 'Haven't theblookheadii souso eunuch To clear tho road of this port of stuff A pretty thing for a grenadior To Htunibloagamet, aud bark hia phins! If I knew tho raiical that planted it hero Ci, surely' I'd make him aee his sins." Ho clanked hid sword aud be touted hia plume, And be atrutted away in a ttrriblo f 111110, lint as for moving the stone not bo!--It is jin-t.' said the duke, 'aa I thnught it would be.' A lit'lo later, still watching there, Ho fpied on their way to tho villsuo fair, A troop of merchauts, each with bin pack Sirappcd ou a well-fed animal's back. N iw lot us see,' with a nod of bis head Ai:d a merry t Ainklo, bia bighnets paid: 'rorbapn this womhipfnl mnltittldo Will loud a baud for tho public good.' Bui alack! tho company, man and borm, Hardly pained in their onw.ird course. Iimtead of cantering fonr abreast, Two by two they went eaet aud wept; And when tboy had left tho Htono behind -'To think of a thing like, that,' said tlioy , 'iilocking tho high-road for half a di" It never reached tliecolleetivo mind In tbo ligh' of a mat tor that implied Home pi'ttfiblo claim on tho other side. So a wed:, two, aud three slippod pant. The rock in the road lay bedded fnxt, Aud the peoplo grumbling went and came, F.itch with a tongno that was glib to blame, lint none with a baud to help. At last bnko l. sopold, being quite content Willi tho Ikmio of his experiment, Ordered his herald to hdiiuiI a bUl, And summon his xubjocts far and near A word from hi high-born lips to hear. From far and uear at tho trumpet oall, They gatbtred about tho palace wall. And tho duke, at the head of a glittering train, II ide through tho ranks of wondering eyes To the spot whnro the atono so loug had Iain. I will leavo you to pioturo their blank surprise, When bo leaped from hiB borne with a (muling face, Aud royal bands punbed the stone from Its place ! But the stare of aruaoment became despair When tbo duko stooped down with his gracious air, Aud took from a hollow tho rock had hid catket slim with a graven lid. Tiio legend upon it ho read aloud To a silent, and very orel-fallon orowd: 'This box is for him, and for blm alouo Who takes the trouhlo to movo this stouo.' Theu to rained tho lid, and tboy saw the shine Of a goldon ring, and a purse of gold; 'Wlii.'h might have been yours,' said I'uko Leopold , 'Hut now I regret to say is mine. It was I who for reasons of my own Hindi red your highway with the stono. What tbo reasons woro you have doubtless gneiaed lleforo this tinio. And as for the rest, I think tbero is nothing more to say. My doar good friends, I uii-h yon good-day!' Uo mounted Lis horno. and the glittoriug train After their loader galloped again, With sound of trumpet and gloam of gold Thcyllished through the ranks of downcast 1 yes , And the crowd went homo fooling rather 'sold' I'erh,.ps, bowovcr, a lesson lies In tho story, that nono of us need denpise. St. Nicholas for October. MULROONEY IN COURT. Tutor Jlulrooney,' twij tbo dork. 'Peter Mulrooney I' czoiaimed the bteutorirtn crier. Tliflre wnH an answer beyouil, a quick hhi. Dlitig of foot, and an eager whisper iug, in which a touoh of the brogne pre dominated. 'ijileneel' nhontcd tho crier, and then ho again called at the top of hia voice: 'Peter Mulroonoyl' 'Wliint, y nadhnrnt' said Peter.who had heeti all this time standing quietly beside tho other. 'Hure, as I'm not a gossoon lout in a crowd, thero's no nade to bollow after me like a great bnll calf.' Why didn't yon answer, then?' cried the crior, surlily. Arrah, better manners to ycl' retorted Peter. 'Would I be after distnrbin' their honors iu that way; an' I'm a gin tleman of standin' and a teacher of the daeenciei'?' You awear, Mr. Mulrooney?" said the crier, oflering tho book. 'Do joti take me for a hajthen?' said Prti r, ituligiiiiLll.T. 'Suro, it's not le-itp-etful to swear in ft court of jus.tice.' Hut jmi mnfit Hwoar," nul the ch'ih, Kliiirly. 'Did yer honors iver l'"iir the likeH ' that?' a . id Pter,npproi'liiiiar I In- bctieh 'A i'urisliau 111:10, and 11 d.nvint lo.'i!;;ii tuin , too, bitrriu' ho lot a ornj of his hair entirely and put on a H!rani;e 1 xikiug thatch (the tlork woro ft vig) to rilie me Imriliiriotii-ly nud felonii'UR 1;. sworn- bifon' t!:o Tiu" i.f your Uouors acd tho gititlcioeu of tho jnry and the giutlonu'U of tho bnr. .il bnt the vir tue in mo woii'l li t mo do tho same.' 'Mulrooney,' said 0110 of the judges, striving to suppress tho jniveiiug about the mt scles of his lips his aspooiuto was ettitTlog a whito handkerchief into his mouth 'Mulrooney, yon mut bo nwaro that it is always urcusrary for a witness to tuko an oath boforo ho can be permitted to give r vidciioo at tho bar.' 'Sure, air,' auid I'oter, iunocoutly. That is what tho clork required ol yon,' continued the judge, who added, with a faint attempt ut gravity, 'yon will also rcoolleet that it is our duty to com mit auy ouo to prison for contemptuous behavior at court.' 'Long life to your honor,' said Peter ; 'sorru bit I'll dingrneo myself by hurtin' tho fcelin's of auy respectable gray-hair-cd giutlemeu liko yourself, or your bon er's brother yonder, who is atiu' his white hnndkercher to stop tho hunger pain. Deed, sir, I'd bo tnkin' great nhanie to meeolf if I did.' Swear him,' said the judge, nodding hastily to tho clerk, and sinking back in his wcll-cufhioned chair. 'Now, Mr. Mulrooney,' said the coun sel for his friends,' tell us what you kuow about thiR nIT.iir. Peter's stony was a perfect rigmarole. He had been at his friend MoHhauo's bo had returned from it his frieuds had got into trouble with the Germans, bnt us to how tho afTray commenced, his memory, clow r uough before, became suddenly vei.v hazy. All ho couldrecol lect waa that sundry of tho Irish, being eonudly pummeled I y the (Icrmans, pnmmeled their antagonists quite as roundly in return. Tho eross-eiaminatiou now corn rueuecd, nud as IVtor caught np and re pelled every movo of the keen- wittod attorney, tho oontei-t bnt ween eultivated sharpness and native shrewdness became gradually very exciting. 'Well, Mr. Mulrooney,' said the attor ney, 'yon say yon left homo in tho even ing to assist iu oborviug this national cnntom of vou'a. A'loitt what time in the evening?' 'Deed, sir,' replied Peter, with tho utmost simplicity, 'but that bates me to fray. 'Twas bet wight and between sun down and nioourise.' 'You are at loust sure of that?' said tho attorney, quickly. 'Oeh, by the powers! that I am,' snid l'cter, with a ken twinkle of the eye. 'Have you au almanac, Mr. Clerk ? Pray see what time tho snu set and the moon rose on the 6th of April last.' 'iSuu set ou tho 8th of April,' drawled the clerk, iu his usual nasal tone, 'at twenty -four minutes past six; and tho moon rose at thirty-stvou minntoa past eleven .' There was a sudden roar throughout the court, like a surge of waves npon the sea beach ; the face of the prosecuting attorney flushed crimson, when Peter Mulrooney looked the very picture of unconscious innocence. 'You must speak to the point, witness,' said the judge, with all the sharpness he could command; 'your answer is im pertinont.' 'Troth, yer honor,' said Peter, respect fully, 'it's sorry I am for that. Buro, it's tho truth I'm telliu' by the virtuo of me oath.' What o'clock in tho evening was it, sir?' said the prosecuting attorney.whose red noso was now getting fiery. 'S jrra a bit 1 know,' soid Peter. Tiiink; fix npon some daily occurrence for your guide, and thon tell tho juty if it was before or after.' '('ill' taid Peter, after apparently re flecting a little, 'it wiw alter tay.' 'Oh! now wo shall get at it,' said Mr. Ilibulous, triumphantly. 'It was afU'r tea, you say. Well, sir, at what hour do you usually tako ten?' That depends upon eouvanicuce,' said Peter, with an air of most profound thought. 'Sometimes we have tay for dinner, and sometimes we've dinner for tay.' The attorney looked vexed. 'I want to know your usual hour for taking the evening meal we call tea. Is it four, five, six, soven or eight o'clock?' 'Yes, sir, that's the truth,' said Peter, nodding his head. 'Which of those hours?' said the at torney, sharply. If it "ud be pleasing ye not to bo af ther hotherin'a poor boy, I'd be thank ful,' said Peter. 'It's little I know about one hour or tho other; we dhrivotho taytime up and down tho night so.' The attorney bit his lips. 'Are yon married, sir?' asked the at torney. Ob, but it doos bo botherin' me en tirely; suro I think so.' What!' don't yon know whether yon are married or not?' Aisy aisy, if yon please sure its n troublesome question to answer, any w.iy, ir. i tln's 1.0 lie. Miitn-)-;; Hid- 1 dy (' 11.. My omh'1 Mid 1 uiin l v. r j waui-t; '!'it snr." it Mri1'.' ne tloi' I imii.t j he a widoy nor.' I 'A w dower, you r.irat!, I nippre - Your wife i t d ad, then?' 'Who? Uiddy V iiiuollj? Troth, mi-, it's 11 y virions opiuiou tho fa o;il 1 wo man in presirviu' herself for another hu-ibiind twenty years ft-rueiit u.' 'You aro divorced, are ym?" mid th- j att'ii'tiey, l.ioltmg siguincanuy m jury, as much as to say, 'Ilu! ha! here's a pretty witness for you.' Divorced I not a bit f it,' sai l rotor, quietly. 'Separated, then?' That's itl' said Peter, and then burst ing out into a low, rich laugh, ho added, 'Ou, by the mortal, but it, was glad I was when Michael 0 utiolly enmo brick from liisf-hipwroek, and aised my shoul der of my matrimonial dcojivcr.' When, you reached the house of the lato MeShatie, whnt did you and your party do?' 'Wiut iu, sir,' said I'etor, with the ut mont simplicity. 'What next.' 'Gave Dinnn Mi-Shano as daceut a wake as iver was secu out of onld Ire land.' 'Now, Mr. Mulrooney, you have told us yon were prosent when tho riot took place. I wish you to state distinctly who commenced it.' I'd like to kuow, av it please ye,' said Peter, humbly, as he smoothed tho crown of his hat, 'I'd like to kuow av a wire and nuderstaudin' gintlemr.u like yourself can tell me, when two dark clouds come together and strike light niu', which of tho two struck first?' 'This is no answer. Clouds cannot be comparod witli two parties of druukeu men.' 'I think the answer quite portineut, Biiid the attorney for the defense, with a smile, 'for both men and clouds appear to bo charged with fluid.' Ah, alii' said Mr. 5ibu!ons, undoing significantly at rotor; 'ah, ah! tho man is no fool, I see.' 'I'd bo very sorry to contradict yer experience, said Peter, smoothly; 'au sure I'd liko to return tho compliment, but for the virtuo of me oath." 'What kind of a piooo of road was it whero this affair took place?' said the attorney, angrily; 'was it straight or crooked?' Nath'rally it waR as straight and purly a piece a road as voa would like to look at ; but circ'umsti.utially it was an crooked as a gentloraau that had lost his temper,' said Peter. 'How do you make that out?' Sure, 'twas tho liquor made the dif for.' 'Oh, then, you confess to your party haviug been drunk ?' 'It's my Barious opinion that it was thom (iarmins that w.-s bating about like a wreck at say, an' that my frieuds behaved th.mielves like dicint paple; but it is not aisy to say.' When yon were at MoSuane's, did you eat and drink?' 'Sure, sir, what did we go there for ? Would you have us starviu' wid tho hun ger on au occasion the likes of that?' 'Certainly not of course certainly not. Now, please tell the jury what the refreshments consisted of.' 'LiHhins of atiu and dhrinking,' said Peter, boldly. Never mind tho eating; what kind of drinking had you ?' 'Poteen,' said Peter, 'wid the true flavor of tho pate about it.' Poteen! poteen!' said the lawyer, as if affecting ignorance of the liquor. Pray, Mr. Mulrooney, will you oblige me by stating what poteen is?' Arrnh!' said Peter, slyly casting his eyes at tho rubicund nose of his ques tioner, 'as if he didn't know.' The prosecuting attorney, with his obnoxious nasal organ growiug redder and redder, turned to tho bench and ges ticulated vehemently. What ho said could not bo hoard amid tho storm of laughter. 'Silence!' shouted the crier. 'Witness,' said the judge, absolutely suortiug iu the effort to maintain a be coming gravity, 'this cannot ho allowed any louger. What is the reasou you evade a direct reply to tho question ? Answer him; he must bo answered. ' 'Troth, sir, I'll do that thiug. Tho r.iyson, sure, I supposed it was making fun of me he was,' 'Why should you suppose that ?' said tho attorney, fiercely. 'Uekase, as I looked at yer Veshuvius of a nose, I thought yon innst have been well acquainted with the crster.' The jndges fell back und exploded; the prosecuting attorney sank into a chair as if a ten-pound shot had fallen suddenly upon his head; the anditor were almost purple in tho face, aud there stood Peter, looking all about him with a sort of inquiring wonder upon his face, as if utterly unconscious of any cause for such a noisy outbreak. 'Have yon done with tho witness?' 'Let him go,' said the attorney, sharp ly; 'I can do nothing with him.' Peter's eye now fairly twinkled. As he left tho box ho drew down the cor ners of his mouth with the utmost sov ereigu contempt. 'Anghl' he muttered; it 'ud take a doz en littlo red nosed men to bate Peter Mulrooney ayther with tongue or the shillelah, 1 does be thinking.' I he Oldest it) in A iiierlr.i. Tli sin-it if .St.. A iifMist !!.", I'm., are nil v. ry ti;irr'..w, uiot-t of tii.-ni In inf.' but tw. Ive feet iu wi.Ub, the oviihuug ins? I..tle..i,i: s n urly mei-tii ej iu jil;nvi, which wa'-Vii'itlc1, a great convenience to the 1 1 1 ;J..'i'.rsh resident", who could chut anil tdiunfl Imtiiln with their neigh bors .vro's iho w.iy, or stab them with facility should circumstances jus tify mHi a prow-ding. A hundred years or so ago hornes or vehicles were not nllowed infi lo thn ciy gnt.'p. Tho gar dens ore well st:ic!!e l with a great va riotyof hopionl fruit, ine'u bug lemons, limes, orAngtvi, guavas, figs, bananas, oliris, citrons nud pomegranates. The dnte palm prows thriftily, but produces 1.0 fruit. Most, of the public edifices and many of iho private dwell in en are bdiH of coijniun, a ituiqno conglomerate of fiuo shclli and Hand, found iu largo iitiintitios 011 Annstasia island, at the entrance of tho hirbrtr. Tho ancient fortress of Sin Marco (known since the change of fl'tgs as Fort Marion) deserves more than a passing notice. It wis constructed by t.l.iveand convict, labor, nud was a hundred years iu building. It was completed in lT5f!. Its ca"telb'tod battlements, its formid able bastioiid, wilii their frowning guns; its lofty and imposing Bully-port, sur rounded I y tlit royal Spauieh arms; its moat, its drawbridge, its commanding lookont, tower, and its massive moss grown walls, all portray its antiqnity. Within its walls are gloomy vaults and dungeons. A subterrnueau pnnsago is said to conuoot thy fort with a neigh boring convent. Aueieut, partially dis mantled, and for all purposes of defense abaudoned forever, it still furnishes food for fancy and reflection. A hundred years in bnildiug ! How many hopeless captives from rcrossthe oa grow griit in its construction, and with dying eyes gazed upward at the massive, unfinished walls on which i-ue-eeeding generations should toil and sicken and din ns they bad done? A hundred hopeless jearR dragged their clow length over the wintorless earth before the great work wan Quiche. I, The architects who had devised its construc tion were dend; those who had laid its foundations were forgotten, aul even the necessity for such an undertaking had well uighp' away ere tho last s'.ono was h:id and the labor of n century completed. Although nt present but a show town and city of bon'ding-houHCH, St. Angus fine has bem tho theater of runuy historical events, r.r.d the scene of nu merous w.'is, sieges' nn 1 maHsaeros. l'.mndcd by the Spaniards in 1505, it was a place of note and importance when the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth, more than half a century afterward. Its narrow streets wire filled with life aud activity, aud the population within the confines of its walls lived aud died, and bought and sold, for two hundred years beforo the Declaration of Independence. The old cathedral, with its chime of rusty bells, aud the pls.u iu which the remaius of the Spanish market house arc still to bo seon, form interesting fea tures of tho qnii'jt littlo city; aud, taken as a whole, there is nothing to conippro with it in tho United Statrs. feminine Ilevlop. A jeweler of high standing stated that some young ladies, whose parents keep accounts with him, frequently want somo ornaments for au eveuiug, and iu stead of renting them from a louder they got him to soud home for their mothei's inspection some set that suits their fancy. It is worn that veuipp, aud returned tho uext day as unsuitable. This, and other devices of a similar nature, are re sorted to by Fcheruing females to deck their person with valuable ornaments', without incurring any expense other than thotclliug of a few falsehoods. Tho jewel-lender, however, has come to the repcno of the jeweler, and by renting his wares society can cover itself with hired glory, sail under false pre tenses, and create tho impression it de sires so long as it is willing to pay tho vulgar usurer for the borrowed plumage. This business is increasing from year to year, a -1 jewels aro loaned not for festal show, but are furnished for funeral-attending, call.-:, and even shopping expo btions. Fnle Friends. A Texas newspaper gives t!io follow ing news paragragh from Johnson coun ty, in that State; 'A lndy was visited by two of her lady frieds, who spent the day with h'r. She told them of lately having ooruo in possession of a large sum of money, and that, the absence of her husbind annoyed her breanse she was afraid ot beiug robbed. That night a ftannger stopped at her house, and dnriug the night, beiug awakeue l by a noise in the lady's room, ho looked through the wiudow and saw two negroes choking her in hor bed. He fired on them nod killed both, and just then two persons ft 'd from tho house. On inves tigation it wris found that tho negroes were the lady's guests disguised, and it is supposed that tho two who fled were their husband". The diffoienoo between a woman and an nmbrelht is that the latter can be vhut up. A Virgiuia paper hns been calling the watermelon a green-bide monster. Hints Tor Wash a. Whether to huuk tha clothes over night or not is a much disputed quos lioti with housewives. Where puro cis te rn water e .n be had it is doubtless an aiivautsge; but to soak clothes in Lar-1 wt or sols the nta:ns rather than re moves them, an I river water, ny.less fil tered when drawn i ff in qu tutities. cs a mlo o m'aiiis so nnnh mi:d that it is apt to streak the clothes soaked in it for fit,y eor.sidi rable time. Wringers are a blessed inveutiou on the whole, al though hard n buttons. Hut flannels should not be pasel through them, as they rub tho wool up into little hard unps. Clothe should, if possible, bo dried in the snu and iu tho open air, sud 'never yet. did housewife notably greet with a smilo a rainy washing day.' Hut when M' ndny is rair.y it is not always convenient to postpone the weekly wash. Iu Hint case shoots aud any other large while pieces which arc uot to bo starched may ho hung out in tho rain, which will bleach rather than injure them. If possible, haug tho smaller piescs in au unused room up stairs, when tho rent may usually be dis posed of by banging at night on lines stretched across tho kitchen, whero the heat of the firo will di v them before morning. I'.IaukotH night never to bo washed iu rainy weather. Select a bright summer day for the work, and let it bo done and through with. Have two people to wring tl.oui. Mid ttrttch nud pull them carefully when putting on the lines. Theu pull and fold them dry, aud put under profs instead of irouiug. A Sharp-Willed Judu'e. A toiilp'.or bad sent a Marble Venus to some international exposition or other, and wheu it nv.o'ued its destination, lu! one of the hands had hern huooke.1 off. The furious artist brought suit ugaiust tlie railryit.l company for dnuuigc-H, ami ho j'nlge (who was the brother of the railroad cotopui y's. president) deeMed a;j follows: If a work of art i one of f ransceudcut- al merit Its value is not impaired by mutilation. Thus, the Venus of Mdo, though both arms Live been broken off, is nevertheless of priceless worth. Ou the other hand, a stutuo f a common- placo aud inferior character is robbed of most of its v.tluo by such an accident. It reru.iius f r tho arist, therefore, to aid tho court iu appraising the value or this statue.' Ob, the statue!' sni 1 the artit, hun grier for ga;r than for glory; 'the tutu didn't amount to much it was what you have called a commonplace an ! inferior piece of work in fact, I may ray it was almost worthless.' 'Mr. Clerk,' said the judge, the plaiu- tiff swears that bis statno was almost worthless, consequently I will allow him live frau's dainige, which, on his own showing, is very liberal, the judgment not to carry costs. I thought I had him either way. Oil the ui xl oso. Anecdote of n Celebrated Doctor. The renowned Df. Ahernethy was a mau of sharp wit au l biting tongue, but was sometimes brought up with a sharp turn. Ou ono occasion the doctor was forced to own that ho had tho worst of it. The etory uius thus: He was sent for ono day in great haste by an inn keeper, whope wife had in a quarrel scratched his face with hor nails to suMi an extent thot tho poor man was bleed in? aud ranch disfigured. Ahernethy thought this an opportunity not to be lost for admonishing the offender, aud said, 'Madam, are jon uot ashamed of yourself to treat your husband thus the husband who is tho head of nil your head, in frc?' 'Well, doctor,' fiercely rctnrncd the virago, 'and may 1 not scratch my own head?' A gentleman once asked Abornethy if ho thought the moderate uso of suuft would 'injure the brain.' 'No, Mr,' v.hs the doctor's prompt re ply; 'for t.o man with a single ounce of brains would ever think of taking snntT.' Iniiipai'atito Mroiurth or FvplosMCs. The report of tho l'nito.1 States board of army engineers, just published, pre sents the following iLtoi-os'jiig tii.'le us the result of two vi-nrs' thorough trial of the relative uVieroy of the various modem explosives, taking ordinary dy nariito as the standard: Dynamite, No. 1, 100; gun cotton. 87; dualin, 111; rond rcek, !'t: dynamite, No. 1!, si; Vulcan powder. s-J; mica powder. 811; nitro fcly eorino, SI ; Hercules powder, No. 1, IOC; Hercules powder, No. 2, H.'t. Lyons hhot Van Doren in se'f defense at Vevpy, lnd., last yeir.but did not kill him. They lived on aljoiuiug farms, and so had the convenience for keeping the quarrel going. A few days ago Ly ons' sou said that his father had need lessly bungled the job of shootiug Van Doren. and proposed to undertake it himself. Ho lay in wait by the roadside for Von Djren, who was coming from the village on hor. eback, and, when his victim got opposite, coolly rested a gun across the feuce, tok a;in very deliber ately, and shot him through the '-rain. 'I guess that was a success,' tho mur derer remarked as he and a neighbor ex amined the detnl man. ITEMS OF (iKM'HAL IMEKKST. A boy of six years was Pinftherod pt. Wake, N. C, while playfully hiding in cotton. The Ooorgia State tax this year in only thirty-five cents on tho ono huu dred dollar0. Thirteen hundred pieces of property were fo'd 011 sale day in Charleston, S. C., for Htite tax. A Sau I Vaucisco man was caught alter ing the figure:; on his mother'., tomb stone, his o! ject being to make th date suit his purpose in a lawsuit. Two alligator eggs hovo been pn Rented to the editor of tho Sanford, Fin., Journal, ea h measuring sotoii and a quarter inches in length by five aud a qnaifrin diameter. M. Augusle Heunessy, who died re. crutly at C ignac, l'rat:ciit the age of sevcnty-c'gl t, was a member of th" French senate, but was much latter known ns a producer of brandy. Americans are making lioavy purcunm s of hoop ii'ou in I'.vglani'. One firm in South Staffordshire is winking at mi order comprising l.O'io tons, and it is looking for furlher business of tho ramo sort. Several of the bed known of Mr. Saukoy's and Mr. I'.iiss' hymns are being translated at Luckuow, India, into tho vernacular of the.t country, for uso iu a Christian church of which nuativt is the pastor. Georgia j npi rf eo;;iid am of unscrup ulous pei'Pi :ih killing of)' the trout in the taonu'.iii'j s' reums by i t,.!(cin:g tor pedoes iu t .:o 1 i'cji poo is wht. re I ho flsli eougregiite, u:- ! a; pen: to iV !eghl 1 tute to stop it. Toe CaicnKo, IS t:k Jshu-.u aud I'ncilio railroad hns j ist paid off a moi tir ie of i:j,"u0,0'0 which wua held ou all of its property. 'J'no i.e:' rumen! boiv ;'4',,oil(i worth of revenue stttii'-i i.n 1 !i;l 1m on stai'ding th': 01; yeui: . Within tiio twelvemonth -10,-000.000 ha-, lvr,: xr:icted from the reiue:, ut l.:a lv;llo. nud tho tiold to-day ifi ct;nif-d -t i;!.r-t5t sl,.ooO,('in j-fi-mouth. The pi pui'it- ai is steadily 'in creasing, and tho town ilsolf i-. a pin feet hive of industry. Daring the month o! duly, there worn exported from HoMou, New York, Philadelphia, Haltimori , Sau riai eiRcti and other I'uiteJ Sta'os port-, fitMCiJ 2so ('Hons oi potrolt 11111 and pc'roleim: products, tl:o aggregate vii:io of wiiieh araoui.tod to Sl.'Jvli'l. dipt. Limbert K.'aus, wli'loon b-.r.rt his schooner, in Cucsapoafcc bsy, dreamed twice the same iiUiht that his vessel was run down by 11 "'earner a.l that he dror-ned. :i In nr or so sifter tho M'hooiur was r-trock by n steamer, and the captain knocked over board and seen no more. It is stated fs tho result of experience, by old railroad engineers, that in all cases of apprehonde l collision, if (he speed of the triin cannot be t fl'-cMi'illy cheeked, and a collision b.- itns.voMnhto, the safest course is to got all the speed possible, as the rl we:t train invariably receives tho most damage. A Philadelphia In lr h the owner of a vahible relic iu the shipe of n niiiiiu seript c py of Wesley's nymns in the handwriting of their author. Thebo'.k desccuded to this Inly from her grand father, to whom it was giveu iu partial payment of a d. bt by the sou of tho man who printed the (irs! edition of thehymio'. A Jacksonville, I"io. , druggist, has a ppleuuid young mocking bird that will go and come as onion d, turn somer saults, run around in a circle, march, fetch aud carry, hoj on one foot, pick up coin, and do many other pffty tricl's. He leaves his c:igo at will, goes um comes as he liko.s, an I seems to idolize his owner. Dandelions are not only cultivated largely iu France, when- they are highly esteemed for preens, but are also frown quite plentifully nronud Hoston for tins purpose, l.irge qunntitns are forced for early sale under glass. Tho roots arc transplanted from the Molds ill S;p teruhor and net 111 a bed prepared for tho purpose. luring H recent aMrotic cutest m New York, nearly all the records wore beaten. Amot.g the fiv.l'i performed were: A S'vc'i-i;hIo walk in l)fly-lU. minutes and tliiity-ai and n-half see onds; t one hundred-yard run in forty nice ami onc-ti'ghth seconds; 11 mi!.' inn iu four minutes nud thirty-seven '-'-id two-fiflhs seconds. Major Pierre Civagni'i, the P.ritish resiiten. who died iu the r.treit 1 of C' bul, wan ! l'onnp.irte through his de scent on the nistr-i uid side, from Luoien, prince of C-mii.o. The first of the Ho napartos to full in tltjht hnvo both met death in the current year, iu English uuiforms, against savage enemies, and iu contests which had not. even tho dig nity of battl es. Tho true n;v. x of this (viptiueiit is a grand plateau, OODI) feet above t!io h vol of the sea, in tie 11 )cky rumulain 10 giou botwern t'.ic Yollowst-ouo livi 1 aud Orreu Kivcr City. There are Iho waters of the 'Two O.'ohus,' a npiiug whoso wub'rs aro divided in a pars of Ihnt name, audwloch flow fin the one pi lo to the Ct ilfof Mexico via the Yo!h -ws t' lio atul the M s-onri, r.n 1 ou the other to Iho Pacific ocean through toe Columbia river.

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