8lui (Jjlhttam Record. Cittem H. A. LONDON, Jr., Horreu and nioi'mirrois. I?. -A. TIES ADVEIITISING. OiiOMjuarc, ..tie lnscrftim, fl.Ot bioson in, t.. ii, iili'iii,. . I.M Olio s'tnr', i i! t)i, . 2,.so TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: Oaa fj y, oaa year, -Oaofopy ,m uioi.llia Ono copy, Mimc inmitli 2.on lam VOL. II. PITTSBOHO', CHATHAM CO., X. C, APRIL 2!, 180. no. ;a i lhl Ills Ulidal clilltlarts will Itimi iteriH anil 1'rofrnvi anal lards. JOHN M. MORINC. Attorney at Law, Mnrlnftsrlllr, Chatham Co., N. C. joiik a. Moniso, alfhed a. mortno, Of Chatham. Of Orange MORINC & MORINC, Attor iioys At Ijw nrmiA.n, n. c. All bnaineas iutrnatod to tbera will receive prompt attention. THOMAS M. CROSS, Attorney at Law, J'lTTMllOUO', N. C. Will practioe in Chatham and snrronn counties. Oolleotion of clalma a ipecialty. ding J. J. JACKSON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, riTTSltOltO', x. c. rAll business entrusted to him will re c.'lvc prompt attention. H. A. LONDON. Jr.. Attorney at Law, PITTNBOUO', N. V. MTSpecial Attention Pntd to Colleotj na. W. E. ASOERSOIT, Pra.ld.at. P. A. WILEY, CuUt CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK, OF HAI.l.IGII, X. V. J. D. WILLIAMS & CO., Grocers, Commission Merchants and Produce Buyers, FAYETTEVILLE, N. O. Certain and Reliable! HOWARD'S INFALLIBLE WOULD RE NOWNED REMEDY FOIt WOIWS In now for pale by W. ),. London, in ritti-biro'. All those who are annoyed with thono Vert are, advised to call nnd pot a package of thic valuable romo ly. Tbia compound ib uo hnm bng. but a Brand piicobh. One agent wanted in every town iu the Statu. For particular aldiCH. cneVwintr 3 cent ft amp. I'r. J. SI HOW Alll. Mt. Olive. Wavnoeonntv. N. C. 100 Buggies. Rockaways, Spring Wagons, &c. made of the beat materials and fnllv warrant e l, to be fold regardless of cos!. Parti a in wan' wiil consult their own interest by c-xam-iiiinit onr stork an I prices before linyim;. as we are determined t-i koII. and have ciit down our prion ho thev cinuot bo luci by any othor house in t tin -t.t . A'so a full stock or. Hand 3rsil llnrncss IiEl'AIItlN'ii dono at bottom prices, and iu bent matinr. Hend for pr ces and cut A. A. McKETHW ,V SON'S. Fayi'ttoville, N. O. NORTH CAROLINA STATE LIFE INSURANCE CO., OF KALEII.il, . CAR. t. 11. CAMERON, rrri lrut. W. E. ANDEKrlON, Yin rrf$. W. II. HICKS, S4e'y. The only Horn Life Insurance Co. in the State. All iu fund, loaned out AT 1IOM K, and among our own people. We do not send North Carolina money abroad to build up other Unites. It is one of the moot successful eom panics of it age in the United States. Its as acts are amply sulllclent. All lossea paid promptly. Eight thousand dollars paid in tha Ian twoyenrs to families In C hatham. It will coat a man aged thirty years only five cents a day to Insure for one thousand dollar". Apply for further information to H.A. LONDON, Jr., Gen. Agt FITT8BOKO', N. C. HEAD XOIJTIl CAliOI.INIVNS AND OTHERS! THE CELEBRATED Liquid Enamel Paint i MANUFAC1URED BY DEW JERSEY ENAMEL PAINT COMPANY, Hai been sold in your Brats EIGVir YE AR9 Thonsauds of gallons having been disposed of. In no oaM has it foiled to give satisfaction. The finest pnblie buildings iu Btltiracre are paiuted with thin elegant Taint, among which are The Carrollton Hotel, The New American Office, The Armstrong, Cator & Co s Building, The Hurst, Purnell & Co's Building, The Trinity M. B. Church South; And other PRIVATE RESIDENCES All Over the Country. Mixed R6ady for Use. Any Ono Can Apply It Sample cards by mail on application. G. P. KNIGHT, Sole General Agent, AND MANCFACTCRF.il OF Knoflng Paper, Building Paper & Roofing Comont, No. 93 West Lombard Street, Baltimore, Md. WILL YOU SJXLTHE FARM? Chapin'a Farm Agency, RALEIGII, N. C. Dr. A. B. CHAPIN. Manager. NORTH CAROLINA BRANCH OF GEOROE D. CHAPIN'S FARM AGENCY, BOSTON, MASS. Special attention given to the sale of Horth Carolina Ri al Estate. No charge ius.de until a eaio la effected- All property placed iu out nanaa ror aaie win tie advertised in tue popu lax work, The South llluutrated, free of ex pense. The Charleston News and Courier sava Kerybody hM heard of Gro. U. t'hapiu'a farm auincy, aud few aro uuacquainted with the eticci HS which has altuudod its operations. ' llio new Ki'K'anil f armer taya: 'Ueo. II. Chaniu baa advertiacd his farms to the amoun of ifuU.OCO during the past year. Wo commend mm 10 onr readi ra.' The Aiken. H. O . Roviow pavi: 'No one baa done more than Goo. II. Chain n iu the cause of Suuthern in migratioo. , Our village in inrongeu wiw iNortiinrn people m search or Southern homes, and good sales aro being made. The 'South Illustrated' is doing a gnat Hora ror na. The New York Tribune, the Boston Herald Journal, Traveler, Globa. and Advertiser apoak in tbo bieneat forma of Ghapin' Farm Airenov. N. R. -SMALL FARMS (partionlarly) aro namea at once. Odloe Fifhor BnUding, RALEIGH, N. C. T.H. BBIGGS& SONS, Brigga Bnildicg, Raleigh, N. C. HARDWARE. WAGON & BUGGY MATERIAL, SASH, D00R3, BUNDS, TAINTS, OILS, COLORS, rum, WINDOW-GLASS, Steam 3:ngiiies13eltiiig, LIME, CEMENT, TLASTER, ANJ MILL SUPPLIES. Correnpondenco eolicitod. JACOB S. ALLEN. I-KF.D A. WATSON. of Chatham JACOB S. ALLEN & CO., RAl.KICSH, 1ST. C Building Contractors ana manufacturers of Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mould Ings. Brackets, and nil himlii of Orunuit'titnl, Scroll nn J i'urutkl WorkjWiudowauJ Djor Frnnies tnu le to Order. WGive ua a call l)fore oruVirinp;. Shops loeato.l ou II wrinKton Rtroet, where it crosaoj t'uo 11 ileigh aad Uaeton Rtilroad. Steamboat Notice! The boats of the Express Steamboat Compa ny wll run as follows from the first of October nntil farther notice: Steamer D. MCRCHISON, CapL Alonra Gar rison, will leave Fayettoville every Tuesday and Friday at 8 o'clock A . M and Wilming ton every Wednesday and Saturday at !i o'clock Btoamer WAVE, Capt. W. A. Robeson, will lea v Fayettevillo on Mondays and Thursdays at 8 o'clock A. M. , and Wilmington ou Tues days aud Fridays at 1 o'clock P.M., connecting with the Western Railroad at Fayetteville oo Wednesdays and Saturdays. J. D- WILL I A MS Ar t'O. Agents at Fayetteville, N. C. THIS fe- Time's Pauor.iinu. It needs no muui glass or mystiu mutteiiinga, To reiul the prophecy ol eoiuiug yoars; No sao iiiturpictui', to solve the uttering 01 Uitlicr lima, the patriarch of seers. II nil tho world's u itve, and liiu's ft dinma, Whoso actors come and go, but come no more, Then is tho liiture but n panorama 01 scenes to be, but scon in thought before. Lot the bright play lbu-h on, but do not nngor In contemplation of its changing hues; Follow instead wliero time's prophetic finger Point, aud behold the p.et ore that lie views. A divnde hence liny, two, it do ti not matter Hero is tho .ell-saiiie stage, the same old play; New nctors counterfeit the hollow clatter Worn out long pinee by actors passed away. Hero vice looks mockingly on virtue slain; There youth and beauty plight their trolh together; Heir Morrow hits, and tbero broods ctuul pnin ; There, shadow chills tlin IrieHilnliip ot fail weather. Sincerity still sows the needs ol hate; Candor and tiulh go cautiously iu mask; Honesty plods; corruption li les in state; Labor still benil.J, com laining to histnsk: " Stay!" you exclaim in accents discontented, " Is not your catalogue couiplcto at last 7 I his tiituro, so minutely represented, Is but the present, tempered with the past!" Aye, so it is! Youth dreams ol bright suc cess! Manhood begins to doubt, perhaps to lear; Whilo age his weakness flattering, conlesses; And go tho world rolls on, year alter year. Year nftcr your beholds the same oudoavor 01 puny men ol we:dth or lame, and soes How history repeats it sell forever j And I nil ii i ic still from her forever flees. One lil'o there is worth living, and its beauty Transcend all charms that hopes fuitlllcd can bring; He who does tiie llnlly his honest duty, Alone is happy, be ho serf or king. Forney' Progrrst. HER SECRET. " I cerl.iinly do owe you cverytliine. It's a profanation to mention money in connection with tlitit sort of indebted ness; hut, Lavinia, I shall try to dis charge part of it in another way." Miss Vin smiled and blushed, pluck ing at one of the roses climhinc; all about lliu window, with lowered head and very great embarrassment. Sidney, however, saw nothing; of this: his thoughts wire projected into th future; and, nithough his gaze rested dreamily on the lliingfi about him, his fancy had taken a wild flight, aud wr.. busy with very diuVrcnl objects. Ami there was a silence, Luvinia frightened. Just then Can !' appeared, with hci draw lint on and the strawberry-basket in her hand, looking a grout deal like u figure out of a picture. "I want jou, Sidney." And, with his honest smile, fiwuy went Sidney to stain his hands with picking berries. Iivinia looked after them with :i fided slanee jut the shadow of some thing not vexation, but a gleam of srnl ness and disappointment; ami she went in and was rather quiet for a few min utes, hustling nbout the room, and finally over to the glass, where she took a stolen peep at her own comely fea tures. She saw a woman of thirty, etiil pretty, and even handsome. Well, there was certainly no disparity ofnges, lor he was quite thirty also some months more. "That is what he means, I think,'' said Lavinia, after deep cogitation. " lie does owe me everything, just as In says, nnd I I helieve lie likos me. We grew up together, and it is only natural. I shall certainly not do anything rash I mean, refuse him. I like him, too" her voice faltered " I never knew until now how much." t)id Dorcas camp in with a needle to thread, and Lavinia drew herself up a little liaughtiiy at being caugnt before tin; mirror. "Strawberries for dessert, Dorcas. Carrie will pick them." " I sec the doctor and her gat herin" Yin, miss," returned the ancient hand maid. "I think I never see him look ingjso well, miss, as this time. Air; it's not so far oil", I can tell you," said Dor cas, wi.h a nod and smile. ' What's not far off?" "Tho question heisroinfi; to nsk you, Miss Vin. You know very well; and, if you intend to mat.' him happy, it takes only the one word." ".Nonsense! I don't even know what you mean," said Lavinia, with a laugh ol trepidation and coloring brilliantly, ab sorbed in the threading process. " The difference of age, and everything." "The age is just right, and he is in earnest. I found this on his desk." Dorcns produced a sheet of paper on which was traced many times, in very beautiful penmanship, surrounded by acrolU and other marvelous embel lishments, the name "Mrs. S'dney Linden." Lavinia inspected it eagerly, and then returned it with a reproving frown. " You had no business to poke aaion;: Doctor Linden's papers, Dorcas. L was wrong, and ho would be very msiry." So the oil) servant was dismissed, and wei.t out smiling, and Miss Vin was alone agaiu. Well, here was confirmation strong a proofs of Holy Writ documentary evi dence which even the law admits as in disputable; and Ijivinia Hrandon, like Lhe practical woman Mie was, accepted l he fai-fH and w id on with lir plans. As Sidney's wife he could hi- nf mi. use to hint 1 1,'in i ,i T -and that w as s.iy n if iiilleh. Oid loc!or -leliiek had liinv i been wUing to iJJ. ',Vi "'I'-nee, ono, ran her happy thoughts : " We can stay just where we are. This old house is ndcared to us both, nnd the village mid the people. Oh, Sidney, you don't know how much I have always loved you, and I never dreamed until now that you ared for me other than a cousin ! I low my heart bents! I never expeefrd to be o happy! Hut thank God, whoishn pood to us all!'' nnd she wept a little tush of grateful tears. On she went with her enstle-bnildin? Wonderful things were to be done, everybody should share sonn thing of Iter happiness. Her sister Carrie, in a year or so she was only seventeen nsyct. and tooyoumr should go to New Y.;ik and make a fortunate marriage; it would, of course, as Carrie was so pretty, be only a ques tion with hersrif as to whi h million aire nnd paragon she should choose; they would ali be nl her disposil; pit haps she would fancy some duke's son from abroad inarriageg of this son were growing very i-uiianon. And so on buildcd Laviuia her beauti ful architecture until, with a thrill, she heard Sidney and Carrie disputing about the strawberries in the garden outside She went out to them, nnd Cnrrie. sunburnt and vexed, and with hands like Macbeth', ran away with tho ber ries to old Dorcas. " She is such a romp, Sidney. I won iler you do not get out of patience with lici-:" " No, my stock of that article is tin limited. A wonderful day this cleai is crystal. Tho country in summer i: Is the nearest idea my not very vivid imagination can realize of heaven. 1 think, dear Vinnie," he said, laughing. " that it is just the sort of day on which to say something lliat has been in my thouehts for a long time." " What can it be, Sidney f" You could never guess. It is somc :hing very serious and prosaic." "Perhaps you had better post pom it." " No, I might never have the courage again. Do you not feel an intuition of what is coining? I owe everything to you, dearest Vin; your money paid for my education for the very bread I have eaten. I am in the attitude of one who still asks favors; this the last. I hope, but the greatest of all. Vinnie, I am in love, and one word from you seals my happiness or misery." She was silent, looking down on the grass; but after n minuleshe spoke. "Sidney, I must say frankly that 1 did not expect it. As to your i-biiga-tion they c.rc now not bin u; but once I did think them a tie that should always bind us together friendship and gra'.i tiuh you understand? Hut if it has. as you think, grown into another feeling, those obligations are discharged ; if. in fact, you love nie, Sidney, and wish to tiaku me your wile, it is 1 who inn in lebted nnd grateful to you, for 1 tell you frankly that it was until this moment, id ream I did not dare allow myself to think of. Hut, since you w ish it, I will be your wife, Sidney, :'id live hence forth with but the cue thought of mak ing myself worthy of you." lied and pale by turns tremulous, puzzled and bewildered at first stood Sidney Linden. Was there ever before so incredible a .nistake? He knew uot what to say or lo. He had intended, to ask Lavinia's approval of a contemplated proposal to Carrie and what tin appalling situa tion had arisen! lie was, indeed, bound by honor and gratitude to Lavinia, who had been so unnl to him, and he had it tided til ways in some dim fashion to return .ometliing he did not know exactly .v hat; but paying the debt in Ibis way had .never entered his thoughts. He ovrd Carrie a hidden romanec of two -ears hack; a real love a part of his ife, indeed. Hut here Middtnly was -atastrophc; he was ruined. " Lavinia, 1 of course I" h" stain neroil "that was what I liiennt-tc isk you to be my wife. I never had nny ither ;dea than to -to discharge my ob igation in the one way by asking you o to accept me as your husband ;" and ie htintr his head in shame. Luvinia did not notice it, or, if t-he lid, put her own interpretation on his vnfusion. She was quite too happy to ealize details of .vhal was 'Happening: uennry brings those back afterward. nd, speaking very little more, tin y Mossed the lawn to the hi use, nnd sh went in. She went up to her room and knelt at ii r bedside and oth red up a thar.klui irayer. Think of the ccstnsy of win ling something beyond your maddest lopes! And in shuffled old Dorrasto isk something about dinner, smiling broadly nnd rather idiotically, as usual. "Well, Dorcas," said Lavinia, get .ingupand going to her and putting irrhauds tenderly on the old cervant' dioulder, smiling radiantly, you were right and it is to he." "I knowed it didn't I?" said hones' Dorcas, with a broader grin. " He oft r lilked to nie, as young nu n in low will, with anybody, about the one they love; they'll even sit and hear hit ibusert rather than not talk of her at ll,"went on wise Dorcas, who coul see through a millstone n.s well 'iibers. lavinia uttered a pleased laugh ai.-l kissed the old creature. "He does love her sure, and I" ays to me this very morning. ' I can', wuitaday longer, and I am going to isk Iavinia for In r to-day,' and you see lie has done it and got your consent." It w;is nit a cry, it wni a kind ot boke. us of some one dying Middi lily o! nihil at ion. Odl r. i- stand uul :.-t her mitiv s I a- fallen to the floor. Hut ill one minute she w is on her feet igatn, nnd, tnougli pale, strong ami Heady. "The idea of losing her Dercas it is I'arrie, we mean, of course it over nines me a little," said Miss Vin ; and Dorcas had never seen such a counte nance out of a eollin. " liut we must try M bear those things; hi; wiil make hi I x good husband. I think I wiil lie down lor a moment." So Dorcas, none the wiser, t hninbli d .ml, and Lavinia crossi d over to the window and stood looking out. I do not know what she saw there; but thus moments had their tragedy which words .an give no idea of. And after a while she went down and found Sidney si ated on the little porch list where she had left him. Ii looked up dismally enough. "Sidney," she s.id, upruptly, "I lon't know what you wili think of nie; hut I have chanm! my min i imv I saw you a few minutes ago. I cannot be your wife; but I may te'l you this, that if you should ew r fat ey Carrie you might learn to like her in time-it would make nie very h:i); v." "Hut you, Laviuia "ho hic-ait, as tounded. "Will. 1 r..riv V:.s liilijt'd to jjw you my hand, Sidney," shesmiled, ' bill it wxs only the erazo of nn instant Such a thing would never do, and yoi; wil. say so yourself o!:ie years from now; and while f tun gia'eful to you Sidney, for thinking so much . f me as to wish to make me your w I mu.-l lell you frankly that it is impossible. I was born for an old maid nnd must dii :ne. And now, if yon are a wise man. you wiil turn your thoughts from nn find beslow them upon Carrie." Anil with a little lau."h, in which there wa nothing of her heartbreak, she turned and re-entered the house. And to the hour of her death no one i ver knew her secret. Titiiiiminy Hall. The In.lt run! i'.iiiiil A'i iv' w contains tin following nccount ol the weli-knowt. New York political organization known as Tammany Hull: The Tammany Hall organization consists of three part- first, the secret society known as tin "Tammany Society, or Columbian Order," which was tounded in 1'.). in the first month of Washington's admin istration, nnd was ineorporated in Ini.'i; which erected the building on the cor ner of Nassau and Frankfort stiveK formerly knovvn as Tammany Hall, iind controls by lease the present hall or, Fourteenth street ; secondly, the Gen eral Cnuimittie and (Assemb'y) Dis trict Committees of the Tammany Hal. Democracy, which are councils oi voters, and date, with many intermedi ate chantrcs of delail. from 1"-0J; thirdly, the voters, usually about nn.ooii. or two thirds of the etilire vote of the city, who act in harmony wiih the emu mittees. md constitute the Tammany Hall Democracy. The Tammany society has passed, during its ninety years, through live important epochs of evolution, and i now in its sixth. From 17f-'.i to ls--n i: was ant i-nionaivhiui and anl.i-foreijn. with Federalist olliecis and American Indian costumes, customs, and regalia, cultivating a distaste for Luvopean modes of government by the sedition substitution of certain fancied aborig inal customs. Its members discussed political questions after the Indian fash ion around council lires, at which they smoked the traditional calumet, a--sisted, perhaps, by draughts of the tra ditional fire-water. In ITil.i they re cti veil the Creek Indians, on a vi.i: which one of the Tammany sachems ha. I induced the Creek chiefs to make to New York, in such perfect imitation -of the native costume, and in such gor geously savage feathers, moccasins, leg gings, war-paint, war-clubs, and tom.i hawks, that the Crocks si t up a whoop of joyful recognition, which the T un many braves mistook for the Indian mode of saying grace before hum n carving and scattered in a ru.ldi n panic At tliis interview Seer -tary Jefferson Chief Justice Jay, Governor Georuc Clinton and Mayor Duune were pre ent. The Creeks danced and sang tin E-tho song; the Tammany gran.! sachem assured the Creek grand snehems that the spirit of Columbus and Tammany were then vromenading arm-in-arm through the Wigwam; the Sagamore of Tammany pn Rented the chiefs with the calumet, who in return dubbed him by one of those musical Indian appellations which ought to be immortal Tuliva Mieoor chief of the White Town. In the evening the en tire patty attended the theater together, and before they left the Creeks entered into a treaty with Washington, the bt loved sachem of the Thirtivn Fires. Professor Sheldon, of the royal agri cu'tuml col'lge of lltlgi.Iid, Wlitist. the Ilural Si v Jo; i r: Great I'limU r of farmers are in ouent.aiid many nion are giving up flic business to save tie remnant of their capita!. Farms to ; are advirtiscd by If.indivds. and rcn . are falling rapidly. Manyleavv lat e arable farms do not Iind 1. mints a' .: price, and theoun. r hive to farm then as hi st they i an. Sound urass i:u have, however, deprecia'cd wry little Numbf rsof English farmers are i!i.iiiw a bad plight as the Irish. Thowr-' is over so far as the cause is eom erne'! Those farmers who had lai.i by some thing will in nil probability soon Ii' e t heuiselvcs in a lair way to make moi:i again. It is, howi ver, prolmble t' at ihe ruins of insi. ear will Iimv so ic. povciishfd ih i.nnl that crops will no lie ablltld; r.t Miis . :.oli. I I'.Mll.t il , .ss the n dl.e, l--is nlb ' .1 (II.....; I I he l:it ll.l. s. a-..!;-- I . J I,.,, l.lUm.lHSI.IIIHI The Fashions Flowers r.re npa'u used in the Lai , A great deal of g dj lee; is u- I o'i sprli.g millinery, V ry t-mall cull's ornament the tlctvcs of now continues. Plaiu skirts will continue, in vogue dtiiiijg tho fiens'.in, F.x.iuisit jly erubrol b-re i crovrrs nre seen on iiutx-iried boni.L's. Tliiy Riit pardeninc; imnleineuts aro u novel d. c mtion for rust-'c !i, !s. The yellows and purples now fi po2 n'ar nre very trying t ino.-.t conj.icx ions. Cloth reltr.-cle,, ( -.en both br.c': n:.d front fo Khnw f. :;:y Fn'i.,". arc in rirenf domend. Tfovc'ties in color p.u-l miWn! nre more couspicnotiH m new ili.shcs fimn change of form, Ciiildren'.-, ITne.iborr; c. 11, r.s t be styl'sh sh i"M - rie b of v-i y oi.rn patterns of eti.lir iid.-rv Street lnf!ncs nnd .: ci;t iI it i severe niinp'icity in Rtyl , whi!. those for tho Iiousu mc its r. ;s fu .cy iiic tates. Dark red jndicioiii.v rui'igle.l with tho other colors of the costume wili be much worn timing th . co'xiuc snutuer. IlauJsomu bliek fb .ti' rr c '.pes su-l dolmnns ar. triiaed will, pi !t frivpe or.r half r. yard . ii - r i 1 1 , thickly beaded, r.nd i-.ri t;'el wit.': rcsr'e; satin. For lawn aud calico dr. -ses tho i-: tu ple round ovcrskirt is still nsed, caught grnecfully up t the Mail t ou one hide, to display a panne! of Inui'i.,-; r.i.dc.--ueatii. riente.1 n'ld lcl'c.l nr.li!; . f s?era' dcscriptioUR w'U be lf.e.l i gi'U T rs'im nu r d'-esscs of pere.ilc, !.i,! c teliee end gingham, and tiioo for ;.i:c-:,!.-. and c itintry v.lll have para-oU; t. mutch. Tuey will bo wmle up with round walk ing skirtR avid thoit evi r-d:esaep. Dreahfas.t caps arc ur.iverFl'y worn by fa'hionr.blG Iailics, nnd several new ibpigiis are now exhibited, A very jaunty cap has the, crown made of white monsscliiio de soiu" trimmed with n doable border of Hide plc'cd Milims l ice falling over th" h..ir and a band of gay Pc'fi.iu lilib -u betw, en the Iw.i forndng a grae 'f til bov? i;p.,'i t! e top of the herd. of Much of n I os. A voting lady wenf to n din? rtre, Monday, 1, cited not a hundred nnh s from tho nnv.T.e! hevtse, and h.ul a pre scription ma le up. "flow inue.li?'' iuqniiod t!'e holy. "Fifty cents," F:ii 1 the clerk. "Ibit I have only forty-tire c ut-! wit b me,"replie i the easterner; "can't you let me have it for that?" "S'i mi'arn," said the clerk, 1 lit V"ii can pay mo the five cents when y .in c-uue iu agaiu," "Hut suppose I were b) di ?" eaid the lady jocularly. "Well, it wouldn't be a very great less," was t'.io smiliug r-. spouso. And immediately the iii'ioce'it clerk gathered from the indignant ihv-h on tin Is ly's face, that ho hnd been miuudcr stood, and before he could lu-suro her that it was iho little bahiuce uud not her thut would be no great hiss, she hud bonnee.l out at a go-as-yon plf ase gait, and was bey on 1 the sound of his voice. Clt:r lawi Smthu f. It is . iatabvl tbnt d.iri ig ls) the irou mills in t'r's o-mr-try v-i ; 1 !: in creased Slit OW tons. Tic H.-fV he-,., mill intends to enlarge it cap t -dv I". 90,0,0 b'-ns, the Nnliieru C'.rcair ltolling M.Iis liy ).d)). .i 1 1 t':, IVnv boivauiii Steel Cc.cv. my by ltil.iKld New oiuT.-hearth fnrnae.s are bcucr started up in Near Jersey, Pennsyl vania., K'ntucky, O'. o and Vermont, and new blast furnaces in considerable numbers are ready, or nhuost ready, for operation in Pennsylvania, Vtrsriaii. Illinois and Delaware. To illnstratt liow these enlargements u t!ie iroi: busiues will did the cut"1 of labor, il may be mentioned that 8d0 more hand'i will bo nee led by one Pennsylvania company as aim i i i' hi iMmplc'ed Borne additions to iti miH-s, Tho following mills iu various secttous of the United S'ates have madcarrnnge nients to mni:i fact nre steel ra'N form foreign blooms : Springll Id, Illinois, for the Wabis'i Uillw.iy C icepinv ; the Juliet' Illinois, for i:l F. is': re. iirm ; K Ionian, A'lecheuy City, for an Et-'ein firm, and thrt lining for tlie;r own roads. There are, it is sn.l, ut jircsent fi odd tons blooms all ut, ehidly for j Klonians. Upwards of 2 000 totiK ad ditional aro under contract for shipinent, but it is s-id to bo opto -d ion ablo if that amomit will be sent forward. A western minister told tho tni'tee of his church that h must have Ips money, n4 his fumily was siifTcri'.'g. "Money 1" si.l one of his fruiters. "you prench for money. I thought yon I preached far the good of koiiIs ." Tim I I'.iii'.i-it.-r replied "I cin't crt houI. I nil,! il I could, it would taken tl,.oieui.. so eh as yours to make aniral." 1TKMS OF (.LM1KAL 1MEHEMT. Moody is ficing f Lesdville. li'tffi'lo girh feel prou 1 when they can niakt; use of seventy -five hair pins at once. M s L- ttle Or-iy, a girl of New York city, i.-, astonishing people in her state with her marvelous whistling. M.my a rami of honor, says tho New York C'')iii,i'r'in't may be a fcarfnl liar end not know it. An exchange) says that Mary Anderson is notably dtic,uut iu her kissing, and i!ii'A l )ii v Tim's finds a reason in the fact tied M'ery wasn't brought np te the i.-.lc lhir.! ir,:)tev i-i not nlono known to Amer e ns. Jlnglicuien uso it to get s'iaiv v.jth thu world, wheu they owe tdO ),U o ui.d Lave no awbits but six mi .i.tst iris. "Ih- w!:olo nu'vi rso," says Rev. T. li 'Wit' 'I'.dmar.'1, "is not ashamed to fat;e cir" ' oto lit lo daisy. The stars watch ovr it, tl.o snu warms it, tho ft:: ,is c i d i:., and the clouds draw wide! j or :!." O.cr i'.i per c-.--nl. of the woolen ma-c'.iie.c-y i'.i tlie Unite.l States is located in N England. The number of sets of machinery cnjnala 8 431, of which Conntoticiit baa titlK, New nampehiro 5"5, UUo.'o Jtiimvl ItU, Maine 331, and 'cr:uout 175. An arc'ic i xpcdilijn is now being fitted on und-r the supervision of Cap tain IT. W. llowgnte, nnd is expected to ail from Washington about the middle i.dMjy. Any contributions of reading vi!ntt i" will bo thankfully received and acknowledgo'l by Captain Jlowgate if p'-r.t to l.iri at Wiishington. Krusr Afonso has sent to the Histor 'Ctl Society of Missouri a photograph of himself, In autifnlly framed in Spanish u.imcl of gold aud bilver on steel. The pie'iire besrs the King's antngraph, and is a taken of approval of the so ciety's iuten.ied celebration of the an niversary of tho first M.ssissippi explor ation. A MiRor mill to weigh 310,000 pounds, including a heavy and superior made rhiO-horse power engine, will, it is said be soon erected in L'juisima, It will rnnk among the largest establishments d U.e kind in the world. Its cost of ni'.cUiiicrj will ouable it to gain on the pred .':''! cs of or Hiiary mill thirty per crr.f. nr 1 core. Klrg O.kiya of Hrass, Africa, was induce J throe w ir.-i ago to give np his : lob. f li s i.vo Citowi uck, who sent them to Ktipiiiud. Hive 3 then ho has tietii r. regnht" a!!udut at church ; but it was not uatil lately that ho proiuit.cd to give u; ins r.n morons wives aud Lo baptized. Daring his late ill ness the idol priest begge.l him to recant, but he refused to do en. A company hta been orgnnizod nuder the burn of New York, to bo known as "Tho Mexican Telegraph Campany," liuvii.f! for its object the ostablishmont of ti heriplnc comuiuuicatioc with Mcxiei, Central and Suilh Amerioa, nt-d ui.tr.-.ately with N'ew Zenlral, Ans trnli.i, ' iii; mi l Japan. Tho project was In. t before M. do Lesseps when he was in that city, and Ijj- him was warmly oi:doi,e.l. Mr. Heedier comes to t.ie front with mi explanation of the refusal of tho Kentucky houce of rcprcseutativeH to permit hi i t lectnre after being In vited to do s 1 by the senate. He fays lie wat twice invited to speak iu Frank tort, once by tho i-euite aud once by a private gentlemen, which he declined to do, b -ceise of prior engagements not i.lmit ing of it. The house, therefore," snys th ' Hraoklyn divino, "refused to lend t'-icir hull t a Hpeeeli which I twic- 'iceliucd t make. I think I have t advantage. doha Uoviuau visited (lie St. Lonis House of the Good Shepherd, picked ont the beet-looking woman among the inmat 's, told her that ho owned a large uud well sti eked farm, and proposed marriage. S'uo asked for a few days to think the matter over, but he said, "now orueTer," ns he meant to take a wife home that afternoon. So she con sented, nnd wcut ont, to boy some clothes. She met her affunced husband it the street, while shipping, nnd did not recognize htm ; bnt he iutrodneed himself anew, and hurried her to a clergyman, who performed the cere mony. There aro four Arras that monopolize the manufacture of quinine in the whole Unite 1 Hates. They seem to be not eoii'entcl w'th the enormous wealth they have acquired, bnt complain against thfl removal of the dnty on .pi-; 'ue. Their i lea of what is well for t'uo corns) ry iipponrs t ibe that on the th ugs whic'i aro mod in manufacturing Tvninn thero should bo no tax or duty, bu. thn; ou qninino itself there should be a duty. Perhaps of all medicinal agent qainine ia the most important ; to thousands and thousands it is at times au essential agent of health and life. The laws of the country should be such as ti make a necessity like this as e uiilv obtainable ns possible by all the j our as well as tho rich. Nj mon opoly should lie nl lowed to Hfand in the way i f iU bi u.e m e'e mure a-wssible to ni.llioiis of tho poi i m our land who need i'. i-jy.fi!;hiwiMtti