Ojhatham jucord. attorn H. A. LONDON, Jr., OF F.DlTOIt AM IM! tl'l.'l l.l" A 1 VKJIT 1 S I NO, lir , III-,-, IMm- Mjlintl', I .' t. iM-.h , Of,,' -HIIIP, -'! I'l !,!!!, - (t.OS l.,V 2. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: Onerti) y cine yvar, -One cnpy , M tw.n I tin -Cue copy, throe month-, . VOL. II. 1,ITTSB)K CHATHAM CO., N. ('., NOVK.UMW (5, N7i. NO. tyt To the Bereaved ! Headstones, Monuments AND TOMBS, in Tint BEST OF MARBLE, Good Workmanship, and Cheapest tod Largent vansty in tne male. Yards ooruer morgan ana mount atreeis, Deiow wynu s livery Biautei. Addreea all commnnioatiou to QAVTON ft WOLFE. Raleigh, N. 0. Steamboat Notice! The boats of the Exproeg Hto.Mulm.it Intima cy will run a follows from tho Bret cf October nntu rnrlhcr rot ice: HtH.mnr n Vt llPntqnv il,.i... rlaon, will leave Fetteville everv Tucmlay anil tiVM.V t fi .C1.u,lr A Kf V;1. ton every We;luoadi,y and Hatur'day at 'i o clock lt . it. n. xt-.iimBuii, win leave Fsyettevillo on Mondav and Thursduy vi' ti ui., anu minilli(Uiu Oil JlU'ri- dav and Friday at 1 o'olock P.M., cnntiootiiiii with the Western lUilroad at l-ayettoville on , vuuvbuajtb iuu n&iuruaYB. .f. . niLt.i.i.its a- to. Agents at Fa.vottovillo, N. 0. 65 BUGGIES, Rockaways and Spring Wagons At I'rlres lo Hull the Time., Made of tho brat materials, and warrauted to Bivo cutiro satisfaction. ro.vsrxr rot'B oir.v ixtkhkht, By giving ns a oall before buring. Alo, a full lot of Hand Made Harness, A. A. MeKEHUN A SONS, ocJtnoeSm Fauettet Ulei X. ; JOHN M. MORINC. Attorney at Law, .tlnrlngivllU, Ctimbnui t o., N. . K'HNM Mlhl...., Of Chatham. ALFRr.li A M HINil, Of Orange MORINC & MORINC, A- ttor noya At Xj n, nr. nrnii.t.vi, n. f. AU bncineia intrusted to them will reeoivo prompt atleutiou. THOMAS M. CROSS. Attorney at Law, riTTBORO N. f. Will practice in Chatham and stirrnutidiug onnnties. OollfOhon of olaiuia a specialty. KEOQH BARRINGKR, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. nEEBORO', N. t . ATTEND TOE C0VHT3 IN CHATHAM. Breela! attention given to causa in the Fed crsl CouiUatOrt-enehoro'. H. A. LOrCi , .Jr., Attorney at Lnw, JWSpeoial Af'ti' i.-ti I'-i. CtMl.nin;. NORTH CAROLINA STATE LIFE INSURANCE CO., OF RALEIGH, . CAR. t. H. CAMERON. Prttilent. W. E. ANDERSON, IV Y.. W. 11. HICKS, Src'y. Tha only Home Life Insurance Co. in the State. All 1U fund loaned out AT IIOTIK, and among our own people. We do not send North Carolina money abroad to build up other Btetea. It la one of the moat successful com panies of Its age in the United States. Its as sets are amply sufficient. All louses paid promptly. Eight thousand dollara paid !o the last two years to families in Chatham. It wtll costs man aged thirty years only live cents a day to Insure for one thousand dollars. Apply for further Information to H A. LONDON, Jr., Gen. Agt. PITT8B0KO', N. C. J. J. JACKSON, AT TOR N E Y -AT-L AW, riTTSBOHO', X. c. tSTAll business entrusted to him will re. eelve prompt attention. W. I. ANDERSON. Pra.ld.at. P. A. WILKT, i'a.hi.r. CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK, OP RALEIGH, X. ('. J. D. WILLIAMS & CO., Grooers, Commission Marchanta and Produce BiTers, PAYKTTCVILLE. N. C. In IMontita. 'Iiir?t! are iiiut:ti.i ol happy lovers All ov r (ho Bwoot on: th to-nicht, ft 'd I h tlmt am blistered with kie, I'.yi h dininud it) tours of delight. Dill where i re tho lips, warm and tender, Tl.Ht my lipa mo yearning to kisn? kni where are tho dnrk even whoso glaucca Wuvld tlitid mo with trembling of blips'.' Alan, my lie'ovt d ! why la it l'"!o erofri'.i and bothers u thus -Hi kind in .) ho gentle with otlieiM, Hd harih and to cruel to us ? Why is it that wi . of all loverx, Mnxt long fur each other in vaiu Must faiu for Love's bliss, and forever Ho fod with the inptieut pain V Are tho angels afraid that our loving Will bring dowu their heaven to our feet, Thut they oross their white pinions between ns, Forbidden na ever fo meet t To night, while wo dream (aro you dreaming ) Ob , coino to me, deart at. and Bee no.? in idcep wo will cheat and elude them Who aro korplng you parted from me ? Cemo olofo and kneel down where I Blumber In dreams none oan wrest ns apart ; Lot tho firo aud dew of your kisses MoU down through my lips to my heart, Till I fwouu with the joy of your presence, Dumb raptnre my soul overpowers, And the curious angels discover How tame la their heaven beside ours i' A TALE OF THE FAIRIES. Several old erouos were asscrableil in draco M-Donagh's kitolicu, Jrinlaug ber Lcitltb ouil tlint of bor new bora daughter, who bavl justbeou il reset el, mul was laid dowa to aleop at tbe foot of tbo bee?. A tribe of brothers and sisters tvt r j acked iuto the lnrgo bud in the iDner room: but poor Graoo was as well pleased with the tiRly, red-fneo I new- Oimer as if she had been her only child. A kind mo! lit r, excielleut wifo, aud obliging coighbi r, draco wna very pop ular: so the good wonieu iu the wide chimney-ooincr drank ber health very heartily, and wished Joseph Mcljnftgh at the Hrtnie time joy of the child nnd of his nrw sitnntiou, that of bailiff to Mr. Todd, of TtuuciKUit Castle, Tho honhe was built in an exposed spot, on tho Kido of n hill that rom- mandrd u view of a large portion of the propel ty to which McDouagh bad jnt been rnado bailill. Djwu bolow was tho castle, nestling in gnrdeus and plantations, aud beyond it lay the old town of Htinorann, aud the lough, bold tnottutaiiiR j nlo in thedibtutico bouudiug tho horizon. It was nu bxteuHtva nnd brnntifnl laudwapo, but the Mi l lounchs had uo idea that the situation was pic tnresqne; they knew that it wat cold aud bleak, and ixpcecd to cvt ry wintry storm tliat RWopt ticrosa Lnngh 8willy. As Oraco slept, and her attendants oaroiiBfd by the flreaide, a feeble little wail was heard. Mrs. Roouey got np and went ovor to tho foot of ihe bed where she bud Inid the infant. What wsb her amazement to seo.two babies where she had planed bnt one! Two little) pnekered fuet-s; two lilac print frocks: two white piuaforesl There did not appear to bo tho slightest differ ence bctwoen them. Mrs. R.)oney'8cry of terror and astou- inhmerit brought all the women rvtiud the bed, and awakened tho poor weary mother. F.ielamntions of 'Save us!- 'Dear, but that beats nil!' mingted with the feeble wailings of the two babes. 'What '11 wo do, auyway? There's something bad an' uncanny hero!' cried Mrs. Rxmey. 'Which o' these weans is the rieht ane?' '(,ie them to me, an' hand me thon big knife off the dresser,' taid the mother. 'I'll kips them baith, and the one my heart warms to will be my ain child: as for the other one I'll just settle it wi' the knife.' 'Stand baok, you women, there,' com manded Mrs. Rooney, speaking author- tativcly ib her charaoter of nurse. They obeyed, sitting down again beside the Are. Now gie them tome,' said Grace, hold ing ont her hands. Mrs. Rxmey banded her one of the infants. She kissed it, and laid it be side ber on the pillow. My heart warmed to it, Molly Rao ney dear: that's my ain child. Now gie me the wee rascal that's come to this bouse for no good end.' She took the eeoond babe and stretch eel out her shaking baud for the knife, prepared to out its throat: but at that very instant there was a noise heard overhead, and a small, beautifully dress ed, aud very pretty lady came down the wide chimney, using the chain of the crook as a ladder. She bounded over the fire, across the room, and stood be side the bed. Inoneeeoiud she had snatched the child out of Oraoe's bands, ami ran back to tho tire place, turning to shako it at her, hi she cried, 'You'll rue tbe day yon tried to hurt my child. She sprnng upon the hob, put her tiny dainty feet iuto the links of the chain one after another, mounted them as a staircase, and was out of sight like a whirlwind. 'Oh, my poor wean,' sobbed tho ex hausted mother, sinking back upon ber pillow, 'she'll bae yon yet I' 'Na, na, Grace,' said Mrs. R xuey in soothing tones, 'she'll not get your wean ; but it '11 tak you to watch it weel, an' never leave it ita lane in the house unless yon put the tongs across the crniUe. Rut sure you l.u' plmity o' ehilder to wiiteh it,' Joseph McDonngh 'u spend inr the night in a neihborV cabin, ntid Mu women were reully afraid to venture out of-doora to call him ; besides what good could ho have done h.ul lie been there? They sat on, telling quintet and strango stories about the) wee follt, some of which hiul been told them by their parents, nnd others that had e-onio under their own observation ; bnt all agreed Hint so strnngn a circumHtauco as tliut jiibt witnessed was a bad thing for tho neighborhood, and especially for the McDonagh family. 'I never affronted the 'gentry to my knowledge,' sighed the poor mother, 'but Joe hslpcd Mr. Todd's gardener to out down tho old hawthorn-tice on the lawn Friday was eight days; nn' thore's them that says it's a very bad thing to do. I fleechod him not to ton oh if, but the master offorod him six shillings if he'd help wi' tho job, for the other men rcfusod.' Kiio sighoj again and chut her eyes. That's tho way of it,' whispered tho crones over their pipes aud poteen; 'that s just it. The gu le man had had the ill luok to displease tho 'gentry' nu' there'll be trouble in this house yet.' Graco did not hear these cheerful pro phecies, for she had dropped aaleep. Wcoks passed nnd tho uugmy had not been fulfilled. Little Eliza throve apace, but ber mother never lo.st sight of her for a momt'ut. She lay fust asleep in her cradle near the fire ono day, while Grace, standing at the dresser, was occupied iu cutting up vegetables with the large kuife. All at once a tumult of the elements arose, A rush of cold wind hurried np the mountain, and whirled around tho house. Grace was ttartled nt the sound and dropped the knifo in terror. Tho door burst npen,nud the hurricane, dashed into the kitchen, overturning tho cradle, and driving it, bottom upward across the floor, Grace ran to lift it up and see what had become of the baby. Tho lit tle creature was crying, and both her pretty, straight ankles were twisted and her feet turned inward. It was long before she ceased to scream. Tho storm subsided as suddenly as it had arisen, but the mysterious evil it hud brought the child did not end. She became, sickly aud very fretful, aud the other children grow weary of nursing her. They had been very fond of Eliza, but they now beptu to disliko her, aud the poor overworked mother could hard ly ever lay her out of her arms. Weeks, months, years weut by. Elissn was five years old, but looked liko a child of eighUeu months, so small nnd shrunken was hho. She still fitted into the cradle, and therein spent most of the day. She had been a very sorrow ful burden to her ruuthertdl those years, nnd ber cross, fretful temper bad driveu joy and contentment far from the cabin. The healthy, rosy elder children were sometimes so provoked with tho wailiug sibter that they would have hurt her if their mother had not watched them very carefully. But though o sickly, Eliza was much clovererthnuauy of her strong brothers or sisters. She said extraordi nary things, that were repeated from house to house in the neighborhood. Mrs. R wney, happeuiugto pay Grace McDonagh a visit ono day, saw Mutt, the eldest brother, givo F.lizt a wicked pinch as he passed tho cradle ; aud whn the nnfortnuate child's howl had a little fcnbsided, the wiee neighbor took upon herself to speak a word iu season. Do you mind what happened the night that wenn was born, Grace larliuT Dj I miud it? Richly I mind it, Mrs, Rjoney.' 'An' tho time ber feet was turned in?' 'Ay, it's weel I mind it.' Wool, Graoe, if you tak my bidding, you'll no let the ehilder offer to touch thon wean to hurt ber ; for if yon do, knowin' what she is, some black trouble 11 be coming to this honso.' 'Is it a wee elf, then, Mrs. Rxmey dear, that was put in tho placd o' my ain child, do you think?' 'Is it?" cried the neighbor scornfully; a' you ax me sioh an iuuoceut question, an' you working wi' thecrathnr these five year? Sure enough it'tt an elf, Grace McDonagh ; au if you hurt it, yon ain child will be hart oil just as imioh ; an' if it's kilt in this house, your ain child '11 come to its end where it is, and that's wi' the 'gentry' in their grand parlors underground, as sure as I'm a living sinner this day !' concluded she, dropping her voice to a -mj sterious whisper. Poor Grace was deeply impressed. She called her healthy children aronnd her, and threatened them with all man ner of penalties if they ventured again to ill treat F.liza, promising to ooruplaiu to their father, of whoso more energetic correction they all stood in much terror. Rut she hud a tenderness for the wailing child, eo bated by the rest of its little world ; and although she believed Mrs. Rooney, she belitvod ber most uuwil- lingly. 'Maybe the poor orathur '11 not be very long 'roublesome. She looks bnt sickly ; she'll die quietly, an' you'll get rid of the trouble that way,' said the wine Mrs. R iouey, in comforting accents, as cbe got up to take leave. Graoe sighed. She took E'iza out of the cradle and pressed her to her bosom. Even though she were a changeling, she i iyii!' ! urtrlo the woman's hrnrt thau I hi r child. fFio-vinx up Miinewhere 1 or other in fa'ry-htr. 1, svd tho did not ; n ii-!i to see her die. For tho true F.lizn, f.Joleu at a f w weeks old, was almost for .'.'often ; while this titifoitininto elfin Eiizi was a d.iily triul of love nnd pattcuce,aud had In eu ho for Are year. J.iBeph McDonnell, as Mr. Todd's bidlilT, had often daui;croim work to do. nt;d Graie was nurafy about lr'm if ha .id not return ut the usual hour, lie went out ono morning to Ferve several tjoetmeiit proceFes upon teunnts at some ilihtanee from Ittiucraua, saying ho hoped to bo nt homo by four o'clock ; but the duy waned, aud there vrnn no nigu of him. 'What's keeping htm, anyway?' was the question that Graco askod over and over nf-aitt, as elm paced the little yard on the look-out for her hunhainl, for getting that bor offspring, herding cat tlo iu tho field, or playing ciueless'ty in tho guttor, could uot answer, 'Mother,' said Elizii, from her cradle, my father's iu sair troubhi this minute, bnt I'm away to holp him,' She lay unusually quiet for a quarter of nu hour, stioiutug to be iu a drowsy state, 'Rat bo's all right now; he'll bo haute soon,' said she, at tho eud of that time, openiug hor eyes and looking gravely at her mother. Supper was rendy. The door opened, and Joo enmo iu, oovered with mud, aud with hi clothes torn. 'Save us, Joo I What nils you?" cried Grace. I sowed tho notices, Oraco ilenr, au' I was com in" awny. I w.ui all right as fur as tho weo brig nt Roshiue, when six o' tho Urady ttnd McL uighliu boys met mo wi' stones in th.'ir hattds. They peitod mo, an' they beat me, au I thought I'd be kilt cut holy, whon all at once I was awa frne them at tho other end o' the brig ; an' I cauna tell you how I got uwn, for Idinnnkuow mysol'; bnt just I was there, nu' they wero nt the far side, shouting nu' vnrficg an' (.baking their (-.ticks at me. It's the quarest thing I eecu iu nil my days. Grace related how Ftizi) had t iid her thai her father was iu peril, and what she said about going off to help him.' He shook his head, nnd meditated while he took his after supper smoke. Ho was a quiet man, whoso voic-.i wan not much heard in tho house ; but bin cogitati ms took expression iu the follow ing words, addressed to his assembled family. Cliilder, if ono of yons oiloi'H to an noy Eli.:, I'll break that one's bones,' Tho peaceful days that now com menced for the poor ohaugc-ling did not hist long. Sho had been growing weaker duriu the summer, aud when tho cold blasts of November caaio t-ho died. Grace wept piteonsly over tha tiny, wasted orpse, regardless of tho reproofs of her neighbors. 'You snldua ory that way for tho era- thur, Oi'.itto, an' you knowiu' what she wna,' said Mrs. Rxmey, severely, ' I dinna onre wha' sho was,' replied Gram, giviug way to fresh tens. 'Sure I ha' nursed her, au' fe.l her, an' wake. I for hor all these five vear.' U was a long time before her grief was quit;) softonel longer still before Eliza's history eeaed to bo a whiter' tale at Roshiue. The Eilelivrias. Every traveler in Switzerland is fa miliar with the tender fctar-shaped flower of this curious plaut, whose s.i;;o greeu blossoms aro stuck iuto tho hut of every gnide, and nre collected with rare ingenuity by the import unr.to little ratreals who raco tho carriages on the roid, or start out like rabbits from the brushes ns tho pedestrian begins his solitary climb. Too plaut ia himoo nu l very partial. It is found in engradine, seldom in the Rerceso O'.ivrlnud, and has particular corners nnd munntatus that it loves to sftVct. This scarcity aud partiality gave t; the edolwei-ts a somewhat unhealthy notoriety. The rarer it became the more ambitious wero the excursionists to obtain a sprig. Some years ago every eockuey hat was adorned with tho onrions bloom, feathered, as its botanical name implies, like nu old man's beard, aud it was no longer a sign of patience endurance to wear this pretty badge that hitherto had douctod a long climb aud a patieut search. There have been only ono or two very rare and exceptional cases where tho edelweiss was in lneetl to live and give forth flowors in England, nnd then the result was only obtained by a system of nursery that w ut'd have woru ivti tho majority of botanists. At last tho Swiss government, determined to put down by law the wholesale destruction of this popular flower. It wns rapidly disap pearing altogether from the country when an enactment male it penal to bake a plant up by the roots. The dig nity anil impiirtaueo of legislation gava a new impetus to the interest that was attached to tho plaut, and going in search of tho edelweiss became as attrac tive a source of danger as auy to bo fonuel in Switzerland. Vuaoimpauvil by guides au 1 straying from tho beaten traoks, more than cue tourist has risked his life, and several have already been killed, in the quest. 'Hie Ituei'K of South Africa. Tin? IJoers, whom the Euglit-h have oo.ptircd by tho annexation to flu ii Hoiifh African colony of Transvaal, cm hardly lie classed as desirablo subjec's, npnrt. from flu'ir tiuwilliugness to uo knowledge tho supremacy of Great Brit ain. Ht-pnriit. d from tho cuter world by hundred!) of miles of only partially fettled country, tiny have established a public opinion among tboniHolvcs which iloi h not nivtord iu many things with that of ordinary civilized communities. One cherished belief is thai education be yond tho most elementary kind is not desirable, and even the wealthy farmers, who havo tho means to employ tutors from Holland to instruct their children, aio careful to waru theso teachers to go no further than rending, wrilingaud tho simple rules iu arithmetic. Another feature in their lives is thoir absolute indifference to dirt. Their homes, i-vou thoieof tho well-to-do class, nro mero bevels, iu which tho family, often com pORed of numerous Members, lives iu ono or, nt most, two common rooms, which rarely undergo a cleaning; a somewhat singular fact, iu view of tho Dutch descent f the 15 icrs. Their at tAohmeut to Biblical literature is ex ceedingly strong, nnd in almost every household tho Bible, uud ono or two commentaries ou it, form the entire fam ily library. Indeed, their rtndings in Holy Writ hnvo been fro constant that it has strongly colored their thoughts oud lunguiigo, oud in ordinnry conversation their ideas tnko form in words, very much in the way that those of the old Jew ish patriarchs might hnvo taken. However, tho stranger who comes upon tho settlement of n Roer, surrounded by his droves nnd flocks, is not likely to bo graciously entertained. Even if a rest ing place is given him, ho is rondo to feel that ho is not deserving of tho con sideration. No matter how hungry ho maybe, his wauts aro not supplied uu til tho timo for tho family moid arrives, nnd then not until the luu'ehold itself has beeu provided for. Although the Boers live iu Biiinll tc itterod communi ties, church regulations aro strictly ad hered to, and onco a quarter tho inhab itants over a wide art a of country gather nt some central poiut to attend commu nion service. Tlieir religious belief does not, apparently, do much to soften thoir dispositions, for, nccoi.iiug to the re ports of inwstiRPting conimissions ap pointed by tho Etigbtdi govi rninrut, tho 15 iers hhvo not uv itequ-iiHy treated tho surronudiug nutivis with great brutality; aud haw, in many ii stances, captured nnd made hI-.ivor ol Kafir Ivy a and girl". l.tttle by Little. If you are gutiiu;; little by little every day bo content. Are your expenses less than your income, so that, though it be little, you aro yet constantly accumulat ing and p rowaig richer aud richer every day? Bo couteut; so far as concerns money, you nro doing well. Aro you gaining knowledge everyday? Taough it bo httlo by little, tho aggre gate accumulation, wliero no day ia per mitted to pass without adding something to the stock, will bo surprising to your self. Solomon did net become tho wisest man in tho world in n miuute. L-.ttio by little never omitting to lenru some thing even for n single day always reading, always st inlying n little between the time of rising in tho nioruing nud laying down at night; this is the way to accnmulate a full storehouse of knowl edge. Finally, nro yon daily improving in character? Bo not discouraged be Oiiuso it is little by little. The best meu nil for short of what they themselves would wish to bo. It is something, it is much, if you keep good resolutions bet tor to day than you did yesterday, bet ter this week thau you did last, better this vear than you did last year. Strive to bo perfect, but do uot become down hearted so loug as yon nre approaching nearer and nearer to the high standard at which yon a;m. Little by little, fortunes are accumu lated, littlo by little, knowledge is guiu ed; little by bttle, charActer and reput tiou aro achieved. What a Sittirle Bean can I'roiliice. Tho history ot a single b:in,iuvidcnt- r.l!y plauti d iu n garden at S.mthbridge, Mass., is traced by a newspaper corres pondent, who figured its produce for three years. The bean was plautcd in a rich, loamy soil, nn I when gathered in the autnmn its yield, as conuted, was 1,515 perfectly developed beaus f rom a single sttilk. Now, if a single beau pro duces 1,515 beaus, nnd each beau pro duces 1,515 more, the sum total of the second year's product would be 2,2C!tl, 225, equal to 1,195 pounds, 597 qtiatts, or 2,3'.K) army rations, equal to lsj bnshels. This would be the product of tho scooud year. Now, if we plaut this product and tho yield is the same, we have a product of 5.26S,15S,800,r.25 beans, equal to l,:tTI,H'.ltt, tons, or 42 871,572 bushels, or 518,750,0t'8 soldier's ra'.ions. The third planting would givo the steamship Great Eastern 92 full freights. Tho Shrewsbmy (Eng Chronicle iu announcing the a!es ot' fheep which were shortly to tko place iu that shire, alludes to tho ram 'Sterling' of Mr, (Ira ham, of the Shropshire breed, tho sire of tiro most snccesnful royal prize takers, for which ten thonsBii.lguioeas has beeu repeatedly offered. This beats the cele brated Now York tf40,tH0 cow. j 'I lie Boynl I'limllv of Biinmili. 1' f.iinmtiou Lnh reached us from Kinniiili in gm-.ti r detail than wo Lave pteviniifly received of tho numerous ; family .f tho httc l.iiig. The guy old monarch l :.d curing his lifetime 53 ro eocuized wives, by whrnn ho hud IH sons ttnd 112 daughters, -r n tiico 1 tile family of 1 10 children, of whom 5!) mrvived him. Of Iho 5:1 wives, 12 died In" fore tho Lint, uud of tho remaii'der (no w.ro imprif-oned by him ou account of their imppoi eel complicity in plots by thoir children, tho Meng-Gwan nnd Katha princes ; and two wero expelled for adultery. Deducting thoso who died and thetie 1, tbo king hsl, at tbo timo of his denth, 37 recognized wivis. Of these '17 ladies one only was massacred by King Thcebaw. S'.e appears to havo boeti partiutilarly obnoxious to him ou nc.ictiut of her being tho mother of Mekhnrn prit.ee, a powerful rival of Thcebaw. No fewer than 14 of this lady's children nud gvaudchildicu wi-ie tit.n-Rucreed with h r ; ono of her grand sons had tied to Rangoon. Thirteen of tho Into l.iug's wives quitted tho palace either during his illuess or just lifter his death. The rr2:iii.ing 2d wives tiro still in tho palace, nnd of flint ruttibi r 7 only nro free or belii ve.l to bo so, Tire other lii are in confinement, more or less tifrict. Si veil arc known to be in what may bo culled tho rigorous imprison ment ; some of them nre in double irons, half-starved nnd uot permitted t-i hiut tiny attendants. Out of tho IS sons born to tho king, 21 died before him, leaving 21 alivo at the time of his death. Of tin f c 21, 11 aro known to have been uiiif-.sucred by Thetbaw. Four are now alivo iu India, leaving tidy ti, iuclndiug the present lung, alivo iu iMuiiilelay. () these 0, only 1 besides tho king it grown up. This one is the Kya-beiit; prince, who is a lunatic; Mid it is nut certain that even ho has been left alive. The other 1 aro Inns frof. 10 to 2 yiait of age. Out of f2 daughters of the Into k:ng Ho nirvivi'd lorn. Four o! these, till married to princes, wco with their families killed b 'Ihcehaw, m Feb runty i-ud March la-.t ; of tho remain der, 21 nro now iu coutineruerit iu tht palace, 9 of them being in close im prisoanaont. Life in w Orleans 1'ifty Years Auro. Bewitching bruueth'S, wit h eyes tha' ravished even tlo- urehorito, lo.l tin brave Creole buys through the mazy li.ty n lis if I' ve and j alcisy lo tb tuei ry lull' ie ol tht- e -chtien and wait?. Oa ball liici.t:' Oih-ims Ftiee wi? nbht":i wit'; the liitht fr.nn (he epcra wiu.!' stid by twelve o'eb e't the lloor v,us crowded with dancers. Above tho vio lin ar..! bassoon omhl be heard the di I icate footfalls as tit y slippers trippec merrily through, the intricacies ol sehot tischo, and all, to nn i lit: idor, appearc' ns happy ns at a wedding. Presently a young man, who had rteoived some ultght nflrout, wonld have his rmtnet nnd slip over to a friend. A b'w tv- :. ntes' conversation wot Id fol'.ov, au.i t! i friend wo'tld start i ft to beai n elniHeii. to the indo dispi lh r of the gaye'y tie r.-, FrefeuMy a pronp o' live- or sx vein.;' gii.tlem'-u would quietly v.itUilruw from the ballroom nud go cr i. ward S. Authory's square, a PHo tut of gronmi jnt In hiul tho cathedrul, now inclose 1. Tho on'y Wi spons til band w.ro sword cants, tsi:d the nvoitiK- examined tht blades to :,ee if they were of the s;itn. length. Tho city lamps in tho-o d-iy wi '0 snpniiiod over the middle of !h streets. A htt'ico upright pi.i-t Iron which, ran out a proj o'turj support ot the lump, was at f it h cuner, nud the lights were lowered and raised by n ro: t coiled up in a little b.ix attached to the pot-t. 1? was ii g.',llows.!ook;u? a ft a r. bnt it lu lu its own iigaii sr newer inven tions even down to lN.S iu the icwer poiticnof tho ci'y. This w.'s all tlt liirt that illuminated tluse battle tleid when the courage i f otr early kurgbts was exhibited. One i-r tvo i nses iv.j somi-bo.lv was wounded and eerie:; 1 home, nud tho rent ot the party returt e.! I te) the pleasure of tho ball. It seems ;ts 1 credible, looking back now to Ihivf -.hy, ' io think how few of tin- e tiiTc.it s ! ruv ! listed fatally. Tho'it'o'.vl ''ere piomj t ! to stop the righting a tho tits' b'ood, j but even this would h -roly prevent so I vere strokes were the young peoM.'meo I of those roll eiieg years not ex pert. with the foil. One tiling was pr veiti d by this appeal to the code, an I that 's ft root broils and promiscuous i'ootit)-T, whereby the lives of intiiK'ent speetat ns wero place. 1 iu jeopardy, ln.-nlts were qtvoly atoned tin. I the quarrel ended. The Wicked Beaeou. In a flourishing jotiii c et;y of Michi gan lives a worthy ma i who has had the luisfotttt e lo be u widoir-'r tlove times. aud is now bviug with bis fourth w fo, who has two beys by a former rsarriago. These have beeu taught to call the step father 'pa.' Wiileen'ertauitig company at ten a few evenings Mnc, kii aggravat ed oaso of ilivoroo becani'i the top;e if conversation. A I v.ly i xpresfe I bev-elf emphst;caily nga'ust d vorces, iptoto g several passages of rcripture, aud con cluding with this : 'And St. Paul says ho that putteth away his wife commits u grievous sin.' At this, tho oldest boy, having duly flllfsl his stomach, suvhit t.ly took in the whole s.rbject by saying, W!.y, pa has put away threp or fonrcn Vtn, uud hi' a dt aeii, too IT K.MS OF fiK.NKHAL IM KRLST. Tbo rie3 crop of S. uth Cirolins for tho year is estimated at 11,000 tierces ai d that of Georgia nt ac.OiiO. A Swiss colony of sevou hundred peo ple now iu Tennessee devofo their timo to cheese-making. Victor Hugo is a broad-shoitldorod man. 1 1 o has a full heard, almowt white, and ho does not appear ethereal. Au Hgrt-tinn.it relativo to ponUffice money orders bus just been concluded at Berlin b:t ween Oertnatry and tho United States. Tho long-standing order of tho post f.flloo department which rcquiroil that, all postal car ls having noy portion of tho messogo wri'leu ou their fane should bo trusted its u-jmnihiblo, has been re sciuiieil, 'XNpt in cases where it makes tho itddn ss illegible. The Merct-r counfy, Pa., court, in a rase iu wh'Vt o person ou tho lVnusyl vatiia r:nlro i I "-no 1 tho company for put ting him off ii train bre.i!io ho bad re-fti'-e. 1 to pay tin add'tiou rl faro whioh wis dem-iiide.l, because lm had lift ono train nud taken another, the plaintiff was lion -suited on tho ground that ho had violated (ho contract prinlod "it the ticket. Tim liability of n common carrier has just been defined by the K-uln ky court, of appeals ns follows: 'Tho consignor is uot. bmud to nee pt or agree to the tt rms of th speciol contract iu restriction oi tho earner's liability, but it) such cases it is his duty to refuso to sceopt tho wrtttu im-ti'umo'.it hraitiiigsunli liability by returning it t ) the carrier, lifter ho lias had timo t ic evrfniu the contents, with noticoof non-acceptance.' l'r'tico do Bourbon, sou of tho Count d'Aqnila, uncle of tho ex-King Frnnois II. of Naples, an-1 grnnu'sou of Dora IWrr. I., CMpcror of lirazil, comes to claim tho hand ot Miss Ayer, daughter of the la! "proprietor of Aver's pills, who has a fortune of 85,00! ',00't, nnd is thus the richest hoir-B iu tho I'uiteel States. Sue is snid to be a low'y young girl of twet ty, uud tho great nud noblo count is thirty-two. A novel phase of tho labor qii 'H.tion has just been developed in tho South Carolina co't m fields. Too colcrexl people in ono section held nn excited meeting, taU ti ling through Saturday uight .-m.i Sunday, and ndopted resolu lions binding ihemselves, their wivon and children, not to pick oottou for loss i'ot'11 lMfy cnts jer ono liuudto l pounds, under ptlndty of a whipping, a mom ber f the organization to apply tho lush. A featuteof Au'riaa p.-iso-r discipline is tlie pr ietii-o of .(impelling tho convict io reflect rtpou his ofleuse. Itisiu tho It H'l ttio'i oi I'm j'jdgo, (u pi ssing son teuce of impi -somnent, to prescribe ulao I'ompulsoty fast ins; at stated hit errata evi ry year, and to direct, iu nddition to ihstoMion from food, i period of solitary eotili'iem.'Ut on each aiiiiivcfnvy of tho riuie. '.'.'tie fs'-.tiug nud solitary contlne ntont are behoved by (b-vmieo jurists to have ft v thiaW" reformatory influence. A candlestick has beeii constructed of .lovcchiin, a:nl so arranged with tipplied pl.o.-qi .'ot tis that r Rivos sulllci-'ut light, t iieu.l in iio darkness of a cellar tho label t n n in k, where spirits or other tail ;ut :iab!i liq-.rds are stored. By this me 'it the rxplosit us icjurriaf from tho ltioutiiiiiiis use of nu unprotected light ire ibvia'e,!. Further iinp-ovc!iieuts mar wake this light a substitute for Sir 'Inn phrea Pivj's lamp for t!r. nso of miuors. One of tho most lemarkabl.) incident of true tenaei'y was verified iu a red fox eha'o in J ilnistoa cotittfy, Ga, Tho cbttso lasle 1 iur eight hours, and every do. was ont'rolv exOiuiste I but ono nud ho held out uu'd both lie aud tho fox wero run do en, wiron thiv potitivoly laid dowu c'o-io to orcb other, and every tirao the fox w-'it'd W'tve or et tempt fi iret up the il , w mid m 'vo tow ird it, (nt coti'd not quite Ret hold of R yusrd, who, 1 y ti!.1 tiiasistancc of the hunters, v;s oi'pfurod. The inina'.'cr ot t!io H ireugten and Latnoil'ortiilro.T.l, iu Venuout, has iunso an iugeuiot'.s nicihod of convoying cord wood a distance of two mt'es uiul landtug it ou the cur-. Ilo b's erected a smr.ll tbiine from a point nenr t'.ie timber load nf to the station. A stream if water from n brook is turned into the flume) aud tbo wood floats down very rapidly, and nt the terminus is shot on to the cars while th'.'wn'i-r falling short flows away into the r'ver. Thir ty cords of wood nro plsco.l on the cars iu this manner every dav. Wonders of Nature. If a pail of wator hi place 1 within sir inches of eit't si lo of tho stem of a pumpkin or vcabl nvirrow, it will in the course of a nijilit approach it, mid will lie foun I in thn moruing with ono f the leave ou ho wter. If a prop lio place 1 within six inches of arf'.rng c ntvolv ibis, or soirlot run ner, it will tl'il it, a'thougU tho prop msy be shi''t-?l da ly. If after it has tw;'ivl so'uo .l'r.tm-"o np tho proji, it be unwonud nud t'vine.l iu fho opposite ilirectton, it will rtnrn to da oiiginsl position, or die iu tho attempt; yet, notwithstanding, if two f tho plants crow near to e.ich it(ter, and huvo no stake around whi -h the can entwine, oueofth. m w;ll alter the direction of tho spiral, and they will twine arorn 1 each other. taBtsw-"''

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