IHUBSDAY.DKCEMJJJSK 22, 181. H. A. LONDON, Jr., Editor. MEftKV CIIHISTMAS! The festive Christmas season has dorae again and all mankind is indulg ing in pleasure and b 'ort. J be Utile folkB are eagerly and impatiently awaiting the coming of Santa Claus with his stores of precious gifts, which awaken iu the minds of their parents pleasant memories of similar pleasures. Hard indeed must bo the heart of that man that does not soften at the approach of Christinas ur.d is not moved by a more kindly feeling toward hi fcllowmcn. Tbe joyful Christmiw time seems to thaw ni.tre Closftly the bond of our common humanity, and a more sympathetic feeling pervades the hearts of all for he Bufferings and misfortunes of one another. At this season all the better And more noble impulses well up in the human heart, and prompt men to be more Christ like. M'ou'd that Christmas could have this effect all the year 'round ! But amid all tho merriment of Christmas there are some sad hearts, and in many family circles tin re is a "vacant chair" : and there arc others to whom on account of poverty and disease not even Christmas brings a glimmer of joy or ray of hope. J'or the proper obwrvance of '. !l"".-t s na tivity we should sympathize with the one and relieve the wants of the other. How much better to do thw than to degrade the day and ourselvos by ca rousai and debauchery. Let uh bear in mind the old Eugli.-h couplet. "At CUrlftm.-iB 1' m.-rry. mi I tliank'tti wi-lia!. And fcBt tliy t-nor it-ijt'il.ir-. il." ,v-::' wall tin snm'.t" The Kecouk extends tho co'ii li nicnts of the season to all its rc.-'.d"t. and wishes them reel: and every one a Merry Christmas ! K AILItOAI) TO EDE.NTON. A grand celebration was held at Eil'-::t'.n. on the bUh inst.. iu li'-ror of thf co:np1iti'Mi of 'he nilroad to that town from Norfolk. This will mark the dawn of a new ami brighter era in the life of that ancient t own. and the construction of this railroad will open up and render more accessi ble to the outside world a section ' f our State that scarcely has its eipuil in the fertility of ita soil and richness of its products. The roal is ecntv miles in length and was built by Northern capitalis t and. as -ve tin derst'ind. has not eO.-t the State of North Carolina one dollar. Indeed the road hits been built so quietly and hi such a bu.-iucs like wny. t lift but few pel sous (except those living in that section) knew anything about it, and it has never been connected with politics ! It is i:ideed refresh ing to know that one railroad can be built nowadays in North Carolina without a war of words among the politicians. CONGltESSIONAE DOTS. No business of importance h.i-i yet lieen transacted in Congress. The r" puhlican members have been busy in securing for ih:r constituei,t.s the subordinate positions about I he House of Representatives. A general sweep of all the old democratic officials and employees has been made, and such a Hwarm of the "truly loyal" have been scrambling for their places as has rarely ever been witnessed. It is much to be regretted that the "spoils sys tern" prevails so extensively iu Amer ican polities, and wo cannot have an improved civil service until it is abol iisbed. A perfect liood of bills and resolutions has been poured into the Ho'ise eight hundred and sixty seven having been introduced in one day! Tho following were introduced by Representatives from this Stale : By Mr. Scales, to repeal the internal revenue laws of the I'nitcd Stales, and to abolish all taxes and offices enacted by them; also, giving to all religious denominations civil lights in Indian Territory also to abolish the taxes on brandies made of apples, jieaches and grapes : and to provide for erecting a United States court house and post otlice building at Greensboro'. By Mr Vance, for the exchange of the trade dollar for the standard trade dollar. By Mr. Down, to prevent fraud and combination in i uutraets for carrying the mail and to encourage local com petition. By Gen. Co, for the relief of Christopher Holt : and to repeal the ; internal revenue taxes. Both branches of Congress adji urn exl y slerday to enjoy the Christmas liolidavs, and will reassemble on the 5th of January. Before adjournment' the Senate confirmed the appointment of ex-Senator Erelinghuysen. of New Jersey, as Secretary of State, and Hon. Benjamin If. Brewster, of l'hil dilphia, as Attorney General. 'Ihe latter apjMnntment is as good as could : have been nnide, for Mr. Brewster is ! it hiwver of great learning :md iihjhty ! and it inn i i 'he fii;'!i--t i ! :. meter. It IS ' ..Hi lll.lt Ulh(i Ul,.l,L. Jli till' ' Cabinet will be made by Ihe time: ,r- )ll;;l'et,K ( a.s.eiitbles. i (JOY. JAHVIS DKKKNt K. , t l i r l l 4i ! kov. Jarvis has putuislioil m l"' - : Xi'ws and Observer a long letter de- ; fending himself against the resolu-1 t;.,nu ,.f ii i.fn..r nf thp eiii.eiiH of Chatham, held at. thin place ou tbe z.Jrd of .Noveiiitier. As those, resolu tions wer published in the Kr.eoitn I we think : publish I It due to Ciov. Jarvis to eply, for we believe in dealing justly vith all men, and more especially when a man occupies ho . high an otlieial position. The tuner ; nor writes us follows: "It will, no doubt, be remembered ' that in the early winter of 1SS0 Mr. JJest came to Kaleigh to negotiate a purchase of the Western North Caro , lina Eaihoud. He came with the most pronounced ussuiance of his ability. He was antagonized by a very strong and a very respectable sentiment in the State. ' The Mud Cut circular, conceived iu a spirit of spite arid issued in se cresv. full of misrepresentations and mischief, created iu the State a con dition of things which made the future of the Western North Carolina Hail road very uncertain, to say the h ast of it. The proposition of Mr. Best to buy and complete the road without further cost to tho State, coming right upon the heels of the Mud Cut oooni. precipitated upon me a couoi tion of things which required me to trust him. I was cautioned in many ways not to l it. I felt that the best interest of the State required un to do i;. I dil it The road was sold to him. He then ni-nlo a speech, and. like his I'ittsboro sju-ecli. it was taken down bv his own shortliand re porter H,. told us that in less than sixty ihiys he would be at work, and 1 felt that I had done well and that all was sal'--. Time wore on aud noth ing was d. ii:. by this "railroad build er." us he stv les himself. On t i.e 21t of ?.lav. only eight davs bil'ore the ewirauoii o that his a ,, and th:-t 1. good to the he widud that he i-i': f his sixty, he wo ite me ,-i;ttes refused t o organize i- feared they un-aut m State or himself and that to si jvirate from them : !! I'nd seve!.;l -entleineii in all ropects iii.uv desirable, and that, free to act. he was -i'isi',t-d a few (lavs would sufli'-e to put him in position to pay the State it disbur.-c-nieiils and vigorously to begin work. This letter was sent all the wav from New York b eont, lined a eo-coiainissii his as si iciite: special nie-sei'ger. an.l equest that ui'.sc'.f a:.d lit':, give our co: sent to i-sigviug t heir in'-'re.-.t s. We replied that we did authority eith-.-r to coiisi ot have the it or object and that we retused to io either. They did. however, assign their inter ests, and it turned out afterwards tlu.t his new and more desirable aso- eia'es u-,.,-,. ,essis. ISUtonl. I .vdeaml .............. ........ ites an t liirnisheil the moiiev that saved the contract fro:n failure and whatever consequence that might have aticiidt-d such faihu'e. Mr. Best aii-1 his new associates soon quarreled. Yi.--so fault it was I do not know. Their quarrel still progresses. After Mr. Best and his new associates quar reled and separated, he came to me with his complaints, statements and explanation. I positively declined to take a:iy part iu his quarrel, on t he one side or the other. The tif.ht was transferred to the Legislature and still I kept silent, although assa.le.l and maligned day after day. S i much for Lis first scheme : now to the Secul.d. In 172-7:1 a very liberal charter was gratite 1 by the Li gi-laturc of N rth Carolina to the Midland North Carolina Hailway Company. Some time last fall (I think it was) Mr Best got control of this eharb r. During the winter he repeatedly t"M me it was hi- plan to lease the Atlanta- and Noith Carolina Railroad and to ex tend it to Salisbury. He said he was advised by the best of counsel that he could compel, through the courts, a reconveyance of the Western road. and that he would for that purpose. soon begin a suit ine sill, eci aoom which he wisued to talk with me was the. h-ase of the Atlantic road. I lis tened to him patiently, attentively and i'( peet fully. I did not miv to him. as I might have. lone. "Mr. B"st. a burnt child dreads tho lire.' You came to me less than a year ago to bay the Western road! with the s! congest assurance one man could give .-mother of your abi-ity to do anything you promised. I trusted you. although warned not to do so. I even took the responsibility to call the Legislature together. You hft me alter the Legislature acted, telling me ou tiiiiim vidii in- toth 111 niii force : that soon 1 would see ear load ani r ear loan in picKs. sj.au , siades shovels. dor. dynamite, ing by Bah-igh. wheelbarrows. powd drills, etc., etc.. pass! smoii 10 i i.iiiowe.i i.y ions upon ; ions', steei inns, ttu on itieir wav io the Western load, for vou intende. to bring them in at Morehead and tnke them up ihe Noith Carolina Railroad that the pi-ojd.! of the State lniiit si e tiieiu. I looked for their coming: I listened for the news of their coining, and I looked and listen- ed 111 vain. Instead of that the air was full (:' riiiiiiirH. and day alti r dav I was uski d, 'When is he coining '.' , Jly friends giew tm.id ; mv enemies : n-iv ii.ir.1. x iiniuii cu, 11111 im me . matter, and vou replied, 'AH will be!n hii right. -leaiiwhile the -oiitraet was 1 aud then we all took fresh ; coiiri'ge. You r turned ut once to N. w York. ha ing behind you the most poiitive aisiirances of your -peedy return, ready to commence woik 111 goo. 1 earnest, ioii.lnl not come, but jiainful rumors of your fail j ure did. Each day added to the em- , barrasriiiitnts as day after day ut.sse. am imI no Jewt, no iiiijilcments, no rails, j 110 moiiev ciuiie. 1 asked some of my have had, and that they have emu-' withstanding there bad been delay" friends and telegraphed to others to plied with the spirit of their arte- 011 the part of the as.dgueea iu imsb g) to New York to wee what wim the uieut. So have I. I did not wait, an iug tbe woik, still ihe coiuiui-siouers trouble arid to aid 111 removii.g it, if j I might have done, till the-, had built '. unanimously declared "the causes : o , ble, i'hev went, and tlx v found j .111 1 constructed several' miles of ' set oat in said application are Buffi vou, us they told me. utteily broken I road, but having faith iu those whom cient, to entitle them" (the assignees) down. You :tppeal.d to them f..r I had 1111 1, I eoinuieuced as early an to the eiteiisiou aiked for." help and f Ley responded, sorno in one way and some in another. Scv- ) tbouxiim dollars in casb bftd to t)t, r,uM.J at once to save the contract, an J the flouting debt, amounting to $30,001) more, had to be paiJ oil. Eight therein that great city, the money centre of Ibis continent, the Iritv iii which vou "have been able to command hundreds of dollars by a few Lours' labor,' you appealed to those fiiendsof mine to help you raise that sum. Even in this crisis you would not risk oue ddllat of your own money to fulfill your contract to the State aud to redeem your prom- ises tome. I was iu great danger, tbe Western road in a critical condi tiou and tho best interest of the State iu peril, ami all because you fulled to keep vou r promises. No, Mr. liest, 1 cannot trust you again; 'a burnt chi'd dreads the 'fire.' " I say I might wtli have talked this way to him. and , had I "consulted my own interests," I would have done so. I did rot d it because I did not tbiuk of my in- terests. It was ahuie the interest of the State to which I looked. I thought I saw in Mr. Best a man lull of euergv, of tiue intelligence aud an uMeompicrable will just such a niau as would undertake great enterprise and do much fr them if he did not accomplish them. I was willing to trust him a second time because his scheme looked to the development of al I felt it mv duty to eucoursg" it no mstter what tue iisii tomvself. 1 Vot t after effort was mmh to repeal his Midlaud charter, but I stood bv him and his charter deter- mined to -'ive him another chance. The Ligisl.itnre adjourned ab mt the mi -Idle of M.m-h. Mr. Best hft the citv about that time. It may have been a slioit while b. f.ne. 1 . i iiear.i not mng morn oi ine jii i uim scheme till the middle of M iv. On the :;ilih i f nril. when the extension was granted ou certain conditions to subsi iiiieutlv performed bv the assignees of Mr. Best, it wax not known tome that Mr. B-st would ever be heard of again in this con nection. Nor had 1 heard of his B stou sMulicite when, on the 4;h o! May, 1 reaffirmed my action us one of the commission! is of thelMth of April. 1 was lii.-t U-l 1 of its su.-ci ss fill organization by one -f Mr. Best's ;tt"r;ie . on the loth df.y i f May, and 1 then t' Id him ! had signe.t the exten-ioii. On the 2 jth day of May, Mr. B-st and some of his Boston frit ad. ( aiiic to lod-ugh and had a conference wi'li the commission" rs, and developed fully their Mid- hind scheme. This was the liist time that Mr. Best exhibited any ability to gofrwaid with it. 1 was very : favorably impressed with the geutle- men he had with him. I was asked if I would give their scheme my en- (K.rsemcnt After alluding to" Mr. Best's former failure so delicately that it tonelinil the svinimtliv of s hiih OI uisiiienus, i loin inem r wouiu. When nsked if we would help them o r, t 1ik Wester?! r. eel ue tol.l them the commissioners had no power to put theiii in poss( ssio'i of the road. They n plied tiny knew th it, and that it was uiir moral lulbien.-e tiny were afu r. I told them they could have that as soon as we lelt confident of their abiiitv. There was much talk about what would sitisfy us. The resuit of this ta'k was the memorandum of th ; 'J'lth of M-iy. The Midland proi-i-t hud mv fill sympathy then and it has it now. I t . . . . .... 'UKi he f use tonjvse.f, false to mv record, false to my State, false 4-) her peophi and to her best iti?. rst, did 1 withheld from such a scheme auything m my power to push it forward. N misr 'presentations of Mr. Best or any of Jus newborn sup porters could sting me into withhold uig iroui it auv support tljat I caii give it. 1 have done all for it that I could, and 1 utterly d. nv that I have done un thing or uilei to d ) anv- thing inconsistent wilh my promise of support made in the paper of tbe 'J."th of M iv. In tbe paper I prom ised -to use all the means in my power to procure the smreiuUr and leissignment of the interest hereto- fun- i-mii'i-VH .v t 1.1 Sh,l.ni,f North Car. ibna to W. .. Best ud others in the Western North Carolina lbul road C'lmp iny to be made to W. J. Best W. V. Carru h, V. J. Sprague, W. S. Denny und Lewis Coleman. Before I was rupiircd to do any thing, the boston syndicate was ie- quired to do three thin?", to-wil; First to make a depot-it of fioO.Ouii: secondly to obtain a lease of the Atlantic and North Carolina Bail road; and, thirdly, to prosecute the work "vigorously oil the Midland road from tiohlsboro to Salisbury." J he first was done promptly aud the necon.t a soon as it con I.I he. ... ,H prepared to say that tho third and )V far the most important of the three things has yet been done ? It iH wmt. hundred an 1 fifty mil-s from ( i. ,1, Ubvro to Salisbury, and up to j the (Mmton meeting ab..ut ten miles cost some two million of dollars to co'iijiieie ine road irom t.n.li.ioro to that the time be and is hereby ex Silisbury. Tho cradini' of the ten -tended four months in which to com- 1 miles, I suppose, cost tell thousand d .liars. Can it bo safely sai l that with this small amount done, in comparison with wlmt ren.ninc t , - - " " ' ,one, the tinie had cmne when the com misioners were called upon to ' ct '? 1 think not. In our letter of i tuink not. in our letter of Tins paper was, na 1 nave bhm, ; ery soon alter me young laoy no irst of August to tho assignees nnnnimously agreed to, and was de- ' Kn teaching one of the largest m.tle. ii i : "If tbev'' the llosto.i svn. hv.-ie,l to Cnhnn.! Andiews. not siau- students became her "fellow" and iu me nrst OI dicatf ) "nball continue to vigorously nrosecute the woikof roiiHtrnetini' and bu ldisg said road" ( ineimin Vje Midland) "we shall iu good faith j literally comply wit h our pai t of the agreement" ( .referring to tlni ."nh of .May agreciiK ut). Hive they yet const 1 ncted or built a mile of road ? Here I niiLrlit rent mv case. Rut T concede that they have done as much as they could 1o in the time they June my fforts to bring about tbe, re-assignment referred to in tbe secernent. I have steadily pursued this Conine, using all menu that I i considered legitimate and proper, be- cmise 1 felt that the success ol the Midland scheme iu its entirety was of such value ami importance 10 the State as to require me to do it., There is a difference of opinion among many good people as to the proprietv of my having made this promise of tbe 2oth of May, as well as a differ- eiice of opiuiou as to whether I have , kept it. This difference of opinion, however, like most others, results, I ' opine, from the difference of meaning given to certaiu words. In this case, I take it that tbe words, "all means in our pewer," furnish the grounds of difference. It may be that it was unfortunate that more definite words were not used. Be that as it may, I have al ays proposed, and do now prop se, to be my own judge of tbe menus I shall use. 1 am always glad to have Ihe approval of my fellow- men, but I must first of all have the approval of my own conscience. ltmmi mat, tuoir approval ou n oe worth hut little. lu this cuse 1 have it luost i.uiiali!iedly. I have gone over with u.yself carefully aud in do tail all that I have had to do with Mr. Best and bis schemes, and I can soy of a truth 1 have not done or said one thing that 1 did not believe hn- orable and for the l est interebt of tbe ... . t. j . ... riate. .iiy cimm-ieuce u" uoi ic- , ... -e-. prove me. let the tongue and pens forty-nine years. ! of others lush me as they may. But, Two desperados, Laving made ' hack to the words, "all mean in our themselves obnoxious in a turning ' power." No reasonable man will say .cauip in Colorado, were pursued and ' they required me to do anything un- finally shot to death by tbe miners. ( lawful or immoral. Now the partk'- ; In Dublin the olice have discov-1 nhir "means'' which 1 am censured ert,,j a jar,y amount of concealed :t f. r net using is my failure to vote fjr arms and ammui iti.iu, together with vci.iunst-iiMni . ..... r.,,.Ui..-u ... the Chilton m cling, declaring the contract of tb-J assignees forfeited ind throwing the Western road back upon the Stale I could not do that, because I be.u-ve it would have been both illegal and immoral, and, if so, I wus not required by my promise to do it. Why do I say it would have bien both illeg.ii an 1 immoral, iu meV It would have been illegal be-eau.-e. on the ;iOth day of April, the commissioners gave the assignees four months (Stcusion of time, con ditional upon the assignees doing certain things. These certain things were done by the assignees as speed ily as possible. Had none ot tbe commissioners signed the extension, I have not the slightest doubt, and nevci have had. that, after the assign- tes performed their part, a court of equity would have compelled tie commissioners to do theirs. But I dit sign the c-slmsiou ou the i:hh of May, but more formally on the 10th, and i Commissioner Worth on the 15th. 1 The (n:sriN-.of tbe extension win; on the :iiUh of April, aud not wheu I 'oiiimissiolK icr wcriu auu 'JBl-u .1 1 signed it, uoi on iuc November at tbe Clinton meeting, as some Iihvc SUIinosed. Had I Vted with Commissioner ' ance at the Chntnu meeting, I would have been voting, as 1 believe, to force the St ite into a lawsuit ou the Western road, in which, ulter hmg and expensive litigation, she was, iu my opinion, bound to be heaten. I had no legal r.gui io put ... " , ;m... r 1 tion. It would have beeu jmmoral in me to have fo voted, because 1 had tune an id again spec iticallv promised that I would give a reason- v . , . I !... a!i:o extension. 1 I'roniisen mt. ieoi while he was interested on that ide of the question. I would do it for him, if he needed the time. I prom- iseil his assignees that I would give dressed enters a crowded millinery it to them. I voted for it at the store, where she tries ou an expeu A in il meeting and signed it in my sive bonnet. While she is looking at own handwriting on the 13th and luth of May. It would have beeu immoral m me to have vioiatia inai oft-reoeated promise. I have never luceived anv one m this matter, or concialed from any one my purpose - in nfereuco to it. 1 have all th. while declared it to be IUV purpose wnii. to.ii.itti iii. luji i to stand by the extension if tbe signees continued to peiform their part of tbe agreement agreement. . aid tne acttiHl granting of I have salt the extension was at Uio meeting ot the commissioners m mo cuy Baieigh on tbo :iotbof Apr.i, not when Commissioners Worth and mvKi II bii'ue.l the extension, it ai ,-siii signet ine ex.eiiHion, 'r ul - "'W l wo votud uphold it. The following paper, the to unanimously agiee.i upon ..y ' 1 1 I ... 1. commissioners at said meeting of the Doth of April, is, I think, conclusive .lr arll AlllUl Vtt - on the (jutbtiou. (luthtiou. The nopur is as follows : The commissioners having con- sidt-ied tho a; plication of Buford, . Clyde and Lno'ttu, assignees of W. U. Mt I u., f,,r an eytenn Best and associates, for an extension ; of four months' time under the con- tract 111 which to complete the West-, eru North Carolina lUihoad to Baint i l..ek and Bigeou River, and being of opinion tho causes set out 111 Said application are sufficient to entitle agreed by us, th said commissioners, plete said road to l'aiut Rock aud : 1'ieon Rivt.r under tLe said con-1 tract: provided, the said applicants 1 ul,,.il U uoil. all thn eoiiilil inns 1 wj, .. t ... . ami retpiirements set out iu their ! said application." . This iianer was. ns I have said. ed, but with 1111 agreement that it Ki.nlil I.p ;,..o. ,1 t.v un at our meet-! uig, which w.m e spected to take place ; two weeks hence, upon the applic-I titui being reformed in ti; particulars J there agreed upon. This paper 1 valuable for aualher purpose. It shows what the com-1 tulinm.rii ilinn..li n( th merits of ; tho grounds upou which the exteu- ! sion was asked. It shows that, not Having said this rutu-h in esplan-' ation of mv course as a commissioner, I submit tbe question at issue to tbe verdict of that tribunal to which I j Lave never yet beu afraid to appeal the people. If they Khali Hav I i Lave erred, I regret it did what j thought was right. One more word aDd I am done The Midland road is for North Car olina, and being bo. I am for it. It would do much for the development, of tbe State if built. I trut the I5o- ton syndicate will see their way clear to continue the work. If they do, I . tLaII do all iu my power, consistent : with my ideas of right and the beet interest of the State, to make the; Western road a part of the Midland I ostein, and no amount of cajoliug or , abuse can change my purpose. j Tnos. J. Jahvis" i ; m j General ZVeWS. ' , ' . 'phe Sfae pf j,,wa ilus ,)Parly omn. ; pleted its new capitol at a cost of Jl,- goo.GOO. j 1 , corrected list of tLe victims ol tbe Vicuna tire civea the total num-' ler as 7t4. j Postmaster General James has! effected considerable improvement j iu the Southern and Southwestern j mail service. j I)r, Have, best known as an ex- plorerof the Arctic regions, died at ma iinrnii mi jiw I nri: ui u uiru ot pa,,er8 relating to r email nioveim uts. The State of Georgia has one town Macon in which there is a queer superstition. The merchants say that when an organ grinder enters the town the price of cotton falls. Eight nihilists have been arrested ' in St. Petersburg. The police seiz- d a quantity of bombs concealed in . oranges. A letter from London blaming the conspirators for their inactivity was also found. In raking over the ashes of the late fire at the Missm Huutei's boiiidiug house in Morristown, N. J.. the wotkiuen found a $70J diamond ring, a gold wateh studded with dit mouds, ?7.1 iu gold and flO.OJO of' jewelry As a result of the investigation of the charges against members of the Ninth Massat-biicetts rcgmicnt while, a; Richmond, Va., and Y'oiktow u, ! twenty of the offenders have been' stiu.njarily dismissed by order of tbe Commauder-iu-Cbh f ! c Ireer, of the Norwegian ' , .; ii.,,,.. ,i,r. has rescued a boat's 1 - - - t.re,v of t i, u ....... .f ti. I, .1,;.. j-ranee, which had been abandoned turee wteij8 before in niid-oceuu " ( r The rescued men were on tbeb.ird of starvation. They were living on only one half of a spoiled biscuit each day. ( 'ihe Peabody hotel, at Memphis,, Tencissee, cuught tire Saturday morning, at the breakfast hour, from a defective line. The tire was soon "U'ler control, although the ki'cher .!,.. ii -r. .. etc.. was badly wrecked. The hotel who filled with guests, and a general stampede ensued, many peisoi.s1 earning their trunks on their shoul ders. Chicago has a peculiar style of shoplifting. The "lady," elegantly her appearancii ;,. II... ............ .!,.. modestly requests tbe saleswoman to nave tlic elastic o-i me oni nai cnan ged. When the saleswoman rc. turns tmCladv aud the new bonnet have disappeared. . . ;,. -..l,,,,,.,! :ntn ... , , irginia Legislature 111 a fe.v days, ovi(ll , for the r.Iuova f the po- jtical disability of unite a number litical disabilities of quite n number ' of persons who were engaged in duel-' , ' ,... ,.,., .;.. .n . M.vt.rafwbo Kre cbr.,e(l w;,b Lav - :n,, -,.,.,, .1.,, ,,,.:,, .im "Ul:0ill . state in , jh-,j Among tho persons alleged."""-"'''""'" ""v'' "" ' ' ''.' . 1 7! 1 .1 lll.-rl. a .lllll.Ull... " "f ths fHll.i-, ' !.. , to be disqutilitied for the reason are. I Mr. Ui.ldlebeigcr, Cotgressman (b.-o. 1 D w w (, u Ui,lt()r wji o. .l...,,.! Tl.,m. K.,.iih r.t F.i...iir: ' 1 ,-Unt.rttX w ,, i.av nM.i 1 u V. Coffee ilriukers should read the ail vertisement iu another column headed (iood Colfee. Fill lie r is (letting Well. tufr fther is jjtt,rH H,. j, i,,n h,l'freriuf f Mv daimhter says.'TIow much hinco he used Hop getting well after his ti.ti.i ui.fTi'i.irr fioiii u iliuAftui. titt'nrm ,, r,..,r..l.l....,.l n... nr Un rlo.l ll,( (,nr Jjitters.-A lady of Rochester, N. Y. Utica Heiald. Wlii pjiiiig Her Husband. ''r"m llt- Cblrtjfd Tribun. A young man an 1 hit sister were hired to teach a school in Clay conn- ! 1 v Kentnnkv. in nart nershm. the1 - -j 1 1 , young lady to teach the first half of the session and her brother the other. ! Very soon after the voung lady bo- a very short tune they were married. . Not Ion u however, after thev were' married tbe y..ni.g groom and anoth-! er one of the bride s students engug- ed in a lit t Io -'knock down." Each! of the oflemh-ra was brought befori the fair deciple of the rod, wa given an impartinl trial and theyounggroom was oroven to bo eonallv toiiltr with tbe other and was given his choice of leaving t lie school or taking a whin ping, lie cnoee inn laiu r; bis new 1 v made bride did herself fair ji.s- lice iu 1 no lino 01 mil ron, jjhto uta bcr husband nut h lew Hllipes, amj cut-1 ting the blood out in not a few places. ' since then everythini' has passed off: . 0 r ; pleasantly. OTiscell&neoils M. T. N. ilium. if KuU'Iitli. ' O It II I ! Ji.BK WV4TT. '.r Knli'i(!li. , "v v rr r v Suocoesors t" M. WHOLESALE GEOCEES COTTON COMMISSION MERCHANTS, I ii 1 I tr HBvei.ii han.i a full llnc.f (Jr.H!t.rt, llarirluc f 0"ltill, fcc, ..lieiUHl. Our Kuiir partner. Mr. M. T. Nurrln, Isom- of u Uirouirli i.rlil .r tsvliv ycHrv. In 1 Hint ..H.rl tn.'llt of our I'uviluiw, IjUil will U- ta. I.iLiituI ujiuu'-.". nu ((.luiciiiui'uiv auJ lift i M 9 2 fC5 H in If Q f 9 98 Cl 5 a H t 17s Ml A TRUE TONIC A PERFECT STRENGTHENER.A SURE REVIVER IKON 1JITTKRS rc lii-jlilr recommended fcr all disease re (jiiiring a ceriaiti :u;d ( Hicienl tOllie es-K-cially lwlijcli m, I yfxjurui, Intrr milhnt F'vtr, H'.m AyprtiP. Jumuf Sinnylh, Lvko .wy, c Knriclua tlic lilo-xl.Ktrcujjllictu' the innsc-k-e, mid f.-ivc new lite to llie iktvck. Tliey act liken harm mi ihe iliirc.-iive organs, retnovini; all dysjitic fviimtonii, iuch s TwHn-l Ihr t'i. Hflehinq. IU"X i-i the SOmuvli. l"int,urn,.lf. TllC only Iron Prepauiitlon that will not blacken the teeth or give headache. Ndd by all druKpistB. Write fer Uit- A 15 C liook, 22 pp. of Ubiful aud ainii-ing ri-adini; ni Irrr. HUOVTS CHEMICAL CO., IJaltimore, 3Id. Shaw & Han-isJEKPRESS steamboat co. 7 m;:- lr lull ;i.I Winter -' - k CLOTHING! Boots and Slioes, Hals aad Caps- Notions, Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, mi l th. v InlUr cvsi !.! 1. 1 i lillilttl fLA.ir'.T.i. lit ! CLOTH LS(i, H ATS AND (il'.NTH Furnishing Goods, il.ey liav.-. . r ti i t. .in-l III umk.- th. so i ,,,.. twhuii.' ..... r.-r-!.. m- i.i..ii- -m. i-ur-ia, u-.r st..u. i.u-- u,.i ' , v '.' 1 On-murkci, lit im n wll as ill T.iinti.i t.i inn:. Ii. II. ' I. iv.- 11. si r .., ;..,.. ,.,,.,. ti 4 n... . .1 t... rt-r tHiitifnl llti' ef i; Ii.ii-i fall 1.. : "..rv. !::."" :.r.2 P ATE i T S. : ,! f. 1.. I. it... tin. S. !! It..r Ai.inrl. 'iti an l I '-f: '.III-. Wll-tlll.l..M. I ' All I.UrlU' 's i.- . i rtr. with 1'IC. -. llr., MI..-.I..T lo !. ! ill!" I'HI. Hl oni... -.r II..- !'. urt-, 1 . t o 1 0 1 - !ti.i. l.s I... N.i .'Imriir mile, n .at.-i.. Is M-.ure.l, Si.ii.l f..r.-u -I'ulw. I...VH.-U If you want to huy cn or Boys cr rcftdy-rruvde crmaak border, do not imI to send, for our Cal&lcg'ue J. M. aOSENBAUM, ANI ItKAU'K IN Mmii FnrnlsbiniE Goods. X. F. t'-.r. I'lii-itt-tfilli- mi. I ilr(jtt fcu., iiAi.niou, n. e, T. B. W.iMti II MANNING & V70MACK, i'r.ir,;:::: teslkrs PITTSBORO, TJ. 0. .7 XttZZ ' m .n ih n.t a...i itiim iii..ih ..f wii n.....tt. M...I o.s;nur.lav .rr.-r...g. Mr. U'...t.ifc.-k ( win im o.ur.m awaiuiaio. i..ii u I CLOTHIER Advertisement. I'm Lie Tavia.ii, f Chatham. rV .V Y I- O 1 , T. N.rrle 4 fi..' ii. ;v . c. and 1. whlrli r nuike a Miwlalir. O'lulrnmrat Oh h n li'ii. In Hip -.iii..n irn-li- "f Hnlnleh. Bit Mt M-nitii: 'Ninon Ih a irtmraii!".- f U:- i-p-i-ur ju&ui:eieBfc umliT Inn Tn.l.lil vuirvlMi, rnii'krt iirii fuumuiif J. C.uiuuellt nullrltml. Steamer Schedule. i 'a "'. I n'u r April llr-I ii. until further m.m, Ik- sirjti.it-r 1). Ml IIi'tllsoN. (il. Jcrrr . will I. I Triivlll irjr Tum4t na I r ri-l.' at 7 n'l'l'. k a. in,, mm i WIIBInfica i'V.t) W -lii- l.-iy uii'l Saturday . t o'clock p. m. T.i- s.-vimer W A K.i'pl. m. A. KiibaMi, nil . Vw ').-n.-viUc Wli.ly aud Sa.urdajr l T k a. in., mil Wiiinli.cUjo MonOay aad Tliurs-!; j at II ..'.. k p. in. J. I W'll.l.lAlts k CO., Aetata. B l tf Furettetllla, . C: ii it. woonri.i., l.nl.-IL. N. c. IjC it. n. wim r.. It A J.-I..I.R. Mooaara. WOODKLL & WYNNE, Wilol.KSAl.l: A.M IlKTAIL ters is iwa hkiii ! N. A. Mariin Street, Raleigh, N, C. . leil.-lh-nmonte of Cult.iu BHpMtfalljr loHai lud. ofllla IVI. J. RAMSEY, WITH r A P K "8 00., -WMi .1 KsaI.E DRUGGISTS & CHEMISTS, .-)2S .Market St., PHILADELPHIA. .1. a. -McDonald, WM. W00LC0TT. Raleigh, It. C. I U'llOI.Mr M.K I)KA I.Kit IN Dry Goods, CIotMn, Notions, Hats, Boots and Shoes, :.::ll:::z.t gcosb, &o.t AND MANt'KACTl'lIRK Of Pants, Shirts and Drawers. Wll1nl1iBi1.11 ami Ilnrgrll StrMta. NORTH CAROLINA STATE LIFE INSURANCE CO,, OF R.tlE.rU. . CAB. 1". H. CAM r:i,'()N, President, V. E. ANDERSON, Vice Prer, THEO. H. HILL, Be'y. Tho 0QI7 Horns Uk Icsxiranci Co. ia tho State. All It fun J Inai.ed out AT IIOMC, aa ani'inir our oU pvople. We lo B4H aa4 N'.illi (.'rol in iuoiiryalroa.t 10 build aaaiaar HlHl.ra. Il ' 011) of 11." moat (aroaatlul aaa panti-i of IM dc In (lie United State. I la aa. are amply itilUcleiit. All loawa p4 110 ii.tiy. jLitrlit tt.otiand dnllara .aia la a as. two T'-ari lfiitiillif hi I lialbani. It wU coot a man l thirty reare O'.It Ira carta a lr H luH.tr for ona Ibouaaml do.laia. Aj'iilj fur further inl-ruialioa to H. A. LONDON, lr., Cel. Agt. mTSBOIiO', H. G. I f i I h Mill

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