(31 dhallam jfoid. BATES op ADVERTISING. H. A. LONDON, Jr., r.iHToit and rimi'iuCTou. One ttiiuart', tmv Inserting, Oiia lti:iri", lu liuiurttnUK, Ouo Mpinn', "ttr metisli, - TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: nofry, mio yr.it. - Oneropy ,slt mnnllin ...... One copy, tlireo iitonllio, - t.m 1.M r.v VOL. II. PHTSIK)UO CHATHAM CO., N. C, JANUARY 8, 1880. NO. 17. Chatham ji ccorrj. To the Bereaved I Headstones, Monument a AND TOMBS, IN THE BEST OF MARBLE. Good Workmanship, and Cheapest and Largest Variety in the Btate. Sards corner Morgan and Blount streets, below Wynn'a livery stablea. address all communications to AYTON & WOLFE, Rileigh, N. O. Steamboat Notice! Tte boat, of the ExpreFs Steamboat Compa ny will run aa follows from tho first of October niit'J farther notice: Steamer 1). MUlCHIdON, O.ipt. Alonjia Gar. riaon, will leave Fettevil:o every Tussday and Friday at 8 o'c!jck A. M.. and Wilming ton evory Wednesday and Stn.?av at 'i o'clock r. m. bt,:amer WAVE, Cap!. V. A. T! obrson, will fiv Pavotttvillo on M judaja and ThurHdayi a: 8 o'virp1: A. M., and Wilmington ou Tues days and Ki .days n 1 o'clock T.M., connecting with tho Western il iirnad at Ftyettovllle on W r dnotiiays and S.ttm- 'a; a. .7. D. mi. 1. 1 AJIHA- (O, Agents at Fayetteville, N. 0. 65 BUGGIES, Rockaways and Spring Wagons At Prices to Suit (ho Times, Made of tho beet material, and warranted to give entire (attraction. cossri.r on: oir.v ixterert, Jty giving ua a call before buying, Also, a full lot of Hand Made Harness, A. A. M.iKETIIAN .SONS, ertlnoftsm t'nvelterillei .V. C. JOHN M. MORINC. Attorney at Law, .OliirliigaWltc, liiaihnm o., N. ('. ti ns m M-niMi. AimKn a M-nmn, Of Chatham. Of Orange MORINC & MORINC, A. ttor noys n t Zj n, w IM 1(11 AH, N. . All business intrusted to them will receive prompt attention. THOMAS M. CROSS, Attorney at Law, PITT!1100, N. c. Will praotico in Chatham and aorronn counties. Collection of claims a specialty, ding Certain and Reliable! HOWARDS ISFAI.I.IISLi: WOULD HE SOWNED 11EMKDI FOK WOHMS Is now for sale by W. L. London, in Pittsboro'. All those who are annoyed with those Posts re advised to call and get a package-of this valuable remedy This compound is no hum bag, but a grand stircm. Oon agent wantod in every town in the SUtc. For particulars, addiess. en 'losing ;1 emit stamp. Dr. J. M. HOWARD, Mt, 0;ivf, Wayne conntv, X.C. " FLA LO W6 oW, Sr " Attorney at Law, A" r.ii NORTH CAROLINA STATE LIFE INSURANCE CO,, OF RALEIGH, X. CAR. T. n. CAMERON. Vr.$i lent. . K. ANDKKSON, IV V. W. II. IIN'KS, .Vff'y. Tha only Homo Lifo Insuranca Cc. in the State. All Its fund loaned out AT IIO.MK, and among our owu people. We do not send Morth Carolina nionev abroad to build u ; ot h.v States. It one. of tho most sueces'-lul coin panies of it ao in the United States, Its a? arts are amply sullleient. .Ml losses nld proaiptly. Eiirht thousand dollars paid in Itu I il two years to families in Chatham. It will cost a man ai:cd thirty years o My live cents a day to Insure for one thousand dollars. Apply for further information to H.A. LONDON, Jr., Gen. Agt. riTTSBOKO', n. c. J. J. JACKBON, ATTOR NEY-AT-LAW, riTTsitono', x. a t-9All buslnesa entrusted to blm will re serve prompt attention. W. E aWDERSO.S, r. a. wiLsr. CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK, OF KALF.IUII, X. V. J. D. WILLIAMS & CO., Qrooers, Commission Merchants and IProduco Bayers, FAYITTEVILLE, N. O. The Lored nud Lost. The loved and lost !' why do wo call them lost? Becsuso we miss them fioni our onward road? tlwd's unsccu argcl o'er our pathway crott, Lot Ued on ua nil, aLd lovit g tl.cni the most, Strnightway ic'iovtd them from life's ntary load. Tlicy atavtiot lost, they sre within the doer That sbnluont loss and every hurtful thing With augela hi igl.t, and loved ones gene before, tu their Redeemer's prestneo evcimore, And God himself, their I.'itd, nud Judgo and Kug: And tli i h we call a 'loss,' Oh, mlfleli sorrow Or fit I firth hearts! Oh, we of little faith! Let us look round, an argnmcnt to boirow Why we in patiouoe shou'd await the morrow That turcly oui4 succeed thin night of death. Aye, look upon this dronry deetrt pulh, Tho thorns and thistle, whereeo'er wo turn: What trials and nhat tears, hat wrongs and wrath What tlrngglcs and what strife the journey hath' They have escaped frem Iheso, at d lo! wo mourn. Ark tho poor sailor, wheutho wreck is done, Who with his troaMirea strove the shore to reach, While with the raging w ivo he battled on, Was it not joy, where overy sorry seemed gone To see hia loved ono landed on the beach? A poor tiayfsrer, loading by the hand A little child, bad halted by the well To wash from off her foot the clinging sand, And tell the tired boy of that bright land Where, thU long J)tune pwt.ttioy longed t ) dwell; When lo! tho Lcrd, who many mansions had, Drew nesr and looked upon t ie suffering twain, Then pitying spake, 'Oivc Mo the little lad. In strength renewed, and glnrionsbtaoty olad; I'.l bring him with Mo when I como again.' Did she make answer FelfiKbly and wrong 'Nay, b it tho woes I feel hotoomnst share!' Or rather, bursting into grateful long, She wont Iter way rejoicing and made strong lo strugglo on since he was froed from care. We will do likowito; death has made no breach In love and sjmpatby, in hopo and tinst. No outnard sigu or sound our oars can reach, But there's an inward, spiritual speech That greota ns still, though mortal tougnes bo dost. It bids us do the woik (hat they laid down- Take up tho song whero they broke off the strain: Ho journeying till wo reach the heavenly town, Where aro laid tip onr treasures and onr crown, And our lost loved ones will bo fotiud again. JOE CONQUERS. A HnliilnT kleh. Well, g'r'fl tbefo is one way we con help both father nuil curcelveH them1 hnrvl times,' said Lohrio Fuotp, while her cliler mters looked nj from their crcnpBticDR with hind, interei-ted faceR. 'We can give, up our birthdays or Chriitmtis,' began liestiio, tlowly. 'That is n good iilen,' broke in Emily, the older sister. 'These liu- mcrons gift-days and pleaeure-mnkinga draw too heavily npou our packets. ' 'But what will Joe ny?' This time they nearly nllspoko in concert. After a little pause, Bessie said, with hopeful decision: 'Oh, perhaps lie won't core. Now Joo was the last, bnt by no means the leant member in Mr. Foote'u family. He bad arrived late, aftc) this goodly row of girls, and after his parents had given np an earlier and often-expressed desire that a boy might bo among the nnmber. And if helpful hands and warm hearts make the recep tion, Joo came To tho world as a gentleman cornea To lodging ready fttrnirhed.' Ho was now twelve years old, but had not 'worn out his welcome.' Of a pliant, pleasiuit nature, he fully answer ed, so fur, all tho demands made npou him. No ono had ever heard him speak a rough or unkind word, and in all the little affairs of every day, he was easily helpful enough to satisfy his loving family. It is true Mr, Foote, who had struggled through a hard and self-de nying youth to an honorable position in the world, begau to have some nn efieiness about bis son's character, and to suffer the first disturbing, perplexing doubt as to the future of a boy to whom life wat such a holiday affair, and who would never be ablo, he feared, to take any other view of it. But these fntberly doubts and fears Mr. Footo carefully kept to himself. His family was very loving and coutld ing, and Mr. Foote was not without courage; but I doubt if he would have been willing to contemplate, even in the retirement of his owu thoughts, the shock that would have cime to all if this beloved son had been closely crit icised. So Joe spent his thoughtless pleasant days undisturbed by criticism, and when Rjssie broached the question of the morning for her brother's deci sion Christmas being nearly a year away and birthdays close at hand he chose in his easy way to keep tho near pleasure, and so it came about that there was to be no Christmas celebration that year in Mr. Foote's house. Bessie's plan wotked admirably. The birthdays, scattered through the year, had been made much of, and Joe's, coming lrte in September, had really been a great sffnir. Joe himself bad enjoyed it wonderfully even beyond his usual happy woy. It was very gratifying to have to many new things in advance of all his playmates; even the latest fashioned sled had been pro cured by extra trouble and expense, and tho balls, and the books, and the knives, and the marbles, were of tho best, for Joe is to have no presents at Christmas,' was tho otlen-i xpressed reason for extra indulgence on this particular birthday. It was all veiy delightful, and it made Joe quite tho hero of the autumn, creating any amount of envy in the minds of other boys who must wait till Christmas. But Christmas was diawirg on find Joe soon found himself face to face with tin ant:cipation which was not pleasnr uble; an entirely new position in his experieneo. Iu fact, t-e uumerous preps rations iu tho world outsido began to produco a slightly depressing sensa tion in tho members of Mr. Foote's family; even Bessie, usuully firm in her do-isions, could not help wishing they had chosen Christmas and given up the birthdays. But it was too lute now, so they all carefully avoided any allusion to tho coming festival, each hoping by silence to create the impres sion in the others thut tho whole plan was eminently satisfactory. Mr. Foote, quietly reading in his easy chair, was really the only ono quite at ease; all the minds of the fumily being more or less milled, on Christmas eve, by some thoughts as to whut might bo going ou iu Joe's miud; for contrary to his custom, he had betaken himself to bed at an unusually early hour. Mrs. Foote and her olderdaughters were busy with their sewing near the table where Mr. Foote was enjoying the cheerful fire and his evening paper, when Bessie suddenly broke into the room with the exclamr.tiou: 'Joa has hung up his stocking!' Mr. Footo laid the paper on his kuecs and the busy needles made slight pauses, but no ouo spoke. 'lie has hung up both! IIo never hung up but one before!' added Bossio, dropping hclpkasly into iue nearest cbuir. 'IL-at was naughty in Joe,' said Mis. Footo in a tono in which despair and apology oddly mingled. Home time elapsed, during which no one ventured to romark, and Mr. Foote still looked into tho firo. Strangely- vivid remombnincos came to him of a conutry boy.long forgotteu OhriBtmases, an empty stocking and a disappointed heart. He slowly took down his ejo glassea trom their percli and put them in his pocket, ho folded up hii paper softly, and carefully laid it on tho table, and with tho air of a mau who would rather tho fact should not lie observed, rose quietly from his chair and in a very indifferent voice, saiJ: 'Bessie will ycu hand me my coat?' Why, you are not going out?' ex claimed Mrs. Foote, excitedly. 'Yes; I think I will take a short walk,' replied Mr. Foote, still indifferently, though knowing perfectly well that a walk was a most unusual performance for him in tho evening after a busy day. I believe I will go with yon,' r.aid his wife, cheerily, and going at once for her hat and shawl, 'Let ns go too,' said all tho girls, and with that liveliness which indicates relief from a dilemma. All were soon ready, and, Mr. and Mrs. Foote leading the way, they were soon on the pavement of a well-lighted street, and moving with the crowd or pausing at the shop-windows to see tho unusual and fiual attractions of tho season. If people would dream facts instead of dreaming dreams, Joo Foote might have smiled to himself as he lay asleep in his little bedroom in solo possession of the house, while tho whole family had gone off, moved by on impulse, on an errand which not one of them could have told to another. Joo awake and on his feet might have been resisted, but Joe asleep, with those two expect ant stockings yawuing iu the basement, was an impersonation of that faith which moves mountains. It all came about very naturally and easily; Mr. Foote first expressed some regret that the knife ho had given Joo on his birthday had not been of a better quality and, now that tho boy had lost it, it seemed only fair to get him another. This ac complished at tho first cutlery store, his mother followed in tho purchase of a new boy's book, which she very much regretted she had not heard of iu time to got for his birthday, His sisters, too, remembered various little things that Joe liked or had their memories quickened by tho sight of new devices for good boys, as they walked along, and so they were each well laden with Christmas things when they finally reached their own door. I can not doubt that Joe rmiled there in his sleep; and if the fruitful stockings ran over with their numerous gifts, the family wisely concluded not to make any remarks that might bring into light the inconsistency of the givers' pur poses and actions. The next morning all but Joe anoke with a slight feeling of uncertainty whether it was Sunday or some other day. Joe knew before he was awsko that it wasn't Sunday, still he did feel a little doubtful if it was Christmas. But stowed away in a Beldom-nsed nook of his closet were soma very good reminders of Christmas), until he should descend to ths basement. Joe's father would have been pleased enough if he could have looked into his boy's closet just then aa Joe was taking oat of their hidiug-plsce six small pick'igcs, all neatly wrapped and tied with long loops, so thut they could be hung on door knobs. These presents ho had pur chased with some money given him to spend for himself. With the littlo bundles arrnuged on his arm for distribution, ho stole scfily in his blocking, feet through the, hull, hangiug each article on its rtspectiv knob, without disturbing the i eciipni,tn of the rooms, who wtro still rozily abed. This done he went down to tho base ment in easy hopofutnss. And he was not doomed to disappointment, the con touts of tho crowded stockings yielding more than a ususl amounts of joy and admira'ion. Aud when tho fsmily came down to breakfast, how delightful it nil was. Every ono was so pleased with the pretty present Joe had purchased for them, that it was a long timo before the happy family could subside to the formally of the morning meal. Joe himself became conscious of a higher pleasure than Christmas had heretofore brought, when his fat he: expressed his hearty satisfac tion in the gift his son had unassisted given him; and, turning to his youngest daughter, ho said : '11 't sie, let us have Christmas next year,' which caused a general smile all around, , &'. Sicholas. Wrongly Named Substances. Black lead does not contain a single particle of black lead, being composed of carbon of iron, Brazilian grass does not come from Brazil, or even grow there; nor is it grass at all. It consists of strips of palnleaf (chammrop arycutra) and is imported chiefly from Cuba. Burgundy pitch is not pitch, nor is it manufactured or importod from Bur gundy, The best is a resinous sub. stance prepared from commou frankin cense aud brought from Hamburg; but by far the greater quantity is a mixture of resin and palm oil. China, ns a name for porcelain, gives rise to the contradictory expressions, British china, Dutch china, Chelsea china, etc., liko wooden millstones, iron millstones, brass shoe-horns, iron penf, steel pens. Cuttle bone is not bono at all, but a structure of pure chalk, once embodied loosely in all the substance of certain extinct species of cuttlefish. It is in closed iu a membraneous sac, within the body of the fish, and drops out wheu the sac is opened, but it hus no connection whatever with tho sac of the cuttlefish. O.ilvauized iron is not galvanized. It is simply iron coated with zinc; and this is done by dipping it iu a zino bath containing a muriatic acid. (iermau silver is not silver at all, nor was tho metallic alloy called by that name invented by a German, but bus been in use in China time out of mind. Honey soap contains no honey, nor is honey any way employed in its man ufacture. It is a mature of palm-oil soap, each one part, with three parts of crude soap or yellow soap, counted. Japan lacquer contains no lac at all, but it is made from a kind of nut tree called cardiac 3. Kid gloves are not made from kidtkin, but of lamb or sheepskins. At present many of them are made of ratskins. Meerschaum is not petrified'sea foam,' as its name implies, but is a composi tion of silica, magnesia and water. Mosaic gold has no connection with Moses or the metallic gold. It is en alloy of copper and ziDC, used in the ancient mnsivum or tesselated work. Mother of pearl is the inner layer of several sorts of shells. It is not the mother of pearl, as its name indicates, but in some cases the matrix c f pearl. Pea means a feather (Latin penna a wing). A steel pen is not a very choice expression. Salad oil is not oil for calad, but oil for cleaning sallades, t. r , helmets. Whalebone is not bono at all, nor does it possess any of the properties of bone. It is a sub.dauco attached to the upper jaw of tho whale aud serves to strain the water which tho creature takes up in large mouthfuls. Singular f renk of an Engine. An accident occurred ou a local rail road in Illinois, that in probably without a parallel iu the history of railroading. As a train on the evening of that day was near (Hansford, going at tho speed of nearly forty miles an hour, a cow suddenly bounded iu front of the en gine. There was no warning whatever, the front of the engine passed over the animal, aud in doing so was lifted clear cf the rails and uncoupled from the tender, Ooing at such a high rate of speed, it continued some twenty yards on the ground, tearing it up and even uprooting a stump in its mad career, and, what is very atrange, kept ou its wheels until it came to a stand still, whero it stood clear of tho main track, The remainder of the engine and train kept on the track, 'aud passed tbeeugin about a quartor of a mile, when it was brought to a . top with brakes. The jar ot the cugine was so light that but few passengers were made aware of the accident until told, Tho engineer pat on his seat throughout the affair, a mere spectator of the queer freak of hia en tine, aad no one was hurt or even soared. The Man ii fact ii re of Slate lYncils. Tho process of making Flato pencils is thus described by tho Stationrr: Broken slate from the slate quarries is put in a moitar run by steam, and pounded into small particles. Thence it goes into the hopper of a mill, which runs into a 'bolting machine,' where it is bolted,' the fine, almost impalpable, flour that results bring taken to a mixing tub, where a small quantity of fcU'atite flour, similarly manufactured, is added, together with other materials, tho whole being made into a st ff donph. This dough is kneaded thoroughly by passing it several times between hou rollerp. Thence it is conveyed to a table, where it is mado into 'charges' that i, short cylinders, four or five iuches thick, nud containing some eight or twelve pounds each. Four of these aro placed iu a t-trong ir n chamber or 'retort,' with a changeable nozzlo fo as to regulate the size of the pencil, and subjected to tremendous hydraulic pressure, under which the composition is pushed through tho nozzlo iu a long cord, like a slender snake sliding out of a hole, aud passes over a slopiug table, Flit at right angles with the cords to give passage to a kuife which cuts them into lengths. They aro then laid ou boards to dry, and after a few hours are removed to f hiets f cor rugated zinc, tho corrugatioLS serving to prevent the pencils from warping during the process of baking, to which they are next subjected in a kiln, into which superheated steam is introduced in pipes, the temperature being regulat ed according to the requirements of the artic'o exposed to its influence. From a kiln tho articles go to the finishing and packing room, where tho ends are thrust for a second under rapidly-revolving emery wheels, and withdrawn neatly and smoothly pointed ready for use. Animals. on Hie Stage. James ('joke, the celebrated cijiicr- trinn, stands a fmr chance of having his neck broken n Niblo's Garden, New York, is billed us J!cd Ihmohuc, iu the now Irish Drama of 'Hearts of Steel,' and in the i ct which illustrates the Irish defense of the bridge of.Aihlone, is required to eli ar a chasm eight feet iu width ou tho bark of his trusty steed Crispiu, The horse don't Fecni to tulte kindly to the task, refusing ou several occasions at the lehcarsals to mako the leap, aud when the lights are up and the music and musketry begin, he may possi bly, like Frank Frayue's dog Jack, treat tho aud'eucc to a scene not announced in the programme. Jack was billed to make his 'first appearance on any stage' some years ago in Buffalo. He was trainod to cme ou iu a cort iiu net, and fiustrate a crime by dragging amounted villain by the throat from his middle. At rehearsul Jack acted like a star, never missing to floor his man, whose neck was, (f course, securely padded to pro- vent injury from the brute's teeth; but when the night of tho performance came, the music and audience frightened the dog actor, and coming to tho front, be simply looked at his victim and ran off wagging his tail. Jack was afterward kept chained iu the wings, in order to make him accustomed to the noise oud crowd. As tho nights progressed the dog appeared to have lost nil memory of his cue, the villain appeared without paddiug on his neck, and the last nights of tho drama were annouueed. Jack changed the whole order of things, however. Tho evening before tho farewell performance, tho villain emerged as usual on horseback from the wings, when suddenly Jack broke his chain and dashing for his man horrified the audience by fastening his fangs in the poor fellow's neck and dragging him energetically to tho stage. The cur tain was rung down, reveral actors ran to the rescue, and the villain was only rescued after a severe struggle. The incident, though, uncomfortable as it was to the act ;r, proved vastly profitable to tho inannger; Jack never again forgot his part, and the drama was played to crowded houses for several consecutive nionthH. The World's Commercial Marine. Aecordiug to the AVyifroi'r Ormral, Bureau Veritas, for 187'.) '80, the sail ing tounage of tho eivibzi'd world has decreased from 1 l;il.S,072 to 1 1,1 OH, tit '6 a falling nwny which shows the decid ed tendency which now prevails to give steamerH the preference over sailing vessels. Tno total sailing tonuago of Great Britain, which inclii led colonial tonnage, is J5,f:Hl,l'W, HO thut consider- ablo more tliau ouo third of tho tonuago which sails the sea is under thu I'ritisli flag. When we cora to st'-amships, Great Britain takes a still prouder po sition. The tot d number of stoiimcra which cau bo classed as sea going in 5,987, of which Great Britain has 3,512 ; and tho total net tounage of steamships is 4,021,809, of which Great Britaiu has 2.555.575 tous, or about thtee-fl'ths of the whole. Counting sailing vessels and steamers together, the civilized workl has 18,125,471 tons afloat, of which 8,1.19,708, or not much less than half, are under tho British flag. Canada ine enpics tho fourth position among the nations. The leading cations are (treat Britain, United States, Norway, Canada, Germany, Italy and France. Surety in Railway Traveling. In his receutly-published 'Notes on B iilroad Accidents,' Mr. Charles Fraucis Adams, Jr., shows that the percentage of loss of life nud of personal injuries on railroads is cxeatdingly small, when compared with the amount of travel, and that the risks ot railroad travel are much Icfb than they are popularly supposed to be. Ho cites statistics to prove that it is actually safer for a man or his family to travel by rail than to stay at home, thus corroborating the saying at tributed to John Bright, that the saf st place in which a man or his wife could put himself was iuudea first-class rail road carriage of a train iu full motion. During tLo light years from 1H70 to 1878 tho whole number of lives lost in operating the entire railroad pystem of Massachusetts was 1,165, or an average of 110 a year, while in Boston the re corded deaths from accidental causes dur ing the ten years from 18C8 to 1878 was 2,587, or an annual average of 259. These results show that in the city of Boston nloue the yearly number of deaths caused by accidents was 80 per cent, greater tliau the number reported on all railroads of the state. This com parison is not peculiur to Massachusetts, but may be taken ns approximately iiu cui ate for other places. Indeed, statis tics wi re published years ago in France showing that people were less safe at home than while traveling on the rail roads. Another fact which will serve to reassure tho timid is, that of the whole number of persons accidentally killed or injured ou railroads, but a small proportion are passengers. Mouy of those who lose their lives or are per sonally inj ir d, am employees who are constantly ixooso l to risk by virtue of thi ir employment, find whose familiarity with danger leads tlieui to bo careless, and even foolhardy oftentimes. But, as Mr. Adams shows, the greatest aud most regular cano of death ami irjuiy iu the operation of ruilroudri is the reckless hubit of walking on tin. track, wh'ch is c Jiumon with too many peo ple, aud especially with theso more or less diunk. More than one-third of all the railroad casualties reported iu Massa chusetts ure elussilU d under tho general head of accidents to tiespasstrs, that is, accidents to men, women aud children, eapecially the latter, illegally lying walking, or playing ou the truck, or riding oa tho c us. Vic hMlmlco el life in l.endvllle. There is one happy mini iu licadville to day, say.s a letter writer. The first of tho week he came into town, ragged, dirty and penniless, after a stiuim'jr's prospecting. Ho managed wine way to get liquor, however, aud, not fic'iug iu tho best of humor, in a tit of despera tion he wout on a big drunk. He con sequently got arretted and was fined, as drunk and disorderly, 15 and costs. Having no money to pay the fine, he was sent to tho city jail, aud thence to the chaiu-gaug, to work it out on the streets of Ltadvillo. Ho had Berved part of his time, when he received a call from a party of capitalists from tho Claren don hotel. A cluira iu which he owned an interest had struck it rich, and these gentlemen had called to oiler him the sum of S.'t'J.OOO for hi i share. It is need less to say that the oiler was accepted. Ho signed the papers, alrea ly prepared, then and thoro, aud received the money, paid his Hue, viaiteJ a bathhouse aud clothing store, and slept that night at the Clarendon. The next moruiug, clothed and in his right mind, he or dered a cariiage, visited the scene of his late humiliation, aud paid the lines of his former companions in misery aud sent them on their way rejoicing. He is happy, aud fo are tho capitalists, as they think they struck a splendid bar gain; but this fact does not yet disturb the serenity of the mau who has come up out of the depths, and leaped, as it were, in tho twiukling of an eye, from the chaiu-gaug nud penury to a compe tency for all timo to come. Silk Manufacture in this Country. Mr. William C. Wyncoop has publish ed a brief acoouut of the advances and improvements receutly mdo iu silk manufacture in tho I'uited States. From this sourco we gather tL,at wo im ported, principally from Asia, lat year ud less tliau l,.V.I0,l'aa'. pounds, of raw sills; that there ia no douiaiid in this country for cocoons bicitise there are no pdittures for reeling silk established am nig us, a'ld eoiiM.pit'iitly all the raw silk imported tias to tie silk that is al ready reeled, and this for the purposes j for which it i used must be of the finest quality. Many of i.ur readers will be surprised to lonru that the manufacture of silk thread and twist lias rescued a point with us that defies competition; thut onr plaiu black uud dressed silk goods are superior in texture and in wearing qualities to those ol the same grade imported from Europe, because none but tho best silk thread is usisl, and tho weaving is done iu power looms instead of by baud, which admits of using lumpy aud imperfect silk thread. In American made handkerchiefs, scar is, ueckties and millinery goods wo com pute successfully with tho foreign sup J rly, and iu rihbous our snccers has beeu so great that they are exported, while onr original designs are much admired abroad. ITEMS OF (JEM'KAL INTEREST. The farrier may be slow, but he is sheer. The druggist's song 'A light in the window for thee.' A dollar is always in good quarters, summer or winter. Chinese literature is so old that the Chinaman learns to read backward. There are wide margins between stock speculations and stocks pecula tion. Shopkeepers' accounts sent in during a honeymoon show that billing comes after thecooiDg. An importing druggist makes the startling statement that this country eats ouo-third of the Turkish opium crop. Tenuesseo lias twenty-five tobacco manufactories, oue snuff factory, twenty eight cigar factories, and 150 leaf tobacco dealers, Be?r enongh to make 700,000 drinks was received in Galveston during Octo ber; the bell punches registered only 76,000. There are rumors that Keeley, the mo tor man, has turned Lis attention to a machine for sticking pins through a starched collar. All doctors recommend people to go to sleep lying on the right side. This is all the better if you are a little deaf iu the If it ear aud don't get home till late. A man may be brave enough to walk right up to the cannon's mcutb, and yet not have the courage to hand his wife a letter he has carried iu Lis jacket for a wi el'. l'latiua works are about being erected at Oreville, above Marysville, California, by an agent of Prof. EJison, to extraot that metal from tho auriferous black sands. Ltttdville, Co!., ie but two years old, and yet hasga-i works, water -works, the finest opera house :n the stute, and next year will have a complete system of sewerage. A substantial farmer of Shelby county, Mo,, cut his fall wheat iu the early part of the season, realizing sixteen bushels per acre. He then put in a crop of tol acco, and raised on tho came ground one thousand six hundred pounds, F.ven though au old lady is well awro that her daughter's name is So -phia, yet when a neighbor passinglooks in at the window and says, 'How's So phia?' the chances are ten to one she'll scream aud faint. 'Why did General Washington cross tho Delaware ou tho ice during the sto'tu of an awful night ?' asked a teacher of hi .-ryonug class in hiHtcry. 'I reckon,' piped a small voice iu answer, 'it was because ho wanted to get on the other side.' 'Maria,' observed Mr. Holoomb, as ho was putting ou his clothes, 'ihere ain't no patch ou them breeches yet.' '1 cau't fix it now, no way, I'm too busy.' 'Well, give me the patch then, an' I'll carry it around with me. I don't waut people to tliiuk I can't afford the cloth.' The sponge divers along the Florida coast buve begun to adopt an innovation that may work great change in their business. It is found that this cau be done by cutting the live spcrges into small pieces, attaching them to pieces of rock aud sinking them to proper depths iu suitable licttions. In three years each picco will attain a marketable size. Two ladies belonging to different cir -cles of American society in Paris met lately at a recaption 'Have you been long iu Paris?' asked the first, who con sidered she bolonged to 'the set. 'Sev eral years,' responded tho second, who is sure her sit is tho first. 'Strange,' says the first, 'that 1 have never met you iu society.' 'You flatter mo,' says tho second. Jutnes L. Moody, once an eminent lawyer of St. Lojis and then circuit ju Igc, was taken to the hospital in that city recently as a charity patient. After the war, when General Orant visited St. Louis, Moody was his host, and 't was intimated that when Grant becamo President Moody would be c me an asso ciate justice of tho supreme c mrt. But ho took to drink aud lost everything, being diiven from the bench by impeach ment. IKail-l.etler ((Mice CmiosMieK. The posb'iuVo iiei artmeut has issued a catalogue of nearly 12,000 i-eparale 'lots' accumulated iu tho dead-letter of fice, which ire to be sold at auction. Tho various schedules advertise abemt as heterogeneous a collection as it is possible to imagine. Among the arti cles so carelessly mailed that no eluc cau be discovered to their ownership are gold watches, chaius aud rings and jew elry of almost all kinds, t)very descrip tion of weariug apparel, from men's overalls to babies' socks; books and pic tures by the thousands, musical instru ments, clocks, bedqnilts, buffalo robes, pistols, knives, tiu dishes, nails and hardware of almost all descriptions, in cluding irou castings for maohinery; perfumery, tobacco and cigars; cheese, not excepting the Limbnrger variety, and almost all other sorts of ordinary hop merchandise; bosidos 'miscella neous articles' less susceptible of o'assi fication, which range from artificial teeth and false hair to stuffed birds and geo logical specimens.

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