ecord. ft t CEtEm Jfcrjrrfc H. A. LONDON, Jr, RATES or ADVERTISING. PtiiTon Asr !;; jprietch. One ijure, on InnrrtloD, On square, two linvrdon,' 11.09 I.JO . CM TERES OF SUBSCRIPTION: r pi; r, one yrw. - f ore roi.y .Mlf m'SliS. - - it copy, tare in"ntl , OnemuarF, one month, VOL. IV. PITTSBOIUr, CHATHAM CO., X. C, FEBRUARY 0, 1882 0, 2?, larger advertisement Ilbtrn! contracts w!U- The Wind Amors (ho Tiers. In the pritig the perfumed zephyr. Sweeping upward from tlie vale. Day among tin- tuiililinR leaflet-". Whimper tenderly thi irtiile To the lovers i they wander 'Mid the flowers, ami thov cease Trouble thinking, amlirv listen Tn the wind amount the treed. In the mmuiier nit its sifliius? Tells of L'oiLin', welc .. rain; Cools the fevered lip of funiiin, Or the parched trow of a in ; What can pipial bo in pathos, Or o pliror us intooisp, A to nit and Mly listen To the wind among the tipes ? Thoni. in antiirun tupr.V a eduee In It. wl. niu, finliin moan, While I U'1 have uro Mly faliiiij; With it" every, slightest toim, lt it i Iipi rs mi fr !y moraine:, Winn it lii iirt to a Incize, To I 'aikni. niu lu we wander, To the wind among llio trt'CB. In Hip w in, r, v. hen nl 1 Porous Greets null pales Hip oiuii. year, A ii-l doth wi :Iy : 'n u 1 tlio pine ti ps Moan and cry si though in fear ; Tlirn we fit within the fue'Hglit, Dreaming of our argoHira, Itiiildiiig cate. lulled to siumlxr liy the win 1 among tlio toe. In IIip aiiinmer, in til-' win';r. In the spring, and in the 1 1 ' 1 , Mid Hip roses, "mid tin- Knowing, Through tlio rliani I' ll Miis.11,9 all, I.Hilcil Willi tip- IV.lUVIIlt IIP, Or direct fnun Boreal .- aa, poo it p'.rr i'Iii i r to I 1 1 To (lie ''ilfl aunt's tie- M ' ll'-i ; Mn-n.- HOW COLLY WAS SAVED. My name is Hunt. Yes, sir; Anthony Hunt. I am n settler and drover on this western prairie. Wilds ? Yes, sir ; it'b littlo c-lse than wilds now, hut yon should have seen it w hen I an.l my wifo first moved up liro. 'I'liero not a honso within niplit for miliM. E.i'u now Lave not nmny ut ihbors ; Imt thote wo have aro downiiglit poo'l cups. To ni prcciatf) joiit ni iKhhurs cs you ought, Mr, you runst j 1st lira in tbow l Bfly iiu't, m tar removed fium tht huuuti of niun. Wlmt I ara going to toll liajij ci-,h1 tt-n yrors ago. I was going to tho clintnnt town or st ttlemiMit, to spII koiup tifty head of rattle tint! criaiurr s, mt, us c-ver you m. Tu jonrnoy was a more rare event with rufi than i is now, mid my wife had always -lenty of cotur.tia Aiona to charge m wi' li in the f-lirtpe of dry goods and grceeries, and kik-Ii like things. Our youngest child wits a swec t little geutio thing, who h-id I eeu naaied ufter heranut, Dornthv. We called tlio child Polly. This time my comniL-ioLs iu clr.ded oue for her child -a d-dl. Sho had never had a real doll ; tint ii, a bought doll ; only the nig buuilles her mother made for her. For some days before my departure the child could talk of nothing eUe or we, either, for the matter of that for she was a ft eat pet, the darling of ns all. It was to bo a big, big doll, with golden hair and bluo eyei. I hhall never forgot the child's words tho morning I was fcturt in;, p.m sho run after mo to the ga'e, or the pretty picture she made. There are some children sweeter and prettier than others, as you't have but no tices, and Dolly was one. "A very great big doll, pbao, diddy,'sho called out after me. " And please brlug it very soon." I turned to nod a "yea" to her, ashhe stood in her wuitey brown pina fore against tlio giite, her nut-brown h iir falling in curls about her neek, and the light breezo utirring them. "A brave doll," I nnnwercd, "for my little one. Almost as big an Dolly." Nobody would believe, I darefruy, how full my thoughts were of that promised doll, as I rode along, or what a nice one I meant to buy. It was not often I spent money in what my good, thrifty wife would have called waste; but Dolly was Dolly, and I meant to do it now. The cattle sold, I went ub'ont my pur chases, and soon had no end of parcels to be packed in tho saddle-bags. Tea, sugar, rice, candles but I need not weary you, sir, with telling of them, together with the calicoes for shirts and nightgowns, and tho delaino for the children's new frocks. Last of all, I went about the doll and found a beauty. It was not as big as Dolly, or half as big ; but it had flaxen curls and sky-blue eyes ; and by dint of pulling a wire you could open or shut the eye at will. "Do it up carefully," I Raid to the storekeeper. "My little daughter would ory sadly if any ham came to it." The day was pretty well ended before all my work was done ; and just for a moment or two I hositated whether I should not stay in the town and start for home in the morning. It would hire been the more prudent course. Bat I thought of poor Dolly's anxiety to get her treasure, and of my own happiness in watching the rapture in her delighted eyes. Bo with my parcels packed in the best way they could be, I mounted my borne and started. It was as good and steady a horse as you ever rode, sir ; but night began to Kct in before I was well a mile away froea the town ; it seemed a- it vm going to ho au njjly night, too. Again the thought struck m3 should 1 turn back and wait till morning? I had the prieo of the cattle, you tee, Fir in my brrast pocket ; and robberies, iiye, and murders also, were not quite unknown things on the prairie. But I had ray brace of sure pistol with me, and de cided to press onward. The night came ou as dark as pitch, and part ef the way my road would be pitch dark beside. But en that score I had no fenr; I knew the road well, every im'h ef it ; though I oonld not ride r.s fns as I ehould have done in the light. I was about six miles from home, I Mir-pose, and I know tho time must be close sipon midnight, fthon the -torni which bad been biewing broke. Tho thunder roared, tho raiu fell in torrents; tho best 1 could do was to press onward in it. All ut rnce, ns I rode on, a cry startled mo; a fuiut, wailing sound, lik) u cry of a child. Keiniug up, 1 si.t still and listened. Had I been mistaken ? No, there it was again. But in what direc tion I co'.iid not toll. I couldn't see a thiug ; it we.s, as I have suid, u.i durk us pitch flitting IT my horse, I lolt about, but could li'id nothiiit;. And while I hiis seeking I he cry came nKiiiu ; ho fnii'.t rnoi'.n of u child in puiu. Then I begun to winder. I am.."not super stitious; but I asked myself how it wa possible a child could be out on the prairie ut such an hour and in such a n:ght. X ; a reul ch'ld it could not le. I'pon this camo another thought one less welcome ; was it a trap to hinder mo on my way and ensnare mo? There miiht be midnight robbers who would easily hear of mj almost certain ride home that night, and of the muey I should I. live ubout mc. I don't tliiuk, sir, I am more timid than other people; not so much so, perloips, as some; but I confess the idea made me uneasy. My best plan was to rido on as fast as I coul 1, and et cut of tho mystery ipto safe quartern. Just hero was about the durkrst bit of road in all tho jou'.e. Mounting my horse, I was about to urge him ou, when the cry eimo again. It oi l sound like a child's ; tho phiiu live wail of a child nearly exhausted. "God guide me I" I said, U'tdecidod what to do. And as I sat utiother urn nient lintoiiing, I once more hear i the cry, fainter e.nd morn faint. I threw myself oil my horse, ftith au exclama tion. "Be it ghost, or be it robber, Anthony limit is not one to abandon a child to die without tr.iiug to suve it." But how was I to save it ? how find it? The moro I searched about, the less could ray hands li'ht on anything save the sloppy earth. Tho voice had qtiito ceased now, so I l ad no guide from that. While I stood trying to peer into the darkness, all my ears alert, a flood of sheet lightning suddeuly il lumine! tho plain. At a littlo disfanee, just beyou I u kind of ridge or fccntlt; hiil, I ctught a gliupse of something white. It ,o iiark attain in a moment, but 1 in-ule n.v way v-.'i'li m;orriiig in etitu't. fturo cii-iU;ii, thcte lay a poor btlbf child. Whether by or girl I could not toil. It seeuiod to lie three p.irts inseusilile now, as I took it up, dripping wi.h wet, from tho sloppy earth. "My poor thing," 1 said, as I hushed t to mo. "We'll go and find mammy. You ura all sufe now." And in answer, the child just put out its feeble hand, moaned once, and Lostlcd close to me. With the child hushed to my breast, I rode on. Its perfect silence soon showed me that it slept. And, sir, I thanked God that he had let me save it, and I thought how gratified some poor mother would be I But I wan full of wonder, for all th'it, wondering what extraordinary fate had taken any young child to that solitary spot. Getting in sight of home, I saw all the windows alight. Deborah bad done it for me, I thought to guide me home in safety through the darkness. But presently I knew that something must be the matter, for the very few neigh bors we had were collected there. My heart 6tood still with fear. I thought of some calamity to one or other of the children. I had saved a littlo one from perishing ; but what might not have happened to my own ? Hardly daring to lift the latch, while my poor tired horse stood still and mute ontsi le, I went slowly in, the child in my arms covered over with the flup of my long coat. My wife was weeping bitterly. "What's amiss?" I asked in a faint voice. And it seemed that a whole chorus of voices answered me. "Dolly's lost." Dolly lost 1 Just for a momeut my heart turned sick. Then some instinct, like a ray of light and hope, seized upon me. Tailing tho coat off tho face of the child I held, I lifted tho little sleeping thing to the light, and saw Dolly. Yes, sir. The child I had saved was no other than my own my little Dolly. And I know that God's good anpols had guided me to save her, and that the Crst flash of the summer lighteiiing had ! shone just at the right moment to show j me where sho lay. It wis her white j sun bonnet that had caught my rye. My darling it was, and 110 other, that I hud picked np on tho drenched roail. Dolly, anxious for her doll, had wan dered out unseen to meet me in tho afternoon. For some h mr.s she was not missed. It chanced that my two elder itirlshnd gone over to my nearest neigh bor's, and my wifo missing the child just afterward, took it for granted she was with them. The little ouhad come on and ou, until night, and tho storm overtook her, when she fell down fright ened and utterly exhausted. I thanked Hewn aloud before them all, sir ; us I said that none but God and his holy auels hud guided mo to her. It's not much of a story to listen to, fir ; I am aware of that. But I often think cf it ia the long night, lyinj awake ; and ask myself how I coul 1 bear to live on now, had I run away from the poor lit tle cry in the road, hardly louder thnn a squirrel's chirp, and left my child to die. Yes, sir, you tiro right; thiil'd Dolly ont yonder with her mother, picking fruit ; tho litle trim figure in pink with just the tamo sort of white sun bonnet ou be r head that sho wore that night, ten years ago. She is a girl that was worth saviufr, sir; though I Fay it ; and God knows that a.s long as my life lasts I shall be tha'ikful that I came home that night, instead of staying in the town. " lluhits of Russian Women On the boulevards eveiy one knows every cue else; and owing partly to tho free and easy style of Bus-dun society, thu custom of addressing men and women by their Christian ninnen, and chiefly to the narrow limi's of tho little world in w hich ull life is here eon lined, the scene on the boulevurds is rather that of a hngo family party in their own garden thin of the public: prome nade of a largo town, livery -no is smoking, men without exception, and married women for the most part. The astonishment of n foreigner on seeing a well-dressed woman, uppnrt i;ty u l.uly, and certainly a stranger to him, bowing to him and nskin, to be allowed to light her cigarette from the, hot ashe.s of his, may bo imagined, but there is nothing outre iu such au notion hero. In tho meatiti'iio the rqiiipaRK of the wealthy ll'i-siaiis aro whirling through tho streets. Lot us take a gluuco ut tho people cn wheels. These are for the most part wives and daugh ters of officers from tho fortress, or the wealthiest of tho meroliants. The wheels a'l roll beneath ('tie pattern of carriage, tho familiar droshky, enlarged and beautified with paint and fur wrap pings beyond tho standard of that of the local cab diiver, but still to till in tents aud purposes tho Fume vehicle. Two ladies can lean back in tho Vic toriu-shapod body of the carriage facing the horses, and opposite sits a cavalier, his long leg.s straightened and confined beneath the narrowest, und most uncomfortable of seats. On the box flits tho driver iu black velvet waisteost, with n skirt like a toga, and boles instead of anus through vhich the full piiik sleeves of his shirt uppetir. Round his waist is ft gaudy sash, and on his head tho square cap of Poland. His team (or troika is driven three abreast, at a canter, the head of the shaft horso looking straight iu front of him, tho heads of the other two look ing perpetually back at their tails. Temp! liar. Absence of Newspapers, The sojourner in Venice wonders sadly how the people oxM without newspapers. Yet they manage to do so in very comfortable fashion, if appear unces may be trusted. The red-faced Vcnitiun sits lazily under the half dnwn curtain that takes tho place of door to his shop, wuitiug for customers, knowing nothing of the world without ; the women, bare-footed or in toe slip pers, shufllo and gossip about ; but no otio has a newspaper or a book ; the somber gondolier quarrels for nn extra contesimi from his passenger, but he never heard of America or ot England, and has never road a word even of his own language. All are proud of Venice, even though kho is but the dowerless bride of the Adriatic ; proud that she was once conquered by Napoleon ; proud of tho church and square of St. Mark's ; proud of the palace of the Doges, with its qnaint Moorish-Gothio architecture ; proud, for aught I know, of the Bridge of Sighs, "a prison and a palace, on each hand," and of the horrible machinery of persecution underneath, running dawn a hundred steps into the gloomy earth, where the eaily Venice developed all that was devlish in man. But Venice is a bank rupt city, only half fed, a pauper of grass gewgaws and filigree, slowly re turning, through gloomy grandeur, to the quagmire from which it sprung. FA ITS FOR THK ITKIWS. In bats tho heart is sided by rythmic contraction of vi ins in the wings. The skin of the hedgehog was used by tho Romans for hackling hemp. It is supposed that the rubber free grows wild in all tropical climates. It is said a mole can travel, when frightened, as fist as a horse trots. When a crocodile is sore pressed with hunger, ho swallows stones to relievo tho uneasy sensation. Dickons used to perambulate the streets of London, gathering queer names tor uce in his stories. The threads of filaments forming the sponge average 1 900 of un inch in di ameter, inthe finest ones. In the details of the first voyage of the English to iu India, lo'll, wo found rhiuocerou.s horns monopolized by the nativo sorcerers on account of their reputed virtues in detecting the ptea enco of poison. 4 Odoiit l's ltplmt. " Aro you the editor ? " suid a man, who word a conciliatory smile and dt-d beard, as he took a seat in our office. Wo acknowledged that at present we served and instructed tho puhlio in that capacity ; and, to prove our assertion, wo showed him the lllstirs made on our hands by our exertion in operating tho Archimedean levey that moves the world. "Well, I want you to purprise mo with a llattering personal notico in your paper. I am eoing to run for conbtablo in the Eight ward, and I want some thing neat iu tho way of a send off." "Our columns aro always oprn to udvanoe the bciit iutoie'sts of the public, but wo shall expect you to first surpiise us with a poeuuiuvy compensation, not necessarily for publication, but merely as a pledge of good faith." " I'll pay. A man can't expect to be surprised without taring for it in advance. What have you got?" " We con aeeoniniodato you with almost nuy kind of personal notice, from a cheap olec'roplated biography to an eighteen carat ohituary.und at a scale of prices varying according to the strain 011 our columns und veracity. In mold ing p'iplij opinion we defy competition. Now, how would you like this? It is a neat little ire-Baphaelite gem, and will 00 d you only 81.50. "Our en'on vi-ing townsman t'olontl D , than, whom there is no more pop ular and genial gentleman, in the length aud breadth of our great Empire State, has lonseut d. at tho earnest solicita tion of many f'rieiuit, to sacrifice bis very profitable businesd to the public good, and has authorized ns to announce him as a candidate for the honorable office of constable of this precinct." j " If that is not strong enough, here is a Michael Angelo, full leugth, in which your qualities of head and heart will be toiichiugly alluded to, and you will bo , commended for your generous impulses 1 only 50 for each insertion. Iheu wo have a brilliant thing nf:er Mcztrt which u really intended for gub ernatorial candidates speuks ot your simplicity of character, jeans clothes, und pay-as-you-go proclivities ; hut it can be easily modified to suit a prospective constable. It will cost you $) There are several others from to 10 ouch. For referring to you as un 'old landmark,' ?1 extra is charged." " I reckon you can saw mo off 83 worth, but yon must throw in something about my brilliand war record." " We always do that." "Ar.d just wind up by Furprising Captain Bill Hiuiko. Ho is running agiinst me. 1 wouldn't s iv anything he might take offenso at. Only say that ho is not fit for tho office, because he has a breath like a buzzard and the record of a convict. You might add that my brother hasn't got a wifo that has tits. That will hit him where he is sore, for his brother's wifo is subject to fits. I don.t caro to lug arjy personalities into this campaigu unless I am obliged to." "Wo can't do it, Colonel. Your! rival is our personal friend. Ho is a subscriber." " Fshaw 1 I thought you were run ning an independent paper in the interest of tho people, but 1 see you are the subsidized organ of a polit ical clique." And off he went to see tho editor of the other paper. Sijtinij.. H 1', C, Kegnin, Texas: "I am a clerk iu a country store, and would like to be a notor. What would yon advite mo to do?' We would "advice" you to stay behind tho counter. If yon in sist on being an actor, tho literary and orthographicul labor of writing puffs of yourself for the press will wear your young life away. ff'i'7,. The census bureau reports that woop is still used bo three fourths of the in habitants of the United States for cook ing food and warming dwellings. The color line has extended into Can ada. Two citizens of Toronto were re used fadmiltance to the skating rink because of thtir color, Cameos, The art of cutting stones, comprising llio lapidary's art, owes its origin to the iuuate superstition that precious stones hung about the neck were a protection spainst evil spirits and witches. Beside tho brilliant and transparent, noble stones or gems, like the diamond, ruby emerald, sapphire, topaz, amethyst, which were more rarely employed, the translucent and opaque or soapy-looking stones which take a fino polish were mostly employed. Among the latter are the opal, turpois, and agate, or coturuon rocks like giauitc, syenite, and basalt ; or those of animal origin, such as ivory, coral, mother-of-pearl, and amber, ns well as metals. These were variously ornamented by different kinds of cutting. By deep cuHiug bold relief pictures were formed ; by slight cutting, the bas-relief. Tho lutter are called cameo. The Greeks, who re ceived tho art of cutting stones from the East, did some excollent work ; they decorated many utensils und vessels with cameos, aud in fact cut out whole vessels of great beauty and of techuical perfection. This is Feen in tho so-called Portlund Vase in the British Museum. The old Romans, too, who learned bis art from tho Greeks, nre distinguished for excellence in it. Iu the early cen turies of the Christian era this art was cultivated iu Constantinople especially, whilo it seems to have been but little known in the West. In the fifteenth century it was brought to Italy by Grecian workmou fiom Constantinople. It was cultivated there up to the time of tho Renaissance in tho sixteenth cen tury, particularly in Florence. Tho fabrication of vessels and nrtieles of splendor from rare stones, which had also been dene in Greece, w as renewed here in tho finest manner. Tho cabinet cf gems in Talis aud Florence, tho impeiial treasury at Vienna, tho treasure chamber in Munich, and especially tho Green Vaults in Dres.len, all possess a large number of such works of art from tho hands of Italian, French, und German artists. In the seventeenth century, during the Thirty Years' War, when all urt was crippled aud retarded, the art of cutting stones also declined, aud with the ex ception of a short revival in the eight eenth contury, not much hou been no complishid since. At the prese'if time the imiunfucturc of camoos is c fried on chiefly iu Genoa and Rome, as well id in l'uri.s an u branch of industrial urt. According to the Te- liiikii; cameo cutting was exclu sively confined to Italy and Rome fortv years ago, but now Genoa hua ubout thirty persons enguged in this ait, Rome eighty, and Paris over three hundred. Tho cameo cutters of to-day employ not only preciou stoues, but shells, luva, etc. Certain species of uuival vular musslcs aro especially suited for cimoor., becauso they consist of several layers of different colored material, which ulso vary in hardness und texture. Theso shells uro woiked iu ench a manner that the direction of the leaves of the middle layer runs length wise. Iu those cameos the middle layer forms the body or tho relief, and the inner layer the bai;k ground, and tho external differently colored er on tho surface gives to the figure a different appearance or a special setting. In selecting shells with threo strata, the artist selects one where the layers adhere together well, tho middle one being quite thick, and tho threo dif ferent iu color, whilo tho inner one is of such a shade as suits the intended work. The shells are first cut into pieces of suitable size, by means of a slitting-tool and diamond dust, or a steel knife tup plied with emery and water. These pioces are fastened on a four-sided oval, or other shaped stone, and tho edges polished with au oil stone. They aro then cemented on a piece of wood to serve as a handle to hold the cameo while he draws upon it the figure that is to be cut in it. The marks of the pencil aro now followed with a sharp pointed instrument which cuts the required ontliues. Then finer tools of steel, wire hardened anil polished on tho end, files, and engravei's chisels are employed to remove the superfluous parts of tho white enamel. Tho sur face of the cameo, so far as possible, is finished with cutting tools, because the sharp edges of the figures would bo injured by polishing. After the figure is cut in relief, a liunl polish is given, using a littlo putty powder dry on a stiff brush. In this operation great care must bo taken not to scratch the surface. The cumeo is then removed from its wooden handle, and is ready for sale. The pink conch shells make a very delicately shaded cameo that is highly prized for brooches and cud but ons. S"i-nfijic Amtrimn . When a Boston girl is presented with a boquet she says : "Oh, how decidedly sweet I Its fragrance impenetrates the entire atmosphere of the room.'' A Kansas girl simply says : "It smells scrumptious ; thanks, Reuben," FARM, G UiDKN AM) 1101 SFIIOLI). I'riiillze Hip (.ni-d n. Our vegetables aro not as progressive as they might bo. Fruit culture has been brought, upon the whole, to a higher degree of perfect on than vege table cnltnre, und there is still much to be desired in the w-iy of growing vegetables. We believe that much fault ! lies iu the muLuring of vegetable grounds. Tho soil is allowed to get too poor, and it is believed that vego tables can be frown anywhere. Munv vegetables require u rich 1uoi.1t s il, aud wherever drouths are feared particular pains should be t.-.ken to gi-.e the earth a moist and full manure. Those dried up beans really lack moisture, so do many carrots und turnips now in the market. The carrot, that wo have ex amined have not h-ttf tho sugir in them they should have, und the best roots are poor iu color. Turnips are woody, and that delicious vegetable, tho kohl-rabi, is as hard us stoue, instead of possess ing a moist, soft flesh. There is no doubt about it, we want much teaching iu the growth of vegetatilep, and those small, green tomatoes tell their tale also. There is not much ouconrage ment giveu ut fairs fur the growth ol vegetables. There would be no harm if all agricultural societies, colleges and mootiugs wvto to give their very 1 os' attention tn the vegetable market. 'o 00 ' III. DrnnyhiH nml l i iiilm . A wise provision of nature says the fiarie Farmer "turns a long continued drouth into one means of restoring or supplying elements of fertility of which many soils have been depleted by con stant cropping. Mineral ingredients ao iudispensiblo to good crops. Chemi cal research has shown that an explana tion for failing productiveness of soils that wero otigionnlly rich, is found in many cases in tho exhaustion of inor ganic or mintrul constituents within tho reach of tho roots of plants. Manures and judicious rotation of crops are the expedients of the provident and intelligent husbandman in restoring cr supplying theso ingredients which are tukeu away more or less, bv what is re moved by Die laud iu 111" shape of farm products. A very dry -cason may be accepted as not utterly unprofitable, for by n wi.-o provision tho ingredients so much needed are brought up from depths below the reach of ordinary farm crop;, and in this way when there is a huig period of hot and dty weather a va-.t .miotint of in'iistuio is carried from the earth by evaporation, and in the process of capiHiary attraction, tho moisture, which has bi on stored by previous rainfalls and snow, is brought from depths Unit vary according to the texture of the soil and iho severity of the drouth. With the water comes, iu solution, a proportion of the ino'ganic or mineral constituents of plants, which nre thus deposited within the reach of present or future crops - that i;', where they nre needed and will do the most gocd. Heelppn. Bakkd Kot f ion'S Take 'a pound of juoy steak, from which nil the fat has been removed ; cut it up into pieces of about an inch Mjunve, salt au I pepper it slightly ; take a stone jar to hold two pints ; pour into it 11 pint and a , half of cold wafer atesspooufnl of whole j rice ; cover the saucer, and let it bake j slowly for four hours; remove any hit, present. Aitle Trai LE.-Hoahl us many apples a.s, when pulped, will cover tho dish you design to use to tho depth of two or; three inches. Before you pl ieo them in the dish add to them tho rind of half u lemon, grated tine, und sugar to taste. Mix half a pint of milk, half a pint o cream, and tho yolk of an egg. Scald it over the fire, keeping it stirring, and do not lot it boil Adda littlo sugar, and let it stand till cold; then lay it over the apples and finish w ith the cream Will p. Cornstalks ns Fuel. An Iowa farmer, who has both coal and wood on bis farm, warms his house with cornstalks, and claims that they make the best and cheapest fuel he can get. He nscs u largo stove, und burns the stalks in tightly-bound bundles, weighing about forty pounds each. A bundle burns threo hours (without flame) in an air-tight stove. Tho large stove offtrs so much radiating surface that it. does not need to be very hot. Five bundles a day, or f00 for the win ter, suffice to keep the stove going and the room warm. Tho farmer, Mr. Rug gles says : " I can bind up six hundred bundles of corn stalks in two days alone. I could'nt chop tho wood to warm this room in a week. Then inthe spring I have a load of strong ashes for my wheat field, while my neighbors have to cut np the Fame cornstalks in th" spring to get them away from the harrow. It makes me smilo when I bear about theso idiots up in Minnesota who have fifty-acre cornfields, and still go cold or buy coal. Why, I'd rather burn cornstalks than cut maple wood within sight of the house." 1 lie Old Farmer's Young Wife. My girl-wife was as hrve as sup wae gooil. And hi Ipoil mo every 1 Iphh-iI uny she 0011U ; Rlie seeinpil to tuko tn every rough old tre, An siiiK'lar as when liM sho tonk to uie. She kept our litile lo home neat as wax ; And oiieo I coiiht her fo din with my ai. She learned a hundred masculine things t l do. She aimed a shotgun pretty nuddlm' true, Although, in Kpile of my express desire, KI10 alwnTH sh'.it h' r eves lief--re she'd tin". She hadn't the innsi-lo illenigli tin) fn"I the heart 1 In outdoor wmk tn takeau a,-tive part ; 1'hony'i iu our llrn; of Put;.- A Ludearoi She wasn't no nil. nt partner whatsoever, When I los'in. hurtling, ho;.piii' wood she'd linger 'round und !n-H me ail she could, And kept mo f esli atiiWiii'-K- a'd the while. And lifted ton , jur,t wiih le r voi 0 and smile. With no desire my glory lor to roh, She iiH"d to t in' around an 1 hose the job ; And when tirM-cla9 Would proudly 6ay, ' We did that pretty well !' She was delicious just to hear an I see That pretty wifo-i.'iil tha' ken' house, for mo. no's of 1 vf hilts r- Of the 0,229,fiHl Buplists in tha United States, l,GflV()0 tt'' in the South, of whom 740,OuO pre colored. The French believe that if a branch of miiith toc is hung in a tree with the wing of a swallow the birds will fly to it for a di-tancc of two leagues. There was &-i uiucli drunkenness in Suit Lake City, Utah, 01 tin Christmas holiday, that the city council passed a ppecia! ordinauee forbidding the sale of intoxicating Ji piers on New Year's Day. The Supreme. Con it of Illinois has decided that p. school board cannot ex clude children from the public schools on account of race or color, aa such exclusion would be in violation of tha statute of the state. Tho bono of the lion a foreleg is of remarkable hardness. It contains a greater quantity of phosphate of lima than is found iu ordinary bones, so that it may resist the powertnl contraction of the muscles. . Hl'MOKOrs. Entertaining dialogue between a Don bury man and a New Haven man. at the Bridgeport railway station : New Haven Man--Any shooing up your way? Dan bury man -Lrit.s of it. New Haven Man ('Shelly) -What an they shoot? Dan bury Man 1 looking up a' the clock) Guns, mostly. Hymeneal A tall seivant. A very emphatic personage G. Whittaker! A site for a gas hou.-o Anthracite. Law veirs iu Massachusetts cany groin bags to show that they belong to the " Old Baize State." A weekly list of business crubariiiRsmenta might with pro priety be called " R'.-viow of the week." "1 know," said the little girl to her elder sister's young man at the supper table, "that you will join our pooiety for the protection of little bu ds, becauso mamma says you are so fond of larks." Then there was a silence, und tho Lira berger cheeso might have been heard scrambling around in its tin box on the cupboard shelf. Novel Remi tly for Shipwreck; Perhaps ut no point on tho east coast of Scotland do tho waves come rolling in more furiously in stormy weather than at Peterhead. Situated ns it is on the most easterly promontory, it ia fully exposed to the G.'rniun Ocean. As fer back as tho days of Eirl Maris dial it was found neeesary "to build line bulwark at the mouth of tho havon" there, aud since thou many improve ments have been effected with a view to tho snfety und convenience of the craft which during tho fishing season in the north sail out from tho harbors, there to reap tho harvest of the sea. But of all attempts made in this direction tha latest is in every respect, tho most ex traordinary. It consists simply of "throwing oil upon the troubled waters." Tho idea is not altogether a now one. but so fur as wo are aware it has never received that attention which it would seem to deserve. Mr. Shields, a Perth gentleman ; Mr. Armit, subma rine and wreck eugiueer, Broughty Ferry and Mr. Ycanian, ono of the late members of rurliamont for Dundeo are, however, now determined to thoroughly test its ifiicacy. Tho experiments are to bo carried out ut the bar of the north ern harbor of Peterhead. Here a wooden building has been erected on he q i ay wall, in which a tank with the oil and a force-pump will bo placed. From this tank the oil will bo conveyed by iron pipes to deep water a distance ofsom e two hundred yards and thence in a gutta percha pipe acrosH the har bor eutranco. Tho piping will bo kept stationary by heavy blocks of metal, and it will bo perforated and fitted at intervals with "roses," to permit of the oil being properly distributed. From tho pipe the oil will be forced by the pump, and will rise to the surface of the water, and form a film ; and while it is not expected that by this means the volume of the waves may bo very much lessened, it is believed that tba wind will bo prevented from breaking their crests, which it seems is one of the great dangers to which small craft are exposed. Should the experiments be rendered with any degree of success the same thing could be done in a vari ety of circumstances, Fmlen Ikhn.