allium Record. H. A. LONDON, Jr., r.irro:t and i-iiiiriin-.Tciii. 33 TIPl-JS or ADVEItTISING. (j:mi winiue, mm li.wll i- jono siiaio,tw . ln.t rt!"ii.;,-OuesijuaiC-, i n TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: Yl 17 I FirlarTalvili.v.'!iiL:,!si!,..-riil-('iitiailswiU Onocnpy ,s!k iii.'Mt'ft -tMwpri thivtui:ii:li-, 1.(111 ! VOL. IV. ITITSHORO', CHATHAM CO., X. C., JANUARY ., 1882. i Y or TimiMe Ah an -.-o 1 , I'mm tV- liciuht, I.'iu'iii. i! r. :i cpnn ilir luiuls, (III fV 1st l.-Iilil. . l.i-lit, 1'uir !i. I I.' n.;,il ili i rl namls, Sees the traveler lu-low I.( ?in;,' In art, a, lcaipie r-u lcnpuo Lriiig wilili'i'iinwi' slinw Nj end tn 1 is liitiin', K Fnit'-i, nmi ! Ik t star, 1c:iM',!; U'V l.n :iil '.'. 1 ;''!' ..r ;:!'.' n.y 1-f!1-.i In i!.e wclj.. life nmi dt-nili. Kss " my li-nrts :l:it !-ciii Thi' dark 1 ; ;i-lt!i i)u iv!i,i!.. Seed llio lin py lu-aris llnit Tlio bright in.B nil tluir All ! !c! tliN f;.ii!i'.l four- ) Tliai rv. n 'mid th j lin, AbilVO tlio plf ' lit t'lHlTI. And sea :!:( iifarin;; gutn ; While, l iia.llli iy l-rra !i!i it;, As rrniii ilio wij.vti'B liaud, Tho I'att' rn of the years tVl (In ! Liiiifl-if Iiiih plntin d. Ho w Wq Took a Eoarder. K ,v: oi:r 1 ;: is .jnie a largo 0!!0, and, I i'M do (Ik se apartments which wo oocnpy o'.irfilvi s and those which we de lietfe to our gin sts, then is n vi ry lice li.'bi r.iem on the second lloor, li v,e i.;Virne and very seldom enter. Ojo morning, wl.en I happened to feel iu a very ec'iiioruical mood, I bethought iiiyRelf tha', were this ionm fnmishe. prettily, we iui;;ht jilt us will as not talie a boarder thor? ro such numbers of advcitisenients in tin papers for jast such places. H many single laditH wished "loard in a jiiivate family wln ro no oilier boarders were tukeD," and no many single; gentlemen pined for " tlio cemfort of a home," that I Lad no doubt we coiud suit our selves eiaeily. AccordiiiL.lvI breached the subject to '. Psalter at tho table that very evening. Pfalter only luughed at lir.'-t. but when I ho fcnir.d that I whs in eavne-t, aeipiit s.-ed in tht! arrangement, merely stipulating that neither maiden lady nor "gentleman and Lis wife" were to bocomo inhabitant.) of the iiji uttnent. Conscqnei.lly my clioiee n.-.s liiui'.ed. A cingle gentleman I m'.i-t L ive.c.r.d I wus determined to bo very about him. I consider myself a pretty good judge of character, and 1 resolved to select an intellectual, moral and well mannered person, ur to give up the idea altogether. Tuesday and Wednesday p.vsed with out any answer. Thurdtiy brought a young man belonging bui lire company, who Btipnlated that tho members of his ' machine" should bo allowed tho privilege of meeting in my p trlor once a week, bm their engine house wss out of order, Mid likewiso mentioned that Le always, in tho morning, took brandy instead of milk in his cofi'. e. To this's proposals I was obliged to answer in tho negative, and, on his pressing the point, to inform him that the reception of tho engine cem pany would of itrlf bean insuperable obstacle. 1 did ';ot think it prudent to add that Lis appeaiv.neo and conversa tion did not tend to make me desirous of his society. Abhough I thought so, I based my objection altogether upon, the Dro company's expectation of meet ing in my purlers. I Lad said enough to offend my vis itor, however, for he thrust his head forward turtlo ftehum, and remarked that I Lad better not "say anything agin Jso. iUO, and that I might bo "hopping glad to Have 'cm meet in my : parlor, lor for all I tiiougnt myseii gome pnnlins, I was only small per tatnrs," and that "Ko. 2 b) boys were fine fellers, and I'd better not contra dict him fca- ay !" an 1 departed, leaving an odor of bud cigars aud Male whiskey behind him. My next applicant wns a maiden lady, who desired accommodations for herself, a pal rot, a kitten, twopondlta, a moukey, and a cabinet of mineralogicnl speci mens. Of courso nbo did not suit me, especially as she was very particular in her inquiries as to my servant girl's capability of Tashir.g and attending upon poodles and parrots. Closely following upon her heels came a gentlemau of respectable appearance and plausible address, with whom, in epite of a pair of very wild, singular eyes, which prottnded beyond the lids until they appeared about to drop out into his cheeks, I was mightily taken. In fact, the arrangements were nearly con cluded, when, to my horror, I made the discovery that he was a professor of spiritualism, and a speakingand singing medium ; likewise, my eyes wcro opened at once to tho tingnlarity of the gentle- man's eyes by this confession, and became aware that the nearest insane asvlnm would, iu all probability, snit him far better than my humble dwell ing. Ho, with an inward thanksgiving for my rescue, I goont of tho scrape a r.clitelv as possible, and tbo "me dium" departed. Then arrived throe very nntidy men, who wanted to share the apartment, and receivo scholars on tho violincello therein. After thesis Lad dt parte 1, I declare I was quite- out of patience, aud almost resolved to give up my notable idea altogether ; but, j ifit I hail come to thin resolution, I lizard onutliT ring at tlio bill. Such a ring! Not a loul, impera tive, at .rapt peal, but a modest, musical tin'.iutabulation, wh;eh betokened an unassuming and well-bred applicant for admission. "A young gentleman" so Tidily iufermcd rue ; ar.d, after pooping in. tho glas to see if my hair was smooth, I ran np ttairs. There was a young gentleman in the parlor a tall, fair young niuu, with struigh , straw-colored ha'r, combed back from Lis forehead with a null, and a white cravat of ministoii il proportion?, lie had dear little hands encased in tlio most delicate of gloves, and was so polite and gentlemanly that, really, I thought to wysclf, I could not possibly find any iic who would s-.iit me better for a boarder. lis was on a vi.sit to tiio i i'y fo he t aid --and hU piinnipal objet in the ,ieh c! ion of h bo:irding place was pri iv y and good nwiety. llu was a church membi r, and kept very early hours. Ho was very fond of children, and would be happy, if I had any of those dear creatures, to'Juhtrnet them in any little accomplishment, such as drawing or u.usie, a.s a., agreeable mannir of pass ing Li'h lei.inie hours. Altethtr h". wai a perfect modt-I Tair. y huppeniiig to run ia jurt then, tho young gentleman took hiv upon U:s knie, and they Iwarm friendly at onco. So, somehow or otht v, j-. via; all pfttl-'d in a few moments, and Sir. OHa.nlo Alberts had agreed to bi coaie the occu pant of my np.irtcient. Alter the bnsi h .d been entirely bertlf.d, he lu't'Lii to chat with me and J'ar.ny, and the other children, who had made their appearance ; and, whilo we were i on- versing, the Lours pass.ul so (pllcKiy that it was d.unei-time lieforo 1 I knew it, and, P alter aud iiiotherJoiin, j coming homo, they were in' rodttts d to our new b.-iarder, and insistul upon Lis ! dining wi'h u-i that very day. He accepted tho invitation very stvcetly, j mid said that, if we were willing, he : should be most happy to enter his new ! ipiarlcis that v iv i.veii)n?, aial Aouin send to tho Astorllonco for his luggago tho next diiy, as ho was somewhat fatigued by his journey. To this prop.i-1 sitiou wo unanimously iv-seuusi umi thu ail sat dowu to diuner, M. Alberts saying grace at i:s comm-.tucL'tu )nt, and expressing, in t'n c inversttion which ensued, such excellent sentiments on all subjects, that we were absolutely cbarmul with him. Very soon after the meal was finished, our boarder pleaded fatigue, retired to his own apartment, and Psrl'cr, J-jhn, and myself, a little later, off for a concert which we were very desirous of hearing, leaving the children in charge of Biddy, with ins' ructions to put them to bed at nine o'clock precisely. "How do you liko Mr. Alberts, my dear ? 1 said to rstdter, as we walked along. "Tolera'dy," replied Psalter; he seems to be a very excellent youna man nut particularly brilliant but very worthy aud wdl-aiannered." "Well, it is better to be good th m to be brilliant, is it not V" I remarked. "Bat how do you know that Mr Alberts i. not botlw" impaired John. "There is a litent fire in his eye, a sup pressed fervor in his voice, that tells mo Lo is truly great. O: such men were martvrs made. Emma, did you uotice how he said graea to-night? It w s u(.tuaiiy grand." "That remark of his about tho dig- n ... ii ..-1 ntty ot trtitu was reany line, piuu Psalter. "You may bo light, after ..11, John. "And Lo is so kind to the children, and so very amiable," faid I. ' I am sure we shall be delighted with Mni. And we walked on together in tho most amiable mood. TLo concert over, wo returned Lome, when, to our great surprise, we folic.! the children still up, and in the parlor. " It is not my fault, mum," said Biddy, when I spoke to ner anont it. " Tho young ginlleman got np after yon was ftone, and has been pbiyiu with em all the evenin; and he sent mo out for cindy for 'em ; and then, when tho fun was over, Lo real 'em a chapter, and bade 'em say their prayers, for all the world as if Lo wero a minister. " Oh I' said Pauny, " he is so sweet !" They talked about Mr. Alberts all the time they wero undressing, and their admiration confirmed mo in my opiuion. Children always have such penetration I The next morning we arose as usual, bnt Mr. Alberts did not make his appearance, and Biddy informed me that ho had requested her not to arouse him if ho should sleep late, as Le never took breakfast, and was very much fatigued by Lis journey. So I cantioned Mm children to bo nuiet, and we sat down to tho tablo without Lim. After 1. W..t 1. . rrontl.inien for their places of business, and everything prooeeded as usual till noon ; but stil' Mr. Alberts did not make his appear ance, and I began to ft el rather iur- prised, It was about noon, when two men. stout and sbihi attend wrapped in huge great ctabt, knocked at the basement door, and before any one had timo to open it, steppeul into tho entry. " 1! rr votir r :rdon. ma'am," said tho first in an " be your pardon, but is there any gent 1 sman by thfi nr.nio of Scraggin learning here?" "Xo, sir," I replied. "Nor aiy on named riiillips?" in.p'iro.l tho firm. " No, sir." "Perhaps his name is Alberts" fi 1 tho other, stepping forward. " There is a gent Ionian named Alberts nt present in tho house," I replied. "Ah! then will you bo kind enough to nsk hi:n to ste-p down a minute V .'aid tlio fb'sl spei'ler. "Certainly --if you will walk into the parlor I vwtl call Lini," I said. Accordingly, the two men proceeded to the llocir above, while I rent Biddy to summon Mr. Alberts. Af'er a great d. a! of I'l'.n.'king, j.lio returned with the information tint she could net make hbii hear. "And what is more, mum," she con tinued, "the wind-e.v out onto tho roof of the r-be l is open, and tho curtains blowin' out of it, and it seems as though there was no one in at all." "Take my word for it that tho loom is imply the bird has down," the first wan. "Wo must unlock the door make sure, however," said tlio serond. 1 stood there i,i perfect astonishment as t'icy premonnced those wordc, and placed, at tho sanio time, two stars upon the bosoms cf their coats. "What could it all mean?" I thought. 'Von look surprised, ma'am," said tlio first policeman. "I suppeso that Mr. Alberts cainothe good, intellect ooul kind of bndv over vet, didn't he? said Lin ju-nytrs, liki it. good boy and all tlint, i h?'' JI, certainly seemed tn bo a very pco jirr-on," 1 ri'i'lied. "In fact, I f.c. n asni to b-'-lieve him otherwise." ...SoV replied tho man. ".Test look .j,,.,, Htnlsee if you miss anything. It j, (mr-ons if v.iu d--:ft." "Miss anything?" 'Yes, ma'am. Have you counted voui- silver, or seen your jewelry this oing V" rai l t!;n j.iaii. Oh I what a s'ni t the words gevo me ! I Hew into l!io buck parlor, for, be it known, that in certain drawers of the book ca-e I kept my silver forks, my surplus money, and several articles of jewelry. Tho drawers were closed. I tried them. Tho locks wero broken und the conteutsgone ; and Mr. Albe rts the nmiabh, virtuous, pions Mr Albert .s was tho thief 1 It was his particular forte so the policemnu told me to impost; himself upon persons who advertised for board ers, as a conscientious yonng man, and iifbr insinuating himself a deeply as possible into their confidence, to take French leave in company with their valuables. I discovered aiterward that during Biddy's absence for the purpose of buying candy, Funny had innocently rovealed to hiiu the contents of the ! b?ok raso drawers, so that his task was rendered comparatively easy. Oh 1 how I felt, ! how provoked I was with myself! But, between you and me, it was a great consolation to know that we wero all in tho samo box although John, who expressed such an exalted opiuion of tho amiable Mr. Alberts, declared that ho had not been deceived for one moment. It was a still greater consolation to got our forks back again, however, and to receive tho news that Mr. Alberts was a resident of Sing Sing, which we did in less than a fortnight. p. S. I havo como to tho unalterable resolution never agaiu to advertise for a siugle gentleman to board. Hip Only Satisfaction. Inst summer as a Northern man who was lookiug up land in Alabama was riding along tho highway he met a father and son riding at a furious gallop and both armed with shot-gnns. They drew np as they reached him, and the old man called out :. "Say, stranger, Lev yo met a young man and a gal riding the same mule aud humping along as if Satan was after them ?" "No." "Well, my darter has eloped with Bill Gordon, and Sam and me are trying to git within shoot iug distance before tho knot is tied." "Ah I Why, that eouplo wero being married in lilankvillo as I came through there an hour ago." "Did tho gal hov on a blue waist?" "Yes." "And was it a cream mule ?" "Yes." "And wa' it a tall fellow with n skeered , look ?" i "It w;." "That WA them, stranger, and I'm much obleeged Sam, we're too late to stop 'em, Bii 1 the only sat'sfa-'lion wo kin git is to let onr bosses jog along iuto town and shoot the preacher after we git thar "Frct Press. ! Oi5 TIIK FA HI M X. l V' T'lnsli trinjiuiiigs rem Arlilicia! fur is on r.oveitii s. Ktah-liin garments ha ,u fasbiorab'e. (f tho Vest noi; of their pnpulai ity. Piush and velvet bags are finished wiih silver clasps and rh.itel lines. i'.nglish and Irish poin!, pnlr.t de Veni.'O and point 1 Uicln sc: ro fash; .r.a blo lace?. 1 ho flexible bracelet', with fancy have replaced the less graceful broad bands, ehain and bangle br iitele'.s. A favorit ; oiubinat'o" for rin'.j.s con sist of the ruby a:.d sapphire, two popnia: stones ut tin present '.im- r:-.ti:i !.. An attempt to ear plain dresst-s of ri.-li fabrics is agidn being made, s:-s a New York paper. After the grout profusion of trimmings ued for several years, ladies cannot get a;'i 'e-toro 1 to -impler styles, and a toilet is not ndmired mdess nriched with a (pianiily e f frii're, gal loon, beads and ernbroi-l-'r". K':!i materials, as v.vil as plain ones, nr embrcidt-rid ; nu'ii s I'.re heavily tlrape-i', aud plush Las elegant passementeri combined with it. It, would 1 c far more advisable for hidies past a c.-rtain ago to adopt pl.iiiK r fashions ; ihey would appear younger in rich daik silks .1 ;,. f .;!,.!-Ivii.iic. 1 ift.ii- the nrr-M-i' s'vlos. A number of fa' diionab! we 1- i dii.'gs have taken place rf late in Pari-. As black is not used on these occasi-. tis. many ladies of middle ng? wore vnlet and bron.o col-.-r. There is a .lark, gilded, groenisL-bi-or.zo ctdor, wl-.leh is very becoming, and which combines well with oil point I.k-o and nil of flowers. Bow Shoe Pe:rs are .Vaile. It was the privilege of the writer to visit the pict'.i:v--.Uo little town of Ar lington, Vt , which nt the time bc-asted a population of iLi"'" chureh.-. five stores, two hotels, an extensive or works, sa.-hr.nd blii.-l and tiiair fatlcry, also a pg favtory.whii U, by tL-e cov.i !, y of the f aeni-.u, .Tr. 1;. J- Wi t..', i who had been tniploynl there twi n';. nine years) Lo was shown through, and received valnablo i; formation. The timber used is black and yellow birch, which is cut iuto pieces four ' -A in length, varying in diamt-t-.'f from vihi to fourteen inches, 'i in-se lo ;s are placed in a birlding iu winter and ihe frost extracted by steam. They aie then i nn iu on a tram rail win- to the circular sjw department, find cut into slices or blanks of I ho thicktiesr. de sired for the length of tho pegs. These aio sorted and the knots cut out, and are then passed on to a long bench which contains six nia.-hint-s composed of fluted rollers. The bl inks are then run between rollers, which creases on both sides. They are then run through again to cross crease, or mark out the exact sizes of the pegs. They then goto the splitting machines, which aro set with double knives, .red cut the blanks into pes. As they pass tho last machine they live st ried, and all knots and discolored ones removed as they aro brushed olT into largo has kets. The machines are under the caie of young women, who appeared much more happy aud useful than do many of thoso who, thumping at tho piano, would consider such employment menial. The next process is bleaching, which is accomplished by tho fumes of brimstone, which is unhealthy (those who labor hero shorten their lives.) They are then placed in large cylinders, which hold eleven barrels, and havo six hundred steam pipes running through them, and revolve one and one-half times to the minute, di ving two charges per day to each cylinder. They are then passed into largo wooden casks, or cylinders, which, revolving rapidly, polish them by the friction, the refuse falling through wire sieves on screen openings, after which they are agaiu passed into asifter, which separate s all tho single pegs and drops them into tubs or boxes, leaving thoe which have not been separated in tho machine. They are then put in barrels ready for market. The factory running on full time turns out one hundred and fifty bushels, or fifty barrels per day. The sizes go from eight up to sixteen to an i h. The lengths go by tights, two and one-half to twelve. Twenty-six hands are employed, half of them being . women. The products of this mill aro J mostly shipped to Germany and France, and enter largely into the manufacture of toys and fancy goods as well as into tho shoo manufactory. Thus the "genii of mechanism" converts, as by magic, the trees from tho Vermont mountains into articles of use, which floating off througU tlio cnnnncis ci commerce io far away countries, anon return to sparkle tho eyes of happy children in toys, in which thoso toys have become important factors. Pi inoe'on, President M'-Cosh, of late ly remarked that there is a decrrue : i."- f colWe en, liin'cr. who go in'o tho ministry, and the ltev. Lyman Abbott adds: "There is a de crease iu the quality." The HbTinon Temple, Th" emstruelion of tl-.e. grand templo of worship i'tnv bt i'ig elected by the M'-itin":; church at M inti,Utah, is being pu bi .1 ulica 1 with as largo a force of wi rkinon as er.nvenieiee will permit, iu. 1 the walls i f the building nro be ginning l ) loom up and are covered with scaffolding and derricks. Tho temple is licit)'; constructed of whito limesU'i'.o The building is situated on top of a ri)Ti:ita;n,:i spurof tho Wasatch ranee, tli.'t txtculs out into the town of Minti, and is called by the people of i I'lah the nif.nnt.iiu of the Lord. The'dii'ion of the tomi'le is sixtv-tbieo I b i t above tho level of th-! road, and is K-t in solid roe!; ; the te;p of the moun tain having been excavated and removed, making t h vel, is nir-ety-live fett in width and IT'J in length. Prom the ground to thosrpiare will bo eighty-two leet in height. Th"re will be two towers creeled, one at tho east and the other at. the we.-,l of the building. Tho tower a the et-t corner will be IT.) feet in height, while that at the nest corner witi ! ten feet b.wer, or ll'D feet iu Ill icit. They are thirty feet siptare at the base. There are four terrace walls around tho mountain in front of the templo, which will average about hi-vetili e u let-t in height and are about ildtl feet, a belt: 2 A in length, and in all contain iilivriN -f rock, as at present; I .Vi,(mi yards of iWi has .iva'ed a;i 1 hauled away. Too fr;n tho r .i t ) the nppur sixty-thive feet, and will con- ''' i. t n stair w y terrace i': taiil Til ; f toiio steps, sixteen feet in Tli" l uck of the terrace will bo width. filled with rich soil, t j tho top of tin stone work, u'.id trees and shrub bery planted, und tho tops of tho teiraees are to be ornxmented by nta'iy dressed nr.d cut stone, and s'atues will be plei d at various and ap- propria'.-.' places. Tho water to supply ! are elected by the people und six np tiie teejplo will b- brought in wooden pointed by tho king cf Det.nnrk. The p'pes fiTi.-i a spriun: situated about one ', tl.irly popular m mbors ekct. sin of and a jr.uci.r u.ih-s east of the temple, ! their number to set .-. with the fix ap I acli in ti:e i-.f.uiif ains, iiii.l has a fall of i pointed by the crown as an upper .si vi nt y-i! ii. c feet t "ihe reservoir, and ' hMi:e. 'All bills ransi pass both houses, t-no !r.-:i b-' d feet ii-oni the reserve ir to ; and b.- finally approved by the kin,-', i the lower tovnic". The wide side of j j tho mountain is to be planted with i j u-ces and flowers, mid tie crystal stream ! poured forth by tbo little spring, as it I I winds iia Vi'iy down lb o side t f tbo i mountain, will tr -.vel from root to root, qn-nehing their thits, thus assisting 'the tree-, to pvnlrieo their foliage in i spring, the llow- rs to bloom and the r.'iass to prow. '1 he huildingol'the temple was first commenced live years ago, and has boon worked on ever since, mid it is expected that it will be in such condition in about three years that, it can I e used, but it is estim-ited that it wili take fuily live years to complete the huildieg. The building will be fifty feet in height, and the excavation at the east end fur the basement is about forty-six feet in depth. It was Presi dent Young's intention whpn he or dered the erection of this templo that it should be tho grandest und most imposing structure erected on the American continent, and till indications point to such being the case. Manii is Mtuatod about l-." nrles a little east of south of Salt Lake City, and is quite a large town, being the third oldest settlement in Utah territory. It is h e ited at tho foot of the east side of the Wa-ateh mountains, in one of the most fertile valleys in tho territory, which is dotted the entire length with well stocked farms and large orchards. The Sanpitch river, a tributary to the Sevier river, flowi through the town, supplying the people with water for all necessary purposes, including irriga tion. The and surrounding valleys,is the granary of the mountain country. Its fruitful farms not only produce a sufficient quantity of grain to supply the greater portim of Utah with grain and fl mr, but it supplies tho greater port ion of south-eastern Nevada with tl mr aud a goodly portion of grain. As i'siial. The commercial traveler of a Phila delphia house while in Tennessee ap proached stranger ns the train was about to start, nd said : "Are you gf-ing on this train?" " I ani." "Have yon any baggage?" "No." ' " Well, my friend, yon can do me a favor, and it won't cost yon anything. You see, I've two rousing big trunks. ... 1 11 . , ,,n9 lt fVll- : ' p'' t,pkcil ' v(mr ... them ? f , tj1 K,o;1)nl. j hav(in't ftny tiokot." : 15at j tll0Ugllt vou salli you were , on ,t, .. 1m (ho pon,lnpUir- " Oh !" He paid extra, ns usual. Colonel John S. Mosby. United States consul at Ibmp; Kong, China, in a letter ! to a friend in Alexandria. Yu . says that j a good dentist could make u fortune in ! Hone Kon" ill less than ten years ; that Rood dentists nro hard to find, and that the charges for any kind of dontul work are enormous. TIimiu-s In Itclaml. When Wij were coaling i.t Itrykjivik, writis a corn spundi lit who lias been in Iceland, ail tie cord, owin;' to the shallowness r f the sboro, bad to bo de posed in Hindi boats cut to tie ship's side. The coal was stored in houses on shore, rd''tigs;d'j tho narrow causeway which led down to low water marl ; which is seve nteen feet lit low hiah water mark. Tho distance from the stor. -house to the causeway is about twenty feet, a'ld from tout down to the end rf the pier 2 DO feet. Now. it te.j nr.-d Uo men to iln-.e the ba'-s of vul the store- hou'etotlie p;tr down an inclined plane. Ileie the two noble creatures lifted tlio bags, weighing '2' it) pound.-; each, upon the of a woman, who carried it down the pi-r and dumped it inn the smalt boa'. For I'm work the women wero paid one Kror.?. (abuut twenty-eight cents American money) per day, and the men got two kroner. That's tlio way it is all the world over the women perform twice as much of th work of creation as raeii and only get half pay. In other respcts the peepb: hero do credit to their l,0(i:) years of civiliza tion. They I've newspapers, which for a country r f so .iju iuli-ab-i'ants, very scattered, is gool. 'In Bey l-:j tvik there ute two h;f. II (the poetic il nam -. of, which is;' ad vanced liberal, and .'--.".o- "he na tion's wolf i. a.iininistra'.iou organ. At Akwreyre there are also two Sorlkii'j' (tbo Northerner), of republican op;:;iuus, and y-'itoi.v (the wife one tr intelligencer)- The fifth is published at Eskifyordur and is calkd .V (the Future), and is very advanced f-nd bold, as its name seems to indicate. The assembly of I"ebmd is composed of thirtv-six members, thirty of whom who holds v, f l power. I Sessions are held in two years, an 1 the members are paid s'x kroner (51. t) per diem and traveling ex penses. I don't know how tiny make cut on tlio E.ilen;:e. There aio no end of miles hero iu any ;ivtu diroctiou, but it would take an American congtc -.s-man half his time to make even cocktail monev at these rites. The island i divided iuto liitcen district, over ouch of which is a syselJmaud or judge, who collects the taxes. The syHellmaud goe-s over his district once a year and informs the people where ho will meet them and receive their taxes. Tney have a tax receiver here, but no col lector. Foii',1 A dulterulbtiis. The following i from a"r read before the Maryland Academy of Sci ences : The use of beer has become much b'us general because cf the sus pected use of harmful bitters and prupe sugar. A large piecJ of this so-called grape sugar, taken from the bauds of n youth in this city, who said his father manufactured it, proved, upon analysis, to contain a quantity of sulphuric acid, enough to destroy some half dozen sets I of pood teeth ! As this sugar is largely used in adulterating cane sugar, can dies and numerous othir articles of luxury and necessity, further comment is nnncccssaty. Yeast powders are made and sold hero which coutaiu solu ble salts of ulumiuinm. The use of tin iu stigiir, of baryta iu numerous articlts of food to increase their wcikIii are barely concealed. The agreeable odcr of caramel iu the neighborhood of thi coiTee mills tells its own tale, and to explain the wonderful cheapness of the beautiful jellies new in such common uso wo should have to go further than onr matutinal friend "Bag. Bones" and pursue through the wonderful transfor mation worked by modem chemistry the bones from our garbage bcx, flav ored and colored by the waste products from tho gas works, back again to our tables as currant jelly for our fumon canvas backs and red heads, aud per haps meet iu our sugar bowls onr old shuts transformed into very palatable en car. When in Washington recently I asktd the Chinese amha-sador what was the punishment for food adultera tion in China? He replied: "Death." VOIWS OF WISDOM. Do all that lies in ycur power to add to tho happiness of your friends to-day. Even though it be but little, neglect, it not. Do not wait until next month, e-r next week. If you would see what it was that threw you off your balance before breakfast, and put it down in a little book, and follow it up and out and as certain w hat becomes of it, youwill see what a fool yon were in tho matter. Learn from the earliest days to in sure yourself against the perils of ridi cule ; you can no iron, t xe rcise your reason, w yon live in tne cons'itr.i urcivi of laughter, than yon etn enjoy your life if you are in constant dread of death. UliMS OF IMI' ! A Boston man de-cribis his sensn j tions whil.s gidiig through n plate-gluts j door. He !e!t cniktrr.isse I The three 1 .'ading iiltbi-l of jewelry at the pr- sent time are bracelets, laoe- pins and nil! er-nnj's-. The death i.fOen. Kilpa'riek removes almost the last of the noted F.iiou cav alry leaders of tho war. None wero br.uer few had more friends. Hi-- Sr.. I.-eais pi'l who reported her self engaged to l ihh-n several years ago, has bad to tal.e up with a short-line, narrow -griago ra.ho..d husband, or go without any. Geor.e I, of Poland, died from dnii.!;eiia -ss, (ieorgo II. of a rupture of the heart, (ieorge III. died a" mad man, and (5,'orgo IV. of gluttony and drunkenness. The top,;, in heraldry represents gold or tho p!an-t Sol. Its signification is fidelity und 1. iei dship. The bloodstone denotes courage, wisdom and firmness in nfiec-'. ion. When New Y nk' population reaehts o.OJC.OJO it v.ill bo nearly all foreign. The death rate there bus increased this vear Iroiu twenty six lo thirty-two in on- thousand, and the birthrate has de clined five pore T.iero have brv-u about ! 1 .."()' uioie ilea! lis than birtus, so iniiiiij,i'jtiou is the only means to keep up po; ulu'len. ( -ii !i rtslii ; of the C(vtly. A li 's -ng( les i Texas i correspondent e.f tbo Phdid Iphia .' '. writes: The cowboy i- a peculiar pro 1 net of the lroiitie-r ; as a rule, i is baseflattery to suppose he ever diies cows, unies's Le steals tut -ni. He is generally clad ia a wido-iimniLid, soft hat, a pair of spurs., a belt full cf cartridges aud a revolver. lie probabiy wears other article of i::fo;t uu.l idomtaent, but those 1 l ave mi i.- ion d Lave a faculty of mciep-PzI.ig tie attention of the o'"ei -t-r. With lie-', ill ivvjhvr is a s,tl nini o i-.r all things ; i o argues with it n.o't b Le buys with it ut Lis own p-'iee, ami he amuses himself yvith it 1 a'.'T.,iii .-. T. o of. thou went into a eh.iivh dor.-., at Charledon, Arisjr.a, a feww -eks j-n, The services wearied them. They ' covered" the minist-r with their favo-ite weapon and made him cm- dow.i from the pulpit Hid dauc-' a ji.r in the co-ner. They are getting scare i-.bout Demi ng ; the place is not li.-ely euougli for them now. V merchant from h s Angeles came down hereabout the time tho connec tion was nude between the two roads. The "cow! ov-s'' were numerous. Tho merchant mc:iu:ion-ly sported a high hat. tie had --cireeh- alighted from the train when whiz went a bullet through the crown! On the other side of tho track s'ood a grinning "cowboy" with the smoking pi-tol in his hand. It was not u hospitable reception, and tho merchant was so nearly t cured to death that be failed to get any enjoyment out of bis visit to the ' front." Wonderful stori -s av.' told of their skill in hand ling the pi-i d ; to put a bubtt through tliii Lai as above and sclera tho bowl from the stun of tho pipe that he holds in lis teeth, arc two feats which they delight iu performing. 1 hey take do.ielit iu couipoliine a " tenner foot straii-er to the fron'ier) to drink with them a;;air.s', his will, aud occa sionally cap the climax by making him pay for the drinks. The "cowboy mar have his good traits, however. riievtell a pretty good story of how one of them made himself useful hero in Doming. A fastidious " drummer" had come down from " above" (Frisco) upon business. At a restaurant kept by a " lone widder," ho expressed dis satisfaction with the bill of faro. "The meat was too rare and the potatoes too soggy, while the beunsweren't fit for a bog to eat." "Stranger," remarks a smiling cowboy over in the corner, whib be raised Lis revolver and drew a fine sight upon the drummer, "them beans is good enough for you, and tho sooner you get outside of Yni tho healthier you'll find yourself. Do it pretty quick now, while this lady's a looking, or 1 11 bore a hole in you and put 'em in." The beans were eaten without further criticism. The cow boys frequent ly come to gtief, aud get their just deserts, without tho law being brought to bear upon them. Two or three days after we left PoniinT one of them, in a half inebriated coudition that is ehrnnie with his class, attempted U'm" run" that town. He vode through depot on horseback, brandishing his pistol and scattering the bystanders pro- miscously ; one of them, not getting ouj of his way promptly, was knocked wn tiy a blow from the jmtlaw's pistol. A deputy sheriff, armed with a shotgun, ared on t 'ie scene and ordered tho cowboy to surrender. He faileel to comply, when the deputy fhot him dead. Three wero killed at Tombstone the editor day in a conflict with a dep uty marshal srd bis ni ls, who had ar rested oj'oof their number a thort time pv - loiisiy, A irmt'or jury uoosn't liisitute Vi-iy long over a verdict of "j-i-titiuble boniieidu" when a cowboy is ki.lcd.