iriifHTifiVifvi f ii ritf rrrr ii invn in wwifii nin n &ht (Chatham Record Farm "PJotes. Direct ions for Coiiijiostiti-r;. From the "Tliiid Annual Keinut "I the North Ctiro'ina Aj-i iculi nnil Fx i-ieriniciit. Sf.tioit" we coi"i the i'"! lowing for the lx iu lit f our tanner rentiers : "Select for the manure heup u level not under shelter ;tud cumciiient i- the htiiMcs. lleitiove eunuch curl! i to ifive a eentle rlojn tYolii cerv side toward l'if i cut ro. From tin1 middle ctit u sni.i'l tlitcli 1 inches wide, and the smile ilct j'. ami c:ti.;-c it i sliie from t lit centre toouc i-idei:nd cm; ty into a l.a!l' oanvl Mink into tl:c cavil:. This (iilelt (an le couietl with a hourd. 'I he lii-niil. so ahiaMc x fertilisers ami (-o often w:i.-iid. will he caiij4'ljt iu the barrel ami once in a while should be kilcd out and iuli led over the toji of the hea. Hae at hand u pile oi drv t.iuh, or better still, a i:iiture of dr.- earth am ....... n.,,1 ..Viw4..e uiiil .me., ill it ivliiln covtr tl.e'heap t. the depth of an inch or two. llv this method there will be a minimum Kivhi-,' of ivill be a minimum saing ol luiuuls md gases, and the compos, heap will :u,t bean olicmv to llt nostah. even I . , ,i i ,. ., lit Wlll-ll llilil 'lhe l'l-llo-Aiiij,' jircT-ai'i d. as aire iln'M' who cau ii:,:cl; v: mail. If iii t Lt ir compi jiioney and the cals : Stable mai'.ure. . . Cotton Seed llisslvt d relic. . h.'lM In t n ,'ialilv Hi 1 :,em a- a basis tin ! i by saving chase of iLcn.i SI Ml lbs. T.'id lbs. n;t lb,. I"' 2.t)-'i( To i'.vepart thi-. ft rmci.i .-: .'d a layer of barnyard ma:. lire two inches deep on the compost yard; -d. a lay er of di.-si lived boi. tw o i; . lies thick, and .id. l laver of otiou seed four I...A-... .i.:..t. r... ti... ,..; ..... .m.ti,- -i i , ' . 1 ' tntirouciiiv wiin cm lioti ;e mine from the -tab! are not at hand, wi bein aain wiili il. ami !t jit at tin InuT: before lili'il ail the s. but if ihese h water. Thin stable lnamile and v.i ttini; as mati rial N em plotd. 't he w hole heap should ihell be covered whh dry i artli or plaster, l-'ermeir.aiion will be ct.mphte in from thlee I I !-t t li wet lis and tile cotton setd Lilhd. When 11 adv to Use the pile .-!:... ml be ti.rm.i li.oi oiighly mi v. and the d'.lViit i.t lave! mi d t' ,' iher. xv. i . ..:. - . .. .1 . - 7, ' .' lVii net il be bared it hi-' heal' i nu ist with j itvent tot aid V.I 11 lotl'e.l to :pid oxidalion b the Vheli used in- fi t pounds per acre, hall' furrow and half w ith poor or old soil tun may be iim ';. 1.10 p, seed as bt foie. the it on, apjly :'.0il ii: die opining the seed. Oil or ii pounds imds with the lait.iider in the ful low or even 1 : furrows. For corn i e hill. li)llcs liie ,: cunditi: :i. wi i n !t ( )li nalnly j.irn- which are u.--, :::!!;. 7"i poiiiiiU of Heir acre may lie add-1 solved ill tin Wat 1 ting the compco-i very few laud- up otdca.-t across the .v.'Iv oho 1 I T it to the I U i:; pn Myg 1 s t ill --lillice. :.::.!-. or old i'.el.U. ih lieieut i:i ' .'.aii. of .ol,i !i pd 1. 1 ' may be tii r and tist .1 for wet heap. Tin re are in v. i,ieh a:i appli cation oi pola.sii will not pav. Where lights are plenty tiny ;,:a be si.b.ti luted for the iaiii iate oi jn.tah. Tliis formula w id do . .celh inly for winter wheal, boi to .lull pounds per acre. J Jot when um i 1 11 ilii-. rr'.p. sit! hat" of p"t.r-li 1 in water a :d app nbl be disM Ive d directt .l i;i the case of potash. After it b.ti l(Hl Jioiino.s of nillali acre, bn ad' a;. in tl help the crop vory gre;i he l.mi'iaii of iward .-cc-oa of sod.; p.r :-M4il.g will Prcscrviuir Sweet INdutnes. A Correspondent of the Southern Cultivator, tells bow to preserve sweet . 4. ,. , 111 1 potatoes winch we publish for the bctielit of our readers: 1 ,-I notice severa1 ! inquiries in your paper as to the best manner of put- ting up sweet pota'ocs, so as to keep thim sound. I e-ve you a jlan that has proved vcrj tticct ssful with me. lmiikeitnn iuvaiiabie rule to tlior the nest day after the frost has killed the leaves. I haul up iu tho cvt ning ; w hat I die in tho morninir. "W htn I vi'uU to bank my potatoes I raise the ground a few inches higher once. than the general level. I havo my '"Oh, yc.. I've been priicticiiiiy for bed about 8 feet wide, and as long I over week, aud I can swim, dive us may be necessary to hold my 'and ll.iat. You ladies don't krow crop. I pi ace the potatoes ou this Low much eiiio tut nt tia re :s in skim- bi d, piling as they will naturally lie. ' Alter I git my potatoes on, 1 cover them about 1 foot deep in pine straw, ' and so kt thtm remain '.I weeks, nn- less ice forms at least as thick us win- dow glass. Of course as soon us the potatoes are covered with straw I miUd a good shelter over them. At the end of ?, weeks I cover them, btraw und all, about four inches deep i in dirt, and the work is done. ' lly experience teaches mo first, ! that more potatoes are lost Irom be-1 coming too Lot, than from getting too i .l.l. .! .1...4 t - .1 1. .1 I i-uiu, u, unit, tut tutt'u weehs me I .' .' . . . , '" heat and vapor arising from the po I tatoes after they are banked, combii. ed with their coveruiir of straw, im amply Biilhcient to protect thi m from any degree of cold not sufficient toil freezo water iuch deep. I do not ! . . - , . .. . , me i. in une oivot it. let, it. ut ainiiiuiH- j , . . Vi . fiayth,8.8thobestplan;butit.e mytt.rf ;lwith Mmlh Rml : ed intense excitement in the vicuu- heory Bupporte.l l.y my practice, j tLero be BOU, jt If 8bo elH faer tj . 1' rost lu ten or rotten potatoes never RnJ si u iuiraei,illteiy after it, 4t rT'7T. inter into my catenations (When i put-1 tfl0 e(Tt.ct i0grer. She should be ! A Llvp ting them op. I will add that I am ,,, nct to 8lb,)er ft kiNfl( but' The Springfield Republican 8ay : now eating sweet potatoes of las piya jt fl8 ft iimu,ui,)f, bird runs his , A live rebel, (len. Waadell, of North cn.p, and that of several hundred ; M mlQ R Loueysuckle-decp, but Carolina, who is stumping Vermont bushels put up this way last winter, fMicattf, There is n.uch virtue iu a : for the Democrats, Bitting between iiot one peck r''- ; kiss when well delivered. AVe have ; Senator Edmunds and Gen. Woo.1- -mtmm' tue Hienifiry of one we received in ford, of Xew York, wan one of the The time of spicing oud pickling of! ouryth which lusted us 10 years, curiosities of a recent Republican fruit has come, aud the economical 1 au, u j jjuve jt wjn i, oll0 ,f the mass meeting at Montpelier. And housewife may be seen going through , iln V0 shall think of when yet im column shriek from the Itut htr husbaud'u vebt pocket for cloves. ' we j10 ; laud Heral-J and Olohe. j A Model liart!. I Col. Thoiun A. Seolt of IVnnsU vania has a barn that leats anything; ; we have lately heard of. It is thus described : "The barn was completed in March last and cost, nca. lv ten .....imiiJ dollais, and iu architectural style can not bj exeeiltd. The carriage cr concli room isnt th" extreme ea-tern roriioii i f the buildintr, and has e:i- prtcity for nine couches. There are about eiiiht vehicles iu it, which cost from SfM'O to 1,."00 !i)iitee. The coach house has six large windows with shutters, aud the ceiling has fancy tissue paper, "fly-catchers,'' nicely arranged and cut in a tasty and beautiful manner. Tlie harness rooms has twehc senerate casts with luss lu-.iits, aud not a particle of ilnst can get to nv.x of the harm There is a telephonic communication from the harness room to the man sion house, from w hence the coach man's orders are received. A pecul iar beam with projecting dosses is used us a harness holdi r, in eh ining and blackening. The stable has l commodations for twelve head t)f horses. At present it has ten horses vs ami cue pony Th. ten upright posts, near th;. horses, " i-.n.-i, r i . toe m:... , ' v"ar,iil.y cu-clcd with straw 't.f--; f ' ' ' "l' f'" ground, lhe -ring i f ti.e pi.HIS, till round, lhe ;!. lin:.' i f ti.e e.'itir tifaCstory of tlie I'iiiii is ol ' i!il'e, L ilt iiiimedia'i -ly ui.dcr t!:e I.oim ;ilV Woodell faKt il. (. Ik, laj.l npmi the tteut'. These ci 'l ue on', ttti i lire c!-ianed twice a week. Jut at tl v't!j.o o: iron s f the false iU.or'is h j ei fol .t!t d trip about a foot wide, and levtl with the stone floor, which al lows ail liijuid to p i:-s through la;.t back of th:s is a Mtiaw 'l:i;t ab. ;it a yard wjde and whicii lseev- red v.iil: loose vtr;i'.v. ft rt:,i:,j,' b-. .1 litij'. .Iut back of thi.-plait a pretty cucoaiiut carptt is h.iil, :.nd is kt pt than a though it were iu a parlor, it is pat dowu lit h a. La., n lid is takeu up at 1 . iu. An iron wateiim; trough i. i 1 n li 'I t,ll , .i..Uoa . .., ... back, lhe "llv-cateher paper is ueatly arranged ovtihead iu all the stables. Iu trout of the horses is a space live feet wide, mid front here the horses are fed. Spoutitms come down from the various bins in these- ct ml Btorv. These are titled with a patent gauge atiachm.nt w l,;,.!, measures just four .nuu-s of feed. Th. re is one large stall set au n t for a s:ek horse. In the upper 'stoi v I found a bath room and water cloMt. nice'v lighted will, gas; four b-d rot.ius, eh-aiitlv f.uri-h. d, and nr.- morous bins, atlinirablv ttriaiiget for the purpose intended. Jom i ll Stad- , , , ,. . , 1 ... Kothschild, I.oi:don, has charge of the (stable. The stable is of brick aiiil finished throughout the interior with yellow- pine, oiled. " The Talking Owl. "Tom Evans' Wist, r, .,r ti.e s;,.i; ; A tramp w ho was iu camp arouud Orciensboro' several days, knowing , the propensity of sumo of the nmi chants fur shop parriit.s, one or two having boiieht siieL birds in Cincin nati at fifty dollars, eaugl.t an owl it. he woo ls, ami ! 1 m- m.-oi veil trilo.piist, he t. n -k it to -i-ct rtaii.hh- p ket-per and passed i; 1 fl' as a owl, scllmg it to the -.roiar for twenty-five d iilars. lie t id iiim if the owl ever got obstinate and would nt tulk ju.t to blow in its ear. Now the shop kee er and his wife were always at cross purpos.s ami had still' iiiarrt Is t very iby, but both wtro curious to hear the thing tad;. As the old fellow blew in the owls ear it seized him fast wi!h one paw by the heard, and he whoop-.l for the old woman to blow in its ear and make it h t e0i l.ut ii seized lmr liy the ear w ith the otlur paw, and there it held them both face to face as they bellowed manfully f..r the iiish poiter to come and take him "Ali ! La !" roared 1'at, as bo ran in, ' I'll be blot if that owl h'aiut a peace maker, be jabbers boss, if e'il kiss ti e mistis, the pratty bird will sintr ve a son"." f,- oIJ Wftnt(, flJ R,t, tljat trul..., olu.t, u,,,,.... tli:U ti ;ln. A Woman ('niilidritrc. ' Oh ! 1 almost wish something would linooeii." she saiil to Im lm-hiio of fi iends on oni' of the fern-boats yesterday. '"Since I li'itMied to sw mi I have the utmost coiiiid.-nee in my- self; and 1 m not a bit afraid of the water.'' ' Can vou swim V" asked several nt ming aimig the suifuee f the water. u by, I fei I perfectly at home thi re. ' "And where do you swim '.' iiniuir- cd oue. "In the bath-tub, of course ; Why, our bath-tub is seven feet long ami three tu t wide, and I can swim twice ! ar.iuu.l it without Btoppin;; ! Oh! 1 j winh we had a pin!,!!-- in the back yard, I'd learn you all insidu of a week..' Detroit Free I'ret-s. . . , All A hunt Kiss's. Now that there is so much tall i i .t o- about kisses, it is worth recalling ft ,.lor ,VIUlin OTi(,(( Mlil, .j,,.,. , b,. Hays , Smi, h . .. w . , . . ...r . i ertain anioutit of sbV- i, , i i . . f ' i 'i i .i i . i roil IIOI'SKKKKPERS. . . OOJ. Man's lNitiiliiiir. Three cups of lionr, one cup of uiolusses, one cup ofiuilk, one cup of suet, one l""V of raisins, one teaspooiiful of !3,,:l' T1' K to iastv'' bLl1 two hou,'8; uso w ith a sauce. Spanish Cream. Three pints of milk, yolks of live eggs, one teacup of powdered sugar, out ounce, gela tine dissolved iu the milk ou a slow tire;beiit the eggs and sugar together and stir in; do not boil; llavor to taste aud strain iuto moulds. To Moil Vegetables (Jreen. Tut them ino a plcntv of boiling water that has been salted; keep ju iu nucoyvred and boiling fast, till thev are done. To counteract the hard in ss of the water, should it exist, a little carbonate of soda may be adde 1 with the salt. To I'm' Stale llreud.- Soak the bread in hot water until soft; when eoid add two CL'TS, half a cup of sweet civatn, one tcaspootiful of soda, a liKic salt ami Hour to make a sun batter like fritters. Fry in hot lard or buil in water. To be eaten with swup or whatever liked. iiuciiliite Layer Cake. Two cups of suar. one cup of butter, three cups of th'tir, tivt vgs, one cup j t f mill;, one teaspooiiful of cream t irlar. one-half of soda; tak- nearly a cup of milk enough to al ut half a cupful; tUvor wlt1' vrt"ll!a' nud hrrettJ twcCU the lil.v' rs' u'1'- ( ream Sanee. One talleiipoon f -i I of I utter, one tablfRpoonful of i'.tir. one cup of cold milk, salt, pep- pii :ut butter in small saucepan, j and, when hot, add flour, stir uatili porft'dlv sinoath, but do not let it brown; then adtl the milk gradually,! stirring all thetnue; boil twounuutce, theu add chicken and pepper, and fait to taste. Hh ti ha rh Jelly. Tuke sonio rhubai b, wipe it with a clean wet cloth, peel it, and cut it into pieces :u inch long. To each pouud of rhu- ,!'n iul11 "iree-ionnnn oi bpopdu o vl,,,L' .su-:ir- 1 ,lt " b?'! 'orabonl ten nanutes, or until the juice m well 4-ra- t'ain it into a preserving '"" lrt " hnl 'l,m'Uy vlingnia he spoon, skun it and put it into J'lM1 l",,s moulds, lhe quickest way h know if it will Btt w to put a h'.tle on a plate to co.,1. Fulsome Flattery. Judging from the eulogistic Listo rii s t f I emocratic legislative nomi nees in the Ualeigh News, tha next Legislature will surpass iu wisdom any that ever sat anywhere siuce the foundation of the world. Tarboro' Southern' r. Fool i nt; a Cow. We got a good one on Capt Wm Shaw, of Washington, while down I hi re a couple of weeks ago, which mark Irm a "fellow of infinite jest." lbs 01mg calf tiled a short time be- fole and. 111 order to keep tho cow in j In r milk, he had the calf stuffed aud j pi iced in a natural position across' a box iu sight of thecow. Hesprinkles j suit water ou the calf and turns the mother iu to lick it at stated inter vals. Tuis seemed to satisfy her and -he ciiiin s down handsomely with the milk. Tarboro' Southerner. llorrihlp Tra.'tlv. A correspondent of the Raleigh New-3 writing from Liucolnton on the lTtli says: ' A uiosl horrible tragedy wats enacted in tbis quiet interior town last ni'bt. Joe lioark, a colored man ofiiinej- liome to his family after his day s work was done, was brutally assassinated ou one of our most public streets within one hundred yards of -h" Court House. Tho deed was d.uie about d o'clock at night, just before tin moon hail gone down. Joe lives in the eastern part of the vil- luge, and was within a short distance of his humblo home, wheu he was met by atml her colored man, whom he did not recognize, but to whom he siioke a iileasaut "Hood eveninor." to which no response wa9 made, save! just after the man had passed Joe, a! pistol was dir-charged and Itoark fell, pierced in the centre of his buck by! a ball. His screams for help seem-J d to 'ive an impetus to the mur ilerous purpose of the assassin, who immediately snapped his pistol a second time, exploiting the cap, but failing to ignite the powder so as to discharge the chamber of hid pistol. Tims finding this effort a failure, the iniiriicriT dealt several sure blows with his pistol niton the head of hie victim fracturing tho skull on the right side for the spice of ten inches along the buse of the brain." A DcsptTate Lovor. Mrs. Maretta IJenault. of Xew York v,as nmrtlered on the 11th inst.. by a Freiichinau named Amadee Bigot, whoso mind is said to bo un settled, hinl been pa in attention to Mrs. l.enault. anil mi that day rushed in and excitedly asked her to marry him. She refused, whereupon lJii'o't ...,4 l...o 41 o ..1 . ... ... 7i . , ,, i V.. ' . ' , "' ., B u" "ead trom tlie body. He then cut his own throat and now hes in a dan- gerous condition. The traijedv cans ADVERTISEMENTS. PERFECTLY SAFE IN THE MOST INEXPERIENCED HANDS! I For Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Cramps, Cholera, AND ALL THOSK NUMEROUS TROUBLES OF THE STOMACH AND BOWELS SO PREVALENT AT THIS SEASON, No Remedy known to the. Medical I'rol'e.wlon h Urn iu u.-e so lung nail with such uniformly Kuiiiiu.lory VEGETABLE tt hiu twn used with siirh wonderflil sneecss Oifflculues, that it iia outue to Do oouuaerca AN UNFAILING CURE FOR an.! aui-h it really la when taken in time aud aconllug to the very ilnln directions imlotlng each botilv. In iui h dlwanes. tlie r.ttaclc Is usually rudden and ftvqnrntly very arntr; lint nllh m ma remedy at baud lor immediate use, there U arltlQiu dttUftirof tlie final malt Which to ofUn follnwn a few days' neelect The inclitiation to wait and mx If the mnrrow diw not brine a K tur fii llnp. not Infrequently tiei'asionii a vat amount of iieeilleux ulUrlni;. and Mimrttmea coata it life. A t.inel) do.e of I'aiu Killer will alunt iuvarlnlily save both, and wiili them the tmenduiit doctor n o. It an stood the teat of forty yeara' cotutant taae in nil countries aud ciiuiatc, r.n 1 to perfectly aafe In any jx'rson' handx. It la reeomnemJeil ly l'hu i&n". Nnrvi til IT' yitals. nnd pmons of nil ln.v-c nit. I professions who haTU had vpiortuiiiiy for observing the wo:iJ.riul ixiruila which huvo ulu j luUowed iu uao. THE BEST EVIDENCE: 1 bar lone naarl th ffifrilrlna known u PFRRT I)AVIS'VK0KTABLKl'AlNKlLl.KKmrayfmil7 and would Dot ao an I account be wit bout it. n hen Cholera waa laat epiiiemie be. I need no medi.-inn et an eon but lh HaiQ Killer. au1 aJth.iOKh my'lf qua! to ererr eninen.-T. 1 oonai1r I abonlil n..t be doing mj dut to tbe emuuiunit d.J 1 not r Una much. If I were au.keu by tlie 1'holera tiMiaj. Paia aUilfw wnold t th only r'm.1y 1 anuuta una. I have tboruuituJy Uwtvd tt, and know It caa be relied n. r. IL HLROrXSKND. Galena. IHinoia. No timllT can afl.1 to he without it. aud it The ne of one tiotlle will Co further to coiieline y. ,n of Iu luir:U liiau coluuiua uf new:. jvatHT advcnlMm;. Try It. and you will never do w nhottl It. Price laftc. SOc. aud $1.00 ier buttle. You tun obtain lt at any dnit-ti! or from PERRY DAVIS A SON, Proprietors, Providence, R. I. fwaet eutM eaweTeTeTaaeaaTa naj':' .T.BlhckvCeUa Co. PDRHrTM.iX.C. C. WALKER HANKS, Or Chatham County, WITH JULIUS LWI. St CI pa a ft HARDWARE OF EVEIIY IitSCIi'.l'TIOX. KAHI I, DOOUS mill STEAM ENGINES, LUATHKll AND Itl'MiKI. UKLTIN'tt. PAINTS. OILS. K'I C. I.iAlJOJO.-iT STOCK in TSoi-lli Citi-oliim. July .1 SPUING & SUMMER. Tho larK.s.'., mi! vnrlfslntnl iN.miilrti" Him k ! ; Pty tlnixla. Noli. ni. r.iri'". K nlirni U'rifH, I KaMicy KimkIii. I.rcob, Kluinijs. While 'ondi, Scoteli I.Hwna. I'ri-nrli I wills, Victoria I.m wnn. tl-L'Ainliin, Swiss Hf.vaito unit Miill.ln iia Mu-lms, Ilnir Uiinl l'iitn-M, Solt KiihhIi t. nnibrics. .ladilietK, IHencIl i'Htils, St-a IhIhuiI t'nttOD, lVn-ii!!-!!, ('Immliray I'rinta, 1 1 in t; tin. tlie, llH4' Hleacli aud Brown SUeet inc. f'uliirc.i llanmrks, for Kruit Clutlm. I.iurn Slieftinj:, Irish I.inona, lUakrt Wove I.inen, I. men and Silk Mixt irea, lor I.aiiiei' ami 11 yn' Wear, I.hio ami Unntinif fur'nini in set. 2 1-2. II 1-2, and 4 janla.; ttlnves, Knl.ionr own Ulkki), bis'e, I.aoe, ami Mltm. DRESS GOODS! Bul.n. (all f,() all wiiltliK.) t.ari'i Uuiiliufja, Krfnili I)ehat;n, Mohair Ie- j base. I)Ht)te1le, Seionia tntiii;i, Silk ami l.inen ami Silk nn.i Wool Mixture. I'lipllna, ! Iriili lulina. Kni glimi Bomba.iuea, j Alpaca, Moo ltairs, tin I liauiiuea. T. anrwc i X.AWXtfS ! ! Faat C'olora. (Jooti Stylos, 0 l "!e. THE BEST. CALICOES ! THE 1IKST. YE A ltd AX, PETTY iCO, No. "iO Kaykttf.vh.i.k St., Mar 13 Halei-li. X. C. NEW GOODS! HEW GOODS!; JOS. F. OTJliE-r'S. I have Jint risolvol my si'ifit nn st miifii MTi K ot euv, SiilliiNS, e.,,iiiix.i, IkailH anil iUIi I, li mill every tle.iirtmi nt Is eoin plele. luivo lakell ureiC. i-are III selivtllu; my ata-k. ami have l.iiinlit tlieiii trom tlie i e'. in.-iuii-faiMttrera in llie ...inlry, ami ran soli litem a eheai an the etnvniM-at. 1 have a full aioek of the eelebratnl lloyilen Oalter, for ipifiui' wear, lu an n.lliKuj variety uf elylea. in l'th hlitli ami low euia. I also have j. a. Tciu.ii. c MK.WEii, T. MILW it K.1M4" IIKMIf KHUIM. Bll.t T. M1I.R4 W'S"' Llliim' allutx. lliilum, KM, an.l Uf M irm-, And Id a-hlHlon Ui all 1 have a fine aawirl- j ment uf Miiuanii' ami Chll lri-n a almea. all ifrailea. ! A (iaa aua-k nf Moo'a aitU Lavllea' Onaraa alnsw. I In tai l, my whole aloi-k Is Cumplete from Cellar lo Garret, i All thai I ask la thai my euKiimer ami frlemla ami the tiublle will (five inn a call Is tore mtr- rhaalnc elaewhere. aa It will lie f. their iwlviuii- aif. ThanklUK my many frleii'la for paal fnvora, ami a. Molting tltuaame In ihetuiure. lain very reiivifully, Job. I' Ol I.I.EY. Apis tiALUoU, N. C. ! ADVEIITISEMEXTS. ri'iiilu as 9DK EOUE in all parts of the. m Id in ! trcutMl'lll ftll!M ALL SUMMER COMPLAINTS Nim. PERKY DAVTS RON; I krvw y.ia wwi no tivttnyniAl t ecmrinr ena thai your mwUciD w all lhat yo rtauu tur il, lat i rnnn-it rnvtrain th. impalm to cnmmunif' to ytn tlu tact thv in my fautilv it hftw tnil- tlone wntxl-'m. 1 fclnrnipt.'r It tn mf ctulinn nn i ifrt)t..'ti Iti'mthji, and Hie other thr1 leant uliii with porfKCt Hurcta. It ivnlat4in thnir tMiwela. and atntM all dinrrtiwab Mytlf ami woo rf'.rt to if in all irm, tmb l,r I. rlvw Tfnira. I niyn-ll nn.l.Y mu. h t'l'hirr.hon to you. in ninii tiiuua belli ri'l oT.I from unn. 1 nil vory trj. J..ur.. U V. MOOKK, r.aiuiaJl. Dutcluw Co.,ivw York. uriee hrinira It within the rcm h of all. fOR PLEASURE 9vmrvKi,ntALt SMOKE THE OLD k0 Tie Iilit Rnnninc New Home j Im roprosi'ii:.. I t.. 1I10 -,ii.o a 11,0 l.-d-r.. I lion of ho..i.-p. 1110 -!i ml. al .111 I kit!o I H'. -!k lll.'ll . sltle In II10 nifiiiiiut.-tttro t N.-iA itio .Mai'hiiio. Simplicity, Durability and ; Capacity. It Is Hip lVr.'tvtii 11 ol Jtci luiiilnin t..r IIKMMIXi;, ! i ii;iiiNi,, Ijl II TIM., IlilM.IM I-lTIINo, ni: mhini. ! I 1 KINl .. i:t 1 1 i.; IiimiINi;. s- WIINli, i.i;M.i .. 1 1 A I II I K! . iVi . Ill M-s cry Ma. htli 1 1 1 II IN. W.-illM.l.-.l. J. I.. ST. i.t" Af n: i:a:. iii, n. lllor 111 Ol'iil; ali'l I'lali.-f. w. 1;. nntoi's. ooni ai c. .luitil la 1 aolo lf ORGANS V : I'olos-.- an. I V.. lliiiiuiea. snt on trial warrafo I. oi,!. l'lan-. ii t itliiloo,!,. fr. o. A l ie s li.v.MlX 1'. IIIM 11, ! Wiu-iiiiii,ioii. N. .1. ;uiv i-" i Aiirt,t N 'liil' f. r Sin in s Hi in. i: li. i . i ai: At uonna,,, imcTOIJIAI. IM15I.KS .a...i't . f..r i ir. u!.ir. A. .1. J I-in k t'..., I'tiilit. 1 he lioiiau;' for HOOK AOKNT.s soiling -1 !. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ; ii -t i . i : . I li. 1.111: or GENERAL HANCOKK. n ici. ii I.-, 1.1-leo.i i.o n i, n i. i. .. '. .V' I, nn ineli.r of i,ai i.nal fame an. I an ai-.Ii nt a.liii r ot II siiio!-l.oii'.io-.o 1. 1. - te M 1 1 tin. I.ll I HI' IIIK IH'N. W t . i:Vil.!s. ti,, took 1 i-m.-l uiv oti.loi .... l..t .ii.vl, iiiiiiior.oly I-o.ii!.ir. ati I m-IIui liov.,11,1 i-ioooloii:. tiiiillls fine. Ai l .ii. k an. I oi iii 111.1i.oy. l or iln l.t ln.k. l.i-t trrins. 1111. 1 full i.itril.-iil.'irf.. aa-ln-s 111 I liAl.ll I'.l.os., Allalita, Oil. THE NEW FOOD -1 " MEDICINE o not rotifoiiti.l 1 til, initlolilis's ri tmvaii-r of fei .!e ith. I exliail1c. eo,iai llllotis w :h violent .Ml harll.s., iheai tie. -.taMI-. lis ot vile itrio, ittid fit. liioi. intoatefitiis Ihiioi-eiiily lai'ille.l "lilti. r.." Walt I.i. tori. npiM al to ..iilar i olill'lolHV Us ailso ireinrei from uiiieriui tiieil mall, li I-, ana aiii nlno. iiihI oilier .roeoiiK liioriiiout.. Heeorilliii: l. Iho i, ,, Lu I,:..-, an 1 are in lior In ll lo- nienii. Unit rosiore to iioriiianeui liealth iliowoak, 'hoiloM-eiii, rtv -rki -1. iiorioti.,.lo. j.. ni,,ly.. ..-.U.-. I iilioii. ar.. II tie in Hi i'i lin . all oilier lorill-i of mail or llio.lli'ilie. The oeaiaiio lire plainly .liio. hv i lie oofti.aiiy. tv.l-l i-very- wiieti... M.M.i lii r ri.iis in., ik.i..n, iiim. (.'KAY'S SPI't UK' M Kill ("INK. ! TRAOE MARvTlir illil.M Tn TRADE MARK An u ll I a l ' l n u euro '...rS. iiiiii il WoakiH-, niatortiii a, I in- .toii.-v, iin-t all ilii a.-o.tria! fol- l.'W. ilH tt i .(Itolli O of Self. A' ii-. . IIS t,m mm Toeif5..t Memory, i in-after mmo. Ver-Hl Uiw.llu.le, r.itn In ll.o IttM-k. llllliliocn o V l.-t--ii. I'reina!iir ol.l r-o, ami many HI. eaMo i ion oa. in lu'iiii. of Coii'-umiiU -n, unit a l"l etnic lire I rave. trs lull parll.-ular In our !-aii!-! let . wlileti we ile.-lie lo ol. free Ly II all lo el. 'I .Hie. RI 'I'lio S o. ill.- .Mo.lH llie Is . 1 I l.y all .li u.visls :v l T .a Uairo. or U luiekiiis. f.,r "i. or will Im mill live l.y mall "it ro.n l t ,. i lie money l.y it.l.lreHMne tilt. lilAV MfDII ISI-. I tt, Moi'Iuiiii.'h' l.l-. k. In it... ll. Mint. tvSol'l 111 In IsBnitu' awl everywhere l.y ail tirtljilM. uovilMy S. 11. STIIEKT, WM. .1. STUKKT best's Mm hi R.iii'fj:ii, . c. S. R. STREET & SON, OWNKItS AM I'lliiI'il-iTOII. jj 'Slllll llt KoOIIH ill tllC CI1.V. .. i The Niuiniml I'Verlimke I iinni or ('aitil piare, tlie tincHl l'ark in llie sTM f.. ami aiw aciesmlilu to Uurbts oi tlis iljuttf. VelVw?HT,T ZrVgZrmPi)lM BECAUSE RELIABLE. aa iaj 1 1 1 1 11 H IfiP1 0 iTUR HAUTT!T. MAT? MTTiltf RTIT iiiU MtHHMM It. Hi. WUi Wil Vi.. r FGSflar anfl Conenssr. : EVERY Munuriictinv.liil Pratt villi, Ala ' WF Al;i: Till' SOI. i: AOI N IS f..r tin- snlr ,,f u. .en , i..nii.. iit:t,-iiii,.. in N..riit t Hrolliiu. tint : ..nn i X.. rli'ii.-o i:h ilnw ni i. ,lii.-i. . l-.tvlti (our : : In iw. an. I tin- exi rli i f the tn t eni.-ll. al ' 'f.iniiot." iu lli! wi :..n, lo aliotn we 1.0I I them i 1 si-it- .11, Jn.tiiy in. Iu mi. 1113 j tiikv auk thi: vkuy hkst' j that liiivo 1 11 yi t iiiMiiiifni'iiiri-l. Wo iln not lies j 11. Ho to r-.iy tIii mo iiwv'hlui-i. aro 1 ho 111. u-t' in j ooiiirii. Hon, nn I tlir nn. I m.-rt siilmtaiitiiilly j nwt'loor anv 111 liso, tb,u the ti'.n tvill imt Lroak j tin' roll, Unlit a ri eiti its rap I lly and clean the j Heod liollor than liny lu use. ( j Sr:li.t.u't. .11 tii;inim."vi alion ali are m.t lo. iWowill 1. oa. tonnw.T in i'.i'rlo Hii.l fmiiNli j irloo to any olio waiillin: a l oi'i n 111. We mil j 1I1 livoml at Kiih-liMi nt the siiiio I'li. o llio inn ; I lili;"f. aro f-.l-l 1 r a: 1I10 ra.-i.-ry whore noido , . Wo aio n;.n ...If iiect,' r, ,r Hi,. i.,( e..ti,,n ,rrM-.. ' ; Iu ur-o. Wo rotor lo v. 11. Maiih'inii. Wak.- lonv-t. N c, I r Waller lvlnmni, I Ut ) ... 1 h a N. e., f..!. .1. w. 11. Uiiinoit. li.iirih. N.C. ; M. 11. M.'iiitt. ; W. .1. A Cli. ek. l liil.o 11,11. N ('. ! WILLIAMSON x i iciirneii, Jo 17 am lulol-.i, N , c. Il T. NORRIS & CO., 1 (;K0( KliS ami j CDHUn HEPiCHAIITS, Zlalcioh, IT. C. - v i.y : ion - I siU ..I!I.K M:. lI.AMiii-ANo AM" 1!UVIN AMMONI A TKD PIS SOl.VKl) HONK. The si.isKivi.1. Chiton I i.-.w ami Art. 'i'll. Hl.oM. VAKMKUS M I'i'l IKS. Wo have In Morn att l to arrive ; I, mi Mo... wi.i:,. c.,rii, si 1 tj t ie 1-v s.h-1 eats, f.v. ;: ,h i- - wl.i.i I .l:e '. M.-al, .'..on;;., ivlr-.e !.! r. . e 1 :cii 1. 1 1 al-1 a. I ' .III - lo r on lll'to iu i all rait. I j.-' 1 lo oiir nit lililitt Vm !'."i"u w.ii inak. pilLlut ry rMp. H-tfnily, Not:lsCO. ) I 1 1 til lmsiio!i ii.m l ot . n tl.f 1 ul llo. j V I V. 11 inak.. ni- n- y fie-t.-r 1.1 I 1 1 m I t-..rk tor if 'I. .111 ft.y 1 It 1 lit. .1 taiiiiil not ro uiliol. W.. 1 Kill -IH-I Volt. h Ly II,. il i uirl- vt .-, nt . .1 o y'i a -l.l. 111 1 i.j.ii ' i t ii;ii..;i. M. ti. hoii:oii. lu ftii'l i- w I..-1 lo u : k for uv Sow r an ilftolr yon;- ili..lo mil.. i. II. 1' oi.'.y your -I'liii' ii-...iiioii'.. No .itln-r iaiII lav von iioiely n voll. No olio H. Ik tan fa .1 t.. 11 -iik- 011 .rim us -i l V. oiioo. oiiall una lol Ills tl oo. A .ruiiii'v l.-r 11.. ii" ail- mi l . A I I:. !.- I'lo 1. e. .. uo,i-i.i. M.-ilii.- .Railroad Schedules. --- -- - j TIME TABLE !Cap3 Fear & Yadlin Valley R. B. j To take lltVect May l.ssi). I..1H." ' !-.-. llf III l..iitos i.nir at Mllvos nt riiyolfotlilo, l'aily i-xoi'iil 74111 lay. I.. !'. .11 IN I'.S, Mll"'t. 'ft' jliJU.ll IiairtQ OUlll CHANCi: (r S(.'HKlrLK. OIH. I- lifMTlM.SI 1 i:iaN ITMil NT. I Wll.Ml..e . V 1 ' . Mat II. I'Sil I I I N mi l i.fii r Max Is. l-s... ..i,o :. i. nai s. Ii. -lulo " ' :ll I I" :alo I !! Hi.- I.i.nviay. cassi.m-.kc Mill. o V. .In Mi liM'HtsS Tit VIS : 1 !. .1 1 .1, " "i .. M. ..,! .'lo a. 7 '.T. I-. M. !., !,.. 1.' iii r. M. V it 1 : 1 1 iir: . -ti at s .1.1 r. l 1 v 1 ' sin.. lay. Ian inak. !- li Ii .-ii Miii.i-.oi; No. ' i r.n u Is a,; So. 1 tl Hill 1- .I a. vi ion ! I lallt o.-i 'l Sj; eii.i i... I'lo-.i on tlirmioii iTiuii o ill,. I W lii'U:-.ol. Tlii-li- si, i i i. run to auil from .loll. V i.i. .lOIINSoN, tionornl si.j.i rlii'o i. lout. to an I'. will ni- - If 1 t.lll i. 'tie llloi may '.'7 It Baleinb & Anansla A.-L. E.R.Co. cH.vNor, ok sciir.nri.E. sri i. iari sni N-r snKKii r. i j li.-iioi);ii, N. i".. .iiino :.. is.'.i. 1 ON ana after hii.l.o. .Iiim- 1", ls"'.i. ti-HiiiB on tin lialoioi, x i,oi a Ait I.imo U.iliiou.l mil run .1 .:u MIll.ll.T . M l jilol llf toll-I No. 1 - Leave I So. i -I.iave . ni llamlo 1 M n tn a 14 a tn a .17 it 111 il si n III 4 1:1 it 111 4 N", a 111 h 41 it 111 It IM it 111 r. : - 11 in r. 4-j it in ? im a 111 7 -J.i .1111 s :i e nt 1 .tTniatl r M . Ml lrlT tl II . m I l.lni-"s ti ih', , in 1 Manly .1 :" . in 1 l aiiioroii 10 n . m i Saiifonl in 41 . 111 ! 0-0. , 1 11 JT , 111 ! t lienio VI i" a in I Merrv i 'a I'J .'.1 a 111 I Now Hill 1-J Is a 111 i i.o.v Son lllll Mi'i ry ii iks Moin-iiro IM ..I Saii'oi-it I'atii.T. 11 MalllV I. III. M K-tM r ; l( I Arrive Iliimli i 1 14 a 111 1 ary .'.' um , SiHium I At I no lialolfc'll. SiUnt 111 Train iiiimiIi. r 1 ii iniii-ls ill tlanilol wltltC. C. li.illtt.iv t..r CliniloMo 1111.I all iioln's soii'li. Train 1 1 11 iu 1 -iT 'J is iuiio.'I s ai linii itrii mill the ltnli l!li s l ailroa.t :..r all -'lnt- 1101H1. JoilN C. WINliKK. Mii nrtiiii'intonl. Wis It 111 your "IVII town, f-1 nil' 111 . N iilk lion Iff. If oll want it -ii, .- ic wl.l.-ti e'-i'soiis i liorsi x it iieiKe fioai j.ny utl tlie tini." tln'jr ..rk. write t..r l ulars to 11. IlAl.l.lil t .V Co.. loriluti.l, Maine. (jury ly sd T f iii-eai elianre to make m. m y. if I II I I We ii.s-.l a H.rr.oii In every l"TI lllll totiii lo lake uii'si'rliiloti for ; ' 1J ' 'ti. laru, t, i ii. ..i iiihI lns.t I llliislrnteil f.iinlly Mil'llea-.oii In tlmworlil. Any- one i .III l a Ml.-. ill itt'otit, SIX elrcmtt I works .f nrt clveii fris to iil.serlliiTM. Tlio J-rii e l ..w 1 lull al no r1 evi-ryl-i'ly fiilit.iTtlieH. One I n.'otii riforiM takliiL1 I jii sal m-rii t-s iii ii .lay. A .'it-'i ni reporiH iiiaklia: mer jki clear i-n itll In I ton .Inn.. All ni iiu'iMa nmke inmivy fnei. Vou j i'llll ileVole all lour llllle to llie tittslUI'SH. or only I vnur niHre i line. inti inisl not lie awny front j ii..lno ..v. r nllii. V. il an il" It as well lis olhers. 1- all illns-i ..i,i. nn. I terms 'n. I'lecani unit i -I luii-lveoii'ilt rr.T. If yen want tuollialile w.nk j wii'l ii- y.uir a ul onoo. n tvMts niulilm; to try tlio tuilmsM. No one win. eui-ai:.' make ureal pay. Ail. In as lil .'l.dL Snxsos k Co., l'ortliiiiil. Maliu'. BEST IN THE WORLD ! Ifaipar BI-CarTk Soda ta av llUhtly allrtjr wtall color. It mr aappotmr wklla, elamliard by Itarlr, tnt av ruNPalllaOn Willi C II r H f II A CO.'S "ARM AND IIAItlDIRH" DHAND Will ikow tha dllTerBca. Re that yonr Daklag Hod a la white and Pl'liK, aa iho a III be AL.I. BIMILAJl Ht'BSTASICKt aacd for (bod. flntiaekaepara who prafer trimad mada with veaat, will Improve IU ijualUT. make It rtaa better and prrvtitil It from aourtng, by alilmt! mf haif teasioeiifal nfchuirh k Cu ' SoUa or rialeratita. lie aurn an.l not uae too much. Tlia tiaoof tlila with aonr milk. In i'r..f rruro Ui llaktnp I'nnili r, .a. twenty time ill ext. s en i'ouii.1 jia. kueo fur valtuUu lutonua tivil lUiJrwiJ vklt-iliilj. . The Chatham Record. CJTJZEN Of Chatliani County ought at once to subscribe to his county p:iicr. KVKI.Y VOTKIi ought to take, his county paper in order to keep posted in the politic of his county. THE IiECORD (JIVKS ALU THH LATEST XKWS I'UOM TI1H STATH AND NATION, and particularly IVoiii the coiiutv of Chatliani. il i Sni:al.!ft..MKN. WOMl'N AND OIIU.DUKX, TIIK Kl-X'Olil) supplies a w ant itnig; felt iu I 'hat ham. I'.vcry Family ought to have a py of THE RECOUP, for it ,.,,, . I Oil !.! 1 1 Ir, addition to the latest new s, Villllab information for the "'"'. the l,oi,ekceper, and f.a fliililrcii. To Advertisers THE I.Ev'OUD olllrs j;rcat in iliieeiiient.s. 1 1 i. the only papT piibli-licd in the jrrcat county of ( 'liatbani, ami shows that unione- the ninety-four countict of North Carolina Chat ham stands the eleventh in popula tion. The circulation of TIIK H1CC ()K1 extcntls into a majority of the Stiites of the Unioii, and into every section of Xorth Carolina. AMress THE CHATHAM ItKCOUD, Auf-. 12. l'ittslmro, N. V. IX ITS 17TH VOLUME. The Raleigh News. T. M. Hai.k E.litor L. L. I'm k Corres. Editor. EliWAKIiS. ItitOlMIIToN Co., IjIISUICSB Mlllili.efer.:. A X. C. l)E51(K'itTIC JOUKNAL, (Daily nn.i Weekly.) Tk.iims: Dally, 3 imuiihs, $1 ir. $1 tki. Ailiirese, year, t" . inoiitha, 13 50; ekly, 1 year, r: tm; it lii"lltiis. Tin: Hai.f.ioii Xfws, Ktileih. N. C. UGGS EATENT Liver PAD. With the Anti-Malaria. PIIRCQ ChllU and Faror, Dya UUIlawO pepala. Liver roaa. nlalaito. Hldncjr Alieelloua. Meairal. aria tonal I pal Ion. Mirk Head-Mi-lia. Irmalr I'oinplailnla, Hlllostaw new, Pnlpilatlon, and nil Malarial Dlaeaaieai taltltuut iiiedlelne. No Doa Inf no inconvenience, and a poaitiva cura. frice, including Mottle Anii-Mataria, ixo. sent by mail to an iv addresa upon racaipt or Srice. rnnci Inllo., Md. Principal Depot. I't iieritaau Ht,, Buy none but I'lnia'alPalrnl Lifer sold bv ururfiat rcnaraiiy. mid atloiaineli tritil, others ara buNti hard anil troulilcuome ta wear, 4 ill i ), i 'J

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