r -. -tmjr. actur .ssie' (fjjhaihm Record, BATES OJT ADVEltTlSINfl. H. A. LONDON, Jr., KlHTOll AMI niol-HIKTlU:. One square, oik- Insertion, Ohtifcquitrc,lviiliir.i-rliiii.-,- Oiie&juaroti'hciij'Mitl, - ft. no l.M TERMS OF SU3SCRIPTI0N: ry. ne year, p. on Onaeopy ,slz Innnlliii --- l.OU Oaaaogy. throe uioulUs, - .So VOL. 2. 'ITTS!0U0 CHATHAM CO., N. C, AUGUST tt, 1SS0. NO. -IK (Lot IT 0 a y in o o Poetry. When the Con s Come Home. Wl.cn klliiKlo. klanclr, Mingli', Far down lln ilu-ky llni;l', Thv inw,. Hro coming holm'; Mow tnl ami .'loir, nti.l full it und lw, Th.alry tinkling .nine aii-1 tro, Uka clilmliLKH from llii' fur-off lower, Or patturliiK-i t mi Ap.il i That nuikt'a the .lai.-,ii. Kroiv; Klinn, k.-hinf. l.-liivl'-lm,--!.-, Var down tho .lark-atmr illiitn, Th CttVH I'll..-' nl.iwly llulllo. And old-lliu frioiuli-,, iiml iwillcht I'luys, And ttarry nlghix, ami niiiiny .liiys. Cum. limiting ii Hit niMy way. When the enws o.ino Ih.iu.'. Willi jlnicl", JanicK Jltiprli'. Bo(l UilH'B Unit KK.i'tly inltiglu, Tho itiWH ii r.- o.niliii: limne, afalrti.4 and r.-arl iml ri.-ronoo, aHKamp. Und It...... an I UmtHu'ii B.-U.-ll. um IIm ami Sylph, aii'l S,ani;l."l Hue, Actum th" Ili-UIrt 1 luMir li.ir "i..!. Anl0lHliyllTnllVtTl--1l; Oo-lliiK, u'- laii'?, ,: .iM.''i'.lii-.'t, Willi faint, far ui"l Hint nanclK, Tli ! i-Mini -.l-mly li-ni.'. And inntlti--oUv. 1 l-'in; i.e e:ns. And baby ji)sat. I . i. . AUd youthful h. h mid x....'!i:':il tonr-i, When tho rows roipo ii. .npv With rlnulo, ninl", rti.ciu, lljr Iwum anil iiri' aii'l t,!:i,;l, Too imir iiiIiik linn.; Tlirougu tMm air wwp Oit- i.,irn, Aad th auinmi'i' nun -lti'-i!ic down. And thti nuti'l.' In llio I k'il Kla.te Thfnw down llu ''ij m i ia.- .' Mia.lo, And thrt hilh. tiro grown..: l.rowii, T-rlllK, tO-rUHu', o-, !;;'), IIMIM', Jty thri an. I f.-nr- i.u-l lnl'( Tin t'owM I'Khit, r'uwly l:"tuo. Ttii aame hwin'I K-'iri'l -i pKiittu, Th. aaniA Juih l'iy r- '. a:i! (aim, Tt aann h:r.l "f i.n u ptiiI (.aim, Whon Uii' i-i.w t-..in' 1 :;.. With tlnkl.', tjirkl.'. ilnl.l.'. ThnniKh frii an 1 Mriii.l, , Tli itw ai 'oiii:n h"iii'; A-lulterlnx in tin- ti--ki ) ! v.iv.uii, Wh.ro th null-ray !ani-' un l (:iratn, Clartnn. mi 1 ! 1 hlllli Maud kuw'iWi In :).' .-r.-.-imy Ita--.-, In a ilnmxy .1 u . To-link, to lank. 1-1)1,:.;. Ilnkl-, OVr tmnk' 11. 'h 1 o j t . --.n- a-'wiiik'.o, Till I'i'I'K- 'H 1 ll-IIi.-. And up Ihronnti inonir V lot-p ravii.i Cum. tlto bi-ooit'K o. .. in; an-1 ItH ol!-tlmo liei Aud lh i riwi'iii 1 if th -llv.'i i,'n i'ii, Whfu tin- oi ' nii homo. With kllliclo. k!.i;i- Willi I.H HI!.! !.! ". kllll-tn, all I Jll:c'lo, Tlio C.1WK aro .11. !; i!iii., Aid nvr th.Ti-, 011 Merlin Kill, Muuud th plalnilM. i-i y of II. whip i. r-wlll, And fa .lw dro- 110 on 11,.- .miii;!. -I viii.-. And "r tl." ). i v.'i: : 'iii... .. And nwr ll.o .-II. lit ml. I. K.vllnc to laPir, k ! : t-.:. : n .!, With tlniT a Una uiul jlnoi.-, Thnt'owH foii-o i. wiv i..ni... LMdnon th I'.ir-i, lot in 11.0 n am 01 Itintf-pino hoiii;.., an. 1 v w ."m, ami rain, Vvrdaarolit ilnion impio lin.-k iinat Wh.'n ikiMUMt .-..iiii h.,11,.--. Solccicd SLory. A TKLKDIIAM. Mr. Pelirnso Pillimdiatii laid down the telcg.aai a seiva,,t iia l jusi presonted on a il. : .!vt r. "Augtist.-i. it is!erriiioi What can possess the i le.'i; : -.-' Ai.dnow of all times. Yoi;v ;ci-"i-' Peer Pelhtig ham, is ii. tuall . onming to xisil us actually coi;iiii;i- io xi-i; us!" Mrs. Iicllingham's lo'ii-s were j'itc ouh in their iioit iic,! i!e...'iir, and she let fall tin- M'ilon ei.v eli.ji", that so seldom is the Larbinger of tho good news we want. v. it it a gesture of im potent anger. Augusta 1 ' iii:1,,!.: ;n lifted her beautiful sfriiihl brows i:t a lioiror of questioning. ()h. n.ami.ri! Coming to visit uh? Sin ely. there is sonic mistake! He never wi.i.'d be so stupid as to come unless we sent Lini an invita Hon." Mrs. Hellingha'ii picked up the tel egram again, and read it through aloud : W1U bo at yoitr hmis.. Tin-sday fur a nlmrt TUlt. 1'. II..I.L1NIIIIAM." "What mistake can there possibly be? Xo. it's dir.. ted j.l.iinly enough Mrs. DePinisc Uellingliani, tSS 5tli Rvenue and it is signed plainly enough. Child, what in the world shall we do ' I can't receive him. I never, never cnuld introduce liim to our friends." Augusta looked thoughtfully at the carpet, ami tapped one of her prettv little feet. Suddenly she lifted uji her long hwhed lids to her l i.ly mother's face. Perhaps he won't be so very ter rible, after fill, mamma. Couldn't you manage to keep him in his room most of the time, and let 1 Jessie take charge of him1? It would just suit her." Mrs. el!ingl.ani littered a little shriek of dismay. "Did you nil' see your father's cousin Peter, Augusta;" "Well, no, mamma. I have never seen him, of course, but I should thinfc " "You should think nothing about it ! rotor lMliiighain is middle age.l, and, Augusta, he act mtlly wo-ars the Maine suit of clothes year iu and yenr out! His hair is long, down to the top of his collar, and he plasters it tight to hi.-i Load xxith horrid poma tum. He weiirs red and green ora vats : his hands and faro arc all freckles, and you couldn't keep him from going wheiexir wo went, and poking into the j iiih r to ho presented to company. He visited here once before, years ago, and I declare it al most killed inc. Why. Augusta, he insisted and your poor, dear pnpa bail to permit, or else turu him bodily out of the house he insisted on read ing prayer before and after every meal, guests or no guests." "Oh, mamma! 1 don't wonder von nrc ho licivoiis ovr it. W'hni s1i! 1 v ilo iilmnt it 'y. it's 1 inlay 1 thin vt'l-v nftrrtmoii lu-'s to Ih here; !" 1 "It si''')h us it' fate hal a jmi - ticu - ' lar 'ruV! iifrnhist im." slic Kitiil pit - U'oiis'h. Wh.'ii I iiiiin-k'il vour jain. lit whs distin.-tlv uiKlcrsttJod that 1 j was not to lx trniilvci! willi nnv of I his poor relations, ittnl lo fore we ha.l j lieen keeping house a venr his - and - I iiithor .lied. "ami the old la.lv had to ieoiiio on.) make her home with us. be eniiHo DeJ5ru.se wns able to keep her. i Tlnn your aunt Adelaide died, and 1 DeHruse had to take Bessie and bring her up. Well. I will confess I have! kept 5e:sie rretty will dow!). and I nmdf her pay her way by helping me with tlie hpwin;: mid tlie clnJ. Iron r ' music. !ut now. it sicn;s t me. tlr's' vixit iu wni-sf tlinn n'l lfe 11 stfiv siv i woeks at the least. I know." -Oh. nimma. I ki.ow exactly what J we'll do ! The idea of knowing how lto,'et lid of cousin Peter! Why. I nofl'iii.r unld be e-eiier' Tmrn n'n it!i."t .'i piii ii. !'iveourti"r.:!,s jacked ' for a week or tv.oi but, somehow, 1 ; tl.i. mor. .!:,-. and Ici'c: take tin- uf'er ilelaved. 'li:t i.i ie 1 i.m. 10 f.;!.id j noon bout lor bo-r l-iianch. St ii.Ttosee 11i1aitd be of service to you. the servants cway. as we always do. mid when old I', ti r I'.i'llim'li'iin comes to ni.d.t he ll find the house with 110 - bolvin butPesKie. Ajid if k1c wants to t'nU-j-lttin him. let Lit. Of couj-bo, j uianimu, that is the only way to do. ' iKvr rci ivc.1 tlm I tcleoraii'." i iv:!i: :n ::r-v; a !oug brettth ,1k t of surp.-V'' a.!.1. ; I -1 jo, J , of sin h '-.i .'. j our llii: .1 ! C 1 dij i!;a ii: i . ilo y ! "I don'i kn.-v. ; never o.,cetlio;ig'if 1 ni' V oiri 1 f ; 'i m e a born i- it :" im:i;.l : loll 1 'do know this ! warded to go j bad!- befon.'b. ' Shi- bhi-m .: 1 : -Ves. I km.. : t!e:-.!i. wlc- : thii.i; I never Iai:lz branch so bca! 1. id A ct l fait: gcii la.nivlvi.s. i? ';a!i 1 there. t:r w i!l be v. , Au.gsnta. i t rich and - I wish hi sia 1 ' we'll ir. liinjr fo sl.orily. Well, .rail hand.-: Hue, ess. Of eoursi l'unchon . red. W. and have enrlv lunch onlv j have about five hoars I i get away." i And at 7 o'clock that cvt liing Mrs. i Helhilse J.ellinghr.lii ami her lovely . daught'-r were ealing th. ir dinner iu the dining room of the Ocean House, while the i i.igiiit'iei nt mansion on Fifth Avenue was dark, silent and !.lc e.c( j.t for no uciid servant ! faithful old Hi-.minh. v.ho.mly str.i 1 jfor coi'.jnu.y's sake- a-.d 'nVl!l - 'cheerv. licit.' jit:.-.- .! l.:bng- ' .. i i i i t ,: ;., , . ilam. win) In i I . . ii J. It in cnuige. ' --t's jii'it i !:: i-ii: s to be here all alone, tic tair. Ji of all T sm'vey. and .nothing special to do for ever so 'long. Ill 1 .iv. tine to practice, and time to l'.-i.'. . 1 i walk., in O t.i .'.d P, tm;c t-r ilt licioiis ;k." Andn.v.ie. r :' iss ami s'op ':. - ! 1 think gom ' up to '.111 I'. ...., t, ..i t . . 1 shall I'., up li.'Ve it ie -a-grand la-'.y V -it! Augu i s hum. 1 i:'. e x -i f,.!tv little v.-.-. . ' ; any fri.-.i"- : back comb, oi nu.v. .i . l ! : .cheeks." ; Ami Pes-ie ,.n .i.t be iich. ii:!- I. v: ! ..... ugly Y 1 !' IV(- !:'( .g.-. or a big but . ar pug ..: !.-..: Id red ie sliet. Led her mot.tli to .1 a. it . !' :i!iu:;' to make i; its XV lde-t iiiiythir:g bii ;i IV"-.!;, sweet, fragrant, j kissablo thing, with iinv. prtty tilth 'b'-hiod. and .lis. iiii ting' dimples be sides. .lu-t tL.-ii ;i loud. 1.. art v latigli I rung ..:;! .!......-.! b. L'md !., r.a': l .;Le start- d iniiinaciiieui imd terror to see tl tall, l' tiid.-i i.i. y-iiitlg fellow, iu i ilTe:' o:icli;ib!e t ' :ix i ling suit of fasli , io'cibli i -.d and .'dor. stiUnlit.g in tlie doorway, carrying a 1 one Laud, and holding at savncl in ii.-, c.-tne and La! in lLo other. "Oh. mercy!" P.o-.-io exiiainicd. llusLing molt ia ' iilish shame than fear as she saw the laughing blue eyes and tho amused smile on the ordered to the Pacific coa-l I thought h' la'-('d elei-t(-d by the j-eojih- umess handsome, gentlemanly face. j, vnM,iv true, considering the i.ast ,,K' s;"!'; '''; IIo;,s" '!' to bo in "Allow mo to aj.ologie for stai't , JisVussion on that subject. The pos- ,u''",r,11 1,1 ,,lilt fll't' "1 tl.1" H';l!' ling you, Miss Helli.ham. I pre-; sii):ii,it.M .tim u, me to point that would of ctmrse, not oth. rwaso . le t sum.! you are my cousin Uessie, of.w,v. Had it been true I should, of!1'1"1' , 7 l,r,,l,1' . V'1 ls :s whom I have heard? Iam Percy M.ourH mvt. presented no compk tint P:;,,ful d'''nnii.atio of this matter. lleHiio.'haie. another cousin, intndim.' i.....:.i t ;...i t fair a detoriuuiation jiossil.... to stay over mgLit wi.ti tim laualy, but the woman who answered the door tells me they have just left for - the Ki-ashoro. Tliey must Lave just ' ,'SK-'1 n.v telegram." I , P.es-io Lad .l.tirely recoveled hw, i-sang froid during the exj-Ianatory speech. "Y.ll it's true they are not at L ime. but 1 .Mi.;ss 1! u.n.ti: and I will d,. just as w.-il. Ho laughed again. "I guess ho, too." j "That is." 1 !e.-.:-ie went on. gravely, "if you don't expect a very elaborate dinner and breakfast, and will 1 eou-j . tent to sleep iui.U4. of the hack iooiu.s, I or AUtii iieietm miui tut- spaiw i were not to be u..ed." Hpaiwruotuaj i "I'm the i t-i.-st Mlow to suit, you 'ever -:o, cousin Is ie. And now suj j.o ae y: hi c.i'.iti tale your pttiitomime I unfortunately interrupted? Or, will you jilay for me und sing' .' I am sure you c,ji -ing with such a . mo'ttli." ! And Hossie laughed ami blushed. ami handsome Percy felt very well , satislied. indeed, that his telegram had missed its destination. i Tw o weeks later, and the mi.lsiini nior s in wa-shining golden and warm over the dancing sen. and Augusta Dollinghaiii. silting ou the balcony of tin- Orcim jusl .i,(iiir in-iv suitu tif ruoins. jrnvc 11 liulu exelaiiiu- tion of uniViir.i iii !i;;!il. ' l .Miuiiiii'u how ili lii iuut, : If tiu rt' : isn't J'.ivy al last:" ; 1 Ami Ui lifh hloo.l waniicil lu r 1 bountiful fare, uiul her heart thriller i as that youtlcinaii looknl up uiul lift-j '1 his hat in Miii'iu reeo.jiiitioi!, fur , i thin was the one to whom Augusta : had tfivon all lier thoughts the. rieli. handsome, 'nameless one." whom it ' was the desire of her life and her mother's life to elaini as a nearer re- hition than a very distant cousin. Her cheeks were llushing exquisite - lv, and 11 glml. happv light was in her blight ey. s as 1'erey JJ. llingnam came ii to ner, exu-iuimg ins nuiiii.w.u mmiui .uk o.m roMiue ni.u iji welcome tcret ling. jone l'ri:.sideiit slumld inaugui -ale "We heard vi hi were to be liere." I another. Tlierc rn-'ht be danger in ! Miuimm Lciliiigii.'tm said -1 itciously. ! "Indeed, we have leen ijiiite counting ! on your joining our company.'' I He smiled back iii Augusta's eyes, . "Well. ves. 1 have bent coliiin:: , 'ma belle c.mIm;ic.' Oui juriy wil.be ! a (leli'htinl onv," he 1 aid. almost ' etti'eriv. j "Yes; delightful, no- tlmt you iu-v ! come." And Augusta tiashed hi:ji a ttuet- ! iiM'i. em-naming iook. I ' JX . I. I: .' 1 h.le ' !(),!; ;ht ' wilii l.u ." he u.l.a .1. c.;k !c :.-iy ! wen- rie.l vet. 11 1 iiav, ami all aiiiet v to II.-.. liiu; il 1 ! U '?! i 1 i ill" '' amacim i I. ie Vo'.i bolii." jtlfiu 01 10 Ji 'l.s.b.Ul;, J : t : V i C ..-:u ily lium Li l.'i hei '.leait in' mil i..o:; vou. V.n; i. .Id over! .:u gr.ip "i chagrin and v.iil i.me j-.. .',: i 1 io m.o An-i.-i.t'.-. clic ks Mid- 1 ort you. The ;-:i-:v:;.r ..t' War. lenlv blanche. I lo sucli ii w !;li ;-ne.-,s timt it was j;aiului to imagine the ag nation tuit 1 liiivt- ca.isc.l it. ise Thin tlie Men" 1 of i a world rose l.jlild to tiit tiecasioii. 'Indeed!" said .Mrs. icllillghlMll. "What a charming siirric ! And the lieiir chii.l is actually here ?" "Actually here." he said, looking at Augusta, "iind waiting for the wel- ' conic my wile il. si 1 ves. muriiiiired. : "I am deli'dit. .1. sh and then nnilcd down the horrible distress that had threatened to over come her. And this was the result of the mis- take about the telegram. UjlHCOck's I.t'litT to SliCl'ISIilll. For somct ime the rein.blicniis him 'lM.,.n ehargii;;; that Cen. Hancock . , .' ' f, ... , , wrote a letter to (i(;ii. hlierinan shoit- i ly after the Prcsi lentia! election iu ; lS"ti. in which ho was guilty of trea , soiiablc and .lislov.d ut'iivanccs. Tliev charged thiit he itili l:i!i d to tin soldiers of h: to make Mr. the v..ost ':- ci mmi.nd in an :;i lesnpt 'lil.hu President, and gerat-' 1 I'l.'d H'!,s:..'ioi:i ! n:::i. !'.. have be domuiiut d a public and so ien. Ham from G n. S! !cr?:-.i i .'.:'.::. a?'..c a;..? x.i to o'.i:' lea ',':. V. in All.' . il'.. Hill i la 1 The.. . : ilat 1 iter, i.a:. obtained it coj.y of it for lib VO !, x oter ,10 ll. It that ILiiii oi ! can w ield i in well as tho word, and that is a , stiit 'sm-i!' as well as a soldii r : C'a;:..nm'.: i: r I'osT On i i:. j St. L..i-;is Mo.. Dec, 'is ls75. My 1)lx:; Grisi.ii.M. Your favor of the. -if h ins'.., lefiched me in New York ! en the .r,;h. the day before I left for tile U'oi.t. 1 ii tended to reply to it K foi'e '.cavil..;', but cues incident to departure iiitotfered. Thin, again, cilice my ai rival Lore J L ive been so occujikd wilii 1'cisoi.al all'airs of a business ii.it nve that 1 have deferred writing IV01.1 dax to day until this monie! it. and now I Iind myself in .1..1.I ...,..,!. v l,. i. ,!..i.-i. ui. . i ; ..r ('..,..,' i- ii. i T.t ceived a few davs sLih'o. When I heard the rumor that I was would lave gone quicklv u' l.-.t pre , .1 ... ,.,..,,.,,,.,-' r ,,..ii,i,. woluM Uve been relieved from the re K,K,usil,ilitie.sai.d anxieties eouiH-ridng lvidential matter which may faU to th(,Sl. ,... ,. tJui,ul (. in ttut L(.itv j witljill lll0 m.M (,,. Illoll,hs, as Wl.u ; frolli ot!,, !- hicidetits or matters ' whi' h I could not control and the ac- ti), . ..n. eri.hig v.hich I mi;;ht not iij. ' 'jii-oye. I was noS ex.vtlv prepared to igoto the Pat i!';e, hox.'ever, und I ; ' therefore felt relieved when I received j ylllir mite informiiig me that tncro was ' DO truth in the rumor. I TL.-u I .lid not with V) aimearto be I i scal ing from lesiiojisiLilitita and ! jMIHHn.le dangers whi.-b may duster i around ladit.try y Hmaudei s m the i.oiiina.ia nome ...uo n.'.n.e , Kust, t'i-p t:.'.iMy in the ciiiicu j.criod i Hut in South :'. IiiH he had tVe fast i.J.j r- .ich;'. g. All's well that ends ;'iest,'oll settled b;. U de.-:-!-,t! .if )Le w.ll. fhe witole matter of tin- Pri si S.iri:;ie Com! ot the Stat tl.e d. licy s. 1 1:.. ',o n:e slt.ipleiind jojidmit highest tribunal v-'hieii h id act.-.! eii of ;i jKnei fal soiu.i.i.i. The machin t'ne it:e-ti..n -) that i.is lii e of ,1 ux t l x f,r such a contingency as threat- sceme 1 even t be ! art ; t !i in th. :.e ' ens to present iiself Las been all cue- tioli in the l.oui-a;-1 i-i-e. It' the ie 1 fully prepared. It only requires hibri cation, ow ing to disii-e. The army should have nothing to do with tho selection or Inauguration of Presi i dents. The people elect the Prcsi dent. The Congress declares in a joint session vx ho he is. We of the ariiiy have only to obey his mandates, , und arc protected in so doing only so far its they limy lie ful. hr 'la iiiisMiii, t .pi s that. 1 IV.:- .li ili r n"1i's way !' iiiiiiiur.i! ion : il nils our hystvin. H; nnU ulom on '.i;,, i, to the Caj.it. .1 (1 tVar it ().! t.'ajiitol "). ti il Ins horse 1o a a i.v. . fiiton-il ami was tluly sworn, ih.n roilo to the Kxei-iitivc Mi.i sioii ami took possession. He i..itii;.-ii;-:;lel himself, simply by taking tl atli 01' oflice. There is 110 other letl inau nration in our system. The people or pohtieians may instil ui.-piiradt s m j honor of the event, and pill .lie olm ia'.s may (idd to the pageant by ussemMin 1 troops and banners, but nil that only j comes properly after the iuaugui at i-. 11 not beioie: and :l is inn a i.n l t it. j that. 11ml il was studiously i. t'l out of j the charter. Jitit you arc i laeed in j an tiiiccpii.maliy import tint posh ion iu j connection with comicg event-.. The , t'ai'llol is iu my jurisdiction also, but : i am a subordinate. ,i!al ln-l o sjioi. ,i:nl ii i ; n . so "ils v o my siipiii'.i' in a 1; iiorn '. . i-ty il. ll.- I lie ;.l alio!; . 'i lue I mm.iu.t.T n: : Im l. tii. ii a re.'.nlarh On the print ipl.' ; elected President s t 1 ui of olllci pires with tin- :id of .March (of which 1 1 have not the slightest doubU. and j v. men tin; laws bearing on the subject uniformly lecogiiie. and in considiT IJossiii ! u'.loii ol ii:.; jioi-sibiti-y tnat the lav, '"Vie ful'.V li Uvl I i'. :i: I: ! l !.i:i :ot Hp :.iie is : -e;u ui.li! (he .'ith of '::'ici:. a A 1 J iooai out ii .io l ic.-i dent, a pj tears he may not ho abl" ! i xcr-1..'.. liiiictioiis iu i in- ii;!, ui- ot i Prcsidcm. for his jirepir acts an ; those of , i ktl.iV. ii S'linllol' il iav. ti: President. Vo l a, ! o;i ycur o. n re jioiisil ility and by virtue of a com mission, only restricted by the hi.. Tins Secretary of War ir. ti e mo.:!: piece of a President. Yon ate ;-o! ill' neither eaniidttti- lia n e,:.- iio lional liiajoi it v of l;n r.ii . t-M'a.l l'o! : lege.or theSeaa'.e and Jlouseon I he , N-asioii of the count do not unite in ! declaring some person legally elected jby the people, there is a lawful m-i chinery already provided Io meei that i etititingeia y and di cide the (jitestion peacefully. It has not been recently : used, no occasion presenting it but our forefathers provided il : has been exercised and has bi t n re . ogl.ied alld submitted to as lawful (in eveiy hand. That ma'-hiii'-rc would probably eiect Mr. Tildeli Pl'es ident and Mr. AYLeeler Vi-e Prosi .dent. That would be right enougli. I for the law jirovides that in a failure to el. el duly by the pooj'lc theHo'lse shall immediately elct tl.c iV. -ident Hid the Seliiite the 'i"e Pl'i . idelit . S.ueo trihi:? 1 t.-m.i -L-.-id- x-. :':!:. r tie ! "..'e .;.,!. , i .:: ol ' .it'irmc.'.ive . d Hou-io. or . .i-itness the i t-."' i: is oil of the . an- tiny n! it not to .' J i a fail :i the two In! .,pir:..a tlie jo. Senate j.resi i t t it 1: fair and i ari-es bet c.l I be i;.. ire t o a,jl. i :o.iIes thco ::ve d'-ei:io,i ti..',t tin I'co' ,',.,.(,. : o tv....;. ;. ,,i ,j ,;,' iii i.-.! t! l' proc'e. d to act. the S-.-naie. The Seiiitf (! elect- vice J iv -i dellts. not lircidciits. Don'oilets in ease of il fii.htre by the House to elect a President by the 4th of March, the President of the Senate (if there be one) would be tlie legitimate person to K'Ncrcise Presidential authority tor (he time being or until the appear mice of a lawful President, ov f. n- the time laid laid down in the Const it u ;,.,, ss.ii.i, ,,..,,1.1 t... ,,. f Jltl.l. I 1j.iv- a. Iii ,,. I..-Ii, i l:.v-i.il. I have no doubt Governor Ha v. would make an e.ieelleiit President, have met him ami know him. For - bi icf period he si rved liudermv miiid. but as tlie matter sf. mils 1 cant sec any likelihood of his being duly and a lawful one. No other det.-rmi natiou c;mld stand the t:t. 'J'Ln j ''' 11 l''rf"1 vohit.oii, ; i wo,,J,, lu' "'-'V ,hl', y 'H' h"S' I lui ' ,vr0illl oar bonds , W'mld come home to tind a .h'l.ree.at ; ca mur-.i. i I wns not in favor of the military action iu South Carol:.': recently. ttn! if Oct.-. d K'ig. r had t.-J. gr.M he 1 to me or a-Led tor ad.ice. I v.n.Ll ,:.v. advised him mt under any eirciim stances to allow himself or his troops to determine who were the law fid members of the State I legislature. 1 fould uot Lave 'iv.u him latter i.!- v''' r him to the special : message of the Presid. nt iu the case . ral court had ii. tori". 'red ami oves ruled the decision of the Si.tte c i.n there might Ian e In en a doubt i ci tai'tlv, but the federal court onlv in tel fered to complicate -not to d.cid or overrule Anyhow it is no business of t' . army to enter ujion such ;i-ti.:. . mid even if it might b. ;. in ::, i ,. t ;!' tlie civ il authority is siijireme. as l!li- col...li'ltioli de. lai( s it to be. the Souiii ( ':n o'iiia 1 use wit-one in which : In-iii-'ny had a j l.iin duty. I hid ( ietieral I blL'er asked me for adviie. and il 1 had given il. I should if coi.lM' h.ne lioiiiied you of lit v ac iii ui imint diati ly. so that it could have b( t ti iom.ii on ; ii uied if it should li.ive been .I. emed advi-able by you or others sujiciior in nut hority. (iener nl linger h,id the ultimate responsi bility of action. a:.d had really the greater danger io confront in tin- final action in the matter. I did not venture to embarrass him by suggestions, lie was ii department comii.auder. and the lawful head of the military ad miiii-.ii nt i- i 1 it 'iiii tile limits of the dej-art in.' 'it : but besides. knt-w that lie laid In- u called to Washington for . co'istiltatioii bt foie takimr ( ommand. and Wits jiiobiiblv aware of the views I of She adtcii.i. iratioii .is to civil aO'air.s in 1 i., 1 omii.p.ud : 1 knew that he v.a.. in direct. comnumicatioii with 1:1 v : "J- ii''" i;i amhorilv in reference !'i the d ', a.e s:,l -;-U j.rcse-rt.-d for ii's I-),. ! !, i.-.ii 111. i. r I. a. I iu. a-- of hia o.MI v.l.'ii'a iii- ln)ii.id to be s llii ci' litl;, u; ai'i'oid with the views of our common nij.t riors to ( liable him t act intelligently according to his judgment, and without suggestions from those not on the sjiot. and not ' as fully ai'iuainted with the fuels as "!f. He desired, too. to be free 1.! I." h id th-- i vci, I u;:l : at r '!-.! . . and s'i the matter was as I - T we.-'J hiai and luysi-lf. xebet-'. X'-iii:,:;' ihufreiiy i-::tv --Ii:! f'li.her ii:ib..som to X'i HI. i m-'-eb' b 'V siaitt.g li.al J Lave n.-t il I:;'.'. I'iii or wi.-e t ) use i'c.l- ;: 1 tv.wp't in s-i.-h tuatters as haxe ! i-a..si ire i e.'i t i f the Mis.-.iss;j,pi witiii'i t'"e l i-'i tew mouth' .-ax. :i far ma'. '.-1 :c bri night int-i ,-.ci I. in under the article of the constitution .xb'eh cei.'ti inj'l.'ites meeting armed . isl 'inc.. or iuv-'.sion of aState. m n-e i v..'''fal than tlie State can subdii" bi ll.-- oii!ii-.rv ; v, , ... ts and then ii!;- when rc-pa- . I the Legi-!a tore or. if it could lot be convened i i m ssion, by tho ( im ei nor. an 1 when the Presideiit of the Fliited States' intervenes in that matter it is a state of war. not peace. The army is laboring under .lisad . .-Ullages, and ha-i be-a used unlaw fully at times in the jialgmelit of the jieojil... (in mil:.' e. rt.ihih . ; and we have l.sf a gnat deal of 'the kindly I'eelin:!- whi. h the comiuui'ity at large once ft It for us. -It is time to stop and unload." O'iioers in command of troops iind it difficult to ad wisely and safely when -aij eiiors in authority have dif ferent views i. f the law front theirs, and when l"gi-.!.i! ion has sanctioned action seemingly in ocithet with the fundament al law. ami tlcx- g.-n. rally defer to the 1;,, :::::.: Y-. -l.'i',. ' ; f . 'J-! !'ii : ofii," ( t tl'.' :!':, g rca' c; i: i sjionsil ill! x near the h ! iirv o:i -ui .hi ",'ai are la Id to such re . s: ,i ally those at or I of it. that it is tieacs . momentous occasions !o d.ai e to di ti nnii'c for themselves xx ha! I-: lawful and what is not lawful under .an' s t. ui if the ii.ilii vv authorities houal b. ii v..',.-!. as might possibly be the cast in sm h oxcej tional times when th re exiV; su.-'n divergent views as to the correct result. The army xvill suiter fi-o-ui its, j.itst action if it h.as acted wrongfully. Our regular' army has little hold upon tlie affec tions of tlie jioiijile of to-day. and its superior ollici i should certainly, as far as )i. - in tin ir power, legally ami with righteous intent aim to defend the riglu. which I" us is i:ik i.xv and the ii!-.liti:ii in v.hich they represent. It is a wa 1! meaning institution, and it would be -a oil if il should have ikii opportunity to bo recognized as ;t bulwark in sujiport of the lights of the people and of tui: i.vw. lam. truly yours. Wim ii;i.p Ii. H anoi ii. To Gen. W. T. Sherman. Coiinuaiid ing Army of the United States. Washington. I. C. A Woman's Terrible Task. Yesterday morning Mrs. Chatler mu", a lady living in Nevada strbt, got excited ovi-r the accounts of Tan ner's fa.-t. and announced that t-h'1 would refrain from talking forty days. Slic began at 0 o'clock in the morn ing yesterday, and al 10:110 Ler puis was r.) feeble from exhaustion that tin phy.-iciati foaled rdic would die by noon. At 11 her heart beat bat 'il! a minute, and h-r respiratioim vine hardly not iceii.' Io. H r fi-icn-.Li here urged b.f to di ..continue In r terrible task, and told her some jjo -sip about i m igi.bor. On hearing it she imme diately rushed from the houso and going acros the btreet mat a lady friend and talked until (ia'.'J Lift night, and ia now fully restored. Her ra i.orJ of nearly two hour and a quarter of absolute i!cuee now taket' ils jiiiici' a', tl;.1 tijj) of tho list. Con gratuiatoix I. tb is lire i)urmg ill tiom lid sides, and she lias had tcviTul of l'i is to take the lecture field. Kxtnnal Cii'.nici neliintinu:. Y.-sUidiy Fanny Pint, a negro convict, return, d to tho penitentiary of In row n ii.vo'.l, tilt-r tin iibsetii" i f more than t bri'o weeks from the gang of i ison. is to which she bo lor.eiid. She, by sa.luo means, got away from the gang on the Univer sity Kailroiid, but must have become tiie.l of s.xeet liberty. - lLtk'ieli Ob- BsTVlT. lining: (iood. The vc iierabh New York corresj ion dent of the llaleigij News in a recent ' letter writes :is follows about the no-! ble charity of Mrs. A. T. Stewart : ; The late A. T. Stewait. as every body knows bought an immensi tract of land. call, d Hempstead Plains, (in. Long Island, about twenty miles, from j this city, and built upon it m uiyresi deuces to be let at loxv rents to clerks ami otiiers w no coui.i not atlor.I to paycify j. riot s. It is a level plain of s.-voral miles in etent. which he laid out with streets ami squares, planting many thoii-;uids of trees there were tione on it orginallv placing four ro-.xs f t, ces along each street. Ho1 coi!.:trui'le.l water-works to supply his I js 1 1 i. t thai v a . !e : 1 "Garden City" with the pure water .(ii ii ,', . !!-. fo.-wj.icli Long I,).,, el. like our sand w;ls u;1iino,isK '..:a,ii hills, is noted. When I was fheie. a',,,.(.!.S- .,,..1 j.- ( year or two ago. a sjilemlid brown i'r,.sj , , , : , stone cat In . !i'a!. C'.mmenceil liy jvlrs. Sti-wart since her husband's death, was in j rooo-.s f construction by lr. 1 1 in is -;', -i i c'.i bral' d architecl. ami 1 supjio.-e m bi'ieiw !,.ai!y com jilt-ted. It is sllfjiioiilit.' 1 by an illu initialed cross, lighted ttji by elect ri eitv. which niav be seen at a gre.it distance at .night in .'my direction ovi in . ii.yii1r..ct.on over I nder this church the level J.laili the remains of Mr. St-wtirt whicl were undoubtedly reenvt red frotil the, roblMis lire to be deposited. And now I see that Mrs. Stewart at .j .lii l"v I i : 1 i I axi iipprojiriated thvee million of i. a'.t' s I ' o.u t h.- e-tate to l'-uiid a great c Heir at which stu dents of eii la r are p. )(.. educated at ;i coKt of le-'s tic. n a litilidred del- a y a:'. ::( i i i .; traveiling ex sesii;;ilv fio.'it low York or Drool; Oi " buildi'ig i- already com ed. .-'. id will :;i.m-i.hii e nearly l.uiali'e:! .-liideul-. :u.d two oth :ivi of eo'ial tiimansi'ins are to b .1 led Sivtx f lam1 xxiih walks, groxi s and jur!:-. to these, and another t -. ( are gix en to ;i f.-male e.eh g;. to ac commodate three h ;:. '.led. A tlix iu ily school XMi; ! e, -lebh-liedalse. All to he furnishe.l by Mr-. Stewart, de dicated to the mo 'lory of her litis band, and transi'i ,-, . ..i to the Mij.ervis ion of the Hioc.-se !' Long Isand. Truly Mrs. Stexvatt is applying the money of the great millionaire, ac quired by a long career of honest la bor. to a generous use." Slricf I'roliihilioiiists. A few dnvs since the Good Tom- j.lars of Wake coipity met in what is termed in that Order a County Lodge Convention, at or near the locality of, Mt. Yennm Church. A gentleman j from ll.dt igh, w ho is n member of one of our city churches-, prepared and took totho Cotiventiou, icecream, h nim a le, iind a soda foitntaiu, all of " hioii wa.- placed iu position to serve -.!;. wants of the total abstinence as- cmbhigo. Meinbirsof tho Lodges in IbiL'igh betook thfiuselvcs to his st uiul to refresh themselves and p:v troniz" the gentloiiian, and calling for soda water the svrup bottles were bri ught forth when the eotiutry mem bers raised a hue and civ that, those Lot Pes were tiiicousiiintiontd and that the soda was "spiked." He was positively forbidden to sell anything which required a bottle to prepare. His lemonade was then called for but having becu colored a bright wine. color the natives put their protest on the sale of that. Ice cream was then j called for when ho was refused the privilege of retailing eveu that article because ns tait! of the inhabitants ; said it might bo -d .shed." This w-its an actual occurrence and to say., the man from an entire loss the li'ileigli members bought the ice ci'L-am and olL-rnl it gratuitously to their country brethren ; but no go, they looked with suspicious eye upon it and would jurtako no'. For tot'd and straight out prohibition we will bet on that locality. ll.deigh News. Norlh Carolina Indians. Tt may bo of some interest to our readers to know how many Indians are now living in this State, ami so we copy from tho uuleigli ( lserviv the following list as recently mad out by the ci iisiis 'numerators : .'Illl'lis,, Chi r -k. .', .ral.alli, sh a In, it. Women, elilllri'ii. T..!ai- New York's Water Supply. New York city consumes nim ty ihioo mi": . lis of gal! n- of water daily, iitnl is laying' pipes for a larger supply. '1 his is .about ninety gallons to every inhabitant. Large consu mers, such as hotels and nianiifaeto lies, have meters, and pay one cent for every hundred gallons used. The Windsor hotel consumes forty thou and gallons a year. The average oons'.imjnioii in cities in this count. y is about three times as gnat a.-, in those of F.uroiio. Wetrro IltiMdoziiii; A coiored Hancock lueii xvas "bull doed xxiih bii. kinds by men of his oxxn lii. e in I '. laxvare a short time ago. 'Chi' Wilmington F.very F.ven ing (Oeiii.) draws the following moral !rom the occurrence : 'Weluive no doubt that there is just as much iu tinii l.'tiiou oi negroes by negroes in the South as there is of negroes by w Lite j:tt u.'' siATB new a. (!((!il Walking. A nt'gro ri.-fv-ntly walked from Ruch ingbp.m to t liis p'.i -. , a di la:jce of about 50 miles r.i 1- hotu-.-s. tJooti walking. I In! us n.iou. Irosit'n:s N;MifvK'.. Tho colored lieo'ile of C'halhani comity, Georgia, own '2.(j$l acres of 1 md, worth fiJil). lucy a!.s own 1 lO.ad'.l worth of to .vu propel ly ami fO'.Hl'J of jiersonul property, niiikin a total of'?;2.'Ui,!4s. ' .. . . . . - Nominated. A ,. (.,;,..,: ( riftii a.lioro Si'.iles Oui i.. fur : do A. M. Nci K.i A stiflii i. nt aujoi In ( Ii suli- ci b a . till! CHI t'- ' 1 - . ' i .' I '. I i from S. lm i u .''n..: jiected thai w.ti I: v. , icv Las . to'b'iil l r,: ill aad It is es be coin- . rueticcd and the r 1 V d tw ( . ..iciion.--ll'daigli Visitor, i J ' KYA !b-g. An old dog, lis years of n:rr, was killed by his t nii-tcr I:;-!, v. , -. k front sbeor t v:u'iitii I ! XV: I n . duty ami t:.-.:..:... bt'COiilC L'eil'i i: existence. l..i'. ii.: fceblu.-i; ! n.. mi o. ..ii i .; :.!::-, Mr. II. G. :,!..i i;ui i .here is on Li- j i'.-mis-. from wiiK'h ;hv trt ' 10 vears agti, ami that o..iUUl) : ab-.ilt i g-el!l. i.ut or It has neua' opioid -d, but u i . alinteil senile', i it i ui xnu giox. inei ii,. lix e acres li '.ibesouiall. , l , l ..I. ..... . ... .. : Sii't'ji-ii'j; SiKiitLT I'j'. Tt i,: s.ol that 11 u-rl.-t l-';llya-.v, who was one of tl:e olde:,t Inn iti.-;-. undiT the care of tho county, ir; n-i' laid down iu nine year.-, h'w.'c - :' sisttug in slecpi:.., ii. .i i ii minyton Star Ut.i ;: !..'.:r. Something :.;tig.:! i i1. 1 rv.' 'inn was dis.'oyered last v.'fi.k Ml..l. 15. Ilowiaml. I. poll bi". aiiing am-iisi g of tho usual bi.-. 1 lolilld X'-.tl,!'. it, another cg;4, perfect ia im , and about the si. A a cammou b::a n egg. liobHsoiiiun. . l'ro!!!k'. One of the enumerators fotiud a fltIiJiy of eleven children, tho oldest (,f wuolll W:IS oniv thirteen years of af,,.. 'j-fjens was also a t..milv of ninu t., iblrtm, the oldest .1' v.iio.i wm only nine veais ..!d. Thi iign.'es tt,.t;a key i i tho v.oii kilui ..rt.e-.iesi nf the 'country in iioi'u'.itieju. Greeusboro Pio'tesfant. I'r.dilic v;,.j,. Mr. I.. Kilinev , of Patterson's town ship, made the f lio.viag . hi fioma new wl eat. found in hi- (!.;, ti heads Jirodilcod 1 gill, the gill 11 p'mts iiud 11 pints 1). bnshis. It is said to bo a beautiful xvhite wLeal Li'..-ing red iv 1 It... l.....l.i , ,.i,;,., tt... b of - s , A!it7UUUC0 ( jijj. ' ' , , . . . Id'O'- t S'' I 'i 'ed , ' , ' , ' I" ,,' 1 wo colore. men w:, .ha 1 be.a: cu- Kd ' u'!' 11 "''' 1,0 L ;mq at isj, -,p ung , x em last Wednesday almost sa,'V .cited by an iicciiiimlation of f mil gn at tho bottom nf tho well ami wta'n drawn out by means of a stu .-.1'. r .pn being fastened aioiin.l fie w,i:st. Kestora tives were iij.ph iioxvover, which proved elliiMcioUs, and wt. Icaru the men were appaieiuly i.s well as ever iu a few hours. - F iveltevilii! Dauuer. Cohiiubia Factory. The agent of the Columbia. Cotton Mills, oil I,eji river ill Killdoljill county, is inaki leal llliprovo- . tnctits at t:i il place, among which tiiHV be name! nil ad lit ion of 02 by 4S f.-et to tiu- old bu:M,i:g, making :i it lis tine a bil l ling as any lioxv ou tho river, lie h.:s'. ire!, ssed :?:$d,(KM) 'j xvofih of li 'XV :e .1 i ;.; .-.".c l luaciliu ery, which xx i'l be p'.t -i d in the now Ll building. Tl is ol i f 'o ofy will noxv take its ran!: amo i" the best, iu ILm dolph. Li xim.'t ui Ivveh'inge. A H"!v:b!" -.' I Last S:il;irdii, l ar I).i idsou Hint x , V. M ! Neck, ill Piie.'tw be came involve. I i:: a limlcui.y witu, some liegi i o-i an 1 : hol one, or shot at olio, in conseijii, ;,i'e of xxhicll tho no- ll gro.-s' of the Mtiiiiiy bvvore that they would liar vi U. M. Phelps Plll-ijIS, il "t I sbiv a!! i i- l.t unlay night hi. brother. Alfred . e I :':i(k to h I. ..in. I . protect . r. ., 1 ,.. so two ; ''..: l.!.,i il'. axo him fr. in tin- ?. men to iii their t apiece and slej f n tl. a ,- with him. u'd th it they m gt lies ami ! s( vmvd tho a.. Lia body. I i I tho axo III thetinr"'! ( wore attacked by got :i , took Li-', av s.t ho,. 1 of I'. ?!. Pi,. 'p., When he awoke he sti m hi hand. C:i.'!: w ,n a Li-.ii friend tn Phelps and gave hm.sell up to tho ofiioor.-t, admit ii.-d the killing aud math-1 he above statement couceruiug t. - Salisbury 1 Liii'jcr,it. ! ai.'r ,' 1 I 4 1 I ti. is - hi-