fife Ctetfam H. A. LONDON, Jr., OP kihtou ani rnoi'icienoit. ADVERTISING. On. squars. on. I1aertl1.11, - l. M TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: Onciy, one ?... - - One aquarv, two liiMrtloan,- 1.10 Oua wiimrrf, im.nMi, 2.AV VOL. II. PITTSIi01i() CHATHAM CO., N. C, FHIJUrAFi V 12, 180. NO. 22. Vr largfi ailvf i tiMnifiil. 11lt.raUulitia.tA will He To the Bereaved I Headstones, Monuments AND TOMBS, IK THB BEST OF MARBLE. Good Workmanship, nd Cheapest and Largeat Variety In the BUto. Tarda corner Morgan and Blount streets, below Wynn'a livery stable Address all communications to CATTOH & WOLFE. Rileigh, N. 0. Steamboat Notice! Te boats of the Express Steamboat Compa ny will ruu a follows front the first of Ooteber until farther notice: Bteamer D. MCncilI.sON, Capt. A!onaOr rison. will Irate Furetteville every Tueeday And a fiuRV at o ocijcii a. m., ana TYilmlui ton every Wednesday audSatnriay at 3 o'elook r. u. tftaamer WAVE, Capt. W. A. Iloboeon, will leav tuyettoviilo on Jlundaya aud Tbnradayi at 8 o'oioc': A. M., and Wilmington on Tnee days and Fr.iiays 1 n 'cloak P.M., connecting with tbo iVoMcrn K-.iiroad at FayettevfJle OB ii i uueeunyM Bug .sair.r avs. .r. t. rrti.i.i.t.Hs : t o. Agents at Fiijetteville, N. 0. 65 BUGGIES, Rockaways and Spring Wagons Al 1'rliM'H la -ull llir Times, Made of tbe Lost materials, and warranted te give entire satisfaction. roxsi i.t unit oirx mxteueht, Uy giving us a call before buying. Also, a full lot of Hand Made Harness, A, A. McKEIII AN & SONS, oc34no6 8m Fawrttvrille) X. ( JOHN M. MORINC. Attorney at Law, tlorlngaTlll.', C hulhRm Co., N. C. jons m. ioniNi, Of Chatham. ai.fbfd a. Momsii, Uf Orauge MORINC & MORINC, Attor noya At Xj-X7-. irit ii i, . c. AU businosa intrusted to them will receive prompt attention. THOMAS M. CROSS, Attorney at Law, PITTfIIOKI', .N. V. Will praetiao iu Cbatham and aorrou eonntiea. Collection of claim s, specialty, ding Certain and Reliable! HOWARD'S IXKAUJIlLK WOULD RE NOWMM) KF.MKDI FOK WOItM.S I' now for alo by W. I.. London, in I'ittihnro'. Ail those wbo Rio annoyed will. Ihose Peta aro advised to rail snil pet a package of tliia v.luaMo roniedy. TIuh compound is no bum bng, but a grand success. Una agent wanted in every town in the State. For partionlars. addienn. enclosing S rent stamp. 1'r. J. M. HOWARD, Mt. Olive, Wayne conuty, N.C. H. ACLOrmON, Jr. Attorney at Law, MTTMBKmc, .'. 8n'"3pocinl At'iii'l:m 5 '.. i ! t Col!. NORTH CAROLINA STATE LIFE INSUEANCE CO., OB1 UALEIG11, 5. CAR. T. n. CAMERON, l'rntJmt. ' W. JC. AM)ERON, riet Pru. W. II. IIIC K8, SM-y. Th only Homo Life Icenr&nce Co. in ths State. AU IU fond loaned out AT HOME, aud among onr owu people. We da not tend Hortn Carolina nioney abroad to build up other Btatea. It la one of tlio most tuccoiful cotn panlna of Its n in tliu United Stau-s. In aets are amply aulltclrnt. All lotirs paid promptly. Right thousand dollars paid !n Iht lost two yeara to famlliss in C'hathnrn. It will cost a nau aced thirty yar o:ily fire esr.ta a day to insure for one thousand dollars. Apply for further information to H.A. LONDON, Jr., Gen. Agl. riTTsnoho n. c. J. J. JACKSON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, riTTSBORO', X. C. P0T A II business antrmatad ta aim wilt rs ealTs prompt attention. W. K ANDERS'lN, P. A. WILKT, Ca.hisr CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK, J.D.WILLIAMS & CO., Qrowrs, Commission Merchant and Produce Buyers, FAYf TTEVILLE, N. 0. After (lio Ihliniit-h. Afli op by tlio waybide! the night balh been long, Vile wan revel, yetvilor the noig. Do not diaturb her, poor waif of thoduet: Christ ! that her Bleep were thesleep of tbo just Ob, it is sorrowful! she is not old, Vet, is tbo silver usurping tbo gold! Where, in their parity, lilies have shono, Sin, with its shadow, hath marked her its own. Hato-not the waking: too soon it will como Hint! she is dreaming of ohildhoodand home; Tbo woods and the meadows, of brooklets and flowers, Ghosts of tbo vanishod, but innocent hourr! 'Mother' she whispers: Oh, QoJ! that the name Might barn on tbe lips of the daughter of shame Till tbo soul, that is shrined in its temple within, Bhould purge to its doptbs from the bnrden of sin. Asleep by tbe wayside! Tbon soul of tbe world, Take up the stone, if thon wilt, to be burlod; Vet, nnder tbo law of tbe pure Kazarene, First lot tbe hand that would hurl it be clean. Aeleep by tbo wayside! Oh daughter of shanio, Wbo bnt thy Maker Bhall measure the blame? Boiled, and bestained by tbo shadows of night, Ojce were thy garments as pare as tbe light. Frond of thine honor, and proud of tby birth: Frido of the heart that encirolul tbe hearth: Fashion bent to tbee, and thought thee divine: Wealth was thy portion, aud boauty was thine. l'ronc, by the wayside, in equator and dirt: Fashion sweeps by, with a gatheriug skirt, Andashndderof fright lest it see, by the way, Itself, bnt too plaiu iu this mirror of clay. Ob, bat tbe nkios muxt be weary and sick Of our holloweet words, when of justice we speak! Since over it is that our lashes are swung At tbe back of the victim, and not at tbe wrong. Despised by tbo wayide tbo harlot is found, While tbo maker of harlots is futted and crowuod Iiy tbe baud of tbe mothers who nurture tho llanie That fills up tbo ranks of tbe daughtors of shame! Tbe roses aro fading; tbo lilies havo come; The eyelids are sealing; tbo thin lips are dumb Only one word 'tis of him that betrayed; Aud dead by the waysi.lo the harlot is laid. Dead by tbo wayside! the night will be long! Wako her ye cannot with revel or song; Bear a baud tenderly take her away, None but her Makor shall judge bor to day. Sot tbowhito headstouo.yet bor the name, Chisel no word that shall tell of tbo shame! Finger of charity, write on tho stouo 'Bho was but huniiu,' aud leave her alone. A HEAVY BURDEN. 'Hither a heavy burdou, iuii't it my boy?' Clarence Hpcncor, to whom tho worda had been aildressod, turuoil from the loJgcr, and looked toward the speaker. Clareuce was a young man not more than '25 and he was bookkeeper to Sol omon Wardle, a plonsaut-fuceJ, keen eyed man of 50, who had spoken. 'A heavy burden, isn't it?' the mer chant repoated. And still the young niau wax'silent. His lo jks iudiuated that he did not com prehend. He had been for somo time bending over tho lodger, with bis thoughts fur away ; aud that his thoughts were not pleasant ones, was evident enough from the gloom on his handsome face. 'My dear boy, the burden is not only heavy now, but it will grow heavier and heavier tbe longer you carry it.' 'Mr. Wardle, I do not comprehend you.' Ah, Clarence!' I certainly do not.' 'Didn't I call at your house for you this morning?' Clarence nodded assent. 'And didn't I see aud hear enough to reveal to me tho burden you took with you when you left? Ton must remem ber, my boy, that I am older than you are, and that I have been through tbe mill. You find your burden heavy, and I've no doubt that Sarah's heart is as heavily laden as your own.' And then Clarence Spencer under stood; and the morning's scene was present with him, as it bad been present with him since leaving home. Ou that morning he had a dispute with his wife. It had ce jarred at the breakfast table. There is no need of reproducing the scene. SniBse it to say it had come of a mere nothing, and had grown a cause of anger. The first had been a look aud tone; then a flash of impatience; theu a raising of the voijo; theu another look; the voice grew higher; tho reason was unhinged; passion gainei way an l the twain lost sight of the warm, enduring love that lay smitten and aching down deep in their hearts, and felt for the time only the passing tornado. And Clarence remembered that Mr. Wardle had entered the house and caught sight of the storm. And Clareuce Spencer thought of one thing more; he thought how miserablo ho had beeu all the morning; and he know not how long bis burden of nnhap pitiPHS was to bo borne. 'llouestly, Clarence, isn't it a heavy and thankless burden?' The bookkeeper knew that his em ployer was his friend and that he was a trne-hearted Christian man; and, after apaune, he answered, 'Tea, Mr. Wardlo, it is a heavy burden.' 'My boy, I am going to venture upon a bit of fatherly oounael. Ihopelahall not offeud, 'Xot at all,' laid Clara a o, Ha wiaead a littlo, at though tho probing gave him a new pain. 'Iu the first place,' pursued tho obi man, with a quiver of emotion in his voice, 'you Jove yonr wife?' 'Lavo her? Tes, passionately.' 'And do yon think she loves you in return?' 'I don't thiuk anything about it -I know!' 'Ton know she loves you?' Tes.' 'Then yon must admit (hat the troublo of this morning carao from no ill-feeling at heart?' 'Of course not.' 'It was bnt a surface-squall, for which yon, at least, are very sorry?' A moment's hesitatiou, and then 'Tes, yos; I am heartily sorry.' 'Now mark me, Clarence, aud answer honestly: Don't you think your wife is as sorry as you arel' 'I oan not doubt it.' 'And don't you think sho is suffering all this time?' Yes. Very well. Let that pass. Yon know she is bearing part of the burden?' 'Tes, I know that.' And now, my boy, do you compre hend where the heaviest part of the bur den is lodged?' Clarence looked upon his interlocutor wonderingly. 'If the storm ha 1 all blown over, and you kuow that the suu would shine when yon next entered your home, you would not feel so unhappy?' Clarence asimted. 'But,' continued Mr. Wardle, 'you fear that thoro will be gloom in yonr homo when you return?' The young man bowed his head as he replied in the affirmative. 'Because,' the merchant added, with a tiuoh of parental sternness in his tone, 'yon are resolved to carry it there!' Clarence looked up in surprise. I I carry it?' 'Aye; you hava the burden in your heart, aud you moan to carry it home. Remember, my boy, I have been there and know all about it. I havo been very foolish in my lifetime, and I have suf fered, until I discovered my folly, and then I resolved that I would suffer no more. Upon looking the mutter squarely and honestly in the faco, I found that the burdens which bad so galled me had been self-imposed. Of course such burdens can be thrown off. Now you havo resolved you will go to dinner with a heavy heart and a dark face. Tou hava no hope that your wife will meet you with a smile. And why? Because you kuow that sho bus uo particular cause for smiling. You kuow tbul her heart is burdened with tho affliction which gives you so much nnreet. And you aro fully assured that you are to find jc ur homo shrouded in gloom. And furthermore, you don't know when that gloom will depart and when the blessed miuhliiuo of love will burst in again. And why don't you know? Because it is not iu your heart to sweep the cold away. You say to yourself. 'I cau boar it as long as sho can!' 'Am I not right? Clarence did not answer in words. 'I know I am right,' pursued the mer chant; 'and very likely yonr wife is say ing to herself the same thing. So Ciarecce, you see it does not rest upon the willingness to forgive, but on the inability to bear the burden. By-aud-bye it will happen, as it has happened before, that one of tho twain will sur render from exhaustion; and it will bo likely to be tho weaker party. Then there will be a collapse, and a reconcilia tion. Generally tho wife falls first beneath the galling burden, because her love is keenest and most sensitive. The husband in such a case acta the part of a coward. When he might with a breath blow the cloud away, he cringes and cowers nntil his wife is forced to let the sunlight through her breaking heart." Clarence listened, and was troubled. He saw the trntb, felt its weight. He was not a tool, nor was he a liar. Dur ing the silence that followed he reflected on the pivst, and ho called to his mind scenes just as Mr. Wardle bad depicted. Aud this brought him to tbo remem brance of bow he had soen his wife weep when she had failed and sank beneath the heavy burden; how often she had sobbed upon his bosom in grief for her error. The merchant read the young man's thoughts, and after a time he rose and touched him upon the arm. Clarence, suppose you were to put on yonr hat and go home now. Suppose you should think, on your way, only of the love aud blessing that might be with this thonght, you should enter your abode with a smile upon your faca, and you should put your arms around your wife's nock aud kiss her, and softly ray to her, 'My darling, I havo come home to throw down the burden I took away with me this morning. It is greater than I oan bar.' Suppose you were to do this, would yonr wife repulse you?' 'Repulse me?' 'Ah, my boy, yon echo my words with an amazement which shows that you nnderbtaud me. Now, sir, have yon the courage to try the experiment? Dare you to be o much of a man? Or do yon faar to lat your daar wife know how muob yon. lov hi tf Do yea ftr sho would r Hpeet nail 1'ntwm you hus for the tioed? Toll mo do you think the cloud of iiDluippiiie-PH might thus be banished? Oli, Clarence, if you would but try it!' 8:irnh Spencer hod finished hi r work in tho kitchen aud iu the bed-ehiimber, aud sat down with her work in her hip. But she cottM not ply her modle. Her heart was heavy and sa i, iiud tears w ro in hor eyes. Presently t-ho heard the front door opeu, and a step in the pitssago. Cer tainly she knew that step I Yes, her hus band entered, aud a smile upon his face, She saw it through her guthering tears, and her heavy heart leaped up. Ho came and put his arms around her neck, and kissed her; and he said to lier in broken accents, 'Durling, I have come home to throw down tho bnrden I took away with me this morning. It is greater than I can bear.' And she, trying to speak, pillowed her head upon his bosom and sobbed and wept like a child. Oh! could he forgive her? His coming with the blessed offer ing had thrown the burden of reproach back upon herself. Sho saw him noble and generous, and she worshiped him. But Clarence would not allow her to take all the blame. He must share that. 'We will share it so evonly,' said he that its weight shall be felt no more. And now, my darling, we will be happy!' 'Always!' Mr. Wardle had no need, when Clar enco returned to tho counting-house, to ask the result. He could read it iu the young man's brimming eyes, and iu that joy-inspired face. It was a year after this and Clan nee Spencer had bocorno partner iu the houso that Mr. Wardle, by accidout, referred to the events of tho gloomy morning. 'Ah!' said Clarence, with a swelling bosom, 'that was the most blessed les son I ever received. My wife knows who gavo it to me.' 'And it serves you yet, my boy?' 'Ayo, and it will serve us while wo livo. We havo none of those old bur dens of anger to bear now. They can not find lodgment with us. Tuo flash and jar may come as in the other days for wo aro human, you kuow but the heart, which has firmly resolved not to give uu abiding place to the ill-foehng, will not be called upon to entertain it. Some times we are foolish; but wo laugh at our folly when we sue it, and throw it off ; we do not nurso it till it becomes a burden. Results of Seeming lnciilenls. The huphuzurd of life aud death was illustrated iu mauy ways by tho Tay bridge calamity, Sjotlemd. Ouo lady, who traveled with her amid, had order ed a cnb for the morning truiu, which reached its destination iu safety, but the cabman overslept, and they were obliged to take the next truiu tho one which was buried in the quicksands at the bottom of the river. Auother iu stance of tram-missing turned out more happily. A gentleman wus determined to go to Dundee, notwithstanding his wife's entreaties, and thut prudent ludy took pains to have the cabman behind time, so that her husband lost the ill fated train. He was angry at the time, but is reconciled to the situation now, and entertains a favorable opinion of his wife's weather wisdom. Auother man lost his life through the business shrewdness of the girl to whom he was ecgiigo l. He was visiting at her houso in E linburgb, and was anxious to ro main until Monday, bnt she persuaded him to retnru rather than iucur the dis pleasure of his employers by breaking aith with thorn. Curious Hussion Customs. It is a curious thing that among the Kussiaus the fathur and mother of bu infant not only can not stand as sponsors for it, but they are not allowed to be present at its baptism. Tbe godfather and godmother, by answering for the child, become related to it and to eaoh other, aud a lady and gentleman who have stood as sponsors to the same child, are not allowed to marry each other. In christening, the priest takes the child, which is quite nuked, and, holding it by the head, so that bis thumb and finger stop tho orifices of the ear, he dips it thrice into the water; he cuta off a small portion of the hair, which ho twists up with a little wax from the tapers, and throws into the font; then, anointing tbo baby's breast, hands aud feet with the holy oil, aud making the sign of the cross with the same on the forehead, ho concludes by a prayer and benediction. A Ojili'tus Flit Upon Him. A sad misfortune lately befell a New Orlop ns judge. It is related of him that, as he was riding in the cars, from a single glaucc at tbe countenance of n lady at his sidi, ho imagined that be knew her, and ventured to remark that the day was pleasant. She only answer ed, 'Yes.' 'Why do yon wear a vail?" 'Lost I attract gentlemen.' 'It is the province of gentlemen to admire,' re plied the gallant man of law. 'Not when they are married.' 'But I am not.' 'In deed!' 'Oh, no; I'm a bachelor. Tho lady quietly removed her vail, disclosing to the astonished magistrate tho ftoe of hit moiher-in-law, Ha bat been a racing ratal to aver iIsm. The Trouble in (lit- Imperial f amily. Tiie statement that tho peace party is again dominant iu Russia aud that Count Schouvaloff agHiu has good pros pects of obtaining u position iu which ho will bo nblo to exercise great in fluence iu framing Russia's foreign poli cy, has led to somo explanation of the causes which have kept tho count from earlier muiutaiuing a superior position among the counselors of tho czur. Schouvaloll's bitterest euemy at the court of St. Petersburg is generally supposed to be tho Priucess !jlgorouki, a lady-in-waiting, whose fathtr bus long been on terms of hostility with S.'houvuloff, aud whoso relations to tho emperor have passed out of the domain of gossip and will somo day have their niche in history. 11 e S'. Peteisburg correspon dent of a Parisian journal, discusses them in tho following terms; 'Xue real cause of tho dissension in the imperial family has never yet beeu made public. Here is the plain truth. Despito his white hair, Alexander II. is and baa been for some time desperately ena mored of the Princess Citharine Dol gorouki, one of tbo youngest and most beautiful ladies of Lis court. The czai has never been able to endure a separa tion from the priucess aud tho child that was born to her. The latter he has long wished to legitimatize, aud has formally desired that the boy should be lecog uizod by his family. To this the em press, aud the czarwitch aud the grand dukes havd declined to accede. Tho czarine determined to leave Russia an 1 find at Cannes a'refugo from the insult offered her. Tho czarwitch has avoided tho winter palace us much as possible. The intluenoe of the Princess Dolgorouki has daily grown stronger iu tho czar's household. It has beeu persistently used to oppose the cause of freedom and reform. The emperior has yielded so completely to its fasciuatious that ho has lately shown anxiety to obtain a divorce from the empress ana to marry the princess. Such au act would husten his ubnioitiou, for the fair lady in wait ing is not of imperial stock, and Russian traditions are rigid ou the point. In this dilemma tho czar stands to-day. Everywhere he Bees enemies, aud chiefly iu his owu fuuiily. Iu a word, it is the Princess Dolgorouki and her unfortun ate influence which ciusod the empress' departure for Cannes, and tho absence of the ezarwitch from the fotes of St. Gdorgo. It is sho who provokes tho czar to resistance uud repression. It is she who raises the barrier between father aud sou.' A Parisian correspond ent of tlio Abvnbluit 'Iu politi cal circles it is believed thut the czar's abdication is only a question of time; aud that, if the empress dies, the em peror will at onoo contract a morganatic marriage with the PrinesH 1 jlgoiouki. ' Tipical ('Hlifornhiii Story. One oi the latest of strange cccurreu cca caino to pats a few days ago ou the steamer Contra Costa, plying between Vallejo and u point opposite, ou the Martinez railroad. As the passengers from this city eu route to Vallejo were scrambling ou to the boat, a lady nee 1 iug a little assistance with her pacKages, rtccived it from a Mr. O., a graiu spec ulator of San l'lamisco, who wae goi ng to Vallejo on a visit. Oa the lady reaching tbectbm, conversation ensued, during which each leurned that the other was from Kentucky, and irom the very t-anie town. Iu answer to his inquiry the lady gavo Mr. G., her name, when tho lutter cluimed her as bis own wife. The lady thinking the gentleman either a maniac or an adventurer, plied him with questions, the answers to which convinc h! her that Mr. G. was her husband and none other, The two had married in 1858, aud about a year after the husband started for Liverpool. The vessel was wrecked, aud crew aud pssongers were supposed to have been lost. Tho husband was picked up and taken to a foreign port , where he lay ill for fifteen months. Meanwhile his wife came to Ctliforna, and all traces of her were lost by the husband. Although seaicb has beeu made, he had never found her until this reunion took pluoe in tho mauuer described. Tuo happy couple proceeded to V.dhjo, when the mother iutrodnol a young lady to her husbaud as his dunghtor. A Woman who Married Three iViu. Australia is greatly exercised respect iug a womau who has for many years passed herself off as a man and who has married several wivts. Jn 1S57 a girl bearing the name of Ellen Treym.itie came to Melbourne in the Ojeau Mon arch. Ou her arrival sho married a fel low passenger of tho name of Miry Delahuuty and assumed herself the name of Edward Da Lacy Evans. Miry having diod, she married Sarah Moore, i'nd on tho death of Sarah she married Julia May mud. Julia is still alive, but Miss EUard De Lacy Evans having gone moil has been con lined in the Kew lunatic; asylum, where his or her sex was discovered, owing to each inmate, being forced to tako a bath, TLo curious ciienmstance ounected with this case is that not one of tho wives revealed the imposition thut had beeu practiced upon her; nor did the miners with whom Miss Edward worked for above twenty yeara even inspect that ih tu a womau, 1 he First I'm per Maker. Who was the first paper maker ? If the reply to this query should bo, as is quite likely, that some old-time invf u tive genius was the man, it will bo incor rect. Tho date of the invention aud the founding of paper making is not di fi nitely known. Tho common v asp was, however, the inventor. The big wasp's nest, which was ulwajs kept at a safe diatauctS ud often knieked down with a stone during the rumbles of boyhood, wos cjmposcd of actual paper of the most delicate and elegant kind. As spiders wero spit.ucrs of gossamer webs of intricate aud exquisite putern when primitive mau went al out dressed iu the shoggy skins of boasts, and cuild neither spin nor weave tbe beautiful and fine cloth fabrics of to-day, so Jittle wasps, when people of tho I iter ami nnmewhat more advanced age had recourse to sueh rude and unsatisfactory substance as wood, stone and brass, the bark of trees, and the hides of animals, on which to preserve memoranda, were making a material of far greater excellence. They made their paper, too, by very nearly the same process employed by man at the present time. Indeed, sev eral of our best dit-coveries iu regard to building, architecture, and manufactures of various kinds, if they have not beeu derived from iicute observation of the work of certain animals, including in sect, have, when compared with their constructions uud their manner of making them, been fouud to show a wondei fully close resemblance. The beaver gave men their earliest and most serviceable knowledge concerning dam building, and to day no workmuu can surpass this animal's skill and precision in the en ction of such structures. Nature is a great teacher, and espe cially does the paper making of tho wasp illustraio how valuably suggestive she may sometimes be; for, assuredly, the wasp was the first to show that it did uot always require rags to manufacture paper, that vego ablo fibers auswered for this purpose andcuuld be reduced to a pulp, aud that to make the paper strong aud tenacious, the libers must bo long. The first thing tho wasps do, wlieu about to buld u nest, is to collect, with preference fo" old aud dry wood fibers, about oue-ttuith of au iuch long, and finer than a hair, and put them into bundles, which they iueroaso as they continue ou their way. These fibers thoy bruise into a sort of lint, aud cement with a sizing of glue, after which they kuead the material into paste, like pupiermache, aud roll up a Lull; this tiny trample with their feet into a leaf as thiu ns tissue paper. Tlit? ceiling of the wasp's o'lamber, to tho thickness of nearly two itn-'ies, is of eu constructed by puttiug oue above another, fifteen or sixteen layers or sheets of this prepared paper, und be tween these layers spaces are left, so that it seems as if a number of little shells had beeu laid uear ouo auother. Next thty build up a terrace composed of uu immense nauibiT of paper shells, until a light and elcuut structure, like a honeycomb, has be.'ii constructed, aud in the cella thus formed they rear their joung. What was Paid for Illinois. The Chicago Tribune prints au old document of considerable histor.c inter est. It is a deed or convey ar,ce f laud bearing date July 20, 1773. Tue parties of the firt.t part iu the transaction are 10 Indian chiefs of tho different tribes of the Illinois natiou of Iudiaus, represent ing all of them, and the parties of the second part aro twenty two white men of Philadelphia aud Pittsburg, lVuu., aud Loudon, Euglaud. The premisob conveyed by the InJiaus to these white men are two several tracts of land, viz. : First, the tract now commonly known as Southern Illinois, and, second, tho re mainder of the state to the northern border, and a portion of southern Wis conein. The consideration for 'his im nieuso tract of land, including the whole of the slate of Illinois and a good part of Wisconsin, is thus expressed in the deed: 'Two hundred and sixty stronds, 259 blankets, .'150 shirts, 150 pairs of slroud and half-thick stocking", 150 ttroud brceeh-cloths, 500 pounds gun powder, 4 OflO pounds of lea l, otieprovs of knives, 30 pounds of vermilion, 2,001) gnu fliuls, 20 1 pounds of brass kettles, 200 pounds of tobacco, H doz n gilt IiMikiug glasses, 1 gross of giiu-wornu, 2 gross of awls, 1 gross of lire-steels, 10 dozens of gartering, 10,0d0 pouuds of flonr, 500 bushels of Indian corn, 12 horsis, 12 horned cat tlo, 20 bushels of salt, aud 20 guus, the receipt whereof we do hereby acknowledge.' These ar ticles having been 'paid uud delivered iu full council,' the deed was signed and execnted before a French notary public at Kaskaskia Village. A Boston lady, whose hilf.bnud was frequently afflicted with nightmare, wan oue night awakened by a noise and to hor horror saw her hnsbuud sitting up iu bod saying iu a wisper, 'Now I have him, ho can't escape!' and pointing his pistol at an imaginary burglar. His fin ger was on tho trigger and he was aim ing directly at the head of the baby iu it cradle. Q'liek as lightning his wifo said iu a low tone: 'Too low I aim higher I' Ha raised the pistol, she snatched it from hi hand and the dsn er WM over, iikms uf (;i:m:kal imkkkkt. Orange culture is iucreasiug around Mobile, Alabama. There is one officer to every ten soloiers in the army. Spain pays her ministers plenipoten tiary 800,000 a year and her favorite buli tighter SUO.UUI a year. Tho treasury of the state of North Carolina has funded between S5.000.000 aud fii.UOO.oiiO of old bonds in uew four per cents, bearing interest from July, ltS0. Subscriptions are being obtained at Augusta, Oa., for the formation of a company, with a enptfol of 8500,600 to build a new cotton mill, to be located ou tbe canal. Tbe culture of frogs is quite r-.n im portant industry in Illinois, where one man has over on acre and a quarter of land, ou which he is breeding 290,000 dozen of frogs of all ages for the Chicago and Cincinnati markets. In China a nulive pastor who carries ou a Baptist church has recently bap tized one hundred and thirty converts. About half of these aro women. Thirty or forty of the women traveled fifty miles iu wheelbarrows to be baptized. A telegram rccuived from Commander Ooiriuge aunounces the discovery of Masonic emblems in the foundation of the obelisk at Alexandria, under the pedestal ou which it was set np by the llomaus. drawings were made and the emblems were preserved as they were found. There wero nearly five hundred 'mys terious disappearances' in the United States last year, and in many cases no trace of the missing party was ever fouud. In counecsiou with these statis tics is the statement that a large majori ty of those who disappeared and left no duo behiud were married men. C. Lopez, a cigar manufacturer in Columbus, Oa., who is seventy-nine years of age, has recently received from Spain a lotier from his father, who is now 112 years old and Btill hale and heartv. He served for forty years in the armies of Spain, and is now a retired officer ou a pension of 8125 a montn, Mr. Ernest Hart, the advocate of kitcheu economy, gavo in Loudon a dinner recently, ne had a clear soup, roasted herrings with mustard sauce, curried eggs, feilloped lobster, beef with beans, turnips With gravy sauce, niiuee pie aud au ice. The whole din ner, which was excellent, cost for each person sixteen cents. A Leadvillo, Col , lisp tch says a party of Western capitalists, headed by CSl. D. P. Dyer, of St. Louis, purchased, yesterday, the Glass, tho Pwndary, and the Rjimhand Ready No. 2 niines.three of tho richest deposits yet developed in that region, for .5,000,000. This is the largest sale of miuiug property that has yet beeu made iu Leadvilla. The widow of ex-President Tylor has asked Congress for a pension, on the ground of the immense depression in the value, of her real islat-, tho mort gages on in r Northern property having been fori closed, aud those on her Southern property constantly troubling her. Sho says: 1 find I havo scarcely anything whatever left to live upon.' Mrs. Margaret Tumy, whose case hot created widespread interest, died in Cin runati. Sho lived a full month with no food eiceptiug two beaus. She believed thut her stumiic i was entirely gone, and refused to take auy sustenance. Her last words, spoken ulmost lower than a breath, were, 'Bread ! Bread I' When it was offered to her, however, she ro fused to tako it. A bridal party iu a S'. Liuis justice's fll ;o lacked tho bridegroom. Ho had quarreled with tho bride, and, after waiting au honr after the appointed time, she told her friends that probably ho did not mean to come at all. There upon an old admirer offered to take the missii g mau's place. The womon hesi tated, but fifteen minutes of vigorous courtship won her consent, and the ceremony was performed. As tho New York ferry-boat Fulton was entering the slip ou tho Brooklyn side, William M. White au old experi enced pilot, fell deal at hiB post. He w is alone iu tho pilot house, and had his death occurred five minutes later the boat, with a thousand passengers, would have beeu in mid stream without a pilot to direct the helm. The event baa created a demaud that there should be two pilots on duty on ferry boats. Tuo Littlo Rce't, Ark., Uasettr. says: There is now living in Morrilltou, ('un way county, this Btato, a woman who bus been married fourteen times. She is now sixty-five years old, and, matri monially speaking, shu has boon remarkably successful, ner fourteenth husband is now liviug, but it is not known how soi n ho may drop off, and, considering the epidemic that has raged among his predecessors, his position is one of extreme danger. A Boatou paper says that, in August last a dealer in that city sold 25,000 yards of cloth to a New York manufac turer of umbrellas. The cloth being poor, the New Yorker returned it, and the goods were packed away. List week according to the same authority, the New Yorker went to Boston for umeh-ueeded supplies, which are diffl cult to obtain, and actually bought of the Boston mau the same 28,000 yards of cloth t a advasoe of twenty jpet ceet. is? '7.1 ft I.

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