2jJt( (!jhathm fcord.j Ctettem H. A. LONDON, Jr., 07 ADVERTISING. I'Dllolt AM) 'I'Hl KT'.'IS. Onfl .quale, one lnerlIoii, One Bqusrn, two iiiwrtli.m,- Onepqi;u',..:H-iii"iitli, - i.ot l.W J.JO TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: tin, ivj jr, one yr.. oho fi.py ,f!x iiiui.Uk One rep)', thru lutnii! VOL. II. PITTSBORO CHATHAM CO., X. C, JULY 8, 1880. xo. r.. JOiifl til. IY30HIKC. Attorney at Law, .;rli(ivlll''t CI.riIihui t o.,N. f. at mm a. wmixii, Of Orange Of CLHtlliljl. MORINC & MORINC. Attomoyo tt Xs-cv-cv. IHIUIOr, N. i . All busiQOFS Intrusted, to tliem will reooive prompt attention. 1-2. A. LOX&CW, ,?r. , Attorney at Law, WITKItmcO', X.if. Hc-Specinl Attention Pnid to Colipwina. W. E. AXDKr.sON, P. k. WJLET, en.lii.r CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK, icm:i;ii, v. v. J. D. WILLI AW! 3 & CO., Grocsrs, Commission Merchants ani" ProJuca Buyers, FAYETTE VI LLE. N. C. Certain and Reliable! HOWAltDH ISPUXIBLE woiu.o r.E- NOWNKD KLMEDlf" FOB WOKMfl In now for rato l-y W. L. London, la rnt.bnro'. All those, who o annoyed with thnre Fents are advised to cill r nd jet a packago vt tui alnl'li remedy. This compound is do hnni bug, bntf grand sneca".. Ouo agent wanted lu every town in tlie Btate. For partlcu'ari. KldieKH. nclnelna; 8 rent stamp. IT. J. M HOWARD. Mt. Oliv. WaTne comity, N. C. JACOIl 8. A r.LFN . rnr.n. a. watso.n, o, e halli.ii!. JACOB S. ALLEN & CO., TIAT.KKIII. -N. C, Building Contractors, ru:u mnuifaM-tnnTS ' f Sash. Doors. Blinds. Mould Ings, Brackets, Mill all kinds o Ormimeutui, bo.roll u:i '; Turned Work; Window audDoor Frames rna b t Order. WGiv us ft tall beforo ordering. Shops (nested on Hirrirgtou street, w'tove c -cs "o 11 deigh and Carton T. H. BRI8GS & SONS, melons' ru.Di;a, RALEIGH, 3ST . C. DE.Li:ns iv HARDWARE, wauon am nvur. matf.ki.it., S.VSII, liOOKS, AM) UUNDS, TAISTS, OILS, AND C.LAES, LIME, CKMKNT, AND I'LASTim. Stoves, Nails and Iron. Children's Carriages, sroni'iNa r.o.)m AND l'lSHINO TACULU. Bend for a Sarnplo Card of "ToM ii fc CJoiuitr.y'' r.KAnv jnxrit taints. If is the Best. We effer IIi 'l (I i.i !ii at Lowest I'riro. siii'Ain; DEALING. lOO Buggies. Rockaways, Spring Wagons, &c. made of tbe brut materiaJi and tally uarrar.t ed. to be nold regardleae of eost 1'artiri lu wast will commit tUeir own interest by nam inlng onr Block and prices before bavin. i we are determined to aell, and lure riit doan onr pricea io they cannot be mrt by any oilier bonne in the Htate. Alio a fall .took or. Hand 3Ifil I fume ItEPAIRINfl done at bottom prion, tud In beit mtnnr. feed for prieei and enti. A. A. McKlU'H AN i fiONtl. KayctliTille, N. a NORTH CAROLINA STATE LIFE INSURANCE CO., OF RAlEIfilf. . CAR. P. n. CAMERON. frtnHmt. W. R. ANDEKSON. Vi. W. IL 1J1CKH, Jfc-y Thd only Home Life Isetir&ncd Co. In tho Stats. All Iti fnnd loaned out AT IIO.MK, and among our own people. We dr lint .mid North Carolina innnt'V abroad to build up other Haa. It l one of the nioet (tiei'eicful i-ojri-jwnlei of its age In the Uullcd Blati. ll aa uH are amply iiincicnl. All lowi pai.l liroinptly. Eilit thousand dolUri paid In tb Ian two ynara to families In Chatham. It will cost a man aed thirty yenrs only five ceute a day to Insure for one thousand dollars. Apply for further Information to H. A. LONDON, Jr., Sen. Agt. riTTSBORO', C. I'r al I'puu the Water". Mi l 'i.e i un. tin M A til'1 pi. ! Hiid tliti piling, An 1 tlii' liip!;'V iuM l!.p (ciir, Ai.il ll.o I'll' MKH 1 1 yciu Vi'i-1") i nt picmijo iVr Wci' li' vo it iiinic i:r..l umifl l,m I n;i !!" v.ilirt M.!, .' l-t C 'Hr.rtit lit ti t ,;;. (!.-'.l fli: 1 si:. !', Ulv the rllll.t, V. til 1 1 i ;i t'.'.f j i-.y il:ii)H';h onr l.am'e; .Iit.c'j, uir.ii 1 kf n t-pail, Will be lii ! !i n in tin. il:u !. ; Sim n 1 1 1 1! : - u uisil ) ni.-", I! it ( i v l.'t '.- . ill m- . it b ''. l';ryt !.) . i.-.i.V, ra.'.. S! i! 1: : ;,,! at the !.!. ! '.'.' .!. ! yi'ii ill' ! n: X.'i.l nt.r .::;!!, ti.-rf- iri d ); 1! u. wi !.'. i ! .Iwl To III: i.i IT il' 111.-" II..'. '1 1.1 V V. i'.i ill. I p' ;i "I'll l.il! i i.i'V " i i 1 ' i-'ri liMily -;,.....; , ; , .... ,,..c ,-., IV-' iho i'.i;' '.- I.:;' nwiiv, i j ItH. rs drr.iy. ...f X'.i: -ii. :i o'i i... i ' Wi: 1 i i:;i i...in bo iluni-; '1'. i"i i. K ; in;.', il we !:. mi i - "' ' ' ' '. ' i'i:.;:ii".' ;-.! :',. .! ,.' .:v;,VM N l lir 1.1 ' --( n I Mi THE BOARD FENCE. " Slioo. .1 1 .1, ci t I'limr. juu t'l.'i.iuv I'litt. :?!"' tvivi Mr. liitlicoi-k, w.-ivinv li's tiriijS. ns lip chii'i'd tin.- ilozpn shi fp ir.i! ! im'is tlirou.h a ?:ip in tli!' iew--. It v'- ; vrodii.'n fincc, mh! when hi lir..', m. . . ih'.l mi ih ivin.it tin' aniiu:i!s to '. ' i.-i-'f -i it, he lirlcd it from i! i.i'ii l'.r' j.O'iii'.ii nr.il prnppcil il up vi:; . (.,:. was :m niv i'ution l:c li:i;' .'..ii'.ij I'i.i'.-r'if o!..:ii:t'.; tu r ?: u.:..y !h. In the ..urs-. !' the s.a.-o:i. :inl not :' for that t-fast'ti, but of v v em! pi'. viuu" t''.-.:;i.n.i. Yrt Mr. 15.il cork wns r.ritii; r t'. ir'n nnr i liii n in fart, lie v:itl;7f y i ;..' him .f If i n t!.-'" oniinary f;pp'ar:'i; f.l iiis I:ii in. an. I i:nt witlioul rcucii. llo.v tlu'ii sh.'iil w iirt'ount for liis n.Ii -Scni.'.J in this p:irticu!:ir ic-tsici'? Tlictiutii w.-w tlint tliis f -me fi.niiril tin' boutuinry iino between liis cstrtto :uiil tint ol Mr. Suiail; anit tlnve i'en ei:iti(i!i of men who owneil tlie-n .-. iMa hiul been unable to rtoeiilc to whom i: bclonircd to rcliuild nnd keep it in re pair. Il 'the owner hiul fhiit'.eiil to br mi'n of jieiu-t ail fii-pxsitions tl.i v would llnvi! riili) lon.i.si il the milt: i' nnd avoided a iiunrri'l; but if, on t! i contrary, they belonged to Unit mi: -l. liirti're..tis who would sooner .swriii.-i their own comfort nnd Aonvruirm'c th-.ti their so-called rinlits. this fL-iiee wonli! have been a sotuee of uiuiulin bicker ings ami strife. And of this chss were the presml owners. Ag:iin nnd again had they consulted their respective lawyers on thcyubject, and draved from their hid-infr-jiliu'cs tuusty old deeds and lei orilsi, but always itli the same r-sult. " I say it belongs to you to keep it in repair; that's as plain as a pike-ttall',' Mr. Ilubcock would say. "And I say it belongs to yott-imv fool niisht fci lliat," Mr. Small woitl-i reply; and then hiU words would fol low, ami they would part in anj;ir, more determined and obstinate than ever, and lawyer's f es and loss by dania?e from ia-h other's cattle hnd nlnady imioucte 1 to a sum sufficient to have built a fence orouml their entire estates, but what wast!i!il compared to the sutisf ictirn ot having their own way. At last, one day Miss Lctitia (lill, a wom:m much respected in the ?illa;, and of some weight as a landowner and tit.T payer, ftni for Mr. Uabcoek to come and sec li r on business; a summons which he iniidi haste to obey, how could it be otherwise where n lady was concerned? Miss Leliti.t sat at her window sewii:g ssenm, but she dropped her v.v.ik ar d took oil her spectnfles when Mr. 15.1b cock made liis cppen'nncc ".s.) yen pot my iue?sai.; thank you for consii", I'm suit. Sit down, do. I .U'p.'.-f my ir. ni Iiaae told you I ivuiited to con-nil you on business a ;. ter of e.tiily, 1 may say. Il can't 'i.' t-xpi eii (ha1 we women folk' should e the be.-1 jiiil;r'. s about siK'h Ihitis, ojtt know ; there's I sane, to be sure, bu hen lie lives on the place; maybe he iv t til 'n't h? fxielly iuiartial in his iin'.iiiirit about ournll'airH.'' 'Mi s' so," bfiid Mr. 15 iboock. " Wei!, the state of the case is this: When Isaac enmc up from the lone meadow to dii tier- they're mowing the meadow to day, and nn uncommonly coorl ield there is when he came up to riiiiiii r lie found that stray cows had Inoki n iut" t!:' ve.-l'ible garden." "Undid, hey?" " Vnu can fancy tbe riot made. I de clare Isaac was almost ready to use pro liii.e lanjMiaiic. 1 am not Hire that lie didn't; and. afurall, I couldn't feel to I'-.nmch him viry sevirely, for the irI.ehas taken with that garden is ini'.liiiig n.iii'.iiiK ; workitiK in it. Mr. Ii.thcivk, enrly and late, weeding and i'in:iiii and watering, and row to si oil ali toin and tn.mpltd rothat you notilill.'t, know wbieh was beets and w 1, ii ) was cuctiii.bi rs. It's enough to iaie uny budy's temper." " 1 is m," fa'nl Mr. R.ibeock. "And that in'tnll, for by the looks of U.liifrs they iiv.r;t have, been raipalnr in the orchard and clover field before they got into the sarden. Just you 'in' rind s-.c," and puttinj? on her sun "i liiii t, Miss betitia showed Mr. ll.ib- . !!; over the damaged precincts. "You don't happen to know whose .nlhitifl ('id the uiis'.hicf?" said Mr. I'.!') ork. " Well, I didn't obstrve them in par ticular myself, but Isaac said there was on-i wi'h a peculiar white mark, gome thibp ! ke a cross, on its haunch." "Why. that's Siniili's old brindle,' -lied Mr. liabcoek. "I know the ii: ;k :i well as I know the noso on my r.u-e. Si.e lrid balls on l.er horns, didn't rh"?" ' Yts, eo Isano said." "And a kind of hump on her biu k " 'A p if ft dromedary," said Mis l.eiitir.; "I noticed that myself." "They were Small's cows, no doubt of it at ali," said Mr. U.ibcock, rub i-ii g his hands. "No sheep with thcui. !e yr ' V !1, new I think of it, there were di". p ll.ey ran oway as soon us they -aw Isaac Yis, certainly there wi re -liicp,"' taiJ Miss Lctitia. " I knew it they always go wit!: lie o'.vs: nnd wiiat ol nte?" li's to fix dauiaces," said Misa I," iitia. "As I .-aid before, women folk. ,,ir no itid.-rer. alxjut such matter." Mr. Uabcoek meditated a nionien. mil then s:u 1 : "Vi'i-'l, I wouldn't take ft cent less than ; fveniy-live dollars, it I were you -lie'. :i ci lit." ' S. vi at f five dollars! Isn't that a l'ooi! deal, Mr. Hibcock? You know I d.m'i wis!: to be hard on the poor man : ali I want is a lair compensation lor the i-iisrl. icf done." "Si venty-livo dollars is fair, uia'nm in fu.-t, I might say it's low. I wouldn't have had a herd of cattle and i-lc. ! trampling throuph my premises in that way fur a hundred." "There's one thin;,' I forgot to state; the orchard gate was open or they couldn't have cot in; that may make a oliU'cui-.iv." " Xot n bit not a bit. You'd t. right to l.avo your gate open, but Small's cows had no ri;;ht to run loose. I hope Isaac drove t!inni to the pouud, didn't he?" "I heard him say he'd shut Yru up somewhere, and didn't mean to let 'em out till the owner calls for 'em. Hut, Mr. liabcoek, what if he should .iluse to pay for the damages! I li(.uld have to go to la w about it." " Ufi won't refuse; if he does, keep the critters till he will pay. As tc law, I guess he'.s had about enough ol that." "I'm sure I thank you for your ad vice," said Miss Lctitia, ' and I mean to act upon it to the very letter." Scarcely was he out of htr sight when Miss Letilia, sent a summons for Mr. Simill, which he obeyed as promptly as his neighbor had done. She made to him precisely the samt statement she hud made to Mr. Bab cock, showed hint the injured property, nnd asked him to iix the damages. It was remarkable before he did this that he should ask the same question Mr. Uabooek had asked, namely, whcthei she had any suspicion to whom the ani mals belonged. "Well, one of them I observed had a terribly crooked horn." " rreeiscly it's lhibeock's heifer; I should know her nmong a thousand. She was black and white, wasn't shep" "Well, now I think of it, she was one seldom sees so clear a black ami white on a cow." "To be sure, they're liabcock's ani mals fast enough. Well, let me sec; what yoit want is just a fair estininte, I stli pnse?'' "C'.italnly." ' Wi 11, 1 should say ninety dol!ar': was :ts low as he ought to be allowed I i get off with." " Oh, but 1 I'ear that will seem as if I mr.nt to take advantage. Su;iOr.c we call it say sevci.ty-.ive," "Justus you please, of course; but l.angcd if I'd let him off for a cent less than a hundred, il it were my case." " And if he refuses to pay ?" "Why, kii'p the animals until he com' sariiiind, that's all." " Hut there's ore thing I negleoted to nn ir ion our :a'. was standing open ; that may alter the case." ' N' datall; there's no law against keeping your gate open ; there is against .-.tray animals." "Very will; thank you for your ad vice," said Miss Lctitia; and Mr. Small departed witli as sinilling a counten ance us Mr. Il.ibcoek had worn. liut at milking time that night in niudc a strange discovery old brindle was missing! At about the same liout Mr. Habcock made a similar discovery ; iliu black Mid white heifer was no where to be found. A horrible bus piciou sclzid ihim both a suspicion they would not have mad known tc each other for tin. world. Tin y waited till it was dark, and then Mr. iiabeink stole round to Mis l t ilia's, and meekly asked leave to 1 uk rt the animals which hnd com mitted the trespass. He would havi ihim it without asking leave, only that iliirtty Miss I.ilitia. a'ways shuts hit b.u n doors tit night. While he stood looking over Into the I ens win re thecows wereconlined, nnd trying to negotiate with Miss Ltlilia lor the reiinse of his brindle along anie Mr. Small in quest of liis bl ind U 1'in' two nrn star.-d at each other in I link dismay, then Lung their he.ids in confusion. It n.is i:flraa to asseit that the dam !!! were t..o blub, for had thevnot li Sf 1 t 111 m tin i:.- Ivsl'' It Was U-e'is to pie.:.! th -.t M:-s L'-tit'a was in a n.an iv f re-1 iti-;l 1 lor what had happened, on account nl the i"ii t'a'.e. f.,r had they not a.i-ui'ed h r th:u that circum stance did not alter tkr e:,s ? It was us 'li -s io say she had no right :o keep the cow- in cti-t'.-ly, for had they not our' 1 d her to do sol' A- to going to law about it, would they not become the sp:rt of 'he whoV? town? "He that M:'get.h a pit. he hinisci sVali fa'! into it,'1 said Mi-s L"litia. who r I 1 what w::s passing in tl.eir mind- as Wi !l as if they had spoken, for the light of Isaac'-. lantern fill full on their faces. "However, on one condiiioii I wid frio the ows. and forgive the debt." "Win is thst?" lioth tuou?ht the question, but did not ask it. " lb.! condition is timt-yuu promico tn put a good new fi nee in place of the oh' one i hat separat es your estates, dh iding the cost bet'.' it y.ju, nnd that heme lortli you wih he t'ethir p a -ifu lv. so far r.s in you li Do you pn.ruiM ?" ' Ye-." mutterul bot'i in a voin si i.r.a ly au'lib e. 'Slake hauls lipri it. theai-" s ii-.! .Ml.-s Lititia. They did -.o. "Now let the rows out, Isaae; its time they were niiikei','' said she. And the two men went away, ihiving lli'ti cows before lhnii, and with a shame faia .1 air. ureal !v in contrast to the look of triumph wish wh!cl; they h id befon quiltid her prc-ence. The fence was bui.t and the s'vif. eased when the rausc was removed, but it was long hofor" Miss L"t:thi part in th fll'iir came to the public eai ; for she hers'll maintain! d a stric silence concerning it, and she enjoinei1 the same upon her man-servant Isaac, Health In Summer. The danger from sunstroke or exhaus tion is not very great for people in ordin ary lira ir Ii, but any physician will in dorse the statement that too great can cannot be exerci.-ed to ward oil' tho-e diseases which inevitably follow im prudence during the heated term. Too many people observe the same rules ol living in the dog days that they do in the bracing atmi'suhere of fall or win ter, and, as a rule, they pay dearly for their imprudence. Even in the mat. or of clothing but little care is taken to provide against sudden changes I temperature, or during periods of in tense heat to reduce the temperature ol the body. Many persons also expose themselves to the sun in the most reck less manner, while others nrc equally imprudent as to the kind .ind quality o' their food. The kilter is a iicst ini porlant consideration. The siir.pici and more nourishing the food the better; yet how few restrict themselves or show the least discrimination in selecting tic supplies for their tables during the sum mer months. Frequent bat king, moder ate cxcrcise.abstentionasfar as po-.iihle from all excitement, rigid supervision of drainage, cleanliness not only in tin living room of the house but in the obscure places about the premisis these are safeguards which no person, however robust his hea th, can ailon' to disregard. The list of ills thut fol low the neglect of these ordinary pre cautions is very long, and ail are seri ous in their ctl'e;t upon t ho huaian frame. Lobsters and Milk, There is popular theoty that lobsters and milk combined a'o a death-dealing potion. This is partly wrong nnd p .rtly right. The fact is ti.o hard meat of the lobster is the most indiges tible article of food that cm he taken into the human stomachs, and only the strongest stomachs in the most health ful state can convenientl , get away with it. Where vinegar is eaN l; with lob ter it helps the digestion. A second fact is undeniable, that mi;!; wi.) sour m the stomach of two per-' r.s out of three. It follows thru t'.ia' h::ving eaten a hfarty meal ol" tin lit:- stible lo'i s er, if you drink ii larr; quantity of milk, nnd it s urs on you, llic action of the gtuslri"- juice is su-p-'ln'e 1, the lob stcr n mains aa so much lead in the stomach, nnd hence tho sickness will frequently result i'lta'.iy. Hut neither the milk nor the 1 dvler in itself is poi sonous, nor does th-; combination ofthe two, work a poison. Tho ricknesa arises from a sotuv 1 stomach and a eon sequint suspension of the organs of di gestion. Some persons with a stomach like a horse, us the saying is, ean cat lobster anil drink milk with impu nity, but " that's neithiryou nor I." A third fact lobsters cooked ai'ter death are permeated with poison, the virus trom poisonous glands permeating1 all the meal in the shell. All these aie A-eil-established seicntifie medical lacls, mi l no mere theorizing. You will do el to consider and be governed by them. If you've a strong healthy stomach, perlei t digestive organs, and an drink heavy cream milk without trouble, then you can cat healthy lob stir seasoned with vinegar, and pour down your throat as much milk as you choose, but not otherwise. Next to lobsters pehrnps cherries are as indiges tible as anything you can take into your stomach, and a drinking of milk aftii atitiit cherries will cause sickness the same way as fitter eating ed lobsters, under the conditions describe.! and for tho same reason. We don't charge any thing for the facts and hints In rein contained, but you micht py the doc tors a great many dollars, and nine chances emt ot ten they wouldn't give ou as valuable facts, nor as clearly and concisely stated. A word to the wise is sulllei. nt. iltri hn liv mkr. Koiiio r the Ho.nitles or i'oljgnniy. A letter to tbe Salt Lake AntuIWyg amy fVnwJUtrii say?: In Sugarhousu Ward, two miles north of Salt Lake City, lives a good Danish saint who, of rertir.se, lives his religion, and has sev eral wives. It was the duty i f one of the plural women to work tin the farm and take care of the cattle and the n.ules. When not engaged in other -aii.tly avocations, it was the husband's i ustor.i to sit on the lence, holding a horsewhip in his hand, and ovi rsee the woman v. hen she was at labor in the lii '.J. If she failed to perform the woik according to his ideas or instruction.-', !,e usul to lash her like a rclr.-e'tory horse or mule; in fact hcriften whipped ir more severely than he would his '.lininls. for he held a mule in lar high, r -tiuiation than be ili.l a woman. " II -ould get another wife any day, but it co t money to get. a mule." Occasion illy, when there was not enourli to teep her busy on the farm, he hired in r tit a house servant, and always rol- i tid her wasres himself, asking quite a t;h price f.,r her sen ices. SI e hti i m d to he hired to a neighbor of mine, ir.d one day when h" etune for hT vsn he ei' ni ti'di'd a:i c-xtr.-i dollar a wick because he h-d to hire a r.ian to do her chores in the ti"lii. This s::st i-elieved in polygamy. b' i uu-e wh'-n em woman wore out or outlived hri ui fu -mss ps a laborer, be could ea-ily re place her with a fresh one. A Jew mili'S fur'h. r from the hou-.e, !! what is e-aiicd Mill creek, lives an ther polyuamisl, whose three wivrr re held to the strictest account for very pound of muter, every chicken or gg on the place, r.nd woe to the advio iurous one who dans to dispose o: -ither without the consent of her lord and master. The first wife, who is old and crippled with rheumatism, once loi.L-ed for a cup of tea, a luxury for bidden the woiiu li. v. iio :ov required to keep the weird of wNdom, r.lthough th' husband frequently indulged in that and material comtoi 1-. She watched an op portunity wh'-n he was ahs'nl ahd trailed a few eggs for the wherewithal to make the coveted beverage, which sle enjoyed, as -he thought, in secret. The husband, however, found it out man in polygamy h:-? no litck ol tale bearers and he (li'.:ggi't the poor olil woman to the creek, piungeil her under the water and li.'id ini there u::tii he thought her suiVn iently u.-.islu d forlier sin in breaking the wont i,f wisdom, :u wi'il as for liiedii'ic..' with his cj'gs, rmd until she p'eoiui i; d n-'ver to repeat the oll'ene. I have suppressed tho names in both of the above cases, n'thouh 1 could have given them, because I under stand that it is ti," policy of the Mint! an not to sh"v up individuals, but to expose the workings and the debasing clh-ets of the systi m. The first incident shows in what estimation the majority of nn n hold the women, and to what depths of degradation the system can reduce a woman vy -- lseli to be placed in sue li a position. Premeditated Murder hy ItiiSs. Mr. George Clayton, residing in tin vihage of Latisingburg, was the pos sessor of a white rat, of which he made a great pet, and keut him hou-e-d in a snug cage. Last night the pet rodent was foully murdered, and the evidence gleaned from a view of the surroundings this morning tends to show that the homicide was cotninit'ed by otlies rodents of a darker hue that had no! I.'eeii petted. Tho box or cage of the pet rat had been literally gnawed to pieces, and th pel torn to pieces as the marks plainly show. There must have been quite a number of rats concerned in the tuvrder, as the incisors of one or twei could not have done the work in a week that was done last night. The destruction of the animal will furnish food for speculation as lo the motive for the massacre, and add-: c. chap'er to the statistics on rats. Troy (.V. Y.) iVr High Heeled Roots Deleterious to tbe Eyes. " A Huston phy-ician," writes Pre fi s or K. A. l'ro -'or, " from the result of hi.-; exr.erier.ee staled that the use ol high heeled boots csu-ts injury to the eyes not only weakening tho sight, but producing a sensation of constant pain. It is not altogether so surprising as might bo supposed that tlie eyes should thus sympathize, as it were, with the feet; for it is well-known to phy sicians that the eyes sulb r in a s critic manner when other i nits of the body tire affected, and thero are some ail ments, whose presenec the physician has even been able to detect in this way when the ratirr.t himself would have concealed the real nature ol his illness." Il s' i ins to lie decided that the use ol tlie ilium is to be abolished in the French army. The reasons assigned for this step are that the drum cannot In heard amid the din of hrut.o or mi t'n n, arch by the ranks in the rear. Tin t the drum is useless in rain, as well as an incumbrance in the field. There i alo talk of suppri .-sing the i-.iurnta! bi nds, and of only havi::; ; cue b: nd in i very g '.u'ison town. Tl'C qu s'n.n is oh of e 'oriomy both in men and money. l'fo.'i ss"r M'i?or sat in an easy chair on '.he deck looking very pale. The conr,'. -ss-ionate c.iotain asked how he lilt. "Miserable, miserable; I'm sick. c:-.p:a!n, I'm sick. 1 have paid tribute io N.-ptuiie tiii I have lost everything.' ' Hut,'' said the captain, " I see you still have your lioots left." " Yes, ' said th oroiessor, fnintlv. "but they were on llie ou'-ide." TUe Jnstlce of I'rcsquc Isle. In Presque Isl" county, toward Mack ir.aw, is a beautiful lake Hight Grand lake on whose shore stands a club house owned by sundry fish-loving citi zens of Adrian. Mich. The country around is pretty much as nature made it rough and the few backwoodsmen living there are n.uch like tho country. One of them, named Crawford, wt'.. httelv dieted 'Ustiec of the peace. A woodchoper made complaint that a eeitain raftsman had heaf-n I im, nv..i asked for a warrant for the oft'etel' i' arrest. The justice's entire sloi 1: i f legal blanks eonsisied of a summo;. and a subpena. After spending sr.:;.. time ;.in;y in trying to nvike- tie papi r.s fit the ei.c.he go', lnad, lU.r down his papers, and ai'tln s-.-ei tie complainant thus : " See here, mister, this court is be.und to see justice ('one In this township. You pay nn1 two and a half dollars, costs of ceiurt.show me the nan and the court wi,i lick him in two minim Complainant .iid the io.-'.s ;u.'l pointid rut ti e n an. 1 he " court' with mai-sty on his brow am! his sleeves ro.icd up, wins for the off. n e r, and in sixty secii''.:. ihr:;-!.i-d hi.:; ti the full content otl'tli parties. The i our; thin put on his coat and ii tnar'te-l that " he was a peace f.llh rraud v. i i: .1 it understood that this court would preserve the peace, and any m.i!i who thought hi-could raise thunder in lb'., neck of the- woods wo:; Id Lav to U;. the case with the court personally." No other case has since been tried by SiUire-rwfoiil A Costly Hansom. Coleinel Synge. the British su'.eect who was captured at his farm on tho .ligean sea in Greece, by brigands and ransotued t ). the snug-sum of 7;,,nrii), will perhaps try to malic himself gen.d upon the lecture st' lid. lie certainly has had an ( icri' ncf rov-'l and we, north the Selling. The i-i i'U'.'is ::t t.ul.e.l him in his housr.aud in tarry ing him otf three ferrymen were killed. Tlie captain of the btuid was a yolirig tellow of twenty-live, who wouul -eeni to be every inch a elinie novel hero Synge begged for the ;:Vcs ol the ferry men, but Nico inrist'd upon blowing their brains out. While n '.,.: iate.iis looking to Syngi's l.Mi-om were et pt-mling word rciehcd ttie br' jam's th it a (.reject "eas on foot to capture Nico. Whereupon Syngr; was inform:-.! that i: !h-ir young i apttiin i atue to ;-.ny htirm ll," brigani'i", by way eil' i:iid i. t'.'i i tion, would skin him, basic him in pe troleum and put him over a lire Tin pro-rc.'t was not pa a-::r.t to Syt:.-:0 :i.n' Nico went unharmc ', Mid i;i i'1!'- '.ii-!-recu vi d I lie s?r, run How (ieda Nuggets are Formed. In a paper read by Professor Thomas Egleston before the New York academy of science, lie related how gold nuggets arc formed. lie' said that all placer de io3k i were in sands, which were allu vial, and of two kinds, sha'.ljw and deep. The deep placer deposits of Ca.i fornia averaged thirty to forty cents per square yard. The time would come when the "tailings," which now are wasted, would be worked to greater ad vantage than much of tlie lighter de posits. In discussion with .1. S. New berry, president of the academy. Profes sor Egleston nfiirniod tic solubility oi gold, and stated that the large Miggcts weie formed by a process e.f chemical tcpi'sit. Tlie speaker exhibited n large umber of vials containing gold e'oni iiined with its amalgamates, the r suit if many months' rxpcviiv.cn'., which illustrates the theory of chemical de posit. The Old Way and the New. The Alps have their tunnel and Ml. Vesuvius has its railway. Th" tourls may now be carried comfortably lo tin top of thai uni. r'.ai:i protuberance in stead of scrambling, rpiawiing and shambling up after the "! fish ion. T!n new railway was e.per,e.l ue'.iii'.y, mi.I the traveler will now Ls tr.:;:sporte.l from the foot of the motintair, to tin top in eight minutes. A 11 this may taki a little of tho roiuar.i:C out of th" ascent, nut it will be a great saving f i.-gi and perspiration. It is nt. stat-d whether the trains can run regularly while th. mountain is in an ciuptive mood; m r exactly how near t.) the crater is the terminus of the railway. The Philosophical society, of Glasgow, is to hold an exhibition of gasnpparalu on a large scale next autumn, and it it intended also to nial: e a display at t he same time of the apparatus w hich will illustrate the pr.igr. ss made in eieitrie lighting, in (lephonie communication, in the manufa 'Sure of mineral oils, in water mmsuriment end regulilion, in hydraulic engines, in heating and vi nti lation, etc. There i-en be no doubt that this exhibition, taking up, as it niecn I) do some of the most important prob iemsto which mail's attention is j-iven at present, wih prjve e.f great -.n-vico to those who have lo dul pmo.i -aliy with sanitary appliance. Americans who oaiwht a glimpse oi the Princess lejise :.l Nia.taiv. v.'crt grcnily pi. a ed with her twe-1 face and gracioin intiiini r. ".lust the sort one would like to invite; to tea.'' exclaimed a spectator after a moment's eager scru tiny. The pvIuef.N, was divseed in blin k, with a white rm hing about the in ck. Her dres:s wes rather short, and so far as a casual observer ctu'.d deter mine, her j 'welry was cur.sfb ivhis solely by its alienee. Slie wore a dark hat with a red faemir in front, find on her hands were vl a woman charac terized as, "Nothing but col ton . sq;re s you-e born." J J E31S OF lSl t'ItESr. A low story. The basement. There arc 15.000 washwomen ia Paris. Naturally enough, tho spit most dear to cattle is their fouderlr.nd. Water, when it becomes steam, is ex panded 1,700 times its original bulk. There are C.OOO miles of telephone and el. graphic wires in New York city. The ordinary strength of an elephant is cai' ui.iti d a.-, c juul to that of 117 u.en Til'? area of arable lands in the Unite.! States is itstimatcd ::t l,fitliUKMi,0il0 sole-re miles. There was a law enacted in Massachu setts In K iti lining any one who made a long s; c.".h. M ti are more inclined to ask curiou iiMc-iions than to obtain necessary in struction. The acknowledged veiion of th"? Chris' i-en bib.e has been translated into i-'ii illti reiit ianguagts and dialects. Ti.c jkiston public library now e-o:. t:.':!.s in its several department! 3slll 1. U;i, increasing at th" rule ot 1. " ve-!uu."s permont'i. I: is.iust now the :.tudy of the ace to . h i-.v many words can be rvowete'! : to a square inch of postal card. il'ii' r'ou A',vTtr. W.' arc told "tho cvehing wore or.,' but we a-.e never told what the e vening wore on that occasion. V.'.is it the li.-e of a summer's day? " Il requli-s a man of good sense to fall in love with a plain woman." Hut in y fool can fail in iove with a pretty woman. J't U uiapoiis IL rah.!. How ile.th ihebay little fly p. prove ench I'hin'.ee, to !i ;'it I'p'in ti:o lipeiiilol yoc.r nose, Ai: ! "ti'iice wp.li nil his miglir. - L i'tid.j'n-iUe Sci.lh.u. Three a: ysuliera baby is born every hoe.y says, " Kctchctiy, kctchetty," an ", dies its ribs with a loreiing'.r. Iler.cu the preva.enee of ill-temper in adults. Philai'e;.,.hia contains lex: distinct iv.-.ii fn lories, giving cmpioyiiient to.tc.diy p.;,i'n hands, without iuciuiiiu? Ihrs.-ejupl-'-yed ai the H-ild win locou.olie work?. Chiekwi liI is an exi ell-iit, bar.mi'--'.' r. Wii.-'i the llokver expands ful y. w. ire : '. ' c xne.-t rtiin for sevi ral hour? ; !i etl ! '' continue in that stale, no r.-cn A number of prornivent citizens of Kt. L'ltiie, v.-ho are roeml-ers of various re-Jigi-'-ns eo'ucuir.itiocs, have orgiinizcd an association for the purpose of pro- ni.itiug the practice of erematiem in Leu of the prct-eut fdmost universal custom ofbnrjiugthe remaius of the dead in C-'mctirtcs. Jane Grov, ef Palmo, Miss., had two aulent lovers, and made her choice be tween them. The rejected suitor was cutlv east down bv his failure. Jane told Lira that he Lad no real reason for regret, as she had a twin sister who was so ranch liko her tint straugers could not distinguish any difference. A She flield manufacturer is reported to hare told bis worn men to vote just as tin y pleased "in fast, I shan't toll yon how I'm going to vote." ha paid. "After it is over I shall hare a bttrrol of beer brought i'do tho yard." "Iloar, hear," shouted tho men. "Bnt I sha'n't tap it unless Mr. Wortiey, tho Tory candi'lato, gets iu." . The M-idisnn Squaro property, form erly celled (lihuoic's Garden, New York, Lob been eiispesed cf for $80O,0C0 to Rarunm's Museum Company Corpo r.dion, ju: t orgiir.iaod, with a capital of J;i,00i POO, for the purpose of erecting t' o hirest exhibit:")! bnilding in tho woid, iL-elidiuj; nucler cue rcof nmu reum, opera honse, coliBeum, theatre, hlppoJrom", tropical p..rdcn, .Vt., to bo finished anJ or er.ed enrly next yce.!-. C U for elervme-n iir-! frreisjeutly heard from the frontier, bit ntd often for th kind describe.! iu tho followm,'; passnge from the Aurora (Nov, ) Hern Id: "We are sorely in need of a preacher, but we deti't want any cheap trubh. Wa want a good, muticular CiirintiaD, who ean snatch Biuncrs Ly tho seiufl ef tho Leek and drni; tbcm, Lonlicg, up tho plane of rip l'tecnsncrs, ami who will not drink more than he can hold. Huch a man will get aright smart Icyonthera." A writer in the &'rotiiian avers that ont of 33,000 hums import-'d itto nam bnrg Intt year, 207 were found to con tain trichh :n, while of II GOO sides of bacon 65 were funnel to be more serious ly infected. Ho adds that a recent eommiflMon in this couutry reported that of the pigs slaughtered at Cliiago to ftT than eight per cent, we-ro thus infected. At Liverpool and Glasgow there is no examination made as t lUmburg. Two snakes ene a black rnnner, tho other a viper, each about three feet lopg were found ia tho swamp back of the Western Maryland depot, at Me eheuicstown, Sid., in tho following pre dicament: Tho bkek snako bad caught and began swallowing, tail find; tho viper, retaliating, curved arouud and began to swallow tbe rnnuer, tail first; and when found each had swallowed the other rep to the head, there being noth ing hilt tho two heads projecting fremi tbe mouth of the other.