1 i n $Mt$ Chatham' Record. H. A. LONDON, Jr., EDITOU AXI rKormETon. it RATES ov advertising; TERMS CF SUBSCRIPTION: One sqimrc, ono Insertion, Ono square, two Insert lons Ono square, one mouth, fl.N 1.3Q 2. St Cr.c f v. r:-v, ..r, -I'm-ri-! y ,iv l.uo .50 VOLUJJE -3. iTTTSBOROk CHATHAM CO., N. Ik. OOTOBKli 28, 1850. NUMBER For lamer advertisement liberal contracts wl j nuulu. CLlJf ' ' - -7 sft ' f fiJ":":J j-roetry. IX THE TWILIGHT. As '.re r.T i ! i i ur js:Ti..-iTij n-:j v.-ry.lea av.-l ti;s:n: , Ve zv ; . .' It: Ute.-fci-iso I v.i;v, Tkr-.-aj:!. a" d:.u Is cxisvtit Y,-: . -tr .l-i; -::;r.li-i,;h: anli'Var W'i h sui's ilia-., li.sig huve 1'a.U'd. A:; I la e. il. r. 1 tet:n fUun -'-y i.ear T" Ih'-M1 V.iul ii.v l.:l'.h-J. .'.- "..'o :-""' "M loir aro fov.- r-r f:-:t-! nvv. latvly takni. r..:; fr :;? rtln '.Le MPamer Jew l-'p.-i r. lightly rlwkor. V :. a ;ao -hi are w-ol -r k'.'.o sir.iin Tl.r '-Ji"r ! rKir.'ry v ('t i.ii:, 1:1' k :). if car lu l-r ;h !' v.:,-i :aiu!ii u.-j vt'.'ii.ig, o '.-.r M .ar raJUw are rare !'.. ."a 1-.- v5vi rvt us daily . Y I:' '.iv'i: :"a-vs wrar Tai l'-k ilia: U-atne-l gaily Y; v. -. 1..H;- t l- .-o l aa.l v. o sh-allsrailft l:i a'iwr ' "l.r.r v... ii;r, Ti- ! r ii jrj. ta i: liia :lie wlille As wo s Art- f . ii oar .!:v v-1' li v::ui-L -irrs riaT o.-.l .... .:; wii' Are u i v:u l sea ..;t(.v ; a w-' w-i'..; v.i-' naiiit we 1 a ay '! T.als, Lilt :'h '.c ia Mira 1 t jr t 5" y v-r r " ' t.ri j-:t; V. ' ;'L III an Vo led. :a: ! th; l:r- t. N'ok: I laus-i oe 'ie die. ' li-'C tlei.iai'd s;e:aed. Ov i:i :'ii;gh: of ';u-stio:.i. r it .I er& v :is :-t i.t toy. ra iiune.l p:he white r.dien .ir.'..'e. i;u r.i.ive s'lmuioiihi th: iirst e.-u.'ie to her and tii.-n she was told ir who sen: it was dying. "i i.ig . ' she whispered, tier bine ye?. mlvvl with tears. "Vhateai he want? Shall voir g L.uiiv;. a4:e.l Pauline iiuble. who ..:s viuiug her. )h. ye.-;, ves : voor tdd n a a son v tor hint. Certain y T vol . .. I'.. - t ... . t : . t i i -. liui x ...a iijgmeiieu. l'aiiiin . ... T . ,. .. it'i. x neiT saw ;i':v n':? ne uie. l.ie pivrty, ciiii Us creat.ire w: tienibhng iroiu head to foot. , P-mline pe: h-r nrm around il -ligid tiguie and drew the ;ohh 1: 11 qam ia-r illOU ler Sue .-as ie'.-r;;i inches taller than Laura iiiiit iv.r Laudi -in htr own o m- l'.'ii. "Lit tie fotd," she thought, as she eaivs -.t-.t the lair. i!-wer hue face wiih r,.. , .... ... ii.. ?....;. J.i..' i.a.i.i. "i.t cour-te it K-iueil:i;;g about Lewis Va'iwirt.'" Aiou-1. :.h said, iusiiiuatiiedy. had better go widi you. dciu-tloi yoa tiduk so r" 'wo. it vjii o:;J .1. lied ..erly. grandson, l nope Laura w. n't be -.ii". ' iiuo were sho.r.i at o:i3J ' . -w v.o- udo .UC mtwirt s apartment. Tho : siuvmau lio-.uicd at the sight of; u.lJK-. . i "i vi -'itosce you alone, Laura, my ehild." i.e saitl. 1 wiii wait for you iu the next mom. darling, ' Pauline volunteered promptly, and departed. ! "Mr. Lewis has come sir " th w- ' tn.ues as likely as not she would not J:!-'-'' "I have sent for you, Laura Work," I the dying man was saving "to nV i Laura s sweet face clouded with I crimson, and then grew white again. Mho was trembling so, peer child, she could hauliv stand. wirt in laittualJieir but the boy has takeu t' had courses lately. I am nfraid. lie 'eil.l-,e TI....-,, l.i.,i tj:.. i n- did ix-iore him. The taste of it is ! T the Vanwirt blood. It came near 1 1 i"v ruin .-it. bi nf T 1 very pimmsed the woman I married I would 1 4., 1. i -e 1 u ne ei touch a card again, if sho ; won h 1,1. w, r it 0 ,. ,r 1 rau(l-(ri w. . i tr . ;! (,i,i..ii ,00 jovcs you as oilr .1 V.-nm-'i-t. j. iu,, uiu. xix v . 1. eu:i. li -i:,,,,. , 1 . 1 J e , . Am I r - "i V 1UU1- Wl'Oll" lilV ! J 1 1,1' . -l 4. ; you ca no for him F tllrt" HIV V, 11U UilCt llt'Jll :t and ite sJia 1 be mv be r. Tf ru.f. : 1 . 7. . luoney goes away Irom him. , '( ak, child, my lawyer waits now to i 'aake my will." fa Ifauia burst into tears. ir-.. wrJc wa omte an invalid, wieked. .i.vl.ii. l,n!,vl,fc i foro. ,:i t:-n-:-ii.e ft -..-men t: o..a.-: T , , .-,....-,!. e ""'k 7 J " snnuers i-.r .rnicii a patent lias been dcoulnotaccomiyhtrdaugh-- Laura was alreiSt, she was "I know win re il is." mnnity to sun tin , xt-1, as to b k I n ! 1 i Ke m US X " T ' er. so tdie also was veiw glad to have poor, and yet to her who had ,dre,dv "You do T up us oruin d c aarac etv 1 c.e ; I 1 JountVdmnS T 8 oc h?dry Paume g wia, her. : so much, the great Wirt propertV! "Would you lik, to see L?" 7 'V M V ' U ' 'l V Xobj : ho lives! Wl h color- A the cam.:ge drove oCi with the had just been ,iven. She envied -lipping her hand into her pocket. ' vk - "."p."1 , U " of men. no characters so plain as their j desirable prom he nee as a eon rib ! n r T Ubm' Lvnisshe sank back upon the h r the handsome lover with whom "I certainly would." .rpnty has been V;id by luol,d comW. I ,or lo MH -! f "' ,Wt 7 ''0f tU1 .... ...... .. ...,.j,iii,lu iwuiv. i ..ii., uiui i. uiihi Jiu.il iii iu i v.-, i .i "ii n iv.. i i .-i o 1 4 i .1 .1 i . . ...... V , I ' ' -T-' t , . . i llliUllU J. O'e! ! I !et. ' r i. ...' . ... ..i i t -n . -. , .i is i ', ,...o ,-iiwt ??..n....i- T...a,... i :, ... -.ii- i i.i i - ... i. . i;:e aaers me i'o:nit:e:i!ii-!er nt mn-. 1 .r-. ...U.l ... 1 i :b.mi5,i., l,.Uc .l,.l :.. faf 1.,r dlv ov,.vf.d c 4., V1U l,i L!1J Juunl uullBr,lIl, "vvlt " i.wit.c ii uc uilUUIfttUOll. ..i ! u as i e wn, leaving tne room ' "r 77"" j V ' "T. it 7 " , V, Vr tlietic e.f volumes could be prepared writes in the eyes. 1:1 obeuienee to an impatient gesture!111? the door without disturbing her. -hecouhl nots-e its expression. Hs,. 4 1,VQlv,1ov . 1 f 1 v: ; lrm bis master. ' and stole out into the hall. .answer came alter some moments.! "i l".; j iw., i ti--' To dest-oy the i, .- , . . .. ; Tf 11 i , . , .. 1 1.,. ...... 1 1 i .1 .1 ; erv explosions 111 x.igiauii. uc . .. . .-' . iiit, f;aid the old man i 10111 tne -niamg Mieeoultl seethe j , :i ' V 1 cu::nolU .,t;.r(.i. N tiUJ Seah-un co'liei v -d- i of Uie soul is to adildc :i.;:!v. , servants uc-low Hurrying about with ; sue wonnt -arceij -nave laiowu ir. 1 . ,. - r . . , , , , ..,.-F.ci iii " 0 i.r ..r,v,i,i tor the .ivcint tei rioio dis - t- r came T.ov 1 Vi ' .0 cm-dl "1 want, fo Imov.' ...f li ,rm.4a av, e-s truck looks. 1 won d. : ... in. n-, . 4 c smut her." she said t o Ut,U . - i t .. At, .J Ti,.,nbling with joy she drew ou ! Tr' 8f;Verfl ,,lt?'t! 1Mir m::' Vi '" tffoioas when it co ' . . , ""-'-'': i"' ui ''tuniiiuic emiuM- . , , - - - ,. ; uie dovinna mfii suul no in in;; n!vT is s.eii an obstinate little child some I ty seized her. hi to watched her ; f.c folucd papti, and put it into ms. . . ; "3fy dear," he said, "I am dying or ! lo fe t,holt 7 ! I would not ask you such a question. ! "?n ? f - L wis is my only son's .only child. If l ' 7 ouderii lfc I die without a will the whole Yan-! U yet ? s.hetWjglt' . I v,,u V::;.1'; 11I,S P,cnea, but uho ; Lt somcllo,v ht!h) h. rto Lewis with me. But he will never love you ! test, addition to fashionable slam' in 1 done hv a most curious process-- -ength is und-.niabm if this string sand rocks, were, r i tet( t int. Tvi in hov iinscAattinn i Jjesier nan von won in iiavft iieftn t'nnna n v" ianvi n n . i hi i.i. nan is I tov ij:iss. xiw unuiinir is; . - ------r. --- t . .. . wo. d. v f.r flll i better than I do." Th wn ,-,ib:,blv .-oSitl ! er, t ,,f course- within the bank build-: prlnbo a 11 Kai'M'!o. 1 hv be so enduring that tl lailefool! thought Pauline. if Tl,ral,f I Laura was white and ' speechless for use at a mother-in-law' fivior.il. i itig ; thr is also an elaborate arrange- i ta'ks shcnhl be gathered for tliis . the cut h tiers is sen to me!' old Ethan Yanwirt! u with bewiiderment. i ! mcllt for providing that no note shall purpose .eiore irost i.ui on tie a cenlurys exposure. "i'd. Ji tin" hiinw.Tf .I..,.,, 1.:.. ,.11 win, ana Hiding 11 111 me loias oi nei , T ,iA. t-i..i x ,.! . . ,:i .1.. 1:1 m... rdant. The vanetv of tle t:ses of t i ' i a Lis '-tdi f-iiMM f rF X l T . ' dress, she hurriedly retraced her steps. . T " f j . Tins is a dangerous season and oc ..v ) - CA,a,c1 ' ! cotton ian issomethiiifr iarv.d n, , ' A man who, a in e.a lteineiit. 'It von Invr l,mvii. ... J . - x ! ptinrl Afru Wnrl- 4a l-it i 4 cil:i.i . tL ... ii . j i,i n ' ... :,. n,mconi.n v 4 i.erft nvpr wm u nan- l"Hl,,Ii p.a.i- is soiiieiiiittg niat tllOI;-. . . M-omiso 41.1.4 i,rtf " Site was too flurried now to be as 7. .7 ; oV...'."" k"" "'r., .n 'Ve iS ' ; 7kr .k" iVk, 7 Cloth from the. wool: nil fm !. tbpsd to be w , . . k, J , 10 i cautious as she w-aa when she cain "uu ,lfc uuce ouu iias uevnr careu protection agamst Coughs Cold and nemo 01 hj w hh . , - ,y . " rp.,,!;,,,, 1 1 inairy hiiii von will exact from him tious as hue waj wnen sne cam f , vwii-t i It... tv. n..m"i u u. : h f ,mprr. Tt. has been stated -seed: pamr srom the hulls; od cako r.c,l?,n". thesatm. i,b..i.: ,..:r. ,i.m . I ; out, but as it Happened, she regained . .T, i.uu , vB,i 1,.,, ; v -- 1 ht.vn(.u. ha.min.r IW tl. At last he threw it "I do love him !' she stammered. T will liridiiiio .1114- liiii.- .... 41..... - ...n iuhijj i.uui-1 man - .....iiu "";; wovds over after nie."' .u:iina eoevni mia mere en v. i t T l t 1 than iiv.g' i have been oxpeeteJ under : iiie euvr.ui-tanees. "(hid bless you !" he said, as lie lei her hand gv. "You have made m- ;lyi!i- moments almost h:vppy." As Laura uuitietl the room. sob!)im Pa'dino was about to join her. when she heard the j-ick man mutter. I am not : wo .1.1 i.i all, but a will sater. 'Jlien he ordered the atlemhud who e.:t j: st eoiiieiu to aad bring ilr. .Se'i'-e. -Can he be gor.r to make a will after all ? ' vai:iIerVa Pauline, "i ll wait a::d see." Slie resmumed her listening atti tude, well screened from view by the shrouding folds o: the heavv silk eur talus. To lier amazement kIio heard the iek man dieiating a will to Ids lawyer. u. wau -a lie h i. ev rvihing lie pos- to L:i-:ia Work, ab-uduteiv. -'ir. t.-iioe veidareii to remonsirai J kno.v what I am about." the i: j o.vi ma sa woulii near 'the will duly signed vihiessed and .ea!cd. he told ihe lawyer where to put ir m nis vie.-i; v. hk-ii stood wit hin xs it sate tierc Sir. 8eriba asked. .;. see no key. "Who woiild touch itf the sick man asked, in it ably. "It woidd bene fit no one but Ltrr.is. and the Yan witts are not thieves wi atever else thev ni.lv be. i;e.-a.Ie.s L.v.v do you know that I may not change mv in nd it the iat moment and destroy it vet . Iro now. me.-;sr iiti.l t.- 1 w.n.ii ' 1,a iw-i,.. ..1 1 i,M v.f jh. ic.ie. itiiii ieii some : OI. to trend u y grandson to me." I 1 amine womd have liked to stay : mid witness this interview nlso. but j she did not dare. Laura must be ! von''iiig greatly now where she Was. She f rind that Laura had come out ol tne sum: rooms:) '-irated fbaf U- Ji eket her lie 0 ..... . ... . the housekeeper had made down, ami was now s tiiii" Willi lie . The idght v. an by this time so far idranced, and Laura seemed so ill, was o-cnled that t ..e two giris tdioi.kl remai'. till morning. Pauline took the housekeeper's place b:s de her fiimd, and in a snoit time L ma fell asleep. As Pauline sat thee watching the girl she pre teuueu to iove. her bauu was f uli of : wituoiu i.ope of v.innii'g away fiom , Lama. ; d5:it. of rwr. 1, -n-ui ,.., I oji.t, ii i-jiuM1 ite win nave to 1 her now," she thought bitterly, Suddenly, as she sat there, the ie deer ! - tlr.' r-i 1 ii- .1.-. ... 1... 1.,. .1 ..i" -"v .''-j .i.T 1ivr.i-u J H1J teUUIlll Ol ' --oiue commotion in the house she i heard, steps and exciteel voices. i "Vhat can it. be ? she wondered, i 401r. Yanwirt must be worse.'' I ie t lisle ing some moments, ' sne lose softly. Laura was still ; chance, and, eliding down thn rimr ! slipped through the open door with- out being seen, and passed swiftly ! aiong the verandah, tid she came ailie tO ; i me Y. iuaow xviiere sue n already ince at I Peijt lnucu time- th Led told her what had happened, j - Ethan Yanwirt was dead. A sudden j awe and horror seized her. was j i nt tUongl- the door m the next :11C std 1KU aild sho could llcar voices. f 1 anrf dl l oin tera l Sfw jtt a glance, she . ji pun ml- uaiiu iu auu i raised the lid. There it was. A wicked tnougnt c m. if olwv . 1 ? xt VA hat if she took it I No wicked thought crossed her. one would ever Know, llie lawyer would trunk . . . . . , ... . T, rri. 1 it ai. i . 1 1 . : iiiiifiir. 1 iif- 1 iwvpr wiiiiiii 1 hit k 4. uur. V auwirt Had destroyed it, as lie iiiM l.n i.n'rrtd on1 T onvo y,,i1d ,i4- ! "viv - 1 jinuii) ituu jjuuiu luuiu llio ; :get tho Yanwirt fortune without it. j ..I , 1 A 0 liSLiira Kt.i s. etif 1 Ethan Yan ti t had been dead about . mcnth. His vin(bon had entered T V- , , . noc carc lor 1110 oiamau il destioycuit.andmod ronn-o.l her pproaehiiM departure, : moniioiK-tl in a roc-nt l.vtnvo bv (Inf I a;.,- Smuu I of Tivit imvrshinrc jK,U,, ?r- "Idl-tV.Thwr ' " - l- " V " . j v ,1 notice Horlon of Kansas b;foio llio p-rfs n o.!ion stalk 12 f(-.t l.ii with : ' A n.io that can bo felt Th i a ,11 ia. taat : 1 LnoA he docs, named m it. i l.ewis V .invirt. loolip-l ? o-n-wb-t . . i- T , ;,..K t i ; i i . Ail I ask of you i to promise not to' Pauline Kubb -a, still nsitiu- embarras.d when L,r:l Uld lin.f -n Infinite : - , br..o,nsta parry hi:n till he has oloiunly sworn Laura Vork. although to tell the the jirnw she had ,;iade lasraKd-' r;,r vars ao a' ha;f . i !,.;, : f ,v ' j Th nt.tn who threw up his em- le 'Mil never toneli n. iavi I -.nn 1 tvi-sf h iwr.i .mmu lo,l v..vh .-.ii.-. .th.-i- t ... ni.i,t i,,. i ( i arfi.-mf . , v.--.- ; . i ... t ; :i'.v,n..iil mnsr )invi lii'nii Mitk m lfe. vle mo vonr li:mtl ehilo. mill ov Hi.- wim! i.il.l 1,fn -vi T..m-.i i-.,vt on,l 1 4 I tl.-.n r tln-l- T .1 ... ..... u. .n i.. ! , ; 1 io one w.is in tne room at tne ruo- '. .el.: nntnln WlfllOllf UltO possession Ol iua rowt .. ' any hindrance. There were lumois, -I, - .. l 1...J. ...i l i i i uujiii u u i; uiiiwucu ii couui not Uv' iwumi ..ii. oiin)f (.uiKiiuii'ii ui;n me a wirt beaivelv exeeiu in tue most formrd n.iair.ier. i hough he earae to the house as form erly. Apjiareutly it was to s.- P:iid ine.now; a;-d tiioiiirij the irentle :irl strove to feel ;he yaino. tow:.rU her tube friend, she could not quite do so. Mrs. Work, beholding the defeeKou of your.;? Yariw'.rt from her ; islied i:)osi heaitilv that thev h none of thcin ever eon 33i. , There vas a lam I t .eei: i ,ot Lama's named Kobert Lester, who about this time took advantage of ; he ; si nation to reu w his devotion to Inu LUra had never liked him, ai:d h:m less than ever now, bat in s; it- of her eohln-s-. he was abv:;vs beside h r now, an 1 more than one he fancied tint Pauline had deliber ately contrived to fasten hi.a noon in r for ihe cviiiinir. "I must ttii: matters to a cr'sh ; :oon, t!'-n-!it x'uli: e i.iim night, a- she wrtalhed hf-r bril iant iace with -n dies, and pretc Utled not to peret ive Mix Work's uimuicvdd UKtmi.r io iie". i'revendv, wlun Lewis Yanwirt e.dlt d. s!ie wa wa'ehin him. v.n i e".v hi'ii ::t o:-c bit i !w u r. i. i. ' I . want to ti :i you sa.me!hhn," she s o .:, in her ty-U voice; '"and, besides. Lanra and her iover :ue so h:o;v h. Un :e by ihetnstlves it would be e. pity to di tn:b them." L:.-wis Y.ojwirt's handsomu turned quite white. 'Mas she eoiisiu'cd to marry it last V ' h:t at '.veil, bitterly. . T . 11 t.vce Liiu v::, oi c'lurse ; l lobl von stl;' would il -r t- Miet a vciv nun ! i j young mm, and dear Linn so i rv str-.-r tr !:. t.'. ... T ! .... ... i '" . i;i i;er n.e . ; ilevt in tiie hc thinks he has not a vice world, and Ilcnow if sht- th. u da h 1 ' vcr tottehtd :i card, :-d have, him now." SIjO Witlll. Lewis wine d 'Mr.Ynnwri!, Pauline said.s'v loon uijijwto v!io:n wmr g 'tmi. ii . t : rh:t his innney in i'nat wih ihatlu,. never hi en mum! ' I ih t.t.it know "J e ;n t n Vol "You . ' ile .-i:u d at her. 'I' give cvervihiug io Lmra n : II. "L'rptissih'e ! II w do you kn-iw." ''Never niiitd. I do kiiov ,' p.:Uii;;f laid, bring her bt-au'.iful bl-.ck ev.s io lus ;n tho mo nii-ht. that wid is in exiierce. jiL i:eove: He stated at in th -wtrt no ise V Lewis ground his teeth with invol- nutaty ra:.e. That decided die f,d.-:u. bold girl beside Jam. i'is Vanwji-!, site saai, "if that ii'ill i-uild !-. mi i.i -ir,..!.. '"iu ...F.n. i 'r-v:.-i in -ii to 0 wljat you like with it would yon marry a woman who loves you better nn Laura Work ever could ?" She felt hi n start as she leaned npon his arm, and her hand tigh'en- e - l ou what was in her pocket. His na,u,R' II' held it up in the 111 nient, and then, thrusting it 4ii.i, uiiui-u Memeuiy km 1dm. An awful misgivin "What aro you going t 1 ion suau see. neanswe tlT -1. 11 ly, and she rea I the stern 1 auon in 111s eyes. 05i-K..i. r T Of T 11 -I i iint u 1001 x whs i sue uiuufcieo, but made 0110 effort more. "Laura and Lester won't thank you for interrupting them interrupting them." j swer, as he t-trode on aud en-1 j drawing room through one No answer tered the of tho French windows. Laura sati there with her mother. She had been crying. No one else was in the room. He laid the will npon her lap. I find," he said hnmedly and in a shaking voice, "that my grand fat h- ten rne money to you. Ti n en ., . , ' ex. run m. i rin m. iciu 41143 ujul cv ii f v:m. 1 1 hih s me win tunc na3 been missing so Intl.fr. ThnilA T.fllli'n flinf. t rt.i 44 Ul o" " w J x j "'""uj niit, .1 ui " in b a great deal happier with Mr. .ni, , ,iri; v" j "fi wildly extending true ?" Tn nnnfliAr mrmmnl U.' 1 11. ei;i ii.'v.c: in in : iimituu uiifjui iu huuwi'. ' should bo Kent in readine ss. 1 rice uiu ts w m iwun.,i ..i,,ui --- --o;-.ri -' " t.;no,iln40,1T.oiA-; ! or ,...4 1 vmm. ia .-ibfrn till 000.000 in number : tibre; aad great quantities or valua-. i.:J .?!-" ccma- ! ...ui.a ,....d 4 1, 1 Ida mannm for tha iumi-ovemPi.k lf don t :pe IU name of a ilia arms, 13 iii .-iiti i-m,ii, jj...i.ii'4 u j'. i"o L... T L- "tt ... n nn,i fi.,,.., no tn;i -,. i.,vn n,m. ' ...-i 1 1 ,.iilit iiiilua In'nli r.r if ii?ri. fan of. "tliese Rre to bo the re.-tilts of . 1 K,ls,'v -Hive yon uu m Buuuiuei . P.diline went quid Iv to h r i . . .1 i . . 1 O nil asm sptii. mo mgnt lit p.lCUlltg i licu iue i;L'i.l inoriiinof Mil' TO . :v i'.n. Vi.h-!i ho did. WOlu. A riomTlt i jTanco. 11 i ix v ?:i"!'ia v. omnium v is iii ":n"ii. Ir am'ai ied v.-itldf. men! of hs oo. n iUelf thi tie- i destrneiiop. Ir featurcM av.d' had iO.-.lO ( od Mi'i-e ve-y ia 1 ones. the g'o i oru-s w m o temper.inee, itnbt5- iri, lin o.n-ial to -tit si le, atid t:u ner- : d elea'dinesH wili Jed to g,od tea" are was the it :mon relit ion h-:;tween the 'i'nc-', v-hh-h set at d; ii n ee law-K d-tv.it s..-ie' v ia r. j'.d to !uarits:o:iy. The-ie people held tltat tne i:t. r d mngd :n o he-ven ha 1 n ::?;ieve 1 in an I th it iheiv o mht .h ip. 1 tf-mpor.vrily he eoiep ir.iiMi f t 1 1...... "i a. us a. iiv.n'. ;ng io :ie. t'ut t- h V'- - l or t!i. r -.Tj.t us- d to i tl at '.n loved ai. w- unen e.pi liy, ami ea -:t v,-om u Soy -il ('mi!y d th- ?m :i. thii d h is sup;-'-:-l there would bo i::livid i;d ttid d'.i' S and py f- r-'iicvs, but. f th.-n'r 1 t. ;;.t sv rii.- i 1 .-ce wher v.o:utiinui:y pf o 'n v. a i h. c.ts(i. tli v livj i. a i. iv s::;t-ii ,i, l:.l i o' a.-orued d w.-liing t!-i o! i-.d iy o, it -t r tii.i 'hey lircuhdea god d- d f un n-j. ia ihe to.vn ; id eirph1.' mmiv jum j h as f-o-t ry hand". la; the eler '.; v t t no see: ton oi toe r.taot :t." ie thr.e 1 een ;g:udy stir e'tl M l. T-le i stlfO ."X . rted 1 . - I ! " ro u-' i.'g t '.i r. r eed 1 i ' :xl h ;. nn ! ( ;;' et me t hkf t ou'.Mde was so n.e-ohs r.g'O th-a; ie r s sCu t-i ni.tih x m: rri -igtr" all on a s t -.inip'e m.atrt- decent ): ph'. T:-:S de -iroud t!ie gte-t speeiait.v til ue-'.r i f. S nn f these :-!! and women foun 1 their m if ; i hd: v. Vmif leS arid C MC.tU'ited S tn - ar tli and ugy. and m b dv kt ! in w i n v e s. rone, si and :.:' i " 1 1 -. 1 ad and the. weak and i ; ring up the rear. T'-te g adu-iiiy drop out ami ;t eei . i; u i i ial!r will: k.W of thei leaders will gobble uo i d features oH 10 ot A Pathetic History. bot , n fill!),viu , !:i (H,, tf) Li ... . wif: Dear ALar-'ar. t ; re wer- forty of us alte 'ether at 7 a. tn. Koni'-; were tiagiug bvmns, but m- thoughts i wero ou 1!1V btilo ?dich d. I thought ! that him and I would met t h heuv-u : :,t tho s une lino. O .! dear wife. ' dich ui I th.m dit ! find vi vnn nd tb,-, ehd ben. and ! pray for mystlf. I):l'v;i-e, f reweb ! i Thi.v;v,rdaai-iiii:n.thm.f ' 110 ,-u aUil tli sentenced ! J' tuv.r M.mat O i; .!! .... , . i eaeii 01 them to my a !i,:o .1,,,; : vt e m d batst, o! ,. I'l!-. I'ii 111 ivi.,i:in,.im-l!iirl!l 111 iill.KMl . i vnn,. 1 v-ilit iil.v thd to caie wo nan. S thev m.ir.ie.i ; "V. ml1 i( :'e. j prove ! ,,e same rrom 'ah the men in their eomnmmtv in a' A1 as a latahst. and . -r -ivnnn .loam huno to . the .-v..tu..n th. rein ami , V pF PT ' i - .......... j i... i ... , i. ...... v -"'-'ii-... .i.i iiKe-e on--." i-'4 t.-iui TIT v.-f-.VM f-...;.i-i We.v Vo-It It -J t.i i :. iii' lawyer for the nkinti'. on Mmidav near Lewis' Store. lhu Altr ,no f r R"1(1 .. ..,.,1. v J!a one. Tli oiin t.sin.r .-.e.. i.il ho se became frhdttenod and run ,.fV 'hved on lov; but . l-:.,!-:' ' ?'. J!' rely. said tha:. he was astonished! M-. Wiistead w.-s thrown out and i ,n:uriW ' r V Vi." ... i.. in" finnan Kmgiish lawbook, written her head and broke her neck. ! greatest overS.ght "l :-':;t , " Vv bv:m r.n.rij.h .,hW.,, i Turbo ro S.mrbernrr. I ascrtaililng what U.-.W tbev -o tia ,!.. P It 1 its 1MV- i"1 l1 ii... ' ...... t t ... 1' t- 4 . 1 li... it e i Si-iti;.-i: ton. i tun 'i i : . a i t' e C en. -nMbv v-mom -wh it Worse i nil i . , stepped a tore Itiot Otl the end e f 0 wor.m h a pei nwuhi lUSitil, 8na WUip- I IhatoV?!,; ! r'UaiC" 110W Hng the other to fly up, and the p. eaeber i.fte,' the nine, n,ed regret the chaise which is now j 'U CapilCCri' ! trik, him m the bowels and p lie-1 A cnw(e wl,Q had M ft biking place. Few people know how to be old. j ,?lt,,n u ch sl asiderable depth noronoU3 wbill0 in hia prajera, on i i tilat much forcn was nee Hstirv tn ti-l. . . . -. S ( 11 J 1 I . . 1-.. ...... .v.. .,.4 . .. . . , a.-runs in t rmlhrM .! J-N;vlivl"' U ' a" ,J ''1K-loi man is, most assuredly, the saddest .there is hard-y enough waterio keep lidngl Doctor; "I'm afraid so 1 1-1 1.4111 ill '1 I in idn T7 " zo compensau. , .vnm engiue.s rnnuiug. xu execs- at, least ior a low years. rat lent. k -rfjer praying for help.-u .is riJ. do sou ! sive drouglit also causes much sick- 1 ''Pcrhnp. you'd recommend me to ' u"iln anoth.-r n.art iftits wiltW-u with . .. ... ' n,,.... w....4....p.. i. : ii iv...i... . a .1 1 . the house.! 7 ,,. " uur.iuK.nu iu 'iboll Wr.at U eternity ?" wa3 a question ! v Vi,c JH""m;i ! 'r"Nv ' , Jet 'VH c,,uuruV)U uacn- ep up with i Cd T W , with ce asked at the de.af and dumb in- -Jt - Oh 110. Come my dear fel- g se:zld her. I ai . t ' . V,.wV i ' -: stitntion at Paris, and this beautiful I Vixsv. , low, it is not quite o bad as all tfeal odoV" .,:.i no' iT.if ,,vf "vt.i.!and striking answer was given by! Tim case of 11. L. D. Henry against''011 "ow. red stern- ,V,.' at:L,.i ' rft, i,fl.i me of the pupih "Tho lifetime of! C Hddwtn, win -Ii took up '.1 and: m ,;,ni1lll,e . 1;, . . , a . determiu- 1 -. '-.i ti 1.:.. ......... tho Almmhtv. a half cays of our S.i pernor Conrt, 111 41 ! sci aienoa wnn a ittt-n iii-wij ui.i i;uui , j W J ..... . 1 .. I?.. I arvlaatthn"nTht.Rar ah.-ttt von and 4i. ..i.:i.i t? -. ..,.1 'k t. 1.1., v.llll.111,.1. ...w . rx!. I... ! jliublican camraigu fraud hi Indiana a terrible Dositiou wo aro in'"' "Lt-! tle number cf dips into the pub !U)!lt; the i sjz used for tiewg up tions made and reported to the royal lie Michael" was the child he 1. ad hf-! nmde bv ceh workman, is registered Pft- ' TiJi ZTo. u ' TZ f E;liuburgb lfc . WaS nd dbnmAilt Trrliedon the ,1-iv of n a did br machinery, and tho u . ,m V.lf of the e,t,o:, tbitt tlie ca'careous rocks-marblea L t xni y Ulmets nro carefully counted, and ; bark. The stalk was nnmersed i and limton.s-yield quickly, as a 1 i iia.did r each uerson through vhos? 1,1 wa,er ana "1H wooay portion thus rule to t.tinosphcric influences.. Slabs . . . !, - .1 rm. . i: rotted otit. bnvir.rr lh flbr. x !t.,i.i,..i t-iirnnmi;,, ..:,i ,xf 1... 4 0. ...i . ,..l .vft.i1,l fnrm tSK!,.,r tins most vnbl;ible nUiit ever lmvmIi . c.o;in ii.ieee(uu s . 1 jyuii uaiurinu 10 nivi. 1 xnt.v 4. una. 1 4 inv u.i.v.f .. 1 . . 1 - - , . rj XJ.iUli iViVO BOW" j UlHUUIl jpj.ijl,4jl, ill jl.lv'. .,1 lli' iv-- ni f-iji 4' 4JiJ-., vam .i ...wu ;es. The IOilOWliUJ OU1 KUIS f:U-ts sa..s ae j.5:y ..- aim a-. i KVit l:.re .i- 1.. .Ll. . ,1 a: iicr,t , aoo-;.iea U twelvedh ,ae were i Aviv. Jv.vi ges. twelve patriae ;e;, twdvf 1 .! t ;; tsrad. twelve stones in n s orea-d piale. twelve gates of 7 J welve mo ihs in lie ve tA Mgm: -'i ti:e odia - In a:! s l he nn:s tv.. v, .... nnm'v:r twelve garded as an imporJaut " ruber, in th.e early nyes oain of twelve per- soits was neee.ir'avv hen juries vie :o:ivi't. e(-biisl:Md. toe j;ntge to.A t him i a eart j'-i-irs about wiih ;iee. iiie ii. .-I : ;l; hcv v . r. .... - i i: i .. -j . . and imprisoned. WHliajn Pe oi ! ,:t'm, t a11 -:u:o:i ier rtreet : 1 , XiV J'V- -p! wnnonc me;' had : a iraui); oi c s;h to -viss nn.-.n and ne gave decision turn about for' Piatmut and defendant, deehirin forward that th,:v were tho bo til 1 ' cidons he ever made, as twerv one oi : tn-m wa t sushihied by the upret oan. ? re t. j,el i llu ignrs ioid an aneeilote of lUvid ib wa; a Senator trom Aiissoini and v i- e -Piv.-..:d:d of the United Staler, lie wa.t ti dish h-t ind in Idi.-..-?.,.t, : OOidl'e. M WtS ;v Snu-jf Ut: am h tiding- coui't in H'an eo tii oi justice a book wrillen by a man who had kissed the bloody? uaud ol George III. At thcc-Iosa 'of ins speech .Judge Alehison declared that he was surpiised ut sueh o proeeedmg in his court. He rave d of George III. judgment for die defendant, and de- j eb-ivd that if the attorney for the' plaud iu ever agaiti read in lfs hwu ing a book written by a red coated Tory he wo: ill line him for contempt. Lav,' .Journal. Words of Wisdom. Tf i 1 i n. rtd- f,. 1 to fie contented with v.-hat vc have, never with what we -ad .tT:i d-'itrovs tho beauty of vOlUClL Even-s are not in our power. but it is always to ma!:e a good use of even even the worst The. languag.' of the heart has no It leaot immortality jpth to death. ! pox, is most mes late. 1 lie world, tho rum! Ihilaud Not??. Tlie London City Prefs, remarl. ing ! mm the a-nnt of hdvir and ien- mm ili n-u'"iit of Jt.hor and inc. 'u'ty f xp-ud-d upon the prffhition oi tho Builc f E eghtud notes, states, that tin y t.r ill made, as f r getter- ! attons past, irota pure wane nn-n cuttings -ul never from rag ; , rf"( 4.V..' bfiv.i to n warn ud. so c - fn v is t ne n itier nrenareri. tiiat evpti 110 0 miles lung. Juries uud Jml: , urmic or nre to imd e ... i wnu .. t ie- o .iv.- t . .o l i.,., ;n.i.v,v. ins ' '' ' i hi.'lt bi I .nrno 1 lv.-.Olwii. u-n .O 1 i . hh wi F;. :f ton ..i' i 1 in mf f. 11 ! ill, lie tdlW that ... ;ue- : s- , - - Deing remonstrated witn by Ins dio- k tin iilil: ti o'na!. Y s'er-hiv mornim?. oar vrtm.r f wiisni::n. u.-e:ir Mattli Ul, ami Ins ." ' 1. ! l! 1 1. 1 .1 x il ie ueieiioiioiiii io lino in at inein n !. an mtan. o! two months, had, .. it .. ii . . ., !M..i:!ereu n n , t n 1 1 nn ng tno n: Newb -vi; ;;1 Si ed. dit. d . Yi'iHSt'ri'iii ilorsi. Dr. "! n! o v.- h ;s an neennirtlishod ner.e. J ie is u ilj ti.r to bet situ c in inih-c'i ; ; y jt:1'0 f unlock any duor or re! is;, j.. f.. uo :natter how -u : p' :U d the hnk maybe, q-iiik.r i'n.ii. t.'n not. xpert person in town. Si'Q .v 3Ld A 'uoeate. ,.v,(, i . i , - - Wi M nut. Henderson Kinsey ..lis of an a g. a o. s en:.oii -( i a:i;nt s Deast, oi 11 ,ll,.l l. n;iai:'!i in u i:e met, wr.t; i.isi we'-K ill i o vner, R tbert Wade, ive sai 1 his mule- summers and tho family re al. Ci dlos Maxwell in an aflVav with W. Wul'a btr.li of this county, s ,,e ... n tits ar.1 .at hi ton on -ne i ti.e u gers d ins n tiid. un yes Urday M!:g:'oits took it off, ami to- d-jiy th y th ei led Jo amputate the en - i;t. liaml. g:i:t;:rcns hivittg set in O V! ,1. t'OUSl V to necessitate the o iviatioii. (J datlotte Pros". Fatal Accident. A a M. Wintead and hia wife IIorse-Thk'f Arrested. j A horse-thief was aivestcd in the , Hotii liettt pirl of this county hist : Sunday liy Mcsm.. Gardner, White I stud Ahridge -and was safelv denosi - ted in j ui hero last Sunday evening, Wtieu caught, the ihitf was on the ho'.-Sr Ilo titi.l sfnluii '.mil n!.-ifiu!..l i his guilt. Hr save his name isV ! " 8?5,1 that.S' Lou" thrt 0. 1I (h-ili and that he is an ose.rped i M,lll? fc 1. r. 1,1 ,ho. country. 4 convict from the C. F. & Y. V. Ib-il- " l,'inlliJ roi of thuinler liav road. Ashb ro' Courier. ' j i'-g stopped him in an addrrsu to th-j jjnry, on resuming he bowed and Orange (lonvicts. jconitcously s.dd, "(hmtlemen please Sheriff Hughes took down to R,l.cxctt, thl luw"rnPtao eigli on Sit unlay seven men, all col-j A nnrd nrbWiinn t itteneod at tho lato td-m of Peculiar Accitlest. Mr.J. J. Y-iiiii was driviuc his f.. vorito orse, Jim, into the country a ! tew days ago, and when at a point suae 12 miles from town, his lmivo , doatll in leu minutes Monroe En- (purer. 'vi..x nn,.,.t.f j ,.,.-? f , ; , V'1'0 i t,U . i r'J au lu" lil 1 hlunuIf'rs c 1 1 1:0 'o'n er inn. i he ibougiit ontn ties titroughout this section. Not onlv M.ave the wa'er-p wers on tho cast slli -t Lap. Icar liivtr failed but ...1. ..- . J..,.i.. l it... i.. viiuoii iiii.i luvuivi'u iiib nun iu mx: 1 t.X'....F.'A l....,, 'All 1,14 ' acre, was det ideel on Friday night in i . . favor of Henry. The cost in thi.i " 'tmt.unted to32.j.00, jo say no- - f B,l-y 1,u UJe 01 syera: - tmiaooio uosr trei. Now L'.sos of Cwttou Plant. Mr. John Ki'kpa r'ek, rf thht coniry, railed at our oilice a few days ; 44. Hi O OlM.,.F 1.1. r.,4 F.f " " "-""r r " Its by nature to man -Fayettevi! e E.v Ftliscellaneous. K on the laziest boy can caleh Wiiat is a rivulet ? A small a ream. What is an inlet? A small t: vein. The. f itherof twits U a botanica , -i ..i i . it- 1 kJ i Over two million baskets of peach j os were shippe d over the Dolewaia j Ihu'rotul dating the past season. ) Vuti:erinii. woi ii;yu wU jntainius? 105 solid feet in hhi nevr j ho-vs i o t Fifth Av-tm. It takos tho i loekn Lo pay ftr such stoneP. ! Under tho laws of Illinois what ft ; r. rsoa sees through a keyhole can- "ot be accepted af vulcuee m court. sewiter hock tv in the country ,vm.t i ... .lt slM,i. Ustimouv. lioa- J w ; . posj- f A boy who won't take as big a bile 1 ;ia " 0 ,n 1, om ''-ner oojs app-u is disgtustng Ins roal leelmgs, ant should be narrowly watched, lc3t he tnight m ike a sudden grab and run il with the whole. A South 11:11 debating club is wrestling with, ''Can a community exis'. w.thout women V We think it ; for a 1)u(. i(. wotthi i'l. l;tt v what was going on. !!'! ii. err, ill ir.iul.-l.vr. j " - G-etna (( cn is no longer the ! place for unaway Knylish couples to fl e in. Wales is Kunersedimr Scot- lottlinthis ntatttr. The rouiantio p it is ti-w l-ji.-mdudro, on the cotuat between llo'.yh ad and Liverpool. the little creature one month after the grocery bill came ho had made the of bin life by not that particular love was tor. Tiu.ro are now one hundred titled Kuropeans traveling in this country, ''loo lit embraces counts, dukefi, ! barons am t baronets. Nver before i have there be u so luauv foreifrtt j pleasure tourists at ono time iu the j United Spates. ! (r11,,,, oa'ia nn.fl. Lia.- tryin' to hide ver sins nnde' tino c!o1h fo d Lawd can se shkk f- broad cloth," said t,je fcV T-imes D jlvan, at a Kansas. camp meeting, uun juroy, a well b-F-ss'1'! g'lmbler, construed tho cesun, pleaded that such .a tone was proper to nets of supplication, be- jeauso beggars always assumed a whine w hen tiny asked for aline, Pihj bn.hnp replied: "Yes, but when ! tin y do I always know that they aro imoosmrs. and nive nothing."' , 1 0 ; Patient: '"Then according to von. doctor, in order to live at all, I mut give up rJl t'm that makes lifa worth , i 11 , it: .1 1 ( lUOUSIUl 1 one h u se coaches of light a'd novel construction, owned by one company, each carrying eight I persons and running to all parts of ciu af a c)lMf,H of fcjx tictets fnr i a quarter of a dollar, a little more ! than four cents f jr one ride. The preservation of tombstone?! and monuments is a qnettion of I ..1 . i .v. nn..ll yn 1?" 1 mhium nupimuic nyw uuwunr of free stone and other unlaminated however, found to e sharpness of hardly blunted after It hough married, is ild and reckless, wa9 the piper the other morning. aside, saving: There's nothing in the -paper. I single person read the police quietly queried , thu L-ct d4o portion of the fan.il u ,ii ii i ,i . i . u.-iD l t ' aminer. 1