A .,1 '1:1 i5 4 -'4 ita 3 2s v.- ? ii tt .".as ill 3 I The Porter's Iron Collar. About sixteen miles from St. IVtirn burg, in the nilxt of a wiile flitin, stands the Czir's conutry phluoe of Tsars oo Solo (Caftr'tt Village, 1 the preut park of ulrieh is a very pretty pulnoo in fine summer weather. All through June and July, you may see the Kassiuu children miming about umler the mv. by scores, with a shouting and laughing that wouhl do the Czir's heart good to hear, ii ho were any wlure within reach. In every handy spot you are pretty Hire to find a picnic party making merry on the grass, with two or three well tilled luneh baskets beside them j and when you come to tho little mmruer-houHes near the lake, you will most likely titid at least half a dozen people in each, gathered around a Wr bowl of ' rmh, which is tho Kucsiau i;;i'ue for curds and cream. This lake is one of the great "sights'1 of tho park, for it has a boat-honso filled with a model of every kind of boat iu the world, down to Greenland fishing-boats and Polynesian war canoes ; and when thev are all sent floating over the hike after dark, hung with colored lamp, they make a very tine show indeed. Uut there is some thing even better worth seeing a little farther ou, and that is tuo palace museum, tilled with strange presents which have been given to the U.issian Czars by various kings, iivago or civili.t d, from a jeweled sword iiros.iiti d by the first Napoleon t.t a Persian carpet sent by the Ameer of lSokhara. Oa a taMo near the door l'os a very curious lelie, which every one who comes in notices at once. It is a large hilver dish, rolled up like a sheet ol paper, so as to muKe a hind of fuunel ; and if you a-k tho oM sohtitr who shows the museum how it cumc to be twisted up like that, ho will give a knowing grin, and ask if you ever heaid of Count Gregory OrblV. This Gregory OrloiV was a l'ti-sian count who lived about a huudrtd years ago, aud was not only a count, but an sdniral as well, though there were people who said that if he had had to manage the fleet by himself, instead of having three or four excellent n aval commanders to help him, he would have made a poor job of it. I!v whatever doubts there might bo abo n hii seamanship, there could be noi:o about his strength, for he was one of largest aud most powerful men :n Russia. Like many other gi-.r.'s, lu was, perhaps, just a little too f. d t f showing otV his great strength. Nothing pleased him more tlnn to bend a horse shoe between his t'Uors, or pall out of the ground u stake which no one else could move: and if cmo of hw sailors turned mutinous, and began to maki a noise, Orloff would just take him by the throat, and shake hitu as a ear shakes a mouse, after which the brawl' t was usually cpiiet oiiuiii'li. X )v, it happened that one niLt this strong h .nded admiral was at an even ing party ut the palace, and as he was handiug a bopiet of flowers t one of tho ladies, tho silver paper which was wrapped around it slipped otT. Orlotl' said nothing, but stepped to the supper table, and taking up a silver dish, rolled it up like a piece of paper, put the bon.piet into it, and handed it to the lady ; and this is the dish you see in the museum. Not long after this, Orloff arrived in St. Petersburg from a ionmov .l .,J1 manure, also scattere.i m small met ut his own door by a messenger from the palace, who told him that the Empress particularly wished to s-o him, and that he must go to her at once. Some men would have waited to put ou their finest clothes, aud to make themselves hx-k .put gay and dandi fied ; but the admir il was used to obey, ing orders at once, aud off he started for the palace, j ist as ho war. Now, while the admiral hud been ionrnevine. there had eometothe.,ubieP a new hall-uort.tr who had never seen i.. i. .1? mi ........ . ,T.r f.rr',e.'WaHa,roaR iciiuw, uiiuuiiKU uiu. ueai iv ns n rr uh OrlotT. an.1 not nirn.h.mr,'..! ,., i ral's big, c , arse-looking, uglv figure eominirn to the W nf fh- i t L SJ, dns?; tZLt shoutedTicreely : "Be off. vou vi. sat mud! You've no business here 1 Who are v. I should like to know? " Orloff never answered, bui, stooped and picked up a loug iron bar that, fas tened the door at night. Oiio jerk of his great strong hands twisted it around tho porter's neck like a ribbm, so that tho poor follow had to hold up tho ends. Now, my boy," said he. wi.h a broad grin, "go and show yourself to tho Empress with that iron collar on, and sho will know who I am ! " Then the porter kno at or.ee that this must bo the terrible Count Orloff, of whoso strength ho had heard so much of and he fell on his knees to ask pardon. But OrlotT only laughed, and told him not to bo quite so ready to judge a man by his outside another time ; and, indeed, from that day forth, the porter was always civil to every body. Jliwii h'cr, in St. Xiriola.t. Tho gilt knob a t the end of the bar bor's pole represents a brass bnsin, which is sometimes actntilly suspended from tlis pole. Tho basin has a notch cut into it to fit the throat, and was used for lathering customers who came to be shaved. Tho pjlo represent tho utaff held by persons in veneseetiou ; and tho two spiral ribbons painted around it represent the two bandages, one for twisting around the uriu pre vious to blood letting and the other for binjing. Barbers formerly filled the office of surgeons. From this originated the barber' pole. FAUtf, (iAHDKN AM) HOI SK1I0L1. Ilolloetl .M Ilium, j To co ve a turkey, place jour fork iu , tho lower j art of tho bnust, to as to have tho turkey at perfect cdnuiaud. If j oil nuderstsnd your busiuess, the entire carving of the fowl may bo done without extracting the folk. First re move tho wing aud leg on one side, then tho other wing aud leg Then slieo off tho breast, remove the "wishbone," the ueek bones and tho neck itself. Then cut through tho ribs, and the job is fairly done. The following directions for mixing mustard may be found useful : The water used t.houldbe previously boiled, and should have become nearly cold. Hot water destroys the essential quali ties of tho mustard, while a m;ture with cold water is liable to ferment ; vinegar should not be used. It is best to make ono day's tupply at a time, and it is false economy to keep over what is left. The fresher the mustard tho better. Iu mixing the mustard should be stirred until every lump has disappeared, and tho mass rosembles thick cream. Skim-milk aud water, with a little bit of glue iu it, made scalding hot, will restore old rusty black crape. If clapped and pressed dry, like tiue muslin, it will look as good us now. When carpets are well- eleanel sprinkle with salt and fold; when laid strew with slightly moistened bran be- f re sweeping. This, with the suit, will freshen them up wonderfully. A paste made of whiting and benzoin will clean marble, and ono made of whiting and chloride of soda, spread and left to dry (in the sun if possible) on the marble, will remove spots. I'e.'il lor I. mine lli-u. A correspondent asks: "Can hens be made too fat to lay V" -Yes, indeed. I'at hens rarely luy. If hens are fed so much or so often thst they begin to I fatten raiidlv, thev will laying. Ho asks again : "Is there any thing better than corn to make heus lay?" No food is better than Indian corn or ground corn ( Indian meal,) to fatten hens, and of course it should be fed sparingly to laying hcn. If hens 'do not lay and are fat, feed them but , I em e a duv at evening just before thev iqoto rooVt-giving wheat screenings, i I ',,,.,. . , 1 oueaw neai nun ca;s, in suen iiropor- 1 . 11 : 1 ;is us joon oesi. imu me , t 1 1 .... " ...... m you see any of the flock begin to wander away. Let them forage all day for wee1, seeds, grass, insects, etc. They must have warm quarters, well venti lated at night, and a sunnv run by day I in winter. After a while begin to feed , them sparingly a little moat scrap - chopped tine, broken bones, oyster I shells, etc., and they will probably soon l-egtn to lay. .!... '', ..' t ( .-ii'eii.til f'usi in nm Miccp. in pasturing sheep and lambs the heutit is not only to the animals, but to the pas'tues, which are greatly improved. Sheep are very indiscritni I natu feeders and will bite m t only : i,'r.iss. but also shrubs, wecda and every , -fii thing that starts iu early spring, and thus destroy and keep down most of the foul stuff that usurps tho place I uf grass, and they tend to leavo the ' pastures clean for Hue grass to grow. Quantities as. they travel over the' j ground, is readily absorbed by the earth ; and becomes the best plant food possible ' and accomplishes what canuot well be j done by grii'.bing or top dressing to ' renovate pasture hind. It is important ' : that the fences around sheep pastures i should be close ami well kept, especially j that walla should be well laid up and i holes and gaps in rail fences thoroughly stopped. The Downs and all mutton , i aro a01 'twpuwa io jump, ami iu a good pasture with reasonable pro- fw)inn innv as hol cattle, but it Ho it a I broken rail in the fence, and if thrre is l irk..r IIia nil hnnbnen lnr.ilile.1 lown P M to f"rm series of ' "teps over which they mar , .ass, tlirv ot i ownor's negligence and seek a largo i ll,,l'rly- Toliug a stone wall if the ! M"C,"P are not Ply edticate.i to stay 1 w'''n the pisturo is not very expensive , lin" " h,I1Rle ,)inPa WIM sueicne i alon ? about a foot above tho top of the wall is a suro prevention to eseipe. Whilo sheep reipiiro less water in proportion to their size than other animals, yet they should have access to good water, and shonld be salted once a week. A good way to salt them is in a V sh'fped trough, and if the sides are smeared at salting with fresh tar they will he likely to get some of it on their noses which will protect them against the fly that lays the egg producing the grub in the head. It is a very safe precaution, as the hot weather advances, j t0 l1rivo "P tho flock ,0 Pnt .ar on tUe nose of everyone. The fly (K.Hrun oti. similar to the bot fly, is very annoying to sheep, and the grubs which hatch in tho nasal passage ascend into the head, sometimes causing great distress and death. Spfin'jjMil fpuhlicun. The London 7Vc makes fun of Americans for calling luggage, baggage. It is not lagged and should not bo lnggap.e. ' It is not boggei, and should be baggage. Trnnkago is the right word tunkage and smash age. A large dog, formerly belonging to a Pittsbntg fire company, ran to the flro at the iron works in that city recently. A dwelling house was threatened by tho flames, the dog rushed in, and seizing a baby from a cradlo, bore pafely to tho yard. Penrls. Mother-of-pearl, tho interior scale of large shells, is found principally vx the Indian fcus. There are some firms in Hirmingham, lv.ijil.iiu1, which make yearly seventy-two million buttons from these shells. Many of tho islands about California are covered wiih the finest shells in the world. Tho liearl divers in the South seas dive f:om forty to , fifty feet fur the shells, and can rem liu nnder water one aud ono -quarter minutes j but blto.liug at tho no.-.- often results. ! lu rnauv place the women arc better . divers tli.iu the men. All the divers oil their bodies, else the hot sun would quickly blister then:. Tho real cause of Jv.irts is th.uilit to be a disease in theovster, because tliv are oulv found in tho -e wh.ise shells are full of small ! worm holes, or where tl.eir jrowth has been stunUd. Almost .ill the pearl j oysters arc troubled by scarlet lobster, , or shrimp, who works Lis way into the shell, causing great annoyance and pain. ; Ceylon has during the lat eighty years : derived a million dollirs from toe pearl fisheries Haidly ny oyst l ave : pearls till they are live y ars M. The divers begin at M.nrise and work till noon, holding .to the ropes ou the sides of the boats a they work. In the Pt-rsiaa ;ilf tlu-ro n-o j u n ii-hii:g boats, laeh cou taii.iug abjn'. thirty men. The most beau' ;i il p.- u I in the werld is inMeiv, n-il.i.g li.e.ity eight carats, lu the I'n'i.- Ii crcuii jewels is a pearl a l.irge a a jiici'ii's egg, valued at i.OOO. Pope 1, imnght a pearl of a Venetian jeweler for $70,00(1. S.ul t at" of a ('ninnul I'ainil.i. V recent leMer to tl.o Leavenworth i V 'ii it Kansas) ,..- savs . in. rt iui. m m i the ....-. w:ll remember that during I tut riatte City fair lust f ill the details ; of a tiiriblo stabbing uifray wele pub-j lished. The substance of the report was that Clay .-mioH, a young m m of : good family, had stabbed a young man : nanicil Nathan Andrews. As the pris- '.,. . in inil iiuaitin,' tri il li'tle em bo 1 soon stop.en.risiu jail awaiting ir.u n.ti. unit . s.'id about the merits or demerits of the ease, mere 11 o:ie iii-.-i, iiowe.oi, lum ; is too terrible to b suppressed, aud that is the death of the entire f.imilv i of the S ielN. Short lv after the murder ; T , ... "... , ,, , Mrs. Lu-y Ann Stami.ford, mother ..f ( l 'lay nell. Locarno cvitcl ever the , murder and grew ill. Within a short , time she died. Then Hubert Si'dl be- ' :,! t .i . : 1,1 eame iu, num in is Bll , ie n- . . . .. r . ve , ...... ....... .. . r ;..i.-i,..s. .lnrmr, ,v ! i b Iw,,., , e 1 1 L- ...1 i oi'.K.. f.miK. i-.o,!.!.. b.. ! passed away, soon followed by his little six-mouths old babv. John Snell, another brother, succumbed to the strain of family excit. mont, and after a short illness died. Within the l is: three days a t terrain ';o received in this c'.'y by Mr. Sliacklefor I announcing tho death of Miss N.-ttie Snell. tho lu-.t but one of tho family of one blood. It was lis rt.uned yesterday aft. -rrnvti that a little seven -year-old half brother of Clay Sr.ell, Thomas Ntuudiford, is no', ex pected to live. Clay Sue'd, who is the only stirvivor of this unfortunate family, is now in jail at l'la'to City awaitinir trial f. r the murd- r of Andrews. He tak.s the death of the vatius members of his iamily mni h to h. art. S hen his tnoih.r was buried it is said that he begged Jul mission to c.'.teml the fu- ...l. si.vi.-.o. ..Send a hundred men M .,,,..,.1 no'. - e.v.e, meuitb ei..,im .1, oi 1 d ft ' locked, but for God": sake b't mo see the last ef my jioor old mothi r ! ' II. was uot permitted t i go. Trouble:! t'tirpc. The theft of the body id the late Earl of Jtalcarres from the family tomb near Aberdeen has recalled the singular suc cession cf difficulties ander which it j was removed from Fl"ro::.v. The It .l. was j laei d wtth.n tun e eolhns, the in- tier i ne being of soft Italian wool, the middle ouo of!.ud and the oirer one of oak. In her solicitude for the saf the safe con - or husband, vevance of the remains of h I UorV, mctU that 11 casket of walnut should be made Within WtllClllllO tlirCO COlllUS Wer , 'I'Tosited. On the to,; ..f tbya.ket 'h m high relief. Th : --yanco of the remiin, tb. Alps was a work of very great iblli "ilty, but under the care cf tho confidential servant of the deceased they r;i"'ted Franc i in safety. A small steancr was chartered to convey the body to London, and she neonntered such a violent gale in crosin the Cuannel that the coffin had to bela-hed on deck. The removal to Aberdeen w.u sal'elv effected, li lt here another difficulty presented i'solf. No hearse 1. rge enough to r. e -ive tho outer cofTni i : mid bo procured, and the out.-r .died ii.i.i to le' removed. It was, however d. posited afterward in tho crypt alongside the three coffins in which th- remains were encased. On the day .iiuf the body was removed from Aberd .en to lunecht ono of the most violeut suow storms ever experienced in Scotland broke ont, ind to snehadeptu did the suow accumulate that on the return journey the hearse was imbedded by the wavsido, and remained for several days in tho snow beforo it co ut 1 be removed to Aberdeen, and the men who accompanied it suffered great hard ship. The "hiddenite" is a gem recently discovered in the state of North Caro lina. It resembles tho emerald in color, but is harder and more brilliant. Tho largest stone yet fonnd weighs five and th -eo quarter kaiats. The cut stones sell for S100 per karat. The King ot Keiiinur:; is truly a paternal monarch. Finding that during tho recent acvere, weather the royal foot guar Is were snf fering greatly from Cold and roughs, this good old gentleman ordered a supply of Ir. Hull's Cough Syrup for tleni and now the sentries ro happy. FACT! FUtt IHK (TRUU'S. In the details of tho first voyago of ! the English to India, in 1.101, we liud rhinoceros hor-.s monopoli.ed by the i native sorcerers ou account of their j reputed virtues iu detecting the presence j of poison. There is a superstitiou among Penu- "yivnnia coai minora iu u ii any ihtmiu i wl'''-1 i niiue some disaster is sufej to toWovr. The theory is that whistling': ,lrivcs 1,wrty ihc t?0i,tl ,IU'k slllrif' ,riv' i io iw min ' lho mercy of spirits or evii. a wuisiier was uueiy uiouoen ; in a Lackawanna miue. - j Two thousand one hundred and twenty churches iu England have been namcM insole Honor oi mo irgin .uary, and 102 in which her name is associated ; with that of some other saints, Wheu cannon were first used they Wero made on the same priuciple i,y whieh barrels are constructed, a number of iron bars I ritg fitted ss ,.0sely us possible to each other, nr ranged r.nnd a cylindir of wood aud then bound together by strong iron hoops. i ' it- :tiv ill Ki.i ii r r. i ;irs omi:i!s, "While iu l.Mideii, England, a short time a:o," ur.d tlii pril'ossor, "our Oxford street wuiter was made the victim of a practical joke. One morning, as this ton-orial artist sat reading his r.ewpaper, ho was startled by seeing a voui.g man enter in a very ex.-ited manner, who, throwing, rather thin seating himself in tho chair, demanded u sfiuve i.f-r. The barber, who was a ready fellow, at once set about obeying the command of this excited and hurried guest, itha rapidity that surprised 1 i uself, he shaved tho riht . s'd.'ofhisciistomer-sfaee.iindthenimm.- dj ,,.,,,,, t. 1,-ft. That side . , shaved with cleanliness and dispatch, but judge of his surprise, when his customer demanded to know iu tones anvthing bat pleased why he did not shave the right side. The 1 oor bewildered barber was almost c.-rtain l.at no iiaei a me so, inn pereeneo, i ins I'liii'ii-i, iijui me rime in illle-slum was COVel'Oil tt V 11 lel-l'iaeK i .,,,..,....,,,, i,, Jtt.,ii b ........ (ja-t )lij;4 surpris0 ,! i1Prror( tuo ... r W,.H prnwini? on the hair was growing on the other side, Thus it continued for an hour. While ho shaved one side he could actually "' g'wug 011 the other side. lemlied 1 evond expre-sion, ho stood ,,;,,, thereupon tho vouug m m i,,;l,vd irom the chair, and, snatching the r.uor, drew it across his throat, tin 1 fell to the tioor c .vctel with blood. 1 ho barber Hew into the s'reet ual- . . . t ., 1.,. r i, ,. t 1 ; lootng Jl.mler! at the top of Ins voice, a erowa soon patuercii, ami, n -,' 1 1, I 1, .. .. iVri .r I. n.l 1.-. vl,., 1...I...1.1 tl,.. si.niMsed" eori.se ...lietlv 'arranintr his tie before the mirror tinning verv ! pleasantly, he paid tho barber and de- parted. theatrical gentleman among Rot uoi(i t,f a mlg0 rat wi,it.h a copper J the lookers ou soon gave it out that it Loftll lttll onl!.lua to death, and one American Mat-ician. l'wo,'lt to mv hot'. l ; and awoke next day to find myself the ; talk of Loudon." concluded tho Profess- or, "lor it was i wno .11.1 it. i gave the , , poor harder tits. Jiil von ever hear ' ,ow lrvo,,frioni,,fmi,ti. s,.l;, asked the Professor. On receiving an , , answer in the negative, said : "A ftieud ! of mine, who wa as gnat a druukard ; as an a-tor, ami mat; is saying a great : en'-e'r a dri,,kin.saloon when ho was i almost on tho verge of oolirium treiuens, : and knowing his horror of 'snakes,' as wi.it. ei nj lu is vulgarly called, l re- ; so.vea to save n.m i emc re.i jusi as I and rushing forward I snatched the ! : glass, romnisi, air crying ai i .o same ss from his hall 1, erving at. tho same . .uii vi "t t i- tbtu i i uuii- out ' Preteudimr to take the flv out. I held no a serpent, t . cried otit i 'Mv ' ' r .1 t .!.... n . ........ o vrt ... n . ' " ""-i .'v. . , God I that is a snake 1' 'Not at said I ; 'it is a simple house-fly. See? you are covered with them,' saying i which 1 approached, and from his ! sleeves, and hair, etc., I proceeded 1 to pnll snakes, protesting all tho time that they were flies. 'They are snakes !' ;oued C. again. '.My God! that is a snake : I tell yon, Hermann, they are 1 snakes!' 'Nonsense,' said I, 'thev are but flies.' Then,' slid he, 'I have the snakes myself !' and ho rushel from tho aloun. Ho was not seen for mote than a week after ; but wheu next seen he j was sober, and lias Wee so since", I "Professor," asked the interv:ewer , j (Dj, ot-UMSf ever aurprised . "ursi'lf."! , .-otice," was tho answer: ' then tho were you, wuo are so iorci oi surpris ,nrVri.e ry and agreeable one, I assure you. It came iiooutin this wav : I was for a number of years a sufferer from cramps in my left side, inimediatelV under the heart. IstllTeied regularly at the close of each perform- aiu'o, aud very often was compelled to cancel engagements which 1 had made, ; owing to mr inability to lid them,1 , . n . . . . - , being prostrated by cramps, una bcinir iu a very weak condition. I entertained very serious thoughts of giving up my pu fession and spending s.uue years in travel, and would have done so but for an attendant of mine, whose heads I had cut eff occasionally ; while performing my wonderful decapi ta'iou act. The individual to whom I complained of the pains and the cramps in my side on ono occasion said it was curious th it I, who could decapitate auo' her and reolaee the head at will, ought eertaitdv be able to cure mvsclf. I 1 ! him how some of the best doctors ; in i.urope ami America nan laue.i no laughed at me, aud said he camlet cure me in a week. That night he presented mo with a bottle of St. Jacobs Oil, the Great German licmedy, saying that , its use .vjiild produce an effect' more magical than I could readily ! believe. I liughed at the idea of St. i Jacobs Oil doin,7 what had bullied the: greatest doctors, but said that I would tr? . simply to convince lnni that ".'" 'I. n.iiu.i uu i.e. .ju... i.a. uigui, ou retiring 1 ni'jueu iuj it.ua wim the Oil, and, sure enough, its good effect was instantaneous magical, iu fact ; I felt relief atonoe. I slept better that night'than I had done ior a long time before. Agi.in in the morning I rubbed with the Oil, and at tho close of tliA nftnrnnnn nnvfrirmnneA T rintiltpil A crei.t iliniiniiti.in nf tint tun n till .-ramus. . I - - 11. w ... ...!. V tas i surprises i vt en, I was very, much snri.rised. and told mv attendant In loss than a week, and before. I : . . ' . . - - had finished using my third bottle, 1 1 was entirely and permanently cured. The effect of St. Jacobs Oil wus indeed magical, so much so that I could I scarcely believe my senses. I have ! never felt a cramp since nor is there prophet, aeer, soothsiyer or magician who can pertorm 8ncU wonders as tit. JaaobsOil." Snakes Dining on Bats. A renorter who visited tho Cincin- nftti Zootogieal Gardens to take a look at the animals in their winter quarters llpflcribos tlie foltowiug sceno t t.0W( won i,avo houio fun," said tho Lionel, as ptJ0 0 the attendants came np w,tH a large cage full of rats, young, old, black and gray. Thsre were tWonty- eigni in an, mi, sicca, buurj.ejt.-u, vicious - looking fellows. They niovwl restlessly about in the cage.asif certain sonl0 impending fate, while a SeoU-h terrier dog followed, yelpiog, bounding fttui howling, as mncii as to say, jjei m, t Vm." We entered the Reptile department. Theio were twenty-live snakes, as haudsome and glossy-looking icuows as one uas seen iu uiuuy u u.i. They lay coiled up in tho sand or wrapped together m heaps in the corner, while two vicious-looking rattle snakes ono n crmmon and tho other s diamond rattlesnnko were hmusitlg themselves thurstiug out their fanga at a fly that buzzed just near enongU not tj bo caught. There were some black snakes, n few copperheads, a conple of spittiug vipers aud a pair of common house smikes in tho lot. Whether it was the disappointed bark of the Scotch terrier or the smell peculiar to the rats that alarmed the snakes can not be snid, but no sooner had the attendant with the cage of ruts crossed the threshold of the door than everv snake was up and ou his car. The Wliv'th,.v ulll.tiled and darted round, ; , , , , . . over and under each other, the rattle- snakes coding round and round iu a spiral coil, tiio copperhead darting frora sj,i0 (o sj,iC( t. vjnrrH raising .,... , iu .,:,., u i,s- (..ju ' ' ami even the common house-snakes enwling through the sand ou their cage !.... . . f ..t.il.lisl. vivieitv 0 ; ng a hooiu the top of th6 cage, . u , .. the rats were poured in. Some of them never touched tho llojr of the cage. The rattlesnakes viciously dar.ed aud 8tniek them, the copperheads and black- hiiuil. s we'iiii.i luuu.i nun luuu.i Liieir I I l - 1 1 . . . writhinr bodies and soucezed them to death, the spitting vipers threw their poisoned vinum and blinded them, while tho house-snakes opened their mouths, aud not miudiug whether it was heal first or tail first proceeded to swallow those that (he others had killed. The rats showed tight, ami bit at their enemies, but none of them got even a bite or drew a drop ot blood. It was . 1 .1 1 1 . geunuio feast for tho stakes, but it was ttffi!,zinR T"t was. though there wfre rats enougti lor an tne smiKcs ami eigni to spare, yet two of the Louse-snakes nn t1"' glt'''U business at the tail, the other at tho opposite side of the cage commenced operations at the ie.M, Tllt rilt Hiovviy moved due inst , , , , ., , , . and due west, and the snakes month within hulfan inch of each other. 1 ho moment was a critical one, as it wfts evident neither would give up ti,0gh t)l,v BWnll0wed on until dooms- &7- "UoU on," said the Colonel, "I'll phiy Holoinon on them," and s.iiziu g a smull, sharp hatchet ho cut tho rat iu tWOf nmi eiu., snake swallowed his por ,lppiirilntlv Uppy atlll contented. Ujoth's theater, at New York, is to ,ip convorte1 int0 B larR0 tlry good . , ill( ',p converted into i( 11,8 "een ,u B"" Pago f r 8550.OUD. The building itself . i i. . l . cost c.Oii,iioo, ami wiiu inn truunu eosi 61,2110,000. Mr. K. O. Gartman, tho business manager of the ,"- ; tl', of York, Pa . was cured of neuralgia by thr.-e applications of St . Jacobs Oil. ;.i'.. (.l.i.) NiHi-..iy .''..,. ,'j I. First Freshman to second ditto. Did you get her photo while y.,u were awav V" Second F. : "lell-ab, the fact ;s HUe gave mn her negative." - 1 A Mvrvland exchange refers to Mr, Thos. r. Forward, of lielair, that Slate, who was cured by St. Jae bsj Oil of rheumatism. .ocos.Vr (.V.l'.i AWh.k .V-ri. An Iiali in count ia i:. iierallv e nsid. re 1 b. b,-. an e oiivaleiit to uu Aniei.-.ni girl's i money. Wnnu r- stnle Ki.lnry nn.1 l.itprJ'ure. j Mr. Hom -c tirav. tie n.-tvly-appointed justice of tie-Supreme ('..int. is mar.; then six l tall and Ur: ... ,.r..,.o,-.,o. He a bacl.e h ''!"; '"'' ' '"' V'l!", oHhow Tiio somehow we all want tn see the slum a nit j(,,.r VEGETESTE. I Advise All Who Are Suffbring as I Have Suffered to Give VEGETINE a Trial. lion-OS. H. .ti'niber9. is::. Mb II It STrvrss: li. irsir I hive miltcred tvitli S. r.fiiloii. lluni i i v.r.ihni m ih. ..iu t ii.ii. iv.-, i iaMen., loi.-es to no .ll.kt. s, en- Ill-H ol Keren. 1 rwil'lvn i.. .......-v II Hill ... In-V.i.K I is ,:. 1 - ui.-ne.-il Iam JhIv. is'..'.. Alter talotm llie . con.l l.l; I... I lu ... ..t relief. Rill, (lie Kfir.il It. L.'Kl Ul liinllv n iTiie.-.l I.i one lame ulirr en no nutit t.-r. Ili.il rat. ki inui h all. I look.-.l o ba l Hull lliiuo mi. I 1 iiiusl In".' im v- '"'I. atu r I had Ink. n lour- e. n l...tles.i MOTISK. IIIV W ll H.-.r ... i I u ,- ... u.-ll itrt . v.-r 1 ill mv tile. 1: I. r i.i:riNK Ue li-'i1. d.-anwr aeil I'linlieref I lift I I.. ,n.l ail.lHl- .til Wll'l IIIIO He -linel'llie .W. 1 lift. ..nMrul. 1 KNIiV 1. SMI 1 11 No. .Vlftiea Street, llosliill. MM. Seiion i..ii Ili-Minia. Tim VKi.msr lia rureil m iio . iiy. nf s phiiU el nve. o n ami I.' v.-ai u. ....in... ... re.I.elJtlietll IllU-Ilft.l IliatlV I'llVHIl'lllII!., In. I III..UV .( tie- ku-.n is -ine,lii.i ami, alter lrilii(! He- t t.i.i.risr, .lie i-.-iiiiunu rein.ira iw: n aei uii .......(. .litT.-reiil l . Irom anv lie ilieltli1 tiiive .---r lak.-n." tio.risi: will .-It-am.- s.-roluta tr .ni llieajst.-ui. Tr il. VEGETINE 1 CAN HECOMMUNI). BoxraviLLE. June 10, l:.t. 11 is with nn-at l'iv.iire I can r-c.niinienil In the lnuliesl u riie. yeur il-nrrur. ' ininu r u .in I.l 1. llaviuir nu t villi i-hiiiIiiI injur. t the In m, I -einlie lier.M over f-.nil. II t-r 1 i... 1... n ,,. lien ir. i d.-itl nf Oi- inm nu I -eiitie iier. over f-.ni I. ii . iri su.i, no auk I. l.el.llll IIV IIKIIlu' VriOTlSK 1 tillll LI1 ..I Ml-I. a r E kieh.i i.it. . the 1.1 1. inu noinrf mv : ii-in.; ..ml iif H'( mi ii': luumiii tauno m Kiill.-rtli coinlllion tl-ll aviill llieuiKeiv.-s m on..- flu- luo-t valuable runeil-. Yours, most r.-l ei- lull.. W M. STHMIMISI. Htatii.ti Axcnt. Som. rvill.-. Mtva, Vrt.rTrsE." av" a Ili-ton ehvu'rlan. "ham. e m) h blow! 1'iinfli r. lh-,irilu; ol it" man. t... .I. rlul nm alter nil utlier rem-. Iks. ri.-t.l fol Ir-.l. viaileil .lie Iftlx.ratorv ami coiivu I uow-lf ot its ueimini in-Tll. It l .rr.r-il frin .iftrks. roots an fieri. .'-ti 'I tthicli l liii.-lilv .-n.vlos. u l III.- iiiii-lt"l in iich a iiiauiitTan in i-r-sliice a j iriiiusn-kuiti." i r0rtiHtMtiAnru9wMa, No lloon ihm Kotnicr tins Co frrrrd. Hsh ben fraught Willi greater W.'ssiiiKM lliun tlist whirh hKn tccrueil to tlio iiilialiitsntH of malaria ri1U-n portions of tho t'lilTcl Hrali-s and tlif Tropics frett! tho uhs (if Hostettcr'H "tomai'li Hitters, liu1 i tpcruiic.' nt ninny yuifs line lut loo clcaily ili'iimiiHtratnl tin1 1 ili.-11'u iency ol ipiinine ami other ilmus to ! rtl.'Ctiially ciitnliat tlir proKressuf iiiturniitti nt, 1 ciiiiCiTtive ami In. urns remittent levers, lnle on till' other liainl, it has lii rn no lean eleaily Iiwii. t!at flip itrc t t!io l)lttii1, niiiliein'e Uieniiil to the fniilcst eoniilitiitioii, ami enieil from imrelv lsitaiiii' somco. atlonla a r.'liulile af. Kiuinliisanmt iiialHi'iiil.liaesses.suil arrests it when .lcvi'loncl. For .liponleis el the Htouiaeh, livir and Downs, tor general lilitv ami renal inactivity, it ia alo a iiiimt tlicient ren.eilv. Apeelite ami sleep are improved l.v it, it rspels llienmatie lninierK from the Uoed and enriehes a circulation im- pevirished I'.v rnul-aiiHiniihition. The town of Colniiu is smitten with on of 1l-ip of Kifvpt - ruts. The ililr.ss el the ilihatii taulM is siteli that tin-city lathers have peiioeil two days ill which a general poisnii H of the dreaded rodents is to lake place hy im ana oi ptioHpiioioiiH. ".m'tki't Ol K .H ATI I I II I-.." Pr. It- V. I'lnu K. llnlTilo, N. Y. : i.nrSir mr lioldeii Medical I'lsi .ivery ' lias cured nit boy e' a fever sore of lo yeais vtandirig. lease I'.ectpt enr 'trntltude. V'"rs linly, 1II.NI1Y Wlliri.l, HosMii, Jlasa. frank I 'ail-oil proiidlv w.-nrs a inednl, ill hila.lt Iphin. hcanse lie picked up Hii rats and threw ill. in in a barrel in 2i sicoiuls. Frank is a bull terrier. l'r. Tierce's "Favorite I'ersci iptnm" is nut Moiled as a "euro-all." but a lmirablv ful fills a siiml' uea of pin poe, bi inji a most pe- specitle In Unite chrome . aumso's eeulirti" to women. Funiculars in l'r. lit rrn aiiiplih t ti-. ntise oil Hiseases lYennar to ,i. lin n, '.' pie;es, nul lor t.il'ce s':nn a. Addrcua Ills l'lsl'lsuv .llll'li 1. A sMi, l 1 1 llullal.i, N. V. Mr. Hiiuli s of his p'l-itiv. s hav ll-.u-bv win inc. ii li.-avy lo Pr. rieice'i . bv til Pellets" little liver pill. Kite 1 1 1'iirit Ih LI I. speedily dr iller, stoma. 'h, uu I I all d,t.i h r l tile I owels. l!v drllu'O The H. v. Mr. lire, ii is to be tri' 1 by a hiiivh tribimil in St. Joseph,. Mo., hi n eli.in,v f letunir a xonng woniaii ait iu his lap w hue '.Vllhlg le I A Siiudav hc-h'S'l lesi"U. V t.;i. visr. -Tiit' ftr.ut succe-s i,f tin- Viot:. iim: as a clean-er ana puriueroi ine i i.hi is hIi.-wii beveii-i a doul t by the great numbers who have taken it, and received immediate relief, with such r. inarkablo cure. Senator It. F Jones, of Louisiana, is m-'li tinned a-en -of the owners of a rich g-'ld mine iu the nine Kldge. ln Thirty llnva'Ti tal. The V..ltaie II. It Co.. Marshall, Mich., will wnd their l'.lcctro-Voltaic Helta and other lectrw Atuihancea on trial for thirty .lavs' t" auv til rsell lltllicted with Serv.ilia IH-hility, Lent Oalitv. and kindred troubles. Kiiarniiteciiig oinidete restoration of vigor and manhood. Address an above without delay. F. S. S'o risk is incurred as 30 days' tiial is allowed. lMitoKsTioN, iiYMTi-HiA, iiervoiii. proatra- thin HJi.l ail forms of general debility relieve.) iv takiinr Mk.nsmis s 1'KrroNizF.n mr.r Ionic, the only preparation of beef containing its pu tire nutritious properties. It contains blon.l nialang, forcc-geueraiing ami lire-sustaining promriies ; is invaluabb' in all enfeebled eon- llliona, wneTiitrrne re-.-uii oi einaiiHiiiju, ner vous prostration, overwork, or acute .lisease, aiticiilarly n resniiing iroiu iiuiiuenary com- plamtt, iasw.il, iiazaxa a propricuirs, New York. Natural p. troleiini. dc rriv.-d of its colorntul .lull, ll nil I the t lie l'll:..l IM' 1 .111-1 J . I t'. ..-.-I ll-IU'l e, .iPh' .l-lor W it'll, it dis i i.l of a i i-is or aooil-' -. i- w !.- . made fr mi. A- le. in. plow it is a ! i-utif il preparitu-n IIKMt - rit:ii.i stl VK. Iti.. 1:1 s i- st.r. -hi -. I'.iie-.K. s..r-I' ts !! l;te in,i. Tetter, ehewl II in 1-. .'Inl'1 niii-, in- aiel all kiii-U o skin I'-im t l'r. . lit. Oil IMel ;. . let III Nl. s i Al.l ''I.l SA1.1. ! olll -I- lire , ..lit. I r ell- IV. 'J..,. III-. lilt. ;lM'.r".Vs (lt(.r.s.i Tl.ll IIITTI'.llt. OVMii.-li l- r li.-oil. lii:ioll-l:..s .M.l .ir .i. Ii l-i -I on. il l t t-. I fle l! ,K, In skin, . le ,'Til:l:H sM I I' , ,.,e iiieint i-.o:,- ol il..- i.l ai, l i i.r. , it. !.. -t iTol.nrti. IHI M" .Liil.it. i- l.ivi l: l il.l.s l.l.l'NV Itrnllt V . N. rv..le! I'll, k . 1 H ilriiee,-!.. ,,Mi "I I: I U ii.l i,t i .r r. All. i. I'h.., in.., ,. H i I ir-. at -. N. V- REITTV HPIAsllrlllelT. Jlftffn D. rn" ho, i lav prrwiuii . ill-r ii:,,., I'ma. .- ,.-,.i r,. f liu- Oiili l r,.l,-:. Ie-w I .M-i tllirn UI.Wul. Hl-0' UlV. I Hell fU ..:.lMl,lt. ISlIH. j 1 ' .It.. ! .Mln.ai'..'ur rtl'i'i ItHiliif hum nl.sr ... 1..-H niia'aiitrr. er m.inrr refiimli-l, afler ml r.v u-e . I ii.l. lo -inn.il.irir. ti.'..' ;i' . .iilr r f .Mi -Hi I"! HftleU" in..t..r.- I'f , nf line .-. ..s ll. u. i, 1-1. .1 ft w:lf..i lll..llll,,..lll ilt 'f l"t iiii i .. . Ileuil.-. I i.lilnrt llltli a Nsi, ,.ilhr li I nr l,. . '-.lur:. lii., i.S.'lll iiliw.e-l Vull.. w,-:, -liii firr ii." I iu l-1... ii .-:!. llili -ti ltr,l laUl.'Klie iu,l :,ivr.!e -,i r.'i'. Ai .',ay.i lteil IMMI I. I'. HK jrT. WiJUisoKWjaw Jtt In ten tears, if she lit , s so Imm. ll:e Hiiro- ll, ss l.ii i'ib-11 ( outls will I, nvc pu . f .i, i ", i f..r n In -band (JTTilBriir.mvinir roprrivn.s the I.tirns !n a hcaSlhy 6f.it1.) A STANDARD REMEDY IN MANY HOMES. Ft f 'onc, f'ntfN, Coni. UrnnrliltN rn-l all rflxr .ill-. ti.iiit ..I ih- Tli tin i in.i I, it tuii ln ii.iriuKil uii-l i.it. ili iH.tcu l.ultuiiii Litton, IN CONSUMPTIVE CASES .r .'.ii.. nr.- it ruiriiH'tith nm-l wh n- tin- lt lioim arc vtri. llv . .liil-ln il with. Thi n- in nn chr riL or ottu r nif.'r ki uth ! liarui the )uiiok "nil. AS AN EXPECTORANT ITHAS NO EQUAL ! IT CONTAINS NO OPIUM IN ANY FORM I J. N. HARRIS A. CO., Proprietor, C I.M INNATI, O. FOR SALE BYALL DRUGRISTS. For Two Generations Tho eood nnd staunch old ManiMiv. MKXICAN MUS T V MMMKNT, has done morn to assuage pain, relieve Mitt'erin?, nnd save the lives of men nnd beasts than nil other liniments put together. Ubyt Because the Mustanp; penei trates through skin nnd flesh to the very hone, driving out nil pain nnd soreness and morbid secretions, and rector ing the atllicted part to sound and supple health. B A LIS A M FACTS ABOUT UMBRELLAS Antliiuarlttna mv Unit the ii.iibr.-lla was lit t.l.il .lionlnilb rtlie llo-b and lue. be. lUlit; enst Improve.l upon -I ..It i.t..'oioic i for ''"j"" ..nit'oit. Ili.-lni.e beine iv -v - H s It. ih" ri.nihlid il-ivs ot ilie woil.l. Ah toul.r. Ila l ...i, h like il pin.-oii us to ihe ..noiii.ti f l,"' .iotl -lin l i t le who lie's- il . bus It . i ,, :;;.",,, -i'vc ,v. .;-i..ter "-? .1.. ..lei-of Int.-.-: ''.. I!...'.- -i.r Hii.l.iv.lsli. Jl fc iM.li.-at.-s that it i- I" ehnuje.. wneH. il ,,,,.,,..11., , .nn.-.l .v. i- ii w.-n an. Ihe mull getlins ni.nii,,,.,,,. ,h, - ! ii,;',,',v:1'!i'';'i!u,:;nTtTa hip. When Hi in oi i -e '' I't'ibrella iincl li s W.. I.WI lit.- .Iri pin-s ii .mien..- "'',H'" :..nv il ut richt m lul';r '.r " ', JJ tiu' , ,-c is I., ...-I ' ; f;.;;? vou. Toiiiii it . tionii iil Ilnbt lhesuleiiin.nl Ulk on.Mi.i:ie l!...' " ' -Ui!' i I1" r",,7 V I., l. nd an u,.'.o-:: i -igtni.e- il.nl " I uu, a to . To e oi i v nit ..iiihr- Hii net lech . i. -neh . h ai Mil lilelieve- 111 I l.llo, !. nil lliell's but-. MiOllhC-l 1 urn n iioiniiii." To i-o ttithoul mi niul'H'ha in ii r.iiu ii.i.u .le.iv- i 10,1 sl.rcel uellllii; il.eu- m.ili-iu. iue I wit h.it i-.-i u.-il." T.. l..--..i II-. mil l! b -'il tl.e.-C. i-l II.SC i:;iii:y that t - to tliceilii.irii' ,. ..,- - I liu !H nn aiii-t I u. iil.l 1. ate in, ipudiour ;i .on in tour in " .i.iitMvra tin'- bud nol my ohl ellelny. uu ,1 i II me .-.i Mltl.lt niy. ill. .lll.l. ttitlie.lt Mi'l'.iHKtU I . , ifl llllli Klll-l 11 I'll ''' l! .it Iii i lew Hour- .o biulH -.telleu and .,i,e ,. Mr lluiili i .. tli- i:l .-uiieill-ni r i i e,i::- I r Mtel'lll I ',. on a rrcut many e.l ..,i:l 'I In) lll. i :i I!, -h liud peel.... t.ifd two in. nth-. I t .-,. l,i . nine I would .,. - . ut .0 it li -s wind l':. i .'.leil".'-! In KOI .11 ..I I. .1 V ..(-UII -I In- till.- he 1- it"; -(Ul-iii-lliilikulelwill ,1 i!i,'. -,v - I,' eilllllot BEST IN THE WORLD! lt. llt. ri'il on Trl.il, ritKK OFCUA1M1E1 V.-:i.CC"'3 Ctrl S"-TI2Ta Shuttle Sowinr; Machine! DUY NO OTHER! I.XSTit A I.l IT T I VI K. Warrunled a Veari. SfID TOR c:n-'JUAR " ." AGENTS WANUD in Unrcrupkd Territory, Ad.lre.t WltSON SIHINd MA-iMK CU. ,V WnltHsli .tvi., 'hirHiro. JOIIWIVM .1MIUVNK 1-IM'ipT will I ..ii i, iv i r.-t-.iil il -i- i . .Ii-.-.,-. .nol nil l- ,-. I .!,- !. 111,-. -ll - t l-!. I. .torii.lt en llial w :i ,,nv l:v.-. - :. i-. .-1 i-,ll. i".iit'lelnv P AGENTS WANTED FOR TH ictorial KISTOBYoftucWORLD i ji.l.r.i. 'ii.' lull i.ii-t l. ,t. . .,1 in , : 'il .oi'l a l,i-'.,r. el the n ,'li ! ii-'iHliiia .111-1 le'JUlin mii 11. i Kin, ires, Ihe inlil-ll- - , the ru-.l , III" le'1,11 n.si.-m. il,.- r i,.ii ,1. .tie cry ii'. o'ilir- iii.'ui e, , , W.Tl.l. etc.. etc. . . litmus j-i lie.- hlnoru -il .-i:-'r:iviiur. aim i lh- t .-. iiii-li I- ll-.-torv oi ill" w. irl.l ever l'ii " i" I, .-.I. Si-iel t i s, . -.in, i, i ,i-. - anil . urn t nns lu ll-IO -l. Aio-ntn. A.lln NAn,s.ti. l i u ... riiiia . i-. PENSIONS. ARE PA tO . f :,i,vk, 11,1.1, ! I nr..'. i i in i '-i: .,.(- Vrlni 'VC ft ii. ii-.- o- lire ni. ,. . .,. tt I ii. .r- a s -.- Una . lor ' r 1 1 .',M-' .";.r. ! ti -an p. ii. 'Fitiiv-r.-ti'i tf S':VvZ,l . I'l ..V li ,ll..tii,tl, Of luiUUUtl One Dollai A Yl-UH. The Hel svnn j I'ni.ef In ihe ! Illio-..! -I IL'II, .1 UU' I 'I, ,ie-' -el el; I r- .1 , .i.r ,i;,-' intt- t.-r. I ril.t.'.l lie n Lilt . ! .en I ' I i.l,,l heiil .1 I- an 't l-r. e. I . l..,, Weekl'i :,- fi!l.-, S,n-, l-ii-t.ii' ie I. I- i- line li.nitr lib-, riliel'.-. t- I i-.-..--i',i s A.l lrr-I fill l.ll I.l Dl i. cue. I v. rv uw l-l I 1 -eh- ". I K. I l.icau... II' ill r.-mi '-ll- ili.u.a ti.' 1-1 1 "I I )! I'.li'K limtilltN. Anv 10 ill . ncli i Iv.ii' I Uwi-.-k-- rnav I.. ... .Iie I'lll. I. .1 W 1 1 ' IX wvaw-f ' futrmril) lliirut'i-i iim D 1866 Vify. 1868 a FnSxh, ,y Walls Ccilinni w lUlral- tiil irurjirtl. 'A H Ct.l,nu.-l'h...ir. I . ftw. J3. t- !3 & r.n.rA?.::i:--.JT.J. -!2 PENSIONS. l or jiOI.niKRS. .jj. l..'.In-r.tnoltitnl or rloMrvo. 'I le ii n-l- i-l n'e l' I. -rnH'BnTr l i.r I. -.- f tiir. r.t. - r rci.iure.iarie nr inn. I l.n J III.. Ii.r Ti ' ..; ( I' I'AT K N V IM Iti: 1K ,,l HOI NTV. .... s Mi.n 1.11,1 m.rra',1. fr' - '' irt le ir nl-lty I r lirni,. f. r ' II" I'. l null 1 iw . I'l' I, i..n I r -Iil. ,!ilirrf II. .H.I S,li.l l.n -r ' i.n.1 runti' it i n.-triirli-r... tv. ru rel- r I ATilr-i I N.W. FIaernltl(iCp.l'.'i';'4 All').. Lo.kni..i--. il.u.fiii. U.I 1 eh,-. l'ifrir ah ASTli M A ...rniiiit AsiIiimii I .tie i u i. "'" " '' ;' i i : i :i. e o ft . .".It,, "till .IK,-. . - 1' -s I I'l l'- In, 11 SI Mil I VI IV M I- ,1 Me" KIDDER 8 PASTILLES.! rkicts niAil. SfnwMll A (.'a Uili :. v.ii. M.ias. rJSWATCHES; .ll.l.lr.. O..I.I.i.l"- Mckl.-. I I4.11U.M .rnl 1 1 in.iliir C C D. ." I.. .-..tti ,o-d I H , , ... f. r (Vftlofur t sr.lMxIlll AIIER- ii-.N ai, il ei, rnriiiiiniii.i'A Green Corn Packers Vt'HKMs:"nm.i Mn.'hlllr. Tt.i l..ii-iill ,,i,- . : .In. . Write lor eireuUr Vulii. H.irkei-. -j.vi 1 ..-e.st. l'.irllftiiil. Me. W'ANTI It .111 ;.i i.i.iiil nmimi it- w.-ekn. i IMil nn -n.lv wink mun. tn I. nui.l,. ut ho.ni Wurk , .. ! .1 I'm .,! ,1 .! Iiv. ,,..t fi pr. Iit.il.lt Klillllnu r , Hi? x.illlll fl.. Il-lu.i. tin... WGENTSi , r-. .Ml H'l I'. t.iivlr.l irft.l.lri.steS,.iiMni,l rt 11 I'l Till Ave . N. V I aiarjsy izx?x II X I I WIIMN IIKHHst - sn. rur.-t.,r ltliei.iiilm. I S"l .. Inr elieu lll-s I ll,l t--l 1 ,11'H, in Is In .1 . .11 KM A MIKllsON, lii.liniin I". II-. I'riiiij-Il A flTIMTC "''"' ""'' I''"; t'liffst'iiM xlljrxiti XO ,,v,,ii,- e,t i ii- t. ,1 Ki.uieli-.il Tin maiiiiM. 1. lien Mi ne,', i s I linen i. $ 7 7 .7; VK.K nut oi,i. to iiuiiii ii-ta AiMr-p P. It. V l.-l.rr. . uk-ttotn, lr. Ilest ai.U KftJUt- lnlitM. lTt.- n- rtnorn . ir rt. N'K'lnlil rll' He . HMU-lrli-r.'. l. w inellii. l i.t 'inil-iillPtf l'srlil r- Ail-I - 1 ..i.l', r'-e..tliiftii.ii-un s. TTVfQ H'lVr.l.ni. "'ltl.i:il.' li's.. Aililr' j U JLl 0 irrt W.ut.liuu Work, l'ltwbtirg V SI J M Oil- I'll I" unibr. '.In vi-iiretyn I si. .1 ii on- t '11 ulv.ii'.- in ii-e ;;. i.i, mi. mii or uu lilt m. would ,.- u.il 1 l.ilo-i-pher. i. i ,:,il(il. tin- si,:, 1 1 -.. - n iiii-ii in-1 -i i'i . kin. I no Ci.i 'i I" t tt Oil IU. .1-UI'e i.i loo Mr. I:i.i-i.i ' e. I ll.'SO'-M.I ! I -i M 'l l III i..s.n... I lb. Ii.m 1 .in - !'. II lot I ,1,1 III V. 1 V rvi.:,::. (,. I ... , . . . - 1,: ' .I--.-I v.:i:.. t i- J i- o-' .. .v.- l.v l . ,, . .-. ' ti .. , 1 , J i. ii : 1. 1!,,.., it it-1 he hi- ;.-!: : . .. ., . e.r --' i.ieiel-i i. i; ' . .',' ' ". . , -. i.... 0 -,! ! o'ldund . . '. t ' , .! I I.l vol !'. li'lfi'lllla! ifil RICH EH I V W 1 TRUTH ;";;'trE;ir "IT' relief ormf I "" r' " "ftirrfT"'-',t'w-"". T1-'-""Ji i' - :i - ' f-a-'--j-- J

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