Si. 3fM (Jjihxihm Record. H. A. LONDON, Jr., BOrroit ami ri:fii'l;u:Tul(. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: one i y, one jcji , . - ... .in Oae Mpy moiiiiiH . . . . . . j ew no copy , three luuntlii, . .... ,ju RATES OP ADVKItTISING. Out.' HU;m, nm IiimtIIoii, Ou hquart', two liinilt.iiv Cue Niiari, n nmntli, - I.M in VOL. II. PITTSBORO CHATHAM CO., X. C.,AIKIL 8, 1880. NO. 30. mm o J. J. JACKSON. ATTOR NE Y-AT-LAW, PITTSliOllO', X. C. t7All business entrusted to lilmwltlr. ceivo prompt attention. W. K. ANDERSON, P. A. WILEY, Ca.W CITIZENS . NATIONAL BANK, it ii.i uai, x. v. J. D. WILLIAMS & CO., Grocers-, Commission Merchants and Prodnco Buyers, FAYETTE VI LLE, N. C. H. A. LOSMDOM, Jr., Attorney at Law, PITTMtOKO, X. 4'. MTSpecial Attention Paid t i Colleo'iiig. JOHN M. MORINC. Attorney at Law, .tlarlnanivllle, f'hnlhnm Co., N. C. JCH.1 M. SI RINO, Of Chatham. AI.FRKU A. SIOIlINd, Of Orange MORINC & MORINC. Attornoya At Lnw., n. v. All knsjness intrusted to them wiU reoeivs prompt attention. THOMAS M. CROSS, Attorney at Law, PITTSBORO', N. f. Will practice in Ouatham and anrroun eonnties. Pollution of claim. specialty, ding Certain and Reliable! HOWARD'S INFALLIBLE WORLD RE- NOWNKT) RKMEDT FOR WORMS la now for tale by W. L. (.nndnn. in rittt-biro'. All thnae who are annoyed with those Pests are advised to call mil pet a paeksge of thin valuable remodv. This compound is no bum ling, bnt a grand sncoss. One aeent wanted in .very town in the, Rtnto. For psrtion'era. addi'. enclosing 3 cent stamp. Dr. J. M HOWARD. Mt. Olive. Wavnornnntv. . lOO Buggies. Rockaways, Spring Wagons. &c made of the lust matt rials at.d fullv narrant ed, to be folrl regardless of cost. Tartles in want will onnsnlt their own internal by exam ining onr stock an t prices before bovine, as w are determined to sell, and hsve out down our prices so thev cnnot be mot by any other bonae iu the Xtate. Also a full eto-k of. IIniil lIal IIiiiiicks REPAIRINO done at bottom priees, and in beat m -nn r. Hind for pr ces and ents. A. A. McKETIf AN ,t HONS. Fayi'ttcville, N. C. NORTH CAROLINA STATE LIFE INSURANCE CO., OF llALEIt.1I, . CAR. F. IL CAMERON, rretUlml. V. E. ANDEKriOS. l i. V,... W. II. HICKS, SSy Th onl7 Home Life Insurance Co. in the State. AU It funds loaned out AT IIOMK, b:i. among our own people. We do not send North Carolina money abroad to build up other Bute. Il Is one of the most successful com panies of Us see In the United Btatea. Its as sets are amply aufllcieut. All loans paid promptly. Kitrlit thousand dollars paid In tlm last two year to families In Chatham. It will cost man aged thirty ynnra only live cents a day to Insure for one thouand dollars. Apply for further Information to H.A. LONDON, Jr., Gen. Agt. F1TT8BOKO', N. C. READ North Carolinians and Others! THE CELEBRATED LIQUID ENAMEL PAINT! MANUFACTURED BY HEW JERSEY ENAMEL PAINT COMPANY, Has been seld in your S:ate EIQ3T YE AIM Thousands of gallons having been disposed of. In uo oasa bai it failed to give satisfaction. The Cnoit pabl:o bailJiut ii BtHims' are paiutel with tkis elegant Paict. The Carrollton . Hotel, The New American Office, The Armstryng, Catot & Co's Building. The Hurst, Purnell & Co's Building, The Trinity M. E. (Church1, An 1 elegiut PRIVATE RESIDENCES all over the oouutry. Mixed Ready for Use. Any One Can Apply It . Bamrle cards by mall on applisation. C. P . KlYIGHT, Sole General Agent AND MANUFACTURER OF Roofing Paper. Bullking Paper RooOng Cement. No. 93 West Lombard Street, Baltimore, Md, WILL YOU SELLTHE FARM? Chapin's Farm Agency, KALEIGI l" N. C. Dr. A. B. CHAPIN. Manager NOIirH CAROLINA BRANCH OF (iEOKGI- H. CHAriN H FARM AGKNCY, U03TON, MASS. Special attention given to the sa'.o of florth Carolina Ittal E it ate. No oliarge itado ui.til a ale i. effected. All property placed in onr nanus ror .ale will De ativeriisoa In tlie popu lar work, Tuj Boutk Illustrated, frte of ti ptiise. The Charleston Now. and Courier hm Evcrjbody baa heard of flio. M. Cbapiu's farm agency, and few are unscqnaiuted with me success wmon nag atlcuded 1U operation.. The New F.jgland Fdrmer says: 'Ouo, II, Cbanin liae ad vci lined hia farma to the amoun of 50, 003 during the pant jear. We commend him to onr readers.' i'he Aikou, H. O , Review eavs: 'So one baa dime nitre than Ooo. II. Chapiu iu tbe oanse of Houthtm immigration. Our TilitRe la thionged uith NoilLcru pcr.ple iu starch of iiointa, nil good Skim are being made. Tbe 'doutb Illustrated' is doing a gn at ora lor lie. TLo New York Tribune, (he Boston Herald, Journal, Traveler, Globe, and Advertiser speak iu the highest terms of Ohauin'nFarm Asencv. N. B.- bM ALL FARMS (paiticularljj are Viamo.i at once. CJIlbo Fisher Bonding, ItALEIOlI, N. O. T. H. BRIOGS & SONS, BriggB Building, Raleigh, N. C. HARDWARE. WAGON & BUGGY MATERIAL, SASH, 100K8, 1ILINDH, l'AINTH, OILS, COLORS, rrrrv. WINPOW (il.ASS. Sleani Engines. JJelting, LIME, CEMENT, PIASTER, MILL SUPPLIES. Correnpondence solicited. JOODA B. ALLEN. KltED A WATHON, JACOB S. ALLEN i CO., laAI.KlOH. N. C, B uilding Contractors ami luiitiufiK turcrs of Sash, Doors. Blinds, Mould ings. Brackets, anil all kimlH of Ornamental, iSprol! ntnl Tnrnnl Work ; Wnulow ami D.or Fratut s ruiiile to Or lor. " Give no a call bforo ordering. Shops loRatil cn fI-rriutou street, where it oi-obsos the It tlt-igli "ami Oaiton Railroad. Steamboat Notice! Tbe boats of the Zxpresa mean boat Compa ny will run aa follows from the drat of Ootobai tuU farther notice: Steamer D. MURCHI30N, Cspt. Alone Oar rison, will leave Fayettevilie every Tuesday and Fridav at 8 o'clock A. M., and Wilming ton every Wednesday and Saturday at I o'clock P. M. Bteamer WAVE, Oapt. W. A. Roboeon. will lesTf.yetUville on Mondays and Thursdays at 8 o'aie.!r A. M. , and Wilmington on Tues days and Fridays at 1 o'clock P.M., connecting with the Western Rtiiroad at Fayettevilie on Wednesdays and 3atur(:ays. J. D. iriI.LIA.VS4; CO. Agents at Fayettevilie, N. O. THIS! What I Mvo For. I live lor those who love me, For those I know are true, For the heavon that smiles abovs ) And awaits my spirit, too; For all humau ties that bind me, For the task aiy God assigned me, For the bright hopes lett In hind us, And tbe good that I caa do. I live to learn their story, Who've suffered lor my sake, To emulate their glory, And follow iu their wake; Bards, martyrs, patriots, sages, The noble ol all ages, Whose deeds crowu history's psfee, And time's groat volume make I live to hail that season, By gilled minds foretold, When men shall lire by reason, And not alone lor gold; When man to man united, And every wrong thing righted, The whole world shall be lighted Aa Eden was ot old. I live to hold communion With all Unit is divine, To leel that there is union 'Twixt nalm-o's heart and mine; To profit by affliction, Renp truth liom nVl's ol fiction, Qiow wiser liom conviction Fulfilling Clod's design. I live lor thosnthnt love mo, For those that know me true, For the heaven t lint amilo9 rtbeve aa And waits my ."pint, too; For the wrongs that need res'stanoe, For tho cause H ut needs assistance, For tho tin lire in Ilia distance, And the good that I oan do. ONLY A FARMER. 1 1 don't like the country, and I never would have oomo here but ior the chance of bocoinini! Mrs. Allon Waters that's the truth!'' nnd Miss Addic Atlicrton flounced into an e.isy chair. und prepared fur r tit of the sulks. Her mother looked up, utmisrd nt the frankness of her younirest daughter; lis for her eldest, Dora, slio sank hack in her seat with a puined blush on her dark cheek. ' I am sure, Ada, you need not com plain. You have a far easier time liv ing at the Hollyhocks than either mother or I," she said. ' Why everything need be so hateful, I don't see !" grumbled Miss Ada, frown' ing under her flaxen curls. " If fathei hadn't died now, he might have run along for years, until Dora and I were suitably married, and kept up appear ances so that we could have made good matches. Now everybody knows we are poor." And everybody knows we are hon est!' cried Dora, who still trembled at mention of her dead father. " We set tle.! every thins as honorable as possible, and came here to live, glad of Uncle Alfred's otter at least I was." And I'm sure I was, my dear," said Mrs. Atlicrton, with a sii;h. " I am thankful to have a roof over my head in my old age.'' Uncle Alfred was absorbed iu flori culture, and made a pet ol the place for years. It's lovely here, I think," said Dora, leaning to look out into the bright su nnier garden. " I don't care for flowers," returned Ada, moodily. " I can't make myself happy hoes and waterins-pots. I did think it would be bet; r "m this, with the Waters' place op , osl But Allen Waters is away, an- g.ites shut against us. In lata, tiuru is no body here!" You calculated a great deal on the society of a man you don't know in the least, Ada," said Dora, reluming to her sewing. " I'n not in the least like you, Dora, with your notions ol congeniality and similar tastes," burst forth Ada. " I've n taste for comfort and luxury, and I iiuld love any man who would give them to me. Resides," somewhat moderating her violence, us In r mother looked annoyed at her . !r iue state ment, "you know we have always heard what a line fellow Allen Waters was!" Dora said no more. Her bright, dark face burned with indignation. She was ashamed of Ada, (.ricved, yet secretly tried to make some excuse for her sister. Perhaps the Hollyhocks was dull be- j fond endurance to Ada. They had never been alike. It was wrong, per haps, to blame her too much. Yet she tiil shuddered at Ada's unwomanly words. Day by day Ada continued her coni pluints of the Hollyhocks. She was miserable herself, and she certainly made everybody else o. While Dora was busy as a bee, Ada moped hersell almost sick. Tho little old phaeton which Drr had driven in as a child was left tho family, anil, at her mother's suggestion, Dora hired a mild, tat dobbin of n neighboring farmer one day and invited Ada to a drive. "There's lovely scenery along the val ley road. It will ranko a little change for you, Ada Besides, I've a bit ol news to brighten you up." Ada turned languidly. "Allen Waters is coming home," said Dora, with a faintly mischievous smile. After a moment's thought Ada rose, arrayed herself in her prettiest driving costume, and entered the ca Tinge. "Drive past the Waters' estate, Dora. What a fat, lazy horse! There is no fun iu driving if you can't drive in style. There, now. nee the Waters' place. It's all I expected it to I'. There'd be some comlort in living if one could be mistress there. It's no better marriage than I ought to have ' made if papa had uot failed ;" and, with discontented lips and an arrogant toss of the head, Ada w:is driven past a hay- ngging driven by n man in his shirt sleeves. He glanced at tho young ladies with frank curiosity. " Did you bow, DoraP Impudent fel low! How lie stared ! Countryfolks!" sneered Ada. "I bowed because he bowed to us, Ada. You would not have mo repel such a mere civility. He is probably some one who knows us, because we are strangers here." "I detest, such people." "I don't think I could detest any on, e who wore such white shirt-sleeves and looked so comfortable under a broad straw hat this hot day," laughed Dora, carelessly. But the very next moment Ada was thankful for the existence of "such people," for the phaeton broke down. and, with a dismal scream, she was lipped from her seat and landed among the roadside buttercups and clover. The mild, fat old horse instantly stopped. Dora looked anxiously about lor help. Xo house was near. She looked uppealingly up nnd down the quiet road; then oh, gladly! she s.iw the hay-rigging, the straw hat and the white shirt-sleeves, drawing near. "You have broken down," said the owner, heartily, jumping down. "Thank you, yes. The carriage seems coming all to pieces," said Dora, still trembling from fright. " Could you do anything to help us? I should be, oh! so much obliged to you." 'Yes," said Ada, shaking the dust oO her silk skirts. "We are the Misses Atliertons. We will pay you, of ourse." The man bent to examine the axle tree. His side lace was toward Dora, but she plainly saw liim smiie. "It's not so very bad, thenP" she said, anxiously. "It might be fixed, I think, so vou could get home safely; but 1 haven't much time, iu lact, I'm in a great hurry." 'What is your lime worth to you?" asked Ada, with the air she had once seen a millionaire use when speaking to some workmen he was about to em ploy. "Sometimes more, s-metitncs less," answered the man. with the s inie quiz zical smile, r.ut he had produced a cord from his pocket, nnd with deft lingers began mending the broken trace. Then ho produced some nails, and with i stone pounded away vigorously be neath the carriage. "There; by driving carefully you will be able to reach home safely," he ud, nt last, rising. There was something in his composed manner and distinct enunciition which made Ada stare for an instant ; hut she could see little beneath the broad straw hat but a curling black beard, a tanned cheek nnd two piercing eyes. " What is to pay P" she naked. "Nothing." He offered a hand to help Dora into the carriage. She seated herself nnd drew out a little embroidered porte- monnaie. "I beg your pai don," she said, earn estly, " but you must let me pay you. You suul you were in a hurry ; we have taken your time, and you have done us a great service. I have nothing but that and a ten-dollar note. Pray take it. I am sorry it is so little," blushing as she tendered a shining half-dollar. Again the quizzical smile, and tin eyes they had a wot hi of inclining in them, those piercing dark eyes under the hatbriiu. Dora felt her heart thrill strangely. It relieved her greatly that the man extended his hand and received tli" money. I hank you," he said, quietly. What may your name be?" nskul Ada, who had seated herself unassisted. "and your occupation. You are quite handy," patronizingly. The man laughed outright, a low. mellow laugh. My name does not matter; I am a farmer. (Jood-day, ladies." He stepped back, lifting his hat, smil ing again nt the look of consternation upon the features of the girls at the grace and the face the movement re vealed. A kingly brow shaded bv close clipped yet beautilul hair, a white forehead. eyes dauntless bright, with scorn and a smile iu tlieiu. '1 he phaeton turned one way, the hay-rui:ing another. "Whoever thought that he looked like that, under that old hat, in a hay cart?" said Ada, breathlessly. "Win can it be? H )w provoking! He was :i right down gentleman, though he said lie was onlv a farmer." Poor Ada! mortiucation had just begun. That evening, with silk hat dolled from the handsome head, fault lessly arrayed, Mr. Allen Waters pre sented himself in the little parlor of the Hollyhocks and, introducing himsell, beeged leave to inquire if the young ladies had reached home quite safe. Ada quite eagerly, and tried to be sweet, but Mr. Waters seemed to have eye-' "lily for Dr.i's brunette face. He came again and again'to the Holly hocks, and at last, one day boldily de clared himself Dora's lover. "You have known me but such a little while, you don't know half my faults," murmured she. " I don't care if I don't," he laughed. " I love you. and have loved you ever ! since you offered me that half-dollar so i cl armingly, blushing and adiamed of ! the small sum. Why, you little darling, do you know your appealing dark pv s ' kept me trom no linuaiuan who would have paid in a thousand dullars that 1 da P" "And you never g., i it?" cried Dora, .'gin tt. "No; hut that does not matter. I have your half-do.lar, and had rather have it." Such an incorrigible fellow as thnt, of course, had his own way, and Dora became Mrs. Allen Waters. She loves her husband because, under all circum stances, she finds him a genllem-in. And Ada is iu the sulks. A Story or the Cottuu (iu. Some man, says a Ceoriria paper, will yet make a reputation in willing the roniancj of the cotton gin. We all know how a poor Yankee tutor came to teach the children of General Nathaniel Grcsno in Georgia, ridii.g from Con necticut iu -i Bulky, and set ing the diffi culty attending the handling of cotton, then produced in small quantity, put his wits to work and evolved the rude hint of the gin now in use. I heard i story the other day from Mr. John M. ttuerrard, of Savannah, who I think got it lrom Mr. Nightingale, the son-in-law of General Greene. one day nt a din ner given by General Greene, some cu riosity wis fx pressed to see the inven tion of young Whitney, which was then being op' rated in a little houst near by. After dinner tle company went out to the house nnd Whitney was exhibiting his seed machine, when il was discovered that he had to slop it every few niimit' s in order to clear the cotton away frc in the cylinder. Mrs. Nightingale obsirving the annoyance that this caused nnd the embarrassment of the young inventor, with the quick wit of a woman, took her silver comb from her hair, and pre.-sing its teeth gently against the cylinder, ch ared the Mint away as it turned, To this gi-utlc act ot courtesy the world is indebted for one of the most valuable ideas con nected with the gin. Colonel Tom Howard contends that the invention of Whitney was really very unimportant, and consi.-ted simply in the use of ono cylinder instead ol two, substituting bent teeth for the second cylinder. Tho really important progress made in the cotton gin was made by a Wilkes county man, who substituted the suv f r tin' bent teeth It took a long time in those days to g. t a patent, and while waiting for it the inventor was terribly worried by men who were trying to get the points of his invention that they might pirate it, Colonel Howard says that some men disguised themselves as women, and then gained an cm ranee to the old out house, iu the gin was bidden am! obtained a knowledge of its parts Neither Whitney nor the Wilket '. unity man made any tvlit out of tin invention. Life iu St. I'ctersliur;:, St. Petersburg is a city of gourmets. The long nights in winter, and the ex cessive cold nuddiscnmtoit out of doors. drive the inhabitants to indoor pleas ures. They i'oii.-iqj t.i.y pay creat at tention to the cui.Mitc, and tbe cooks be come oiriljit-bliu.i. The host cuisine, is, ol course, the French, i and tin nt are French cu.v in many of the hou-ts, but the UiHMans have a number of rational dishes they are fond of, especially soup cabbage soup eaten with sour cream. cucumber soup, and a cold sour soup, which is not very agreeable to a foreign palate. Tho root vegetables, turnips, beets, etc., are remarkably good; so are watermelons and cucumbers, while game, snipe, woodcock, partridges, haz 1 grou-ie, black cock, cogs du bois and hare are all abundant in their season and good. In the way of fish, the sal mon is excellent, and they h ive tr.-u', pottish, potch, grayling senilis, some what like a striped bass, and the famous sterlet, which we d not think deserves its reputation. Its roe make the best cavaiiv. The regular Ku-sian restaur nil is not to be seen in perloctbm in St. Yti rsl.urg. There is one in Mo.-cow they call the Hermitage, which is thoroughly Rus sian. A feature of these rctuur.mts is an immense mechanical organ, which trinds out lively nirs during dinner. One can hardly talk. The correct thing to do is to take before dinner a " za couska " which, being interpret! d means ,rcliminury lunch, a small glass ol liquor generally " wodki," with salt fish or c-avaire, or a little cheese. This is supposed to whet dulled appetite. Besides tbe pleasure of the table, the Russians rely greatly upon cards to pass the long winter evening. They play a great deal, and play high. Whist, with some modifications in the counting; baccarat, and a game they call "quinza," something like " Boston," are their prin cipal games. The gnat national game of poker is unkno wn among them, hut its attractions are just beginning to he appreciated. Cards are a monnply in Kussia, and their importation is strictly prohibited. The profits on their gales go to the support of the foundling hos pi'al, and it is m ignitioently supported. Any in hint can be brought there, and no qui stions rre asked either as regards the mother or child, and no payment is necessary. It is said to b the on'y place in Kussia where no passport ts re quired. An extraordinary activity lia,s been recently developed through the mineral regions of the South, which include the western portion of Virginia, the whole of West Virginia, and the wi stern parts of Alabama. Georgia, North and S.nth Carolina. The revival is moM notice able in the iron mines nnd furnace dis tricts. Scarcely h day passes but some large sale of this class of property made U Northern capi'.a'i.'s ' u larly to those of Pennsylvania. A Kfinnrkahle Operation. Some weeks ago Thomas Coulter, ol New lork, had a nose put on him bv killing a middle linger, takinz out the bone and allixing it to tho bridge of his nose. A detailed account of the opi ra tion was published at the time. About three weeks ago, says tho Itew York Ui raid, the plaster of paris bandage was removed from his face, and a cart ful ex amination showed that the finger hat! grown fast to the site of the former nose. Dr. Sabine at once decided to sever the hand from the two joints which were thereafter to serve nsanose. Tommy was rendered parti-idly unconscious by the use of anesthetics, and the amputa tion was performed without much trouble. During tbe two months in which 1 he linger hail been crowing to the face the blood had retreated from the hand and arm because of its pecu liar pokilion, leaving them us white as snow. Shortly after the operation the tube through which Tommy btentln d was removed from its position in the larynx. The patient at present is in a peculiar position. It order to have a shapely nasal organ the second joint id the amputated lit per was crocked so that the elbow h r.ns the top ol the nose. The end of the Ihu. r w:u- stitched to the upp r iip ir. a neat manner. The next step in the pro'-ess was to remove piecisofskin from the cheeks and fore head, tind allow them to prow on the lacerated and stiti-b.'d portions of the new nose. The consciuence is that tin re are no iio.-ir'.is nt nivsciit nnd Tommy breathes t i :? I'.iir 1 1 Jus mouth and c:'.r-. In order toavoid this ino' ti venient, mode ol inhaling and exhaling i'i operation isshoi!,'yto be performed , with a view of provimng that new or gan with nostrils. Coulter's articula tion is good, bin his voice sounds as though be were speaking through a ram's horn. The .-uv.-c.i.s in i-hatye of the case tire contiih lit that th"y will be able to remove thi-i impediment very easily. The wonderful jeiticuee which Tommy dUplayi d I'uritig his trying oi ilea'. en ili"il them to oju mic with more success than iu ordinary eases. It, is proposed to remove ail scars from his face by the process cf skin-grafting. A Clever Operation. A curious occurrence has lately taker place at the Gardens. One night one o' the lions was observed to be in a state of great tribulation, rolling about, ami trying to get something out of his mouth with his paws. Upon examining tin animal to see what was the matter, Mr. Bali lett found that a gn-at bone had be come a lixiure in the poor brute's mouth. The tiilliculiy was to rcmovi il, as the lion was in fearful temper. This was done by gelling the lion intc a ".-.hilling den," where his face would not be very far from the bars. It was then ascertained that the object in the .ion's mouth was the sponge, round hone, as big as a cricket-bal!, which tonus the hip-joint of the horse. Tin 'ion had had part of a haunch of horn ! dinner, ami in amusing himself with he bone first got his upper large canine tooth into the soft part ol the bone, and, hiliug on it, the corresponding canine tooth in the lower jaw came through so lar inlo the bone that it nearly met with :he point of the upper tooth; the jaw i bus became fixed. Tbe animal was bus prevented from taking food or water Mr. B.irtlett, with a great ileal .if tact and malieuvring, managed to get this bono out of the lion's mouth, and in ky he did so, us it was found that tin loig projecting portion ol the bone was fii .-sing hard upon the lio' 's tongue. T lis is the third clever operation in h-ntMry that Mr. Bartlelt has pei tiT'in'd - livst, iciiioving a big tooth ooiu the hippopotamus; second, oper I'ingoti the l.a-e of the tu-k of the big Vidian! ; third, taking a how's leg hone out of the lion's mouth. I nn ' iu I l"ir. (Ureal Engineering Fents. The tun e! if Mount ct. Gotl'ii.l. the .rcate-t tneincei ing work of the kind in he world, has just been finished. The object of it is lo connect the railroad systems of Gi nnany, Switzerland and Ila'y, anrt its cons ruction was deemed necessary in order to ull'set the com. menial advantages that were acquired by France in the building of the Mount I'enis tunnel, and Austria with her road across the Seninu ring, which are the connecting railroad links for those two .ountries with the same portion of Europe. The chief works i f this kin I in the world are four in niiiiibu- namely, the Hoosae and Sulro tunnels in the United States and the above-mentioned. The Mount St. Gothtird is the longest of all, its length bring more than eight miles; the Sulro is the hortest. being less than four miles. The Ibiosac tunnel 4,?- miles in l"'gth, md the Mount Cenis about sen n miies. All of these gre it works have b -en con--iril 'ti "! in theinti rest of trad. 'aril com ir. r. e, aid iih the At'aliti cable, the ra iti- railroads, the Suez ea:ia', and the Panama canal, whin it shall have o. en I. mil, will be among the gnat in dustrial monuments of ll.e century. 1 the tunnel hi tween France and Fn is ever built it will, of course, surpass anything ever attempted. (Mir own tunnel under the North river, if ptisbet1 locoinpbiion, will hold no insignificant place beside the works we have men i i. i eii; nor in such an enumeration ! oil d our great bridges, like those of Si bonis, Niagara F -Us and Brooklyn, he forgotten, in works of practical nti.ity more has b eti aceoiiipli-bcl in i Ic ninct' i nib century than perhaps in all the ei nun ics that have precede I it, - S,- Vork lUrahl' 'I" . and "i i. -rain striped ribbotif lie made double faced. ITEMS OF liKNUKAL INTEREST. It is easy to breakfast in bed if you will be satisfied with a lew rolls and u turnover. Boiler explosions need no account given of them, xs they universally make their own report. The fl7.nt)ii reward offered for the murderer of Mr. Nathan, nt New York in lHTii, is still in force. The Bowery savings bank in New York, out ot .:iii,itiD,onO of deposits has f iiO.iHiu.ono ol government, bonds. Edward Elliott, a stevedore at St. John, New Brunswick, has been instru mental in saving twtnty-one persons from drowiug. A defaultingcotinty treasurer in Iowa excused his conduct on the ground that he bad dreamed he must take $8,000 and buy certain 1: nils, und that he was a believer iu detains. Ho didn't have to dream that he was sent to State prison. Dttruil Fixe 1'iesa. The famous museum of Boulaq, in which so many interesting remains of ancient Egypt are preserved, is threat tin d with destruction. The Nile h:is aliiady began to undermine its walls, a 'hough a few years ago an attempt was made to divert tho current hy sur rounding the building with a solid stone embankment. Mi.-s Elizabeth Thompson, the well known lady philanthropist, has pub lished a curious little tract, contrasting the relative expense ol religion, living, education, rum and tobacco. Hum, she oinpiilos, i-oms the country !jmi7,(i3S, 0J annually ; religion, S47,i!jt,450; ed ucation !!.", Ini,7j7. Bum costs each person annual y .17, whether they drink or not- The Chicago correspondent of the New York Commi rcial'.Bullclin, review ing the crop prospects for 1680, says that after seeding and what will be needed for consumption the crops for 179 will about be exhausted. He also assorts that winter w heat in the West was more or less injured, necessitating rcsowing, and that the general estimate is that tbe wheat crop will be far undei that of hist year. An extraordinary activity has been recently developed through the mineral regions ol the South, which include the western portion of Virginia, the whole ol West Virginia, and I lie western parts of Alabama. Georgia, North and South Carolina. The revival is most notice able in the iron mines and furnace dis tricts. Scarcely a day parses but some large sale of this class of property is made to Northern capitalists, particu larly to those, of Pennsy lvania. Once upon a time the mule, without having received an invitation, attended a convent ton of animals that was called for the purpose of discussing the best methods of family government. "What do you know nb nt all this?" asked the pit si.leiit, tauntingly; "have you ever r.iNi d :my children?" The mule wept. " Ah. no," she said, " I have never raised iiiijihii.g but full-grown men; but, iaii.l of the pilgrim! you should see how I raistd tlpan you should sen me raise a in in that weighs us much as Duvid Davis." Upon a rising vote the mule was immediately elected financial secretary wi h power to send for per iis and papers. Durlinylon Uawkeye. The portions of Asia Minor compris ing B itoiiui, Iv irs, Olli nnd Artwiu whtch have been acquired by Russia under tbe treaty of H.-rlin. is a district very rich in natural productions and capable of great development under an efficient administration. There is not much agricultural produce, but there is an abundance of wood and metals, and the climate and soil are well suited for the cultivation of silk and tobacco. The nal ives appear reconciled to the new state of things. They have ceased to cmigral into Turkish territory, and hoards of inoi.ey which had hitherto been concealed have made their appear ance in the towns. Balouiu, thanks to its j-ri'iit advantages as :i harbor, is in-crca-ing in size, while Poti, notwith--tatiding its dock-yard and railroad, declines. The Prince of Wales is retrenching i. i expenditure, which has been cut down one-half in each of his residences. The lime, however, has ceime when the assistance of tha prince has become necessary, not in the serious administra tion of the government, but in the en tertainment of those who govern. The queen has opposed this assumption lor the last thr.'e years, but at length con sents to deposil in his hands, if not the globe and scepter, al all events the visit ing lisv and lord chaiubirlain's book. The responsibility is not of mere even ing receptions or garden parties, but involves the more serious business ol banqueting and royal leasts, and the prince, who has been compelled to re duce his expenditure through heavy debts contracted in this very task, re quires a supplement to his income. The port ions of Asia Minor compris ing Bitoum, Kirs, Olli and Artwiu which have been acquired uy Russia under the treaty of B 'rlin, is a district very rit h in natural productions and capable of great development under an ffliciciit administration. There is not much agricultural produce, but there is an abundance of wood and metals, and the climate anil soil are well suited for the cultivation of silk and tobacco. Tho natives appear reconciled to tho new state of things. They have ceased to emigrate into Turkish territory, and hoards of money which had hitherto been concealed have made their appear ance in the towns, lt.itoum, thanks to it. great advantages as a harbor, is in creasing in size, while Poti, notwith standing its dock-yard nnd railroad, devliufs. i ' i V: V'- l i;f 3 r

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