Jhi (Jjhaihai.. ccorJ THURSDAY, OCTOBER G. 18H1. LOCAL RECORDS. 10 Our thanks are due Rev. R. A. Moore for reporting for the It k conothe proceedings of the Mount Zion ami Sandy Creek AasociaiiouB. -Bynum & Ilt'tt Jen liave com menced receiving their Fall and Win ter Goods. A nice lot of Boots and Shoes juat come ia, Call and see u. V. Italeigh'a popular Clothier, J . M. ltouenbaum, is receiving a splen did stock this season. From person al experience we know that he gives good bargains. VST Those clever merchants, Woodell & Wynne, say that if you will give them a call they will be sure to ploaso vou with the bargains that they offer. Try them. tS" J. C. Brewster & Co. present our readers with a most attractive advertisement, and if you will visit their store they will attract you with their splendid display of all kinds of goods to bo found in a first-class hardware houso. In addition to his large retail trade William Woolcott does a large jobbing business, supplying uier chants in all section, of tho State. Ilia stock is largo au 1 varied Chat hamites will fin t with him their old acquaintance, Col. John A. Mi-Donald. W& Oeorgo W. May htv opened a firsk class Uoardins House at tne "old Long houso" in Pittsboro. Mea!s served at any Lour o'lly thirty cents Table supplied with best tlin market affords. Comfortable rooms for lodging. IA. The State Fuir will comuionco on Monday next and m tho mean tima London is receiving n nice stock of Pall and inter Goods, consist ing of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hardware and other goods All of which he will t-ell very low to OAia and prompt paying customers. His sock of Groceries is very full and are cheap. &2 Now is too time to get a bar gain in Newport Ties and Slippers at Sh:iw & Harris'. They Lave a lot to close out at cost. Gents" Clothing at greatly reduced prices. A few plain and Lace Buntings also at a sacrifice. You will need these goods nest sum mer and you will save money by buy ing them now. They am making preparations for their Fall ami Win ter stock and wish to Lave as few summer goods left in their shelves as possible. V3U If you ladies who are going to tna Fair need a nice Hut, London will receive this week a lot of Ladies' Hata. Flowers, elvets. iMlks, and will bo glad to Hiipjily you. Ho h8 1 ft spleudid lino of Corsets, Hoop Bliirts, and Fancy loods. Hh is offering sonio very cheap Han.lker-, cbiefs. If you need auv joods you will save money by giving liini a rail J bofore btiyng. ' Now is the time for j Bargains iu Summer Goods: it will pay you to put them up for ne.t Summer. A lroliflc Woman. "We arc informed that there is a pegro woman iu llulf township, who ia thirty niuo y ars old and is the mother of nineteen children, the last two being twins. Attempt to Escape. On last Sunday morning the usual quiet of our Sabbath was disturbed by the sudden reports of a pistol firing three times in rapid succession. Of course it crea'ed qnito an excito ment, but that was all, as nobo ly waa hurt. A negro, named Boson Alston, was in jail for poiub offenco And the jailer bad him taking out tho buckets, when suddenly ho made a dash for liberty and the jailer fired at him (both of tbem running) but each hot missed, and he was quickly headed off and captured. Mt. Pisgali Church. The congregation of Mt. Pisgah church, iu the northeastern portion of this county, have nearly completed their new church edifice, which is one of the neatest country churches to be oen anywhere, ami reflects much credit upon tho liberality and piety of the congregation. '1 he building is 40 feet wido and G8 feet long, is neatly painted, has nice window shutters, and looks quite like a city church. It is to he hoped that other congregations niiy soon follow this good example. It certainly does not look right for the members of any congregation to build fino houses for themselves and have an old baru -like building for tho Lord's house. A Chatham Farmer. Wo spont a night last week at tho residence of Mr. W. A. Alarcom. in the eastern part of this county, and to show whut ran be made by farm ing in Chatham, we will men; ion his success, the Bocret of which is that he raises all his own supplies and his cotton is extra. Last year hb mad fifty-eight bales of cotton, aud after it was made it was his that is, it did not belong to a commission merchant for supplies advanced, as is too fre quently the case with our cotton planters. Mr. Marcom raises all the corn and meat that is used on his farm, and as his laud is not adapted to the growth of wr.eat he plant one ac-o in Bweet potatoes, of which ho sella enough to buy all his llour. He is quite successful in keening his pota toes, having now oil ban I some of last yew'B crop. If wo had more farmers in Chatham like Mr. Marcom there wonld not be so much com plaint abott ' the hard times." Suicide. On last Thursday night Mra. Eli zabeth Myrick, of Bear Creek town shin, committed suicide by hanging herself with a hank of wool. Sle ( liad become insane two or three : months ago, and had been closely i watched, but on that niyht while her husband was asleep she got up antl hnnged herself. Vnst'asonable Weather. For the past three weeks the weath er has been warmer than ever refore known at this season. The sun lias been yery hot every day during th.t neriod. nnd is ca'culated to cause much sickness. While the nights were not so warm as they were during the summer, yet tliey wero much warmer than they usually are at this Hcason. The month of September, 1881, will long be remembered, for its con'inued heat. Another remarkable thing connected with that month is the fact that there were five changes of the moon during the month. It is the only month m tho calendar tnat will furnish such a lunar spectacle the present year. Tho moon reach ed its first quarter on the 1st, filled on the 7th, and reached its last quar ter on the 15th. On tho 23d, there was a new moon, and the first quar ter was on the 30th, last Friday. But fall weather has now set in quite Middenly. Yesterday theie was a very great change, and this morn ing there was a slight frost, the first of the season. It is still very dry. Organizing Against Fire. At the last meeting of our town com missioners it was resolved to ca'l a public meeting of tho citizens of the town and i mined ate vicinity for the purpose if effecting somo organiza tion against fire. In pursuance of such call a meeting was held last nilit, and wo hopo much benefit mny re sult thorcfrom. On motion, J A. Womack vai rennested to act as chairman, and C. J. Shaw was ap pointed secretary. Tho object of the meeting was explained by tho Mayor, 1 ..f. -.,1 ;,,l.,l,nnirn rf opinions it vs resolved to form a i.r,.,h n,i l.i.l.l.r ,,.! luirl-rif rnmnauv among tho whites and ouo among the j colored citizens, and to Have u puiv lie well dug in tho business part or the town. The chairman was i eques-1 ted to call a meeting of tho colored people to-ni'dit to organizo their company. The meeting then adjourn-1 ed, ami a large nu inner 01 tuosoi present at once proceeded to organize a tire company. Tho following offi cers were elee'ed, viz: V. L. London, foreman; A. J. Bytiuni, assistant foro man; and C. J. Shaw, secretary and treasurer. Committees were appoint ed to solicit additionid meml ers, nnd to prepare rules and regulations fir the poverument of tho company. The agents of tho insurance companies tiding business here were requested to solicit contributions from their companies to aid in buying suitable tiro apparatus. The foruniau was re- nested to ascertain the cost of 1ml ders, buckets, &c, and to report next Monday night. We most heartily congratulate our citizens that so important a step has been taken, and all should aid and encnurago it Because our town has forlunatelv been heretofore exempt from anv very destructive fires is no reason that we shall COtdintie to be so fortunate. The confugtations that destroyed so much property in so many towns of this State, during the past winter, should be a sufficient Warning to US. Commissioners' Mcetlns ino county comnnssii.iiers uuu. their regular nioutUly meeting on lust Monday and Tuesday, all being Illl'seui. xuh li'l.niiiiK nunuiiui lere audited and orderedlo be paid : J. C. Norwood. 15 buhels of corn. $18 Ambrose Kill auks, for 15 buslii-la ol rorn, J. M. Johnson, witness tickets, A. W. Wicker, for listing taxable, J.ne Kicliar.laon, for two ami a halt barrels nf flour and 00 Iha. bacon, John Ctatk, two witneag ti.kets, Allen KlIiH " " VV. L. London, lor supplies for poor- houso, Dr. H. C. Jackaon, as pujtician to p.mrlionse, J. I Brasington, as crier at court for flva davs, A. U. Perry, one witness ticket, J F. Ausley, as registrar of voters, Josial. Tysor, tor -.onveying Bose Al. ston to jail, A. W. Wicker, J P., insolvent fees, John Primrose, one witness ticket, J. H. Mann, two ' " Shaw & Harris, for supplied for poor house, J A. Womack,.!. P. Insolvent fees, , J. B. West, repair on Pace'a brhlgs, l". E Johnson tnd J. B. West for ex- ani'n'nifjlunntic. J. B West, as Registrar of voter, H. W. O x. n, Insolvent tes, J. F. Ausley. " " J. IV Urillin, for guarding jail for 15 niifhti". J. K. Oibson, one wit u ess ticket, J A Pug'i. J. J. Nowell, Sheriff of Wke, Insol vent tees, It. B Buchanan, Insolvent fees. V. S. (1 .inter, clerk af Inferior court, for three certificates, ('. B. Johnson, a registrar of voters, 0. W. Kouslue. Dept. 8hn., for five days 'rvices at court, J. P. Bridera, as registrar of voters, Kichnnl Hainsey, fur work on present court-room, James P. Jolinsio, for hauling aaw. dust for couit room, Swnce Taylor, Dept. ShfT, for guard ing grand jury one night, By n urn & Ueadea. supplies for poor house. 18 75 . 8 !).-. 18 00 27 47 3 95 2 80 40 33 5 41 10 00 6(1 40 2 25 " "0 2 00 1 fif) 1 77 1 8 V I 15 00 1 95; 1 35; 4 00! 75; 75 1 S 10 00, 1 08 75 1 50 1 00 18 05 1 14 W. O. Kirkman, as registrar of voters, U. M. Burns, supner for 13 jurors. 81 80; I,. K. Exliue, as clerk to Board, Issu ing order Ac, 0. W. Mar, Sr., for two meal for 13 jurors and t officer, U. W. May, Sr., for room for grand jury Bv days, Spence Taylor, for conveying Zed. Tmnin from Alatcanca to Chatham iail. Spene Taylor, for jail fee." Uev. P. K. I.w. for postage, 4c , for public schools, A. J. 11,-aden. for blank book for school committeemen, 9 00 13 00 2 50 14 20 30 60 81 19 00 Ordered, Uiat the treasurer pay one ollnr an.l a ,tIf V. . 1 dollar and a hidf to each of the board of county canvnssers for.th Novem ber election of 1880 nnd Anguat elec tion of 1881. Sandy Creek Association. fin-port! for the Rarrnl.) The one hundred and twenty- third eession of the Ssndy Creek As- sociation met at tLo Mr. rieiisa.it Church, Randolph county, N. C, September 29, 1881 Tim introductory sermon was preached by the Rev. O. T. Edward from Acts 10;38. After refreshments the Associ ifion was called to order by the Modera tor, Rev. W. II. II. Liwhon, who read the third chapter of St. Jamep. The church letters were then cull ed for and r ad. The body then proceeded to elect Moderator, Clerk and Treasurer which resulted in tliH election of Rev. W. IT. H. Lawhon, Moderator: Rev. J. W. Odder, Clerk ; Bro. C. C. Che. k. Ti es surer. Visiting brelhren, Henry blirats. from the Liberty and Rev. C. L. Farris from the Central Associations, were invited to pouts. The usual committees were ap pointed. The churches at Poplar Ridge and Macedonia made application for membership into this body, which was unauinioubly icceived. Adjourn ed. skcosd nY. Dovo'.ional exercises by Rev. O. Churchill. The Association was then called to j order. The subject of Foriign Mh-aiors was discussed, and a collection taken, amounting to $17.50. Tninn pay. Pcvtitiocal exercises by Rev. R. A. j Moorfl j The Association was cidled to or-, junAi.m .. I dcr by the Moderator. ..... j The speeches were restricted to : fen mililltPS. ! Committee on revision of conpti-1 . .. . j tuhon reported. - State. Missions discussed. There , are twcnty-MX missionaries at work intheS.nte. ,. 1 The subi. ct of edncnt'on was wi ll , i discil8fled by Rev. O T. Edwards and , other,, and a "' for benpficmrips at 'ike i oiest oi lege (three from this Aocitlio!i , w insen up. iiinoiiin v ".. i 1'raypr-meetinu's, r.'i...m;.i n. and many other subjects wero din ! ciuse.l with enercy ana nmiuj. Great hnrmnnv and union ciiarac- teriz-d the whole session, ami not wiTiiMiiiiumir .nn i-i.n....n tho various objects thronKh the year . l. l ,1,.11 mere was over i r r inm'no ...a sonr up from the churches. Tho wenlher was fine. Hoppitali y n1 undant and all made happy. The next session of this Associa- .. '11 :.. l:iuKnrr lll'll I-Ull,!-!!!. CI 1 llinin.n.. The Cnnrf tions were lavaml ; -were nrenched to by Jailers W.u. turlll.(i ., Mr. Smith, ami i..n 1 King, O. Churchill, C. Tj. Fnrn, of Ualeiph. H. A. Jlooro, lietirv Mieat, of Liberty Asnpintion ; J. M. Puh, A. P. Coiien, V. H. II. Lawhon and O. T. Edwards. There are nixtepn ministers belorg ing to this body, f.mr licentiate s and we had three vixitint ministers. State News. Xewnnn-l OWrver : Mr. I W. Wnmlile lost ten Imles nf put tun, lii en'lre crop, nn WHilnemlnr nielil. I.y (iro. Snn cm- ployeea went into ti.e limine where it war. atnred ami punike'i pi pea. mere. i no .Itl...r tli a rtdtnn nr tlio ; ,i(!inp j , x A rolom, h ftorD , ehTn ol(, fim1inir a .,n r-nWl la ! .f 1 iteven as'eep, plareil rmtnn lietween l.i I ,,.,!, ,nd Rpt it on fire. Imrninsr tl. liole hrtY l1"'" "-verelv. The orTenii-r wa tried I befoia Justice Stanlv and fined ilC ami c... "arr. of w'li('1 i 0 oi.a..rver : Julian S. Car rturhsni. aent a handsome wreath wi uni-ru n. --. .... - - j '" J" ' tribute of a private citizen, from any State. North nr South. ; Ptate"vi:i Landmark : Capt. S. 8 Kirk lsnd. chief enirlnt er of the Stntesville & Jefferson Railroad, who had a leg broken ; hv bein thrown from a hnirsy near I Untherfordtnn some weeks "irce, the l.ores j running awav, has been under the necessi. I tr of havinor the leg amputated above the j i knee. Tl. operation was performed last j I Satnnlsy aud be ia reported doing very well. Newhernian : The freights that fire now being brought to our cit liv esph ineom 2 25 ine steamer are simply immense; nothing 4 16 of the kind lias ever been known in the past history of Xewberne We are in A 20 formed tlit spirits nf turpentine has 125 touched higher prire in Nenbern within 1 HO , tho last ten dara, than it has at any time 3 70 within the last ten years. I Charlotte Observer ! Conro'd is havinir a (.erics ot meetlnra lb like of which have j never before been held in that place. All denominations have hecome interested, and ' the Inter.. t has taksn hold of the neotiV i . ..., . r Ttent that manv of the business houses close their doo's during the morn ing services The mee'ings are held in the Methodist church and arel.rcrely attended Alamance Oleaner : Dr. J.ihn Jonlnn of j lland'ilph Conntv. has a verv lar? mill- i berry tree. ItAvas recently measured, with ! the following result. At. twelve inches! above the) ground the circiiuiforen.-e is' serenteen feet and one Inch, and at eight j feet above the ground fifteen feet and four ' inchea Franklin Times: A pen'lemsn who was j near Nashville on last Smu'av informs us that when tb jailer, A. S Sorsby, w nt j Into the cell to carry breakfast to the; prisoners on that diy Spencer Harper, one i of the prisoners, attempted to escape, at- i I tacking Snrsbv and sweating vengeance ' agslrst l.im So.sbv "drew his pistol ai d shot Harper, tne hall passing tnrongn ins 1 111"1, which caused almost instant death. Elizabeth ;jty E-onomi-t : We learn , from an observant gentleman who has pist ! returned from a long g-'jon-n at. Nag Head that tli sickness on the nortli end i of Roanoke Island, ami alone tlie coast is j j unprecedented. Tlie prevslenea of sick- j I neas is nsrriLed to drvtttff of tli sa't j i ma'sliea by tlie excessive drouth. Another i 'peculiar condition U tlm unprecedented! nuantltv of fish In the at.-rs of the sound. I The waters are full nf them. ! Statesville I.sn Itnark : On Tlutradsy, ; Sept 22. a nekro brute whose nsme we i liave not Leen ah'e to learn, committed a ' ' raoe on a little white jjirl bv Ihe name of ! Klatx, who lives witli l.er father In Mt. Ulla Uwnelilp, Itowan countv. The uirl ' i onlr 8 rears old. the negro 1H The t-',r' w,",t " 'n 'frinit i WSS followed liy HlO nei after water and neijro, nd ou' railed and bad'y injured her. She is now under ti e care of Mr. Katun, and it is tlmutrlit that she will recotrer. The nejiro Lai boen eoiuiuilteO to jail in Salisbury. Alamance O'eaner : Mr. Eilirar Lonf? savs I" !' "','n " Plii-knn n ealiililtimi a. Mr McAdti'a wore, in Calilw. 11 county, that l-a f"ur les. twenty toes, two hrca-t hones and tliren wiojM, one wing on the uiiil'lle ot lis back, . C niPM f : .Mr. mm jt-." snowed us a pit: M'nilpy tlit lial no uair , on it Its skin was hs sinnoiu nun en. " ,' I. I.., I nn.. l.!u- evfl that took parriimeiii. . "" e. - ui. tlie space of two. Its upper lip w..h bone e-vre.l v.1.1. .kin and turn up to It- eve. dusiovur i mo " I almni tlir.-H inc-l.e lonu. Us lao looked psacily hkeaueh phant. j Purl am correspondent N"s and 01 - ttrviT ; W. T. Hlarkwll ImcHinoiie j - .. l..,.uuil tlidiiuHmt lioundH lit i I--. ,,,l,rr,,. iIih larsreot liulk of the whh.I j i.. ih. VV lHBrn that MM'..'. HhcIuihv anil (i K. WVl.h havinj? Imiijrln nut the Dnrlmm Hworil-r. priipne enlarL'- lin'citaml iin.kinB it firHt e'.anH evry wi.) . Their first iomie will nppar nri ww. News hn.l Ol.dflrver : Yesterday nmrninar a n.iilo ami himay. lielniiK'uiii tn a wliitn man livinur near Cary, wt-rn Ptolen f'om VilliBniann i Uprhurrh h yurii m hHb- hnrv Ktreet. Purnint whb at oilfa iiiiuIh and tlie owner raptnreil the tlnel. in me hutrirv, at a point fmir mile il'ii of ri.irlikm. H nrovi'd to he a white man. ' oo and wax brought here and put iu the guard lioue, I!,lilTill Timp : There ia a hill nn Oil, M.hane'g nlantation. near Mil that lor lonir venra h. heen known a , -the hnnted hill-- It iHcalh-. Itl.l- tlmt hmi; vi'ara (r it was -hiinteil" up I V a volcano.' At anv rate, the hill is well wnrtli a vwif All sort ol roi Ri Bin worth a vihiI- All sort OI roi m an , pehhl.; are h and remr.it. d ! tl.er m J j KT '&Iu roeka to he f'.un 1 on the hill Wiimnn S-minel : Tnteliifjenee reach t'sottho horrihle ilrRth of a ilnucM r of Mr. Dani-I Bi.tfet, which occur r near Khnninrt.w, lnvie pniintr, lact v-...)....- M'l.u iMill.l waa ahoiit 1.1 y,RPB nf Be, n l we learn, went t kiml'e a fire with keroaene oil, when'the rnlitelil f tl. ran i.n.i'eil. and expl.le.t. set....-: fire to the girls rlntliins anl hiirniiitf her fatallv hetore nsHianco oul.l he r. i. trvi Thin if n.tlHr a l warni'iir ami we sincerely tr'ist our ninny reailern will learn a lessm ere it h too late niol we are rulled ..lion to rlironicln Borne ac. l.leiii ut a ..ilif n.uw. tU.. result of ... oft r. M, fnly M( ( .r r known. ierhn., that Purry county I nn lmpll R (Hrtjt t-lei, )l)r ,,u Mori.i..n. a. d dminir tlm past to nr 1.1 yeara a numht r , . , , ii in ii f preachers (iH p(,iipl(i n( fhu M)llntlin reKin4,fih pent much tune ai.'l lalmr aiumiu , ib.m, am. nm ,..n..; ....... . ,n. r... tici-hirly ainonK tlm wnnieii, many or whom liHve inovi-il to I'lah. To the women it ia naiil their nltnilioo has been moat , llirecv lurI)1,ai ,, Voun. ( ,. , iftMj- ohjectii of thei er one have , ieir niHSioimry w rk. S-i hohl ami Hirw ful hive they hecinie in their work that our pe.p!e ta'h. ; ! " ';j,;"I,i,'i.';'f ' I ' """ tneir up. r the next l.i-L'i-OaUire in , rationn liv niftaiiiir n a n inny to pr.ipniia'e .M.iriiioiiism or Btieiiipt i miikt) ciiverlH to it. M.emt Airy PuM : A few days ngoTliou.au Sm'lli hail a very lurroiv eseupe ftiiin he i.i(r kill.-1 hv n wi' I beBHt. He hail h.-ei. in ih wimiiIs -rarehiiiii tor CHtile, ami on j - . . I . , 1 t 1 hutrktinjr him for all h ns vor-h. B-i.i unarined, witli t'rcu pres- n ot inin I M r. Smith Oinne.i ileatl. and dropped, ilrair- ! ! pinn tli animal with liiui. Tlie In-ar , i piolialiW rean.ned that lii Tioliiii now ) ' sal-, and lie iniirht it i for lii mate an.l I i have company at tlie lent-t. Al any rate , I lie liK.leKte.l Mr. Stuitli nolur:lier, ami I j wlien the woiin.leil limn l-nkeil up Bruin trim nowliere to Iw aeen. Mr. Sniitli Inunil ' that his a-m nm l a ly hurt hv a bit", an I ' li" nui oth-riviso iniured, hut still had . ' (.trenirlh eprniifh 'o ivaik. and h- na'ked homeward with the l.eet fp-ed poilili. i ! When near lua n houne the bear wna 1 heard limiii'liiifr thrmi,,'!. the hrtwli, h.1 ! hail hut a tew yarda to K'. lo reach his vie ! ki.u, l.. n Mr. Smith (ell ex'uatti.J within i hia o.vu Joirway. A Terrible Torn do. A dt-spatcb from Omaha, Nebras ka, dated 1st, says: " A turuiulo, aiising at 10 o'clock i rnsterdav moruintr. uearly dei.ioliKb- ,.t Ar,.,li.n n tnwn of About oue I 1 11' M in III, I 111 lim.ii no I.-., ,11 ,.,iT . The railway buildings were wrucked ! and niot of tho private resi kiiei s llmns-ind inhabitants, in tbio , 1..: 1 I,,VI.I unrt tivn norsoni i k, IS I have been kiLP A Wise Deacon. " Deacon Wilder, I want you to tt 11 , me how you kept, yourself and f-tmily j well tht past se'sun, when all the ret-t of us have beeu sit-k so nmcb, ! and bad the doctors visititg us? so often "Bro. Taylor the answer is verv 1 eaiy, I used Hop Hitters iu time, t , fomili- v..11 no.l busIiIih I . : ... .i. . .. doctor bills. Thiee d .liars worth of it kept ua well and ublo to work all the time. I'll wan-ant it has eus-t you and the neighbors one to two hundred dollars apiece to keep tick the sanio time." "D.'ueon, I'll uso your nieiliciue i hereafter." ; i i iii:d. THOMaS. On llie' 19th of Si-ptentlvr, l!rv ol ill.itli.ila, In Cliathan. oounly, Hide 111 KTlll l. ilaiiKlitor nt J. W. and Uutlda E. Tluunits, aged three yoars. Ho tndes the lovely blooming fl.mer, I.lke Ilnle IIi:utiiia In ht-rliinl hour: 80 soon our h.'iM-.s and Joy ran fly, Aud pleusurc eidy bl.inius lu die. M. K. P. SPECIAL NOTICES. Monuments anil Tombstones. ! have JiiAt received two car I. -nils ( line Mar t.Lwi.id am prciiarc I to furnish Mi-niitm-nta hii.I TohitiatoueM .f any ilt-Mn and style. Call and ex amino my aUa-k and prkva lioft.re Puylni; etm where. W. K. wil.s.J, ju;l.i-lf Uurliam, N. l THE Ifl A R IL E T 3 7 Itcportcl for Tut liixoiu. by XORIUS, WYATT TAYLOll. Olil.CKUS 4 I'l.MMISU.N MKIK'II INTS. N... 3 Ei. liui.- uil No. 5 Martin Kts., Kali ion. N. c. Oct. ,. l.si COTTON M.VULET; Mlddlli.K, II Strict l'W Mlddllag, irll'. L..W Mld.ill.itf 10 J l Tone. .t Market, u'llet. VIIHIH IT. AM I'KOVlKKlX M VKKT-T. ri..iir. X. O.. s ni.riH :m i r.itt.m link-cimr. fun. Tl.-s C-iru M. al, l i..i si'll.-c.., IrWh lVlii:.', Swivl Oiits-sli.-llc.l. IVnclics- i , " UII"C-ll"d, , April's. I V.NLS, t ("Ushcl. l'k'JS, 1 Kiiner, I Higs, (' lt.K I'-'un I. " llnins, t liul',. - It sides, II - shoulders. VS 'HI N C Vmrk, r.-.i l'..(T.e. IJ' H II s rup, WV? Ouha M. "lasses. Wl-f l.lerH. huII, 1 " New Advertisements. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. navlna idmlnlsiored ..u llie estate of Mary Toe. .lrt.vn.ml l...lir'i. lit hlri'llV tflVcn tO all hOT lT.'d I ,.,.,,. ihn i hln (;y il( ,,,,lnlMir intii, or this umi.-e will be pie.-i-i airainsi ui.-ni. lHlslsiIi,. (let. . 1HHI. .1. A. WOMACK. Pulilli: Administrator. - . , - 0,.1 H IK)! 15 1111(1 . W flG3.& F if Sft(J h Fertilizer S. A. WHITE. MelHini'HVllla. T"KK1NT1K, Orahain, N, 0. 'wtO - . TAX SALE ! I on M.m.lay. tho "iili lay of NTemlr l)'. I I will si'll (or i iifli at i(l lii amnion, ni Uiecnurt li..ii'in..r In i'liiHl.im, A trm. A.I k'n Inlorcut In the John Ail k InmlH lit Ik-Iiik mio-ililril of Kill .ii'ri'si hi Mmiliows i..wiihIiI, ailjolnliiK Hio i,,,,, ,,r i,i,,w o.nnii ami miwra, id iav tuts laMmluc i.y puM Aarmi AJ. J. W. TAYLOR. F SliorlH chuiliain County. 700 BUSHELS WHITE t'Stji Oafs, fits iiilti Seed Wheat, ,,..,., ()VEH, Ul!( H.UI f.UASS, n.U)S AX, .,.,. .r Bale by , L. POI.K CO.. RalelgH, N. C. . -TT1,T T VWriW W ljl. Lt I -LM trXl, DENTIST. 1 will l.eai my nlll. e lu Cli.ipel Hilt. Ill tlilr-l M'.ii'liiv in Oi-mU'r, iiiel rouiiiin two weekH. All IIi im. iiini 1 have i-iojiuir-mmiis Willi tor pliiiea will ol.-iui!' c Hie Hi-!.', wi k. iwir-w '" II. 11. WOODF.I.L, Rul. lUli, S. C Lat' R. 5. WYNNE. It. k A. A.-I..K.R. M.mcuro. WOODSLL & WYNNE, WIIOI.EHAI.K AND KKTAIL mi No. t Mnrtiii Street, Zlalcigh, n. O. .oonsltfiimcniBot Citou ltooporttully S..llct ocioaro t.i J. 1J1. IlOSErJIlAUlYI, N. K. C.r. Fayelteville and JHargett Stf., RAI.EI01I, S. C. .1. A. JleUOXALU, Willi AVM. AV00LC0TT. Raleigh, II. C. WIIOl.ESAI.Ii DEALER IN Soots and Shoes, ::ll:::3?.y gooso, AM) MANCFAC'Tt'llKR OF Pantr., Shirta and Drawers. Wllmln!t:iiu and Hargelt Streets. HARDWARE ij ' i o. ni::wjrEu. K. B. ENViEI.CARr llUl.I.EM.vN BUILDINO, ri.YIXIGH. N. C. 'i - The Best Goods! New Goods WINDOW OLASS, BKI.TIN J, LACE I.KATHER, PAt'KIXd. HOPE, TWINE. &C. THE FAMOUS " COTTON KING " V. Cook Stove ! Winners of llie Cenlenulal Modal, anil Ibe IIKST STl'VK niade, and i t'HI-Ar as any llrsi-claes Stove, which ars nunran ii..mI in U' lii everv rivMiie.'! an riMirenled Ur win m il ki Mi-r.-Viams and Kaiuiers at I'liH KS TO M il THK IIMKS. I.'rlh. If frlcew. rorrespindou.-e slvou liniiu-lliito aneuileii. J. C. 11KKSI EH Si CO. EVERY SCHOOL -IX- North Carolina W1U, HV. SITIM.IKD WITH scsool books! AT PVELlallEUS LOWEST l'KICEH, 1Y ALFKK1) WILLI AMS &( 0., Bootssllcni & Stationers. II AI.i :iCiII, - - IN. c:. Semi r iiir ..rih rs ti lial .idi and they ll ll!. -I l return truln. I. Iiu t.il n i ins tn Ira. -hers and DcnloK. i.Uc fl.S nU ai'lill' Utti.U. sep'M Sn, j AXP nKAI.EU IN' ! Gentlemen's M$Mi GooBs. 11 HOT,! k .r.-..,. ... liyto Jiii .l; New Advertisements. FOliJSALE ! A TURBINE WATER-WHEEL I 24liihe Inehns lu dlamulcr, win do mm .uuif. lu gmi.1 urdor. J. 8. IIKNT F.V, Cano Creek. N. C Bt'pt fi-tf EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Havlrg o.uallfle.1 a exe.MiU.r ut tlm liwt will ami I'ulaineiitof Oiiri!rt llmnt. Sr.. itoceaiteil, I lierel.y nutiry all pew iw liol.l.iiu i lalms BaliiKt nalil ilei-eili-.it l exlillill Hi" miiim' to me "" ,,r tuiwSept. lwtt, Si-pt. M, 1SB1. JAalWT. ROOERS. l.UlliiKion. N- C. Ttlt PliTBUrtUAUAUtMY. Tin- 511. 8ensi.ii. of llila Ko1uk1 will b- gin MONDAY, OCTOBEU 1, 1881, ami ronllime ten weeks. H la very min-h .l.lre.l tliatllie iniiilla olienil in'iuuiill)' llm rt Uy ut the HeusloU. TK11MS: r.npllHli Course. WM: Laue'iatfeB, raeli, fcl.BU. llall ..ayalile In ailnniee. JAMthS. MASMNrt. Sept. 15. MW1. l'rln.-U.al. Sale of Land ! Ry auihorliy of an or.ler of Court, I will on MoS-1 DAY, Hie Hull of Ociul" !- li.-vi, B. II 1.. llie hlk'liiwl M.l.ler, al Hie eouri-liniHe In l'iitnli'.r... all llie real l-Maleow I Ly Wllllmil llau il en. eiuniie.1 on Iii.llan Croi-k, lu riinilinn. eouniy. eo.iiiilnlm: hIioiii acieit. h..lle.'t i.. Hie whli.w'H .lower whli h linn Iiin-ii iiKltfiteil. TI.e linel will U- illv. Ui .t niol M.M In Hire- I--IH. Ti: is nK Sai.k : i'i" In easli fur e.-e-h lol, ainl all llie linian.-e on aoreillt "f twelve tuoiiilia Willi ii.!..i-,. rein .hue. Iioiiile ami i."l Hei urlty re- oulreil a.i.l tlile reserved fr tin' lunlier order of i tlie court. J. A. WOsiACK. Comnilaf.louer. seiilli-W Lands for Sale ! Two valualile .rarla near the Orange and Chat liam line, ..! wauii-, well liinlieiml and In ueliiliuorJiood. For lerni!., &u., n .1 . 1 y lo " 1.. II. IIYNI'M. sepl'JQ ill Dyiiuin'n I'aeiory. N. C. JOUN UAKMNil. T. B. WiiMA.'K. MANNiNQ Si VOMACK, Attorneys and CousissUors &i Law, PITTSBOS.O, TJ. c. V Prompt attention irlven Kail business en Irusied I" their rare. Mr. Maiuiliiu win ! lu tlm offl.-e on the llrsi and iliird Mli-lny "f eie-h month and theSntui-iluys i.i t--illiig. Mr. Wo.inn will bu in llie ofll.-c al all times. im1I Executors Notice ! n-ivlnis .in.iillle l a F.eiMit..r f ;lir Inst w.lt and tcsuilil. nl "t Mra. Mar-'iiret Tenu'il'-. ..-.-.-u.-.hI. I l.ereliy ii..iliy all perw-na liavitii! eliuinh ;.uiisi aalddei-ede.il 1" exlill.lt Hie ale lo llie "U "r !' lure Sept. li, ll-W. L. T. TP.ii.IT. rxe.-nl.ir, soi.US.4t Mu.lUek.N. f. C. T. WZL12ASXS, OF CHATHAM, -WITU LEN II. ADAMS fMesaleaai Retail Grocu1 AN1 PKALLI1 IX GENERAL MESCHAHDI8E, ! Adam's Ilulldlnp. RALEIGH. S. c. I " CuunltfUinenUi ot Cotton s.illrlied. nhlalne.l.and all liulnea In Hie f. S. ralent or..i er lu Ihe iXmrta aiienduj to tor MOPI.lt.l'l 1. KKKS. We are opHli, tin- V. S. PstiMil om.-e. eni!n!eil In l'ATrST IU'S1NI,SS KXl'l.rslVKI.Y, and can ; iihinln piiicnts In h-xa lime thai, tli.we ri iin.ie ii-i.m Wimhliitfiiiii. When mislel nr drawing Is i ut we advise na In patenmlillliy frw of charise ; and we niuke no 1-UIU..K riiu wr. oiu ai.n i-aiknt. We refer, here, t. tho pnal Master . the Supt. ot th. Money Order Dlv., and lo i.ni.-uilM or tin. V. S. Patent nm e. F'.r iir. ular. advice, lenn. and i-elen nco I., aclual cllt-uta in your owu Suite, nr oiuuty, addi-csd A. SNOW CO.. Oppiwlte Patent l.fllce, Waai.lueioii, 1'. P. Cotton Gimicrs -Ofiiil'l' T0- Xnsuru Against Tiro ;i N. C. HOME INSURANCE CO.; !, Your llln may ho burut tills season, so he pin - Jj di ut and Insure U. ', 1 B? Wi:e, and to in Time ! ; -THIS IS A- HOME INSTITUTION ! That ileai i vca tho piun-natfe t all North f.ir.di nhuid. ALL LOSSES l'ROMrTLY TAID. AU classes of properly isisuie.1 ut rwisenalile raliw. Anply tor lii.ui-ai.co in H. A. LONDON. J.. A nt. 8. pleinb,T 1, WI. prrTSllt'l;... x. c paBH ut sjaxusa IV3 PIS 1 jaqio on Q-iv ptirj XiOONIdJIrI.. 3 Xs V '93UJ 31S lioowusin aMinjiiaa oqi u,) no v ui u sjxy aj.i.)iii a'5I aTU SH3ddOHO ijiDilM31JLV JAIViES a. Tiioivirscrj, Of Chatham, with I). S. hAiTT, DEAl.rii ix MEN AMD BOYS' CLOTHOJG, Hats, Soots, Shoes, Fur nishing Groods, 6tc, S3 FayeltevlHe Street, - - UAl-EIliH. N. O. LAMDRETHS MM 5IISKSSE1PR1 I I ILL cnr ll" rmsi'rrhslp If Mil Varus and Priors. T Ol.fcial a.l wh tt artaa .aw gaaa lAVJlH.ANUUKTllfsONi,Fuil-iDi.4a. Miscellaneous AdvM AT COST. TO CLOSES STRING AND SUMMER DRESS GOODS! AT COST. We hnvn a lariro line of light welgM Dr (IinkIi.. Ukai. II.uiouns. FKENC1. LACK lll'NTINOH In very doulrauU hhaden. ll'OPLIXS, SILK, SILK and COTTON. Also IIIISII POPLINS, PLAIN PCNTING3 r.c per yard to (). GRENADINES, from 10c to 35o. lace urocade 15untings, li:noi:s. Sumo very .1 i.iinl le aliml-i in Summer anil Vail silks, llei wiiii I'loilm, vi,-y ii-uy g.Kxla and very deHiialile p ln lor Ihla . lluiatr. Thlp i a i-iireo.n riuiiliy f e any no who really wihhoa to e.oii..ini.e : in I l.uy -r. lie limn value. sy No old (Ii.iiIm, All friwl. and perfect. mm, mrt t col, . SO l ayi-l'i-villeSi., ItALr.IOH, N. C. j J. NAT. ATWAl'KK. ! Of Chatham Co., ! WITH- ,EAL&TOH,N, C. l.EAIiEUS IN" AND BUGGY MATERIAL, SASH. l')t)ORS, ; PAINTS, OILS, : REMINGTON COTTON and PLANTERS II(r.n, REFKIoniATuiiS, WATF.R(YMiI.ER9. 1I.V I AXS. I I.V THAIS, HP.ST (ii'iUK. LoM IT I'lUCCS. S(Jl'Ar.K DEALING. Wri'o 'nr prlees. Tints, ii. ri!lTi(;S A Stills Mm h him I.'AId-J(JH. . C, Ilalelph, M.-iy In. Im I. NORTH CAROLINA 1 STATE LIFE INSURANCE CO., RUEiGlI. . CAR. F. II. I 'AM I'll N. President. V. I!. ANIM'.IISON. Vi. e Ties. 'lliKO. II. HILL, Sec'y. Th3 wily Ilsmo Life Insurance Co. la I th.3 State. ; K IU fund l.iancJ out AT HOME, and araoni; our ovit people. We do not sonl Noi.h Carol' ni tuoni-vul.roi.l to litiild unoth-f Rlutes. It ':otic ol' the most shcccs.IuI coir., panics of IU ano iu tlm I'nilcd builes. Its as. acU nra amply stillli'ii'r.t. AU losses ps.il promptiv. Kitl.t thousand dollars psul in iu last t"-' .vars to families iu I'liullinui. It wil cost a man aire ! thirty yenrs O il live tent a day to inst.ro tr one inoti'aud doiiats. Apply lor further lufcrntatiou to H.A. LONDON, Jr., Gen. Agt. FITTSiDOkO', S. C IOC Buggies. Rockaways, Spring Wag -iiis, &c. nadui'f tboKat .uaiti.smai d lul.y r.ant. 6d. to be sold resnrdli sa id OoS. Par: IU waut will oiusu t the r own r.iter. st by .asn--ltunft oursUs,k ant prices (nf me buying, as we are deteruii..d to and have cm don onr pr.es so t hey caui.wt bt tuet tj auy other bonse in the state. Also a full :tock uf. IIsiimI Iatl IlttrnewM HEl'.VIUINS doue at botu m prices, .and U best m. in r. tkud for pr ces and eots. a. a. iii-KLi n l- PON'3. Fa; e evil'e, N. 01 nir-i "1:. to irt tir..iniiirTL'sUui vitetu. uo Hop B f.-mr- mny In i to; : it' v i uri-mar v,uu-. K.til 'finst itxmx blttors. t .,.' L' It ta lai ,r h uuka, :y ui H o vvht uvvi r yon t -l ; j T.m;wincii m- .1 tiutilty f v o m wnw thai yon r ytva i wi t liouti'tf ""'. .iy, . 1 llV B. II lilt-I V V-Of t i nop . .'.iiiir, d...."f8 I I abaotnte! I.le en r tor .l,'Uliku lirm, I OH I I 1 I . un-il if viiui. Iv'ninrPCfiSsHf' i.r oiium. Hop Bdtere XILCS. lfY'1U'lrstIT. .... I I I"' - t-Udlur NUvLo I.lr..ir. t! It may FAIL! (Usavoyou r hop rrrros si lie. tfc fi.tr saved itun- 'Pil co Sdreda. w. g AMCfcit'ON, PlitSidSQl. P. A. WHIT, Svuur itiili.s nv,.,.l JJ Stl!IIUlUt.llll.' 1 rj Hop B.Utf.fc. P.l.i-ii.ti. ii in l Ml-nH CITIZEKS NATIONAL EANK, op KILE! till, X. , J.D.WILLIAMS &. CO., Grccors, Commbs!:n Uordunti anj rroducs Ecyo:3, FAYETTEV:.LE. N. Q.

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