THURSDAY, April 8, 1S80. j inane public, we demand the pun-; Preparing lor tbo Canvass. PnRRFPflNTlFWCE , isliniont of tho guilty parties. And, In our last issue we endeavored to -V- - - u . j hy-the-way, where do the Peniten- j show the necessity of perfecting the, irorTaitHviu. iiiary uiuc.ais gcs uieir Humoriiy ro 6 ; , -r- - - , lUlud with ashes instead of trim.,... jwhip convicts? The Constitution we desired to ninke a successful Aju prroit-sir : " )" W1" w' ( xue ,.8 bud beeu rkod up where of Xi.rtb Carolina evm-esslv f.tphids I c'PaitfU ""d carry the elections. , " km t0 give space, peruaps a 80mo builcli wu8 i,rtft umiibciv Ashes for tiiiiUio. ller.ry Gray, on Jericho, iibout 5 miles from Kiustou, iu applwiijj: aj tou of L'l'ttDo lust week, louud oiie A1V12UTISK3JXTS. ADVERTISEMENTS. H. A. LONDON, Jr.. Editor. it IWausc a man is imprisoned in ur PI "ue,lt3 " bu-ily at work, ; tlll.t,stin to at k(Ujt some 'vt your i 'T 1"" i it i , . n,l ,. ( niir mim.r 1 , IU it. 1 tie l)llg of HSUeS US I'lOU'Mit the Penitentiary, will t!ie law for nd aie tboroujrhij oigauuing tuui lim,iy dcrs. 1 KinKt , .- t AvvifT vi'lMUMirn ; . , , . .... ranks, anil of course will succeed uu-1 On Monday, the. 2Ptu of .larch. i , . , . " , AtUVILl JH.I KWtiltl'.U. that reason ret use him protection in ; , ' , , , , . , , ' . . 0 ,,vi..i, guano taken in exchange; though i i i w i i- i ivii .i i less we do the same. To show how iu-ter-Mouuay,) at about J o clock. , . , ade a b id Ivireaiii For sonic Java past we have been hte and lnnb i V il the aw a ov ; tl . ,. . . , , a goodly number of ladies and geu- 11 "i1 i R bearing minors that a convict had . a prisoner to be more severely pun-. ,pu,au, .D u JU.J ..u. , tu1, , I . ,,,,..1. Won whipped to death, but wo de-jisWd for violating some rule of , . , a ar ST elined publishing any of these in-; prison discipline than for the crime a pOKtIullster in this county, who isa "Is iute:nperauco iu ardent spirits a mors unless they could be verified, j for which lie is impiisoned ! If a , 8tauucu Democrat, and will pay little Krt'il,?r cvil 'n olu" hind than the love 1.... n-n.n.i miirlit lin il. il ll I i rw. ti nv iimi..f 1. m-1iiiiw.1 dw I 3 . . l .?.. i . I of IIIOIU'V V" 5 ,,., ,v.,..ti, that thet.villncr l.r.u- .-mi. I,,.l wlmm...l for' r,M. ..i.; f 1 ...f.H0 1,58.lllL'11K 0 1 . '?lHUlT' JU-, Sun from WashinKtou City saya a bill "-r, . f. I .. t " t inw w, eunca .:e iouseioor-iwilsilU.Uilam, b M(, jnil in the matter las been Judicially investi- disobeying the order of his keeper is Ocncral Grant, and its object is to dcr at about 10 o clock, and thejir vesteulav which is entirely ?7 ' ii,'ht and proper, but which, it is WIL will never pass. It that no Senator or capital fertilizer, and no one knows how the guauo will turn out. Ivin-j stou Journal. Pay of Congressmen. A late itispath to the lUhimore j gated and a coroner's jury have ren-: We believe iu punishing criminals forward his aspirations for the IYebi- ' speakers tor the occasion pro dered a verdict, we will speak of it and suppressing crime, but wo also deiicy. luo circular reads as fol- . , 1 J B , ... . .1 quite safe to say, . ... . .. . . ' ! 1 resideut. The rpeakers were the ;l , J .1. vv, ll,!nl: ,1nrv 1 1...1 ..-.. ... .!..... ... f ... i.r,.tn..t .... : iliva ... rl ,1 I.: i prOVKlCS IU i'Uetl m iinimiii. .. i. ..v .......v ... .......,(,...., - .ioiiowing: air. jiaeoiu weau, cuiei , i , ti i.i:- T k. . .1 k Tt Lf i i :i.t..iti ,.i The I nios etkrans Union, (liovsiu .j;,.,.,....; ;,,,,,... "'r11.". as U puuuo numimiioi, unUui9. ui me iu uiu niv.iu. i mi . ....... v. . IT,,.,,.., Tm.,n V 'lTR- ' . " . , , , , . ' r "UJO that He aDnean from the evidence that a treating them as human beinirs. We i ,.. " k-,:. Llut'' "VPl" ea .".v -V, "UIU?ithe sessions of ... . , i , ... .. i ?,..:';: v.; r. .viann.joiin vn-. MAGHINERYI A Y IV K ALLCOTT. MANUFACTURERS' AGENT, ALL KINDS OF MACHINERY, BEST AND MOST IiiritOVED FAUMIXO IMPLEMEXTS AND GENERAL PltODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANT, WILL BUI SELL OR EXCHANGE SECOND HAND MACHINERY. S PECIALTIES. noirro nainod Andrew rnel was have no sentimental svmpathy tor 1S80.) No. 115 Broadway. P. O. sent to the Penitentiary from For-! criminals, but common humanitv Dox DOG, New Yoik. , ; , . . , ,. f ! , , ., . ., , , , . , I CoMiiAiiE : The events connected fyth county about the middle of demands that t.iey should not Uvwilh the iVaiJontial election of last February, and was at once ! treated with cruelty, and our feci- j 1S7(J and the present attitude of the transferred to the University Uail-! inga as a citizen and our dutv as a Democratic paity show the necessity ...v'w'.ifc ,M i.;h i.. . ...,ki:,. ; ,..i; , t t,. thorough working organu; viet labor, vrherolie was soon after X , denounce the treatment of the eon- M-artls sbverely whipped with a ! vict Friel. leather strap from 2J to 3 inches j wide ami from 1 to 13 inches long. lie was sent back to the Peniten-1 tiary on the 2(lth of February, and ; died on the 27th of March. In ' THE SCHOOL HILL. The presiding officers ot our Leg islature have received much censure for their failure to sign the "'school- vitir. and indeed some the insure by their influence as w their votes, in the approaching iioeutial campaign, Ibe preservation of what was gained for humanity by their sacrifices m lSlll-LStl"). This Committee desires that clubs of the "Union Veterans' Union" shall be formed iu evuy village, town and ward iu the United States iu which its clubs or kindred organizations are not already in active existence, even in localities where there are oulv shall receive pay foi TmIIh.i Jc S.uu Improve.) KiikIup nu.l n,n.-, fur n.turlaa, SawMIIU, oiuiilug awl all ruro. Uiay 00 abseil irOlll , Tlir.wl.Bll). Cliwuwm im.l'..r. Tarl.lm. W.e..,r Wh...l. ..... ,... !..!.. Contrress, unless he, siinitiiiin: iiurr..w, Cviu.n oiiin nmi irniiHw ' ipm.J.I'. ni'Mt, ttii'il,,,,...;.:...),,,,,,,! .,..,.,,u..t,ji S TT fl A 11 I! i K 11 l a r' u i v v n v one Mr. Whitaker. Mr. Vauco Cheek. ! v w:i,1aa i.;,,,, 'n f,,',.;i' a. wi..t .i ..r., nii..n.. e..i. v.... . . ......ii'i. .ikiiik i.ui.ivm.rn. Iulkv ILHk.t. Il.inu. lN.wi.ra. ItrMlii 1 I'.in.TB. ei l.-r Mills, Hii.t all ImpruvoU Mndiluvry oua FttrillluM liuuleuwuia. 1. VhIuu U.Mirlvnl lluiira..l.wl. Manly Durham, J. A. lforuaday and i,...v:.. .i,,,:,. ....i,,:. fll .,,.,, . T e. i) iatt. rson. i : ;x . : :i ; ..r. ; ; i ijii u"" n Itrat iMwll.l.. Iiir..rinii'l..n ruriilKliivl. r.l.llnu.lilnnr nH all klnrt. .rf ilniS liii.rniiiiia ruriilnluvl'. b.liua,fit rurulaJirO u all kluOa ot Ma ..f Ihf. Ul MuiiufiKliiw In the riillivl rum, I will furiilitli ..nly Ihr Ntquallly iiiaraut.i-.l a lln.nwmiiv I will ulv.. ut lua.nall Tnrnw. a any Rallahla mli'icnri. Blvcu au.l roiulrod. Kou nl.i.ll Mv wouxjr wliuo jro buy from bm. , . , . , oy s.cuuess oi uimscu or iimuv. as wmw nnni .th U.ot (ov. uuee.) chief on the side . robttbl OU0.UHjf of tbe .......hlrs ol X. of money, was supported by Messrs i. the two Houses are in the hal it of tvery xmoi, worn leaving their publie duties to attend The contention was brmin. and I V . . .. v " . ..V i . . . "VT.1''?!'.1:.'!!.''!:'. ,,.,11 i , , . ., v i I iout:ei oi Miunei iieriotui, jusi us 11 .'.i. ...... .j r... .n 111011 1 waxed hot. At 1.30 o'clock we had I .i,u lt . i . . l, .;.,., ''lh"rv w,,,k- ill Q 1 . , . , , : woum reuiice iiuue seriously uie a-, . , ,, . P ,"Vrecess,f three-quar ers of an hour , te uf conilH.llw011. 1, Miu? ffi during wuicn lime nnoiu a oozen oi 1 "..ii ,.1,.,,, ivu ,. : i,..,.i ,. I us went tishing-not to the river, but ' ,ar Uli; , ( 11'lt,lls,ll.tJ so t() air. Diirh-ims basket, where we ;,. i,, .... ,, i i doubt that the bill will be illectuuilv , smothered iu some wav. . ti . ,i. , i oni iasr consequence oi me ruuunsiis uunt' , i i .i .. t,..,: lf ! iK'rsotis, and, we regret to add. soiik cause ot his. .death (.ov. Jarvis at ' ' ...w.n ..r.W.,.1 mm ..r to ho held 11, Wfll gollO SO tai" IIS t. , ., e w i ...... eirirgii them with corrupt Iv and iu- sutliciciit veteran soldiers or sailors by the Coroner of Mako county.; - t. ..Ulcer the club. Where clubs of wic skiiio uiiiiiic, uui iiuiiti (iiiicieui l10)ll. nil names, cxim, mev are uivium 10 eo- .. t, viui rue i nion. '..... ...;i.... . . 4i,t ., .1:... cnught all we knevv what to do with. Dou't misunderstand us ; there was dinner on the grounds for all, but we speak especially of the party of which we made one. i il... .j: . 1 1 I Alli'l tunnel ;( rei.eil, Mini Ml", . l. . 1 . 1 , , , . , illhou, Of 1 elliler Count V, WHS I 1 1 1 : ; - .ill l.'i.l il.-.-n a (v.i til...l n.t.i ' r A lii'ap lor Liberty. Ou Fridav night last Hiierifl" Pad- Uu? S(1km1 ivom ana betran the battlo ' ? i . . . i i .1 fOn PLEASURE vvmrvrci.ntALin SMOKE THE OLD. Tli tiwiiiot uik hel.l hist week. HC . , . 1 iirivatn eharacter of tlie.-.i nHieiTs cupving two or tli roe ilavs, ana1 names, mi ftc"r much evidence was heard, the ; t"i 1'" !'1IJW ' !l 6"I''- ,wj jury returned the following verdict : ' J teiUmonj: L,.e who I ot " . . , . knew them, or do we behove that . , ,. "That Andrew Unci, ate a convict .... order tl:a iiiriiii w t'l rimvt.1 viiritt. vtiiilt tti IV i . . . f . , v.a U ,mlleil UI. i colored man, from It.deli, when ' V i i V ? 'i T!jnl this side of South Washington until nbont 4 o clock, at which ', , . , . .' , . i he prisoner asked permission to '! tl declared themselves ready : , .1 1 1 , j i r , 1 . 1 . , i to the cooler and get a drink of decision, whereupon the 1 res-1 . ,, . , f , W.T.HLrTCKWELJa S CO. DURHrTM.TM.C. : !. .. 1 :.. 1 .. .1:-.. 1 i.. ..:....4.. lucui nun i.i.ii:i'3 irinc.i i.'i uiitiiiu1 i . . . fTrAiiti'f ihiiI lni ivniit. to fin. f..rV!.r.l I.. 1 ,llt..W ' XllItL ilUUlCII 1 I 11..-I. I.ILV .1 1 011 1 ici , , 1 i u.,. n . u . e,. ... ,i, , inev wno made Mien an accusation in the otate 1 ouitontiarv iront t he ' - county of Forsyth, eamc to Lis , ivally thought them guilty. At the death from gangrene?, brought about ' recent extra scssiini of the Logi.-la by a combination of circumstances. : tnre a joint committee of the Senate among them frost bitten whilst i . m,i ii'.,,-.K .111;t,i tl, iail prior to his conviction to the! . . '. . ,. ., KtaN. m-isi.M. his nnsonnd i.hvsical : u.-'llL l"L t""ltt condition when received at that in-:s'cT" tni-' so latieu immeiiiaieiv 111 ,t,,.,. ,,, 1 ,,,, ,1.,,.; : .,, ot the failure to The chairman of the at the clnlis should be iu good discipline and working order, and prepared for the coming strug gle, and also that the di -tribution of important documents and the dis semination of political knowledge may be. through them, at once com menced and continued during the months prior to the time at which end of the car and secured ids drink, after which, instead of rcturniu" to 11,,, . , his seat, he made a hivik for the was bad. All expected. , . , . , . 1 . . 1 . door and jumped the train. He wit got it : but all seemed-, , ,v J, . , ,, . . r 11 1 1 .1 1 lialidcutled at the timi). and the tram being a tie Now this it, aud none 4 . 1. :..i:.. 1 11 ...1 1 .1 1. 10 I'C h:i..;ie'i. (( cuuili inn ur . . 1. . . ., .1.1 .11 ' was going at lull speed. J lcj tram otherwise with siteu men as the above . 1 11 ! was sti;pied as ouickiy ius ros.Ml.le named for judges .' 1 , , . 1 , 1 , ,, . . .J 1 ., , ., , , limit run back to the place wlcr. Hut listen here: if wo failed to : ... . ... , !, . , , , euiwoiin juiiipeii ou. ma lie nan hen!; 1 addisou sent .. .1... 1. : i e:iil uu lue iieeinm m Old l.lioi, , H... i-rlt..r e :;..,! nfflu-,, nnt .if f ,r i disappeared 111.111 in iik .1 pi.-nnl,;,..,,, ":,t,..teil St .!.. nn.l .'....'. ... . !a i.Ul!(! of men who went to I.ecs- btitution and that the taid death committee was the leading UepuUi- Counlv Committees are Mei.uied f.,r TV!. 1', "0:i".t'1'' P";,i-',e; y lWl,;i,ur. and met the prisoner, with the FURNITURE ! jroirrj t. Monitrss, C'l iH i' ..f Kiiy.'liovilli. au. Duvli- Strivla, Raleigh, X. C, DEAI.KIt IN AH Kinds of Vnrnitnro, Muttresses, ' and Spring lieds. I hav.' low In .sT..r.' '.H.."f tli.1 lnrcNt nnl ni.t' . a- .rfiii.-Tit ..r .ti .ii, ln.titllll. ini'l tin., riiniiiiii' tli lit.- S'nr.'. Sii'-li art CJ.amlHT Sirt. I'arl'-rS'W. Crli.-.. Ci.iU.'h, s.r.iH, r.iinM, LimI rii.iivj, n.iil S iui.t.. Ii.wkn. Tal.l.w. Writ.' Ir .rli'.-. "r . ill iin l mw mo. All lollitni iin..w'T'--l pnuiti.tly. lit'iiu'inU'r UkM'I"-'' inn: lc:(iu was hastened by reason ot being Car. in the Senate, Kvcrett ot I'oi compelled to work or do any service i.vt, sotl)at ta,ir mi if I)u utter his assnrnment to the anthori-: ." .. . . ' . I oe a wiiite-wasiimg report shield tWit corrupt Democratic ties of the University I tail road and that it was further hastened bv cas- tigatioii and bad treatment at the jeer ai iivc work. With this view the Committee calls upon you, eon. rude, to re-enlist in to t ie Army of the ll..ys iu I'.lue, and ;li- take an active part in the coiniii'r Much is due tho ladies tor the'c- ces-'s of the occasion. The committee fully invosti- npaigu, which is certain to end handcutT-i still on him, a short dis- .1: . ..: 1.. ..f T I I rr t . LlillCe IIOS SKIU Oi l-i' Olllll , It II I Iruly, it wasa,, ., .... ... , .....r ......... I . , 1 'II 1- 1 ' I'il.uxuL Jlllll 11 Ol'.llll 1 lll. : iil: .I'll pleasant day, aud will linger long 111 , ,. , , . u, 0 , 1 " I; and delivered him to the hlieritl who our memory. A IM'Eakeu. ; , . . , 4 , , ; I now has bnu safely in custody at Hurgaw.- hands of -party or parties among ; tod the matter, and completely k'""'" vietory-a victory which whom were Charles II. Motcy aud .j.. ,-u o; ; -l will hnally convmiM the enemy that John A,Holt, whilst attemptinir to i !",,H l'.a aet lKs0tI u,!l,,,',.I "' treaaon and copp. rhead- n.ake the said Friel perform serVice ! kmS a ""'"" ro,H.rt. as tollows: J.u a.le, 1 to . 0 11. the war. a ''si.hd Ilohoading a Prisoner. -Wilmington Review. The special joint committee ai ontu''' wub 'he co-opemtiou of their ing hanged was beheaded, the rope j stopped one evening at. the door of a SOU' V.K sKA ISLAND iiUANO AND ... : 1 r.. .1... r " I ne ).. ?i i..uir ........m oi a. 1.1.. ..1 ...'oo iito. nn.h.i,t. ,......lti..,. ;.. all,lb the North, cannot accom . u UI -I.IW o.l."a u, f - .. " ; r. , ,i" I ,. , f plwb with that ballot huh Eepub- d.rect responsibility ot Ins death "0eJ. ."'V'" bean magnanimity gave to those who tiixjii eitner 01 me imrties named, i11"- ",ui"1 i" ui 1 . .1. . 1 IM 11. . r .. iM'iiooi urn, would res 1 tecum 1 Tl-vnmnlft for Hovs A man was recently executed iu ., , .,, ! J I Soon after the war, a bov with a ashingtou City, and instead of be on his bll(.jj iim),,l v a!'id tired. H. T. HORRIS & CO, CHOI Kits and COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Zlalcigh, M. C. S.H.C the attempted to destroy thi Union and literally rallin' his head from the; man by tho name of Keminoe, m, body. The Washington Post thus i Wellington county Tennessee, and , .. .,1 , 1 ; asked for work. He said his name1 describes the horrible scene-: j wag thftt be Wft8 from Yiilkill ; "At a signal, imperceptible to all 1 county. N. C. where he was bound to ! 'I'll.. C.iii.n.if '..u ...... else, from Gen. Cirecker. ltivcu the i,.-fi, ,.f n... r .... . ' , ,11 u s. 1111111 tne louuwing report: of this, to call together a few of tin- vel.v oufnt tbe last toiicii was given ,tf wanting to see "onie o: the world. Hint they are unable to place the most active and influential Kepnb'.i- to the neckgear, the cord was pulled rUn off. Mr. lit mines took the ! blame upon any particular porw.ii cans in your town, district or ward, and without a murmur from himself, wif in. and he proved to be a faith-' wr jk.'! sons, and are of the opinion who served in the armv or navy, and the doomed man shot downward into , fi ftIi,i industrious bov, who booh that 110 otlicer of this (ieneral A- organize a club iu general harmony eternity. A suppressed exclamation developed a creat thirst, 1 semblv of this State is iiiiplicate.1 Wlth the by laws which are herein l'roko froni ",e "pectatois and several i !VUli L.vtry 8paro minute was devoted We think this verdict shows verv f, .f ri... 1 ': 1 ... i T. 1 perpetuate inimau oppression. - I... . u'lii.ii'iiii 1. lit- kiiiii: clearly : 1st, "That the authoiities of For pyth eoapjty were guilty of great inhumanity in allowing a prisoner in their jail to become frost bitten. and as the jury found this to be one in the can.-.' of said failure and are enclosed. These by-laws have been turned tbeir beads away, instead ol ; to ,-t.adir.g. xhe first mom v he .'oi cause of his death his blood must 'also of tho opinion that the Sneak- I,,t'lmr''ll for your convenience 1,1 the (lang in and possible convulsed . bl,ij 0f he subscribed for a newpa- 1 ... i,.,.,.i. n.,.T. ors and eiirollin.- clerks i,. rt.. copy to ne l.asted in front of record l,'u -'-iper. J5y dint of his exertions, .1 . l..-'). mid chii b nit. .t-.i n. ...... i pected. all were horutied at seeim ...,.1 ti.k f.-.. u..t..w-.iu ;.. i. u t....iii- iv.iuini.i'.'. last year very hninanoly passed a ,,. H , t !, ' , , ! ed in sucli manner as vour c'.ub may ' Uo 7 landing for a moment SO()U i,eeftI110 ft f;lir Hl.ilar. lle: law m.lking it hii indictable olfence 1 ' wh'ieb dav 1 tl. . ,,7' 1 ,,et,ul l''per. It is desirable that ail headless on tho giound, the blood I WOrkod with an aim as w II as with a ; '"M-lt ,vi... .11.. .,' , i , ... y , . " - .:l the clubs throughout thu spurting in thin jets from the neck 1 w;n n,,,l borrow,,,! l...rl ioyt-l,..,.lis Vt,lV it r't r r "7X, l;! ' '-o s.gnod. Me HhotlU a(,opt, as nearly as p-iblJ, !M-r anyone had time to realize , ttnjal) the leisure time, had from his heated, and this treatment of 1-r.el i .ttribmc the of the rat. Ilea- the same rules, to avoid confusion what had occurred the decapitated . f;im w,,rk he devoted to the study of shows the need of such a law. j turn or the school bill to the contu- and increase effective force of the tr,1"k fel1 l,ui'k T'1""- The head 1H iftW ju ,iu Cl-um. (,f tune, ; d Tint in an 'unsound nhv.-d '""i"" . "f ,,,e !,'.t-ri;lati-11 l,n combined organization. Any ehtigea ha,,8UVt backwards also and bound-1 without any instructor but hU ln.oks i . ,iuc last uay or me session. , sliou d be reitorted to C. i.nv.l Tl 1. ' againai tue name 01 1 ne scan -U.1, 1 1.,. ,,!;,..; f,r n.,.l i,...iv...l i,:u 1; qnaiters for the inferm itiou an. 1 falling about four or live feet from the ; c, Ke t j,r,u-tice law, and moved to guidance of the National Committee. u'"'.v the bleeding base being upper- Missouri, uud now has a line practice You will also find herewiih a furm ,l,ost lh" phvsiciiiiis were alone ; liuj a lijjhl future before him. of roll of members for your club 10- ""mediately allowed to approach (ho ; AVinston Sentinel. ' cold. remains. Dr. McWilliams beiui? the i m Arkansas Orator. H.Vl.DWIX AMMONIATKU UIS- S01.VKI) HONK. TlIK SroSCWAM. li l'lW AND AlLS TIMS I'llW. FARM KHS St'l'lM.IES. We huvt lu Ht.'n mil l.t arrive: ..- Uu-. Willi.. Cm. S' 1(114. Cli .l. p S.v.1 Oilta, Cm Hum. CI...!.'., whit.' IW.I10J Ml, 2Vifllw. l'rlm.. r .I'l.T. .v. .1.1.1 .s. l'liin.' Timothy Hay, 2ii.i.i- I .-1. II iik Olfir lai. SI l.'K, i Car In.l Cli"l.v 1 Hinlly hii I I'.xtra Flour. 1 Citrl-K-i'l vlif.i' l.rnii.l tiii'l ..thrr iMMtrt t.t fill m a .-..mi...' ! Hi'i'l Hlil'-h wt.t.iT.'rfttt low l.cattli r "i. tin:' a-, '-an It i.miIiI (iiiywli..rt. C'.:i .1:1 1 I..-, a- Ik':..:v I'ur.'liiwtiiiic. Will omkr Vory r.tijio.HftiUy, M. T. NOUHIS i CO., 0 eonmuon no was received at tue, l'enitentiary, and yet was iinnie.; TIUIASl'KKH WORTH, diatcly put to work on a railroad!; In a recent letter from Charlotte The authorities of that institution ! to tho Raleigh Xews allusion is made were certainly guilty of irrosH care-1,0 tbe "Worth Boom,'' aud the name . . . . n ......' . .. . V lessness or crim 11:1 tip.- imnm , !"'-" (" lutiiuoiieu 111 conuec- ot tlio letter of uccei.t.ince ndi.uamaniu his condition to ' tion witb thfl Gubernatorial nomiua Comman,l, ol tho Doys in J'" The ! iiuu. m e ure aniuorizeti by ium to , , uur 1 i 1- , .77 7 mm, PETTY k CO., Raleigh, II. C, PllEPAllINa FOR THE NEW YEAE! We "(Tit f..r nHx a Un of work on a railroad. !'.-., 'hih iu iiitorm i " Z . 0. 1 "i" "'t'ttt-j " --.'-' ..'..v n. ....1,1 member or otlicer of " w'.'8 'ount that a remarkably clean I and claims that Slemous, the regular notcouseut to allow his namo to be so this Committee has any fees or cm- cut, just below the chin aid passing ; Democratic candidate, was elected! All OCSiraDl OOOQS Yon will also find herewith ti ,vmv rt to feel for pulsation iu the corpse, .1. . 1 .... . ' J .i,;i.. 11- .1; .i 1 1 , .. . . . . . of tho '-K,,c;t (i iuu ucnii 7'iim an amusing scene recenuy I he heart oeciirred iu Congress when the Moiikc miU-it'tok IIP the Contested lectioll ease Vn HnlnnnJ Tlnnna HnnUm ...,,1 1 1 .. t 11 ..... 01 t.. .. 1 11 n u niin 1.1 11 ni 11 r.. iti atota that whil 1 a b 1 ciuo. ..uu iuo i.i uu.n u piiuiiv, uu- oi iiaiucy vs. niemonx, irom .i kiiu- a uiiuj uuu ujiuiuu uiuuu ujuuu M, 1 hat such cruel treatment ot;., ' ,. ' It is, perhaps, proper to inform rink' too teeiu, alter bemg.'picked up. ; sas. Iliadley is a Greenback man, ; at o.t aw i.ihs tu.vs r.wr I so unsound a man l.v the niilroa.l ! 1 uo , vou tUlll l0 authorities was inhuman in the ox- treme, and deserves the denunciation ; ftnJ we ftre . d . . . . is hope.l that of hll civilized persons, for the inrv ix:a i t.. h- h ... u 01-uioun.ui, I'CUHlirj Ll. ItUILU IM . a a . . 1 . .. il, . .1.. ..t. . I .1 . A "W. II . . . il . i explicitly say that the poor convict's ;So eminently otialiiied and nernlinrlv :.. :!! . i,ia f , ? ri . n r wTC ' i7..i. .. " .iV!'" T i FOR MEN'S AND HOYS' WEAR 1 oil-" lit 11 . . - ( J ' jc. i-io iu i-uveillljj nun warcnillg v......... ji.p..i.i.iiti.iii.iii iuc.uudi, tuaaciiicii, uun-. ueatn w as uasteneu iy castigation 'adapted to discharge the duties of the interests of the party and tho or- ,l"a t'rok, under the direction of Dr. j ever, from the report, and rocoiu-i and bad treatment." I his present office that wo wish him to ganization throughout the fori v odd . illiaius, sewed the head on. In , munded that the seat be declared va ! Ami, yet the jury do not "place remain there, and we have no doubt , ytateSHUl! Territories of the tTlliolli the course of this operation it was;tut. The feature of to-days pro- OAM ASKS"""' i brought before thn Stnt (',inv,.i; .., . pensatlOll. direct or in.!irMt .m.l il close under i . . . : Li i .v.. , an uiri.i-.i iiini. uiiiv eoiiitieriiiir tt... expenditure of time, labor and money ',lst vertebra, at the joint. An ironIr. blemons was entitled to retain A (iRF.AT VARII'TY of WOOLENS iue ears, uad serveretl tnroiiL'U lraud and eonsiuriicv. l ie n.'i.i!ni. w.ii.'n.r.i.ifrt. ci.uikiu.-a. Cottfiniprra. the lend lust under tli "ntl.ia" ,.i !i'r. ln .... Suiilii.,, ( ..Ui.. lJ.t.uiiw, you will give to the work iu your im - Pfc.roJ' ve that tho skiu was peculiarly j oeudings was the appearauce ou the Tin- l:irt!. !ii tii'- k ami Kreauul vat li.ty of r Tt ! tow i:i.s : ! tow kls w While nn.l tentiary authorities, and (3) upon ' uej j tho railroad men f A careful read . I'l.llll flllirl -.H HQ 1 tklllixl. llariiRinti in Juni-J-H :i m:... f i'i.i,..i...', . . ou win Kive 10 j voji.e...... j u.o UD uu.iuuuiuiousiy re-nomi- mediate locality n nn.,ti , thin and tender, be inr no more difli- rloor of the eoiiteslunt. Mr. H.-mllv witn n..yi,. i.. mai.-h-iMtHi cvor h..wu in tuia death -n ptm" anybody! Are we;nated. His management of our finan- attention. " ' cult to pierce with tho needle thauiwho, according to custom, was ai-i marini. from this to infer that they place '; ces is a just source of pride to his1 The campaign of 187(5 was won by that of an infant. Immediately uu- j lowed to make the opeuiug speech in FLANNELS' F"mDu'1 tho INDIRECT responsibility of his ' friends and to the State. ' the introduction in the canvass of der the skin there was a layer of fat j his own behalf. He is over six feet ' . ., . . ... ., ... J M.a.. ! the old patriotic war spirit, and the or adipose tissue, about an inch in 1 tall, heavily built, and looks veryi B,lil"'r' death npon (1) the authorities of XHE EX(jiLISIl KLEITIOXS. qutiou at issue before the ',"" tbickn.-ss, while the f.pino was re-1 much like the typical Arkansas tray-! SILK WARPS. Forsyth COUIlty. (2 upon the 1'eni-! ... . . . 1 nle in the eontPMt .f Ikkii ;a oi..,ii markable slender. Tho bleedim was i ellnr. H.i wna m Ikih.a m tli H.vir u' c:u.u Fiaim.. oiwra Klam . . xuer.nliiBnnAoriiA iiavn mmmt n ... " . ... . " . . . ,s,i,u. ,i I, , ' ..T - , control of this Government nass singularly sunlit, for with the excep- aud, utterly ignoring the convention-1 ueiu a mosi esciting election, and ; into the hands of the meu who at- tlon of the thin streams which spurt- ality that retpiires members toad-1 -r i j dUite a nolitical rflviibifion nr n t.,n.t...l t,. 1 ...i. . . .. ed from tli trni.L- ui. 1,.r,..l ,).... -a (1, ,.',,.. ,r I r ft 1 fl fi . . ."I v 1 ..v o. J I', lli Willi lire " " ""t v.vm ..... v..'..., luni.iiu 1.1.1'U O.llllll' A A Ml A V. M ln.r of tlo.ip wr-ribet u-imlil ei.rf :im I r I . .. . ... , . " . . . . I... ,v i i :.. n j- ....... . . . J . n ' ,j . J i 'tlm 11 iioai wave, nas swept over ' lo"oay ns neiermiuea as in lfsr!l- tu iraiue iu uu uirecuous, at ine oegiuuingoi almost every otiier warrant such an inference. Will that country. Tho tories or conser-ito t'nfolca their doctrino of State "ot more than a quart was shed." j seutenoe : "Now, gentlemen, 'l want u"'' all or any of these persons be un-1 vatives have been the rulinc party in 1 BU.u d'ct,ltion to I,ll'or. ' I j you to listen to this point." j : 1 i a.. : i- 1 t. i I " I nrl 111 capture tho Government : or whether KTcr. t After ho had spoken about ha f an 1 jshcxl ? Wo doubt it exceedingly, England for owal years past, with the nation shall be still guided In 1 hour he grew quite hoarse, and fro-i lor to poweriui an innueiue will lie ne Jt.ari ot JleaconsUeld, their leader, the men who fought to preserve it, i special from Winchester, Ky., I quontly sipped a glass of water. An1 exerted to protect thorn, and, after , as Prime Minister, bat at the elec- and those who with voice aud pen snJs that Ben Johnson, a young ne-j orange was brought to him and all, many will ask, who cares if a 1 tions held last week they were de. , l''"-so sustained the men at the l'" forplced on a desk on one side, and j . t. , lfMiiutw. i ,, 'front? You are earneitlv urged to au attempt to outrage a respectable ; afterwards a glass of whiskey was convict 18 murdered? farted by the r opponents, called the , take immediate action iu 'this matter young lady. He had an examining: placed ou the desk on the othe? side, We do not pretend to know any-1 "herals, of whom the chief is Glad-, and to promptly reply to this appeal, i trirtl J osterday aud was held to an-. so tuat as he spoke he alternated be thiiiff about this tuifortunate occur- stone, whom we regard as the great-1 By order, Ac. 'jswertothe Circuit Conrt ami seutltween tho orange and tho whiskey, rfnefl vrMit from the rind!.,,, ,.f' etit Englishman of this ace. The1 Dbakr DrKay, ( tojad. He had caught the bridle cf Altogether he made up a very iiiter- rence, except from the hi of b membPrf nf tl.! SecretaT Union Veterans' National tho .von" lat' 8 at a lonely esting character and amused the the Coroner's Inquest ; but that very e'ec"ona were for members of the , Commit ten." , place along the road, and made des-. House considerably, especially when ulljr our - : Pre enuris to get nor on nerborse, i iu one of his wild gestures, he let rly House of Representatives in Con-1 A ?od Law. , but she struck him with her whip his left hand and struck his chain- gross. . .. iii;u ou. iue 'i(i escnpeo. it was witu aimculty : pion, Mr. Weaver, who sat beliiud, Lfluiter for Sale ! Ill VP .n linii'l anl ftirulnli at short uotlo, I , iiill. H .( .. ore Hill, ..f 'ill kli.'tx; xu'ii as .lnp. Iii.'k'.rjr. aiho. wnliuit, niiij'l.', M..lar, ...ik. i.Mlnitiii.ii, kt:, wht.ii will lu- ( l'.w ..r o.isli f-.r t.:irii.r, onl.r h..ii.'u. JAJJta I. LANK, Muuag. r. FH ruarjr 5'li, own. it s 11. STIIKKT. oil. WM. J. 8THK8V plainly 6hows that a prisoner, while undergoiij" his sentence, has been murdered liy those to whowy charge the law had committed him. We think it cannot bo too severely de- Shot Over Ten Cents. , ower house of the General Aasem-; that the negro was taken to jail him, squarely in the face. Mr. Wait, , bly yesterday passod a bill nmking About 1 o'cloek In the night a crowd ! of Connecticut, who was also near .u..u,.K,ul auy iiumaniea ie- oi imriy armea men overpowered , the Arkansas orator, had to dob-e! blow ' At a festival last Saturday night, . male of rooJ repute, under tweuty- j the guard at the jail and took John-1 every few minutes to avoid icwliuu, uu., two negroi bout 10 cents, and oi humanity, and iu the naiae of a Lu-. other through the heart Strssi's Hotel, Halrlsh, X.C. S. R. STREET & SON, OWN Kill AM) I'llOl'lETOIti. nounceu, ana we uniiesitaringiy Newnan, Ga.. two necroes nuarreled one years of age, and under promise son, and after tnio in vain to not a' from n nf tu , r- Host Saninle Humus in the Citv. characterizo it as tlisgnceful to our; about 10 tents, and one Bhr.. il, of marriage, a felony. It uses the coufessioo from him, hune him to alHlemona' rmdv was brief ami well-. T..K'..u..i.,..u.iTnin,.,rw,i the fiu. it Park to tbe stat. and ways acceHHtliie to meats oi tue llouttf. .ABlt. , r . . . .. . . . ' o . u.Lu.u..q iui'it wan m iui buii wen-4 Tun 1 penalty at one to five years in tho tree in the jail yard, where his body tempered. Without disposing of the , u.r j penitentiary. I WM found. I matter tho House adjourned , Tl w. V rP0fHJlaH ttCAU3E RELIaflUj Tie LiM Rnnninff New Home Ih rpprraoutiHl lu the Hnl.lli-aa IholatMit prnar tl .ii ..f a.-lt.ii'W, niA-liitiil.'al aii l nklllnj w.raowC Mlil In llio irmiiufaeturu ol Srwlna Macliliioa. Simplicity, Durability and Capacity. It la tbe Ivrfwtlnn ot MH-hanlaro tor IIKMMINO, KKI.I.I.NO, llINKl.NIi, OiUIUM), ltUMIUMi, SK AMINO, HI U.IIM., I ICKIMi, PAKNI.NO, KICINlilMi, Ul'KKI.lNl., OA IllKULNO, HKM-SII'K IIIMi, .Vl'. ir K( pry Mac'lilne WnrrantiNi. I. L. S'l'ONR. Slikle ADt, Ka1(1i. K. C. AIm .l.'Hlnr III Organa mid l' . W. H. Ill' BO ESS. ortytf ARout at 04nmbla Fa't47. TA1BOTT dc SONS Shoctoe MachineWorts, lllCHMOM), VA., Miiiinfaliiri'rH.if IN.ruiM a nl Hiail"iinry Enelli nii.l Saw Mill. Cni -1 whom Mlllv. Shafilnc. HHiiKxrn nn.l rull.'yn. T i. bin.. Watr Wliarla, T. .a.'.i. Kn. i.iry'.)'. Wrutflil ln.u W.wa UrnnK nn.l Iruu C&itlli.B, Uat-libmy ot Eierj Un. CTl.ll.lll, 01 ii n ing & Threshing Machines. A SHKCIAII V. Hopuirhig Promptly & Carefully Done. Tullotl'; PattmTSpark Arrester, The Invention of the Age. It d.wa D..I ilNtm; the (Iran. It u.H lntr r.-rn Willi i-lxaiuni; the tiihee. It will u nil. I re.ulrps lieauliiR. Il riilr no .lire. I ilamMni beopennl whon ralelnn KKm Ktamp. i.rn U'lnx ..t.v.'i..iiAMe, ax they be left oeu aoit all..w n.nrk tu efu-axi. It rc.iilrn no water m eitliitiilt.h npark, wbh-b, l y d.nileneatloii, ilea, tpiya the draft. Iisiilt, wlieu waier la turd, It neirleeted, tka offl.-len.-y la dratroyed by erap. .ration of (he a(r. and the ta.ller la kept la a. filthy omvtaj.. It U alnple aad duraUe andean be rellnl upon. Il ran be ntuu-hed In auy boiler. N planier nhmil.l b wlihoat one ol Ibeia. la Biirnn.M romiMnlen will Inaure tftua and barua where the Tnllt aud Spark Arrvatera are ueed at eame rate aa charged lor water ar borae-pi.wer. a-sel for llluatrated circular! and price ll. nuvyfjm G HAY'S SPKCI KM! MEDICINE. TRADE MARKTI1EOKF.AT F-n-TRADI MARK llh An un fa II In if cure f..r Seminal WoAkiio. spr mai..rrliMt, Im tM4en.'y. and all daieaaealhat l4 low, aa a ae- fr lueuce ol SHf-1 BFIORE TAKIIIil Mcn.rr. I nl-1TH TAII1I. IjimIiii.Ix, l'nln la the Hack, Dlmneaa of, proinniure Md Ave. and many oiber l)la ynimi that Ixwl (.. luiuiiiliy or Conauniptli.u, and orave. xFull pnrtlciilarn In our inni.hlet, which wa d.-elre to eoiul free by mall lo evoiy one. wTh SHwlfli' Medicine la i4d by all drugKet at il per pn. KntR.. ..ri.ii . p' r..r as, or win iw aeat tree by mnll ua nTlpi .f the nMiey hy a-MraaalatT Mm hanli' lll.ick. lrT(KT, Mica. avK...l lu l'trrikjku' aad vverywhere by ait (lruiUta. DovUT-lr E. C. HACKNEY, ASHMOKO, X. C. Practhiea In the Supreme and Feleral ft urta t the Waie. and the Superior Courta of Chalhaia. aud Oullfurd. aao.-iHUi (unee jamea a. orniiaa. O.S. Oraham will roKularly attend (lie Sanaiduv Coarta of Chatham Oiunty. mr Attentma alvea to Otexniua lu all nana af the State. lUU M

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