i i I 1 5j!hi Olhalhn Record THUUSDAY. J.VNT.UlV 1SS1 H. A. LONDOIJ. Jr.. Editor. . days: It seems incredible that any HAl'PY NKW YEAH! human being could accomplish such The. KFCoim extends the greetings ti feat. This is four miles more than of the season to all its readcis and win walked hy Vint, some months wishes them, eaeh ami all, a "Happy , ago, who then made the bet seme New Year" 1 Ami yet before the that had ever before been made in year ends, so many will have found it ' any previous contest. These contests anything but a happy year. II is ' ie not only sonseless, but are cruel, fortunate for us that we cannot peer and should bo denounced by all de into tho future ami seu what fate cent people. awaits us. As it is we all now begin . another year full of Lopes, and but K 31 1 (ill ATI ON KXTKAOKDI- few fearing that they will not see its close. Some of us, however, will not see its close, but who they are no man knows. .Should not this fact aduion i ill all of us to be prepared ? A XEU' UAILUOAU. A railroad is projected from H llson t-iA Fayetteville to Florence. S. C. It is tliought that this road will cer tainly be built. It will bo a so much shorter line than the present Atlantic Coast line i Wilmington. Such a route has been spoken of for a loi.g time, but now work is about to b.-gin. Next week two surveying parties will leave Fayetteville, one to go via Smithfiold to Wilson and tin- oilier to run the line from Favvitcvillo to Florence, as we learn in a letter from Col. Fleming Gardner who is to bo the chief engineer. If this railroad is built and the (Vpo Fear ilc Yadkin Valley road completed as now con templated, the two roads intersecting ftt Fuvetteville will infuse new life into that good old town and rebuild her waste places. - MOT AT PLYMOUTH. Thfi people of North Carolina, both W;U'k and white, are so law ubidii aad it so rarely happens that an olli cer of the law is resisted, that every body was much surprised to hear that a riot had occurred in one of our towns during the Christmas lmlidavs. lu tho town of Plymouth, in the east- ern portion of the State, on the dav before Christmas some negroes were arrested bv the constable, whou lie .ii. .1... i i , i j "uacheu to n mrge crown oi them, wounding him and three of his liOKSn Iwliom lu I-i.l tiMiniiioti.. 1 posse wuoiii nt l.ui s.imnione.t to his assistance), one of them dying from his wounds next dav. The "mob took posssessiou of the town and the greatest excitement prevailed. The Mayor at once telegraphed the state of affairs to the Governor and asked for troops to tptell the riot. The Governor promptly ordered three or four military companies f:o:n the ad jacent towns, but before their arrival the Sheriff with a posse of 20!) men had dispersed the rioters and arrested fire of the ringleaders These rioter were negroes who were employed in the surrounding swamps getting out shingles, and had come to town on a Christmas frolic, and having indulge.1, too freely in whiskey iliey became tiuruly and guilty of this disgraceful riot, we nope that such a summarr and severe punishment will be int.'iet- ed upon these rioters, that we will have no more riots i-i our btaid old State for inativ a day. out PUHiIi: SCHOOLS. e publish in this issue a most in teresting coi'-munieation from our very zealous county superintendent of public instruction in regard to our public schools, to which we invite the careful consideration of our readers. It is very true, as stated by Mr. Law, that it makes no difference how zealous and faithful may be the school ofii cials, no system can be successful without the co operation of the pen-, pie, and we join him in urging them to give that co-opcratiou. It is a lamentable fact that our public schools do very little good, and iu deed this little rood is probably conn- terbiikneed by the injury they ,1,, to private schools It cannot be safely asserted that the pubh schools of North Carolina are promoting tlie cause of education to uny yreat ex tent. Many reasons are alleo-ed for thia sad condition of nllairs. Mr. Law suejejets that 'the ,'iadc of schol arship anion the teachers must be raised," which is a very proper sti" gestion, and we cannot have bolter . ... 1, . . , , 1 1, 1 . sehools until that is done : but that is not all. Increase their imv! The present pittance paid to our is simply disgraceful and ri r teachers is simply disgraceful nn.l ridiculous. They are actually paid less than the . ,, , , , ctuiiiuou laborers who shovel dirt on our railroads! We certainly cannot it hojie for successful public schools until the teachers are paid a reason able and respectable compensation. I 'of TV i lo not. lilt elli I liou- to 1 1 w. ... . , , cuss the public school system, merely wishing to call attention to the com luuuicatioii above ineiitioned, aud will , - .... ... , .. puousii wiui pieasmeuio oiaei sug- gestions that Mr. Law promises to ter favor us with, for we know of no , inorw imoortai.t matter that can ou. - ... , gago the attenti.m of our readers. , jn WONDEKFl'L WALKING. In pedestrian contest that look place last week in New Yuri; the win nor, ft ma'i named Fitzgerald, made the unprecedented dit-tanee of live hundred and eighty-two miles in six XAIiY. During tho past year there has boon n:i unprecedented exodus from the old world, the number of emigrants ... ,. .. ., . - , , amvmg m the I nited States o,,ng 'larger tli.iu during any preceding veur. At the port of New York a'one (l,o arrivals for the year were nearly four hundred thousand, over a him dred thousand more than last year. Tlie cosmopolitan cliaiach r of these new settlers in our country may be iiiiiigi.'ied when it is stated that over tii'ty different nationalities arc repre settled, embracing every land ami dime in Europe, Asia. Africa. Austra la-.ia and America. The largest num ber came from Germany . and the next largest from the British Isles. The great bulk of these emigrants e,i West rind aid in building up with such wondc: 1'ul rapidity thoM1 great Western and Nottli We.-tein Slates, while but few. very few. I'm 1 their way i the Smith, where a milder cli mate and a more fertile soil 'invite them. Could this stream of emigrants once be turned Lu this direction they would continue to conf in countless 'thousands, until our own South land ' would sooti beconi,- the populous most portion of the Union. THE EXPOSITION CLOSED. On last Saturday the International Cotton Exposition at Atlanta was formally closed with appropriate c .monies. Gov. Colquitt delivering Un closing address and giving the signal for stopping all the machinery The "P.vnoil ion tvw l", it-1 1 1 1 1 - inn. mil fill " ' Oct, ,,r but . Ud not get umi'T ma neaawav unui neaiiv a . . tnouth thereafter. Ir is estimated t!l,lt 11 H"''"b-r of a million people vis- ityi1 tlu Exposition, ami the -ale re- cern ts amouuted to about SlOiUMil. Notwithstanding the heavy epe:t.-.i s the debts are all paid, and the stock holders may get something like twenty-fivo per cent, on their sub script ious. so that this Exposition was a great or financial success than the great Centennial j Exhibition at Philadelphia. The crowd that visited the Exposi tion was unusually replesentative in its charactel. The legislatures of throe States, went in a body to the Exposition. Among th- high ofli.-i.ils. who went there, were l ight Gow rnors and thirteen Cnited States Setiat r. No om; went tie r'' without bi itiu' l'1,,:s"'l and grat itie 1 at its gn at so. Hid it ha- undoubtedly been the most beneficial evcin t the out ire I'liion that has occurred siiue tin war. n nas none inueti. very much. towards ellacing sectional animosities and producing a better an 1 kindlier , ,. , , ... feeling between the people of the North and tin people or loefioutli. Hut tothoSoutu more particularly has the 1a position been beneiicial, because it lias been the means of showmsr to the world her wonderful which will now attract iminbratioii and capital to aid in their further de velopment. (ooi! Hail road Work. Jf-.j W. A Heiirne has recently gillie over the road bed of the Mid- land from (b.ldsboro' to Smithfiei , and thus writes to the News ,t OI,' server what he thinks of the work: "Tins Midland pr j-ct is not the dlvRin of a visioimrv eiithnsi'ist, but a hviii!? reality. Th old Atlmtic and North Carolina Ibtilroml, from neanfort luibor todoldsboro, ninety- live miles, has been mer;e i into the "If. 11 ... 1 1 .... .uiniiiii.i, nun us eMeiisioii, 111 me 1:1. Jeetiun of b -ilisluiry, has been grude 1 ,u"1 IrctictUy lirided and tied to ';' -I'-hm-ton cniltv ,ilht""e-H of twenty-two miles, mid uow ouy the iron, the UVUh consular invoices of two shin loads of which are already iu the hands of the VV" " . "hU''u8 at iJ"aufort. nave ui ecu over the entire lino of nil road work from Srnill,ri..l.I Gold ,horo, and nothing approschiu" Liim ever f. lien under my observa- llie ra,,mo aQd fond bed are ii ui.-o. i-msw iu every respect, vvinie mm Horn llm aval t'omtnittee onrned. 1 tie bull. ting took lire ol iu tliH malterof superstructure, North due igard f r his own credit ought nniht instantiy. The lighta were Carol I Uii and the South have never I Ini'i- liim l.ii.nU it i.nl.l ,. M- i.cnrlv ull eYtinmnKhed lenvinrr the Marin aneli 1..11 u-.i w n ul : in . I .i,. . , . , i . . trestl 8 ara fHirteen fee t on top, nfu-r p' bui; Aiiiuu-lll IUI1II1 111 HI II HO Ili-i leu! I V T'"'"n u" "'. "o p.-tfueily fitte.d and braced as to defy an aeci- . ..,. ..ii jf jr.i.iu- .mm. iup culverts, etc., sre of the same eharao- oi work, and Mr. Drown, tho su- to ru.ieiiueiit oi structure, lias the ' i""" .i ". tctioii ot Knowing insl lie ,- e,.i i i. i, .u ty..lte' 1 Our Washington Letter. IFr.-m our Kis'iil.'ir l'irri,"iiil!'Ut.) .. . .. " , Navy, besides ft preat niass of sean-Wasiiim-.ton, D. C, Jan. '-, 1- j dal connected witti its expenditure The L'l limblin.'. Ion 1 ami dr( p. . has a grip od tho proposed new Navy over Speaker Keifer's Commitiecs, which Las been going on cur since me .Appropriations I'omwiuee is or thev weru announced, has not yet f-nuized in the interest of liberal ex- iha ed, and the n. ore the subject in lii-cus.-ed mid eximined tho more and gieid. r me the causes found to n reputation for resisting extrava exiit for this niiiv. rs.d disapproval. -giiiicc, and the Military Committee Mrtuv lb publicans and (ill tie. IVmo- is constructed to tarry out certain fiats find t.huu'.lant re ison to tie- schemes, of which that to put U.S. iiouiici- this piece of woik. It is not Ornnt on the retired list is one. altogether that this or that man has Henderson, nn ardent Grant man, is been favored or overlooked or that nt the bond, and McCook. who intro any particular Slnto has secured uu- dueed such a bill in tho last House, dim com-ideiiitl'iu, but it is the gross is second. There is a clear majority partisanship manifested and the base ;"U the Committee in favor of pension schemes advanced, against which ' i"g Grant, to secure, which tieuer.il there is mi much indignation. It is H isencrans and others were placed true that cvtl.iin interest in lYnu-'in retirement, Uosenenins wanted svhania have such bberal rnuest u- to bo on the Military Committee, and U-ion on tho (Vmittee as amounts limt to control t lefjislatum; but wh-n Don Cameron pwuog th Kev- ,,! pv the t;ul j.,,,,;,,,, it, on 1;,.i,,-.r hill,s it ws expected that unlimited pledges had been made. So there was uo snr; 1 i.-e in that. Hut that the entire hivoiir is an Admiiiistni'.i.'ti-Stahvart oiganiz.iU"!), tin re is unreason to doubt. When Keifel's friends up pia'ed to the i'rit-ident f. r .Vdininis ir:itii: snpp.iri, they promised every thing; auO when Mi. Arthur told thrill to "see Cameron," it w is 11 bar eftin. And in pursuance 1 f this bar. j.'iui: laet omniittees liave lieeii tixeil Neit'her Mr. Kasson m'-r Mr. iliscock I'tiM have ever iipjealvl to the Fr.Mdt-i.t for aid. and Mr. Keifer bek to the New Aork and Southern ! ..barring them with the fraudulent was the ordv camiidate liuvi:," iuit bladway and 1 olographic Construe-. oollectioii and return of p nsiou. fttreivth that the Fre-idtnt could tU"' -'''"V?- to bv held as the jues-' Th(. fmu ,1(lh i.Hll T(.,rU.., M vw ll.HVO llOlle'nt. Few pei i. le not persona' ly ncipfiint ed with the methods of bgndatii-n iin.b rstood the fail power of Com mittees or the importance of their coUftrueti n. At presuit it imiy be said that the t.tat.dii g Committees control legislation. It is next to im- os-itde to get through the ltotle l'l' Senate :iuv bdl that tins not secured the approval vt the Committee to i'u wboTu it n.oivpv beloii may be introduced aLd put on its X L.lll pa'sago witlioiit rt fcretice to a (. oiu- mittee. H it this uhno.'it never iisp- pens to any measure of importance. If the Committee to who a it is refer- I'.l Ii lioit ilAilmst. O il id I1H ir.i.nl no a.-.i I. The u.-.tanc-s ,,f a snccesful defiance of a Committees ilii.irovl are s.i rare that an e.-c ineof this Kind ies I. ,t ii i" I Villi it U hIiTii ics tutoiic.,l. And it is, also, .,.,,,, f ,. ,,.,, ita, ro oiniuon toi a (. oinmittee s jec- i..ti....o . i.. ,i; 0,i.i n tatior.s to Ue tlisreg ai .led. tiecomes Tie weight of a Commit toe, for fl oi'lll ii till! la i-mir.v.illt.' r,iii.ui.ti.rn.t 7 ' .. ; . "r . . , . , t , . . . , wlmbv due to what mnv be cousnlei- t.tj tu", jr luoni- iLillu.IR.e. It would , ,,e, f.etlv competent for tho House to vote down any Committee, to dis 'r, no ieeoiiiun.ii.ii.u (Us, to oe- btroy the bills which it has peif. cted. Slid to reeoiistrtU't, ill open House, the schemes of law rcpoited from the ( 'oinmitti o room; Put this in almost never done. Hence there is r reason why 111! inter sis aud all hides oi a tpicsti 'ii should be fairly lepie-Miit.-d in the make-up of these Com mittees. To illustrate the unpfirailed paiti s.iiiship of ;',u pr-went ei -gau;. nion let us take the Committee ou Elec tions, one which pusses upon ques tions of th i highest privilege the righ' i f a Me.nb'T to his sent. All parties have a li-l.t t j expect tint i iK'h a Commitiic will he hi consti tuted as t i inspire eoi.tidcncc that it will give nt hast mini' show f.r fair play; but in this Congress that Coiu mntee h is l en "org inixd to con viet" to mi-it several J)etuocratic Members from the South whose, eases are h! rea.lv pn judged. Two-thirds t .tin- ('.in. mittee nr.. s r.ii.rli l.imt K..p,,l,Jic l!ls ,..d of the other third one is a n-inii ib-ailjii'.tei-nnd nn- 0 tvenhacker with decided lleniii l:enn ntViW'Oi.ma Tin .,,.. ' ' "'r". , v ,. ,.!,.,.., r.. 1 ,.. intimating that th-v will male fchoit '"Voi'k of ci .inD. im.eraticConj'K Fs- lu' ", t li'.i th.. contests are mostly V,..,.. ., 4 ... 1 .1 .1 .- liner 11 was ioumt that L.., 11 -te.su would be Kepu1 lie in. And co llm ewe flam Is with other Committees. 1 I'll nil W.'IVO II 111 1 ll,..,,iu .I.., . cans, Contiols the tar lT mid subsidb' stands tt n protectionists and thr.- tar:n reformers. A reasonable, di ptition for fair play, or even a iie.-ire o ciiiifttitute an intelligent Commit-t;-e, would have led the Speiiker lo lb't Mr. Hewitt, of Xv York, oh W".v- -b ans Helms had t f u'Srim' Srv'? scale, tin I is one of the few mi .1 in C .nere-s who have t In roiiirldv stn l- led the taritT ipn siion. Btanijawell it, formed mm and sti el muster. Mr Hewitt would even have been very ns, fu! on t'ne Naval Cmmittee but . . . ... ne s placed on the insmnilieaiit Commi tee, r.uild.tigH mid 'rounds and m. where el-e. 5lr Whitl.or.ie, chairman during two sessions of the N'l.al t'.iiiiinittee and an nn loUe,ily ablu and honeM man. with reat rtnowm.,. ij dr.,,,. ped from that Commit:' entire! L.lv and appears at the tail end of the Committee on Levies. I'.ven r..,,n,,lM.u I,.. 1 11: 1 Ib.b.soii's iusl.'.dmiT.istr..tioii of 'the Navy, aud if the Speakur has any ri'n n other than this for dropping . t l , , , . , "!"' e. r.,,.. ri- - Mencod Member of the House, WHO or 1 III 1 r.er. t ;i who. f the Appropri ttions Couin.it ten in other sessions, saved the conn- iry many minions oi tlo vigilant and coiirn'-e. us opposition joba mid who earned the tiilo of . as U aicbdog of the trea-urv," is dis ; covered, filter long search, on tlnv . . ... ... . War Claim, a very , inMjjtiidoant and uniufluential place. On the other lmnd, Mr. Robeson to whoso efforts, as everybody knows, llip cnu lit t c nwiii i I a nrnwunr urnrt lilnaa in no less tlun three Committees. penditiires ly pin ting oil Hll the old Members who have heretofore gained il is said was originally plae. d there, e;u mih name was smcKen on at mo instance of Senator Iiogan, who ex- bress. d l,is own and the wishes of the President that he he a-sigued elsewhere And so wo progress in the Grant restoration and the reviv ed Stalwart rule. Phono. THE C. t X . A. It. H. Kmui tlie N-w A (iliserver. The agreement lately made by Dr. Cmu do and the commissioners up - pointed by the Legislature to sell the Stales stock in the Cape Four iad- km alley Ibiilnijid Cotiipiuiy is too J;.'.11"1' ,for ",s IT".'1. 0X,(,,IM- nn: ei.l.l' feu H..IIHI n.-ue Ul cl.t private stockhold liiiiil their slocii. and the sanl company agrees to pav within sitv ilavs after the latilicatiou of tlie agreement fifty live thousand dollars to the Treasurer of tlie State and one lnmdred thousand dollars to "'resident (rrav. ti be used in lmviniT nil tlie flontiii.r ,i,.l,t nf llm conijmny. Witbi'n twelvemonths from the rati - lieatiou the road is to be completed and complied in srood running order . ., ., . " Il'olii ivaemoilf. near ttie noillll laro- lina line, bv way of Shoe Heel and rayetteville to Greensboro. Within two venrs is is to built and equipped in like manner from Greensboro to j pmcils, lead pencils, ih ilk, magno Mt. Airy, passing by Uruce's X Roads, j i. Walnut Cove and Gcrmuntown. I r,.i , . n. . Within three vears it is to be fully . Thf L01 !,m.0,'r Q".Pvn Wt: deted from Eayettevill,. to Wil- . J "li''o... and up the vallov of the1?,""' ? v ,?. . J. ...... . . holier t Smithwiek, ,vhose i.eath is liidkin bv way ot W llkerboro to Pat-; . .... ., . , . . .,, ,. .. , nuuotinced at Lao ev, Cheshire. H tcrson. m the county ot Cadwell, and ,. '. , " ' i received us coin mi..ion on he trd also through the count of Surry to i Ore Knoo. according to tho l1,tnl-' ious of the charter Vitliin thirty ditys after tho pay- meiitof th,. Sl.i.Vl)l0 It,.. ivinL- i ., i ... ... . . , . oe'iii, with Mithi'ieut force aud mat"- . , ... iii rial, and be continued until completed. .,ii . e .i cm--,1.1.1 .i On the payment of the -l;i.,Oi)0 the .. ., , , i . certiticate lor the stock sold is to be assigned on the books of the coin- pany. but the new certiticato is to be deposited with the Treasurer of the State as trustee for the State and ifj the purchaser fails to complete tho j road in three years, then it forfeits, all interest in the stock and it reverts to the State. Cue purchaser losing entirely the !1"."i.U()0 panl. The mortgage bonds of the railroad com I pany are also tube deposited with' the State Treasurer, ami are to be '. delivered up for sale only with the approval of the Governor, ami then iii aniouuis uoiL'ie tier iti ii .toou.uuii , 1 !' 1 11 Ti and upon an athdav.t that the pro- eeeil. are necessary to pay for work: done or material delivered The pur-, chasers arc to vote the stock at all .... ., . 1 meetings ot the railroad coiiiimnv. 1 ... 1 0 . . . . JI tlie ;i.).0(ll is not paid within ' . ,. .... ' . t 11 sixtv ilavs alter the ratmeatioii of the a,.-leement, the sale falls through, but I r. Cuiiedo has twenty days ' to get ' his syndicate to sign it. and then the 'roa.i coinpaio misiwemy tiays 10 li,lln",,M""" lemm the articles Mgned in twenty tlays, the ; agreement is inn u oimuiigoii iuc , state. The am, y of tho road is not ! agreement is not to lie lundiiu'oii the to l.e eliane-ed. 1 , A f;ii!'m' to h,'ni work in . thirty ,l;lvs- !r .to ,0"'I'W'U' V"' "el',,.,t ':,rts ot iho -??' iUV"'ail ,to U,ls ii:' iii'iixoir. siitufcls 1 in niircnnscr t a penalty of sA.VMl p,, month as Ion- as the default continues, which, how ever, the Governor can remit in his (ll-';'rt.,"u' ,uu . rfimttoJ . tho I nn. 1 n 1.. ii I'll 1 which shall be sold to satisfy the! same. And if the entire road is not ; built accord in' to the contract tlnt entire stock is forfeited to the State. ; Such is the substance of the agree-: meiit. It appears therefore that the first ' ahin.' to be done is for Dr. Canedoto yet the sio-mitures of his associates, the next the acceptance of tht; con tract by the railroad company. These have to be done within foity days. Then within sixty days the money is to be paid aud within thir ty more the work is to bcoin. If things work riodit therefore, within four months the purchasing compa ny will have its hands at work finish , in.' the road. ! A Terrible Catastrophe. A Cleveland dispatch reports that' during a Kniehts of PytLias festivsl at Shstiesville, Tuscarawas county, ' Ohio. Saturday evciiins. the floor 1 cave wav. on emitntiiif over two 1.....1 1.. ,1.1. il.,,., I...1..,.. r... were instantly killed, ten 'others fat dly injured, and between seventy : and eighty more or less bruised or i i i . - . .i i ........ their way from the nuns iibuost in lhi.il.llU ... tn'n tvnouuli.1111.il lull Hie .l.-uk uot until tpiite a unu.h.r had tieen ' Ihe l ight was I vtrv cold and the scene is dtbcnbed frightful in the extreme. Coilee (Iniikers should read the ad vertiuement in another column headed Guod Coffee. General Slews. A Loa Angelos dispatch states that I Sirs. Cruz, living nt 1" lorenee, Los Angeles county. Cal gave birth. Wt Friday, to six perfectly formed female children. Joe Taylor, tho present head of the Mormon chnieh, has built inag- I nifioent palace, and the fumi-diii.g slone, it is said, will cost from $7.",- 000 to $100,000. The late SiroDelmonieo sometimes smoked as many as one hundred : cigars a d ty. His ihyHjiiiii bnd ' told bim that unless he should stop ; .... . 1 . 1 1 1 1. ...1 t . 1 , . NuioKuiir uo iuusi looii 0111 ior miiiuuu jtb. John E. Owsley, n Chicago million - rtilV, died rt few'd.IVS lliro. Winn Chicago was a small town ho settled there and bought twenty acres for a song. The twenty acres are now in the heart of tho city. l'ostniflster General James states! thut a eouutrv postmaster wrote a day or to ago, saying: "A man's' wife dropped a letter in tins office addressed to auot ier man. The 1 husband suspects Foiuething wron". Shall I deliver the letter to him ?" ; rtnutniuutAr tiL'iiil inutriii.tf.it (IiaI : ttw, Inisliaml cnnl.l ti.it. . ttin li.ltnr1 in that way. j j At Little Rock. Arkansas, on last ! Sitimbiy Jtido V. C. Poolev nml ; H.,n Clis,,,.r ()tt,.tlber jiroiuinent Ucpubiiam members of the L-trisl.. 1 !... u.(rM , r..tt,.,t liV r.Otl ' StatesMarshal, on infornition lodged ,v Snnmi Am. lit llivivj. r I inn. r.,n lit OtlH ..f ii t. ,...,..,,t;i,i.. n...i n,.o ;.. state, ' vttoi nev . ' i . " Jink Uooley is County i There tire somo pr-oplo in Ni-w Huven who have strati apiietltew. . ' ! One vount; lady, tvho learned the habit ' at boardiiiL' school, eats thri-e donblu ' h iudi'uls of charcoal every day. She ' s pallid and weak. One lady bus been eating charcoal for thirty vein a. A young lady e its half a pound of eior eieij uin i-nouu iu supply I 1. wtiole tmnpiet between acta. Among the other subs'ances con- ruined by New Huven girls are sUte ?.. gMinv u J P"-' itniijr iii tut- ifi.iu oi liieiiieioiut of October. 1M0. On .Tulv Ii! Isl.-v , while serving iu Her Mai styn Hiiio Snpeib, he had the honor of luriiiii, i ..i t i. : i i "f ':. i.e..,- p.c-ute.i ; to and h.iviii'i some convi'is i ion wit i x- , , , . ; tin! r.iiipi ror Napoleon 1. when n- , , , .' , , . ! claimed the protection of Eu ami : (l , , ,,, , ... . , after the battle oi Waterloo, " "ZM Color Prejudice. From Xttv Y.irk llmiW. The admission of colored childrtn to the Eiilt.hi!ig(L. I.J Hich Sclee I still t scites the residents of that ul lage. On Tuesday a largely atteudi d meeting was held at the Town Hall. A commit tee was appointed to tiraw up a petition, and, after obtaining signal uies to the m me, pit n id it to the Board of Education. Tho peti tion asks that th Uu.ird reconsider their recent action by which colored .,, -i . . n . 1 ., 1 .1 pupils are allowed to attend the hrll Sch(l)1 ,ivisillll lt C(,K,r(Ml i.lil,rt.u w U(at(.(, ., fro, , wh; .i,,,,,,, ;., .1. ,.;, 1. 1 . .1 ill the village, as lias been the custom ..,,!,, . ... .. .... ortue past llfty e.trs. loe petition u ';,, 1" i t 1 VVUH unaiiimoiiov iidopted. . , , ' 1 AU' J'1'1 when Sauthern people object to mixed Schools a great l owl is raised at the North aluut color .j,,. ftn,l Wo un, k.,Lvly 1c- notiuecd. En. Hnconi). J Mr. Parllnsloil MU Dou't take nnv of tim .mack ina. tnirn-, as they are reoimental to the human system ; but put vol r trust in Hop Bitten, whi-li will cure .'enertl i.i...:i4:- . i 1 n n ' ,M Tl.v ........ r from a severe extract of tripod fv.r. They are the ne plus uuum of medi cines. Boston Globe. Tocu7FE." Everybody wants it, Imt very few fret It, lieeaue most p.iiii- do not know how to s.'livt coffii-, or it is Hpoileil in theiiiastinff "' "liking. To obviate them ditiliailtlen ....... .UH. - 'u mr stuuy. iituriiers paena,0 ColT.i- are selirti! 1 by an expert who un derstands the art of hleuiliii various Ha vers. They aro roasted iu the most perfivt manner lit is iniposMble to roast well in small quantities), tlem put lu poiiint pack atfes it'ii thf bmn, n-jt ground,) b arliiir our signature us a f-imrutitco of f-emiiiiein'ss, ami each package contains the Thurber nt'lpe for making fjood CofT.v. We pack two kinds, Tlmrber's " No. 84," Btronfr and puugent, Thurb t's "No. 41," mild und rich. One or tho oilier will suit every taste. They have the threu great points, good quality, lument yidia titil. n uM nvttili' pricr. Auk your Urocer for Tlinrln-r'H roantid Coffff in ound jmck agr, "Xo. :14" or "Xu. 4t." Uii not Ih put off with any other kind -your own palato Will tell you What Is bet. Where persons ilivsire it wo also furnish tho "Ideal" CoITi.m1 pot, tho simplest, best ond clieapest en(T..e-pot ia exlstiie.e. Gnx-ers who sell our Coffee keep tbem. Askfordescritivocirouittr, Uesiievtfully, c II. K. A F. 1$. THUItHEtt CO., Importers, Whul wali (Inicers nml Oiffiv Koasters, New York. - 1 P. S. As the largest dealers in food pro- fjuptx m mo wiiiia, wu ooiishiiT it our lu. fr.'HtUiiimmifactureoiity pure aud whole- a .inn ir.uwl nml tuiet; them In a tijltrini l satlsfoctory manner. All ginxls bearing our name ore guarnntiinl to be of siiMrlor quality, pure and whuU-mimr, und dealers are authoi toxl to refund the purehusa prieo In any case whero customers havo entise for (tlssatlsfiiction. It Is therefore V tho Interest ot I Kith deulurs and c)U tumers to use Thurber' a brands. miscellaneous M. r. Numim. of llalnlgli. j.m I'. Wv.n r. l 1 KJI H , A' ,V WHOLESALE GKOCKKS & COTTON COMMISSION MERCHANTS. , . . . i " " ,- c (Surivvkirs in M. HiiviMin IirihI n full llnpnf (imivrli'ii, i:iiH(-lni:iiii. I.I Kill.. M. H...ll!IMl. Our will. ir ..iriiur. Mr. M. T. Xerri. l.-n.neer tin- Icmli-ni In llieinit..n trivia nf Iinlrlich. Hit pmt iim-uch ii ri. ! of twi-lvo yi-m-s. in m-Uihi: -..ii..ii n cnarnnhY. or iho pmiier mngiut nt Hi ll .l.'iiir;iin'iii .! mir lninlni.H, in.-h IM i. umirr Iih (. 'Vm iiiiI iii..t I1.I..11, V.. I.ll.i'1-al iL.lvanci'M "ii iiniNigiiiiiviiiH nuil ninrki-t in Ki s nuarantil. it.imlKninrnt aullclted. LEN II. Al) A3IS UALKKJU, X. V., r, i ri -nt 1 1 Grocer aai Commission Merchant, ' Alwayk....pniil.vi;iMUiil fr.-h 8iip.ly..tall kliul .( OUtH'l-.lilLS, wlil. li nn- s. l t at b.iUi.m in ln r..rsniiiil ttllcnllnn (,-lvi-n lo biiylng anil wiling O.ll.'ll. LlLonil uilrunot'b nin.ls. 'Mr. G. J. WILLIAIV2S, OF CHATHAM, in wl'.h uh nnj will nlw.iya lie iili'iiso.1 lu sorvi- hln camiym-n. Lw. S, 111. am HEW DaIUG stoke. DR. A. B. GHAFSN & SON have orr.xKD A NEW DRUG STORE AT I'll tl M !, IV. TlirlrMi k ..f Mi' ll.-lm- Is fr.-h nml . li 'inl tlly f iln in.,-! r.'llnl.l.' . Imoi-n r. II It enriMini iii.-tr .1. -iriMin i i ii t -nt i-ti ni.'.k. I: !.. Oi.' a I- r nil I., jiv.' Hi. 'in a rati. I'iii'tl. .- ill Uii'ir Inii'ivM lu lo.iii: nj. :li nn i it t. " "";" nn hmi.l. M ill.' S waiCf l in iho ilr -i...-li ..I ; !In' Ai' I' A IK NT M KDIi'I N IvS, IM'.HirMKliV. Toii.r.r Ai:riv.'i.i-s. i'I.nk canuys A X 1 ( ON TKl ' I'Ki.n !"! i i . v I'A- im:i:, ix k. rr.xs ani i-.n-vm.oi'Ks. , T rt' IV u XC ijUHfl bitll'S 2 bl'TSi'uJj 1 1 " " I liK UKT m:Nlv-:. .in-.. wn.... 1. 1 1. l n'.iy, .vr. r'lui'- ii -.i.i.lv k.t in a 1..-I..S, .li tlH .il.Ti'. r Cn'l an i N M. iv-l .a ' t.-ta Add ess ioN I'.lios.. Ha-lnn.' .11. Ho:;. W-l.i-.w ; ;.l'!.' 'i- - '' )'' i s -..!l I.f I. i'.D HM-iw .u l I'n .-nt s-'!i -J..r.-. hr ri'ii r-'ii'-t niil ji 1 1 .t rt i-'-1ii-tvi i ti I'.iU'iii l-'i.-itn'-. I lirNtj.--., hi't'ff'l' -tl'-f-. Mill " Miii.-r t.-ni-l.- .jf.-inl.y. i'.iv".t ! in-- ..r -ii -iii-I .l"-..-r;!illi J.;C-:i!nt iHty, UI I - (! Mit.E. 'iin:iH--i.'h-T ! -nf. ! rr.-. Ktahli.-hi-1 IVni. Thcfll'uri'Kt and Ill's, Mn!irin oir JIinl Accemliiiit..n of Hons. Bu'-hu. fftan-8 drnkgeiui-l DanJelion,' " 'ia tiii U:an.iB l urn in i' 1.1 i i n. 1 r n.l i in. r r.ii. r. ninkfiOir nuai, -t Bloo'l Purlflrr, Liver Rer ulOor,"i"t I ift.n'. l li.uliu Hi.uruiK uufeMCiEMKBiB-ti"t.i. 1 tllm cVfcan poasll.ly lnir pitt l.-ri- !!-; 'UIU voi'ici iui.1 pel tri L ur.' th.. ir l.trnti. 11.. ,ey giro siwlll bttiTln-rlj-.toirtii-iiisIra. iilluli..1 c"nii.l..yiiici.tirii:'... iirtuuiiirl ty . t lli'l...wcli,irtn',u"1i'y in.nie. ' r wit . rv- lulr.Tii .Ai.i'oil.. i'- loiiif mi.oiin.i Miniiiuitii. II Il.llnaiuiiinv.iliiablli, without Intox- cat.riiz. Koi:.ullrwhBty..iirf,"',llntr. or .ynipt.Tn- Art.wtmtl!ii.li-.-:L.o..riiil"a'in'iit I. ii' tern, lk-n t wH.t nut. I v..unl"' ii.''i "in 11 ynug only Url l.nj ..r inivri.il.li ..muwtlii in t i n. i K It may it yi.ur lifi .It lia 'I liunilu J 530Ull'i.al.l f..ru.5 'h.-y oill nol .in... rh. iil 1... m.t .i,ir..r or ft "wr iimj. isulTir.l.ul 110 ami un-i IlicinV10"0 Hop B IliMiii nil. r. Il. n 11,11. r I. iio.""),- ilniFi...l 'ilmiit. Il II. i t. 1,1 . I.ut 11... I'un.stw"" " M.lll.lliciv.ril.il.l.': 111." "IMil.HM. RUiAU 11111I IIIP at.. I 11. , l.i rsuu .r fumlty MltlUlU to) Wllll.Xll lllf'lll. D. I.C. Inl.ilut.. nml Irn Mlii.l . i r.iliruiiki 11. vs, u-i. ..f ..i-iii'ii, t.ituK'L'o unr-'.(i m. All s. I I liy lnu..-i In. s r. rt ir.tnar. u.f mii.r. Kit. Ve., jr rz&i ll.H I.Mif... IV .M T..r....... ..... THE NEW YORK WEEKLY HERALD JAMES COKDON UKN'NIMT, l'lloliUKTo'i!. vi 11: A' I rosiAGr: ri: 0IJI DOLL VVAl YlvU. rifty Cents for Sis ZZont!i3 An Kttrn Co'.y to Kvt-ry Club of Ten. Til- M?V Win! HTf,'! n Jt tv IUIIA litH.-U, l'l ill.IsllLli KVKUY l'Y IX TUK VI AK. Postage Free. Jin I'.'iy!, f..r "iir year. ShihIji-h I ti-I ii I-. 1. .I1V I-.r ..lie )eur W11.1..1II Sllli.lnyi.. .!ll' t..r i.V III .lllll". .-!. l l.ljr. III. Ill 1.' 1. M j.;is li.rhlx ni.itliH, wtili.nit Si.ii.AayH. ii 1hh r..ri..i. year t'.r any tMriili'.! .lay of U.e wii'k. t I'.iv i..r sis m uitliH fur any Hprvllliil Uny .lie Wi'.'K. $1 per nit.ii.li ihirtii.ll.it; Stni.layi.i will .iuirt-tvl ii ui.n ; .n.ii..iii li.rnli'i. i i rt.l tliiin Uiret, IIIHllllK. TO KCKUl'K,- ixci.t iiixo I'osTA.ii:. i .-. Weekly. t'.iir. iriin F.-llti. .in M.'. kl.v, In.iiiinilo K.IU1...II - $1T a-l 4 no 1 00 NEWSDEALI'.IIS Sl'lT'LIKI), imsTaoi: no.!:. n.iiir r.iiii'-n. Sun luy Kllll 'll, Weekly KUItlun, i mid it linlf ri-nt.i per oi.py. J-'.ur et-iiiH mt ey. Tw-M'i'uui ii'rciy. N. II. N..t 1ish thai. Hvf, e.jili4 inulleil tu new- .lelU.Tt lit Wt...sfli rules. w. nltew tin e..nii.iHl..n on sul.rterlp.li tis to H illy l..mi..n. A.l.lreH NKW YORK H KHALI), llii.fi.ln'.iy lunl Aim Sinvi, New V..rk. Patents for Inventions. F.. W. ANDI'HSOS. .1. C. SMITH. ATI(I!NJ:VS-A T-l.AXV; 700 7th St., Washiiigtoii, . C. N'.r.s'for iirf'llnilnnry (xnmlnn'l"n. .r'r nn lcm 1-n'cnt 1m nliowt-tl. t's f-M-tiin uny niher limit ill HL'"llcv. IliM'IlM of l!l-tHiiHlf"tl itllt fnt rlirtifst'. iu leiiiuu uiiill.'"l uKn rt'- Advertisement. .,r Hal. lKli. 1'iiimi. Taymu. of Cluilliain. 'I' V . 'J.' .V "V LOK, T. Niirrls.it r,i.,) Tie , wlili:h wi' -nuke a f.liilly. Conilgnmanl express steamboat go. Stuamcr Schedule. Oa nml niter April Urn I ami unlit further noHoe, ln sii'itiiK-r 1). MVIM HISON, Cant. Jarry H. . . :;;,r will li itvo FnyrltpTille evry Turiday rrl.liiy at 7 nVlnok a. m and TVtlmla(t every w,..lnos luy ami Saiurilaj at Jo'elork p. m. Th.' Menmrr WAVU.Capt. Win. A. Robaaoa, wlU Ifiiw I'ay.'ltevlll.. WV.liii H.lny and Saturday al T .'i...'k ii. in , nml WilmliiKtnD M""-la7 and Tiiiir.nl.iy ul 2 o'rl.Kk i. m. J. O. WII.I.IAMS It CO., Arntt, ni H If KiiyetleTlllo, K. C: ii. it. woonni.r., b. 5. irusi, K.il. l-li, N. ('. I.atu R. It A.A.-L.R.R. Moocar. I fflflBELL 8 WYHE, WIlOt.KSAI.K AND RETAIL Mtftl Mi Hi Xo. 4. Martin Street, Raleigh, ST. C. rvceiteliniiiimtaiit Cotton. Reapecttully SnU tul. ooU-taa us, j. ziAnzss'sr, WITH 8 oo., WHOLESALE BRDGGISTS 6 CHEMISTS. - M.irki I St., UllILADELEHIA. .J. .V. McDOXALU, V.'M. W OtkcOTT. Ilalcigh, 17. C. IIOI.I'.l- AI.K DKAl.KU IN Dry G3:Js,Gll!iiniJotiSDS, Hals, JOits and Shoes, AMI l M KAt ll HKIt (ip Pants, Shirts and Drawers. Wilniln;..it hii.I linrti'tl Sure t. riOiTH CAROLINA STATE LIFE EHSURANCE CO., OF RALE(H. . CAB. V. H. CAM 1. HON. 1-resident, V. I'.. ANDillbSON, YicePreg., 'IHKO. II HILL, Secy. Thd only Home Life Insurance Co. ia the State. f'l Hh fiinJlo.-iiinl out AT noIIC, and amo'ii; our o'.vu -x'oplp. We do tot Mud NortU Cui ol'n inoncyiitiroul to huilJ tiiotbir SHlos. It i o-ic of ttie tiioot iHJCeMful com pinif of nn hu"! la I!ib t'nilod SUtrs. h m. biH av. amply nulicii'iit. All lofi i4 V'O i)U:y. Ki'lit tliuiixumt rinllnrt imul in iu i.isi. two yours lofiiiuilii'S in C'hathm. IlwiH cost n mini acil ttiirty yt-ars only tivo tei . a iby to iiiKiiru for om ihon-sint djllnri. A.T'y fr further lnrermation to H.A. LONDON, Jr., Gen. Agt. WTTSBOhO", -V. C. S. 1,1. rvOSSxJBAUM, AND I'KAI.KU IN Gaittoiea's Furnisli Goois. X. K. I'.ir. Fnelti'Tille auil ilar)tt St., RAI.EIOH, K. 0, J .IIS M.KNMSll. T. B. WOU4CK imvmin & womack, inzmn m-I ffltiii11i(t iii T.im 2?ITT3230HO, W. O. trv l"r.m.t niii'iitl..ii ifli-en mall basin" m f run'.-l Ui ili.'lr run-. Mr. Miiinilni; will lie lu Uio ..lll. i' .111 Hie I1M nn.l tliinl MimilHys of "h. 111..11U1 .111.1 ili.'SiiiirM.iiH ,riivtllug. Mr. Wnmnrk u lll In- In Hie rlll.X' nt nil ilin.w. aci'll.-U PATENTS. F. A. fH'lit.innn, Solli-lier if Amerl-n and For-elu-n rnieiiii., Mi..-liln-i.in, IL C. All hunlniiw mn-ii.-.-t,.. niiii l'ii:. in, wheilnT liofnra tlin fall'. it (iniee t.r llm :...irts, prempily ntte.nleil to. No rwuvi' .iiiIih a inileiit Is secureil. Bund for clr euliir. uoTl-lf lf vou uuajit to tuy llot1mi for McnorBoys cither rcady-rtuxde orxndt to order, do not Fa.il to ' Ctaloue i lOO Ougrgles. Rockaways. Spring: Wagons, &c. de if the Unt -uau.riiu U'd fully varrut ed. to be told raf-udlera of oom. Pwtwa la want niil oonno.lt tbiur own interact by tiio ininf( our ctock and pnen bvfora baying, m wo aro doUroiiuad to acli, and bar ent down our prices to tbey oacnot bo nat by any othor hoiintfin tho itto. a.lao a fall ttock or. ITniid I In do IlarnenH ItEPAtlttNa done at bottom prtoaa, and la bent Dunn r. BcLd for pr.oci anrl mu ' a a. McKtrn:; a fiOKa. Fajat wvilH, H.Q. II 1

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