C i aiham TlU'll-AV, FKIUIUAIIY 17,1881- 1 I i!0 IiT. OV.Vt Oill s o lic;'.p. t'U lie mis of White J'i i-'i' o i'i'or, h;" iM x 3G, thirty j)iii is to icu.u. l'ul'lisliors can gt-t ..;'" Mwsra. rkillij s & Str:ughan l::iv opt :r.vl, it: i-oni-i- ct'on with their sViv. a lioj) for tho m:mi fact lire ami r, ii-jr -il Harness, S-i-lvtles, 1 irklle., A lull- il workman is employed, tuiti a;! won; tl no in the be-t style, ;it lowest price.. If you want a i ty s;t of ilarne.-;. Sa-.Ttlle, or Bririlo, it- a i: !i !.! oner; repaiii cl, call at ihil'.ii s Sti'itighan's iloro. l-T Iris'i !ta'.o- s. a few barrels of !'. :Av ltse It:itocv. just reeciveil i! L.vulon's. you hal better supply w:i!'-': Ives at ov.co as thev aiv very M-;!ire this s-n-on. One ba-rel of ;) i i i:niners vu j.im rreeiveti. AvoIIkt lot -f th'vo p'enihu lowing Maehines uo- ived tins week af Lot '""fVp hoed and U ass bced dons. Cl v. i now on li i';d. H7" UrDecik r vou can find London' t ho larg. t and be.st assort motit of (londs in the county. He is ottering xtra inC'ieonients in Winter T:,.o at' ii' ion of firmer.'? i- cal'i'd i: the to'lv of Fanning uten sis ho bviud a! Shaw A: LJarii' S,oVek Spade.. Forks, Hoe-, Mat toeks. T;:ue Chains. P,vou,t Chains, r.,,.1, r,,.1 W..U .,,,.1 lTnnV lv;.. 1 v : ; ,::: :e' j's ; : - '.-'i ids r:;u be bought nuv liii , . T-4vMl4H. M114 Dill il,) jtt I v.!..-:o. i:o:i't i'ovjr.-t t'-tat th?y :.re Kcllii-ir their Whik-r (ioody ai reduced pmv! or ca Ti'Iiilo in JJalt ih, a few days apo we w,'i,' .;i;:nti to near so man . i.T , ,,f ,,.ii,,.l)(! lv-1 : , j,0,.s ,ir. L rvyix thi I .. "', , ' i r'..u:.i . anu to jhiov tir.u iji-v were we w,'i',' .'ii:intl t- he s is:'. l;i'.-i:il ti b.. , i. V til lr lC-ii w .' il'il h:l: iil.'t eaiiso ! ia 01 .uerriir, jiaiimng ami , Store Robbed. over a year ao 01:1 Land For n'.rpy, many years indeed we niav s ir f-.-.r a pM'iod whence " (he memory of man rnnneth not to the contrary " an old negro woman, know;: 'k';.' as "Aunt .Maria." La been a rc--id nt of t ur to'.vn, living in an old c ihin op;w--.ite thn 3Ieth dist euurch. .kShe was an old woman years previous to the war. anl ail the old ft-i.l.- .s of the Pi tboro A adeniv will M-::nb.'r her cake.-, for f,Lo had id b.er iriuger- I t okl t ;e ;.ione ! i.Tii.e-ov -n iii whieii he eokt d -liese j cak:.s ii:-i v.ero so appc-iizi;:r to the loy i a;-quirca kucIi a ca-untv. ; : i V? :1 V;aian hi,&; a,Kl . tin. old .andinarl; removed : but w, bids ; to OMll.Vv'uiuanv of t). i . ody fone from our town Hid v.-:!..t ;oma ot ner u.taVs near here. numerous ; d ( A Cwuin'iM'. There I ne- ro in thin county. ! Ions ,:!..) o boi-ve in hi.; Knwr I natural powers, nnd are kept in srrcttt I awe of hii;. fearing to nt-fnd him lest he will - put a spell' oa them, S :M';i!i;n; ago a negro boy. fivin thV pi:i:.-e, v.-a-i arrested in Raleigh for l ircfMy, wideh greatly disire-f;od lis f :'ir r : so he e 'nsuUed this eon j'phuf dor-tor, v.-l.o promised to get him with only one year's im prisonment. The boy's father paid tli- c'?ij':ror's expenses to Raleigh and. i good sr.m as his fee, and Hiiro enough the boy w is sentenced to only one year's impriswmaent ! Of course the ricgroes a'l believed that this was effected by "eonjuring" and was a successful test of the "doctor's" incan tat ions. Neihborhoyd Stock Law. Vv'e 'earn that the citizens of this eo-ij.ty .and Al tmance, who live along Cane Creek, yri'l hold a meeting u ;t Saturday at Uuibow's ?.I ill, for the nr)o.-:e of considering the estab ish nv ht in lj; ir mid.,t of the neighbor hood i-o-feiKJC law. A farmer of that vinnily informs us (as an argument J"'" law) that one of his neigh bor.s l.)iS a two hor.-e farm, on which are C ;);. panels of fencing, that it now i,( ds at least three new rails to tne pael to repair it which is 18, 1)00 railsarid this at 810 a thous niid wo ild now cost 180, and that in SfjV,,n ytf.rs ii would require as much nnre i;1.-.,in npair it. V.'c understaiiil that the no-fenco w.v fp:s..f d by the last Legislature) hol e. -i somewhat amended bv the rw-t Legwlatnro. The aiaentled law allows the niajority of the quali ned voters rt siding in anv neighbor K.ol to decide at the polls whether lhl -y w ill hi vo the no-fence. Hereto if'ie r.jily tllf l:UJ,i owners who de wj'fn it could be embraced in the ter j'i'or.v incloMod, and no smaller ncigh- ''j';'."! l!ian -1 wlle township could t.ildii the law by a majority of the te: s residmg therein. 3 Record . T! i. ii i.. . n a,, i i ..ii . , ; ... n. . j , i , ., . i ' . above the ordinary i C " n . A;:- gentleman fro!n Philadelphia was ! , carrying his mule ;TV : n- f Ti ;tilure.afew davs ago, and wna wv with it. Mr. Moore, with fuiil I::"'s in .re; :i h for less tl.-.n i . . - .. .... ... . i , v I mi i eli pleased Willi some of it that i lul 5,1 utu UI mind deserving not ; ": t r- J . ' ! he bought ten p-muds to send home, j einnbod down on ose of the arc! ''" n',-:. " V;;. :.... .; t The secret oS the great yield of milk i ami cut his mule loose, when tlit wee.v. .11 ...a, oi ..uiaci, of Ml, CciteuV cows is that he f-eda 87 & i" about 15 feet c f wat f,. t. . ..l.i -i Jl. Oil, .i it . I .t,:i1 T'..-. T .1 T L I vii ijit jn-.ii t.i uif o;u uisi. me j .fiMiii:.i.;i,uint;i.tiui:eiux!;ou Wli c ihk. tn IipivkJo. t'.u uvc, ii u:e rnie, ana am sei stove ut Mr. Kichmcnd Jones, of this ! tue T.ite c-ir.didato of the Republican - The vonri" mm' f itlir.r"tbr.ii ..!.! mit,.v reduced prices. All w ,'";'"1" i.ii wuivtu i j;tj Ku t iuu t-u iwi v. juiui w .uuu v,'.iujiiu;, u.,j j,lu tearful cvos and falter- llui:iiI,t;"il li t;vo E.iusnicuon. f in mc.ney uvd a pint of whis- has come out unreservedly in favor il)tl voieo berd and "implored hi" WrIto fur l'ricb ns and drawings key. That 'd.iei lovtd money hotter of a prohibitory liquor law. ! S0'J to comG .;;ul ' hm4; yhort, bt fore buying elsewhere, than he tad wh-skey. l!r. Jones has Xev.1crni;m . Qu W.dnr,(av lf,st j upon theyoang man, in a violent rag,, 1Q . K. WILSON noon iiiiiortunate. ior h:s store was .r ,fc.v , (-in1'" J a?J e(J a.v. Vst: : w.,i 1 rro.n v;J ..i,rp.,.i ,.v,.v' mar IS tf Durham, N. C. bm'-. i. ii'in -liid ml iinf ri entoi), in Jones countv, was visit d : iA 1 st Iu,'u V1' ll,,1C1 a'1 fWoie 11 11,1 I0bba onte bcful" u.;tn a 1. . ' vengeance upon the o d man's hea.l if I t w v m rum.d David Johnson, who pretend, j vcnu: Ja.t. It was left with email j rcr, vvero traveling from C irthage to iK,! alKSiar t' 1)m ;i eo inritv ' do' Kr s'nd tl e I 'hilur(-n in tne house, its clothes j the mill-stone qmirriea, seven miles i RU'itruit-i-owers is respeotfuiiy invited to its ad-n--T .osaro Jun i iousWd Vredi caught iire and they were too small j from that phuv, an accident befell ! fcV&i 8ato by "iSiKif'c. Pleasant Weather. The pleasant, spring lite weather that we have been enjoying for the hist few days is in striking contrast with that from which we have suffer ed for the past threo months. G;ir ilencrs are beginning to prepare the ground aial selecting scud as if the winter had really relaxed its icy grap. " e are pleased to hear favorable reports about the wneat, winch is ac- i li.. ..a i ...i. i : : i. t i u.u i , n, i su mnunig v e pirom weather them. ia November interrupted Dairy Products. The Rkcop.t has heretof ro called the at tention of our farmers to the profits of the dairy and ur-'e I the cultivation of graces, for which the soil of this county is so well adapted. We are pleaded now to note the success that has attended the efforts of one of our countynion in the dairy business, and publish it for the encouragement of others. Mr. E. C. Colten, who re sides near this pLiee, has-three milch iwvs that t this soavn of the year . iirc g;vil3 totl crlxon3 of daily. 1 ney aiv not blooded stock, but of the ordinary breed o! the county. A quantity of this milk is sold and with the balance seventv-iive nonnds of butter are made monthly. The bnthr is of superior ouahtv and sells , navket prieo. A ' 6 f ,, T , ? lua,"u! the front wheel passed directly . x i- , an v , wr. ov - hi9 heade Fortunately the 1 emwarmers m r.ua coumy, wereIow ed wjth but a slight ! and milks thorn himself, and knows ! !lm1 'il0 nule swam down with the hhat thi'y are proiierly cared for. inrrent ami camo out "several hun llnbdos there a-e ia;nv farmers drc-d f:et below the bridge. c . v ...tii mil mii in.'.ii imi1 i; a dav, shnply becaus, thev are not attended to A good cow properly ! ,,r,1 f.M Tf JL .i.V ! ; : Ui ti; 111 U liv. I Ilillslvyro Obff-vVer : Mr. T. Ki.kl:.-2d las been appointed WOJjt master at Chapel Hill. i pt iM!ti;n Msiror: u l. . li. r!. ! t. , , , . , Apucr has a p:iif of scissors which ; eeu USU;S constantly for 42 .v,-llIS i lisoTi Aiivnnpf-: 1 A Homv.I ' FO.. of J:ilMo: ttuvnslrn told n n n 1 tw das ?incc that he planted tsw i.as since that he planted last ! year 50 ai?res i:i cotton und hud ! gatheied therefrom 52 bales. i imilding.s much nifcicbandise and a small amount of cotton were destroy-! c j. ! Gr?enboro P,it. - of. OLTi : MVs. HouHtou ti Bro., one of the leading j lrom M lJ- Jcs W. W nsou, chief business h u-es in Greeni-boro, on i:u;nw,)I lLc Western Norih Caro yesfertiay bought nii.elv thonwmd ! UD!l .K:U,rof4tl Kll.va lll!it on? of the rabbit fckins from two firms in Vir- heaviest rain btorms that has prevailed gi-ia. or .vt':s is Jiow in progress on the line of t.ieWe&Urn North Carolina Urtb'igh Visitor: "We saw a gen-' road. As et no bridges have been tlernan from Ibickberu Township I washed away, but tbo streams are o dy who lias been a constable and iepury sn.rin ior -ii cars, wiio can wnty aa reau writing. l.mt can't ! read a Lalf dozen lines of pi int. k I To-isnot Suanv Home: Mr. HdUf, the sawyer at R. J. Tavlor's ! Mill, iu tllis placA, informed ns that : LilU'l " inch plank in six h and a half on i ir c .i-i.... i 1,1 ii.:, , ' ! -ftst ftiiturviav. Mfcsucuni sav tnis ;caR. prf; j ty good work. T.-r'oro S .utherner: A child of ! iicrnon iioone, colored, war burned , , .11 i It A t to "Ci-uu ne ir he opot on batnrday i co re?cr.e the burning child. j Tl-:vrle Tim: Wp ire foM flm. ! Mr. X. C. Thompson, our dewr rail i road a-ent, was ea'inr oysters at j Kernodle'a when Iim felt, emnethin, in hi-; mouth like a buckshot; ha spit it on the florr and picking it up found it to be a pearl allied at, about $25. Pass that pla?e of oysters. Gold?boro MesseDg'-r: A negro named John Hill from Greene coun- ty, sold tive bales of cotton t Mr. T. j B. Hyman, four of which, on exami nation, proved to contain a box each filled with heavy sand amounting to several hundred pounds. The negro is now in jail here awaiting his inTes ligation. Greensboro Patriot : Two colored men, Geo. Sherwood, and Samuel Tyre, were brought into the city last evening and lodged in Guilford county jail. These men are charged with breaking into the warehouse of Mr. It S. Pbipps, about eight miles south of Greensboro, on Tuesday night and taking therefrom two bar rels of corn whiskey. Raleigh Star : At Thoman' Store, near Pi raway Ferry, Colnmbus cous ty, a few days since a white man by the name of G. M. Long, who was testing the qualities of a horse bo was thinking of purchasing, was rid ing past a large oak treo, when the horse shied and threw him head fore most against the tree, breaking his skull and causing his death in a very short time. Statesville Landmark: Some of the boys proposed to an Alexander county man who was in town Monday night that they would pay for half a gallon of cider if ho would drink it. He said he would if it killed him, and he did. He was so full that the cider stood around his back teeth, and it is no discredit to hiin to say that after it got hot and bagan to ferment he tspilt the best part of it. Charlotte Observer : At a meeting in "Wadesboro Monday, it was learn ed that a majority of the citizen in every to vnship in Anson, except one, favored a na fence law. Wilmington Review 12 tb : This moruiuj? a little . son of Mr. J. A. Hanb'ns about five years of age, was run over by a heavy grocery wagon. The little fellow was sitting in the wagon of Messrs. Haitians & Bates, and as it ran down in a crossing he t " j feI1 from t,,0 tQ the d - , across ittle fel- cut on his ear. Wilmington Star: Wright Quinn, a man 70 years old, was found mur dered in his own house, in Duplin county, near the Jones county line, last week. It seems that he was ! in the act of etrino- lived alone), when -some fiend shot j him, and thou placed the body in j the fireplace, piled a quantity of wood on the remains mwl n-.t.mntl co oaro mem. As yet no cine has been obtained to lead to the ideutity of the perpetrator of the horrible crime. Lumberton Robesonian: Mr. Jas. Moore, a yonng man, while crosiug McKay's bridge over big Pee Dee river, coming over in the neighbor hood of Shoe Heel, last night, while 011 tlit bridge, heard the same giving aw ay, ana jumping lrom ins bnggy ll:u ee-woly time to get. off before the and a ice. ies fbug- Ti T - 1 T 1" i j1,,ef nnfy T rg i, I'l'lr -ut11'keo Indiaa children ow being i ducatcd there, they are imping rrid progress. Thoy are j maintained by tbn United Slates ao- I Jj - jcrnmvut. and were sent to Trinity on I the 28th of last September. Then ! tht-y kuew not a wrd of English: "W RPCl1' SrCak write well. iliey will be kept at the college for ! tnree years, the oliit et benar to pre P'iv them rr toachcrs. Tue r owvn A , , , . " m wmclies the:n, and at frcqnenl mt.-rval un Indian nent visits and inspects their condition, &e. and As .AviUrt t;;fi7on An -n-a walking dtv!i !Vr-ii P.trpot. n were few j evenings apjo, we saw standing in front of a rocry, a vonng man scarcely eighteen years of aire, in a I drnnken co-adition, cnising a nero i 10 ,,J,IOWe'1' instantly trie fathers ie'ul WttS owetl ana ne wept as if his heart would break. aa-i uoserver iurn: a telegram .T 1 At . . still rxmg and it is rainin heavily iriiiCiiKies nave occurred at several i point.-. ut me wo-iern entrance ! of tb- Swrtijuauoa tuuncel caulit a i-t car, Riii!n' tbreo convicts micl T . . onnd:n one gn.ir.l. Tue road is ; .t0 t,a? "t arrangements ! f,aa n: aslrom Henry to the top ot the mountain. News and Oljserver : Oa Thnrsdav afternoon, its Mr. J. H. My rover, ed lor of JMoore Ciazette, and Mr. Kich 1 T 1.1 - . I aid liattle, of the News and Obser- them which nearly proved a fatal one The W!ltcr3 of Hichia'id Crctk hud un 6tn2"u on Hwn; dvc Wlde "ml h,u washed the bridge awny. Ignorant of this, Sir. My rover drove the horse aud bu'gy into the stream, and when the channel was reached the horse went under in the deep water. Mr. Battle pulled off his clothes, and, swimming, released the horse. Then he seized the bug-rv shafts and towed the vehicle, with Mr. Myrover, who could not swim, in it, safe to shallow water. On the bank stood several members of one of the tribes inhabiting that region, hut not one lent any aid. They all looked on as eagerly as if vatckiug a street parade oi a circus. Tarboro Southerner: Mr. Lam Lawrence, of this county relates a hor rible story of brutality that happen ed ou his place about two weeks ago. A negro named Frank Worsley (mark the name iu blood on the tablet of jour memory) was endeavoring to drive a young, uuhroke steer, owned by Worsley, from the field of Mr. Lawrence, when the animal became (as young oxen sometimes will) un ruly, and refused to be led. This so enraged the man-brute that Impoun ded the beast with a club until it fell and the hide peeled off in large pieces, entirely leaving the flesh. Worsely then administered an enema of spiiits of turpentine and fried the flesh in a horrible manner. He then placed powder in the same place and ignited that. The powder exploded, tearing away a large piece of flesh. No comments are needed to bring these blood-curdling details to the mind of every sensible, right minded reader. The bare recital of the facts are sufficient. We trust that all cases may be reported to us, that we may publish them to the world and there by call attention of Justices of the i Peace lo them. A Modern Miracle (?). A telegram from Erie, Pennsylva nia, says: "The town of Summit, near here, is excited over an alleged miracle. About thirty well-known citizens have signed a wonderful statement which is published to day declaring that Miss Ellen McQnelian, twenty years old, was suddenly stricken a short time ago with a disease that paralyzed her whole body, which began slowly to wither away. For eight days she lay in a state of trance to all appearance dead. The Rev. Father Maloney came to pray for her, and while in the performance of his religious exercise, animation re turned to the corpse like body. The withered limbs resumed their former plumpDess, and 6he arose unaided and walked about. The subscribers to the statement make affidavits to it3 truth. It is stated that the priest was so terrified at the resnlt of his invocation that he nearly fainted." THILLIPS ANDREWS. At the residence of Mr. Jehu Aiulrews, on Fob. 3, 1881, by W. ST. Thomsa, Eq., Mr. La box Phillips to Mrs. HlABuuaiT Andrews. Ali ol Chatham. COTTON FACTORY. I offer for sale water-power and site for a cotton factory at my mill on Daw lUver; or I will sub scribe lta value in stock in a company to build a factory. This water-power is said by the best Judges, to be the greatest on Haw li ver. GEOP.GE P. MOORE, Feb. 10, 1SS1. rntsboro, K. C. TWO GOOD and a 1UDIX 1X).SY, for &alo cheap. Apply to KATUAN S. LOVE, Fob. 10. 1K1. mullt y's Mills r. O, FOR SALE ! I am prepared to furnish all kinds of EOUGII LVMiJEK, LATHS SHIXfSLES, &C, at low prices. B-J A lot of ilULES U.r sal, Cheap. GLOVEK A EST, Feb. 3, 1881, Haywood, 2i. C. 1 0,00 0 Dozen Balililt Skins Wantefl. We are prepared t. pay more than any market this side of Xew York fur furs of all kinds, Write ! for prices. iionTox & bi:o.. whoies.n Gr.- Induce :.:.d Far Ueyers. Grlxw. ST, c. February , isa. GABY HOTEL. The undersigned has taken chargo of the hotel at Gary, X. C, rwi-nMy kept by Mr. A . F. I'age, and hopes to reeelve the patronage of ihe travel ling j.ui.lic. The table will betuj-i li"d with the i lest that tins market affords. K. BRYAN. tombstones ibr Sa3e. .. citizens of Chatham are f Fitfully informed that I keep re the 1 :irt aud iJf-sl &ttwtk of xombstones, unsr at ork Reported for Tue Record by 31. T. iV'Oii Ti I H Sz, OO.. GROCERS & COMMISflOX MKKCHAXTS. 'RALtlnH. X. C. Feb , 15, 1881 COTTON MARKET: Middllnir, K'rlirt Iiw Middling, ... Lw Middiim; Tone if Murket, quiet. 10 ?g' 10 niOni'CE AND PROVISION MARKET. Hour, N O. Cvini, Curii Meal, tC.iiO r .ilon l?agcng. 1113 It.''' Ties cow, 2.7.vri3 15" ' ' nli-ed, 2.00 Ii i-u roiaiots, 140 010 mvI " SO 1-j'- 0.-th-hol!ol, 55 a '..'- IVa.-ii.-h j.il-d 8 j 1; " uiiiavlcd, 4 0 Apjilr, 3 17.'a j l'.-.is, "c: bushel, .801il I K lfTt!0 :rt:; ti:i:u-r, 13J-J0 wr.Jii 70 j Rjigs, )i n$w i i "A0'-, na- j 'JiiSK h'f. f'..lT.A s u rP. a I iSS e? Hew Ad'ertiscmcats. FRUIT EVAPORATOR. I ill exhibit at rittsbr.ro' a, next March Court I a Talent ll'il 'IT EVAPOUATOi:, and samples ol a lilil'IH J ill 11 1. .il V'liA H'Jl dndrruumado bm. This nvc vap'raur is tho nest WITH WHOLESALE HGGISTS V I1!! r;r 28 Market St., PHILADELPHIA. THE LATEST SENSATION ! ILL! Ell A? OOET. 15 argaius m a HEADEfi Are offering their entire stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING including a few line OVERCOATS &2 COST FGF CASH. A FEW LIMES' CLOAKS! Also a fine line o Ladies' DRLS3 GOODS, consist ing of and our entire Stock of Goods at. a very closo mar gin for CASH to mako room for our Spring Stock. Give us a call and socuro 2" 2 1 BQAll indebted to ns will please call and settle BYNUM & HE ADEN. Plttsljoro, Jan. 25, 1681. EJew Advertisements. Of Chatham County, WITH W. H. & R. S. TUCKER, s "Wholesale and Ketail Dealers and Jobbers in FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC M goods ; HATS, BOOTS, SHOES, CARPET INGS, NOTIONS, &C, Kos. 23 and 25 Fayetttovillo Street, RALEIGH, N. C. jan27-lm- WITH LEE R. WYATT, (CliriHtopher & Sorrell's Old Stand,' RALEIGH, N. C. Wholesale 1 Eetail DEALERS IN HEAVY GROCERIES. Commlssioa Mercians, And Aent for STANDARD FERTILIZER. Wo keep a large stock of GOODS on hand and are dally receiving fresh supplies. Wo hope to receive our share of patronage from our friends in Chatham and adjoining counties. ded23-tf mm bl AP.E XOW RECEIVING Hew aEi SeasonaMe Gosis EVERY DAY. A CHOICE ASSOIiMEXT OF AND NEW DESIGNS & COLOES. CASHMERES ! Black Cashmeres! Colored Cash in e res ! A special bargain iu theeo gosds. Black and Colored rrincps. llaid Flannels for Suits. Oitra Plaid Flannel, solid colors, Flannels, Silk Warp Flannels, Canton Tlannela, white, brown, drab, j ed, striped and plain, A 101 and 12 4 Marseilles Quilts at a bargain. The handsomest line of Tapestries and extra heavy three-ply all wool and extra heavy C C Car pets ever shown in tlii market. Rugs, Drugget and Oil Cloihs to match, An Oil Cloth Kug Ior wash stands or flre-places. Ribbons, Taney Goods, Hosiery, Gloves, Collu loid Combs; blue, red, gren and fancy colored School Satchels oil cloth or carpet, at 23 cents, knit wool Sacks for infants, misses and ladies, Ladies' and Misses' Hue Dress Slices. Those who buy of us SAVE MONEY ! TEABGAN, PETTY, & Co, dec 2 Raleigh. N. C. (Do a Of Chatham, with GULLEY. Will be pleased to give good bargains to his coun tymen in DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES, HxVTS, and other art icles kept in a first-class store. Call on him at GULLKY'S. nov25-5m IF YOU WANT THE BEST AND H r"VOT1 11A11TTT 1 T GMO AND COTTOB PLOW Iu the Market call on M. T. H0RR1S & CO., GKOflEliS and COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Sleigh, Itf . G. SOLE AGEXTSFOH 0!fl Eeliaole Fatape MftSnlhU ad Waft i OVER 20,000 STOSEWALL COTTON PLOWS now in use. For durability, economy and good working qualities, it has no ecjUcil. Those who have usod it will have no other, and to those who have not used, v. c only ask a trial to convince them of its superiority. Send for prices and terms to M. T. KORRIS & CO., Agts. feb3-if ' Raleigh, N. C. PATENTS. Patents obtained for new inventions, or for im provements in old ones. Caveats, Infringements, Trade-marlw, and all patent business promptly attended to. Inventions that have been Rejected may still, in most cases, be patented by us. Beinsr opposite the D. S. Patent Office, and engaged in Patent Bu siness Exclusively, we can secure patents in less tim than those who are remote from Washington. When Inventors send model or sketch, we make search in the laent Office, aud advise as to ! its patentability free of charge. Correspondence confidential, fees reasonable: and no charge un less Patent is obtained. We reter by permission to tho City Postmaster, I and to the Superintendent of the. Post Office Money j Order Division in Washington. For special refer ences, circulars, advice, lenhs, kc, address j C. A. SNOW & CO., Opposit" Patent Ofti.-e Washington, D. C. US?I ?f:!.U ?M9 tJfiBM W iawsf mm) &m &mj Advertisements. $100 REWARD! II Top Snips d Mm ! I am now receiving the third car load of those popular and standard VEHICLES. I buy by the car-load and do not sell on commission, but buy for CASH, and am thereby enabled to sell at amazing ly low figures. If you want a Family Carriage, a Bon-Ton Phaeton, or a Fancy Top Buggy, I can furnish you and at a price lower thin you ever dreamed of. Ba. A written guarantee accompanies every ve hicle that I sell. For cuts and prices, call on or address, H. C. BROWN, Jan2G-tf Chapel Hill, X. C. Buggies for Sale ! P0E & RAMSEY Have Just received a lot of the Celebrated Cincin nati BUGGIES which they are offering very low, and would be glad to have persons call and ex amine them , also a full supply of Harness, Sad dles, Collars, &c. janG-2m FALLSTOCK. in. bs Si is, BRIGGS BUILDING, RALEIGH, N, C. -DEALERS IX Mi are, Sash, aai Boors we have the largest stock ef Crockery and Glassware ever brought to Raleigh. we solicit your orders for anything in the Hardware line, and guarantco THE best GOODS At tlie Lowest Prices AND SQUARE DEALING. Address, Thos.H.BElGGS&Sons Mm is hkw, KALEIGH, N. C. nov 5 IF YOU NEED ANYTHING- IN YOTJK LINE ff.L. LONDON'S IS HEADaUAETERS FOE Farmins: Utensils ! He keeps tho largest stock of Plows and Plow Castings in tho county. Has on hand now a larga stock of the Celebrated Richmond's" Kentucky j Plows, one and two-horse, Farmers' Friend, all j sizes. Oliver Chilled, one and two-horse, Bern j mingtcn's, Avery's No. 2. No. 0, Double Shovels or . almost any kind of Plow you can need. All kinus of Plow Castings, Shovels, Spades, Hoes, Forks, Mattocks, Axes, Collars, Bridles, Hamcs, Traces, Plow Lines, Back Bands, kc, all at the very bot tom prices. He is offering extra induccmente to cash buyors in all kinds of Woolen Goods ! guch ag Blankets, Shawls, Shirts, Flannels, Dress Goods, Cassemcre, Kerseys, Under-Shirts, &c they will be sold without regard to cost, as he is determined not to carry them during the summer. j Call soon if you need anything of the kind. A few pieces of Carpoiing left which will be sold for less j than COST. Ladies if you need any Bleached Shirtings. Sea Island Cambric, Hamburg Edgings, Trimmings, you will find a large stock at CHEAP. Bought hefocp cotton goods went up and sold at old prices. You will find at LONDON'S a splendid STOCK OF GROCERIES ! Canned Goods, Confectioneries, Tin-Ware, Crock orr runihirR. rioflcK. Sfivrint? Machines, and anv- thing else you need as low as can bo had any- whore. &7" Persons having open accounts are earnestly j requested to call and settle thein at once. If you j have not the money closo them by note. All old I accounts must be closed before new ones are made, j I will keep this Spring a lot of the j BEST GUANOS, j and they will be sold for Cash or Cotton as low as i any one. Will only keep the BEST BRANDS. If j you need any call and see the terras at V. L. LONDON'S, j mis wore, i::n. -o, iori. X&isceHaneoixs Adv'ts Steamboat Notice) Tba boats of tho Exorepp Steamboat 06mp hy wUl rnu as follows from lha firat ot Octoboc oatU farther notice: Bt"une? D. HIUBCEIiO, Capt AlocsaGuw fison. vnil leave I'aettsviiio every Tuesd&r Kid Friday at S o'clock A. 51., andWaminS km every WeJneaCtay nd fiatuay at 2 o'clock r. M. t Bloanser WAVE, Capt 17. A. RAoson, wG av"ayetteviloonMnoiya and Thured&yt fti 8 o'cioo A. M. , and Wiimicgtcn ou Tue9 5? ndays ! 1 o'clock P.M., coosAocipf with tho western ii tilroad at Payettevillo on WcdneBaaysanaSiturcajs ' . JS. TT1LL1.UI3& C&, Azeata at I'ettevUIe, J5I. Buggies. Rockaways, Spring Wagons, &c. wade of the btrst mattr.ais aud f ullv wan ant ed, to be toid ragardleefs of coat. "Parti in want wid conaa'.t their owa interest by cxao ioing oar Btock an j pricaa before buving. as we are determine t.n tr iv our price3 bo they cannot bo met by 407 other honae in the Btate. Alao a fall stock of. Hand Made Ilarnesss EEPAIEINS done at bottom prices, and in best manner. Send for prices and cpta. A. A. McKETHAi; h SONS. Fayet;evUle, N.a iisGS With tho Anti-Malaria. CSiilJs and Fever, Dys- , , . ,?5 e e n 4 ft , Liver Com. plaints. Hmc:i.' t(roc'inni. I2r cnsiSpatioH, Slcit Head ache, FeinaSo CraiSalnn. Billons. Mews. Palpi iKttosi, kimI nil Malarial Disease -Htiom ijis'ijicine. No Dos ingno inconvenience, and a positive cure. Price, including Bottle Anti-Rlalaria, $4x0. Bent by mail to any address upon receipt of price. Principal Depot. 92 Uerman HtL, asaito., Jlti. Sold by Druggists generally.. Buy none but F!;sr;v"s I'atent Liver Rn Slomach fiaS, others are bulky. .iard and troublesome to wear. Tlw.-io Pads are for sale in I Lisboro by Cr.L.A. Haxks & Sox, agents. NORTH CAROLINA STATE LIFE CO., Kkimm, n. cab. F. H. CA1IEUON, Iresidevt. V. E. ANDERSON, Vl--e Pre. V7. II. KICKS, The only Eoms L:fs Insnraaca Co. la tlis Stats. All Us funds loaned out AT EIG3XE, and among our oxn people. Wc do not send North Carolina money abroad to build up othef States. It is one of the most successful com panies of its age in the United States. Its as. Bcta are amply sufficient. AU losers paid promptly. Eight thou&aud dollars paid in ids j ka3t two years to families in Chatham. It will .www ii.c.i. a&ou M.11111.J jcfiia w . 1 ,0. .tf9 9 day lo insure for one thousand dollars. Apply for further infe-mtation to K. A. LG?sSCN,Jp., Gen. Agt. pITTSBOltO', .V. C Eg Win Every Taper contains an .account of some Fire. Every day somebody's dvTllin, or store or gin Is BU Pi NT UP. Yoqfs May So SMust ! Be ss 1 an in It costs hut litllo an;l evory pruder. t man ought to keep his property insured. Tho 1 1 m 1IMI CO. Offers to insure all classes of property at low rales, and will pay if it burns. Apply to H. A. LONDON, Jk., Agent, Nov 11 PlTTSEOP.O, N. C. Jp, . (Late r-ofossor of Please of the Eye and Ear la the Savannah Medical College.) Practice limited to tho Main Street, Opposite tho new Post OfQco liALEIGTI, N. C. 7" Office hours fr.m 9 a r.i to 2pm. Eefors to the State medical Society ami the 6oor gia Medical society Oet 7 If not sold in your town, voa LSm can net ihem bv m.-? ;i. Ijtod log-uo and Prices. Th. Oldest and most extensive Seed lis a I'oiial Card for flvtn. . urovern in ill', uniren t-taTKt. DAVID liAXIUCETU fc SONSEhilada.A. W. E. ANDEU?0:f, Presldeat, P. WILET, Cashier. CITIZENS ITATI0&AL BANE, 05" Je D8 WgLU&rS Ci CO., j GrOCSrS, CC'S12li23lC!l MsiCliailtS d&4 Prod'ocs Baysrs, FAYETTEVSLLE. 5J. C. t-1 I bin Si: 3 , aw. wit ii iJai' t9 lliPRPTHS8 1U JLUUX . i v. i 3:. Ml ii m MM IMS i Si ""'If!' m m til' 'ii-' mi ml mm t,.v, 'Mil cm 111 r r : m tl