The Bird. 'Birdia, birdie, will yon, pet? Summer ia far and far away yet, You'll have al:keu quilts and a Tel vet bed, Aud a pillow of aaiia for your bond.' 'I'd ratbr deep on the ivy wall; No rain conies tt rough, though I hear it fall; Tbe sua pet pa gay at dan of day, Aud I eing, ai d wing away, away!' 'Oh, birdie, birdie, will yon, pet? Diamond atones and amber aud Jit We'll atrwg on a necklace floe, To pleaco this pretty bird of mine. 'Ob; thauka for dtamouJa and tbanki for jot; Cut here ia eomeUiiug daiutior yet A feather neckUoe, round and round, That I would not sell for a thousand pound!' 'Oh! birdie, birdie, won't you, pet? Wo'U buy you a dish of silver fiet, A golden cup and an ivory teat, And eirpet aoft beneath your feet.' 'Can running wattr be drunk from gold? Can a silver dieh the forest bold? A rocking twig is tbe fluent obair, Aud tbe lOftett paths lie through the air; Good bye, good-bye, to my lady fair.' FOR THE FARMER'S HOUSEHOLD. Kitchen Aide. A Brown Fmoasmke. Fry tho chicken a light brown iu boihug lard; ponr off the fut, and make a rich gravy of cream, butter, parsley, anj flour. Shape Cakes. Beat the yolks of foar eggs and then the whites to a froth. Then add a quart of flour and a quart of milk. To be buktd in small shape tins previously greiiseii. To fry OvrTEs. Chooee fine large oysters, lay them on a clean cloth to dry perfectly, sprinkle wtth salt and pepper, and roll them in giated biead crumb, and fry theiii qnickly in boiling lard. Potato Omeelet. Take five ounces of potatoes tuaaued, pepper, salt, and a little nutmeg; mix it with live eggs pre vioUNly well beaten separately. Baetae in a little lemon juice, and fry nicely. Eg Sauce. It jil two eggs ten rain ntes. C'jop the whites, pnt them with the yolks, and chop together, but not very flue. Put in a quarter of a pi ad of nice butter melted, and pour thtm into a boat. A whith Fkicassee. Pat thechicken into a btew-pan with a very little water; add moce, pe pper, and salt. Beat np the yolk of an egg with a gill of sweet cream, and stir into the chicken when nearly done. Srve hot. Ornish with lemon. Oiwteb Saixb. -Put the oysters, with a small qnnitity rf their liquor, in a saucepan. Stew them very slowly. Add four or five onnces of butter rolled in flour, a few bits of mace, and half a pint of sweet cream. Stir thera one way un til they ara mixed. Kr n, OTSTERs.-Trfkethe finest and larJst 0J8". lay them ou a cloth to drain dry. sPrckle them wth pep per. Have reaa an oyster giJiron. over a clear fire. Pin them on it, with a very little butter, and cook until fiey are utrn. uu u., ra -h of a sreret. They To makk fr phages -Take '!lftst,ltt!l0 ofvi,,.r. pieces i f tree h porE, cnos jnem very fine, wilh some of the leaf fat. :u proportion of three pounds ?C lean to one pound of fat. Season very highly with pepper and salt, and a small iuu- titv r.f .li-ip,l A1117P rnhbed t) fl Dowder,- ! Try in cake.". CafcEiiT Sauces.- Cut a clean bunch 01" celery iiito little bits, and boil it softly until it is tender. Ada half a pint of cream, two or three bla Its of mace, a little grated nutmeg, and a small piece of butter rolled in flour; then boil it gently. This is a good sunce for roasted or V oiled fowls, turkeys, or partridge. 5 Cold Tcrket crChickes Haskd. Mince the fowl very fine, aud free from the bones; season with salt, pepper, parsley, and a little thyme. Fut it in a stew-pan with a little water; thicken with grated bread crumbs, add a pieee of butter as large ns a hen's rgg, and a little milk or cream, and stew all toge ther, or put into a baking diah and brown in an oven. Sahd ETabied. Two pounds f flonr, two pounds of sugar, one pound of bnt ter, three eegi. Mike np into a dough, and work till tho ingredients arc v -li incorporated. AC: r r !,ng out ntel cut ting into heart tdi pl.ic- the n a pan, and bea' u "ns cij", t-preud some of it over them ith a Ka'her, and then apriuklowith granulated sugar. If a little coarso-gr.ined, nil the hi tter. mixing with it a ! tilo finely powdered cinnamon. Rao rT ofSocse, Take the feet ot of the pickle, split, flour, aud fry them very brown in nice boiling laid. Have on tbe firs in a stow pan a little rich gravy, highly seasone.l with oysters, mustard, pepper, salt, and vinegar. Tuicken it a little with toaated rlour aud a very littlo browu sugar. Pat ia the pigs' feet, aud stow tuem slowly until done enough. Then send to ihe table. A few fried ojstcrs laid over the dis.h look well, aud taste better. Aurlrulloral Ittmn. In 1879 nearly 32,000,0(0 pounds of foreign wool wore sold in Uoston and 35,000,000 pounds imported into New York, wLilo woolen manufactures worth 20 773 785 were also liuded In New York. Pienty ssles for more home grown wool. Home enterprising thieves ia Martin county, Ky., recently c t fire to a tnauV barn, and when tho entire family turned out to extinguish tho flames they quiet ly entered the house and robbed it of $1,000 iu money and valuables. Thelargist shipnifnt of grain that ever took place down tho Mississippi s'arted frora St. Louis to New Orleans week before last; 270, 0C0 bushels of corn loaded on bargi s t"wrd by a power ful Rte&m tug. Male market very lively in Kentucky; pr o 'H odvauced 82d on good mules, wh oh are sotc. The mule nnd boisc trade in the South it unit to be tetlrr than siiioe 1873, The farm products of Illinois for 1379! amount to $100,000,000, said to be j double the product of all the gold aud j silver mines in the United States. The Poultry Bulletin re-corn rot nils keeping a lump of alum in the drinking I water supplied to fcwls, as a preventive 1 of lainivtuess. ! 1 Mukln, Ar.parnlu. Bed.. Tick says that tho quickest way to ob- j days regarded ns somewhat peculiar. I tLe fhioa brought a by the Sruinifh tain aepaiagus is to purchase tho plauts, 1 Sam Collins, who was at its head, j marriage. because, by doiDg so the beds are fit fori a jovial, hail-fellow well-met sort of Pretty little capes of jet nre colled cutting a vear or two sooner than would 1 P,Tson' who weighed 250 pounds, and j "coats of mail," and are designed to be bo the cate if they had been sUrtedfrom I !llJ "-erytbing possible by good filing worn with any ceatumo. seeila. If, however, vou prefer to begin ' t0, n',ng .lho9e T Tn WiuS 'raleta have pen at the beginning obtain to eoed as, l 'J 7" 'r "P V ""'V1' oils attached, either .ilver or t old, and at wis oeginmng, otnuirt vne eoea as ,ini. He and his small army of as.-ist- nparf,,.n : , , ; , 1 early in the spring ns possible anJ sow iints for the mote scrupulous members Mecma ricUIV , , ' , in wide drills, say five inches apart, j of Confess kept open bouse at Wil- I notne JtteJ bonnets are worn about as soon aa peas are sown. Keep ; lard's hotel, while for those who wore j wltU tiln "8t. reception, church aud full the soil mellow and tho weeds destroved, i "t m particular entertainment; of the , t,re'8 Proaisoai!e toilets, and in the autumn, if the soil is very most Invish eLaraetor, poker tames, and I Iudostrnctiblo French flowers are the. good, you will have one-year-o'd plants ""''"aitcd wines were provided at all best kind for art die rative purposes in plenty large enough to set out 13 it one- llours of the day an,i night in tLe lll'm1' I l1oot8 68 wel1 os 00t,,oor!'. ap neither year-old plants are generally rathc-r U'lTT 3 on Thirt0th s),rrrt; This es- heat nor cold, ftortu. rain or snow cm , 1 . t, ' talushment was literally fiee to a harm them small, and many prefer to let theta ro- wl... desired ;.,;!., ' . . . . ... . mam in me seeu oeu until the secoml vear. An ounce of seed is snire-ipnt for about twentv-flvo feet of drill. In mak. ing a bed for the plants select a good mellow soil, and mufer it Wn m 1 rioh A bed of the kind once made will keep in good condition for half a eontury or! more, so the work should be well done. I The beds should be sufficiently narrow 1 to allow of their being cat to tho centre ,tTmA . pne ofth,;m was anJ Rf. without being trod upon. Set the plants. . T the failure to obtain a s.rond sub not less than twelve inches apart in the s,ay jn iWst thc company broke up. clear, spreading the root out na urally, I Shortly aft.-r Collins had obtained the aud not crowding them into too suidl a subsidy. Commodore V.uulerliilt. en space, and deep enough that the top or eouraged by his success, came to Wash cron of the plant will be about time i?ton, hoping that he also illicit ie inchea below cround. In removiua the ! l'oive !l sh:lro of t1"' Public pap His ,l. i.k. nf,,imntu shoots, it being always best to do the work by palling oat the weeds by bind. Salt is an eioellen m mure, for ap tra gus, and may bo used with nueii freedom as to keep the pretty well sub dued wifhont farther trouble. If Mrocp, two-year old plants are set, a few ho .ts maybocnt thd year after. The pirt ! used is tbe yon shoot-i, which com mence to appear iu early apring, aud should !)e cut when Are or six itiehts in height, and when the head is close aud 3ra. Take theru fr jm a little beiow ! tbe surface, with a sloping cut. It is u t j best to cont nue the cnttiug until late iu ! the season, unless tho shojts sbonld be ui.usually strong. At the close, of th9 season tho tops should be allowed ti ! gro-v and bear see.l. When the fee's are ripe cut the stalks close to tho grouud, aud cover the bed with n few . inches of manure, raking off tiio co.u r portiou f the manure the following' spring when the asparagus will be; j ready lor auother spring's work. How ihr Ciilarar .Hake Uwnrl Trt-. We have all known frora ehiMhood how tho Chinese cramp their wemu7 fief, and eo manage to m ike them keep er at home; but how they eoitriie to grow miniature pines and o iUs i'i 11 wtr po'sfor half a ci-utury h is uiw.iys be, a cr.-t Mid in j:iowii, in- deavoriug to weak?, it as much s may be consistent witli tho I'rrservatiou of life. Take a yoa:ig plant say a f. ol ling or ;ittin of a uImi ouly two or three inches h'gh, cut nT its tup root as soon as it has other rootlets enough to live upon, and replant it in a shallow earthen pot or pan. Tlie eud of the tap root is generally made to ret on a stoie within it. Alluvial clay i.-, than put into the pot, ninej'i of it in bit-, the size of beaus, and j fist euon,?u i,i kind and qnsntity to furnish a scanty oourisbment to tho plant. Water cuongti 1 gfvea to keen it in growth, but not enough to excit-J a vigorous habit. So, likewise, in the application of light an 1 heat. As thfl Ciinese pride themselves on the shape of their miniature treec, they use striogs, wires i-.nd pegs nuJ various other mechanical e mtrivaucs to promote eyinznetry of habit or to ashion their pots into odd fancy figure s., by the use of very ehnliow p"':, tho growth of the lap-root ia out of the question; by th nsoof poor soil end It tie of it, nl little water, any etr ripr growth is previnted. Tneu. too, tl: : V.;. and hi i-j reotn, t.eing wtt'j.:- f:,y J Wi of tU ; i'dcuev, are fchorlor....' . 7 . his pr uiiufs-i:nife or i-eared w,tn his hot i iron. $ tho iittlo tree, liiidil, : i'-e'.f j beaieU VO ev.ry hidt, g .ve :i! the 1 V,". i of ttrong growth, asking only for life, I aud just. 1:1'' eno.igh to l"oU well. Ac ! cordingly (wli new t-tt of leaves bocaracs j i.'iore and more sr.unte I, the buds ai:d , roo'l tu ar ,iirainiBhed in proportion, .snd at length a balance established l;e tweu every pirt of the tree, making it a dwarf in nil respects. I:i tome kiud-i of trees Ibis cud is reached iu three or four year; in o'hers ten or tlftetu years are nee; ssary. Such ia fancy borOil- ' ture amoDjf the Celestials rint Ojv. namilton, of Maryland, reoom-! f:u'' of t'"' K;be we inliabit the unex mends radiculcbacges in, ; ?X'A '?untry 'li "lw3a lllP niost nar in abolishing one of the fi.h oemmia j vcous s.nee the world began. sionerBhips and allowing the w-.rk to bo done by tbe remainiug fficial; abolish ' ing the effi te of Ht ite tax oooimissioni-'', which he considers a sinecure; re !no:n the salary of the secretary of the senate; ; abolibhing the ofli -o ot snperintf ndent j of the house of correction telegraph linr; ; reducing the expenses of the iusnrauc" ' commissioner's department; reform in ; the system of state printing; repealing ' the act providing for the a-ivertising of : laws in the newspapers; eonoioy in j legislative expenses. The mcssnc also i advises that eviry effort be ma le 10 ; prevent unnecessary expenditures end j asks that the law in reference to fie governor's power of veto be ti ihan'zeJ ; an to a low hi'.a to v to a jiorti on I ill without t-ms remiirnin The greatest complimtnt y-n e.;-i : ay man ia to ojII biro 'an a ivano i fin.-.' -er.' It beats fhe f itje of V,eroi;l nil mt of sjgbt. Stories r the Washington Lobby. One of the most powerful and au- d.n iou lobbies of the olden times, writes a Washington correspondent, w8 that which came to WaflHngton hi ,ho interest of the Collins steamship 1,m' to ,,,laIn 11 fubsit,y ,rom lhf VT running steam vessels he - t ween New 01kat1d Liverpool. Hie tacttos of this lobby were in those n,., ,., i;.;, ty. r ' - ' 1;,,,,.,, ,.r .1, 1... :. ! an,l hv tl... mMn, ,,,,,1 bv ,,...; iudii-ious "loans "to impecunious mem i bers, the Collins forces at last stu-eeeiii d in obtaining the half million grant svllidl lhf' B"t they were novor 1 otherwise These steamers, thought to be the titiest .(I.,.., , 1 , i . i'.. u''ner of influeneins public and ot- tieial opinion was peculiar and t harae- teii.-tie. He caused to be built an iui - incline steamer, which was gorgeously titled up and was said to have cost up- ward of 1,000.000. This Vessel, tilled to overflowing with nil sorts of wini-s, iiiiuors, and eatables, he ordered to Washington, and then "to inspect her littitifrs," as the legend upon the canl had it. invited the Pri'M-tent of the United States, members of the euhimt. Senators and Congressmen. When the SUisitt amveil at llie appoiute,! tunc tin y found the most sumptuous routs aceonipanied by the choicest ot wines awaitingtliem in the main saloon. Upon loser investigation, and when the graver members of the party had re tired, it was discovered not oniy was the main saloon supplied with all the creature comforts, but that ail the numerous state rooms were well stocked with iced champagne and ii.viting lunches. For two days this most lavish entertainment was kept up. Whin it was over everybody declared that the "fittings" of the commodore's ship were perfect In every respect ; but there was so much seamlai in connection with the Collins lobby that, despite this and nunnaousoth' rbids for Congressional favor, Vanderbiit did not secure the oubsidy which he desired. Exaggeration In Figures, As m fair example of thu curiosity ol Matiaties. says Spofl'ord. the congres-si,-Tia: librarinn. take t lie army of Xerxes when it rnsed the Heili spont to in- i vadi tlrreiv. I biddotus gives it a 1.7H0,- (KHi fo.-.r. horse, nnd 517. eon naval forces !'!:!, -.'.SlT.o.iii; anil adds that this wis swollen by the attendants to ! S. Joo.oiiii; and alt this to invade a eoun try which in r." nire known to history : contained over 1 .V'O.tHlo inhabitants. '. Another favorit- ::it!i of historians is the story ot l oitous Alexandrian I library of Too.ooil ninnies, bunied by the C-iiiph Omar. A. 1. fill), with a , rhetorical (Hirniiia ir. his mouth. Un- i foi tnna'ely for this highly dramatic tale 1 no two writers are agre d as to the eir- ; runistiuiees, except as to the single fact that there was a library at Alexandria, i an that it ceased to exist in the seventh century. To ask ft modern inquirer to believethat 7o(l.nno books were gathered in one body Soil yeiars before the inven- , tion of printing, while the largest ' iibiv.ry in the world, 'our centuries after i the multiplication of books by printing began, contained liss than jno.tmo vol- j nines, is nltogethi r too genu a stretch ' ot credii'ity. Even in reporting the ! size of modern libraries, exaggeration! holds sway. The lihiiuy of (ieorge IV., ! inherited from a book-- collet ting lather ( and presented to the (iritis)! nation after lie had failed to sell it to Russia, was i s iid in the publications ot the time to contain alwiut lvj t.000 volumes. But nn j actual enumeration when the hooks wi re lodged in tin king's library, at the lii iti-h museum, whi re they have ever , since remained showed that there were ; only fo,s.'50 volumes, being little more : than 1.0,11 the reported number. Many libraries, public and private, are equally over-estimated. It is so much easier to , guess than to count, and the stern test of . arithmetic is too seldom applied, not- j withstanding the tact that 100,000 vol- : ll nice can easilv be count eil in a dav hv lwo or tir(L, persons, nnd so on ir. the e;m,e proportion. Here, as in the sta- Tn luuyl i- tisties of population, the same proverb holds good that the unknown is al 1 w.avs lbe maitirterTtt nnrl .,n tlipcitr. Words or Wisdom. Kverybody knows good counsel ix ccpt til in that lint h need of it. Me shall lie immortal who liveth till he lie stoned by one without fault. All other knowlego is hurtfu.- oira who has not honesty and good nature. If we would have powerful minds, we must think ; if 've would have faithful hearts, we must love; if we would have strong muscles, we must labor. These include nearly all that is valuable in i his life. The man who professes to believe that evil is only the under side of good. the dark side of the moon, and properly a component part of In man life, will never have the satisfaction of dying from inflammation of the bruin. Al. things must change. Friends must be torn asunder and swept along in the current of events, to see each rein r m . !"in -mil. perchance, no more Forever and evrin the cddiis of tim and accident we whirl away. The Fashions, ! Tho latost design iu buttons are mice, I lady birds, dogs and owls, j Cjlored satin guibcrcd bnnd nr urn , half way up the arm, bracelet fashion, j Tho newest in h. iuy ere plaids nnd j Koruen etrh es, with hauilaoino rn'.o , clook. . e , .. , A, , ! G It nuJ Sllver ba"8 for t,:e 1:n:r nre ; a oreiiv oruameci ur a wru'.nir-iicPK the new pen-r:uk that holds pen llo!d,;r,' t,llU,,r' or'!fcer "n'' P3nciI' i each with heavy ebony stick tinithed 1 'l,u n li0? s "e!U with a do's head. Merino is nl for morning and house j drc-scs; they are trimmed with bor.lrrs of rich figircd cretonne stripes, usually feen only cn enrtams, with veiniugs and shadings hand embroidered in silk. These Iv.rjdi are very handsome. The newest lace cravat is a large lace b c died the M v. vei'lense, in imitfl- j tion of the Iiovts during tho French I revolution. j 13:ill i'ie,tl'iir.;j for young hi "lies nre v.ry simple tins season, tho only orua j niiuts a 'nii.-hibie being a few tlawtrs, or n j'-'iled eoinli or po guard, . Olds and enda of good oil hie can be I us,,j llp 1 !,owa 0lf l)v puttirg them I on to K.11Hn . .,f m "liu ,,.ul bHow. ing tiiem to peep oat of thc fronts of drefses or the ride pooltet if a c saquiu or bo.luv simalariiig a pocket haadker e'jief. Art . iK' ul bouq iets for the e rsa?e are worn UotU iu tlie bonis an I street, and j seen ou the dresses imp rted from j the bed Parisian Looses. N ttural ! Dowers are, however, groit'.y preferred, laud lad'is who cau ohtain them u-e frenU natural ll wera i.ll win'er. East Iudiii nets of g; Id and silver cord . are worn on the hair, covering the f puce between the forehead nnd the ti.eek ; knot in the buA, but not exten lingover ! the knot it.self. There nets are finished j with a baud of gold htars on each eds'o, ! and they aro drawn to a point under the j knot iu the n ipo of the l.ek, I The large ol 1 fashioned black satin aprons, imbroidered with flowers in ; silks, are now beginning to !a s?en - cgain, aud happy are thi y who Lave thetn j among ol 1 ttorcj of trea- nn f of by gore years. S;-:aeof the modern copies if thefo "pr.U'dni ith, rs.' aprons, " its tl.ej I are called, : ro pan. ted instoa 1 of worked, j and lire o.igvd if). 1-! i -k I.e. It tak h!ee pit a very, man mi- s a Ion ! buoy to wake up a ear. A. O. ',',!'.'. ,,t We'.e kuiiAii au ent re Pull up cu-1 kei 1 11 Alike all lAj'nt by a very nM.leiate one. lint ho -! a ? rirlil'ihini::i''i t 'ri. wds 'Si-all I hcreifter ilarti yo::r stock ing"?' is sai l to b til ; la-hioablo luuguigo forayonu; to use when ranking 11 leap-year proposal. John Rice who participate 1 in Perry' ietory on lake T.rie, and the ouly Pnr vor of that fi.n.ous fight, died at Lis ire in feliaUiv Ohio. LTiitiing to r .ny a nn !T gi : oe'u'lyi i-i-y cuoiij;h. TLote who try it soon k t tin irL'in.d in. A I'AlM'l 1 FAN. H f nr-t bntfrtl,- r,ar, ,1 n a f-in, :! :l-t tt l-ft o( r tnii m r ci-r.e O' -.. .;l,-lit tnr tl t Sa!i,.,I Ci' h ana, A: "! !i-.i-;i..Rt !,ies,.n Tl,al bloolurd to dl. r '.:nl et-.ltttp 811 itl-1 y-.ii !nr. thm hera Hi:.' l),-aiy that w:il ri- t ntjt r.,-sh- .p petal lii-v, r m il! fall. Iiri,-lit, iwnt w.nirii tint ni-v?r will ranfT It'i yen r,nd tut thr ki!l to kik a wall Tj.rnwift wiiK-rl li'.ir. v.i' i-..nj and weoi, J' riser. t!u? went that Iu i: ii-.ii- dipd. A:i i fix with a b;.c-11 V.e L i, t cuiiU'ut, Tl fti ln l yen t in rf tim-l" ! thr rh'ff, A'i,l 1 , v . il an,! !re in .'i,,iii I iilm your art. If V l , til l ie.t lu nli-J tho a.eil ut th t'.in T N t tli.. r-p alono, !;i;t Ih1 rei.'a lirart : re ili.fT ,la--i w ith T 1 -1 r .l-ri f ,.m I:.,-. . h. In w 1 w;i e in f:i . Intrf t di'lifrhU utiiii-r r-Ml - t Heii'h wil: I lutii.urj l.lowi ' i S eJ!,r ,l.',,l, Itosntls Ti ll ilir Till, , What tin rea- n infer from tlie n i """ "f ' 'ii'-uie we, !i j. t far ,nj wi-'c. , ti"t only in tk, :,n, ,, lt- ciwovrrv, hut in i ii a wl, , !, met ai'h tlie iu : d. i f ni -.lie 1 in. u the ate.nal propar ; ation an ! a .i; m i.t ef wi.vli (inplMa a amall a-m. '(rev iy h, and tle (inttay utbi uLioti, ' vatl ' ! i ia '!v ernti in. We most if cai.di i i . ,tmiaiib r-ni , the rmoJ f wc I it-nr.-, 1 h o; h Mueli a" mediciiio i I I! mtcttim Mniu-o:; It itr. ti e Je'.tiiK ' Aciiricau r. ii.e h f,,r fever anil agna, liv-r I c ,m;,!i.i ,t. ('va.i-p ia, deliilitv. i ervoaeiej'a. rlu-iiaa'. am. K. il vari ui mlnr phriol ' troublca It f-arlv Umk prieeL dob among . roues mil slti-ta iv, a, ai.d haaat.adily maiii t a. il it. V,.iii i f a weakly plueepie atate iu rsnnperAive priipert'ca to v remarkable, both in ill er.. , at.d matter of prompt'tade. and tti! Li ion, eiva a 1 articulmlv auid ao Ootiat of lie-effirt. Kujukt Comphints. -Indivetina of thokid : eye u . Vi-tisk .vea inunedut.! relief. It lia etiver fai t, rnio wi.ea it n taken rfyu I rlv, d il reo u.ns fulinw d In many ci-a O may ta' o ro,reraI bottles eaixcialiy canes of 1-itig rtandiiur. It ac:a diren ly up, u'lhericr -tioiw. pleaiirinir and strei.iil;i uui, removing ail obftinriiiiiiH nnd laipu-i n a. A Kreat ti a iy Can testify tn c.teeit of lo g ta '.diier haviug li en p-rfertly cured by the Vbuetink, evin fttr trvmg many of l!m hiinnii icnn ihnn nliicli aro iai 1 to l.e exorely for tlaj diaiaae. l nmert. Slierroan C i., Mar-ball M cb., want an ae;im m tr.ia fnnntrv at en . at a aa'arT of il Dpir uionih and Vj-ent a aid. Kor fu'l pi.t.cnlara ad 'rrya aa ahoye. mamma Waiciao, raivad phfaiciaa, ritxj frwaa pracilca. aavtac a4 bla bamlt by aa Kat India tnlisloaary tM rvn u eta band wnoala of a airao vecotab.a ramadr fur tb anaatti an 1 Cstar'b. Aktntua, and all Tbrnat and Lonf AflecUaaa, a vo a piniTe and 'a-Ilea I cora for Nr too DabUlty an 4 all Nervtmt (Jon.p inu. aflat haTti Ust4 tta wijti lerful cnratlvr p..w- to thooaaods of caaea. aaa ft it til duly to mak It knoo lo htsanflarlDi fadowa At tuate'i by this mutiva and a Healra to relieve hetzt&a nflTiDf . ! wtb at-nd free of hr to all wbo deatra 1 hhl ret foe. In German. WrmvL am KncHftk. vlth rati pvnnneni cara iur coDaoibpuoo, uroocaiua, dirtrtiun fur piapanug aod aatof- ikv-nt by Bail hi a't'lreavuiaf with iiimo. umiM Eh i I aAa.ia -owara' Itiock Jtocaai ock feocaaatar. S. X i narar. w . w Never give np tbe ship. Dr. Ball'a Cough Byrnp will cure you, as it he a done otheti. It coete little, and cau never harm, l'rioe 1!5 omita. A eeahxkin sacqu) is very good iu a houFe where girls are all of nearly oue Why do an many parvuta think ehl'dren troubleaonii? btciues they erv, aut why do eliildren orj t booamo they anff T. Dr. Doll 'a Huby 8yrnp will relieve at ouce all pain that babyhood ie sabjiot to. A White Owl in Mid Ocean. The White Star steamship Celtic, which arrived from Liverpool on Wed nesday last, brought a etrango passen ger who had boarded that Vessel in mid Ocean. A large white owl dropped on one of the forward spars iu an cxhanst ed condition one evening when the ves sel was about e'ght hundred miles off the coast of Newfoundland. When brought to the deck by a fail r the owl was fo-.iud to be nearly deal from Ci Id aud hanger, and almost to weak to eat. It hsd become greatly etnncinnted, and trembl.'d violontly in endeavoring to swallow the first morsel of meat which was placed in its beak. The owl slowly recoverei, and is now perfeotly well. It ia a land bird, and is supposed to have blown off the ooast of Newfound land by the westerly gales which had for some days previous prevailed there. Finding itself ou'. at sea It had probably censed making eff irts to reach land, and had drifted before the gale, its only ef fort leiug to keep abovj water, The biid must have poscsseJ remarkable powers of endtiranco, tho i- ffli iers say, to hare kept np so long. The Celtic's otI wh'eh is 1 0 v q'lite tame, tncamtres nearly five feet from wing to wing, and is white, with the txsep'.inn of a few sma'l spooks of dark oolor. It will probably live for some time t) coue on beard tho vessel which it selected a its home while iu mid-ocean. Lnd bird havo rarely been seen so far out at sea. FEVER AND AGUE. Taruouo, M- C. ISTft. ln. n. K. Stf.vknh: !oi Sir I tm wtry urate! ul for what jourvalu alUi nifilinue, Vkuktikr. ban ilou 1b my family. I isb t t-iprR my tliauka by Informing yon -f lhf v.ti lerf nl cur of my aou; alfco to lt you kn-w flint i.ktkinh iatti b-t niclirin I ever fr ChUitt, tmltfh. Ffr an I A(u. My now wan su-k with maflit'i in Ihl.i, wiiiclt ljft him' ailh Hii'-J.jiiit liMt-atif. My nun nufl ere J a yrajat deal of i&ii), al of th. um"; t!u pais wan o gr lia cin1 uoilntig tut fry. Tin- liiK'ton 4d not lialp hltu a )arti.-tu; li vuM not lilt hn fo.x from tli floor; heoonl't not iii.tvn without rrutrliep. l r . 1 your ad ertii ttient in tin I- iui;!Ii t' unpi-.tourtial,M that Vur tink aa a prt Wood Par.fl-r and UU -t Ko.l. 1 tr:rtt one bolt It, wbirh wp n n at bnefl!. iJe kept od with tlie medicine gradual y Ranut)((. H h takeu ria-btfeu lotUe iu all, and h ia ro:nIvKy r.-Mured to b"iltb, walk without rrutcbo1 r raue. !! is twt iity y'ata of anp. I have a youii( r fi-u ft tft-n y?ara uf afl-, w bo in nbjct to Chilln. Wlp-n-vi r b-fs ii on eoiuina ou. hi romt-a in, takon a do- of that in the lat or t t'lilll. Vruki ih lntvM no hmi effect upon the iynto u like m. -i ot th tufdicinea r-oiuiiuMided for Chillf. 1 ctieerfu'ly recommend Vmckiink for filch rotii I think t ih the yieautat lueJicine lu the world. lUwpectf ally. Mm. J. W, I.LtYP. Vk.tif. When the blood heroine i I f lraand Mai-nail', either ftom fhatine of weather or of rii m it-, rttit of a-rriHf, irregular t!n-l, or from auy nt.-er citiic, the Vkoptisk w:l t ijf th hh o i, erry off the pu?i id h u riw ra, rleaimi- th Hlon ach, rricu aft the bow sf U, and mipart a tu of vipor to M:' whttl- body. Druggists' Testimony. Mb. n. R. srKTF.iti: Iear Sir We ha been a-'lllnR your remedy, the Vi ok i isr, for about thn year, aud take nit u"un m rtvoiiiiu uding it to cur ruptomt-r, and in no iiiB'auce whtrre a blood punfler would rrarh the r.te, hit) It er-r ta bd to effect a cure, to our ki o. h -IK. If certait-'y ia iha l ilua ultra of tot. Kea.pectr.i'v. K. M. UHLrIF.HD ra..Priijtgiati. Alt. Vtlou, I I. Vf frf tino in Sold by nil DriicrjrUls. CHOLERA, i-iii-f lili.arrbiP.DI If llll' If I' tl I 'll V la aapaetly aiidceitaiu .iyBente'y.and n.oat ff'-c- tua! I'rrTi-ntire of t'ho. era antl Cholera Morlma. It in iio secret irep.iraiion. an the luuredti riltt ot which it ik CiiiU poaed ar uji-jii tbe lab 1 of ach bo: tie, and it ia rerntuniendel and p rear rt bed by the umut erul nent phyaiciana. ftj!d ly LniKK'.sta aud a(ortke p er?". ttic 2 eentu aud fl.OVi. A tartte bo tiM -ut cipr a-paid, for fl. Hei d for circular. AdlrMt r I AS. A. qSMIX. 13 b-vanth Ave ,N- To k. NOKT1I HTKU SFKIf FAIOI. Tb in out I'oithr-riy nt-rd laiiua on the American ('ottlnnt. The further north ee. la are tirown, the (.nouer tb pro tuct will come to mtur ty' f.-tehti-ft fay, ai.d facta mi alu tb- thwiry 'that owiur to th proloi red dHyliKht if 'be atimver r.. out ha of the north, panta growu in liih ':u "e ncei alt others in aromatic finita. rich e nt'al oils, it-ep jtreen fo:ue( and early maturity. The Amber Hucar Cane, tb- Red R ver Surhi ' ru whit h mat urea far north aa Muluiba. Minn, t'arly Getr. P-af. Niroirl Big Gero Nn, and St. ltul Tomato at tent thae. 8t ud for 4tu annua! Cala .iVUr. no T'-adv frf e. T. M. HFTCAI F. Pmil. .Illnrraotn. J.EsTEy 8, Co r :'. J BRATTLEBORO VT. EUERYWMCRE KNOWN AND P"'7EO aiul r ft Htayni.u, li.noral MiuaKifa, l.ri No. tli Ofi:tr e-. .s,, ll;,iiLor, Mi. $. ,i . i'.V L ic SONS, CORN i x;. sTT. fflbi Tuti-nt Spark-Arrosiinir 1 ti I'ii.i .miunu-. iin l ou -ki l Vi rtu al Kiitilni-" it li w:i, t I oiiri-J KnirkH .if, ty i.-with .Sfitional loilii ront tr ri;ltltfl. A. wilh Automatic in :! I H.lil I ',0 In iJ i.bOU. Ki-iid for Cin iilar. St-iti M hrt , M'lt S-IW 1 1ll". tt lt d. Ilrlut.rf. or l'liwnt-d l'ilt- it.v if;inai'a I'ilc lmily fiiltorufw. Oivi-a itmii..iit u off, curt c ajw of Ion ir MAtidma' m 1 we k, and nri:nry r m gdvya. CAUTION K- alldnisr)is. .H- nl bj mll lr J r Mn.irH. M I)., utr.,. iur. Taiatb aud Arch it., 1'bilaUa. . I'a Wt wtl aeiid our Klectro-V'olla c li it autt ot Ih i Khctrlc Appiiai.fin ut on tr il It-r ' dja Mi thoee atHii"tMi wit h Nt rvi un It ility and tllM aeaf a per ajnaJ nature. Alaoof tue Liver, Uidiina( Rheuttui Usiu.l'arailH.e.A;!. A anre cure uiMmnteetl or no pay. Add ea Vnltnlr Hell ( o., Mnrahnll, Mich t4rtitti Mrthll l'itrefl In III to UOllH. tk ffJt till ( UI'H, l'K. J. r( KCIIk.S-., lh.Hloti, 4 111 )- VCUNG .V.N I aiobta. Mrr aiataat fat beara l ttt? a ear a aVi ( IUI U a Adaraaa ILTaienUa. ataaaff, Jaw-wriba, Wt. rv tutaiKi cuaBiit! a Daviua iia- Aajenln v nntrd fn. IHiiHtr'd J.Ueuf ntde:j A.vfKH KUIITIIKIIM, a Ihrlllinar new finok. 'l rum f re. W.8. bBTAM Pub. AOJ N. 4rh St.. K(. I.nuip, Mo. at Utl lliarof-rv. Uma a I tlim a--. Su fr ',ll lt ni- i. R'n.lMbnii. (i.H.M.I'nCi. vvlaiiil.f. A MIXKU or 'JO '1 rauap.raiil I'ania iill Naln, "V Un-. I'ar.l Co.. Hpi, rton, . V. tf A C9fl Pr ar at amM. ftsitiplra wnrffi as f re, py IV y 4dcUaiMaii t.. a,u. CI 411 Tt'lT w 11 tart a ffiioil man lii'nuaiuM. V I O. TA VI IR, Plilon CUT. M rli. WATI IIKS. To . VI. Writ, lor ratalnitma o H'aii'Uid Anirhr ,n W.trh ll., P.ll.t.iHtf, I',. 279 A WKKK. tll a itT at h mr ai' t"vr S?'a OutAKrr. AUJr. Tana Dv A Mu VEGETIHra Tar tour Bidos Puainis, 111 106 vnt BAB aud uproaaa to Am sita, Outnl Fro, A Ureaa. P.O. VIHKlCUi', tna-nata Mali urit -m j i 1 1 wtiwt DRUGGISTS XTRACT ..I," !-m-i-'-'i,i!", r. mi-..- ui. t j,'i-i,w.. Th:' Wuntlvv orilcalinj;. i!i;vHoii S1IITII. M. D., M. II. . Aa-.. &c. of llif lln'pilal fur il N'li.i S-mri'. I.on-lon, writini; tw i, t-i." uiatiT (lute of Aiiitt VI, lTtl. i.-i r: I'UNII S KX 'I'll ACT in a Raoil ,r,--.i'i,.n. I liiivc um-iI it for Hinie tiim1 iU'n t'.iiivn miii in,-1 wilh miirki-il buifilt In i of pas.-ivi' utrrinr h.'inorrtiat'." POND'S EXTRACT. mt: vi:(iiTUii.K iktkovkr. iicmitiii it tn im:ss, I'.n.r.s., nf Knl nut. !: -: I huvi" ir,'iif ribetl I'OSD'S KXI'IiAiT f.,r IIi nmrrhani'K of diffen-nt kiurti. fur 11, innrrln'iil. ami lor utTci-tlona of tin1 ryi'p. mat n'a in Klirtimiitir inttuinmatory i. , Hini; "f Un' j"int. itli yrrnt aurci'aa." A '.no n,ji,irt-tl by liu- folU'wiiij; able pbyal i i.iim: POND'S EXTRACT. ni:iLiMJ-tMKoirriMi. Ult. Ill-:iilll;. a iliy-:ci:in ,.f national r. , uiaii, ui. nyi: "Tlii mi-ilirincrnmjiri' a tin1 i tui' of Arouitr am'. Arnica, nml nintaina a loiiu- ir ,,r;y ulmh riMidora it uuturuacij aupenur to bnlli." POND'S XTRACT. i i;toi:i MKiiiciiE. Dlt. A. K. SI nM-:H,of Urmiklyn, N. T. wnli-mn tin' Mr-It : "Oat of lXleaaat of Kviitian Ojililtiiiiiiua 'liiarai' of tti-' cy.'l, 11 i-ai-H w.ri' by l'OND'S EX TUAl'T." POND'S EXTRACT. t SMI I1M K-l si n 4LW1TS. UK. II. V ' I kn u a family llt liVI'O f llrooklyn. N T.: ,,f m p-ini'ily s,i (!"iirr:iy uatful in CAUTION. l'ONl'S KXTU.VT i iniMO'iy in botil. iiwiti tiio n:iini, li'.owr. m l!a ir ns. nnd our landin-Hpi' '.raile murk "i lilT wrupp- r. 5l,r"l' W tin-.t',' lo a-i' ,-:; t r ariif u'a wilh our ilirrctinii Iii'.-t on h:f. u: -IMSII'S KX'I'jIAOT. It'fi.v at! imiutiii- ami -iili-tiiu:,-". Prlwa .f POND'S KXTRAn, 50V $1.00 4 11.75. I'AVrm.rT with HtaTOBT 1. sent FKEI5 on irrut. Ora I'nri A x r TIOK T' POND'S EXTRACT CO., 1 Murrny Street, Nt-w York. SU4 by u! I'n.jjit'. P AGENTS WANTtD FOR THE Il conta'u- llt'J fli, li!--torirn! ci.'ruviniia alut I'HHI larg- l.-iii'l u i n nii;, ". m'.i i tb ni'i n n:pirt itl-t ,r "f t!, Vloi'ol v it ml) I'll- cl. II Hh at aiulit I for ,.,i-iiiii-u paj,. m -i;ra tf .mats AKn'. ami l,y it i ftHr tlun anv otki-r lio 'k. Ail,lr.a NTtosL l'i . ro.. ! 1 'new edition. GET THE BEST. WEBSTER'S UNABRIDGED. 1928 Pages. 3000 Engraving. wovr PAOF.n coi.ttitFi vb.a tes. ConUinlnir ft SUPPLEMENT orrr 4600 SEW WOICUS and M(auuiirii9 AND A NEW Biographical Ilictionary of ovor 9700 NAMES. ruWIthol by 0. A C. MERKIAM. Ppr!Drfleld, Man. CRTS A TRAfi. THK C II I C A V. O WEEKLY NEWS. ( aewtitaper In tha U. S. ITISTT-flVll 7f a a titR, pnat.ijta inrlO'lfl Ttuiteenih jfar uf nutv ItraMon. H Is eitparlatly ompltf as a ntu papcr, publlthlna all th dl atctiesofboththe Welt er n Artrfat:fd Prem and tbe Hat!nna Atturlateil Prrsn, bil1 an Pitvaglva tTitem of iptvlal dlt- fiatht from atl Important polnta. II nipnrInMn Pel tie. praal1ng pot i Heal Bfwi ft from pnrtUa olorlnir. wlihout fur or favor. Trry number contain Xi Completed Mori. A favorit fmnHy paper. II tii Cbeapeat Vklf In tlie V. S. 75 rent a year. A dollar bill paj for llxtaeu moat hi. Allre. LIICAOO n IIILT NBWa. 1141 JTlllb A Chicago III m im cities. NO SPECULATION! A PmzeI tetter thin th" Oem, moro luterHting thii rlit-chait. affoiduiir amuefiufut for all. Hut to any aiMrr, poatpat-i, o rfrelpt of 20 cte, ur tliraeii ta for tVT ccutP, lu ok or ataajpn. Every t FrfticU (HjiiNheJ aul flultbed by rsix-rieucvd workmen, ttitlar.ctiou guarautea. Aaarean Boston Fancy Wood Carving Co. 4 1 ft Wamhlngton Mt.. Ilemton. Mama. Acme Library of Blograohy. Twelve atandard h)oka,atone tiioe, pnhiiabad at 9 1.26 i-arh, i osr iaauad In una beautiful. Knod type, i rally cl"th'builnd vnluine.far AUcta., a, id poalatfe, N rta. iTontaln'eR: 'Frnlenck tlie Great,' by Mao aillay. ltohert lliirtn,' by Cailyle. 'Mabomet,' by l'lbiti. 'Mar In i littler.' tiy O eTaller lluiiaen. 'Miirj., Inaui-r Hcola,' by l.tmatine. 'Juan of Arc,' b .Mit-ii, Iai. 'lUunlbal,' hy Tlioa. Arnold. Ta-aar by 1.1,1 ell. Oiouiwell.' by liruartin. 'William 1'iti,' by Ma-ai!ay. 'f' ilunitiua,' by Imar tne. 'Viliorta Coliiniia.' hy Trollop". BrnU f or ' 1 he 1. 1 ermy HevoltiMoli Ire, and mention tbla paprr wiii-n ynn writ". A MKHM'AN RIIIIK K.l. ( II. A M F Tribune Hiiillln, New York. "" THE FARMER i'ilVDllDGlllE A valnal l" lw,,i , f ii'O axis, aollil remlina mat ler ai. laxauirh, a), fiom the i-na of the hvat a ritfi-a t llieilay. Ur Toted to the mten'ataof Far te ar,, Hloi-k llrrdpra. Ponltiy Kanrlera, Liiarymen. tl -e f'liltnrn-ta, f,ar,lei.era,th Flreaide, etc. Price only M) eenin, p-'ttptid (ettlier P. O. order or I olKe ataiep). t'ln apeat and bat ImokeTer pnb llaheil If j-iiuhavea fru-nd In N. Y. aak h'm to att-p In our oftli-e and eaaniilie thla valuable booh. Aiirala wauled. Addrraa all ordi-ra to Faaka HARaiKos A I n , rutiUi-hera, auand Sua rlroadaray, N, V. Fv. nli-K Himii Bllildiliir. WTHI! I i av I(M i"-r moiiili i nd atinaeii ic.le aell nir-riH'K KT tit' fill LA II AI.AUM. Helid ftampfort uia or'i&c foraaaiple. If aury jirei er red, aeeure 1,-i rlluiy, a ir-a t-.iiACKi.iiNB SEFIr niTATCIEat IO hnahela arown frero I kmalielrlee.1. 1 lb., etle.i S Iba., fl.tft. Indiana. ricure,y analad, 16 cauta. l.rioa ailant agents wanted. O, w, UT1X)BI, Fort Golden, HewJersey, DoxlNI. SOLD BY ALL POND'S E a cm nn ri ARif Jf wianiw r a a mttm. m a LABOii-VlOBY, 77W.3d St.,KsvyYorkCi uia vr juttr.j cm.- as 5 ITIUP8 KAT1E.I B HM S f yc lJisfP'r- Vtrr0 HE f" XiW'i JAfWaX- HR b n Utiflxtn, ttropsy, 'aV tl But Vsr jrnrt ftinrast, BUlousnfss, .Ven ous nebiHty.etc, Tho Bert EEUEDY K!T0"W1T to Han I jo.coo AU!:rr-i havb soi d since 9.000.C0O Oott.cs. 37u'j Fyr.ip Possesses Varied rroperiks. It Mlr-1'tl.ifr hs PylTnlino In thx PnllTH, trLlrll riiiivr, t ihe.inrrb nnd aailirafllia luro i;iiirnao. A di-liclrnrr In i'virallne cnuac Wtml nl f norlnir of III" iwd In lb aloinnrh. If llif, mf.tlrin. In iiiltrn liamtaU rirly Hi'ir cailng lbe li-rtceuluilao f4 la prrvrr.ini. 1 1 an. nprn itm T.tvrr. If nrtj upon tln Klilnrra. Il Itrgtiliitro I lip lloml. 11 PiiriOr. ihe lllood. It Quints i ho NrrvnuvSyatrm. Il Fromir. Pieiailon. It Mrrrcilion. nnd I nrlcaraiCea. Il carrir. oil li e OIU lilnod nnd maUra arw, It oprus tin' purrs of lbe akul nod tndacr. Ilrallbf IVraiiiraliou. It oaa'ra!.! the hrrtHHUtrr lJur. or pr.taoo In Ilia blood, whic'i rrnrmtie Scrofula, l.rymfM'lita. ocd ail manoar of akin diatanrs and luremal hiimora. Tliore ar. do aturiti cuiployr-l Iri ita mauufactiirw. and tt ran ha takrn by tiit; u.,l dulliate batie, or by tba aca.l and focblrt, urc oniy betti remind in At Unttcn to dirrtwns. mCE CF LAK3B E07TIES, . tl.CO miC C? E-A1L E2TTIES, - - ED RQad tho VOLUNTARY TESTIMONI.-' cf Persons who h ;v9 torn CURED by uaa cf the BLOOO (PURIFiEK. For Billonaaeaa. Liruix JIill, Itii'liiiKinJ Co., N. C. Dear Sir I liavp Imth troutiieil with BiV iuuanraa ami Iiul i;iuiiii, riii could find do relirf until 1 trio. I jour linl:iin lMood Byrup. The cure w.ia limi-v.-lous. Ia-i me auat trial ol it to tbotc ufllii'ti'il as f " J. v. SNEAD. A Valuable Medicine. iiki. lln.i., Kiclimotid Co., N. C. Diar Sir Alh'i- tbe u ut your Indiaa ltlooil Syrup, Inn by I liuve len proa Li j bftit'fltr'l, ii. y only roiot ia tht I did not knowol il iMif'ore. pronounce il a valuable medicine. A. SMUTt Paia in tho Brcnat. Ijii-m.i. lln.i , Ki. liinnnd Co., N. C. Dinr Sr I n fir u loti time aufforinn from h l'ui:i in tiic Jlieii-t. I houKbt from yo'ir Aj;,'nt -ouic ot your Imiian Uliawl 8ynip, mi l anion inking it h ive foil no a niptoma oi the pitin. .Mv ti-ii-ints bnre iHed it and thej all "pi nk iu llie hilo t ti-i ni- of il. A S. .McNEII- Rlienmatlam Cured. I I.ll li lb Hut., Kiiliinoiiil Co., N. C. l), ttt Sir I wiij mrt. iii. wiiii Klieuinntiam in my Back mi l Slo, i loi'. nu-l itm-turs pre I M iiix',1 in vain. ,M t in-1 oi -non ol a Iriend, I tried your grenl In iiuu ill I S) rup, and Us i the auTplie of nil, tntll im lin!) ,!, an itil tna ilui'e cure win v.oiknl. 11 all who art I troubled with KlivminttiMii tfiie it a trinl. i J. J. WK1UHT. Oaneral Del) tilt y. HUTITBRFORIiTON, RutllClford Co., N. C. Dear Sir For a loug Lime I have been aui loriujr with Aenknen. I u-v i some ot youl KK-nt linlian Hinml Sirup and il did me mora? good than anyih.n 1 ever Kink. MATILDA HITLER. For Headaoha. Ritherkoruton, Kutlierlord Co., N. C. Dear Sir I wna a sufferer wilh Sick Head a, he until 1 ob'ained aome ot your excellent Indian BIimkI Syrup, and having; experience its benefit in my own cn-e I can hava D heaitatinn in recommending il to others. J. IJ 11 L AN FORD. Sara Cora for Dyapepala. Ok SntlHuS, Rntlierlotd Co., N. C. Dear Sir 1 auffred witn lyapepaia lor long time; iood would noi atay on my atomach 1 K"t aotne of your Indian blood Syrup and il ourcd mt, W. T. CARLILK. Dyapopal and IndiseaOom. Bt aur Fork, I'eia u Co., X. C. Dear Sir I have ued your Indian Mood Syrup for Dynp-pma of 30 yeam' ainnding, and have received much relief Ihernlrom. 1.. UCK. Liver Coxaplalnt BraHr Foiik, Peraoa Co., N. C. Dear Sir Your truly valunble Indian Blood Syrup ia the heat me licintt I ever uaod for Liver Complaint and Sick Headuc'ie. P. I'AINTKR. For Aatlima. HiSTEB'a Stob, Peraon Co., N. C. Dear Sir I wna troubled with Asthma for five yeura.and tailed to find relief until I tried your Indian lllood Syrup, which has greatly benefited me. S. C. CLAYTON. For Sorofnla. UBeuNiiuiioioii, Guilford Co., N. O. Dear Sir Alter aufjeiing 11 yeara with Borolala, 1 began the nee if your Indian B'ood Syrup and it cmipleiely aiued me. 1 adviaa ail aimilarly afilictod to give it a trial. W. U. L'NTIIANK. Beat Family Medicine. GbkknD( Kortiii, CJi.illord Co., N. C. Dear Sir This ia to certify that your Indian Blood Syrup ha greatly benefited my wile and lauiily. I cannot rocoinniiud it too highly. Rev. JA3. 1. JANES. Female Coinpladnta. GaanNsnoKoroH, (iuilford Co., N. C. Dear Sir I have ued your reliable Indian Blood Syrup lor Complaint peculiar Ut omen, and have received grcal benefit t here from. HADEX MOODY. Lirer Cemplalnt. Cedar Ubovk, Orune Co., N. C. Dear Sir A oit trial ol your Indian Blood Syrup oured mm ol Liver Complaint. EOMO.Nl- BRUM MKT. Racmedf for Rhenanatlam. Cboab Ubovb, Orange Co., N. C. Deal Sir Tour great Indian ll, r,l Sym a the beat meiUoine I ever uaed lor K leu n tiani. SAMUKL 1'IfARD, 2 S y 5 --.if.t : " I rva''ispiwt(isw